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FRIENDS OF NEVADA WILDERNESS                                       Keeping Nevada Wild Since 1984                                    JUNE 2004

                                     Plans for coal-fired power plant
                                     loom over Black Rock Desert
   Sempra power has applied              Insane is the best way to describe one of the      step to approving the coal power plant is proving
 for permits from the Nevada         newest threats to Nevada’s wild places.                that the air is clean and clear enough to allow the
   Public Utilities Commission           San Diego-based SEMPRA Energy is propos-           dirty plant. If built, winds would spew this pollution
           (PUC) to construct an
            electrical substation,   ing a huge coal-fired power plant at the base of       over the Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon-
    supporting facilities, and a     the Black Rock Desert. Nevadans would get pol-         Emigrant Trail National Conservation Area and
  tie-in line to the DC Intertie
Power Line that runs near the
                                     luted skies and used-up water while southern Cali-     wilderness areas and forever harm the awesome
    proposed power plant site.       fornia would get the power. Ironically, the first      vistas. This region was given protection in 2000 by
                                                                                            Congress for its beauty and nationally significant
                                                                                            historic, prehistoric and wilderness values.
                                                                                                Friends of Nevada Wilderness is working with
                                                                                            citizens to block this project. In April, when the
                                                                                            Washoe County Planning Commission and County
                                                                                            Commissioners approved a 650-foot air monitoring
                                                                                            tower to be built, Shaaron Netherton, Executive
                                                                                            Director of Friends of Nevada Wilderness, testi-
                                                                                            fied at the County Commissioner hearing and pre-
                                                                                            sented 110 letters from folks opposed to the air
                                                                                            monitoring tower and power plant. (cont. pg. 10)
       Black Rock Desert with
 Jackson Mountain Wilderness
 behind. Photo: Brian Beffort        Sloan Canyon NCA threatened
                                         Congress, after working hard to protect Sloan      derness is not the answer. In April, Susan Potts of
                                     Canyon National Conservation Area and North            Friends of Nevada Wilderness testified before
                                     McCullough Wilderness in 2002, is now working to       Senator Reid and other Congressional representa-
                                     turn the NCA into a helicopter flight path.            tives that forcing concentrated helicopter over-
                                         In early May, the Nevada Congressional dele-       flights above our new NCA was a bad idea and an
                                     gation introduced HR 4285/S2378, a bill to turn        alternative site should be found. She suggested an
                                     229 acres of southern Nevada’s public land over                                       (continued on page 3 )
                                     to Clark County to build a heliport for helicopter           Stop Sloan Canyon over-flights          Page 3
                                     tour companies. The helicopter companies, unhap-             Nuclear waste rail line planned         Page 4
                                                                                                  20th anniversary celebrations           Page 5

                                     py at being forced out of McCarran International
                                     Airport due to state and local politics, are caught          20 years of wilderness work             Page 6
                                     between a rock and a hard place. While we agree              Lincoln County Public Lands Bill        Page 8
                                     that residents shouldn’t have 90 flights a day going         Take a hike in Burbank Canyons          Page 9
                                     over their homes, we also feel equally strongly              Uphold the roadless rule               Page 10
                                                                                                  Forest Service lands need help         Page 11
                                     that forcing these flights over the NCA and wil-
                               from the front lines                                    By Shaaron Netherton

                               Dear Members,
                                   It’s hard being a parent now, with     Nevada’s rural areas and wildlands

     So. Nevada Members
                               all the horrific images of war, abuse      to feed thirsty Las Vegas.
      Board of Directors       and terror inundating us. I struggle          Friends of Nevada Wilderness has
                               with how to explain it all to my           been proactive in working with our
          Theo Byrns           daughter. To help me cope, I focus on      Congressional delegation to protect
         Hermi Hiatt           my work for Nevada wilderness. It          wild lands in eastern Nevada.
                               makes me feel like I have some             Staff is working with the Nevada Land
          John Hiatt
                               control and can make a difference in       Conservancy and the BLM to acquire
        Macaire Moran

     No. Nevada Members
                               our lives. It gives me                                        sensitive spring
                               hope. I passionately                                          and riparian
                               care about Nevada’s                                           parcels in northern
         Karen Boeger          wild places, but even                                         Washoe County.
        Henry Egghart          they seem more                                                Many of these private
          Corey Lewis          besieged than ever                                            inholdings are within
          Ron Hunter           these days.                                                   wilderness study areas
         Roger Scholl              We’ve made this                                           or other wilderness
                               issue of Call of the Wild                                     quality lands. We are
           Marge Sill
                               bigger than usual to                                          gathering

      Executive Director
                               cover some of the                                             information on
             Staff             outrageous threats to                                         wilderness quality

           Las Vegas
                               our wild landscapes. It’s also bigger to   roadless areas for the Forest
      Shaaron Netherton        share Friends of Nevada Wilderness’s       Service’s upcoming Humboldt-Toiyabe
                               many successes over 20 years.              Forest Plan revision and we are

         Susan Potts               Friends of Nevada Wilderness has       participating in BLM wilderness
                               spent this spring fighting numerous        planning in Clark County. We’re
                               attacks on Nevada’s wild places. The       also building our stewardship
         Brian Beffort
                               Department of Energy is proposing to       programs to get volunteers on the
          Pat Patera

                               build a nuclear waste railroad             ground to keep Nevada wild.
        Pete Dronkers          through several wilderness study               For 20 years, we’ve been successful
                                                                          in getting wild places the Congressional

    Northern Nevada Office
                               areas. SEMPRA Energy wants to
          Pam White            pollute the air and deplete the water      protection they deserve. But so many
                               in the fabulous Black Rock Desert          more areas need protection from
          PO Box 9754          NCA and wilderness areas with a            growth and greed, and so many areas
        Reno, NV 89507         filthy coal-fired power plant.             need champions on the ground.

    Southern Nevada Office
        (775) 324-7667         Our Congressional delegation is               Let me be blunt, Friends of
                               trying to force 90 commercial              Nevada Wilderness needs your
                               helicopter tour flights a day over         support now more than ever. Staff
    1700 E. Desert Inn #406    the newly created Sloan Canyon NCA         and volunteers are working hard to

    Eastern Nevada Office
     Las Vegas, NV 89109       and North McCullough Wilderness.           keep up, but protecting your wild lands
       (702) 650-6542          BLM’s Surprise Field Office is             takes even more commitment. We need
                               proposing a 60-foot-wide dam in            your help. If you haven’t renewed your
         1313 Avenue I         the Wall Canyon WSA. We are still          membership yet, please do it today.

           Ely 89315           fighting in the 10th Circuit Court         Consider making a special gift. Support
        (775) 289-8898         to uphold BLM’s ability to inventory       our benefit event—Shakespeare on the
                               and recommend wilderness study             Black Rock Playa in July.

                               areas through their planning process.         And whenever you can, please write                                              letters, make calls, get involved.
                               We continue to fight the Forest
                               Service’s attempts to designate               Together we can make the world a   roads in the Mt. Stirling WSA.             better place!
                               Friends is also fighting proposals to
                               siphon water from eastern
Stop Sloan Canyon over-flights
                                                                                                                Visitors to the Sloan
                                                                                                           Canyon petroglyph sites
                                                                                                           may soon be bombarded
                                                                                                         by the noise of over-flights.
                                                                                                                Photo: Brian Beffort
(continued from front page)
area near the Sunrise Landfill site that was away
from homes, the NCA and wilderness.
    Many local residents, bighorn sheep and other
wildlife living in the area will also be affected by
the flights. Potts said, “I have seen bighorn bed-
ding areas myself around Sutor Peak, which is di-
rectly below the flight path.”
    “If an alternate site is not considered, at the
very least, the helicopter flights should be rerouted
around the Sloan Canyon NCA,” said Bill James,
a member of Friends of Sloan Canyon. “A flight
path farther to the south would make more sense
for residents in Anthem as well as for those enjoy-
ing the Sloan Canyon NCA for recreation.”
    Bill Huggins, a Henderson resident and avid
hiker, expressed his concerns. “This area is a su-
                                                                Action alert!
                                                                                                                    Hon. John Ensign
perb escape from Las Vegas right in my back-                                                          333 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Suite 8203
yard. I know that having helicopters flying over-                                                                 Las Vegas, NV 89101
head at only 500 to 1,000 feet every 4 to 5 minutes      Write or call your Senators and                                (702) 388-6605

                                                         Congressman and tell them to
                                                                                                                   FAX (702) 388-6501
will ruin the experience for me. I hate to think
                                                         move the helicopter flight path
what it will do to the wildlife.”                                                                                     Hon. Harry Reid
    Your membership support allows Friends of                                                         333 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Suite 8016
Nevada Wilderness to work on this issue. We               outside of the Sloan Canyon          Las Vegas, NV 089101
                                                          NCA and North McCullough
                                                                                                                        (702) 388-5020
can’t keep Sloan Canyon wild without you.                                                                           FAX (702) 388-5030
                                                        Wilderness. Better yet, tell them to
Friends gone Phishin’                                    move the proposed heliport to
                                                                                                                           John Porter
                                                                                                       2501 N. Green Valley Pkwy #112D

                                                             the Sunrise Landfill site.
By Brian Beffort                                                                                                  Henderson, NV 89014
                                                                                                                         (702) 225-3252
    Every time the rock band Phish plays a con-                                                                    FAX (702) 434-1378
cert, they invite a local nonprofit organization to
join them for public outreach and fundraising. On

                                                        Under Yonder Blue Moon
April 16, Friends of Nevada Wilderness was their
guest at Thomas & Mack Stadium in Las Vegas.
    Phish helps local groups through their charita-
ble nonprofit Waterwheel Foundation. In ex-
                                                        An Evening of Shakespeare on
change for donations to Waterwheel, concert go-
ers received stickers and T-shirts.
    Net proceeds from Waterwheel’s fundraising                            the Black Rock Playa
are donated to each evening’s guest nonprofit                                   a benefit for Friends of Nevada Wilderness
                                                                                         and Nevada Shakespeare Company
group. Pending the final tally, it looks as though
Phish and Waterwheel raised around $5,000 for           Saturday evening, July 31
Friends of Nevada Wilderness.                           Cost: $50 per person
    At the event, people signed more than 100           Call 324-4198 for tickets
postcards to the Forest Service to protect National     or go to: for event info
Forest roadless areas.                                   
    Thank you Phish and Waterwheel Foundation!
Your music and generosity are helping to keep
Nevada wild and make the world a better place.
                        Nuclear waste rail line heads for WSAs
                         By Susan Potts                                          Canyon wilderness additions proposal, as well as
                             Friends of Nevada Wilderness staff and volun-       coming extremely close to the Kawich and Wor-
                         teers have been testifying and providing detailed       thington Mountains WSAs. Other WSAs may be
                         scoping comments on the Department of Ener-             at risk as DOE adjusts the route in the upcoming
                         gy’s (DOE) plan to ship high level nuclear waste        EIS process.

                         on a proposed new railroad through a number of              Friends of Nevada Wilderness is joining the

                         Nevada wilderness study areas (WSAs).                   State of Nevada, local residents and most Neva-
                             DOE held a series of meetings in May to             dans in opposing this rail corridor. Your support and
                         gather public input on the proposed
                         Yucca Mountain Rail Corridor as
                         part of their EIS process. This route,
                         called the Caliente Corridor, would
     Keeping             enter Nevada near Caliente, cross
     Nevada              Lincoln County, go through Nye
      Wild!              County north of the Nevada Test
                         site, then south along the western
                         edge of the test site, until it reached
 Friends of Nevada       Yucca Mountain. It would carry up
     Wilderness is       to 77,000 tons of radioactive nuclear
     dedicated to        waste through Nevada. The Draft
    preserving all       EIS will be available for public com-
  qualified Nevada       ment in early 2005.
   public lands as           DOE asked the BLM to with-
      Wilderness,        draw about 308,600 acres of our
     protecting all      public lands along a one-mile-wide
potential Wilderness     corridor for the ‘Caliente Corridor’ rail route to      membership allows us to work on this issue. We
    from ongoing         facilitate building this boondoggle project. DOE’s      can’t protect these wild lands without your help.
  threats including      maps show the proposed route crossing Weepah            For more detailed information, visit our website at
     mining, over-       Springs and South Reveille WSAs, our Quinn    
    grazing, road
  construction, and     Earth Day festivals great for outreach
off-road vehicle use,
educating the public
                            Each year, Earth Day celebrations give Friends       tion and the Washoe County Commission.
  on the values of –
                        of Nevada Wilderness an opportunity to fulfill one           Kids of all ages had a chance towin a prize at
   and need for –
                        of our most important missions—to share with             the “enter the wilderness” beanbag toss game.
   Wilderness, and
                        people our love of wilderness and tell them why              In Las Vegas, Friends had a booth at the Sum-
    improving the
                        it’s important to keep some places wild.                 merlin Earth Fair. A steady stream of people came
  management and
                            More than 10,000 people attended the Earth           by the booth,
 restoration of these
                        Day celebration at Idlewild Park in Reno on April        and we gen-
  public wild lands.
                        25, and Friends’ staff and volunteers had our            erated hun-
                        hands full chatting with the hundreds of people          dreds of pub-
                        who came by our booth. People showed their sup-          lic comments
                        port for wilderness by signing a tall stack of letters   in support of
                        in support of eastern Nevada wilderness designa-         eastern Ne-
                        tions.                                                   vada wilder-
                            David VonSeggern strolled the festival with a        ness and in
                        wheelbarrow full of coal and got letters signed and      support of the
                        in opposition to the proposed coal-fired power           Roadless
                        plant in the Black Rock Desert. We then hand de-         Area Conser-
                        livered these letters to our Congressional delega-       vation Rule.
                                                                                                               Photo: Kurt Kuznicki
20th Anniversary celebrations a hit
   The cafeteria at Patagonia Outlet Center was                  show presented by Brian Beffort opened the entertainment.
packed on March 20 when the northern Nevada mem-                     A rousing performance by Jim Eaglesmith and his musical
bers and supporters of Friends of Nevada Wilderness at-          friends closed the evening.
tended the 20th anniversary celebration event.                       An afternoon event in Las Vegas on March 27 was enjoyed
                                   Folks won prizes for          by southern Nevada members
                                a wilderness trivia quiz.        and supporters. Susan Potts
                                Patagonia donated sev-           wowed folks with eastern Ne-
                                eral packs for a raffle          vada slides and Harmi Hiatt re-
                                drawing. A festive anni-         viewed our successes over the
                                versary cake spread fun          years. Raffle items and food
                                and frosting throughout          were provided by board mem-
                                the room.                        bers.
                                   A lovely buffet table             Many thanks to all who vol-
                                featured tasty buffet            unteered their time and effort
                                foods donated by Trader          to make these memorable
                                Joe's and Wild Oats              events.
                                Market. Silver Peak                  Special thanks to those who
                                Brewery donated a                generously gave an anniversary
                                frosty keg of beer.              gift to Friends of Nevada Wil-
                                   A wilderness slide            derness.

                                                     Activists at the anniversary
                                                     party sign letters in support
                                                     of wilderness (top right).
                                                     Fabulous food was donated
                                                     by Trader Joe’s and Wild
                                                     Oats Market (top left).
                                                     Board member Corey Lewis
                                                     with son Hunter (left).
                                                     Volunteer Cynthia Scholl
                                                     visits with her mother, long-
                                                     time wilderness supporter
                                                     and artist Amy Mazza
                                                     (right). Photos: Brian Beffort

       Founding members reflect back on 20 years of
          work by Friends of Nevada Wilderness
                    As I look back, we have made huge strides                     The first 20 years were an exiting
                    in detoxifying wilderness issues in Nevada.                beginning for wilderness in Nevada.
                    We have moved from hostile crowds and                    The next 20 years will see all Nevada
                    threats to building solid relationships based                               wildlands protected.
                    on a shared love for the land. I used to               Every lizard will have its rock to sun on.
                    dream of having one full-time staff person          Every pronghorn will have its space to run.
                    working on Nevada wilderness protection.               Every child will be able to enjoy his/her
                    Now we have six incredibly talented staff,                               own private wilderness.
                    and we are just scratching the surface of                 The wind will have silence enough to
                    what’s possible.                                                                           speak.
                    — Roger Scholl, founding member                                 — Marge Sill, founding member
1984 - 2004                                                             Friends of Nevada Wilderness

                                                  1984                                      1989
                                                  Nevada wilderness activists, with         We continue to push our 1.4-million-
                                                  a grant from the Toiyabe Chapter          acre Forest Service proposal and
                                                  of the Sierra Club, form an               publish Exploring Nevada’s Wild
                                                  organization dedicated to informing       Places: A Guide to Nevada
                                                  the public about the grandeur,            Wilderness.
                                                  resources, and vulnerability of           Congress passes The Nevada
                                                  Nevada wilderness.                        Forest Service Protection Act,
    Wheeler Peak

                                                  Friends of Nevada Wilderness              designating 733,400 acres. It is
                                                  is founded.                               signed into law by the President
                                                  As its first executive director,          on December 5.
                                                  Jean Ford kicks off a community
                         Great Basin National
                         Park — 1987
                                                  and rural organizing campaign.            1990
                                                                                            Friends of Nevada Wilderness, with
                                                  1985                                      John Hiatt in a key role, helps to
                                                  Friends launches the Nevada Forest        pass the Red Rock Canyon
                                                  Service Wilderness campaign with          National Conservation Area Act.
                                                  Project Nevada Wilderness Watch,
                                                  a Congressional and media tour using
                                                  motor homes and helicopters.              1991
                                                  This was the first national recognition   Friends of Nevada Wilderness focuses
                                                  of Nevada’s marvelous wilderness          on BLM Wilderness Study Area
                                                  values.                                   (WSA) recommendations.
      Currant Mountain

                                                                                            Ann Kersten summarizes all BLM
                                                  1985-1988                                 WSA areas.
                                                                                            Red Rock Canyon NCA is dedicated.
                                                  Congress introduces numerous
                                                  Nevada Wilderness bills. The following
                         Nevada Forest            hearings, tours and organizing efforts    1992
                         Service Protection Act   span three Congresses.                    Hermi Hiatt, Mark Saylor and Susan
                         — 1989                   Lois Sagel, Marge Sill and Roger          Selby initiate intensive inventory
                                                  Scholl help to spearhead the              and mapping of BLM wild lands.
                                                  Anti-wilderness passions are fanned by
                                                  special interest groups, and several
                                                  wilderness activists receive threats.     Deft map work by John Hiatt helps
                                                  Undaunted, they continue to testify for   expand Red Rock Canyon NCA from
                                                  wilderness.                               83,000 to 195,000 acres.

                                                  1987                                      1996
    Red Rock Canyon

                                                  Friends of Nevada Wilderness is           Friends of Nevada Wilderness keeps
                                                  instrumental in rallying community        Congress involved, taking Senator
                                                  and business support for the              Reid on a helicopter tour of BLM-
                                                  establishment of Great Basin              managed WSAs in Clark County.
                         Red Rock Canyon NCA      National Park, under the leadership
                         more than doubled in     of President Geneva Douglas.
                         size — 1993

marks major milestones in the Nevada wilderness movement

                                                              1998                                    2002
                                                              Conservation Director Tom Myers         The Clark County Conservation of
                                                              coordinates wilderness surveys; then    Public Land and Natural Resources Act
                                                              computerizes WSA boundaries to          is signed into law on November 6,
                                                              create maps for future wilderness       It designates 17 wilderness areas,
                                                              campaigns. Survey team includes         expands the Mt. Charleston
              The Emigrant Trail

                                                              Howard Booth, John and Hermi Hiatt,     Wilderness Area and creates the
                                                              and Mark Saylor.                        Sloan Canyon National Conservation
                                                              The Black Rock Desert - High Rock
                                   Black Rock Desert -        Canyon Wilderness campaign gains        2003
                                   High Rock Canyon -         momentum with the formation of the      The Nevada Wilderness Coalition
                                   Emigrant Trails            Nevada Wilderness Coalition.            publishes The Citizen’s Proposal for
                                   National Conservation      Members include Friends of Nevada       Wilderness in Lincoln and White Pine
                                   Area — 2000                Wilderness, the Nevada Wilderness       Counties. Our members visit many of
                                                              Project, the Toiyabe Chapter of the     the proposed areas.
                                                              Sierra Club, the Nevada Outdoor
                                                              Recreation Association, Red Rock
                                                              Audubon, and the Wilderness Society.    2004
                                                                                                      Work begins to develop wilderness
                                                              2000                                    proposals for Forest Service areas left
                                                                                                      out of the 1989 bill.
                                                              The Black Rock Desert–High Rock         Friends celebrates 20 years of our
                                                              Canyon Emigrant Trail National          three-pronged approach to protecting

                                                              Conservation Area Act is passed.        wilderness: public education on the
                                                              Signed by President Clinton on          values of wilderness, pursuing
                                                              December 21, it designates 10           legislation to designate additional
                                   Clark County               wilderness areas. As the new            wilderness, and working with agencies
                                   Conservation of Public     executive director, Shaaron Netherton   and volunteers to protect wilderness
                                   Land and Natural           ensures that the crucial areas get      values on the ground.
                                   Resources Act — 2002       included.

                                                              2001                                    2004-2024
                                                                                                      The next 20 years? It depends on you.
                                                              The Nevada Wilderness Coalition         You, the members that make up
                                                              publishes the Citizen’s Proposal:       Friends of Nevada Wilderness, and
                                                              Nevada’s Mojave Desert Region.          you, the citizens of Nevada and of the
    North Pahroc Range

                                                              Jeremy Garncarz, with our members,      United States of America, are the
                                                              spearheads the campaign to protect      people who will determine what
                                                              wilderness in southern Nevada.          becomes of the public lands we all
                                                              Friends begins work on eastern          hold in common.
                                                              Nevada Wilderness Campaign, talking     To protect this splendid heritage for
                                                              with rural residents, to ensure their   the next generation, we at Friends of
                                   Eastern Nevada             involvement.                            Nevada Wilderness, need your
                                   wilderness bill — 2004 ?
                                                                                         le           support, both financial and volunteer.
                                                                                      eop rd
                                                                               th e p      a          We can’t do it without you.
                                                                          all          o h
                                                                     To            d s       —
                                                                               rke years
                                                                        o        the
                                                                           oss          ou!
                                                                      acr           k y
                          Lincoln County Public Lands Bill
                         By Shaaron Netherton                                       Whenever this bill is introduced, we will imme-
                             So what’s up with this eastern Nevada bill for     diately put out a special mailing for our members
                         protecting wilderness? Friends of Nevada Wilder-       to give you the details and to ask for your help in
                         ness has been working and talking about it for         making whatever improvements it may need.
                         years now—where is it? Good question!                  There may well be other public land provisions in
                             If legislation is to be introduced into Congress   this bill that we strongly oppose.
                         and have any expectation of passing this year, it          Public lands bills like the Clark County bill and
     Pristine forever,   will likely need to be introduced by our Nevada        like the upcoming Lincoln County bill tend to be
    now and for the      delegation by the end of June. We held this news-      “kitchen sink” legislation. Congress tries to take
     unborn. Let us      letter issue back, hoping we’d have the scoop for      care of all the public lands issues it is wrestling
        keep these       you. Rather than hold it any longer, we’re going to    with in one piece of legislation. We will have to
     miracles, these
                         the printer.                                           wait and see how this one sorts itself out.
     pristine forever,   Join in for upcoming
    these sources of     volunteer opportunities
      man’s spirit,          Saturday, June 12, Mt. Grafton WSA: vehi-
     symbols of his      cle-impact restoration. OK to camp in the area
           goals,        following the project.
       landscapes            Saturday, July 3, Mt. Grafton WSA: vehi-

    –Nancy Newhall
       eternally of      cle-impact restoration.
         freedom.            Saturday, August 21st, Park Range WSA:
                         vehicle-impact restoration.
                             For details on those three projects, please con-
                         tact Stephen Leslie at (775) 289-1867;
                             The US Forest Service is looking for volunteers
                                                                                Friends of Nevada Wilderness staff thanks you, our
                         to help monitor the Mt Charleston wilderness
                                                                                members, for your support of our work for wilderness.
                         boundary. For details, contact Amy Meketi at           Pictured, from left, Pat Patera, Susan Potts, Shaaron
                         (702) 515-5428;                     Netherton, Brian Beffort, Pam White.

                                The value of planned giving
            Long-time members of Friends of Nevada                      That’s why we need your future support.
         Wilderness have seen 20 years of work to protect               If you are over 50 and haven’t yet written a will
         Nevada’s wild places as designated wilderness               or living trust, all the experts say: delay no longer! If
         areas.                                                      you think that someday you will be leaving behind
            Just as the land endures, so must the constant           more money than your beneficiaries need, and you
         vigilance required to monitor the federal                   want to feel confident that you will leave Nevada a
         management of designated wilderness areas.                  better place, please seriously consider how your
            Just as human development increases, so must             legacy can help Friends of Nevada Wilderness
         the ongoing effort to identify and designate the last       achieve long-range financial stability.
         of the limited and ever-dwindling wild areas.                  For more information, consult your personal
            Friends of Nevada Wilderness plans to endure             attorney, or speak to the Executive Director at
         along with our wild lands.                                  Friends of Nevada Wilderness at (775) 324-7667.

Hike the Burbank Canyons WSA
By Kurt Kuznicki                                    different route than the rest of us. I asked him
     At 13,395 acres, Burbank Canyons Wilder-       about it and he told me it was his “Leave No                    Why wilderness?
ness Study Area isn’t large, but it fits a lot of   Trace” style of hiking. It might be easier for us to         Because we like the
beauty into a small package. Located about an       hike up the sandy slope rather than to stay low and            taste of freedom.
                                                                                                                 Because we like the
hour’s drive south of Carson City in the south-     battle the brush, but a bigger party or even a small
                                                                                                                    smell of danger.
ern end of the Pine Nut Range, it’s the closest     group like ours would cause some unnecessary
WSA to the Carson-Reno area and is a great          erosion. It is only human nature to stay out of the
destination for a weekend hike this summer.                                                                               –Edward Abbey
                                                    mud and hike along the side of the trail, but by
    From an elevation of about 5,500 feet on its    keeping our feet dry we widen the trail. We must
east side, Burbank rises nearly 3,500 vertical      always think of how our actions affect the land.
feet to the top of Eagle Mountain, where views
soar in every direction. The aspen stands and
perennial streams in the steep eastern canyons
are picturesque and nearly pristine.
    In April, I was excited to visit Burbank Can-
yons with Arthur Callan, an outdoor recreation
planner with the BLM, and nine hardy wilder-
ness lovers from the Great Basin Group of the
Sierra Club.
    We were about five miles south of Gardner-
ville when it began to snow. We raced the storm
over Jack Wright Summit, so the weather was
fair when we first arrived at the WSA. We en-
tered Rickey Canyon and headed up the rocky
road. Rickey Canyon forms the southern bound-
ary of the WSA. We were attempting to drive             Burbank Canyons is an awesome place, and a             Hikers gather on the trail
the boundary road to the top and possibly enjoy     land of contrasts. Burbank Canyons is like so                   to Burbank Canyon.
the great views from the summit of Eagle            many places in Nevada: wild, beautiful, and pow-              Photo: Kurt Kuznicki
Mountain. Mother Nature, as always, had a few       erful. It is also a fragile place, a place where man
things that she wanted to show us first.            should be a temporary visitor. To be true stewards
    When the weather crested the ridge, we          of the land, we must be visitors that leave no
pulled over and waited out the storm in lower       trace. I hope we can keep it wild by designating it
Rickey Canyon. We witnessed the beautiful           as wilderness soon.
contrasts of the seasons, as the blooming desert
                                                      Getting there
peach was trimmed with icy flakes of snow. It
was as if winter was desperately trying to hang       Drive U.S. 395 south from Carson City about an hour. Turn east onto NV-208
on. The clouds were low and ominous. The              for almost 10 miles, then turn north on Lower Colony Road for a little over a
rock cliffs veiled in fog looked liked ancient        mile. To access Rickey Canyon, turn west on Rickey Canyon Road, which is
warriors standing guard over this beautiful can-      marked by a street sign. Follow this road for a half-mile to the Wilderness Study
                                                      Area boundary. High-clearance, four-wheel-drive is necessary to reach the top of
yon. It was wonderful to enjoy the storm as it        the WSA. If you drive to the top, please park once you get there. Vehicle tracks
passed.                                               travel north into the WSA, but they are trespass tracks.
    As the spring sun returned, we decided to              To access Burbank Canyon, continue driving north on Lower Colony Road for
explore more of the WSA. We drove along the           about three miles past Rickey Canyon. After the road winds eastward, look for a
eastern border to Burbank Canyon itself. We           WSA sign on west side of the road. Follow that dirt road to Burbank Canyon.
                                                      The road parallels the ridge then turns west. Two steel poles mark the trailhead.
finally got a chance to stretch our legs. As we       It’s a good road except for possible Nevada pin striping.
hiked up Burbank Canyon in the sunshine, the          UTM coordinates:
towering cliffs now looked warm and friendly.         Intersection of dirt road to Burbank Canyon and Lower Colony road:
    I noticed that Arthur was very careful            11 291357E 4299569N. Trailhead at Burbank Canyon: UTM coordinates
                                                      11 290554E 430085N
where he walked and several times he took a
                         Volunteers needed to keep it wild
                         By Brian Beffort                                         l Be a Wilderness Steward. Work with lo-
                             It’s not enough to draw a line on a map and call cal land managers to conduct boundary surveys,
                         an area wilderness. Real and lasting protection is   install/replace signs, and join restoration work trips
                         possible only through work on the ground to keep     to wild places to restore the landscape—pick up
                         these areas wild. To this end,                                                            litter, remove old

      A heartfelt
                         Friends of Nevada Wilderness in-                                                          fence lines, erad-
                                                                    “The idea of wilderness needs no

      Thank You
                         vites members and other caring peo-                                                       icate invasive
                                                                   defense, it only needs defenders.”

       to all the
                         ple to help us keep the “wild” in wil-                                                    plant species,
                         derness areas and wilderness study                                 —Edward Abbey

       Friends of
                                                                                                                   etc. Good work
                         areas across Nevada. There are                                                            and good fun.

                         several ways you can help:                               l Help around town. We always need peo-
                             l Adopt a Wilderness. Choose a particular ple to help write letters, stuff envelopes, staff

     new members,
                         area, get to know it by hiking and camping there.    phone banks and information tables at public

     and longtime
                         Write about and photograph its unique features,      events, or host slide shows and wilderness discus-
                         speak on behalf of its wild values when they can’t sions in their homes.

                         speak for themselves. Report illegal activities and      To participate in any of these programs, please

                         help land managers protect wild values.              call us at (775) 324-7667 or (702) 650-6542.

    We could not
                         Working to uphold the roadless rule
continue our ongoing
                         By Pete Dronkers

efforts to protect and
                             Friends of Nevada Wilderness is working to up-      lobbyist who oversees the Forest Service, has

 preserve Nevada’s
                         hold the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, a Na-         failed to uphold the Roadless Rule in court cases

   wilderness areas
                         tional Forest conservation initiative put in place by   brought on by logging companies. If the administra-
                                                                                 tion is successful, millions of acres of roadless ar-

    without you!
                         the Clinton Administration in January, 2001. This
                         administrative policy protects areas inventoried as     eas across the country could be opened to road-
                         roadless by the agen-                                   building and extractive activities.
                         cy. Of Nevada’s 5.8                                         To find out more about the ongoing saga of the
                         million US Forest Ser-       Millions of acres of       Roadless Rule, check out
                         vice acres, 3.2 million        roadless areas
                         are categorized as           across the country         coal-fired plant                     (cont. from pg.1)
                         roadless providing          could be opened to              “We will continue working with other groups
                         Nevada with a great          road building and          and local residents to fight this proposal every step
                         resource of solitude        extractive industries       of the way,” she vowed.
                         and wildlife habitat.                                       Your membership support allows Friends of
                         Sadly, many other                                       Nevada Wilderness to work on this issue. We can’t
                         states don’t enjoy so many roadless areas.              keep the Black Rock Desert’s air clean without
                             All National Forest units over 5,000 acres with-    you. What can you do? Visit our website at
                         out established (constructed and/or maintained) to learn more or call
                         roads are protected from new roads under the            us at (775) 324-7667 for more detailed fact sheets.
                         Rule, and will remain free from resource extrac-
                         tion and development. This balanced policy closes            Write the Washoe County Commission at:
                         no existing trails and keeps these areas open to all                      PO Box 11130
                         forms of non-motorized recreation.                                   Reno, Nevada 89520   
                             This administrative policy, originally supported                   FAX: (775) 328-2037
                         by more than 2 million public comments (more than          Email: Go to and click on
                         any other federal rule in history), is being disman-               “Contact Us” for an email form.
                         tled by the Bush Administration in places such as           Let them know you are totally opposed to this
                         the Tongass Rainforest in Alaska. Undersecretary               proposed Grantite-Fox coal-fired plant.

                         of Agriculture Mark Rey, a former timber industry
Forest Service wildlands need
your support
By Pete Dronkers and staff
     Nearly all of Nevada’s US Forest Service land
is part of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest,
the second-largest National Forest in the country.
Every 10 to 15 years each forest is required to up-
date its management plan. The Humboldt-Toiyabe
is beginning revision of the plan. For the Humboldt-
Toiyabe, the Forest Service will reassess the status
of hundreds of roadless areas in Nevada and make
one of three decisions for each unit: 1) which if any
areas should be recommended for wilderness 2)
which areas should stay roadless 3) which areas
should allow development that is not compatible
with their roadless nature.
     Under the current administration, the Forest
                                                                                                                   Hikers traverse
Service will recommend wilderness only with
strong public support and strong rationale. Friends
                                                     Pete Dronkers joins                                       the ridgeline of the
                                                                                                              Schell Creek Range.
staff and volunteers will be researching these areas
to develop the strongest rationale possible for wil-
                                                     staff to work on                                          Photo: Ron Hunter
derness recommendations.
     Help us! Of the 400 roadless units in Nevada
                                                     national forest issues
(too many for us to tackle), Friends of Nevada Wil-        Friends of Nevada Wilderness recently hired
derness is focusing first on these high-priority ar-   Pete Dronkers to work on Forest Service issues.
eas. Let us know if your favorite is NOT on this       Pete, 24, has lived in Nevada since 1995 and has
list.                                                  seen alarming trends of development.
                                                           “I feel that Nevada has a tremendous resource
     ; Shellback (northern White Pine Range)
                                                       in terms of open space and the potential for experi-
     ; Toiyabe Crest / Bunker Hill                     ences of solitude,” he said. “We can
     ; Excelsior Mountains                             set an example for the rest of the na-
     ; Mount Rose additions
                                                       tion to show that preserving this land,
                                                       and these experiences, has a much
     ; Southern Quinn Canyon Range                     greater benefit to all people than de-
     ; Alta Toquima additions                          veloping it. It’s essential to our mental
     ; Table Mountain additions                        health.”
                                                           Pete began snowboarding when he
     ; Arc Dome additions
                                                       was 10, was backpacking throughout
     ; Bald Mountain                                   the Sierra by 12, and rock-climbing
     ; Highland Ridge in Snake Range                   and mountaineering by 18, while at-
                                                       tending high school in Reno. As a
     ; Northern Sweetwater Range
                                                       journalism major at the University of
     ; Schell Creek Range                              Nevada, Reno, Pete began traveling to Yosemite               Pete Dronkers
     We need people out on the ground! If you have Valley to explore the vertical world, and later                gives thumbs up
ever visited, or would like to visit, any of these ar- mounted two expeditions to Denali in Alaska and a             to protecting
eas, please contact us. We need your help to devel- third near the North Pole. He came back motivated             America’s forest
op the strongest proposals possible.                   to see more of and protect more of the world’s wild-                 lands.
     For details, please contact Pete Dronkers at      est places.
(775) 324-7667 or               Welcome, Pete, to the staff.

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Spring 2004 Friends of Nevada Wilderness Newsletter

  • 1. FRIENDS OF NEVADA WILDERNESS Keeping Nevada Wild Since 1984 JUNE 2004 Plans for coal-fired power plant loom over Black Rock Desert Sempra power has applied Insane is the best way to describe one of the step to approving the coal power plant is proving for permits from the Nevada newest threats to Nevada’s wild places. that the air is clean and clear enough to allow the Public Utilities Commission San Diego-based SEMPRA Energy is propos- dirty plant. If built, winds would spew this pollution (PUC) to construct an electrical substation, ing a huge coal-fired power plant at the base of over the Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon- supporting facilities, and a the Black Rock Desert. Nevadans would get pol- Emigrant Trail National Conservation Area and tie-in line to the DC Intertie Power Line that runs near the luted skies and used-up water while southern Cali- wilderness areas and forever harm the awesome proposed power plant site. fornia would get the power. Ironically, the first vistas. This region was given protection in 2000 by Congress for its beauty and nationally significant historic, prehistoric and wilderness values. Friends of Nevada Wilderness is working with citizens to block this project. In April, when the Washoe County Planning Commission and County Commissioners approved a 650-foot air monitoring tower to be built, Shaaron Netherton, Executive Director of Friends of Nevada Wilderness, testi- fied at the County Commissioner hearing and pre- sented 110 letters from folks opposed to the air monitoring tower and power plant. (cont. pg. 10) Black Rock Desert with Jackson Mountain Wilderness behind. Photo: Brian Beffort Sloan Canyon NCA threatened Congress, after working hard to protect Sloan derness is not the answer. In April, Susan Potts of Canyon National Conservation Area and North Friends of Nevada Wilderness testified before McCullough Wilderness in 2002, is now working to Senator Reid and other Congressional representa- turn the NCA into a helicopter flight path. tives that forcing concentrated helicopter over- In early May, the Nevada Congressional dele- flights above our new NCA was a bad idea and an gation introduced HR 4285/S2378, a bill to turn alternative site should be found. She suggested an 229 acres of southern Nevada’s public land over (continued on page 3 ) to Clark County to build a heliport for helicopter Stop Sloan Canyon over-flights Page 3 tour companies. The helicopter companies, unhap- Nuclear waste rail line planned Page 4 20th anniversary celebrations Page 5 Inside: py at being forced out of McCarran International Airport due to state and local politics, are caught 20 years of wilderness work Page 6 between a rock and a hard place. While we agree Lincoln County Public Lands Bill Page 8 that residents shouldn’t have 90 flights a day going Take a hike in Burbank Canyons Page 9 over their homes, we also feel equally strongly Uphold the roadless rule Page 10 Forest Service lands need help Page 11 1 that forcing these flights over the NCA and wil-
  • 2. d from the front lines By Shaaron Netherton Dear Members, It’s hard being a parent now, with Nevada’s rural areas and wildlands So. Nevada Members all the horrific images of war, abuse to feed thirsty Las Vegas. Board of Directors and terror inundating us. I struggle Friends of Nevada Wilderness has with how to explain it all to my been proactive in working with our Theo Byrns daughter. To help me cope, I focus on Congressional delegation to protect Hermi Hiatt my work for Nevada wilderness. It wild lands in eastern Nevada. makes me feel like I have some Staff is working with the Nevada Land John Hiatt control and can make a difference in Conservancy and the BLM to acquire Macaire Moran No. Nevada Members our lives. It gives me sensitive spring hope. I passionately and riparian care about Nevada’s parcels in northern Karen Boeger wild places, but even Washoe County. Henry Egghart they seem more Many of these private Corey Lewis besieged than ever inholdings are within Ron Hunter these days. wilderness study areas Roger Scholl We’ve made this or other wilderness issue of Call of the Wild quality lands. We are Marge Sill bigger than usual to gathering Executive Director cover some of the information on Staff outrageous threats to wilderness quality Las Vegas our wild landscapes. It’s also bigger to roadless areas for the Forest Shaaron Netherton share Friends of Nevada Wilderness’s Service’s upcoming Humboldt-Toiyabe many successes over 20 years. Forest Plan revision and we are Reno Susan Potts Friends of Nevada Wilderness has participating in BLM wilderness spent this spring fighting numerous planning in Clark County. We’re attacks on Nevada’s wild places. The also building our stewardship Brian Beffort Department of Energy is proposing to programs to get volunteers on the Pat Patera Ely build a nuclear waste railroad ground to keep Nevada wild. Pete Dronkers through several wilderness study For 20 years, we’ve been successful in getting wild places the Congressional Northern Nevada Office areas. SEMPRA Energy wants to Pam White pollute the air and deplete the water protection they deserve. But so many in the fabulous Black Rock Desert more areas need protection from PO Box 9754 NCA and wilderness areas with a growth and greed, and so many areas Reno, NV 89507 filthy coal-fired power plant. need champions on the ground. Southern Nevada Office (775) 324-7667 Our Congressional delegation is Let me be blunt, Friends of trying to force 90 commercial Nevada Wilderness needs your helicopter tour flights a day over support now more than ever. Staff 1700 E. Desert Inn #406 the newly created Sloan Canyon NCA and volunteers are working hard to Eastern Nevada Office Las Vegas, NV 89109 and North McCullough Wilderness. keep up, but protecting your wild lands (702) 650-6542 BLM’s Surprise Field Office is takes even more commitment. We need proposing a 60-foot-wide dam in your help. If you haven’t renewed your 1313 Avenue I the Wall Canyon WSA. We are still membership yet, please do it today. Website Ely 89315 fighting in the 10th Circuit Court Consider making a special gift. Support (775) 289-8898 to uphold BLM’s ability to inventory our benefit event—Shakespeare on the and recommend wilderness study Black Rock Playa in July. E-mail areas through their planning process. And whenever you can, please write letters, make calls, get involved. We continue to fight the Forest Service’s attempts to designate Together we can make the world a roads in the Mt. Stirling WSA. better place! Friends is also fighting proposals to siphon water from eastern 2
  • 3. d Stop Sloan Canyon over-flights Visitors to the Sloan Canyon petroglyph sites may soon be bombarded by the noise of over-flights. Photo: Brian Beffort (continued from front page) area near the Sunrise Landfill site that was away from homes, the NCA and wilderness. Many local residents, bighorn sheep and other wildlife living in the area will also be affected by the flights. Potts said, “I have seen bighorn bed- ding areas myself around Sutor Peak, which is di- rectly below the flight path.” “If an alternate site is not considered, at the very least, the helicopter flights should be rerouted around the Sloan Canyon NCA,” said Bill James, a member of Friends of Sloan Canyon. “A flight path farther to the south would make more sense for residents in Anthem as well as for those enjoy- ing the Sloan Canyon NCA for recreation.” Bill Huggins, a Henderson resident and avid hiker, expressed his concerns. “This area is a su- Action alert! Hon. John Ensign perb escape from Las Vegas right in my back- 333 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Suite 8203 yard. I know that having helicopters flying over- Las Vegas, NV 89101 head at only 500 to 1,000 feet every 4 to 5 minutes Write or call your Senators and (702) 388-6605 Congressman and tell them to FAX (702) 388-6501 will ruin the experience for me. I hate to think move the helicopter flight path what it will do to the wildlife.” Hon. Harry Reid Your membership support allows Friends of 333 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Suite 8016 Nevada Wilderness to work on this issue. We outside of the Sloan Canyon Las Vegas, NV 089101 NCA and North McCullough (702) 388-5020 can’t keep Sloan Canyon wild without you. FAX (702) 388-5030 Wilderness. Better yet, tell them to Friends gone Phishin’ move the proposed heliport to John Porter 2501 N. Green Valley Pkwy #112D the Sunrise Landfill site. By Brian Beffort Henderson, NV 89014 (702) 225-3252 Every time the rock band Phish plays a con- FAX (702) 434-1378 cert, they invite a local nonprofit organization to join them for public outreach and fundraising. On Under Yonder Blue Moon April 16, Friends of Nevada Wilderness was their guest at Thomas & Mack Stadium in Las Vegas. Phish helps local groups through their charita- ble nonprofit Waterwheel Foundation. In ex- An Evening of Shakespeare on change for donations to Waterwheel, concert go- ers received stickers and T-shirts. Net proceeds from Waterwheel’s fundraising the Black Rock Playa are donated to each evening’s guest nonprofit a benefit for Friends of Nevada Wilderness and Nevada Shakespeare Company group. Pending the final tally, it looks as though Phish and Waterwheel raised around $5,000 for Saturday evening, July 31 Friends of Nevada Wilderness. Cost: $50 per person At the event, people signed more than 100 Call 324-4198 for tickets postcards to the Forest Service to protect National or go to: for event info Forest roadless areas.   Thank you Phish and Waterwheel Foundation! Your music and generosity are helping to keep Nevada wild and make the world a better place. 3
  • 4. V Nuclear waste rail line heads for WSAs By Susan Potts Canyon wilderness additions proposal, as well as Friends of Nevada Wilderness staff and volun- coming extremely close to the Kawich and Wor- teers have been testifying and providing detailed thington Mountains WSAs. Other WSAs may be scoping comments on the Department of Ener- at risk as DOE adjusts the route in the upcoming gy’s (DOE) plan to ship high level nuclear waste EIS process. Mission on a proposed new railroad through a number of Friends of Nevada Wilderness is joining the Statement Nevada wilderness study areas (WSAs). State of Nevada, local residents and most Neva- DOE held a series of meetings in May to dans in opposing this rail corridor. Your support and gather public input on the proposed Yucca Mountain Rail Corridor as part of their EIS process. This route, called the Caliente Corridor, would Keeping enter Nevada near Caliente, cross Nevada Lincoln County, go through Nye Wild! County north of the Nevada Test site, then south along the western edge of the test site, until it reached Friends of Nevada Yucca Mountain. It would carry up Wilderness is to 77,000 tons of radioactive nuclear dedicated to waste through Nevada. The Draft preserving all EIS will be available for public com- qualified Nevada ment in early 2005. public lands as DOE asked the BLM to with- Wilderness, draw about 308,600 acres of our protecting all public lands along a one-mile-wide potential Wilderness corridor for the ‘Caliente Corridor’ rail route to membership allows us to work on this issue. We from ongoing facilitate building this boondoggle project. DOE’s can’t protect these wild lands without your help. threats including maps show the proposed route crossing Weepah For more detailed information, visit our website at mining, over- Springs and South Reveille WSAs, our Quinn grazing, road construction, and Earth Day festivals great for outreach off-road vehicle use, educating the public Each year, Earth Day celebrations give Friends tion and the Washoe County Commission. on the values of – of Nevada Wilderness an opportunity to fulfill one Kids of all ages had a chance towin a prize at and need for – of our most important missions—to share with the “enter the wilderness” beanbag toss game. Wilderness, and people our love of wilderness and tell them why In Las Vegas, Friends had a booth at the Sum- improving the it’s important to keep some places wild. merlin Earth Fair. A steady stream of people came management and More than 10,000 people attended the Earth by the booth, restoration of these Day celebration at Idlewild Park in Reno on April and we gen- public wild lands. 25, and Friends’ staff and volunteers had our erated hun- hands full chatting with the hundreds of people dreds of pub- who came by our booth. People showed their sup- lic comments port for wilderness by signing a tall stack of letters in support of in support of eastern Nevada wilderness designa- eastern Ne- tions. vada wilder- David VonSeggern strolled the festival with a ness and in wheelbarrow full of coal and got letters signed and support of the in opposition to the proposed coal-fired power Roadless plant in the Black Rock Desert. We then hand de- Area Conser- livered these letters to our Congressional delega- vation Rule. 4 Photo: Kurt Kuznicki
  • 5. W 20th Anniversary celebrations a hit The cafeteria at Patagonia Outlet Center was show presented by Brian Beffort opened the entertainment. packed on March 20 when the northern Nevada mem- A rousing performance by Jim Eaglesmith and his musical bers and supporters of Friends of Nevada Wilderness at- friends closed the evening. tended the 20th anniversary celebration event. An afternoon event in Las Vegas on March 27 was enjoyed Folks won prizes for by southern Nevada members a wilderness trivia quiz. and supporters. Susan Potts Patagonia donated sev- wowed folks with eastern Ne- eral packs for a raffle vada slides and Harmi Hiatt re- drawing. A festive anni- viewed our successes over the versary cake spread fun years. Raffle items and food and frosting throughout were provided by board mem- the room. bers. A lovely buffet table Many thanks to all who vol- featured tasty buffet unteered their time and effort foods donated by Trader to make these memorable Joe's and Wild Oats events. Market. Silver Peak Special thanks to those who Brewery donated a generously gave an anniversary frosty keg of beer. gift to Friends of Nevada Wil- A wilderness slide derness. Activists at the anniversary party sign letters in support of wilderness (top right). Fabulous food was donated by Trader Joe’s and Wild Oats Market (top left). Board member Corey Lewis with son Hunter (left). Volunteer Cynthia Scholl visits with her mother, long- time wilderness supporter and artist Amy Mazza (right). Photos: Brian Beffort Founding members reflect back on 20 years of work by Friends of Nevada Wilderness As I look back, we have made huge strides The first 20 years were an exiting in detoxifying wilderness issues in Nevada. beginning for wilderness in Nevada. We have moved from hostile crowds and The next 20 years will see all Nevada threats to building solid relationships based wildlands protected. on a shared love for the land. I used to Every lizard will have its rock to sun on. dream of having one full-time staff person Every pronghorn will have its space to run. working on Nevada wilderness protection. Every child will be able to enjoy his/her Now we have six incredibly talented staff, own private wilderness. and we are just scratching the surface of The wind will have silence enough to what’s possible. speak. — Roger Scholl, founding member — Marge Sill, founding member 5
  • 6. 1984 - 2004 Friends of Nevada Wilderness 1984 1989 Nevada wilderness activists, with We continue to push our 1.4-million- a grant from the Toiyabe Chapter acre Forest Service proposal and of the Sierra Club, form an publish Exploring Nevada’s Wild organization dedicated to informing Places: A Guide to Nevada the public about the grandeur, Wilderness. resources, and vulnerability of Congress passes The Nevada Nevada wilderness. Forest Service Protection Act, Wheeler Peak Friends of Nevada Wilderness designating 733,400 acres. It is is founded. signed into law by the President As its first executive director, on December 5. Jean Ford kicks off a community Great Basin National Park — 1987 and rural organizing campaign. 1990 Friends of Nevada Wilderness, with 1985 John Hiatt in a key role, helps to Friends launches the Nevada Forest pass the Red Rock Canyon Service Wilderness campaign with National Conservation Area Act. Project Nevada Wilderness Watch, a Congressional and media tour using motor homes and helicopters. 1991 This was the first national recognition Friends of Nevada Wilderness focuses of Nevada’s marvelous wilderness on BLM Wilderness Study Area values. (WSA) recommendations. Currant Mountain Ann Kersten summarizes all BLM 1985-1988 WSA areas. Red Rock Canyon NCA is dedicated. Congress introduces numerous Nevada Wilderness bills. The following Nevada Forest hearings, tours and organizing efforts 1992 Service Protection Act span three Congresses. Hermi Hiatt, Mark Saylor and Susan — 1989 Lois Sagel, Marge Sill and Roger Selby initiate intensive inventory Scholl help to spearhead the and mapping of BLM wild lands. campaign. Anti-wilderness passions are fanned by special interest groups, and several 1993 wilderness activists receive threats. Deft map work by John Hiatt helps Undaunted, they continue to testify for expand Red Rock Canyon NCA from wilderness. 83,000 to 195,000 acres. 1987 1996 Red Rock Canyon Friends of Nevada Wilderness is Friends of Nevada Wilderness keeps instrumental in rallying community Congress involved, taking Senator and business support for the Reid on a helicopter tour of BLM- establishment of Great Basin managed WSAs in Clark County. Red Rock Canyon NCA National Park, under the leadership more than doubled in of President Geneva Douglas. size — 1993 6
  • 7. marks major milestones in the Nevada wilderness movement 1998 2002 Conservation Director Tom Myers The Clark County Conservation of coordinates wilderness surveys; then Public Land and Natural Resources Act computerizes WSA boundaries to is signed into law on November 6, create maps for future wilderness It designates 17 wilderness areas, campaigns. Survey team includes expands the Mt. Charleston The Emigrant Trail Howard Booth, John and Hermi Hiatt, Wilderness Area and creates the and Mark Saylor. Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area. 1999 The Black Rock Desert - High Rock Black Rock Desert - Canyon Wilderness campaign gains 2003 High Rock Canyon - momentum with the formation of the The Nevada Wilderness Coalition Emigrant Trails Nevada Wilderness Coalition. publishes The Citizen’s Proposal for National Conservation Members include Friends of Nevada Wilderness in Lincoln and White Pine Area — 2000 Wilderness, the Nevada Wilderness Counties. Our members visit many of Project, the Toiyabe Chapter of the the proposed areas. Sierra Club, the Nevada Outdoor Recreation Association, Red Rock Audubon, and the Wilderness Society. 2004 Work begins to develop wilderness 2000 proposals for Forest Service areas left out of the 1989 bill. The Black Rock Desert–High Rock Friends celebrates 20 years of our Canyon Emigrant Trail National three-pronged approach to protecting Petroglyphs Conservation Area Act is passed. wilderness: public education on the Signed by President Clinton on values of wilderness, pursuing December 21, it designates 10 legislation to designate additional Clark County wilderness areas. As the new wilderness, and working with agencies Conservation of Public executive director, Shaaron Netherton and volunteers to protect wilderness Land and Natural ensures that the crucial areas get values on the ground. Resources Act — 2002 included. 2001 2004-2024 The next 20 years? It depends on you. The Nevada Wilderness Coalition You, the members that make up publishes the Citizen’s Proposal: Friends of Nevada Wilderness, and Nevada’s Mojave Desert Region. you, the citizens of Nevada and of the North Pahroc Range Jeremy Garncarz, with our members, United States of America, are the spearheads the campaign to protect people who will determine what wilderness in southern Nevada. becomes of the public lands we all Friends begins work on eastern hold in common. Nevada Wilderness Campaign, talking To protect this splendid heritage for with rural residents, to ensure their the next generation, we at Friends of Eastern Nevada involvement. Nevada Wilderness, need your wilderness bill — 2004 ? le support, both financial and volunteer. eop rd th e p a We can’t do it without you. all o h To d s — rke years wo wh o the oss ou! acr k y an Th 7
  • 8. 8 Lincoln County Public Lands Bill By Shaaron Netherton Whenever this bill is introduced, we will imme- So what’s up with this eastern Nevada bill for diately put out a special mailing for our members protecting wilderness? Friends of Nevada Wilder- to give you the details and to ask for your help in ness has been working and talking about it for making whatever improvements it may need. years now—where is it? Good question! There may well be other public land provisions in If legislation is to be introduced into Congress this bill that we strongly oppose. and have any expectation of passing this year, it Public lands bills like the Clark County bill and Pristine forever, will likely need to be introduced by our Nevada like the upcoming Lincoln County bill tend to be now and for the delegation by the end of June. We held this news- “kitchen sink” legislation. Congress tries to take unborn. Let us letter issue back, hoping we’d have the scoop for care of all the public lands issues it is wrestling keep these you. Rather than hold it any longer, we’re going to with in one piece of legislation. We will have to miracles, these the printer. wait and see how this one sorts itself out. splendors pristine forever, Join in for upcoming these sources of volunteer opportunities man’s spirit, Saturday, June 12, Mt. Grafton WSA: vehi- symbols of his cle-impact restoration. OK to camp in the area goals, following the project. landscapes Saturday, July 3, Mt. Grafton WSA: vehi- –Nancy Newhall eternally of cle-impact restoration. freedom. Saturday, August 21st, Park Range WSA: vehicle-impact restoration. For details on those three projects, please con- tact Stephen Leslie at (775) 289-1867; The US Forest Service is looking for volunteers Friends of Nevada Wilderness staff thanks you, our to help monitor the Mt Charleston wilderness members, for your support of our work for wilderness. boundary. For details, contact Amy Meketi at Pictured, from left, Pat Patera, Susan Potts, Shaaron (702) 515-5428; Netherton, Brian Beffort, Pam White. The value of planned giving Long-time members of Friends of Nevada That’s why we need your future support. Wilderness have seen 20 years of work to protect If you are over 50 and haven’t yet written a will Nevada’s wild places as designated wilderness or living trust, all the experts say: delay no longer! If areas. you think that someday you will be leaving behind Just as the land endures, so must the constant more money than your beneficiaries need, and you vigilance required to monitor the federal want to feel confident that you will leave Nevada a management of designated wilderness areas. better place, please seriously consider how your Just as human development increases, so must legacy can help Friends of Nevada Wilderness the ongoing effort to identify and designate the last achieve long-range financial stability. of the limited and ever-dwindling wild areas. For more information, consult your personal Friends of Nevada Wilderness plans to endure attorney, or speak to the Executive Director at along with our wild lands. Friends of Nevada Wilderness at (775) 324-7667. 8
  • 9. 9 Hike the Burbank Canyons WSA By Kurt Kuznicki different route than the rest of us. I asked him At 13,395 acres, Burbank Canyons Wilder- about it and he told me it was his “Leave No Why wilderness? ness Study Area isn’t large, but it fits a lot of Trace” style of hiking. It might be easier for us to Because we like the beauty into a small package. Located about an hike up the sandy slope rather than to stay low and taste of freedom. Because we like the hour’s drive south of Carson City in the south- battle the brush, but a bigger party or even a small smell of danger. ern end of the Pine Nut Range, it’s the closest group like ours would cause some unnecessary WSA to the Carson-Reno area and is a great erosion. It is only human nature to stay out of the destination for a weekend hike this summer. –Edward Abbey mud and hike along the side of the trail, but by From an elevation of about 5,500 feet on its keeping our feet dry we widen the trail. We must east side, Burbank rises nearly 3,500 vertical always think of how our actions affect the land. feet to the top of Eagle Mountain, where views soar in every direction. The aspen stands and perennial streams in the steep eastern canyons are picturesque and nearly pristine. In April, I was excited to visit Burbank Can- yons with Arthur Callan, an outdoor recreation planner with the BLM, and nine hardy wilder- ness lovers from the Great Basin Group of the Sierra Club. We were about five miles south of Gardner- ville when it began to snow. We raced the storm over Jack Wright Summit, so the weather was fair when we first arrived at the WSA. We en- tered Rickey Canyon and headed up the rocky road. Rickey Canyon forms the southern bound- ary of the WSA. We were attempting to drive Burbank Canyons is an awesome place, and a Hikers gather on the trail the boundary road to the top and possibly enjoy land of contrasts. Burbank Canyons is like so to Burbank Canyon. the great views from the summit of Eagle many places in Nevada: wild, beautiful, and pow- Photo: Kurt Kuznicki Mountain. Mother Nature, as always, had a few erful. It is also a fragile place, a place where man things that she wanted to show us first. should be a temporary visitor. To be true stewards When the weather crested the ridge, we of the land, we must be visitors that leave no pulled over and waited out the storm in lower trace. I hope we can keep it wild by designating it Rickey Canyon. We witnessed the beautiful as wilderness soon. contrasts of the seasons, as the blooming desert Getting there peach was trimmed with icy flakes of snow. It was as if winter was desperately trying to hang Drive U.S. 395 south from Carson City about an hour. Turn east onto NV-208 on. The clouds were low and ominous. The for almost 10 miles, then turn north on Lower Colony Road for a little over a rock cliffs veiled in fog looked liked ancient mile. To access Rickey Canyon, turn west on Rickey Canyon Road, which is warriors standing guard over this beautiful can- marked by a street sign. Follow this road for a half-mile to the Wilderness Study Area boundary. High-clearance, four-wheel-drive is necessary to reach the top of yon. It was wonderful to enjoy the storm as it the WSA. If you drive to the top, please park once you get there. Vehicle tracks passed. travel north into the WSA, but they are trespass tracks. As the spring sun returned, we decided to To access Burbank Canyon, continue driving north on Lower Colony Road for explore more of the WSA. We drove along the about three miles past Rickey Canyon. After the road winds eastward, look for a eastern border to Burbank Canyon itself. We WSA sign on west side of the road. Follow that dirt road to Burbank Canyon. The road parallels the ridge then turns west. Two steel poles mark the trailhead. finally got a chance to stretch our legs. As we It’s a good road except for possible Nevada pin striping. hiked up Burbank Canyon in the sunshine, the UTM coordinates: towering cliffs now looked warm and friendly. Intersection of dirt road to Burbank Canyon and Lower Colony road: I noticed that Arthur was very careful 11 291357E 4299569N. Trailhead at Burbank Canyon: UTM coordinates 11 290554E 430085N where he walked and several times he took a 9
  • 10. z Volunteers needed to keep it wild By Brian Beffort l Be a Wilderness Steward. Work with lo- It’s not enough to draw a line on a map and call cal land managers to conduct boundary surveys, an area wilderness. Real and lasting protection is install/replace signs, and join restoration work trips possible only through work on the ground to keep to wild places to restore the landscape—pick up these areas wild. To this end, litter, remove old A heartfelt Friends of Nevada Wilderness in- fence lines, erad- “The idea of wilderness needs no Thank You vites members and other caring peo- icate invasive defense, it only needs defenders.” to all the ple to help us keep the “wild” in wil- plant species, derness areas and wilderness study —Edward Abbey Friends of etc. Good work areas across Nevada. There are and good fun. Nevada several ways you can help: l Help around town. We always need peo- l Adopt a Wilderness. Choose a particular ple to help write letters, stuff envelopes, staff Wilderness new members, area, get to know it by hiking and camping there. phone banks and information tables at public and longtime Write about and photograph its unique features, events, or host slide shows and wilderness discus- speak on behalf of its wild values when they can’t sions in their homes. supporting speak for themselves. Report illegal activities and To participate in any of these programs, please members. help land managers protect wild values. call us at (775) 324-7667 or (702) 650-6542. We could not Working to uphold the roadless rule continue our ongoing By Pete Dronkers efforts to protect and Friends of Nevada Wilderness is working to up- lobbyist who oversees the Forest Service, has preserve Nevada’s hold the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, a Na- failed to uphold the Roadless Rule in court cases wilderness areas tional Forest conservation initiative put in place by brought on by logging companies. If the administra- tion is successful, millions of acres of roadless ar- without you! the Clinton Administration in January, 2001. This administrative policy protects areas inventoried as eas across the country could be opened to road- roadless by the agen- building and extractive activities. cy. Of Nevada’s 5.8 To find out more about the ongoing saga of the million US Forest Ser- Millions of acres of Roadless Rule, check out vice acres, 3.2 million roadless areas are categorized as across the country coal-fired plant (cont. from pg.1) roadless providing could be opened to “We will continue working with other groups Nevada with a great road building and and local residents to fight this proposal every step resource of solitude extractive industries of the way,” she vowed. and wildlife habitat. Your membership support allows Friends of Sadly, many other Nevada Wilderness to work on this issue. We can’t states don’t enjoy so many roadless areas. keep the Black Rock Desert’s air clean without All National Forest units over 5,000 acres with- you. What can you do? Visit our website at out established (constructed and/or maintained) to learn more or call roads are protected from new roads under the us at (775) 324-7667 for more detailed fact sheets. Rule, and will remain free from resource extrac- tion and development. This balanced policy closes Write the Washoe County Commission at: no existing trails and keeps these areas open to all PO Box 11130 forms of non-motorized recreation. Reno, Nevada 89520    This administrative policy, originally supported FAX: (775) 328-2037 by more than 2 million public comments (more than Email: Go to and click on any other federal rule in history), is being disman- “Contact Us” for an email form. tled by the Bush Administration in places such as Let them know you are totally opposed to this the Tongass Rainforest in Alaska. Undersecretary proposed Grantite-Fox coal-fired plant. 10 of Agriculture Mark Rey, a former timber industry
  • 11. z Forest Service wildlands need your support By Pete Dronkers and staff Nearly all of Nevada’s US Forest Service land is part of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, the second-largest National Forest in the country. Every 10 to 15 years each forest is required to up- date its management plan. The Humboldt-Toiyabe is beginning revision of the plan. For the Humboldt- Toiyabe, the Forest Service will reassess the status of hundreds of roadless areas in Nevada and make one of three decisions for each unit: 1) which if any areas should be recommended for wilderness 2) which areas should stay roadless 3) which areas should allow development that is not compatible with their roadless nature. Under the current administration, the Forest Hikers traverse Service will recommend wilderness only with strong public support and strong rationale. Friends Pete Dronkers joins the ridgeline of the Schell Creek Range. staff and volunteers will be researching these areas to develop the strongest rationale possible for wil- staff to work on Photo: Ron Hunter derness recommendations. Help us! Of the 400 roadless units in Nevada national forest issues (too many for us to tackle), Friends of Nevada Wil- Friends of Nevada Wilderness recently hired derness is focusing first on these high-priority ar- Pete Dronkers to work on Forest Service issues. eas. Let us know if your favorite is NOT on this Pete, 24, has lived in Nevada since 1995 and has list. seen alarming trends of development. “I feel that Nevada has a tremendous resource ; Shellback (northern White Pine Range) in terms of open space and the potential for experi- ; Toiyabe Crest / Bunker Hill ences of solitude,” he said. “We can ; Excelsior Mountains set an example for the rest of the na- ; Mount Rose additions tion to show that preserving this land, and these experiences, has a much ; Southern Quinn Canyon Range greater benefit to all people than de- ; Alta Toquima additions veloping it. It’s essential to our mental ; Table Mountain additions health.” Pete began snowboarding when he ; Arc Dome additions was 10, was backpacking throughout ; Bald Mountain the Sierra by 12, and rock-climbing ; Highland Ridge in Snake Range and mountaineering by 18, while at- tending high school in Reno. As a ; Northern Sweetwater Range journalism major at the University of ; Schell Creek Range Nevada, Reno, Pete began traveling to Yosemite Pete Dronkers We need people out on the ground! If you have Valley to explore the vertical world, and later gives thumbs up ever visited, or would like to visit, any of these ar- mounted two expeditions to Denali in Alaska and a to protecting eas, please contact us. We need your help to devel- third near the North Pole. He came back motivated America’s forest op the strongest proposals possible. to see more of and protect more of the world’s wild- lands. For details, please contact Pete Dronkers at est places. 11 (775) 324-7667 or Welcome, Pete, to the staff.