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       November 15 – 16, 2010

          FINAL REPORT

           Sponsored by:

   The Royal Netherlands Embassy

        In co-operation with:
      Fietsberaad International
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1.      Introduction
Through a multi-city initiative called “ThinkBike Workshops”, the Royal Dutch Embassy
in Washington, DC has invited Dutch experts of Fietsberaad International to visit
Canadian and US cities to discuss possibilities for increased bicycle use. Fietsberaad is
the Dutch centre of expertise on bicycle policy disseminating its knowledge and
expertise abroad. The ThinkBike workshops bring together Dutch bike experts, local
politicians, planners, advocates, engineers and business people in each city to plan and
discuss how it can become more bike-friendly by applying aspects of the Dutch
approach. Teams consisting of Dutch experts and a mix of local experts convene for two
days during which they survey the cities by bike and discuss in workshop format how
streets, intersections and whole neighborhoods can be improved for optimal bicycle use.
Topics of discussion at the workshops include bike safety, bike commuting, biking to
school, bike parking, bikes and public transport, law enforcement, etc. The workshops
consist of a kick-off session, open to the general public, followed by the workshops
behind closed doors and conclude with a closing session, also open to the public, where
the recommendations are presented by the teams. Washington, DC was the third city to
host the bike workshops (after Toronto and Chicago); they took place on November 15
and 16, 2010.

In close cooperation with the City of Washington, DC and the Metropolitan Washington
Council of Governments, two teams (orange and blue) were formed comprising three
Dutch experts and a number
of local bike experts from       !"#$%&'(%&()*+,%&'-.&(
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various practical situations
in Washington, DC.

Furthermore, the Dutch experts discussed the Dutch philosophy and principles behind
the approach to promote cycling and how to implement these elements in Washington,
DC. A small group of both teams also looked into how the various Dutch methods could
be applied to a long term marketing and communication strategy for Washington, DC.

2.      Outline of the workshop

This report presents the results of the two days’ ThinkBike workshop in Washington, DC
held on November 15-16, 2010. Objectives of the workshop were:

     a) An exchange of views on bicycle policy applied in a practical situation (corridor or
        area) in Washington, DC and possible integration of Dutch ideas and best
        practices in the Washington situation;
     b) To disseminate the philosophy and principles behind the Dutch approach to
        promote cycling and the possibilities to implement elements of the same in
        Washington DC;
     c) To discuss Dutch methods of marketing and communication for a long term
        strategy to promote bicycling

The two ThinkBike teams (orange and blue) both worked on a different design
assignment, while a small group of both teams worked on a long term strategy on
promoting cycling for Washington, DC by applying various Dutch methods of marketing
and communication. The Dutch experts presented the philosophy and principles of the
Dutch approach to promote cycling and discussed the possibilities to implement these
methods in the Washington cycling strategy. However, it was definitely not a “one way”
discussion: the local experts gave an overview of the already implemented bike projects
and the ones in progress in the District, which resulted in a lively discussion with the
Dutch experts.

Part of the workshop was a bike tour along the two design areas and the city center of
Washington, DC. We had good discussions on how streets, intersections and whole
neighborhoods can be improved for optimal bicycle use. Topics of the discussions at the
workshop also included: bike safety, bike commuting, cycling to school, bicycle parking
the integration of cycling and public transport, law and enforcement.

The workshop started with a public kick-off session on Monday, November 15 with a
presentation about “Cycling in the Netherlands”, followed by a cycling tour to the two
design areas. The presentation can be viewed at

On Tuesday, the workshop ended with a closing session open to the general public at
the Columbus Club at Union Station. At this session the various presentations and final
recommendations where presented to the audience. Two Congressional members,
Congressman Petri (R-Wisconsin) and Blumenauer (D-Oregon), both co-chairs of the
Bike Caucus attended the meeting; both presented their views on the advantages of
biking to give a boost on cycling in the Washington, DC area.

These workshops have been carried out by Fietsberaad International and are part of a
series of workshops that have been made possible by the Royal Dutch Embassy in
Washington, DC. Fietsberaad International is the Dutch bike centre that disseminates
Dutch knowledge and expertise about cycling policy abroad.

We would like to thank the representatives from DDOT and MWCOG and all participants
who took part in these workshops. Our special thanks go to Jim Sebastian (District
Department of Transportation DDOT), Michael J. Farrell (Metropolitan Washington
Council of Governments) and in particular to Megan Kanagy (DDOT) for the way she
organized everything to perfection.

3.     The Dutch approach to promoting cycling
The Netherlands is considered to be the world’s “number one” cycling country: in modal
share (27% of all trips are by bike), in quality and quantity of bicycle infrastructure as
well as the way bicycle policy is integrated in town and country
planning and transport policy. The “Design manual for bicycle traffic”
(CROW, June 2007) is the world’s leading manual for bicycle
infrastructure. For a comprehensive picture of all aspects of the Dutch
approach, visit the website where you can
find the Design Manual as well as the publication “Cycling in the

The Dutch philosophy on cycling is based on four pillars:
   • cycling is joy, easy and healthy
   • safety is important; if people do not feel safe, bicycle use decreases
   • a significant amount of cycling can only be achieved with a high quality of
     infrastructure and integrated town and transport planning
   • political interest and support to make cycling an accepted mode of transport

With these goals in mind, designing bicycle infrastructure translates into the following
basic approach:

road categorization
It is important to designate certain roads for car traffic only and no bicycle use
(Interstates, Highways, Beltways). These roads are not safe for cyclists because of the
high speeds and high intensity of cars. Other roads are more suitable for (separate)
bicycle routes: main roads (40 mph., 30 mph) and residential roads (35 mph., 25 mph).

separated bicycle facilities are the best option
This can be achieved by a totally separated bicycle infrastructure, but it can also be
realized by a bicycle path separated from the car lane by for instance a strip of grass or
The problem with on-road bike lanes, especially the ones on the left side of parked cars,
is that they do not feel safe. There is no protection from the fast-moving car traffic and
there is a great risk of being ‘doored’. A better option in this case is to have the bike
facility on the right side of the parked cars, between the parking space and the sidewalk,
so that the cyclist is protected by the parked car.

mixed traffic: take extra measures
Traffic calming is essential with mixed traffic (25 mph for cars), facilitated by speed
bumps, chicanes, etc. In residential areas it is possible to divert through traffic to the
main roads byallowing only cars from residents and visitors in the area (for instance by
creating detours for cars and not for bikes, allowing bikes to cross and cars not). When a
separate bike facility cannot be realized on an important bicycle link, and a low intensity
of cars needs to be allowed (e.g. giving access to shops or homes), the solution could
be to create a so-called fietsstraat: a road where cars have to give bikes right-of-way at
all times and are not allowed to pass the cyclist.

special provisions at intersections
Special provisions at intersections could consist of:
   • tunnels and bridges under/over main highways to create safe bicycle routes,
   • make clear markings at intersections with colored (elevated) bicycle lanes and
      extra signs,
   • bicycle traffic lights at busy intersections
      or at junctions to protect cyclists from cars (safety aspect),
   • “bike boxes” (colored street sections for bicycles in front of cars at traffic lights)
      which gives cyclists a jumpstart and prevents accidents with cars making a right
      turn. It is also a good measurement to protect cyclists from car exhaust fumes.

quality infrastructure
Provide colored pavement and use all kind of signs and infrastructural measurements to
make the bike infrastructure recognizable and of high quality. In addition, parking
facilities for bicycles should be of good quality and should either be guarded or provide
possibilities to secure bikes safely.

protect cyclists by law enforcement
The legal system should protect the vulnerable road user. This means that car drivers
should take full responsibility and have full liability when driving a vehicle that can cause
danger and accidents. Car drivers should be aware that bicyclists sometimes are
uncoordinated, especially when children are involved or when the weather is bad (rainy,
snow, windy). Furthermore, car drivers should be educated in sharing the road with
bicyclists in order to avoid accidents.

4.     Results and observations of the workshop
It has been proven that it is possible to apply the Dutch philosophy in bike promotion
and implement some of the Dutch design principles in the Washington cycling strategy.
Because the situations are sometimes totally different from the Netherlands, it is difficult
to implement all Dutch design principles in concrete Washington-situations. Therefore it
is very important to adapt the advice on a local scale. Over all, the concept of the
ThinkBike workshop works very well.

At the workshops it appeared that on the surface some Dutch examples seemed
unrealistic and difficult to apply Dutch reference situations to Washington-situations.
Therefore the guidance process by the Dutch experts during the workshops was very
important: they served as the catalysts for the American participants. The workshops
provided the local experts with the opportunity to work two full days on ‘bicycling only’;
the workshops worked like a "pressure cooker": in a short, limited time the participants
were able to produce some good results.

The composition of the two teams, consisting of local experts of mixed background and
the Dutch experts, proved to be key for a successful workshop. Also the size of the
teams, 12 participants per team, was good and seemed to create a boost of energy.

On Tuesday afternoon a small group from both teams looked into the long term cycling
strategy for Washington, DC, incorporating Dutch methods of marketing, education,
enforcement and communication.

Late Tuesday afternoon, the teams got a little bit nervous because all groups were still
busy with the preparation of their presentations. They also had to integrate them into
one presentation for the closing session at the Columbus Club in Union Station
scheduled for 5:00PM. But they succeeded and the products of the teams were
presented by a mixture of Washington and Dutch experts. A very good example of an
inspiring collaboration!

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On 15 November, 2010, the ThinkBike workshops were kicked off in the Council of
Governements Board Room by Dutch Ambassador Mrs. Renee Jones-Bos, transport
director of DDOT, Mr. Gabe Klein and Dutch teamleader, Cor van der Klaauw. The latter
gave a presentation on Dutch cycling infrastructure and
policy. Pex Langenberg, Counselor for Transportation at
the Dutch Embassy had the overall co-ordination at the
kick-off meeting. The first part of Monday afternoon, both
teams surveyed the two study areas by bike. After the
cycling tour each team went behind closed doors.
Because both teams consisted of 12 members, a further

split was made in two groups of 6 people, so each group could work on its own design
street or area.

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   • Cycling is good for the environment, it reduces stress, decreases car traffic, and
     gives people joy and happiness,
   • bike infrastructure and smart street design encourage cycling, and reduce conflict
     with automobiles,
   • bicycle infrastructure doesn’t have to be expensive – “a can of paint” is an easy
     and cheap method and works for a long time,
   • cycling is like water: it chooses the easiest and shortest way,
   • take the whole bicycle network into consideration, not just the two picked routes
     (M and L Street, NW)
   • some routes should be of high quality and have the right of way (green waves)
   • other routes can be bike-safe and don’t require big changes
   • law enforcement and liabilities encourage safety for bicyclists

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The cycle tour with Megan Kanagy
started in the study area L and M Street
NW, Washington DC. Our departure was
the bicycle parking at Union Station with
renting bikes for those team members
that did not have their own bike

We continued on the bicycle lanes in the
middle of Pennsylvania Avenue. Yeah
that was great!

At some points in the study area Megan
explained us the various problems to
implement cycling measures.

Existing street design of M Street….

and the very difficult and width cross
section with Connecticut Avenue. We
had lots of discussions how cyclists from
two directions could safely and
comfortably cross this intersection.

Parked cars at entrances and exits on
both sides in the Central business
district is a great safety problem for the

We even looked for cycling possibilities
on K Street, by using the parallel street.
But this street was way too busy with
parked cars and delivery vans.

On the main streets there are lots of
buses with bike racks in front.

We looked at L Street and saw the same
challenges as we saw on M Street in the
Cental business district? There should
be more opportunities for shared space
in the neighbourhood!

We saw a good example of a separate
bicycle lane in two directions that has
been realized on 17th street. Part of the
route was under construction, but it looks
good already.

We started with a short introduction and discussion with the participants about the
objectives we have to work on to get everyone on the same page. Some of them
wanted to discuss the principles of the whole cycling network in Washington DC. We
concluded that it would be most effective to use the Dutch expertise and start with the
concrete routes and practical design.

We divided the tasks and it was nice to see that in both groups, there were organizers,
designers, writers and investigators. Also the collaboration of participants from both
Washington, DC and the suburbs who, in some cases met each other for the first time,
was great.

Both teams had a good mixture of planners, engineers, advocates, a policeman and
business people. The only participants we missed were “the creative designers”, who
think “out of the box”. Most people had a technical or commercial background.

During the workshop an exchange of views took place on bicycle policy applied in the
various practical situations in Washington with possible integration of Dutch ideas and
also best practices from Denmark and Canada.
The Dutch experts gave their advice how streets, intersections and neighborhoods can
be improved for optimal cycling use.

The Dutch conclude that there is enough space in Washington for cyclists but you have
to make clear choices and that would mean less car parking along the streets (CBD) and
less driving lanes for cars in some neighborhoods.
Less traffic lights and more priority for cyclists on the main cycling routes should be a a
priority in Washington, DC.

M and L Street can become a key cross-town bike connection between existing trails
and paths. To achieve this high quality cycle route, the following facilities have to be

       a two-way cycle path implemented on the whole

       in the CBD: on-street parking can be rearranged
       to protect cyclists

       in neighborhoods: fewer lanes are needed for car

       right turn bike boxes at intersections

       innovative feature 2-stage left turn box

       colored pavement for cycle paths at intersections

           special signals for cyclists


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Exploration of the design area started with the Downtown
connection and the waterfront of the Potomac River. We
saw I Street and a new cut-through to M Street. Also new
developments, like the Ballpark and new office blocks.
A more visual impression of our exploration can be found


We discussed the needs for cycling in the area from the four most common Dutch
perspectives for bicycle use: school-, shopping-, recreation and commuting trips. The
schools at I Street, the supermarket at M Street and the Metro stations are important
focus areas for cyclists. Connections between the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail and the
Southwest Waterfront are necessary for recreational purposes. I Street and P Street are
the most logical connection and are in need of a bicycle boulevard principle or a
separated bicycle path. The connection between the area with Capitol Hill and
Downtown must become clearly marked for commuters and visitors.

The second day, the team was divided into two groups, to
redesign major intersections, streets and signing. Both
groups worked adequately with applicable laws, right of
way and cost in mind. All solutions presented are possible
to construct.

I Street
       bicycle boulevard principles

      possibly limit through-volumes by
      restricting traffic every 2-3 blocks

traffic calming measures, for example
      pedestrian traffic islands

      green wave configuration

      option for bicycle tunnel on I Street and
      South Capitol Street

      colored bicycle lanes

M Street
      one-way cycle track on both sides of the

      cycle tracks buffered by a landscape strip
      with trees
      streetcar and stations on a median
      bicycle signals at intersections with high
      right turn volumes

      unique right-turn configuration

Southwest and Stadium Area
     4th Street bike lanes north of P Street to
     Mall/Pennsylvania Avenue.

      P Street bicycle track (River Trail to South

South Capital bicycle track (Potomac Ave to
      P St)

      Potomac Ave/Frederick Douglas
      Bridge/River Trail access, signage connects
      to existing bike lanes and new bicycle tracks

      Cycle Track at Anacostia River Trail on 2nd St

      Lead Bicycle / Pedestrian Signal Interval
      across Potomac Ave & P Street at South

      Major Bicycle/Pedestrian Crossroads

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Six members of the two teams had an intensive discussion about the “soft” aspects of
cycling. We discussed three aspects: law enforcement, education and
promotion/marketing of cycling.

Law enforcement
   • exemplary behavior: more policemen should be seen on bike”. Out of an
      educational point of view, when policemen are cycling it must be a good mode of
   • more communication about traffic rules: not only for cyclists (waiting for a red
      light) but also for car drivers. They have to learn to deal with cyclists in traffic. The
      difficulty here is that more than two thirds of car drivers are coming into the city
      from outside Washington, DC.
   • some rules are difficult to enforce.

  • The Capital Bike share program has currently 4,000 members, two months after
      its introduction in November 2010. It was introduced to stimulate more people to
      use the bicycle in Washington, DC: if people see other people bike it has a
      stimulating effect. Here the principle works: “It feels good, so spread the word.”
      Each bike is used for 2 á 3 trips per day.
  • Education takes time; after one campaign the use of the bicycle will not improve.
      An approach of continuous attention: “education permanente” is key.

• Exemplary behavior: parents must give their kids a good example by using bikes
     to school etc. Also: movie stars, influential people, sports men and women,
     politicians etc. should give a good example.
   • “Try a bike” class (WABA, bike shops, DDOT). Work with churches, health
     centers (doctors, nurses), youth centers.
   • Provide free trial on the Capital Bikes program or give discounts on annual
     memberships. Hold classes and do outreach programs at Universities, community
     colleges, etc.
   • Bike education at schools.
   • Another way to stimulate cycling is by organizing special events, for instance the
     NYC bike tour (New York).
   • More and better cycling education: in the Netherlands, a 12 year old takes 40
     classes and needs to pass a written test (5 questions) and a practical cycling

   • Posters, displays
   • Banners on lampposts
   • Stimulate cycling by ethnic minorities (Africans, Asians)
   • Radio ads, internet videos
   • Marketing areas around new bikeways (you have to tell people that there is a bike
     path in their neighborhood)

Other policies
   • More/better sign posting
   • Make driving/parking more expensive:
      The Netherlands: gas: $9/gallon; parking: $20/day
   • Monitoring bicycle use: counting, surveys

5.    Appendices
5.1. Team assignments
       orange team
       blue team

5.2. Composition of the teams
      orange team
      blue team

5.3. Dutch experts

5.4. The program

5.5. Overview of media coverage

5.6. Presentations
       orange team
       blue team
       green team

5.7. Pictures

5.8. Own experiences
      Willem Bosch
      Cor van der Klaauw
      Herbert Tiemens

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Each team focussed on one area of the city. Each team had a bike tour in the chosen
area. During the bike tour, the team members got more or less familiar with the situation
of the study area.

Study Area 1: Downtown Area, with the focus on L and M streets, NW
   • urban core of DC with high building densities
   • high transit, vehicle and pedestrian volumes
   • high demand for on-street parking
   • L and M Streets are one-way streets providing east-west connections through

Problem statement
Explore the expansion of the downtown bicycle network. Identify 1 or 2 key bicycle
corridors both east-west and north-south through the downtown core. Evaluate DDOT's
proposed partially separated bicycle lanes on L and M Streets, NW, with consideration
for traffic volumes, turning volumes and parking demand.
Recommend design solutions, including the option of separated lanes, for L and M
Streets or alternative corridors.

Study Area 2: South Waterfront Area
   • larger blocks and issues with street connectivity
   • several major destinations: Navy Yard, National Parks, Fort Lesley J. McNair
      Army Post
   • connections across the river Anacostia
   • bordered by the Southwest Freeway to the north, and the Potomac and Anacostia
   • M Street, SW and SE provides main east-west connection through area

Problem statement
Explore east-west corridors through the area and connections under the Southwest
Freeway to the north. Evaluate the installation of bicycle facilities on M Street, SW and
SE versus alternate eat-west routes. Recommend design solutions, including the option
of separated lanes or bicycle boulevard treatments.

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Team Orange members:

   •   Willem Bosch, City of Zwolle, the Netherlands
   •   Cor van der Klaauw, County of Groningen, the Netherlands
   •   David Patton, Arlington County Division of Transportation
   •   Richard Layman, BicyclePASS LLC
   •   Hayat Kelil-Brown, DDOT - IPMA
   •   Heather Deutsch, DDOT - PPSA
   •   Fionnuala Quinn, Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling Charlie Strunk, Fairfax
   •   Jamie Parks, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
   •   Dustin M. Kuzan, MD State Highway Administration
   •   Molly Correll, Toole Design Group
   •   Matthew Lesh, US Department of Transportation
   •   Kristin Haldeman, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
   •   Justin Antos, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Team Blue members:

   •   Herbert Tiemens, Town of Houten, the Netherlands
   •   Dave Kirschner, Arlington Copunty Dept. of Environmental Services
   •   Erik Kugler, BicycleSPACE
   •   Carrie Sanders, AICP, City of Alexandria, VA
   •   Jennifer Hefferan, DDOT - PPSA
   •   Scott A. James, P.E., DDOT - TOA
   •   John Thomas, Frederick County Division of Planning
   •   Michael E. Jackson, MD Department of Transportation
   •   Sgt. Michael Wear, Metropolitan Police Department
   •   Karin Foster, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
   •   RJ Eldridge, Toole Design Group
   •   Darren Buck, US Department of Transportation and Virginia Tech
   •   Greg Billing, Washington Area Bicyclist Association

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  Cor van der Klaauw
 Cor van der Klaauw (Stompetoren, 1956) studied Town and
 Country planning at the Transportation Academy in Tilburg.
 He mostly worked as transportation planner for the city of
 Groningen from 1995 till 2008. He worked on public transit
 projects (bus lanes, introducing trams in Groningen), parking
 projects and cycling measurements. In 2002 Groningen
 became "fietsstad of the Netherlands". In 2006 he was one of
 the initiators of the European Conference on Mobility
 Management (ECOMM) conference in Groningen (see:

 In 2008 he worked a couple ofmonths for the city of Assen. Since September 2008
 he started working for the County Council of Groningen. His job entails a variety of
 subjects: traffic safety, cycling and transportation plans with the Ministry of
 Infrastructure and Environment in The Hague.

 Cor is a member of the "Fietsberaad" ( and teaches one
 day a week on the NHL Hogeschool in Leeuwarden, at the faculty of Built

 Cor cycles every day to his work and also does the family shopping by bike. He also
 uses the bicycle during the summer holidays.
 Cor was the team leader of the ThinkBike workshops in Washington, DC and Miami.

 Cor is married and is the father of two children (21 and 17 year).

  Herbert P.Tiemens

                      Herbert Tiemens (Eindhoven, 1972) studied Town and
                      Country planning at the NHTV (Nationale Hogeschool
                      Verkeer en Vervoer) in Breda and specialised in urban
                      transport. During a short period as junior consultant at
                      Grontmij he worked at traffic calming projects and cycle
                      planning at cities all over the world. Tiemens started his
                      career in public service at the municipality Pijnacker (province
                      of Zuid-Holland) in the transport and mobility division. His
                      work entailed examining traffic flows and designing
                      reconstructions. The centre project in Pijnacker and the
                      bicycle connections from Pijnacker to other places were
                      politically interesting subjects. Important component of his
 work was to obtain acceptance for traffic measures amongst inhabitants and other
 interested parties.

Tiemens changed the municipality of Pijnacker for the municipality Houten (province
of Utrecht) in 2000. Here he was responsible for the implementation of the road
safety policy and for public communications.. An internal promotion made him
responsible for the regional traffic policy and long term developments. Important
projects includethe traffic circulation in the redeveloped city centre, the development
of the bicycle park & ride at the main station and a new exit to the state highway.
Part of his work is sharing visitors with his knowledge of the unique principle of
movement in the city Houten.

In his personal life Tiemens uses a wide variety of bicycles. A light-weight traditional
bike is used to commute (10 kms), a folding bike is available for special occasions
and for recreational and sportive purposes Tiemens uses a roadracing bike and a

 Willem A. Bosch
1991 - current
Senior traffic advisor municipality of Zwolle, coordinator of the traffic team
Strategic projects:
-Starting up traffic management in the region Zwolle (2010),
-Participation on behalf of Zwolle at Velo Mondial (2009)
-Transport accessibility plan for the region Zwolle
-Bicycle parking plan (2007)
-Bicycle comfort plan “comfortably in the saddle” (2004)
-Bicycle plan Zwolle “Faster on the pedal” (2002)

1981 - 1991
Head of the traffic team at municipality of Zeist

1978 – 1981
Traffic advisor at the municipality of Ede

1976 – 1977
Military service, field measurement officer, artillery

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Monday, November 15, 2010
 Time          Subject                                  Audience               Venue

 9:00 – 10:30     Startup meeting. Welcome by the       Team members;          COG
                  Ambassador; presentation about        other staff of city,
                  “Cycling in the Netherlands”; short   county, other
                  introduction of the workshops and     interested people
                  what can be expected.                 from NGO’s
 11:30 – 12:30    Team members get together to          Team members           COG
                  discuss problem statements for
                  Washington locations and
                  background info
 13:00 – 15:00    Teams explore Washington study        Team members
                  areas by bike
 15:00 – 17:00    Working on the design assignment:     Team members           COG
                  evaluation of the cycling tour and
                  prepare the agenda for Tuesday

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
 Time           Subject                                 Audience               Venue

 9:00 – 15:00     Working on the design assignment      Team members           COG
                  and prepare presentations
 13:00 – 15:00    Working on non-design issues:         The communication      COG
                  policy, communications assignment     and strategy team
                  and prepare presentations
 16:30-17:15      Teams getting together and talking    Team members           COG
                  over main results and presentations
 17:15-19:00      Final presentation                    A very broad           Columbus
                                                        audience: Staff;       Club at
                                                        Council members;       Union
                                                        Managers; NGO’s;       Station

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      November 16, 2010

Cor van der Klaauw, Willem Bosch, and Herbert Tiemens


 U.S. vs. Netherlands

 !"    American trip patterns
       are not dramatically
       longer than the Dutch
        –" Most trips are less than
           4 miles long
        –" 20 minutes by bike!
 !"    But bike use in the U.S.
       is much less

Sources: Cycling in the Netherlands, Fiets Beraad, Mobility Study 2007. U.S. National Household Travel Survey, 2009, and FHWA Office of Policy
Policy Differences between DC and
     –"Cost of getting a drivers license

     –"Price of gasoline

     –"Price/availability of parking

     –"Excise taxes on automobile purchases

     –"Lack of buses to school

Goals/recommendations for the workshop

!"   Apply Dutch principles of bicycle facility design to
     Downtown Washington, DC

!"   Design high quality bikeway for the downtown
     –" Continuous
     –" Signature “marquee” facility
     –" Bi-directional

!"   Bikeway as a transportation connection

!"   Focus on bikeway design for L and M Streets NW, between
     Metropolitan Branch Trail and Georgetown

!"   Extend livability principles beyond bikeways linking
     neighborhoods, retail, and economic development
Project Limits

!"   L and M Streets
!"   From Met Branch trail to Georgetown

Workshop process

Presentations by Dutch experts
! " Surveyed L & M Streets
! " Reviewed maps
! " Brainstormed
! " Created design treatments
Integrated Downtown Network
  !"   Design focuses on L & M
  !"   Key piece to create an
       integrated network:
       –" North-Souths
       –" Diagonals (e.g., Mass. Ave.,
          Connecticut Ave.)
  !"   L & M should be part of an
       overall bikeway network
       throughout city
  !"   L&M can be pilot projects
       –" Create a larger network,
       –" Set robust design precedents

  Key Connections to Regional Trail Network

                       Rock Creek Park
                                                        Met Branch Trail to
                       Trail to Northwest
                                                        Silver Spring

Capital Crescent
C&O Trails

Custis Trail

                                         Mount Vernon
Diagonal intersection crossing (L Street @ Mass. Ave.)
L Street cross section

L Street Intersection treatment
L Street/15th Street – Cycle Track to Cycle Track

M Street
Treat M Street as sub-sections of like blocks


  10-13K      16-22K     8-10K

 West End     Golden     Thomas
              Triangle   Circle

Living Zone

  Cross section – Thomas Circle to Connecticut Ave.
Cross section – Connecticut Ave. to 23rd Street

Dealing with conflicts – parking garages
Issues/Areas of concern

     !"    Snow clearance/maintenance of way

     !"    Turning movements

     !"    Coordinating freight/delivery to manage traffic/bike

     !"    Accommodating parking garage entrances

     !"    Signalization/timing to manage oncoming traffic for

     Qualities of the facility (meta-lessons)

!"        Bi-directional
           –" Dutch wisdom: “bikes flow like water”
           –" Even in a one way facility, bicyclists
              will go in both directions in a
              separated facility

!"        Located on side where outer bikes
          travel with direction of auto traffic

!"        Be consistent with, and improve
          15th St. cycletrack

                                             Montreal cycle track with different treatment
Materials and treatments

     !"   Use materials and colors to
          differentiate bike space

     Extend Dutch home zone concepts to Downtown

!"  Emphasize 25 mph speed limit
! " Enhance public space/quality of life at key
    intersections with the Avenues
! " Create a neighborhood zone along M Street between
New Hampshire Avenue and Georgetown
Extend the amount and quality of the public space
 such as at M Street and Connecticut Ave.

Implementation – Begin Small
!"   Short term            !"   Long term

!"   Paint                 !"   Hard core physical treatments

!"   Plastic bollards      !"   Medians

!"   Lane markings         !"   Curb and sidewalk changes
ThinkBike Washington, DC/Team Blue
M Street Existing Conditions
M Street Recommendations
 • One-way cycle track on both sides of the street
 • Cycle tracks buffered by a landscape strip with street trees
 • Bicycle signals at intersections with high right turn volumes
 • Unique right-turn configuration
 • Streetcar and stations on a median alignment

M Street Cross Section
Amsterdam – Bike Lane Crossing

M Street Intersection Example
I Street Recommendations
   • Bicycle boulevard principles
   • Possibly limit through-volumes by
     restricting traffic every 2-3 blocks
   • Traffic calming measures, for example
     pedestrian refuge islands
   • Green wave configuration
   • Option for bicycle tunnel configuration
     on I Street and South Capitol Street
   • Colored bicycle lanes
I Street Cross Section A

I Street Existing Conditions
I Street SW Intersection Revision

I Street Cross Section B
I Street SE Missing Connection

I Street Connection
I Street & South Capitol Street

I Street & South Capitol Street
I Street & South Capitol Street

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 P Street SW
!   !

P Street SW – 2 Way Cycle Track with

P Street SW (Bus Route west of Half

P Street SW - 2 Way Cycle Path with Buffer
(vs lanes)

P St at South Capital, River Trail
on 2nd St Potomac Ave & Douglas
Bridge Access
To Capital
                               Signage for SW            Share /
                                Waterfront /             Stadium
                              National Mall and
                              Waterfront Metro
      P Street Cycle Track

                                Bicycles Yield to
                              Pedestrians Signage
                                   & Advance
              Bicycles /          Signalization  ac
         Pedestrian Advance
                                             t om
           Signal Intervals
                                          Po es
                                      ng    an

                                                                      Tr a
                                   sti ike L

                                                                     r sti

                               Ex B

                                                                   ve o
                                                                 Ri nac

                                         Signage Douglas
                                        Bridge / Riverwalk
                                          Trail / Eastern
                                        Market / Navy Yard
                                       Metro / S Capitol Trail
P St at South Capital,
Potomac Ave & Douglas
Bridge Access
SW and Stadium Area Improvements

 4th Street bike lanes north of P Street to Mall/
    Pennsylvania Ave.
 P Street bicycle track (River Trail to South Capital)
 South Capital bicycle track (Potomac Ave to P St)
 Potomac Ave/Frederick Douglas Bridge/River Trail
    access, signage connects to existing bike lanes and
    new bicycle tracks
 Cycle Track as Anacostia River Trail on 2nd St
 Lead Bicycle / Pedestrian Signal Interval across
    Potomac Ave & P Street at South Capitol
 Major Bicycle/Pedestrian Crossroads
Outreach Ideas
1.Target people who do not bike yet
2.“Try a bike” class (WABA, bike
   shops, DDOT)
3.Work with churches, health
   centers, youth centers, doctors,

Outreach Ideas
 1.Provide free trial on Capital Bikeshare
    or discount annual membership
 2.Hold classes and do outreach at
    Universities, community colleges
 3.Target areas around new bikeways
 4.Bike education at schools
Education Ideas
More/Better Driver training
(In the Netherlands, 18 years old, 40
classes, 5 questions on bicycling on
Colored bike lanes
Radio ads, internet videos
Reduce speeding (enforcement,
 traffic calming)

1.Lights (for bicyclists)
2.Citations to cars (speeding)
3.More police on bikes
4.Waive ticket fee for bicyclists who if
   they agree to take a class
5.Points on your drivers license for
   bicycle violations
Other Policies
1.More/better wayfinding signs
2.Make driving/parking more expensive
 • In NL, gas is $9/gallon
 • In NL, parking is $20/day
3.More surveys/counting of bicyclists
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Pictures online at:

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Willem Bosch

  • Composition/quality of Dutch experts team are important due to intensive co-
    operation and planning;
  • Composition (diversity) and division of roles of workshop participants are very
    important. Preferably more creative designers besides engineers and planners in
    order to get a borader focus on the Washington plans and design manuals;
  • Process and enthusiasm are more relevant for success than design details;
  • own laptop with wireless internet is advisable with better databank with pictures
    and films of cycling facilities and in Zwolle and elsewhere, not only pictures of
    infrastructure but also of cycling culture;
  • I have had ten fantasic days.

Cor van der Klaauw:

  • Interested and enthusiastic people, some of them very inspired;
  • A great deal of attention for “Soft” aspects: communication, law enforcement. We
    should be better prepared for this. There is a need for appealing examples from
    typical Dutch best practices.
  • Our contribution was limited as far as contents are concerned, on the one hand
    because we are way ahead and our solutions are a proverbial bridge too far, on
    the other hand because the measures should be attuned
  • as much as possible, by those present; in this way the experts can provide the
    greatest possible support.
  • Good organization and co-operation between the Embassy and DDOT. The
    meeting and cycle tour on Sunday (to get acquainted with each other) and the
    evaluation on Wednesday contributed to a successful workshop.
  • There is a 2-way communication: conveying enthusiasm, and supporting the
    Americans to reach their goals. Our contribution can be a confirmation that they
    are on the right track.


  • It was a surprise to me that the workshop participants had a good knowledge
    concerning the possibilities of improving the status of the bicycle. The visitors I
    receive in Houten never give cycling issues a big deal. A number of participants
    were aware of European examples and saw possibilities to also apply these in
    Washington, DC. Some participants had an engineering background and had
    been prepared clearly to think from the possibilities of bicycle. My personal
    impression is that the increase of the use of bicycle is hampered by political
    issues and restrictions which impose the legislation.

• I noticed that the lobbyism in America is a lot stronger than in the Netherlands. To
  get cycling on the political agenda a permanent repetition of the message is
  necessary. To give more notoriety to the ThinkBike workshops it would be very
  effective to connect them to a local bicycle event, like the Tweed Ride (see
  style/ for an impression) which took place during our visit.
• The personal contacts I now have with several participants of the workshops, will
  enable a two-way communication across the Atlantic.


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Final report ThinkBike Washington DC 2010

  • 1. THINKBIKE WORKSHOP WASHINGTON DC November 15 – 16, 2010 FINAL REPORT Sponsored by: The Royal Netherlands Embassy In co-operation with: Fietsberaad International
  • 2. Contents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
  • 3. 1. Introduction Through a multi-city initiative called “ThinkBike Workshops”, the Royal Dutch Embassy in Washington, DC has invited Dutch experts of Fietsberaad International to visit Canadian and US cities to discuss possibilities for increased bicycle use. Fietsberaad is the Dutch centre of expertise on bicycle policy disseminating its knowledge and expertise abroad. The ThinkBike workshops bring together Dutch bike experts, local politicians, planners, advocates, engineers and business people in each city to plan and discuss how it can become more bike-friendly by applying aspects of the Dutch approach. Teams consisting of Dutch experts and a mix of local experts convene for two days during which they survey the cities by bike and discuss in workshop format how streets, intersections and whole neighborhoods can be improved for optimal bicycle use. Topics of discussion at the workshops include bike safety, bike commuting, biking to school, bike parking, bikes and public transport, law enforcement, etc. The workshops consist of a kick-off session, open to the general public, followed by the workshops behind closed doors and conclude with a closing session, also open to the public, where the recommendations are presented by the teams. Washington, DC was the third city to host the bike workshops (after Toronto and Chicago); they took place on November 15 and 16, 2010. In close cooperation with the City of Washington, DC and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, two teams (orange and blue) were formed comprising three Dutch experts and a number of local bike experts from !"#$%&'(%&()*+,%&'-.&( various backgrounds to !"#$%&'&()#*+&%(%,'#*+&,-.# address two design • /012#3%()-#45#6%7)#(+8)-# ,? assignments as well as a • 910#3%()-#45#-):+;+,)<#&'&()#,;+&7-#=9> #@,;)),#"'&()#A;+&7B## long term strategy on • >C#3%()-#45#6%7)#,;+%(-# • C/#3%()-#45#-%D8)<#6%7)#;4E,)-# promoting cycling and a • FG);#9H2II#6%7)#;+&7-#%8-,+(()<#-%8&)#2II2# better marketing and • "+:%,+(#$%7)-?+;)H#,?)#(+;D)-,#6%7)#-?+;%8D#8),J4;7#%8#,?)#K1@1H#&E;;)8,('# communication strategy on ?+-#9IL#-,+,%48-#+8<#L>I#6%7)-#%8#!"#+8<#M;(%8D,48# cycling. !"#A;+8-:4;,+,%48#*+&,-#=K1@1#")8-E-H#2II0B.# • 21NO#=LHICC#<+%('B#45#!%-,;%&,#;)-%<)8,-#6%7)<#,4#J4;7## At the workshops the • 92O#=NCHCNC#<+%('B#45#!%-,;%&,#;)-%<)8,-#J+(7)<#,4#J4;7## experts exchanged views on • NCO#=9I0H9C/#<+%('B#45#!%-,;%&,#;)-%<)8,-#&433E,)<#6'#:E6(%&# how Dutch bicycle policies ,;+8-:4;,+,%48# and best practices could be • N>O#=4;#00HLI2B#45#!%-,;%&,#;)-%<)8,-#<4#84,#4J8#+#34,4;#G)?%&()# best implemented in the • //O#=9N2HCI9B#45#!%-,;%&,#;)-%<)8,-#&433E,)<#6'#34,4;#G)?%&()# various practical situations in Washington, DC. Furthermore, the Dutch experts discussed the Dutch philosophy and principles behind the approach to promote cycling and how to implement these elements in Washington, DC. A small group of both teams also looked into how the various Dutch methods could be applied to a long term marketing and communication strategy for Washington, DC. 3
  • 4. 2. Outline of the workshop This report presents the results of the two days’ ThinkBike workshop in Washington, DC held on November 15-16, 2010. Objectives of the workshop were: a) An exchange of views on bicycle policy applied in a practical situation (corridor or area) in Washington, DC and possible integration of Dutch ideas and best practices in the Washington situation; b) To disseminate the philosophy and principles behind the Dutch approach to promote cycling and the possibilities to implement elements of the same in Washington DC; c) To discuss Dutch methods of marketing and communication for a long term strategy to promote bicycling The two ThinkBike teams (orange and blue) both worked on a different design assignment, while a small group of both teams worked on a long term strategy on promoting cycling for Washington, DC by applying various Dutch methods of marketing and communication. The Dutch experts presented the philosophy and principles of the Dutch approach to promote cycling and discussed the possibilities to implement these methods in the Washington cycling strategy. However, it was definitely not a “one way” discussion: the local experts gave an overview of the already implemented bike projects and the ones in progress in the District, which resulted in a lively discussion with the Dutch experts. Part of the workshop was a bike tour along the two design areas and the city center of Washington, DC. We had good discussions on how streets, intersections and whole neighborhoods can be improved for optimal bicycle use. Topics of the discussions at the workshop also included: bike safety, bike commuting, cycling to school, bicycle parking the integration of cycling and public transport, law and enforcement. The workshop started with a public kick-off session on Monday, November 15 with a presentation about “Cycling in the Netherlands”, followed by a cycling tour to the two design areas. The presentation can be viewed at On Tuesday, the workshop ended with a closing session open to the general public at the Columbus Club at Union Station. At this session the various presentations and final recommendations where presented to the audience. Two Congressional members, Congressman Petri (R-Wisconsin) and Blumenauer (D-Oregon), both co-chairs of the Bike Caucus attended the meeting; both presented their views on the advantages of biking to give a boost on cycling in the Washington, DC area. These workshops have been carried out by Fietsberaad International and are part of a series of workshops that have been made possible by the Royal Dutch Embassy in Washington, DC. Fietsberaad International is the Dutch bike centre that disseminates Dutch knowledge and expertise about cycling policy abroad. 4
  • 5. We would like to thank the representatives from DDOT and MWCOG and all participants who took part in these workshops. Our special thanks go to Jim Sebastian (District Department of Transportation DDOT), Michael J. Farrell (Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments) and in particular to Megan Kanagy (DDOT) for the way she organized everything to perfection. 3. The Dutch approach to promoting cycling The Netherlands is considered to be the world’s “number one” cycling country: in modal share (27% of all trips are by bike), in quality and quantity of bicycle infrastructure as well as the way bicycle policy is integrated in town and country planning and transport policy. The “Design manual for bicycle traffic” (CROW, June 2007) is the world’s leading manual for bicycle infrastructure. For a comprehensive picture of all aspects of the Dutch approach, visit the website where you can find the Design Manual as well as the publication “Cycling in the Netherlands”. The Dutch philosophy on cycling is based on four pillars: • cycling is joy, easy and healthy • safety is important; if people do not feel safe, bicycle use decreases • a significant amount of cycling can only be achieved with a high quality of infrastructure and integrated town and transport planning • political interest and support to make cycling an accepted mode of transport With these goals in mind, designing bicycle infrastructure translates into the following basic approach: road categorization It is important to designate certain roads for car traffic only and no bicycle use (Interstates, Highways, Beltways). These roads are not safe for cyclists because of the high speeds and high intensity of cars. Other roads are more suitable for (separate) bicycle routes: main roads (40 mph., 30 mph) and residential roads (35 mph., 25 mph). separated bicycle facilities are the best option This can be achieved by a totally separated bicycle infrastructure, but it can also be realized by a bicycle path separated from the car lane by for instance a strip of grass or concrete. The problem with on-road bike lanes, especially the ones on the left side of parked cars, is that they do not feel safe. There is no protection from the fast-moving car traffic and there is a great risk of being ‘doored’. A better option in this case is to have the bike facility on the right side of the parked cars, between the parking space and the sidewalk, so that the cyclist is protected by the parked car. 5
  • 6. mixed traffic: take extra measures Traffic calming is essential with mixed traffic (25 mph for cars), facilitated by speed bumps, chicanes, etc. In residential areas it is possible to divert through traffic to the main roads byallowing only cars from residents and visitors in the area (for instance by creating detours for cars and not for bikes, allowing bikes to cross and cars not). When a separate bike facility cannot be realized on an important bicycle link, and a low intensity of cars needs to be allowed (e.g. giving access to shops or homes), the solution could be to create a so-called fietsstraat: a road where cars have to give bikes right-of-way at all times and are not allowed to pass the cyclist. special provisions at intersections Special provisions at intersections could consist of: • tunnels and bridges under/over main highways to create safe bicycle routes, • make clear markings at intersections with colored (elevated) bicycle lanes and extra signs, • bicycle traffic lights at busy intersections or at junctions to protect cyclists from cars (safety aspect), • “bike boxes” (colored street sections for bicycles in front of cars at traffic lights) which gives cyclists a jumpstart and prevents accidents with cars making a right turn. It is also a good measurement to protect cyclists from car exhaust fumes. quality infrastructure Provide colored pavement and use all kind of signs and infrastructural measurements to make the bike infrastructure recognizable and of high quality. In addition, parking facilities for bicycles should be of good quality and should either be guarded or provide possibilities to secure bikes safely. protect cyclists by law enforcement The legal system should protect the vulnerable road user. This means that car drivers should take full responsibility and have full liability when driving a vehicle that can cause danger and accidents. Car drivers should be aware that bicyclists sometimes are uncoordinated, especially when children are involved or when the weather is bad (rainy, snow, windy). Furthermore, car drivers should be educated in sharing the road with bicyclists in order to avoid accidents. 6
  • 7. 4. Results and observations of the workshop It has been proven that it is possible to apply the Dutch philosophy in bike promotion and implement some of the Dutch design principles in the Washington cycling strategy. Because the situations are sometimes totally different from the Netherlands, it is difficult to implement all Dutch design principles in concrete Washington-situations. Therefore it is very important to adapt the advice on a local scale. Over all, the concept of the ThinkBike workshop works very well. At the workshops it appeared that on the surface some Dutch examples seemed unrealistic and difficult to apply Dutch reference situations to Washington-situations. Therefore the guidance process by the Dutch experts during the workshops was very important: they served as the catalysts for the American participants. The workshops provided the local experts with the opportunity to work two full days on ‘bicycling only’; the workshops worked like a "pressure cooker": in a short, limited time the participants were able to produce some good results. The composition of the two teams, consisting of local experts of mixed background and the Dutch experts, proved to be key for a successful workshop. Also the size of the teams, 12 participants per team, was good and seemed to create a boost of energy. On Tuesday afternoon a small group from both teams looked into the long term cycling strategy for Washington, DC, incorporating Dutch methods of marketing, education, enforcement and communication. Late Tuesday afternoon, the teams got a little bit nervous because all groups were still busy with the preparation of their presentations. They also had to integrate them into one presentation for the closing session at the Columbus Club in Union Station scheduled for 5:00PM. But they succeeded and the products of the teams were presented by a mixture of Washington and Dutch experts. A very good example of an inspiring collaboration! !"#"$$ %&'()*+,*-.$-/$,0&$1-)2'0-+'$ On 15 November, 2010, the ThinkBike workshops were kicked off in the Council of Governements Board Room by Dutch Ambassador Mrs. Renee Jones-Bos, transport director of DDOT, Mr. Gabe Klein and Dutch teamleader, Cor van der Klaauw. The latter gave a presentation on Dutch cycling infrastructure and policy. Pex Langenberg, Counselor for Transportation at the Dutch Embassy had the overall co-ordination at the kick-off meeting. The first part of Monday afternoon, both teams surveyed the two study areas by bike. After the cycling tour each team went behind closed doors. Because both teams consisted of 12 members, a further 7
  • 8. split was made in two groups of 6 people, so each group could work on its own design street or area. !"3"$ 4&.&)56$)&(-77&.85,*-.'$-/$,0&$1-)2'0-+'$ • Cycling is good for the environment, it reduces stress, decreases car traffic, and gives people joy and happiness, • bike infrastructure and smart street design encourage cycling, and reduce conflict with automobiles, • bicycle infrastructure doesn’t have to be expensive – “a can of paint” is an easy and cheap method and works for a long time, • cycling is like water: it chooses the easiest and shortest way, • take the whole bicycle network into consideration, not just the two picked routes (M and L Street, NW) • some routes should be of high quality and have the right of way (green waves) • other routes can be bike-safe and don’t require big changes • law enforcement and liabilities encourage safety for bicyclists !"9"$ $:)5.;&$,&57$<=>$5.8$?>',)&&,@$ !"9"#"$(A(6&$,-B)$ The cycle tour with Megan Kanagy started in the study area L and M Street NW, Washington DC. Our departure was the bicycle parking at Union Station with renting bikes for those team members that did not have their own bike We continued on the bicycle lanes in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue. Yeah that was great! 8
  • 9. At some points in the study area Megan explained us the various problems to implement cycling measures. Existing street design of M Street…. and the very difficult and width cross section with Connecticut Avenue. We had lots of discussions how cyclists from two directions could safely and comfortably cross this intersection. Parked cars at entrances and exits on both sides in the Central business district is a great safety problem for the cyclist. We even looked for cycling possibilities on K Street, by using the parallel street. But this street was way too busy with parked cars and delivery vans. 9
  • 10. On the main streets there are lots of buses with bike racks in front. We looked at L Street and saw the same challenges as we saw on M Street in the Cental business district? There should be more opportunities for shared space in the neighbourhood! We saw a good example of a separate bicycle lane in two directions that has been realized on 17th street. Part of the route was under construction, but it looks good already. !"9"3"$C-)2'0-+$D&0*.8$(6-'&8$8--)'$ We started with a short introduction and discussion with the participants about the objectives we have to work on to get everyone on the same page. Some of them wanted to discuss the principles of the whole cycling network in Washington DC. We concluded that it would be most effective to use the Dutch expertise and start with the concrete routes and practical design. We divided the tasks and it was nice to see that in both groups, there were organizers, designers, writers and investigators. Also the collaboration of participants from both Washington, DC and the suburbs who, in some cases met each other for the first time, was great. Both teams had a good mixture of planners, engineers, advocates, a policeman and business people. The only participants we missed were “the creative designers”, who think “out of the box”. Most people had a technical or commercial background. 10
  • 11. During the workshop an exchange of views took place on bicycle policy applied in the various practical situations in Washington with possible integration of Dutch ideas and also best practices from Denmark and Canada. The Dutch experts gave their advice how streets, intersections and neighborhoods can be improved for optimal cycling use. The Dutch conclude that there is enough space in Washington for cyclists but you have to make clear choices and that would mean less car parking along the streets (CBD) and less driving lanes for cars in some neighborhoods. Less traffic lights and more priority for cyclists on the main cycling routes should be a a priority in Washington, DC. !"9"9"$)&(-77&.85,*-.'$ M and L Street can become a key cross-town bike connection between existing trails and paths. To achieve this high quality cycle route, the following facilities have to be implemented: a two-way cycle path implemented on the whole route in the CBD: on-street parking can be rearranged to protect cyclists in neighborhoods: fewer lanes are needed for car traffic right turn bike boxes at intersections innovative feature 2-stage left turn box colored pavement for cycle paths at intersections special signals for cyclists # 11
  • 12. !"!"$ E6B&$,&57$ !"!"#"$(A(6&$,-B)$ Exploration of the design area started with the Downtown connection and the waterfront of the Potomac River. We saw I Street and a new cut-through to M Street. Also new developments, like the Ballpark and new office blocks. A more visual impression of our exploration can be found at !"!"3"$C-)2'0-+$$ We discussed the needs for cycling in the area from the four most common Dutch perspectives for bicycle use: school-, shopping-, recreation and commuting trips. The schools at I Street, the supermarket at M Street and the Metro stations are important focus areas for cyclists. Connections between the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail and the Southwest Waterfront are necessary for recreational purposes. I Street and P Street are the most logical connection and are in need of a bicycle boulevard principle or a separated bicycle path. The connection between the area with Capitol Hill and Downtown must become clearly marked for commuters and visitors. The second day, the team was divided into two groups, to redesign major intersections, streets and signing. Both groups worked adequately with applicable laws, right of way and cost in mind. All solutions presented are possible to construct. !"!"9"$)&(-77&.85,*-.'$ I Street bicycle boulevard principles possibly limit through-volumes by restricting traffic every 2-3 blocks 12
  • 13. traffic calming measures, for example pedestrian traffic islands green wave configuration option for bicycle tunnel on I Street and South Capitol Street colored bicycle lanes M Street one-way cycle track on both sides of the street cycle tracks buffered by a landscape strip with trees streetcar and stations on a median alignment bicycle signals at intersections with high right turn volumes unique right-turn configuration Southwest and Stadium Area 4th Street bike lanes north of P Street to Mall/Pennsylvania Avenue. P Street bicycle track (River Trail to South Capital) 13
  • 14. South Capital bicycle track (Potomac Ave to P St) Potomac Ave/Frederick Douglas Bridge/River Trail access, signage connects to existing bike lanes and new bicycle tracks Cycle Track at Anacostia River Trail on 2nd St Lead Bicycle / Pedestrian Signal Interval across Potomac Ave & P Street at South Capitol Major Bicycle/Pedestrian Crossroads !"F"$ 4)&&.$,&57$<'-/,$5'+&(,'$-/$(A(6*.;@$ Six members of the two teams had an intensive discussion about the “soft” aspects of cycling. We discussed three aspects: law enforcement, education and promotion/marketing of cycling. Law enforcement • exemplary behavior: more policemen should be seen on bike”. Out of an educational point of view, when policemen are cycling it must be a good mode of transport. • more communication about traffic rules: not only for cyclists (waiting for a red light) but also for car drivers. They have to learn to deal with cyclists in traffic. The difficulty here is that more than two thirds of car drivers are coming into the city from outside Washington, DC. • some rules are difficult to enforce. Education • The Capital Bike share program has currently 4,000 members, two months after its introduction in November 2010. It was introduced to stimulate more people to use the bicycle in Washington, DC: if people see other people bike it has a stimulating effect. Here the principle works: “It feels good, so spread the word.” Each bike is used for 2 á 3 trips per day. • Education takes time; after one campaign the use of the bicycle will not improve. An approach of continuous attention: “education permanente” is key. 14
  • 15. • Exemplary behavior: parents must give their kids a good example by using bikes to school etc. Also: movie stars, influential people, sports men and women, politicians etc. should give a good example. • “Try a bike” class (WABA, bike shops, DDOT). Work with churches, health centers (doctors, nurses), youth centers. • Provide free trial on the Capital Bikes program or give discounts on annual memberships. Hold classes and do outreach programs at Universities, community colleges, etc. • Bike education at schools. • Another way to stimulate cycling is by organizing special events, for instance the NYC bike tour (New York). • More and better cycling education: in the Netherlands, a 12 year old takes 40 classes and needs to pass a written test (5 questions) and a practical cycling exam. Promotion • Posters, displays • Banners on lampposts • Stimulate cycling by ethnic minorities (Africans, Asians) • Radio ads, internet videos • Marketing areas around new bikeways (you have to tell people that there is a bike path in their neighborhood) Other policies • More/better sign posting • Make driving/parking more expensive: The Netherlands: gas: $9/gallon; parking: $20/day • Monitoring bicycle use: counting, surveys 15
  • 16. 5. Appendices 5.1. Team assignments orange team blue team 5.2. Composition of the teams orange team blue team 5.3. Dutch experts 5.4. The program 5.5. Overview of media coverage 5.6. Presentations orange team blue team green team 5.7. Pictures 5.8. Own experiences Willem Bosch Cor van der Klaauw Herbert Tiemens 16
  • 17. F"#"$$ G,B8A$5)&5'$ Each team focussed on one area of the city. Each team had a bike tour in the chosen area. During the bike tour, the team members got more or less familiar with the situation of the study area. Study Area 1: Downtown Area, with the focus on L and M streets, NW Description • urban core of DC with high building densities • high transit, vehicle and pedestrian volumes • high demand for on-street parking • L and M Streets are one-way streets providing east-west connections through Downtown Problem statement Explore the expansion of the downtown bicycle network. Identify 1 or 2 key bicycle corridors both east-west and north-south through the downtown core. Evaluate DDOT's proposed partially separated bicycle lanes on L and M Streets, NW, with consideration for traffic volumes, turning volumes and parking demand. Recommend design solutions, including the option of separated lanes, for L and M Streets or alternative corridors. Study Area 2: South Waterfront Area Description • larger blocks and issues with street connectivity • several major destinations: Navy Yard, National Parks, Fort Lesley J. McNair Army Post • connections across the river Anacostia • bordered by the Southwest Freeway to the north, and the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers • M Street, SW and SE provides main east-west connection through area Problem statement Explore east-west corridors through the area and connections under the Southwest Freeway to the north. Evaluate the installation of bicycle facilities on M Street, SW and SE versus alternate eat-west routes. Recommend design solutions, including the option of separated lanes or bicycle boulevard treatments. 17
  • 18. F"3"$$ H-7+-'*,*-.$-/$,0&$,&57'$ Team Orange members: • Willem Bosch, City of Zwolle, the Netherlands • Cor van der Klaauw, County of Groningen, the Netherlands • David Patton, Arlington County Division of Transportation • Richard Layman, BicyclePASS LLC • Hayat Kelil-Brown, DDOT - IPMA • Heather Deutsch, DDOT - PPSA • Fionnuala Quinn, Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling Charlie Strunk, Fairfax County • Jamie Parks, Kittelson & Associates, Inc. • Dustin M. Kuzan, MD State Highway Administration • Molly Correll, Toole Design Group • Matthew Lesh, US Department of Transportation • Kristin Haldeman, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority • Justin Antos, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Team Blue members: • Herbert Tiemens, Town of Houten, the Netherlands • Dave Kirschner, Arlington Copunty Dept. of Environmental Services • Erik Kugler, BicycleSPACE • Carrie Sanders, AICP, City of Alexandria, VA • Jennifer Hefferan, DDOT - PPSA • Scott A. James, P.E., DDOT - TOA • John Thomas, Frederick County Division of Planning • Michael E. Jackson, MD Department of Transportation • Sgt. Michael Wear, Metropolitan Police Department • Karin Foster, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments • RJ Eldridge, Toole Design Group • Darren Buck, US Department of Transportation and Virginia Tech • Greg Billing, Washington Area Bicyclist Association 18
  • 19. F"9"$ %B,(0$&I+&),'$ Cor van der Klaauw Cor van der Klaauw (Stompetoren, 1956) studied Town and Country planning at the Transportation Academy in Tilburg. He mostly worked as transportation planner for the city of Groningen from 1995 till 2008. He worked on public transit projects (bus lanes, introducing trams in Groningen), parking projects and cycling measurements. In 2002 Groningen became "fietsstad of the Netherlands". In 2006 he was one of the initiators of the European Conference on Mobility Management (ECOMM) conference in Groningen (see: In 2008 he worked a couple ofmonths for the city of Assen. Since September 2008 he started working for the County Council of Groningen. His job entails a variety of subjects: traffic safety, cycling and transportation plans with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment in The Hague. Cor is a member of the "Fietsberaad" ( and teaches one day a week on the NHL Hogeschool in Leeuwarden, at the faculty of Built Environment. Cor cycles every day to his work and also does the family shopping by bike. He also uses the bicycle during the summer holidays. Cor was the team leader of the ThinkBike workshops in Washington, DC and Miami. Cor is married and is the father of two children (21 and 17 year). Herbert P.Tiemens Herbert Tiemens (Eindhoven, 1972) studied Town and Country planning at the NHTV (Nationale Hogeschool Verkeer en Vervoer) in Breda and specialised in urban transport. During a short period as junior consultant at Grontmij he worked at traffic calming projects and cycle planning at cities all over the world. Tiemens started his career in public service at the municipality Pijnacker (province of Zuid-Holland) in the transport and mobility division. His work entailed examining traffic flows and designing reconstructions. The centre project in Pijnacker and the bicycle connections from Pijnacker to other places were politically interesting subjects. Important component of his work was to obtain acceptance for traffic measures amongst inhabitants and other interested parties. 19
  • 20. Tiemens changed the municipality of Pijnacker for the municipality Houten (province of Utrecht) in 2000. Here he was responsible for the implementation of the road safety policy and for public communications.. An internal promotion made him responsible for the regional traffic policy and long term developments. Important projects includethe traffic circulation in the redeveloped city centre, the development of the bicycle park & ride at the main station and a new exit to the state highway. Part of his work is sharing visitors with his knowledge of the unique principle of movement in the city Houten. In his personal life Tiemens uses a wide variety of bicycles. A light-weight traditional bike is used to commute (10 kms), a folding bike is available for special occasions and for recreational and sportive purposes Tiemens uses a roadracing bike and a recumbent. Willem A. Bosch 1991 - current Senior traffic advisor municipality of Zwolle, coordinator of the traffic team Strategic projects: -Starting up traffic management in the region Zwolle (2010), -Participation on behalf of Zwolle at Velo Mondial (2009) -Transport accessibility plan for the region Zwolle -Bicycle parking plan (2007) -Bicycle comfort plan “comfortably in the saddle” (2004) -Bicycle plan Zwolle “Faster on the pedal” (2002) 1981 - 1991 Head of the traffic team at municipality of Zeist 1978 – 1981 Traffic advisor at the municipality of Ede 1976 – 1977 Military service, field measurement officer, artillery 20
  • 21. F"!$ J)-;)57$ Monday, November 15, 2010 Time Subject Audience Venue 9:00 – 10:30 Startup meeting. Welcome by the Team members; COG Ambassador; presentation about other staff of city, “Cycling in the Netherlands”; short county, other introduction of the workshops and interested people what can be expected. from NGO’s 11:30 – 12:30 Team members get together to Team members COG discuss problem statements for Washington locations and background info 13:00 – 15:00 Teams explore Washington study Team members areas by bike 15:00 – 17:00 Working on the design assignment: Team members COG evaluation of the cycling tour and prepare the agenda for Tuesday Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Time Subject Audience Venue 9:00 – 15:00 Working on the design assignment Team members COG and prepare presentations 13:00 – 15:00 Working on non-design issues: The communication COG policy, communications assignment and strategy team and prepare presentations 16:30-17:15 Teams getting together and talking Team members COG over main results and presentations 17:15-19:00 Final presentation A very broad Columbus audience: Staff; Club at Council members; Union Managers; NGO’s; Station press. 21
  • 25. ThinkBike November 16, 2010 Cor van der Klaauw, Willem Bosch, and Herbert Tiemens L&M U.S. vs. Netherlands !" American trip patterns are not dramatically longer than the Dutch –" Most trips are less than 4 miles long –" 20 minutes by bike! !" But bike use in the U.S. is much less WHY? Sources: Cycling in the Netherlands, Fiets Beraad, Mobility Study 2007. U.S. National Household Travel Survey, 2009, and FHWA Office of Policy
  • 26. Policy Differences between DC and Netherlands –"Cost of getting a drivers license –"Price of gasoline –"Price/availability of parking –"Excise taxes on automobile purchases –"Lack of buses to school Goals/recommendations for the workshop !" Apply Dutch principles of bicycle facility design to Downtown Washington, DC !" Design high quality bikeway for the downtown –" Continuous –" Signature “marquee” facility –" Bi-directional !" Bikeway as a transportation connection !" Focus on bikeway design for L and M Streets NW, between Metropolitan Branch Trail and Georgetown !" Extend livability principles beyond bikeways linking neighborhoods, retail, and economic development
  • 27. Project Limits !" L and M Streets !" From Met Branch trail to Georgetown Workshop process Presentations by Dutch experts ! " Surveyed L & M Streets ! " Reviewed maps ! " Brainstormed ! " Created design treatments
  • 28. Integrated Downtown Network !" Design focuses on L & M Street !" Key piece to create an integrated network: –" North-Souths –" Diagonals (e.g., Mass. Ave., Connecticut Ave.) !" L & M should be part of an overall bikeway network throughout city !" L&M can be pilot projects –" Create a larger network, –" Set robust design precedents Key Connections to Regional Trail Network Rock Creek Park Met Branch Trail to Trail to Northwest Silver Spring Capital Crescent and C&O Trails Custis Trail Mount Vernon Trail
  • 29.
  • 30. Diagonal intersection crossing (L Street @ Mass. Ave.)
  • 31. L Street cross section L Street Intersection treatment
  • 32. L Street/15th Street – Cycle Track to Cycle Track M Street
  • 33. Treat M Street as sub-sections of like blocks AADT: 10-13K 16-22K 8-10K West End Golden Thomas Triangle Circle “Woonerf” Living Zone Cross section – Thomas Circle to Connecticut Ave.
  • 34. Cross section – Connecticut Ave. to 23rd Street Dealing with conflicts – parking garages
  • 35. Issues/Areas of concern !" Snow clearance/maintenance of way !" Turning movements !" Coordinating freight/delivery to manage traffic/bike conflicts !" Accommodating parking garage entrances !" Signalization/timing to manage oncoming traffic for contraflows Qualities of the facility (meta-lessons) !" Bi-directional –" Dutch wisdom: “bikes flow like water” –" Even in a one way facility, bicyclists will go in both directions in a separated facility !" Located on side where outer bikes travel with direction of auto traffic !" Be consistent with, and improve 15th St. cycletrack Montreal cycle track with different treatment
  • 36. Materials and treatments !" Use materials and colors to differentiate bike space Extend Dutch home zone concepts to Downtown !" Emphasize 25 mph speed limit ! " Enhance public space/quality of life at key intersections with the Avenues ! " Create a neighborhood zone along M Street between New Hampshire Avenue and Georgetown
  • 37. Extend the amount and quality of the public space such as at M Street and Connecticut Ave. Implementation – Begin Small !" Short term !" Long term !" Paint !" Hard core physical treatments !" Plastic bollards !" Medians !" Lane markings !" Curb and sidewalk changes
  • 39. M Street Existing Conditions
  • 40. M Street Recommendations • One-way cycle track on both sides of the street • Cycle tracks buffered by a landscape strip with street trees • Bicycle signals at intersections with high right turn volumes • Unique right-turn configuration • Streetcar and stations on a median alignment M Street Cross Section
  • 41. Amsterdam – Bike Lane Crossing M Street Intersection Example
  • 42. 37
  • 43. I Street Recommendations • Bicycle boulevard principles • Possibly limit through-volumes by restricting traffic every 2-3 blocks • Traffic calming measures, for example pedestrian refuge islands • Green wave configuration • Option for bicycle tunnel configuration on I Street and South Capitol Street • Colored bicycle lanes
  • 44. I Street Cross Section A I Street Existing Conditions
  • 45. I Street SW Intersection Revision I Street Cross Section B
  • 46. I Street SE Missing Connection I Street Connection
  • 47. I Street & South Capitol Street I Street & South Capitol Street
  • 48. I Street & South Capitol Street !"#$%"&''"$()*+*,' -./'0$1$23&"#$%34"#$534"'$ "3$6.,,$7$8'//0+,9./).$:9'
  • 49. !"#$%"B$()?'$-./'0 =+*,)0"0$%"3H$ I'&' :/.*30@.$5)9'&$ 6.)/".)/$C/D0"&''"$8.&?)/E >&.), ;$<.+$=+*,'$>&.*? A3&"$6*2.)& 8$%"$."$!"#$%"$%<$1$()?'$-./'0$"3$6.,,F$ =+*,'$8."#$G$5)9'&$>&.),$:**'00 P Street SW
  • 50. ! ! P Street SW – 2 Way Cycle Track with Buffer Navy-entrances
  • 51. P Street SW (Bus Route west of Half St)
  • 52. ! P Street SW - 2 Way Cycle Path with Buffer (vs lanes) P St at South Capital, River Trail on 2nd St Potomac Ave & Douglas Bridge Access
  • 53. To Capital Bike Signage for SW Share / Waterfront / Stadium National Mall and Waterfront Metro P Street Cycle Track Bicycles Yield to Pedestrians Signage & Advance Bicycles / Signalization ac Pedestrian Advance t om Signal Intervals Po es ng an Tr a sti ike L r sti l i ai Ex B ve o Ri nac e Av A Signage Douglas Bridge / Riverwalk Trail / Eastern Market / Navy Yard Metro / S Capitol Trail P St at South Capital, Potomac Ave & Douglas Bridge Access
  • 54. SW and Stadium Area Improvements 4th Street bike lanes north of P Street to Mall/ Pennsylvania Ave. P Street bicycle track (River Trail to South Capital) South Capital bicycle track (Potomac Ave to P St) Potomac Ave/Frederick Douglas Bridge/River Trail access, signage connects to existing bike lanes and new bicycle tracks Cycle Track as Anacostia River Trail on 2nd St Lead Bicycle / Pedestrian Signal Interval across Potomac Ave & P Street at South Capitol Major Bicycle/Pedestrian Crossroads
  • 55. Outreach Ideas 1.Target people who do not bike yet 2.“Try a bike” class (WABA, bike shops, DDOT) 3.Work with churches, health centers, youth centers, doctors, nurses Outreach Ideas 1.Provide free trial on Capital Bikeshare or discount annual membership 2.Hold classes and do outreach at Universities, community colleges 3.Target areas around new bikeways 4.Bike education at schools 5.Banners
  • 56. Education Ideas More/Better Driver training (In the Netherlands, 18 years old, 40 classes, 5 questions on bicycling on exam) Colored bike lanes Radio ads, internet videos Reduce speeding (enforcement, traffic calming) Enforcement 1.Lights (for bicyclists) 2.Citations to cars (speeding) 3.More police on bikes 4.Waive ticket fee for bicyclists who if they agree to take a class 5.Points on your drivers license for bicycle violations
  • 57. Other Policies 1.More/better wayfinding signs 2.Make driving/parking more expensive • In NL, gas is $9/gallon • In NL, parking is $20/day 3.More surveys/counting of bicyclists
  • 58. F"M"$ J*(,B)&'$ Pictures online at: 58
  • 59. F"N"$ :1.$&I+&)*&.(&'$ Willem Bosch • Composition/quality of Dutch experts team are important due to intensive co- operation and planning; • Composition (diversity) and division of roles of workshop participants are very important. Preferably more creative designers besides engineers and planners in order to get a borader focus on the Washington plans and design manuals; • Process and enthusiasm are more relevant for success than design details; • own laptop with wireless internet is advisable with better databank with pictures and films of cycling facilities and in Zwolle and elsewhere, not only pictures of infrastructure but also of cycling culture; • I have had ten fantasic days. Cor van der Klaauw: • Interested and enthusiastic people, some of them very inspired; • A great deal of attention for “Soft” aspects: communication, law enforcement. We should be better prepared for this. There is a need for appealing examples from typical Dutch best practices. • Our contribution was limited as far as contents are concerned, on the one hand because we are way ahead and our solutions are a proverbial bridge too far, on the other hand because the measures should be attuned • as much as possible, by those present; in this way the experts can provide the greatest possible support. • Good organization and co-operation between the Embassy and DDOT. The meeting and cycle tour on Sunday (to get acquainted with each other) and the evaluation on Wednesday contributed to a successful workshop. • There is a 2-way communication: conveying enthusiasm, and supporting the Americans to reach their goals. Our contribution can be a confirmation that they are on the right track. Herbert • It was a surprise to me that the workshop participants had a good knowledge concerning the possibilities of improving the status of the bicycle. The visitors I receive in Houten never give cycling issues a big deal. A number of participants were aware of European examples and saw possibilities to also apply these in Washington, DC. Some participants had an engineering background and had been prepared clearly to think from the possibilities of bicycle. My personal impression is that the increase of the use of bicycle is hampered by political issues and restrictions which impose the legislation. 59
  • 60. • I noticed that the lobbyism in America is a lot stronger than in the Netherlands. To get cycling on the political agenda a permanent repetition of the message is necessary. To give more notoriety to the ThinkBike workshops it would be very effective to connect them to a local bicycle event, like the Tweed Ride (see style/ for an impression) which took place during our visit. • The personal contacts I now have with several participants of the workshops, will enable a two-way communication across the Atlantic. 60