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Examples Of Synthesis
A synthesis essay is one of the most writer engaging pieces. It involved picking ideas from a variety
of sources, summarizing them and creating a cohesive essay that focuses on a thesis statement. It
interweaves information based on topic and relevance to assert a certain opinion or point of view.
The author examines various sources and identifies suitable relationships with the thesis. The most
important aspect of a synthesis is to demonstrate to the reader an extensive understanding of the
information within a topic. Therefore, extensive research is a prerequisite for a well–written essay.
Synthesis also involves a great deal of reflection. The author not only needs to rephrase and
summarize the sources of information, but put down what more content...
Give a brief description of the subject matter and its relevance. In a few lines, offer the background
of the topic. It is in this paragraph that you state the purpose of the synthesis. Make the reader
understand why they should review your work. last and most importantly. Formulate the thesis
statement. This brief and concise statement summarizes the whole agenda of the synthesis. The body
This section has three main parts. The target point: The topic statement describes the idea you will
discuss in the paragraph. The evidence: Justifies the main idea of the paragraph and invokes relevant
facts and data that will strengthen the argument. Conclusion: relates the evidence and target point. It
details the relevance of these two facts to the overall topic, The conclusion At this point, you wrap
up your essay. It is primal that the thesis statement is reiterated using different terns or paraphrase.
This paragraph envelopes all the arguments that you have presented. Restate each of the facts albeit
summarily. Example of an essay outline Introduction Hook the reader Provide background
information on executive order on the immigration. Explain why the ban is contentious in
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Speech Outline
24.A speech about the political developments, year by year, after War World II is likely to be
arranged using a:
a.chronological pattern
b.spatial pattern
c.cause–effect pattern
d.problem solution pattern
e.all the above
f.none of the above
25.A speech about how to tour the exhibits at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts is likely to be
arranged in a:
a.chronological pattern
b.spatial pattern
c.cause–effect pattern
d.problem solution pattern
e.all the above
f.none of the above
26.A speech about the student dropout rate in high school and the ways to reduce that rate is likely
to be arranged using a:
a.chronological pattern
b.spatial pattern
c.cause–effect pattern
d.problem solution pattern
e.all the above
f.none of the above
27.A speech about the lack more content...
the combination of volume, intonation, speaking rate and pauses in your speech
e.the combination of volume, intonation, speaking rate and nonverbal cues in your speech
f.all the above
g.none of the above
48.Nonverbal communication during the delivery of a speech: not important if you prepare your topic very well
b.counts for more than 90 percent of the meaning you want to convey evenly balanced, 50–50, with your spoken words not important if you speak behind a podium
e.all the above
f.none of the above 49.A speaker who uses the following words: "We are all the same, we love our
children, our parents, our family, our friends, so then, why is so difficult for us to love our
neighbor?" is appealing to:
a.audience pathos
b.audience logos
c.audience ethos
d.audience logic
e.all the above
f.none of the above
50.The speaker who says, "We need to fulfill our potential through education –– through personal
––growth. These are the ways to become good citizens –– to transcend time and space", is appealing
a.audience safety needs
b.audience social needs
c.audience self–esteem needs
d.audience self–actualization needs
e.all the above
f.none of the
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My Educational Plan
I divided my educational plan into two parts. The first part of my plan is to stay in college and
continue to pursue a higher level of education. As being an immigrant and the first person who
ever attend college in my family, I feel the need of act as a role model for my younger siblings and
cousins. I believe good grade can be earned through hard work, but making college affordable is
intimidating. I will continuously reach out for supports and hunt for opportunities that can help me
achieve my dream. The second part of my plan is to guide my brother, Joey, who is an incominghigh
school senior and planning on pursuing higher education at Indian River State College as well.
Everything was hard for me at the beginning with no adults in my family who has attended college
or who barely speaks English, nor did I have more content...
First, seeking for opportunities that relate to counseling. Through my experiences and observations
with the people around me, I noticed most of them are not working happily and do not know their
capacity. I learned that they have negative thoughts towards their job and is not willing to try the
best within their ability, which it can turn the business down. I want to inspire and mentor them to
discover their potentials, find their interests and what they can do to change their life. Second,
donate to a scholarship fund. I was fortune enough to born in an era where people attach importance
to the education by supporting the students financially. I would never forget the supports I receive
today and would love to give back in the future. I want to show my supportiveness through allowing
more people to receive education and make my contribution.
Both my educational and career plans are focusing on reinforcing the community and the importance
of education. Finish college and pursuing higher education comes in as my first priority as this will
have a domino effect on the other plans I wish to
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Speech Outline Essay
Common Phobias (Sample Informative Prep Outline)
General Purpose: To inform.
Specific Purpose: After hearing my presentation, my listeners will be able to name and describe
several common phobias.
Central Idea: The most common phobias fall into three main categories – social, survival, and
environmental phobias.
Organizational Pattern: Topical
INTRODUCTION I.(Attention Material) Rose Marie had fears that she allowed to take control of
her life. A. Fears, even small ones, can grow into phobias. B.Normal, rational fears can become
problems. C.When these fears begin to dominate a portion of your life, they are called "phobias",
which are defined by the American Psychological Association as "a strong, persistent, more
Now let's look at a second type of phobias.)
II.The second type of phobia is the survival phobia. A.A college student rides a three day train to
school. 1.She is afraid of flying. 2.She has aerophobia. B.A businessman had to quit his job when his
office moved to the thirty–second floor of a building. 1.He could not ride in an elevator. 2.He had
claustrophobia. C.There are many more survival phobias. 1.Hypnophobia is the fear of sleep.
2.Electrophobia is the fear of electricity. 3.Thanatophobia is the fear of death.
III.The third, and broadest category of phobias, is the environmental phobia group. A.Howard
Hughes had mysophobia, a fear of germs. B.A Brooklyn politician had a fear of newspapers and
wet newsprint. 1.This hindered his career. 2.He learned to read the newspaper without actually
touching it. C.There are several other environmental phobias. 1.The fear of storms has two subtypes.
a.Keraunophobia is the fear of thunder. b.Astraphobia is the fear of lightning. 2.The fear of heights
is acrophobia. 3.The fear of water is hydrophobia.
(Transition:Now that we've discussed these three categories of phobias, and some specific examples
of each type, let's review what we've learned.)
I.(Summary of Main Points) There are three broad categories of phobias. A.Social phobias are those
phobias that make it hard to
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Auschwitz Historical Overview
A Historical Overview of the Death Camp
The Holocaust is one of the most horrifying crimes against humanity. "Hitler, in an attempt to
establish the pure Aryan race, decided that all mentally ill, gypsies, non supporters of Nazism, and
Jews were to be eliminated from the German population. He proceeded to reach his goal in a
systematic scheme." (Bauer, 58) One of his main methods of exterminating these 'undesirables'
was through the use of concentration and death camps. In January of 1941, Adolf Hitler and his top
officials decided to make their 'final solution' a reality. Their goal was to eliminate the Jews and the
'unpure' from the entire population. Auschwitz was the more content...
These camps were set up along railroad lines so that the prisoners would be conveniently close to
their destination. Unfortunately, many prisoners didn't even survive the train ride to the camps.
Herded like cattle, exhaustion, disease, and starvation ended the long treacherous journey for
many of the prisoners. On the trains, Jews were starved of food and water for days. Nearly 8% of
the people did not even survive the ride to the camps. (Nyiszli, 37)
When they arrived at the camps, most of the families who were shipped out together, ended up being
separated. Often, the transports were a sampling of what went on in the camps: cruelty by the
officers, near starvation of those being transported, as well as fetid and unsanitary conditions. For the
people who survived the trip, it was just the beginning of the living nightmare that they would face
inside the walls of Auschwitz.
Jews were forced to obey the guards' orders from the moment they arrived at the camps. "If
they didn't, they would be beaten, put into solitary confinement, or shot." (Nyiszli, 49) A
prisoner said, "I can remember when I first arrived. The S.S. would take babies right out of
their mother's arms, throw them in the air and then shoot them. This is when I realized that I had
just entered hell." (Nyiszli, 102) The prisoners had
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Perseverance Essay
What is perseverance? Perseverance is the ability to go on when things seem hopeless. It is also a
measure of success, or at least how much sacrifice one is willing to make in the name of success.
As students, it is impossible to achieve personal success without having a goal, or direction. The
goal and direction that often propels us to achieve is perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to
forge ahead despite setbacks that threaten to undermine all efforts to succeed.
We are high school students and that means that the sense of urgency to strive for and to achieve
personal success is now. With this urgency comes the expectation of having to persevere. This year
has not been as easy one for us as a school body. We have more content...
There is no shame in falling; the shame is in accepting the the fall as defeat. Nelson Mandella once
said, "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall." That is
the essence of persevering––finding the will to get up even though you know you are being counted
Each day is a challenge for some of us. Some of you struggle to get up each morning and make it
to school. But you find it within yourself to do because the hope of a better tomorrow compels
you to do so. It is not easy to explain to teachers or other students that there was no one to wake
you up and see that you were ready for school. The moment you leave your house and step on the
bus, you are one step closer to realizing your dream, to fulfilling your purpose. That is what
perseverance is. It is the finding the strength to do the impossible because you know that all
things are possible. It is understanding that your tomorrow has great possibilities because of the
steps you take today. I had a neighbor whose parents were divorced, but it seems like both parents
divorced her. Her mother had custody, but she was seldom around. My friend raised herself. She
gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "putting yourself through school", but she was in middle
school. However, she had a dream of something better and it was evident that it required
self–motivation and determination.
We have all been called upon
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Bullying Outline
Purpose: To inform the audience on bullying.
Thesis: The effect bullying has on students.
Attention getter: Bullying, we have all been a victim and we have all been the bully whether we
have noticed or not.
Relevance: Everyday bullying happens all around us and nobody seems to lift a finger to stop it.
Credibility: Growing up I was always a victim of bullying, because of this I have became depressed,
my anxiety is through the roof and my self confidence is the lowest it has ever been. I started
getting bullied in the fourth grade, my classmates would make fun of my freckles, my hair color,
the way I dressed and so much more, they didn't realize that maybe I was going through a hard time
at home and they could have been more content...
This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks
to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be especially devastating to the people being bullied,
since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world." It is very important for you to realize
that there are many different forms of bullying, there is physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional
bullying and cyberbullying. Physical and verbal bullying are the 2 methods often used in our
classrooms and hallways, Admin bullying be demographic explains both types well, "Physical
Bullying: is the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to
physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically
harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do
something.""Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning
language to tear down another's self–image. Bullies who use verbal techniques
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Suicide Speech Outline Essay
Speech Outline
Specific Purpose: To aware people about suicide and help them to find out if someone could be
living this awful situation. By being aware all of us could save lives in danger.
Attention Getter: Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. surpassed by accidents and
homicide. (According to Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention)
Statement of Significance: Suicide or "self–killing" or "an act of taking one's own life" according to
Robert M. Martin. Now committing suicide is very common in nowadays anyone could be in
danger of doing it, your mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle, and aunt could be going through this hard
stage. I will tell you the main causes of suicide, the signs more content...
2.Having some personal issues is also a main cause of suicide such as being sexually abuse,
homosexual preferences, and self– identity and a trauma (according to Edwin Shneidman) which
includes poor health, example asthma, obesity, and multiple illness .
Transition: Now you know the main causes why do people commit suicide, now let's see the sings
of a suicidal person and methods of suicide.
II. Sings of a suicidal person and methods
1.The suicidal signs are easy to identify, and if you identify them early enough you could save a
person's live that could be in danger.
2.According to the website here are the signs of a suicidal person
* talking about suicide or death in general
* talking about "going away"
* referring to things they "won't be needing" or giving away possessions
* talking about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
* pulling away from friends or family and losing the desire to go out
* having no desire to take part in favorite things or activities
* having trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
* experiencing changes in eating or sleeping habits
* engaging in self–destructive behavior (for ex. drinking, drugs, or cutting)
B. Methods
1. Top 10 suicidal methods according to
10. Drowning 5. Carbon Monoxide Inhalation
9. Electric shock 4. Poison
8. Bleeding to
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Disease Essay Outline
Disease Essay Intro/Thesis Paragraph The S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease is a unique virus that infects
individuals who are surro6unded by technology, especially those who use YouTube. The name was
created from the root word "Shane" standing for Shane Dawson who was the first individuals
diagnosed with the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease and the suffix "anea" was intended to represent one
of Shanes' characters/personas on his YouTube channel. People on YouTube after mid 2008 are at
greater risk of receiving this disease. Be that it may, the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease is becoming
increasingly more common, there are no signs of it leaving in the next years. Symptoms Paragraph
The S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease has multiple symptoms, the most extreme is,
more content...
A disease, for instance, in the event that you listen to a certain song the sound waves assault the
infection you will be cured. In addition, in the event that you haven't gotten your work done, or
haven't read in the most recent 6 months or done any schoolwork, then you decide to read the
whole Harry Potter Series, then you will be cured. On the off chance that you eat fast food
consistently, then you have to kidnap Shane Dawson and forcibly feed him vegetables for 24 hours
in a row, then you will be cured. On the other hand, if you haven't seen a Netflix television show in
the past 6 months, then you have to listen to Pretty Hurts by BeyoncГ© for 24 hours in a row in
light of the fact that sitting in front of the TV which kills the infectious cells and will cure you.
These are some working treatment, nevertheless, the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease isn't an infection
that abandons your system, you just quit demonstrating symptoms. There's no working cure to date
on the grounds that the infection is localized in the brain. Conclusion Paragraph Despite the fact
that, the S.H.AN.E.A.N.E.A. sickness hints at not leaving in the following years. This virus is
hallmarked by daily diarrhea and irregular sweating. Its improtant to engage in preventitive
treatment of the disease, such as reading the whole entire Harry Potter Series. As a result, one can in
any case dependably avoid getting infected, however at the
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Formal Sentence Outline
For your formal draft, compose a formal sentence outline. All sub–headings (A, B, & C) on your
formal outline will follow the same format for sub–headings on the working outline and may include
more headings than the ones that I have listed. If you feel that your opponents' arguments are
stronger than your own, then you will want to swap the ideas in Headings II and III in order to
leave your reader with the final thoughts of the analysis of your own arguments.
Process for Writing the Paper:
Compose your outline from your annotated bibliography, alternating your sources in each paragraph.
(Three different sources per paragraph: one expert opinion; one story of someone suffering from this
issue; and one statistic per paragraph) (Remember to include more content...
Include Author's name with every change from one source to another source for all material quoted,
summarized, or paraphrased and the page number in parenthesis in order to prevent plagiarism.
Do not include the following:
First or Second Person (for example I, me, we, my, our, ours, you, your, yours, etc)
Contractions (for example won't, can't, haven't, etc.)
There is or there are, which are considered fillers that take up space
"Slang" – Review Diana Hacker's "Use of Academic Language" if in doubt.
Turning in Your Paper in Your Electronic Research Portfolio: All Documents as you progress as
noted throughout the assignment should be saved to your USB drive to a folder titled YOUR
NAME and RESEARCH PORTFOLIO. If you need help with this, please ask me for help.
The Following should be included:
Electronic Peer reviews (if assigned)
Writing center visit reviews
Rough drafts
Word Processed Outlines for "Comparison Contrast", "Cause and Effect", "Argumentation"
(40–Model Essays), and "Writing Papers in MLA Style" (Rules for Writers)
A copy of the assignment and grade sheet on top
Your Paper to Include the
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Example Essay Outline

  • 1. Examples Of Synthesis A synthesis essay is one of the most writer engaging pieces. It involved picking ideas from a variety of sources, summarizing them and creating a cohesive essay that focuses on a thesis statement. It interweaves information based on topic and relevance to assert a certain opinion or point of view. The author examines various sources and identifies suitable relationships with the thesis. The most important aspect of a synthesis is to demonstrate to the reader an extensive understanding of the information within a topic. Therefore, extensive research is a prerequisite for a well–written essay. Synthesis also involves a great deal of reflection. The author not only needs to rephrase and summarize the sources of information, but put down what more content... Give a brief description of the subject matter and its relevance. In a few lines, offer the background of the topic. It is in this paragraph that you state the purpose of the synthesis. Make the reader understand why they should review your work. last and most importantly. Formulate the thesis statement. This brief and concise statement summarizes the whole agenda of the synthesis. The body This section has three main parts. The target point: The topic statement describes the idea you will discuss in the paragraph. The evidence: Justifies the main idea of the paragraph and invokes relevant facts and data that will strengthen the argument. Conclusion: relates the evidence and target point. It details the relevance of these two facts to the overall topic, The conclusion At this point, you wrap up your essay. It is primal that the thesis statement is reiterated using different terns or paraphrase. This paragraph envelopes all the arguments that you have presented. Restate each of the facts albeit summarily. Example of an essay outline Introduction Hook the reader Provide background information on executive order on the immigration. Explain why the ban is contentious in Get more content on
  • 2. Speech Outline 24.A speech about the political developments, year by year, after War World II is likely to be arranged using a: a.chronological pattern b.spatial pattern c.cause–effect pattern d.problem solution pattern e.all the above f.none of the above 25.A speech about how to tour the exhibits at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts is likely to be arranged in a: a.chronological pattern b.spatial pattern c.cause–effect pattern d.problem solution pattern e.all the above f.none of the above 26.A speech about the student dropout rate in high school and the ways to reduce that rate is likely to be arranged using a: a.chronological pattern b.spatial pattern c.cause–effect pattern d.problem solution pattern e.all the above f.none of the above 27.A speech about the lack more content... the combination of volume, intonation, speaking rate and pauses in your speech e.the combination of volume, intonation, speaking rate and nonverbal cues in your speech f.all the above g.none of the above 48.Nonverbal communication during the delivery of a speech: not important if you prepare your topic very well b.counts for more than 90 percent of the meaning you want to convey evenly balanced, 50–50, with your spoken words not important if you speak behind a podium e.all the above f.none of the above 49.A speaker who uses the following words: "We are all the same, we love our
  • 3. children, our parents, our family, our friends, so then, why is so difficult for us to love our neighbor?" is appealing to: a.audience pathos b.audience logos c.audience ethos d.audience logic e.all the above f.none of the above 50.The speaker who says, "We need to fulfill our potential through education –– through personal ––growth. These are the ways to become good citizens –– to transcend time and space", is appealing to: a.audience safety needs b.audience social needs c.audience self–esteem needs d.audience self–actualization needs e.all the above f.none of the Get more content on
  • 4. My Educational Plan I divided my educational plan into two parts. The first part of my plan is to stay in college and continue to pursue a higher level of education. As being an immigrant and the first person who ever attend college in my family, I feel the need of act as a role model for my younger siblings and cousins. I believe good grade can be earned through hard work, but making college affordable is intimidating. I will continuously reach out for supports and hunt for opportunities that can help me achieve my dream. The second part of my plan is to guide my brother, Joey, who is an incominghigh school senior and planning on pursuing higher education at Indian River State College as well. Everything was hard for me at the beginning with no adults in my family who has attended college or who barely speaks English, nor did I have more content... First, seeking for opportunities that relate to counseling. Through my experiences and observations with the people around me, I noticed most of them are not working happily and do not know their capacity. I learned that they have negative thoughts towards their job and is not willing to try the best within their ability, which it can turn the business down. I want to inspire and mentor them to discover their potentials, find their interests and what they can do to change their life. Second, donate to a scholarship fund. I was fortune enough to born in an era where people attach importance to the education by supporting the students financially. I would never forget the supports I receive today and would love to give back in the future. I want to show my supportiveness through allowing more people to receive education and make my contribution. Both my educational and career plans are focusing on reinforcing the community and the importance of education. Finish college and pursuing higher education comes in as my first priority as this will have a domino effect on the other plans I wish to Get more content on
  • 5. Speech Outline Essay Common Phobias (Sample Informative Prep Outline) General Purpose: To inform. Specific Purpose: After hearing my presentation, my listeners will be able to name and describe several common phobias. Central Idea: The most common phobias fall into three main categories – social, survival, and environmental phobias. Organizational Pattern: Topical INTRODUCTION I.(Attention Material) Rose Marie had fears that she allowed to take control of her life. A. Fears, even small ones, can grow into phobias. B.Normal, rational fears can become problems. C.When these fears begin to dominate a portion of your life, they are called "phobias", which are defined by the American Psychological Association as "a strong, persistent, more content... Now let's look at a second type of phobias.) II.The second type of phobia is the survival phobia. A.A college student rides a three day train to school. 1.She is afraid of flying. 2.She has aerophobia. B.A businessman had to quit his job when his office moved to the thirty–second floor of a building. 1.He could not ride in an elevator. 2.He had claustrophobia. C.There are many more survival phobias. 1.Hypnophobia is the fear of sleep. 2.Electrophobia is the fear of electricity. 3.Thanatophobia is the fear of death. III.The third, and broadest category of phobias, is the environmental phobia group. A.Howard Hughes had mysophobia, a fear of germs. B.A Brooklyn politician had a fear of newspapers and wet newsprint. 1.This hindered his career. 2.He learned to read the newspaper without actually touching it. C.There are several other environmental phobias. 1.The fear of storms has two subtypes. a.Keraunophobia is the fear of thunder. b.Astraphobia is the fear of lightning. 2.The fear of heights is acrophobia. 3.The fear of water is hydrophobia. (Transition:Now that we've discussed these three categories of phobias, and some specific examples of each type, let's review what we've learned.) CONCLUSION I.(Summary of Main Points) There are three broad categories of phobias. A.Social phobias are those phobias that make it hard to
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  • 7. Auschwitz Historical Overview Auschwitz: A Historical Overview of the Death Camp The Holocaust is one of the most horrifying crimes against humanity. "Hitler, in an attempt to establish the pure Aryan race, decided that all mentally ill, gypsies, non supporters of Nazism, and Jews were to be eliminated from the German population. He proceeded to reach his goal in a systematic scheme." (Bauer, 58) One of his main methods of exterminating these 'undesirables' was through the use of concentration and death camps. In January of 1941, Adolf Hitler and his top officials decided to make their 'final solution' a reality. Their goal was to eliminate the Jews and the 'unpure' from the entire population. Auschwitz was the more content... These camps were set up along railroad lines so that the prisoners would be conveniently close to their destination. Unfortunately, many prisoners didn't even survive the train ride to the camps. Herded like cattle, exhaustion, disease, and starvation ended the long treacherous journey for many of the prisoners. On the trains, Jews were starved of food and water for days. Nearly 8% of the people did not even survive the ride to the camps. (Nyiszli, 37) When they arrived at the camps, most of the families who were shipped out together, ended up being separated. Often, the transports were a sampling of what went on in the camps: cruelty by the officers, near starvation of those being transported, as well as fetid and unsanitary conditions. For the people who survived the trip, it was just the beginning of the living nightmare that they would face inside the walls of Auschwitz. Jews were forced to obey the guards' orders from the moment they arrived at the camps. "If they didn't, they would be beaten, put into solitary confinement, or shot." (Nyiszli, 49) A prisoner said, "I can remember when I first arrived. The S.S. would take babies right out of their mother's arms, throw them in the air and then shoot them. This is when I realized that I had just entered hell." (Nyiszli, 102) The prisoners had Get more content on
  • 8. Perseverance Essay What is perseverance? Perseverance is the ability to go on when things seem hopeless. It is also a measure of success, or at least how much sacrifice one is willing to make in the name of success. As students, it is impossible to achieve personal success without having a goal, or direction. The goal and direction that often propels us to achieve is perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to forge ahead despite setbacks that threaten to undermine all efforts to succeed. We are high school students and that means that the sense of urgency to strive for and to achieve personal success is now. With this urgency comes the expectation of having to persevere. This year has not been as easy one for us as a school body. We have more content... There is no shame in falling; the shame is in accepting the the fall as defeat. Nelson Mandella once said, "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall." That is the essence of persevering––finding the will to get up even though you know you are being counted out. Each day is a challenge for some of us. Some of you struggle to get up each morning and make it to school. But you find it within yourself to do because the hope of a better tomorrow compels you to do so. It is not easy to explain to teachers or other students that there was no one to wake you up and see that you were ready for school. The moment you leave your house and step on the bus, you are one step closer to realizing your dream, to fulfilling your purpose. That is what perseverance is. It is the finding the strength to do the impossible because you know that all things are possible. It is understanding that your tomorrow has great possibilities because of the steps you take today. I had a neighbor whose parents were divorced, but it seems like both parents divorced her. Her mother had custody, but she was seldom around. My friend raised herself. She gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "putting yourself through school", but she was in middle school. However, she had a dream of something better and it was evident that it required self–motivation and determination. We have all been called upon Get more content on
  • 9. Bullying Outline Purpose: To inform the audience on bullying. Thesis: The effect bullying has on students. Introduction: Attention getter: Bullying, we have all been a victim and we have all been the bully whether we have noticed or not. Relevance: Everyday bullying happens all around us and nobody seems to lift a finger to stop it. Credibility: Growing up I was always a victim of bullying, because of this I have became depressed, my anxiety is through the roof and my self confidence is the lowest it has ever been. I started getting bullied in the fourth grade, my classmates would make fun of my freckles, my hair color, the way I dressed and so much more, they didn't realize that maybe I was going through a hard time at home and they could have been more content... This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be especially devastating to the people being bullied, since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world." It is very important for you to realize that there are many different forms of bullying, there is physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional bullying and cyberbullying. Physical and verbal bullying are the 2 methods often used in our classrooms and hallways, Admin bullying be demographic explains both types well, "Physical Bullying: is the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do something.""Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning language to tear down another's self–image. Bullies who use verbal techniques Get more content on
  • 10. Suicide Speech Outline Essay Speech Outline Topic:suicide Specific Purpose: To aware people about suicide and help them to find out if someone could be living this awful situation. By being aware all of us could save lives in danger. Introduction: Attention Getter: Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. surpassed by accidents and homicide. (According to Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention) Statement of Significance: Suicide or "self–killing" or "an act of taking one's own life" according to Robert M. Martin. Now committing suicide is very common in nowadays anyone could be in danger of doing it, your mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle, and aunt could be going through this hard stage. I will tell you the main causes of suicide, the signs more content... 2.Having some personal issues is also a main cause of suicide such as being sexually abuse, homosexual preferences, and self– identity and a trauma (according to Edwin Shneidman) which includes poor health, example asthma, obesity, and multiple illness . Transition: Now you know the main causes why do people commit suicide, now let's see the sings of a suicidal person and methods of suicide. II. Sings of a suicidal person and methods A.Signs 1.The suicidal signs are easy to identify, and if you identify them early enough you could save a person's live that could be in danger. 2.According to the website here are the signs of a suicidal person * talking about suicide or death in general * talking about "going away" * referring to things they "won't be needing" or giving away possessions * talking about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty * pulling away from friends or family and losing the desire to go out * having no desire to take part in favorite things or activities * having trouble concentrating or thinking clearly * experiencing changes in eating or sleeping habits * engaging in self–destructive behavior (for ex. drinking, drugs, or cutting) B. Methods 1. Top 10 suicidal methods according to 10. Drowning 5. Carbon Monoxide Inhalation 9. Electric shock 4. Poison 8. Bleeding to
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  • 12. Disease Essay Outline Disease Essay Intro/Thesis Paragraph The S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease is a unique virus that infects individuals who are surro6unded by technology, especially those who use YouTube. The name was created from the root word "Shane" standing for Shane Dawson who was the first individuals diagnosed with the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease and the suffix "anea" was intended to represent one of Shanes' characters/personas on his YouTube channel. People on YouTube after mid 2008 are at greater risk of receiving this disease. Be that it may, the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease is becoming increasingly more common, there are no signs of it leaving in the next years. Symptoms Paragraph The S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease has multiple symptoms, the most extreme is, more content... A disease, for instance, in the event that you listen to a certain song the sound waves assault the infection you will be cured. In addition, in the event that you haven't gotten your work done, or haven't read in the most recent 6 months or done any schoolwork, then you decide to read the whole Harry Potter Series, then you will be cured. On the off chance that you eat fast food consistently, then you have to kidnap Shane Dawson and forcibly feed him vegetables for 24 hours in a row, then you will be cured. On the other hand, if you haven't seen a Netflix television show in the past 6 months, then you have to listen to Pretty Hurts by BeyoncГ© for 24 hours in a row in light of the fact that sitting in front of the TV which kills the infectious cells and will cure you. These are some working treatment, nevertheless, the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease isn't an infection that abandons your system, you just quit demonstrating symptoms. There's no working cure to date on the grounds that the infection is localized in the brain. Conclusion Paragraph Despite the fact that, the S.H.AN.E.A.N.E.A. sickness hints at not leaving in the following years. This virus is hallmarked by daily diarrhea and irregular sweating. Its improtant to engage in preventitive treatment of the disease, such as reading the whole entire Harry Potter Series. As a result, one can in any case dependably avoid getting infected, however at the Get more content on
  • 13. Formal Sentence Outline For your formal draft, compose a formal sentence outline. All sub–headings (A, B, & C) on your formal outline will follow the same format for sub–headings on the working outline and may include more headings than the ones that I have listed. If you feel that your opponents' arguments are stronger than your own, then you will want to swap the ideas in Headings II and III in order to leave your reader with the final thoughts of the analysis of your own arguments. Process for Writing the Paper: Compose your outline from your annotated bibliography, alternating your sources in each paragraph. (Three different sources per paragraph: one expert opinion; one story of someone suffering from this issue; and one statistic per paragraph) (Remember to include more content... Include Author's name with every change from one source to another source for all material quoted, summarized, or paraphrased and the page number in parenthesis in order to prevent plagiarism. Do not include the following: First or Second Person (for example I, me, we, my, our, ours, you, your, yours, etc) Contractions (for example won't, can't, haven't, etc.) There is or there are, which are considered fillers that take up space "Slang" – Review Diana Hacker's "Use of Academic Language" if in doubt. Turning in Your Paper in Your Electronic Research Portfolio: All Documents as you progress as noted throughout the assignment should be saved to your USB drive to a folder titled YOUR NAME and RESEARCH PORTFOLIO. If you need help with this, please ask me for help. The Following should be included: Electronic Peer reviews (if assigned) Writing center visit reviews Rough drafts Word Processed Outlines for "Comparison Contrast", "Cause and Effect", "Argumentation" (40–Model Essays), and "Writing Papers in MLA Style" (Rules for Writers) A copy of the assignment and grade sheet on top Your Paper to Include the Get more content on