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A Paper
A Paper
1. Board of Examiners
Chairman Dra. Revida Engelbertha M.Hum
Date :
February 4 th 2022
Major Sponsor Stenly Steven
Date :
February 4 th 2022
2. Vice Chairman
Vice Chairman Wulansari, S.Pd M.Hum
Date : February 4 th 2022
The Writer extends special thanks to the God for the blessing and grace for the
writer, so she can finish this paper
I also would like to express my deepest gratidude to all of my family, Thank you
for always giving inspiration an motivating me to finish this paper
Thanks to Mrs. Wulansari, S.Pd M.Hum as the Vice Chairman for who always give
a lot of useful knowlegde.
To Mrs. Dra. Revida Engelbertha M.Hum thank you for the great patient and
contributions to help me in finishing this paper. May God always bless her and her
Common sense and every convenience provided to the writer in completing this
This paper purposed intended to fulfill a part of Requirements to get the Diploma
Degree in English Pertiwi School of Foreign Language ( STBA Pertiwi Jakarta )
Although she finally complete her research paper, the Title of This Paper “ How
Importance Digital Marketing in Brand VYATTA “
The reasons why the writer choose this title are :
1. The writer interested with Digital Marketing Subject, because in the future
all of things will be changed by Digital
2. In this paper teach us How Importance Digital Marketing
Finally, the writer hope it can be used and taught at school
The Writer
A. 6
B. 9
1. In General 12
2. In Particular 12
B. 13
1. Digital Marketing Manager Qualifications 13
2. Digital Ads Specialist Qualifications 14
3. SEO Specialist Qualifications 17
4. Social Media Specialist Qualifications 19
5. Content Writer Qualifications 21
6. Graphic Designer Qualifications 22
7. Email Marketing Qualifications 24
A. 27
1. Digital Marketing Manager Job Descriptions 26
2. Digital Ads Specialist Job Descriptions 27
3. SEO Specialist Job Descriptions 27
4. Social Media Specialist Job Descriptions 28
5. Content Writer Job Descriptions 28
6. Graphic Designer Job Descriptions 29
7. Email Marketing Job Descriptions 30
1. The Target market 31
2. Channels used 31
3. The technology used 32
4. Big Data 32
5. Content 32
6. Talent 33
7. Budget 33
B. 34
1) Find Influencers in The Industry 35
2) Shape the Conversation 35
3) Own Your Niche 35
4) Aim to Influence the Influencers 35
5) Do What Works For 37
6) Build a Happy Community 36
7) Be Genuine, Accessible, and Responsive 36
8) Be Patient 37
A. Background Of Study
The definition of digital marketing is a marketing activity or activity in several ways
and techniques that use digital media that is meant to get traffic, data, and
Marketing is a series of efforts to convey, disseminate, and offer something to
achieve specific goals. Meanwhile, digital means sophisticated equipment
synonymous with constantly developing technology and convenience to society.
Examples of digital media, websites, social media, online stores, marketplaces,
digital payments, applications, search engines are the modern digital technologies
that are most familiar to today's society.
Among them, all can be used to assist the marketing of products, businesses, or
businesses that are more modern and potential because they have high-speed access
and broad reach.
Digital Marketing Media Used for Business
Website, Since long ago, the website has been the choice of many people
for easy access to information, speed of data exchange, distribution of products,
online trading places, and promotional media. We can get started using digital
marketing by creating the right business website. The cost of creating a website is
relatively inexpensive to build a business when compared to the cost of opening a
shop or a live office. If there are already shops and offices, plus a website, the results
will be even better
Content Marketing: Content means content on digital media, such as articles
on websites, posts and captions on Facebook and Instagram, including videos on
YouTube, websites, and social media. Of course, the type that has marketing value
is that it can attract attention, either to increase brand awareness or to get sales from
content marketing
Social Media, Social networking media is very busy used by hundreds of
millions of people worldwide. Places build each other without the basis of space
and time. Social media services already offer very cheap adverts for examples such
as advertising on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search engines such as Google, Yahoo,
and Bing are the most commonly used online media for people looking for
information. Search engines can get consumers precisely according to what is using
Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Therefore, we can create lots of SEO optimized
content to get lots of website visitors who can become opportunities as potential
Google Ads (Search Engine Marketing) unique places to advertise from
Google, among others, Search Engine Marketing ads that appear on the top pages
of Google search. Display Network advertising banner ads that appear on websites
and blogs that are crowded with visitors Youtube ads, if you often see
advertisements on Youtube, this is a video ad service from Google
Email Marketing, If we have ever received an email containing a promotion
from a service or online store, most receive an email as marketing. Almost all
internet users already have an active email that can offer products or services. Using
email, you cannot just send it, but use database customers, namely people who are
interested in your business
The Main Purpose of Digital Marketing as Marketing
Marketing target, The primary purpose of "digital marketing" is marketing
that utilizes digital tools or media to reach target consumers quickly, precisely, and
widely. In addition, it can also be more effective and efficient in the use of
advertising funds for business or business interests.
Increase Brand Awareness, Actually increasing brand awareness is part of
conventional and digital marketing, where the goal is to introduce a product or
brand to the public. The more well-known a brand/brand is, the more readily
accepted consumers. Advertising on television, billboards, and radio, commonly
called conventional advertising, is an effort to increase brand awareness. You can
use the Google Ads advertiser display or Facebook and Instagram in the digital era.
The law of marketing is that the better a product and a Brand are known to by the
public, the easier it will be for consumers to accept Build Market Database
What if we have the proper consumer market database for our product or
service? For example, the hijab business, with digital marketing, can gather
consumer prospects with the criteria of women aged 18-40, Muslims, and who like
fashion. Then, you can use this database to offer via email or advertising, which is
very effective and efficient in digital marketing activities.
Digital Analysis determines the target and analyzes it to implement the most
effective and efficient digital marketing system using several tools such as an
analysis page to measure an ad, user behaviour, and the ad budget to fit the
marketing target.
B. Problem
To better understand digital marketing, we have encountered several problems
- What are the criteria needed for a digital marketer?
- How does a digital marketer work?
- What do digital marketers need to pay attention to when working, especially in
specialist brand campaigns?
C. Method Of Research
Qualitative Descriptive research describes characteristics of a population or
phenomenon being studied. A qualitative descriptive method often aims to describe
and researchers, which may follow up with examinations of why the observations
exist and the implications of the findings. In this paper, the writer uses the
qualitative descriptive method.
With using this method there are many data are needed, and the writer collected
data as follows:
Observation is a way of collecting data by going directly to the field and
observing all the ongoing activity during the study. In this study, the writer observed
all the job desks and the daily task of all digital marketing departments. Because
the writer is one of the employees who work in PT. Wira Internasional ( BRAND
VYATTA ) the data are taken from observation technique during her work within
two years, starting from November 18, 2019 - Now
Literature review A literature study is one way of collecting data by reading
or studying books that support the problems studied to be used as a foundation for
preparing the Final. According to the data in the company, that information is
needed for this research. Moreover, for another data source, the writer obtained
from the Internet, Website, and Manual.
D. Steps
This paper is arranged systematically into five chapters as the following :
● The first chapter is the Introduction.
In this chapter, the writer elaborates the background of the study, problems
study, methods of research study, and steps.
● The second chapter is the criteria needed for a digital marketer
● The third chapter is operational in Digital Marketing Management. In this
chapter, the writer generally describes parts of Digital marketing and its
● The fourth chapter is what digital marketers need to pay attention to when
working, especially in specialist brand campaigns?
● The fifth chapter is Conclusions and Suggestions.
A. Criteria Needed For A Digital Marketing
1. In General
a. In terms of education, digital marketing has several qualifications ranging
from D3, S1 to post-graduate
The suggested majors include Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Marketing
Communication, and English Literature.
b. In terms of age, digital marketing prefers the younger generation because
the younger generation follows the current trends
c. In terms of appearance, digital marketing usually chooses attractive
prospective employees because they will appear in public or in front of the camera.
2. In Particular
a. For Digital Marketing, Supervisors and Digital Marketing Managers
usually have the requirements to master all things in Digital Marketing from email
marketing, graphic design, SEO / SEM, and others
b. Staff usually have a minimum of 2 years of work experience and have
played an active role in the organization
c. For the Design Section, it is expected that they have worked and
experienced in their field
B. Qualifications In Digital Marketing
In a company, all the company's digital marketing activities are carried out by
several employees of one division, namely Digital Marketing.
1. Digital Marketing Manager Qualifications
Digital Marketing Manager is a division leader who is in charge of ensuring
all company goals are achieved. Managerial skills and comprehensive knowledge
of digital marketing are the two most needed in this position.
Digital Marketing Manager Qualifications
By now, the reader should have a firm grasp of what is expected of the
responsibilities, duties, and general aspects of a digital marketing manager. First,
however, the reader must know the qualifications, preferred skills, and other
experiences the reader needs before quickly filling the role.
This next section was created to help the reader understand what is expected
regarding digital marketing manager jobs and what a career would look like.
Typical Education Requirements
Typically, a collegiate education is required for entry-level digital marketing
managers. This is usually in the form of a bachelor's degree in marketing,
advertising, business, business management, communication, public relations, or
another similar field.
However, employers may require or seek an employee with at least a
master's degree or related certification at more prominent marketing agencies.
Various respected organizations offer several digital marketing certifications online
and in person. After receiving a bachelor's degree, obtaining one of these can often
put you above most other candidates when applying to become a digital marketing
Beyond formal education requirements, an extensive background in digital
marketing is often necessary. This is because it is a managerial role. You will need
to be an expert when there are no experts around and have a strong understanding
of every aspect of your role to be a successful manager. Those interested in
obtaining a more entry-level friendly position may seek to become a digital
marketing assistant to gain experience.
Internships may also be a source of experience if you are still in school. Any
leadership, communication, or marketing experience will significantly help your
chances of success.
Preferred Skills
As the digital marketing manager will over so many different aspects of a
marketing campaign, the preferred skills employers look for are extensive and
require a deep understanding of digital marketing.
2. Digital Ads Specialist Qualifications
Responsible for the production of various online advertisements, such as
Google ads, social media, and email. The Digital Ads Specialist must know how to
use popular online advertising services such as Facebook Ads and Google Ads.
As you may imagine, the qualifications expected of such a high-powered
and intense job are many. However, as with many jobs, most candidates look for
initiative and a history of providing quality work to clients! Beyond that, let us delve
into the specific job requirements most usually enlisted on ad-operations manager
job listings.
Typical Education Requirements
As far as education goes, most future employers will be looking for a
Bachelor's degree in business management, with further education such as a
Master's or a Doctorate seen as a definite bonus. Any additional education that has
undergone, such as certificates or continuing education courses, is something that
you should mention in your application.
Along with a significant amount of education, most employers will also be
looking for a large amount of related experience to show that you know what it is
like to step into the shoes of a highly proficient ad operations manager.
To this end, a typical benchmark is that a company would like to see that
you have worked for at least two years in an advertising capacity within a firm or a
company with a good reputation. However, if you are applying to a more critical
job or hoping to work with a larger company, they may ask for you to have a year
or two of specific advertisement management up your sleeve as well.
However, if you do not have any experience or education but still feel like
you have some qualities that would make you a strong match for this job, feel free
to apply. That sense of gumption and initiative is competitive and rare. Just make
sure that you manage your expectations, and if you do get selected for an interview,
be very prepared to argue your case and back up your candidacy with as much proof
as you have.
Preferred Skills
One current ad operations manager reported that having some proficiency
or at least familiarity with coding and programming languages (such as CSS or
HTML) is helpful because you will be helping merge technology with business.
Therefore, being able to recognize and help tweak the coding will make your life a
lot simpler—and up the value that you can provide to your team.
Many clients will look for a great team player who has a keen sense of humour as
far as personality goes. However, being an ad operations manager can be a
physically gruelling job, demanding lots of collaboration and trust.
In a more itemized way, here are a few of the preferred skills that ad
management hiring executives have reported looking for among their candidates:
● A candidate should display a strong proclivity towards being highly
● The candidate should have strong presentation skills
● The candidate should be very familiar with basic computer programs—and,
in some cases, more advanced computer programs depending on the specific
● The candidate should display an intimate and researched knowledge of the
most recent news in digital media platforms and solutions, as one of their
jobs will be to know the scope at which advertisement campaigns should
● The candidate should ideally have some background in advertising and
generally be able to tell a good ad from a bad one to better server the needs
and aims of the client
3. SEO Specialist Qualifications
SEO Specialist is in charge of running SEO (Search Engine Optimization),
both off-page and on-page SEO. An SEO Specialist ideally has a basic knowledge
of websites and understands how search engines work.
SEO Specialist Primary Roles & Responsibilities
Perform comprehensive SEO Audits, evaluating current site construction and
identifying issues, concerns, and areas of opportunity for the eventual SEO
Build detailed keyword research documents, uncovering search volume and
competitiveness data for all relevant phrases to create a priority plan for targeting
individual keyword phrases
Conduct thorough competitive analysis to help refine the determination of
keyword targets by understanding which SERPs competitors already dominate
terms and which are potential candidates for future optimization efforts
Make SEO recommendations for updating site code, content, and tagging
elements based on research data and qualified by key performance indicators (KPIs)
collected from Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and a variety of
proprietary and third-party tools
Handle Off-Page SEO, generating high-quality links, creating incredible,
viral content for Content Marketing purposes, and advising Social Media marketing
and traditional PR teams to approach their tasks in a way that supports SEO efforts
Evaluate results with monthly SEO Performance Reports analyzing
important KPIs and comparing Year Over Year performance trends
SEO Specialist Qualifications
Typical Education Requirements:
A./B.S. in Marketing, Business, Communications, Web Design, Computer Science,
Information Technology, or any technology-related field
Since Search Engine Optimization is not directly taught at a four-year
University, any of the following Bachelor Degrees listed above are acceptable to
get your foot in the door. However, realize that this is only a stepping stone into a
specialized industry that will more than likely require self-teaching or a great deal
of on-the-job training.
Employers want to know that you are either familiar with marketing
concepts, proficient in writing, or computer savvy, but that is just the barrier to entry
for modern SEOs.
Even if you have not leveraged SEO in a professional environment yet, you
should plan to showcase examples of professional writing, blogs, or any websites
that you have worked on in the past. This activity will be invaluable to proving that
you can help run a current SEO campaign.
Suppose you do not have much work to show from an online publication standpoint.
In that case, it is a good idea to become certified by the Google Analytics Academy,
as this will at least show competencies in analyzing data and proving that you are
serious about getting into the field.
Preferred Skills
● Experience with Google Analytics, Google AdWords Keyword Planner,
Good Search Console, etc.
● Functional experience with WordPress, Joomla, or another CMS web
publishing software
● Detailed understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
● Awareness and understanding of essential SEO elements like robots.txt,
metadata, site speed optimization, etc.
● Listening skills
● Interpersonal Communication Skills
● Content Writing
● Creative Thinking
● Attention to detail
● Computer skills
● Analytical skills
4. Social Media Specialist Qualifications
Social Media Specialist is a position occupied by someone who manages
the company's social media accounts, ranging from content creation to replying to
direct messages or comments. This position is ideally occupied by someone active
in social media to understand how to identify trends that are currently prevailing in
various social media channels.
Social Media Marketing Roles & Responsibilities
● Creating and maintaining a Social Media Marketing editorial calendar, with
targeted topics outlined for different dates, as well as a plan for where and
how that content will be shared
● Researching, writing/producing/outsourcing all sorts of content production
(written, image-based, video, etc.)
● Compiling and uploading content, then tracking its performance across the
many different Social Media networks and the wider web (via forums, social
bookmarking sites, etc.)
● Generate effective Social Media Influencer Marketing campaigns, whereby
influential social users are turned into brand advocates who promote the
brand's products, services, etc.
● Monitoring brand and product-related conversations to measure sentiment,
watch for PR emergencies, identify important/relevant discussions, answer
questions, etc.
● Track and measure performance of all branded channels, including at least
Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, etc.
Social Media Marketing Specialist Qualifications
A./B.S. in Marketing, Business, Public Relations, Communications, Journalism or
related field
Social Media careers typically require at least an undergraduate degree in one of
these fields. However, that is just the starting point because many employers will
also require significant experience in social media or public affairs, especially in
roles where you can share actual work results.
A Bachelor's Degree in any of these fields will significantly help your
chances of breaking into a career in Social Media Marketing. Employers want to
know that their candidate is comfortable with traditional marketing and advertising
concepts and modern Social Media communications best practices.
Even if you have not leveraged Social Media in a professional environment
yet, you should plan to showcase successes in creating and distributing content,
generating engagement, etc., from your Social profiles.
Preferred Skills
● Familiarity with all social media platforms (especially the biggest ones)
● Listening skills
● Interpersonal Communication skills
● Content Writing
● Creative Thinking
● Ability to make judgment calls quickly
● Attention to detail
5. Content Writer Qualifications
Qualifications for Content Writer
● Proven record of excellent writing demonstrated in a professional portfolio
● An impeccable grasp of the English language, including idioms and current
trends in slang and expressions
● Ability to work independently with little or no daily supervision
● Strong interpersonal skills and willingness to communicate with clients,
colleagues, and management
● Ability to work on multiple projects with different objectives
● Strict adherence to the style guides of each company and their policies for
● Good time management skills, including prioritizing, scheduling, and
adapting as necessary
● Proficiency with computers, especially writing programs, such as Google
Docs and Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint
● Familiarity with each client's requirements and the company's brand image,
products, and services
6. Graphic Designer Qualifications
A graphic designer is someone in charge of producing visual content.
Graphic Designers must understand using various design tools such as Photoshop,
Adobe Illustrator, and several others.
Graphic Designer Skills Needed
● Computer fluency in Mac and PC
● Knowledge of design techniques, tools, and principles
● Typography knowledge
● Multimedia content development
● Media production, communication, and dissemination techniques
● Understanding browser capabilities
● Creativity and originality
● Attention to detail
● Adaptability, flexibility
● Client facing communication
● Teamwork
● Organization, ability to juggle multiple projects
● Self-directed
Graphic Designer Suggested Software Proficiency
● Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop
● Adobe Creative Suite: Illustrator
● Adobe Creative Suite: InDesign
● Adobe Freehand
● Adobe After Effects
● Autodesk
● AutoCAD Software
● CAAD Software
● Microsoft Publisher
● Microsoft Visto
● QuarkPress
● Corel and CorelDraw Graphic Suite
● Apple Final Cut Pro
7. Email Marketing Qualifications
Email Marketing Specialist Qualifications
Typical Education Requirements:
A./B.S. in Marketing, Business, Graphic Design, Web Design. Communications, or
related field
Email Marketing jobs typically require at least an undergraduate degree in a related
field of marketing, business, graphic design, web design, or communications.
Employers typically look for a candidate familiar with traditional marketing
concepts and digitally savvy.
Preferred Skills:
● Interface Design
● Attention to detail
● Conceptual skills
● Content writing
● Creative thinking
● Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
● Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other typical coding languages
● Experience with major email marketing service providers, like Mailchimp,
Hubspot, Klaviyo, etc.
Content writing and creative thinking consume a considerable amount of an
Email Marketing Specialist's daily duties. Highly-qualified candidates should also
be familiar with technical skills as they may be differentiated from employers.
Communication skills are also crucial for Email Marketing careers. Whether
applying to be an Email Marketing Manager or entry-level specialist, an essential
part of the job is coordinating and communicating effectively with clients,
marketing reps, and creative teams daily.
A. Digital Marketer Work
Someone works as a Digital Marketing, commonly called a Digital Marketer, is a
marketing job but uses a digital platform. For example, a digital marketer is
responsible for brand awareness of a product and as an intermediary to
communicate with customers. Digital marketers use media such as email, social
media, and websites.
Job Descriptions Digital Marketer on Brand VYATTA :
1. Job Descriptions Digital Marketing Manager on Brand VYATTA
● Digital Marketing Manager will be the ones who are responsible for
developing, implementing, and overseeing the online marketing
campaign for the clients they are working with. Their overarching
goal is to have a smooth launch, effective campaign, and a cohesive
● Second as managerial role, Digital Marketing Manager will likely
be responsible for leading a team of marketers that do much of the
legwork within the campaign.
● Digital Marketing Manager will be responsible for the marketing
team's research techniques, analyzing the information
● The digital marketing manager will typically report directly to the
Vice President
The digital marketing managers of an organization will often play a significant role
in the company's success. Communication and interpersonal skills are necessary to
become an effective manager.
2. Job Descriptions Digital Ads Specialist on Brand VYATTA
● Ad operations schedule advertising campaigns for digital media
● Ad operations managers take care of a team, which means listening to
complaints and requests from team members
● Ad operations managers are also in charge of making sure that the
advertising team sticks to those numbers throughout the work period.
3. Job Descriptions SEO Specialist on Brand VYATTA
● The Search Engine Optimization Specialist is responsible for
analyzing, reviewing, and implementing recommendations
● Offering a great deal of growth potential for the self-starter willing
to invest some of their own time in learning the trade.
● Technological and programmatic knowledge,
● Consumer research,
● Keyword targeting and content writing expertise
● Build links including relatively high-quality or at least indexable
links that would generate SEO momentum for a site.
4. Job Descriptions Social Media Specialist Brand VYATTA
● Creating and maintaining a Social Media Marketing editorial calendar
● Researching, writing/producing/outsourcing all sorts of content production
● Compiling and uploading content, then tracking its performance across the
many different Social Media networks
● Generate effective Social Media Influencer Marketing campaigns, whereby
influential social users are turned into brand advocates who promote the
brand's products, services, etc.
● Monitoring brand and product-related conversations to measure sentiment,
watch for PR emergencies, identify important/relevant discussions, answer
questions, etc.
5. Job Description Content Writer on Brand VYATTA
● Produce well-researched content for publication online and in print
● Organize writing schedules to complete drafts of content
● Utilize industry best practices and familiarity with the organization's
● Communicate and cooperate with a writing team, including a content
manager, editors, and web publishers
● Follow an editorial calendar, collaborating with other members of the
content production
● Develop related content for multiple platforms, such as websites, email
marketing, product descriptions, videos, and blogs
● Monitor and analyze the performance of key performance indicators (KPIs)
6. Job Descriptions - Graphic Designer on Brand VYATTA
● Graphic designers create visual text and imagery concepts by hand
or computer software to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or
captivate consumers.
● Develop the overall layout and production design for
advertisements, brochures, magazines, corporate reports, etc.
● Create graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs,
such as packaging, displays, logos, or imagery for print and digital
● Graphic designers also decide how images and text work together in
a specific layout.
● Collaborate with Copywriters.
● Create statistical data into visual graphics and diagrams, often
creating infographics making complex ideas more accessible.
7. Job Descriptions - Email Marketing on Brand VYATTA
Send a commercial message to a mass target audience, attempting to get that
audience to purchase a product or service.
● Email Marketeting focus typically focus on customer engagement and
retention tasks, as email campaigns are perfect for these types of
● Handle all sorts of different tasks, from interpreting data to testing creative
to tracking analytics
● Require developing successful engagement strategies and strategically time
deployments to increase open rates, purchases, and lead generation.
● Next, crafting messaging points custom-tailored to specific segments of the
targeted users to increase performance.
● Collaborating with clients and colleagues to create dynamic
A. What Things Need To Be Considered By Digital Marketers When Campaigns
1. The Target market
The target market is one of the essential points in digital marketing. This is because
the market is the main component and the product in your business. Without a
suitable market, the product you build will be of no use, in fact, almost useless, even
in digital marketing. If you target your customers are seniors who are mostly
unfamiliar with digital technology, maybe trying digital marketing is a waste of
time. However, on the other hand, if your target customers are millennials who are
familiar with the internet and technology, maybe this method is appropriate. So,
before doing digital marketing, make sure your target market is transparent and
under the demographics of internet users in general.
2. Channels used
If the customer has been determined correctly, now is the time for you to choose
the appropriate channel to get their maximum attention. Internet marketing or
digital marketing has many channels that can be used. Everything is available from
content marketing, email, social media, and advertising. Your job is to choose
which of the many channels best suits your target market. Choosing the right
channel can save costs and energy to carry out the digital marketing process.
3. The technology used
Not quite there, the use of technology here is also very influential. Especially if you
manage a business on a relatively large scale. Of course, without the help of
technology, you will be overwhelmed with millions of customers. Not if your
business has many product variants. In this case, choosing the right technology will
greatly affect the digital marketing process.
4. Big Data
Data helps you to answer questions you do not know. For example, how many
customers want your product, which part is most attractive to them, and what
customers expect from it. A digital business generally requires a data scientist
presenting this data to digital marketing. Of course, big data is needed because the
digital marketing process generally takes place very quickly with changes that are
generally also very dynamic.
5. Content
Content is about how you deliver a product to potential customers. Content includes
various things, both audio, visual, and text. Content plays a crucial role in digital
marketing because the marketing process is done face-to-face. So all messages
depend on the content you convey.
6. Talent
In Indonesia, this issue may be the most crucial, namely the lack of qualified
resources in digital marketing. Digital marketing skills are something that is most
sought after. Unfortunately, not everyone is competent in doing this, including
those who have been in the marketing world for a long time, not necessarily they
are competent in using tools and various technologies in digital marketing.
Therefore, talent is an essential factor in digital marketing that you must pay
attention to.
7. Budget
Last but not least, budget is also one of the things you should pay attention to in
digital marketing because it is one of the most critical factors. In principle, the
digital marketing process does require much money. However, you do not have to
worry because the revenue you get can be doubled with the right process and
B. Essential Things to Consider When Choosing Influencers for a Digital
For those of you who are implementing a digital campaign for the first time and
working with influencers, eight basic things need to be considered so that the
selection of influencers is right on target. According to the type of business and
target market, choosing the right influencer will support the success of the digital
campaign itself.
Influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to expand your company's
reach, increase your credibility in your industry, and establish yourself as a thought
leader within your field of expertise.
What Is Influencer Marketing?
Influencer marketing is a way to leverage the status of an individual within your
organization. Then boost the profile and standing of the company as a whole. Many
influencers also use their status and reach to launch their own companies or
consulting businesses.
More often, influencer marketing is about establishing that individual as a trusted
authority in their area of expertise.
So, what is it if influencer marketing uses a single individual's status to influence
others but isn't solely used to gain leads or increase sales? How can you become an
influencer? Moreover, how can you create marketing campaigns that speak to
influencers in your industry?
Here are eight influencer marketing strategies that will increase your visibility in
your industry and make people want to know you.
1. Find Influencers in The Industry
Although you probably already have an idea of who the movers and shakers are in
your field, you need to find – and follow – these key people to see what they are
talking about.
How to find influencers
Social media is hands-down the easiest way to find influencers. Search by topic to
identify conversations and see who makes their voice heard. Follow influential
people, and check out whom they follow. Participate in regular conversations
relevant to your industry.
2. Shape the Conversation
Before becoming an influencer, it is essential to realize that advocating for a
cause or subject area is not the same as being influential. For example, you can be
the world's biggest cheerleader for content marketing, but that does not necessarily
make you a content marketing influencer.
3. Own Your Niche
If you are going to become an authority in your industry, you need to own your
niche. It is not enough to know a great deal about a few subjects – you need to zero
in on one hyper-specific area of focus and make it yours.
4. Aim to Influence the Influencers
Many people assume that to become an influential and respected influencer in their
field, they have to reach as many people as possible. However, things are a little
more complicated than that.
Influencer marketing is not just about reaching many people – it is about reaching
the right people. After all, you will need at least the implicit endorsement of other
experts in your field if your ideas gain any traction.
Remember – reach is not the same as influence. Your content must reach the right
people then most people.
5. Do What Works For You, Not Your Peers
When trying to make a name for yourself, it is all too easy to look at tactics and
strategies your peers (or personal heroes) are using and adapt them for your
purposes. While this might sometimes work, blatantly copying someone else's
approach to influencer marketing will not always have the desired results. In some
cases, it could even harm your brand and damage your credibility.
6. Build a Happy Community
So, we have established that sharing other influencers' content and creating your
original content is crucial to influencer marketing. However, one pitfall that many
people make – even renowned experts – is failing to appreciate the importance of
community in their industry.
7. Be Genuine, Accessible, and Responsive
Social media has transformed the way people interact online. This means that,
misguidedly or otherwise, people expect to access the people they follow and
respect directly.
I do not suggest that you respond to every tweet or personally reply to every
mention on Google+. However, I recommend that you avoid becoming the kind of
influencer whom only tweets link to their content and never interacts with their
8. Be Patient
Success rarely happens overnight, and this maxim most definitely applies to
influencer marketing.
In many ways, becoming an influencer in your field is similar to content marketing
as a discipline. Many would-be influencers give up out of frustration, having shared
the very best content they could, for a long time, with little or no tangible results.
In this paper, it can be concluded that digital marketing is very important in
building a BRAND or business in the current era, whether it is services or selling
products, because people often use the media to see the outside world.
Social media has a market for children, teenagers, adults, and parents. So
don't you ever create innovation without using digital marketing for the next
Digital marketing is the main of a company, and it can be seen growth or
not a company is progressing from its marketing. Hopefully, this paper can help the
next generation to understand more about the world of technology and digital
Besides being fun and having a very broad market, this is also useful
knowledge for the millennial generation. It is hoped that knowledge like this can be
taught in schools.
Thank you very much for all the support that has supported me in making
this digital marketing paper. Hopefully, it can be useful for others in developing a
business in the digital era like today.
● Hidayah, Nurul. 2018 Analysis Of Digital Marketing Strategy In Helping
Living Space And Efo Store Sales, Quoted on January 20, 2022
● Arfan, Nur Nadia. 2019. The Effect Of Digital Marketing On The Income
Of Small And Medium Enterprises, Quoted on January 22, 2022
● Quipper Campus, 2017, Digital Marketing, Quoted On January 18, 2022
● Wikipedia English, Digital Marketing, Quoted On January 26, 2022
● Celarity, 2018. Digital Marketing Job Description Quoted On January 18,
● Id Cloudhost Website Business, Social Media Marketing / November 8
2020 Quoted On January 19, 2022

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Final Paper - Titik Nur Pangesti - Diploma Degree.docx

  • 2. 2 A Paper HOW IMPORTANCE DIGITAL MARKETING ON BRAND VYATTA 1. Board of Examiners Chairman Dra. Revida Engelbertha M.Hum Date : February 4 th 2022 Major Sponsor Stenly Steven Date : February 4 th 2022 2. Vice Chairman Vice Chairman Wulansari, S.Pd M.Hum Date : February 4 th 2022
  • 3. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Writer extends special thanks to the God for the blessing and grace for the writer, so she can finish this paper I also would like to express my deepest gratidude to all of my family, Thank you for always giving inspiration an motivating me to finish this paper Thanks to Mrs. Wulansari, S.Pd M.Hum as the Vice Chairman for who always give a lot of useful knowlegde. To Mrs. Dra. Revida Engelbertha M.Hum thank you for the great patient and contributions to help me in finishing this paper. May God always bless her and her family. Common sense and every convenience provided to the writer in completing this paper. This paper purposed intended to fulfill a part of Requirements to get the Diploma Degree in English Pertiwi School of Foreign Language ( STBA Pertiwi Jakarta ) Although she finally complete her research paper, the Title of This Paper “ How Importance Digital Marketing in Brand VYATTA “ The reasons why the writer choose this title are : 1. The writer interested with Digital Marketing Subject, because in the future all of things will be changed by Digital 2. In this paper teach us How Importance Digital Marketing Finally, the writer hope it can be used and taught at school The Writer
  • 4. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 6 A. 6 B. 9 C. METHOD OF RESEARCH 9 D. STEPS 10 CHAPTER 2 12 CRITERIA NEEDED FOR A DIGITAL MARKETER 12 A. CRITERIA NEEDED FOR A DIGITAL MARKETING 12 1. In General 12 2. In Particular 12 B. 13 1. Digital Marketing Manager Qualifications 13 2. Digital Ads Specialist Qualifications 14 3. SEO Specialist Qualifications 17 4. Social Media Specialist Qualifications 19 5. Content Writer Qualifications 21 6. Graphic Designer Qualifications 22 7. Email Marketing Qualifications 24 CHAPTER 3 26 DIGITAL MARKETER WORK 26 A. 27 1. Digital Marketing Manager Job Descriptions 26 2. Digital Ads Specialist Job Descriptions 27 3. SEO Specialist Job Descriptions 27
  • 5. 5 4. Social Media Specialist Job Descriptions 28 5. Content Writer Job Descriptions 28 6. Graphic Designer Job Descriptions 29 7. Email Marketing Job Descriptions 30 CHAPTER 4 26 DIGITAL MARKETERS NEED TO PAY ATTENTION WHEN WORKING, ESPECIALLY IN BRAND CAMPAIGNS 31 A. WHAT THINGS NEED TO BE CONSIDERED BY DIGITAL MARKETERS WHEN CAMPAIGNS 31 1. The Target market 31 2. Channels used 31 3. The technology used 32 4. Big Data 32 5. Content 32 6. Talent 33 7. Budget 33 B. 34 1) Find Influencers in The Industry 35 2) Shape the Conversation 35 3) Own Your Niche 35 4) Aim to Influence the Influencers 35 5) Do What Works For 37 6) Build a Happy Community 36 7) Be Genuine, Accessible, and Responsive 36 8) Be Patient 37 CHAPTER 5 38 CONCLUSION 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY 43
  • 6. 6 CHAPTER 1 A. Background Of Study The definition of digital marketing is a marketing activity or activity in several ways and techniques that use digital media that is meant to get traffic, data, and customers. Marketing is a series of efforts to convey, disseminate, and offer something to achieve specific goals. Meanwhile, digital means sophisticated equipment synonymous with constantly developing technology and convenience to society. Examples of digital media, websites, social media, online stores, marketplaces, digital payments, applications, search engines are the modern digital technologies that are most familiar to today's society. Among them, all can be used to assist the marketing of products, businesses, or businesses that are more modern and potential because they have high-speed access and broad reach. Digital Marketing Media Used for Business
  • 7. 7 Website, Since long ago, the website has been the choice of many people for easy access to information, speed of data exchange, distribution of products, online trading places, and promotional media. We can get started using digital marketing by creating the right business website. The cost of creating a website is relatively inexpensive to build a business when compared to the cost of opening a shop or a live office. If there are already shops and offices, plus a website, the results will be even better Content Marketing: Content means content on digital media, such as articles on websites, posts and captions on Facebook and Instagram, including videos on YouTube, websites, and social media. Of course, the type that has marketing value is that it can attract attention, either to increase brand awareness or to get sales from content marketing Social Media, Social networking media is very busy used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Places build each other without the basis of space and time. Social media services already offer very cheap adverts for examples such as advertising on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing are the most commonly used online media for people looking for information. Search engines can get consumers precisely according to what is using Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Therefore, we can create lots of SEO optimized content to get lots of website visitors who can become opportunities as potential customers.
  • 8. 8 Google Ads (Search Engine Marketing) unique places to advertise from Google, among others, Search Engine Marketing ads that appear on the top pages of Google search. Display Network advertising banner ads that appear on websites and blogs that are crowded with visitors Youtube ads, if you often see advertisements on Youtube, this is a video ad service from Google Email Marketing, If we have ever received an email containing a promotion from a service or online store, most receive an email as marketing. Almost all internet users already have an active email that can offer products or services. Using email, you cannot just send it, but use database customers, namely people who are interested in your business The Main Purpose of Digital Marketing as Marketing Marketing target, The primary purpose of "digital marketing" is marketing that utilizes digital tools or media to reach target consumers quickly, precisely, and widely. In addition, it can also be more effective and efficient in the use of advertising funds for business or business interests. Increase Brand Awareness, Actually increasing brand awareness is part of conventional and digital marketing, where the goal is to introduce a product or brand to the public. The more well-known a brand/brand is, the more readily accepted consumers. Advertising on television, billboards, and radio, commonly called conventional advertising, is an effort to increase brand awareness. You can use the Google Ads advertiser display or Facebook and Instagram in the digital era.
  • 9. 9 The law of marketing is that the better a product and a Brand are known to by the public, the easier it will be for consumers to accept Build Market Database What if we have the proper consumer market database for our product or service? For example, the hijab business, with digital marketing, can gather consumer prospects with the criteria of women aged 18-40, Muslims, and who like fashion. Then, you can use this database to offer via email or advertising, which is very effective and efficient in digital marketing activities. Digital Analysis determines the target and analyzes it to implement the most effective and efficient digital marketing system using several tools such as an analysis page to measure an ad, user behaviour, and the ad budget to fit the marketing target. B. Problem To better understand digital marketing, we have encountered several problems - What are the criteria needed for a digital marketer? - How does a digital marketer work? - What do digital marketers need to pay attention to when working, especially in specialist brand campaigns? C. Method Of Research Qualitative Descriptive research describes characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. A qualitative descriptive method often aims to describe
  • 10. 10 and researchers, which may follow up with examinations of why the observations exist and the implications of the findings. In this paper, the writer uses the qualitative descriptive method. With using this method there are many data are needed, and the writer collected data as follows: Observation is a way of collecting data by going directly to the field and observing all the ongoing activity during the study. In this study, the writer observed all the job desks and the daily task of all digital marketing departments. Because the writer is one of the employees who work in PT. Wira Internasional ( BRAND VYATTA ) the data are taken from observation technique during her work within two years, starting from November 18, 2019 - Now Literature review A literature study is one way of collecting data by reading or studying books that support the problems studied to be used as a foundation for preparing the Final. According to the data in the company, that information is needed for this research. Moreover, for another data source, the writer obtained from the Internet, Website, and Manual. D. Steps This paper is arranged systematically into five chapters as the following : ● The first chapter is the Introduction. In this chapter, the writer elaborates the background of the study, problems study, methods of research study, and steps. ● The second chapter is the criteria needed for a digital marketer
  • 11. 11 ● The third chapter is operational in Digital Marketing Management. In this chapter, the writer generally describes parts of Digital marketing and its function. ● The fourth chapter is what digital marketers need to pay attention to when working, especially in specialist brand campaigns? ● The fifth chapter is Conclusions and Suggestions.
  • 12. 12 CHAPTER 2 CRITERIA NEEDED FOR A DIGITAL MARKETER A. Criteria Needed For A Digital Marketing 1. In General a. In terms of education, digital marketing has several qualifications ranging from D3, S1 to post-graduate The suggested majors include Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Marketing Communication, and English Literature. b. In terms of age, digital marketing prefers the younger generation because the younger generation follows the current trends c. In terms of appearance, digital marketing usually chooses attractive prospective employees because they will appear in public or in front of the camera. 2. In Particular a. For Digital Marketing, Supervisors and Digital Marketing Managers usually have the requirements to master all things in Digital Marketing from email marketing, graphic design, SEO / SEM, and others b. Staff usually have a minimum of 2 years of work experience and have played an active role in the organization c. For the Design Section, it is expected that they have worked and experienced in their field
  • 13. 13 B. Qualifications In Digital Marketing In a company, all the company's digital marketing activities are carried out by several employees of one division, namely Digital Marketing. 1. Digital Marketing Manager Qualifications Digital Marketing Manager is a division leader who is in charge of ensuring all company goals are achieved. Managerial skills and comprehensive knowledge of digital marketing are the two most needed in this position. Digital Marketing Manager Qualifications By now, the reader should have a firm grasp of what is expected of the responsibilities, duties, and general aspects of a digital marketing manager. First, however, the reader must know the qualifications, preferred skills, and other experiences the reader needs before quickly filling the role. This next section was created to help the reader understand what is expected regarding digital marketing manager jobs and what a career would look like. Typical Education Requirements Typically, a collegiate education is required for entry-level digital marketing managers. This is usually in the form of a bachelor's degree in marketing, advertising, business, business management, communication, public relations, or another similar field.
  • 14. 14 However, employers may require or seek an employee with at least a master's degree or related certification at more prominent marketing agencies. Various respected organizations offer several digital marketing certifications online and in person. After receiving a bachelor's degree, obtaining one of these can often put you above most other candidates when applying to become a digital marketing manager. Beyond formal education requirements, an extensive background in digital marketing is often necessary. This is because it is a managerial role. You will need to be an expert when there are no experts around and have a strong understanding of every aspect of your role to be a successful manager. Those interested in obtaining a more entry-level friendly position may seek to become a digital marketing assistant to gain experience. Internships may also be a source of experience if you are still in school. Any leadership, communication, or marketing experience will significantly help your chances of success. Preferred Skills As the digital marketing manager will over so many different aspects of a marketing campaign, the preferred skills employers look for are extensive and require a deep understanding of digital marketing.
  • 15. 15 2. Digital Ads Specialist Qualifications Responsible for the production of various online advertisements, such as Google ads, social media, and email. The Digital Ads Specialist must know how to use popular online advertising services such as Facebook Ads and Google Ads. As you may imagine, the qualifications expected of such a high-powered and intense job are many. However, as with many jobs, most candidates look for initiative and a history of providing quality work to clients! Beyond that, let us delve into the specific job requirements most usually enlisted on ad-operations manager job listings. Typical Education Requirements As far as education goes, most future employers will be looking for a Bachelor's degree in business management, with further education such as a Master's or a Doctorate seen as a definite bonus. Any additional education that has undergone, such as certificates or continuing education courses, is something that you should mention in your application. Along with a significant amount of education, most employers will also be looking for a large amount of related experience to show that you know what it is like to step into the shoes of a highly proficient ad operations manager. To this end, a typical benchmark is that a company would like to see that you have worked for at least two years in an advertising capacity within a firm or a company with a good reputation. However, if you are applying to a more critical job or hoping to work with a larger company, they may ask for you to have a year or two of specific advertisement management up your sleeve as well.
  • 16. 16 However, if you do not have any experience or education but still feel like you have some qualities that would make you a strong match for this job, feel free to apply. That sense of gumption and initiative is competitive and rare. Just make sure that you manage your expectations, and if you do get selected for an interview, be very prepared to argue your case and back up your candidacy with as much proof as you have. Preferred Skills One current ad operations manager reported that having some proficiency or at least familiarity with coding and programming languages (such as CSS or HTML) is helpful because you will be helping merge technology with business. Therefore, being able to recognize and help tweak the coding will make your life a lot simpler—and up the value that you can provide to your team. Many clients will look for a great team player who has a keen sense of humour as far as personality goes. However, being an ad operations manager can be a physically gruelling job, demanding lots of collaboration and trust. In a more itemized way, here are a few of the preferred skills that ad management hiring executives have reported looking for among their candidates: ● A candidate should display a strong proclivity towards being highly organized ● The candidate should have strong presentation skills
  • 17. 17 ● The candidate should be very familiar with basic computer programs—and, in some cases, more advanced computer programs depending on the specific role ● The candidate should display an intimate and researched knowledge of the most recent news in digital media platforms and solutions, as one of their jobs will be to know the scope at which advertisement campaigns should run ● The candidate should ideally have some background in advertising and generally be able to tell a good ad from a bad one to better server the needs and aims of the client 3. SEO Specialist Qualifications SEO Specialist is in charge of running SEO (Search Engine Optimization), both off-page and on-page SEO. An SEO Specialist ideally has a basic knowledge of websites and understands how search engines work. SEO Specialist Primary Roles & Responsibilities Perform comprehensive SEO Audits, evaluating current site construction and identifying issues, concerns, and areas of opportunity for the eventual SEO campaign Build detailed keyword research documents, uncovering search volume and competitiveness data for all relevant phrases to create a priority plan for targeting individual keyword phrases
  • 18. 18 Conduct thorough competitive analysis to help refine the determination of keyword targets by understanding which SERPs competitors already dominate terms and which are potential candidates for future optimization efforts Make SEO recommendations for updating site code, content, and tagging elements based on research data and qualified by key performance indicators (KPIs) collected from Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and a variety of proprietary and third-party tools Handle Off-Page SEO, generating high-quality links, creating incredible, viral content for Content Marketing purposes, and advising Social Media marketing and traditional PR teams to approach their tasks in a way that supports SEO efforts Evaluate results with monthly SEO Performance Reports analyzing important KPIs and comparing Year Over Year performance trends SEO Specialist Qualifications Typical Education Requirements: A./B.S. in Marketing, Business, Communications, Web Design, Computer Science, Information Technology, or any technology-related field Since Search Engine Optimization is not directly taught at a four-year University, any of the following Bachelor Degrees listed above are acceptable to get your foot in the door. However, realize that this is only a stepping stone into a specialized industry that will more than likely require self-teaching or a great deal of on-the-job training.
  • 19. 19 Employers want to know that you are either familiar with marketing concepts, proficient in writing, or computer savvy, but that is just the barrier to entry for modern SEOs. Even if you have not leveraged SEO in a professional environment yet, you should plan to showcase examples of professional writing, blogs, or any websites that you have worked on in the past. This activity will be invaluable to proving that you can help run a current SEO campaign. Suppose you do not have much work to show from an online publication standpoint. In that case, it is a good idea to become certified by the Google Analytics Academy, as this will at least show competencies in analyzing data and proving that you are serious about getting into the field. Preferred Skills ● Experience with Google Analytics, Google AdWords Keyword Planner, Good Search Console, etc. ● Functional experience with WordPress, Joomla, or another CMS web publishing software ● Detailed understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ● Awareness and understanding of essential SEO elements like robots.txt, metadata, site speed optimization, etc. ● Listening skills ● Interpersonal Communication Skills ● Content Writing
  • 20. 20 ● Creative Thinking ● Attention to detail ● Computer skills ● Analytical skills 4. Social Media Specialist Qualifications Social Media Specialist is a position occupied by someone who manages the company's social media accounts, ranging from content creation to replying to direct messages or comments. This position is ideally occupied by someone active in social media to understand how to identify trends that are currently prevailing in various social media channels. Social Media Marketing Roles & Responsibilities ● Creating and maintaining a Social Media Marketing editorial calendar, with targeted topics outlined for different dates, as well as a plan for where and how that content will be shared ● Researching, writing/producing/outsourcing all sorts of content production (written, image-based, video, etc.) ● Compiling and uploading content, then tracking its performance across the many different Social Media networks and the wider web (via forums, social bookmarking sites, etc.)
  • 21. 21 ● Generate effective Social Media Influencer Marketing campaigns, whereby influential social users are turned into brand advocates who promote the brand's products, services, etc. ● Monitoring brand and product-related conversations to measure sentiment, watch for PR emergencies, identify important/relevant discussions, answer questions, etc. ● Track and measure performance of all branded channels, including at least Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, etc. Social Media Marketing Specialist Qualifications A./B.S. in Marketing, Business, Public Relations, Communications, Journalism or related field Social Media careers typically require at least an undergraduate degree in one of these fields. However, that is just the starting point because many employers will also require significant experience in social media or public affairs, especially in roles where you can share actual work results. A Bachelor's Degree in any of these fields will significantly help your chances of breaking into a career in Social Media Marketing. Employers want to know that their candidate is comfortable with traditional marketing and advertising concepts and modern Social Media communications best practices. Even if you have not leveraged Social Media in a professional environment yet, you should plan to showcase successes in creating and distributing content, generating engagement, etc., from your Social profiles.
  • 22. 22 Preferred Skills ● Familiarity with all social media platforms (especially the biggest ones) ● Listening skills ● Interpersonal Communication skills ● Content Writing ● Creative Thinking ● Ability to make judgment calls quickly ● Attention to detail 5. Content Writer Qualifications Qualifications for Content Writer ● Proven record of excellent writing demonstrated in a professional portfolio ● An impeccable grasp of the English language, including idioms and current trends in slang and expressions ● Ability to work independently with little or no daily supervision ● Strong interpersonal skills and willingness to communicate with clients, colleagues, and management ● Ability to work on multiple projects with different objectives simultaneously
  • 23. 23 ● Strict adherence to the style guides of each company and their policies for publication ● Good time management skills, including prioritizing, scheduling, and adapting as necessary ● Proficiency with computers, especially writing programs, such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint ● Familiarity with each client's requirements and the company's brand image, products, and services 6. Graphic Designer Qualifications A graphic designer is someone in charge of producing visual content. Graphic Designers must understand using various design tools such as Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and several others. Graphic Designer Skills Needed ● Computer fluency in Mac and PC ● Knowledge of design techniques, tools, and principles ● Typography knowledge ● Multimedia content development ● Media production, communication, and dissemination techniques ● Understanding browser capabilities ● Creativity and originality
  • 24. 24 ● Attention to detail ● Adaptability, flexibility ● Client facing communication ● Teamwork ● Organization, ability to juggle multiple projects ● Self-directed Graphic Designer Suggested Software Proficiency ● Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop ● Adobe Creative Suite: Illustrator ● Adobe Creative Suite: InDesign ● Adobe Freehand ● Adobe After Effects ● Autodesk ● AutoCAD Software ● CAAD Software ● Microsoft Publisher ● Microsoft Visto
  • 25. 25 ● QuarkPress ● Corel and CorelDraw Graphic Suite ● Apple Final Cut Pro 7. Email Marketing Qualifications Email Marketing Specialist Qualifications Typical Education Requirements: A./B.S. in Marketing, Business, Graphic Design, Web Design. Communications, or related field Email Marketing jobs typically require at least an undergraduate degree in a related field of marketing, business, graphic design, web design, or communications. Employers typically look for a candidate familiar with traditional marketing concepts and digitally savvy. Preferred Skills: ● Interface Design ● Attention to detail ● Conceptual skills ● Content writing ● Creative thinking ● Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
  • 26. 26 ● Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other typical coding languages ● Experience with major email marketing service providers, like Mailchimp, Hubspot, Klaviyo, etc. Content writing and creative thinking consume a considerable amount of an Email Marketing Specialist's daily duties. Highly-qualified candidates should also be familiar with technical skills as they may be differentiated from employers. Communication skills are also crucial for Email Marketing careers. Whether applying to be an Email Marketing Manager or entry-level specialist, an essential part of the job is coordinating and communicating effectively with clients, marketing reps, and creative teams daily.
  • 27. 27 CHAPTER 3 DIGITAL MARKETER WORK A. Digital Marketer Work Someone works as a Digital Marketing, commonly called a Digital Marketer, is a marketing job but uses a digital platform. For example, a digital marketer is responsible for brand awareness of a product and as an intermediary to communicate with customers. Digital marketers use media such as email, social media, and websites. Job Descriptions Digital Marketer on Brand VYATTA : 1. Job Descriptions Digital Marketing Manager on Brand VYATTA ● Digital Marketing Manager will be the ones who are responsible for developing, implementing, and overseeing the online marketing campaign for the clients they are working with. Their overarching goal is to have a smooth launch, effective campaign, and a cohesive finish. ● Second as managerial role, Digital Marketing Manager will likely be responsible for leading a team of marketers that do much of the legwork within the campaign.
  • 28. 28 ● Digital Marketing Manager will be responsible for the marketing team's research techniques, analyzing the information ● The digital marketing manager will typically report directly to the Vice President The digital marketing managers of an organization will often play a significant role in the company's success. Communication and interpersonal skills are necessary to become an effective manager. 2. Job Descriptions Digital Ads Specialist on Brand VYATTA ● Ad operations schedule advertising campaigns for digital media platforms. ● Ad operations managers take care of a team, which means listening to complaints and requests from team members ● Ad operations managers are also in charge of making sure that the advertising team sticks to those numbers throughout the work period. 3. Job Descriptions SEO Specialist on Brand VYATTA ● The Search Engine Optimization Specialist is responsible for analyzing, reviewing, and implementing recommendations ● Offering a great deal of growth potential for the self-starter willing to invest some of their own time in learning the trade.
  • 29. 29 ● Technological and programmatic knowledge, ● Consumer research, ● Keyword targeting and content writing expertise ● Build links including relatively high-quality or at least indexable links that would generate SEO momentum for a site. 4. Job Descriptions Social Media Specialist Brand VYATTA ● Creating and maintaining a Social Media Marketing editorial calendar ● Researching, writing/producing/outsourcing all sorts of content production ● Compiling and uploading content, then tracking its performance across the many different Social Media networks ● Generate effective Social Media Influencer Marketing campaigns, whereby influential social users are turned into brand advocates who promote the brand's products, services, etc. ● Monitoring brand and product-related conversations to measure sentiment, watch for PR emergencies, identify important/relevant discussions, answer questions, etc. 5. Job Description Content Writer on Brand VYATTA ● Produce well-researched content for publication online and in print
  • 30. 30 ● Organize writing schedules to complete drafts of content ● Utilize industry best practices and familiarity with the organization's mission ● Communicate and cooperate with a writing team, including a content manager, editors, and web publishers ● Follow an editorial calendar, collaborating with other members of the content production ● Develop related content for multiple platforms, such as websites, email marketing, product descriptions, videos, and blogs ● Monitor and analyze the performance of key performance indicators (KPIs) 6. Job Descriptions - Graphic Designer on Brand VYATTA ● Graphic designers create visual text and imagery concepts by hand or computer software to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers. ● Develop the overall layout and production design for advertisements, brochures, magazines, corporate reports, etc. ● Create graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, logos, or imagery for print and digital uses
  • 31. 31 ● Graphic designers also decide how images and text work together in a specific layout. ● Collaborate with Copywriters. ● Create statistical data into visual graphics and diagrams, often creating infographics making complex ideas more accessible. 7. Job Descriptions - Email Marketing on Brand VYATTA Send a commercial message to a mass target audience, attempting to get that audience to purchase a product or service. ● Email Marketeting focus typically focus on customer engagement and retention tasks, as email campaigns are perfect for these types of opportunities. ● Handle all sorts of different tasks, from interpreting data to testing creative to tracking analytics ● Require developing successful engagement strategies and strategically time deployments to increase open rates, purchases, and lead generation. ● Next, crafting messaging points custom-tailored to specific segments of the targeted users to increase performance. ● Collaborating with clients and colleagues to create dynamic
  • 32. 32 CHAPTER 4 DIGITAL MARKETERS NEED TO PAY ATTENTION WHEN WORKING, ESPECIALLY IN BRAND CAMPAIGNS A. What Things Need To Be Considered By Digital Marketers When Campaigns 1. The Target market The target market is one of the essential points in digital marketing. This is because the market is the main component and the product in your business. Without a suitable market, the product you build will be of no use, in fact, almost useless, even in digital marketing. If you target your customers are seniors who are mostly unfamiliar with digital technology, maybe trying digital marketing is a waste of time. However, on the other hand, if your target customers are millennials who are familiar with the internet and technology, maybe this method is appropriate. So, before doing digital marketing, make sure your target market is transparent and under the demographics of internet users in general. 2. Channels used If the customer has been determined correctly, now is the time for you to choose the appropriate channel to get their maximum attention. Internet marketing or digital marketing has many channels that can be used. Everything is available from content marketing, email, social media, and advertising. Your job is to choose
  • 33. 33 which of the many channels best suits your target market. Choosing the right channel can save costs and energy to carry out the digital marketing process. 3. The technology used Not quite there, the use of technology here is also very influential. Especially if you manage a business on a relatively large scale. Of course, without the help of technology, you will be overwhelmed with millions of customers. Not if your business has many product variants. In this case, choosing the right technology will greatly affect the digital marketing process. 4. Big Data Data helps you to answer questions you do not know. For example, how many customers want your product, which part is most attractive to them, and what customers expect from it. A digital business generally requires a data scientist presenting this data to digital marketing. Of course, big data is needed because the digital marketing process generally takes place very quickly with changes that are generally also very dynamic. 5. Content Content is about how you deliver a product to potential customers. Content includes various things, both audio, visual, and text. Content plays a crucial role in digital marketing because the marketing process is done face-to-face. So all messages depend on the content you convey.
  • 34. 34 6. Talent In Indonesia, this issue may be the most crucial, namely the lack of qualified resources in digital marketing. Digital marketing skills are something that is most sought after. Unfortunately, not everyone is competent in doing this, including those who have been in the marketing world for a long time, not necessarily they are competent in using tools and various technologies in digital marketing. Therefore, talent is an essential factor in digital marketing that you must pay attention to. 7. Budget Last but not least, budget is also one of the things you should pay attention to in digital marketing because it is one of the most critical factors. In principle, the digital marketing process does require much money. However, you do not have to worry because the revenue you get can be doubled with the right process and technique. B. Essential Things to Consider When Choosing Influencers for a Digital Campaign For those of you who are implementing a digital campaign for the first time and working with influencers, eight basic things need to be considered so that the selection of influencers is right on target. According to the type of business and target market, choosing the right influencer will support the success of the digital campaign itself.
  • 35. 35 Influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to expand your company's reach, increase your credibility in your industry, and establish yourself as a thought leader within your field of expertise. What Is Influencer Marketing? Influencer marketing is a way to leverage the status of an individual within your organization. Then boost the profile and standing of the company as a whole. Many influencers also use their status and reach to launch their own companies or consulting businesses. More often, influencer marketing is about establishing that individual as a trusted authority in their area of expertise. So, what is it if influencer marketing uses a single individual's status to influence others but isn't solely used to gain leads or increase sales? How can you become an influencer? Moreover, how can you create marketing campaigns that speak to influencers in your industry? Here are eight influencer marketing strategies that will increase your visibility in your industry and make people want to know you.
  • 36. 36 1. Find Influencers in The Industry Although you probably already have an idea of who the movers and shakers are in your field, you need to find – and follow – these key people to see what they are talking about. How to find influencers Social media is hands-down the easiest way to find influencers. Search by topic to identify conversations and see who makes their voice heard. Follow influential people, and check out whom they follow. Participate in regular conversations relevant to your industry. 2. Shape the Conversation Before becoming an influencer, it is essential to realize that advocating for a cause or subject area is not the same as being influential. For example, you can be the world's biggest cheerleader for content marketing, but that does not necessarily make you a content marketing influencer. 3. Own Your Niche If you are going to become an authority in your industry, you need to own your niche. It is not enough to know a great deal about a few subjects – you need to zero in on one hyper-specific area of focus and make it yours. 4. Aim to Influence the Influencers Many people assume that to become an influential and respected influencer in their field, they have to reach as many people as possible. However, things are a little more complicated than that.
  • 37. 37 Influencer marketing is not just about reaching many people – it is about reaching the right people. After all, you will need at least the implicit endorsement of other experts in your field if your ideas gain any traction. Remember – reach is not the same as influence. Your content must reach the right people then most people. 5. Do What Works For You, Not Your Peers When trying to make a name for yourself, it is all too easy to look at tactics and strategies your peers (or personal heroes) are using and adapt them for your purposes. While this might sometimes work, blatantly copying someone else's approach to influencer marketing will not always have the desired results. In some cases, it could even harm your brand and damage your credibility. 6. Build a Happy Community So, we have established that sharing other influencers' content and creating your original content is crucial to influencer marketing. However, one pitfall that many people make – even renowned experts – is failing to appreciate the importance of community in their industry. 7. Be Genuine, Accessible, and Responsive Social media has transformed the way people interact online. This means that, misguidedly or otherwise, people expect to access the people they follow and respect directly.
  • 38. 38 I do not suggest that you respond to every tweet or personally reply to every mention on Google+. However, I recommend that you avoid becoming the kind of influencer whom only tweets link to their content and never interacts with their followers. 8. Be Patient Success rarely happens overnight, and this maxim most definitely applies to influencer marketing. In many ways, becoming an influencer in your field is similar to content marketing as a discipline. Many would-be influencers give up out of frustration, having shared the very best content they could, for a long time, with little or no tangible results.
  • 39. 39 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION In this paper, it can be concluded that digital marketing is very important in building a BRAND or business in the current era, whether it is services or selling products, because people often use the media to see the outside world. Social media has a market for children, teenagers, adults, and parents. So don't you ever create innovation without using digital marketing for the next process, Digital marketing is the main of a company, and it can be seen growth or not a company is progressing from its marketing. Hopefully, this paper can help the next generation to understand more about the world of technology and digital marketing. Besides being fun and having a very broad market, this is also useful knowledge for the millennial generation. It is hoped that knowledge like this can be taught in schools. Thank you very much for all the support that has supported me in making this digital marketing paper. Hopefully, it can be useful for others in developing a business in the digital era like today.
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