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Exploring Kotlin on
by Deepanshu & Malcolm
What is Kotlin?
• Statically typed programming language
• JVM-based language developed by JetBrains
• From industry not academia
• 100% inter-operable with the Java language
Open Source -
Why Kotlin
Concise - Drastically reduce the amount of boilerplate code you need to
Safe - Avoid entire classes of errors such as null pointer exceptions.
Versatile - Build server-side applications, Android apps or front-end code
running in the browser.
Kotlin in Expedia Android
Kotlin code is at 23% and rising.
Refactoring started mid 2015.
Hotels, Packages, Flights, Services and MockWebServer & tests
classes are 90% in Kotlin
Cars/LX/Legacy tablet code still in java.
Other teams in Expedia are experimenting with Kotlin in the web.
• Null type and safety
• Lambdas
• Optional params
• Data classes
• Extension functions
• Delegates
• Smart Casting
Not so good about Kotlin!
• Tools support
• Compile time
Roadmap for Android
• Incremental compilation
• support for Jack and Jill toolchain
• Instant run works for cold swaps right now not
for hot swaps
• Lint checks in Kotlin 1.0.2
Kotlin syntax 101
Defining Functions
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {

return a + b
Defining Functions
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {

return a + b
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b

fun printSum(a: Int, b: Int): Unit {

print(a + b)

Defining Functions
fun printSum(a: Int, b: Int): Unit {

print(a + b)

fun printSum(a: Int, b: Int) {

print(a + b)

Defining Functions
fun doSomething(): Int {

val a: Int = 1

val b = 1 

val c: Int 

c = a + b

return c

Defining local variables
fun doSomething(): Int {

val a: Int = 1

var b = 1
val c: Int
b += 5

c = a + b

return c

Defining local variables
Using conditional
fun doSomething(a: Int, b: Int): Int {

if (a > b)

return a


return b

Using conditional
fun doSomething(a: Int, b: Int): Int {

if (a > b)

return a


return b

fun doSomething(a: Int, b: Int) = if (a > b) a else b

Using a for loop
fun doSomething(args: Array<String>) {

for (arg in args)


Using a for loop
fun doSomething(args: Array<String>) {

for (arg in args)


fun doSomething(args: Array<String>) {

for (i in args.indices)


Using when expression
fun doSomething(obj: Any) {

when (obj) {

1 -> print("One")

"Hello" -> print("Kotlin")

is Long -> print("Long")

!is String -> print(“!string")

else -> print("Unknown")


Using ranges
fun doSomething(x: Int, y: Int) {

if (x in 1..y - 1)


for (x in 1..5)

if (x !in 1..y - 1)

Using ranges
fun doSomething(x: Int, y: Int) {

if (x in 1..y - 1)


for (x in 1..5)


if (x !in 1..y - 1)


Using ranges
fun doSomething(x: Int, y: Int) {

if (x in 1..y - 1)


for (x in 1..5)


if (x !in 1..y - 1)


Class in Java
public class SomeClass {

private String variable;

private final String defaultVar;

SomeClass(String variable) {

this.variable = variable;

this.defaultVar = "Java";


SomeClass(String variable, String defaultVar) {

this.variable = variable;

this.defaultVar = defaultVar;


// Use
new SomeClass("Kotlin", "Java");

new SomeClass("Kotlin");
Class in Kotlin
class SomeClass(var variable: String, val defaultValue: String = "Java") {


// Use

SomeClass("Kotlin", "Java")

fun doSomething() {

val items = ArrayList<String>()

items.sortBy { item ->




fun doSomething() {

val items = ArrayList<String>()

items.sortBy { it.length }


//In Kotlin
fun doSomething() {

val items = ArrayList<String>()

items.sortBy { it.length }

//In Java
ArrayList<String> items = new ArrayList();

Collections.sort(items, new Comparator<String>(){


public int compare(String s1, String s2) {

return s1.length() - s2.length();


button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){

public void onClick(View v) {

Toast.makeText(this.MainActivity, "Button",



In Java
button.setOnClickListener(object: View.OnClickListener {

override fun onClick(view: View): Unit {

Toast.makeText(context, "Button",



In Kotlin
button.setOnClickListener { view ->

Toast.makeText(this, "Button",


In Kotlin
button.setOnClickListener {

Toast.makeText(this, "Button",


In Kotlin
//In Kotlin
button.setOnClickListener {

Toast.makeText(this, "Button",


//In Java
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){

public void onClick(View v) {

Toast.makeText(this.MainActivity, "Button",



class Vehicle(var value: String) {


fun doSomething() {

val type = Vehicle("Car")


class Vehicle(var value: String) {


fun doSomething() {

val type = Vehicle("Car")


class Vehicle(var value: String) {


fun doSomething() {

val type = Vehicle("Car")


class Vehicle(var value: String) {

fun print() = println("$value")


fun doSomething() {

val type = Vehicle("Car")


class Vehicle(var value: String) {

fun print() = println("$value")


fun doSomething() {

val type = Vehicle("Car")


class Vehicle(var value: String) {

fun print() = println("$value")


fun doSomething() {

val types = listOf(




class Vehicle(var value: String) {

fun print() = println("$value")


fun doSomething() {

val types = listOf(




for (type in types) {




class Vehicle(var value: String) {

fun print() = println("$value")


fun doSomething() {

val types = listOf(




types.forEach { type ->



class Vehicle(var value: String) {

fun print() = println("$value")


fun doSomething() {

val types = listOf(




types.forEach { it.print() }

class Vehicle(var value: String) {

fun print() = println("$value")


fun doSomething() {

val types = listOf(




types.forEach { it.print() }

class Vehicle(var value: String) {

fun print() = println("$value")


fun doSomething() {





).forEach { it.print() }

open class Vehicle(var value: String) {

fun print() = println("$value")


class Car(var type: String) : Vehicle(type){


fun doSomething() {






open class Vehicle(var value: String) {

fun print() = println("$value")


class Car(var type: String) : Vehicle(type){


fun doSomething() {






open class Vehicle(var value: String) {

open fun print() = println("$value")


class Car(var type: String) : Vehicle(type){

override fun print() = println("Yo, Its a $value")


fun doSomething() {






open class Vehicle(var value: String) {

open fun print() = println("$value")


class Car(var type: String) : Vehicle(type){

override fun print() = println("Yo, Its a $value")


fun doSomething() {






I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference …. has led to
innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a
billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years.
-Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare
Null and type safety
fun doSomething() {

var a: String = "abc"

a = null // compilation error

fun doSomething() {

var a: String = "abc"

a = null // compilation error

var b: String? = "abc"

b = null // ok

Null and type safety
fun doSomething() {

var a: String = "abc"

var b: String? = "abc"

b = null // ok

val l = a.length

Null and type safety

fun doSomething() {

var a: String = "abc"

var b: String? = "abc"

b = null // ok

val l1 = a.length

val l2 = b.length // error:variable 'b' can be null

Null and type safety
Checking for null in conditions
fun doSomething() {

var a: String = "abc"

var b: String? = "abc"

b = null // ok

val l1 = a.length

val l = if (b != null) b.length else -1

Safe Calls
fun doSomething() {

var a: String = "abc"

var b: String? = "abc"

b = null // ok

val l1 = a.length

val l2 = b?.length 

Elvis Operator
fun doSomething() {

var a: String = "abc"

var b: String? = "abc"

b = null // ok

val l1 = a.length

val l = if (b != null) b.length else -1

fun doSomething() {

var a: String = "abc"

var b: String? = "abc"

b = null // ok

val l1 = a.length

val l2 = b?.length ?: -1

if (originLocation != null) {

if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo != null) {

if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo.airport != null) {

if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo.airport.airportCode != null) {

departureAirportCode =





else {

departureAirportCode = "";

val departureAirportCode = originLocation?.hierarchyInfo?.airport?.airportCode ?: ""

if (originLocation != null) {

if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo != null) {

if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo.airport != null) {

if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo.airport.airportCode != null) {

departureAirportCode =





else {

departureAirportCode = "";

The !! Operator
fun doSomething() {

var a: String = "abc"

var b: String? = "abc"

b = null // ok

val l1 = a.length

val l2 = b!!.length

//In Java
void foo(int p1, boolean p2) {


void foo(int p1) {

foo(1, false);


void foo() {

foo(1, false);

//In Kotlin
fun foo(p1: Int = 1, p2: Boolean = false) {


Data class
data class Traveler(val name: String?, val age: Int)
Automatically implements:

toString() of the form "User(name=John, age=42)",

copy() function
val testTravlerJohn = Traveler(“John”, 42)
val testTravlerJane = Traveler(“Jane”, 41)
assertEquals(testTravlerJohn, testTravlerJane)
Data class in Testing
public class Traveler(String name, Int age)

public boolean equals(Object o) {

if (this == o) {

return true;


if (!(o instanceof Traveler)) {

return false;


Traveler traveler = (Traveler) o;

if (name != name) {

return false;


if (age != traveler.age) {

return false;

return true;
Extension Functions
//In Java
public class StrUtils {

public static String encodeString(String str) {

return str.replaceAll(" ", "_")


String text = "Hello World";


Extension Functions
//In Kotlin
fun String.encodeSpaces(): String {

return this.replaceAll(" ", "_")

val text = "hello world"

val list = listOf("E", "H", "Hello", "Hi", "I")

val map = mapOf(Pair("A", 1), Pair("B", 2), Pair("C", 3))

list.forEach { s ->


"E, H, Hello, Hi, I"

Kotlin Collections Extensions
val list = listOf("E", "H", "Hello", "Hi", "I")

val map = mapOf(Pair("A", 1), Pair("B", 2), Pair("C", 3))

var count = 0

list.forEachIndexed { i, s ->

count += i



"E, H, Hello, Hi, I"

val list = listOf("E", "H", "Hello", "Hi", "I")

val map = mapOf(Pair("A", 1), Pair("B", 2), Pair("C", 3))

list.filter { s ->



"H, Hello, Hi"

val list = listOf("E", "H", "Hello", "Hi", "I")

val map = mapOf(Pair("A", 1), Pair("B", 2), Pair("C", 3))

list.first { s ->




val list = listOf("E", "H", "Hello", "Hi", "I")

val map = mapOf(Pair("A", 1), Pair("B", 2), Pair("C", 3))

map.forEach { entry ->


"A, B, C"
//In Java
final int[] sponsoredIndexes = { 0, 50, 51 };

ArrayList<Property> sponsored = new ArrayList<Property>();

ListIterator<Property> it = properties.listIterator();

while (it.hasNext()) {

Property prop =;

if (prop.isSponsored()) {





for (int i = 0; i < sponsored.size() && i < sponsoredIndexes.length; i++) {

if (sponsoredIndexes[i] <= properties.size()) {

properties.add(sponsoredIndexes[i], sponsored.get(i));


//In Kotlin
fun putSponsoredItemsInCorrectPlaces(hotelList: List<Hotel>): List<Hotel> {

val (sponsored, nonSponsored) = hotelList.partition { it.isSponsoredListing }

val firstChunk = sponsored.take(1)

val secondChunk = nonSponsored.take(49)

val thirdChunk = sponsored.drop(1)

val rest = nonSponsored.drop(49)

return firstChunk + secondChunk + thirdChunk + rest

//In Java
Observable.just("Hello World")

.map(new Func1<String, Object>() {


public Object call(String s) {

return s + "!";



.subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {


public void onCompleted() {




public void onError(final Throwable e) {

//TODO : Handle error here



public void onNext(final String s) {



Reative Java
Kotlin & Reactive
Observable.just("Hello World")

.map {"!") }

.subscribe { println("Output:" + it); }
Flow sensitive typing
//In Java

public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) {

if (holder.getItemViewType() != LOADING_VIEW) {

((ViewHolder) holder).updateHotel();


else if (holder.getItemViewType() != HOTEL_VIEW) {

((LoadingViewHolder) holder).loadView();



Flow sensitive typing
//In Kotlin
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) {

when (holder) {

is HotelCellViewHolder-> holder.updateHotel()

is LoadingViewHolder -> holder.loadView()


var p: String by Delegate()
Properties using the delegate expression will have its
get() and set() methods delegated to the expression.
* lazy
* observable
* notNull
val view: Presenter by lazy {

var view = stub.inflate() as Presenter


class Foo {

var bar : Bar by Delegates.notNull() // type is now Bar

init {

val s = bar // Using before setting throws an IllegalStateException!

bar = Bar()


val text: String by Delegates.observable("") {

prop, old, new ->

println("$old -> $new")

Custom delegate(KotterKnife)
fun <T : View> ViewGroup.bindView(id: Int): ReadOnlyProperty<Any, T> =
ViewBinding(this, id)
private class ViewBinding<T : View>(val source: Any, val id: Int) :
ReadOnlyProperty<Any, T> {

private val lazy = Lazy<T>()

override fun getValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>): T = lazy.get {

findView<T>(source, id)

?: throw IllegalStateException("View ID $id for '${}'
not found.")


val mapView: MapView by bindView(

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Exploring Koltin on Android

  • 1. Exploring Kotlin on Android by Deepanshu & Malcolm
  • 2. What is Kotlin? • Statically typed programming language   • JVM-based language developed by JetBrains • From industry not academia • 100% inter-operable with the Java language Open Source -
  • 3. Why Kotlin Concise - Drastically reduce the amount of boilerplate code you need to write. Safe - Avoid entire classes of errors such as null pointer exceptions. Versatile - Build server-side applications, Android apps or front-end code running in the browser.
  • 4. Kotlin in Expedia Android Kotlin code is at 23% and rising. Refactoring started mid 2015. Hotels, Packages, Flights, Services and MockWebServer & tests classes are 90% in Kotlin Cars/LX/Legacy tablet code still in java. Other teams in Expedia are experimenting with Kotlin in the web.
  • 5. Features • Null type and safety • Lambdas • Optional params • Data classes • Extension functions • Delegates • Smart Casting
  • 6. Not so good about Kotlin! • Tools support • Compile time
  • 7. Kotlin Roadmap for Android • Incremental compilation • support for Jack and Jill toolchain • Instant run works for cold swaps right now not for hot swaps • Lint checks in Kotlin 1.0.2
  • 9. Defining Functions fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
 return a + b }
  • 10. Defining Functions fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
 return a + b } fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b

  • 11. fun printSum(a: Int, b: Int): Unit {
 print(a + b)
 } Defining Functions
  • 12. fun printSum(a: Int, b: Int): Unit {
 print(a + b)
 } fun printSum(a: Int, b: Int) {
 print(a + b)
 } Defining Functions
  • 13. fun doSomething(): Int {
 val a: Int = 1
 val b = 1 
 val c: Int 
 c = a + b
 return c
 } Defining local variables
  • 14. fun doSomething(): Int {
 val a: Int = 1
 var b = 1 val c: Int b += 5
 c = a + b
 return c
 } Defining local variables
  • 15. Using conditional expressions fun doSomething(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
 if (a > b)
 return a
 return b
  • 16. Using conditional expressions fun doSomething(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
 if (a > b)
 return a
 return b
 } fun doSomething(a: Int, b: Int) = if (a > b) a else b

  • 17. Using a for loop fun doSomething(args: Array<String>) {
 for (arg in args)
  • 18. Using a for loop fun doSomething(args: Array<String>) {
 for (arg in args)
 } fun doSomething(args: Array<String>) {
 for (i in args.indices)
  • 19. Using when expression fun doSomething(obj: Any) {
 when (obj) {
 1 -> print("One")
 "Hello" -> print("Kotlin")
 is Long -> print("Long")
 !is String -> print(“!string")
 else -> print("Unknown")
  • 20. Using ranges fun doSomething(x: Int, y: Int) {
 if (x in 1..y - 1)
 for (x in 1..5)
 print(“N") if (x !in 1..y - 1)
 print(“In") }
  • 21. Using ranges fun doSomething(x: Int, y: Int) {
 if (x in 1..y - 1)
 for (x in 1..5)
 if (x !in 1..y - 1)
  • 22. Using ranges fun doSomething(x: Int, y: Int) {
 if (x in 1..y - 1)
 for (x in 1..5)
 if (x !in 1..y - 1)
  • 23. Class in Java public class SomeClass {
 private String variable;
 private final String defaultVar;
 SomeClass(String variable) {
 this.variable = variable;
 this.defaultVar = "Java";
 SomeClass(String variable, String defaultVar) {
 this.variable = variable;
 this.defaultVar = defaultVar;
 } // Use new SomeClass("Kotlin", "Java");
 new SomeClass("Kotlin");
  • 24. Class in Kotlin class SomeClass(var variable: String, val defaultValue: String = "Java") {
 // Use
 SomeClass("Kotlin", "Java")
  • 25. Lambdas fun doSomething() {
 val items = ArrayList<String>()
 items.sortBy { item ->

  • 26. Lambdas fun doSomething() {
 val items = ArrayList<String>()
 items.sortBy { it.length }

  • 27. Lambdas //In Kotlin fun doSomething() {
 val items = ArrayList<String>()
 items.sortBy { it.length }
 } //In Java ArrayList<String> items = new ArrayList();
 Collections.sort(items, new Comparator<String>(){
 public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
 return s1.length() - s2.length();
  • 28. button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
 public void onClick(View v) {
 Toast.makeText(this.MainActivity, "Button",
 }); In Java
  • 29. button.setOnClickListener(object: View.OnClickListener {
 override fun onClick(view: View): Unit {
 Toast.makeText(context, "Button",
 }) In Kotlin
  • 30. button.setOnClickListener { view ->
 Toast.makeText(this, "Button",
 } In Kotlin
  • 32. //In Kotlin button.setOnClickListener {
 Toast.makeText(this, "Button",
 } //In Java button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
 public void onClick(View v) {
 Toast.makeText(this.MainActivity, "Button",
  • 33. class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun doSomething() {
 val type = Vehicle("Car")
  • 34. class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun doSomething() {
 val type = Vehicle("Car")
  • 35. class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun doSomething() {
 val type = Vehicle("Car")
  • 36. class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun print() = println("$value")
 fun doSomething() {
 val type = Vehicle("Car")
  • 37. class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun print() = println("$value")
 fun doSomething() {
 val type = Vehicle("Car")
  • 38. class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun print() = println("$value")
 fun doSomething() {
 val types = listOf(
  • 39. class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun print() = println("$value")
 fun doSomething() {
 val types = listOf(
 for (type in types) {

  • 40. class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun print() = println("$value")
 fun doSomething() {
 val types = listOf(
 types.forEach { type ->
  • 41. class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun print() = println("$value")
 fun doSomething() {
 val types = listOf(
 types.forEach { it.print() }
  • 42. class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun print() = println("$value")
 fun doSomething() {
 val types = listOf(
 types.forEach { it.print() }
  • 43. class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun print() = println("$value")
 fun doSomething() {
 ).forEach { it.print() }
  • 44. open class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun print() = println("$value")
 class Car(var type: String) : Vehicle(type){
 fun doSomething() {
  • 45. open class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 fun print() = println("$value")
 class Car(var type: String) : Vehicle(type){
 fun doSomething() {
  • 46. open class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 open fun print() = println("$value")
 class Car(var type: String) : Vehicle(type){
 override fun print() = println("Yo, Its a $value")
 fun doSomething() {
  • 47. open class Vehicle(var value: String) {
 open fun print() = println("$value")
 class Car(var type: String) : Vehicle(type){
 override fun print() = println("Yo, Its a $value")
 fun doSomething() {
  • 48. Nullability I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference …. has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years. -Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare
  • 49. Null and type safety fun doSomething() {
 var a: String = "abc"
 a = null // compilation error
  • 50. fun doSomething() {
 var a: String = "abc"
 a = null // compilation error
 var b: String? = "abc"
 b = null // ok
 } Null and type safety
  • 51. fun doSomething() {
 var a: String = "abc"
 var b: String? = "abc"
 b = null // ok
 val l = a.length
 } Null and type safety
  • 52. 
 fun doSomething() {
 var a: String = "abc"
 var b: String? = "abc"
 b = null // ok
 val l1 = a.length
 val l2 = b.length // error:variable 'b' can be null
 } Null and type safety
  • 53. Checking for null in conditions fun doSomething() {
 var a: String = "abc"
 var b: String? = "abc"
 b = null // ok
 val l1 = a.length
 val l = if (b != null) b.length else -1
  • 54. Safe Calls fun doSomething() {
 var a: String = "abc"
 var b: String? = "abc"
 b = null // ok
 val l1 = a.length
 val l2 = b?.length 
  • 55. Elvis Operator fun doSomething() {
 var a: String = "abc"
 var b: String? = "abc"
 b = null // ok
 val l1 = a.length
 val l = if (b != null) b.length else -1
  • 56. fun doSomething() {
 var a: String = "abc"
 var b: String? = "abc"
 b = null // ok
 val l1 = a.length
 val l2 = b?.length ?: -1 
  • 57. if (originLocation != null) {
 if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo != null) {
 if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo.airport != null) {
 if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo.airport.airportCode != null) {
 departureAirportCode = originLocation.hierarchyInfo.airport.airportCode;
 else {
 departureAirportCode = "";
  • 58. val departureAirportCode = originLocation?.hierarchyInfo?.airport?.airportCode ?: ""
 if (originLocation != null) {
 if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo != null) {
 if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo.airport != null) {
 if (originLocation.hierarchyInfo.airport.airportCode != null) {
 departureAirportCode = originLocation.hierarchyInfo.airport.airportCode;
 else {
 departureAirportCode = "";
  • 59. The !! Operator fun doSomething() {
 var a: String = "abc"
 var b: String? = "abc"
 b = null // ok
 val l1 = a.length
 val l2 = b!!.length 
  • 60. Optional-params //In Java void foo(int p1, boolean p2) { 
 void foo(int p1) {
 foo(1, false);
 void foo() {
 foo(1, false);
  • 61. Optional-params //In Kotlin fun foo(p1: Int = 1, p2: Boolean = false) {
 } foo()
  • 62. Data class data class Traveler(val name: String?, val age: Int) Automatically implements: equals()/hashCode()
 toString() of the form "User(name=John, age=42)",
 copy() function
  • 63. val testTravlerJohn = Traveler(“John”, 42) val testTravlerJane = Traveler(“Jane”, 41) assertEquals(testTravlerJohn, testTravlerJane) Data class in Testing
  • 64. public class Traveler(String name, Int age) @Override
 public boolean equals(Object o) {
 if (this == o) {
 return true;
 if (!(o instanceof Traveler)) {
 return false;
 Traveler traveler = (Traveler) o;
 if (name != name) {
 return false;
 if (age != traveler.age) {
 return false;
 } return true; }
  • 65. Extension Functions //In Java public class StrUtils {
 public static String encodeString(String str) {
 return str.replaceAll(" ", "_")
 } String text = "Hello World";

  • 66. Extension Functions //In Kotlin fun String.encodeSpaces(): String {
 return this.replaceAll(" ", "_")
 } val text = "hello world"
  • 67. val list = listOf("E", "H", "Hello", "Hi", "I")
 val map = mapOf(Pair("A", 1), Pair("B", 2), Pair("C", 3))
 list.forEach { s ->
 } "E, H, Hello, Hi, I"
 Kotlin Collections Extensions
  • 68. val list = listOf("E", "H", "Hello", "Hi", "I")
 val map = mapOf(Pair("A", 1), Pair("B", 2), Pair("C", 3))
 var count = 0
 list.forEachIndexed { i, s ->
 count += i
 "E, H, Hello, Hi, I"

  • 69. val list = listOf("E", "H", "Hello", "Hi", "I")
 val map = mapOf(Pair("A", 1), Pair("B", 2), Pair("C", 3))
 list.filter { s ->
 "H, Hello, Hi"

  • 70. val list = listOf("E", "H", "Hello", "Hi", "I")
 val map = mapOf(Pair("A", 1), Pair("B", 2), Pair("C", 3))
 list.first { s ->

  • 71. val list = listOf("E", "H", "Hello", "Hi", "I")
 val map = mapOf(Pair("A", 1), Pair("B", 2), Pair("C", 3))
 map.forEach { entry ->
 entry.value }
 "A, B, C"
  • 72. //In Java final int[] sponsoredIndexes = { 0, 50, 51 };
 ArrayList<Property> sponsored = new ArrayList<Property>();
 ListIterator<Property> it = properties.listIterator();
 while (it.hasNext()) {
 Property prop =;
 if (prop.isSponsored()) {
 for (int i = 0; i < sponsored.size() && i < sponsoredIndexes.length; i++) {
 if (sponsoredIndexes[i] <= properties.size()) {
 properties.add(sponsoredIndexes[i], sponsored.get(i));
  • 73. //In Kotlin fun putSponsoredItemsInCorrectPlaces(hotelList: List<Hotel>): List<Hotel> {
 val (sponsored, nonSponsored) = hotelList.partition { it.isSponsoredListing }
 val firstChunk = sponsored.take(1)
 val secondChunk = nonSponsored.take(49)
 val thirdChunk = sponsored.drop(1)
 val rest = nonSponsored.drop(49)
 return firstChunk + secondChunk + thirdChunk + rest
  • 74. //In Java Observable.just("Hello World")
 .map(new Func1<String, Object>() {
 public Object call(String s) {
 return s + "!";
 .subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {
 public void onCompleted() {
 public void onError(final Throwable e) {
 //TODO : Handle error here
 public void onNext(final String s) {
 }); Reative Java
  • 75. Kotlin & Reactive Observable.just("Hello World")
 .map {"!") }
 .subscribe { println("Output:" + it); }
  • 76. Flow sensitive typing //In Java @Override
 public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) {
 if (holder.getItemViewType() != LOADING_VIEW) {
 ((ViewHolder) holder).updateHotel();
 else if (holder.getItemViewType() != HOTEL_VIEW) {
 ((LoadingViewHolder) holder).loadView();

  • 77. Flow sensitive typing //In Kotlin override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) {
 when (holder) {
 is HotelCellViewHolder-> holder.updateHotel()
 is LoadingViewHolder -> holder.loadView()
  • 78. Delegates var p: String by Delegate() Properties using the delegate expression will have its get() and set() methods delegated to the expression. * lazy * observable * notNull
  • 79. val view: Presenter by lazy {
 var view = stub.inflate() as Presenter
 } Delegates.lazy
  • 80. Delegates.notNull class Foo {
 var bar : Bar by Delegates.notNull() // type is now Bar
 init {
 val s = bar // Using before setting throws an IllegalStateException!
 bar = Bar()
  • 81. Delegates.observable val text: String by Delegates.observable("") {
 prop, old, new ->
 println("$old -> $new")
  • 82. Custom delegate(KotterKnife) fun <T : View> ViewGroup.bindView(id: Int): ReadOnlyProperty<Any, T> = ViewBinding(this, id) private class ViewBinding<T : View>(val source: Any, val id: Int) : ReadOnlyProperty<Any, T> {
 private val lazy = Lazy<T>()
 override fun getValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>): T = lazy.get {
 findView<T>(source, id)
 ?: throw IllegalStateException("View ID $id for '${}' not found.")
 } val mapView: MapView by bindView(