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Ultimate Guide
to Landing
Your First
Job Out of
College is only
the beginning…
It’s the springboard for the rest
of your professional journey.
Use this time to hone in on what
you’re looking to get out of a
fulfilling career, and what you
need to do to make it happen.
Chapter 1 — Find Your Fit
7 Hone In On What’s Important
8 Create Your Professional Story
9 Set SMART Goals
Chapter 2 — Nail Your Application
12 Optimize Your Search
13 Fine-tune Your Job Application Materials
15 Ace the Interview
Chapter 3 — Evaluate Your Offers
19 Accepting an Offer
19 Declining an Offer
Table of Contents
Find Your Fit
Chapter 1
Before you even start searching
for your post-college job, take
a moment to figure out what
your ideal job fit is. Once you
figure that out, back it up by
creating your professional story
— a statement on why you’re
applying for a particular job, and
why you’re the best candidate
for the role.
Good fortune is what
happens when opportunity
meets with planning.
― Thomas Edison
What You’ll Learn in this
1.	 How to figure out your
ideal job fit and what really
matters to you in a job
2.	 How to create a strong
professional statement
laying the case for
why you’re pursuing a
particular role
3.	 Setting goals and the
value of making small, but
steady, progress
What You’ll Learn in
this Chapter:
Step 1
Hone In
On What’s
There’s probably as many job
openings as there are drops in
the ocean—but as a soon-to-be
college graduate, the goal isn’t
to apply to as many jobs as you
possibly can, with the hopes that
something will stick. Instead, the
key is to find a job that excites
you and allows you to excel,
while moving you forward on
your life goals.
To help you figure out what that
ideal fit is, here are 3 questions
to ask yourself.
Top 3 Questions to Ask Yourself to Help
Figure Out Your Ideal Job
Of all the projects I’ve worked
on, what did I like (and
didn’t like)? What aspects
of the project would I want
to have in future projects or
Questions to Ask
What does the promotion
track for this particular
position look like? What are
the criteria for promotion?
What do I need to live a
balanced life, professionally
and personally? What
are my dealbreakers and
what are things I’m able to
compromise on?
Work that excites you —
because when you spend
40 hours at work each week,
it’s important to be doing
something that you actually
Important Qualities to
Look for in a Job
Opportunity for you to
grow — you’ve got big
goals, and being stuck in the
same entry-level position for
years isn’t on the list.
The ability to pursue
larger personal milestones
outside of work. While work
isn’t everything, chances are,
it’s the primary way for you
to achieve major milestones
in your personal life — for
example, paying off your
student loan debt.
The role you’re
applying for
The type of work
that excites you
The skills and
track record of
achievement that
you bring to the
The ideal fit you’re
looking for
Clearly defining what’s
non-negotiable for
you from the start will
help you stay on track
throughout the job
application process.
Step 2
Create Your
Once you’ve narrowed down
what matters most to you in your
next job, it’s time to take things
to the next level: expand on
your responses to the questions
in Step 1 by crafting your
professional story.
The narrative that you create at
this stage will create a strong
foundation for resumes, cover
letters and interview talking
points that highlight why you’re
the best candidate for the
position. See an example
on the right.
Building a Strong Foundation:
Your Professional Story
I would be a great digital marketing
coordinator because my passion is solving
complex business challenges by implementing
creative solutions, like the time I helped
implement a 15% increase in email open
rates at my previous position with XYZ
I’m looking to gain hands-on experience
and feel like my work is making an impact,
which is why I’m targeting non-profits
with a close-knit marketing team. Through
my previous professional experiences,
I know that I work best in flexible
environments where I’m entrusted with
the responsibility of managing multiple
high-impact projects.
Because of my student loans, I calculate
that my starting salary must be no lower
than $47,500 in order for me to be able to
afford daily living expenses and pay off my
student debt.
Step 3
We get it, you’re a busy college
student — but searching for
a job is a full-time job, and
it’s important that you treat
it as such. Just like you have
dedicated work hours, try setting
aside time every day to make
progress on your job search.
You can also set yourself
up for success with SMART
goals (Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Relevant and Time-
Bound) — this way, you’re more
likely to actually add them to
your list of accomplishments.
The Difference Between a Good
Goal and a Better, SMARTer One
Apply for jobs.
An Example of
a Good Goal:
An Example of
a SMART Goal:
Apply for at least 3
data analyst positions
in the greater
Boston area by the
end of this week.
Nail Your Application
Chapter 2
Now that you’ve taken the time
to figure out your ideal job fit
and created a framework for why
you’re the best candidate for
the role that matches your job fit
criteria, it’s important to make sure
you’re nailing each step of the
application process.
Ask how something can
be done rather than say it
can’t be done.
― Bo Bennett
What You’ll Learn in this
1.	 Tips for optimizing your
2.	 Do’s and don’ts for your
resume and cover letter
3.	 Strategies for acing the
What You’ll Learn in
this Chapter:
While the bulk of your search
will most likely be online through
sites such as LinkedIn and
Indeed, don’t forget to use
these commonly overlooked
Step 4
Your Search
Online talent marketplaces
such as Planted, Hired, Stella,
and lots more. In addition to
actively searching for open
jobs, you also want to create
a profile on these online talent
marketplaces so that you
increase the chances that a
prospective employer will reach
out to you — now, wouldn’t that
be nice?
Networking Conversation Starters
How did you
get started in
your field?
I’m new to
(location). What
are some good
things to do?
What advice
do you have for
someone new to
this field?
What do you do,
and what do you
love most about it?
What brings you
to this event?
Your school’s alumni network.
All things being equal, hiring
managers tend to prefer
candidates from their alma
mater, which is why it’s important
that you’re making the effort to
connect with alumni who are
currently working in the industry
— or better yet, the company —
you’re hoping to break into.
Networking events. According
to a Business Insider report,
at least 70% of jobs are never
even listed, which is why it’s
critical to brush up on your
networking skills.
Feeling stuck? Here are some
conversation starters for you to
try out at your next networking
Generally speaking, most job
applications require a resume
and cover letter (of course, this
can vary by company and by
industry). Unless you’re already
acquainted with the hiring
manager, your resume and
cover letter serve as the first
impression — make sure it’s a
good one by following these tips.
Step 5
Your Job
What should I do if I lack work experience
to add to my resume?
As a college student, you may think that you don’t have enough
relevant work experience – but chances are, what you’ve been
doing already can be perfect for the resume, with some minor
tweaks to “professionalize” your experience. Here’s an example:
Your Resume
In case you’re wondering what a resume is and what
purpose it serves, we got you: a resume is a one-page
document that outlines your credentials for the position
you’re applying for. Here’s a handy cheat sheet:
Do Don’t
Include your contact
information (name,
address, email, phone
List your education
credentials and
academic honors/
Summarize your
professional and
leadership experience
that’s relevant to the
List hard skills and
language proficiency
Skip over quantifying
your contributions.
Instead of, “helped
coordinate events,”
you should say
“helped coordinate
two 150-person events
over the course of 3
Go over 2 pages —
keep it to one side
of one page; use the
cover letter as an
opportunity to expand
upon your resume,
or introduce relevant
experiences or skills
that didn’t make the cut
in your resume.
Your Experience
I’m a research assistant
for Professor X.
Professional Translation
I helped draft a $2,500 grant
proposal and a final presentation
for a 6-member department panel.
Your Cover Letter
Believe it or not, the hardest part is behind you ─ at this stage, your goal is to
adapt the professional story you created in Step 2 into different cover letters, each
customized for the specific role and company you’re applying for. Here’s an example:
the type of work
that excites you
the skills and
track record of
achievement that
you bring to the
the ideal fit you’re
looking for
the role you’re
applying for
Body (2-3 paragraphs):
Focus on a specific
aspect (Skills,
Responsibility) of the
position you are applying
for, and describe how
your experience applies
to those responsibilities.
This is your opportunity
to build a connection with
the reader through the
use of your experience.
(1 paragraph): Include
who you are and briefly
why you are interested in
the position.
Make sure to reference
the #1 requirement listed
in the job description,
and articulate how you
would help solve that
Whenever possible,
address your cover letter
to a specific person.
Closing (1 Paragraph):
Be sure to thank them for
their time and end on a
strong note.
Your Cover
I would be a great digital marketing
coordinator because my passion is
solving complex business challenges by
implementing creative solutions, like the
time I helped implement a 15% increase
in email open rates at my previous
position with XYZ company.
I’m looking to gain hands-on experience
and feel like my work is making an
impact, which is why I’m targeting
non-profits with a close-knit marketing
team. Through my previous professional
experiences, I know that I work best
in flexible environments where I’m
entrusted with the responsibility of
managing multiple high-impact projects.
Dear Hiring Manager,
I am a skilled digital marketing professional
who is looking to gain hands-on experience in
the non-profit space. Two years ago, I came
across your #thefutureisnow campaign and
was heavily inspired by the message and the
execution; I would love the opportunity to
make an impact with such a creative, high-
performing team.
In my previous role as Digital Marketing
intern at XYZ Company, I analyzed the
open rates for mass emails sent for the
past 6 months — over 300 total. Based
on my analysis, I then worked with the
Email Marketing manager to implement
improvements, which resulted in a 15%
increase in open rates.
Based on my experience in implementing
digital marketing best practices and my passion
for making an impact through creative
campaigns, I know I would make a strong
fit for this role. I look forward to learning
more about XYZ Company’s organizational
needs and how I can apply my skills.
We can’t stress this enough:
you’ve gotten this far in the
process, don’t blow your
chances by winging the
interviews. Whether it’s an initial
phone interview or a final stage
in-person interview, ace each
and every one with this handy
Step 6
Ace the
•	 Show that you’re excited
about the company —
mentally jot down a 1-2
sentence summary of
the company and what it
does. Even better, come
prepared with a recent
news article about the
company in your back
pocket (you can check out
the company website and
social media channels).
Interview Prep Checklist:
•	 Avoid surprises and
brush up on common
pitfalls by checking out
what other candidates
have said on Glassdoor
regarding the interview
•	 Check out the LinkedIn
profiles of everyone
you’re meeting with —
not only will this help make
you more comfortable
talking to a stranger,
it will also provide the
opportunity of bonding
over a mutual interest.
•	 Have copies of your
resume, work samples
and business cards ready
to share with each person
you’ll be interviewing with
•	 Get there early. As the
saying goes, “If you’re
early, you’re on time. If
you’re on time, you’re late,
and late is unacceptable!”
Top Interview Questions, Decoded
What you’re
What it really
How to
Even when talking
about something
you’re not so great
at, it’s important to
also reinforce the
value you bring to
the table. Don’t sell
yourself short!
And don’t forget
to end on a
strong note by
emphasizing what
steps you’ve taken
to improve.
No matter the format, interviews can sometimes feel like two conversations are taking
place: you’re asked a question and you answer, but have a feeling that perhaps you
didn’t quite give the best possible response. You can avoid that feeling by brushing up
on the three most common interview questions and what they really mean:
“While working towards my degree in business administration at
University of Maryland, I also campaigned twice for, and successfully
won both times, the position of President for the Women in
Business club at Washington State University. I’m passionate about
advocating for more female and minority representation in STEM
fields, and I look forward to the opportunity of using the knowledge
and organizational skills I gained while campaigning at school to help
increase awareness of ABC organization’s mission.”
“I am someone who works best behind the scenes because of
my strong attention to detail, so I tend to shy away from
the spotlight. However, I have taken steps to improve this by
attending public speaking workshops. Just recently, I gave a
successful presentation to a 15-person audience.”
“Based on my understanding of the role, the ideal candidate is
highly organized and is able to remain calm under high-pressure
situations. Through my two years of volunteering with my local
police department and emergency response team, I believe that
my demonstrated success in those areas would be a valuable
contribution to the team.”
Tell me about
Are you the type of
person I want to work
with for 40 hours a
What’s your
Are you able to
recognize your
shortcomings and
correct them?
Why are you the
best candidate for
this role?
What can you bring
to the table that
others cannot?
Evaluate Your Offers
Chapter 3
Congratulations, you’ve
made it to the home stretch!
Finish strong by thoroughly
evaluating the pros and cons
of your available options.
Victory is in having done
your best. If you’ve done
your best, you’ve won..
― Billy Bowerman
What You’ll Learn in this
1.	 How to accept an offer
2.	 How to respectfully
decline an offer
3.	 Mistakes to avoid in this
crucial phase
What You’ll Learn in
this Chapter:
Accepting an Offer
What you should include:
•	 Your excitement for the opportunity!
•	 A statement specifying that you accept the offer
•	 Reiterate key components of the offer as you
understand them, such as your title, salary, benefits
and start date
Declining an Offer
What you should include:
•	 Your gratitude for the company’s time
and interest
•	 A statement specifying that you decline
their offer
Subject line - Accepting Your Offer for the Program
Coordinator Position
Dear Katie,
I’m writing to formally accept your employment offer
for the Program Coordinator position at ABC Organization.
I look forward to the opportunity to put my project
management and organizational skills to work bringing
ABC organization’s program offerings to life!
As we agreed, my starting salary will be $49,500 per
year with the opportunity for a raise at the 6-month
mark, pending satisfactory job performance. I understand
that health and dental benefits will be available after
thirty days of employment.
I’m eager to get started on August 3, 2020. If there’s
anything you need from me prior to that start date, or
any documents I should bring on my first day, just let
me know.
Thanks again,
Subject line - Thank You for Your Offer
Dear Katie,
Thank you for your offer for the Program Coordinator
position with ABC Organization. Unfortunately, I am
unable to accept the offer.
I would like to sincerely thank you and the rest of the
team for your time and consideration during this process.
I truly enjoyed speaking with you and learning about the
work that you do. Best wishes for continued success.
•	 Ghosting. Got a better offer? That’s great! Be sure to send
a quick notice to your would-be employers — not only is it
professional courtesy, consider it good karma.
•	 Not asking for offers in writing. At a minimum, the written
offer letter should include your title, your salary, your
benefits and your start date (pro tip: if you’ve negotiated any
changes, make sure that they’re reflected in the letter).
•	 Not taking the time to carefully consider each offer.
Heads up! Avoid these common, costly
Remember: It’s a
Marathon, Not a Sprint
Your career is more than one job —, it’s multiple jobs, multiple
successes and lessons learned, and multiple relationship
networks, all curated throughout your professional journey. Even
if all of this may seem overwhelming at this early stage of your
career, the outcome — a career you don’t just tolerate, but you
love — is well worth it.
And the good news is, you don’t have to do this alone. Join the
60,000+ college students just like you who successfully went
from college to career — schedule an advising session to see
what a professional semester in Washington, D.C. can do for
you: [link]

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Feb 10 the ultimate guide to landing your first job out of college

  • 1. The Ultimate Guide to Landing Your First Job Out of College
  • 2. College is only the beginning… It’s the springboard for the rest of your professional journey. Use this time to hone in on what you’re looking to get out of a fulfilling career, and what you need to do to make it happen.
  • 3. Chapter 1 — Find Your Fit 7 Hone In On What’s Important 8 Create Your Professional Story 9 Set SMART Goals Chapter 2 — Nail Your Application 12 Optimize Your Search 13 Fine-tune Your Job Application Materials 15 Ace the Interview Chapter 3 — Evaluate Your Offers 19 Accepting an Offer 19 Declining an Offer Table of Contents 5 10 17
  • 4. Find Your Fit Chapter 1 4 Before you even start searching for your post-college job, take a moment to figure out what your ideal job fit is. Once you figure that out, back it up by creating your professional story — a statement on why you’re applying for a particular job, and why you’re the best candidate for the role.
  • 5. Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning. ― Thomas Edison 5 What You’ll Learn in this Chapter: 1. How to figure out your ideal job fit and what really matters to you in a job 2. How to create a strong professional statement laying the case for why you’re pursuing a particular role 3. Setting goals and the value of making small, but steady, progress What You’ll Learn in this Chapter:
  • 6. Step 1 Hone In On What’s Important There’s probably as many job openings as there are drops in the ocean—but as a soon-to-be college graduate, the goal isn’t to apply to as many jobs as you possibly can, with the hopes that something will stick. Instead, the key is to find a job that excites you and allows you to excel, while moving you forward on your life goals. To help you figure out what that ideal fit is, here are 3 questions to ask yourself. Top 3 Questions to Ask Yourself to Help Figure Out Your Ideal Job Of all the projects I’ve worked on, what did I like (and didn’t like)? What aspects of the project would I want to have in future projects or positions? Questions to Ask What does the promotion track for this particular position look like? What are the criteria for promotion? What do I need to live a balanced life, professionally and personally? What are my dealbreakers and what are things I’m able to compromise on? Work that excites you — because when you spend 40 hours at work each week, it’s important to be doing something that you actually like. Important Qualities to Look for in a Job Opportunity for you to grow — you’ve got big goals, and being stuck in the same entry-level position for years isn’t on the list. The ability to pursue larger personal milestones outside of work. While work isn’t everything, chances are, it’s the primary way for you to achieve major milestones in your personal life — for example, paying off your student loan debt. 6 1 2 3
  • 7. The role you’re applying for The type of work that excites you The skills and track record of achievement that you bring to the table The ideal fit you’re looking for Clearly defining what’s non-negotiable for you from the start will help you stay on track throughout the job application process. Step 2 Create Your Professional Story Once you’ve narrowed down what matters most to you in your next job, it’s time to take things to the next level: expand on your responses to the questions in Step 1 by crafting your professional story. The narrative that you create at this stage will create a strong foundation for resumes, cover letters and interview talking points that highlight why you’re the best candidate for the position. See an example on the right. 7 Building a Strong Foundation: Your Professional Story I would be a great digital marketing coordinator because my passion is solving complex business challenges by implementing creative solutions, like the time I helped implement a 15% increase in email open rates at my previous position with XYZ company. I’m looking to gain hands-on experience and feel like my work is making an impact, which is why I’m targeting non-profits with a close-knit marketing team. Through my previous professional experiences, I know that I work best in flexible environments where I’m entrusted with the responsibility of managing multiple high-impact projects. Because of my student loans, I calculate that my starting salary must be no lower than $47,500 in order for me to be able to afford daily living expenses and pay off my student debt.
  • 8. Measurable Attainable Time-Bound Relevant Specific Step 3 Set SMART Goals We get it, you’re a busy college student — but searching for a job is a full-time job, and it’s important that you treat it as such. Just like you have dedicated work hours, try setting aside time every day to make progress on your job search. You can also set yourself up for success with SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time- Bound) — this way, you’re more likely to actually add them to your list of accomplishments. The Difference Between a Good Goal and a Better, SMARTer One 8 Apply for jobs. An Example of a Good Goal: An Example of a SMART Goal: Apply for at least 3 data analyst positions in the greater Boston area by the end of this week.
  • 9. Nail Your Application Chapter 2 Now that you’ve taken the time to figure out your ideal job fit and created a framework for why you’re the best candidate for the role that matches your job fit criteria, it’s important to make sure you’re nailing each step of the application process. 9
  • 10. Ask how something can be done rather than say it can’t be done. ― Bo Bennett 10 What You’ll Learn in this Chapter: 1. Tips for optimizing your search 2. Do’s and don’ts for your resume and cover letter 3. Strategies for acing the interview What You’ll Learn in this Chapter:
  • 11. While the bulk of your search will most likely be online through sites such as LinkedIn and Indeed, don’t forget to use these commonly overlooked resources: Step 4 Optimize Your Search Online talent marketplaces such as Planted, Hired, Stella, and lots more. In addition to actively searching for open jobs, you also want to create a profile on these online talent marketplaces so that you increase the chances that a prospective employer will reach out to you — now, wouldn’t that be nice? 11 1 2 3 Networking Conversation Starters How did you get started in your field? I’m new to (location). What are some good things to do? What advice do you have for someone new to this field? What do you do, and what do you love most about it? What brings you to this event? Your school’s alumni network. All things being equal, hiring managers tend to prefer candidates from their alma mater, which is why it’s important that you’re making the effort to connect with alumni who are currently working in the industry — or better yet, the company — you’re hoping to break into. Networking events. According to a Business Insider report, at least 70% of jobs are never even listed, which is why it’s critical to brush up on your networking skills. Feeling stuck? Here are some conversation starters for you to try out at your next networking event:
  • 12. Generally speaking, most job applications require a resume and cover letter (of course, this can vary by company and by industry). Unless you’re already acquainted with the hiring manager, your resume and cover letter serve as the first impression — make sure it’s a good one by following these tips. Step 5 Fine-tune Your Job Application Materials What should I do if I lack work experience to add to my resume? As a college student, you may think that you don’t have enough relevant work experience – but chances are, what you’ve been doing already can be perfect for the resume, with some minor tweaks to “professionalize” your experience. Here’s an example: Your Resume In case you’re wondering what a resume is and what purpose it serves, we got you: a resume is a one-page document that outlines your credentials for the position you’re applying for. Here’s a handy cheat sheet: Do Don’t Include your contact information (name, address, email, phone number) List your education credentials and academic honors/ awards Summarize your professional and leadership experience that’s relevant to the role List hard skills and language proficiency Skip over quantifying your contributions. Instead of, “helped coordinate events,” you should say “helped coordinate two 150-person events over the course of 3 months.” Go over 2 pages — keep it to one side of one page; use the cover letter as an opportunity to expand upon your resume, or introduce relevant experiences or skills that didn’t make the cut in your resume. 12 Your Experience I’m a research assistant for Professor X. Professional Translation I helped draft a $2,500 grant proposal and a final presentation for a 6-member department panel.
  • 13. 13 Your Cover Letter Believe it or not, the hardest part is behind you ─ at this stage, your goal is to adapt the professional story you created in Step 2 into different cover letters, each customized for the specific role and company you’re applying for. Here’s an example: the type of work that excites you the skills and track record of achievement that you bring to the table the ideal fit you’re looking for the role you’re applying for Body (2-3 paragraphs): Focus on a specific aspect (Skills, Qualification, Responsibility) of the position you are applying for, and describe how your experience applies to those responsibilities. This is your opportunity to build a connection with the reader through the use of your experience. Introduction (1 paragraph): Include who you are and briefly why you are interested in the position. Make sure to reference the #1 requirement listed in the job description, and articulate how you would help solve that problem. Whenever possible, address your cover letter to a specific person. Closing (1 Paragraph): Be sure to thank them for their time and end on a strong note. Before Your Professional Story After Your Cover Letter I would be a great digital marketing coordinator because my passion is solving complex business challenges by implementing creative solutions, like the time I helped implement a 15% increase in email open rates at my previous position with XYZ company. I’m looking to gain hands-on experience and feel like my work is making an impact, which is why I’m targeting non-profits with a close-knit marketing team. Through my previous professional experiences, I know that I work best in flexible environments where I’m entrusted with the responsibility of managing multiple high-impact projects. Dear Hiring Manager, I am a skilled digital marketing professional who is looking to gain hands-on experience in the non-profit space. Two years ago, I came across your #thefutureisnow campaign and was heavily inspired by the message and the execution; I would love the opportunity to make an impact with such a creative, high- performing team. In my previous role as Digital Marketing intern at XYZ Company, I analyzed the open rates for mass emails sent for the past 6 months — over 300 total. Based on my analysis, I then worked with the Email Marketing manager to implement improvements, which resulted in a 15% increase in open rates. Based on my experience in implementing digital marketing best practices and my passion for making an impact through creative campaigns, I know I would make a strong fit for this role. I look forward to learning more about XYZ Company’s organizational needs and how I can apply my skills.
  • 14. We can’t stress this enough: you’ve gotten this far in the process, don’t blow your chances by winging the interviews. Whether it’s an initial phone interview or a final stage in-person interview, ace each and every one with this handy checklist: Step 6 Ace the Interview • Show that you’re excited about the company — mentally jot down a 1-2 sentence summary of the company and what it does. Even better, come prepared with a recent news article about the company in your back pocket (you can check out the company website and social media channels). 14 Interview Prep Checklist: • Avoid surprises and brush up on common pitfalls by checking out what other candidates have said on Glassdoor regarding the interview process. • Check out the LinkedIn profiles of everyone you’re meeting with — not only will this help make you more comfortable talking to a stranger, it will also provide the opportunity of bonding over a mutual interest. • Have copies of your resume, work samples and business cards ready to share with each person you’ll be interviewing with • Get there early. As the saying goes, “If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late, and late is unacceptable!”
  • 15. 3 Top Interview Questions, Decoded What you’re asked What it really means How to respond 1 Even when talking about something you’re not so great at, it’s important to also reinforce the value you bring to the table. Don’t sell yourself short! And don’t forget to end on a strong note by emphasizing what steps you’ve taken to improve. 2 No matter the format, interviews can sometimes feel like two conversations are taking place: you’re asked a question and you answer, but have a feeling that perhaps you didn’t quite give the best possible response. You can avoid that feeling by brushing up on the three most common interview questions and what they really mean: “While working towards my degree in business administration at University of Maryland, I also campaigned twice for, and successfully won both times, the position of President for the Women in Business club at Washington State University. I’m passionate about advocating for more female and minority representation in STEM fields, and I look forward to the opportunity of using the knowledge and organizational skills I gained while campaigning at school to help increase awareness of ABC organization’s mission.” “I am someone who works best behind the scenes because of my strong attention to detail, so I tend to shy away from the spotlight. However, I have taken steps to improve this by attending public speaking workshops. Just recently, I gave a successful presentation to a 15-person audience.” “Based on my understanding of the role, the ideal candidate is highly organized and is able to remain calm under high-pressure situations. Through my two years of volunteering with my local police department and emergency response team, I believe that my demonstrated success in those areas would be a valuable contribution to the team.” Tell me about yourself Are you the type of person I want to work with for 40 hours a week? What’s your weakness? Are you able to recognize your shortcomings and correct them? Why are you the best candidate for this role? What can you bring to the table that others cannot? 15
  • 16. Evaluate Your Offers Chapter 3 Congratulations, you’ve made it to the home stretch! Finish strong by thoroughly evaluating the pros and cons of your available options. 16
  • 17. Victory is in having done your best. If you’ve done your best, you’ve won.. ― Billy Bowerman 17 What You’ll Learn in this Chapter: 1. How to accept an offer 2. How to respectfully decline an offer 3. Mistakes to avoid in this crucial phase What You’ll Learn in this Chapter:
  • 18. Example Example Accepting an Offer What you should include: • Your excitement for the opportunity! • A statement specifying that you accept the offer • Reiterate key components of the offer as you understand them, such as your title, salary, benefits and start date Declining an Offer What you should include: • Your gratitude for the company’s time and interest • A statement specifying that you decline their offer Subject line - Accepting Your Offer for the Program Coordinator Position Dear Katie, I’m writing to formally accept your employment offer for the Program Coordinator position at ABC Organization. I look forward to the opportunity to put my project management and organizational skills to work bringing ABC organization’s program offerings to life! As we agreed, my starting salary will be $49,500 per year with the opportunity for a raise at the 6-month mark, pending satisfactory job performance. I understand that health and dental benefits will be available after thirty days of employment. I’m eager to get started on August 3, 2020. If there’s anything you need from me prior to that start date, or any documents I should bring on my first day, just let me know. Thanks again, Noah Subject line - Thank You for Your Offer Dear Katie, Thank you for your offer for the Program Coordinator position with ABC Organization. Unfortunately, I am unable to accept the offer. I would like to sincerely thank you and the rest of the team for your time and consideration during this process. I truly enjoyed speaking with you and learning about the work that you do. Best wishes for continued success. Sincerely, Amanda • Ghosting. Got a better offer? That’s great! Be sure to send a quick notice to your would-be employers — not only is it professional courtesy, consider it good karma. • Not asking for offers in writing. At a minimum, the written offer letter should include your title, your salary, your benefits and your start date (pro tip: if you’ve negotiated any changes, make sure that they’re reflected in the letter). • Not taking the time to carefully consider each offer. Heads up! Avoid these common, costly mistakes: 18
  • 19. Remember: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint Your career is more than one job —, it’s multiple jobs, multiple successes and lessons learned, and multiple relationship networks, all curated throughout your professional journey. Even if all of this may seem overwhelming at this early stage of your career, the outcome — a career you don’t just tolerate, but you love — is well worth it. And the good news is, you don’t have to do this alone. Join the 60,000+ college students just like you who successfully went from college to career — schedule an advising session to see what a professional semester in Washington, D.C. can do for you: [link] 19