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EPJ 4755                                                                                                         No. of Pages 11, Model 3G
          14 October 2008 Disk Used
                                                                  ARTICLE IN PRESS
                                                              European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx

                                                             Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

                                                         European Polymer Journal
                                           journal homepage:

 2    Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular

 3    aggregation in MEH-PPV films: A solid-state NMR, X-ray and fluorescence

 4    spectroscopy study
 5    A.A. Souza a, R.F. Cossiello b, T.S. Plivelic c, G.L. Mantovani a, G.C. Faria a, T.D.Z. Atvars b,
 6    I.L. Torriani c,d, T.J. Bonagamba a, E.R. deAzevedo a,*
 7    a
        Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 369, 13560-970 São Carlos, SP, Brazil

 8    b
        Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Caixa Postal 6154, 13084-971 Campinas, SP, Brazil
 9    c
        Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, Caixa Postal 6192, 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil
10    d
        Instituto de Física, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Caixa Postal 6165, 13084-971 Campinas, SP, Brazil

      a r t i c l e         i n f o                          a b s t r a c t
1 3
2 8
      Article history:
      Received 29 June 2008
      Received in revised form 23 August 2008
                                                             This article presents an investigation of the temperature induced modification in the
                                                             microstructure and dynamics of poly[2-methoxy-5-(20 -ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevin-
                                                             ylene] (MEH-PPV) cast films using Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS), solid-state
 17   Accepted 16 September 2008
                                                             Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Fluorescence Spectroscopy (PL). MEH-PPV chain              32
 18   Available online xxxx
 19                                                          motions were characterized as a function of temperature by NMR. The results indicated            33
                                                             that the solvent used to cast the films influences the activation energy of the side-chain         34
                                                             motions. This was concluded from the comparison of the activation energy of the toluene          35
20    Keywords:
21    MEH-PPV films
                                                             cast film, Ea = (54 ± 8) kJ/mol, and chloroform cast film, Ea = (69 ± 5) kJ/mol, and could be      36

22    NMR                                                    attributed to the higher side-chain packing provided by chloroform that preferentially sol-      37
23    DIPSHIFT                                               vates the side chain in contrast to toluene that solvates mainly the backbone. Concerning        38
24    WAXS                                                   the backbone mobility, it was observed that the torsional motions in the MEH-PPV have            39
25    Molecular aggregation                                  average amplitude of $10° at 300 K, which was found to be independent of the solvent             40
26    Fluorescence                                           used to cast the films. In order to correlate the molecular dynamics processes with the           41
                                                             changes in the microstructure of the polymer, in situ WAXS experiments as a function of          42

                                                             temperature were performed and revealed that the interchain spacing in the MEH-PPV               43
                                                             molecular aggregates increases as a function of temperature, particularly at temperatures        44
                                                             where molecular relaxations occur. It was also observed that the WAXS peak associated            45
                                                             with the bilayer spacing, narrows and their by increases intensity whereas the peak asso-        46
                                                             ciated with the interbackbone planes reduces its intensity for higher temperatures. This         47
                                                             last result could be interpreted as a decrease in the number of aggregates and the reduction     48

                                                             of the interchain species during the MEH-PPV relaxation processes. These WAXS results            49
                                                             were correlated with PL spectra modifications observed upon temperature treatments.               50
                                                                                                                  Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.   51


54    1. Introduction                                                                      tron and hole transport properties [1–4]. The large-scale          58
                                                                                           electroluminescent devices can be feasible due to their            59
55       Conjugated polymers have potential to be employed in                              simple production. However, the efficiency of the electro-          60
56    several applications such as materials for light-emitting                            luminescence (EL) and photoluminescence (PL) is reduced            61
57    diodes, lasers and thin-film transistors due to their elec-                           when the conjugated polymers form interchain species               62
                                                                                           that arise as a result of molecular aggregation [5,6]. Molec-      63
                                                                                           ular aggregation and, consequently, the electro- and               64
          * Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 16 33738086; fax: +55 1633739876.
            E-mail address: (E.R. deAzevedo).                          photo-luminescence emissions and charge transport                  65

      0014-3057/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

          Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ...,
          Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
EPJ 4755                                                                                              No. of Pages 11, Model 3G
          14 October 2008 Disk Used
                                                         ARTICLE IN PRESS
      2                                       A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx

66    properties may be partially controlled by the processing                   2. Experimental                                                 126
67    conditions which change the polymer microstructure and
68    morphology [7–9].                                                              MEH-PPV with average molar weight Mn = 86 kg/mol            127
69        Photoluminescence and electroluminescence are corre-                   and polydispersity Mn/Mw = 4.9 was obtained from                128
 70   lated phenomena not only strongly dependent on the                         Sigma–Aldrich Co. Toluene and chloroform solvents with          129
71    microstructure of the material but also on the dynamics                    spectrophotometric grade were purchased from Acros. All         130
72    of the polymer chains [7–9]. For example, the temperature                  materials were used as received.                                131
73    dependence of the electroluminescent devices with MEH-                         MEH-PPV solutions were prepared by dissolving the           132
74    PPV showed changes [10–12] associated with specific                         polymer samples in each solvent. After that, the solutions      133
75    movements of the polymer chain such as motions of the                      were maintained in the dark in a sealed flask. Films were        134
76    lateral groups at 220 K and related with the glass transition              prepared by casting the solutions in a Petri dish, with slow    135
77    (Tg) at 330 K [13,14]. In our previous reports [13,14] it was              evaporation under a saturated solvent atmosphere, at

78    postulated that the blue shift of the PL spectra at temper-                room temperature, for 30 h. Later, the films were dried in       137
79    atures above the glass transition could be explained by                    an oven under dynamic vacuum at a temperature of ca.            138

 80   the interchain dissociation induced by thermal motions,                    323 K for 24 h. Film thicknesses were approximately             139
81    although no further experimental evidence have been                        30–40 lm. For WAXS experiments, multilayer samples of           140
82    given.                                                                     up to 400 lm thicknesses were prepared by stacking              141
83        Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) and Transmis-                       pieces cut from a single film.                                   142
84    sion Electron Microscopy (TEM) showed that MEH-PPV                             Steady-state fluorescence spectra of MEH-PPV films            143
85    films form molecular aggregates that present local nano-                    were recorded using a PC1TM Photon Counting Spectroflu-          144

86    scopic order with structural anisotropy [15,16]. The dif-                  orimeter from ISS Inc. The spectral range was from 600 to       145
87    fraction patterns obtained in stretched films were                          800 nm for the emission spectra. Slits were selected for a      146
88    indexed proposing an orthorhombic unit cell with                           spectral resolution of ±0.5 nm. Excitation wavelength was       147
89    parameters a = 7.12 Å, b = 16.05 Å and c = 6.47 Å [16]. A                  kex = 490 nm.                                                   148
 90   further description of the molecular aggregates was pre-                       WAXS experiments were performed at the D11A-SAXS            149
91    sented recently [2], where it was shown that MEH-PPV                       beamline of the LNLS (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Labora-       150
      chains are locally ordered with phenyl rings partially or-
      ganized parallel to each other and also parallel to the
      film plane. This molecular packing was described as a
                                                                                 tory). The wavelength used was 1.608 Å and the sample
                                                                                 detector distance was approximately 182 mm in all cases.
                                                                                 The films were set-up in two configurations: with the inci-
95    superstructure unit cell consisting of a bilayer arrange-                  dent X-ray beam perpendicular () and near-parallel (||) to     154
96    ment with repeating distance of 24.2 Å along the b-axis,                   the film plane.                                                  155
97    a characteristic distance of 6.3 Å assigned to repeated                        The samples were first examined at room temperature          156
98    unit along the backbone (c-axis), and the regular spacing                  for two-dimensional (2D) patterns. Data were recorded in        157
99    between the backbones of the coplanar phenylene rings                      Fuji film image plates and 30 min exposures were taken           158

100   (a = 4.3 Å). Moreover, the size of the chain-packed                        in all cases. Average radial intensity profiles were obtained    159
101   MEH-PPV nanostructured domain was estimated from                           integrating an arbitrary 30° angular sector in the case of      160
102   the diffraction line profile and assumed to consist of no                   the isotropic scattering pattern ( incidence) and a similar    161
103   more than 4d-spacings in each crystallographic direction.                  sector centered around the maximum in the oriented scat-        162
104       Although the structure of MEH-PPV films and the con-                    tering ring (|| incidence). Intensities were normalized by      163

105   formation of the polymer chains have been well de-                         the integrated intensity incident on the sample during          164
106   scribed in the literature and their influence on the PL                     the exposure and by sample absorption. Parasitic scatter-       165
107   and EL were also well understood, the relationship be-                     ing was subtracted from each pattern.                           166
108   tween structure and dynamics of the polymer chains                             Afterwards, one-dimensional (1D) patterns for the           167
109   are not well known [16]. Therefore, the aim of this re-                    in situ thermal treatment were recorded using a linear po-      168
110   port is the study of the temperature dependence of the                     sition sensitive detector (PSD). The samples were placed in     169

111   dynamics, supramolecular organization, and short-range                     a hot stage cell specially designed for X-ray scattering mea-   170
112   chain ordering of MEH-PPV films, when the film is cast                       surements (THM 600, Linkam Ltda [25]). For each of the          171
113   from two solvents, chloroform and toluene, with distinct                   experimental geometries ( and || incidences) the films          172
114   solvation abilities. The polymer chains dynamics was                       were placed in a sample support adapted to the hot stage.       173
115   studied by a set of very convenient solid-state NMR tech-                  The difference between the values of the temperature on         174

116   niques to detect possible differences in the molecular                     the sample and the values set on the controller was less        175
117   dynamics due to molecular aggregation: DIPSHIFT                            than 5 K for all scans in the range 123–423 K, allowing a       176
118   (DIPolar-chemical SHIFT correlation) [17–20] and CODEX                     fairly precise determination of the thermal state of the        177
119   (Centerband-Only Detection of EXchange) [21–24]. Tem-                      sample. The in situ measurements were performed allow-          178
120   perature evolution of the supramolecular and the                           ing 5 min of stabilization and 15-min data acquisition for      179
121   short-range structures was studied by WAXS as well as                      each desired temperature. From room temperature the             180
122   Steady-state Fluorescence Spectroscopy allows to check                     samples were rapidly quenched (60 K/min) down to                181
123   whether structural changes had happen (due to its sensi-                   123 K. Next, after each step of a heating ramp (10 K/min),      182
124   tivity to short range interaction among the polymer                        WAXS patterns were obtained for the temperatures 198,           183
125   chains).                                                                   273, 313, 348 and 423 K. The samples were kept at the           184

          Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ...,
          Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
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       14 October 2008 Disk Used
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                                            A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx                                         3

185   highest temperature during 1 h. After this isothermal treat-
186   ment, additional data were taken. Finally, the samples
187   were cooled down to 348 and 293 K at the rate of
188   10 K/min, with additional exposures being obtained at
189   these temperatures. The 1 h annealing at 423 K, was
190   chosen well above the MEH-PPV glass transition tempera-
191   ture (Tg = 330 K) [13].
192      NMR experiments were performed using a VARIAN
193   INOVA spectrometer at 13C and 1H frequencies of 100.5
194   and 400.0 MHz, respectively. A VARIAN 7-mm MAS dou-
195   ble-resonance probe head with variable temperature (VT)
196   was used. The spinning speeds, varying between 4 and

197   6 kHz, were controlled by a VARIAN pneumatic system that
198   ensures a rotation stability of ±2 Hz. Typical p/2 pulses

199   lengths of 3.5 and 4.5 ls were applied for 13C and 1H,
200   respectively. Time Proportional Phase Modulated (TPPM)
201   proton decoupling with field strength of 70 kHz, cross-
202   polarization time of 1 ms and recycle delays varying be-
203   tween 3 and 5 s were used. Amplitude of slow molecular
204   motions were investigated using CODEX technique

205   [21,22] with mixing time tm of 200 ms and evolution times
206   (Ntr) ranging from 333 to 2500 ls. The temperature depen-
207   dence of 13C–1H dipolar coupling were measured using
208   DIPSHIFT technique [18], where 1H–1H homonuclear
209   decoupling was achieved by the Phase-Modulated-Lee-
210   Goldburg (PMLG) sequence [26,27], using field strengths

      of approximately 80 kHz.

      3. Results and discussions
213       This article is organized as follow. The room tempera-
214   ture photoluminescence spectra of MEH-PPV films cast
215   form toluene and chloroform is presented and compared
      together with a short discussion about the temperature

                                                                               Fig. 1. Steady-state fluorescence spectra of MEH-PPV films. (a) Room
217   dependence of the PL. In sequence, WAXS are analyzed as
                                                                               temperature spectra of chloroform (square symbols) and toluene (circle
218   a function of temperature in order to give some insight                  symbols) cast films before and after annealing by 12 h at 363 K (full or
219   about the temperature dependence of the microstructure                   empty symbols, respectively). The arrow stands for the blue shift
220   of the MEH-PPV aggregates. Then, to elucidate the charac-                observed as a function of temperature. (b) Steady-state fluorescence
221   teristics of the molecular dynamics processes in the poly-               spectra of MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform as a function of

                                                                               temperature from 53 to 393 K. The inset show the integrated intensity
222   mer chains, solid-state NMR measurements are                             of the corresponding spectra of MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform as a
223   presented. Finally, a correlation between the strucutural                function of temperature.
224   and dynamics results are presented and discussed in the
225   context of the change in the PL spectra.

                                                                               range of 2000 cmÀ1 which are orders of magnitude larger                   241

226   3.1. Photoluminescence spectroscopy                                      than expected for homogeneous broadening [33]. As it                      242
                                                                               can be observed in Fig. 1a, there is a slightly difference in             243
227       Steady-state fluorescence spectra (PL) of MEH-PPV films                the intensity of the band assigned to the excimeric/inter-                244
228   cast from toluene and chloroform solutions before and                    chain species upon the different solvents, which are mostly               245
229   after annealing at 363 K for 12 h are shown in Fig. 1a. In               erased with thermal annealing. We also noticed that there                 246

230   general, these spectra are composed by a higher intensity                is an increase of the FWHM with the annealing, which can                  247
231   band around 650 nm and a second overlapped band                          be attributed to the increase of the relative amount of                   248
232   around 700 nm (Fig. 1). This spectrum, usually observed                  aggregates compared with the non-annealed sample.                         249
233   for the MEH-PPV films, is assigned to the interchain species                  In order to provide information about the tempera-                    250
234   separated by a backbone interplanar distance of $4.05 Å                  ture dependence of the photoluminescence, the PL spec-                    251
235   [28–31]. The longer red-edge tail is also observed which                 tra was also recorded from 53 to 393 K for MEH-PPV                        252
236   results from the overlap of two contributions, the vibronic              films cast from chloroform, Fig. 1b. The behavior of the                   253
237   progression of the aggregate emission and from the emis-                 spectra as a function of temperature is similar to the                    254
238   sion of excimeric/interchain species [32]. Spectral broad-               one reported in Ref. [13], i.e., at temperatures below                    255
239   ening was estimated and the full-width at the half-                      150 K little variation is observed either in the integrated               256
240   maximum (FWHM) showed that those values are in the                       intensity (see figure inset) or in the position of the PL                  257

       Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ...,
       Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
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      4                                           A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx

258   bands. Between 150 and 300 K there is an increase in the                          For the interpretation of the structural changes, the               280
259   integrated intensity, which is accompanied by a blue                           curves were fitted using Gaussian functions for the peaks               281
260   shift. Above 300 K a stronger intensification and also a                        and a logarithmic baseline for the background. The individ-            282
261   blue shift is observed. Toluene cast films presents a sim-                      ually fitted contribution of each peak is plotted on the bot-           283
262   ilar behavior [13].                                                            tom of the Fig. 2a and b whereas the total fit is represented           284
                                                                                     as a continuous red line in the same plots. The most impor-            285
263   3.2. Wide-Angle X-Ray Scattering (WAXS)                                        tant wide angle peaks were referred to the molecular pack-             286
                                                                                     ing parameters proposed by Jeng et al. [2]. The first                   287
264       The microstructure of the MEH-PPV films as well as                          reflection observed for q = 0.27 ÅÀ1 (d1 = 2p/q = 23.2 Å) is            288
265   the modifications induced by temperature was studied                            assumed to represent the bilayer chain packing distance.               289
266   by WAXS. Fig. 2 shows integrated intensity scans (left)                        The next important characteristic length observed for                  290
267   from the 2D-WAXS images (right) for as cast MEH-PPV                            q = 1.03 ÅÀ1 (d2 = 6.1 Å) corresponds to the monomeric re-             291

268   free-standing films obtained from chloroform solution                           peat unit. These two parameters define the chain packed                 292
269   using perpendicular and parallel incidences, at 293 K.                         planar layers of the MEH-PPV films. Finally, the peak in                293

270   The anisotropy features of these films are already con-                         our patterns located at q = 1.49 ÅÀ1 (d3 = 4.2 Å) would cor-           294
271   firmed comparing the 2D patterns. These patterns are                            respond to the inter-backbone distance, in the direction               295
272   similar in shape, showing differences in relative peak                         normal to the coplanar phenylene rings, as reported by                 296
273   intensities and scattering contributions according to the                      Jeng et al. [2]. It is worth mentioning that, due to the exist-        297
274   geometry of the experiment. Similar to Ref. [2], preferen-                     ing disorder, the scattering peaks are quite broad, but their          298
275   tial orientation of the ordered domains can be clearly                         positions could be well determined from the fittings. From              299

276   noted in the 2D images of the parallel (||) incidence pat-                     the aforementioned results, is possible to conclude that the           300
277   terns, in which the reflections corresponding to q values                       major difference with the data reported in the literature              301
278   $0.27 ÅÀ1 and $1.5 ÅÀ1 present arcs of stronger                                [2,16] is that corresponding to the d1 parameter. Nonethe-             302
279   intensity.                                                                     less, discrepancies in the bilayer packing parameter are not           303


      Fig. 2. MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform: WAXS intensity profiles obtained from the corresponding 2D patterns (shown at right). (a and b)
      Perpendicular and (c and d) parallel incidence to the film plane. Red line: fit of the experimental data using Gaussian functions for the peaks and a
      logarithmic baseline for the background.

          Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ...,
          Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
EPJ 4755                                                                                                           No. of Pages 11, Model 3G
       14 October 2008 Disk Used
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                                                   A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx                                          5

304   surprising, since more than one type of chain packing may                       also observed (see also Fig. 3b), indicating a decrease in                 332
305   coexist for the as-cast films.                                                   the number of the scattering objects or chain dissocia-                    333
306      Fig. 3 shows the WAXS intensity profiles at some se-                          tion in the perpendicular direction to the ring planes.                    334
307   lected temperatures, below and above Tg, obtained for                              Finally, the behavior of the d2 parameter can only                      335
308   MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform at parallel and per-                          be clearly followed in the perpendicular incidence pat-                    336
309   pendicular incidences. All the intensity profiles were nor-                      terns (see Fig. 3b and d). Its value of (approximately                     337
310   malized by an arbitrary scale factor to observe more                            6.0 Å) for all temperatures ranging from 123 to 423 K,                     338
311   clearly the changes in intensity and peak positions. The                        confirms the stability of this molecular packing param-                     339
312   main modifications of the first diffraction maximum are                           eter. Note that this parameter represents the distance                     340
313   better seen in the parallel incidence geometry (Fig. 3a).                       between two benzene units and is only related to bond                      341
314   A shift in the peak position of this reflection, associated                      lengths.                                                                   342
315   with the bilayer spacing d1, and a narrowing of the line                           The explicit dependence of d1, d2 and d3 parameters                     343

316   width as a function of increasing temperature is ob-                            with the temperature and the annealing time is shown in                    344
317   served. The d1 values varied from 19.3 to 21.3 Å. A shoul-                      Fig. 4a for the chloroform cast film. The most noticeable ef-               345

318   der in this peak is hardly noticed at the lower                                 fect is observed for d1 parameter. It increases continuously               346
319   temperatures, but becomes more evident for 423 K. The                           as the temperature is raised from 123 to 318 K. Such                       347
320   maximum intensity values and narrowest line profiles                             behavior is in good agreement with the increase in side-                   348
321   were obtained for 423 K and after the samples were kept                         chain mobility, as we are going to show in sequence. The                   349
322   at that temperature for 1 h (see Fig. 3c). The peak area                        subsequent increase in d1 values from $20.5 to $21.5 Å                     350
323   increases as a function of thermal treatment (tempera-                          when the temperature reaches 348 K, can be correlated                      351

324   ture and annealing time). This result indicates an in-                          with the onset of the polymer glass transition at 323 K,                   352
325   crease in the number of molecular aggregates in the                             that produces higher free volume for the relaxation of                     353
326   bilayer normal direction.                                                       the aggregate supramolecular structures. From 348 to                       354
327      Furthermore, in Fig. 3a, the peak associated with the                        423 K and after 1 h annealing at 423 K, the d1 parameter                   355
328   d3 parameter seems to shift to lower q values, which                            decreases slightly. After cooling to room temperature, a va-               356
329   would indicate an increase in the inter-backbone spacing                        lue of $20.9 Å is obtained. Thus, the overall increase of this             357
      perpendicular to the plane of the phenylene rings. As a
      reduction in the peak intensity with the temperature is
                                                                                      parameter is $0.4 Å. A similar behavior in the WAXS
                                                                                      profiles and d1, d2 and d3 parameters was observed for

      Fig. 3. WAXS intensity curves of MEH-PPV film cast from chloroform for in situ thermal treatment. (a) Parallel and (b) perpendicular incidence scattering
      curves for temperatures from 123 to 423 K before annealing. (c) Parallel and (d) perpendicular incidence scattering curves at 423 K before and after 1 h
      annealing and for 293 K at the end of the temperature cycle.

       Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ...,
       Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
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      6                                              A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx


      Fig. 4. Temperature dependence of the structural parameters d1, d2 and d3 for MEH-PPV: (a) cast from chloroform, (b) cast from toluene. (c) Average size hDi
      of the ordered domains in the bilayer normal direction. Dotted lines: visual guide of the behavior.

360   the toluene cast films except for the higher d1 variation at                       form casting, but bigger values (around 100 Å) are attained                  372

361   higher temperatures (see Fig. 4b).                                                after the temperature of 423 K is reached.                                   373
362      Using Scherrer equation [34], the average size of the or-
363   dered domains <D> in the bilayer normal direction could                           3.3. Solid-state NMR                                                         374
364   be roughly estimated from the line width (FWHM) of the
365   d1 diffraction profile. As shown in Fig. 4c for chloroform                            Fig. 5 shows the repeat unit, the orientation of the                      375
366   cast samples, almost constant values of <D> (around                               principal values of the CSA tensor, and typical 13C CP/                      376
367   60 Å) are found for temperatures up to 348 K. An increase                         MAS spectra of MEH-PPV at 303 K from chloroform and                          377
368   of 20% is obtained for 423 K and a maximum value is                               toluene cast films. The line assignments are also shown.                      378
369   reached after 1 h of annealing (90 Å). For the films obtained                      All the spectra are basically identical (including those at                  379
370   from toluene solution, initially lower <D> values are                             low temperatures, 233 K), showing that there are no                          380
371   achieved compared with the films obtained from chloro-                             drastic different in the chemical conformational state of                    381

          Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ...,
          Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
EPJ 4755                                                                                                              No. of Pages 11, Model 3G
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                                                    A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx                                          7

      Fig. 5. (a) MEH-PPV chemical structure; (b) chemical shift tensor principal axis orientation and typical    C CP/MAS spectra of MEH-PPV at 303 K for films
      cast from (c) chloroform, and (d) toluene. *denotes the spinning sidebands.

382   the polymer chains the films prepared with the different                          Fig. 7. It is possible to observe that the effective                       417
          NMR can provide specific information about the side-
                                                                                       hmdip ðTÞi=mrigid is smaller for films where toluene was used
                                                                                       as solvent, confirming the higher degree of side-chain
385   chain molecular dynamics in MEH-PPV [14]. The degree                             mobility in films cast from toluene. Comparing the CH                       420
386   of molecular dynamics of a particular molecular group in                         and CH2 DIPSHIFT curves (Fig. 6a–b), it is also seen that                  421
387   the side-chain can be characterized by measuring the                             there is a clear difference for chloroform than for toluene                422
388   strength of the effective 13C–1H dipolar coupling for that                       cast films. This also indicates a more loosely packed side-                 423
389   segment, which can be provided by DIPSHIFT technique                             chain in the toluene cast films. This feature can be better                 424

390   [17,20]. Such experiments, performed under Magic-An-                             observed in Fig. 7 that shows the temperature behavior                     425
391   gle-Spinning (MAS), provide a measurement of the                                 of the CH and CH2 hmdip ðTÞi=mrigid parameters for both films.
392      C–1H magnetic dipolar coupling for each chemical group.                       For films cast from chloroform the CH group S parameter is                  427
393   This is done by measuring the dependence of the signal                           higher than for CH2 in the whole temperature range, indi-                  428
394   amplitude with the evolution period (t1), used for codifying                     cating a significant difference in the degree of mobility be-               429
      the 13C–1H dipolar coupling, which produces a typical                            tween the head and the tail of the side-chain. In contrast,

395                                                                                                                                                               430
396   curve that depends on the strength of the averaged dipolar                       for the film cast from toluene the S parameters for the                     431
397   coupling, hmdip i. Since motions with correlation times                          CH and CH2 are mostly identical in the temperature range,                  432
398   shorter than $100 ls average the dipolar coupling be-                            suggesting that the mobility in the head and tail of the                   433
399   tween 1H and 13C, from the measurement of this parameter                         side-chain are much similar. This corroborates the above                   434
400   it is possible to distinguish rigid from mobile segments and                     findings that point to a looser packing in the side-chain                   435

401   estimate the amplitude of the molecular rotation. Molecu-                        in films cast from toluene. Note that the packing of the                    436
402   lar order parameters S for each chemical group can also be                       side-chain would avoid motion of the whole side-chain,                     437
403   obtained as the ratio between this averaged dipolar cou-                         but not anisotropic motion of specific segments in the                      438
404   pling and its respective rigid-lattice value S ¼ hmdip i=mrigid .
                                                                dip                    side-chain. Moreover, the fact that the effective S parame-                439
405   Besides, measuring the ratio hmdip ðTÞi=mrigid versus temper-
                                                dip                                    ters tend to a plateau different from zero at higher temper-               440
406   ature allows qualitatively monitoring the increase of the                        atures is due to the presence of a residual dipolar coupling,              441

407   molecular dynamic rate as a function of T. Typical DIPSHIFT                      indicating that the side-chains in MEH-PPV do not rotate                   442
408   curves for the CH (labeled 11 in Fig. 5a) and CH2 (labeled                       isotropically, but execute rotations around a local axis. This             443
409   14 and 15 in Fig. 5a) side-chain groups of MEH-PPV films                          residual coupling is observed as a plateau even at temper-                 444
410   at 293 K cast from chloroform and toluene are shown in                           atures well above Tg, which indicates that the motions ob-                 445
411   Fig. 6. These chemical groups were chosen as probes to                           served are not really associated with free side-chains in the              446
412   the molecular dynamics because they are placed in the                            amorphous region of the polymer, but with ‘‘trapped” side-                 447
413   head (close to the backbone) and tail (at the end) of the                        chains in the aggregated regions of the polymer. To con-                   448
414   side-chain, respectively, allowing detecting possible differ-                    firm that this effect is really solvent related we performed                449
415   ences in the dynamics at different side-chain positions. The                     thermal annealing of the samples at 363 K during 12 h un-                  450
416   corresponding hmdip ðTÞi=mrigid parameters are also shown in
                                  dip                                                  der dynamic vacuum. As it can be observed in Fig. 7b and d,                451

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       Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
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      8                                            A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx

                                                                                      characteristics, which can be easily erased by thermal          457
                                                                                      annealing. However, this was only a qualitative discussion      458
                                                                                      and it would be worth to quantify the change in the kinetic     459
                                                                                      parameter that characterizes the molecular dynamics.            460
                                                                                      Concerning the geometry of the motions, the fact that the       461
                                                                                      S parameter does not go to zero at high temperatures (fast      462
                                                                                      motion limit) indicates that the motion is anisotropic, i.e.,   463
                                                                                      occurs about a specific axis or only part of the segments        464
                                                                                      take part of the motion in the DIPSHIFt time scale. How-        465
                                                                                      ever, the DIPSHIFT data of the CH2 group attached to the        466
                                                                                      backbone (labeled 10 in Fig. 5a) shows that this group is       467
                                                                                      rather rigid (no temperature dependence were detected           468

                                                                                      in the DIPSHIFT curves of this group from 213 to 353 K).        469
                                                                                      This is largely consistent with a motional model where          470

                                                                                      the CH group executes n-site jumps around the                   471
                                                                                      H2C10AC11H bond, i.e., n-site jumps on a cone with an           472
                                                                                      opening defined by the relative orientation of the CH bond       473
                                                                                      with respect to the CAC bond (ideally 109°). As described       474
                                                                                      in Ref. [35], using this previous knowledge of the motional     475
                                                                                      geometry one can use a spin dynamics simulation program         476

                                                                                      [36] to simulate the experimental DIPSHIFT curves for car-      477
                                                                                      bon 11 and extract the correlation times as a function of       478
                                                                                      temperature. Besides, the shape of the DIPSHIFT curve           479
                                                                                      can also be related with the non-exponentiality of the mo-      480
                                                                                      tion correlation function, which in some cases can be           481
                                                                                      translated as a distribution of correlation times. In Fig. 6a   482

                                                                                      we show the temperature dependence of DIPSHIFT curves
                                                                                      for the MEH-PPV CH group in films cast from toluene and
                                                                                      chloroform with the corresponding simulations. The corre-
                                                                                      sponding correlation times as a function of temperature         486
                                                                                      are shown in the Arrhenius plot of Fig. 6c. The activation      487
                                                                                      energy was evaluated as (69 ± 5) kJ/mol for films cast from      488
                                                                                      chloroform and (54 ± 8) kJ/mol for films cast from toluene.      489
                                                                                      Thus, the results show that the energy barrier for the onset    490

                                                                                      of side-chain motion is higher for chloroform than for tol-     491
                                                                                      uene cast films. This seems the only effect of the solvent       492
                                                                                      memory interferes only on the local side-chain motion,          493
                                                                                      since the results do not point to a modification on the          494
                                                                                      geometry of the motion (same S parameter at high temper-        495

                                                                                      ature and rigid CH2 attached to the backbone).                  496
                                                                                          Despite DIPSHIFT experiments are sensitive to motions       497
                                                                                      in the kHz frequency range, the presence of molecular mo-       498
                                                                                      tions that occur with rates beyond the detection limit of       499
                                                                                      these experiments cannot be ruled out. Thus, to better          500
                                                                                      characterize the dynamics of these systems it is attractive     501

                                                                                      to perform experiments capable of providing information         502
                                                                                      about motions in other frequency ranges. One of such            503
                                                                                      experiments is the CODEX [21,22] technique that makes           504
                                                                                      possible to characterize the slow motion (with rates in         505
                                                                                      the Hz scale) of different chemical groups with a consider-     506

                                                                                      able degree of details. Essentially, the experiment detects     507
      Fig. 6. (a) and (b) Typical 13C DIPSHIFT curves for the CH and CH2 side-        the signal reduction resulting from changes in the orienta-     508
      chain groups of MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform and toluene at                tion-dependent chemical-shift frequencies due to segmen-        509
      293 K, respectively. (c) Arrhenius plot of the correlation time (sc)
                                                                                      tal reorientations during a waiting time also denoted as        510
      extracted from the CH DIPSHIFT curves for the samples cast from
      chloroform and toluene.                                                         mixing time tm. Information about the amplitude (mean           511
                                                                                      reorientation angles) of the motion is obtained by the          512
452   the behavior of both films becomes much similar, confirm-                         dependence of E(tm, Ntr), as a function of Ntr.                 513
453   ing that the differences observed are associated with mem-                          In previous work, it was observed the presence of slow      514
454   ory effect due to the solvent.                                                  molecular motions in the backbone of MEH-PPV at 293 K           515
455      The above statements reveal that the side-chain                              [13,14]. These motions were assigned as small angle ring        516
456   dynamics of MEH-PPV films can be affected by the solvent                         rotations around the 1–4 axis. Fig. 8 shows E(tm, Ntr) as a     517

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          Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
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                                                   A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx                                         9


      Fig. 7. Thermal behavior of the order parameter S for CH and CH2 side-chain groups in MEH-PPV cast from (a) chloroform before annealing, (b) chloroform
      after annealing at 363 K by 12 h, (c) toluene before annealing, and (d) toluene after annealing at 363 K by 12 h.

518   function of Ntr for the para-carbons (labeled 1 and 4 in                        served. The fact that no solvent effects were observed in                 542
519   Fig. 5a) of MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform and tolu-                         the CODEX measurements suggests that the overall tor-                     543

520   ene at 293 K. The average rotation angles were obtained                         sional motions are similar in all cases. If we associate the              544
521   by simulating the experimental curves based on principal                        amplitude of these torsional motions with the conforma-                   545
522   values and orientation of the chemical shift tensor. For                        tional disorder along the polymer backbone, we might con-                 546
523   that, the chemical shift anisotropy principal values were                       clude that the motional induced conformational disorder is                547
524   measured using a standard Herszfeld and Berger analysis.                        similar for both studied films. However, it should be                      548
525   [37] The orientation of the chemical shift principal axis                       pointed out that the average rotation angle obtained by                   549

526   systems of phenyl rings para-carbons is similar in different                    CODEX cannot be associated with a particular segment in                   550
527   systems. Thus, we assumed the same orientation of p-xy-                         the polymer backbone, but reflects the average behavior                    551
528   lene, i.e., the principal value r33 (z-axis) is 1° tilted from                  of all backbone segments, including those poorly conju-                   552
529   the normal to the phenylene ring plane and the x-axis, cor-                     gated that do not contribute to the photoluminescence. Be-                553
530   responding to r11 is 1° away from the 1–4 axis, as shown in                     sides that, because the motional amplitude is rather small,               554

531   Fig. 5b. Because the molecular motions in polymers do not                       proton-driven spin-diffusion [38] may have a non-negligi-                 555
532   involve single but distributed rotation angles, the simula-                     ble contribution to the CODEX exchange intensity, which                   556
533   tions were performed considering Gaussian shaped distri-                        masks the possible differences that may exist among the                   557
534   butions of reorientation angles centered at 0° and with                         torsional motion of the samples.                                          558
535   full-width at half-maximum (FWHM), hwi, that represents
536   the average reorientation angle.                                                4. Conclusions                                                            559
537       It can be observed in Fig. 8 that, within the experimen-
538   tal uncertainty, all curves can be fitted using the same dis-                       This work provided new results of distinct aspects of                  560
539   tribution of reorientation angles with hwi $10°. This means                     the dynamics and supramolecular organization in MEH-                      561
540   that no significant differences among the overall motional                       PPV films cast from two different solvents. The NMR exper-                 562
541   amplitudes of the backbone phenylene rings could be ob-                         iments were particularly useful for describing general and                563

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      10                                              A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx

                                                                                         a direct evidence of the presence of interchains dissocia-                   589
                                                                                         tion and increased disorder of the phenyl rings. Consider-                   590
                                                                                         ing that the increase of conformational disorder may                         591
                                                                                         quench some interchain processes that contributes to the                     592
                                                                                         luminescence, the results confirms our previously pro-                        593
                                                                                         posed model (dissociation of the interchain species during                   594
                                                                                         the MEH-PPV relaxation processes) based on PL and NMR                        595
                                                                                         results [13]. More specifically, the intensity increase ob-                   596
                                                                                         served at 200 K is associated with in appearing of motional                  597
                                                                                         ring torsions due to the onset of the side-chain motions                     598
                                                                                         and the stronger intensification at 300 K to the increasing                   599
                                                                                         of these motions due to the onset of the glass transition.                   600

                                                                                         In both relaxation processes the blue shift is attributed to                 601
                                                                                         the increase of the motional induced conformational                          602

                                                                                         disorder.                                                                    603

                                                                                         Acknowledgements                                                             604

                                                                                             Authors thank FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES and MCT/PADCT/                         605
                                                                                         IMMP for the financial support and fellowships. TDZA                          606

                                                                                         and RFC thank FAEPEX/Unicamp for financial support and                        607
                                                                                         fellowships. ERdA thanks Prof. Kay Saalwachter for provid-                   608
                                                                                         ing the spin dynamics simulation program and for helpful                     609
                                                                                         discussions. WAXS data were collected under proposals                        610
                                                                                         D11A-SAXS1 #4247 and #4293 of the Brazilian Synchro-                         611
                                                                                         tron Light Laboratory (LNLS).                                                612

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       Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030

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European Polymer Journal

  • 1. EPJ 4755 No. of Pages 11, Model 3G 14 October 2008 Disk Used ARTICLE IN PRESS European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx 1 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect European Polymer Journal journal homepage: 2 Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular F 3 aggregation in MEH-PPV films: A solid-state NMR, X-ray and fluorescence OO 4 spectroscopy study 5 A.A. Souza a, R.F. Cossiello b, T.S. Plivelic c, G.L. Mantovani a, G.C. Faria a, T.D.Z. Atvars b, 6 I.L. Torriani c,d, T.J. Bonagamba a, E.R. deAzevedo a,* 7 a Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 369, 13560-970 São Carlos, SP, Brazil PR 8 b Instituto de Química, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Caixa Postal 6154, 13084-971 Campinas, SP, Brazil 9 c Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, Caixa Postal 6192, 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil 10 d Instituto de Física, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Caixa Postal 6165, 13084-971 Campinas, SP, Brazil 11 a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t 1 3 2 8 14 15 16 Article history: Received 29 June 2008 Received in revised form 23 August 2008 D This article presents an investigation of the temperature induced modification in the microstructure and dynamics of poly[2-methoxy-5-(20 -ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevin- ylene] (MEH-PPV) cast films using Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS), solid-state 29 30 31 TE 17 Accepted 16 September 2008 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Fluorescence Spectroscopy (PL). MEH-PPV chain 32 18 Available online xxxx 19 motions were characterized as a function of temperature by NMR. The results indicated 33 that the solvent used to cast the films influences the activation energy of the side-chain 34 motions. This was concluded from the comparison of the activation energy of the toluene 35 20 Keywords: 21 MEH-PPV films cast film, Ea = (54 ± 8) kJ/mol, and chloroform cast film, Ea = (69 ± 5) kJ/mol, and could be 36 EC 22 NMR attributed to the higher side-chain packing provided by chloroform that preferentially sol- 37 23 DIPSHIFT vates the side chain in contrast to toluene that solvates mainly the backbone. Concerning 38 24 WAXS the backbone mobility, it was observed that the torsional motions in the MEH-PPV have 39 25 Molecular aggregation average amplitude of $10° at 300 K, which was found to be independent of the solvent 40 26 Fluorescence used to cast the films. In order to correlate the molecular dynamics processes with the 41 27 changes in the microstructure of the polymer, in situ WAXS experiments as a function of 42 RR temperature were performed and revealed that the interchain spacing in the MEH-PPV 43 molecular aggregates increases as a function of temperature, particularly at temperatures 44 where molecular relaxations occur. It was also observed that the WAXS peak associated 45 with the bilayer spacing, narrows and their by increases intensity whereas the peak asso- 46 ciated with the interbackbone planes reduces its intensity for higher temperatures. This 47 last result could be interpreted as a decrease in the number of aggregates and the reduction 48 CO of the interchain species during the MEH-PPV relaxation processes. These WAXS results 49 were correlated with PL spectra modifications observed upon temperature treatments. 50 Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 51 52 53 UN 54 1. Introduction tron and hole transport properties [1–4]. The large-scale 58 electroluminescent devices can be feasible due to their 59 55 Conjugated polymers have potential to be employed in simple production. However, the efficiency of the electro- 60 56 several applications such as materials for light-emitting luminescence (EL) and photoluminescence (PL) is reduced 61 57 diodes, lasers and thin-film transistors due to their elec- when the conjugated polymers form interchain species 62 that arise as a result of molecular aggregation [5,6]. Molec- 63 ular aggregation and, consequently, the electro- and 64 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 16 33738086; fax: +55 1633739876. E-mail address: (E.R. deAzevedo). photo-luminescence emissions and charge transport 65 0014-3057/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030 Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ..., Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
  • 2. EPJ 4755 No. of Pages 11, Model 3G 14 October 2008 Disk Used ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx 66 properties may be partially controlled by the processing 2. Experimental 126 67 conditions which change the polymer microstructure and 68 morphology [7–9]. MEH-PPV with average molar weight Mn = 86 kg/mol 127 69 Photoluminescence and electroluminescence are corre- and polydispersity Mn/Mw = 4.9 was obtained from 128 70 lated phenomena not only strongly dependent on the Sigma–Aldrich Co. Toluene and chloroform solvents with 129 71 microstructure of the material but also on the dynamics spectrophotometric grade were purchased from Acros. All 130 72 of the polymer chains [7–9]. For example, the temperature materials were used as received. 131 73 dependence of the electroluminescent devices with MEH- MEH-PPV solutions were prepared by dissolving the 132 74 PPV showed changes [10–12] associated with specific polymer samples in each solvent. After that, the solutions 133 75 movements of the polymer chain such as motions of the were maintained in the dark in a sealed flask. Films were 134 76 lateral groups at 220 K and related with the glass transition prepared by casting the solutions in a Petri dish, with slow 135 77 (Tg) at 330 K [13,14]. In our previous reports [13,14] it was evaporation under a saturated solvent atmosphere, at F 136 78 postulated that the blue shift of the PL spectra at temper- room temperature, for 30 h. Later, the films were dried in 137 79 atures above the glass transition could be explained by an oven under dynamic vacuum at a temperature of ca. 138 OO 80 the interchain dissociation induced by thermal motions, 323 K for 24 h. Film thicknesses were approximately 139 81 although no further experimental evidence have been 30–40 lm. For WAXS experiments, multilayer samples of 140 82 given. up to 400 lm thicknesses were prepared by stacking 141 83 Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) and Transmis- pieces cut from a single film. 142 84 sion Electron Microscopy (TEM) showed that MEH-PPV Steady-state fluorescence spectra of MEH-PPV films 143 85 films form molecular aggregates that present local nano- were recorded using a PC1TM Photon Counting Spectroflu- 144 PR 86 scopic order with structural anisotropy [15,16]. The dif- orimeter from ISS Inc. The spectral range was from 600 to 145 87 fraction patterns obtained in stretched films were 800 nm for the emission spectra. Slits were selected for a 146 88 indexed proposing an orthorhombic unit cell with spectral resolution of ±0.5 nm. Excitation wavelength was 147 89 parameters a = 7.12 Å, b = 16.05 Å and c = 6.47 Å [16]. A kex = 490 nm. 148 90 further description of the molecular aggregates was pre- WAXS experiments were performed at the D11A-SAXS 149 91 sented recently [2], where it was shown that MEH-PPV beamline of the LNLS (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Labora- 150 92 93 94 chains are locally ordered with phenyl rings partially or- ganized parallel to each other and also parallel to the film plane. This molecular packing was described as a D tory). The wavelength used was 1.608 Å and the sample detector distance was approximately 182 mm in all cases. The films were set-up in two configurations: with the inci- 151 152 153 TE 95 superstructure unit cell consisting of a bilayer arrange- dent X-ray beam perpendicular () and near-parallel (||) to 154 96 ment with repeating distance of 24.2 Å along the b-axis, the film plane. 155 97 a characteristic distance of 6.3 Å assigned to repeated The samples were first examined at room temperature 156 98 unit along the backbone (c-axis), and the regular spacing for two-dimensional (2D) patterns. Data were recorded in 157 99 between the backbones of the coplanar phenylene rings Fuji film image plates and 30 min exposures were taken 158 EC 100 (a = 4.3 Å). Moreover, the size of the chain-packed in all cases. Average radial intensity profiles were obtained 159 101 MEH-PPV nanostructured domain was estimated from integrating an arbitrary 30° angular sector in the case of 160 102 the diffraction line profile and assumed to consist of no the isotropic scattering pattern ( incidence) and a similar 161 103 more than 4d-spacings in each crystallographic direction. sector centered around the maximum in the oriented scat- 162 104 Although the structure of MEH-PPV films and the con- tering ring (|| incidence). Intensities were normalized by 163 RR 105 formation of the polymer chains have been well de- the integrated intensity incident on the sample during 164 106 scribed in the literature and their influence on the PL the exposure and by sample absorption. Parasitic scatter- 165 107 and EL were also well understood, the relationship be- ing was subtracted from each pattern. 166 108 tween structure and dynamics of the polymer chains Afterwards, one-dimensional (1D) patterns for the 167 109 are not well known [16]. Therefore, the aim of this re- in situ thermal treatment were recorded using a linear po- 168 110 port is the study of the temperature dependence of the sition sensitive detector (PSD). The samples were placed in 169 CO 111 dynamics, supramolecular organization, and short-range a hot stage cell specially designed for X-ray scattering mea- 170 112 chain ordering of MEH-PPV films, when the film is cast surements (THM 600, Linkam Ltda [25]). For each of the 171 113 from two solvents, chloroform and toluene, with distinct experimental geometries ( and || incidences) the films 172 114 solvation abilities. The polymer chains dynamics was were placed in a sample support adapted to the hot stage. 173 115 studied by a set of very convenient solid-state NMR tech- The difference between the values of the temperature on 174 UN 116 niques to detect possible differences in the molecular the sample and the values set on the controller was less 175 117 dynamics due to molecular aggregation: DIPSHIFT than 5 K for all scans in the range 123–423 K, allowing a 176 118 (DIPolar-chemical SHIFT correlation) [17–20] and CODEX fairly precise determination of the thermal state of the 177 119 (Centerband-Only Detection of EXchange) [21–24]. Tem- sample. The in situ measurements were performed allow- 178 120 perature evolution of the supramolecular and the ing 5 min of stabilization and 15-min data acquisition for 179 121 short-range structures was studied by WAXS as well as each desired temperature. From room temperature the 180 122 Steady-state Fluorescence Spectroscopy allows to check samples were rapidly quenched (60 K/min) down to 181 123 whether structural changes had happen (due to its sensi- 123 K. Next, after each step of a heating ramp (10 K/min), 182 124 tivity to short range interaction among the polymer WAXS patterns were obtained for the temperatures 198, 183 125 chains). 273, 313, 348 and 423 K. The samples were kept at the 184 Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ..., Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
  • 3. EPJ 4755 No. of Pages 11, Model 3G 14 October 2008 Disk Used ARTICLE IN PRESS A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx 3 185 highest temperature during 1 h. After this isothermal treat- 186 ment, additional data were taken. Finally, the samples 187 were cooled down to 348 and 293 K at the rate of 188 10 K/min, with additional exposures being obtained at 189 these temperatures. The 1 h annealing at 423 K, was 190 chosen well above the MEH-PPV glass transition tempera- 191 ture (Tg = 330 K) [13]. 192 NMR experiments were performed using a VARIAN 193 INOVA spectrometer at 13C and 1H frequencies of 100.5 194 and 400.0 MHz, respectively. A VARIAN 7-mm MAS dou- 195 ble-resonance probe head with variable temperature (VT) 196 was used. The spinning speeds, varying between 4 and F 197 6 kHz, were controlled by a VARIAN pneumatic system that 198 ensures a rotation stability of ±2 Hz. Typical p/2 pulses OO 199 lengths of 3.5 and 4.5 ls were applied for 13C and 1H, 200 respectively. Time Proportional Phase Modulated (TPPM) 201 proton decoupling with field strength of 70 kHz, cross- 202 polarization time of 1 ms and recycle delays varying be- 203 tween 3 and 5 s were used. Amplitude of slow molecular 204 motions were investigated using CODEX technique PR 205 [21,22] with mixing time tm of 200 ms and evolution times 206 (Ntr) ranging from 333 to 2500 ls. The temperature depen- 207 dence of 13C–1H dipolar coupling were measured using 208 DIPSHIFT technique [18], where 1H–1H homonuclear 209 decoupling was achieved by the Phase-Modulated-Lee- 210 Goldburg (PMLG) sequence [26,27], using field strengths 211 212 of approximately 80 kHz. 3. Results and discussions D TE 213 This article is organized as follow. The room tempera- 214 ture photoluminescence spectra of MEH-PPV films cast 215 form toluene and chloroform is presented and compared together with a short discussion about the temperature EC 216 Fig. 1. Steady-state fluorescence spectra of MEH-PPV films. (a) Room 217 dependence of the PL. In sequence, WAXS are analyzed as temperature spectra of chloroform (square symbols) and toluene (circle 218 a function of temperature in order to give some insight symbols) cast films before and after annealing by 12 h at 363 K (full or 219 about the temperature dependence of the microstructure empty symbols, respectively). The arrow stands for the blue shift 220 of the MEH-PPV aggregates. Then, to elucidate the charac- observed as a function of temperature. (b) Steady-state fluorescence 221 teristics of the molecular dynamics processes in the poly- spectra of MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform as a function of RR temperature from 53 to 393 K. The inset show the integrated intensity 222 mer chains, solid-state NMR measurements are of the corresponding spectra of MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform as a 223 presented. Finally, a correlation between the strucutural function of temperature. 224 and dynamics results are presented and discussed in the 225 context of the change in the PL spectra. range of 2000 cmÀ1 which are orders of magnitude larger 241 CO 226 3.1. Photoluminescence spectroscopy than expected for homogeneous broadening [33]. As it 242 can be observed in Fig. 1a, there is a slightly difference in 243 227 Steady-state fluorescence spectra (PL) of MEH-PPV films the intensity of the band assigned to the excimeric/inter- 244 228 cast from toluene and chloroform solutions before and chain species upon the different solvents, which are mostly 245 229 after annealing at 363 K for 12 h are shown in Fig. 1a. In erased with thermal annealing. We also noticed that there 246 UN 230 general, these spectra are composed by a higher intensity is an increase of the FWHM with the annealing, which can 247 231 band around 650 nm and a second overlapped band be attributed to the increase of the relative amount of 248 232 around 700 nm (Fig. 1). This spectrum, usually observed aggregates compared with the non-annealed sample. 249 233 for the MEH-PPV films, is assigned to the interchain species In order to provide information about the tempera- 250 234 separated by a backbone interplanar distance of $4.05 Å ture dependence of the photoluminescence, the PL spec- 251 235 [28–31]. The longer red-edge tail is also observed which tra was also recorded from 53 to 393 K for MEH-PPV 252 236 results from the overlap of two contributions, the vibronic films cast from chloroform, Fig. 1b. The behavior of the 253 237 progression of the aggregate emission and from the emis- spectra as a function of temperature is similar to the 254 238 sion of excimeric/interchain species [32]. Spectral broad- one reported in Ref. [13], i.e., at temperatures below 255 239 ening was estimated and the full-width at the half- 150 K little variation is observed either in the integrated 256 240 maximum (FWHM) showed that those values are in the intensity (see figure inset) or in the position of the PL 257 Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ..., Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
  • 4. EPJ 4755 No. of Pages 11, Model 3G 14 October 2008 Disk Used ARTICLE IN PRESS 4 A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx 258 bands. Between 150 and 300 K there is an increase in the For the interpretation of the structural changes, the 280 259 integrated intensity, which is accompanied by a blue curves were fitted using Gaussian functions for the peaks 281 260 shift. Above 300 K a stronger intensification and also a and a logarithmic baseline for the background. The individ- 282 261 blue shift is observed. Toluene cast films presents a sim- ually fitted contribution of each peak is plotted on the bot- 283 262 ilar behavior [13]. tom of the Fig. 2a and b whereas the total fit is represented 284 as a continuous red line in the same plots. The most impor- 285 263 3.2. Wide-Angle X-Ray Scattering (WAXS) tant wide angle peaks were referred to the molecular pack- 286 ing parameters proposed by Jeng et al. [2]. The first 287 264 The microstructure of the MEH-PPV films as well as reflection observed for q = 0.27 ÅÀ1 (d1 = 2p/q = 23.2 Å) is 288 265 the modifications induced by temperature was studied assumed to represent the bilayer chain packing distance. 289 266 by WAXS. Fig. 2 shows integrated intensity scans (left) The next important characteristic length observed for 290 267 from the 2D-WAXS images (right) for as cast MEH-PPV q = 1.03 ÅÀ1 (d2 = 6.1 Å) corresponds to the monomeric re- 291 F 268 free-standing films obtained from chloroform solution peat unit. These two parameters define the chain packed 292 269 using perpendicular and parallel incidences, at 293 K. planar layers of the MEH-PPV films. Finally, the peak in 293 OO 270 The anisotropy features of these films are already con- our patterns located at q = 1.49 ÅÀ1 (d3 = 4.2 Å) would cor- 294 271 firmed comparing the 2D patterns. These patterns are respond to the inter-backbone distance, in the direction 295 272 similar in shape, showing differences in relative peak normal to the coplanar phenylene rings, as reported by 296 273 intensities and scattering contributions according to the Jeng et al. [2]. It is worth mentioning that, due to the exist- 297 274 geometry of the experiment. Similar to Ref. [2], preferen- ing disorder, the scattering peaks are quite broad, but their 298 275 tial orientation of the ordered domains can be clearly positions could be well determined from the fittings. From 299 PR 276 noted in the 2D images of the parallel (||) incidence pat- the aforementioned results, is possible to conclude that the 300 277 terns, in which the reflections corresponding to q values major difference with the data reported in the literature 301 278 $0.27 ÅÀ1 and $1.5 ÅÀ1 present arcs of stronger [2,16] is that corresponding to the d1 parameter. Nonethe- 302 279 intensity. less, discrepancies in the bilayer packing parameter are not 303 D TE EC RR CO UN Fig. 2. MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform: WAXS intensity profiles obtained from the corresponding 2D patterns (shown at right). (a and b) Perpendicular and (c and d) parallel incidence to the film plane. Red line: fit of the experimental data using Gaussian functions for the peaks and a logarithmic baseline for the background. Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ..., Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
  • 5. EPJ 4755 No. of Pages 11, Model 3G 14 October 2008 Disk Used ARTICLE IN PRESS A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx 5 304 surprising, since more than one type of chain packing may also observed (see also Fig. 3b), indicating a decrease in 332 305 coexist for the as-cast films. the number of the scattering objects or chain dissocia- 333 306 Fig. 3 shows the WAXS intensity profiles at some se- tion in the perpendicular direction to the ring planes. 334 307 lected temperatures, below and above Tg, obtained for Finally, the behavior of the d2 parameter can only 335 308 MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform at parallel and per- be clearly followed in the perpendicular incidence pat- 336 309 pendicular incidences. All the intensity profiles were nor- terns (see Fig. 3b and d). Its value of (approximately 337 310 malized by an arbitrary scale factor to observe more 6.0 Å) for all temperatures ranging from 123 to 423 K, 338 311 clearly the changes in intensity and peak positions. The confirms the stability of this molecular packing param- 339 312 main modifications of the first diffraction maximum are eter. Note that this parameter represents the distance 340 313 better seen in the parallel incidence geometry (Fig. 3a). between two benzene units and is only related to bond 341 314 A shift in the peak position of this reflection, associated lengths. 342 315 with the bilayer spacing d1, and a narrowing of the line The explicit dependence of d1, d2 and d3 parameters 343 F 316 width as a function of increasing temperature is ob- with the temperature and the annealing time is shown in 344 317 served. The d1 values varied from 19.3 to 21.3 Å. A shoul- Fig. 4a for the chloroform cast film. The most noticeable ef- 345 OO 318 der in this peak is hardly noticed at the lower fect is observed for d1 parameter. It increases continuously 346 319 temperatures, but becomes more evident for 423 K. The as the temperature is raised from 123 to 318 K. Such 347 320 maximum intensity values and narrowest line profiles behavior is in good agreement with the increase in side- 348 321 were obtained for 423 K and after the samples were kept chain mobility, as we are going to show in sequence. The 349 322 at that temperature for 1 h (see Fig. 3c). The peak area subsequent increase in d1 values from $20.5 to $21.5 Å 350 323 increases as a function of thermal treatment (tempera- when the temperature reaches 348 K, can be correlated 351 PR 324 ture and annealing time). This result indicates an in- with the onset of the polymer glass transition at 323 K, 352 325 crease in the number of molecular aggregates in the that produces higher free volume for the relaxation of 353 326 bilayer normal direction. the aggregate supramolecular structures. From 348 to 354 327 Furthermore, in Fig. 3a, the peak associated with the 423 K and after 1 h annealing at 423 K, the d1 parameter 355 328 d3 parameter seems to shift to lower q values, which decreases slightly. After cooling to room temperature, a va- 356 329 would indicate an increase in the inter-backbone spacing lue of $20.9 Å is obtained. Thus, the overall increase of this 357 330 331 perpendicular to the plane of the phenylene rings. As a reduction in the peak intensity with the temperature is D parameter is $0.4 Å. A similar behavior in the WAXS profiles and d1, d2 and d3 parameters was observed for 358 359 TE EC RR CO UN Fig. 3. WAXS intensity curves of MEH-PPV film cast from chloroform for in situ thermal treatment. (a) Parallel and (b) perpendicular incidence scattering curves for temperatures from 123 to 423 K before annealing. (c) Parallel and (d) perpendicular incidence scattering curves at 423 K before and after 1 h annealing and for 293 K at the end of the temperature cycle. Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ..., Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
  • 6. EPJ 4755 No. of Pages 11, Model 3G 14 October 2008 Disk Used ARTICLE IN PRESS 6 A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx F OO PR D TE EC RR CO Fig. 4. Temperature dependence of the structural parameters d1, d2 and d3 for MEH-PPV: (a) cast from chloroform, (b) cast from toluene. (c) Average size hDi of the ordered domains in the bilayer normal direction. Dotted lines: visual guide of the behavior. 360 the toluene cast films except for the higher d1 variation at form casting, but bigger values (around 100 Å) are attained 372 UN 361 higher temperatures (see Fig. 4b). after the temperature of 423 K is reached. 373 362 Using Scherrer equation [34], the average size of the or- 363 dered domains <D> in the bilayer normal direction could 3.3. Solid-state NMR 374 364 be roughly estimated from the line width (FWHM) of the 365 d1 diffraction profile. As shown in Fig. 4c for chloroform Fig. 5 shows the repeat unit, the orientation of the 375 366 cast samples, almost constant values of <D> (around principal values of the CSA tensor, and typical 13C CP/ 376 367 60 Å) are found for temperatures up to 348 K. An increase MAS spectra of MEH-PPV at 303 K from chloroform and 377 368 of 20% is obtained for 423 K and a maximum value is toluene cast films. The line assignments are also shown. 378 369 reached after 1 h of annealing (90 Å). For the films obtained All the spectra are basically identical (including those at 379 370 from toluene solution, initially lower <D> values are low temperatures, 233 K), showing that there are no 380 371 achieved compared with the films obtained from chloro- drastic different in the chemical conformational state of 381 Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ..., Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
  • 7. EPJ 4755 No. of Pages 11, Model 3G 14 October 2008 Disk Used ARTICLE IN PRESS A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx 7 F OO PR 13 Fig. 5. (a) MEH-PPV chemical structure; (b) chemical shift tensor principal axis orientation and typical C CP/MAS spectra of MEH-PPV at 303 K for films cast from (c) chloroform, and (d) toluene. *denotes the spinning sidebands. 382 the polymer chains the films prepared with the different Fig. 7. It is possible to observe that the effective 417 383 384 solvents. NMR can provide specific information about the side- D hmdip ðTÞi=mrigid is smaller for films where toluene was used dip as solvent, confirming the higher degree of side-chain 418 419 TE 385 chain molecular dynamics in MEH-PPV [14]. The degree mobility in films cast from toluene. Comparing the CH 420 386 of molecular dynamics of a particular molecular group in and CH2 DIPSHIFT curves (Fig. 6a–b), it is also seen that 421 387 the side-chain can be characterized by measuring the there is a clear difference for chloroform than for toluene 422 388 strength of the effective 13C–1H dipolar coupling for that cast films. This also indicates a more loosely packed side- 423 389 segment, which can be provided by DIPSHIFT technique chain in the toluene cast films. This feature can be better 424 EC 390 [17,20]. Such experiments, performed under Magic-An- observed in Fig. 7 that shows the temperature behavior 425 391 gle-Spinning (MAS), provide a measurement of the of the CH and CH2 hmdip ðTÞi=mrigid parameters for both films. dip 426 13 392 C–1H magnetic dipolar coupling for each chemical group. For films cast from chloroform the CH group S parameter is 427 393 This is done by measuring the dependence of the signal higher than for CH2 in the whole temperature range, indi- 428 394 amplitude with the evolution period (t1), used for codifying cating a significant difference in the degree of mobility be- 429 the 13C–1H dipolar coupling, which produces a typical tween the head and the tail of the side-chain. In contrast, RR 395 430 396 curve that depends on the strength of the averaged dipolar for the film cast from toluene the S parameters for the 431 397 coupling, hmdip i. Since motions with correlation times CH and CH2 are mostly identical in the temperature range, 432 398 shorter than $100 ls average the dipolar coupling be- suggesting that the mobility in the head and tail of the 433 399 tween 1H and 13C, from the measurement of this parameter side-chain are much similar. This corroborates the above 434 400 it is possible to distinguish rigid from mobile segments and findings that point to a looser packing in the side-chain 435 CO 401 estimate the amplitude of the molecular rotation. Molecu- in films cast from toluene. Note that the packing of the 436 402 lar order parameters S for each chemical group can also be side-chain would avoid motion of the whole side-chain, 437 403 obtained as the ratio between this averaged dipolar cou- but not anisotropic motion of specific segments in the 438 404 pling and its respective rigid-lattice value S ¼ hmdip i=mrigid . dip side-chain. Moreover, the fact that the effective S parame- 439 405 Besides, measuring the ratio hmdip ðTÞi=mrigid versus temper- dip ters tend to a plateau different from zero at higher temper- 440 406 ature allows qualitatively monitoring the increase of the atures is due to the presence of a residual dipolar coupling, 441 UN 407 molecular dynamic rate as a function of T. Typical DIPSHIFT indicating that the side-chains in MEH-PPV do not rotate 442 408 curves for the CH (labeled 11 in Fig. 5a) and CH2 (labeled isotropically, but execute rotations around a local axis. This 443 409 14 and 15 in Fig. 5a) side-chain groups of MEH-PPV films residual coupling is observed as a plateau even at temper- 444 410 at 293 K cast from chloroform and toluene are shown in atures well above Tg, which indicates that the motions ob- 445 411 Fig. 6. These chemical groups were chosen as probes to served are not really associated with free side-chains in the 446 412 the molecular dynamics because they are placed in the amorphous region of the polymer, but with ‘‘trapped” side- 447 413 head (close to the backbone) and tail (at the end) of the chains in the aggregated regions of the polymer. To con- 448 414 side-chain, respectively, allowing detecting possible differ- firm that this effect is really solvent related we performed 449 415 ences in the dynamics at different side-chain positions. The thermal annealing of the samples at 363 K during 12 h un- 450 416 corresponding hmdip ðTÞi=mrigid parameters are also shown in dip der dynamic vacuum. As it can be observed in Fig. 7b and d, 451 Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ..., Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
  • 8. EPJ 4755 No. of Pages 11, Model 3G 14 October 2008 Disk Used ARTICLE IN PRESS 8 A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx characteristics, which can be easily erased by thermal 457 annealing. However, this was only a qualitative discussion 458 and it would be worth to quantify the change in the kinetic 459 parameter that characterizes the molecular dynamics. 460 Concerning the geometry of the motions, the fact that the 461 S parameter does not go to zero at high temperatures (fast 462 motion limit) indicates that the motion is anisotropic, i.e., 463 occurs about a specific axis or only part of the segments 464 take part of the motion in the DIPSHIFt time scale. How- 465 ever, the DIPSHIFT data of the CH2 group attached to the 466 backbone (labeled 10 in Fig. 5a) shows that this group is 467 rather rigid (no temperature dependence were detected 468 F in the DIPSHIFT curves of this group from 213 to 353 K). 469 This is largely consistent with a motional model where 470 OO the CH group executes n-site jumps around the 471 H2C10AC11H bond, i.e., n-site jumps on a cone with an 472 opening defined by the relative orientation of the CH bond 473 with respect to the CAC bond (ideally 109°). As described 474 in Ref. [35], using this previous knowledge of the motional 475 geometry one can use a spin dynamics simulation program 476 PR [36] to simulate the experimental DIPSHIFT curves for car- 477 bon 11 and extract the correlation times as a function of 478 temperature. Besides, the shape of the DIPSHIFT curve 479 can also be related with the non-exponentiality of the mo- 480 tion correlation function, which in some cases can be 481 translated as a distribution of correlation times. In Fig. 6a 482 D we show the temperature dependence of DIPSHIFT curves for the MEH-PPV CH group in films cast from toluene and chloroform with the corresponding simulations. The corre- 483 484 485 TE sponding correlation times as a function of temperature 486 are shown in the Arrhenius plot of Fig. 6c. The activation 487 energy was evaluated as (69 ± 5) kJ/mol for films cast from 488 chloroform and (54 ± 8) kJ/mol for films cast from toluene. 489 Thus, the results show that the energy barrier for the onset 490 EC of side-chain motion is higher for chloroform than for tol- 491 uene cast films. This seems the only effect of the solvent 492 memory interferes only on the local side-chain motion, 493 since the results do not point to a modification on the 494 geometry of the motion (same S parameter at high temper- 495 RR ature and rigid CH2 attached to the backbone). 496 Despite DIPSHIFT experiments are sensitive to motions 497 in the kHz frequency range, the presence of molecular mo- 498 tions that occur with rates beyond the detection limit of 499 these experiments cannot be ruled out. Thus, to better 500 characterize the dynamics of these systems it is attractive 501 CO to perform experiments capable of providing information 502 about motions in other frequency ranges. One of such 503 experiments is the CODEX [21,22] technique that makes 504 possible to characterize the slow motion (with rates in 505 the Hz scale) of different chemical groups with a consider- 506 UN able degree of details. Essentially, the experiment detects 507 Fig. 6. (a) and (b) Typical 13C DIPSHIFT curves for the CH and CH2 side- the signal reduction resulting from changes in the orienta- 508 chain groups of MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform and toluene at tion-dependent chemical-shift frequencies due to segmen- 509 293 K, respectively. (c) Arrhenius plot of the correlation time (sc) tal reorientations during a waiting time also denoted as 510 extracted from the CH DIPSHIFT curves for the samples cast from chloroform and toluene. mixing time tm. Information about the amplitude (mean 511 reorientation angles) of the motion is obtained by the 512 452 the behavior of both films becomes much similar, confirm- dependence of E(tm, Ntr), as a function of Ntr. 513 453 ing that the differences observed are associated with mem- In previous work, it was observed the presence of slow 514 454 ory effect due to the solvent. molecular motions in the backbone of MEH-PPV at 293 K 515 455 The above statements reveal that the side-chain [13,14]. These motions were assigned as small angle ring 516 456 dynamics of MEH-PPV films can be affected by the solvent rotations around the 1–4 axis. Fig. 8 shows E(tm, Ntr) as a 517 Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ..., Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
  • 9. EPJ 4755 No. of Pages 11, Model 3G 14 October 2008 Disk Used ARTICLE IN PRESS A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx 9 F OO PR D TE Fig. 7. Thermal behavior of the order parameter S for CH and CH2 side-chain groups in MEH-PPV cast from (a) chloroform before annealing, (b) chloroform after annealing at 363 K by 12 h, (c) toluene before annealing, and (d) toluene after annealing at 363 K by 12 h. EC 518 function of Ntr for the para-carbons (labeled 1 and 4 in served. The fact that no solvent effects were observed in 542 519 Fig. 5a) of MEH-PPV films cast from chloroform and tolu- the CODEX measurements suggests that the overall tor- 543 RR 520 ene at 293 K. The average rotation angles were obtained sional motions are similar in all cases. If we associate the 544 521 by simulating the experimental curves based on principal amplitude of these torsional motions with the conforma- 545 522 values and orientation of the chemical shift tensor. For tional disorder along the polymer backbone, we might con- 546 523 that, the chemical shift anisotropy principal values were clude that the motional induced conformational disorder is 547 524 measured using a standard Herszfeld and Berger analysis. similar for both studied films. However, it should be 548 525 [37] The orientation of the chemical shift principal axis pointed out that the average rotation angle obtained by 549 CO 526 systems of phenyl rings para-carbons is similar in different CODEX cannot be associated with a particular segment in 550 527 systems. Thus, we assumed the same orientation of p-xy- the polymer backbone, but reflects the average behavior 551 528 lene, i.e., the principal value r33 (z-axis) is 1° tilted from of all backbone segments, including those poorly conju- 552 529 the normal to the phenylene ring plane and the x-axis, cor- gated that do not contribute to the photoluminescence. Be- 553 530 responding to r11 is 1° away from the 1–4 axis, as shown in sides that, because the motional amplitude is rather small, 554 UN 531 Fig. 5b. Because the molecular motions in polymers do not proton-driven spin-diffusion [38] may have a non-negligi- 555 532 involve single but distributed rotation angles, the simula- ble contribution to the CODEX exchange intensity, which 556 533 tions were performed considering Gaussian shaped distri- masks the possible differences that may exist among the 557 534 butions of reorientation angles centered at 0° and with torsional motion of the samples. 558 535 full-width at half-maximum (FWHM), hwi, that represents 536 the average reorientation angle. 4. Conclusions 559 537 It can be observed in Fig. 8 that, within the experimen- 538 tal uncertainty, all curves can be fitted using the same dis- This work provided new results of distinct aspects of 560 539 tribution of reorientation angles with hwi $10°. This means the dynamics and supramolecular organization in MEH- 561 540 that no significant differences among the overall motional PPV films cast from two different solvents. The NMR exper- 562 541 amplitudes of the backbone phenylene rings could be ob- iments were particularly useful for describing general and 563 Please cite this article in press as: Souza AA et al., Temperature dependence of molecular dynamics and supramolecular ..., Eur Poly J (2008), doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2008.09.030
  • 10. EPJ 4755 No. of Pages 11, Model 3G 14 October 2008 Disk Used ARTICLE IN PRESS 10 A.A. Souza et al. / European Polymer Journal xxx (2008) xxx–xxx a direct evidence of the presence of interchains dissocia- 589 tion and increased disorder of the phenyl rings. Consider- 590 ing that the increase of conformational disorder may 591 quench some interchain processes that contributes to the 592 luminescence, the results confirms our previously pro- 593 posed model (dissociation of the interchain species during 594 the MEH-PPV relaxation processes) based on PL and NMR 595 results [13]. More specifically, the intensity increase ob- 596 served at 200 K is associated with in appearing of motional 597 ring torsions due to the onset of the side-chain motions 598 and the stronger intensification at 300 K to the increasing 599 of these motions due to the onset of the glass transition. 600 F In both relaxation processes the blue shift is attributed to 601 the increase of the motional induced conformational 602 OO disorder. 603 Acknowledgements 604 Authors thank FAPESP, CNPq, CAPES and MCT/PADCT/ 605 IMMP for the financial support and fellowships. TDZA 606 PR and RFC thank FAEPEX/Unicamp for financial support and 607 fellowships. ERdA thanks Prof. Kay Saalwachter for provid- 608 ing the spin dynamics simulation program and for helpful 609 discussions. WAXS data were collected under proposals 610 D11A-SAXS1 #4247 and #4293 of the Brazilian Synchro- 611 tron Light Laboratory (LNLS). 612 D References 613 TE [1] Inigo AR, Chiu H-C, Fann W, Huang Y-S, Jeng U, Linn TL, et al. 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