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Examples Of Choice Blindness
Choice blindness shows that people are not aware of their own choices and preferences. It refers more to ways which people are blind to their own
choices and preferences and more specifically to a short– term memory that causes people to be unable to accurately remember the choices that they
made. Choices blindness is tested to show how the mind can be tricked into believing the opposite of something so much to the point where the
individual will defend themselves. It question how much we pay attention to certain things and if females pay attention more than males or vice–versa.
Imagine you're looking at two photographs, and try to decide which one of them you find more attractive. After you have made up your mind, focus
on the face that you preferred and explain to yourself why you liked that one better. Now imagine I tell you that you actually preferred the other face
after your decision, before you start to talk, I will switch the position of the pictures and make sure you're looking at the more content...
Their aim was to measure how often the subjects notice a change with their choice during and after the experiment. The experimenters presented two
photographs of female faces and after that they were asked which one they find the most attractive. After the experimenters gave them a closer look at
the photograph that they choose, they asked them to immediately explain why they chose that photo. The results turned out that most of the subjects
failed to notice that the picture they were looking at was not their original choice and the explanation of their choice was: "I prefer this one because I
prefer blonde" when his original choice was not a blonde but a brunette. Most people would have notice that change but the results shows that 75% of
the trials were blind to the
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Essay about Making Good Choices.
Making Good Choices
By: Keria Owens
Making choices can affect any and everything in your life whether it's dealing with your family or just everyday situations. Everyone in life is
faced with good and bad choices that can either have a good outcome on your life or it can make a turn for the worst. Yes, everyone wants to make
good choices in life. But does that always happen? Nine times out of ten know. Recently, I made a bad choice that affected my life in numerous
ways for instance when I got caught shoplifting my parents looked down on me as if I was this thief. I'm very embarrassed of my actions but there's
nothing I can do to erase it I can only make this a learning experience and make better choices next time around. As more content...
Often times it can be difficult if not impossible to make what you think at that moment will be the right choice. One of the biggest factors that will
hold people back is that to too often than not we are not completely clear on what type of result or outcome we want from a situation. Think about it,
if you don't really know what kind of result you want it is going to be pretty hard to know what choice is going to be the right one. So what do you
do? You get a clear understanding, before you make any choice. Think about its effects in the longterm, and short term. Knowing exactly what you
want is very powerful. We have all heard the golden rule; do onto others as you would have them do onto you. This is probably one of the most
important ideas to keep in mind when making good choices. When we are young a lot of us develop this me, me, me, attitude. We want all the
toys, and we don't want to share. Now this mentality may get us a lot of toys, but it defiantly doesn't help you make friends. In this day and age a
large part of personal success is based on working with others to achieve our goals. If we can help others get what they want, it will be much easier
and they will be much more willing to help us get what we want. So when making any choice it is always ideal to think about how can I
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Essay Fate or Choice
Destiny is no matter of chance. It's a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved," quoted by William Jennings
Bryan. One of the most debated questions in history is whether our lives are ruled by fate or by own choice. William Shakespeare brings this
question into play in his production Romeo and Juliet. Although fate does seam to be ruling over every situation, I believe that choice has more to do
with this story then it's really credited to. Even in the opening lines, this play drills into your head the inevitable outcome of the two lover's deaths.
When the chorus uses the phrase Star crossed lovers (I, 1,6) it clearly shows William Shakespeare's thoughts on what killed Romeo and Juliet. This more content...
He says that Fortune tricked him into killing Tybalt. Romeo could have also stayed in Verona and faced the consequences of his actions instead of
fleeing to Mantua. Lastly, when Romeo found out of "Juliet's death" if he would of took some time to pray, or even thought of what he was going
to do before resorting to suicide, he would have been in the tomb on time for the Friar to arrive and explain everything. I would have strongly
suggested to Romeo to slow everything sown. If he would have taken some time just to stop and reflect many terrible things wouldn't of happened.
     Likewise Juliet also made some irrational decisions. It was fate when Juliet was outside thinking on her
balcony, and Romeo happened to be strolling outside also. One example of her irrational decisions was when Romeo was wooing her, she could
have resisted, but she didn't. And on the balcony scene, Juliet constantly questioned his love for her, and rushed him into marriage, by saying things
like, "If thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow," (II, ii, 143& 144). And when Romeo sends for her to marry him, she didn't have to
shown up, yet she chose to. Later on, when she was engaged to Paris she could have been honest with her parents and told them about Romeo. They
might not have liked it, but at least then, her and Romeo would be alive. Juliet could have also of made the choice of going to
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Choices In The Life Of Matilda By Margaret Atwood
Individual choices change from time to time, but certain choices change the individual life and everything around it. In this book the characters
make choices that will change their lives forever. One of the important choices in the book is Matilda's choice to leave the island. Also, Mr. Watts'
choice to leave the white world and live on an island with his black wife (Grace), where he is the only white person, his choice is an important
choice that changes many people lives including Matilda's. Matilda is a thirteen years old girl who lives with her mother (Dolores) after her father
left to work in Australia in Townsville. She makes a choice in the end of the book that changes her life forever. After her mothers and Mr. Watts' death more content...
He left his wife and married Grace and decides to leave his home and come to an island where he is the only white person. "For the young kids the
sight consisted only of a white man towing a black woman."(P.2)Said Lloyd Jones in the beginning of the book describing how the black kids
looking at Mr. Watts. His choice was a result from his knowledge, from reading books. When he fell in love with Grace he did not care what color
her skin is, or what language she speaks. That was his choice to be with a black woman and live with her around her people. Likewise, Pop eye
told the redskins that he was Pip, which made everyone on the island surprise. He chooses to be Pip to save the rest of the people on the island.
The redskins killed Mr. Watts because he claimed to be Pip and none of the redskins knew that e was lying to them. But after Pop eye's death the
person who had problems with him stood up for him. Even though he was already dead, Dolores, Matilda's mother said "Sir, I saw your men chop
up the white man. He was a good man. I am here as God's witness."(P.205)Her braveness caused her life. Matilda's choice demonstrates her values and
it impacts the community around her. She knew that she had to survive for her father. Her choice showed the rest of the people on the island that she
did not give up, and give them hope not to forget who they are. Also, not to forget that they're human being who have the same rights as the
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Pro-Life Essay examples
English I
Abortion, when the topic comes up, it is usually something people do not like to discuss. People may tend to avoid this issue for fear of offending or
angering others but it is extremely important that the horrors of this brutal practice be addressed. During the years 1965–1996 over 515 million babies
have been murdered, this is if you add the number of chemical and surgical abortions ( This is what we need to understand:
abortion kills and we need to know where it came from.
The legalization of abortion started in Mississippi in the year 1966; it was used in the cases of rape. Then other states began to expand the use of
abortion. For instance, if it was the case of rape, more content...
One way is called Partial Birth Abortion (D&X); it can kill babies up to thirty–two weeks old. The abortionist (murderer in this case) removes all
of the baby from the mother except for the head, he then jab a pair of scissors in the back of the babies skull and then he uses a suction hose to suck out
the babies brain. Then he uses forceps to crush the babies' skull and pull the rest of the babies' body out. Salt poisoning is also used, where salt is
injected and the bay dies of convulsions due to salt poisoning ( If they can say this is not murder, then what is?
Abortion is not painless for the mother either. Over ninety–seven percent of women have reported feeling pain it is often described as intense, severe,
or very severe. Abortion is also not without side effects. Complications such as bleeding, hemorrhaging, menstrual disturbances or inflammation of the
reproductive organs. Sometimes abortion can cause damage to the uterus and make the woman infertile for the rest of her life. (Abortion some
medical facts pamphlet.) Also if you are a women and have had an abortion you increase your chances of having breast cancer by fifty percent.
Abortion has no good results in for the mother or the poor murdered baby. In the end it will always cause physical and emotional pain.
What do religious beliefs have to do with abortion? They have everything to do with
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Chapter 3 Philosophical Viewpoints
The question that the textbook poses at the very beginning of chapter four is, "Are you Free" (Chaffee, 2013, p. 172)? Most people would look at
this question as pretty cut and dry and would answer a resounding yes. Philosophically speaking, it is not that easy of an answer. You have to be
willing to look at the question with an open mind, and ask yourself if the choices you make are truly free or if they are governed by forces outside
of your control. In the following paper I intend to compare and contrast the three major philosophical viewpoints regarding this question, and come to
a conclusion on which I find to be the right answer. I believe the best way to do this is to first lay out the beliefs of each viewpoint. Once I have done more content...
176). The determinists believe that people are molded by outside forces such as human nature, their environment, psychological forces, and social
dynamics (Chaffee, 2013, p. 173). Human nature refers to the inborn nature that every person is genetically hardwired with. In other words we
can't have free choice because we cannot alter our fundamental character (Chaffee, 2013, p.173) Being a product of our environment is saying that
we make choices based off of life experience. An example would be a person who grew up in an environment where he was taught to give to
charity as opposed to someone who was raised in the projects and commits an armed robbery to provide for himself. According to determinists in
either case the person isn't responsible for their actions because they didn't choose their environment and were molded by forces beyond their
control (Chaffee, 2013 p. 173). Psychological forces refer to the deep psychological impulses that govern our choices and they are formed by
people's earliest relationships and experiences. Based on this point of view, people may think they are in control but in reality are being controlled
by unseen psychological forces. An example would be if you were a habitual liar it really isn't your fault because you are compelled to lie by
psychological forces over which you had no control (Chaffee, 2013, p.173). Determinists also believe that we make choices
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Persuasive Essay On Choices In Life
I believe that everyone in this life has choices. The choices we make define who we are as people and what we stand for. Choosing one path over
another may be the best or worst decision you could ever make. However, once you have chosen, stick to your decision because you made that choice
for a reason. Even if it is to have lunch at a certain restaurant over another, or a bigger decision like choosing your major. Something in your life helped
you make that decision, and the worst thing you can do is live your life with the regret of a choice. If your decision ends up badly, simply make another
choice. Choose a new path. In the words of my oh so wise History teacher, "Never second guess yourself because that's worse than making the
wrong choice in the end." One of the best examples that comes to mind is a story I heard a few weeks ago, based on a real event. In 1979, a man
named Lee Strobel and his family went to a restaurant one evening and he gave his 7 year old daughter a nickel to get a gumball from the machine
and a few moments later, she came back to the table choking on the gum. They didn't know what to do and if they waited for an ambulance they
feared it would be too late. All of a sudden, a woman came up and said that she is a nurse and can help. The woman, after getting the gumball out of
the little girl, told her parents that her and her husband were headed to another restaurant when all of a sudden she made a last minute choice to go
here. Because of her choice, a little girl's life was saved. Hearing stories such as this one, reminds me of all of the choices I have made, and how they
have affected me.
When I was 6, my family up and moved to a new school called Knox County. I loved it there for I had so many friends and nothing bad ever
happened. Then at the end of 5th grade, my dad got a new job so we moved schools again. This time I was 11 and starting middle school at a small
school called Pilot Grove, and I've been here ever since. There are times I catch myself wondering what would've happened if we had stayed in Knox
or the first town I ever lived in, Philadelphia (no not the one in Pennsylvania). Sometimes I even believe that things would be a lot better if we had
stayed there. There are
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My Career Choice Essay
I have not fully decided on a career choice, but if you ask me I would pick nursing. I would choose nursing because of the many self rewarding
tasks you can achieve while being a nurse. For example helping and tending to an elderly who has no strength to complete tasks anymore because
of old age. Nursing is such a great career choice, I can see myself doing well within the career and also being financially stable because of good pay.
Also another detail I noticed in being a nurse is how flexible your schedule can be. I believe that this career, nursing, would be something I would
enjoy and be comfortable with. I can also see it bringing me happiness in ways that I can help families who have a loved one or friends who are
need of urgent care. Without nurses there would not be that certain individual to help another human being out at their toughest times. After
graduating from high school there is a range of nursing careers I can try to pursue. Getting an education to achieve a bachelors in nursing is a very
long process. Achieving a diploma or an associates degree would be about two years in a community college or any vocational nursing schools.
Getting an associates degree would be the quickest way possible, but the job offerings are way less. You can decide to go further than an associate's
degree which is the License Practical Nurse (LPN) or Registered Nurse (RN). An LPN student can pursue forward to become an RN later on.
Registered nurse programs usually go more in
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What Is My Choices In Life Essay
My choices in life were made by myself, and I believe that we can make our own decisions. The reason why I think like that is that I was taught the
way, and it is also thanks to my family who encourage me to make my own decisions. Thus, I am so grateful to my family for all of its support and
for teaching me to believe in myself. Additionally, I have to express my love for my teacher ofhigh school. She was so nice to my whole class indeed
she always encouraged us to make our own choice in everything. Also, I believe it is most important in life is to always try to follow your intuitions
and everything is going to be fine. So, when I am going to face a decision, I always say to myself; I have to do it no one can make a decision for me,
and even if I am going to deviate from the right path, I will never stray from what my heart has decided.
Since I was a little girl, I had the dream of working in a bank, but more content...
One thing that really came true was the fact of being able to be in a university. This fills me with a lot of joy and hope because the key to success is
having an education. In addition, this activity made me notice and affirmed that what one proposes in life can be achieved and that you can achieve
your goals and dreams. You just have to have a lot of determination, courage, and hope. Also, when I was doing my new Career lifeline, I was very
happy because it brought me good memories of my time in high school where I had a great time and what surprised me most was that many things I
thought about doing, then were fulfilled, but also There are others that I could not fulfill, but I hope someday to be able to achieve all my objectives
and give my
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Why Is It Important To Make Your Own Choices
How Important Making My Own Choices Are
How important is it to you in your own life to be able to make your own choices?
It is very important to me that I can make my own choices. To some people it is not very important, and they simply do not care. I think they should
care, and they should have an opinion on something. An example would be what they wear, they should pick what they want and not have someone
else do it for them. As I have gotten older my choices have gotten bigger. Somechoice difference is being able to stay after school, what I wear, and
being able to wear makeup/nail polish. Those choices mean the most to me. I have my own style and preference, and I get to express that through what
I wear. The freedom of choosing what
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True Love Is A Choice Essay
What is true love? True love to me is not just a feeling or an emotion, but it is a choice. It is a choice that you and your partner commit to everyday,
and are willing to sacrifice and go above and beyond for one another no matter what the circumstance is. As stated by Seth Adam Smith, in "Real Love
Is a Choice", he too believes that real love is not just a "euphoric, spontaneous feeling–it is a deliberate choice–a plan to love each other for better and
worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health". For instance, this is an example of my parents' relationship of February, 2003; through the four
years of their relationship, they had successfully gone through it without any struggles or obstacles, but as they were approaching more
I was steadily put into the hospital daycare at three years old while Toysha would be visiting my father, but at times he would end up being too sick
for me to come visit, so my mother would take me to my grandmothers and she would have to take care of me. Eventually, Christopher's cancer
started to metastasize, and together my mother and father decided to make the decision to have me go live with my grandmother for the better.
Christopher did not want me to be around to see him in that condition and my mother thought I would have a better way of living if I was not with
them. The love that they had for each other allowed them to make rational decisions and sacrifices for the better of my life and
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Persuasive Speech On Choices In Life
After being born, you became a person with choices. This was inevitable, and now you have to make them. You are free to make them. After a few
years, you start ascribing certain meanings to certain sounds. With this new language, you are able to describe yourself at two years old. Because
you are two years old, there are many things you don't understand. One night, your mother feeds the cat before she feeds you. This upsets you.
Why would she do that? Surely, you're more important to her than the cat is. She didn't like that. She asks you why you're upset. You don't have the
words to answer her, but you knew the reason. Several years later, you're seven and she asks you why you're upset. This time it's because you've
gotten bored and haven't thrown your food across the kitchen in a while. You're fifteen now, and it's time to make some big choices. But you decide
not to decide just yet. You've made all sorts of choices in the past and who knows what you'll do in the future. The most important thing to you is
authenticity, to give each of your choices meaning and to make them freely. One day, your science teacher asks you to stay after class to 'have a chat'
with them. You watch your classmates stream out the door until you're standing alone. Your teacher clears their throat. "I've been going over some of
your test scores–" You feel your throat tighten. You can't breathe. "
–and you are consistently at the top. Have you considered testing up a grade? You'd
be able to graduate
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Healthy Lifestyle Choices
We all have some choices to make in our everyday lives. Our decisions have an impact on our well–being and overall health. We, as individuals, have
to make sure we are making the right ones.
Choice # 1: To be physically active
To stay physically active during the summer, I went to the gym around two times a week, I swam whenever I got the chance, and I played different
sports at the park like soccer, tennis and basketball. Ever since school started, the amount of physical activity and exercise I get has considerably
dropped. In fact, the only exercise I get is at the gym twice a week and on my Friday after noon gym classes! That amounts to about 210 minutes of
physical activity a week. The reason for such minimal exercise is that more content...
'' Get moving! Regular physical exercise is good for your whole body and especially your lungs. Exercise makes your lungs stronger and better at
giving your body the oxygen it needs. It also helps to boost your body fight germs that could make you sick.'' Choice # 5: To consume alcohol in
moderation I drink alcohol more or less twice a month, maybe more during the holiday season and the summer. Some of my consumptions are enough
to loosen me up while others are far from it. My consumptions usually are moderate except for some rare occasions. On the B.R.A.D site under
''Facts'', there is a list of health consequences related to alcohol consumption. Here are two examples: ''1. Moderate use (2–3 drinks) can also result in
depleted aerobic capacity and negative impact on endurance for up to 48 hours after the last drink has been consumed. 2. A daily glass of wine
will add 10 pounds per year '' The site also has tips on how to control your blood alcohol concentration. These tips include allowing time between
drinks and avoiding alcohol consumption on an empty stomach. Choice # 6: To ensure your personal safety I do not wear a helmet while
rollerblading, cycling, or skateboarding mainly because I do not own one and because I feel like I look like a child when I wear a helmet. On another
note, while on the Internet, I barely ever give out personal information unless it's for purchases
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College Admissions Essay: A Critical Choice
A Critical Choice
Everyone has to make choices in their life. Some are everyday choices, like what to eat or drink. Others are more critical, like choosing a job.
Important decisions take time to comprehend. Like with me, the decision to go to college was the most critical choice in my life and for my future,
and I will never regret it. Going to college is important because it helps me find a job, it expands my knowledge, and it is a wonderful experience.
A reason why I chose to go to college was to find a good job. People who do not go to college end up with a job they do not like. With college, I can
choose the field of work I enjoy, unlike being forced to work in a field of work just to make ends meet. For example, my field of study is an
electronic engineer. Without college, I cannot achieve that goal. Therefore, I would have to sell myself more content...
Going to college is the best place to learn more through life experiences, and class. If I never enrolled in college, I would not have as much
knowledge as I do now. I have learned so much from each of my subjects. The best example is my welding class. Coming into the semester, I have
never touched a welder in my entire life. I was so nervous to strike an arc, or pull the trigger on a MIG gun. Because of my learning experiences, I
can make perfect welds now with stick, and MIG. Another example is Dr. Ben Carson. I have never seen anyone coming out ofhigh school as brilliant
as he is. Dr. Carson did not get his knowledge coming out of high school. Because of his college education, he can perform open–heart surgery, and run
for president at the same
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The Power of Choice Essay
"Use wisely your power of choice" laws of life essay.
Choices are the decisions we make in life, some are good and others are bad. People make choices every second of everyday. The choices we make
will always have an outcome, whether or not it is a positive or negative one. People have the choice of whom they accept as normal through
comparisons of what they look like and also by their own behaviors. People who act and look like each other and with similar values are more likely
to accept individuals of the same kind. Whether it is the difference between race, religion, or even political views, to tell an individual to accept
everyone for their differences is only impossible.
We make over 100 choices daily and we don't even more content...
For many kids their role models are a favorite singer, athlete, or their parents. Based on what their role model would do, they would think it is right
to do also. As years pass, kids may change who their role models are but at the same time, they can keep the same one, they may just have a better
understanding of what to do. Sometimes the views of their role model is that, if he or she can do it, it will be okay for them to do it also. But this is
very untrue. If their role model is and alcoholic , then the person may get the impression that it is okay and that they can too, but they cannot if they
are not of age.
Life is said to be a basic human right, whereas death is a natural occurrence. The only things that is different between a living human being and a dead
one are prior events. One can choose a path that keeps one's self alive one extra day, whereas another can choose a path that leads to one's death.
Choices for a Day, Consequences for a Lifetime
Many believe that we are born innocent and pure, and from day one we choose how our life is to be dictated. Others may believe that we are evil and
are not capable of a life without sin. Another thought may be that we are born with an unbiased arrangement or a clean state and we are affected and
influenced by the world around us. However, whatever the case may be, the choices we make dictate the lives we lead but yet the lives we lead dictate
our choices. Our environment and the
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Life Is But A Choice Essay
Life Is But A Choice
Beginning with the time of birth until the time of death, people have to make choices everyday on how to achieve the goals in their lives. One can
imagine life as a long winding road with millions of other roads branching off in many directions. The only problem is that life is too short to explore
every single road. In addition, the essence of time will not allow anyone to go back to a road that was passed. Everyone must choose his/her own roads
through life regardless of what other people might think. Robert Frost wrote in The Road Not
Taken, " I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference
"(Frost 423). By managing ones time efficiently and making clear rational
choices, more content...
Everyone is different and that is what makes our world so interesting.
Another important choice in life is having a healthy body. The key to achieving a healthy body is diet, exercise, and rest. In the world today, doctors
are constantly reminding us to watch our body fat, cholesterol, and nutritional intake. In addition, eating a well balance diet can greatly reduce risk of
disease and live longer lives.. Also, doctors tell us that smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages can be extremely harmful to our health.
Making a choice to exercise is very important also. Doctors tell us that exercising at least thirty minutes a day will reduce the risk of a stroke and
heart disease. Not to mention, exercising is a great way to cope with the stress of everyday life. The most important way to stay healthy is to get
plenty of rest. The body needs a break to the mind and replenish cells in the body so the body can function properly. Without rest, one is more likely
to make mistakes and even have a higher level of stress.
One more important choice in life is spirituality. Everyone has to question what is this world we live in, why are we here on earth, is there life
elsewhere, and is there a god. These questions have been around since man began walking the earth. Over the centuries since the bible was written,
many different schools of thought have been
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Free Will: Should We Have A Choice?
Free will, the capability to choose, act, or think individually, exists in all human beings; whether one would like to acknowledge it or not. The idea
of having a choice in one's own life is empowering; whereas the feeling or thought of not having a say one's life is just as demeaning. But, this
belittling feeling people impose on themselves is voluntary. We all do have a choice, whether we believe it's there or not. Those who oppose the
idea of free will argue that every choice we, as an individual in a society, make is influenced or swayed by someone or something else. I personally
strongly disagree with this statement. I feel that I have either the option to accept and abide by the influence, or I have the option to ignore the influence. more content...
From birth, there are no roles we must fulfill, or goals we must accomplish. But instead, there are thousands and thousands of crossroads we must
face, and at each crossroad we must make a decision. Thousands of individual decisions shape our future in various ways. Whether the choice was
the right one or wrong one doesn't matter. Whether we thought we were following our path doesn't matter. Whether that choice was influenced
doesn't matter. The choice remains, and the choice is all that exists. Far too often, our society uses the idea of a predestined journey or the saying,
"everything happens for a reason," as an excuse for pain, guilt, or hardship. No doubly, adversity can strengthen a person's soul, but adversity is
not always on our path. We can choose to have adversity and in the times we don't choose adversity; we either run from it or run through it. This
choice keeps us going. This choice, however manipulated it may be, is a choice for our own minds and our own bodies. If this predestined journey
exists. And our lives are all pieces in someone's game. Who is that someone? Who crafts our journey? Overall, even if one complies to external
influences; the choice to comply is still there. Although, several may disagree with my beliefs on free will, I believe in the choice. I believe that I am
in control of my life, and that I can change it however I want to. The choice always
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Making Good Choices Essay examples
Making Good Choices My name is Jimmy Doan and I am writing this paper on making good choices. My choices have put me in many bad
predicaments and this one is by far my biggest lesson that I had to learn. I am a very smart young man sometimes I just let certain things get the
best of my personality. Making good choices is about thinking about the things that you are about to do before you do it. I was smoking weed and
not thinking about how it would affect me or the people around me. I was only thinking of myself until I got in trouble. I am not a bad young man at
the moment I was just making bad choices. I would like to start making better choices like doing better in school and in my job. I would like to one day more content...
We will always stand up for the one that we admire, sometimes even if we know that everyone else is right and that you're wrong. Sometimes our
views of our role model are that, well if he/she can do it, so can I and it'll be okay, but that is very untrue. If your role model happens to drink alcohol
more than usual, then we may get the impression that we can too, but we cannot if we are not of age. There are many choices in one's life that deem
him incorrigible to society. These choices made can either build character or demean and debase ones existential and platonic being. The choices made
however go hand in hand with the deprecations and consequences in which they must reluctantly succumb toChoice is the mental process that is
involved with judgement. It combines the components of thinking, understanding, and ultimately decision. Some choices can deam one Consequences
are reprecautions to actions that are percieved sinster, officious, or even condescending. One may try to elude their sentencing for as long as possible
but to no avail, because the true macrocosm or world around us thrives on the belief that the justice system works. Dick and Perry's consequence of
action was do to their thoughtless impunity towards the law. Although not thoughtless, the
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Making Choices Research Paper
Making choices and decisions is a part of life. Simply put, the way life unfolds, with its twists and turns, starts and stops, requires us to make choices
and decisions every step of the way. Choices may seem very small in reality time, but they can be huge when it comes to the outcome of your future.
In my life, I have had to make many important choices. Without some of these crucial choices, I may or may not have been typing this letter. One of
these very important choices is where I decided to attend my high school education. Choosing where you attend high school is very important because
wherever you go, you must trust that the institution will prepare you for college as well as life. Some of the circumstances that influence my choice to
go to go to Villa Angela– St. Joseph High school was my family, my location, and the foundation and reputation of the school. My family helped me
through more content...
The first choice that will help me be a successful person has to do with spiritual life. I think that I need to build a better relationship with God and
trust his reasoning for all things. Along with this, I must choose to understand that his reasoning is much greater than mine. Decisions in academics
are also very important as well. Academically, to be successful, one big choice I will have to pick is what Iwant to do in college for my major. College
is the beginning stages of being an adult, and what major you set up in is going to prepare you to get a job in that field years after college. Last but
not least, personally, a choice I need to make to succeed is to make sure that I always have faith in myself and in my capabilities. In life, there are not
many things or people that you can truly count on. But if you have internal belief in yourself at all times, that will take you very far. I believe these
important choices will get me on the right foot on the path to more
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Examples Of Choice Blindness

  • 1. Examples Of Choice Blindness Choice blindness shows that people are not aware of their own choices and preferences. It refers more to ways which people are blind to their own choices and preferences and more specifically to a short– term memory that causes people to be unable to accurately remember the choices that they made. Choices blindness is tested to show how the mind can be tricked into believing the opposite of something so much to the point where the individual will defend themselves. It question how much we pay attention to certain things and if females pay attention more than males or vice–versa. Imagine you're looking at two photographs, and try to decide which one of them you find more attractive. After you have made up your mind, focus on the face that you preferred and explain to yourself why you liked that one better. Now imagine I tell you that you actually preferred the other face after your decision, before you start to talk, I will switch the position of the pictures and make sure you're looking at the more content... Their aim was to measure how often the subjects notice a change with their choice during and after the experiment. The experimenters presented two photographs of female faces and after that they were asked which one they find the most attractive. After the experimenters gave them a closer look at the photograph that they choose, they asked them to immediately explain why they chose that photo. The results turned out that most of the subjects failed to notice that the picture they were looking at was not their original choice and the explanation of their choice was: "I prefer this one because I prefer blonde" when his original choice was not a blonde but a brunette. Most people would have notice that change but the results shows that 75% of the trials were blind to the Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Making Good Choices. Making Good Choices By: Keria Owens Making choices can affect any and everything in your life whether it's dealing with your family or just everyday situations. Everyone in life is faced with good and bad choices that can either have a good outcome on your life or it can make a turn for the worst. Yes, everyone wants to make good choices in life. But does that always happen? Nine times out of ten know. Recently, I made a bad choice that affected my life in numerous ways for instance when I got caught shoplifting my parents looked down on me as if I was this thief. I'm very embarrassed of my actions but there's nothing I can do to erase it I can only make this a learning experience and make better choices next time around. As more content... Often times it can be difficult if not impossible to make what you think at that moment will be the right choice. One of the biggest factors that will hold people back is that to too often than not we are not completely clear on what type of result or outcome we want from a situation. Think about it, if you don't really know what kind of result you want it is going to be pretty hard to know what choice is going to be the right one. So what do you do? You get a clear understanding, before you make any choice. Think about its effects in the longterm, and short term. Knowing exactly what you want is very powerful. We have all heard the golden rule; do onto others as you would have them do onto you. This is probably one of the most important ideas to keep in mind when making good choices. When we are young a lot of us develop this me, me, me, attitude. We want all the toys, and we don't want to share. Now this mentality may get us a lot of toys, but it defiantly doesn't help you make friends. In this day and age a large part of personal success is based on working with others to achieve our goals. If we can help others get what they want, it will be much easier and they will be much more willing to help us get what we want. So when making any choice it is always ideal to think about how can I Get more content on
  • 3. Essay Fate or Choice Destiny is no matter of chance. It's a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved," quoted by William Jennings Bryan. One of the most debated questions in history is whether our lives are ruled by fate or by own choice. William Shakespeare brings this question into play in his production Romeo and Juliet. Although fate does seam to be ruling over every situation, I believe that choice has more to do with this story then it's really credited to. Even in the opening lines, this play drills into your head the inevitable outcome of the two lover's deaths. When the chorus uses the phrase Star crossed lovers (I, 1,6) it clearly shows William Shakespeare's thoughts on what killed Romeo and Juliet. This more content... He says that Fortune tricked him into killing Tybalt. Romeo could have also stayed in Verona and faced the consequences of his actions instead of fleeing to Mantua. Lastly, when Romeo found out of "Juliet's death" if he would of took some time to pray, or even thought of what he was going to do before resorting to suicide, he would have been in the tomb on time for the Friar to arrive and explain everything. I would have strongly suggested to Romeo to slow everything sown. If he would have taken some time just to stop and reflect many terrible things wouldn't of happened.      Likewise Juliet also made some irrational decisions. It was fate when Juliet was outside thinking on her balcony, and Romeo happened to be strolling outside also. One example of her irrational decisions was when Romeo was wooing her, she could have resisted, but she didn't. And on the balcony scene, Juliet constantly questioned his love for her, and rushed him into marriage, by saying things like, "If thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow," (II, ii, 143& 144). And when Romeo sends for her to marry him, she didn't have to shown up, yet she chose to. Later on, when she was engaged to Paris she could have been honest with her parents and told them about Romeo. They might not have liked it, but at least then, her and Romeo would be alive. Juliet could have also of made the choice of going to Get more content on
  • 4. Choices In The Life Of Matilda By Margaret Atwood Individual choices change from time to time, but certain choices change the individual life and everything around it. In this book the characters make choices that will change their lives forever. One of the important choices in the book is Matilda's choice to leave the island. Also, Mr. Watts' choice to leave the white world and live on an island with his black wife (Grace), where he is the only white person, his choice is an important choice that changes many people lives including Matilda's. Matilda is a thirteen years old girl who lives with her mother (Dolores) after her father left to work in Australia in Townsville. She makes a choice in the end of the book that changes her life forever. After her mothers and Mr. Watts' death more content... He left his wife and married Grace and decides to leave his home and come to an island where he is the only white person. "For the young kids the sight consisted only of a white man towing a black woman."(P.2)Said Lloyd Jones in the beginning of the book describing how the black kids looking at Mr. Watts. His choice was a result from his knowledge, from reading books. When he fell in love with Grace he did not care what color her skin is, or what language she speaks. That was his choice to be with a black woman and live with her around her people. Likewise, Pop eye told the redskins that he was Pip, which made everyone on the island surprise. He chooses to be Pip to save the rest of the people on the island. The redskins killed Mr. Watts because he claimed to be Pip and none of the redskins knew that e was lying to them. But after Pop eye's death the person who had problems with him stood up for him. Even though he was already dead, Dolores, Matilda's mother said "Sir, I saw your men chop up the white man. He was a good man. I am here as God's witness."(P.205)Her braveness caused her life. Matilda's choice demonstrates her values and it impacts the community around her. She knew that she had to survive for her father. Her choice showed the rest of the people on the island that she did not give up, and give them hope not to forget who they are. Also, not to forget that they're human being who have the same rights as the Get more content on
  • 5. Pro-Life Essay examples Pro–Life English I 1 Abortion, when the topic comes up, it is usually something people do not like to discuss. People may tend to avoid this issue for fear of offending or angering others but it is extremely important that the horrors of this brutal practice be addressed. During the years 1965–1996 over 515 million babies have been murdered, this is if you add the number of chemical and surgical abortions ( This is what we need to understand: abortion kills and we need to know where it came from. The legalization of abortion started in Mississippi in the year 1966; it was used in the cases of rape. Then other states began to expand the use of abortion. For instance, if it was the case of rape, more content... One way is called Partial Birth Abortion (D&X); it can kill babies up to thirty–two weeks old. The abortionist (murderer in this case) removes all of the baby from the mother except for the head, he then jab a pair of scissors in the back of the babies skull and then he uses a suction hose to suck out the babies brain. Then he uses forceps to crush the babies' skull and pull the rest of the babies' body out. Salt poisoning is also used, where salt is injected and the bay dies of convulsions due to salt poisoning ( If they can say this is not murder, then what is? Abortion is not painless for the mother either. Over ninety–seven percent of women have reported feeling pain it is often described as intense, severe, or very severe. Abortion is also not without side effects. Complications such as bleeding, hemorrhaging, menstrual disturbances or inflammation of the reproductive organs. Sometimes abortion can cause damage to the uterus and make the woman infertile for the rest of her life. (Abortion some medical facts pamphlet.) Also if you are a women and have had an abortion you increase your chances of having breast cancer by fifty percent. Abortion has no good results in for the mother or the poor murdered baby. In the end it will always cause physical and emotional pain. What do religious beliefs have to do with abortion? They have everything to do with
  • 6. Get more content on
  • 7. Chapter 3 Philosophical Viewpoints The question that the textbook poses at the very beginning of chapter four is, "Are you Free" (Chaffee, 2013, p. 172)? Most people would look at this question as pretty cut and dry and would answer a resounding yes. Philosophically speaking, it is not that easy of an answer. You have to be willing to look at the question with an open mind, and ask yourself if the choices you make are truly free or if they are governed by forces outside of your control. In the following paper I intend to compare and contrast the three major philosophical viewpoints regarding this question, and come to a conclusion on which I find to be the right answer. I believe the best way to do this is to first lay out the beliefs of each viewpoint. Once I have done more content... 176). The determinists believe that people are molded by outside forces such as human nature, their environment, psychological forces, and social dynamics (Chaffee, 2013, p. 173). Human nature refers to the inborn nature that every person is genetically hardwired with. In other words we can't have free choice because we cannot alter our fundamental character (Chaffee, 2013, p.173) Being a product of our environment is saying that we make choices based off of life experience. An example would be a person who grew up in an environment where he was taught to give to charity as opposed to someone who was raised in the projects and commits an armed robbery to provide for himself. According to determinists in either case the person isn't responsible for their actions because they didn't choose their environment and were molded by forces beyond their control (Chaffee, 2013 p. 173). Psychological forces refer to the deep psychological impulses that govern our choices and they are formed by people's earliest relationships and experiences. Based on this point of view, people may think they are in control but in reality are being controlled by unseen psychological forces. An example would be if you were a habitual liar it really isn't your fault because you are compelled to lie by psychological forces over which you had no control (Chaffee, 2013, p.173). Determinists also believe that we make choices Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Essay On Choices In Life I believe that everyone in this life has choices. The choices we make define who we are as people and what we stand for. Choosing one path over another may be the best or worst decision you could ever make. However, once you have chosen, stick to your decision because you made that choice for a reason. Even if it is to have lunch at a certain restaurant over another, or a bigger decision like choosing your major. Something in your life helped you make that decision, and the worst thing you can do is live your life with the regret of a choice. If your decision ends up badly, simply make another choice. Choose a new path. In the words of my oh so wise History teacher, "Never second guess yourself because that's worse than making the wrong choice in the end." One of the best examples that comes to mind is a story I heard a few weeks ago, based on a real event. In 1979, a man named Lee Strobel and his family went to a restaurant one evening and he gave his 7 year old daughter a nickel to get a gumball from the machine and a few moments later, she came back to the table choking on the gum. They didn't know what to do and if they waited for an ambulance they feared it would be too late. All of a sudden, a woman came up and said that she is a nurse and can help. The woman, after getting the gumball out of the little girl, told her parents that her and her husband were headed to another restaurant when all of a sudden she made a last minute choice to go here. Because of her choice, a little girl's life was saved. Hearing stories such as this one, reminds me of all of the choices I have made, and how they have affected me. When I was 6, my family up and moved to a new school called Knox County. I loved it there for I had so many friends and nothing bad ever happened. Then at the end of 5th grade, my dad got a new job so we moved schools again. This time I was 11 and starting middle school at a small school called Pilot Grove, and I've been here ever since. There are times I catch myself wondering what would've happened if we had stayed in Knox or the first town I ever lived in, Philadelphia (no not the one in Pennsylvania). Sometimes I even believe that things would be a lot better if we had stayed there. There are Get more content on
  • 9. My Career Choice Essay I have not fully decided on a career choice, but if you ask me I would pick nursing. I would choose nursing because of the many self rewarding tasks you can achieve while being a nurse. For example helping and tending to an elderly who has no strength to complete tasks anymore because of old age. Nursing is such a great career choice, I can see myself doing well within the career and also being financially stable because of good pay. Also another detail I noticed in being a nurse is how flexible your schedule can be. I believe that this career, nursing, would be something I would enjoy and be comfortable with. I can also see it bringing me happiness in ways that I can help families who have a loved one or friends who are need of urgent care. Without nurses there would not be that certain individual to help another human being out at their toughest times. After graduating from high school there is a range of nursing careers I can try to pursue. Getting an education to achieve a bachelors in nursing is a very long process. Achieving a diploma or an associates degree would be about two years in a community college or any vocational nursing schools. Getting an associates degree would be the quickest way possible, but the job offerings are way less. You can decide to go further than an associate's degree which is the License Practical Nurse (LPN) or Registered Nurse (RN). An LPN student can pursue forward to become an RN later on. Registered nurse programs usually go more in Get more content on
  • 10. What Is My Choices In Life Essay My choices in life were made by myself, and I believe that we can make our own decisions. The reason why I think like that is that I was taught the way, and it is also thanks to my family who encourage me to make my own decisions. Thus, I am so grateful to my family for all of its support and for teaching me to believe in myself. Additionally, I have to express my love for my teacher ofhigh school. She was so nice to my whole class indeed she always encouraged us to make our own choice in everything. Also, I believe it is most important in life is to always try to follow your intuitions and everything is going to be fine. So, when I am going to face a decision, I always say to myself; I have to do it no one can make a decision for me, and even if I am going to deviate from the right path, I will never stray from what my heart has decided. Since I was a little girl, I had the dream of working in a bank, but more content... One thing that really came true was the fact of being able to be in a university. This fills me with a lot of joy and hope because the key to success is having an education. In addition, this activity made me notice and affirmed that what one proposes in life can be achieved and that you can achieve your goals and dreams. You just have to have a lot of determination, courage, and hope. Also, when I was doing my new Career lifeline, I was very happy because it brought me good memories of my time in high school where I had a great time and what surprised me most was that many things I thought about doing, then were fulfilled, but also There are others that I could not fulfill, but I hope someday to be able to achieve all my objectives and give my Get more content on
  • 11. Why Is It Important To Make Your Own Choices How Important Making My Own Choices Are How important is it to you in your own life to be able to make your own choices? It is very important to me that I can make my own choices. To some people it is not very important, and they simply do not care. I think they should care, and they should have an opinion on something. An example would be what they wear, they should pick what they want and not have someone else do it for them. As I have gotten older my choices have gotten bigger. Somechoice difference is being able to stay after school, what I wear, and being able to wear makeup/nail polish. Those choices mean the most to me. I have my own style and preference, and I get to express that through what I wear. The freedom of choosing what Get more content on
  • 12. True Love Is A Choice Essay What is true love? True love to me is not just a feeling or an emotion, but it is a choice. It is a choice that you and your partner commit to everyday, and are willing to sacrifice and go above and beyond for one another no matter what the circumstance is. As stated by Seth Adam Smith, in "Real Love Is a Choice", he too believes that real love is not just a "euphoric, spontaneous feeling–it is a deliberate choice–a plan to love each other for better and worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health". For instance, this is an example of my parents' relationship of February, 2003; through the four years of their relationship, they had successfully gone through it without any struggles or obstacles, but as they were approaching more content... I was steadily put into the hospital daycare at three years old while Toysha would be visiting my father, but at times he would end up being too sick for me to come visit, so my mother would take me to my grandmothers and she would have to take care of me. Eventually, Christopher's cancer started to metastasize, and together my mother and father decided to make the decision to have me go live with my grandmother for the better. Christopher did not want me to be around to see him in that condition and my mother thought I would have a better way of living if I was not with them. The love that they had for each other allowed them to make rational decisions and sacrifices for the better of my life and Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Speech On Choices In Life After being born, you became a person with choices. This was inevitable, and now you have to make them. You are free to make them. After a few years, you start ascribing certain meanings to certain sounds. With this new language, you are able to describe yourself at two years old. Because you are two years old, there are many things you don't understand. One night, your mother feeds the cat before she feeds you. This upsets you. Why would she do that? Surely, you're more important to her than the cat is. She didn't like that. She asks you why you're upset. You don't have the words to answer her, but you knew the reason. Several years later, you're seven and she asks you why you're upset. This time it's because you've gotten bored and haven't thrown your food across the kitchen in a while. You're fifteen now, and it's time to make some big choices. But you decide not to decide just yet. You've made all sorts of choices in the past and who knows what you'll do in the future. The most important thing to you is authenticity, to give each of your choices meaning and to make them freely. One day, your science teacher asks you to stay after class to 'have a chat' with them. You watch your classmates stream out the door until you're standing alone. Your teacher clears their throat. "I've been going over some of your test scores–" You feel your throat tighten. You can't breathe. " –and you are consistently at the top. Have you considered testing up a grade? You'd be able to graduate Get more content on
  • 14. Healthy Lifestyle Choices We all have some choices to make in our everyday lives. Our decisions have an impact on our well–being and overall health. We, as individuals, have to make sure we are making the right ones. Choice # 1: To be physically active To stay physically active during the summer, I went to the gym around two times a week, I swam whenever I got the chance, and I played different sports at the park like soccer, tennis and basketball. Ever since school started, the amount of physical activity and exercise I get has considerably dropped. In fact, the only exercise I get is at the gym twice a week and on my Friday after noon gym classes! That amounts to about 210 minutes of physical activity a week. The reason for such minimal exercise is that more content... '' Get moving! Regular physical exercise is good for your whole body and especially your lungs. Exercise makes your lungs stronger and better at giving your body the oxygen it needs. It also helps to boost your body fight germs that could make you sick.'' Choice # 5: To consume alcohol in moderation I drink alcohol more or less twice a month, maybe more during the holiday season and the summer. Some of my consumptions are enough to loosen me up while others are far from it. My consumptions usually are moderate except for some rare occasions. On the B.R.A.D site under ''Facts'', there is a list of health consequences related to alcohol consumption. Here are two examples: ''1. Moderate use (2–3 drinks) can also result in depleted aerobic capacity and negative impact on endurance for up to 48 hours after the last drink has been consumed. 2. A daily glass of wine will add 10 pounds per year '' The site also has tips on how to control your blood alcohol concentration. These tips include allowing time between drinks and avoiding alcohol consumption on an empty stomach. Choice # 6: To ensure your personal safety I do not wear a helmet while rollerblading, cycling, or skateboarding mainly because I do not own one and because I feel like I look like a child when I wear a helmet. On another note, while on the Internet, I barely ever give out personal information unless it's for purchases Get more content on
  • 15. College Admissions Essay: A Critical Choice A Critical Choice Everyone has to make choices in their life. Some are everyday choices, like what to eat or drink. Others are more critical, like choosing a job. Important decisions take time to comprehend. Like with me, the decision to go to college was the most critical choice in my life and for my future, and I will never regret it. Going to college is important because it helps me find a job, it expands my knowledge, and it is a wonderful experience. A reason why I chose to go to college was to find a good job. People who do not go to college end up with a job they do not like. With college, I can choose the field of work I enjoy, unlike being forced to work in a field of work just to make ends meet. For example, my field of study is an electronic engineer. Without college, I cannot achieve that goal. Therefore, I would have to sell myself more content... Going to college is the best place to learn more through life experiences, and class. If I never enrolled in college, I would not have as much knowledge as I do now. I have learned so much from each of my subjects. The best example is my welding class. Coming into the semester, I have never touched a welder in my entire life. I was so nervous to strike an arc, or pull the trigger on a MIG gun. Because of my learning experiences, I can make perfect welds now with stick, and MIG. Another example is Dr. Ben Carson. I have never seen anyone coming out ofhigh school as brilliant as he is. Dr. Carson did not get his knowledge coming out of high school. Because of his college education, he can perform open–heart surgery, and run for president at the same Get more content on
  • 16. The Power of Choice Essay "Use wisely your power of choice" laws of life essay. Choices are the decisions we make in life, some are good and others are bad. People make choices every second of everyday. The choices we make will always have an outcome, whether or not it is a positive or negative one. People have the choice of whom they accept as normal through comparisons of what they look like and also by their own behaviors. People who act and look like each other and with similar values are more likely to accept individuals of the same kind. Whether it is the difference between race, religion, or even political views, to tell an individual to accept everyone for their differences is only impossible. We make over 100 choices daily and we don't even more content... For many kids their role models are a favorite singer, athlete, or their parents. Based on what their role model would do, they would think it is right to do also. As years pass, kids may change who their role models are but at the same time, they can keep the same one, they may just have a better understanding of what to do. Sometimes the views of their role model is that, if he or she can do it, it will be okay for them to do it also. But this is very untrue. If their role model is and alcoholic , then the person may get the impression that it is okay and that they can too, but they cannot if they are not of age. Life is said to be a basic human right, whereas death is a natural occurrence. The only things that is different between a living human being and a dead one are prior events. One can choose a path that keeps one's self alive one extra day, whereas another can choose a path that leads to one's death. Choices for a Day, Consequences for a Lifetime Many believe that we are born innocent and pure, and from day one we choose how our life is to be dictated. Others may believe that we are evil and are not capable of a life without sin. Another thought may be that we are born with an unbiased arrangement or a clean state and we are affected and influenced by the world around us. However, whatever the case may be, the choices we make dictate the lives we lead but yet the lives we lead dictate our choices. Our environment and the Get more content on
  • 17. Life Is But A Choice Essay Life Is But A Choice Beginning with the time of birth until the time of death, people have to make choices everyday on how to achieve the goals in their lives. One can imagine life as a long winding road with millions of other roads branching off in many directions. The only problem is that life is too short to explore every single road. In addition, the essence of time will not allow anyone to go back to a road that was passed. Everyone must choose his/her own roads through life regardless of what other people might think. Robert Frost wrote in The Road Not Taken, " I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference "(Frost 423). By managing ones time efficiently and making clear rational choices, more content... Everyone is different and that is what makes our world so interesting. Another important choice in life is having a healthy body. The key to achieving a healthy body is diet, exercise, and rest. In the world today, doctors are constantly reminding us to watch our body fat, cholesterol, and nutritional intake. In addition, eating a well balance diet can greatly reduce risk of disease and live longer lives.. Also, doctors tell us that smoking and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages can be extremely harmful to our health. Making a choice to exercise is very important also. Doctors tell us that exercising at least thirty minutes a day will reduce the risk of a stroke and heart disease. Not to mention, exercising is a great way to cope with the stress of everyday life. The most important way to stay healthy is to get plenty of rest. The body needs a break to the mind and replenish cells in the body so the body can function properly. Without rest, one is more likely to make mistakes and even have a higher level of stress. One more important choice in life is spirituality. Everyone has to question what is this world we live in, why are we here on earth, is there life elsewhere, and is there a god. These questions have been around since man began walking the earth. Over the centuries since the bible was written, many different schools of thought have been Get more content on
  • 18. Free Will: Should We Have A Choice? Free will, the capability to choose, act, or think individually, exists in all human beings; whether one would like to acknowledge it or not. The idea of having a choice in one's own life is empowering; whereas the feeling or thought of not having a say one's life is just as demeaning. But, this belittling feeling people impose on themselves is voluntary. We all do have a choice, whether we believe it's there or not. Those who oppose the idea of free will argue that every choice we, as an individual in a society, make is influenced or swayed by someone or something else. I personally strongly disagree with this statement. I feel that I have either the option to accept and abide by the influence, or I have the option to ignore the influence. more content... From birth, there are no roles we must fulfill, or goals we must accomplish. But instead, there are thousands and thousands of crossroads we must face, and at each crossroad we must make a decision. Thousands of individual decisions shape our future in various ways. Whether the choice was the right one or wrong one doesn't matter. Whether we thought we were following our path doesn't matter. Whether that choice was influenced doesn't matter. The choice remains, and the choice is all that exists. Far too often, our society uses the idea of a predestined journey or the saying, "everything happens for a reason," as an excuse for pain, guilt, or hardship. No doubly, adversity can strengthen a person's soul, but adversity is not always on our path. We can choose to have adversity and in the times we don't choose adversity; we either run from it or run through it. This choice keeps us going. This choice, however manipulated it may be, is a choice for our own minds and our own bodies. If this predestined journey exists. And our lives are all pieces in someone's game. Who is that someone? Who crafts our journey? Overall, even if one complies to external influences; the choice to comply is still there. Although, several may disagree with my beliefs on free will, I believe in the choice. I believe that I am in control of my life, and that I can change it however I want to. The choice always Get more content on
  • 19. Making Good Choices Essay examples Making Good Choices My name is Jimmy Doan and I am writing this paper on making good choices. My choices have put me in many bad predicaments and this one is by far my biggest lesson that I had to learn. I am a very smart young man sometimes I just let certain things get the best of my personality. Making good choices is about thinking about the things that you are about to do before you do it. I was smoking weed and not thinking about how it would affect me or the people around me. I was only thinking of myself until I got in trouble. I am not a bad young man at the moment I was just making bad choices. I would like to start making better choices like doing better in school and in my job. I would like to one day more content... We will always stand up for the one that we admire, sometimes even if we know that everyone else is right and that you're wrong. Sometimes our views of our role model are that, well if he/she can do it, so can I and it'll be okay, but that is very untrue. If your role model happens to drink alcohol more than usual, then we may get the impression that we can too, but we cannot if we are not of age. There are many choices in one's life that deem him incorrigible to society. These choices made can either build character or demean and debase ones existential and platonic being. The choices made however go hand in hand with the deprecations and consequences in which they must reluctantly succumb toChoice is the mental process that is involved with judgement. It combines the components of thinking, understanding, and ultimately decision. Some choices can deam one Consequences are reprecautions to actions that are percieved sinster, officious, or even condescending. One may try to elude their sentencing for as long as possible but to no avail, because the true macrocosm or world around us thrives on the belief that the justice system works. Dick and Perry's consequence of action was do to their thoughtless impunity towards the law. Although not thoughtless, the Get more content on
  • 20. Making Choices Research Paper Making choices and decisions is a part of life. Simply put, the way life unfolds, with its twists and turns, starts and stops, requires us to make choices and decisions every step of the way. Choices may seem very small in reality time, but they can be huge when it comes to the outcome of your future. In my life, I have had to make many important choices. Without some of these crucial choices, I may or may not have been typing this letter. One of these very important choices is where I decided to attend my high school education. Choosing where you attend high school is very important because wherever you go, you must trust that the institution will prepare you for college as well as life. Some of the circumstances that influence my choice to go to go to Villa Angela– St. Joseph High school was my family, my location, and the foundation and reputation of the school. My family helped me through more content... The first choice that will help me be a successful person has to do with spiritual life. I think that I need to build a better relationship with God and trust his reasoning for all things. Along with this, I must choose to understand that his reasoning is much greater than mine. Decisions in academics are also very important as well. Academically, to be successful, one big choice I will have to pick is what Iwant to do in college for my major. College is the beginning stages of being an adult, and what major you set up in is going to prepare you to get a job in that field years after college. Last but not least, personally, a choice I need to make to succeed is to make sure that I always have faith in myself and in my capabilities. In life, there are not many things or people that you can truly count on. But if you have internal belief in yourself at all times, that will take you very far. I believe these important choices will get me on the right foot on the path to more Get more content on