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90th Birthday

                1990 - 1999
                 • Garrett Born
                 • Elk Feeding
                 • Bessie Passes
                 •Arizona Trip
                 • House Trailer Moved
                 • Chanda’s Wedding
                 • Hawaii
                 • Winters in Arizona
                 • Chase Born
                 • Stacy’s Wedding
                 • Tim e in Wyom ing Winter
                 • Felix’s 80th Birthday
                 • Wesley Born
                 • Melanie’s Wedding
                 • Kailey Born
                 • Gladys and Felix in Arizona
                 • Move Another Trailer To Ranch
90th Birthday                             1990 - 1999                              World Events

    President: George Bush, Bill Clinton (1993)
    Vice President: Dan Quayle, Al Gore (1993)
    Population: 249,438,712 (1990)
    Postage Stamp: $0.25
    Unemployment: 5.6% (1990)
    Average US Annual Salary: $26,412 Teachers $39,580
    •Hubble Space Telescope is launched (1990)

    •X rating replaced by NC-17 (no children under 17) (1990)

    •Gopher, the first user-friendly internet interface named after U of MN mascot (1991)

    •First transpacific hot-air balloon flight Japan to Canada 6,700 miles (1991)

    •Persian Gulf War – “Desert Storm” – Jan16-Feb28 (1991)

    •US forces leave Philippines ending nearly a century of military presence (1992)

    •Bombing of World Trade Center – five arrested another sought (1993)

    •NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement approved (1993)

    •Clinton orders missile attack against Iraq in retaliation for plot to kill President Bush (1993)

    •O.J. Simpson arrested charged with killing his wife and a friend (1994)

    •White House launches Web page and “spamming” becomes a word (1994)

    •Oklahoma City federal building bombed killing 186 people (1995)

    •44% of US households own a personal computer, 45 million worldwide use Internet (1996)

    •US shuttle joins Russian space station (1997)

    •Bill Clinton accused in White House sex scandal (1998)

    •Columbine High School shooting in Colorado leaves 14 students and 1 teacher dead (1999)

90th Birthday   1990 - 1999                                          Garrett

                                  On February 24, 1990 Garrett Nathaniel
                                  Sammons joined the Steve Sammons family.
                                  He was great grandchild number two for
                                  Bessie and Felix. He was born in Eli
                                  Segundo, California.

                               “Rub-a-dub-dub, Two Men In ATub”

                       Steve, Garrett, Grandpa Sam m ons, Blair, Uncle
                       Stacy visiting Gam m y & Grandpa Sam m ons in
                       A arillo, TX
                        m                                                    3
90th Birthday   1990 - 1999                         Feeding the Elk

                               In March 1990 Stacy moved back to Texas
                               from Oregon and stopped to visit his Grandpa
                               and Grandma Hoff in Firth, Idaho. Grandpa
                               took him over to Jackson, Wyoming to feed
                               Elk on the reserve with family friends, the

                              They are using the gun to im m unize the
                              anim al. It also leaves a paint m ark to show
                              which ones have been treated.

90th Birthday   1990 - 1999                    Bessie Hoff Passes

                          Bessie had found this poem sometime before her
                          year long illness from a stroke and felt it was from
                          her heart.

90th Birthday                                1990 - 1999                     91 Family Reunion

                                                      The summer of 1991 Felix heard about the
                                                      Sammons reunion in Flagstaff, AZ. and
                                                      asked to crash the party and surprise Phyllis.
                                                      He did and she was!

                                                    A Felix got out of Stacy’s van Phyllis could not
                                                    belief her eyes – she was surprised!

        This was Debbie Canar’s
        (Stacy’s intended) first
        introduction to the fam ily.
        Stacy and Deb had picked
        Felix up at the airport.

                                                                  Garrett and Blair are not sure
                                                                  pictures are fun, even with
                                                                  Great Grandpa.

             Felix took the picture of the
             Sam m ons fam ily.

90th Birthday                                1990 - 1999             Moving the Trailer 92

                                                           In 1 992 Felix bought back that ’59 trailer
                                                           that he had been renting out for m any years
                                                           and then sold. With a “little” fixing up, he
                                                           had it hauled to Wyom ing to put on the

The trucker ran it off the road just
inside the ranch gate and unhooked
and left the trailer house with one set of
wheels in the ditch.

                                                             The neighbor’s tractor would not
                                                             pull it back onto the road.

 The pickup and tractor together finally
 pulled it back onto the road and into
 place by the river.

                                                                        The trailer house in
                                                                        position and functional.

90th Birthday                                 1990 - 1999                                 Jason

                                                               On December 26, 1991 Jason
                                                               Loftquist arrived, great grandchild
                                                               number 3 in Fergus Falls, MN..

                                                            David and Colleen, proud grandparents.

   Back row: Ray, Phyllis, A y, Melanie. Center:
   Felix, Jason, Chanda. Front row: Colleen, A anda.

                                                                            Jason was
                                                                            baptized in the
                                                                            sam e gown
                                                                            Felix wore in
                                                                            1 91 4,

90th Birthday                           1990 - 1999                                       92 Work Party

                                                                   In 1992 a work party appeared to install the
                                                                   fence and to pour concrete ‘dead men’ to tie
                                                                   the trailer house down so the wind would not
                                                                   blow it over. With the job done, Felix relaxes
                                                                   in front of the fire pit.

           David Peters and Ray Sam m ons
           fit the fence poles.

                                  A anda Peters, David
                                  Peters and Ray
                                  Sam m ons pouring
                                  concrete into the ‘dead
                                  m an’ holes that will
                                  keep the trailer house
                                  from blowing over.

                                            The Supervisor after
                                            a days work.

90th Birthday                    1990 - 1999                           The Ultra Light

                                                 The sum m er of ’93 the whole fam ily
                                                 gathered at the Ranch for a reunion and for
                                                 Chanda’s wedding to be held in Jackson in
                                                 a few days.

                                               Fueling Ray & Stacy’s ultralite.
                                               Felix, A y, Ray and Mathew

A aerial shot of the Ranch.
The gathering included: Steve
& fam ily from CA Stacy &
Debbie from A Ray & Phyllis.
Melanie, Mathew, A y From
ID. A Gladys, ID. Colleen,
Dave, A anda,
Barbi Peters from MN. Jeff
Lofquist (groom ), his brother
(as best Man), Jeff’s son,
Chanda & Jason, MN. Burnice
& Valora Mecham , Phyllis’
aunt and uncle from Idaho and
of course Felix.

90th Birthday                            1990 - 1999                              Outhouse of 93

                                                  Felix took an old smoke house from Idaho
                                                  and converted it into a deluxe outhouse,
                                                  complete with flushing toilet, electric lights,
                                                  plug in, porcelain sink, running water and to
                                                  top it off telephone.

                                                                                   A great place
                                                                                   to conduct

    This is better than a phone booth!

                                                                              Stacy painted a m oon
                                                                              so we would know
                                                                              what the building was
                                                                              really for. (the hanging
                                                                              rock is to hold it down
                                                                              when the wind blows)

90th Birthday                                 1990 - 1999                   Ranch Activities 93

                                                              Som e activities on the Ranch

                                                            Always having to fix som ething.

         Rubber rafts on the river in front
         of the trailer house.

   Steve on top of Bald Ridge. Photo
   by Stacy.
90th Birthday   1990 - 1999                  Chanda's Wedding

                              Chanda Peters marries Jeff Lofquist August
                              1993. The wedding was held in the pasture on
                              the Lynn’s ranch outside Jackson Hole,
                              Wyoming and the BBQ reception was catered
                              by them also.

                              David gave the bride away, who was dressed
                              in western attire including boots. It was a fun
                              wedding for all.

                                                        A anda in Purple
                                                        shirt, Barbi in Blue.
                                                        Colleen and David by
                                                        the Bride. Jeff to the
                                                        right of David.

                                                        Gene Lynn,
                                                        Felix, Chanda,

90th Birthday   1990 - 1999                 Staying Too Long 93

                              The fall of 1 993 Felix didn’t leave the Ranch
                              near soon enough.
                              This is the reason he doesn’t stay in
                              Wyom ing in the winter. However the m ain
                              reason is the wind. There wasn’t any at this
                              tim e, which is reason enough to take a
                              picture-when the snow sticks.

90th Birthday   1990 - 1999                                        Hawaii

                           Felix joined Mildred Gunnarson and her daughter
                           Elizabeth Ann Likes on a trip to Hawaii in 1994.

                        Phyllis m ade Felix the outfit for his

90th Birthday   1990 - 1999                                          Chase

                              May 17, 1994 Charles Wesley (known as
                              Chase) Sammons joined the Steve Sammons
                              family in El Segundo, CA.

                              Just a week old and they headed to Colorado
                              for Stacy & Debbie’s wedding. Way to go!

                         With Great Grandpa Hoff at nine days old.
90th Birthday                                         1990 - 1999                     Stacy's Wedding 93

                                                                      Stacy Sam m ons and Debra Canar were
                                                                      m arried May 26, 1 994 in the outdoors of
                                                                      Estes Park, CO. The reception was held at
                                                                      the Stanley Hotel and also one in Boulder.
                                                                      Debbie was fro`m Boulder.

     Felix taking picture of Jason (Debbie’s                .
     brother walking her down the “path” led
     by Sarah (Debbie’s niece) the flower girl,
     and Blair the ring bearer.

                                                                    Mildred Gunnarson, Debbie’s Grandm a
                                                                    Netty, Debbie, Stacy, and Felix.

 Elizabeth, Garrett, Steve, Felix, Mildred, Debbie,
 and Stacy

 Ray, and Chase,
 nine days old.                                                       Felix, Phyllis, Ray, Steve with Blair & Garrett in

90th Birthday   1990 - 1999                                           Alaska

                                 Felix, Mildred and Amy took a trip in the motor
                                 home to Alaska in the summer of 1994.

                         Felix went Salm on fishing on a boat. Here’s his
                         catch. He thinks he’ll do it from the shore next
                         tim e-sea sickness you know.

                         Felix went to school with Ben White in Firth, Id. He
                         m oved to A  laska to becom e a guide. Felix
                         always wanted to go see him and finally did. Ben
                         sent him hom e with som e m oose antlers, even
                         if he didn’t get to do the hunting. Felix has a tape of
                         hair raising Bear Hunt stories from Ben also.
90th Birthday                              1990 - 1999                     Melanie's Wedding

                                                            Decem ber 28, 1 996 Melanie m arried Larry
                                                            Fisher in Billings, Mt.

                                                            Left: Felix walking her down the aisle.

   Colleen, Melanie, Phyllis, and Felix.          Beth & Brett, Larry’s children, Larry, Melanie,
                                                  Mathew and A y, Melanie’s children.
                                                                 m                                       19
90th Birthday   1990 - 1999                                      Wesley

                                Wesley James Sammons was born in Tucson
                                to Stacy & Debbie sammons on February 20,
                                1995. He is Felix’s 5th great grandson.

                                 Wesley on the saddle Felix gave Phyllis
                                 in the 40s.
                              Ray, Felix, Stacy, and
                              Wesley.                                       20
90th Birthday   1990 - 1999                                 The Stump

                              What started out to be just a stump that Felix
                              wanted “planted” as part of his landscaping
                              theme, has turned into the Signature Tree or
                              guest book if you will. Everyone sign in

                                             Jason & Chanda with a
                                             Drem el tool. On far left
                                             Phyllis is wood burning
                                             Felix’s brand into the
                                             stum p.

90th Birthday          1990 - 1999                   Felix's 80th Birthday

                                       Felix’s 80th birthday party, Grange Hall, Firth
                                       Idaho, 1 994

                                      Three grandkids, A anda Peters,
                                      Matthew Woolford, and Chanda
                                      Peters, supervising the big blow.

  It was a big party
  and a good tim e
  was had by all!

                                 Gladys and Felix.
                                 Felix is 80 and
                                 Gladys is 86.

90th Birthday                                1990 - 1999                               Kailey 1997
                                                           May 2, 1997 Kailey Anna Sammons joined
                                                           Stacy, Debbie and Wesley to make a family of
                                                           four. Kailey was the first girl to be born into
                                                           the Sammons family in 113 years.

                                                           She is Felix’s first Great Granddaughter and
                                                           sixth Great Grandchild.

   Wesley, Great Grandpa Hoff, and Kailey.

90th Birthday                                1990 - 1999                          What Can That Be?
                                                                   Did they lose someone?

                                                                   Actually there was a big school of fish feeding
                                                                   in that calm water. Barbi got her pole and tried
                                                                   to feed them, no luck.

      Larry hidden in hat, Melanie, Phyllis, Felix, Jason, A anda, Chanda, Colleen, Barbi

90th Birthday                     1990 - 1999                            Winters in Tucson

                                                     Many winters were spent in Tucson. He
                                                     seemed to think the climate fit his cloths.

                                                Felix & Mildred cam e down one winter in the
                                                Motor hom e.

                                                                                           Not to be Idle,
                                                                                           Felix Is
                                                                                           lawn chairs.

    Enjoying the Sonoran Desert

90th Birthday                   1990 - 1999                      Winters in Tucson

                                                Tucson winter visits over the years.

                                          Christm as in Tucson. Melanie cut & sent the
                                          from Idaho.

     Kailey kissing her Great
     Grandpa Hoff In 2000.

                                                                     Blair, Ray, Felix,
                                                                     Garrett and Steve on a
                                                                     Tucson visit.

                                                                   Stacy, Wesley, Debbie,
                                                                   Felix & Mildred on a
                                                                   1 996 visit to Tucson.

90th Birthday                                    1990 - 1999                        Winters in Tucson

                                                                    In 1998 Ray & Phyllis went up to Idaho and
                                                                    brought Aunt Gladys down to Tucson for a
                                                                    couple of months. While there, Steve brought
                                                                    his boys over to see her and Great Grandpa
                                                                    Hoff. It was a special time.

  Clockwise: Blair, Garrett, Gladys, Felix, Debbie,
  Kailey, Stacy, Wesley, Steve, Chase, Ray

                                                               Great Grandpa Hoff with the Sam m ons Great
                                                               Grandchildren and Gladys.

        Kailey picking oranges for Great Grandpa &

                                                                         Soaking up som e sun on The Patio.

        Wesley and Kailey at Beeka’s house (their nam e for
        Grandm a Sam m ons) for pancakes with Great Grandpa Hoff.
90th Birthday                   1990 - 1999                                    Computer

                                          In 1998 while Gladys was in Tucson with the
                                          Sammons, she bought herself a computer and
                                          started playing games on it. So Felix decided he
                                          ought to have one of those and with some coaching
                                          from Gladys they both became game wizards.

                Getting som e

                                                              “I’ve got it figured out!”

90th Birthday                          1990 - 1999                  Trailer House 1998

                                                     In 1998 Felix upgraded his living facilities and
                                                     the old trailer was moved and turned into a
                                                     tool shop and storage.

                                                     This road had been tackled before, surly the
                                                     same thing wouldn’t happen again. But it did.
                                                     These new movers didn’t run out on them this
                                                     time and the problem was finally overcome.

          Crossing Pat
          O’hara Creek.
          A ost hom e.

  The trailer house ran off the road
  but som e jacks and planks got it
  m oving again.

                                                                            In place and
                                                                            living is
                                                                            getting better.


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Felix master 1991-2000

  • 1. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 • Garrett Born • Elk Feeding • Bessie Passes •Arizona Trip • House Trailer Moved • Chanda’s Wedding • Hawaii • Winters in Arizona •Alaska • Chase Born • Stacy’s Wedding • Tim e in Wyom ing Winter • Felix’s 80th Birthday • Wesley Born • Melanie’s Wedding • Kailey Born • Gladys and Felix in Arizona • Move Another Trailer To Ranch
  • 2. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 World Events President: George Bush, Bill Clinton (1993) Vice President: Dan Quayle, Al Gore (1993) Population: 249,438,712 (1990) Postage Stamp: $0.25 Unemployment: 5.6% (1990) Average US Annual Salary: $26,412 Teachers $39,580 •Hubble Space Telescope is launched (1990) •X rating replaced by NC-17 (no children under 17) (1990) •Gopher, the first user-friendly internet interface named after U of MN mascot (1991) •First transpacific hot-air balloon flight Japan to Canada 6,700 miles (1991) •Persian Gulf War – “Desert Storm” – Jan16-Feb28 (1991) •US forces leave Philippines ending nearly a century of military presence (1992) •Bombing of World Trade Center – five arrested another sought (1993) •NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement approved (1993) •Clinton orders missile attack against Iraq in retaliation for plot to kill President Bush (1993) •O.J. Simpson arrested charged with killing his wife and a friend (1994) •White House launches Web page and “spamming” becomes a word (1994) •Oklahoma City federal building bombed killing 186 people (1995) •44% of US households own a personal computer, 45 million worldwide use Internet (1996) •US shuttle joins Russian space station (1997) •Bill Clinton accused in White House sex scandal (1998) •Columbine High School shooting in Colorado leaves 14 students and 1 teacher dead (1999) 2
  • 3. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Garrett On February 24, 1990 Garrett Nathaniel Sammons joined the Steve Sammons family. He was great grandchild number two for Bessie and Felix. He was born in Eli Segundo, California. “Rub-a-dub-dub, Two Men In ATub” Steve, Garrett, Grandpa Sam m ons, Blair, Uncle Stacy visiting Gam m y & Grandpa Sam m ons in A arillo, TX m 3
  • 4. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Feeding the Elk In March 1990 Stacy moved back to Texas from Oregon and stopped to visit his Grandpa and Grandma Hoff in Firth, Idaho. Grandpa took him over to Jackson, Wyoming to feed Elk on the reserve with family friends, the Lynns. They are using the gun to im m unize the anim al. It also leaves a paint m ark to show which ones have been treated. 4
  • 5. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Bessie Hoff Passes Bessie had found this poem sometime before her year long illness from a stroke and felt it was from her heart. 5
  • 6. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 91 Family Reunion The summer of 1991 Felix heard about the Sammons reunion in Flagstaff, AZ. and asked to crash the party and surprise Phyllis. He did and she was! A Felix got out of Stacy’s van Phyllis could not s belief her eyes – she was surprised! This was Debbie Canar’s (Stacy’s intended) first introduction to the fam ily. Stacy and Deb had picked Felix up at the airport. Garrett and Blair are not sure pictures are fun, even with Great Grandpa. Felix took the picture of the Sam m ons fam ily. 6
  • 7. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Moving the Trailer 92 In 1 992 Felix bought back that ’59 trailer that he had been renting out for m any years and then sold. With a “little” fixing up, he had it hauled to Wyom ing to put on the ranch. The trucker ran it off the road just inside the ranch gate and unhooked and left the trailer house with one set of wheels in the ditch. The neighbor’s tractor would not pull it back onto the road. The pickup and tractor together finally pulled it back onto the road and into place by the river. The trailer house in position and functional. 7
  • 8. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Jason On December 26, 1991 Jason Loftquist arrived, great grandchild number 3 in Fergus Falls, MN.. David and Colleen, proud grandparents. Back row: Ray, Phyllis, A y, Melanie. Center: m Felix, Jason, Chanda. Front row: Colleen, A anda. m Jason was baptized in the sam e gown Felix wore in 1 91 4, 8
  • 9. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 92 Work Party In 1992 a work party appeared to install the fence and to pour concrete ‘dead men’ to tie the trailer house down so the wind would not blow it over. With the job done, Felix relaxes in front of the fire pit. David Peters and Ray Sam m ons fit the fence poles. A anda Peters, David m Peters and Ray Sam m ons pouring concrete into the ‘dead m an’ holes that will keep the trailer house from blowing over. The Supervisor after a days work. 9
  • 10. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 The Ultra Light The sum m er of ’93 the whole fam ily gathered at the Ranch for a reunion and for Chanda’s wedding to be held in Jackson in a few days. Fueling Ray & Stacy’s ultralite. Felix, A y, Ray and Mathew m A aerial shot of the Ranch. n The gathering included: Steve & fam ily from CA Stacy & . Debbie from A Ray & Phyllis. Z. Melanie, Mathew, A y From m ID. A Gladys, ID. Colleen, unt Dave, A anda, m Barbi Peters from MN. Jeff Lofquist (groom ), his brother (as best Man), Jeff’s son, Chanda & Jason, MN. Burnice & Valora Mecham , Phyllis’ aunt and uncle from Idaho and of course Felix. 10
  • 11. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Outhouse of 93 Felix took an old smoke house from Idaho and converted it into a deluxe outhouse, complete with flushing toilet, electric lights, plug in, porcelain sink, running water and to top it off telephone. A great place to conduct “business”. This is better than a phone booth! Stacy painted a m oon so we would know what the building was really for. (the hanging rock is to hold it down when the wind blows) 11
  • 12. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Ranch Activities 93 Som e activities on the Ranch Always having to fix som ething. Rubber rafts on the river in front of the trailer house. Steve on top of Bald Ridge. Photo by Stacy.
  • 13. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Chanda's Wedding Chanda Peters marries Jeff Lofquist August 1993. The wedding was held in the pasture on the Lynn’s ranch outside Jackson Hole, Wyoming and the BBQ reception was catered by them also. David gave the bride away, who was dressed in western attire including boots. It was a fun wedding for all. A anda in Purple m shirt, Barbi in Blue. Colleen and David by the Bride. Jeff to the right of David. Gene Lynn, Felix, Chanda, Jeff, Colleen 13
  • 14. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Staying Too Long 93 The fall of 1 993 Felix didn’t leave the Ranch near soon enough. This is the reason he doesn’t stay in Wyom ing in the winter. However the m ain reason is the wind. There wasn’t any at this tim e, which is reason enough to take a picture-when the snow sticks. 14
  • 15. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Hawaii Felix joined Mildred Gunnarson and her daughter Elizabeth Ann Likes on a trip to Hawaii in 1994. Phyllis m ade Felix the outfit for his trip. 15
  • 16. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Chase May 17, 1994 Charles Wesley (known as Chase) Sammons joined the Steve Sammons family in El Segundo, CA. Just a week old and they headed to Colorado for Stacy & Debbie’s wedding. Way to go! With Great Grandpa Hoff at nine days old. 16
  • 17. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Stacy's Wedding 93 Stacy Sam m ons and Debra Canar were m arried May 26, 1 994 in the outdoors of Estes Park, CO. The reception was held at the Stanley Hotel and also one in Boulder. Debbie was fro`m Boulder. Felix taking picture of Jason (Debbie’s . brother walking her down the “path” led by Sarah (Debbie’s niece) the flower girl, and Blair the ring bearer. Mildred Gunnarson, Debbie’s Grandm a Netty, Debbie, Stacy, and Felix. Elizabeth, Garrett, Steve, Felix, Mildred, Debbie, and Stacy Ray, and Chase, nine days old. Felix, Phyllis, Ray, Steve with Blair & Garrett in front. 17
  • 18. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Alaska Felix, Mildred and Amy took a trip in the motor home to Alaska in the summer of 1994. Felix went Salm on fishing on a boat. Here’s his catch. He thinks he’ll do it from the shore next tim e-sea sickness you know. Felix went to school with Ben White in Firth, Id. He m oved to A laska to becom e a guide. Felix always wanted to go see him and finally did. Ben sent him hom e with som e m oose antlers, even if he didn’t get to do the hunting. Felix has a tape of hair raising Bear Hunt stories from Ben also. 18
  • 19. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Melanie's Wedding Decem ber 28, 1 996 Melanie m arried Larry Fisher in Billings, Mt. Left: Felix walking her down the aisle. Colleen, Melanie, Phyllis, and Felix. Beth & Brett, Larry’s children, Larry, Melanie, Mathew and A y, Melanie’s children. m 19
  • 20. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Wesley Wesley James Sammons was born in Tucson to Stacy & Debbie sammons on February 20, 1995. He is Felix’s 5th great grandson. Wesley on the saddle Felix gave Phyllis in the 40s. Ray, Felix, Stacy, and Wesley. 20
  • 21. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 The Stump What started out to be just a stump that Felix wanted “planted” as part of his landscaping theme, has turned into the Signature Tree or guest book if you will. Everyone sign in please. Jason & Chanda with a Drem el tool. On far left Phyllis is wood burning Felix’s brand into the stum p. 21
  • 22. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Felix's 80th Birthday Felix’s 80th birthday party, Grange Hall, Firth Idaho, 1 994 Three grandkids, A anda Peters, m Matthew Woolford, and Chanda Peters, supervising the big blow. It was a big party and a good tim e was had by all! Gladys and Felix. Felix is 80 and Gladys is 86. 22
  • 23. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Kailey 1997 May 2, 1997 Kailey Anna Sammons joined Stacy, Debbie and Wesley to make a family of four. Kailey was the first girl to be born into the Sammons family in 113 years. She is Felix’s first Great Granddaughter and sixth Great Grandchild. Wesley, Great Grandpa Hoff, and Kailey. 23
  • 24. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 What Can That Be? Did they lose someone? Actually there was a big school of fish feeding in that calm water. Barbi got her pole and tried to feed them, no luck. Larry hidden in hat, Melanie, Phyllis, Felix, Jason, A anda, Chanda, Colleen, Barbi m 24
  • 25. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Winters in Tucson Many winters were spent in Tucson. He seemed to think the climate fit his cloths. Felix & Mildred cam e down one winter in the Motor hom e. Not to be Idle, Felix Is repairing lawn chairs. Enjoying the Sonoran Desert 25
  • 26. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Winters in Tucson Tucson winter visits over the years. Christm as in Tucson. Melanie cut & sent the tree from Idaho. Kailey kissing her Great Grandpa Hoff In 2000. Blair, Ray, Felix, Garrett and Steve on a Tucson visit. Stacy, Wesley, Debbie, Felix & Mildred on a 1 996 visit to Tucson. 26
  • 27. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Winters in Tucson In 1998 Ray & Phyllis went up to Idaho and brought Aunt Gladys down to Tucson for a couple of months. While there, Steve brought his boys over to see her and Great Grandpa Hoff. It was a special time. Clockwise: Blair, Garrett, Gladys, Felix, Debbie, Kailey, Stacy, Wesley, Steve, Chase, Ray Great Grandpa Hoff with the Sam m ons Great Grandchildren and Gladys. Kailey picking oranges for Great Grandpa & Wesley Soaking up som e sun on The Patio. Wesley and Kailey at Beeka’s house (their nam e for 27 Grandm a Sam m ons) for pancakes with Great Grandpa Hoff.
  • 28. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Computer In 1998 while Gladys was in Tucson with the Sammons, she bought herself a computer and started playing games on it. So Felix decided he ought to have one of those and with some coaching from Gladys they both became game wizards. Getting som e Instructions. “I’ve got it figured out!” 28
  • 29. 90th Birthday 1990 - 1999 Trailer House 1998 In 1998 Felix upgraded his living facilities and the old trailer was moved and turned into a tool shop and storage. This road had been tackled before, surly the same thing wouldn’t happen again. But it did. These new movers didn’t run out on them this time and the problem was finally overcome. Crossing Pat O’hara Creek. A ost hom e. lm The trailer house ran off the road but som e jacks and planks got it m oving again. In place and living is getting better. 29