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Evaluation Of A Nursing Career Essay
One of the many goals of the nursing profession is to provide high–quality, safe patient care. There are many responsibilities that come with a nursing
career and when the nurse to patient ratio increases, there is a possibility that it may hinder the safe care that patients deserve, and this may result in
negative patient outcomes and level of satisfaction. Staffing is one of the many issues that healthcare facilities face. In many facilities, there never
seems to be enough nurses per shift to provide high quality, thorough patient care which often leads to burnt out staff, and frustrated patients and
families. This review discusses the findings of quantitative studies and one systematic review that involves patient outcomes in relation to nurse
staffing. The first quantitative study analyzed was conducted by Dabney and Kalisch in 2015 and surveyed 729 patients. The purpose of the study was
to continue researching for any correlation between patient outcomes and nurse staffing. They analyzed patient reports of missed nursing care and
determined if there was a relationship between patient reports and the nurse staffing levels. The design and sample include data that was obtained in
the study of patient reports of missed nursing care and compared it to the level of nurse staffing. The sample was made up of 729 patients on 20 units
in 2 hospitals. The 20 units consisted of 12 medical units with 420 participants, 6 surgical units with 255 participants, and 2 rehabilitation
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Evidence-Based Practice
The incorporation of evidenced–based practice (EBP) into nursing practice is supported by research to positively improve the quality of care and
improve patient outcomes. EBP is important to the nursing profession because it also leads to increased job satisfaction, teamwork, and levels of
engagement in clinicians (Melnyk, et al., 2017). Miniature research projects such as quality improvement projects, surveys, and clinical research
studies are frameworks used to get feedback and data from patients during their time spent in health care systems. EBP is not the standard of care in
many health care systems (Melnyk, et al., 2017). This due to many factors, including lack of EBP mentors, nursing programs that do not incorporate
EBP into the curriculum, more content...
The research process includes an intent, design, timeline, setting, measurable outcomes, and a plan for dissemination of the finding. The purpose of the
research is to generate knowledge or validate existing knowledge. Being able to identify the significance of these factors in different evidence–based
practices will help the practitioner evaluate whether that information is relevant to that population of care or individual. Understanding the research
process will help the clinician understand the purpose of the investigation, if the results are valid, why the results are important, and if the results will
improve patient outcomes (Arndt & Netsch, 2012). A quality improvement (QI) project involves data–guided activities with short timelines to improve
health care delivery systems (Arndt & Netsch, 2012). The setting of QI projects take place in a single setting and are monitored in the institution where
the QI project is conducted. The purpose of a QI project is to change practice outcomes and apply known solutions to a known problem in that
institution (Arndt & Netsch, 2012). Data obtained from the activities is disseminated through newsletters, flyers, through staff meetings, or submitted
for publication and presented in
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Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay examples
Personal Philosophy of Nursing UCF November 25, 2011 Personal Philosophy of Nursing My personal definition of nursing is taking care of my
patient as a whole; using my knowledge, being compassionate and caring, respectful and honest. Taking care of the; spiritual, physical and emotional
aspect of the patient, and taking into consideration their family and environment. Learning about the different theorists I associate myself the most with
Hildegard Peplau. Peplau believed that the relationship between the patient and the nurse was focus of attention, rather than the patient only as the unit
of attention. (Chitty & Black p.314–315). Using Peplau's theory my relationship begins with my patients as strangers and I try more content...
Not being afraid to question doctors as well as the nurses about their care, asking for a 2nd opinion if they don't feel quite right about a diagnosis.
Patients should educate themselves on their disease process along with collaboration of the physicians and nurses. Patients should know why they are
on their medications, I have seen countless times were patients have no idea what their taking and why their taking their medications, their response
because the doctor said so this is not good enough. I also believe that many of our physicians and nurses have failed our patients looking at them as
just a body not an individual. We should encourage screenings, early interventions (education) to help prevent or reduce diseases. By doing these
things I think we can help to reduce patients hospitalizations, healthcare costs and risk of infections. Prolong the lives of our patients help them to live
a healthy and long life. There will be a few challenges ahead for our healthcare system and the nursing profession: 1. The Aging Population– (baby
boomers will be hitting retirement age). 2. Poverty–"the increasing numbers of disenfranchised people and pressure to limit health care expenditures
will collide to create an intense values conflict for nurses of the future". (Chitty & Black p.382) 3. Unhealthy Lifestyles– (obesity, tobacco use, lack of
exercise, stress, HIV/AIDS and drug abuse). 4. Faculty and Student shortages– making nursing shortage worse. Nurses as
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What Do Registered Nurses Really Do? Essay
The decision to work towards becoming a registered nurse requires a personal transition from the role of being an aerospace technician to one of a
healthcare professional. As part of this transition, I must learn what defines a nurse, understand what I can contribute to the profession, establish and
meet professional goals, and be aware of extraneous factors that affect the healthcare industry. The answer to the question of "What does a registered
nurse really do?" is so broad in scope that it becomes difficult to explain effectively with one statement. With many specialty fields of nursing falling
under the same general definition, a core set of roles and responsibilities is used to define this answer. The Bureau of Labor more content...
Both of these specialty fields are similar in requiring a minimum of a master's degree from an accredited program and by being limited in their scope
of patient care (BLS, 2014). CRNA's job functions, as described by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, focus on administering anesthesia,
analyzing the patient's state of consciousness, and monitoring vital signs before, during, and after procedures in a surgical setting (2014). In contrast,
according to the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, PMHN's focus on the mental health of patients, prescribe psychoactive medications,
perform in depth interviews and behavioral observations, and work in various settings that range from private practice psychiatric offices to
institutionalized care facilities (n.d.). I believe that I possess talents and characteristics that will benefit the nursing profession. Coming from an
aerospace background, I have worked in environments where attention to detail, safety, documentation, and hazardous material handling occurred on a
daily basis. In addition to my normal job functions, I was proactive in process improvement programs, inventory control systems development, safety
awareness programs, and I served as the department point of contact/ team leader in all three areas. I was also formally trained and worked as a certified
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Examples Of Nursing Application Essay
Greetings and salutations fellow virtual aviator!
I'd first like to thank you for your interest in the team. We are always excited when we receive applications. Our application process may span the
course of multiple months. It is this span of time that helps us determine whether or not an applicant is the right fit for the team. It is important that you
fill out our application with detail and honesty.
As an applicant of our team, we expect that you understand and emulate the four core values that allow are our team remain successful and reputable.
Our demonstration is not easy––for any position on the team. Every flight, practice, performance, or otherwise that we carry out requires a remarkable
amount of accuracy and a keen sense for detail. Every member of the team trains for hours in an effort to make our display appear the best that it can be. more content...
It requires hundreds of hours of studying, practicing, and refining the demonstration. Sometimes it gets difficult and to a point where it doesn't seem
worth it. Being able to push through the hard times and keep a focus on the end goal of the team is something we look for in all of our team members.
Every member of the team is part of different organizations in the flight simulation community, such as The Sky Lounge, msFlights, MaldAir, and
beyond. Being in the public eye quite often, it is expected that our members all display themselves in a professional and mature manner. It is one thing
to have fun, but it is quite another to display yourself as immature.
Being able to take and learn from criticism is what allows the team to progress and succeed in the long run. Taking the time to understand how the
demonstration works, what you are doing incorrectly, and taking the steps to fix it is imperative to making the team's demonstration appear as
flawlessly as
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Scope of Practice for Nurses Essay
Scope of practice for nurses Table of contents 1.Nursing 2.Scope of practice for nurses 3.Understanding whether a task is within the scope of
practice 4.Bibliography Nursing A nurse is a health care professional who cares for ill or disabled individuals, their families and communities
ensuring that they attain, maintain or recover optimum health and functioning (Crosta, 2013). There are several kinds of nurses classified depending
on their education and experiences. As an example, In the UK Nurses are classified as: o first level nurse o second level nurse o specialist nurse o
manager In the United States nurses are classified as: o licensed practical nurses (LPNs) o registered nurses (RNs) more content...
It is important to know that the task a nurse performs is within the scope of practice. So that a nurse can perform his/her task in a permitted way
safely. According to the ICN (International Council of Nurses), "Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages,
families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill,
disabled and dying people. Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health
systems management, and education are also key nursing roles" (ICN 2010) This statement clearly defines the scope of practice of a nurse. But in the
field of nursing there are several kinds of care givers. It includes registered nurses, midwives, licensed practitioner nurses, enrolled nurses and nurse
assistants. The scopes of practice for these care givers are not so common. The scope of practice depends on their education qualification and
experience which are well defined by the governing bodies. Some areas in the scope of practice of a nurse according to Queensland nursing council are,
Giving direct care, including assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating care Coordinating care and supervising others Leading, managing
Teaching, education, health promotion and counseling Undertaking research Developing health, nursing and midwifery policy Above mentioned
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Essay For Nursing Application
1.Your underst1.Your understanding of the nursing profession
Nursing is the commitment to facilitate patient–centered care to maintain and achieve optimal health. Virginia Henderson accurately defines nurses'
integration of patients' autonomy in care plans and assisting with activities so patients can regain their independence.
2.Reasons for seeking advanced specialty preparation as part of a nursing program
An ever–changing multidisciplinary team profession, an unyielding pledge to continuous education enables nurses to use the new evidence–based
practices for more efficient care. The underpinning and forerunner of patient care, nursing are representing patients, families, populations and
communities through limitless advocacy. more content...
4.What you believe your previous academic and life experience will bring to the nursing profession
Entering the Navy as a critical care nurse, I struck a balance between my professional aspirations and the Navy's mission needs, hence I pursued more
accreditation to be a versatile, deployable, and independent practitioner. My BSN further supplemented my initial bachelor and nursing degrees'
critical, complex patient cases thinking. My well–rounded critical care experience enabled me to understand how advanced patient assessment,
monitoring and intervention guides lead to better health outcomes. Shadowing CNSs taught me the value of an Advanced Practice Nurse education.
5.Your goals upon completion of the program
The nursing profession requires dedication to societal improvements to produce communities that strive to instigate innovative approaches to eliminate
chronic healthcare issues for all ages as well as improve long term outcomes so their elderly do not needlessly suffer from an array of difficult issues
that were avoidable with more knowledge and attention to
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Nursing Scholarship Essay Sample
After graduating Anacortes High school I plan on attending a four year private liberal arts university. I will be pursing a Bachelors of Science in
Nursing leading to a career as a Registered Nurse. My main interest is a specialty in pediatrics. Following a month stay at Children's Hospital after
enduring emergency surgery and a difficult recovery I decided nursing is what I'm meant to do. The nurses inspired me, and I hope that I can help a
family and child in the same way that they helped
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Advanced Practice Nursing Essay examples
My own perspective on Advanced Practice Nursing
The need for continuing education in nursing has been accentuated in response to rapidly changing health care environment. Expanding knowledge by
pursuing higher education allows nurses to enlarge one's practice. Furthermore, higher education in nursing has been shown that a nurse's level of
education can become a critical factor to the patient–centered quality of care. This essay describes increased demand for higher education in nursing
and emphasizes the necessity of continuing education to provide optimum patient care in various setting.
Techniques and technologies in the medical field constantly evolve and change. With such a huge increase in information, there more content...
As people's life expectancy increases, the nursing field needs to keep pace with the rapid changes. There's increased needs for nurses in many
different field as well such as nursing home, hospitals, ambulatory cares, palliative care, and hospices. Therefore, an expectation of a role as a nurse
has been rise. Nursing skills and knowledge cannot remain limited, but need to utilize in more various setting. In order to provide better care in
various nursing field, continuing education is essential. For example, as population and their lifespan increases there's also new diseases and new
treatment has been developed. A competence nurse must embrace old and new skills and thorough knowledge to achieve best quality of care and
optimum patient's overall outcome. The quality of patient care heavily depends on nurses' level of education. One research proves that nurses who
received higher level of education showed lower mortality rate, less medical errors, and higher patient satisfaction. This outcome is related to higher
education which prepared nurses to handle various circumstances with appropriate answers. Nurses are people who spend most of time with ill
individuals at the bed side. Nursing education will provide new demanding roles of nurses' requirement such as seeing the patient as a whole, providing
appropriate response to patient's condition, and integrating knowledge and skills accordingly.
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What Is Nursing? Essay
Nursing is universal in the sense that nurses can be found almost in all countries around the world (Henderson, 1978). They are in the hospitals, in
school clinics, in the community centres, residential homes and even play major roles in some of the popular soap operas in television. There are even
television shows that mainly revolve around nurses and which chronicles what they do at work – both the positive and the negative. It is one of the
most visible and easily identifiable occupations as compared for example to other occupations such as engineers, managers or even pharmacists,
medical technologists and other health related occupations. This is partly because of what nurses do and most especially how nurses look – with some more content...
The salient point in Henderson's definition is describing the duty of a nurse as one that cares or assists an individual whether sick or well in obtaining
a state of health in order to live an independent lifestyle (paraphrased). Henderson also described the independent and dependent role of nurses and the
importance of a collaborative work with the other members of the multi–disciplinary health care team especially the doctors (Henderson, 1966). The
Royal College of Nursing, on the other hand, described nursing as the utilization of clinical judgement in extending the care necessary for the
people to maintain and achieve an optimum state of life throughout their lifetime (RCN, 2003). Other significant definitions of nursing were those
given by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Nurses Association (ANA). The roles and functions of nurses have a very
fascinating history and have evolved since the 19th century. Landale (1895), in her letter to the editor of the Nursing Record and Hospital World
gave us a glimpse of what a nurse should be during that period. Referring to a nurse as a woman in uniform, it gave us an idea that nursing was a
female dominated vocation and not to be treated as an economical occupation for financial gain. Landale (1895) placed an emphasis on the
characteristic of being a servant and being devoted to service in order to be a nurse who was worthy of the uniform. The
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Nursing Exemplar
Katherine Gallagher NU 310 Exemplar 2/21/2012 I arrived to work well rested and ready to start the day. I had just returned after a two week long
vacation. Because of the time off, I arrived to 7 East to find that the assortment of patients was not familiar at all. As I began getting reports on my
patients, one in particular I started to feel a little anxious and stressed. At first glance I could tell I would be busy for the next twelve hours. Lynda
was a 45 year old woman that was admitted almost a week ago after having an emergent tracheostomy placed. Lynda was newly diagnosed with
laryngeal cancer with already having several other diagnoses including: seizure disorders, mild mental retardation, behavioral issues, and was legally more content...
The look on Lynda's face was that of incredible confidence, I was truly impressed with her. By the end of our second twelve hour shift, Lynda had
learned how to suction herself. It was passed along in report to simply encourage her independence in suctioning herself. Day three, my mission was
to teach Lynda the proper care of her PEG tube, and to continue with the encouragement of her suctioning herself. After walking her though a bolus
feeding in the morning, she agreed to do the next one. Lunch time came around and sure enough, she was able to complete the bolus feeding with
minimum assistance. By the time came for the next feeding she was going to get the can of food to do it herself when I had walked in the room. She
laughed and told me I was right that the PEG tube was a lot easier than suctioning. At this point in Lynda's stay I knew that she would be going home
soon. Later that evening, while discussing Lynda's progress over the last few days with the physicians I asked them what the plan was and instructed
them that we needed to get nutrition, social work, and case management involved so that she could go home. The physicians stated that they would
place the consults that I requested but as for discharge they were unsure about when this would happen because Lynda's brother doesn't think she can
care for herself on her own. I was shocked to hear this, the brother who I had not
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A Career in Nursing Essay example
Nursing is defined as "as an application of scientific knowledge enhanced by artful practice in a socially responsible manner." (Gregory 5). Nurses
provide leadership as members of interdisciplinary teams, provide client centered care to promote health, prevent disease, and restore and maintain
client integrity throughout the life span. (Krannich 71). This makes it one of the most interesting professions, in my opinion.
General Qualifications for becoming a nurse, according to Regina Ranburn, include: "Compassion, caring for others, selflessness, love for humanity,
and desire to help others" (1). These qualities are vital to a career in nursing because most fields require direct patient care. Dealing with patients
one–on–one every more content...
A "cast–iron stomach" is essential because of the previous trauma situations. This is where good assessment skills are very crucial. Being in the
Emergency Room, especially, the ability to access a situation and act quickly is vital to the patient's survival rate.
In order to acquire a degree in nursing, the steps required are having a high school diploma and some form of formal education post high school.
There are three different paths available: a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN), an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), or a hospital
diploma of nursing (Krannich 72). A BSN program includes four years in college with the curriculum consisting of "assessment, disease management,
decision making, health promotion and prevention, health care technology and policy, research, quality assurance, leadership, and management."
(Gregory 5). You are also required to complete clinical training, meaning working in a hospital for experience in the field with real people and
situations. The ADN program only requires two to three years of education (Gregory 5). However, the ADN program had the most educational
opportunities, or universities offering the program. The hospital diploma career path is not offered by every hospital, but only by seventy. The ADN
programs available in
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Nursing : The Core Value Of Integrity In Nursing
Nurses follow the morals of acting honestly, fairly, and ethically while caring for the needy. They must hold colleagues to the highest standards of
ethical conduct and professionalism. Additionally, nurses must show accountability in providing quality, safe care towards their patients. This is the
core value of integrity, which nurses should uphold at all times. This paper will discuss the value of integrity in nursing and describe examples of
the use and lack of integrity. Integrity is being honest and exhibiting a professional code of ethics (Shaw &Degazon, 2008). Additionally, integrity is
simply doing what is right. It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principle (American Nurses Association, 2015). Florence
Nightingale stated, "Be everyday more and more real, honest, and thorough in your nursing work" (Dossey, 56). Nightingale is a model of integrity in
the nursing profession. She stood up and did what needed to be done for her patients, despite opposition from others (Dossey, 2005). Nurses have
topped the Gallup's annual polls on honesty and ethics for the past fifteen years (Norman, 2016). Trust is a key component of relationships and
certainly involves honesty. This Gallup pole indicates the importance of the nursing profession to healthcare. Nurses are patient advocates and at the
bedside on a consistent basis. Likewise, they are the ones caring for patients in their most vulnerable states. Therefore, nurses must display integrity at
all times. In a profession that relies on honesty and trust, it is important for nurses to regularly evaluate their integrity and look for ways to improve it.
Integrity is crucial to the nursing profession because it creates trust with others. This sense of trust facilitates open communication with patients and
colleagues (Ridge, 2015). For proper communication to occur between a nurse and patient, honesty and sincerity are required. Good communication
improves the quality of care provided to patients. Integrity driven nurses, possess a strong sense of themselves and act in ways of doing what is right
consistently. Consequently, healthcare focuses on holistic care, meaning all aspects of a patient's life must be considered, and the only way this
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According to the Academy of Medical–Surgical Nurses (AMSN), medical–surgical nursing is the foundation of all nursing practice. At one point, all
nurses were put in the medical/surgical environment ("What is Medical–Surgical Nursing?," para. 1. 2014). Today, there are many different types of
nursing; although medical–surgical nurses are the largest group of practicing professionals and one of the most demanding nursing specialties ("What
is Medical–Surgical Nursing?," para. 2 2014). They can be put in many different facilities and work with a variety of patients. Medical surgical nurses
have many duties and responsibilities throughout the day; but is overall a rewarding job to have. The Occupational Outlook Handbook (January 8,
2014) describes how medical–surgical nurses provide and coordinate patient care, educate patients and the public about various health conditions, and
provide advice and emotional support to patients and their family members ("Registered Nurses," para. 2). The interviewed medical–surgical nurse,
Carolina Rojas, stated how takes care of patients who come into the hospital with serious surgical procedures. She normally, "...assesses a patient from
head to toe, finds the issue, takes inventory of the patient, coordinates the care between the different doctors and other healthcare workers needed, and
makes sure that I follow the orders of the doctors and healthcare providers" (Rojas 2015). This being said, medical–surgical nurses must often use
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Nursing Phd Degree Application Essay
This statement demonstrates my enthusiastic desire to join the School of Nursing PhD program at the University of Pittsburgh.
My determination to pursue a PhD degree stems from my passion to empower the global nursing profession in general and that of Saudi Arabia. This
passion guides my long–term career goal to establish a nationally recognized NP program in Saudi Arabia. Although the nursing profession has
improved in recent years, it still falls short in the advanced nursing program. In Saudi Arabia only magnet hospitals have witnessed the positive
impact of the training and recruiting of specialized advanced nurses. However, NPs are not accredited at the national level. This goal could be
accomplished as I become a leader in my community through progressing up the academic career ladder and practicing as an advanced nurse scientist at
a leading Pediatric Tertiary Care Centre as well. I was inspired by more content...
My aim is to change the teaching atmosphere from simply cramming information into a more engaging participatory environment. Moreover, I will
apply innovative and interactive teaching methods as a course coordinator for the undergraduate pediatric nursing course. I am very invested in trying
new teaching methods to strengthen young nurses' body of knowledge. That was my core motivation for conducting my research study about
incorporating e–learning into traditional teaching methods. Correspondingly, I will be qualified to apply for a position on the simulation lab quality
improvement committee. As a previous teaching assistant who worked in the first regional simulation lab in Saudi Arabia, I have insight about areas of
improvement, so I will incorporate my extensive experience as a nurse practitioner who was trained in the school of nursing at the simulation lab at the
University of
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Essay On Bullying In Nursing
Relevance to the Profession of Nursing
Bullying in Nursing Unfortunately, bullying amongst nurses has been a dark undertone in the profession throughout it's history. An all to common
phrase of "nurses eat their young" is often expressed in current and past nursing environments. Nurses care tirelessly for their patients with
compassion and grace yet don't seem to want to take care of their own. Many have come to believe this is simply the way it is, similar to an initiation
or right of passage. Bullying, incivility and horizontal violence have no place in the nursing profession. Bullying can be defined as "situations where
an employee is persistently picked on or humiliated by leaders or fellow co–workers" (Longo and Hain, 2014). Horizontal or lateral violence occurs
when the behavior is between colleagues, or between two nurses with the same power. Bullying can show its more content...
Standard 13 of the Nursing Scopes and Standards of Practice (American Nurses Association, 2010) states that the registered nurse "adheres to standards
and applicable codes of conduct that govern behavior among peers and colleagues to create a work environment that promotes cooperation, respect, and
trust". Obviously nurses are not following this standard 100% of the time. Bullying between nurses or between other healthcare members will probably
never go away completely, but reducing the number of occurrences can greatly increase the level of patient safety. According to the Texas Board of
Nursing rules and regulations (2013), unprofessional conduct includes "threatening or violent behavior in the workplace". The profession of nursing
has put in place many operating standards that are designed to deter nurses from participating in bullying behaviors. Since bullying still continues on a
daily basis more effective, healthier communication is needed to combat this
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Nursing Application Essay Examples
The opportunity to challenge myself in UCLA's School of nursing, in addition to my own personal experiences and traits, supply me with a fierce
determination to succeed in my academics, in my nursing career, and in fulfilling my aspirations as a whole.
Foremost, I am drawn to nursing from experiencing the lack of quality healthcare available throughout society, often to the people who need it the
most. Growing up in rural China, I have witnessed the negative effects of a faulty healthcare system on children, adults, and even a whole community.
I find it appalling that people are suffering and dying from preventable diseases, due to a lack of access to medical facilities, or when individuals are
unable to seek adequate health care because more content...
Coming from a family that struggles financially, my parents were frequently absent for work, and often left me in charge to take care of my sister
and brother. From my siblings' birth in January 2006 and May 2008 respectively, I was tasked with feeding, teaching, and caring for them while my
parents were working, on top of managing my own schoolwork. However, I am fulfilled by the sense of gratitude I receive when I began caring for
those who could not care for themselves. In addition to teaching me patience, this also impels me towards a nursing career where I can fully utilize my
strengths. Furthermore, I gained exposure in healthcare through my internship at Chapa–De as a dental assistant that began in early November 2016.
By working clinically for over 12 hours a week, I gain invaluable exposure and experience by working with a variety of patients each day. The skills I
develop, such as time management, infection control, and patient comfort are beneficial tools I will wield into my nursing education and career.
Although my internship is focused on the dental aspect of healthcare, I desire to transfer my skills and experience into nursing because of the higher
variety and more holistic aspects of patient care that enthralls me and my neverending curiosity. Nonetheless, the opportunity to learn each day in this
field of healthcare is fascinating, and only further motivates me
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Essay On Philosophy Of A Nurse
You must first define nursing in your own words before you can have a solid nursing philosophy. Nursing is more than providing healthcare to the
public to maintain optimal health and improving quality of life. You have to incorporate your own personal beliefs into nursing while at the same time
not stepping over nursing guidelines and or personal boundaries. I believe that good bedside manners are essential. When you enter into a patient's
room you always acknowledge them by introducing yourself and greeting them. This alone speaks volumes to the patient. Building a strong
patient–nurse relationship will be based on the attitude you present to the patient within the first few seconds of being in their hospital room. Listen to
the patient because they will be your most accurate source of information. As advocates, we should encourage patients to become active participants in
their care and to engage in mutual goal–setting between them and their healthcare providers. If the patient has concerns with things such as
more content...
Widening your knowledge base through technology or evidence–based practice nursing are two ways to stay current. Always keep your skills up to
date because this will demonstrate your competency in front of patients, co–workers and physicians. Being willing to learn new things and accepting
change in your profession will help you grow tremendously as a nurse. Be open to new ideas and make your personal ideas known and heard.
Accepting constructive criticism is one of the hardest things for nurses to give consideration to but it is a great tool to use for personal growth. We, as
healthcare providers, are always learning through books, research, internet, and from the interactions and experiences with our patients and their
families. We will continue to learn in our everyday nursing practice and reflect on the things we need to improve
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Nursing School Admission Essay Sample
My initial interest in nursing began from my experience with my grandmother. It was in the fall of 2007 when my grandmother was sent to the
hospital due to hypernatremia. My dad would pick me up every afternoon from school to visit my grandmother. I was given the responsibility to look
after my grandma for nearly two weeks that includes in feeding her, assisting her, and other light duties. What fascinate me during my visits in the
hospital were the nurses who assisted and took care of my grandma. They treated my grandma with dignity, kindness, compassion, courtesy, respect,
understanding, and love. Their commitment, professionalism, dedication, determination and skills inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field.
From that point, I realized that nursing is a field that enables people impact other people's lives and make a difference. At 9 years old, being a nurse was
a childhood dream and now I am at the point of turning my dream into reality. I want to study and pursue my dream registered nursing at Ryerson
University that offers a nursing degree program that focuses on developing student's critical thinking skills, ability to analyze reflectively and apply
theory through community health focused practice making Ryerson one of the best nursing schools in Canada.
Every summer I volunteer as a group leader in a one week more content...
I do not see myself going to a different university other than Ryerson because of the great nursing program that your formidable school offers. This is
why I choose Ryerson to hone my capabilities to become not just a successful nurse, but a nurse who displays confidence in treating patients with
love, care and knowledge. I believe that I possess the skills, motivation and knowledge needed to successfully finish the course with flying colors and
eventually get a job with the endless opportunities I would get from graduating at
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Evaluation Of A Nursing Career Essay

  • 1. Evaluation Of A Nursing Career Essay One of the many goals of the nursing profession is to provide high–quality, safe patient care. There are many responsibilities that come with a nursing career and when the nurse to patient ratio increases, there is a possibility that it may hinder the safe care that patients deserve, and this may result in negative patient outcomes and level of satisfaction. Staffing is one of the many issues that healthcare facilities face. In many facilities, there never seems to be enough nurses per shift to provide high quality, thorough patient care which often leads to burnt out staff, and frustrated patients and families. This review discusses the findings of quantitative studies and one systematic review that involves patient outcomes in relation to nurse staffing. The first quantitative study analyzed was conducted by Dabney and Kalisch in 2015 and surveyed 729 patients. The purpose of the study was to continue researching for any correlation between patient outcomes and nurse staffing. They analyzed patient reports of missed nursing care and determined if there was a relationship between patient reports and the nurse staffing levels. The design and sample include data that was obtained in the study of patient reports of missed nursing care and compared it to the level of nurse staffing. The sample was made up of 729 patients on 20 units in 2 hospitals. The 20 units consisted of 12 medical units with 420 participants, 6 surgical units with 255 participants, and 2 rehabilitation Get more content on
  • 2. Evidence-Based Practice The incorporation of evidenced–based practice (EBP) into nursing practice is supported by research to positively improve the quality of care and improve patient outcomes. EBP is important to the nursing profession because it also leads to increased job satisfaction, teamwork, and levels of engagement in clinicians (Melnyk, et al., 2017). Miniature research projects such as quality improvement projects, surveys, and clinical research studies are frameworks used to get feedback and data from patients during their time spent in health care systems. EBP is not the standard of care in many health care systems (Melnyk, et al., 2017). This due to many factors, including lack of EBP mentors, nursing programs that do not incorporate EBP into the curriculum, more content... The research process includes an intent, design, timeline, setting, measurable outcomes, and a plan for dissemination of the finding. The purpose of the research is to generate knowledge or validate existing knowledge. Being able to identify the significance of these factors in different evidence–based practices will help the practitioner evaluate whether that information is relevant to that population of care or individual. Understanding the research process will help the clinician understand the purpose of the investigation, if the results are valid, why the results are important, and if the results will improve patient outcomes (Arndt & Netsch, 2012). A quality improvement (QI) project involves data–guided activities with short timelines to improve health care delivery systems (Arndt & Netsch, 2012). The setting of QI projects take place in a single setting and are monitored in the institution where the QI project is conducted. The purpose of a QI project is to change practice outcomes and apply known solutions to a known problem in that institution (Arndt & Netsch, 2012). Data obtained from the activities is disseminated through newsletters, flyers, through staff meetings, or submitted for publication and presented in Get more content on
  • 3. Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay examples Personal Philosophy of Nursing UCF November 25, 2011 Personal Philosophy of Nursing My personal definition of nursing is taking care of my patient as a whole; using my knowledge, being compassionate and caring, respectful and honest. Taking care of the; spiritual, physical and emotional aspect of the patient, and taking into consideration their family and environment. Learning about the different theorists I associate myself the most with Hildegard Peplau. Peplau believed that the relationship between the patient and the nurse was focus of attention, rather than the patient only as the unit of attention. (Chitty & Black p.314–315). Using Peplau's theory my relationship begins with my patients as strangers and I try more content... Not being afraid to question doctors as well as the nurses about their care, asking for a 2nd opinion if they don't feel quite right about a diagnosis. Patients should educate themselves on their disease process along with collaboration of the physicians and nurses. Patients should know why they are on their medications, I have seen countless times were patients have no idea what their taking and why their taking their medications, their response because the doctor said so this is not good enough. I also believe that many of our physicians and nurses have failed our patients looking at them as just a body not an individual. We should encourage screenings, early interventions (education) to help prevent or reduce diseases. By doing these things I think we can help to reduce patients hospitalizations, healthcare costs and risk of infections. Prolong the lives of our patients help them to live a healthy and long life. There will be a few challenges ahead for our healthcare system and the nursing profession: 1. The Aging Population– (baby boomers will be hitting retirement age). 2. Poverty–"the increasing numbers of disenfranchised people and pressure to limit health care expenditures will collide to create an intense values conflict for nurses of the future". (Chitty & Black p.382) 3. Unhealthy Lifestyles– (obesity, tobacco use, lack of exercise, stress, HIV/AIDS and drug abuse). 4. Faculty and Student shortages– making nursing shortage worse. Nurses as Get more content on
  • 4. What Do Registered Nurses Really Do? Essay The decision to work towards becoming a registered nurse requires a personal transition from the role of being an aerospace technician to one of a healthcare professional. As part of this transition, I must learn what defines a nurse, understand what I can contribute to the profession, establish and meet professional goals, and be aware of extraneous factors that affect the healthcare industry. The answer to the question of "What does a registered nurse really do?" is so broad in scope that it becomes difficult to explain effectively with one statement. With many specialty fields of nursing falling under the same general definition, a core set of roles and responsibilities is used to define this answer. The Bureau of Labor more content... Both of these specialty fields are similar in requiring a minimum of a master's degree from an accredited program and by being limited in their scope of patient care (BLS, 2014). CRNA's job functions, as described by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, focus on administering anesthesia, analyzing the patient's state of consciousness, and monitoring vital signs before, during, and after procedures in a surgical setting (2014). In contrast, according to the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, PMHN's focus on the mental health of patients, prescribe psychoactive medications, perform in depth interviews and behavioral observations, and work in various settings that range from private practice psychiatric offices to institutionalized care facilities (n.d.). I believe that I possess talents and characteristics that will benefit the nursing profession. Coming from an aerospace background, I have worked in environments where attention to detail, safety, documentation, and hazardous material handling occurred on a daily basis. In addition to my normal job functions, I was proactive in process improvement programs, inventory control systems development, safety awareness programs, and I served as the department point of contact/ team leader in all three areas. I was also formally trained and worked as a certified Get more content on
  • 5. Examples Of Nursing Application Essay Greetings and salutations fellow virtual aviator! I'd first like to thank you for your interest in the team. We are always excited when we receive applications. Our application process may span the course of multiple months. It is this span of time that helps us determine whether or not an applicant is the right fit for the team. It is important that you fill out our application with detail and honesty. As an applicant of our team, we expect that you understand and emulate the four core values that allow are our team remain successful and reputable. Precision Our demonstration is not easy––for any position on the team. Every flight, practice, performance, or otherwise that we carry out requires a remarkable amount of accuracy and a keen sense for detail. Every member of the team trains for hours in an effort to make our display appear the best that it can be. more content... It requires hundreds of hours of studying, practicing, and refining the demonstration. Sometimes it gets difficult and to a point where it doesn't seem worth it. Being able to push through the hard times and keep a focus on the end goal of the team is something we look for in all of our team members. Professionalism Every member of the team is part of different organizations in the flight simulation community, such as The Sky Lounge, msFlights, MaldAir, and beyond. Being in the public eye quite often, it is expected that our members all display themselves in a professional and mature manner. It is one thing to have fun, but it is quite another to display yourself as immature. Discipline Being able to take and learn from criticism is what allows the team to progress and succeed in the long run. Taking the time to understand how the
  • 6. demonstration works, what you are doing incorrectly, and taking the steps to fix it is imperative to making the team's demonstration appear as flawlessly as Get more content on
  • 7. Scope of Practice for Nurses Essay Scope of practice for nurses Table of contents 1.Nursing 2.Scope of practice for nurses 3.Understanding whether a task is within the scope of practice 4.Bibliography Nursing A nurse is a health care professional who cares for ill or disabled individuals, their families and communities ensuring that they attain, maintain or recover optimum health and functioning (Crosta, 2013). There are several kinds of nurses classified depending on their education and experiences. As an example, In the UK Nurses are classified as: o first level nurse o second level nurse o specialist nurse o manager In the United States nurses are classified as: o licensed practical nurses (LPNs) o registered nurses (RNs) more content... It is important to know that the task a nurse performs is within the scope of practice. So that a nurse can perform his/her task in a permitted way safely. According to the ICN (International Council of Nurses), "Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people. Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are also key nursing roles" (ICN 2010) This statement clearly defines the scope of practice of a nurse. But in the field of nursing there are several kinds of care givers. It includes registered nurses, midwives, licensed practitioner nurses, enrolled nurses and nurse assistants. The scopes of practice for these care givers are not so common. The scope of practice depends on their education qualification and experience which are well defined by the governing bodies. Some areas in the scope of practice of a nurse according to Queensland nursing council are, Giving direct care, including assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating care Coordinating care and supervising others Leading, managing Teaching, education, health promotion and counseling Undertaking research Developing health, nursing and midwifery policy Above mentioned Get more content on
  • 8. Essay For Nursing Application 1.Your underst1.Your understanding of the nursing profession Nursing is the commitment to facilitate patient–centered care to maintain and achieve optimal health. Virginia Henderson accurately defines nurses' integration of patients' autonomy in care plans and assisting with activities so patients can regain their independence. 2.Reasons for seeking advanced specialty preparation as part of a nursing program An ever–changing multidisciplinary team profession, an unyielding pledge to continuous education enables nurses to use the new evidence–based practices for more efficient care. The underpinning and forerunner of patient care, nursing are representing patients, families, populations and communities through limitless advocacy. more content... 4.What you believe your previous academic and life experience will bring to the nursing profession Entering the Navy as a critical care nurse, I struck a balance between my professional aspirations and the Navy's mission needs, hence I pursued more accreditation to be a versatile, deployable, and independent practitioner. My BSN further supplemented my initial bachelor and nursing degrees' critical, complex patient cases thinking. My well–rounded critical care experience enabled me to understand how advanced patient assessment, monitoring and intervention guides lead to better health outcomes. Shadowing CNSs taught me the value of an Advanced Practice Nurse education. 5.Your goals upon completion of the program The nursing profession requires dedication to societal improvements to produce communities that strive to instigate innovative approaches to eliminate chronic healthcare issues for all ages as well as improve long term outcomes so their elderly do not needlessly suffer from an array of difficult issues that were avoidable with more knowledge and attention to Get more content on
  • 9. Nursing Scholarship Essay Sample After graduating Anacortes High school I plan on attending a four year private liberal arts university. I will be pursing a Bachelors of Science in Nursing leading to a career as a Registered Nurse. My main interest is a specialty in pediatrics. Following a month stay at Children's Hospital after enduring emergency surgery and a difficult recovery I decided nursing is what I'm meant to do. The nurses inspired me, and I hope that I can help a family and child in the same way that they helped Get more content on
  • 10. Advanced Practice Nursing Essay examples My own perspective on Advanced Practice Nursing ABSTRACT: The need for continuing education in nursing has been accentuated in response to rapidly changing health care environment. Expanding knowledge by pursuing higher education allows nurses to enlarge one's practice. Furthermore, higher education in nursing has been shown that a nurse's level of education can become a critical factor to the patient–centered quality of care. This essay describes increased demand for higher education in nursing and emphasizes the necessity of continuing education to provide optimum patient care in various setting. Techniques and technologies in the medical field constantly evolve and change. With such a huge increase in information, there more content... As people's life expectancy increases, the nursing field needs to keep pace with the rapid changes. There's increased needs for nurses in many different field as well such as nursing home, hospitals, ambulatory cares, palliative care, and hospices. Therefore, an expectation of a role as a nurse has been rise. Nursing skills and knowledge cannot remain limited, but need to utilize in more various setting. In order to provide better care in various nursing field, continuing education is essential. For example, as population and their lifespan increases there's also new diseases and new treatment has been developed. A competence nurse must embrace old and new skills and thorough knowledge to achieve best quality of care and optimum patient's overall outcome. The quality of patient care heavily depends on nurses' level of education. One research proves that nurses who received higher level of education showed lower mortality rate, less medical errors, and higher patient satisfaction. This outcome is related to higher education which prepared nurses to handle various circumstances with appropriate answers. Nurses are people who spend most of time with ill individuals at the bed side. Nursing education will provide new demanding roles of nurses' requirement such as seeing the patient as a whole, providing appropriate response to patient's condition, and integrating knowledge and skills accordingly. Get more content on
  • 11. What Is Nursing? Essay Nursing is universal in the sense that nurses can be found almost in all countries around the world (Henderson, 1978). They are in the hospitals, in school clinics, in the community centres, residential homes and even play major roles in some of the popular soap operas in television. There are even television shows that mainly revolve around nurses and which chronicles what they do at work – both the positive and the negative. It is one of the most visible and easily identifiable occupations as compared for example to other occupations such as engineers, managers or even pharmacists, medical technologists and other health related occupations. This is partly because of what nurses do and most especially how nurses look – with some more content... The salient point in Henderson's definition is describing the duty of a nurse as one that cares or assists an individual whether sick or well in obtaining a state of health in order to live an independent lifestyle (paraphrased). Henderson also described the independent and dependent role of nurses and the importance of a collaborative work with the other members of the multi–disciplinary health care team especially the doctors (Henderson, 1966). The Royal College of Nursing, on the other hand, described nursing as the utilization of clinical judgement in extending the care necessary for the people to maintain and achieve an optimum state of life throughout their lifetime (RCN, 2003). Other significant definitions of nursing were those given by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Nurses Association (ANA). The roles and functions of nurses have a very fascinating history and have evolved since the 19th century. Landale (1895), in her letter to the editor of the Nursing Record and Hospital World gave us a glimpse of what a nurse should be during that period. Referring to a nurse as a woman in uniform, it gave us an idea that nursing was a female dominated vocation and not to be treated as an economical occupation for financial gain. Landale (1895) placed an emphasis on the characteristic of being a servant and being devoted to service in order to be a nurse who was worthy of the uniform. The Get more content on
  • 12. Nursing Exemplar Katherine Gallagher NU 310 Exemplar 2/21/2012 I arrived to work well rested and ready to start the day. I had just returned after a two week long vacation. Because of the time off, I arrived to 7 East to find that the assortment of patients was not familiar at all. As I began getting reports on my patients, one in particular I started to feel a little anxious and stressed. At first glance I could tell I would be busy for the next twelve hours. Lynda was a 45 year old woman that was admitted almost a week ago after having an emergent tracheostomy placed. Lynda was newly diagnosed with laryngeal cancer with already having several other diagnoses including: seizure disorders, mild mental retardation, behavioral issues, and was legally more content... The look on Lynda's face was that of incredible confidence, I was truly impressed with her. By the end of our second twelve hour shift, Lynda had learned how to suction herself. It was passed along in report to simply encourage her independence in suctioning herself. Day three, my mission was to teach Lynda the proper care of her PEG tube, and to continue with the encouragement of her suctioning herself. After walking her though a bolus feeding in the morning, she agreed to do the next one. Lunch time came around and sure enough, she was able to complete the bolus feeding with minimum assistance. By the time came for the next feeding she was going to get the can of food to do it herself when I had walked in the room. She laughed and told me I was right that the PEG tube was a lot easier than suctioning. At this point in Lynda's stay I knew that she would be going home soon. Later that evening, while discussing Lynda's progress over the last few days with the physicians I asked them what the plan was and instructed them that we needed to get nutrition, social work, and case management involved so that she could go home. The physicians stated that they would place the consults that I requested but as for discharge they were unsure about when this would happen because Lynda's brother doesn't think she can care for herself on her own. I was shocked to hear this, the brother who I had not Get more content on
  • 13. A Career in Nursing Essay example Nursing is defined as "as an application of scientific knowledge enhanced by artful practice in a socially responsible manner." (Gregory 5). Nurses provide leadership as members of interdisciplinary teams, provide client centered care to promote health, prevent disease, and restore and maintain client integrity throughout the life span. (Krannich 71). This makes it one of the most interesting professions, in my opinion. General Qualifications for becoming a nurse, according to Regina Ranburn, include: "Compassion, caring for others, selflessness, love for humanity, and desire to help others" (1). These qualities are vital to a career in nursing because most fields require direct patient care. Dealing with patients one–on–one every more content... A "cast–iron stomach" is essential because of the previous trauma situations. This is where good assessment skills are very crucial. Being in the Emergency Room, especially, the ability to access a situation and act quickly is vital to the patient's survival rate. In order to acquire a degree in nursing, the steps required are having a high school diploma and some form of formal education post high school. There are three different paths available: a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN), an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), or a hospital diploma of nursing (Krannich 72). A BSN program includes four years in college with the curriculum consisting of "assessment, disease management, decision making, health promotion and prevention, health care technology and policy, research, quality assurance, leadership, and management." (Gregory 5). You are also required to complete clinical training, meaning working in a hospital for experience in the field with real people and situations. The ADN program only requires two to three years of education (Gregory 5). However, the ADN program had the most educational opportunities, or universities offering the program. The hospital diploma career path is not offered by every hospital, but only by seventy. The ADN programs available in Get more content on
  • 14. Nursing : The Core Value Of Integrity In Nursing Nurses follow the morals of acting honestly, fairly, and ethically while caring for the needy. They must hold colleagues to the highest standards of ethical conduct and professionalism. Additionally, nurses must show accountability in providing quality, safe care towards their patients. This is the core value of integrity, which nurses should uphold at all times. This paper will discuss the value of integrity in nursing and describe examples of the use and lack of integrity. Integrity is being honest and exhibiting a professional code of ethics (Shaw &Degazon, 2008). Additionally, integrity is simply doing what is right. It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principle (American Nurses Association, 2015). Florence Nightingale stated, "Be everyday more and more real, honest, and thorough in your nursing work" (Dossey, 56). Nightingale is a model of integrity in the nursing profession. She stood up and did what needed to be done for her patients, despite opposition from others (Dossey, 2005). Nurses have topped the Gallup's annual polls on honesty and ethics for the past fifteen years (Norman, 2016). Trust is a key component of relationships and certainly involves honesty. This Gallup pole indicates the importance of the nursing profession to healthcare. Nurses are patient advocates and at the bedside on a consistent basis. Likewise, they are the ones caring for patients in their most vulnerable states. Therefore, nurses must display integrity at all times. In a profession that relies on honesty and trust, it is important for nurses to regularly evaluate their integrity and look for ways to improve it. Integrity is crucial to the nursing profession because it creates trust with others. This sense of trust facilitates open communication with patients and colleagues (Ridge, 2015). For proper communication to occur between a nurse and patient, honesty and sincerity are required. Good communication improves the quality of care provided to patients. Integrity driven nurses, possess a strong sense of themselves and act in ways of doing what is right consistently. Consequently, healthcare focuses on holistic care, meaning all aspects of a patient's life must be considered, and the only way this Get more content on
  • 15. According to the Academy of Medical–Surgical Nurses (AMSN), medical–surgical nursing is the foundation of all nursing practice. At one point, all nurses were put in the medical/surgical environment ("What is Medical–Surgical Nursing?," para. 1. 2014). Today, there are many different types of nursing; although medical–surgical nurses are the largest group of practicing professionals and one of the most demanding nursing specialties ("What is Medical–Surgical Nursing?," para. 2 2014). They can be put in many different facilities and work with a variety of patients. Medical surgical nurses have many duties and responsibilities throughout the day; but is overall a rewarding job to have. The Occupational Outlook Handbook (January 8, 2014) describes how medical–surgical nurses provide and coordinate patient care, educate patients and the public about various health conditions, and provide advice and emotional support to patients and their family members ("Registered Nurses," para. 2). The interviewed medical–surgical nurse, Carolina Rojas, stated how takes care of patients who come into the hospital with serious surgical procedures. She normally, "...assesses a patient from head to toe, finds the issue, takes inventory of the patient, coordinates the care between the different doctors and other healthcare workers needed, and makes sure that I follow the orders of the doctors and healthcare providers" (Rojas 2015). This being said, medical–surgical nurses must often use Get more content on
  • 16. Nursing Phd Degree Application Essay This statement demonstrates my enthusiastic desire to join the School of Nursing PhD program at the University of Pittsburgh. My determination to pursue a PhD degree stems from my passion to empower the global nursing profession in general and that of Saudi Arabia. This passion guides my long–term career goal to establish a nationally recognized NP program in Saudi Arabia. Although the nursing profession has improved in recent years, it still falls short in the advanced nursing program. In Saudi Arabia only magnet hospitals have witnessed the positive impact of the training and recruiting of specialized advanced nurses. However, NPs are not accredited at the national level. This goal could be accomplished as I become a leader in my community through progressing up the academic career ladder and practicing as an advanced nurse scientist at a leading Pediatric Tertiary Care Centre as well. I was inspired by more content... My aim is to change the teaching atmosphere from simply cramming information into a more engaging participatory environment. Moreover, I will apply innovative and interactive teaching methods as a course coordinator for the undergraduate pediatric nursing course. I am very invested in trying new teaching methods to strengthen young nurses' body of knowledge. That was my core motivation for conducting my research study about incorporating e–learning into traditional teaching methods. Correspondingly, I will be qualified to apply for a position on the simulation lab quality improvement committee. As a previous teaching assistant who worked in the first regional simulation lab in Saudi Arabia, I have insight about areas of improvement, so I will incorporate my extensive experience as a nurse practitioner who was trained in the school of nursing at the simulation lab at the University of Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Bullying In Nursing Relevance to the Profession of Nursing Bullying in Nursing Unfortunately, bullying amongst nurses has been a dark undertone in the profession throughout it's history. An all to common phrase of "nurses eat their young" is often expressed in current and past nursing environments. Nurses care tirelessly for their patients with compassion and grace yet don't seem to want to take care of their own. Many have come to believe this is simply the way it is, similar to an initiation or right of passage. Bullying, incivility and horizontal violence have no place in the nursing profession. Bullying can be defined as "situations where an employee is persistently picked on or humiliated by leaders or fellow co–workers" (Longo and Hain, 2014). Horizontal or lateral violence occurs when the behavior is between colleagues, or between two nurses with the same power. Bullying can show its more content... Standard 13 of the Nursing Scopes and Standards of Practice (American Nurses Association, 2010) states that the registered nurse "adheres to standards and applicable codes of conduct that govern behavior among peers and colleagues to create a work environment that promotes cooperation, respect, and trust". Obviously nurses are not following this standard 100% of the time. Bullying between nurses or between other healthcare members will probably never go away completely, but reducing the number of occurrences can greatly increase the level of patient safety. According to the Texas Board of Nursing rules and regulations (2013), unprofessional conduct includes "threatening or violent behavior in the workplace". The profession of nursing has put in place many operating standards that are designed to deter nurses from participating in bullying behaviors. Since bullying still continues on a daily basis more effective, healthier communication is needed to combat this Get more content on
  • 18. Nursing Application Essay Examples The opportunity to challenge myself in UCLA's School of nursing, in addition to my own personal experiences and traits, supply me with a fierce determination to succeed in my academics, in my nursing career, and in fulfilling my aspirations as a whole. Foremost, I am drawn to nursing from experiencing the lack of quality healthcare available throughout society, often to the people who need it the most. Growing up in rural China, I have witnessed the negative effects of a faulty healthcare system on children, adults, and even a whole community. I find it appalling that people are suffering and dying from preventable diseases, due to a lack of access to medical facilities, or when individuals are unable to seek adequate health care because more content... Coming from a family that struggles financially, my parents were frequently absent for work, and often left me in charge to take care of my sister and brother. From my siblings' birth in January 2006 and May 2008 respectively, I was tasked with feeding, teaching, and caring for them while my parents were working, on top of managing my own schoolwork. However, I am fulfilled by the sense of gratitude I receive when I began caring for those who could not care for themselves. In addition to teaching me patience, this also impels me towards a nursing career where I can fully utilize my strengths. Furthermore, I gained exposure in healthcare through my internship at Chapa–De as a dental assistant that began in early November 2016. By working clinically for over 12 hours a week, I gain invaluable exposure and experience by working with a variety of patients each day. The skills I develop, such as time management, infection control, and patient comfort are beneficial tools I will wield into my nursing education and career. Although my internship is focused on the dental aspect of healthcare, I desire to transfer my skills and experience into nursing because of the higher variety and more holistic aspects of patient care that enthralls me and my neverending curiosity. Nonetheless, the opportunity to learn each day in this field of healthcare is fascinating, and only further motivates me Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On Philosophy Of A Nurse You must first define nursing in your own words before you can have a solid nursing philosophy. Nursing is more than providing healthcare to the public to maintain optimal health and improving quality of life. You have to incorporate your own personal beliefs into nursing while at the same time not stepping over nursing guidelines and or personal boundaries. I believe that good bedside manners are essential. When you enter into a patient's room you always acknowledge them by introducing yourself and greeting them. This alone speaks volumes to the patient. Building a strong patient–nurse relationship will be based on the attitude you present to the patient within the first few seconds of being in their hospital room. Listen to the patient because they will be your most accurate source of information. As advocates, we should encourage patients to become active participants in their care and to engage in mutual goal–setting between them and their healthcare providers. If the patient has concerns with things such as more content... Widening your knowledge base through technology or evidence–based practice nursing are two ways to stay current. Always keep your skills up to date because this will demonstrate your competency in front of patients, co–workers and physicians. Being willing to learn new things and accepting change in your profession will help you grow tremendously as a nurse. Be open to new ideas and make your personal ideas known and heard. Accepting constructive criticism is one of the hardest things for nurses to give consideration to but it is a great tool to use for personal growth. We, as healthcare providers, are always learning through books, research, internet, and from the interactions and experiences with our patients and their families. We will continue to learn in our everyday nursing practice and reflect on the things we need to improve Get more content on
  • 20. Nursing School Admission Essay Sample My initial interest in nursing began from my experience with my grandmother. It was in the fall of 2007 when my grandmother was sent to the hospital due to hypernatremia. My dad would pick me up every afternoon from school to visit my grandmother. I was given the responsibility to look after my grandma for nearly two weeks that includes in feeding her, assisting her, and other light duties. What fascinate me during my visits in the hospital were the nurses who assisted and took care of my grandma. They treated my grandma with dignity, kindness, compassion, courtesy, respect, understanding, and love. Their commitment, professionalism, dedication, determination and skills inspired me to pursue a career in the medical field. From that point, I realized that nursing is a field that enables people impact other people's lives and make a difference. At 9 years old, being a nurse was a childhood dream and now I am at the point of turning my dream into reality. I want to study and pursue my dream registered nursing at Ryerson University that offers a nursing degree program that focuses on developing student's critical thinking skills, ability to analyze reflectively and apply theory through community health focused practice making Ryerson one of the best nursing schools in Canada. Every summer I volunteer as a group leader in a one week more content... I do not see myself going to a different university other than Ryerson because of the great nursing program that your formidable school offers. This is why I choose Ryerson to hone my capabilities to become not just a successful nurse, but a nurse who displays confidence in treating patients with love, care and knowledge. I believe that I possess the skills, motivation and knowledge needed to successfully finish the course with flying colors and eventually get a job with the endless opportunities I would get from graduating at Get more content on