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        The For Empowering Women (FEW) Career Guide 2010

This Guide has been produced primarily as a supplementary resource for participants of the 16th FEW Career
Strategies Seminar and, as such, features details of keynote and workshop speakers for the spring 2010 event.

The Guide has been compiled by the members of FEW, with the invaluable assistance of many other foreign
women working in Japan. These women have already trodden the path you are taking – whether you are just
beginning to settle into a new life and career, or have been here for some time and are looking for a change
of direction.

There are numerous books and websites available to help you settle into life and work in a foreign country.
This Guide does not aim to replicate or replace these resources, but instead looks to present you with
first-hand accounts of how industries operate in Japan and how foreign women are thriving in these industries.
Some additional aims are as follows:

     Ÿ to reassure you that a move to Japan does not have to mean the end of pursuing a rewarding career
       (even if you do not speak Japanese)
     Ÿ to provide you with tried and tested hints and tips on how to have an enjoyable and rewarding working
       life in Japan
     Ÿ to provide you with an extensive, but by no means exhaustive, list of useful resources that can help
       you achieve your dreams here
     Ÿ to help you appreciate that you are not alone

Firstly, the Guide provides you with a brief overview of 16th CSS workshop speakers. It then offers some
advice on evaluating your career, going job hunting, dealing with recruiters and handling job negotiations. It
also provides tips for “staying sane” in Japan while you’re dealing with all of the above. Throughout the Guide
you will find success stories of other women who are living and working here; these personal accounts reflect
the writers’ own experiences and opinions and are not necessarily those of FEW.

We very much hope that the 16th CSS and this accompanying Guide will prove useful for you, and that your
time in Japan will bring you much success and happiness.

                                                                                      FEW Career Guide 2010
      Acknowledgements ....................................................................................                 05

      Sponsors .....................................................................................................        06

      Keynote Speaker .........................................................................................             10

      Workshop Speakers ....................................................................................                10

      Careers in Focus .........................................................................................            14
         Human Resources/Training
         Information Technology
         Web design
         Public Relations

      Job Hunting       ..........................................................................................          35
         Getting into the Marketplace in Japan
         Researching the Japanese Job Market
         Resume Writing
         Interviewing – The Japanese Experience
         Getting an Offer

      Immigration and Visas                ..............................................................................   49

      Career Development ....................................................................................               51
         Staying in Your Own Field
         Volunteer Work
         Career Management
         Japan Market Expansion Competition
         Temple University School of Continuing Education
         Continuing Opportunities

      Financial Planning             ....................................................................................   68

      Culture Shock – On the Job                      ...................................................................   70

      Resources .....................................................................................................       71
         Recruitment Firms
         Job Listings and Information
         Business Information
         Advisory Services
         Other Helpful Resources

      About FEW                 .........................................................................................   79

FEW Career Guide 2010

As a non-profit organization whose mission is to help women in Japan support each other in their creative
and career goals, FEW would like to express its sincere thanks to all of those who made this CSS event and
Guide possible.

                                     Seminar Committee Chairperson
                                              Mary Fidler

                                         Career Guide Committee
                              Lori Henderson, Geetanjali Singh, Monika Surma

                                      Career Guide Design and Layout
                                              Geetanjali Singh

                                               Kirsten Adachi

                                           Speakers Committee
                                        Mary Fidler, Lauren Shannon

                                              Michelle McKee

                                         Sponsorship Liaisons
                                Andrea Mori, Minako Okuma, Florence Roca

                                          Website Administration
                                            Lauren Shannon

                                 To the Moon and Back, Carolyn Pieroway

                                          Temple University Japan

                                       Special Acknowledgments

FEW would especially like to thank Lizzie Murray of Studio Number 3 for designing all promotional materials
and folders for the 16th CSS. Special thanks also goes to the France Travel Center for their generous donation
of a two night stay at Kyoto. Finally, FEW would like to extend its appreciation to Geetanjali Singh for the
design and layout of the 2010 Guide, and Lori Henderson for compiling and editing the Guide contents.

                                                                                     FEW Career Guide 2010
FEW Sponsors

FEW thanks the following sponsors for their donations to the 16th CSS. We encourage you to contact these
vendors when shopping for goods and services in Tokyo.

ACCJ Journal

ANA International Hotel

BIVIO Sports Club

Chanel Japan

Chez Olivier, Olivier Oddos

Electronic Arts


France Travel Center

FBC (Foreign Buyers Club)

Friends Provident International

FEW Career Guide 2010
FEW Sponsors

Fusion GOL

Generali International


IFG Financial Services

KUDOS First Benefit

Le Cordon Bleu

L’oreal Produits de Luxe

Lugdunum Bouchon Lyonnais French Restaurant
Christophe Paucod

Metropolis Magazine

Nama Kiss Raw Vegan Desserts

Royal London

                                                                                   FEW Career Guide 2010
FEW Sponsors

Studio Number 3

Temple University, Japan Campus

Tokyo Hacker Space

Tokyo Yoga Circle

To The Moon And Back Catering

FEW Career Guide 2010
Few Sponsors

    FEW Career Guide 2010
Speakers & Presenters
Keynote Speaker                                          Workshop Presenters
                                                         (alphabetical order)
Yukiko Ogasawara                                         Amanda Cennon
Yukiko Ogasawara is President and Representative
Director of The Japan Times, Limited; she also sits on   With 10 years of international business, sales, and
the board of Nifco Inc., the parent company of the       organizational development experience, Amanda has
Japan Times. The Japan Times, founded in 1898, is        worked across a variety of industries and career levels
Japan’s oldest English language newspaper, and           with workshop participants from around the world.
currently serves the foreign and English-reading         Interested in motivation, goal setting, and global
Japanese community nationwide.                           leadership, Amanda is also accredited to run
                                                         workshops on team building, 360° feedback and
Yukiko was born in Japan in 1961 but spent most of       strategic selling. Amanda runs Action Coaching Tokyo
her childhood in the United States of America. She       (a mastermind group for women entrepreneurs), is
graduated from Evergreen State College, Olympia,         an enthusiastic member of FEW, an avid hiker and
Washington with a B.A. in Art and pursued her artistic   enjoys balancing things out with yoga. She holds an
studies with an M.F.A. from the California College of    MSc from the London School of Economics, a B.A.
Arts and Crafts in San Francisco, California.            from the University of Saskatchewan and certificates
                                                         from the American Society for Training &
She has been awarded a fellowship from The San           Development, Team Management Systems, and Miller
Francisco Foundation and has exhibited several           Heiman. She is originally from the Canadian prairies
collections of her art work in California.               and has worked in the U.K, Canada and Japan.

After graduation, she spent some time teaching art
                                                         Katie Decker
and crafts to children whilst she was Artist-in-
                                                         Katie Decker is a twenty-something American gal who
Residence at the Francisco Middle School in San
                                                         has spent five years living and working in Japan.
Francisco at the invitation of the S.F. Arts Education
                                                         Inspired since childhood to learn more about the
Program. Throughout her creative activities she has
                                                         country, Katie studied Japanese language at the
made great efforts to introduce art and artwork to
                                                         University of Michigan and spent a semester abroad
children. In Tokyo, she now continues these activities
                                                         in Kyoto. After graduation, she returned to Japan to
in a private capacity and was recently asked to
                                                         work at the U.S. Pavilion at the Aichi World Expo
become a director of the Children’s Express, a non-
                                                         where she explained U.S. public diplomacy initiatives
profit organization which seeks to educate children in
                                                         to more than 10,000 visitors everyday. Shortly
writing, self-expression and artistic expression.
                                                         following the conclusion of the Expo, Katie moved to
                                                         Tokyo where she worked at the U.S. Embassy as
In 2003, Yukiko Ogasawara returned to Tokyo to take
                                                         Special Assistant to the Ambassador for three years.
up a position as Assistant General Manager of the
                                                         In March 2009, she accepted an offer to work at Tokyo
International Division in Nifco Inc. and was elected a
                                                         Electric Power Company (TEPCO), where she is the
director of the company in 2005. She was appointed
                                                         only foreigner among 40,000 employees, and is
President of The Japan Times in March 2006.
                                                         responsible for communicating with TEPCO’s
                                                         international counterparts in the G8 countries. When
Yukiko now has residences in Tokyo and Los Angeles.
                                                         not caught up in the daily grind, Katie can usually be
                                                         found chatting with her girlfriends at a local café or
                                                         dancing the night away. She loves Tokyo’s unique
                                                         international vibe, and considers the city her home-

                                                         Anne Good
                                                         Anne is an HR professional with in-depth knowledge
                                                         of, and experience in, business strategies and training

FEW Career Guide 2010
Speakers & Presenters
practices. She operates her own coaching and of Oak’s Human Resources Solutions team, which
personal development business in Japan called Eureka! offers HR consulting services in areas such as
                                                        Corporate Training & Development, HR Outsourcing,
She moved to Japan in 2003 and has worked with a Executive Coaching & Career Consulting and
variety of businesses ranging from large Orientation & Relocation.
multinationals to smaller entrepreneurial enterprises
with a particular focus on foreign companies investing Renee Kida
in Japan.                                               Renee came to Japan over twelve years ago, after
                                                        graduating with a degree in Japanese Studies from
Anne has an MA in Educational Management, San Francisco State University. She began working at
Certificate in Post Compulsory Education and Training, an American orthopedic medical device company with
University of Hertfordshire, England and is a Certified rudimentary Japanese skills, right in the middle of a
Myers Briggs Professional and Certified Keirsey company merger, and had no real idea of what she
Temperament Sorter II Professional.                     was going to be doing! She found herself one of three
                                                        foreigners working in a company of approximately 700
Anne has well-developed skills as a facilitator and has employees, in an industry known for being very
managed teams of trainers in a wide variety of training conservative, with a difficult customer target –
fields. She has a strong commitment to helping Japanese doctors. After finding her way slowly in the
individuals and organisations achieve their maximum organization she achieved some success and a
potential.                                              promotion, and began leading a team of two
                                                        foreigners. Approximately six years into her time in
In the UK, Anne worked with Spring Group plc, a UK Japan she married a Japanese man, and decided to
based consultancy, recruitment and training make this her home. But she had hit a wall in her
company, where she further developed business- career. So, after 8 years she parted from her first
planning skills including strategic direction, company in Japan, and took some steps to reinvent
competitor analysis and financial planning & analysis. her career. She received her MBA through distance
She gained additional experience in managing start learning, and currently she is the HR and Operational
up projects including Education Learning Centres.       Manager IKEA Japan’s Contact Center, leading a team
                                                        of approximately 90 Japanese staff. In her personal
Anne set up her own executive career and life time, she likes catching up with friends, meeting new
coaching business in January 2008 and works with people, cooking, travel, getting massages and recently
people from all walks of life to support their personal has gotten into Twitter.
and professional developmental needs.
                                                           Anna Kunnecke
                                                           Anna Kunnecke talks a lot, writes stuff, and coaches
Carolyn Gaskins                                            people around the world by phone.
Originally from North Carolina, Carolyn has lived in
Tokyo for over 13 years. In the U.S., with Roadway         She graduated from Bryn Mawr College and put that
Express, Carolyn assumed management and sales              excellent education to questionable use: as flower
roles, with hands-on experience in facility operations,    shop girl, cleaning lady, bookstore clerk, and
client relationship management and supervision of          unemployed beatnik. (Obviously, she needed a life
union employees. When she moved to Japan in 1995,          coach in the worst way.) She also had “real jobs” at
Carolyn worked as an instructor for Nova Group; she        a foundation, at international consulting and
then became involved in the training and                   marketing firms, and as a professional theater actress
development of new employees, the supervision of           and MC. She continues to do voice-overs for TV
instructors and in the management of HR generalist         commercials, video games, and documentaries.
functions at head office. After briefly returning to the
US, Carolyn and her husband came back to Tokyo in          Since she had made every career misstep possible and
2001, when she joined Oak Associates K.K. through a        survived (even thrived), she decided to help others
referral from a former colleague. After working for        avoid some of her early mistakes. She trained as a life
the first year as a Search Consultant, Carolyn is          coach with Dr. Martha Beck, author of Expecting
currently a partner in the company and the manager         Adam and monthly columnist at O, the Oprah

                                                                                         FEW Career Guide 2010
Speakers & Presenters
Magazine, and was certified as a Martha Beck life           artistic pursuits and enjoys working collaboratively on
coach in November of 2009. She likes to coach               different advertising and creative projects. She is
renegades, who she defines as anyone ready to make          currently based in Tokyo, Japan, where she runs her
their own joy and live by their own lights. She is          agency from a shared studio at the Ikejiri Institute of
currently writing a memoir, and writes a daily blog         Design. Lizzie is always looking for ways to promote
about her life as the working mother of a 3-year-old:       talented artists and designers, and loves that art and                                       design are an important part of everyday life in Japan.

Check out her upcoming telecourse, How To Shine In Originally from Melbourne, Australia, Lizzie has a
Front Of People, at            Bachelor of Fine Art (Photography) and a Post
                                                     Graduate Diploma in Interactive Media. She enjoys
Terri MacMillan                                      the freedom of working for herself, especially because
Terri was born in Harlem, New York in January 1958. it enables her to collaborate with a broad range of
She attended the High School of Music and Art as a talented contributors on various projects.
Voice major, was Manager of Business Affairs for CBS
Records International for 10 years, Director of Ad- She likes cats, cafes, gardens, art, and Heathcote
ministration for Prince’s Paisley Park Music for 2 shiraz.
years, Director of Sales for Kampo Cultural Center,
then moved to Japan to co-manage Pizzicato Five.
                                                            Kristin Newton
Among other artists and musicians, Terri has worked         Kristin is an artist and facilitator and has delivered
with Laurie Anderson, Don Alias, Onaje Allan Gumbs,         workshops for a long list of global clients, including
Mark Egan and Danny Gottlieb, Boom Boom Satel-              Ogilvy & Mather, SAP, AIG, UNITAR Hiroshima, Fuji
lites, Hisaishi Joe, GAO, Asian Kung-fu Generation,         Electric, MI Associates, Fuji Kasai, Shinsei Bank, and
Chitose Hajime, Feed produced by Lenny Kaye, and            Pro-Active Learning. She studied for many years with
Kayoko. She managed Pizzicato Five’s international          Dr. Georgi Lozanov, considered the "father of
career, signing them to Matador Records, and was            accelerated learning", and Betty Edwards, the author
instrumental in exposing their music in commercials         of “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”. Kristin is
and films in countries outside of Japan.                    well known in Tokyo for teaching a 5-day workshop
                                                            by the same name. She holds a degree in Fine Art and,
As a new media producer, Terri has produced pod-            in 1993, founded RBR, an art school inTokyo. She was
cast series garnering hundreds of thousands of              originally invited to Japan in 1980 to make glass
downloads. She has also worked with some of the             sculptures and teach glass design, and still considers
most prominent social media communities in Ameri-           glass her favorite medium.
can progressive politics.

Julia Maeda
Julia is an experienced management consultant,              Sarajean Rossitto
trainer and coach who has had extensive experience          Sarajean is a Tokyo-based nonprofit NGO consultant.
working with cross-functional teams, particularly           She facilitates workshops, seminars and projects
within organisations undergoing transformation.             aimed at developing skills, organizational capacity and
                                                            an understanding of global issues through effective
Julia juggles being an independent management               partnerships. For more than 10 years she has worked
consultant and interim manager, with being a mother         with organizations in Japan, running training and skills
to two very lively boys. She is also an active member       development programs for nonprofit NGO
of the local and ex-pat community. As well as being         professionals, and has assisted with linking different
President of FEW, she is also Chair of the British School   communities to Japanese organizations. Sarajean also
PTA and has been involved in work for a number of           facilitates internal organizational planning meetings
local charities.                                            and corporate community engagement programs. She
                                                            spent close to four years coordinating bilateral
Lizzie Murray                                               exchange of nonprofit professionals between the US
Lizzie is a creative director and producer for her own      and Japan for Japan-U.S. Community Exchange
company Studio Number Three. She loves art and              (JUCEE). She also worked for 6 years with the Tokyo
FEW Career Guide 2010
Speakers & Presenters
YMCA. Sarajean holds a Columbia University Masters
of International Affairs degree with a focus on human
rights in East Asia. Her undergraduate degree is in
Sociology with a focus on social movements.

Lauren Shannon
Lauren Shannon is the president of the Tokyo-based
Sapphire     Restaurant     Management       Group,
chairwoman of Democrats Abroad Japan, founder of
Tokyo Writer’s Salon, vice-president of For
Empowering Women (FEW), and a start-up member
of Tokyo Hacker Space. Until recently, the
Pennsylvania native and 12-year Japan resident was
also the general manager at Fujimamas, the late,
much-lamented restaurant in Harajuku. With her
former Fujimamas staff, she runs the catering
company To The Moon And Back and is in the process
of re-opening her popular new hangout for fine wines
and good food called the Kimono Wine Bar.

Eriko Talley
Eriko has held various Human Resources roles for the
past 20 years in the Silicon Valley (California) and
Japan, overseeing global HR in more than 20 countries
over the years. She is currently based in Tokyo as the
HR Director of a major US company, and co-chairs the
HRM Committee of the American Chamber of
Commerce in Japan (ACCJ). She holds a Bachelors
Degree from Notre Dame de Namur University.

Deanne Tonkin
Deanne is passionate about bringing the art of hoop
dance to the diverse international scene in Tokyo. Her
desire to connect people through dance, music and
fun fueled the creation of Hoop Lovers Deanne's mission is to inspire
global beings to find their true potential through
movement and self-expression, and is passionate
about the encompassing benefits of hoop dance.

Deanne currently teaches weekly Hoop Dance classes
in Tokyo, including active and creative lessons for
adults and children. She regularly performs Hoop
Dance shows for corporate and private parties as well
as kid's events and a variety of other celebrations. She
has traveled the world sharing her individual style of
hoop love and has performed on stages in Sydney,
Thailand and San Francisco.

                                                                   FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
Consulting                                               very much focused on providing expertise that could
                                                         not be provided by a native Japanese speaker.
Consultants provide a company with expertise and         Examples of these areas of expertise could be bringing
advice in areas that the company itself lacks, or does   a new foreign business or idea into the Japanese
not have the free resources to deal with. That           market or helping a Japanese company manage
expertise can be in any area, from marketing to image    relations with their native country. Consultants advise
building, accounting, IT services, strategy and          on many aspects that in their home country would
planning, post merger management and managing            often be handled in-house, including office location,
change, business process reengineering, or even          banking facilities, staffing, market analysis, marketing,
changing direction entirely.                             communications,          management        and      even
                                                         recommending potential business partners.
One area of expertise that is in particular demand
here is dealing with and handling the Japanese         Good interpersonal skills are clearly essential, as is the
regulatory process. The regulatory process in Japan is ability to see through the tangle of corporate,
unique; being walked through the process is an almost  governmental and market data, create strong
essential service for many foreign companies and       quantitative analysis to backup recommendations and
businesses hoping to enter the market in Japan.        the courage and ability to make realistic, rather than
                                                       optimistic or pessimistic, assessments and
Consultancies come in all shapes and sizes, from recommendations.
corporate giants like Accenture to solo operators,
from highly specialized niche practices for IT or Networking is also an essential tool for consultants,
marketing to “one-stop shopping” conglomerates. In in order to build and strengthen their networks, as
practice, most fall somewhere in-between.              well as broaden their knowledge and awareness of
                                                       the current climate. This can increasingly be done
In addition to the private consultancies, government- online, as well as in the real world.
backed trade commissions also offer a number of
similar fee-based services, including JETRO, the US Japanese language ability is generally required to
Department of Commerce, the Australian Trade successfully move into the larger consulting firms
Commission and the German Chamber of Commerce here. This is because junior to mid-level positions
and Industry, just to name a few. These tend to charge essentially are involved in interviewing the client and
on a project or hourly basis, while private working together with local staff on the project. Some
consultancies will usually charge on a flat fee or senior level managers are expatriates but are more
retainer basis.                                        commonly bilingual local staff, and few positions at
                                                       this level are available here.
Consulting can be entered via several levels. Often,
an entry-level position can be obtained with an Recommended Resources
undergraduate degree from a prestigious school or a Organizations:
strong educational background in a particular field, Management Consulting Network International
such as IT. The next level up will usually require an
MBA, according to accepted wisdom. However, many
consultants are successful purely and simply because
of their experience, and the expertise they have built
up in their chosen field of specialization – they will
have an extremely in-depth knowledge of their field,
they can predict and navigate potential pitfalls and
problems successfully and they have a wide range of
valuable contacts with whom they have a high degree
of credibility. Consultants like these may be able to
work independently on per project basis for large
companies (often international).

Without bilingual skills, consultancy here in Japan is

FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
Advertising                                              account manager who must decide when to persuade
                                                         the client to accept something different from what he
The Japanese advertising industry is witnessing a had envisaged and at a different cost – in effect selling
recent trend of gradual recovery as advertisers’ total the creative team’s idea back to the client.
spending increases, while clients are starting to focus
on building brands and turning to more experienced For anyone in advertising, good interpersonal skills
foreign advertisers. On the other hand, clients are are paramount, as well as a creative turn of mind and
looking for an integrated approach to their marketing, the ability to accept scathing criticism. For a
meaning that advertisers have to consider all the copywriter, the ability to write concisely, as well as
different ways that people connect to and experience the ability to work under pressure and to adapt
brands, including Internet, mobile phones, out-of- oneself to the client’s demands, is essential.
home media, in-store activities, and events. At the
same time the industry is continually becoming more A degree in marketing could be helpful these days,
high-tech with the Internet advertising expenditures though good experience may still win the day, and an
showing a rapid expansion, although it still remains account manager will also need the ability to control
behind television and newspaper ads. A lot of a team and to empathize with the client.
expenditure is also being sent to in-store marketing,
as the retail environment continues to grow as a In Japan, many of the opportunities in this field are in
media to capture consumers’ attention and interest the area of bridging foreign and Japanese
where the actual purchase happens, to drive cross- advertisements. Global brand advertisers more and
sales and even unexpected purchases.                     more seek for consistency in advertising campaigns
                                                         worldwide. This could mean that the concept of an
In simple terms, the types of jobs in advertising are advertising campaign is built at one office, usually the
divided into three areas, as in “Client Service headquarters, and creative executions are adapted to
Department”, “Creative department” and “Planning local context. Your language skills and cross-cultural
Department” and within these sections, the different understanding may help in this type of environment.
job descriptions range from Account Executives,
Account Supervisor or Manager, Account Director, Interactive advertising for the Internet is now also on
then Account Planner or also called Strategic Planner, mobile phones, being a growing area in Japan and also
Media Planner and then going to creative part, a new field of advertising that offers many
Creative Director, Art Director, Designer, Copywriter. opportunities for those willing to take a chance and
                                                         branch out, since there is still a limited number of
It is said that good copywriters are made, not born – experienced people in this area.
being able to write is not a guarantee that they will
make a good copywriter – it takes time, and just as You should never underestimate the power of your
importantly, requires an ability to write concisely, native communication skills, but more important than
often wittily and with a good and usually original turn your language abilities, your main competitive
of phrase. Of course, advertising positions are not just advantage could be your bicultural skills. Clients tend
limited to copywriting, there are many other positions to be more internationally oriented and appreciate
available too. Japanese Advertising agencies different ways of thinking, expecting to be exposed
outsource almost everything of the work, leaving their and stirred up by new ideas. By understanding and
offices to deal with Client Service and Creative, appreciating both cultures, you clearly have an
however this is not the case for Foreign Advertising opportunity to contribute as a bridge between
agencies which have full services in-house and it is a cultures. So, consider your status of being a foreign
trend that is starting to be embraced by Japanese woman in Japan as your advantage and use it as
agencies also.                                           leverage.

Account managers are the key point of contact with      Recommended Resources
the client, managing the day-to day business            Organizations:
relationship, and ensuring that the creative team       Forum for Corporate Communication (FCC)
meets the client’s expectations in terms of creative
executions, scheduling and budgeting. It is the

                                                                                       FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
Japan Advertisers Association, Inc. (JAA)            Entrepreneurship
An industry organization aimed at improving the
quality and efficiency of advertisers’ activities.   For whatever reason some people were born to seek
Includes a list of related organizations.            risk, adventure and challenge; for those folks, working              in a corporation or for a boss can be stifling. As an
                                                     alternative, they feel the need to recreate their lives,
Japan Advertising Agencies Association (JAAA)        make their careers more independent. One way that
Includes membership list.                            many women in Japan – foreign and Japanese – have                       achieved this is by starting their own business.

                                                     In some ways, Japan seems a very daunting
                                                     environment for entrepreneurship. There is, of
                                                     course, the language barrier and costs can potentially
                                                     be very high - though these costs are coming down in
                                                     the new global environment. Also, the business
                                                     culture in Japan is often difficult to understand,
                                                     regardless of your level of Japanese. However, these
                                                     challenges are by no means insurmountable and, if
                                                     you are determined, you can even use some of these
                                                     perceived barriers to your advantage.

                                                     One common theme to hundreds of business books,
                                                     seminars and conferences is that starting your own
                                                     business demands passion. To make a business
                                                     successful, you need passion to drive you through the
                                                     ups and downs, so it’s essential that you are doing
                                                     what you love. You cannot just “like” your business
                                                     idea, model or product; “like” will not sustain you
                                                     during the hard times especially when getting started.

                                                     If you want to read a great and funny book about
                                                     finding passion and taking it to great heights, check
                                                     out Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk. His three principals
                                                     for entrepreneurship, which set the tone for the
                                                     whole book, can’t be underestimated: Love you
                                                     family, work super hard, and live your passion.

                                                     For a more feminine approach to going it alone, SEED
                                                     is a great resource. This is an empowerment tool for
                                                     the advancement of 21st century women, and the
                                                     recognized authority on the feminine way to do
                                                     b       u     s      i      n     e    s     s      :
                                                     =1. Through its learning programmes, support
                                                     networks, group events and unique tools, SEED
                                                     enables women to live and work according to the
                                                     feminine principles of community, connection and

                                                     A piece of advice to potential entrepreneurs in Japan
                                                     is: look for possibilities - and don’t let the bad
                                                     economy of the 2009-2010 scare you off. The

FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
economic situation is apparently so grim that some         Finally, a good rule of thumb for any entrepreneur is:
experts fear we may be in for a stretch as bad as the      Give back. One way we can all succeed as women in
mid-seventies. But you know what? That is when             business is if we help each other. We should actively
these two companies were formed: Microsoft and             seek out and support other women in Japan! Two
Apple. There is an even longer list of household known     ways to do this are to check out women’s business
names that started during and just after the great         groups and buy from female-owned companies. Or,
depression of the 1930s. A recession may not be such       if you have been running your own company for a
a bad time to launch a startup - what matters is who       while why not mentor a new woman entrepreneur?
you are, not when you do it. If you're the right sort of
person, you'll win even in a bad economy. An upside        Being your own boss is highly rewarding and a lot of
to a down economy is that sometimes, starting costs,       work but for many of us in Japan it is the best match
rent and other daunting bills may be lower than in         for our personalities and passion!
boom times. Everyone knows you're supposed to buy
when times are bad and sell when times are good.           Written by Lauren Shannon
But, even in bad times, if you run your own company
as cheaply as possible you’ll be off to a good solid       Recommended Resources
start. Entrepreneurs have a great ability to see           Organizations:
potential. Seeing potential and coming up with
something new means being out there on your own            EA-Tokyo
sometimes – and this is difficult in Japan. But            The Entrepreneur Association of Tokyo was founded
remember there are lots of resources and online sites      to promote and support entrepreneurship in Japan.
to help!                                         

Having a viable business plan is also important to your    Tokyo Small Business Meetup
endeavor. If you have a strong business background,        The focus of the Tokyo Small Business meetup, is on
use all of what you know to make your plan viable; if      getting managers the tools they need to do their job
you don’t, get in touch with people who do, and get        better. Every month, one of the members or an
lots of feedback before setting up. With a strong          external speaker, presents their business idea, or
business plan, you may be able to find partners or         introduces their service, or gives a workshop related
investors to help you get started in Japan.                to business, hopefully with a specific focus on Japan.
Obviously, individual talents and skills are the most
important things for starting your own business. And,      Chambers of Commerce:
no matter what your educational background and             Contact your local one through the phone directory
work experience, while you’re in Japan, you must           or phone operator. The chambers can answer many
continue to build your skills, develop yourself, and       questions about how to get started, where to find
take stock of what you are learning. Striking out on       networks and more. Some examples of active
your own means pooling all your resources from every       chambers in Tokyo include:
area of your life, so that you can continue to build
your experience and skills. And, as with anything          Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan
worthwhile, building your own business requires  
continual efforts. The accumulation of hard work on
a day-to-day level is essential to success.                British Chamber of Commerce in Japan
Being in business for yourself can be stressful, so it’s
vital to take care of your health and, as much as you      American Chamber of Commerce in Japan
can, try to maintain a good work/life balance. Look
for positive ways of dealing with the ups and downs
of entrepreneurship, like joining an entrepreneur’s        Online:
organization for example.                        
                                                           WomanOwned was formed in 1998, and since then
                                                           we have provided the information, tools, networking

                                                                                        FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
opportunities and advice that have helped hundreds Finance
of thousands of women. Women just like you -
starting or growing their business.                  The financial services (FS) industry encompasses a
                                                     huge range of professions and employers through
Smallbiz Japan                                       different strains of finance. A career in finance could
A Yahoo group for foreign people starting or running mean working anywhere from a multinational
small businesses in Japan.                           securities house as a trader to a small manufacturing         enterprise as an in-house accountant. Each sector
                                                     offers different levels of client contact or individual
Reading/Research:                                    or team working. Most offer attainable career
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor                      progression and some, more than others, the need                        for specific qualifications to enter. Magazine                                Typically career entry is either at graduate level,                             although a finance or economics related degree is not
                                                         always required, or at school-leaver level. As with
Books:                                                   many industries, opportunities may present
The Anti- 9-5 Guide                                      themselves to those people who prove that they are     willing to work hard and have the skills to adapt to the
Outside/dp/1580051863/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=en            environment. Many posts are recruited through
glish-books&qid=1268978115&sr=1-1                        company websites or through financial headhunters,
                                                         the local and international press or recruitment. Some
The Boss of You                                          positions require many years of experience and a             good reputation in the market place whilst other
M      a      i   n    t     a     i    n    -           positions are best filled by unqualified novices who
Business/dp/1580052363/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=           can be molded to fit the company ideal. The best
1268978033&sr=8-1                                        opportunities in Japan at the moment, as with many
                                                         other industries, are gained through contacts and
Kick Start Your Dream Business: Getting It Started and   networking. The financial services industry is
Keeping You Going                                        reasonably self contained giving rise to many           opportunities for experienced or inexperienced
Business/dp/1580082513/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=en           administrators, data input clerks, telephone
glish-books&qid=1268978477&sr=1-1                        representatives and other junior positions, all of
                                                         which may lead to other professional opportunities
                                                         or long term rewarding jobs in these fields.

                                                         If you already have industry qualifications it is likely
                                                         that, if gained abroad, they will not be recognized in
                                                         Japan. You will probably have to become a chartered
                                                         member or register with the relevant institution in
                                                         Japan before you may work. The Japanese Institute
                                                         of Certified Public Accountants and the Financial
                                                         Services Agency are two examples. However, many of
                                                         the chartered associations of Japan offer fast track
                                                         accreditation for those who are chartered abroad.

                                                         Japanese language is not always required within the
                                                         FS industry although accountancy and real estate
                                                         professionals could not function without strong
                                                         language skills, particularly written, and a knowledge
                                                         of Japanese laws. As such, a premium is paid for
                                                         candidates with these skills. Japanese firms operating

FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
in foreign markets do not always require Japanese underwriter who assesses an applicant’s level of
language skills if business acumen is strong.            exposure to risk and determines the provision or price
                                                         of cover. There has been an increase recently in the
Greatest employment is within the commercial banks number of insurance policies sold through banks,
that offer banking services to individuals and however, specialist insurance companies continue to
businesses. Opportunities range from branch clerks be the largest employers in this field. Lloyds of London
and administration assistants to financial planners, offers a worldwide benchmark for insurers with The
mortgage advisors and managerial positions. Other Prudential, Zurich and Mitsui Sumitomo being other
roles within this sector include credit analyst, loan key companies in Japan.
officer and trust officer. Because these tend to be
large companies, completing many tasks in-house, Fund Management involves the creation and
there are also opportunities for other careers, which management of a portfolio of stocks and shares for
you may not associate with these firms such as human institutes or private clients. Opportunities include
resources, marketing and advertising. This is very portfolio management, portfolio management
much a customer based environment and your career marketing, investment advisory, mutual fund analyst
progression is likely to see you perform a number of and hedge fund management. This is rarely an entry-
different roles, meet many different clients and give level career and often one pursed after a good
you the opportunity to learn about various aspects of reputation and personal style has been established
the business. Career goals in this field are relatively through for example insurance or other trust fund
easy to identify, track and achieve due to the rigid roles. Fund management requires a strong sense of
organizational structure of this type of company. In belief and a keen eye for the volatility and
Japan, Citigroup, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi and opportunities of the stock markets. Employment
Mizuho bank have good market presence.                   options here range from the large investment houses
                                                         to small funds. Entry to this career is most likely
The real estate or property sector is also a large through word of mouth or recommendation although
employer. It is a far-reaching sector and fascinating opportunities may exist for trainees. Top firms in this
because of the number of people worldwide who are field are Citigroup, UBS and Merrill Lynch.
involved and because of the relationship between real
estate and the economy and social development. Investment Banking is probably the area which first
Again many opportunities exist within the sector; springs to mind when talking about the financial
property brokers, commercial property, property sector. This sector incorporates a huge range of
appraisal, property management, real estate advisory services, some of which may be offered by specialist
and development and construction. Roles range from firms, in-house teams in other industries or
managing tenants in properties for real estate agents, multinational investment banks. Some of the services
to assessing the validity of property investment offered are summarized below.
opportunities for investment banks, to creating loans
packages for a commercial banks or mortgage brokers. Corporate finance: financial planning for businesses
                                                         either for growth or expansion, or management of
Property in Japan can be a complicated business assets. This involves the financial analysis of projects,
because of the level of administration involved and assets, credits and debts, competition and markets.
consequently the language and cultural barriers.         It can be hugely rewarding and interesting work which
                                                         is often carried out in teams.
The insurance industry is growing dramatically at the
moment, thanks in part to, with the worlds’ aging Mergers and Acquisitions: Investment banks are
population, the constant threat of terrorism and the often involved in valuation and assessments when one
increasing frequency of litigation. Careers in insurance firm attempts to buy out or merge with another. This
include actuary, broker, claims adjuster, service usually involves modeling and structuring of deals and
representative and risk manager. Insurance involves negotiations. Project Finance – This usually relates to
assessing exposure to risk and providing adequate infrastructure or capital projects and the assessment
cover to insure against losses. Your part may be as an of project proposals and the validity of revenue
actuary who analyzes statistics to determine the risk projections. This field usually involves co-ordination
of writing a particular insurance policy, or as an with multinational engineering consultants and

                                                                                      FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
regional, national or local          governments     or 1. Financial accounting, which involves the reporting
international regulatory bodies.                           of financial information to institutions outside the
Trading: Equities, bonds, options, futures and 2. Auditing, which tests the reliability of financial
currencies are all exchanged between investment            information.
banks, commercial banks, stockbrokers and other 3. Managerial accounting, which involves the
institutional investors by traders. This field involves    creation of internal reports to assist managers in
in-depth knowledge of specific markets, politics and       their decision and strategy processes and finally
economics and the ability to carryout transactions to 4. Tax accounting, which helps businesses plan their
create a profitable, dynamic and adequate inventory        strategy based on tax consequences and assists
of these items.                                            the reporting of finances to government bodies.

Research: Analysts in this field use computer               International accountants KPMG and Sakuma CPA
programs, contacts in specific markets or within            operate in Japan and Japanese consumer brands are
specific companies and their analytical skills to           often recruiting.
provide market, economic and political information
to various parties from traders and fund managers to        Financial planning is big business in Japan with an
corporate financiers and venture capitalists. Clients       increasing number of relatively wealthy expatriates
will pay considerable sums to proven research               offering an ideal client base for foreign executives.
specialists and their importance in modern markets          Whilst most commercial banks offer investment and
grows as competition increases.                             financial planning advice, an increasing number of
                                                            small practices are opening up with a view to offering
Stock broking: This covers only a small section of the      investment and financial planning advice in Japan and
opportunities within investment banking. For further        abroad. This can involve anything from pension and
information see investment banks’ websites. Nomura          college funds to estate planning and tax
Holdings is the leading Japanese investment house           considerations. Experience levels can vary but you
but other international firms include Goldman Sachs,        may enter this field either at entry level and thus gain
Merrill Lynch, and Lehman Brothers.                         experience through a company by setting up alone,
                                                            or by invitation to set up such a venture with other
Information Communication Technology: This is a             partners. Trust is key in this industry, which is usually
huge growth area with the increasing importance of          gained through experience. Just as you would need
immediate access to, and manipulation of,                   to be certified at home the Japan Association of
information. Careers in this field span from software       Financial Planners offers certification in Japan that is
development of, for example, trading tools or pricing       a great indicator or early career goal in this field.
software to database management and development.
This is of particular interest to those who require The Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan is
                                                    responsible for ensuring the stability of the financial
access to statistical information particularly in the
insurance and trading fields. In addition to keen   system in Japan. It is linked to the Ministry of Finance
interest in those who have the knowledge and flare  and is charged with protecting financial institutions
to create the technology is the need for those who  and transactions through such measures as planning
                                                    and policymaking regarding the financial system and
are able to update and maintain it. Careers in this field
are not always limited to those with degrees in     the inspection and supervision of the private sector.
Information Technology or Electronic Engineering    Japan ’s economy grew rapidly in comparison to the
because of the increasing importance of             rest of the developed world and has suffered
                                                    numerous economic setbacks in the last two decades.
understanding the needs of those in the finance field.
Employers range from small specialist emerging firmsThe FSA acts to guard against future setbacks. Most
to news agencies such as Bloomberg and Reuters.     careers in the finance industry in Japan require
                                                    registration with this authority as they would with
Accounting: Accountants record and report financial similar authorities in your home country but the
transactions. Accountancy can be broken down into association itself offers an interesting opportunity.
four main areas:
                                                    The Japanese economy has shown signs of recovery

FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
and sustainable growth since2005 and it is still proving Human Resources/Training
to be an economy to be involved in. Competition for
jobs has increased and there are many opportunities Though many people associate human resources with
arising in all sectors for all levels of experience.     payroll, recruiting and administrative matters, the
                                                         field has been taking on an increasingly strategic role
Recommended Resources                                    within organizations over the past several years. There
Organizations:                                           are a wide variety of positions and specializations,
Association of Women in Finance                          with jobs available in the public, private and non-                                 profit sectors.

Financial Services Agency                               Human Resources consists of several areas, mainly:                      compensation and benefits; training and professional
                                                        development; employee/labor relations; and
Careers Information and Opportunities                   recruiting.
                                                   Many Japanese companies have large human
Commerical Banking                                 resources departments, covering nearly everything              in-house, but smaller companies and foreign
                                                   companies often prefer to streamline and outsource
Property                                           some of their responsibilities. As a result, positions       are often available in firms that specialize in HR
                                                   consulting, training and development, recruiting and
Insurance                                          other HR functions. Most often, companies choose                             the combination of a small HR department,                    supplemented by outsourced support. Some,,la organizations add HR functions to positions within
ng=en&artId=145007&navId=610017,00.html            business units to act as liaisons with corporate HR
Fund Management                                  So, how does a budding HR professional break into
                                                   the field and what types of jobs can she expect to
Investment Banking                                 encounter?                      Types of Jobs in Human Resources
                                                   Those working in smaller organizations may wear
Financial News                                     several hats, and handle a wide array of duties. If you                            are starting out in the field, you may want to consider                           starting with a smaller organization so that you can
                                                   get a solid grounding in all areas of the field before
Accountancy                                        deciding to specialize.              A partial, but by no means complete, list of HR jobs is
                                                   as follows:
Financial Planning                     HR generalists are common in small to midsize
                                                   organizations and act as a contact for a variety of HR
                                                   functions, such as compensation, benefits,
                                                   compliance, employee relations and performance

                                                        Compensation specialists are responsible for
                                                        evaluating positions and administering job grade

                                                                                       FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
systems to monitor pay scales. They may also handle development needs of the individual, the overall
payroll processing, though this function may be part resource requirements of the project and the over all
of the accounting department in some organizations. resource needs of the firm. They may also manage the
                                                      yearly evaluation processes, provide general coaching
Benefits specialists manage and administer health and feedback to aid an employee’s career path and
insurance, pension, profit-sharing and other benefit run team effectiveness sessions.
programs in the organization.
                                                      HR jobs with an international flavor
Training and professional development specialists Global HR specialists manage international
design and deliver courses to employees based on the assignment programs, including rules and regulations,
results of needs assessment consultations with assignee compensation and benefits, international
business units and upper management. They may also relocation issues, staffing, and other related issues.
work with employees on career development plans, These positions are often, but not always based at
conducting things like Myers-Briggs tests and general corporate headquarters. Some major Japanese
communication or soft skills. Training is often corporations specifically seek out non-Japanese
outsourced to firms that specialize in human resource candidates for positions in this area, to act as liaisons
development programs.                                 with group companies worldwide.

Employee relations specialists mediate labor conflicts Cross-cultural (or intercultural) trainers design and
and liaise with labor unions.                            conduct programs for international assignees and for
                                                         those who work on global management teams or in
Recruiters work with business units to assess the need culturally diverse workplaces. Some training and
for new positions and new employees, followed up development specialists conduct intercultural
with advertising positions, conducting interviews and management programs as part of their other duties
negotiations with job candidates. Some recruiters in-house, but these programs are often outsourced
travel the country hosting information sessions at to firms or independent consultants who are
universities or job fairs. Many companies choose to specialists in the field.
outsource this function, and work with firms that
specialize in recruiting and executive search.           International relocation specialists provide assistance
                                                         for issues related to international assignees, including
Career development specialists work in large the shipment of personal belongings, home finding,
corporations, HR consulting firms, university career school visits and area familiarization tours. There are
centers or as independent consultants. When some large relocation firms that handle all of this
employed in-house by a large organization, they assist in-house, but there are several smaller firms in the
current employees develop a career path within that Tokyo area that have alliances with real estate
organization. At consulting firms and universities, they agencies and moving companies.
work with career changers and new graduates
throughout the process of finding suitable careers, Salary ranges vary widely according to the position,
job-hunting and interviewing skills and other the candidate’s experience, the industry and the size
techniques to help make their transition a success.      of the organization.

Career development specialists are also employed by In Japan, another growing area in human resources is
outplacement firms to assist people who have lost HR consulting services, provided by consulting firms
their jobs as a result of corporate restructuring.  or individuals. Many mid to senior level corporate HR
                                                    professionals choose to move into HR Consulting work
Larger and medium size consulting firms will often after gaining experience in the corporate
have Staffing and Professional Development environment. HR consultants are hired to partner with
positions. The role of a Staffing and Professional their clients to solve HR issues within the corporate
Development Coordinator can be varied but generally environment, and to help companies & organizations
involves working with the upper level management build and improve their HR related processes. The HR
and partners to appropriately staff client consultant brings value to organizations through
engagements. This includes considering the increased efficiency of HR functions, improved

FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
employee relations and morale, external analysis and       information to those interested in learning more
view, and reduction of operating costs. HR consulting      about the field.
work may touch on all aspects of human resources,
from compensation to training & development to             Japanese Language Requirements
recruiting.                                                As with many other positions in Japan, the higher your
                                                           Japanese level, the more opportunities will be
Examples of projects a HR Consultant may be involved       available to you. Human resources positions with a
in include:                                                primarily domestic focus will often require native or
  Ÿ Establish a human resources department for a           near-native Japanese language skills. Upper
     small, growing company                                management positions in non-Japanese companies
  Ÿ Audit the effectiveness and efficiency of a client’s   may not require fluency in Japanese but often you
     human resources functions                             must already be an employee of the company and are
  Ÿ Advise senior management on a strategic                brought over to create a link to the home office.
     approach to HR within their firm                      Positions with a more international focus may often
  Ÿ Temporarily manage HR functions within an              have more flexible requirements.
  Ÿ Assess future development needs of employees           Recommended Resources
     and build a training plan                             Organizations:
  Ÿ Orientation of new employees to business &             World Federation of Personnel Management
     cultural practices in Japan                           Associations
Finally, a very common HR related field in Japan is that
of recruiting and executive search. There are              Society for Human Resources Management
numerous companies both large and small,         
multinational and Japan specific which compete in
this field. While Japanese is often not necessary in       SHRM Global
such firms, a willingness to spend a lot of time on the
phone, searching for and talking to potential recruits
is a must.                                                 American Society for Training and Development
Some universities offer bachelor’s degrees in human        Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
resources management, but this is not an absolute
requirement to enter the field. Some HR professionals
choose to further their education with a master’s          Japan Management Association
degree or certificate in human resources management
or an MBA. Continuing education courses in finance,
marketing and other fields enhance the ability of HR       Society for Intercultural Training and Research
professionals      with    non-business    academic        (SIETAR) Japan
backgrounds to work with upper management on the 
organization’s business strategies.
                                                           Personnel Today
Temple University Japan offers business courses, 
including human resources management in their
continuing education course catalog. Additionally,         Workforce
some HR professionals based in Japan enroll in   
distance learning programs for master’s degrees or
certificates in HR management.                   
Human resource management textbooks are available
at large international bookstores in Tokyo and on the Monster HR
Internet, and provide an additional source of

                                                                                        FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
Information Technology                                       courses in programming languages, operating
                                                             systems, software design, and computer networking
More commonly call IT, this area encompasses all             are beneficial and assist in picking up new skills in the
aspects of the information creation, access, use,            workplace. Ongoing education is essential in IT. Even
storage, transport, and management, as well as the           in Japan, it is possible to find companies that offer
design,      development,       installations,    and        continuing IT and tech certification classes in English.
implementation of the systems and applications to
store, retrieve, and use that information. Given the         Software developers (programmers) design and
scope of that description, it becomes clear that IT          implement computer software or tailor existing
covers a wide range of possible careers, from the            software to a particular business’s needs. Proficiency
highly technical (programming database creation) to          in at least one programming language, strong
the creative (web design, user interface design) and         analytical skill, and an in-depth knowledge of the
the analytical (network design, troubleshooting).            operating systems being worked on are important.

Overall, many in the IT industry are self-taught, and        System integrators ensure that the different systems
the shortage of specific skills has led in the past to       used by a business or industry work smoothly
employer’s willingness to train fairly inexperienced         together, and may write interfacing programming
workers in-house. As the IT industry grows and               between different systems to ensure this harmony.
becomes more mature, this trend is changing.                 Although if something major is needed, the task will
Depending on the company, Japanese-language                  be handed to a full-fledged programmer. A successful
ability is essential in the workplace here. You may find     systems integrator needs to have a full understanding
that being computer literate with an in-depth                of a number of products and systems and of the way
knowledge of Windows, and/or other operating                 they will work in the business environment. Keeping
systems, together with corresponding applications,           abreast of current developments and how they can
will get you in the door. The hard truth, however, is        be used is essential.
that your competition in the Japanese market is a
native Japanese speaker who has been trained with            Project managers have a similar role to systems
the same skills that you have. Given this environment;       integrators, but are usually brought in from outside
you will have to come to the table with an advantage         to manage a specific project. They ensure that
over your competition. These advantages include              appropriate “tech” solutions are found and
fluency in English (depending on the environment) or         implemented to secure the smooth running of the
a mastery of a specific and highly specialized               project. Project Managers have to know what
technology.                                                  products are available to help with the project (and
                                                             which ones will not) and what interfacing programs
For non-Japanese speakers, the creative side of IT           need to be written (although these are usually
could prove to be most beneficial. There is a lucrative      outsourced). They are often the interface between
market for Western-based start-up companies geared           the business and the engineers. Japanese is almost
to the foreign community in Japan. Many web                  essential in this role, as project managers have to deal
specialists offer their service in the English web site      with Japanese companies that offer the products
design and creation as freelancers to such businesses.       being used. Equally, they must be computer literate,
Of course, thorough and up-to the date knowledge of          with a strong knowledge of the various operating
web technologies is essential for these roles.               systems available, such as UNIX, Windows, and Linux.
                                                             They should also have a good command of the
For more technical jobs, a thorough knowledge of             applications the various systems use and an
computer architecture and data structure is essential.       understanding of network connectivity. Network
While a degree in computer science or electrical             engineers are responsible for setting up and
engineering would be extremely helpful, proven               maintaining a company’s computer network, whether
ability in the field is likely to prove far more important   within one building (LAN) or linking different offices
to a potential employer in the long run.                     (WAN). To succeed, a network engineer must have a
                                                             good working knowledge of available products and
A strong interest in, and a willingness to learn about       services and a thorough understanding of the
computers and new technology are vital. Additional           company’s business needs. In Japan, many such

FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
engineers are employed by IT consulting companies.         Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Homesite, or other widely
Their engineers are then outsourced to sites to            used HTML editors. Web page developers create the
provide IT support. Project managers tend to be hired      code necessary to bring the
by companies such as Accenture and                         pages together, and keep them managed and
PricewaterhouseCoopers to carry out consulting work.       organized with a logical design structure. While
                                                           knowledge of HTML is a solid prerequisite, familiarity
Systems administrators decide how the computer with technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, and XML
system will function in practical terms-which are big plusses for web page developers.
computers will share resources, how end users will
access files and information, and how information will If a website is to be more than simply an online
be backed up. Again, a thorough knowledge of the brochure with web pages and graphics, such as an
systems’ abilities, coupled with a clear understanding e-commerce site handling customer transactions,
of the business needs and priorities of the company back end development is necessary. Back end
is essential. System Admins are usually responsible developers are the people who develop any needed
also for data security and should be able to Java programs, CGI and Perl scripts, and connect the
demonstrate good knowledge in this area as well.           frond end web pages to a database. Often, back end
                                                           expertise is split functionally into application
User support is often the most visible part of a developers and database experts. In addition to
company’s IT department. User support staff assist having expertise with popular programming
end users of the systems, offer training and advice languages, people interested in back end
when problems arise, and set up the operating development should also familiarize themselves with
system. Apart from a good knowledge of the product-specific API (Application Programming
operating system used, and a sympathetic Interface) tools for widely used packaged solutions
understanding of the end users’ needs, an ability to for the web. Those produced by Broadvision and BEA
deal calmly and quickly with irate end users is essential. Systems are examples. For database connectivity, the
                                                           pre-requisite is usually knowledge of Oracle, SQL, or
Web Design                                                 Sybase relational database management systems
Large web design companies usually split the different (RDBMS). Back end developers generally possess a
parts of web design into what is called the front end degree in computer science or a related field.
and the back end. Web designers in the front end deal Standard certification as a developer with a particular
with the more creative aspects of the process. They technology is a big plus on a resume and is mandatory
are responsible for giving the web page a good look with a few companies.
and feel. They should know HTML, even if they use a
design package like Dreamweaver, Frontpage, or Although Japanese-language skills help in the
Homesite, in order to create really great pages marketplace, they are still not essential-good
without simply following what the package can do. experience and a proven ability to do the job are more
These days they should also be good with at least one important.
product like Flash or Shockwave.
                                                           Recommended Resources
The back end people are usually the ones that make Organizations:
Java programs or connect the front end to the International Computer Association (ICA)
database. They are essentially programmers who
know Java, NET, PHP, Java Script, Perl, CGI scripts, etc.
                                                           Bar Camp Tokyo
Graphic Designers specialize in the creation and
manipulation of the graphical images that appear on
a web page. Expertise with industry standard graphics Tokyo Hacker Space
manipulation packages such as Photoshop and Tokyo HackerSpace is an open community lab, studio,
Fireworks is usually a pre-requisite to get into web workbench, sewing circle, machine shop+, where
graphic design. Creative and artistic flair is also people with common interests in technology, building
essential. Web page developers must know HTML and things, gardening, cooking, science, sewing, digital art,
be adept with software packages such as

                                                                                       FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
gaming+, can find the space, the like-minded people, Marketing
and the infrastructure needed for these activities.                     Debbie Howard, President of Japan Market Resource
                                                     Network, states that there are a number of
Tokyo 2.0                                            personality traits an individual must have in order to                         be successful in the marketing field. These include
                                                     creativity, good communication skills (both written
Tokyo Startup Weekend                                and verbal), persuasive ability, and an interest in                     people and human psychology. A lively, enthusiastic
                                                     personality doesn’t hurt either. Having graduated with
Digital Eve Japan                                    a BA in advertising and marketing from the Journalism                       School of the University of South Carolina, and with a
                                                     30-year career overall in marketing and
Japan Electronics and Information Technology communications, Howard is somewhat of an expert.
Industries Association                               Of those 30 years, she has spent the last 20 in Japan
An industry organization in Japan with activities and has been president of her own market research
covering both the electronics and information company for the past 17.
technology (IT) fields.             To get into the Japanese marketing arena, says
                                                     Debbie, you will not only need all of the skills
Internet Association Japan (IAJapan)                 mentioned above, but a few others as well. The first
A non-profit and industry-based organization is Japanese-language skills. As Howard points out,
providing leadership in promoting advanced systems marketing is selling—and it is difficult to sell to a
of the Internet and solving problems that ISPs Japanese target market without speaking Japanese.
encounter when they operate services.                As an alternative, or until you hone your Japanese-                 language skills, you might try getting into sales that
                                                     focus on a foreign target market (i.e., telemarketing
Education:                                           or selling advertising space that targets foreign
Temple University School of Continuing Education     customers, or assisting in a section of a company that
Courses in database design and creation, desktop services a small but elite number of foreign customers
publishing, networking, web page design, etc.        in addition to its Japanese customers—such as retail                                 banking, hotels, financial planning and international
                                                     schools). If you already have solid marketing skills
Reading:                                             from your career back home, you may be able to find
Cool Careers for Girls in Computers                  work in your field without Japanese-language skills—
Ceel Pasternak, Linda Thomburg, 1999                 but such positions are few and far between.

Japan Internet Report (JIR)                           Another skill that will benefit you greatly in Japan is
Free, monthly e-mail newsletter featuring news and    patience. You will need to keep in mind that things
commentary on Japan’s Internet industry.              are going to take a lot longer to happen here and you                                    have to be prepared for that. The fact that decisions
                                                      and actions take longer to occur means the process
Nikkei BizTech                                        of marketing is likely to cost more time and money.
                                                      The third skill you will need to develop is cultural
                                                      sensitivity. This entails the need to acknowledge that
                                                      business is not going to be transacted using the same
                                                      formula as “back home.” People are going to have
                                                      different expectations and experiences—and these
                                                      will need to be factored into any marketing plan.
                                                      Howard points out that Japanese culture is subtler in
                                                      many ways. As an example, she says that comparative

FEW Career Guide 2010
Careers in Focus
advertising does not always go over well here as in            countries as well. Don’t overlook smaller NGOs
America. Many ads in the US blatantly state how and            however, since these may offer the chance to work at
why product A is superior to product B, but in Japan,          a higher level because they need more “people
that can lead to a feeling of sympathy for the product         power.” Another opportunity for volunteering and
being sullied. Therefore, the way a message is                 acquiring skills is via the foreign business chambers
communicated in a Japanese marketing campaign                  here in Japan, such as the American Chamber of
may well have to be more nuanced.                              Commerce (ACCJ), the British Chamber of Commerce
                                                               in Japan (BCCJ), the Canadian Chamber of Commerce
So how do you go about getting into the field of               in Japan (CCCJ), the German Chamber of Commerce
marketing? As Howard reminds us, marketing is a                and Industry in Japan (GCCIJ), and so forth. Each of
rather large field, encompassing advertising, direct           these organizations has a variety of committees
marketing, marketing research, public relations, and           through which you can demonstrate your marketing
sales, so the first step is to identify companies that         skills by volunteering. Not only will you be able to
have such departments, or companies that provide               build your portfolio, you will also be presented with
these services to other companies (advertising or PR           great networking opportunities.
agencies, marketing research companies, etc.).
However, this may not be as simple as just finding a           In addition to volunteering, you can build your skills
particular department in the company’s directory.              by taking additional courses according to your specific
Although marketing is essential, Howard says, the role         area of interest. There are a number of distance and
is not as transparent in Japanese companies as it is in        continuing education institutions that offer courses
non-Japanese companies. Even if you look at a                  in marketing and communications. Yet another
particular company, it may not have a “VP of                   strategy is to take a lower level position at a company
Marketing,” or a “marketing department” per se, but            and then work your way into the marketing area by
that does not mean the function is not included within         demonstrating your interest and talents internally.
another department, such as “planning” or “new                 Although it may not be exactly what you wanted at
business development.” Generally speaking, the                 first, at least you will have your foot in the door and
discipline of marketing is not as developed in Japan—          you can develop relationships from the inside.
and this translates into the fact that there are fewer
jobs to be found.                                              Of course getting a position is the first step, but once
                                                               employed there are a few quirks to be aware of when
As Debbie points out, the marketing field is very              entering the marketing field in Japan. The first is that
competitive in Japan, just as it is in the United States       booms can occur in Japan in a very big way compared
and Europe. It is the same old adage: you cannot get           to other markets. Howard uses the “tamagotchi
a job without the skills, but it is difficult to acquire the   craze” of several years back as an example, pointing
skills without having a job. If you find that you are not      out that it became huge very quickly, yet the buzz
having much luck entering the area of marketing,               dissipated not long afterwards. Should you succeed
however, there are a few steps that you can take to            with such a hit, your company will enjoy a big burst
make yourself more attractive to a prospective                 of sales for a short time, but then you will have to
employer. In short, you must be able to demonstrate            come up with the next idea quickly. In any case, such
that you have skills that will allow you to make an            booms do not occur as often as people in marketing
immediate contribution, since things move fast in the          would like and, as Howard states, there is a lot of
world of marketing—but Howard stresses that this is            “product churn” in Japan, with notable short product
true for career seekers in marketing anywhere in the           life cycles in comparison to Western markets. She
world. One way to do this is to start building (or             cites vending machines and convenience store shelves
expanding) your portfolio by offering to volunteer             as an example—you can see new drinks being
your services. There are a number of organizations             launched almost every week. A second differentiating
with international ties in Japan, such as FEW, that can        point of marketing in Japan is the fact that it is an
always use help with their PR. Howard suggests                 extremely expensive advertising market. This means
getting yourself involved with an NGO that has global          that ad and marketing budgets must be far larger here
recognition (e.g., Refugees International, World               than in the US or Europe in order to achieve the same
Wildlife Fund, etc.) so that your efforts will be              penetration.
recognized not only here in Japan but in other

                                                                                             FEW Career Guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010
Few career guide 2010

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Few career guide 2010

  • 1.
  • 2. This page is intentionally left blank
  • 3. Introduction The For Empowering Women (FEW) Career Guide 2010 This Guide has been produced primarily as a supplementary resource for participants of the 16th FEW Career Strategies Seminar and, as such, features details of keynote and workshop speakers for the spring 2010 event. The Guide has been compiled by the members of FEW, with the invaluable assistance of many other foreign women working in Japan. These women have already trodden the path you are taking – whether you are just beginning to settle into a new life and career, or have been here for some time and are looking for a change of direction. There are numerous books and websites available to help you settle into life and work in a foreign country. This Guide does not aim to replicate or replace these resources, but instead looks to present you with first-hand accounts of how industries operate in Japan and how foreign women are thriving in these industries. Some additional aims are as follows: Ÿ to reassure you that a move to Japan does not have to mean the end of pursuing a rewarding career (even if you do not speak Japanese) Ÿ to provide you with tried and tested hints and tips on how to have an enjoyable and rewarding working life in Japan Ÿ to provide you with an extensive, but by no means exhaustive, list of useful resources that can help you achieve your dreams here Ÿ to help you appreciate that you are not alone Firstly, the Guide provides you with a brief overview of 16th CSS workshop speakers. It then offers some advice on evaluating your career, going job hunting, dealing with recruiters and handling job negotiations. It also provides tips for “staying sane” in Japan while you’re dealing with all of the above. Throughout the Guide you will find success stories of other women who are living and working here; these personal accounts reflect the writers’ own experiences and opinions and are not necessarily those of FEW. We very much hope that the 16th CSS and this accompanying Guide will prove useful for you, and that your time in Japan will bring you much success and happiness. 3 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 4. Contents Acknowledgements .................................................................................... 05 Sponsors ..................................................................................................... 06 Keynote Speaker ......................................................................................... 10 Workshop Speakers .................................................................................... 10 Careers in Focus ......................................................................................... 14 Consulting Advertising Entrepreneurship Finance Human Resources/Training Information Technology Web design Marketing Public Relations Writing/Editing/Publishing Job Hunting .......................................................................................... 35 Getting into the Marketplace in Japan Networking Researching the Japanese Job Market Resume Writing Interviewing Interviewing – The Japanese Experience Getting an Offer Immigration and Visas .............................................................................. 49 Career Development .................................................................................... 51 Staying in Your Own Field Volunteer Work Career Management Japan Market Expansion Competition Temple University School of Continuing Education Continuing Opportunities Financial Planning .................................................................................... 68 Culture Shock – On the Job ................................................................... 70 Resources ..................................................................................................... 71 Recruitment Firms Job Listings and Information Business Information Organizations Advisory Services Other Helpful Resources About FEW ......................................................................................... 79 4 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 5. Acknowledgements As a non-profit organization whose mission is to help women in Japan support each other in their creative and career goals, FEW would like to express its sincere thanks to all of those who made this CSS event and Guide possible. Seminar Committee Chairperson Mary Fidler Career Guide Committee Lori Henderson, Geetanjali Singh, Monika Surma Career Guide Design and Layout Geetanjali Singh Publicity Kirsten Adachi Speakers Committee Mary Fidler, Lauren Shannon Administrators Michelle McKee Sponsorship Liaisons Andrea Mori, Minako Okuma, Florence Roca Website Administration Lauren Shannon Catering To the Moon and Back, Carolyn Pieroway Facilities Temple University Japan Special Acknowledgments FEW would especially like to thank Lizzie Murray of Studio Number 3 for designing all promotional materials and folders for the 16th CSS. Special thanks also goes to the France Travel Center for their generous donation of a two night stay at Kyoto. Finally, FEW would like to extend its appreciation to Geetanjali Singh for the design and layout of the 2010 Guide, and Lori Henderson for compiling and editing the Guide contents. 5 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 6. FEW Sponsors FEW thanks the following sponsors for their donations to the 16th CSS. We encourage you to contact these vendors when shopping for goods and services in Tokyo. ACCJ Journal ANA International Hotel BIVIO Sports Club Chanel Japan Chez Olivier, Olivier Oddos Electronic Arts Eureka! France Travel Center FBC (Foreign Buyers Club) Friends Provident International 6 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 7. FEW Sponsors Fusion GOL Generali International Hooplovers IFG Financial Services KUDOS First Benefit Le Cordon Bleu L’oreal Produits de Luxe Lugdunum Bouchon Lyonnais French Restaurant Christophe Paucod Metropolis Magazine Nama Kiss Raw Vegan Desserts Royal London 7 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 8. FEW Sponsors Studio Number 3 Temple University, Japan Campus Tokyo Hacker Space Tokyo Yoga Circle To The Moon And Back Catering 8 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 9. Few Sponsors 9 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 10. Speakers & Presenters Keynote Speaker Workshop Presenters (alphabetical order) Yukiko Ogasawara Amanda Cennon Yukiko Ogasawara is President and Representative Director of The Japan Times, Limited; she also sits on With 10 years of international business, sales, and the board of Nifco Inc., the parent company of the organizational development experience, Amanda has Japan Times. The Japan Times, founded in 1898, is worked across a variety of industries and career levels Japan’s oldest English language newspaper, and with workshop participants from around the world. currently serves the foreign and English-reading Interested in motivation, goal setting, and global Japanese community nationwide. leadership, Amanda is also accredited to run workshops on team building, 360° feedback and Yukiko was born in Japan in 1961 but spent most of strategic selling. Amanda runs Action Coaching Tokyo her childhood in the United States of America. She (a mastermind group for women entrepreneurs), is graduated from Evergreen State College, Olympia, an enthusiastic member of FEW, an avid hiker and Washington with a B.A. in Art and pursued her artistic enjoys balancing things out with yoga. She holds an studies with an M.F.A. from the California College of MSc from the London School of Economics, a B.A. Arts and Crafts in San Francisco, California. from the University of Saskatchewan and certificates from the American Society for Training & She has been awarded a fellowship from The San Development, Team Management Systems, and Miller Francisco Foundation and has exhibited several Heiman. She is originally from the Canadian prairies collections of her art work in California. and has worked in the U.K, Canada and Japan. After graduation, she spent some time teaching art Katie Decker and crafts to children whilst she was Artist-in- Katie Decker is a twenty-something American gal who Residence at the Francisco Middle School in San has spent five years living and working in Japan. Francisco at the invitation of the S.F. Arts Education Inspired since childhood to learn more about the Program. Throughout her creative activities she has country, Katie studied Japanese language at the made great efforts to introduce art and artwork to University of Michigan and spent a semester abroad children. In Tokyo, she now continues these activities in Kyoto. After graduation, she returned to Japan to in a private capacity and was recently asked to work at the U.S. Pavilion at the Aichi World Expo become a director of the Children’s Express, a non- where she explained U.S. public diplomacy initiatives profit organization which seeks to educate children in to more than 10,000 visitors everyday. Shortly writing, self-expression and artistic expression. following the conclusion of the Expo, Katie moved to Tokyo where she worked at the U.S. Embassy as In 2003, Yukiko Ogasawara returned to Tokyo to take Special Assistant to the Ambassador for three years. up a position as Assistant General Manager of the In March 2009, she accepted an offer to work at Tokyo International Division in Nifco Inc. and was elected a Electric Power Company (TEPCO), where she is the director of the company in 2005. She was appointed only foreigner among 40,000 employees, and is President of The Japan Times in March 2006. responsible for communicating with TEPCO’s international counterparts in the G8 countries. When Yukiko now has residences in Tokyo and Los Angeles. not caught up in the daily grind, Katie can usually be found chatting with her girlfriends at a local café or dancing the night away. She loves Tokyo’s unique international vibe, and considers the city her home- away-from-home. Anne Good Anne is an HR professional with in-depth knowledge of, and experience in, business strategies and training 10 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 11. Speakers & Presenters practices. She operates her own coaching and of Oak’s Human Resources Solutions team, which personal development business in Japan called Eureka! offers HR consulting services in areas such as Corporate Training & Development, HR Outsourcing, She moved to Japan in 2003 and has worked with a Executive Coaching & Career Consulting and variety of businesses ranging from large Orientation & Relocation. multinationals to smaller entrepreneurial enterprises with a particular focus on foreign companies investing Renee Kida in Japan. Renee came to Japan over twelve years ago, after graduating with a degree in Japanese Studies from Anne has an MA in Educational Management, San Francisco State University. She began working at Certificate in Post Compulsory Education and Training, an American orthopedic medical device company with University of Hertfordshire, England and is a Certified rudimentary Japanese skills, right in the middle of a Myers Briggs Professional and Certified Keirsey company merger, and had no real idea of what she Temperament Sorter II Professional. was going to be doing! She found herself one of three foreigners working in a company of approximately 700 Anne has well-developed skills as a facilitator and has employees, in an industry known for being very managed teams of trainers in a wide variety of training conservative, with a difficult customer target – fields. She has a strong commitment to helping Japanese doctors. After finding her way slowly in the individuals and organisations achieve their maximum organization she achieved some success and a potential. promotion, and began leading a team of two foreigners. Approximately six years into her time in In the UK, Anne worked with Spring Group plc, a UK Japan she married a Japanese man, and decided to based consultancy, recruitment and training make this her home. But she had hit a wall in her company, where she further developed business- career. So, after 8 years she parted from her first planning skills including strategic direction, company in Japan, and took some steps to reinvent competitor analysis and financial planning & analysis. her career. She received her MBA through distance She gained additional experience in managing start learning, and currently she is the HR and Operational up projects including Education Learning Centres. Manager IKEA Japan’s Contact Center, leading a team of approximately 90 Japanese staff. In her personal Anne set up her own executive career and life time, she likes catching up with friends, meeting new coaching business in January 2008 and works with people, cooking, travel, getting massages and recently people from all walks of life to support their personal has gotten into Twitter. and professional developmental needs. Anna Kunnecke Anna Kunnecke talks a lot, writes stuff, and coaches Carolyn Gaskins people around the world by phone. Originally from North Carolina, Carolyn has lived in Tokyo for over 13 years. In the U.S., with Roadway She graduated from Bryn Mawr College and put that Express, Carolyn assumed management and sales excellent education to questionable use: as flower roles, with hands-on experience in facility operations, shop girl, cleaning lady, bookstore clerk, and client relationship management and supervision of unemployed beatnik. (Obviously, she needed a life union employees. When she moved to Japan in 1995, coach in the worst way.) She also had “real jobs” at Carolyn worked as an instructor for Nova Group; she a foundation, at international consulting and then became involved in the training and marketing firms, and as a professional theater actress development of new employees, the supervision of and MC. She continues to do voice-overs for TV instructors and in the management of HR generalist commercials, video games, and documentaries. functions at head office. After briefly returning to the US, Carolyn and her husband came back to Tokyo in Since she had made every career misstep possible and 2001, when she joined Oak Associates K.K. through a survived (even thrived), she decided to help others referral from a former colleague. After working for avoid some of her early mistakes. She trained as a life the first year as a Search Consultant, Carolyn is coach with Dr. Martha Beck, author of Expecting currently a partner in the company and the manager Adam and monthly columnist at O, the Oprah 11 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 12. Speakers & Presenters Magazine, and was certified as a Martha Beck life artistic pursuits and enjoys working collaboratively on coach in November of 2009. She likes to coach different advertising and creative projects. She is renegades, who she defines as anyone ready to make currently based in Tokyo, Japan, where she runs her their own joy and live by their own lights. She is agency from a shared studio at the Ikejiri Institute of currently writing a memoir, and writes a daily blog Design. Lizzie is always looking for ways to promote about her life as the working mother of a 3-year-old: talented artists and designers, and loves that art and design are an important part of everyday life in Japan. Check out her upcoming telecourse, How To Shine In Originally from Melbourne, Australia, Lizzie has a Front Of People, at Bachelor of Fine Art (Photography) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Interactive Media. She enjoys Terri MacMillan the freedom of working for herself, especially because Terri was born in Harlem, New York in January 1958. it enables her to collaborate with a broad range of She attended the High School of Music and Art as a talented contributors on various projects. Voice major, was Manager of Business Affairs for CBS Records International for 10 years, Director of Ad- She likes cats, cafes, gardens, art, and Heathcote ministration for Prince’s Paisley Park Music for 2 shiraz. years, Director of Sales for Kampo Cultural Center, then moved to Japan to co-manage Pizzicato Five. Kristin Newton Among other artists and musicians, Terri has worked Kristin is an artist and facilitator and has delivered with Laurie Anderson, Don Alias, Onaje Allan Gumbs, workshops for a long list of global clients, including Mark Egan and Danny Gottlieb, Boom Boom Satel- Ogilvy & Mather, SAP, AIG, UNITAR Hiroshima, Fuji lites, Hisaishi Joe, GAO, Asian Kung-fu Generation, Electric, MI Associates, Fuji Kasai, Shinsei Bank, and Chitose Hajime, Feed produced by Lenny Kaye, and Pro-Active Learning. She studied for many years with Kayoko. She managed Pizzicato Five’s international Dr. Georgi Lozanov, considered the "father of career, signing them to Matador Records, and was accelerated learning", and Betty Edwards, the author instrumental in exposing their music in commercials of “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”. Kristin is and films in countries outside of Japan. well known in Tokyo for teaching a 5-day workshop by the same name. She holds a degree in Fine Art and, As a new media producer, Terri has produced pod- in 1993, founded RBR, an art school inTokyo. She was cast series garnering hundreds of thousands of originally invited to Japan in 1980 to make glass downloads. She has also worked with some of the sculptures and teach glass design, and still considers most prominent social media communities in Ameri- glass her favorite medium. can progressive politics. Julia Maeda Julia is an experienced management consultant, Sarajean Rossitto trainer and coach who has had extensive experience Sarajean is a Tokyo-based nonprofit NGO consultant. working with cross-functional teams, particularly She facilitates workshops, seminars and projects within organisations undergoing transformation. aimed at developing skills, organizational capacity and an understanding of global issues through effective Julia juggles being an independent management partnerships. For more than 10 years she has worked consultant and interim manager, with being a mother with organizations in Japan, running training and skills to two very lively boys. She is also an active member development programs for nonprofit NGO of the local and ex-pat community. As well as being professionals, and has assisted with linking different President of FEW, she is also Chair of the British School communities to Japanese organizations. Sarajean also PTA and has been involved in work for a number of facilitates internal organizational planning meetings local charities. and corporate community engagement programs. She spent close to four years coordinating bilateral Lizzie Murray exchange of nonprofit professionals between the US Lizzie is a creative director and producer for her own and Japan for Japan-U.S. Community Exchange company Studio Number Three. She loves art and (JUCEE). She also worked for 6 years with the Tokyo 12 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 13. Speakers & Presenters YMCA. Sarajean holds a Columbia University Masters of International Affairs degree with a focus on human rights in East Asia. Her undergraduate degree is in Sociology with a focus on social movements. Lauren Shannon Lauren Shannon is the president of the Tokyo-based Sapphire Restaurant Management Group, chairwoman of Democrats Abroad Japan, founder of Tokyo Writer’s Salon, vice-president of For Empowering Women (FEW), and a start-up member of Tokyo Hacker Space. Until recently, the Pennsylvania native and 12-year Japan resident was also the general manager at Fujimamas, the late, much-lamented restaurant in Harajuku. With her former Fujimamas staff, she runs the catering company To The Moon And Back and is in the process of re-opening her popular new hangout for fine wines and good food called the Kimono Wine Bar. Eriko Talley Eriko has held various Human Resources roles for the past 20 years in the Silicon Valley (California) and Japan, overseeing global HR in more than 20 countries over the years. She is currently based in Tokyo as the HR Director of a major US company, and co-chairs the HRM Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ). She holds a Bachelors Degree from Notre Dame de Namur University. Deanne Tonkin Deanne is passionate about bringing the art of hoop dance to the diverse international scene in Tokyo. Her desire to connect people through dance, music and fun fueled the creation of Hoop Lovers Deanne's mission is to inspire global beings to find their true potential through movement and self-expression, and is passionate about the encompassing benefits of hoop dance. Deanne currently teaches weekly Hoop Dance classes in Tokyo, including active and creative lessons for adults and children. She regularly performs Hoop Dance shows for corporate and private parties as well as kid's events and a variety of other celebrations. She has traveled the world sharing her individual style of hoop love and has performed on stages in Sydney, Thailand and San Francisco. 13 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 14. Careers in Focus Consulting very much focused on providing expertise that could not be provided by a native Japanese speaker. Consultants provide a company with expertise and Examples of these areas of expertise could be bringing advice in areas that the company itself lacks, or does a new foreign business or idea into the Japanese not have the free resources to deal with. That market or helping a Japanese company manage expertise can be in any area, from marketing to image relations with their native country. Consultants advise building, accounting, IT services, strategy and on many aspects that in their home country would planning, post merger management and managing often be handled in-house, including office location, change, business process reengineering, or even banking facilities, staffing, market analysis, marketing, changing direction entirely. communications, management and even recommending potential business partners. One area of expertise that is in particular demand here is dealing with and handling the Japanese Good interpersonal skills are clearly essential, as is the regulatory process. The regulatory process in Japan is ability to see through the tangle of corporate, unique; being walked through the process is an almost governmental and market data, create strong essential service for many foreign companies and quantitative analysis to backup recommendations and businesses hoping to enter the market in Japan. the courage and ability to make realistic, rather than optimistic or pessimistic, assessments and Consultancies come in all shapes and sizes, from recommendations. corporate giants like Accenture to solo operators, from highly specialized niche practices for IT or Networking is also an essential tool for consultants, marketing to “one-stop shopping” conglomerates. In in order to build and strengthen their networks, as practice, most fall somewhere in-between. well as broaden their knowledge and awareness of the current climate. This can increasingly be done In addition to the private consultancies, government- online, as well as in the real world. backed trade commissions also offer a number of similar fee-based services, including JETRO, the US Japanese language ability is generally required to Department of Commerce, the Australian Trade successfully move into the larger consulting firms Commission and the German Chamber of Commerce here. This is because junior to mid-level positions and Industry, just to name a few. These tend to charge essentially are involved in interviewing the client and on a project or hourly basis, while private working together with local staff on the project. Some consultancies will usually charge on a flat fee or senior level managers are expatriates but are more retainer basis. commonly bilingual local staff, and few positions at this level are available here. Consulting can be entered via several levels. Often, an entry-level position can be obtained with an Recommended Resources undergraduate degree from a prestigious school or a Organizations: strong educational background in a particular field, Management Consulting Network International such as IT. The next level up will usually require an MBA, according to accepted wisdom. However, many consultants are successful purely and simply because of their experience, and the expertise they have built up in their chosen field of specialization – they will have an extremely in-depth knowledge of their field, they can predict and navigate potential pitfalls and problems successfully and they have a wide range of valuable contacts with whom they have a high degree of credibility. Consultants like these may be able to work independently on per project basis for large companies (often international). Without bilingual skills, consultancy here in Japan is 14 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 15. Careers in Focus Advertising account manager who must decide when to persuade the client to accept something different from what he The Japanese advertising industry is witnessing a had envisaged and at a different cost – in effect selling recent trend of gradual recovery as advertisers’ total the creative team’s idea back to the client. spending increases, while clients are starting to focus on building brands and turning to more experienced For anyone in advertising, good interpersonal skills foreign advertisers. On the other hand, clients are are paramount, as well as a creative turn of mind and looking for an integrated approach to their marketing, the ability to accept scathing criticism. For a meaning that advertisers have to consider all the copywriter, the ability to write concisely, as well as different ways that people connect to and experience the ability to work under pressure and to adapt brands, including Internet, mobile phones, out-of- oneself to the client’s demands, is essential. home media, in-store activities, and events. At the same time the industry is continually becoming more A degree in marketing could be helpful these days, high-tech with the Internet advertising expenditures though good experience may still win the day, and an showing a rapid expansion, although it still remains account manager will also need the ability to control behind television and newspaper ads. A lot of a team and to empathize with the client. expenditure is also being sent to in-store marketing, as the retail environment continues to grow as a In Japan, many of the opportunities in this field are in media to capture consumers’ attention and interest the area of bridging foreign and Japanese where the actual purchase happens, to drive cross- advertisements. Global brand advertisers more and sales and even unexpected purchases. more seek for consistency in advertising campaigns worldwide. This could mean that the concept of an In simple terms, the types of jobs in advertising are advertising campaign is built at one office, usually the divided into three areas, as in “Client Service headquarters, and creative executions are adapted to Department”, “Creative department” and “Planning local context. Your language skills and cross-cultural Department” and within these sections, the different understanding may help in this type of environment. job descriptions range from Account Executives, Account Supervisor or Manager, Account Director, Interactive advertising for the Internet is now also on then Account Planner or also called Strategic Planner, mobile phones, being a growing area in Japan and also Media Planner and then going to creative part, a new field of advertising that offers many Creative Director, Art Director, Designer, Copywriter. opportunities for those willing to take a chance and branch out, since there is still a limited number of It is said that good copywriters are made, not born – experienced people in this area. being able to write is not a guarantee that they will make a good copywriter – it takes time, and just as You should never underestimate the power of your importantly, requires an ability to write concisely, native communication skills, but more important than often wittily and with a good and usually original turn your language abilities, your main competitive of phrase. Of course, advertising positions are not just advantage could be your bicultural skills. Clients tend limited to copywriting, there are many other positions to be more internationally oriented and appreciate available too. Japanese Advertising agencies different ways of thinking, expecting to be exposed outsource almost everything of the work, leaving their and stirred up by new ideas. By understanding and offices to deal with Client Service and Creative, appreciating both cultures, you clearly have an however this is not the case for Foreign Advertising opportunity to contribute as a bridge between agencies which have full services in-house and it is a cultures. So, consider your status of being a foreign trend that is starting to be embraced by Japanese woman in Japan as your advantage and use it as agencies also. leverage. Account managers are the key point of contact with Recommended Resources the client, managing the day-to day business Organizations: relationship, and ensuring that the creative team Forum for Corporate Communication (FCC) meets the client’s expectations in terms of creative executions, scheduling and budgeting. It is the 15 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 16. Careers in Focus Japan Advertisers Association, Inc. (JAA) Entrepreneurship An industry organization aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of advertisers’ activities. For whatever reason some people were born to seek Includes a list of related organizations. risk, adventure and challenge; for those folks, working in a corporation or for a boss can be stifling. As an alternative, they feel the need to recreate their lives, Japan Advertising Agencies Association (JAAA) make their careers more independent. One way that Includes membership list. many women in Japan – foreign and Japanese – have achieved this is by starting their own business. In some ways, Japan seems a very daunting environment for entrepreneurship. There is, of course, the language barrier and costs can potentially be very high - though these costs are coming down in the new global environment. Also, the business culture in Japan is often difficult to understand, regardless of your level of Japanese. However, these challenges are by no means insurmountable and, if you are determined, you can even use some of these perceived barriers to your advantage. One common theme to hundreds of business books, seminars and conferences is that starting your own business demands passion. To make a business successful, you need passion to drive you through the ups and downs, so it’s essential that you are doing what you love. You cannot just “like” your business idea, model or product; “like” will not sustain you during the hard times especially when getting started. If you want to read a great and funny book about finding passion and taking it to great heights, check out Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk. His three principals for entrepreneurship, which set the tone for the whole book, can’t be underestimated: Love you family, work super hard, and live your passion. For a more feminine approach to going it alone, SEED is a great resource. This is an empowerment tool for the advancement of 21st century women, and the recognized authority on the feminine way to do b u s i n e s s : =1. Through its learning programmes, support networks, group events and unique tools, SEED enables women to live and work according to the feminine principles of community, connection and collaboration. A piece of advice to potential entrepreneurs in Japan is: look for possibilities - and don’t let the bad economy of the 2009-2010 scare you off. The 16 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 17. Careers in Focus economic situation is apparently so grim that some Finally, a good rule of thumb for any entrepreneur is: experts fear we may be in for a stretch as bad as the Give back. One way we can all succeed as women in mid-seventies. But you know what? That is when business is if we help each other. We should actively these two companies were formed: Microsoft and seek out and support other women in Japan! Two Apple. There is an even longer list of household known ways to do this are to check out women’s business names that started during and just after the great groups and buy from female-owned companies. Or, depression of the 1930s. A recession may not be such if you have been running your own company for a a bad time to launch a startup - what matters is who while why not mentor a new woman entrepreneur? you are, not when you do it. If you're the right sort of person, you'll win even in a bad economy. An upside Being your own boss is highly rewarding and a lot of to a down economy is that sometimes, starting costs, work but for many of us in Japan it is the best match rent and other daunting bills may be lower than in for our personalities and passion! boom times. Everyone knows you're supposed to buy when times are bad and sell when times are good. Written by Lauren Shannon But, even in bad times, if you run your own company as cheaply as possible you’ll be off to a good solid Recommended Resources start. Entrepreneurs have a great ability to see Organizations: potential. Seeing potential and coming up with something new means being out there on your own EA-Tokyo sometimes – and this is difficult in Japan. But The Entrepreneur Association of Tokyo was founded remember there are lots of resources and online sites to promote and support entrepreneurship in Japan. to help! Having a viable business plan is also important to your Tokyo Small Business Meetup endeavor. If you have a strong business background, The focus of the Tokyo Small Business meetup, is on use all of what you know to make your plan viable; if getting managers the tools they need to do their job you don’t, get in touch with people who do, and get better. Every month, one of the members or an lots of feedback before setting up. With a strong external speaker, presents their business idea, or business plan, you may be able to find partners or introduces their service, or gives a workshop related investors to help you get started in Japan. to business, hopefully with a specific focus on Japan. Obviously, individual talents and skills are the most important things for starting your own business. And, Chambers of Commerce: no matter what your educational background and Contact your local one through the phone directory work experience, while you’re in Japan, you must or phone operator. The chambers can answer many continue to build your skills, develop yourself, and questions about how to get started, where to find take stock of what you are learning. Striking out on networks and more. Some examples of active your own means pooling all your resources from every chambers in Tokyo include: area of your life, so that you can continue to build your experience and skills. And, as with anything Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan worthwhile, building your own business requires continual efforts. The accumulation of hard work on a day-to-day level is essential to success. British Chamber of Commerce in Japan Being in business for yourself can be stressful, so it’s vital to take care of your health and, as much as you American Chamber of Commerce in Japan can, try to maintain a good work/life balance. Look for positive ways of dealing with the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, like joining an entrepreneur’s Online: organization for example. WomanOwned was formed in 1998, and since then we have provided the information, tools, networking 17 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 18. Careers in Focus opportunities and advice that have helped hundreds Finance of thousands of women. Women just like you - starting or growing their business. The financial services (FS) industry encompasses a huge range of professions and employers through Smallbiz Japan different strains of finance. A career in finance could A Yahoo group for foreign people starting or running mean working anywhere from a multinational small businesses in Japan. securities house as a trader to a small manufacturing enterprise as an in-house accountant. Each sector offers different levels of client contact or individual Reading/Research: or team working. Most offer attainable career Global Entrepreneurship Monitor progression and some, more than others, the need for specific qualifications to enter. Magazine Typically career entry is either at graduate level, although a finance or economics related degree is not always required, or at school-leaver level. As with Books: many industries, opportunities may present The Anti- 9-5 Guide themselves to those people who prove that they are willing to work hard and have the skills to adapt to the Outside/dp/1580051863/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=en environment. Many posts are recruited through glish-books&qid=1268978115&sr=1-1 company websites or through financial headhunters, the local and international press or recruitment. Some The Boss of You positions require many years of experience and a good reputation in the market place whilst other M a i n t a i n - positions are best filled by unqualified novices who Business/dp/1580052363/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid= can be molded to fit the company ideal. The best 1268978033&sr=8-1 opportunities in Japan at the moment, as with many other industries, are gained through contacts and Kick Start Your Dream Business: Getting It Started and networking. The financial services industry is Keeping You Going reasonably self contained giving rise to many opportunities for experienced or inexperienced Business/dp/1580082513/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=en administrators, data input clerks, telephone glish-books&qid=1268978477&sr=1-1 representatives and other junior positions, all of which may lead to other professional opportunities or long term rewarding jobs in these fields. If you already have industry qualifications it is likely that, if gained abroad, they will not be recognized in Japan. You will probably have to become a chartered member or register with the relevant institution in Japan before you may work. The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Financial Services Agency are two examples. However, many of the chartered associations of Japan offer fast track accreditation for those who are chartered abroad. Japanese language is not always required within the FS industry although accountancy and real estate professionals could not function without strong language skills, particularly written, and a knowledge of Japanese laws. As such, a premium is paid for candidates with these skills. Japanese firms operating 18 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 19. Careers in Focus in foreign markets do not always require Japanese underwriter who assesses an applicant’s level of language skills if business acumen is strong. exposure to risk and determines the provision or price of cover. There has been an increase recently in the Greatest employment is within the commercial banks number of insurance policies sold through banks, that offer banking services to individuals and however, specialist insurance companies continue to businesses. Opportunities range from branch clerks be the largest employers in this field. Lloyds of London and administration assistants to financial planners, offers a worldwide benchmark for insurers with The mortgage advisors and managerial positions. Other Prudential, Zurich and Mitsui Sumitomo being other roles within this sector include credit analyst, loan key companies in Japan. officer and trust officer. Because these tend to be large companies, completing many tasks in-house, Fund Management involves the creation and there are also opportunities for other careers, which management of a portfolio of stocks and shares for you may not associate with these firms such as human institutes or private clients. Opportunities include resources, marketing and advertising. This is very portfolio management, portfolio management much a customer based environment and your career marketing, investment advisory, mutual fund analyst progression is likely to see you perform a number of and hedge fund management. This is rarely an entry- different roles, meet many different clients and give level career and often one pursed after a good you the opportunity to learn about various aspects of reputation and personal style has been established the business. Career goals in this field are relatively through for example insurance or other trust fund easy to identify, track and achieve due to the rigid roles. Fund management requires a strong sense of organizational structure of this type of company. In belief and a keen eye for the volatility and Japan, Citigroup, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi and opportunities of the stock markets. Employment Mizuho bank have good market presence. options here range from the large investment houses to small funds. Entry to this career is most likely The real estate or property sector is also a large through word of mouth or recommendation although employer. It is a far-reaching sector and fascinating opportunities may exist for trainees. Top firms in this because of the number of people worldwide who are field are Citigroup, UBS and Merrill Lynch. involved and because of the relationship between real estate and the economy and social development. Investment Banking is probably the area which first Again many opportunities exist within the sector; springs to mind when talking about the financial property brokers, commercial property, property sector. This sector incorporates a huge range of appraisal, property management, real estate advisory services, some of which may be offered by specialist and development and construction. Roles range from firms, in-house teams in other industries or managing tenants in properties for real estate agents, multinational investment banks. Some of the services to assessing the validity of property investment offered are summarized below. opportunities for investment banks, to creating loans packages for a commercial banks or mortgage brokers. Corporate finance: financial planning for businesses either for growth or expansion, or management of Property in Japan can be a complicated business assets. This involves the financial analysis of projects, because of the level of administration involved and assets, credits and debts, competition and markets. consequently the language and cultural barriers. It can be hugely rewarding and interesting work which is often carried out in teams. The insurance industry is growing dramatically at the moment, thanks in part to, with the worlds’ aging Mergers and Acquisitions: Investment banks are population, the constant threat of terrorism and the often involved in valuation and assessments when one increasing frequency of litigation. Careers in insurance firm attempts to buy out or merge with another. This include actuary, broker, claims adjuster, service usually involves modeling and structuring of deals and representative and risk manager. Insurance involves negotiations. Project Finance – This usually relates to assessing exposure to risk and providing adequate infrastructure or capital projects and the assessment cover to insure against losses. Your part may be as an of project proposals and the validity of revenue actuary who analyzes statistics to determine the risk projections. This field usually involves co-ordination of writing a particular insurance policy, or as an with multinational engineering consultants and 19 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 20. Careers in Focus regional, national or local governments or 1. Financial accounting, which involves the reporting international regulatory bodies. of financial information to institutions outside the company. Trading: Equities, bonds, options, futures and 2. Auditing, which tests the reliability of financial currencies are all exchanged between investment information. banks, commercial banks, stockbrokers and other 3. Managerial accounting, which involves the institutional investors by traders. This field involves creation of internal reports to assist managers in in-depth knowledge of specific markets, politics and their decision and strategy processes and finally economics and the ability to carryout transactions to 4. Tax accounting, which helps businesses plan their create a profitable, dynamic and adequate inventory strategy based on tax consequences and assists of these items. the reporting of finances to government bodies. Research: Analysts in this field use computer International accountants KPMG and Sakuma CPA programs, contacts in specific markets or within operate in Japan and Japanese consumer brands are specific companies and their analytical skills to often recruiting. provide market, economic and political information to various parties from traders and fund managers to Financial planning is big business in Japan with an corporate financiers and venture capitalists. Clients increasing number of relatively wealthy expatriates will pay considerable sums to proven research offering an ideal client base for foreign executives. specialists and their importance in modern markets Whilst most commercial banks offer investment and grows as competition increases. financial planning advice, an increasing number of small practices are opening up with a view to offering Stock broking: This covers only a small section of the investment and financial planning advice in Japan and opportunities within investment banking. For further abroad. This can involve anything from pension and information see investment banks’ websites. Nomura college funds to estate planning and tax Holdings is the leading Japanese investment house considerations. Experience levels can vary but you but other international firms include Goldman Sachs, may enter this field either at entry level and thus gain Merrill Lynch, and Lehman Brothers. experience through a company by setting up alone, or by invitation to set up such a venture with other Information Communication Technology: This is a partners. Trust is key in this industry, which is usually huge growth area with the increasing importance of gained through experience. Just as you would need immediate access to, and manipulation of, to be certified at home the Japan Association of information. Careers in this field span from software Financial Planners offers certification in Japan that is development of, for example, trading tools or pricing a great indicator or early career goal in this field. software to database management and development. This is of particular interest to those who require The Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan is responsible for ensuring the stability of the financial access to statistical information particularly in the insurance and trading fields. In addition to keen system in Japan. It is linked to the Ministry of Finance interest in those who have the knowledge and flare and is charged with protecting financial institutions to create the technology is the need for those who and transactions through such measures as planning and policymaking regarding the financial system and are able to update and maintain it. Careers in this field are not always limited to those with degrees in the inspection and supervision of the private sector. Information Technology or Electronic Engineering Japan ’s economy grew rapidly in comparison to the because of the increasing importance of rest of the developed world and has suffered numerous economic setbacks in the last two decades. understanding the needs of those in the finance field. Employers range from small specialist emerging firmsThe FSA acts to guard against future setbacks. Most to news agencies such as Bloomberg and Reuters. careers in the finance industry in Japan require registration with this authority as they would with Accounting: Accountants record and report financial similar authorities in your home country but the transactions. Accountancy can be broken down into association itself offers an interesting opportunity. four main areas: The Japanese economy has shown signs of recovery 20 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 21. Careers in Focus and sustainable growth since2005 and it is still proving Human Resources/Training to be an economy to be involved in. Competition for jobs has increased and there are many opportunities Though many people associate human resources with arising in all sectors for all levels of experience. payroll, recruiting and administrative matters, the field has been taking on an increasingly strategic role Recommended Resources within organizations over the past several years. There Organizations: are a wide variety of positions and specializations, Association of Women in Finance with jobs available in the public, private and non- profit sectors. Financial Services Agency Human Resources consists of several areas, mainly: compensation and benefits; training and professional development; employee/labor relations; and Careers Information and Opportunities recruiting. Many Japanese companies have large human Commerical Banking resources departments, covering nearly everything in-house, but smaller companies and foreign companies often prefer to streamline and outsource Property some of their responsibilities. As a result, positions are often available in firms that specialize in HR consulting, training and development, recruiting and Insurance other HR functions. Most often, companies choose the combination of a small HR department, supplemented by outsourced support. Some,,la organizations add HR functions to positions within ng=en&artId=145007&navId=610017,00.html business units to act as liaisons with corporate HR departments. Fund Management So, how does a budding HR professional break into the field and what types of jobs can she expect to Investment Banking encounter? Types of Jobs in Human Resources Those working in smaller organizations may wear Financial News several hats, and handle a wide array of duties. If you are starting out in the field, you may want to consider starting with a smaller organization so that you can get a solid grounding in all areas of the field before Accountancy deciding to specialize. A partial, but by no means complete, list of HR jobs is as follows: Financial Planning HR generalists are common in small to midsize organizations and act as a contact for a variety of HR functions, such as compensation, benefits, compliance, employee relations and performance management. Compensation specialists are responsible for evaluating positions and administering job grade 21 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 22. Careers in Focus systems to monitor pay scales. They may also handle development needs of the individual, the overall payroll processing, though this function may be part resource requirements of the project and the over all of the accounting department in some organizations. resource needs of the firm. They may also manage the yearly evaluation processes, provide general coaching Benefits specialists manage and administer health and feedback to aid an employee’s career path and insurance, pension, profit-sharing and other benefit run team effectiveness sessions. programs in the organization. HR jobs with an international flavor Training and professional development specialists Global HR specialists manage international design and deliver courses to employees based on the assignment programs, including rules and regulations, results of needs assessment consultations with assignee compensation and benefits, international business units and upper management. They may also relocation issues, staffing, and other related issues. work with employees on career development plans, These positions are often, but not always based at conducting things like Myers-Briggs tests and general corporate headquarters. Some major Japanese communication or soft skills. Training is often corporations specifically seek out non-Japanese outsourced to firms that specialize in human resource candidates for positions in this area, to act as liaisons development programs. with group companies worldwide. Employee relations specialists mediate labor conflicts Cross-cultural (or intercultural) trainers design and and liaise with labor unions. conduct programs for international assignees and for those who work on global management teams or in Recruiters work with business units to assess the need culturally diverse workplaces. Some training and for new positions and new employees, followed up development specialists conduct intercultural with advertising positions, conducting interviews and management programs as part of their other duties negotiations with job candidates. Some recruiters in-house, but these programs are often outsourced travel the country hosting information sessions at to firms or independent consultants who are universities or job fairs. Many companies choose to specialists in the field. outsource this function, and work with firms that specialize in recruiting and executive search. International relocation specialists provide assistance for issues related to international assignees, including Career development specialists work in large the shipment of personal belongings, home finding, corporations, HR consulting firms, university career school visits and area familiarization tours. There are centers or as independent consultants. When some large relocation firms that handle all of this employed in-house by a large organization, they assist in-house, but there are several smaller firms in the current employees develop a career path within that Tokyo area that have alliances with real estate organization. At consulting firms and universities, they agencies and moving companies. work with career changers and new graduates throughout the process of finding suitable careers, Salary ranges vary widely according to the position, job-hunting and interviewing skills and other the candidate’s experience, the industry and the size techniques to help make their transition a success. of the organization. Career development specialists are also employed by In Japan, another growing area in human resources is outplacement firms to assist people who have lost HR consulting services, provided by consulting firms their jobs as a result of corporate restructuring. or individuals. Many mid to senior level corporate HR professionals choose to move into HR Consulting work Larger and medium size consulting firms will often after gaining experience in the corporate have Staffing and Professional Development environment. HR consultants are hired to partner with positions. The role of a Staffing and Professional their clients to solve HR issues within the corporate Development Coordinator can be varied but generally environment, and to help companies & organizations involves working with the upper level management build and improve their HR related processes. The HR and partners to appropriately staff client consultant brings value to organizations through engagements. This includes considering the increased efficiency of HR functions, improved 22 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 23. Careers in Focus employee relations and morale, external analysis and information to those interested in learning more view, and reduction of operating costs. HR consulting about the field. work may touch on all aspects of human resources, from compensation to training & development to Japanese Language Requirements recruiting. As with many other positions in Japan, the higher your Japanese level, the more opportunities will be Examples of projects a HR Consultant may be involved available to you. Human resources positions with a in include: primarily domestic focus will often require native or Ÿ Establish a human resources department for a near-native Japanese language skills. Upper small, growing company management positions in non-Japanese companies Ÿ Audit the effectiveness and efficiency of a client’s may not require fluency in Japanese but often you human resources functions must already be an employee of the company and are Ÿ Advise senior management on a strategic brought over to create a link to the home office. approach to HR within their firm Positions with a more international focus may often Ÿ Temporarily manage HR functions within an have more flexible requirements. organization Ÿ Assess future development needs of employees Recommended Resources and build a training plan Organizations: Ÿ Orientation of new employees to business & World Federation of Personnel Management cultural practices in Japan Associations Finally, a very common HR related field in Japan is that of recruiting and executive search. There are Society for Human Resources Management numerous companies both large and small, multinational and Japan specific which compete in this field. While Japanese is often not necessary in SHRM Global such firms, a willingness to spend a lot of time on the phone, searching for and talking to potential recruits is a must. American Society for Training and Development Requirements Some universities offer bachelor’s degrees in human Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development resources management, but this is not an absolute requirement to enter the field. Some HR professionals choose to further their education with a master’s Japan Management Association degree or certificate in human resources management or an MBA. Continuing education courses in finance, marketing and other fields enhance the ability of HR Society for Intercultural Training and Research professionals with non-business academic (SIETAR) Japan backgrounds to work with upper management on the organization’s business strategies. Personnel Today Temple University Japan offers business courses, including human resources management in their continuing education course catalog. Additionally, Workforce some HR professionals based in Japan enroll in distance learning programs for master’s degrees or certificates in HR management. Human resource management textbooks are available at large international bookstores in Tokyo and on the Monster HR Internet, and provide an additional source of 23 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 24. Careers in Focus Information Technology courses in programming languages, operating systems, software design, and computer networking More commonly call IT, this area encompasses all are beneficial and assist in picking up new skills in the aspects of the information creation, access, use, workplace. Ongoing education is essential in IT. Even storage, transport, and management, as well as the in Japan, it is possible to find companies that offer design, development, installations, and continuing IT and tech certification classes in English. implementation of the systems and applications to store, retrieve, and use that information. Given the Software developers (programmers) design and scope of that description, it becomes clear that IT implement computer software or tailor existing covers a wide range of possible careers, from the software to a particular business’s needs. Proficiency highly technical (programming database creation) to in at least one programming language, strong the creative (web design, user interface design) and analytical skill, and an in-depth knowledge of the the analytical (network design, troubleshooting). operating systems being worked on are important. Overall, many in the IT industry are self-taught, and System integrators ensure that the different systems the shortage of specific skills has led in the past to used by a business or industry work smoothly employer’s willingness to train fairly inexperienced together, and may write interfacing programming workers in-house. As the IT industry grows and between different systems to ensure this harmony. becomes more mature, this trend is changing. Although if something major is needed, the task will Depending on the company, Japanese-language be handed to a full-fledged programmer. A successful ability is essential in the workplace here. You may find systems integrator needs to have a full understanding that being computer literate with an in-depth of a number of products and systems and of the way knowledge of Windows, and/or other operating they will work in the business environment. Keeping systems, together with corresponding applications, abreast of current developments and how they can will get you in the door. The hard truth, however, is be used is essential. that your competition in the Japanese market is a native Japanese speaker who has been trained with Project managers have a similar role to systems the same skills that you have. Given this environment; integrators, but are usually brought in from outside you will have to come to the table with an advantage to manage a specific project. They ensure that over your competition. These advantages include appropriate “tech” solutions are found and fluency in English (depending on the environment) or implemented to secure the smooth running of the a mastery of a specific and highly specialized project. Project Managers have to know what technology. products are available to help with the project (and which ones will not) and what interfacing programs For non-Japanese speakers, the creative side of IT need to be written (although these are usually could prove to be most beneficial. There is a lucrative outsourced). They are often the interface between market for Western-based start-up companies geared the business and the engineers. Japanese is almost to the foreign community in Japan. Many web essential in this role, as project managers have to deal specialists offer their service in the English web site with Japanese companies that offer the products design and creation as freelancers to such businesses. being used. Equally, they must be computer literate, Of course, thorough and up-to the date knowledge of with a strong knowledge of the various operating web technologies is essential for these roles. systems available, such as UNIX, Windows, and Linux. They should also have a good command of the For more technical jobs, a thorough knowledge of applications the various systems use and an computer architecture and data structure is essential. understanding of network connectivity. Network While a degree in computer science or electrical engineers are responsible for setting up and engineering would be extremely helpful, proven maintaining a company’s computer network, whether ability in the field is likely to prove far more important within one building (LAN) or linking different offices to a potential employer in the long run. (WAN). To succeed, a network engineer must have a good working knowledge of available products and A strong interest in, and a willingness to learn about services and a thorough understanding of the computers and new technology are vital. Additional company’s business needs. In Japan, many such 24 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 25. Careers in Focus engineers are employed by IT consulting companies. Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Homesite, or other widely Their engineers are then outsourced to sites to used HTML editors. Web page developers create the provide IT support. Project managers tend to be hired code necessary to bring the by companies such as Accenture and pages together, and keep them managed and PricewaterhouseCoopers to carry out consulting work. organized with a logical design structure. While knowledge of HTML is a solid prerequisite, familiarity Systems administrators decide how the computer with technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, and XML system will function in practical terms-which are big plusses for web page developers. computers will share resources, how end users will access files and information, and how information will If a website is to be more than simply an online be backed up. Again, a thorough knowledge of the brochure with web pages and graphics, such as an systems’ abilities, coupled with a clear understanding e-commerce site handling customer transactions, of the business needs and priorities of the company back end development is necessary. Back end is essential. System Admins are usually responsible developers are the people who develop any needed also for data security and should be able to Java programs, CGI and Perl scripts, and connect the demonstrate good knowledge in this area as well. frond end web pages to a database. Often, back end expertise is split functionally into application User support is often the most visible part of a developers and database experts. In addition to company’s IT department. User support staff assist having expertise with popular programming end users of the systems, offer training and advice languages, people interested in back end when problems arise, and set up the operating development should also familiarize themselves with system. Apart from a good knowledge of the product-specific API (Application Programming operating system used, and a sympathetic Interface) tools for widely used packaged solutions understanding of the end users’ needs, an ability to for the web. Those produced by Broadvision and BEA deal calmly and quickly with irate end users is essential. Systems are examples. For database connectivity, the pre-requisite is usually knowledge of Oracle, SQL, or Web Design Sybase relational database management systems Large web design companies usually split the different (RDBMS). Back end developers generally possess a parts of web design into what is called the front end degree in computer science or a related field. and the back end. Web designers in the front end deal Standard certification as a developer with a particular with the more creative aspects of the process. They technology is a big plus on a resume and is mandatory are responsible for giving the web page a good look with a few companies. and feel. They should know HTML, even if they use a design package like Dreamweaver, Frontpage, or Although Japanese-language skills help in the Homesite, in order to create really great pages marketplace, they are still not essential-good without simply following what the package can do. experience and a proven ability to do the job are more These days they should also be good with at least one important. product like Flash or Shockwave. Recommended Resources The back end people are usually the ones that make Organizations: Java programs or connect the front end to the International Computer Association (ICA) database. They are essentially programmers who know Java, NET, PHP, Java Script, Perl, CGI scripts, etc. Bar Camp Tokyo Graphic Designers specialize in the creation and manipulation of the graphical images that appear on a web page. Expertise with industry standard graphics Tokyo Hacker Space manipulation packages such as Photoshop and Tokyo HackerSpace is an open community lab, studio, Fireworks is usually a pre-requisite to get into web workbench, sewing circle, machine shop+, where graphic design. Creative and artistic flair is also people with common interests in technology, building essential. Web page developers must know HTML and things, gardening, cooking, science, sewing, digital art, be adept with software packages such as 25 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 26. Careers in Focus gaming+, can find the space, the like-minded people, Marketing and the infrastructure needed for these activities. Debbie Howard, President of Japan Market Resource Network, states that there are a number of Tokyo 2.0 personality traits an individual must have in order to be successful in the marketing field. These include creativity, good communication skills (both written Tokyo Startup Weekend and verbal), persuasive ability, and an interest in people and human psychology. A lively, enthusiastic personality doesn’t hurt either. Having graduated with Digital Eve Japan a BA in advertising and marketing from the Journalism School of the University of South Carolina, and with a 30-year career overall in marketing and Japan Electronics and Information Technology communications, Howard is somewhat of an expert. Industries Association Of those 30 years, she has spent the last 20 in Japan An industry organization in Japan with activities and has been president of her own market research covering both the electronics and information company for the past 17. technology (IT) fields. To get into the Japanese marketing arena, says Debbie, you will not only need all of the skills Internet Association Japan (IAJapan) mentioned above, but a few others as well. The first A non-profit and industry-based organization is Japanese-language skills. As Howard points out, providing leadership in promoting advanced systems marketing is selling—and it is difficult to sell to a of the Internet and solving problems that ISPs Japanese target market without speaking Japanese. encounter when they operate services. As an alternative, or until you hone your Japanese- language skills, you might try getting into sales that focus on a foreign target market (i.e., telemarketing Education: or selling advertising space that targets foreign Temple University School of Continuing Education customers, or assisting in a section of a company that Courses in database design and creation, desktop services a small but elite number of foreign customers publishing, networking, web page design, etc. in addition to its Japanese customers—such as retail banking, hotels, financial planning and international schools). If you already have solid marketing skills Reading: from your career back home, you may be able to find Cool Careers for Girls in Computers work in your field without Japanese-language skills— Ceel Pasternak, Linda Thomburg, 1999 but such positions are few and far between. Japan Internet Report (JIR) Another skill that will benefit you greatly in Japan is Free, monthly e-mail newsletter featuring news and patience. You will need to keep in mind that things commentary on Japan’s Internet industry. are going to take a lot longer to happen here and you have to be prepared for that. The fact that decisions and actions take longer to occur means the process Nikkei BizTech of marketing is likely to cost more time and money. The third skill you will need to develop is cultural sensitivity. This entails the need to acknowledge that business is not going to be transacted using the same formula as “back home.” People are going to have different expectations and experiences—and these will need to be factored into any marketing plan. Howard points out that Japanese culture is subtler in many ways. As an example, she says that comparative 26 FEW Career Guide 2010
  • 27. Careers in Focus advertising does not always go over well here as in countries as well. Don’t overlook smaller NGOs America. Many ads in the US blatantly state how and however, since these may offer the chance to work at why product A is superior to product B, but in Japan, a higher level because they need more “people that can lead to a feeling of sympathy for the product power.” Another opportunity for volunteering and being sullied. Therefore, the way a message is acquiring skills is via the foreign business chambers communicated in a Japanese marketing campaign here in Japan, such as the American Chamber of may well have to be more nuanced. Commerce (ACCJ), the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan (BCCJ), the Canadian Chamber of Commerce So how do you go about getting into the field of in Japan (CCCJ), the German Chamber of Commerce marketing? As Howard reminds us, marketing is a and Industry in Japan (GCCIJ), and so forth. Each of rather large field, encompassing advertising, direct these organizations has a variety of committees marketing, marketing research, public relations, and through which you can demonstrate your marketing sales, so the first step is to identify companies that skills by volunteering. Not only will you be able to have such departments, or companies that provide build your portfolio, you will also be presented with these services to other companies (advertising or PR great networking opportunities. agencies, marketing research companies, etc.). However, this may not be as simple as just finding a In addition to volunteering, you can build your skills particular department in the company’s directory. by taking additional courses according to your specific Although marketing is essential, Howard says, the role area of interest. There are a number of distance and is not as transparent in Japanese companies as it is in continuing education institutions that offer courses non-Japanese companies. Even if you look at a in marketing and communications. Yet another particular company, it may not have a “VP of strategy is to take a lower level position at a company Marketing,” or a “marketing department” per se, but and then work your way into the marketing area by that does not mean the function is not included within demonstrating your interest and talents internally. another department, such as “planning” or “new Although it may not be exactly what you wanted at business development.” Generally speaking, the first, at least you will have your foot in the door and discipline of marketing is not as developed in Japan— you can develop relationships from the inside. and this translates into the fact that there are fewer jobs to be found. Of course getting a position is the first step, but once employed there are a few quirks to be aware of when As Debbie points out, the marketing field is very entering the marketing field in Japan. The first is that competitive in Japan, just as it is in the United States booms can occur in Japan in a very big way compared and Europe. It is the same old adage: you cannot get to other markets. Howard uses the “tamagotchi a job without the skills, but it is difficult to acquire the craze” of several years back as an example, pointing skills without having a job. If you find that you are not out that it became huge very quickly, yet the buzz having much luck entering the area of marketing, dissipated not long afterwards. Should you succeed however, there are a few steps that you can take to with such a hit, your company will enjoy a big burst make yourself more attractive to a prospective of sales for a short time, but then you will have to employer. In short, you must be able to demonstrate come up with the next idea quickly. In any case, such that you have skills that will allow you to make an booms do not occur as often as people in marketing immediate contribution, since things move fast in the would like and, as Howard states, there is a lot of world of marketing—but Howard stresses that this is “product churn” in Japan, with notable short product true for career seekers in marketing anywhere in the life cycles in comparison to Western markets. She world. One way to do this is to start building (or cites vending machines and convenience store shelves expanding) your portfolio by offering to volunteer as an example—you can see new drinks being your services. There are a number of organizations launched almost every week. A second differentiating with international ties in Japan, such as FEW, that can point of marketing in Japan is the fact that it is an always use help with their PR. Howard suggests extremely expensive advertising market. This means getting yourself involved with an NGO that has global that ad and marketing budgets must be far larger here recognition (e.g., Refugees International, World than in the US or Europe in order to achieve the same Wildlife Fund, etc.) so that your efforts will be penetration. recognized not only here in Japan but in other 27 FEW Career Guide 2010