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It’s not about online and offline: it’s about blended reality

                     alan moore – smlxl january 2010
My son Josef wakes up in the morning, goes downstairs and turns on the television.
He might watch Cebeebies, or he might have a go on his Xbox 360. Then his mate Tom calls
on the house phone, they are both playing the same MMORPG. Much to my frustration,
Josef turns on the speakerphone and I can hear the conversation throughout the house.
Like me, my son has a big, loud voice.
Then the doorbell goes. More of Josef ’s mates arrive, they decide to play
Call of Duty, Modern Warfare and - of course - there is a big group discussion around the
multiplayer game; strategy and tactics. The BIG CONVERSATION starts to do my head
in, and the sun is shining – I “suggest” they go and play a game of “it” in our back
garden. (BTW – Black Hawk Down is “in”)

I look out the window and
                                                     see they are climbing up
                                                        trees and all over the
                                                        pergola – and diving
                                                    through the laurel hedge.
                                                    The little buggers! I had to
                                                    cut the major branches off
                                                        three trees last week
                                                     because of their exploits.

                                                    I run into the garden, and
                                                         I am having aahem,
                                                            A SHIT FIT!!!!!
                                                       Sulking they go off to
                                                           the skate park…
Later that day I call
                                                           Josef on his
                                                       mobile, asking him
                                                       to come home; he
                                                       moans and groans
                                                        but eventually he
                                                        arrives with cuts
                                                        and bruises. He
                                                       stacked it over the
                                                       spine, apparently.
                                                        He watches some
                                                        Simpsons on TV
                                                       and we might play
                                                            a game of
                                                       basketball then he
                                                         moves onto his
                                                       computer to watch
                                                           some more
                                                         YouTube clips.

                                                         Before bedtime,
                                                       being a cuddly kind
                                                       of guy, he gives me
                                                       a big cuddle, which
                                                          I always enjoy.
But why is this story relevant?
nedra and her avatar sheeva weeks

Because Josef ’s world is not one defined by an artificial sense of separation between real and virtual.
According to William Gibson, author, Sci-Fi writer and inventor of the word ‘cyberspace’, there is no
online or offline - there is only blended reality. “One of the things our grandchildren will find quaintest
about us is that we distinguish the digital from the real, the virtual from the real,” he says.
“In the future, that will
become literally
impossible. The
distinction between
cyberspace and that,
which isn’t cyberspace,
is going to be
unimaginable. When I
wrote Neuromancer in
1984, cyberspace
already existed for
some people, but they
didn’t spend all their
time there. So
cyberspace was there,
and we were here.”
When I was a child, I lived in a linear, disconnected media world of scarcity
not of abundance. All media was structured, inflexible, defined by
production and distribution processes; books were books, TV was TV,
cinema was cinema.
And my days as a teenager
were spent worrying whether
to go out or not just in case
I missed a phone call from
Beatrix, the one that made my
heart soar – love left
unrequited through our
inability to connect. 

The nearest we got to any form of blended reality was the taking of, say,
Ian Fleming’s books and turning them into films. I remember coming
home with my father one evening after seeing a James Bond film,
demanding that he drive home like James Bond, and was crestfallen when
he said that only happened in films.
Whereas in Josef ’s
networked world it is when
there is no connectivity that
he struggles. It is when he
cannot simultaneously
toggle between the arterial
life-giving connection to
information, content and
experience, some of which
he co-creates, that he
becomes frustrated:

“Who turned the internet
off ?” he booms, or,
“I’ve run out of credit,” or,
“No one wants to play with





Having been fascinated by communication, culture, technology and media for the
best part of a decade, partly by watching my three children adroitly navigate life
through the virtual and the real as an everyday occurrence, Gibson’s observation
seems obvious.
Josef, born into in a world of connectivity and media abundance, would as a young child
do the following. He would get me to bring down his box of dinosaurs and put them in
the lounge. Then he would ask me to play the video Jurassic Park. After sitting with me
for about ten minutes, Josef would get his dinosaurs out, and Jurassic Park became the
contextual, audio and emotional backdrop to his play. This went on for hours. Then
other characters were introduced, monsters from a Japanese TV programme, a medieval
castle, modern day fighter planes, and a superhero toy that we bought for a dollar in a car
boot sale in Oxnard, California – to which he seemed strangely attached. I would watch
him, fascinated by this intense form of blended reality recreation. Josef instinctively
knew how to bring different media together to enhance and augment his play.
So we have multiple experiences in
                                                                   reality and virtuality; we will combine
                                                                     these two realms to augment and
                                                                          enhance our experiences.
So perhaps the first
                                                                                 port of call is the
                                                                                word ‘digital.’ The
                                                                                idea that digital is
                                                                                    ‘different’ to
                                                                                     analogue is
                                                                                  important, as it
                                                                                  creates a mental
                                                                               model on which we
                                                                               frame the world. As
                                                                                   Russell Davies

                                                                               posted on his blog,
                                                                               Meet the New Schtick,
                                                                                 “there are a lot of
                                                                               people around now
                                                                                       who have
                                                                                 ‘digitalness’ into
                                                                                 their lives. To the
                                                                               extent that it makes
                                                                                 as much sense to
                                                                                   define them as
                                                                                digital as it does to
                                                                                define them as air
                                                                                 breathing, i.e. it's
                                                                                true but not useful
                                                                                  or interesting.”
                                                                                   Amen to that.
In this blended reality we

   can also live two different
 but converged lives. We can
        connect locally - close
            physical bonds are
           experiences that we
   as humans so desperately
     need and yet we can also
              find fulfilment in
            co-creating further
experiences across time and
                space via digital
technologies. As I write this
             I am sitting in the
        Cambridge University
       Library; I will go to get
         some lunch from the
     market square, but I am
          also connecting and
collaborating with people as
 far away as Japan, the USA,
and Finland. People read my
blog from all over the world
  and yet when I get home to
    my village just outside of
   Cambridge, I will kiss my
 wife, hug my son and water
    the vegetables. If I had to
    choose between either of
       these two life stories it
          would be half a life.
This to me is where the networked society comes into its own - the ability to converge very different types
of networks enhances the human condition and the human experience. It’s neither one nor the other.
Personally the word ‘digital’ frustrates me, it suggests ‘machines that are not part our DNA’. As a
consequence many think ‘digital’ strips us of our very souls, or that digital is not of us, and that digital
does not live in our analog world. Therefore digital becomes but another straight-line component,
another silo in the silos of corporate culture and consumer life.
Then another thought struck me
whilst reading Kevin Kelly’s book,
Out of Control: the new biology of
machines. I realised that we are
plugging our analog world into the
networked world. We are marrying
engineering with evolution, adapting
linear systems into something more
complex yet at the same time
repurposing them, reprogramming
them to perform in new, simplified
ways. In the same way that my son
intuitively adapted his physical and
virtual resources into blended play,
Ben Terrett, a friend of Russell Davies,
did the same thing – though not with
dinosaurs and Jurassic Park. Ben,
Tom Taylor and Russell decided to
take stuff from the internet and print
it in a newspaper format after a bit of
research showed them that
humongous newspaper printing
presses would run limited editions of
1,000 copies.
This is what is perplexing in terms of communication,
marketing and business; to say you are a digital agency, or a
social media agency, or, to divide up an organisation in terms
of its communications into silos; digital, mobile, social
media et al, means you are only part of the solution. Such a
linear approach to communication to drive commercial
success, thin-sliced specialisms, hide-bound with siloed
profit centers, means that there is no way that an
organisation can develop coherently relevant communication
strategies and execute them. Organisations who are not able
to develop people focused blended reality solutions
misunderstand the context of the world they live in.
In his book Convergence Culture, Henry Jenkins explores the idea and concept of Transmedia Storytelling
through The Matrix. He explains, “A transmedia story unfolds across multiple platforms, with each new
text making a distinctive and valuable contribution to the whole. In the idea form of transmedia
storytelling, each medium does what it does best – so that a story might be introduced into a film, expanded
through television, novels, and comics; its world might be explored through game play or experienced as an
amusement park attraction.”
The consequence of such transmedia storytelling is the creation of
deeper context, and a more sustained form of emotional and
intellectual engagement that translates into commercial success.
What the Wachowski brothers recognised was that we experience
the world as a blended reality, and that blended reality also embraces
a more, participatory ‘read write’ culture.

   Would not such insight inspire brands and businesses to understand how to truly engage
   their customers, audiences, stakeholders? The Matrix is a film, a comic and an online
   game; dare I say a great brand? And what do great brands do? They tell great stories, and
   they deliver great customer experience and engagement. Companies on one level compete
   so aggressively, and must by law maximise shareholder value, but are also hamstrung,
   unable to truly innovate. Consequently they hurt themselves financially. The buzz word of
   social media now becomes another silo of the marketing silo bucket and the cycle
   continues; will next year’s buzzword augmented reality become another silo?

The imperative for any
                                                       company interested in the
                                                     power of communication is to
                                                        get to grips with some of
                                                      these defining issues of our
                                                       time, and I would propose
                                                     that being able to be a literate
                                                        and able navigator of our
                                                      networked and participatory
                                                     culture is the means by which
                                                      we adapt to not only survive

                                                     but thrive in this mass media
                                                         fragmented networked
                                                      society, rather than rushing
                                                     into and thrashing around in
                                                       “social media marketing”
                                                      then making it another silo.
                                                             And why is that?
As the economist Herbert Simon explains,

“What information consumes is rather
obvious. It consumes the attention of its
recipients. Hence a wealth of information
creates a poverty of attention... The only
factor becoming scarce in a world of
abundance is human attention.” 
Markets are conversations, argued Doc Searls, and thriving markets are
(1) based on trust, (2) defined by the fact that we are all traders and participants,
all engaged; intellectually, commercially and emotionally.
The gift with a price

The opportunities of the networked society promise much, but we must seek a wider lens with which
 to see, and understand the issues highlighted. Organisations must learn to blend their thinking and
              execution, and not see whatever it is they do see described as “social media”
                                       as just another add-on.
Wassily Kandinsky said that “every work of art is a child of its time”,
and so we must understand that the child of our time is a revolution in which
humanity is renegotiating the power relationships that define: our
relationship to each other, how we make meaning, how we make culture,
who makes that culture and who should profit from it. It also just so happens
that the tools and the weapons of this revolution are communication tools.
There is no going back to the way things used to be, no matter how hard
some try to air-brush reality from – well reality.
So, as we de-couple from the
     ‘Straight Lines’ of our
industrialised world – which
   framed all aspects of our
   lives – we do need a new
logic to understand this new
one. It must be a logic which
  provides a framework for
 how we relate to each other,
 how we communicate, how
 we create more effective and
  flexible organisations and
     how we create wealth.
   Because we are still faced
  with the same challenges:
      how do we find our
 customers, how do we make
  our customers sticky, how
  can we increase trade with
   our customers and serve
those customers whilst at the
same time, reducing the cost
      to serve? And finally
  how to just get stuff done.
My world was a linear,
disconnected world of media
    and communication,
 whereas Josef only knows a
networked world of blended
    reality. He would not
 understand the concept of
       the phone box,

  because he has a phone in
his pocket. If he were able to
see me racing across the road
 when I was at college to get
 to the phone box ringing in
  the street, he would think
      that rather strange.

In the networked
                                                       the idea of networked
                                                      economics is different
                                                           to mass media
                                                        economics – and as
                                                        Henry Jenkins says,
                                                        we are in a period of
                                                         transition from a
                                                          world of analog

                                                      economics to a world
                                                        defined by what we
                                                        call blended reality.
                                                         There is no offline
                                                             and online,
                                                         digital vs. analog;
                                                            there is only
                                                          blended reality.
And this picture?
 It is from the epic Finnish
     song cycle called the
Kalevala. Every Finn knows
     this story, and it was
created from many Finnish
folk stories that came from
    every part of Finland,
       blended into one
      extraordinary story.
This is the age of engagement,
  where through storytelling
  across media platforms we
     create deeper context,
     deeper context creates
    greater meaning, which
 correlates with the economics
 of attention and how brands,
business and anyone else with a
  need to communicate to an
     audience of whatever
  persuasion can survive and
          thrive in the
       networked society.
 The Matrix was first released on 31 March 1999
It earned $171 million in North America and over
     £250 million in the UK and $463 million
worldwide, and later became the first DVD to sell
    more than three million copies in the U.S.
How we can help you?
we offer is a series of interventions* that enables the following:



                   [5]                                   [3]

[1] By fully understanding the logic of the networked society, and how this
fundamentally changes the way business models will succeed, you will be better
equipped to drive business success.

[2] By opening up minds, collectively, to the potential of this new market-place, the
No Straight Lines methodology will help you determine the communication initiatives
appropriate to your company.

[3] By absorbing and understanding the most important ideas that emerge from the
programme you will be able to initiate an action plan for you and your company which
we can help facilitate.
*For more information please contact:
Alan Moore
Ping 1:
Ping 2: +44 7768 364 538
Euan Semple
Ping 1:
Ping 2: +44 7515 355 362


                                          [5]               [3]

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Experience and communication - Its not online or offline - it is Blended Reality

  • 1. It’s not about online and offline: it’s about blended reality alan moore – smlxl january 2010
  • 2. My son Josef wakes up in the morning, goes downstairs and turns on the television. He might watch Cebeebies, or he might have a go on his Xbox 360. Then his mate Tom calls on the house phone, they are both playing the same MMORPG. Much to my frustration, Josef turns on the speakerphone and I can hear the conversation throughout the house. Like me, my son has a big, loud voice.
  • 3. Then the doorbell goes. More of Josef ’s mates arrive, they decide to play Call of Duty, Modern Warfare and - of course - there is a big group discussion around the multiplayer game; strategy and tactics. The BIG CONVERSATION starts to do my head in, and the sun is shining – I “suggest” they go and play a game of “it” in our back garden. (BTW – Black Hawk Down is “in”)

  • 4. I look out the window and see they are climbing up trees and all over the pergola – and diving through the laurel hedge. The little buggers! I had to cut the major branches off three trees last week because of their exploits. I run into the garden, and I am having aahem, A SHIT FIT!!!!! Sulking they go off to the skate park…
  • 5. Later that day I call Josef on his mobile, asking him to come home; he moans and groans but eventually he arrives with cuts and bruises. He stacked it over the spine, apparently. He watches some Simpsons on TV and we might play a game of basketball then he moves onto his computer to watch some more YouTube clips. Before bedtime, being a cuddly kind of guy, he gives me a big cuddle, which I always enjoy.
  • 6. But why is this story relevant?
  • 7. nedra and her avatar sheeva weeks Because Josef ’s world is not one defined by an artificial sense of separation between real and virtual. According to William Gibson, author, Sci-Fi writer and inventor of the word ‘cyberspace’, there is no online or offline - there is only blended reality. “One of the things our grandchildren will find quaintest about us is that we distinguish the digital from the real, the virtual from the real,” he says.
  • 8. “In the future, that will become literally impossible. The distinction between cyberspace and that, which isn’t cyberspace, is going to be unimaginable. When I wrote Neuromancer in 1984, cyberspace already existed for some people, but they didn’t spend all their time there. So cyberspace was there, and we were here.”
  • 9. When I was a child, I lived in a linear, disconnected media world of scarcity not of abundance. All media was structured, inflexible, defined by production and distribution processes; books were books, TV was TV, cinema was cinema.
  • 10. And my days as a teenager were spent worrying whether to go out or not just in case I missed a phone call from Beatrix, the one that made my heart soar – love left unrequited through our inability to connect. 

  • 11. The nearest we got to any form of blended reality was the taking of, say, Ian Fleming’s books and turning them into films. I remember coming home with my father one evening after seeing a James Bond film, demanding that he drive home like James Bond, and was crestfallen when he said that only happened in films.
  • 12. Whereas in Josef ’s networked world it is when there is no connectivity that he struggles. It is when he cannot simultaneously toggle between the arterial life-giving connection to information, content and experience, some of which he co-creates, that he becomes frustrated: “Who turned the internet off ?” he booms, or, “I’ve run out of credit,” or, “No one wants to play with me!”
  • 13. [4] [2] [1] [6] [3] [5] Having been fascinated by communication, culture, technology and media for the best part of a decade, partly by watching my three children adroitly navigate life through the virtual and the real as an everyday occurrence, Gibson’s observation seems obvious.
  • 14. Josef, born into in a world of connectivity and media abundance, would as a young child do the following. He would get me to bring down his box of dinosaurs and put them in the lounge. Then he would ask me to play the video Jurassic Park. After sitting with me for about ten minutes, Josef would get his dinosaurs out, and Jurassic Park became the contextual, audio and emotional backdrop to his play. This went on for hours. Then other characters were introduced, monsters from a Japanese TV programme, a medieval castle, modern day fighter planes, and a superhero toy that we bought for a dollar in a car boot sale in Oxnard, California – to which he seemed strangely attached. I would watch him, fascinated by this intense form of blended reality recreation. Josef instinctively knew how to bring different media together to enhance and augment his play.
  • 15. So we have multiple experiences in reality and virtuality; we will combine these two realms to augment and enhance our experiences.
  • 16. So perhaps the first port of call is the word ‘digital.’ The idea that digital is ‘different’ to analogue is important, as it creates a mental model on which we frame the world. As Russell Davies posted on his blog, Meet the New Schtick, “there are a lot of people around now who have thoroughly integrated ‘digitalness’ into their lives. To the extent that it makes as much sense to define them as digital as it does to define them as air breathing, i.e. it's true but not useful or interesting.” Amen to that.
  • 17. In this blended reality we can also live two different but converged lives. We can connect locally - close physical bonds are experiences that we as humans so desperately need and yet we can also find fulfilment in co-creating further experiences across time and space via digital technologies. As I write this I am sitting in the Cambridge University Library; I will go to get some lunch from the market square, but I am also connecting and collaborating with people as far away as Japan, the USA, and Finland. People read my blog from all over the world and yet when I get home to my village just outside of Cambridge, I will kiss my wife, hug my son and water the vegetables. If I had to choose between either of these two life stories it would be half a life.
  • 18. This to me is where the networked society comes into its own - the ability to converge very different types of networks enhances the human condition and the human experience. It’s neither one nor the other. Personally the word ‘digital’ frustrates me, it suggests ‘machines that are not part our DNA’. As a consequence many think ‘digital’ strips us of our very souls, or that digital is not of us, and that digital does not live in our analog world. Therefore digital becomes but another straight-line component, another silo in the silos of corporate culture and consumer life.
  • 19. Then another thought struck me whilst reading Kevin Kelly’s book, Out of Control: the new biology of machines. I realised that we are plugging our analog world into the networked world. We are marrying engineering with evolution, adapting linear systems into something more complex yet at the same time repurposing them, reprogramming them to perform in new, simplified ways. In the same way that my son intuitively adapted his physical and virtual resources into blended play, Ben Terrett, a friend of Russell Davies, did the same thing – though not with dinosaurs and Jurassic Park. Ben, Tom Taylor and Russell decided to take stuff from the internet and print it in a newspaper format after a bit of research showed them that humongous newspaper printing presses would run limited editions of 1,000 copies.
  • 20. This is what is perplexing in terms of communication, marketing and business; to say you are a digital agency, or a social media agency, or, to divide up an organisation in terms of its communications into silos; digital, mobile, social media et al, means you are only part of the solution. Such a linear approach to communication to drive commercial success, thin-sliced specialisms, hide-bound with siloed profit centers, means that there is no way that an organisation can develop coherently relevant communication strategies and execute them. Organisations who are not able to develop people focused blended reality solutions misunderstand the context of the world they live in.
  • 21. In his book Convergence Culture, Henry Jenkins explores the idea and concept of Transmedia Storytelling through The Matrix. He explains, “A transmedia story unfolds across multiple platforms, with each new text making a distinctive and valuable contribution to the whole. In the idea form of transmedia storytelling, each medium does what it does best – so that a story might be introduced into a film, expanded through television, novels, and comics; its world might be explored through game play or experienced as an amusement park attraction.”
  • 22. The consequence of such transmedia storytelling is the creation of deeper context, and a more sustained form of emotional and intellectual engagement that translates into commercial success. What the Wachowski brothers recognised was that we experience the world as a blended reality, and that blended reality also embraces a more, participatory ‘read write’ culture. 

  • 23. Would not such insight inspire brands and businesses to understand how to truly engage their customers, audiences, stakeholders? The Matrix is a film, a comic and an online game; dare I say a great brand? And what do great brands do? They tell great stories, and they deliver great customer experience and engagement. Companies on one level compete so aggressively, and must by law maximise shareholder value, but are also hamstrung, unable to truly innovate. Consequently they hurt themselves financially. The buzz word of social media now becomes another silo of the marketing silo bucket and the cycle continues; will next year’s buzzword augmented reality become another silo?

  • 24. The imperative for any company interested in the power of communication is to get to grips with some of these defining issues of our time, and I would propose that being able to be a literate and able navigator of our networked and participatory culture is the means by which we adapt to not only survive but thrive in this mass media fragmented networked society, rather than rushing into and thrashing around in “social media marketing” then making it another silo. And why is that?
  • 25. As the economist Herbert Simon explains, “What information consumes is rather obvious. It consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention... The only factor becoming scarce in a world of abundance is human attention.” 
  • 26. Markets are conversations, argued Doc Searls, and thriving markets are (1) based on trust, (2) defined by the fact that we are all traders and participants, all engaged; intellectually, commercially and emotionally.
  • 27. The gift with a price The opportunities of the networked society promise much, but we must seek a wider lens with which to see, and understand the issues highlighted. Organisations must learn to blend their thinking and execution, and not see whatever it is they do see described as “social media” as just another add-on.
  • 28. Wassily Kandinsky said that “every work of art is a child of its time”, and so we must understand that the child of our time is a revolution in which humanity is renegotiating the power relationships that define: our relationship to each other, how we make meaning, how we make culture, who makes that culture and who should profit from it. It also just so happens that the tools and the weapons of this revolution are communication tools. There is no going back to the way things used to be, no matter how hard some try to air-brush reality from – well reality.
  • 29. So, as we de-couple from the ‘Straight Lines’ of our industrialised world – which framed all aspects of our lives – we do need a new logic to understand this new one. It must be a logic which provides a framework for how we relate to each other, how we communicate, how we create more effective and flexible organisations and how we create wealth.   Because we are still faced with the same challenges: how do we find our customers, how do we make our customers sticky, how can we increase trade with our customers and serve those customers whilst at the same time, reducing the cost to serve? And finally how to just get stuff done.
  • 30. My world was a linear, disconnected world of media and communication, whereas Josef only knows a networked world of blended reality. He would not understand the concept of the phone box, because he has a phone in his pocket. If he were able to see me racing across the road when I was at college to get to the phone box ringing in the street, he would think that rather strange.
  • 31. In the networked society the idea of networked economics is different to mass media economics – and as Henry Jenkins says, we are in a period of transition from a world of analog economics to a world defined by what we call blended reality. There is no offline and online, digital vs. analog; there is only blended reality.
  • 32. And this picture? It is from the epic Finnish song cycle called the Kalevala. Every Finn knows this story, and it was created from many Finnish folk stories that came from every part of Finland, blended into one extraordinary story. This is the age of engagement, where through storytelling across media platforms we create deeper context, deeper context creates greater meaning, which correlates with the economics of attention and how brands, business and anyone else with a need to communicate to an audience of whatever persuasion can survive and thrive in the networked society.
  • 33. Footnote The Matrix was first released on 31 March 1999 It earned $171 million in North America and over £250 million in the UK and $463 million worldwide, and later became the first DVD to sell more than three million copies in the U.S.
  • 34. How we can help you? we offer is a series of interventions* that enables the following:
  • 35. [4] [2] [1] [6] [5] [3] [1] By fully understanding the logic of the networked society, and how this fundamentally changes the way business models will succeed, you will be better equipped to drive business success. [2] By opening up minds, collectively, to the potential of this new market-place, the No Straight Lines methodology will help you determine the communication initiatives appropriate to your company. [3] By absorbing and understanding the most important ideas that emerge from the programme you will be able to initiate an action plan for you and your company which we can help facilitate.
  • 36. *For more information please contact:   Alan Moore Ping 1: Ping 2: +44 7768 364 538   Euan Semple Ping 1: Ping 2: +44 7515 355 362 [4] [2] [1] [6] [5] [3]

Editor's Notes

  1. Meta data Contextual data Dynamic data Self learning systems Refined data as Intelligence that can then be applied to specific needs and purposes
  2. And that is why we inevitably move towards the Mobile Society, where our mobile devices become the remote control for life. Any piece of technology that allows us to better connect, communicate, share knowledge and information, to get stuff done - will be adopted.
  3. PIP = the noise the PSP makes when the blue guy plays with it :) At the end of the slide: „ This is where Social Links comes in!”
  4. Slide Objective: To build understanding of how Xtract is unique and how social network analytics improves the marketing environment for the customer Demographics and/or behavior data are widely used by traditional analytic approach Social network analysis reveals the social influence (importance to your network) of each of your customers What makes us then unique? 1. We bring in the social component to customer analytics 2. We can combine the three dimensions (e.g. T-Mobile selected Xtract because of our ability to do this) Adding each new data dimension increases efficiency of analytics, Using all three gives results that are many fold (even up to 8 times in one of the cases we will go through today) XSL base uses mainly social interactions data, but modules utilize data from also the other dimensions. Slide Objective2: To reinforce how social network analytics can/will impact the marketing environment for the customer. Needs to show how social analytics complements & enhances traditional marketing environment for customers (Xtract analytics creates extra value to the operators current processes:) Reporting: following changes in customer behaviour. Reporting ARPU compared to customer age, sex, rurality/urbanity etc, reporting churn %, calculating future cash flows, following the results of individual campaigns Customer Insight: Implementing analytics and predictive modelling – learning from the past, ”targeting campaigns”. Customer segmenting employed in order to create strategies, concepts to different customer groups. Customer Relationship Management process: automated campaings (1-to-1) based on changes in propensity/churn scores, changes in segment, changes in behaviour (automatic calculation). Examples of different approaches Example of finnish hotel chain? ” crucial part of everyday business”
  5. And we need to rethink and create a new set of metrics. Based upon not cpm’s or cost per thousands but cost per relevant audience. We need to recount the audience: Change the way you count, for instance, and you can change where advertising dollars go.
  6. BMW winter tyre campaign
  7. To a read write culture where we demand the right to participate, create and co-create culture
  8. To brands that can play a more meaningful role in our lives The service is called Otetsudai Networks, which literally means "help networks". It is a mobile phone service in Japan where anyone can register and fill in the kinds of skills they have available, say window-cleaning or washing dishes or loading boxes at a warehouse, etc. Then there are temporary employers who have short-term needs. Say a shopkeeper has a sudden illness and the one assistant has to leave the shop early. The shopkeeper needs someone who is reasonably qualified temporary help for his store. Just enter the need (4 hours this afternoon selling shoes at the store in this address at this shopping mall, cash register operation skills needed, pays x per hour). Then those who are near that location, who have indicated that their status is available to do temporary work, will get the alert. It allows for negotiating. If you don't like the hourly rate that is offered, you make a counter offer of what you'd be willing to do the job for. The shopkeeper may get a couple of responses, someone who agrees to the amount but can only do 2 hours, another one who is willing to do four hours but wants a higher pay, etc.
  9. A new language for the networked society
  10. Everyone has a Yoad
  11. What if: We build the car of your dreams? It was green? We made it in your town? We listened We did it?
  12. What if: We build the car of your dreams? It was green? We made it in your town? We listened We did it?
  13. Local Motors reached out to a vast distributed community to help develop and design the rally fighter
  14. a). Life enabling b). life simplifying c). Navigational
  15. There is no online or offline there is only blended reality
  16. Every single case history and proposition at Reboot actually has sociability implicitly embedded. Reboot recognises embedded sociability as part of the DNA 0f the networked society – it is a fundamental requirement.
  17. You could say that technologies of co-operation invert the hierarchical process Technologies of cooperation are tools that inspire and enable our innate need and talents to connect and communicate. This is the promise of the mobile society
  18. “ The roots” - or to lay the ground work of sustainable relationships] - relationships based upon the development of mutual trust through time remains the DNA that enable markets work. Social capital takes time to grow.   "You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you do not trust enough." Dr Frank Crane