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I am Not a Mistake Foundation (Pty) Ltd
Johannesburg, South Africa
I am Not a mistake – My story in short - 1
• I was adopted at the age of 4 months. My biological mother never wanted me, so I was born in fear
instead of in love. This fear is the one thing that stayed with me throughout my life, and was the driving
force behind most of my actions.
• My adoptive family was well off, money was never a problem, but lack of compassion was. My adoptive
parents loved me, but there wasn’t any affection while growing up, so my brother and I grew very close
and relied on one another for support and love. I was molested as a little 5-year-old girl by very close
family members. My parents (although I presented them with proof) did not believe me, and let me go and
visit on a regular basis for 12 more years after that incident. I used to go to bed with a butter knife ready
to defend myself. I was prepared to kill (filled with anger and fear), this at the age of 5…
• As I grew up I always had a sense that I did not belong, small things and hints that proved something was
out of place. It was only much later that I found out that I was adopted and that I lived a lie!!!!!
• I got married at a young age (24), it was normal in those days and had my daughter with my first
husband. He used to abuse me physically until one day I completely lost all self-control and I realized that
like many years before, I am prepared to kill in order to protect myself. It was a very dark time in my life
and it took a lot to get through it. Dealing with domestic violence was one of the toughest situations but I
was a fighter and anger and hate was my vice.
I am Not a Mistake – My story in short - 2
• I had to start over again at the age of 26 with a little girl who loved her father, a man I hated, but I had to pull myself together. I remarried later.
This time around I was abused mentally and emotionally for a period of 16 years.
• I was so broken that I believed no one else would love me. He cheated on me repeatedly and after a while I finally got out of that relationship. We
got divorced and a big part of me believed that it was my fault. I now know better, and I know that no matter what, cheating is a choice. (Well, I
had an affair with a married man out of sheer spite)!
• It was the biggest mistake of my life and I vowed to never do it again! The pain and brokenness caused to all parties involved was definitely not
worth it. (I kept my promise and 24 years later am proud to say that I stuck to my promise.)
• Having gone through all of this, at the age of 42 finally found a way to find out that I were adopted. Having always suspected something, I found
out the truth from relatives!
• I spoke to my mother about it, and to my horror found out, both my brother, and I, was adopted. Finding out I was adopted and that the people I
trusted the most LIED froze my world. I suspected something, but finding out the truth… My life was never the same again!
I am Not a Mistake – My story in short - 3
• The years to follow I just kept falling deeper and deeper into a dark depression. I did not have the support from my then husband, and felt like I could not
trust anyone in my family as they were all liars! I was alone! Broken and confused. Not feeling worthy…
• I finally could not bear living any longer. Finding out about the adoption (the rejection from my biological mother and my adoptive mother) and my
husband’s constant infidelity. I planned and attempted to commit suicide. I left nothing to chance, I could not swallow 160 various prescription sleeping
tablets fast enough. I left behind a suicide note (a book) and could not care less anymore! I was ending the pain of rejection and fear and abuse.
• I woke up in the hospital in utter shock that I had survived. There was no medical explanation as to why I was alive! Doctors could not believe it, they had
told my family that I was not going to make it through the day as I took the pills the previous evening at +- 19h00 and was only rushed to the hospital the
next morning around 08h30!
• After waking up in the hospital, my fear, shame and anger kicked in.
• I signed my own release papers and went home. I could not let anyone find out in the corporate world – it would be the end of me.
I am Not a Mistake – My story
in short- 4
I just went on as normal, ignoring what had just happened and threw myself back into
work. It was not even 12 months later and I was ready to plan attempt no 2 when my
life took a change for the better!
I cried out sobbing like a baby, and God answered. Slowly over a period of time I
started to heal and realised my calling to help others out there like myself!
The one thing that kept me going throughout the darkness in my life was my passion
for riding motorbikes!
It is my place of peace! Just me, my bike and the road! FREEDOM! POWER!
SPEED! LIFE/DEATH! You are in control and there is no feeling to describe how this
made me feel so free – no judgement, no hurt – it was replace with my skill to keep
this “monster” on the road, through all the “twists and turn” any road will offer. It was
a time to escape reality and focus on bringing yourself home safely.
The most important is I spend the entire time “praying” that I return home – so it is a
good thing!
FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 1
Having been through a lot of darkness and working in the Corporate Industry, I came to
realize, that although people seem fine on the outside, they are not!
There is so much darkness in South Africa at the moment (the rest of the world as well) that
people have lost hope and faith in humanity. Turn on the television what do you see, murder,
rape, corruption! People are statistics and I want to put a stop to this!
I started the I am Not a Mistake Foundation to start educating people, to start telling people
to STOP all the negativity and fight the HATE! No one has to die for someone else to be
successful! We can all live in peace and rebuild this country together again.
Success is based on the effort you put in! You cannot just say a prayer and sit on your couch
expecting everything to fall in your lap! Our society has become a society of expecting
everything for FREE, instead of Getting up and WORKING for what you want.
FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 2
The Mental State of our people is shocking, the suicide rate is climbing,
crime is skyrocketing, poverty is rising and corruption is out of control, where
is the HOPE? I will tell you, the HOPE is with ‘I am Not a Mistake
We will assist people dealing with abuse, people that have been adopted,
people dealing with depression and those who want to commit suicide. We
will help restore the mental state of people to one that is ready to live and
make a difference.
We will start teaching children to take responsibility for their actions and to
know that their destiny is in their own hands. We will work with hopeless
adults ready to give up and provide them with the right tools to take back
their lives and be an example once again!
I am Not a Mistake Foundation Will Turn people around, turn them from hate,
depression and suicide to people of hope!
They will be people that want to work together to fight crime and corruption, and
turn this country around back to a Great South Africa, where all nationalities can
live and work together in peace!
South Africa can be a country where skill gets you the job! A country where we can
look up to our government and know they have our back!
A country that is safe for our children to once again be able to play in the streets
without fear of being abducted, raped and killed!
FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 1
• This will include councilors, psychologists,
psychiatrists, trained professionals that can
assist people that are suffering with
depression and would like to commit suicide.
We need to turn them around to see the good
in life and the difference they can make!
• We aim to run a 24-hour call center with qualified
trained call operators to assist in emergency
situations as well as provide online suicide
prevention assistance.
• They will hand over the cases to the relevant
department to ensure that all people are helped.
Quickly and efficiently.
• They will also be equipped with a list of all relevant
councilors, psychiatrist and various hospitals that
will be available throughout South Africa.
FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 2
• Legal fees are expensive and therefore we will need
a legal team to assist families in need to fight their
cases in court. This team will also be responsible for
holding officials accountable for lost dockets/case
• This department will ensure that people are held
accountable for their actions so that they think twice
before taking bribes.
• The legal department will also assist people who
cannot afford to get divorced from abusive partners
to do so; and to obtain restraining orders and
protection orders as required.
• Currently I have some properties that I use to house
various victims in a safe houses, this will be
temporary homes for children and adults to get back
on their feet.
• We do not believe in being a crutch for the rest of a
person’s life but enabling people to stand on their
own two feet again.
• This does take time and therefore we do also realize
that they need a safe environment to make that
mental transition.
• The places are fully furnished and the locations are
kept very secret to ensure the safety of the people.
• We, however, do inform family members and
furnish them with a contact number.
FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 3
•This Division will be a team of trained security staff
who will assist in any altercation that needs security.
Removing a victim out of an abusive environment.
Transporting abused mothers, fathers and children to
safe houses. Also, qualified officers that will ensure
that all legal cases make it to court. Dockets will be
monitored and we will remove the opportunity for
corrupt officials to receive under the table payments to
make things disappear. People will be held
accountable for any paperwork that gets lost!
- 4
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Trained staff that will work with companies (at a rate) to assist with their personnel issues
and offer better solutions on how to manage problems.
We focus on informing a client, based on information collected, that it is worth it in some
cases not to loose staff (as a lot of time and experience will be lost) due to a “fixable
scenario” and rather to opt for a counselling route between workers and teams.
A lot of bullying is currently evident at working environment in South Africa, and we would
like to assist people to get the correct representation to ensure a fair outcome.
We focus on what is truly the best for the person as well as for his Employer and will
furnish both with the best advice.
This is done by professional Human and Industrial Relation Resource graduates.
(Pty) Ltd - 5
• There are a lot of people who are not able to get the
medical help they need due to unemployment and the
state of healthcare institutions.
• We are all aware that the Health system in South
Africa is in a shocking state and we need to act and
• We would like to have mobile clinics on the roads
going to areas, not only providing medical relief, but
also educating people on healthy living and healthy
• Providing mental health and medical help, trained and
qualified doctors, nurses and councillors will be sent
out on the road.
• Providing education and bursaries for people to add value to the
• Education is vital to ensure that people and countries can thrive.
• Bursaries will be given not only to people with top grades but to
those who due to lack of finance are not able to go and study
• We also would like to team up with other institutions to ensure
that we train more people who can look after the elderly and also
• Uninformed people are employed to be caretakers and then they
are not “mentally” equipped to deal with an elderly person with
Dementia or Alzheimer's and/or children. Cases of abuse
towards these people are reported daily, but we can eliminate
this if we EDUCATE AND TRAIN people to be fit (mentally and
physically) to undertake any job.
(Pty) Ltd -6
• This will be my main focus is to go around
spreading inspiring and positive messages of hope
and teaching people to turn their lives around.
• The aim is to book out stadiums and counteract the
current Political Hate Speech that is dragging our
nation down.
• We want to reach out to children, teenagers, youth
and adults to send out a message to unite, love and
become great together
• We will also train other speakers to ensure that we
build a strong brand across South Africa and the
FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 7
We have a group of ex CEO’s who will help people
to work out a business plan and start up a small
business, earn money and become independent
once again.
• This is an excellent method as you utilize the
“older” generation to assist the “new generation” on
how to become a small business owner.
• We give them a business plan – suitable for his/her
requirements and
• Then we assist them with the initial processes e.g.
SARS, Registration of Company, opening of bank
account etc.
• We do see this as a process of upskill and also we
ensure that we keep the seasoned business
men/woman feeling that they add value to Society
(Pty) Ltd - 8
• I undertake to stand up against any Institution or Political party conducting their
platform to constantly attack various Nationalities and create fear and division – it is
seen as WAR
• I will not be judged nor placed in a situation that I do not agree with, and feel
helpless to do something about it
• I will fight to promote LOVE AND PEACE – and to ensure that we all stand together
for a better future
• I will take to task “ ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS” - We need to show
our commitment
• I will take to stages and platforms to tell all Nationalities in South Africa that we need
to open our eyes and to not be influenced by this emotional warfare that we are
subjected to. GOD MUST RULE
PARTIES AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS as it is taking the focus away from THEM
• People of South Africa, your vote is your power and your voice is your power – let
us stand together AS ONE NATION TO BE HEARD – not with violence but WITH
Why I Am Not A Mistake over other Foundations?
• All of the above factors will create employment and
we will ensure that we increase the independence of
people and as a result build a prosperous nation!
• We will be the leaders of Worldwide change that will
transform the way people look at Organizations that
profess to help, but actually do nothing.
• Millions of dollars and various other means of
assistance are enabled daily by huge entities, but
sadly we do not see any change!
• Corruption in South Africa is real and the “ordinary
people” do not get the support from any kind of
assistance given by Organizations – money is not
distributed to the people, but rather to the Owners
or Ministers.
How will the above come to fruition
• Over the past few months to get the Foundation up and running, I personally spent a substantial amount of my own money;
but now it is time for me to reach out to likeminded people that will work with me to change our Country.
• We cannot just sit around and complain any more, it is time for ACTION!
• I cannot do this on my own and that is why I am reaching out to people I believe have the same principles and values.
• People that want to make a difference in the right way and know that what they are giving and doing has a positive result.
• People that will stand up and rise to the occasion and not run at the first sign of trial and tribulation.
• People that are about making a difference in their community.
• People who inspire me to carry on fighting for what is right and to make a difference in the lives of others.
• Not just to give them a blanket and a cup of soup, but teaching people life skills to be able to stand up again and go and buy
their own blanket and cup of soup.
Building a brand to educate and revive
• I am not against charity, we need charity, but the numbers will just grow and it will become impossible to feed
everyone in need. I want to be the leader to ENABLE PEOPLE to get up and do things – not to just go and
receive a handout from various charity organizations
EDUCATE and REVIVE people!
Give people their self-respect back!
• This is why I would like to team up with an Investor who has the same values!
• I am Not a Mistake Foundation is a new brand and I would like to partner up with an Investor that will support
my values and my Vision
• Together we will prove to people that hard work, dedication and passion WILL bring tangible results!
DEDICATION = Success for All
• It is my opinion that we all share the same characteristics and I am confident that together we will make a massive impact.
• I am Not a Mistake Foundation has won the respect of the community due to their go-getter attitude, not sitting by while others suffer.
• We truly try to make a difference and that is what we stand for! Making a difference!
• I believe an Investor who follows that same principle will:
• Worked hard
• Not sit back and receive everything on a silver platter
• Want to help instil their core values to other individuals.
• We are not enablers, but we would like to enable people to stand up on their own two feet again!
• I am Not a Mistake Foundation can offer branding rights.
• I always said that I want to inspire people, I want someone to look at me and say” Because of you I did not give up!”
Thank you so
Nelie Olivier
Managing Director
private and confidential and may not be used by
another party to copy any ideas for their own gain.

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Final i am not a mistake presentation for link

  • 1. I am Not a Mistake Foundation (Pty) Ltd Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 3. I am Not a mistake – My story in short - 1 • I was adopted at the age of 4 months. My biological mother never wanted me, so I was born in fear instead of in love. This fear is the one thing that stayed with me throughout my life, and was the driving force behind most of my actions. • My adoptive family was well off, money was never a problem, but lack of compassion was. My adoptive parents loved me, but there wasn’t any affection while growing up, so my brother and I grew very close and relied on one another for support and love. I was molested as a little 5-year-old girl by very close family members. My parents (although I presented them with proof) did not believe me, and let me go and visit on a regular basis for 12 more years after that incident. I used to go to bed with a butter knife ready to defend myself. I was prepared to kill (filled with anger and fear), this at the age of 5… • As I grew up I always had a sense that I did not belong, small things and hints that proved something was out of place. It was only much later that I found out that I was adopted and that I lived a lie!!!!! • I got married at a young age (24), it was normal in those days and had my daughter with my first husband. He used to abuse me physically until one day I completely lost all self-control and I realized that like many years before, I am prepared to kill in order to protect myself. It was a very dark time in my life and it took a lot to get through it. Dealing with domestic violence was one of the toughest situations but I was a fighter and anger and hate was my vice.
  • 4. I am Not a Mistake – My story in short - 2 • I had to start over again at the age of 26 with a little girl who loved her father, a man I hated, but I had to pull myself together. I remarried later. This time around I was abused mentally and emotionally for a period of 16 years. • I was so broken that I believed no one else would love me. He cheated on me repeatedly and after a while I finally got out of that relationship. We got divorced and a big part of me believed that it was my fault. I now know better, and I know that no matter what, cheating is a choice. (Well, I had an affair with a married man out of sheer spite)! • It was the biggest mistake of my life and I vowed to never do it again! The pain and brokenness caused to all parties involved was definitely not worth it. (I kept my promise and 24 years later am proud to say that I stuck to my promise.) • Having gone through all of this, at the age of 42 finally found a way to find out that I were adopted. Having always suspected something, I found out the truth from relatives! • I spoke to my mother about it, and to my horror found out, both my brother, and I, was adopted. Finding out I was adopted and that the people I trusted the most LIED froze my world. I suspected something, but finding out the truth… My life was never the same again!
  • 5. I am Not a Mistake – My story in short - 3 • The years to follow I just kept falling deeper and deeper into a dark depression. I did not have the support from my then husband, and felt like I could not trust anyone in my family as they were all liars! I was alone! Broken and confused. Not feeling worthy… • I finally could not bear living any longer. Finding out about the adoption (the rejection from my biological mother and my adoptive mother) and my husband’s constant infidelity. I planned and attempted to commit suicide. I left nothing to chance, I could not swallow 160 various prescription sleeping tablets fast enough. I left behind a suicide note (a book) and could not care less anymore! I was ending the pain of rejection and fear and abuse. • I woke up in the hospital in utter shock that I had survived. There was no medical explanation as to why I was alive! Doctors could not believe it, they had told my family that I was not going to make it through the day as I took the pills the previous evening at +- 19h00 and was only rushed to the hospital the next morning around 08h30! • After waking up in the hospital, my fear, shame and anger kicked in. • I signed my own release papers and went home. I could not let anyone find out in the corporate world – it would be the end of me.
  • 6. I am Not a Mistake – My story in short- 4 I just went on as normal, ignoring what had just happened and threw myself back into work. It was not even 12 months later and I was ready to plan attempt no 2 when my life took a change for the better! I cried out sobbing like a baby, and God answered. Slowly over a period of time I started to heal and realised my calling to help others out there like myself! The one thing that kept me going throughout the darkness in my life was my passion for riding motorbikes! It is my place of peace! Just me, my bike and the road! FREEDOM! POWER! SPEED! LIFE/DEATH! You are in control and there is no feeling to describe how this made me feel so free – no judgement, no hurt – it was replace with my skill to keep this “monster” on the road, through all the “twists and turn” any road will offer. It was a time to escape reality and focus on bringing yourself home safely. The most important is I spend the entire time “praying” that I return home – so it is a good thing!
  • 7. WHY DID I START THE FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 1 Having been through a lot of darkness and working in the Corporate Industry, I came to realize, that although people seem fine on the outside, they are not! There is so much darkness in South Africa at the moment (the rest of the world as well) that people have lost hope and faith in humanity. Turn on the television what do you see, murder, rape, corruption! People are statistics and I want to put a stop to this! I started the I am Not a Mistake Foundation to start educating people, to start telling people to STOP all the negativity and fight the HATE! No one has to die for someone else to be successful! We can all live in peace and rebuild this country together again. Success is based on the effort you put in! You cannot just say a prayer and sit on your couch expecting everything to fall in your lap! Our society has become a society of expecting everything for FREE, instead of Getting up and WORKING for what you want.
  • 8. WHY DID I START THE FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 2 The Mental State of our people is shocking, the suicide rate is climbing, crime is skyrocketing, poverty is rising and corruption is out of control, where is the HOPE? I will tell you, the HOPE is with ‘I am Not a Mistake Foundation’! We will assist people dealing with abuse, people that have been adopted, people dealing with depression and those who want to commit suicide. We will help restore the mental state of people to one that is ready to live and make a difference. We will start teaching children to take responsibility for their actions and to know that their destiny is in their own hands. We will work with hopeless adults ready to give up and provide them with the right tools to take back their lives and be an example once again!
  • 9. WHY DID I START THE FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd -3 I am Not a Mistake Foundation Will Turn people around, turn them from hate, depression and suicide to people of hope! They will be people that want to work together to fight crime and corruption, and turn this country around back to a Great South Africa, where all nationalities can live and work together in peace! South Africa can be a country where skill gets you the job! A country where we can look up to our government and know they have our back! A country that is safe for our children to once again be able to play in the streets without fear of being abducted, raped and killed! I AM NOT A MISTAKE FOUNDATION HAS BEEN STARTED TO REVIVE HOPE, PEOPLE AND THIS COUNTRY!
  • 10. DIVISIONS OF I AM NOT A MISTAKE FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 1 • MENTAL SUPPORT DIVISION • This will include councilors, psychologists, psychiatrists, trained professionals that can assist people that are suffering with depression and would like to commit suicide. We need to turn them around to see the good in life and the difference they can make! CALL CENTRE • We aim to run a 24-hour call center with qualified trained call operators to assist in emergency situations as well as provide online suicide prevention assistance. • They will hand over the cases to the relevant department to ensure that all people are helped. Quickly and efficiently. • They will also be equipped with a list of all relevant councilors, psychiatrist and various hospitals that will be available throughout South Africa.
  • 11. DIVISIONS OF I AM NOT A MISTAKE FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 2 • LEGAL DEPARTMENT • Legal fees are expensive and therefore we will need a legal team to assist families in need to fight their cases in court. This team will also be responsible for holding officials accountable for lost dockets/case information. • This department will ensure that people are held accountable for their actions so that they think twice before taking bribes. • The legal department will also assist people who cannot afford to get divorced from abusive partners to do so; and to obtain restraining orders and protection orders as required. SAFEHOUSES • Currently I have some properties that I use to house various victims in a safe houses, this will be temporary homes for children and adults to get back on their feet. • We do not believe in being a crutch for the rest of a person’s life but enabling people to stand on their own two feet again. • This does take time and therefore we do also realize that they need a safe environment to make that mental transition. • The places are fully furnished and the locations are kept very secret to ensure the safety of the people. • We, however, do inform family members and furnish them with a contact number.
  • 12. DIVISIONS OF I AM NOT A MISTAKE FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 3 •SECURITY •This Division will be a team of trained security staff who will assist in any altercation that needs security. Removing a victim out of an abusive environment. Transporting abused mothers, fathers and children to safe houses. Also, qualified officers that will ensure that all legal cases make it to court. Dockets will be monitored and we will remove the opportunity for corrupt officials to receive under the table payments to make things disappear. People will be held accountable for any paperwork that gets lost!
  • 13. DIVISIONS OF I AM NOT A MISTAKE FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 4 Click icon to add picture Click icon to add picture HR DIVISION WITH A DIFFERENCE Trained staff that will work with companies (at a rate) to assist with their personnel issues and offer better solutions on how to manage problems. We focus on informing a client, based on information collected, that it is worth it in some cases not to loose staff (as a lot of time and experience will be lost) due to a “fixable scenario” and rather to opt for a counselling route between workers and teams. A lot of bullying is currently evident at working environment in South Africa, and we would like to assist people to get the correct representation to ensure a fair outcome. We focus on what is truly the best for the person as well as for his Employer and will furnish both with the best advice. This is done by professional Human and Industrial Relation Resource graduates.
  • 14. divisions OF I AM NOT A MISTAKE FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 5 • MOBLE CLINICS • There are a lot of people who are not able to get the medical help they need due to unemployment and the state of healthcare institutions. • We are all aware that the Health system in South Africa is in a shocking state and we need to act and help. • We would like to have mobile clinics on the roads going to areas, not only providing medical relief, but also educating people on healthy living and healthy choices. • Providing mental health and medical help, trained and qualified doctors, nurses and councillors will be sent out on the road. TRAINING CENTRES/EDUCATION • Providing education and bursaries for people to add value to the country. • Education is vital to ensure that people and countries can thrive. • Bursaries will be given not only to people with top grades but to those who due to lack of finance are not able to go and study further. • We also would like to team up with other institutions to ensure that we train more people who can look after the elderly and also children. • Uninformed people are employed to be caretakers and then they are not “mentally” equipped to deal with an elderly person with Dementia or Alzheimer's and/or children. Cases of abuse towards these people are reported daily, but we can eliminate this if we EDUCATE AND TRAIN people to be fit (mentally and physically) to undertake any job.
  • 15. divisions OF I AM NOT A MISTAKE FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd -6 • INSPIRATIONAL SEMINARS & APPEARANCES • This will be my main focus is to go around spreading inspiring and positive messages of hope and teaching people to turn their lives around. • The aim is to book out stadiums and counteract the current Political Hate Speech that is dragging our nation down. • We want to reach out to children, teenagers, youth and adults to send out a message to unite, love and become great together • We will also train other speakers to ensure that we build a strong brand across South Africa and the World.
  • 16. DIVISIONS OF I AM NOT A MISTAKE FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 7 • SMALL BUSINESS PLAN UNIT We have a group of ex CEO’s who will help people to work out a business plan and start up a small business, earn money and become independent once again. • This is an excellent method as you utilize the “older” generation to assist the “new generation” on how to become a small business owner. • We give them a business plan – suitable for his/her requirements and • Then we assist them with the initial processes e.g. SARS, Registration of Company, opening of bank account etc. • We do see this as a process of upskill and also we ensure that we keep the seasoned business men/woman feeling that they add value to Society
  • 17. Division OF I AM NOT A MISTAKE FOUNDATION (Pty) Ltd - 8 • CAMPAIGN AND MEMBERSHIP • I undertake to stand up against any Institution or Political party conducting their platform to constantly attack various Nationalities and create fear and division – it is seen as WAR • I will not be judged nor placed in a situation that I do not agree with, and feel helpless to do something about it • I will fight to promote LOVE AND PEACE – and to ensure that we all stand together for a better future • I will take to task “ ACTION SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS” - We need to show our commitment • I will take to stages and platforms to tell all Nationalities in South Africa that we need to open our eyes and to not be influenced by this emotional warfare that we are subjected to. GOD MUST RULE • To STOP THE EMOTIONAL WARFARE UNDERTAKEN BY ALL POLITICAL PARTIES AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS as it is taking the focus away from THEM • People of South Africa, your vote is your power and your voice is your power – let us stand together AS ONE NATION TO BE HEARD – not with violence but WITH LOVE AND PEACE IN OUR HEARTS
  • 18. Why I Am Not A Mistake over other Foundations? • All of the above factors will create employment and we will ensure that we increase the independence of people and as a result build a prosperous nation! • We will be the leaders of Worldwide change that will transform the way people look at Organizations that profess to help, but actually do nothing. • Millions of dollars and various other means of assistance are enabled daily by huge entities, but sadly we do not see any change! • Corruption in South Africa is real and the “ordinary people” do not get the support from any kind of assistance given by Organizations – money is not distributed to the people, but rather to the Owners or Ministers.
  • 19. How will the above come to fruition • Over the past few months to get the Foundation up and running, I personally spent a substantial amount of my own money; but now it is time for me to reach out to likeminded people that will work with me to change our Country. • We cannot just sit around and complain any more, it is time for ACTION! • I cannot do this on my own and that is why I am reaching out to people I believe have the same principles and values. • People that want to make a difference in the right way and know that what they are giving and doing has a positive result. • People that will stand up and rise to the occasion and not run at the first sign of trial and tribulation. • People that are about making a difference in their community. • People who inspire me to carry on fighting for what is right and to make a difference in the lives of others. • Not just to give them a blanket and a cup of soup, but teaching people life skills to be able to stand up again and go and buy their own blanket and cup of soup.
  • 20. Building a brand to educate and revive • I am not against charity, we need charity, but the numbers will just grow and it will become impossible to feed everyone in need. I want to be the leader to ENABLE PEOPLE to get up and do things – not to just go and receive a handout from various charity organizations EDUCATE and REVIVE people! Give people their self-respect back! • This is why I would like to team up with an Investor who has the same values! • I am Not a Mistake Foundation is a new brand and I would like to partner up with an Investor that will support my values and my Vision • Together we will prove to people that hard work, dedication and passion WILL bring tangible results!
  • 21. BUILDING A BRAND WITH HARD WORK AND DEDICATION = Success for All • It is my opinion that we all share the same characteristics and I am confident that together we will make a massive impact. • I am Not a Mistake Foundation has won the respect of the community due to their go-getter attitude, not sitting by while others suffer. • We truly try to make a difference and that is what we stand for! Making a difference! • I believe an Investor who follows that same principle will: • Worked hard • Not sit back and receive everything on a silver platter • Want to help instil their core values to other individuals. • We are not enablers, but we would like to enable people to stand up on their own two feet again! • I am Not a Mistake Foundation can offer branding rights. • I always said that I want to inspire people, I want someone to look at me and say” Because of you I did not give up!”
  • 22. Thank you so much Nelie Olivier Managing Director @copyright private and confidential and may not be used by another party to copy any ideas for their own gain.