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Ethics in Research Essay
Ethics in Research
Research is one of the most successful means of obtaining a wide variety of information concerning limited or broad topics. However, abundant as this
information may be, it is important to maintain an ethical outlook to all research topics. As research and its subsequent experimentations advance in
light of new generations, the idea of ethics becomes a more prominent issue. Researchers must be aware of the conflicts that their research may bring
about. They must know how to address their findings in a moral way appealing to the pro and cons. Researchers can not simply accumulate data.
Coupled with data is the process of analysis, where researchers manipulate their more content...
According to the National Institute of Health, stem cells are unique cells created from embryos for infertility purposes usually through the process of in
vitro fertilization (Institute on Health). Stems cells have two important characteristics that differentiate them from other types of cells. One is that they
are unspecialized cells that rejuvenate themselves through cell division. The other is that, under certain conditions, they can be induced to become
certain specialized cells (Institute on Health). For certain people this is life saving news. Now that cells can be specialized under these unspecialized
stem cells, a patient can receive new heart cells for a diseased heart or many other life threatening diseases (Institute on Health). This information can
be used in a variety of useful ways, but is it morally right to create embryos only to destroy them? Are these potential humans that could help them
world in some other way? This is the perspective of many people fighting against stem–cell research. These activists claim that stem–cell research plays
against the will of God. Moreover, if stem cell research is legalized world–wide, who is to say that people will use it only to benefit the curing of
disease? Is it possible that people will become careless and more susceptible to disease only to receive stem cells to
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Importance Of Ethics Essay
Ethics is a crucial part of employment because we want businesses to be fair, clean and beneficial to the society. For the reason, organizations have to
establish ethics or rule of law, engage themselves in fair practices and competition. These things will give benefit to the consumer, the society and
organization. This report will introduce about the ethics. Especially reasons of the importance of ethic and influences on workplace will be represented
in the report.
2.Importance of ethics
Following topics show the reasons of importance of ethics.
Satisfying Basic Human Needs: Being fair, honest and ethical is one the basic human needs. Every employee wants that employees possess these things
and work for an more content...
Following topics are common important parts of workplace ethics.
When company hire an employee, all companies present what acceptable behaviour is. Many even summarize expected conduct in job descriptions or
during the interview process. Typically behaviour contains some topics, such as harassment, work attire and language. If some employee who doesn't
follow behaviour which is part of ethics, they may make troubles. It reads harmful effect on the company.
One of the important components of workplace ethics is Integrity. All employees have to be honest and do right thing in the workplace. For example,
employee who work and manage with money has to possess a high degree of integrity. Employees with integrity also avoid gossip and sneakiness
while on the job.
Taking responsibility in your workplace is major factor of improving company and yourself. Taking responsibility means giving priority to your job and
putting in an honest effort while on the job. Employees who have accountability are honest when things go wrong, then work toward a resolution while
remaining professional all the while.
Working well with others is very important in workplace. It is impossible that employees will always like each other. But they need set their personal
or even work–related differences aside to achieve a goal. When some employees who are not considered "team players" work with team player, those
can encounter
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Ethics Of Care Essay
The ethics of care may be a normative moral theory: a theory concerning what makes actions virtuously right or wrong. It's one amongst a cluster of
normative moral theories that were developed by feminists within the half of the 20th century. Whereas consequentialist and deontological moral
theories emphasize universal standards and non–partisanship, ethics of care emphasize the importance of response. Ethics of care contrasts with
additional well–known moral views, like consequentialist theories and deontological theories. This kind of outlook is what feminist critics decision a
justice view of morality. A morality is a care that rests on the understanding of relationships as a response to a different in their terms.
While some feminists more content...
This projected paradigm shift in ethics encourages that an ethic of caring to be the social responsibility of each man and girls. Responsibility so as to
worry, we have a tendency to should take it upon ourselves, so responsibility. The matter related to this second moral component of responsibility is
that the question of obligation. The obligation is common if not already tied to the pre–established social group and cultural norms and roles. Tronto
makes the hassle to differentiate the terms responsibility and obligation with regards to the ethics of care. Responsibility is ambiguous, wherever as
obligation refers to things where action or reaction is due, in the case of a legal contract. This ambiguity permits for ebb and flow in and between
category structures and gender roles, and to different socially created roles that may bind responsibility to those solely appropriate to these roles. The
definition of an ethic of care is ambiguous due partly to the death of a central role it plays in ethical theory. She argues that considering philosophy is
engaged with human goodness, and then care would seem to assume a big role during this form of philosophy. However, this is often not the case
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The Importance of Ethics in Society Essay
Ethics are moral principles or values that govern the conduct of an individual or a group.It is not a burden to bear, but a prudent and effective guide
which furthers life and success. Ethics are important not only in business but in academics and society as well because it is an essential part of the
foundation on which a civilized society is built.
Ethical behaviour is what all career people should aim to have. Not just the ethical attribute but exceptional behaviour with this regard.this is because
in order to build a career, one must be governed by the rules of ethics to safeguard oneself and others. Ethics are essential in the workplace because a
tough ethical code provides a non–threatening environment with more content...
The truth is that, these traits are becoming rare in careers. Having respect and the right attitude at work wil help a person to develop not only at work
but in life as well.
Academic dishonesty is another facet of unethical behaviour. It is an action or attempt that results in creating an unfair academic advantage for oneself
or a disadvantage for any other member of academic community. A child uses his or her experiences in society to shape personal ethics. Family has a
strong influence on one's values and behaviour,parents establish rules from the start and it becomes the basis for our ethics and morals. A personal
ethical commitment is part of what makes students a success. A lack of ethical commitment will always result in acdemic failure. I personally believe
that students who are academically dishonest cheat themselves out of an education and harm their fellow students by screwing the grading curve for
the class as a whole. Therefore academic ethics are vital and students should commit themselves to maintaining highest personal ethical standards.
In society today, people tend to make decisions based on the actions and choices of others. Peer pressure is a very real issue that affects most of the
teenagers of the world today. it is a dangerous form of persuasion. It causes teenagers to easily succumb to unethical activities under the influence and
pressure of their friends. people see the effects of
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Ethics In The Workplace Essay
Ethics in the Workplace
What is ethics? Is ethics an ability that grows in us from a child or does our parents teaches us ethics? According to, states that the word
ethics means, "the code of good conducts for an individual or group." Ethics also means, simply stated, that ethics refers to standards of behavior that
tell us how human beings ought to act in the many situations in which they find themselves–as friends, parents, children, citizens, businesspeople,
teachers, professionals, and so on. There are many characteristics of ethics. There are good and bad ethics. But when sociologist Raymond Baumhart
ask business people "What does ethics means to you?" According to him, the replies he received were: "ethics more content...
What does workplace ethics and ethics in general have to do with each other.
Workplace Ethics is a subject that we have all heard of. In fact, the subject of Ethics in general is something that most people are familiar with, and
what is commonly understood about ethics is there are ethics and then there are workplace ethics. What most people don't realize, however, is that
there is no such thing as workplace ethics; ethics are the same, (or, should be) whether in the workplace or in your personal life.
Ethics are about making choices that may not always feel good or seem like they benefit you, but are the "right" choices to make. They are the
choices that are examples of "model citizens" and examples of the golden rules. We've all heard the golden rules: Don't hurt, don't steal, don't lie, or
one of the most famous: "Do unto others as you would have them done unto you." "These are not just catchy phrases; these are words of wisdom
that any productive member of society should strive to live by. In our personal lives, most people try to do exactly that." ( Wallace, 1985) Ethics are
thought of by many people as something that is related to the private side of life and not to the business side. In
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Naturalistic Ethic Essay
Naturalistic Ethic
Even though there are several schools of Naturalistic ethic, they all have one major quality in common – recognition of Nature as the main guiding
force of our lives. Naturalists try to understand Nature and how Nature and humanity are linked together. Adherents of Naturalism try to convince
people to shift their attitude toward the need to follow the laws of nature as a principle of moral conduct. There are three major schools of Naturalism.
The first school strives for "returning back to nature" in order to enjoy a simple life and find out the truth by communion with nature, which is
considered to be the teacher for all people. The second school recognizes that the Nature has inner soul. For example, more content...
In order to measure the ethical rightness of someone's actions, we should consider that person's will (hence, the name of the theory – "intentionalism")
but not the consequences that follow from his or her actions. Furthermore, any person should be able to defend his or her action as moral if he or
she can affirm that all people at all times should perform the same action (in other words, an individual action is moral if it is moral as a universal
law). Kant calls this the categorical imperative. When a rule of conduct is universalized it becomes a moral law and it is everyone's duty to act
according to that law. Another important point Kant makes when he asserts that people should treat others as "mainly as ends rather than means"
which means that we cannot use other people as objects to reach our goals.
While the Naturalist position may indeed seem natural, I think it has significant drawbacks. One of my objections is that the Naturalist theory bases its
conclusions on laws of nature that we may not fully understand or scientific assumptions that, highly plausible as they may be, are not yet fully
scientifically proven. Thus, universal moral laws seem to follow from theories that may not yet have been proven to be universal laws of nature.
Kant's theory is not without serious flaws either. For instance, ignoring the consequences of one's actions may result in breaking one universal law as a
result of following another. In
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Essay On Work Ethic
I only wish I could have seen the same quality of students' work ethic within my second job. Excited to get back into the work force, I took a
cashier job at Firehouse Subs. Where I worked for a short period of time. This was another job that employed students'. I began to notice the
change in the students' work ethic within the first several days of my employment. I witnessed several times employees calling in to work and then
several times the employees did not bother to show up.When a customer made a complaint about their order being made incorrectly. The student
employees would behave in such a preposterous manner. The blame game would happen, mostly the customer was accused of making the mistake.
When this did not work the blame came to me simply because I was the new employee, and not fully trained yet. Most of the time I worked with
these student employees I felt very disquieted. Several times I did not leave work on time at night, simply because some of the student employees
averse behavior towards their job duties. I observed on a daily basis the student employees would go outside together to smoke. When the employees
did this it left me perplexed about their behavior. Employee down! The reason I say this is because if anyone more content...
Not all students behave in this manner. I have spoken with many students in many different businesses that have outstanding work ethics. Technology
is not the only factor that has impacted students' work ethics. It only takes a few students with poor work ethics to tarnish the good reputation of the
students with great work ethics in the eyes of society. I only hope that students will realize that by not using good work ethics, they are setting
themselves up to fail in this fast paced technology advanced society. I can only hope these students change their outlook with life before it ruins there
repetition as an
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Philosophy of Ethics Essay
The word "ethics" comes from Greek ethikas meaning character. Today, we use ethics to describe the normative standard of behavior. The history of
philosophical ethics has been broken up into five rational methods: Virtue, Traditional, Modern, and Post–Modern Ethics. Within these periods, the
philosophy of ethics changed along with the changes being made within society. The first rational method isVirtue Ethics. The major philosophers
during this period were materialists such as Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, and Plutarch. Greek were concerned with finding eudaimonia meaning the good
life, but what is the good life? Known as the greatest Western philosopher, Plato developed the Cardinal Virtues: Justice, Courage, Moderation, and more content...
One of the last major philosophers of Virtue Ethics was Plutarch who advocated virtue but disagreed with Epicurus because he believed there was no
true pleasure. At this same time, between 400 B.C.– 40 B.C. Stoic philosophers such Cicero, who combined the philosophies of Aristotle and Plato,
developed his idea on ethics and how everyone has a duty and should imitate virtue for others. He said duty has two points which are to achieve the
Supreme Good, and follow the rules for daily living. Cicero was a strong believer in rationality incorporated Plato's Cardinal Virtues into his three
rules of conduct: master desires through reason, know true value of goals and be moderate in actions and lifestyle. Following Virtue Ethics, a major
shift occurred in thinking. The philosophers of Virtue Ethics were materialists and believed we only have what we have and after death, we have
nothing. Traditional Ethics shifted the focus on religion once it began to spread. Also known as Biblical Ethics, philosophers started a systematic study
of Biblical themes and principles surrounding ethics and morality. St. Augustine was trained as a philosopher and combines his understanding of the
Bible to ethics by answering the same question as Plato and Aristotle did, "What is the highest good?" He answered this question with happiness just
like Aristotle but since Aristotle
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Ethics in Science Essay
What do you think of when you hear or see the word "science"; test tubes, Einstein, Space? Science is "generally taken as meaning either (a) the exact
sciences, such as chemistry, physics, etc., or (b) a method of thought which obtains verifiable results by reasoning logically from observed fact"
(Orwell). Scientists are those who study science by scientific method. These "men of science", which Orwell describes as "a biologist, and astronomer,
perhaps a psychologist or a mathematician", "work by means of induction and deduction, and that by the help of these operations, they, in a sort of
sense, wring from Nature certain other things, which are called natural laws, and causes, and that out of these, by some cunning skill of their own, more content...
This undoubtedly demonstrations the pros and cons of inventions made through science. There are people who abuse medicine, and other creations
from science, for numerous different reasons. Things like guns and nuclear weapons were formed to protect, but with the downside of killing
others. With all of this this being said, should there be a limit to things we make? More importantly, does science have an ethical responsibility to
humanity? I think to answer that question, we need to start with deciding if scientists have an ethical responsibility to humanity. As the saying goes,
with knowledge comes power and with power comes responsibility. However, there can be no limitation on the knowledge obtained from science.
Instead, we must limit what arises from knowledge and power. What are some responsibilities of scientists and the rest of the population? Well, to
start on the broadest sense, science should only be used for the absolute necessary improvement of humanity. It is our ethical responsibility to not
take advantage of science to further the advancement of military power, as we have done with the creation of atomic and nuclear bombs. Is it
responsible to use science for fame, fortune and glory? No, and it is not acceptable, but it is common for people to do so. If, for some reason, we had
the option to save 80% of endangered wildlife through scientific means, but with the consequence of harming the atmosphere, would it be ethical to
continue on? We would have
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Ethics And Ethics : Ethics
Since my journey here at Bryant began in September, I have changed so much. Coming here, I expected certain things such as my study habits, daily
routine and friend group to be altered. One change I was not anticipating making was my approach to ethics. Over the course of the past fifteen weeks,
my knowledge of ethics as well as my approach to ethics has changed. I have become more knowledgeable about the different approaches to ethics and
have gained insight as to where I stand in my approach to ethics.
One thing that has changed in my approach to ethics since the beginning of the semester is I am now adamant that it is impossible to arrive at a final
answer to ethical questions. Learning about the different approaches to ethics has caused me to see that there can be more than one "right" solution to
ethical dilemmas. Therefore, if an ethical question is raised, everyone will arrive at a different solution depending on which approach they take.
When faced with a cultural ethical dilemma I tend to take a pluralistic approach. I believe that we should make an effort to understand cultural
differences, but at the same time there are some actions that are wrong no matter where you are from. I believe that relativism can lead to chaos and
that absolutism is too strict and judgmental. Pluralism helps to create a nice balance between absolutism and relativism.
In terms of general ethical approaches, my views do not strictly fall in line with any one approach. My approach to
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Personal Ethics Statement Essay
Personal code of ethics Guido describes ethics as "a process of determining right conduct from wrong" (para 2, p. 3). My personal view of ethics is
along the same lines as this and has been instilled in me my entire life. My code of ethics includes respect for myself and others; honesty in my
endeavors, graciousness in both my personal and professional lives, and accountable for my actions. I use nonmaleficence and beneficence in every
aspect of my life. I also strive to honor the proverbial do unto others as they would do unto me.
Character and values that have a positive impact After reviewing my personal ethical code, how is this part of my professional ethics code? According to
America Nurses Association (2001), the more content...
Another way of looking at this is that I will be non–biased and culturally competent to deal with any situation that I may face as a nurse.
Behaviors and traits to develop further A weakness that may come from working as a nurse for so long is to become unbalanced, hardened, or
impersonal in my personal views because of negative experiences that I may experience as a nurse. Examples of this would be when we work
shorthanded or a favorite patient dies. I want to remain an individual nurse with my own individual thoughts and feelings for my patients and his or
her individual situation. I do not want to treat everyone the same. I want to remain positive and enthusiastic and not allow experiences with personal
or professional practices to take away from the rewards of my job as a nurse.
It is important for me to continue to have respect for myself, my coworkers, but most of all, respect for my patients in my chosen profession. I must
treat them with honestly and in turn, they will do the same. My patients must know that they can confide in me and count on me at all times. I will
honor nonmaleficence and strive to beneficence my patients at all times. By doing this, I will remain accountable to myself, my patients, and to the
code of
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Personal Ethics Essay
Personal Ethics
In today's world, individuals can make a single decision that can have a profoundly positive or negative effect on their family, their employer,
coworkers, a nation, and even on the entire world. The life we lead reflects the strength of a single trait: our personal character. Personal ethics are
different for each person but for the most part, people want to be known as a good person, someone who can be trusted, and he or she are concerned
about his or her relationships and personal reputations. As we go through this paper, we will focus on answering what are ethics, what are your ethics,
where do your ethics come from, and how do you manifest your ethics?
What are ethics?
Let us start off with the definition more content...
Morals are the intrinsic beliefs developed from the value systems of how we 'should' behave in any given situation. Ethics, on the other hand, are how
we behave in the face of difficult situations (Bottorff, 2005).
What are your ethics?
Now that we have defined ethics, we will take a look at what our ethics are. In reality, our ethical behavior is at its best when intents, means, and ends,
individually and collectively pursue a greater good. For me personally, my ethics would be based on my behavior, how I handle situations, can I be
trusted, am I reliable and responsible? Does my behavior show that my decisions are based on a greater good? Since I understand the fact that doing
good is far better than doing something bad, ethical thinking allows me to make decisions that will be right. Hopefully, this behavior will present or
leave a positive impression. For example, by displaying a positive attitude, showing a willingness to help out, making sure my work is completed
accurately and in a timely manner, rather than producing work that is inaccurate and late, will let others know that they can trust me, and count on me
to be there to help out, on both a personal and professional level.
Where do your ethics come from?
Ethics has developed as people have reflected on the intentions and consequences of their acts. From this reflection on the nature of human behavior,
theories of conscience have developed, giving direction to much ethical thinking. Each individual
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What Does Ethics Mean? Essay
Ethically Speaking
Years ago, sociologist Raymond Baumhart was researching ethics; he asked a test group of business people, "What does ethics mean to you?" The
group had several different answers:
"Ethics has to do with my religious beliefs."
"Ethics has to do with what my feelings tell me is right or wrong."
"Being ethical is doing what the law requires."
"Ethics consist of the standards of behavior our society accepts."
"I don't know what the word means."
The answers of the test group may be representative of how most Americans would respond to this question on ethics. The truth is, most people in
general don't understand ethics, or their view is limited at best.
Ethics is a term that most people find boring and many misunderstand. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that arranges, defends, and recommends
concepts of acceptable and unacceptable conduct. Deriving from the Ancient Greek word "ethos", translated means habit or custom.
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." – Aristotle
Ethics asks two basic questions:
1. "What is the best way for people to live?"
2. "What actions are right and what actions are wrong for every possible circumstance?"
Ethics involves human morality as it defines concepts of pairs such as good and evil, right and wrong, justice and crime, and virtue and vice. There are
three major areas within ethics: Meta, Normative, and Applied.
1. Meta: Theoretical meaning and
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My Personal Ethics Essay
According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, ethics is defined as "moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior." Therefore, in
an ideal world, ethics should play the ultimate role when making a decision. If ethics are the principles which guides one's behavior then, ideally, all
decisions should be made entirely based on ethics. Unfortunately, such is not always the case.
A few problems arise when one tries to make an ethical decision, especially as a leader. First, ethics may mean different things to different people.
For example, my religious and spiritual beliefs are the foundation for what I deem ethical. However, for someone else, ethics might be based on laws
or their own personal understanding of what more content...
Recognizing that not all decisions are ethical, one's moral principles acts as a guide for their behavior and decision making. Therefore, ethics do (and
should) play a major role in decision making.
As previously mentioned, my religious and spiritual beliefs shape my personal ethics. I grew up in a very Christian family (one grandfather was a
pastor and the other is a deacon), so from a young age, I was instilled with a belief in God and His teachings, according to the Bible. As I get older,
I am learning that a spiritual journey and relationship with God is one that is personal and cannot be easily taught or given by others. Therefore, I
will admit that as I continue on my personal journey with God, my personal ethics are still being developed and shaped. Some behaviors that I
may have thought were acceptable in the past, I no longer view the same. For example, I have a lot of passion for the organizations I am involved
with, especially S.M.A.R.T, which is great as a leader. It is my passion which keeps me dedicated to the organization. However, because of this
passion, when things are not going as I want them to, it might cause me to communicate in a way that is considered disrespectful to others. Either my
tone, the loudness of my voice, or the things that I say have made others feel disrespected. Personally, I find disrespecting others to be unethical.
Although I may not consciously decide to disrespect them, it is a result of my behavior. While, at one point, I
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Ethic Essay
February 20, 2012
Frank Campbell
At the core, one's personal beliefs are what makes up one's value system or what could be called their personal ethics structure. One's personal values,
or ethics structure, are developed over a lifetime and is ever evolving. There are many factors that come into play during the development of one's ethics
structure. The process begins at childhood. The people that a person comes into contact with, influences inside the home such as parents, siblings, and
neighbors. As one grows older and ventures out into the world outside the home teachers, friends and even enemies all help to shape one's value
system. Any type of communication with anyone that we come in contact more content...
Early in life you don't know of the nuances. As I went into my teen years, things began to gray. I don't mean that in a bad way, but that those nuances
to good and bad began to show themselves and that made defining my value structure a bit more difficult. I grew up surrounded by educators and
coaches, both family and friends. They helped a lot in the formation of my values that helped shape my ethics structure. Here are a few of the values
that I believe to be of great importance in no particular order Good.
Important Values
Support This list is not a complete list of all of the values that make up my ethics system, but this small sample helps to illustrate many of the values
that I feel help guide me. Many people, both friends and enemies alike have contributed in the formation of this list, and as I grow and evolve as a
person so does this list. Good.
Formation of Values
Many years, many people and many experiences have helped to establish my values that have formed my ethics structure. That
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Ethic Essay
Virtue Theory, Utilitarianism, and Deontological Ethics.
Judith Glowinski
ETH/316 –
When comparing the similarities and differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontology we find that they all deal with how one judge's
morality and ethics. These theories all include judging in different aspects, whether it is in the moment, what happens after, or over a lifetime. The
ethics and morality behind these theories all deal with what is right, or what is best for the present, then separate paths as the theories work toward the
future. With virtue ethics a person strives for excellence performing duties, and acquiring traits that others would admire. With utilitarianism a person more content...
Virtue ethics is also called agent–based or character ethics. When using the virtue ethics approach, one should take the viewpoint that in living their
life they should try to cultivate excellence in all that they do. It encourages people to develop their character as the basis for the good life.
Deontological ethics judges the morality of an action based on the action's adherence to a rule or rules. This form of ethics uses rules and duties to
determine what is "right". Deontological ethics is opposed to consequentialism. Deontology maintains the wrongness of actions resides in the kind of
action that it is, rather than the consequences it brings about
The relationship between virtues, values and ethics is that they govern the way a person relates with other people in the society. They also shape
someone's character and moral standards. Virtues, values and ethics also help a person in making critical decisions in life. A personal experience
that has engulfed one or more of these theory, working for a small family firm, I had to take a few days off for a surgery, I came back and noticed
that the accounts did not match, I had prior knowledge of a fellow employee stealing from the company, the dilemma being after complete investigation
there was theft, it was a very small amount but the employee of
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Importance Of Ethics Essay
Ethics is a very basic thing. All people need the ethics to maintain a good relationship with other people. Especially people have to make lots of
relationships with other people in the workplace. Also, all people want businesses to be fair, clean and beneficial to the society. These reasons show
that the ethics is a crucial part of employment. So organisations have to establish ethics or rule of law, engage themselves in fair practices and
competition. If the people in the organisations can keep the ethics, the organisations will gain lots of benefits.
In this report, there is a detailed analysis source based research that explores these topics in depth, from this research a series of questions for further
explanation have more content...
Ethics give to make a sense of right and wrong in the organisations and often when the law fails, it is the ethics that help organisation to protect from
harming the society or environment.
Importance of workplace ethics
Workplace ethics ensures positive ambience at the workplace.
Workplace ethics leads to happy and satisfied employees who enjoy coming to work rather than treating it as a mere source of burden. Employees also
develop a feeling of loyalty and attachment towards the organization.
Organizations need to have fool–proof systems to measure the performances of individuals. Appraisal system needs to be designed keeping in mind
employee's performance throughout the year and his/her career growth. Periodic reviews are essential. It is mandatory for superiors to know what
their subordinates are up to. You need to know who all are going on the right track and who all need that extra push.
Workplace ethics ensures management guides and mentors their employees well.
Appraisal and salary hikes should not happen just for the name sake. Workplace ethics is important as it enables management to treat all employees as
equal and think from their perspective as well. Employees must have a say in their appraisal system. Transparency is essential.
An employee is bound to move on after a year or so if he/she is not appreciated and rewarded suitably. It is indeed the organization's loss when
employees after being trained quit and move on. Do you think it is entirely the
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Work Ethic Essay
The work environment has helped me learn responsibility such as paying bills, having money for my own interests or wants, and showing me
adulthood. It has showed me support through other fellow employees to strive to understand and be a better employee for the business. They also
give me insight on what I do they enjoy, like, or dislike about my work ethic. Although, work can be important and show you adulthood, it also can be
stressful. The stress of wanting to do the best you can for the business and handling all the other responsibilities I have.
My partner is considered another half of me. He has showed me support through any decision I have made and gives me honest input of his opinion.
He has gave me love through our relationship together, and showed me some pieces of myself I did not know about. He is important to me and my
family, and made me into someone more content...
I gave 100% of my time and hard work to my team, coach, and community. It was a hobby I love and continue too. No matter if it was basketball or
softball, I had support behind me through teammates, coach, friends, family, school system, and community. I gained strengths in teamwork,
communication, and life lessons. A life lesson could include the dedication I had toward a goal. I knew if I showed character, leadership, and skill of
the game then I could have more potential of growing as a person and athlete for my future.
Dog (Chloe)
Chloe is my relief for everything! She gives me a sense of positivity, love, and a fun vibe. If I'm having a bad day she brings joy to my face and makes
me feel like it's gonna be okay. She has been a support for me since I got her. Who knew I could think of a dog as my kid, and treat her like one as
well. Chloe has made me become responsible in ways I did not have to worry about before such as feeding her or bathing her. She is a responsibility to
me just like a kid is to a
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Ethics And Ethics Of Ethics
Ethics affect every facet of life, especially in a professional community. When a decision is to be made within a community, the ethical decision is
typically that which benefits the most people or harms the least people. There are some scenarios however, when the correct decision based on a
system of ethics that values doing the right thing is not the decision that leaves behind the least negative impact on the organization. An
organization must decide if it will follow the system of ethics that Socrates once set out that says a man must do what is right, that he must be a
good man, or if it will follow the system that says do whatever is most beneficial to those involved (The Ethics of Socrates p54). A scenario of a
project manager who wants to push a product into distribution by a given date while the developer of the product wants to hold on the release of the
product in order to make improvements has been posed. Many factors must be considered when making a decision in this scenario with the largest
factor being the system of ethics being used to make the decision. Defining a correct ethical solution as one that meets the ethical criteria such that the
person following the set of ethics falls on the right side of morality, the ethical solution to the manager and developers problem comes down to the
motivation behind the individuals request and the outcomes they desire. Different desired outcomes and motivations for both the manager and the
developer based on the system
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Ethics In Research Essay

  • 1. Ethics in Research Essay Ethics in Research Research is one of the most successful means of obtaining a wide variety of information concerning limited or broad topics. However, abundant as this information may be, it is important to maintain an ethical outlook to all research topics. As research and its subsequent experimentations advance in light of new generations, the idea of ethics becomes a more prominent issue. Researchers must be aware of the conflicts that their research may bring about. They must know how to address their findings in a moral way appealing to the pro and cons. Researchers can not simply accumulate data. Coupled with data is the process of analysis, where researchers manipulate their more content... According to the National Institute of Health, stem cells are unique cells created from embryos for infertility purposes usually through the process of in vitro fertilization (Institute on Health). Stems cells have two important characteristics that differentiate them from other types of cells. One is that they are unspecialized cells that rejuvenate themselves through cell division. The other is that, under certain conditions, they can be induced to become certain specialized cells (Institute on Health). For certain people this is life saving news. Now that cells can be specialized under these unspecialized stem cells, a patient can receive new heart cells for a diseased heart or many other life threatening diseases (Institute on Health). This information can be used in a variety of useful ways, but is it morally right to create embryos only to destroy them? Are these potential humans that could help them world in some other way? This is the perspective of many people fighting against stem–cell research. These activists claim that stem–cell research plays against the will of God. Moreover, if stem cell research is legalized world–wide, who is to say that people will use it only to benefit the curing of disease? Is it possible that people will become careless and more susceptible to disease only to receive stem cells to Get more content on
  • 2. Importance Of Ethics Essay 1.Introduction Ethics is a crucial part of employment because we want businesses to be fair, clean and beneficial to the society. For the reason, organizations have to establish ethics or rule of law, engage themselves in fair practices and competition. These things will give benefit to the consumer, the society and organization. This report will introduce about the ethics. Especially reasons of the importance of ethic and influences on workplace will be represented in the report. 2.Importance of ethics Following topics show the reasons of importance of ethics. Satisfying Basic Human Needs: Being fair, honest and ethical is one the basic human needs. Every employee wants that employees possess these things and work for an more content... Following topics are common important parts of workplace ethics. Behaviour When company hire an employee, all companies present what acceptable behaviour is. Many even summarize expected conduct in job descriptions or during the interview process. Typically behaviour contains some topics, such as harassment, work attire and language. If some employee who doesn't follow behaviour which is part of ethics, they may make troubles. It reads harmful effect on the company. Integrity One of the important components of workplace ethics is Integrity. All employees have to be honest and do right thing in the workplace. For example, employee who work and manage with money has to possess a high degree of integrity. Employees with integrity also avoid gossip and sneakiness while on the job. Accountability Taking responsibility in your workplace is major factor of improving company and yourself. Taking responsibility means giving priority to your job and putting in an honest effort while on the job. Employees who have accountability are honest when things go wrong, then work toward a resolution while remaining professional all the while. Teamwork Working well with others is very important in workplace. It is impossible that employees will always like each other. But they need set their personal or even work–related differences aside to achieve a goal. When some employees who are not considered "team players" work with team player, those can encounter
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  • 4. Ethics Of Care Essay The ethics of care may be a normative moral theory: a theory concerning what makes actions virtuously right or wrong. It's one amongst a cluster of normative moral theories that were developed by feminists within the half of the 20th century. Whereas consequentialist and deontological moral theories emphasize universal standards and non–partisanship, ethics of care emphasize the importance of response. Ethics of care contrasts with additional well–known moral views, like consequentialist theories and deontological theories. This kind of outlook is what feminist critics decision a justice view of morality. A morality is a care that rests on the understanding of relationships as a response to a different in their terms. While some feminists more content... This projected paradigm shift in ethics encourages that an ethic of caring to be the social responsibility of each man and girls. Responsibility so as to worry, we have a tendency to should take it upon ourselves, so responsibility. The matter related to this second moral component of responsibility is that the question of obligation. The obligation is common if not already tied to the pre–established social group and cultural norms and roles. Tronto makes the hassle to differentiate the terms responsibility and obligation with regards to the ethics of care. Responsibility is ambiguous, wherever as obligation refers to things where action or reaction is due, in the case of a legal contract. This ambiguity permits for ebb and flow in and between category structures and gender roles, and to different socially created roles that may bind responsibility to those solely appropriate to these roles. The definition of an ethic of care is ambiguous due partly to the death of a central role it plays in ethical theory. She argues that considering philosophy is engaged with human goodness, and then care would seem to assume a big role during this form of philosophy. However, this is often not the case Get more content on
  • 5. The Importance of Ethics in Society Essay Ethics are moral principles or values that govern the conduct of an individual or a group.It is not a burden to bear, but a prudent and effective guide which furthers life and success. Ethics are important not only in business but in academics and society as well because it is an essential part of the foundation on which a civilized society is built. Ethical behaviour is what all career people should aim to have. Not just the ethical attribute but exceptional behaviour with this regard.this is because in order to build a career, one must be governed by the rules of ethics to safeguard oneself and others. Ethics are essential in the workplace because a tough ethical code provides a non–threatening environment with more content... The truth is that, these traits are becoming rare in careers. Having respect and the right attitude at work wil help a person to develop not only at work but in life as well. Academic dishonesty is another facet of unethical behaviour. It is an action or attempt that results in creating an unfair academic advantage for oneself or a disadvantage for any other member of academic community. A child uses his or her experiences in society to shape personal ethics. Family has a strong influence on one's values and behaviour,parents establish rules from the start and it becomes the basis for our ethics and morals. A personal ethical commitment is part of what makes students a success. A lack of ethical commitment will always result in acdemic failure. I personally believe that students who are academically dishonest cheat themselves out of an education and harm their fellow students by screwing the grading curve for the class as a whole. Therefore academic ethics are vital and students should commit themselves to maintaining highest personal ethical standards. In society today, people tend to make decisions based on the actions and choices of others. Peer pressure is a very real issue that affects most of the teenagers of the world today. it is a dangerous form of persuasion. It causes teenagers to easily succumb to unethical activities under the influence and pressure of their friends. people see the effects of Get more content on
  • 6. Ethics In The Workplace Essay Ethics in the Workplace What is ethics? Is ethics an ability that grows in us from a child or does our parents teaches us ethics? According to, states that the word ethics means, "the code of good conducts for an individual or group." Ethics also means, simply stated, that ethics refers to standards of behavior that tell us how human beings ought to act in the many situations in which they find themselves–as friends, parents, children, citizens, businesspeople, teachers, professionals, and so on. There are many characteristics of ethics. There are good and bad ethics. But when sociologist Raymond Baumhart ask business people "What does ethics means to you?" According to him, the replies he received were: "ethics more content... What does workplace ethics and ethics in general have to do with each other. Workplace Ethics is a subject that we have all heard of. In fact, the subject of Ethics in general is something that most people are familiar with, and what is commonly understood about ethics is there are ethics and then there are workplace ethics. What most people don't realize, however, is that there is no such thing as workplace ethics; ethics are the same, (or, should be) whether in the workplace or in your personal life. Ethics are about making choices that may not always feel good or seem like they benefit you, but are the "right" choices to make. They are the choices that are examples of "model citizens" and examples of the golden rules. We've all heard the golden rules: Don't hurt, don't steal, don't lie, or one of the most famous: "Do unto others as you would have them done unto you." "These are not just catchy phrases; these are words of wisdom that any productive member of society should strive to live by. In our personal lives, most people try to do exactly that." ( Wallace, 1985) Ethics are thought of by many people as something that is related to the private side of life and not to the business side. In Get more content on
  • 7. Naturalistic Ethic Essay Naturalistic Ethic Even though there are several schools of Naturalistic ethic, they all have one major quality in common – recognition of Nature as the main guiding force of our lives. Naturalists try to understand Nature and how Nature and humanity are linked together. Adherents of Naturalism try to convince people to shift their attitude toward the need to follow the laws of nature as a principle of moral conduct. There are three major schools of Naturalism. The first school strives for "returning back to nature" in order to enjoy a simple life and find out the truth by communion with nature, which is considered to be the teacher for all people. The second school recognizes that the Nature has inner soul. For example, more content... In order to measure the ethical rightness of someone's actions, we should consider that person's will (hence, the name of the theory – "intentionalism") but not the consequences that follow from his or her actions. Furthermore, any person should be able to defend his or her action as moral if he or she can affirm that all people at all times should perform the same action (in other words, an individual action is moral if it is moral as a universal law). Kant calls this the categorical imperative. When a rule of conduct is universalized it becomes a moral law and it is everyone's duty to act according to that law. Another important point Kant makes when he asserts that people should treat others as "mainly as ends rather than means" which means that we cannot use other people as objects to reach our goals. While the Naturalist position may indeed seem natural, I think it has significant drawbacks. One of my objections is that the Naturalist theory bases its conclusions on laws of nature that we may not fully understand or scientific assumptions that, highly plausible as they may be, are not yet fully scientifically proven. Thus, universal moral laws seem to follow from theories that may not yet have been proven to be universal laws of nature. Kant's theory is not without serious flaws either. For instance, ignoring the consequences of one's actions may result in breaking one universal law as a result of following another. In Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Work Ethic I only wish I could have seen the same quality of students' work ethic within my second job. Excited to get back into the work force, I took a cashier job at Firehouse Subs. Where I worked for a short period of time. This was another job that employed students'. I began to notice the change in the students' work ethic within the first several days of my employment. I witnessed several times employees calling in to work and then several times the employees did not bother to show up.When a customer made a complaint about their order being made incorrectly. The student employees would behave in such a preposterous manner. The blame game would happen, mostly the customer was accused of making the mistake. When this did not work the blame came to me simply because I was the new employee, and not fully trained yet. Most of the time I worked with these student employees I felt very disquieted. Several times I did not leave work on time at night, simply because some of the student employees averse behavior towards their job duties. I observed on a daily basis the student employees would go outside together to smoke. When the employees did this it left me perplexed about their behavior. Employee down! The reason I say this is because if anyone more content... Not all students behave in this manner. I have spoken with many students in many different businesses that have outstanding work ethics. Technology is not the only factor that has impacted students' work ethics. It only takes a few students with poor work ethics to tarnish the good reputation of the students with great work ethics in the eyes of society. I only hope that students will realize that by not using good work ethics, they are setting themselves up to fail in this fast paced technology advanced society. I can only hope these students change their outlook with life before it ruins there repetition as an Get more content on
  • 9. Philosophy of Ethics Essay The word "ethics" comes from Greek ethikas meaning character. Today, we use ethics to describe the normative standard of behavior. The history of philosophical ethics has been broken up into five rational methods: Virtue, Traditional, Modern, and Post–Modern Ethics. Within these periods, the philosophy of ethics changed along with the changes being made within society. The first rational method isVirtue Ethics. The major philosophers during this period were materialists such as Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, and Plutarch. Greek were concerned with finding eudaimonia meaning the good life, but what is the good life? Known as the greatest Western philosopher, Plato developed the Cardinal Virtues: Justice, Courage, Moderation, and more content... One of the last major philosophers of Virtue Ethics was Plutarch who advocated virtue but disagreed with Epicurus because he believed there was no true pleasure. At this same time, between 400 B.C.– 40 B.C. Stoic philosophers such Cicero, who combined the philosophies of Aristotle and Plato, developed his idea on ethics and how everyone has a duty and should imitate virtue for others. He said duty has two points which are to achieve the Supreme Good, and follow the rules for daily living. Cicero was a strong believer in rationality incorporated Plato's Cardinal Virtues into his three rules of conduct: master desires through reason, know true value of goals and be moderate in actions and lifestyle. Following Virtue Ethics, a major shift occurred in thinking. The philosophers of Virtue Ethics were materialists and believed we only have what we have and after death, we have nothing. Traditional Ethics shifted the focus on religion once it began to spread. Also known as Biblical Ethics, philosophers started a systematic study of Biblical themes and principles surrounding ethics and morality. St. Augustine was trained as a philosopher and combines his understanding of the Bible to ethics by answering the same question as Plato and Aristotle did, "What is the highest good?" He answered this question with happiness just like Aristotle but since Aristotle Get more content on
  • 10. Ethics in Science Essay What do you think of when you hear or see the word "science"; test tubes, Einstein, Space? Science is "generally taken as meaning either (a) the exact sciences, such as chemistry, physics, etc., or (b) a method of thought which obtains verifiable results by reasoning logically from observed fact" (Orwell). Scientists are those who study science by scientific method. These "men of science", which Orwell describes as "a biologist, and astronomer, perhaps a psychologist or a mathematician", "work by means of induction and deduction, and that by the help of these operations, they, in a sort of sense, wring from Nature certain other things, which are called natural laws, and causes, and that out of these, by some cunning skill of their own, more content... This undoubtedly demonstrations the pros and cons of inventions made through science. There are people who abuse medicine, and other creations from science, for numerous different reasons. Things like guns and nuclear weapons were formed to protect, but with the downside of killing others. With all of this this being said, should there be a limit to things we make? More importantly, does science have an ethical responsibility to humanity? I think to answer that question, we need to start with deciding if scientists have an ethical responsibility to humanity. As the saying goes, with knowledge comes power and with power comes responsibility. However, there can be no limitation on the knowledge obtained from science. Instead, we must limit what arises from knowledge and power. What are some responsibilities of scientists and the rest of the population? Well, to start on the broadest sense, science should only be used for the absolute necessary improvement of humanity. It is our ethical responsibility to not take advantage of science to further the advancement of military power, as we have done with the creation of atomic and nuclear bombs. Is it responsible to use science for fame, fortune and glory? No, and it is not acceptable, but it is common for people to do so. If, for some reason, we had the option to save 80% of endangered wildlife through scientific means, but with the consequence of harming the atmosphere, would it be ethical to continue on? We would have Get more content on
  • 11. Ethics And Ethics : Ethics Since my journey here at Bryant began in September, I have changed so much. Coming here, I expected certain things such as my study habits, daily routine and friend group to be altered. One change I was not anticipating making was my approach to ethics. Over the course of the past fifteen weeks, my knowledge of ethics as well as my approach to ethics has changed. I have become more knowledgeable about the different approaches to ethics and have gained insight as to where I stand in my approach to ethics. One thing that has changed in my approach to ethics since the beginning of the semester is I am now adamant that it is impossible to arrive at a final answer to ethical questions. Learning about the different approaches to ethics has caused me to see that there can be more than one "right" solution to ethical dilemmas. Therefore, if an ethical question is raised, everyone will arrive at a different solution depending on which approach they take. When faced with a cultural ethical dilemma I tend to take a pluralistic approach. I believe that we should make an effort to understand cultural differences, but at the same time there are some actions that are wrong no matter where you are from. I believe that relativism can lead to chaos and that absolutism is too strict and judgmental. Pluralism helps to create a nice balance between absolutism and relativism. In terms of general ethical approaches, my views do not strictly fall in line with any one approach. My approach to Get more content on
  • 12. Personal Ethics Statement Essay Personal code of ethics Guido describes ethics as "a process of determining right conduct from wrong" (para 2, p. 3). My personal view of ethics is along the same lines as this and has been instilled in me my entire life. My code of ethics includes respect for myself and others; honesty in my endeavors, graciousness in both my personal and professional lives, and accountable for my actions. I use nonmaleficence and beneficence in every aspect of my life. I also strive to honor the proverbial do unto others as they would do unto me. Character and values that have a positive impact After reviewing my personal ethical code, how is this part of my professional ethics code? According to America Nurses Association (2001), the more content... Another way of looking at this is that I will be non–biased and culturally competent to deal with any situation that I may face as a nurse. Behaviors and traits to develop further A weakness that may come from working as a nurse for so long is to become unbalanced, hardened, or impersonal in my personal views because of negative experiences that I may experience as a nurse. Examples of this would be when we work shorthanded or a favorite patient dies. I want to remain an individual nurse with my own individual thoughts and feelings for my patients and his or her individual situation. I do not want to treat everyone the same. I want to remain positive and enthusiastic and not allow experiences with personal or professional practices to take away from the rewards of my job as a nurse. Conclusion It is important for me to continue to have respect for myself, my coworkers, but most of all, respect for my patients in my chosen profession. I must treat them with honestly and in turn, they will do the same. My patients must know that they can confide in me and count on me at all times. I will honor nonmaleficence and strive to beneficence my patients at all times. By doing this, I will remain accountable to myself, my patients, and to the code of Get more content on
  • 13. Personal Ethics Essay Personal Ethics In today's world, individuals can make a single decision that can have a profoundly positive or negative effect on their family, their employer, coworkers, a nation, and even on the entire world. The life we lead reflects the strength of a single trait: our personal character. Personal ethics are different for each person but for the most part, people want to be known as a good person, someone who can be trusted, and he or she are concerned about his or her relationships and personal reputations. As we go through this paper, we will focus on answering what are ethics, what are your ethics, where do your ethics come from, and how do you manifest your ethics? What are ethics? Let us start off with the definition more content... Morals are the intrinsic beliefs developed from the value systems of how we 'should' behave in any given situation. Ethics, on the other hand, are how we behave in the face of difficult situations (Bottorff, 2005). What are your ethics? Now that we have defined ethics, we will take a look at what our ethics are. In reality, our ethical behavior is at its best when intents, means, and ends, individually and collectively pursue a greater good. For me personally, my ethics would be based on my behavior, how I handle situations, can I be trusted, am I reliable and responsible? Does my behavior show that my decisions are based on a greater good? Since I understand the fact that doing good is far better than doing something bad, ethical thinking allows me to make decisions that will be right. Hopefully, this behavior will present or leave a positive impression. For example, by displaying a positive attitude, showing a willingness to help out, making sure my work is completed accurately and in a timely manner, rather than producing work that is inaccurate and late, will let others know that they can trust me, and count on me to be there to help out, on both a personal and professional level. Where do your ethics come from? Ethics has developed as people have reflected on the intentions and consequences of their acts. From this reflection on the nature of human behavior, theories of conscience have developed, giving direction to much ethical thinking. Each individual
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  • 15. What Does Ethics Mean? Essay Ethically Speaking Years ago, sociologist Raymond Baumhart was researching ethics; he asked a test group of business people, "What does ethics mean to you?" The group had several different answers: "Ethics has to do with my religious beliefs." "Ethics has to do with what my feelings tell me is right or wrong." "Being ethical is doing what the law requires." "Ethics consist of the standards of behavior our society accepts." "I don't know what the word means." The answers of the test group may be representative of how most Americans would respond to this question on ethics. The truth is, most people in general don't understand ethics, or their view is limited at best. Ethics is a term that most people find boring and many misunderstand. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that arranges, defends, and recommends concepts of acceptable and unacceptable conduct. Deriving from the Ancient Greek word "ethos", translated means habit or custom. "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." – Aristotle Ethics asks two basic questions: 1. "What is the best way for people to live?" 2. "What actions are right and what actions are wrong for every possible circumstance?" Ethics involves human morality as it defines concepts of pairs such as good and evil, right and wrong, justice and crime, and virtue and vice. There are three major areas within ethics: Meta, Normative, and Applied. 1. Meta: Theoretical meaning and Get more content on
  • 16. My Personal Ethics Essay According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, ethics is defined as "moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior." Therefore, in an ideal world, ethics should play the ultimate role when making a decision. If ethics are the principles which guides one's behavior then, ideally, all decisions should be made entirely based on ethics. Unfortunately, such is not always the case. A few problems arise when one tries to make an ethical decision, especially as a leader. First, ethics may mean different things to different people. For example, my religious and spiritual beliefs are the foundation for what I deem ethical. However, for someone else, ethics might be based on laws or their own personal understanding of what more content... Recognizing that not all decisions are ethical, one's moral principles acts as a guide for their behavior and decision making. Therefore, ethics do (and should) play a major role in decision making. As previously mentioned, my religious and spiritual beliefs shape my personal ethics. I grew up in a very Christian family (one grandfather was a pastor and the other is a deacon), so from a young age, I was instilled with a belief in God and His teachings, according to the Bible. As I get older, I am learning that a spiritual journey and relationship with God is one that is personal and cannot be easily taught or given by others. Therefore, I will admit that as I continue on my personal journey with God, my personal ethics are still being developed and shaped. Some behaviors that I may have thought were acceptable in the past, I no longer view the same. For example, I have a lot of passion for the organizations I am involved with, especially S.M.A.R.T, which is great as a leader. It is my passion which keeps me dedicated to the organization. However, because of this passion, when things are not going as I want them to, it might cause me to communicate in a way that is considered disrespectful to others. Either my tone, the loudness of my voice, or the things that I say have made others feel disrespected. Personally, I find disrespecting others to be unethical. Although I may not consciously decide to disrespect them, it is a result of my behavior. While, at one point, I Get more content on
  • 17. Ethic Essay PHL–323 February 20, 2012 Frank Campbell At the core, one's personal beliefs are what makes up one's value system or what could be called their personal ethics structure. One's personal values, or ethics structure, are developed over a lifetime and is ever evolving. There are many factors that come into play during the development of one's ethics structure. The process begins at childhood. The people that a person comes into contact with, influences inside the home such as parents, siblings, and neighbors. As one grows older and ventures out into the world outside the home teachers, friends and even enemies all help to shape one's value system. Any type of communication with anyone that we come in contact more content... Early in life you don't know of the nuances. As I went into my teen years, things began to gray. I don't mean that in a bad way, but that those nuances to good and bad began to show themselves and that made defining my value structure a bit more difficult. I grew up surrounded by educators and coaches, both family and friends. They helped a lot in the formation of my values that helped shape my ethics structure. Here are a few of the values that I believe to be of great importance in no particular order Good. Important Values Family Honesty Integrity Caring Respect Responsibility Loyalty Discipline Intelligence Confidence Dependability
  • 18. Courage Encouragement Fitness Happiness Leadership Love Maturity Motivation Organization Passion Persistence Perceptiveness Compassion Punctuality Self–Sacrifice Commitment Self–Control Structure Support This list is not a complete list of all of the values that make up my ethics system, but this small sample helps to illustrate many of the values that I feel help guide me. Many people, both friends and enemies alike have contributed in the formation of this list, and as I grow and evolve as a person so does this list. Good. Formation of Values Many years, many people and many experiences have helped to establish my values that have formed my ethics structure. That Get more content on
  • 19. Ethic Essay 1 Virtue Theory, Utilitarianism, and Deontological Ethics. Judith Glowinski ETH/316 – 4/16/2013 MARY CARTER 2 When comparing the similarities and differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontology we find that they all deal with how one judge's morality and ethics. These theories all include judging in different aspects, whether it is in the moment, what happens after, or over a lifetime. The ethics and morality behind these theories all deal with what is right, or what is best for the present, then separate paths as the theories work toward the future. With virtue ethics a person strives for excellence performing duties, and acquiring traits that others would admire. With utilitarianism a person more content... Virtue ethics is also called agent–based or character ethics. When using the virtue ethics approach, one should take the viewpoint that in living their life they should try to cultivate excellence in all that they do. It encourages people to develop their character as the basis for the good life. Deontological ethics judges the morality of an action based on the action's adherence to a rule or rules. This form of ethics uses rules and duties to determine what is "right". Deontological ethics is opposed to consequentialism. Deontology maintains the wrongness of actions resides in the kind of action that it is, rather than the consequences it brings about The relationship between virtues, values and ethics is that they govern the way a person relates with other people in the society. They also shape someone's character and moral standards. Virtues, values and ethics also help a person in making critical decisions in life. A personal experience that has engulfed one or more of these theory, working for a small family firm, I had to take a few days off for a surgery, I came back and noticed that the accounts did not match, I had prior knowledge of a fellow employee stealing from the company, the dilemma being after complete investigation there was theft, it was a very small amount but the employee of
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  • 21. Importance Of Ethics Essay Ethics is a very basic thing. All people need the ethics to maintain a good relationship with other people. Especially people have to make lots of relationships with other people in the workplace. Also, all people want businesses to be fair, clean and beneficial to the society. These reasons show that the ethics is a crucial part of employment. So organisations have to establish ethics or rule of law, engage themselves in fair practices and competition. If the people in the organisations can keep the ethics, the organisations will gain lots of benefits. In this report, there is a detailed analysis source based research that explores these topics in depth, from this research a series of questions for further explanation have more content... Ethics give to make a sense of right and wrong in the organisations and often when the law fails, it is the ethics that help organisation to protect from harming the society or environment. Importance of workplace ethics Workplace ethics ensures positive ambience at the workplace. Workplace ethics leads to happy and satisfied employees who enjoy coming to work rather than treating it as a mere source of burden. Employees also develop a feeling of loyalty and attachment towards the organization. Organizations need to have fool–proof systems to measure the performances of individuals. Appraisal system needs to be designed keeping in mind employee's performance throughout the year and his/her career growth. Periodic reviews are essential. It is mandatory for superiors to know what their subordinates are up to. You need to know who all are going on the right track and who all need that extra push. Workplace ethics ensures management guides and mentors their employees well. Appraisal and salary hikes should not happen just for the name sake. Workplace ethics is important as it enables management to treat all employees as equal and think from their perspective as well. Employees must have a say in their appraisal system. Transparency is essential. An employee is bound to move on after a year or so if he/she is not appreciated and rewarded suitably. It is indeed the organization's loss when employees after being trained quit and move on. Do you think it is entirely the
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  • 23. Work Ethic Essay Work The work environment has helped me learn responsibility such as paying bills, having money for my own interests or wants, and showing me adulthood. It has showed me support through other fellow employees to strive to understand and be a better employee for the business. They also give me insight on what I do they enjoy, like, or dislike about my work ethic. Although, work can be important and show you adulthood, it also can be stressful. The stress of wanting to do the best you can for the business and handling all the other responsibilities I have. Boyfriend/Partner My partner is considered another half of me. He has showed me support through any decision I have made and gives me honest input of his opinion. He has gave me love through our relationship together, and showed me some pieces of myself I did not know about. He is important to me and my family, and made me into someone more content... I gave 100% of my time and hard work to my team, coach, and community. It was a hobby I love and continue too. No matter if it was basketball or softball, I had support behind me through teammates, coach, friends, family, school system, and community. I gained strengths in teamwork, communication, and life lessons. A life lesson could include the dedication I had toward a goal. I knew if I showed character, leadership, and skill of the game then I could have more potential of growing as a person and athlete for my future. Dog (Chloe) Chloe is my relief for everything! She gives me a sense of positivity, love, and a fun vibe. If I'm having a bad day she brings joy to my face and makes me feel like it's gonna be okay. She has been a support for me since I got her. Who knew I could think of a dog as my kid, and treat her like one as well. Chloe has made me become responsible in ways I did not have to worry about before such as feeding her or bathing her. She is a responsibility to me just like a kid is to a Get more content on
  • 24. Ethics And Ethics Of Ethics Ethics affect every facet of life, especially in a professional community. When a decision is to be made within a community, the ethical decision is typically that which benefits the most people or harms the least people. There are some scenarios however, when the correct decision based on a system of ethics that values doing the right thing is not the decision that leaves behind the least negative impact on the organization. An organization must decide if it will follow the system of ethics that Socrates once set out that says a man must do what is right, that he must be a good man, or if it will follow the system that says do whatever is most beneficial to those involved (The Ethics of Socrates p54). A scenario of a project manager who wants to push a product into distribution by a given date while the developer of the product wants to hold on the release of the product in order to make improvements has been posed. Many factors must be considered when making a decision in this scenario with the largest factor being the system of ethics being used to make the decision. Defining a correct ethical solution as one that meets the ethical criteria such that the person following the set of ethics falls on the right side of morality, the ethical solution to the manager and developers problem comes down to the motivation behind the individuals request and the outcomes they desire. Different desired outcomes and motivations for both the manager and the developer based on the system Get more content on