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Examples Of An Event Critique
Event Critique The event I attended was a Turbo Kick class at the Bowling Green Recreation Center. It was held from 5 to 5:30 pm on September
28th. What this class consisted of was an instructor standing at the front of the class leading an exercise/dance routine to some music. The class
was very small, with just one participant, so it may not have been the normal class I was expecting. Nevertheless, I believe the instructor did an
astounding job. The instructor used an excited tone, as she was speaking along with upbeat music. I believe her volume was at a suitable amount.
She needed to be heard over the music, but there was only one participant, so her voice did not need to be booming for an entire room of people to
hear her instructions. Along with her upbeat tone, her pace was exaggerated and hasty, moving quick with the music. She spoke along with the music
at times to display the next set of directions quickly before they were executed. Even though the pace seemed hurried, I do not think it was too quick
because it was in good proportion to what was going on. The instructor did not do much explaining. I believe this was because there was only one
participant and this was something that she had done more content...
This was nice because there was not much setup or teardown needed. The speaker was already in the room, so when the instructor got there all she had
to do was plug in her phone and they were ready to begin. Another thing that flowed nicely was the position of the instructor. The room was quite large,
leaving them a lot of space to move along with the routine. The instructor stood in front of the participant, but with her back turned, as to demonstrate
the moves. Even though her back was turned, both the instructor and participant could see each other clearly because of the mirrors in front of them,
leaving the setup and position pleasing to
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Social Media Critique
As I'm lying down on the couch, sipping coffee and watching television, my sister enters the living room interrupting," turn off the lame T.V. and
check your Facebook account". With a grand smile on her face, she asked me to check the latest photos updated by my brother; they were beautiful
photos and videos of my niece and nephew growing up in USA. I looked at my sister, turned off the television and said," well, I can't see those
sweethearts on T.V." Social media nowadays is receiving a lot of attention, some think it's a way of freedom of speech, others assume it's negative and
time wasting. The issue of social media is controversial. It's being overused at certain times that it's becoming shameful, violent, and it's creating chaos more content...
Social media is a great way to do so; salesmen or companies just have to post their product and information on their page, and all you need to do is
check out a review or a video link and judge the product (Duda, 2011). Also, social media is a chance for companies to show people that their more
than just a logo, it makes people feel that they're chatting with another person, not dealing with a faceless company. "Believe it or not people tend
to trust their friends more than their companies. But there's nothing that says your brand can't be their friend too" (Duda, 2011). This shows that
not only can u accept people as friends on social networks, you can also add and accept companies and get to know them and their products, and
trust them as if they were your friends. People usually tend to trust recommendations from other people they know, and that's what social networks
like Facebook provide. Social media is taking over, and it will continue to do so in the coming decades, because by far it's the easiest, most efficient
mean of communication on a very wide range. You can literally know what's happening in the whole world with one click. That's why social media
can become a very powerful source when used wisely, and for the same reason we cannot ignore its existence. Time has changed, and what seemed
possible in
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Apa Critique Examples
At this point, you should now be able to summarize your evaluations and connect it to your research report. Do not forget to emphasize its
contribution to the field, as well. Again, avoid subjective assessments that you cannot justify. End your critique with an APA formatted reference list.
Remember to use the heading "References," not "Bibliography," or "Works Cited." Also, do not put the font in bold. Center the word at the top of the
page, like what you will see on the next page. Also recheck your parenthetical and in–text citations and make sure they match with your references list
to avoid unintended plagiarism. Make sure your reference list is alphabetized and properly indented. Word count of this dummy critique: 458 words
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Art Critique Essay
The art piece that I chose to critique is the sculpture of a figure kneeling down and getting shocked. It is located on campus near the Morris University
Center(muc). When I first saw this sculpture it caught my attention immediately, because of how gruesome the piece was. I feel like I don't have a
good understanding of what the sculpture represents, but it seems like it would raise plenty of controversy, due to its erotic features. It seems like the
artist was venting his emotions when he created his idea. The sculpture is fairly large in size, which makes it noticeable, among the other art pieces on
campus. The sculpture media consist of wood and concrete, and metal mostly. The individual is keeling down toward the west and is
more content...
Sayre the author says, "The Buddha is the most extensive collection of large–scale sculptures in the world and can be found an hour north of New York
City in the lower Hudson Valley at Storm King Art Center ("A World of Art"). Zhang seems to like the traditional aspects of chinses culture, because he
re–used an ash material form other artists, to create his own sculpture. The techniques he used to create the sculpture is casting, assemblage, and
construction. Without using these three additive techniques of sculpting, the artwork wouldn't have been fragile, and not overwhelming in size. The
subject of the "three Legged–Buddha" is another conflict with the governmental rules and regulations, and it has drawn a lot of attention due to its
strong message that it conveys. When I initially examined the art piece for the first time, it looked like a huge dismantled, three legged human figure. I
thought it was a symbol for keeping your body in better shape over your mind. The most amazing part of the sculpture is how extremely large it is
compared to the electrocution sculpture. After reading and interpreting the sculpture it struck me that it was made for ceremonial gathering, where
incense placed and burned from inside of the sculpture, and pours out of the head. I think that the artist was trying to involve the visitors in his
sculpture. Since Zhang Huan
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Research Critique Essay example
Table of contents Page Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research1 Problem Statement/Purpose1 Literature Review2 Limitations of the Study2
Hypothesis/Research Question3 Operational Definitions/Definition of Terms4 Research Design5 Setting, Population and Sample5 Data Collection
Methods/Instruments6 Data Analysis, Findings, Implications, & Recommendations 7 References8 Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research
The article selected for review in this investigation is entitled "Perioperative outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting: Effects of metabolic
syndrome and patient's sex." more content...
The presence of acute coronary syndrome in some patients served to increase lipid output, making it difficult to clearly determine lipid disorders in
some patients. This is an issue of concern because high lipid levels are a hallmark for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. Hypothesis/Research
Question A careful review of the information provided by the authors demonstrates that a definitive hypothesis or research question is not directly
stated in the investigation. Rather, at the conclusion of the introduction/literature review, the authors note that "For these reasons, this study was
conducted to examine the incidence of metabolic syndrome in CABG patients and to determine if metabolic syndrome and/or the patient's sex affect
clinical outcomes in the perioperative setting" (p. 469). Based on the direction of the literature review and previous studies reviewed by the authors, the
reader can imply that the research questions seek to determine the impact of CABG on patients with metabolic syndrome and the hypothesis is that
gender will have some impact on the specific outcomes which result for patients in this particular group. Operational Definitions/Definition of Terms
Operational definitions used in the study include: metabolic syndrome, coronary artery bypass graft surgery and gender. Data for the investigation was
reviewed by patient gender–i.e. male or female. In addition, all patients included in the study had undergone coronary
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Essay on Sample and Design Critique
Sample and Design Critique The purpose of this paper is to critique the design, sample and ethical issues used in the selected research studies. The
article "The Experience of Patients Undergoing Awake Craniotomy" is a qualitative study. The overall purpose of the study is as Palese, Skrap,
Fachin, Visioli, and Zannini, (2008) states, "Although different techniques are used, very little has been documented about how the patients feels, what
they think about, or how they approach this type of surgery with anesthetic" (p.166). On the other hand, the article "The effects of Crossed Leg on
Blood Pressure Measurement" is a quantitative study. This study's objective was "to determine if crossing of a leg at the knee during blood pressure more content...
Their responses were then measured and trends were generalized on a chart shown in the article. The study did not include a control group so the data
is purely descriptive. This is opposed to comparative method as used in the quantitative study. An example of this would have been if a control group
was undergoing conventional surgery by using anesthesia. Sample Methodology In the qualitative study the sample methodology used was
convenience sampling. The sample size of the study was eleven women and ten men for a total of twenty–one patients. The ages ranged from twenty to
sixty–three years. Even though this study involved a procedure not commonly performed the sample size was of an appropriate amount with almost
even distribution of gender. Twelve participants had mapping done on the language area and nine had mapping done the movement area of the
brain. "The inclusion criteria were patients (a) with a brain neoplasm who were awaiting surgery under local anesthesia, (b) who were older than 18
years, (c) without language or cognitive disabilities, and (d) who were ready to collaborate and accept an interview" (Palese et al., 2008, p.167). In
the quantitative study researchers also used convenience sampling to select one hundred hypertensive male subjects. The first group of fifty had their
blood pressure take with the feet flat on the floor first and then had their blood pressure taken with their legs crossed. The second group was the
remaining fifty
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Examples Of Critique On Social Work
Critique of a Research Study: MSW Social Work Students and Attitudes/Phobias Towards the LGBTQ Population Sharaneya Guruparan SWP 538
– 701
Professor Notisha Massaquoi
November 3rd, 2017
Identify and critically review the study and discuss the following in the context of anti–oppression and social justice mission of the school In the
research study, "Evaluating the Phobias, Attitudes, and Cultural Competence of Master of Social Work Students Toward theLGBT Populations," Logie
et al. (2007) examine the topic of MSW students' phobias and attitudes towards the LGBT users of services. This study is relevant in to social work
practices in regards to the fact that the lack of resources in being able to serve clients and cater to their specific needs between a social worker and
client. According to Ryerson University's Social Work Mission/Vision Statements, "To prepare graduates for critically engaged social work practice
with marginalized populations and communities." and "To develop leadership and innovation in social work education, at the undergraduate and
graduate level, through teaching, scholarship, research and community service" (2017). This study is consistent to the practice of social work because
if you're using an AOP lens then the services also include LGBTQ clients. The existing research on the LGBTQ community focuses significantly on the
demographics of this population rather than further exploring the specific needs that
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Example Of A Critical Review Essay
The study consisted of 395 students from the Australian National University studying a first–year psychology course of which 247 were female, 143
male, 4 as other gender, and 1 one was missing. The age of the participants ranged from 17 to 56 years of age (В”=19.7, Пѓ=4.6). Participants were
recruited through participation in a lab activity, however, all participation was voluntary without the use of incentives. Data was collected with the
awareness and informed consent of the participants. This study followed a between–subjects design, and the study itself was quasi–experimental. The
variable which was manipulated – the independent variable – was the presence of a childhood imaginary companion. The variables which were
measured – the dependent variables – were fantasy proneness and the frequency of self– more content...
The study was completed over the duration of a week by nine classes, each with approximately 30 students and was conducted online. Firstly, the
participants read an information sheet which briefly highlighted the study and its procedure. Following this, the participants completed a Creative
Experiences Questionnaire (CEQ), designed by Merckelbach, Horselenberg, & Muris (2001). This questionnaire aimed to measure the fantasy
proneness of the individual and involved choosing either 'yes' or 'no' to the given 25 questions. Then, the participants completed the Self–Talk Scale
developed by Brinthaupt, Hein, & Kramer (2009). This involved 16 questions with the selection of answers 1 (never) to 5 (very often), and was used
to assess the frequency of self–talk. The last task to complete was the Imaginary Companion (IC) questionnaire, of which the first part collected
demographic information such as age and gender. Proceeding this, a definition of imaginary companion was provided followed by questions relative to
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Critique Essay Examples
Critique Essay of Process and Learning
Out of all the projects for this course, I think the critique paper was the hardest because it challenged how I thought about scientific journals when it
came to identifying weak parts of a study and how to critique the strengths and weaknesses within those articles in a scientific manner. As a result, my
writing process was affected by this in depth look into each of the three articles I chose on stroke rehabilitation with a focus on virtual reality, and my
understanding of science writing grew with this paper.
With the critique paper, my writing process consisted of using the critique planning worksheet provided on Blackboard, and meeting with you, the
professor, outside the classroom during your more content...
For the proposal between my partner, Alicia Buettner, and I, we decided to find something that related to each of our health profession majors.
Our research for the proposal revealed the importance of occupational and physical therapists working together in the field and the changing
technology in prostheses within rehabilitation treatment. With both topics in mind, we chose to have our proposal addressing the need for
occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) students working together in a class at the University of Findlay that also focused on
prostheses. After deciding on a topic for our proposal, the next step in the writing process was following the break down for each section of the
proposal that you, the professor, provided our peers and us in the classroom. By discussing the content required for each of the sections in the
proposal and the correct formats we were to be using during class time, my partner and I were able to gain a grasp on what you were requiring
from our proposal. For example, Alicia and I spent a great deal of time looking over the notes we wrote down from the board to make sure we were
following the correct guidelines for each section. The mini assignments also helped in reassuring that Alicia and I were on the correct path for the
proposal. With each
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Quantitative Research Article Critique This paper is an academic critique of an article written by Lautrette, et al. (2007) titled: "A Communication
Strategy and Brochure for Relatives of Patients Dying in the ICU" and accurately reflected the content of the article and the research study itself. The
abstract explained the article in more detail, while remaining concise. The type of research study, sample size, variables, intervention, measurement
method, findings, and conclusion were all mentioned in the abstract.
Statement of the Problem
The problem explored in the article was stated as a problem statement. In this article, the authors explain about the stressful situations of families having
loved more content...
A prospective, randomized, controlled trial was conducted during the study. One family member per patient was assessed over the telephone 90 days
after the patient's death. The measurements collected include the symptoms related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other significant
symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Study Variables For this study patient families were randomly assigned to the intervention or control group. In the control group the interactions
between the family and ICU staff, including the end–of–life conference, occurred according to the usual practices and policies in the hospital; whereas
in the intervention group, the research study was conducted according to specific guidelines. A bereavement information leaflet was given to each
surrogate decision maker. In this research, the independent variable can be the type of family conference received by the surrogates and the dependent
variables were the level of stress, anxiety, and depression levels indicated in the 90–day follow–up interview.
Conceptual Model / Theoretical framework In this research study, authors chose to relate the research article to Sister Callista Roy's Adaptation Model.
Roy's adaptation model can be applied in this study because of the family member's opportunity
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Short Story Critique Essay
The short story "Who's Passing for Who" by Langston Hughes was influenced by Hughes' background in his society. This racial influenced story
exemplifies how people thought of and interacted with those of a different race and those of a similar color. Hughes proves his credibility in writing
the piece through his experiences that he endured in his lifetime during the Harlem Renaissance. The life he led was filled with daily racism and
discrimination; he experienced much of his subject matter regarding racial and social tension first hand. Langston Hughes' "Who's Passing for Who"
clues the reader into the issues that were present during Hughes' lifetime. Hughes' short story opens with the narrator explaining how white people feel more content...
Over dinner, the white couple in the group questioned the black men about the light–skinned black people. They wondered if many people who were
black could pass as white and the black men confirmed it true. The white couple the revealed to the group of black men that they were in fact black
people that passed as white individuals. The narrator then explains the change of mood in the group; the atmosphere became more comfortable,
relaxed and natural, knowing that they were all the same. After the group's pleasurable night, the couple went to get in their cab and yet again,
revealed more information. They said that they were actually not black people at all, but they figured that they would pass as black people just as
black individuals passed as white folks. This information confuses the men; they can's figure out if the couple was actually black or white. All they
know is that they had a great night with a couple of friendly people. Langston Hughes lived during the Harlem Renaissance, a time of prosperity
among black artist and writers, and at the height of racial discrimination. Whether it was Jim Crow laws or poll tax, black people were always being
put down. Hughes was one of the most influential individuals of the Harlem Renaissance. He was a great visionary of his time and understood that
racism was actually hurting the country.
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Essay on Criticism
Criticism can be negative or positive; the way it is said may be good or bad. Why do most of us want to avoid giving or receiving criticism? The
purpose of criticism is to encourage positive outcomes (what the giver wants). Ideally, it brings balance into our lives, provides us with a basis of
comparison, and brings truth, honesty, and intimacy. Hopefully, it gives us honest feedback–a balance of praise and criticism. Do most of us want to
know how we are doing?
Why do successful business people actually seek out criticism from people they respect? Why do people feel they are unfairly criticized? Are tone of
voice, choice of words important? What communication more content...
Know ones skill and weaknesses; ones successes and failures. How does one know when one is doing a good job? Need to have a "feel" so we are not
caught off guard. Need to learn to take criticism on the job professionally, and emotion (breathe deeply and slowly). Try to remain impartial. Ask
yourself is the criticism is valid. What can we learn?
Other factors that color criticism: 1) relationship with the giver of criticism (friends give advice). Why do we resent criticism from in–laws, parents
and spouses more than bosses do? 2) Choice of words–how it is given. "I can't believe you would do such a stupid thing." What words make you angry,
loud, etc? 3) Style of delivery, sacristy, fast and angry, loud, etc. 4) Timing, and public or private. 5) Other types: beyond your control, aimed at your
gender, size, heritage, appearance, etc
QUESTIONS: How good are you at staying cool under criticism? (Knots in stomach, anger, etc). How well do you listen when you are criticized?
(Rephrase so that you really understand what he/she is saying). How effectively can you organize your thoughts to answer (if you think you should)?
How well do we put the criticism in perspective (not life threatening)? Do we brood on it for weeks, months?
In many societies a giver of bad news was killed. Is it more difficult to give
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Example Of A Quantitative Article Critique
Running Head: Quantitative Article Critique 1 Quantitative Article Critique NSG– 603: Application of Nursing Research Maneca Jean–Baptiste,
MSN, FNP–C Wilkes University Quantitative Article Critique 2 Quantitative Article Critique Introduction The article "Effects of a Comprehensive
Educational Group Intervention in Older Women with Cognitive Complaints: A Randomized Controlled Trial" provides an overview of a new
educational group intervention that focuses primarily on psychological education in healthy older women with cognitive complaints related to aging.
This randomized control trial study sought to investigate the negative perceptions women faced when cognitive
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Qualitative Research Critique Essay
Article Citation
Gilmartin, J. (2003). Day surgery: Patients' perceptions of a nurse–led preadmission clinic. Journal of Clinical Nursing 13, 243–250.
Initial Reaction This research article is from the UK and the writer questions if the findings from this study will have heuristic relevance and
applicability to nursing and healthcare in the United States (U.S.). Primary healthcare in the UK is provided through the National Health Service
(NHS); this writer has little knowledge as to how it works and its impact on patient care and nursing. This limited knowledge may introduce bias in this
Descriptive Vividness The significance of this study is to determine if a preadmission clinic process can be developed more content...
246). Twenty–two participants spoke of the provision of information giving as comprehensive and helpful in surgical preparation, in contrast eight
participants felt the information giving was deficient in its content. One individual went on to say "I personally felt that I was not given any
information once the preassessemnt nurse discovered I worked as a staff nurse on a day surgery unit in another hospital" (Gilmartin, 2003, p. 247).
Negative case studies do not weaken research findings but make the study more credible as the researcher has considered alternative views in the
analysis of data (Tappen, 2011).
As this research consisted of 30 participants, a table format listing the four themes with clustered excerpts would have provided this writer with easier
interpretation of the data collected. It would have been useful to quantitatively designate the percentage of participants in support of a theme versus
those with alternative perceptions. Narrative display of data collection findings made this research less vivid for this writer.
Methodological Congruence Documentation, procedural, and ethical rigor was established in this research study with some suggestions for
improvement to follow. This research was stated to be a hermeneutic phenomenological research using a mixed methodological approach, Colaizzi and
van Manen. This researcher made in–depth clarifying statements to support the van Manen
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Example Of Leadership Critique
Leadership Critique Paper
Kaci Jones
Oregon Health & Science University
Leadership Critique Paper
"Leadership is the ability to influence, guide, or direct others" (Yoost & Crawford, 2016, p. 166). I will be conducting a critique on my Clinical
Teaching Associate (preceptor), she is thenurse Educator at Blue Mountain Hospital in John Day. The Blue Mountain Hospital is a Frontier hospital
and the nurses at this hospital work on the Medical Surgical floor, the Emergency Department, and in Obstetrics. This critique will show effective
leadership methods and leadership styles used by my preceptor in the clinical setting. There are a number of leadership theories, and many have been
demonstrated by my preceptor, I will only choose a few to talk about while critiquing her. I will also provide examples of the leadership she portrays
in the work setting. The leadership methods she portrays are The Great Man Theory, The Trait Theory, and The Skills Theory.
Leadership Theories Leadership is helping a group or groups of people come to a shared goal; this goal may be an activity or done simply by
influencing people to cope with changes (Al–Sawai, 2013). It is also found that "leadership focuses on relationships, using interpersonal skills to
persuade others to work toward a common goal" (Yoost & Crawford, 2016, p. 166). The theories listed above describe excellent traits in a leader, I will
elaborate on a few leadership theories. The Great Man Theory is the belief that
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Education Article Critique Essay example
Amanda Tatarek
Article Review #1
The article begins by the author explaining that men have privilege over women. "Denials which amount to taboos surround the subject of advantages
which men gain from women's disadvantages. These denials protect male privilege from being fully acknowledged, lessened or ended," (McIntosh,
1998. P. 1). Then the article proceeds to discuss how whites, whether they realize it or not, have a considerable advantage over other races. She lists
twenty–six ways that whites have the upper hand. McIntosh explains that as a white person she had been sheltered from the privileges that she had. "I
think whites are taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize more content...
There is a black Ms. America and a Black Ms. America, yet the former Ms. America was black. There are sororities that are specifically for particular
races yet regular sororities cannot discriminate on race but the race specific ones can. I feel that no matter what race you are you experience
discrimination in your lifetime. Coming to Temple and living around Temple, I feel like the minority when I walk on the streets. I feel that it doesn't
matter what color skin you are, sometimes you will have the upper hand and sometimes you will have the lower hand. That is just how life is.
As a teacher I am going to make sure all my children, no matter what race they are, receive equal amount of attention, knowledge, and opportunities
within my classroom. I will do this by shaping the curriculum around a multicultural perspective. "Multicultural education, on the other hand,
encourages a culturally responsive curriculum in which diversity is integrated throughout the courses activities and interactions in the
classroom,"(Gollnick & Chinn, 2009, p. 72). I will not let my race overpower the way I write and deliver my lessons. I will use Race and
Ethnicity within my curriculum to teach my students to be aware of all cultures and races so they aren't blinded by the dominant culture of America.
Any child can succeed and do well no matter where they come from.
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Sample Critique Essay
No Name 03/10/2012 WRTG 393 Part I: Technical Description Jailbreaking an Iphone An Apple iPhone is a popular multimedia, internet based
smartphone sold and marketed by Apple, Inc. An iPhone can function as a video camera (video recording was not a standard feature until the iPhone
3GS was released), a camera phone, a portable media player, and an Internet client with email and web browsing capabilities, can send texts and
receive visual voicemail, and has both Wi–Fi and 3G connectivity. The user interface is built around the device's multi–touch screen, including a virtual
keyboard rather than a physical one. Third–party as well as Apple applications software is run on the iPhone to increase the functionality.
more content...
You'll also need to know what version of firmware is installed on your phone. Third party applications can then be browsed, downloaded and
installed with software such as Cydia, which is conveniently included in jailbreaking tools. Part II: Instructions How to jailbreak an iPhone and
install third party applications. Jailbreaking a iphone can be a relatively simple task to do. There are two types of jailbreak you can perform on
your iPhone, and they are a tethered jailbreak and an untethered jailbreak. 1) Tethered jailbreak: This method is not recommended, as it requires you
to jailbreak your iPhone by connecting it to your computer every time you switch off your phone or if the battery dies. Usually, this method is only
performed when a new software update for the iPhone is released and an untethered jailbreak method is unavailable. 2) Untethered jailbreak: This
method involves connecting your iPhone to your computer once and jailbreaking it. After doing this, your phone remains jailbroken even after it
switches off and you switch it back on again. In other words, the jailbreaking process is permanently done on your iPhone without needing to be done
again if you reboot your phone. Of course if you wish to un–jailbreak your iPhone, it's still possible by resetting via iTunes. So naturally this is the
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Example Of Visual Art Critique
Visual Art Critique
For my visual art critique, I attend the Texas State University Wittliff Collections on Tuesday, October tenth. During my visit I viewed works of art
from the Lonesome Dove collection. The first piece of work I critiques was the photograph "Crossing the Rio Grande" taken by Bill Wittliff. This
photo was taken on the set of the Lonesome Dove in 1988. What stood out to me was the significance of how real this photo is. So many slaves have
tried to cross this river to escape persecution and slavery. Although, in this instance the photo is depicting three cowboys or horseman crossing theRio
Grande River in pursuit of cattle driving thousands of cattle from Texas up north to Montana. Although this photo is quite iconic in relation to this
history of Texas I do not believe this piece of work along with many others from this exhibit should be deemed canonical. I personally rate this piece of
work a four and a half, out of ten simply because while it is a great piece of art; it is the type of work I would like to hang in my bathroom above my
toilet so while I am urinating I can view a nice "manly" piece of art.
The second piece I critiqued was also a photo from the set of "Lonesome Dove". The second piece of art was titled "Gus on Porch," and was also
taken by Bill Wittliff. This piece of work was very interesting to me because although I am not from Texas, I believe that this photo depicts how many
outsiders of Texas, view the states past. This photo features
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Personal Leadership Critique Essay example
Bernard M. Bass was a distinguished professor emeritus in the School of Management at Binghamton University and a member of the Academy of
Senior Professionals at Eckerd College in Florida (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2009). Bass was the founding director of the
Center for Leadership Studies at State University of New York, as well as the founding editor of The Leadership Quarterly journal (Society for
Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc., 2009). In 1949, Bass obtained a PhD in Industrial Psychology from Ohio State University. Bass has
held faculty positions at the University of Rochester, the University of Pittsburg, the University of California at Berkeley, and Louisiana State
University (Bass, more content...
In addition, this critique will provide an explanation of transformational, transactional, and laissez–faire leadership. The final section of this critique
will provide information I have learned about my personal leadership characteristics and how I will apply this knowledge. According to Bass (1990),
transformational leadership "occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their employees, when they generate awareness and acceptance
of the purpose and the mission of the group, and when they stir their employees to look beyond their own self–interest" for the benefit of the
organization. Transformational leaders may achieve these results by inspiring their employees, meeting their emotions needs, and by intellectually
stimulating them (Bass, 1990). However, transactional leadership consists of leaders who "exert influence by setting goals, clarifying desired
outcomes, providing feedback, and exchanging rewards for accomplishments" (Dvir, Eden, Avolio, & Shamir, 2002). The two main factors that
characterize transactional leadership are concentrating on "accomplishing the tasks", and "focusing on satisfying the self–interest of those who do
good work" (Bass, 1990). The laissez–faire leadership style, a more passive form of leadership than transformational or transactional, exhibits leaders
that either "wait for problems to arise before
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Examples Of An Event Critique

  • 1. Examples Of An Event Critique Event Critique The event I attended was a Turbo Kick class at the Bowling Green Recreation Center. It was held from 5 to 5:30 pm on September 28th. What this class consisted of was an instructor standing at the front of the class leading an exercise/dance routine to some music. The class was very small, with just one participant, so it may not have been the normal class I was expecting. Nevertheless, I believe the instructor did an astounding job. The instructor used an excited tone, as she was speaking along with upbeat music. I believe her volume was at a suitable amount. She needed to be heard over the music, but there was only one participant, so her voice did not need to be booming for an entire room of people to hear her instructions. Along with her upbeat tone, her pace was exaggerated and hasty, moving quick with the music. She spoke along with the music at times to display the next set of directions quickly before they were executed. Even though the pace seemed hurried, I do not think it was too quick because it was in good proportion to what was going on. The instructor did not do much explaining. I believe this was because there was only one participant and this was something that she had done more content... This was nice because there was not much setup or teardown needed. The speaker was already in the room, so when the instructor got there all she had to do was plug in her phone and they were ready to begin. Another thing that flowed nicely was the position of the instructor. The room was quite large, leaving them a lot of space to move along with the routine. The instructor stood in front of the participant, but with her back turned, as to demonstrate the moves. Even though her back was turned, both the instructor and participant could see each other clearly because of the mirrors in front of them, leaving the setup and position pleasing to Get more content on
  • 2. Social Media Critique As I'm lying down on the couch, sipping coffee and watching television, my sister enters the living room interrupting," turn off the lame T.V. and check your Facebook account". With a grand smile on her face, she asked me to check the latest photos updated by my brother; they were beautiful photos and videos of my niece and nephew growing up in USA. I looked at my sister, turned off the television and said," well, I can't see those sweethearts on T.V." Social media nowadays is receiving a lot of attention, some think it's a way of freedom of speech, others assume it's negative and time wasting. The issue of social media is controversial. It's being overused at certain times that it's becoming shameful, violent, and it's creating chaos more content... Social media is a great way to do so; salesmen or companies just have to post their product and information on their page, and all you need to do is check out a review or a video link and judge the product (Duda, 2011). Also, social media is a chance for companies to show people that their more than just a logo, it makes people feel that they're chatting with another person, not dealing with a faceless company. "Believe it or not people tend to trust their friends more than their companies. But there's nothing that says your brand can't be their friend too" (Duda, 2011). This shows that not only can u accept people as friends on social networks, you can also add and accept companies and get to know them and their products, and trust them as if they were your friends. People usually tend to trust recommendations from other people they know, and that's what social networks like Facebook provide. Social media is taking over, and it will continue to do so in the coming decades, because by far it's the easiest, most efficient mean of communication on a very wide range. You can literally know what's happening in the whole world with one click. That's why social media can become a very powerful source when used wisely, and for the same reason we cannot ignore its existence. Time has changed, and what seemed possible in Get more content on
  • 3. Apa Critique Examples At this point, you should now be able to summarize your evaluations and connect it to your research report. Do not forget to emphasize its contribution to the field, as well. Again, avoid subjective assessments that you cannot justify. End your critique with an APA formatted reference list. Remember to use the heading "References," not "Bibliography," or "Works Cited." Also, do not put the font in bold. Center the word at the top of the page, like what you will see on the next page. Also recheck your parenthetical and in–text citations and make sure they match with your references list to avoid unintended plagiarism. Make sure your reference list is alphabetized and properly indented. Word count of this dummy critique: 458 words excluding Get more content on
  • 4. Art Critique Essay The art piece that I chose to critique is the sculpture of a figure kneeling down and getting shocked. It is located on campus near the Morris University Center(muc). When I first saw this sculpture it caught my attention immediately, because of how gruesome the piece was. I feel like I don't have a good understanding of what the sculpture represents, but it seems like it would raise plenty of controversy, due to its erotic features. It seems like the artist was venting his emotions when he created his idea. The sculpture is fairly large in size, which makes it noticeable, among the other art pieces on campus. The sculpture media consist of wood and concrete, and metal mostly. The individual is keeling down toward the west and is more content... Sayre the author says, "The Buddha is the most extensive collection of large–scale sculptures in the world and can be found an hour north of New York City in the lower Hudson Valley at Storm King Art Center ("A World of Art"). Zhang seems to like the traditional aspects of chinses culture, because he re–used an ash material form other artists, to create his own sculpture. The techniques he used to create the sculpture is casting, assemblage, and construction. Without using these three additive techniques of sculpting, the artwork wouldn't have been fragile, and not overwhelming in size. The subject of the "three Legged–Buddha" is another conflict with the governmental rules and regulations, and it has drawn a lot of attention due to its strong message that it conveys. When I initially examined the art piece for the first time, it looked like a huge dismantled, three legged human figure. I thought it was a symbol for keeping your body in better shape over your mind. The most amazing part of the sculpture is how extremely large it is compared to the electrocution sculpture. After reading and interpreting the sculpture it struck me that it was made for ceremonial gathering, where incense placed and burned from inside of the sculpture, and pours out of the head. I think that the artist was trying to involve the visitors in his sculpture. Since Zhang Huan Get more content on
  • 5. Research Critique Essay example Table of contents Page Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research1 Problem Statement/Purpose1 Literature Review2 Limitations of the Study2 Hypothesis/Research Question3 Operational Definitions/Definition of Terms4 Research Design5 Setting, Population and Sample5 Data Collection Methods/Instruments6 Data Analysis, Findings, Implications, & Recommendations 7 References8 Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research The article selected for review in this investigation is entitled "Perioperative outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting: Effects of metabolic syndrome and patient's sex." more content... The presence of acute coronary syndrome in some patients served to increase lipid output, making it difficult to clearly determine lipid disorders in some patients. This is an issue of concern because high lipid levels are a hallmark for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. Hypothesis/Research Question A careful review of the information provided by the authors demonstrates that a definitive hypothesis or research question is not directly stated in the investigation. Rather, at the conclusion of the introduction/literature review, the authors note that "For these reasons, this study was conducted to examine the incidence of metabolic syndrome in CABG patients and to determine if metabolic syndrome and/or the patient's sex affect clinical outcomes in the perioperative setting" (p. 469). Based on the direction of the literature review and previous studies reviewed by the authors, the reader can imply that the research questions seek to determine the impact of CABG on patients with metabolic syndrome and the hypothesis is that gender will have some impact on the specific outcomes which result for patients in this particular group. Operational Definitions/Definition of Terms Operational definitions used in the study include: metabolic syndrome, coronary artery bypass graft surgery and gender. Data for the investigation was reviewed by patient gender–i.e. male or female. In addition, all patients included in the study had undergone coronary Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Sample and Design Critique Sample and Design Critique The purpose of this paper is to critique the design, sample and ethical issues used in the selected research studies. The article "The Experience of Patients Undergoing Awake Craniotomy" is a qualitative study. The overall purpose of the study is as Palese, Skrap, Fachin, Visioli, and Zannini, (2008) states, "Although different techniques are used, very little has been documented about how the patients feels, what they think about, or how they approach this type of surgery with anesthetic" (p.166). On the other hand, the article "The effects of Crossed Leg on Blood Pressure Measurement" is a quantitative study. This study's objective was "to determine if crossing of a leg at the knee during blood pressure more content... Their responses were then measured and trends were generalized on a chart shown in the article. The study did not include a control group so the data is purely descriptive. This is opposed to comparative method as used in the quantitative study. An example of this would have been if a control group was undergoing conventional surgery by using anesthesia. Sample Methodology In the qualitative study the sample methodology used was convenience sampling. The sample size of the study was eleven women and ten men for a total of twenty–one patients. The ages ranged from twenty to sixty–three years. Even though this study involved a procedure not commonly performed the sample size was of an appropriate amount with almost even distribution of gender. Twelve participants had mapping done on the language area and nine had mapping done the movement area of the brain. "The inclusion criteria were patients (a) with a brain neoplasm who were awaiting surgery under local anesthesia, (b) who were older than 18 years, (c) without language or cognitive disabilities, and (d) who were ready to collaborate and accept an interview" (Palese et al., 2008, p.167). In the quantitative study researchers also used convenience sampling to select one hundred hypertensive male subjects. The first group of fifty had their blood pressure take with the feet flat on the floor first and then had their blood pressure taken with their legs crossed. The second group was the remaining fifty Get more content on
  • 7. Examples Of Critique On Social Work Critique of a Research Study: MSW Social Work Students and Attitudes/Phobias Towards the LGBTQ Population Sharaneya Guruparan SWP 538 – 701 E Professor Notisha Massaquoi November 3rd, 2017 Identify and critically review the study and discuss the following in the context of anti–oppression and social justice mission of the school In the research study, "Evaluating the Phobias, Attitudes, and Cultural Competence of Master of Social Work Students Toward theLGBT Populations," Logie et al. (2007) examine the topic of MSW students' phobias and attitudes towards the LGBT users of services. This study is relevant in to social work practices in regards to the fact that the lack of resources in being able to serve clients and cater to their specific needs between a social worker and client. According to Ryerson University's Social Work Mission/Vision Statements, "To prepare graduates for critically engaged social work practice with marginalized populations and communities." and "To develop leadership and innovation in social work education, at the undergraduate and graduate level, through teaching, scholarship, research and community service" (2017). This study is consistent to the practice of social work because if you're using an AOP lens then the services also include LGBTQ clients. The existing research on the LGBTQ community focuses significantly on the demographics of this population rather than further exploring the specific needs that Get more content on
  • 8. Example Of A Critical Review Essay The study consisted of 395 students from the Australian National University studying a first–year psychology course of which 247 were female, 143 male, 4 as other gender, and 1 one was missing. The age of the participants ranged from 17 to 56 years of age (В”=19.7, Пѓ=4.6). Participants were recruited through participation in a lab activity, however, all participation was voluntary without the use of incentives. Data was collected with the awareness and informed consent of the participants. This study followed a between–subjects design, and the study itself was quasi–experimental. The variable which was manipulated – the independent variable – was the presence of a childhood imaginary companion. The variables which were measured – the dependent variables – were fantasy proneness and the frequency of self– more content... The study was completed over the duration of a week by nine classes, each with approximately 30 students and was conducted online. Firstly, the participants read an information sheet which briefly highlighted the study and its procedure. Following this, the participants completed a Creative Experiences Questionnaire (CEQ), designed by Merckelbach, Horselenberg, & Muris (2001). This questionnaire aimed to measure the fantasy proneness of the individual and involved choosing either 'yes' or 'no' to the given 25 questions. Then, the participants completed the Self–Talk Scale developed by Brinthaupt, Hein, & Kramer (2009). This involved 16 questions with the selection of answers 1 (never) to 5 (very often), and was used to assess the frequency of self–talk. The last task to complete was the Imaginary Companion (IC) questionnaire, of which the first part collected demographic information such as age and gender. Proceeding this, a definition of imaginary companion was provided followed by questions relative to imaginary Get more content on
  • 9. Critique Essay Examples Critique Essay of Process and Learning Out of all the projects for this course, I think the critique paper was the hardest because it challenged how I thought about scientific journals when it came to identifying weak parts of a study and how to critique the strengths and weaknesses within those articles in a scientific manner. As a result, my writing process was affected by this in depth look into each of the three articles I chose on stroke rehabilitation with a focus on virtual reality, and my understanding of science writing grew with this paper. With the critique paper, my writing process consisted of using the critique planning worksheet provided on Blackboard, and meeting with you, the professor, outside the classroom during your more content... For the proposal between my partner, Alicia Buettner, and I, we decided to find something that related to each of our health profession majors. Our research for the proposal revealed the importance of occupational and physical therapists working together in the field and the changing technology in prostheses within rehabilitation treatment. With both topics in mind, we chose to have our proposal addressing the need for occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) students working together in a class at the University of Findlay that also focused on prostheses. After deciding on a topic for our proposal, the next step in the writing process was following the break down for each section of the proposal that you, the professor, provided our peers and us in the classroom. By discussing the content required for each of the sections in the proposal and the correct formats we were to be using during class time, my partner and I were able to gain a grasp on what you were requiring from our proposal. For example, Alicia and I spent a great deal of time looking over the notes we wrote down from the board to make sure we were following the correct guidelines for each section. The mini assignments also helped in reassuring that Alicia and I were on the correct path for the proposal. With each Get more content on
  • 10. Quantitative Research Article Critique This paper is an academic critique of an article written by Lautrette, et al. (2007) titled: "A Communication Strategy and Brochure for Relatives of Patients Dying in the ICU" and accurately reflected the content of the article and the research study itself. The abstract explained the article in more detail, while remaining concise. The type of research study, sample size, variables, intervention, measurement method, findings, and conclusion were all mentioned in the abstract. Statement of the Problem The problem explored in the article was stated as a problem statement. In this article, the authors explain about the stressful situations of families having loved more content... A prospective, randomized, controlled trial was conducted during the study. One family member per patient was assessed over the telephone 90 days after the patient's death. The measurements collected include the symptoms related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other significant symptoms of depression and anxiety. Study Variables For this study patient families were randomly assigned to the intervention or control group. In the control group the interactions between the family and ICU staff, including the end–of–life conference, occurred according to the usual practices and policies in the hospital; whereas in the intervention group, the research study was conducted according to specific guidelines. A bereavement information leaflet was given to each surrogate decision maker. In this research, the independent variable can be the type of family conference received by the surrogates and the dependent variables were the level of stress, anxiety, and depression levels indicated in the 90–day follow–up interview. Conceptual Model / Theoretical framework In this research study, authors chose to relate the research article to Sister Callista Roy's Adaptation Model. Roy's adaptation model can be applied in this study because of the family member's opportunity Get more content on
  • 11. Short Story Critique Essay The short story "Who's Passing for Who" by Langston Hughes was influenced by Hughes' background in his society. This racial influenced story exemplifies how people thought of and interacted with those of a different race and those of a similar color. Hughes proves his credibility in writing the piece through his experiences that he endured in his lifetime during the Harlem Renaissance. The life he led was filled with daily racism and discrimination; he experienced much of his subject matter regarding racial and social tension first hand. Langston Hughes' "Who's Passing for Who" clues the reader into the issues that were present during Hughes' lifetime. Hughes' short story opens with the narrator explaining how white people feel more content... Over dinner, the white couple in the group questioned the black men about the light–skinned black people. They wondered if many people who were black could pass as white and the black men confirmed it true. The white couple the revealed to the group of black men that they were in fact black people that passed as white individuals. The narrator then explains the change of mood in the group; the atmosphere became more comfortable, relaxed and natural, knowing that they were all the same. After the group's pleasurable night, the couple went to get in their cab and yet again, revealed more information. They said that they were actually not black people at all, but they figured that they would pass as black people just as black individuals passed as white folks. This information confuses the men; they can's figure out if the couple was actually black or white. All they know is that they had a great night with a couple of friendly people. Langston Hughes lived during the Harlem Renaissance, a time of prosperity among black artist and writers, and at the height of racial discrimination. Whether it was Jim Crow laws or poll tax, black people were always being put down. Hughes was one of the most influential individuals of the Harlem Renaissance. He was a great visionary of his time and understood that racism was actually hurting the country. Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Criticism Criticism Criticism can be negative or positive; the way it is said may be good or bad. Why do most of us want to avoid giving or receiving criticism? The purpose of criticism is to encourage positive outcomes (what the giver wants). Ideally, it brings balance into our lives, provides us with a basis of comparison, and brings truth, honesty, and intimacy. Hopefully, it gives us honest feedback–a balance of praise and criticism. Do most of us want to know how we are doing? Why do successful business people actually seek out criticism from people they respect? Why do people feel they are unfairly criticized? Are tone of voice, choice of words important? What communication more content... Know ones skill and weaknesses; ones successes and failures. How does one know when one is doing a good job? Need to have a "feel" so we are not caught off guard. Need to learn to take criticism on the job professionally, and emotion (breathe deeply and slowly). Try to remain impartial. Ask yourself is the criticism is valid. What can we learn? Other factors that color criticism: 1) relationship with the giver of criticism (friends give advice). Why do we resent criticism from in–laws, parents and spouses more than bosses do? 2) Choice of words–how it is given. "I can't believe you would do such a stupid thing." What words make you angry, loud, etc? 3) Style of delivery, sacristy, fast and angry, loud, etc. 4) Timing, and public or private. 5) Other types: beyond your control, aimed at your gender, size, heritage, appearance, etc QUESTIONS: How good are you at staying cool under criticism? (Knots in stomach, anger, etc). How well do you listen when you are criticized? (Rephrase so that you really understand what he/she is saying). How effectively can you organize your thoughts to answer (if you think you should)? How well do we put the criticism in perspective (not life threatening)? Do we brood on it for weeks, months? GIVER OF CRITICISM In many societies a giver of bad news was killed. Is it more difficult to give Get more content on
  • 13. Example Of A Quantitative Article Critique Running Head: Quantitative Article Critique 1 Quantitative Article Critique NSG– 603: Application of Nursing Research Maneca Jean–Baptiste, MSN, FNP–C Wilkes University Quantitative Article Critique 2 Quantitative Article Critique Introduction The article "Effects of a Comprehensive Educational Group Intervention in Older Women with Cognitive Complaints: A Randomized Controlled Trial" provides an overview of a new educational group intervention that focuses primarily on psychological education in healthy older women with cognitive complaints related to aging. This randomized control trial study sought to investigate the negative perceptions women faced when cognitive Get more content on
  • 14. Qualitative Research Critique Essay Article Citation Gilmartin, J. (2003). Day surgery: Patients' perceptions of a nurse–led preadmission clinic. Journal of Clinical Nursing 13, 243–250. Initial Reaction This research article is from the UK and the writer questions if the findings from this study will have heuristic relevance and applicability to nursing and healthcare in the United States (U.S.). Primary healthcare in the UK is provided through the National Health Service (NHS); this writer has little knowledge as to how it works and its impact on patient care and nursing. This limited knowledge may introduce bias in this critique. Descriptive Vividness The significance of this study is to determine if a preadmission clinic process can be developed more content... 246). Twenty–two participants spoke of the provision of information giving as comprehensive and helpful in surgical preparation, in contrast eight participants felt the information giving was deficient in its content. One individual went on to say "I personally felt that I was not given any information once the preassessemnt nurse discovered I worked as a staff nurse on a day surgery unit in another hospital" (Gilmartin, 2003, p. 247). Negative case studies do not weaken research findings but make the study more credible as the researcher has considered alternative views in the analysis of data (Tappen, 2011). As this research consisted of 30 participants, a table format listing the four themes with clustered excerpts would have provided this writer with easier interpretation of the data collected. It would have been useful to quantitatively designate the percentage of participants in support of a theme versus those with alternative perceptions. Narrative display of data collection findings made this research less vivid for this writer. Methodological Congruence Documentation, procedural, and ethical rigor was established in this research study with some suggestions for improvement to follow. This research was stated to be a hermeneutic phenomenological research using a mixed methodological approach, Colaizzi and van Manen. This researcher made in–depth clarifying statements to support the van Manen Get more content on
  • 15. Example Of Leadership Critique Leadership Critique Paper Kaci Jones Oregon Health & Science University Leadership Critique Paper "Leadership is the ability to influence, guide, or direct others" (Yoost & Crawford, 2016, p. 166). I will be conducting a critique on my Clinical Teaching Associate (preceptor), she is thenurse Educator at Blue Mountain Hospital in John Day. The Blue Mountain Hospital is a Frontier hospital and the nurses at this hospital work on the Medical Surgical floor, the Emergency Department, and in Obstetrics. This critique will show effective leadership methods and leadership styles used by my preceptor in the clinical setting. There are a number of leadership theories, and many have been demonstrated by my preceptor, I will only choose a few to talk about while critiquing her. I will also provide examples of the leadership she portrays in the work setting. The leadership methods she portrays are The Great Man Theory, The Trait Theory, and The Skills Theory. Leadership Theories Leadership is helping a group or groups of people come to a shared goal; this goal may be an activity or done simply by influencing people to cope with changes (Al–Sawai, 2013). It is also found that "leadership focuses on relationships, using interpersonal skills to persuade others to work toward a common goal" (Yoost & Crawford, 2016, p. 166). The theories listed above describe excellent traits in a leader, I will elaborate on a few leadership theories. The Great Man Theory is the belief that Get more content on
  • 16. Education Article Critique Essay example Amanda Tatarek 9/29/10 Article Review #1 The article begins by the author explaining that men have privilege over women. "Denials which amount to taboos surround the subject of advantages which men gain from women's disadvantages. These denials protect male privilege from being fully acknowledged, lessened or ended," (McIntosh, 1998. P. 1). Then the article proceeds to discuss how whites, whether they realize it or not, have a considerable advantage over other races. She lists twenty–six ways that whites have the upper hand. McIntosh explains that as a white person she had been sheltered from the privileges that she had. "I think whites are taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize more content... There is a black Ms. America and a Black Ms. America, yet the former Ms. America was black. There are sororities that are specifically for particular races yet regular sororities cannot discriminate on race but the race specific ones can. I feel that no matter what race you are you experience discrimination in your lifetime. Coming to Temple and living around Temple, I feel like the minority when I walk on the streets. I feel that it doesn't matter what color skin you are, sometimes you will have the upper hand and sometimes you will have the lower hand. That is just how life is. As a teacher I am going to make sure all my children, no matter what race they are, receive equal amount of attention, knowledge, and opportunities within my classroom. I will do this by shaping the curriculum around a multicultural perspective. "Multicultural education, on the other hand, encourages a culturally responsive curriculum in which diversity is integrated throughout the courses activities and interactions in the classroom,"(Gollnick & Chinn, 2009, p. 72). I will not let my race overpower the way I write and deliver my lessons. I will use Race and Ethnicity within my curriculum to teach my students to be aware of all cultures and races so they aren't blinded by the dominant culture of America. Any child can succeed and do well no matter where they come from. Get more content on
  • 17. Sample Critique Essay No Name 03/10/2012 WRTG 393 Part I: Technical Description Jailbreaking an Iphone An Apple iPhone is a popular multimedia, internet based smartphone sold and marketed by Apple, Inc. An iPhone can function as a video camera (video recording was not a standard feature until the iPhone 3GS was released), a camera phone, a portable media player, and an Internet client with email and web browsing capabilities, can send texts and receive visual voicemail, and has both Wi–Fi and 3G connectivity. The user interface is built around the device's multi–touch screen, including a virtual keyboard rather than a physical one. Third–party as well as Apple applications software is run on the iPhone to increase the functionality. more content... You'll also need to know what version of firmware is installed on your phone. Third party applications can then be browsed, downloaded and installed with software such as Cydia, which is conveniently included in jailbreaking tools. Part II: Instructions How to jailbreak an iPhone and install third party applications. Jailbreaking a iphone can be a relatively simple task to do. There are two types of jailbreak you can perform on your iPhone, and they are a tethered jailbreak and an untethered jailbreak. 1) Tethered jailbreak: This method is not recommended, as it requires you to jailbreak your iPhone by connecting it to your computer every time you switch off your phone or if the battery dies. Usually, this method is only performed when a new software update for the iPhone is released and an untethered jailbreak method is unavailable. 2) Untethered jailbreak: This method involves connecting your iPhone to your computer once and jailbreaking it. After doing this, your phone remains jailbroken even after it switches off and you switch it back on again. In other words, the jailbreaking process is permanently done on your iPhone without needing to be done again if you reboot your phone. Of course if you wish to un–jailbreak your iPhone, it's still possible by resetting via iTunes. So naturally this is the preferred Get more content on
  • 18. Example Of Visual Art Critique Visual Art Critique For my visual art critique, I attend the Texas State University Wittliff Collections on Tuesday, October tenth. During my visit I viewed works of art from the Lonesome Dove collection. The first piece of work I critiques was the photograph "Crossing the Rio Grande" taken by Bill Wittliff. This photo was taken on the set of the Lonesome Dove in 1988. What stood out to me was the significance of how real this photo is. So many slaves have tried to cross this river to escape persecution and slavery. Although, in this instance the photo is depicting three cowboys or horseman crossing theRio Grande River in pursuit of cattle driving thousands of cattle from Texas up north to Montana. Although this photo is quite iconic in relation to this history of Texas I do not believe this piece of work along with many others from this exhibit should be deemed canonical. I personally rate this piece of work a four and a half, out of ten simply because while it is a great piece of art; it is the type of work I would like to hang in my bathroom above my toilet so while I am urinating I can view a nice "manly" piece of art. The second piece I critiqued was also a photo from the set of "Lonesome Dove". The second piece of art was titled "Gus on Porch," and was also taken by Bill Wittliff. This piece of work was very interesting to me because although I am not from Texas, I believe that this photo depicts how many outsiders of Texas, view the states past. This photo features Get more content on
  • 19. Personal Leadership Critique Essay example Bernard M. Bass was a distinguished professor emeritus in the School of Management at Binghamton University and a member of the Academy of Senior Professionals at Eckerd College in Florida (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2009). Bass was the founding director of the Center for Leadership Studies at State University of New York, as well as the founding editor of The Leadership Quarterly journal (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc., 2009). In 1949, Bass obtained a PhD in Industrial Psychology from Ohio State University. Bass has held faculty positions at the University of Rochester, the University of Pittsburg, the University of California at Berkeley, and Louisiana State University (Bass, more content... In addition, this critique will provide an explanation of transformational, transactional, and laissez–faire leadership. The final section of this critique will provide information I have learned about my personal leadership characteristics and how I will apply this knowledge. According to Bass (1990), transformational leadership "occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their employees, when they generate awareness and acceptance of the purpose and the mission of the group, and when they stir their employees to look beyond their own self–interest" for the benefit of the organization. Transformational leaders may achieve these results by inspiring their employees, meeting their emotions needs, and by intellectually stimulating them (Bass, 1990). However, transactional leadership consists of leaders who "exert influence by setting goals, clarifying desired outcomes, providing feedback, and exchanging rewards for accomplishments" (Dvir, Eden, Avolio, & Shamir, 2002). The two main factors that characterize transactional leadership are concentrating on "accomplishing the tasks", and "focusing on satisfying the self–interest of those who do good work" (Bass, 1990). The laissez–faire leadership style, a more passive form of leadership than transformational or transactional, exhibits leaders that either "wait for problems to arise before Get more content on