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Exoplanet Research Paper
The buzz yesterday about a second Earth was answered when NASA announced the results its
phoenix–like telescope Kepler , had found. The exoplanet that created so much excitement has a size
and age comparable to Earth's, and, critically, even exists in the goldilox zone of its Sun–like star,
ensuring its neither freezing nor burning away any possibility of complex life.
Known as Kepler 452b , the new planet is the smallest exoplanet yet discovered within this
necessary habitable zone of a G2 star, which is our own Sun's classification. The new planet is about
6 billion years old, has a diameter sixty percent that of the Earth, and is located in the constellation
Cygnus, roughly 1,400 light–years away from us. ... Show more content on ...
Kepler 452b orbits its sun–like star in a year lasting 385 days, which puts it undoubtedly within the
habitable zone, which means it is very likely it will have liquid water.
"Today the Earth is a little less lonely, because there's a new kid on the block," joked Jon Jenkins ,
Kepler data analysis lead at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, at a
Thursday news conference announcing the discovery. "We believe ... that this is the nearest thing
we've found to an Earth system analogue, a twin system to our own."
The associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate at the agency's headquarters in
Washington, John Grunsfeld , called Kepler 452b a "close cousin to the Earth." This is an apt
description. Since the planet is rocky, like ours, yet larger, its gravity may be of a greater magnitude
sufficient to preclude human survival for any duration of time. Imagine stepping on the scale and
weighing five times as usual. You probably wouldn't even lift that
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Gambaro Essay
Gambaro achieves the alienation of the audience through their ability to grasp agency in the setting
of the theatre. In scene thirteen, four men enter a adjacent room and close the door. An actor
pretending to be part of audience opens door. Soon after doing so, he is hit over the head, falling
down unconscious. The guide leaning over him says, "Why did he butt in? I'm the guide here! ... If
he was part of the audience, why did he make like an actor?" (111). The audience doesn't know that
the person who stepped out is an actor, but the guide knows because the guide is also part of the
production. The guide's hidden message provokes the audience to think about why would someone
who is just like them, a middle–class American who was expecting to get something out of the ...
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In Brecht's essay "The Modern Theatre is the Epic Theatre," he explains how "once out of the
cloakroom [the audience] take their seats with the bearing of kings" (39). The audience expects to
have the production cater to them, and as a paying audience they expect nothing less. Consequently,
the production puts the audience out of their comfort zone, because the performance on longer caters
to their aesthetic needs. The audience feels even more out of sorts because the experience is not
artistically executed to appeal to them. The guide plays off of the fear of the middle–class audience,
specifically their fear of standing out. He essentially says, see what happens when you don't follow
the leaders and those who have agency. The guide presents the idea of them being alienated from the
rest of the spectators if they were to interject in the violence that was happening in each of the
rooms. He raises the question of who is in control and how much authority the audience actually has
over the production and the people in the
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Early American Migrations
Migrations have been part of every historical period since people started existing on the Earth.
Hunters in the prehistoric era moved along with their prey, emperors in the ancient history moved to
expand their empires, and now, in the modern day history, people migrate to run away from war, to
find a better job, education or life in general. Charles Darwin would unquestionably agree that
people are guided by their inner drive to find the more appropriate conditions for living, if their life
depends on it, or else, there is only one possible outcome – natural selection. We are faced with
numerous migrations of people form the east that are struggling in the war zones, trying to reach
western developed countries and find their place under the
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Theories Of Human Nature By Karl Marx And Thomas Hobbes Essay
In both theories of human nature by Karl Marx and Thomas Hobbes respectfully, each provide their
own perspective on the fundamental point of human nature. Marx makes the argument that that
humans are inherently cooperative and the capitalist system creates a state of nature where humans
are competitive. In opposition to Marx' argument, Hobbes may say that humans are inherently
competitive and the social contract is what makes humans cooperate within the capitalist system. In
response, Marx might say that the social contract is redundant because the social contract has no
effect on the competition that resembles the state of nature within the capitalist system.
The philosophy of Karl Marx begins with the belief that humans are inherently cooperative with
common characteristics and shared ends. To human beings, life is considered an object and
therefore, humans make their "life–activity itself the object of his will and of his consciousness"
(Tucker 76). In other words, humans are able to think, imagine, and "produce even when he is free
from physical need and only truly produces in freedom therefrom" (p. 76). It exemplifies that idea
that humans not only have the capability to create things for survival but express themselves in what
they produce, within the standards of the human race or universally. When capitalist wage–labor
enters the picture, it forces these shared ends and the freedom of expression in human production to
cease, causing a rise of competitiveness among
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The Calm: A Small, Good Thing, And Cathedral
In the article, "The Calm," "a Small, Good Thing," and "Cathedral": Raymond Carver and the
Rediscovery of Human Worth, by Mark A. R. Facknitz, states "In fictional terms, he learns to shift
point of view. In emotional terms, he learns to feel empathy" (295). This means that the husband had
preconceived notions about blind people. These made him narrow minded which added to his
negativity. Perhaps this is the reason he is isolated. He did not accept difference, like the way he
didn't accept and expect a blind man to have a beard. After having met Robert he now has a better
understanding and can connect more to the world outside his comfort zone. It's one step in the
direction of accepting others and learning more about the real world. He can ... Show more content
on ...
It helps the husband understand more about the situation. Having empathy is a huge factor to
connect and become closer with others. It also states that "In the moment when the blind man and
the narrator share an identical perception...the narrator sense of enclosure...vanishes" (295). The
narrator felt open to the world and hasn't felt limited at that moment when he and Robert were
drawing. Similarly, in Keeping the Reader in the House: American Minimalism, Literary
Impressionism, and Raymond Carver's "Cathedral", by Robert C. Clark, explains that the husband
has changed in ways from being "prejudice to understanding" (108). When the husband first saw
Robert, he questioned why the blind man had to stay with them and why did the blind man have a
beard. He was prejudice and expected Robert to be a simple man. But not after drawing with Robert,
he can understand why Robert unique and complex. The husband now understands that no one is
perfect and that everyone has flaws. Also, Robert C. Clark states that in "Cathedral...suggest that a
lack of vision results in an isolation that leads to a poverty of the senses" (112). This means that the
husband felt that since Robert lacked vision, it meant that he lacked all of his other senses and that
his other senses couldn't make up for his blindness. The husband at first felt that you need all the
sense to function in
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Franz Kafka Research Paper
Over time, psychoanalysis has been revised and developed in different directions. There are many
basic tenets of psychoanalysis, and it has received criticism from a wide variety of sources.
Nonetheless, it remains a strong influence within the realm of psychiatry, and more so in some
quarters than others. Simply put, Freud explores the unconscious mind. And although Kafka may
not have meant for it to come across this way in his writing, his characters and the events that take
place truly do reflect him. Knowing Franz Kafka's life is a key to understand his writings for the
events of his life are the clear origin of the neurotic tensions of his works. Thesis: Through the use
of Freudian Psychoanalysis, Franz Kafka's life as well as Kafka's work, The Trial, is further
unearthed using the three psychic zones of id, ego and superego as well as the themes of alienation,
guilt, frustration and helplessness.
Id refers to internal and primitive impulses. Of these impulses, sexual impulse is the strongest. The
id manifested through K. as he suddenly had the urge to kiss Fraulein Burstner "like a thirsty animal
furiously lapping at the water of the spring it has found at last" (Kafka 26). K. has this urges, among
other urges throughout the novel to either exploit, manipulate, belittle, or gain control and authority
over others due to how highly he thought of himself. Kafka had many failed relationships with
women, so Kafka may have lived vicariously through K.'s acts. Through his
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Quality Model: Parasuraman's Model Of Service Quality
A Conceptual Model of Service Quality
This Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985) model shows factors that influence customers'
expectations. These factors include word of mouth communication; personal needs; past experience
and external communication to customers (Figure 3.1). All these factors create the desire for service
in the customer's mind which is fulfilled through consumption of the desired services. This is
followed by comparisons between the service encounter and the expectations that the customer had
in order to assess the quality of service.
Source: A Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Leonard L. Berry, "A Conceptual Model of
Service Quality and its implications for Future Research", Journal of Marketing, Fall 1985 p44.
From Parasuraman's model, there are many interrelated factors which determine the service quality.
The model shows the relationship between customer expectations and perception. It outlines five
stages (gaps) ... Show more content on ...
Dimensions considered to be important by customers for any particular service have smaller zone of
tolerance than others, thus reflecting less customer willingness to relax service standards. According
to Berry (1991) study, customers value reliability above all other dimensions. Reliability concerns
the service outcomes hence the core of service. It is for this reason that reliability has a narrow zone
of tolerance than the other four dimensions which relate more to the service process (that is how the
service is delivered. It is important for service companies to manage expectations effectively by
managing the service promises they make, by dependably performing the promised service, and by
effectively communicating with customers if they are to deliver reliable services to their customers
and succeed in
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Love is one of the most liberating connections two people can hold between each other when it is
authentic and sincere. Many find completion and satisfaction when they find this ideal, true love in
another. However, when love is turned into a façade in order to create the image of an perfect,
fulfilling relationship, it can be alienating and destructive. In Walker Percey's essay, The Man on the
Train, he claims that love is ultimately a source of alienation instead of an escape into wonderful
satisfaction. This theory is exemplified in Frank Capra's It Happened One Night, a story of a
woman, Ellie, on a journey to fill her void of true love and escape her feelings of alienation. only
exacerbates her sense of alienation instead of ... Show more content on ...
In terms of the movie, rotation takes place as Ellie finds herself falling in love with Peter. She enters
the "privileged zone of possibility" (91), which is the motel room, the bus ride, and the hitchhiking.
These zones identify the possibilities of love, but fail to solve the despair of everydayness. In other
words this coping strategy of alienation does not succeed because Ellie will ultimately become
bored. As her pursuit to find and marry King Westley draws near, Ellie almost immediately becomes
uninterested in King Westley, and instead she "discovers" her love for Peter and confesses her love
for him in their hotel room. This leads to Ellie leaving her groom at the altar and chasing after Peter
and a new life. Once her love for Peter too becomes old, Ellie will continue this cycle of rotation.
Rotation is a good diversion from alienation, for it brings excitement and newness, but only for an
instant. Although the conclusion of "It Happened One Night" depicts a happy ending, it is a façade
that will not last. Not only because it is an unauthentic deliverance from alienation, but also because
the hope of rotation brings anguish. Percy explains this as "his alienated art of rotation instead of
healing him catches him up in a spiral of despair whose only term is suicide or total self–loss"
(Percy 95). Once Ellie finally achieves perfect love with Peter it will pass
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Belonging To A New Place
The meaning of "belongings" is feeling comfortable and happy in a particular group of people,
surroundings, situation or society. Belonging can be related to culture, language, background,
hobbies, religion, occasions, national dress or some particular activity. It is a well known fact that
belonging to a group can make an individual feel not only accepted, but more powerful that if they
were on their own. Let us discuss the belongings in two different situations. In first situation we will
discuss influence of belongings on us at a place familiar to us and then we will compare it by
supposing a visit of some strange place with different culture. When we live in our own country, we
remained supportive by our own culture, people with same language, religion, back ground, familiar
food, sports, dresses, hobbies and even almost same occasions to calibrate. We live with our friends,
neighbors, relatives and share happy and sad moments with them. We help each other and feel
comfortable as we know that in the event of any unlike situation we have our belonging in shape of
similar culture, norms, resources, friends to support us. Now let us discuss another situation. 3 years
back, ... Show more content on ...
We had no friends, no relatives, thus we were not connected to any familiar things by which we feel
that it will support us in any uneven situation. However, after 2 to 3 days we became familiar with
the surroundings and found some people which were also speaking same language. We made some
friends, dig out some hotels, where we were served with the food which we used to have in our
country, saw similar places and thus started creating our belongings. At one occasion when we heard
voice of "Azaan" and found a 'mosque' to offer prayer, we felt ourselves like we are also part of their
culture to some extent and started realizing that our level of comfort and familiarity with
surroundings was increasing day by
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Inside Job : Rational Choice Theory
Inside Job
Inside job is the critically acclaimed documentary surrounding the global financial crisis in 2008.
The film provides a detailed explanation of how and why the crisis took place. It demonstrates
rational choices being made by individuals that caused a nearly global financial collapse. Through
examination of rational choice theory and evidence from the film, it will explain how main
characters of the film are rational actors.
Rational choice theory was developed by Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham; both were
Enlightenment philosophers. The theory states that each person or rational actor weighs the cost and
benefits of their action and ultimately makes their own choices. Beccaria held a pessimistic view of
human nature and ... Show more content on ...
In the early 1990s derivatives were put in place, these instruments are basically speculation or
betting on stock prices, bankruptcy of companies, interest rates etc. In the early 2000 they passed a
law that made derivatives unregulated so the market boomed in 2001. All these laws passed were
rational choices being made by individuals they realized they can make money. They were acting
out of their own self–interest and no one else. Millions of Americans lost their homes in the crash
due to these subprime loans that were put in place by these big banks.
While the film did not have one specific main character it did have key players that made the crisis
happening. The first being the lobbyist that lobbied to make this acts and laws pass. Those people
made rational choices to have those laws passed that they knew they could make money off, acting
in their own self–interest. The next is the major investment and banking companies for supplying
subprime loans to Americans that they knew could not pay back. They choose to do this and to sell
their clients bad deals in order to make a profit. One of the most rational actors is Henry (Hank)
Paulson, the former CEO of Goldman & Sachs. He conveniently steps down as CEO to work for the
Department of the Treasury right before the financial crisis. Paulson then became the leader in the
government bailing out these major firms like the Lehman Brothers. This is
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Contact Zones In Public Schools
One of the most evident disputes in current educational structures, especially within the American
teaching system, is that standardization creates a uniform curriculum which hinders the liberty of
thinking. Therefore, classrooms are merely instilled with homogenous thoughts, instructing in a
robotic manner to equally distribute knowledge for every student. From elementary school to
college, we are urged to take standardized tests to advance onto the next level based off of a
definitive score that suggests qualification (Ravitch xxiii). However, this academically inhibits those
who aren't strategically successful with these assessments. Those who score above the criterion must
stay in line with the general standard. This "rigid curricular prescription" ... Show more content on ...
This is where culturally contrasting individuals clash together in a social space, such as a college
lecture hall. The university where Pratt worked at offered a course called "Cultures, Ideas, Values"
which taught about the Americas and other countries histories, rallying up an assorted student body
(Pratt 39). A diverse class with a culturally inclusive curriculum led to the creation of a "safe house",
which are "social and intellectual spaces" for all cultures to have "shared understandings" (Pratt 40).
If every school vitalized "contact zones", then Rodriguez and other students could succeed
academically while having integrity for where they came from making school a "safe house".
Cultural diversity promotes free–thinking since students do not lose their ethnic virtues and avoid
shifting into robotic containers to fill since their environments are more inclusive towards other
ideas. Open–ended discussions and dialect open a multitude of doors since education is no longer
restricted towards one mindset. With this in effect, various dispositions can be embraced, thus
encouraging students to foster their own sense of reality and what they constitute as the real
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Their Eyes Were Watching God Literary Analysis
Their Eyes Were Watching God Every author has their own writing style and a different voice in
their writing, but many female voices are more distinct from a male voice. A female author's work is
often categorized as feminist literature due to certain characteristics such as utilizing a strong female
protagonist. It is common of a female author to zone in on the typical female struggles. For example,
women are often excluded from things that men are not. Feminist literature has strong ties with the
exclusion of women from the literary canon.
Their Eyes Were Watching God zones in on the struggles of an African American woman trying to
find equality and power with men in her society. The men in Janie's life continuously objectify her
and beat her down. However, not only do the men prevent Janie from having a voice, but the
community around her. Zora Hurston ... Show more content on ...
Females are more emotional and look for that romantic love so it makes it easier for a female to
portray those traits to their readers. "If you didn't have de power tuh hold me and hold me tight, Ah
wouldn't be callin' yuh Mis' Woods. Ah met plenty women before Ah knowed you tuh talk tuh.
You'se de onliest woman in de world Ah ever even mentioned gittin married tuh" (Hurston 134).
Teakcake is defying his love for Janie right before he dies. This scene in the novel pulls the reader in
and makes them feel the love between the two characters. Females include that in their writing
which separates them from males who are more masculine and portray different thoughts and
feelings than a female would. Females use different words and describe things differently than a
male. A female author is more distinctive in her writing using subtle hints towards the big idea.
Women often concern themselves with processes, perceptions, and implications while men often
concern themselves with actions, ideas, and
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Difference Between Alienation And Karl Marx
Alienation was a subject matter of psychology until Karl marx penned it down in his writings by
assosiating this phenomenon with capitalism which was a social phenomenon.
He described alienation as a situation in which the creations of humanity appear to humans as alien
objects. Such creations are seen as independent fro their creators and invested with the power to
control them. People create their own society, but will remain alienated until they recognise
themselves within their ownc reation, Until that time,humans will assign an independent existence
to objects,ideas and institutions and be controlled by them. In the process, marx described,humans
lose themselves, become strangers in the world they created; they become alienated.
This writing ... Show more content on ...
Society has witnessed a paradigm shift since the time when Marx wrote his theory of Alienation and
even though Marx considered revolution as the only solution to alienation but he could not envisage
the very fact that the concept of Revolution in itself would become a distant dream for workers. In
today's capitalism, workers now feel alienated from revolutionary consciousness itself which is
required to overcome the alienation they feel in capitalist production
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Examples Of Alienation In The Thin Red Line
For instance in James Jones's novel – The Thin Red Line (1962), the inhuman and brutal acts , such
as the disinterring of a Japanese corpse for fun, the extraction of their corpses' gold teeth, and the
summary execution of Japanese prisoners, all of these explore the idea that each soldier suffers the
emotional and physical predicament of war by himself. However, some readers will be grateful to an
author who has honestly attempted to tell the truth in his own artistic way. One such person was
Romain Gary who expressed his appreciation of the novel in his April 22, 1962, letter to Jones.
The Thin Red Line, the line between man and beast, so easily crossed, is a realistic fable, symbolic
without symbols, mythological and yet completely factual, a sort of Moby Dick without the white
whale, deeply philosophical without any philosophizing whatsoever. . . . The book belongs to that
vein of poetical realism which is the rarest and to me the most precious thing in the whole history of
the novel–, it is ... Show more content on ...
Wright has exposed the human predicaments of his individualism through his characters with their
sufferings that they underwent due to their color, as well as he exposed the reality by bringing out
the hidden pain of the blacks. The effects of alienation in a society can be noted through the novels
of Wright such as, Black Boy and Native Son. In the novel Black Boy, Richard Wright had a
constant feeling of alienation. Richard expresses his physical or emotional hunger, his
disagreements with injustice, or his unwillingness to conform, he always felt this way. Racism plays
a strong role in Wright's Black Boy, due to the fact that this thought was very popular in this time
period. Richard struggled to liberate himself from the alienation of white people and the working
system because it was strongly looked down upon by whites and
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Kemo 452b Research Paper
Many scientists and space enthusiasts awaiting news about a second Earth were answered when
NASA announced the results its phoenix–like telescope Kepler, had found. The exoplanet that
created so much excitement has a size and age reminiscent of Earth's, and, critically, even exists in
the Goldilocks zone of its Sun–like star, ensuring its neither freezing nor burning away any
possibility of complex life.
Size, age, and other specs of second earth
Known as Kepler 452b, it's the smallest exoplanet we've discovered existing within that coveted
circular area of a G2 star colloquially called the Goldilocks zone. G2 is a category of star–
luminescence that our own Sun also falls under. The new planet is about 6 billion years old, has a
diameter ... Show more content on ...
Many officials had cute puns and quips to make about the development.
But we shouldn't get too excited to leap into our planet's family's arms.
The associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate, John Grunsfeld , called Kepler
452b a "close cousin to the Earth." This is an apt description. Since the planet is rocky, like ours, yet
smaller, the difference in gravity could do more harm than good.
Additionally, initial studies have suggested to us that the planet has entered a rather misfortunate
runaway greenhouse gas phase, similar to what happened to Venus long ago, which is why the
planet is so hot and antagonistic to life.
But this unfortunate atmospheric development didn't stop the Chinese from getting excited, whom
after hearing about the new planet flooded social media with over 44 million posts about the planet's
"substantial opportunity" to host life. China's microblogging service, Sina Weibo, the hashtag
#AnotherEarth exploded, with nearly 90,000 participants in the
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What Is Joining ISIS?
Furthermore, in predominantly Muslim countries, the rate of the population to perish from violence
is less than non–Muslim countries. In other words, living in a country surrounded by Muslims, one
is less likely to die in a violent act than they are in a country where Muslims are the minority. If you
want to be safer, you would be better off living in Turkey surrounded by dutiful Muslims than you
would in an American neighborhood surrounded by Christians. In Muslim countries the murder rate
is roughly two per 100,000 people and in non–Muslim countries it is eight per 100,000 (Winsor,
"Violence"). If people who study the Qur'an and follow Islam dutifully in most of the world are less
likely to murder than a predominant Christian country, it ... Show more content on
Anne Speckhard tries to understand these young women in her article Brides of ISIS. She states
"young Western women are slipping out of their bedrooms, giving silent farewells, and leaving
heart–rending notes to their families apologizing for their sudden disappearances." many stories of
young adults disappearing to join men and women in ISIS are heard on news channels, it is
becoming more frequent today. Head of FBI's counterterrorism division, Micheal Steinbach says
"ISIS is more aggressively recruiting women than any other terror group has, and is luring them by
painting a false narrative about what life is like in Syria, we have seen everything from a female
fighter––dedicated groups of women fighters––and those who have come over to support foreign
fighters by marrying them." they are masters at manipulating their victims by offering a life better
than where they are. They show them that they have a purpose in life and that is to fight for Allah
and build a better world dominated by Islam. The young women are showered with compliments
daily and promised wealth if they were to join ISIS. This mind manipulation can make any
nineteen–year–old girl fall for. There is a pattern created where the men recruiting young girls are
always in their late twenties or early thirties as it is easier to target young
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All Quiet On The Western Front Research Paper
The Effects of War on a Young Person "Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight
and die"– Herbert Hoover. The leaders who decide to start the war do not have to fight, but the
people who do not want to fight, like nineteen year old Paul and his friends, are the ones who are
killed and injured. In the book All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, Paul
changes physically and emotionally through war. Set in Germany during World War I, Paul and his
friends must do the unthinkable to survive the war and it causes them to slowly lose their identity.
Paul is changed by the harsh effects of the war through his dehumanization, rapid personal growth,
and alienation from the rest of the world. Paul loses his humanity
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Social Disconnection And Alienation : A Disconnected World
Crystal Johnson
B. Ferguson
HMXP 102
19 October 2017
A Disconnected World
Our society needs to be aware of social disconnection and alienation due to the increase of
technological advances. How do technological advances lead to disconnection and alienation?
People can feel disconnected from reality, from themselves, or from other people. Consequently,
they physically alienate themselves willingly by withdrawing from a source that is a cause of pain or
discomfort; such as bullying, disagreements, past relations, family or work issues.
Maria Furukawa, a Georgia Tech student, states that "Advancements, particularly in handheld
devices, such as smartphones, iPads, and smart–watches, have made our lives more efficient by
making everything ... Show more content on ...
It's a biological necessity. Dr. Louis Hawkley, a Senior Research at the University of Chicago
explains that "As a social species, humans rely on a safe, secure social surround to survive and
thrive. Perceptions of social isolation, or loneliness, increase vigilance for threat and heighten
feelings of vulnerability while also raising the desire to reconnect. Implicit hypervigilance for social
threat alters psychological processes that influence physiological functioning, diminish sleep quality,
and increase morbidity and mortality." (Hawkley 2010) Therefore, this loss in connection renders
people feeling powerless in their social lives outside of using their devices, which causes social
anxiety to increase. Dr. Deepak Chopra elucidates "That many people feel powerless, and the social
trends that drain personal power only grow stronger. Becoming powerless doesn 't happen in a
single dramatic stroke, like the barbarian hordes breaking down your door and burning your house.
It 's a process, and for most people, the process is so gradual that they don 't notice it. Once you start
chipping away at your self–worth, it 's a short step to becoming a victim. In other words, by telling
yourself that you don 't really count, you can make the suffering you endure into a kind of virtue, as
all martyrs do." (Chopra 2012) Social isolation and disconnect carry over into people's home,
school, and work life.
There's competition for a social standard of what is
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Zone Of Proximal Development Paper
1) The Zone of Proximal Development. Please add two examples applying this concept to schooling.
The Zone of Proximal Development is where the skill set taught to the child is much higher than the
child's skill set. It also refers to the ability of children to master a task either on their own or with
help. It describes the difficulty of a task ranging from a kid who gets it right away to someone who
could not master the task without several weeks of assistance.
Vygotsky felt that the child's current sociocultural environment played a strong role in how well they
learned and language plays a strong role in shaping their thoughts. He also felt that the teacher
should guide the student and that other students should be used as part of the teaching ... Show more
content on ...
Actually right now, I want to think aloud, but the fact that my husband is in the other room, means I
cannot. Because of that of that, I will edit and go over this tomorrow when he is not here. I believe
private speech is an important aspect of learning in all stages of development. Try to watch yourself
when you are trying to solve a difficult problem and I beat you think aloud. It is not just for young
When you are writing a paper, reading the paper aloud is the best way to proofread your paper. I also
like thinking quietly since I can think faster than I can talk, so often times I will do silent thinking.
3) Vygotsky and education. How important is education and what is the primary school teacher's
Education is very important and the primary teacher's role plays a large part in how well a child
learns. She should be a guide to the students and not be a dictator. Meaning she show them how to
do things in a step–by–step process so they can eventually perform these task on their own. Early
education sets the stage for learning in later years and is a very important aspect of child
4) Do you think Piaget's theory or Vygotsky's theory would be more helpful in teaching? Explain
and add several examples.
Both have theories that are helpful when teaching young children new
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Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development & Self Efficacy &...
In Vygotsky's concept, zone of proximal development he explains that it is the distance between a
child's developmental level, which is determined by independent problem solving and the level of
potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance (Vygotsky,
1978, p174). This concept is highly used in education and in classrooms. For example, I work with a
student who is eighteen years of age and has intellectual disabilities. During our morning routine he
enjoys working on puzzles. He has a difficult time putting the puzzle together so I help him with
clues and or prompt him to the puzzle piece that fits. He moves onto a new puzzle once I no longer
have to give him clues or prompts. As I have tracked his progress he has needed less prompt than he
did three months ago. The goal of this concept is that, as an adult collaborates with a child to help
them move from where they are to where they should be with help by accomplishing the exercise
through prompts, clues, modeling, and etc. Bandura has studied self–efficacy, which is the extent or
strength of one's belief in one's own ability to complete tasks and reach goals. Self–efficacy can
affect all types of behaviors like academics, social and recreational. A child might have the ability to
accomplish a task, but if they do not feel like they are capable of doing so, then they may fail or may
not attempt the task. For example, in a study difficult math problems were given to children with
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Catcher In The Rye Alienation
No one likes being alienated, feeling alone, nor isolated from the outside world, yet so many people
are. At every glance someone takes, they will always find someone with first–hand experience of
feeling left out from society due to events in their life, their own cause to leave themselves out, or
society alienating them. This is important to understand because there are so many people alienated
without any knowledge on why it is happening to them nor how it will affect them in the long run.
Even as much as people in real life have to deal with alienation so do the characters in J.D Salinger
remarkably told novel, the Catcher in the Rye. The Catcher in the Rye illustrates characters with a
first–hand experience of alienation and the affects ... Show more content on ...
For example, when Holden was in New York, he goes from one bar to another trying to find a waiter
that would give him alcoholic drinks. After being left alone at the Wicked Bar, Holden "sat at...[the]
bar till around one o'clock or so getting drunk" (149). All by himself, Holden goes into a marathon
of drinking until his gut forces him to leave. Being alienated, an individual will try to find ways of
coping with it even if it is not the correct way. In another quote given from, "Growing Up Lonely:
Examining Teen Alienation" by Linda Lyons, she recorded an experiment to see the percentages of
actions taken by people who struggle with alienation. The data indicates how people who are
alienated from the outside world, "25%... [of them] said they have tried marijuana, [while] 8%" who
are not alienated have also tried marijuana. Furthermore, stating the fact that there is an increasing
percentage in risky behavior for the people who are alienated than the ones who are not. Once
alienated, the individual can become a danger to themselves causing irreversible damages, to both
their mind and
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Examples Of Effective Scaffolding
In order for Janice to effectively teach her granddaughter how to bake, she must use effective
scaffolding by using Vygotsky's Proximal Zone of Development. The Proximal Zone of
development is "the gap between a child's ability to solve a problem and [their] potential
knowledge." Scaffolding is "The process of teaching new skills by entering a child's zone of
development and tailoring one's efforts to that person's competence level. Since her granddaughter is
only 5 years old, their motor skill abilities include printing their name, walking without holding onto
the railing, and tossing a ball overhand with bent elbows. Although it may seem like a 5 year old can
do a lot physically, cognitively they struggle. For example, at age 5, they understand conservation ...
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First, "foster a secure attachment." This means building a positive and close relationship with the
child. Second, "break larger cognitive challenge." This means breaking complex tasks into baby
steps so that it is achievable for the child to do. Third, "give non–threatening (but clear) feedback
about failure." For example, when a child does the task incorrectly, you want to correct them in a
positive manner. After they complete the task incorrectly, show show them what they did wrong and
then show them the correct way. This ensures that the child will learn in a positive manner. Fourth,
"continue helping until the child has fully mastered the concept before moving on." This means
don't move onto the next step until the child has completely and fully understand the task given.
Lastly, "set a framework for the learning task and build in motivation." The last scaffolding
technique talks about the teacher telling the child what the purpose and goal of this concept or
activity. These five following techniques are great ways to effectively scaffold, allowing the child to
fully learn/master the new task they are given (Belsky,
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The Importance Of Social Disconnection And Alienation
Our society should be aware of social disconnection and alienation due to the increase of
technological advances. How do technological advances lead to disconnection and alienation?
People can feel disconnected from reality, from themselves, or from other people. They physically
alienate themselves willingly by withdrawing from a source that can be a cause of pain or
discomfort; such as bullying, disagreements, past relations, family or work issues.
Maria Furukawa states that "Advancements, particularly in handheld devices, such as smartphones,
iPads, and smart–watches, have made our lives more efficient by making everything we need
accessible at the tap of a screen or a swipe to the left. Essentially, technology has taken the "hard
work" of talking to someone in person, of physically reading a book and of using our minds to do
some mental math and replaced it with a device. I have noticed that technology, ironically,
disconnects us from living in the present moment. Even though we try our hardest to communicate
what we mean over text, there is still a possibility for miscommunication or misinterpretation of
what was written. If instead, a conversation was held in person, facial expressions, changes in tone,
and hand gestures are some ways that miscommunication can be avoided." (Furukawa 2017) People
can create a virtual world by using these devices with the increase of screen time and internet usage.
They are subjected to advertisements, unrealistic standards, online bullying and constant access to
negative information. In this virtual world, there are numerous sites for social networking. In this
case, people do not need to physically interact with one another and can espouse any persona to their
present need.
Dwight G. Dean, in his article, explains that "The concept of Alienation is considered here as having
three major components: Powerlessness, Normlessness, and Social Isolation." (Dean 1961) Humans
by nature need interaction with other humans. It's a biological necessity. Hawkley states that "As a
social species, humans rely on a safe, secure social surround to survive and thrive. Perceptions of
social isolation, or loneliness, increase vigilance for threat and heighten feelings of vulnerability
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Globalization, Capitalism And The Everyday Essay
Theoretically this thesis engages with capitalist and neoliberal literature followed by literature on
everyday narratives to be able to contextualize consequences of historical and recent developments
in the Kurdistan Region (KR), addressed in literature section, and the ways people have been
affected by them are connected to the aforementioned topics.
In this section, I argue that through the intervention of outside institutions and governments, foreign
advisors and experts, and returnees from diaspora, a new politico–economic model begins to
emerge, albeit very slowly and takes force in the late 1990s and reaches it apex in the late 2000s. I
work towards answering questions such as, how and why this model was implemented and who
were the actors, advisors, and think tanks behind it? What are the consequences on everyday
experiences for individuals and the collective? These questions will be answered by engaging with
ethnographic works and theoretical literature on neoliberalism, capitalism and the everyday. To
follow the historical roots of political and economic developments and trace their everyday affects
vis–à–vis ethnographic narratives. To understand how in Kurdistan a small elite made up of local
politicians, World Bank officials, economic advisors and class of businessmen have come to test
their righteous neoliberal agenda on previously neglected, underdeveloped region. A place requiring
development and modern changes, politically but most importantly,
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Drone Warfare Argumentative Analysis
When discussing the potentiality of "robot weapons" it is imperative to critically assess the use of
drone warfare as its natural predecessor. According to a 2013 Gallup Poll, "65% support drone
attacks on terrorist abroad", in the United States. Drone warfare is attractive because it claims to
keep soldiers safe from on the ground dangers. However, drone pilots, on average, have much
higher levels of PTSD than their counterparts in the field. Which is one of the main arguments as to
why "robot weapons" should be implemented in their place. Of course, in 2015, The Intercept
published The Drone Papers, which posited that only 35 of 219 people killed in drone strikes
perpetuated by the US were the intended targets. There is absolutely no guarantee that automated
drones would be more accurate in its killing, precisely because the identification of the target has
become increasingly difficult. In Pakistan, where the United State's drone presence is largest, there
are no uniforms and so the line between civilian and combatants has become almost impossible to
discern. The judgement calls ... Show more content on ...
The lawfulness requires the categorization of targets as enemy soldiers. That definition has been
opened up to include any individual with connections to terrorist organizations. The degree of
association is undefined and left to the President to decide. Article 2 (4) of the UN Charters prohibits
the use of force in international relations. However, The Obama administration has asserted the right
of the US, under Article 51 of the UN Charter, to pursue targets in foreign countries without that
country's knowledge or consent, if that country cannot "deal effectively with the threat" as a means
of self–defense. The legal discourse used by the Obama administration has been condemned by
reports from both the Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International which details the US drone
program's breaches of international
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Year 6009 Research Paper
The year 6009 will be the very first year since 1961 that a year (when written in Hindu–arabic
numerals) can be inverted, and still look the same. But you and I probably won't live long enough to
enjoy the year 6009. Human lives just aren't long enough. We will miss out on that. What other cool
future events will we be "missing"? Well, first of all, you and I will probably be gone before seeing
the "Zeitpyramide" (time pyramid) in Wemding, Germany completed. It will eventually be a pile of
120 concrete blocks. Here's the catch. They're only adding one block every decade. Since beginning
in 1993, they've added only the first three. At this rate, the pyramid will be completed in the year
3183. The final block placed by our great great great great great, more than thirty greats
grandchildren. But even they will miss an opportunity to frolic and play in the Chernobyl Exclusion
Zone. The zone of alienation, where radioactive contamination from the 1986 disaster will ... Show
more content on ...
I'm bummed I'm probably going to miss out on these events because, for a few weeks, it'll look
almost as if Earth has two Suns. Despite being hundreds, thousands of light–years away, their
supernovas will shine brighter than the full moon at night and will be visible even during the day.
But the REAL sky show comes in 3.75 billion years. Our galaxy is full of stars, viewed from the
surface of the Earth, they look like tiny drops of milk in the sky. Which is why we call it the Milky
Way Galaxy. But all galaxies are named after milk. Milk, lactose, lactic, GA–lactic, galaxies. And
every drop of milk that you see in the sky, every star that you can see, is inside our galaxy the Milky
Way. But there's a blurry distant shape. It's not a star, it's not a cloud of gas in our galaxy, but it is an
entirely different galaxy – the Andromeda
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Disaser Management
Trident University International
Marvell R. Dean
MHES 509
Module 1
1. How is a response to destruction from a terrorist incident different from a response to a natural
disaster? Be specific, give examples, and quote from the readings. 2. You are a volunteer for the
American Red Cross. You are to enter a scene of destruction in order to assist wounded victims.
What are some precautions that you must take? What are some restrictions placed on you? From
whom do you receive clearance? 3. First responders should isolate hazards by establishing control
zones. There are three types of control zones. List them and give examples. Cite your sources.
Difference Between Response to ... Show more content on ...
Many Americans watching the Government response to Hurricanes Rita and Katrina as it play out in
the media could not believe the finger pointing that was going on between our elected leaders as
many victims struggled to get their life in order. With the National Response Framework initial
responsibility remains with the local elected officials and each level of the government above that
will monitor and remain ready with assistance if requested. This will allow needed resources to get
where they are needed without the internal bickering of the past. The Emergency Support Function
Annexes within the National Response Framework ensures multi–agency interoperability and
encompasses the other components of the NRF.
Red Cross Entering Scene of Destruction
The Red Cross has been chartered by Congress to help people prepare for, prevent, and respond to
emergencies and provide relief for survivors of disasters (NRF, 2008). As a Red Cross volunteer you
should ensure you are not working against the situation. Although you are going there to assist those
effected by the disaster you will need to make sure you do not become a distraction or even worse
needing to be assisted yourself. Working within the system with the Incident Commander and his
staff will ensure you are part of the team and not working against these efforts. Having an
understanding of the policies, guidance, and processes in place will
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Analysis Of The Book ' The Namesake ' Essay
" The situation of women is that she , a free and autonomous being like all creatures , nevertheless
finds herself living in a world where men compel her to assume the status of the other '' ( Beauvoir ,
173 )
Jumpa Lahiri , an expatriate – Indian , although generation expatriate and yet her first novel The
Namesake is about a Bengali family Ashoke and Ashima Ganguli and their family . The novel
portrays realistically experiences of this family, which is sometimes afflicted with a feeling of
cultural alienation, rootlessness and dislocation experienced by every expatriate at some stage or
other . Eventhough she belonged to the second generation still she understood the concept of
diaspora by choice and therefore replicated the " sandwich culture " a concept in her novel . The
concept of diaspora has to be specifically understood as a single educated man who leaves his native
country for economic gain also resulting brain drain . The novel portrays the problem of
acculturation and assimilation faced by the first generation as well as second generation women.
Woman in Indian English fiction is depicted as the silent sufferer and upholder of the tradition and
traditional values of family and society. Born and brought up in India , Ashima too upholds Indian
values, traditions and culture even in America. The first generation immigrants feel proud to their
cultural past and did not like to violate their cultural past while the second generation expresses its
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Amherst Survival Center Essay
The Basics The Amherst survival center is place that strives to provide multiple necessities to county
of Hampshire. The center has a multitude of parts which include: food pantry, community store,
health clinic, community meals, event hall, job and health care social workers, showers and laundry
facility. The motto of Amherst survival center is to help anyone no questions asked. The need in the
community is present and especially high in the individuals who qualify as 'homeless'. The number
of volunteers are constantly shifting and the proximity of UMass Amherst keeps volunteers flowing
in. The community store had about three people working every time I was volunteering. The
volunteers over the semester averaged out to be about forty–five ... Show more content on ...
This tension is present in the staff and in the volunteers. I can see it when the front desks yells at
someone because they thought they were stealing or when someone puts out something new and the
floor manager takes it away. The tension is truly brought out in the communication between staff
and customers of the store. The simple act of talking to volunteers in the backroom results in a usual
harsh word to person in question. There are thinly veiled biases on who should deserve what or what
communication is acceptable in the center. These incidents further confirm stereotypes and negative
attitudes towards individuals in our community. This misconnection results in further alienation
from dignity and humanity. The void of interaction with individuals besides the other volunteers do
a big part to keep a divide in the community of ASC. This of course isn't totally unavoidable
because I'm there to do a job, but there certainly could be more positive community interactions in
keeping with my responsibilities. Where is the agency? Divide &
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The Spanish Girl: My Experience as an Immigrant
"The Spanish girl" – that would be my name the first year in a British school when I moved from
Madrid to London. This journey made me face the numerous challenges of learning English and
adapting to a new culture. My days in school would be a combination of mockery and alienation,
which consumed me. No one knew me, I had to recreate my personality, redefine myself; it was a
chance to start over and be anyone I wanted. However, having been forced to move, I was not ready
to do so and I failed to overcome the cultural–social barriers. Nevertheless, my experiences as a
minority lead to my self–discovery. There are certain things in life that we take for granted, like the
ability to speak, express ourselves and be heard; it is only when we do not have them that we learn
to value them. It was only four years later when I realized that moving to England was the best
introduction to the world that I could have had, turning my weaknesses into strengths. After my first
year in a British school, I moved to an international school, in which I would stay four years. Here, a
new episode of my life started as I became independent and started running my own life. I
remember stepping on the big red bus for the first time going into the city with my friend. It was
fascinating, from the grumpy bus driver looking at you through a cloudy glass to the people around
you. My friend and I started doing the same with trains embarking on journeys, which we called
'London Adventures'. I soon
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The Gaze
Today's audience is one of laziness. The majority of content consumers are not programed to digest
what they watch with a critical eye. While there is no real harm in this, there is room for change and
experimental media has been trying to provoke that change for decades. Bertolt Brecht's theory and
practice of alienation, or v–effect, has been pulling audiences out of their comfort zone for a long
time through many different types of art and entertainment. Another topic of discussion is "The
Gaze"; usually seen through the male's eye. Again, it is not harmful, but that is because it has been
engrained in the modern audience's brain that it is okay to view woman the way entertainment says
is okay. While they are two very different themes, alienation ... Show more content on ...
"Mainstream cinema (and culture) reinforces how we are to 'look' at women (as objects, as passive,
as without agency, unworthy of our existential attention)" (Week 8 Slides). While there is nothing
wrong with admiring the female form, it does raise some questions about how easily susceptible
audiences are to media. When the audience has "...come to accept the sexist tropes and codes of
mainstream Hollywood cinema as natural, inevitable and beyond reproach..." (Week 8 Slides), there
is a problem. "The Gaze" started early on in cinema and has continued to be practiced in films even
to today, if not more so today. One film in particular that sparked controversy was Michael Powell's
1960 film "Peeping Tom". The film is about a serial killer who films his victims as they are
murdered. This film ended up being banned in many places around the world and was seen as one of
the worst films. A few years later, Martin Scorsese brought the movie back into the light and is now
seen as one of the greatest cult films ever made. The reason behind why it shifted from being
appaling to being amazing, relies on the audience. Nothing about the film has changed over the
years, but the opinion of it has. How can this be? It has to do with the audience's reaction and
perception of the content. In 1960, audiences brains weren't trained to fetishize woman like they are
in today's modern films. The voyeuristic nature of the film
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Analysis : ' Returning After Deployment '
Klay signals to the readers that Redeployment is much more than just a normal war story book about
triumph and defeats, heroism and terrorism, but is actually about the impact that war has on the
soldiers fighting abroad. The book consists of dark humor, irony, sarcasm, and military jargon and
captures the reader's attention emotionally. Klay has organized his stories in such a manner that they
function in moving the story as a whole. He mentioned in his interview "It was important to me that
the book had a structure. I wanted the stories to function together and be read in order." Returning
after deployment is one of the toughest experiences that a soldier faces, Klay captures this fact in his
opening story, "Redeployment", in which the narrator returns from Iraq and struggles combating
against his war experiences back home. There is a sense of alienation that many soldiers feel.
According to Oxford dictionary "alienation is the state or experience of being isolated from a group
or an activity to which one should belong or in which one should be involved." Military protocols
and services are completely different from the civilian ones, it creates a communication gap between
those who have and haven't served in military making veterans feel like aliens back at home. For
example, the narrator in "Redeployment" says, "You try to think about home, then you're in the
torture house" (Klay 9). Packer also supports this viewpoint in his article "Home fires" by writing,
"No one
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Will Mclean And Tom Pearce: Alienation In The Lords Of...
Alienation in Lords of Discipline In the Lords of Discipline two characters are specifically targeted
to be placed outside of their comfort zones. Will McLean and Tom Pearce Will McLean is a cadet at
the Carolina Military institute who finds life to be physically and emotionally brutal. Will promised
his father who passed away that he would attend the Institute, but has no real interest in a military
career. In the beginning Will is placed outside of his comfort zone due to his Roman Catholic faith
and Irish Background, compared to all the other southern born cadets. He is not really experienced
with military training but does show some athleticism and hard work in the classroom. Will has a
flashback of when he experienced "hell night" during
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Reflection On Social Work
Introduction I have always enjoyed reflections and discussions in online learning. I find that I do
more reading and researching when I have to defend my opinions and stands on subjects. This can
be seen in my postings. One theme I identified was the central focus I have developed, not only in
this course, but throughout my journey in the Masters of Social Work program. This is the
importance of self–reflection in my identity as a social worker and in my practice. My postings also
illuminate my desire to further my knowledge base and have an ongoing quest for a greater
understanding of the correlation between structural forces and individual agency through research
and peer–reviewed sources to reinforce my opinions and stances.
As recommended by Green, Gregory & Mason (2006), I believe that "developing a reflective
approach to practice and access to good supervision appear to be essential ingredients in the
development of this type of professional mastery" (p. 459). Green et al. (2006) recognize that
professional distancing runs on a continuum and that it is the social worker that needs to be able to
use their own professional judgement, along with being reflexive and using supervision as a way of
ensuring that our relationship with our clients is appropriate and in their best interest. Yet, it was also
necessary, as recommended by Suarez, Newman & Reed (2008), to use an "active self–reflection
that interrogates what we hold to be true and pushes us beyond
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Social Disorganization In The Dark Knight Rises
Social Disorganization theory is a theory that looks at deviant behavior and the community it arises
in. The way people are raised and what environment they are raised in effects who they become
when they are older. Factors such as poverty, industrialization, immigration, shifting social values,
city population and more can all effect ones' way of thinking and their actions (Buccellato 2017). In
the film "Dark Knight Rises" city of Gotham is a unique environment that definitely pushes people
to do things they normally would not do had they not been in this certain environment. In the Dark
Knight Rises people are left to fight for their own safety and they did not have social capital,
collective efficacy, and they were not in The town of Gotham goes into hiding and protecting
because of Bane. Bane has many people in the power elite who are working for him on the bad side.
The people of Gotham turn to theft and lose control of their sanity because of their fear of dying.
Bane made people lose their minds due to fear and uncertainty. These factors pushed them over the
edge into committing crime. "Social Disorganization researchers perceived criminals and
delinquents to be normal individuals whose criminal acts were stimulated by their environment"
(Rafter and Brown 2011: 50). Bane put up a TV for Batman to watch his city crumble to the ground
after Bane releases all the prisoners who have been kept in prison for years on end. "Regarding rates
of self–reported offending,
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Will And John's Struggle To Attend The Academy
Will and John's struggle to leave their comfort zone and attend the academy is similar, but how they
cope with the plebe system is different! Will must immediately leave his comfort zone when asked
by his dad to attend the institute. It took Will a lot of courage and bravery to carry out his dad's last
dying wish. During Will's plebe year he faces a lot of challenges! Just like everybody else, Will
struggles to fit into the plebe system. In only his second week at the Institute, he says "When I called
my mother after the second week I wept as soon as I heard her voice. She sounded kind and gentle
and I had forgotten what it was like to talk to someone who loved me. I told her that it was dreadful,
that I had made a terrible mistake, that I
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Theories Of Social Disorganization Theory
Social Disorganization 1
Social Disorganization and High Crime Rates
Brianna Reyes
CRJU 3170–01
Professor Flores
November 26, 2017
Social Disorganization 2
The two theorist that developed the social disorganization theory were Clifford Shaw and Henry D.
Mckay according to their book "Juvenile Delinquency in Urban Areas" they created this theory
throughout research they were doing. The two theorists of the social disorganization theory were
criminology researchers from the "Chicago School". Social disorganization theory is at the macro
level. It looks among different communities and neighborhoods. And it studies many people in the
neighborhoods not just one single individual. This theory is the most valid at the macro level
because crime rates are explained better in this theory than any other. How Shaw and Mckay created
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One policy implication of the theory is community project and create social organizations. Some of
the ways they can do this is clean up disorder, have recreation programs for youth and increase
influence over politicians. Another policy implication is gang intervention. This is where trained
gang intervention workers connect with gang members to provide crisis intervention to stop future
violent situations, make peace treaties between rival gangs and provide positive opportunities to
gang members like occupational training, employment and drug alcohol abuse treatment. Last policy
implication of the theory is crime prevention and treatment. When neighborhoods try to get all the
residents living in that neighborhood to join together to improve the neighborhood and solve local
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Breakfast Club Stereotypes
"Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover" In the piece, "don't judge a book by it's cover", the overall
protest statement is against the stereotyping society is conditioned to instinctually do, as well as the
alienation against those who do not act accordingly to their stereotype. This situation occurs during
basic interactions in public, however this situation is witnessed in the prime in the selected contact
zone of Barnes and Noble.This concept is not surface–leveled, the basic situation actually stems
from a deeper element. The core concept of this piece is the estrangement which occurs in social
interactions, targeted to those who interact within the Barnes and Noble store. This store was chosen
due to the concept of it being a contact zone, ... Show more content on ...
What causes these tactics to fail? The media denounces one stereotype with another, which is what
occured in the Breakfast Club, as well as the majority of movies which follow suit. An example of
this is: in the Breakfast Club, the "crazy" criminal ends up being very considerate, the athlete ends
up being compassionate, the quiet "basket case" ends up having an outward personality, the nerd
ends up not falling in love with either of the girls (which would be expected due to the "desperate"
vibe "unpopular" students are always conveyed as having), and the stuck–up "princess" ends up
allowing herself to view the "criminal" through a new contact
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The Importance Of The Zone Of Proximal Development
One of the most prevailing aspects of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory is what he named the zone of
proximal development. Vygotsky defined the zone of proximal development as "[t]he area of
development into which a child can be led in the course of interaction with a more competent
partner, either adult or peer. [It] is not some clear–cut space that exists independently of joint
activity itself. Rather, it is the difference between what the child can accomplish independently and
what he or she can achieve in conjunction with another, more competent person. The zone is thus
created in the course of social interaction" (Vyogtsky FIND PAGE NUMBER). SEE MIND IN
SOCIETY IN LIBRARY The zone of proximal development, known as the ZPD, is the place in
which a child benefits the most from exposure to an activity or task. This is because "...children's
cognitive abilities increase through exposure of information that is new enough to be intriguing, but
not too difficult for the child to contend with" (Feldman 228–229). Within this zone, children are
able to perform some of, but not all of, the task independently. With the help of someone with more
capable, they are able to complete the task. In this way, children are able to increase understanding
and learn new tasks while avoiding frustration and defeat, meanwhile building confidence.
Vygotsky argued that "[i]n order for cognitive development to occur, then, new information must be
presented––by parents, teachers, or more skilled
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Exoplanet Research Paper

  • 1. Exoplanet Research Paper The buzz yesterday about a second Earth was answered when NASA announced the results its phoenix–like telescope Kepler , had found. The exoplanet that created so much excitement has a size and age comparable to Earth's, and, critically, even exists in the goldilox zone of its Sun–like star, ensuring its neither freezing nor burning away any possibility of complex life. KEPLER 452B: HER NAME, HER AGE, HER WAIST SIZE Known as Kepler 452b , the new planet is the smallest exoplanet yet discovered within this necessary habitable zone of a G2 star, which is our own Sun's classification. The new planet is about 6 billion years old, has a diameter sixty percent that of the Earth, and is located in the constellation Cygnus, roughly 1,400 light–years away from us. ... Show more content on ... WHY THIS EXOPLANET IS SIMILAR TO EARTH Kepler 452b orbits its sun–like star in a year lasting 385 days, which puts it undoubtedly within the habitable zone, which means it is very likely it will have liquid water. "Today the Earth is a little less lonely, because there's a new kid on the block," joked Jon Jenkins , Kepler data analysis lead at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, at a Thursday news conference announcing the discovery. "We believe ... that this is the nearest thing we've found to an Earth system analogue, a twin system to our own." DON'T JUMP THE SHARK, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T The associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate at the agency's headquarters in Washington, John Grunsfeld , called Kepler 452b a "close cousin to the Earth." This is an apt description. Since the planet is rocky, like ours, yet larger, its gravity may be of a greater magnitude sufficient to preclude human survival for any duration of time. Imagine stepping on the scale and weighing five times as usual. You probably wouldn't even lift that ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Gambaro Essay Gambaro achieves the alienation of the audience through their ability to grasp agency in the setting of the theatre. In scene thirteen, four men enter a adjacent room and close the door. An actor pretending to be part of audience opens door. Soon after doing so, he is hit over the head, falling down unconscious. The guide leaning over him says, "Why did he butt in? I'm the guide here! ... If he was part of the audience, why did he make like an actor?" (111). The audience doesn't know that the person who stepped out is an actor, but the guide knows because the guide is also part of the production. The guide's hidden message provokes the audience to think about why would someone who is just like them, a middle–class American who was expecting to get something out of the ... Show more content on ... In Brecht's essay "The Modern Theatre is the Epic Theatre," he explains how "once out of the cloakroom [the audience] take their seats with the bearing of kings" (39). The audience expects to have the production cater to them, and as a paying audience they expect nothing less. Consequently, the production puts the audience out of their comfort zone, because the performance on longer caters to their aesthetic needs. The audience feels even more out of sorts because the experience is not artistically executed to appeal to them. The guide plays off of the fear of the middle–class audience, specifically their fear of standing out. He essentially says, see what happens when you don't follow the leaders and those who have agency. The guide presents the idea of them being alienated from the rest of the spectators if they were to interject in the violence that was happening in each of the rooms. He raises the question of who is in control and how much authority the audience actually has over the production and the people in the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Early American Migrations Migrations have been part of every historical period since people started existing on the Earth. Hunters in the prehistoric era moved along with their prey, emperors in the ancient history moved to expand their empires, and now, in the modern day history, people migrate to run away from war, to find a better job, education or life in general. Charles Darwin would unquestionably agree that people are guided by their inner drive to find the more appropriate conditions for living, if their life depends on it, or else, there is only one possible outcome – natural selection. We are faced with numerous migrations of people form the east that are struggling in the war zones, trying to reach western developed countries and find their place under the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Theories Of Human Nature By Karl Marx And Thomas Hobbes Essay In both theories of human nature by Karl Marx and Thomas Hobbes respectfully, each provide their own perspective on the fundamental point of human nature. Marx makes the argument that that humans are inherently cooperative and the capitalist system creates a state of nature where humans are competitive. In opposition to Marx' argument, Hobbes may say that humans are inherently competitive and the social contract is what makes humans cooperate within the capitalist system. In response, Marx might say that the social contract is redundant because the social contract has no effect on the competition that resembles the state of nature within the capitalist system. The philosophy of Karl Marx begins with the belief that humans are inherently cooperative with common characteristics and shared ends. To human beings, life is considered an object and therefore, humans make their "life–activity itself the object of his will and of his consciousness" (Tucker 76). In other words, humans are able to think, imagine, and "produce even when he is free from physical need and only truly produces in freedom therefrom" (p. 76). It exemplifies that idea that humans not only have the capability to create things for survival but express themselves in what they produce, within the standards of the human race or universally. When capitalist wage–labor enters the picture, it forces these shared ends and the freedom of expression in human production to cease, causing a rise of competitiveness among ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Calm: A Small, Good Thing, And Cathedral In the article, "The Calm," "a Small, Good Thing," and "Cathedral": Raymond Carver and the Rediscovery of Human Worth, by Mark A. R. Facknitz, states "In fictional terms, he learns to shift point of view. In emotional terms, he learns to feel empathy" (295). This means that the husband had preconceived notions about blind people. These made him narrow minded which added to his negativity. Perhaps this is the reason he is isolated. He did not accept difference, like the way he didn't accept and expect a blind man to have a beard. After having met Robert he now has a better understanding and can connect more to the world outside his comfort zone. It's one step in the direction of accepting others and learning more about the real world. He can ... Show more content on ... It helps the husband understand more about the situation. Having empathy is a huge factor to connect and become closer with others. It also states that "In the moment when the blind man and the narrator share an identical perception...the narrator sense of enclosure...vanishes" (295). The narrator felt open to the world and hasn't felt limited at that moment when he and Robert were drawing. Similarly, in Keeping the Reader in the House: American Minimalism, Literary Impressionism, and Raymond Carver's "Cathedral", by Robert C. Clark, explains that the husband has changed in ways from being "prejudice to understanding" (108). When the husband first saw Robert, he questioned why the blind man had to stay with them and why did the blind man have a beard. He was prejudice and expected Robert to be a simple man. But not after drawing with Robert, he can understand why Robert unique and complex. The husband now understands that no one is perfect and that everyone has flaws. Also, Robert C. Clark states that in "Cathedral...suggest that a lack of vision results in an isolation that leads to a poverty of the senses" (112). This means that the husband felt that since Robert lacked vision, it meant that he lacked all of his other senses and that his other senses couldn't make up for his blindness. The husband at first felt that you need all the sense to function in ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Franz Kafka Research Paper Over time, psychoanalysis has been revised and developed in different directions. There are many basic tenets of psychoanalysis, and it has received criticism from a wide variety of sources. Nonetheless, it remains a strong influence within the realm of psychiatry, and more so in some quarters than others. Simply put, Freud explores the unconscious mind. And although Kafka may not have meant for it to come across this way in his writing, his characters and the events that take place truly do reflect him. Knowing Franz Kafka's life is a key to understand his writings for the events of his life are the clear origin of the neurotic tensions of his works. Thesis: Through the use of Freudian Psychoanalysis, Franz Kafka's life as well as Kafka's work, The Trial, is further unearthed using the three psychic zones of id, ego and superego as well as the themes of alienation, guilt, frustration and helplessness. Id refers to internal and primitive impulses. Of these impulses, sexual impulse is the strongest. The id manifested through K. as he suddenly had the urge to kiss Fraulein Burstner "like a thirsty animal furiously lapping at the water of the spring it has found at last" (Kafka 26). K. has this urges, among other urges throughout the novel to either exploit, manipulate, belittle, or gain control and authority over others due to how highly he thought of himself. Kafka had many failed relationships with women, so Kafka may have lived vicariously through K.'s acts. Through his ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Quality Model: Parasuraman's Model Of Service Quality A Conceptual Model of Service Quality This Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985) model shows factors that influence customers' expectations. These factors include word of mouth communication; personal needs; past experience and external communication to customers (Figure 3.1). All these factors create the desire for service in the customer's mind which is fulfilled through consumption of the desired services. This is followed by comparisons between the service encounter and the expectations that the customer had in order to assess the quality of service. Source: A Parasuraman, Valarie A. Zeithaml, and Leonard L. Berry, "A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and its implications for Future Research", Journal of Marketing, Fall 1985 p44. From Parasuraman's model, there are many interrelated factors which determine the service quality. The model shows the relationship between customer expectations and perception. It outlines five stages (gaps) ... Show more content on ... Dimensions considered to be important by customers for any particular service have smaller zone of tolerance than others, thus reflecting less customer willingness to relax service standards. According to Berry (1991) study, customers value reliability above all other dimensions. Reliability concerns the service outcomes hence the core of service. It is for this reason that reliability has a narrow zone of tolerance than the other four dimensions which relate more to the service process (that is how the service is delivered. It is important for service companies to manage expectations effectively by managing the service promises they make, by dependably performing the promised service, and by effectively communicating with customers if they are to deliver reliable services to their customers and succeed in ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Alienation Love is one of the most liberating connections two people can hold between each other when it is authentic and sincere. Many find completion and satisfaction when they find this ideal, true love in another. However, when love is turned into a façade in order to create the image of an perfect, fulfilling relationship, it can be alienating and destructive. In Walker Percey's essay, The Man on the Train, he claims that love is ultimately a source of alienation instead of an escape into wonderful satisfaction. This theory is exemplified in Frank Capra's It Happened One Night, a story of a woman, Ellie, on a journey to fill her void of true love and escape her feelings of alienation. only exacerbates her sense of alienation instead of ... Show more content on ... In terms of the movie, rotation takes place as Ellie finds herself falling in love with Peter. She enters the "privileged zone of possibility" (91), which is the motel room, the bus ride, and the hitchhiking. These zones identify the possibilities of love, but fail to solve the despair of everydayness. In other words this coping strategy of alienation does not succeed because Ellie will ultimately become bored. As her pursuit to find and marry King Westley draws near, Ellie almost immediately becomes uninterested in King Westley, and instead she "discovers" her love for Peter and confesses her love for him in their hotel room. This leads to Ellie leaving her groom at the altar and chasing after Peter and a new life. Once her love for Peter too becomes old, Ellie will continue this cycle of rotation. Rotation is a good diversion from alienation, for it brings excitement and newness, but only for an instant. Although the conclusion of "It Happened One Night" depicts a happy ending, it is a façade that will not last. Not only because it is an unauthentic deliverance from alienation, but also because the hope of rotation brings anguish. Percy explains this as "his alienated art of rotation instead of healing him catches him up in a spiral of despair whose only term is suicide or total self–loss" (Percy 95). Once Ellie finally achieves perfect love with Peter it will pass ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Belonging To A New Place The meaning of "belongings" is feeling comfortable and happy in a particular group of people, surroundings, situation or society. Belonging can be related to culture, language, background, hobbies, religion, occasions, national dress or some particular activity. It is a well known fact that belonging to a group can make an individual feel not only accepted, but more powerful that if they were on their own. Let us discuss the belongings in two different situations. In first situation we will discuss influence of belongings on us at a place familiar to us and then we will compare it by supposing a visit of some strange place with different culture. When we live in our own country, we remained supportive by our own culture, people with same language, religion, back ground, familiar food, sports, dresses, hobbies and even almost same occasions to calibrate. We live with our friends, neighbors, relatives and share happy and sad moments with them. We help each other and feel comfortable as we know that in the event of any unlike situation we have our belonging in shape of similar culture, norms, resources, friends to support us. Now let us discuss another situation. 3 years back, ... Show more content on ... We had no friends, no relatives, thus we were not connected to any familiar things by which we feel that it will support us in any uneven situation. However, after 2 to 3 days we became familiar with the surroundings and found some people which were also speaking same language. We made some friends, dig out some hotels, where we were served with the food which we used to have in our country, saw similar places and thus started creating our belongings. At one occasion when we heard voice of "Azaan" and found a 'mosque' to offer prayer, we felt ourselves like we are also part of their culture to some extent and started realizing that our level of comfort and familiarity with surroundings was increasing day by ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Inside Job : Rational Choice Theory Inside Job Inside job is the critically acclaimed documentary surrounding the global financial crisis in 2008. The film provides a detailed explanation of how and why the crisis took place. It demonstrates rational choices being made by individuals that caused a nearly global financial collapse. Through examination of rational choice theory and evidence from the film, it will explain how main characters of the film are rational actors. Rational choice theory was developed by Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham; both were Enlightenment philosophers. The theory states that each person or rational actor weighs the cost and benefits of their action and ultimately makes their own choices. Beccaria held a pessimistic view of human nature and ... Show more content on ... In the early 1990s derivatives were put in place, these instruments are basically speculation or betting on stock prices, bankruptcy of companies, interest rates etc. In the early 2000 they passed a law that made derivatives unregulated so the market boomed in 2001. All these laws passed were rational choices being made by individuals they realized they can make money. They were acting out of their own self–interest and no one else. Millions of Americans lost their homes in the crash due to these subprime loans that were put in place by these big banks. While the film did not have one specific main character it did have key players that made the crisis happening. The first being the lobbyist that lobbied to make this acts and laws pass. Those people made rational choices to have those laws passed that they knew they could make money off, acting in their own self–interest. The next is the major investment and banking companies for supplying subprime loans to Americans that they knew could not pay back. They choose to do this and to sell their clients bad deals in order to make a profit. One of the most rational actors is Henry (Hank) Paulson, the former CEO of Goldman & Sachs. He conveniently steps down as CEO to work for the Department of the Treasury right before the financial crisis. Paulson then became the leader in the government bailing out these major firms like the Lehman Brothers. This is ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Contact Zones In Public Schools One of the most evident disputes in current educational structures, especially within the American teaching system, is that standardization creates a uniform curriculum which hinders the liberty of thinking. Therefore, classrooms are merely instilled with homogenous thoughts, instructing in a robotic manner to equally distribute knowledge for every student. From elementary school to college, we are urged to take standardized tests to advance onto the next level based off of a definitive score that suggests qualification (Ravitch xxiii). However, this academically inhibits those who aren't strategically successful with these assessments. Those who score above the criterion must stay in line with the general standard. This "rigid curricular prescription" ... Show more content on ... This is where culturally contrasting individuals clash together in a social space, such as a college lecture hall. The university where Pratt worked at offered a course called "Cultures, Ideas, Values" which taught about the Americas and other countries histories, rallying up an assorted student body (Pratt 39). A diverse class with a culturally inclusive curriculum led to the creation of a "safe house", which are "social and intellectual spaces" for all cultures to have "shared understandings" (Pratt 40). If every school vitalized "contact zones", then Rodriguez and other students could succeed academically while having integrity for where they came from making school a "safe house". Cultural diversity promotes free–thinking since students do not lose their ethnic virtues and avoid shifting into robotic containers to fill since their environments are more inclusive towards other ideas. Open–ended discussions and dialect open a multitude of doors since education is no longer restricted towards one mindset. With this in effect, various dispositions can be embraced, thus encouraging students to foster their own sense of reality and what they constitute as the real ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Their Eyes Were Watching God Literary Analysis Their Eyes Were Watching God Every author has their own writing style and a different voice in their writing, but many female voices are more distinct from a male voice. A female author's work is often categorized as feminist literature due to certain characteristics such as utilizing a strong female protagonist. It is common of a female author to zone in on the typical female struggles. For example, women are often excluded from things that men are not. Feminist literature has strong ties with the exclusion of women from the literary canon. Their Eyes Were Watching God zones in on the struggles of an African American woman trying to find equality and power with men in her society. The men in Janie's life continuously objectify her and beat her down. However, not only do the men prevent Janie from having a voice, but the community around her. Zora Hurston ... Show more content on ... Females are more emotional and look for that romantic love so it makes it easier for a female to portray those traits to their readers. "If you didn't have de power tuh hold me and hold me tight, Ah wouldn't be callin' yuh Mis' Woods. Ah met plenty women before Ah knowed you tuh talk tuh. You'se de onliest woman in de world Ah ever even mentioned gittin married tuh" (Hurston 134). Teakcake is defying his love for Janie right before he dies. This scene in the novel pulls the reader in and makes them feel the love between the two characters. Females include that in their writing which separates them from males who are more masculine and portray different thoughts and feelings than a female would. Females use different words and describe things differently than a male. A female author is more distinctive in her writing using subtle hints towards the big idea. Women often concern themselves with processes, perceptions, and implications while men often concern themselves with actions, ideas, and ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Difference Between Alienation And Karl Marx Alienation was a subject matter of psychology until Karl marx penned it down in his writings by assosiating this phenomenon with capitalism which was a social phenomenon. He described alienation as a situation in which the creations of humanity appear to humans as alien objects. Such creations are seen as independent fro their creators and invested with the power to control them. People create their own society, but will remain alienated until they recognise themselves within their ownc reation, Until that time,humans will assign an independent existence to objects,ideas and institutions and be controlled by them. In the process, marx described,humans lose themselves, become strangers in the world they created; they become alienated. This writing ... Show more content on ... Society has witnessed a paradigm shift since the time when Marx wrote his theory of Alienation and even though Marx considered revolution as the only solution to alienation but he could not envisage the very fact that the concept of Revolution in itself would become a distant dream for workers. In today's capitalism, workers now feel alienated from revolutionary consciousness itself which is required to overcome the alienation they feel in capitalist production ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Examples Of Alienation In The Thin Red Line For instance in James Jones's novel – The Thin Red Line (1962), the inhuman and brutal acts , such as the disinterring of a Japanese corpse for fun, the extraction of their corpses' gold teeth, and the summary execution of Japanese prisoners, all of these explore the idea that each soldier suffers the emotional and physical predicament of war by himself. However, some readers will be grateful to an author who has honestly attempted to tell the truth in his own artistic way. One such person was Romain Gary who expressed his appreciation of the novel in his April 22, 1962, letter to Jones. The Thin Red Line, the line between man and beast, so easily crossed, is a realistic fable, symbolic without symbols, mythological and yet completely factual, a sort of Moby Dick without the white whale, deeply philosophical without any philosophizing whatsoever. . . . The book belongs to that vein of poetical realism which is the rarest and to me the most precious thing in the whole history of the novel–, it is ... Show more content on ... Wright has exposed the human predicaments of his individualism through his characters with their sufferings that they underwent due to their color, as well as he exposed the reality by bringing out the hidden pain of the blacks. The effects of alienation in a society can be noted through the novels of Wright such as, Black Boy and Native Son. In the novel Black Boy, Richard Wright had a constant feeling of alienation. Richard expresses his physical or emotional hunger, his disagreements with injustice, or his unwillingness to conform, he always felt this way. Racism plays a strong role in Wright's Black Boy, due to the fact that this thought was very popular in this time period. Richard struggled to liberate himself from the alienation of white people and the working system because it was strongly looked down upon by whites and ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Kemo 452b Research Paper Many scientists and space enthusiasts awaiting news about a second Earth were answered when NASA announced the results its phoenix–like telescope Kepler, had found. The exoplanet that created so much excitement has a size and age reminiscent of Earth's, and, critically, even exists in the Goldilocks zone of its Sun–like star, ensuring its neither freezing nor burning away any possibility of complex life. Size, age, and other specs of second earth Known as Kepler 452b, it's the smallest exoplanet we've discovered existing within that coveted circular area of a G2 star colloquially called the Goldilocks zone. G2 is a category of star– luminescence that our own Sun also falls under. The new planet is about 6 billion years old, has a diameter ... Show more content on ... Many officials had cute puns and quips to make about the development. But we shouldn't get too excited to leap into our planet's family's arms. DON'T JUMP THE SHARK, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T The associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate, John Grunsfeld , called Kepler 452b a "close cousin to the Earth." This is an apt description. Since the planet is rocky, like ours, yet smaller, the difference in gravity could do more harm than good. Additionally, initial studies have suggested to us that the planet has entered a rather misfortunate runaway greenhouse gas phase, similar to what happened to Venus long ago, which is why the planet is so hot and antagonistic to life. COLLECTIVE FERVER & SENTIMENTALITY But this unfortunate atmospheric development didn't stop the Chinese from getting excited, whom after hearing about the new planet flooded social media with over 44 million posts about the planet's "substantial opportunity" to host life. China's microblogging service, Sina Weibo, the hashtag #AnotherEarth exploded, with nearly 90,000 participants in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. What Is Joining ISIS? Furthermore, in predominantly Muslim countries, the rate of the population to perish from violence is less than non–Muslim countries. In other words, living in a country surrounded by Muslims, one is less likely to die in a violent act than they are in a country where Muslims are the minority. If you want to be safer, you would be better off living in Turkey surrounded by dutiful Muslims than you would in an American neighborhood surrounded by Christians. In Muslim countries the murder rate is roughly two per 100,000 people and in non–Muslim countries it is eight per 100,000 (Winsor, "Violence"). If people who study the Qur'an and follow Islam dutifully in most of the world are less likely to murder than a predominant Christian country, it ... Show more content on ... Anne Speckhard tries to understand these young women in her article Brides of ISIS. She states "young Western women are slipping out of their bedrooms, giving silent farewells, and leaving heart–rending notes to their families apologizing for their sudden disappearances." many stories of young adults disappearing to join men and women in ISIS are heard on news channels, it is becoming more frequent today. Head of FBI's counterterrorism division, Micheal Steinbach says "ISIS is more aggressively recruiting women than any other terror group has, and is luring them by painting a false narrative about what life is like in Syria, we have seen everything from a female fighter––dedicated groups of women fighters––and those who have come over to support foreign fighters by marrying them." they are masters at manipulating their victims by offering a life better than where they are. They show them that they have a purpose in life and that is to fight for Allah and build a better world dominated by Islam. The young women are showered with compliments daily and promised wealth if they were to join ISIS. This mind manipulation can make any nineteen–year–old girl fall for. There is a pattern created where the men recruiting young girls are always in their late twenties or early thirties as it is easier to target young ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. All Quiet On The Western Front Research Paper The Effects of War on a Young Person "Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die"– Herbert Hoover. The leaders who decide to start the war do not have to fight, but the people who do not want to fight, like nineteen year old Paul and his friends, are the ones who are killed and injured. In the book All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, Paul changes physically and emotionally through war. Set in Germany during World War I, Paul and his friends must do the unthinkable to survive the war and it causes them to slowly lose their identity. Paul is changed by the harsh effects of the war through his dehumanization, rapid personal growth, and alienation from the rest of the world. Paul loses his humanity ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Social Disconnection And Alienation : A Disconnected World Crystal Johnson B. Ferguson HMXP 102 19 October 2017 A Disconnected World Our society needs to be aware of social disconnection and alienation due to the increase of technological advances. How do technological advances lead to disconnection and alienation? People can feel disconnected from reality, from themselves, or from other people. Consequently, they physically alienate themselves willingly by withdrawing from a source that is a cause of pain or discomfort; such as bullying, disagreements, past relations, family or work issues. Maria Furukawa, a Georgia Tech student, states that "Advancements, particularly in handheld devices, such as smartphones, iPads, and smart–watches, have made our lives more efficient by making everything ... Show more content on ... It's a biological necessity. Dr. Louis Hawkley, a Senior Research at the University of Chicago explains that "As a social species, humans rely on a safe, secure social surround to survive and thrive. Perceptions of social isolation, or loneliness, increase vigilance for threat and heighten feelings of vulnerability while also raising the desire to reconnect. Implicit hypervigilance for social threat alters psychological processes that influence physiological functioning, diminish sleep quality, and increase morbidity and mortality." (Hawkley 2010) Therefore, this loss in connection renders people feeling powerless in their social lives outside of using their devices, which causes social anxiety to increase. Dr. Deepak Chopra elucidates "That many people feel powerless, and the social trends that drain personal power only grow stronger. Becoming powerless doesn 't happen in a single dramatic stroke, like the barbarian hordes breaking down your door and burning your house. It 's a process, and for most people, the process is so gradual that they don 't notice it. Once you start chipping away at your self–worth, it 's a short step to becoming a victim. In other words, by telling yourself that you don 't really count, you can make the suffering you endure into a kind of virtue, as all martyrs do." (Chopra 2012) Social isolation and disconnect carry over into people's home, school, and work life. There's competition for a social standard of what is ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Zone Of Proximal Development Paper 1) The Zone of Proximal Development. Please add two examples applying this concept to schooling. The Zone of Proximal Development is where the skill set taught to the child is much higher than the child's skill set. It also refers to the ability of children to master a task either on their own or with help. It describes the difficulty of a task ranging from a kid who gets it right away to someone who could not master the task without several weeks of assistance. Vygotsky felt that the child's current sociocultural environment played a strong role in how well they learned and language plays a strong role in shaping their thoughts. He also felt that the teacher should guide the student and that other students should be used as part of the teaching ... Show more content on ... Actually right now, I want to think aloud, but the fact that my husband is in the other room, means I cannot. Because of that of that, I will edit and go over this tomorrow when he is not here. I believe private speech is an important aspect of learning in all stages of development. Try to watch yourself when you are trying to solve a difficult problem and I beat you think aloud. It is not just for young children. When you are writing a paper, reading the paper aloud is the best way to proofread your paper. I also like thinking quietly since I can think faster than I can talk, so often times I will do silent thinking. 3) Vygotsky and education. How important is education and what is the primary school teacher's role? Education is very important and the primary teacher's role plays a large part in how well a child learns. She should be a guide to the students and not be a dictator. Meaning she show them how to do things in a step–by–step process so they can eventually perform these task on their own. Early education sets the stage for learning in later years and is a very important aspect of child development. 4) Do you think Piaget's theory or Vygotsky's theory would be more helpful in teaching? Explain and add several examples. Both have theories that are helpful when teaching young children new ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development & Self Efficacy &... In Vygotsky's concept, zone of proximal development he explains that it is the distance between a child's developmental level, which is determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance (Vygotsky, 1978, p174). This concept is highly used in education and in classrooms. For example, I work with a student who is eighteen years of age and has intellectual disabilities. During our morning routine he enjoys working on puzzles. He has a difficult time putting the puzzle together so I help him with clues and or prompt him to the puzzle piece that fits. He moves onto a new puzzle once I no longer have to give him clues or prompts. As I have tracked his progress he has needed less prompt than he did three months ago. The goal of this concept is that, as an adult collaborates with a child to help them move from where they are to where they should be with help by accomplishing the exercise through prompts, clues, modeling, and etc. Bandura has studied self–efficacy, which is the extent or strength of one's belief in one's own ability to complete tasks and reach goals. Self–efficacy can affect all types of behaviors like academics, social and recreational. A child might have the ability to accomplish a task, but if they do not feel like they are capable of doing so, then they may fail or may not attempt the task. For example, in a study difficult math problems were given to children with ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Catcher In The Rye Alienation No one likes being alienated, feeling alone, nor isolated from the outside world, yet so many people are. At every glance someone takes, they will always find someone with first–hand experience of feeling left out from society due to events in their life, their own cause to leave themselves out, or society alienating them. This is important to understand because there are so many people alienated without any knowledge on why it is happening to them nor how it will affect them in the long run. Even as much as people in real life have to deal with alienation so do the characters in J.D Salinger remarkably told novel, the Catcher in the Rye. The Catcher in the Rye illustrates characters with a first–hand experience of alienation and the affects ... Show more content on ... For example, when Holden was in New York, he goes from one bar to another trying to find a waiter that would give him alcoholic drinks. After being left alone at the Wicked Bar, Holden "sat at...[the] bar till around one o'clock or so getting drunk" (149). All by himself, Holden goes into a marathon of drinking until his gut forces him to leave. Being alienated, an individual will try to find ways of coping with it even if it is not the correct way. In another quote given from, "Growing Up Lonely: Examining Teen Alienation" by Linda Lyons, she recorded an experiment to see the percentages of actions taken by people who struggle with alienation. The data indicates how people who are alienated from the outside world, "25%... [of them] said they have tried marijuana, [while] 8%" who are not alienated have also tried marijuana. Furthermore, stating the fact that there is an increasing percentage in risky behavior for the people who are alienated than the ones who are not. Once alienated, the individual can become a danger to themselves causing irreversible damages, to both their mind and ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Examples Of Effective Scaffolding In order for Janice to effectively teach her granddaughter how to bake, she must use effective scaffolding by using Vygotsky's Proximal Zone of Development. The Proximal Zone of development is "the gap between a child's ability to solve a problem and [their] potential knowledge." Scaffolding is "The process of teaching new skills by entering a child's zone of development and tailoring one's efforts to that person's competence level. Since her granddaughter is only 5 years old, their motor skill abilities include printing their name, walking without holding onto the railing, and tossing a ball overhand with bent elbows. Although it may seem like a 5 year old can do a lot physically, cognitively they struggle. For example, at age 5, they understand conservation ... Show more content on ... First, "foster a secure attachment." This means building a positive and close relationship with the child. Second, "break larger cognitive challenge." This means breaking complex tasks into baby steps so that it is achievable for the child to do. Third, "give non–threatening (but clear) feedback about failure." For example, when a child does the task incorrectly, you want to correct them in a positive manner. After they complete the task incorrectly, show show them what they did wrong and then show them the correct way. This ensures that the child will learn in a positive manner. Fourth, "continue helping until the child has fully mastered the concept before moving on." This means don't move onto the next step until the child has completely and fully understand the task given. Lastly, "set a framework for the learning task and build in motivation." The last scaffolding technique talks about the teacher telling the child what the purpose and goal of this concept or activity. These five following techniques are great ways to effectively scaffold, allowing the child to fully learn/master the new task they are given (Belsky, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Importance Of Social Disconnection And Alienation Our society should be aware of social disconnection and alienation due to the increase of technological advances. How do technological advances lead to disconnection and alienation? People can feel disconnected from reality, from themselves, or from other people. They physically alienate themselves willingly by withdrawing from a source that can be a cause of pain or discomfort; such as bullying, disagreements, past relations, family or work issues. Maria Furukawa states that "Advancements, particularly in handheld devices, such as smartphones, iPads, and smart–watches, have made our lives more efficient by making everything we need accessible at the tap of a screen or a swipe to the left. Essentially, technology has taken the "hard work" of talking to someone in person, of physically reading a book and of using our minds to do some mental math and replaced it with a device. I have noticed that technology, ironically, disconnects us from living in the present moment. Even though we try our hardest to communicate what we mean over text, there is still a possibility for miscommunication or misinterpretation of what was written. If instead, a conversation was held in person, facial expressions, changes in tone, and hand gestures are some ways that miscommunication can be avoided." (Furukawa 2017) People can create a virtual world by using these devices with the increase of screen time and internet usage. They are subjected to advertisements, unrealistic standards, online bullying and constant access to negative information. In this virtual world, there are numerous sites for social networking. In this case, people do not need to physically interact with one another and can espouse any persona to their present need. Dwight G. Dean, in his article, explains that "The concept of Alienation is considered here as having three major components: Powerlessness, Normlessness, and Social Isolation." (Dean 1961) Humans by nature need interaction with other humans. It's a biological necessity. Hawkley states that "As a social species, humans rely on a safe, secure social surround to survive and thrive. Perceptions of social isolation, or loneliness, increase vigilance for threat and heighten feelings of vulnerability ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Globalization, Capitalism And The Everyday Essay Theory Theoretically this thesis engages with capitalist and neoliberal literature followed by literature on everyday narratives to be able to contextualize consequences of historical and recent developments in the Kurdistan Region (KR), addressed in literature section, and the ways people have been affected by them are connected to the aforementioned topics. In this section, I argue that through the intervention of outside institutions and governments, foreign advisors and experts, and returnees from diaspora, a new politico–economic model begins to emerge, albeit very slowly and takes force in the late 1990s and reaches it apex in the late 2000s. I work towards answering questions such as, how and why this model was implemented and who were the actors, advisors, and think tanks behind it? What are the consequences on everyday experiences for individuals and the collective? These questions will be answered by engaging with ethnographic works and theoretical literature on neoliberalism, capitalism and the everyday. To follow the historical roots of political and economic developments and trace their everyday affects vis–à–vis ethnographic narratives. To understand how in Kurdistan a small elite made up of local politicians, World Bank officials, economic advisors and class of businessmen have come to test their righteous neoliberal agenda on previously neglected, underdeveloped region. A place requiring development and modern changes, politically but most importantly, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Drone Warfare Argumentative Analysis When discussing the potentiality of "robot weapons" it is imperative to critically assess the use of drone warfare as its natural predecessor. According to a 2013 Gallup Poll, "65% support drone attacks on terrorist abroad", in the United States. Drone warfare is attractive because it claims to keep soldiers safe from on the ground dangers. However, drone pilots, on average, have much higher levels of PTSD than their counterparts in the field. Which is one of the main arguments as to why "robot weapons" should be implemented in their place. Of course, in 2015, The Intercept published The Drone Papers, which posited that only 35 of 219 people killed in drone strikes perpetuated by the US were the intended targets. There is absolutely no guarantee that automated drones would be more accurate in its killing, precisely because the identification of the target has become increasingly difficult. In Pakistan, where the United State's drone presence is largest, there are no uniforms and so the line between civilian and combatants has become almost impossible to discern. The judgement calls ... Show more content on ... The lawfulness requires the categorization of targets as enemy soldiers. That definition has been opened up to include any individual with connections to terrorist organizations. The degree of association is undefined and left to the President to decide. Article 2 (4) of the UN Charters prohibits the use of force in international relations. However, The Obama administration has asserted the right of the US, under Article 51 of the UN Charter, to pursue targets in foreign countries without that country's knowledge or consent, if that country cannot "deal effectively with the threat" as a means of self–defense. The legal discourse used by the Obama administration has been condemned by reports from both the Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International which details the US drone program's breaches of international ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Year 6009 Research Paper The year 6009 will be the very first year since 1961 that a year (when written in Hindu–arabic numerals) can be inverted, and still look the same. But you and I probably won't live long enough to enjoy the year 6009. Human lives just aren't long enough. We will miss out on that. What other cool future events will we be "missing"? Well, first of all, you and I will probably be gone before seeing the "Zeitpyramide" (time pyramid) in Wemding, Germany completed. It will eventually be a pile of 120 concrete blocks. Here's the catch. They're only adding one block every decade. Since beginning in 1993, they've added only the first three. At this rate, the pyramid will be completed in the year 3183. The final block placed by our great great great great great, more than thirty greats grandchildren. But even they will miss an opportunity to frolic and play in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The zone of alienation, where radioactive contamination from the 1986 disaster will ... Show more content on ... I'm bummed I'm probably going to miss out on these events because, for a few weeks, it'll look almost as if Earth has two Suns. Despite being hundreds, thousands of light–years away, their supernovas will shine brighter than the full moon at night and will be visible even during the day. But the REAL sky show comes in 3.75 billion years. Our galaxy is full of stars, viewed from the surface of the Earth, they look like tiny drops of milk in the sky. Which is why we call it the Milky Way Galaxy. But all galaxies are named after milk. Milk, lactose, lactic, GA–lactic, galaxies. And every drop of milk that you see in the sky, every star that you can see, is inside our galaxy the Milky Way. But there's a blurry distant shape. It's not a star, it's not a cloud of gas in our galaxy, but it is an entirely different galaxy – the Andromeda ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Disaser Management Trident University International Marvell R. Dean MHES 509 Module 1 1. How is a response to destruction from a terrorist incident different from a response to a natural disaster? Be specific, give examples, and quote from the readings. 2. You are a volunteer for the American Red Cross. You are to enter a scene of destruction in order to assist wounded victims. What are some precautions that you must take? What are some restrictions placed on you? From whom do you receive clearance? 3. First responders should isolate hazards by establishing control zones. There are three types of control zones. List them and give examples. Cite your sources. Difference Between Response to ... Show more content on ... Many Americans watching the Government response to Hurricanes Rita and Katrina as it play out in the media could not believe the finger pointing that was going on between our elected leaders as many victims struggled to get their life in order. With the National Response Framework initial responsibility remains with the local elected officials and each level of the government above that will monitor and remain ready with assistance if requested. This will allow needed resources to get where they are needed without the internal bickering of the past. The Emergency Support Function Annexes within the National Response Framework ensures multi–agency interoperability and encompasses the other components of the NRF. Red Cross Entering Scene of Destruction The Red Cross has been chartered by Congress to help people prepare for, prevent, and respond to emergencies and provide relief for survivors of disasters (NRF, 2008). As a Red Cross volunteer you should ensure you are not working against the situation. Although you are going there to assist those effected by the disaster you will need to make sure you do not become a distraction or even worse needing to be assisted yourself. Working within the system with the Incident Commander and his staff will ensure you are part of the team and not working against these efforts. Having an understanding of the policies, guidance, and processes in place will
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  • 56. Analysis Of The Book ' The Namesake ' Essay " The situation of women is that she , a free and autonomous being like all creatures , nevertheless finds herself living in a world where men compel her to assume the status of the other '' ( Beauvoir , 173 ) Jumpa Lahiri , an expatriate – Indian , although generation expatriate and yet her first novel The Namesake is about a Bengali family Ashoke and Ashima Ganguli and their family . The novel portrays realistically experiences of this family, which is sometimes afflicted with a feeling of cultural alienation, rootlessness and dislocation experienced by every expatriate at some stage or other . Eventhough she belonged to the second generation still she understood the concept of diaspora by choice and therefore replicated the " sandwich culture " a concept in her novel . The concept of diaspora has to be specifically understood as a single educated man who leaves his native country for economic gain also resulting brain drain . The novel portrays the problem of acculturation and assimilation faced by the first generation as well as second generation women. Woman in Indian English fiction is depicted as the silent sufferer and upholder of the tradition and traditional values of family and society. Born and brought up in India , Ashima too upholds Indian values, traditions and culture even in America. The first generation immigrants feel proud to their cultural past and did not like to violate their cultural past while the second generation expresses its ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Amherst Survival Center Essay The Basics The Amherst survival center is place that strives to provide multiple necessities to county of Hampshire. The center has a multitude of parts which include: food pantry, community store, health clinic, community meals, event hall, job and health care social workers, showers and laundry facility. The motto of Amherst survival center is to help anyone no questions asked. The need in the community is present and especially high in the individuals who qualify as 'homeless'. The number of volunteers are constantly shifting and the proximity of UMass Amherst keeps volunteers flowing in. The community store had about three people working every time I was volunteering. The volunteers over the semester averaged out to be about forty–five ... Show more content on ... This tension is present in the staff and in the volunteers. I can see it when the front desks yells at someone because they thought they were stealing or when someone puts out something new and the floor manager takes it away. The tension is truly brought out in the communication between staff and customers of the store. The simple act of talking to volunteers in the backroom results in a usual harsh word to person in question. There are thinly veiled biases on who should deserve what or what communication is acceptable in the center. These incidents further confirm stereotypes and negative attitudes towards individuals in our community. This misconnection results in further alienation from dignity and humanity. The void of interaction with individuals besides the other volunteers do a big part to keep a divide in the community of ASC. This of course isn't totally unavoidable because I'm there to do a job, but there certainly could be more positive community interactions in keeping with my responsibilities. Where is the agency? Divide & ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. The Spanish Girl: My Experience as an Immigrant "The Spanish girl" – that would be my name the first year in a British school when I moved from Madrid to London. This journey made me face the numerous challenges of learning English and adapting to a new culture. My days in school would be a combination of mockery and alienation, which consumed me. No one knew me, I had to recreate my personality, redefine myself; it was a chance to start over and be anyone I wanted. However, having been forced to move, I was not ready to do so and I failed to overcome the cultural–social barriers. Nevertheless, my experiences as a minority lead to my self–discovery. There are certain things in life that we take for granted, like the ability to speak, express ourselves and be heard; it is only when we do not have them that we learn to value them. It was only four years later when I realized that moving to England was the best introduction to the world that I could have had, turning my weaknesses into strengths. After my first year in a British school, I moved to an international school, in which I would stay four years. Here, a new episode of my life started as I became independent and started running my own life. I remember stepping on the big red bus for the first time going into the city with my friend. It was fascinating, from the grumpy bus driver looking at you through a cloudy glass to the people around you. My friend and I started doing the same with trains embarking on journeys, which we called 'London Adventures'. I soon ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Gaze Today's audience is one of laziness. The majority of content consumers are not programed to digest what they watch with a critical eye. While there is no real harm in this, there is room for change and experimental media has been trying to provoke that change for decades. Bertolt Brecht's theory and practice of alienation, or v–effect, has been pulling audiences out of their comfort zone for a long time through many different types of art and entertainment. Another topic of discussion is "The Gaze"; usually seen through the male's eye. Again, it is not harmful, but that is because it has been engrained in the modern audience's brain that it is okay to view woman the way entertainment says is okay. While they are two very different themes, alienation ... Show more content on ... "Mainstream cinema (and culture) reinforces how we are to 'look' at women (as objects, as passive, as without agency, unworthy of our existential attention)" (Week 8 Slides). While there is nothing wrong with admiring the female form, it does raise some questions about how easily susceptible audiences are to media. When the audience has "...come to accept the sexist tropes and codes of mainstream Hollywood cinema as natural, inevitable and beyond reproach..." (Week 8 Slides), there is a problem. "The Gaze" started early on in cinema and has continued to be practiced in films even to today, if not more so today. One film in particular that sparked controversy was Michael Powell's 1960 film "Peeping Tom". The film is about a serial killer who films his victims as they are murdered. This film ended up being banned in many places around the world and was seen as one of the worst films. A few years later, Martin Scorsese brought the movie back into the light and is now seen as one of the greatest cult films ever made. The reason behind why it shifted from being appaling to being amazing, relies on the audience. Nothing about the film has changed over the years, but the opinion of it has. How can this be? It has to do with the audience's reaction and perception of the content. In 1960, audiences brains weren't trained to fetishize woman like they are in today's modern films. The voyeuristic nature of the film ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Analysis : ' Returning After Deployment ' Klay signals to the readers that Redeployment is much more than just a normal war story book about triumph and defeats, heroism and terrorism, but is actually about the impact that war has on the soldiers fighting abroad. The book consists of dark humor, irony, sarcasm, and military jargon and captures the reader's attention emotionally. Klay has organized his stories in such a manner that they function in moving the story as a whole. He mentioned in his interview "It was important to me that the book had a structure. I wanted the stories to function together and be read in order." Returning after deployment is one of the toughest experiences that a soldier faces, Klay captures this fact in his opening story, "Redeployment", in which the narrator returns from Iraq and struggles combating against his war experiences back home. There is a sense of alienation that many soldiers feel. According to Oxford dictionary "alienation is the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one should belong or in which one should be involved." Military protocols and services are completely different from the civilian ones, it creates a communication gap between those who have and haven't served in military making veterans feel like aliens back at home. For example, the narrator in "Redeployment" says, "You try to think about home, then you're in the torture house" (Klay 9). Packer also supports this viewpoint in his article "Home fires" by writing, "No one ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Will Mclean And Tom Pearce: Alienation In The Lords Of... Alienation in Lords of Discipline In the Lords of Discipline two characters are specifically targeted to be placed outside of their comfort zones. Will McLean and Tom Pearce Will McLean is a cadet at the Carolina Military institute who finds life to be physically and emotionally brutal. Will promised his father who passed away that he would attend the Institute, but has no real interest in a military career. In the beginning Will is placed outside of his comfort zone due to his Roman Catholic faith and Irish Background, compared to all the other southern born cadets. He is not really experienced with military training but does show some athleticism and hard work in the classroom. Will has a flashback of when he experienced "hell night" during ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Reflection On Social Work Introduction I have always enjoyed reflections and discussions in online learning. I find that I do more reading and researching when I have to defend my opinions and stands on subjects. This can be seen in my postings. One theme I identified was the central focus I have developed, not only in this course, but throughout my journey in the Masters of Social Work program. This is the importance of self–reflection in my identity as a social worker and in my practice. My postings also illuminate my desire to further my knowledge base and have an ongoing quest for a greater understanding of the correlation between structural forces and individual agency through research and peer–reviewed sources to reinforce my opinions and stances. Self–reflection As recommended by Green, Gregory & Mason (2006), I believe that "developing a reflective approach to practice and access to good supervision appear to be essential ingredients in the development of this type of professional mastery" (p. 459). Green et al. (2006) recognize that professional distancing runs on a continuum and that it is the social worker that needs to be able to use their own professional judgement, along with being reflexive and using supervision as a way of ensuring that our relationship with our clients is appropriate and in their best interest. Yet, it was also necessary, as recommended by Suarez, Newman & Reed (2008), to use an "active self–reflection that interrogates what we hold to be true and pushes us beyond ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Social Disorganization In The Dark Knight Rises Social Disorganization theory is a theory that looks at deviant behavior and the community it arises in. The way people are raised and what environment they are raised in effects who they become when they are older. Factors such as poverty, industrialization, immigration, shifting social values, city population and more can all effect ones' way of thinking and their actions (Buccellato 2017). In the film "Dark Knight Rises" city of Gotham is a unique environment that definitely pushes people to do things they normally would not do had they not been in this certain environment. In the Dark Knight Rises people are left to fight for their own safety and they did not have social capital, collective efficacy, and they were not in The town of Gotham goes into hiding and protecting because of Bane. Bane has many people in the power elite who are working for him on the bad side. The people of Gotham turn to theft and lose control of their sanity because of their fear of dying. Bane made people lose their minds due to fear and uncertainty. These factors pushed them over the edge into committing crime. "Social Disorganization researchers perceived criminals and delinquents to be normal individuals whose criminal acts were stimulated by their environment" (Rafter and Brown 2011: 50). Bane put up a TV for Batman to watch his city crumble to the ground after Bane releases all the prisoners who have been kept in prison for years on end. "Regarding rates of self–reported offending, ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Will And John's Struggle To Attend The Academy Will and John's struggle to leave their comfort zone and attend the academy is similar, but how they cope with the plebe system is different! Will must immediately leave his comfort zone when asked by his dad to attend the institute. It took Will a lot of courage and bravery to carry out his dad's last dying wish. During Will's plebe year he faces a lot of challenges! Just like everybody else, Will struggles to fit into the plebe system. In only his second week at the Institute, he says "When I called my mother after the second week I wept as soon as I heard her voice. She sounded kind and gentle and I had forgotten what it was like to talk to someone who loved me. I told her that it was dreadful, that I had made a terrible mistake, that I ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Theories Of Social Disorganization Theory Social Disorganization 1 Social Disorganization and High Crime Rates Brianna Reyes CRJU 3170–01 Professor Flores November 26, 2017 Social Disorganization 2 Introduction The two theorist that developed the social disorganization theory were Clifford Shaw and Henry D. Mckay according to their book "Juvenile Delinquency in Urban Areas" they created this theory throughout research they were doing. The two theorists of the social disorganization theory were criminology researchers from the "Chicago School". Social disorganization theory is at the macro level. It looks among different communities and neighborhoods. And it studies many people in the neighborhoods not just one single individual. This theory is the most valid at the macro level because crime rates are explained better in this theory than any other. How Shaw and Mckay created ... Show more content on ... One policy implication of the theory is community project and create social organizations. Some of the ways they can do this is clean up disorder, have recreation programs for youth and increase influence over politicians. Another policy implication is gang intervention. This is where trained gang intervention workers connect with gang members to provide crisis intervention to stop future violent situations, make peace treaties between rival gangs and provide positive opportunities to gang members like occupational training, employment and drug alcohol abuse treatment. Last policy implication of the theory is crime prevention and treatment. When neighborhoods try to get all the residents living in that neighborhood to join together to improve the neighborhood and solve local ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Breakfast Club Stereotypes "Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover" In the piece, "don't judge a book by it's cover", the overall protest statement is against the stereotyping society is conditioned to instinctually do, as well as the alienation against those who do not act accordingly to their stereotype. This situation occurs during basic interactions in public, however this situation is witnessed in the prime in the selected contact zone of Barnes and Noble.This concept is not surface–leveled, the basic situation actually stems from a deeper element. The core concept of this piece is the estrangement which occurs in social interactions, targeted to those who interact within the Barnes and Noble store. This store was chosen due to the concept of it being a contact zone, ... Show more content on ... What causes these tactics to fail? The media denounces one stereotype with another, which is what occured in the Breakfast Club, as well as the majority of movies which follow suit. An example of this is: in the Breakfast Club, the "crazy" criminal ends up being very considerate, the athlete ends up being compassionate, the quiet "basket case" ends up having an outward personality, the nerd ends up not falling in love with either of the girls (which would be expected due to the "desperate" vibe "unpopular" students are always conveyed as having), and the stuck–up "princess" ends up allowing herself to view the "criminal" through a new contact ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Importance Of The Zone Of Proximal Development One of the most prevailing aspects of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory is what he named the zone of proximal development. Vygotsky defined the zone of proximal development as "[t]he area of development into which a child can be led in the course of interaction with a more competent partner, either adult or peer. [It] is not some clear–cut space that exists independently of joint activity itself. Rather, it is the difference between what the child can accomplish independently and what he or she can achieve in conjunction with another, more competent person. The zone is thus created in the course of social interaction" (Vyogtsky FIND PAGE NUMBER). SEE MIND IN SOCIETY IN LIBRARY The zone of proximal development, known as the ZPD, is the place in which a child benefits the most from exposure to an activity or task. This is because "...children's cognitive abilities increase through exposure of information that is new enough to be intriguing, but not too difficult for the child to contend with" (Feldman 228–229). Within this zone, children are able to perform some of, but not all of, the task independently. With the help of someone with more capable, they are able to complete the task. In this way, children are able to increase understanding and learn new tasks while avoiding frustration and defeat, meanwhile building confidence. Vygotsky argued that "[i]n order for cognitive development to occur, then, new information must be presented––by parents, teachers, or more skilled ... Get more on ...