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Essay On Immigration Paperwork
Who wouldn't want to live and work become a U.S. citizen? However, the U.S. immigration paperwork is something you have to contend with, and
some give up midway while trying to complete the paperwork. This reminds one of Graham Nash's songs "here I am with my immigration form: it's
big enough to keep me warm" the amount of paperwork is too overwhelming. However, you can't let that put you off from your goal of becoming a
U.S. citizen. All you need to do is to think of ways and means to handle the U.S. immigration paperwork and you are done.
How to make U.S. Immigration Paperwork Easier
The first hurdle you need to cross is to fill out the U.S. Naturalization application form, which is actually a complex maze of U.S. immigration
paperwork that can take quite a bit of your time and lot more of your energy. Handling immigration paperwork need not be difficult, whether it is the
U.S. more content...
However, there are some documents that you need to necessarily send along with your U.S. Naturalization application form and those are the following:
A photocopy of your Permanent Resident Card (both sides), which was earlier known as the Alien Registration Card or more popularly the "green
card". In case you have either lost the card, misplaced it or it was stolen you may submit a receipt of your Form I–90 , Application to Replace
Permanent Resident card, along with
Two copies of your color photograph along with your name and Alien Registration Number (A Number) written in pencil on the back of each photo.
In case your religion requires you to cover your head, make sure your face is exposed fully to the photo.
In case you are applying for Naturalization on the basis of marriage to a U.S. citizen you need to include the following with your U.S. Naturalization
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Essay about Immigration to the European Union
Immigration to the European Union
The EU has to decide how to deal with immigration. The European Union allows it's citizens to move freely within it's borders, and also work in any
member country. It is also relatively safe and has a democratic government, which makes the laws and regulations, the countries within it are quite
highly developed and successful, and provide benefits to needy citizens. It may not be perfect, but compared to other countries there are many
opportunities for a 'good life' in the EU.
It is therefore no wonder that migrants come, either fleeing violence or prosecution (asylum seekers) or looking for work, (economic migrants).
The question the EU needs more content...
The Express has the front–page headline: "Forged ID cards are a passport to terror." The article explains how easily fake passports and ID cards can be
purchased for use of immigration to Europe and permission to work, "It doesn't matter if you don't have permission to work – with these you can easily
get a job," it states.¨
Should this be worrying? What seems more concerning is that it off–handily switches from talk of migrants to terrorists without much separation.
Another example that gives the impression that immigration will cause a rise in crime is given in a report from the European crime agency, Europol:
"Warning that organised vice and drug gangs may flood Britain" Г‚©it states dramatically. However, evidence from the socio
–economic research
program showed that there was no direct link between immigration and rising crime levels. "Ignorance is the basis of racism," says European research
commissioner, Phillip Basquin, "and this new report should help insure that any future judgments or policies involving immigration issues will take
into account the latest facts first."ª
Taking a look on a different point of the argument, it seems that there is more evidence that goes against the papers.
What would happen to the EU if
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The Problem with Immigration Essay examples
There are many, many issues when it comes to immigration and migration. Nothing is just black and white, and there is always at least two sides to a
story, usually more than that. I'm going to tell my side, or at least the side that I see the most of living in Arizona, a border state to Mexico. Being that
the issue of immigration is so broad, I've narrowed it down to the most important question to me, living in the southwest, concerning Mexican/American
border issues. Is it the immigrants themselves that are the problem or is it the laws governing immigration? This is a big debate amongst politicians,
activists, students, citizens, non–citizens, and everyone in between. I think that the more content...
Who can argue against the fact that a successful government must be unified in, if nothing else, its communications? However, the debate over the
official language spread deep. Remembering the previous paragraph, foreigners will be here no matter what. They are the majority in some
communities. This means that there is a whole population of consumers speaking and understanding only a language other than English.
Anyone wanting to make a profit in these communities is forced to acknowledge the fact that the language of that community must be accepted. It is
just like the rules of supply and demand. There's a tremendous market in many U.S. areas that speaks mainly Spanish, Korean, etc. Particularly, in the
southwest, the main foreign language is Spanish. The single largest foreign–language population in the U.S. is Latin Americans, both native born and
not. (Sassen p16) It was not until December of 1996 that the Supreme Court agreed to hear Arizonans for Official English v. Arizona. This was on the
issue of whether or not government services must be in English.(Clark p56) Now, considering how long the debate has been at hand, wasn't 1996 a
little late in the game?
Why has it taken so long just to get to where we are today with immigration laws (which have improved, but are far from satisfactory.) Using Charles
S. Clark's Chronology in The New Immigrants, the period of 1920 to 1950 only housed three significant changes in policy, including the first quotas.
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Essay About Immigration
America is the "Land of Opportunities for the Immigrants" . Across the world , it is perceived as the ideal destination for anyone planning to
immigrate or settle abroad–in terms of "Quality of Life" it offers to all its inhabitant . The quality of life or we can say "The American Life" is
attracting thousands of people to America every year .
The Immigration Scenario in US is largely dominated by Mexicans , Canadians , Caribbean Islanders but now migrants from Asian Countries like
China , India , Vietnam , Korea are mastering the trend .
According to the stats , nearly 13% of the American population is immigrant or foreign born which is roughly over 40 million people & Asian
Immigrants constitute 26% of the total US population .
Many Immigrants who have moved to America termed it as the best decision of their of life and these are those who have made good fortunes in
America whether in jobs or their businesses . America is one place where immigrants will get their perfect cocktail of freedom , opportunities and
money which equates to a elevated life and better living conditions . Many countries from where these migrants are coming from have closed
atmosphere with restrictions , poverty , controls , cut throat competitions and work on the survival of the fittest ideology which is making them step out more content...
American has always been referred as the "Immigrants Country" and among the US community there is constant recognition of their contribution &
role Immigrants play in the Growth of of US Economy and America in General .
There is another set of immigrants who restore to illegitimate routes to catch hold of their American Dream and at time people who have migrated
under illegal routes have faced many hardship and problems
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Immigration And Immigration
The debates over immigration and immigration policy did not develop in recent memory. In fact, one could argue that the debates over this issue date
back to antiquity. During Biblical times people did not agree with each other regarding immigration. Even the authors of the Scriptures had different
opinions about immigration. Matthew and Paul are two New Testament authors who each discuss the topic of immigration in their writings. Matthew
did so in the second chapter of his Gospel, and Paul, in the thirteenth chapter of his letter to the Romans.
In the Gospel of Matthew, the author discusses the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people could argue that this story is an argument in favor
of lenient immigration policies and international laws, especially those regarding refugees and asylum. Matthew mentions the dream that Joseph had
about "an angel of the Lord" (Matthew 2:13) telling him to flee to Egypt with his wife and their new baby because King Herod was searching for
baby Jesus in order to kill him since Herod did not want to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. This dream conversation is important because part of
the context of Matthew is trying to convince people that Jesus is the Messiah.
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees defines a refugee as someone who has "been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or
violence." (UNHCR) An asylum seeker, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, is defined as a person who "flees their
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How To Write An Essay About Immigration
Immigration. It's a word that has caused many conflicts mentally and physically. Immigrants should be a part of something they created. Having
immigrants come to America could increase America's economy, They contribute to innovation and America states "land of the free" but it's not a
relevant saying in today's generation. First, to start off with, America's economy has gotten worse over the years. America is in debt of $18.2 trillion
according to Mike Patton, a contributor to "Forbes". The amount of money we owe would take years and years to pay back. Allowing immigrants
could gain wealth upon America because of the population increase money is being brought into the nation. America's businesses could prosper and
even education of knowing everything about the world in one nation. America could be looked upon as a leader than it is today looked upon as a
two–year–old child. Secondly, Immigrants are very well minded people. Most of America's top companies were founded by immigrants. Such as Dawn,
At&t and even Google. "Huff post" reported, "In fact, immigrant–founded fortune 500 companies employed 3.6 million workers around the world in
2011 and were responsible for more than 1.7 trillion in revenues in 2010, according to the partnership more content...
America has a significant statute named "Statue of liberty" that's in New York, NY. A great factor is that it wasn't even made just by an American. It
was helped made by french sculptor artist," Frederic Auguste Bartholdi". It is a symbol of freedom to the immigrants that were coming into America.
Not only that but America's Bald Eagle is a symbol of "Fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolize the strength and
freedom of America." states 35th U. S President John F. Kennedy. America has always stated to be the land of the free. America is showing its
hypocritical ways. That will not only make things look bad but would bring America down by
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Immigration in USA Essay
The United States of America is the best place for immigration. The history proved that the United States was the dream land, the place of chances.
That started when Europeans escaped form their countries because there were no jobs and no safe places to live. America became the best choice for
people who were looking for political asylum, jobs, or freedom, but after a few generations something changed the Americans look to immigrants as
strangers and they forgot where they are from because America is multicultural place andimmigration movement should be understandable, but this is
not the case. Governments should develop good laws for immigrants by giving rights to immigrants to stay in America, to protect them, and to allow
people more content...
At first the government supported open immigration in the open and settled land, but after the Civil War while, states began to pass their own
immigration regulations and immigrating become more difficult. The Supreme Court decided immigration would be under federal jurisdiction in
1875, and Congress created the Department of Immigration in 1891. Since 1900 to 1921, Congress created the "quota system," which gave
authorization for a specified number of individuals of all ethnic groups in immigration like most Asian nations (Wellman, Cole). The government has
also put provisions designed to encourage migration of certain kinds of workers who have lost the skills from the current population. In 1924, as the
fears of the immigrants fleeing from border increased, Congress set up the first Office of border control to watch the immigrants from Canada and
Mexico. Immigration numbers decreased significantly around 1925 and 1945 In 1948, Congress made a temporary revision to the immigration
policy to allow people displaced by World War II to be in America. in 1952, Congress made the McCarran
–Walter Immigration and Nationality law,
which officially canceled any remaining limitations on the grounds of race, and immigration to people of any nation. The McCarran– Walter
immigration and nationality law improved political growth (Schrag). Therefore, in 1965, Congress abandoned the quota system and the acceptance of
immigration, based on the
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Essay About Immigration To College
My mother, who immigrated from the Dominican Republic to the United States, taught me that anything is possible if you work hard for it. When my
mother was younger, she did not have the chance to finish high school. At the time,she did not have anyone to guide her and tell her how important
college is. Later in her life when my sister and I were about 10 years old, my mother decided to complete her GED and attend college. It was an
immense challenge for her as a single mother working full time and having to take care of me and my sister. My mother would take classes at night,
but she always managed to make dinner for us and spend time with us before she went to class. I remember her always being so tired when she came
home from taking more content...
When I was younger, college was something I never thought I could achieve. I always thought I would not be able to afford it or would not have
the grades for admission. After my mother graduated, I felt that it does not matter where you come from to be able to achieve something great.
From that moment forward I have always put all my energy in everything thing I do. I remember I had a very difficult time while working on my
final English paper and felt very discouraged since I had worked hours on it and not yet was satisfied with what I wrote. During that time I remember
thinking about my mother and all the challenges she faced. Thinking about her struggles motivated me to continue working on my paper and trying
my best. Whenever I thought about complaining, I would think about my mother and the struggles she went through to make my life better by
graduating college. I feel that it is only fair to make her proud and not give up on anything I commit to. As I have gotten older, I realized the meaning
behind going to college and how important attending college is for my future. Going to college will open many doors for me and will allow me to
explore endless opportunities. For me, college has become a requirement instead of an option and without my mother, I would have not made that
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Compare And Contrast Immigration
Diamond Blair
Prof. Walsh
15 November 2017
Compare and contrast essay
In today's world, the president of the United States holds the most important position with significant political power in other parts of the world. The
president's job description expands further than the United States; he or she holds significant influence in the world. Furthermore, the position allows
the president to shape foreign policy, which can affect global decisions such asimmigration. For many decades, immigrants from around the world have
come to help build America. For example, statistics show how working immigrants have increased the GDP as a result of their employment in the
states. Nevertheless, immigrants have not always been welcomed to the country for several reasons such controversy has caused divide among
Americans. Those who support banning immigrants cite social and economic drawbacks to the nation. While those who are in favor of immigration
applaud their contribution to the nation's economy. Although immigration has some disadvantages, the United States benefits significantly from
immigration and it needs control to foster these benefits.
Immigration offers economic benefits to the United State like slavery for an example. In history when the first English settlers came to America, they
traveled to Africa and the Caribbean to seek slaves. These slaves were captured and brought against their will to the United States to farm for white
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Immigration Persuasive Essay
On the other hand, Immigration has been and will remain as a huge debate. It is expected to hear different opinions, see Americans react, look at
things, and judge things differently, and have different minds, especially when you live in such a country like the United States of America. The social
country is what it should be called due to its immigration and having people come here from all over the world. Yet, even today, we still observe
different ways of thinking about immigration. Should some countries be banned! And some people departed! Haas and Frezzo emphasized that
economic, social and cultural rights need to be addressed further to ensure human development now we will take a close look at migration, one of the
very important topics when we talk about rights is right to live simply because nobody decides where to be born so people migrate, but today our
society favors some groups over the others. With all my honesty and humanity, I even support illegal immigration, but as an educated, civilized, and an
open–minded person, I understand why might someone NOT support illegal immigration, and I don't blame this way of thinking. With all my respect
and based on what I know, I believe that Haiti has the biggest rate with illegal immigration to the United States of America. Most people who don't
support illegal immigration use the Caribbean as their great example, why? Because, well, one they don't pay taxes, two we know nothing about
them, and third, they could honestly be criminals escaping and that is of course expected to come from any country in the world not just poor
countries. What's the problem with not paying taxes? Two reasons. One, it is honestly not fair for someone to be busting their ass working all day
(like me and you) and getting ripped paying taxes at the end of the year, while someone else who is not even a legal resident is just having fun
putting all the money he makes in his pocket. Kind of not fair right!! This is a country of one law and everyone should be treated equally under one
government, when you're not paying your taxes whether you making more or less money. As I said I support illegal immigration, but let's be clear on
why most people don't. The issue here with not paying
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Informative Essay About Immigration
America is the promise land. Where freedom, equality, and opportunity are more than just words, they're a reality. Immigrants come to America to
escape poverty and have a better life but we can't see that. We as humans fear the unknown and we don't much about immigrants. All we know is what
we are told by the media. Today we hear and read that immigrants bring violence, take our jobs and simply destroy America but they do quite the
opposite. Immigrants help America with the economy, technology and making it a more enriched place of people andculture. Growth in our country is
necessary but there will be no growth without risk and acceptance. We need to accept those who have taken a risk in search of one thing, a better life,
a life worth living. We hear about immigrants coming into the U.S. illegally and that's true some do but they wouldn't have to if we simply let them in. more content...
legally or illegally doesn't matter because they do so much for America. They help our economy, create jobs, boost earnings for American workers,
become engineers, scientist and inventors. Immigrants are 30% more likely to start a business in the U.S. than non–immigrants and 18% of all small
business owners in the U.S. are immigrants. Creating their own businesses also create jobs for American workers. Immigrants also help with cutting
edge technology such as computers and companies. Immigrants have started 25% of public U.S. companies that were backed by venture capital
investors such as Google, Yahoo!, eBay and more. America needs engineers, scientist, and inventors. Despite immigrants being 16% of the population
holding a bachelor's degree or higher immigrants represent 33% of engineers, 27% of mathematicians, computer scientist, and 24% of physical
scientists. Hard work is nothing new for immigrants because that is all they've ever known. I don't know about you but I think America can use all the
hard working, driven people it can
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Immigration Argumentative Essay
Immigration has been a burning issue lately, particularly after Donald Trump's immigration ban in the United States of America. It has been a topic that
families discuss every morning with breakfast. Despite many concerns related to immigration, it has several positive benefits that mostly outweighs the
negativity. People bizarrely argue when it comes to immigration, but these arguments are primarily based on facts and ideas that are outdated or
inconsistent and blindfold the positive aspect related to immigration. Many immigrants in the United States are good workers who don't depend upon
any public welfare and mostly help in the overall development of the economy. As a country made by immigrants, we must not forget the fact that
immigrants have helped to build cities and create a path of development form Google to iPhones (Gray & Furman, 2012). These facts are secluded, and
some related arguments with different content have been repeated for years and continue. Immigrants have a lot to give the United States rather than to
take, especially when it comes to economic terms.
Immigration has been an essential but disruptive aspect of the people and the political state of the United States; however, debates related to
immigration and its benefits are intensified significantly. Opposing immigration keeps ranting on how government should exercise better law to
control over the people entering into the States from the foreign land. One of the most buzzed argument is that American citizen is unemployed
because immigrants stole their jobs and disrupted the economy (Hoban, 2017). Also, an appeal to National security and vulnerability after several
terrorist attacks all over the world and also to the government to keep track and maintain the no. of immigrants to create a safer environment (Cafaro,
2009). However, the contrary to these arguments have often been proven right. The pattern of the immigration shows that the contribution of the
immigrants has resulted in an economic boost that cannot be overlooked by the government.
Most of the immigrants leave their home country and migrate to the United States because they can live in freedom, practice their religion and make
the most out of their life (Arizaga 2006).
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The Issue Of Immigration And Refugees Essay
Without a doubt, the topic of immigration and refugees is a pressing matter around the globe. With more than 60 million individuals displaced around
the world and 41 million immigrants currently living in the United States, there is an international movement of individuals rather by choice or not. In
the United States, the topic of immigration and refugees has been at the forefront of the upcoming presidential election; however, although and this topic
is at the lead of most news, Americans are undereducated and misinformed about many of the key terms and concepts about immigrants and refugees.
Due to the various misconceptions Americans hold, many citizens not open to welcoming more immigrants or refugees into the country. To explain,
according to the Pew Research center, 51% of Americans believe immigrants are beneficial to the country, while 41% believe immigrants are a burden
to our country (Krogstad, 2015). In order to clarify the key concepts of immigration and refugees, Dr. Ida Fadzillah, and associate professor of
Anthropology at Middle Tennessee State University, defined the crucial terms of immigration and discussed the various limitations of the current
international policy of immigration in her lecture "Immigration, Refugees, and the Global Diaspora: Key Concepts and Themes". As an immigrant
herself, Dr. Fadzillah is able to use her personal and professional knowledge and perspective to address the multitude of issues surrounding immigration.
To begin the
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Commentary On Immigration
As I read through this passage I scoured for words that constantly repeated themselves. After doing so I looked for the one that kept going back to
itself and displaying itself in different ways. On page 363 I noticed this word appear for the first time in this reading, the word that I have chosen is
"Immigrants." The first paragraph speaks strictly about how much you are starting to see the foreign immigration policy stepping itself up in america
more and more over the years. The second paragraph uses immigrant also but the second paragraph goes over whether it should be an easy process for
an immigrant to obtain citizenship. In the fourth paragraph the word comes back up again this time the author writes about early year immigration
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Immigration Issues Essay
The United States has long served as a refuge for people who seek to escape hunger, poverty, torture, and the oppression of the human spirit in their
own countries. However, the issue of immigration in the United States has become a political flashpoint since the terrorist attacks on September 11,
2001. The sacralization of the tragedy has served to paint all immigrants with the same fear–ladened brush, and has marginalized and stereotyped an
already vulnerable population. Today, more than ever, immigrants in the United States face increasing stressors as they try to assimilate in a politically
charged post 9/11 world. To be an effective social worker,immigration issues and multicultural awareness is critical. Mary and Mario, a couple who more content...
The journey of many immigrants is characterized by trauma prior to, during, and following migration. They may be escaping hunger, war, poverty, or
torture in their native country. The decision to migrate to host country is not an easy one for most immigrants. People leave behind family members, and
often risk their lives to cross borders in order to live a life of freedom and opportunity. Immigrants must endure intolerance and suspicion, while
navigating the complexities of assimilating to a language and a culture foreign to their own. If the person enters the country without proper documents,
they live in constant fear of being detained and deported. Undocumented immigrants may have to accept jobs far below their skill level, and endure
blatant discrimination. If Mario is an immigrant, his volatile behavior may be a result of acculturative stress or immigration trauma
Immigration trauma has different phases, but generally begins years before the individual leaves the country. The person is usually leaving conditions
deemed intolerable; poverty, unemployment, and violence, and fear for one's safety are common. The immigrant then has to endure acculturative
stress, the loss of social support, and displacement. A recent study asserts that 11% of all immigrant Latinos reported political violence exposure and
76% described additional lifetime traumas (Foster, 2001). Armed with this knowledge, the clinician assessing Mario and Mary would want to screen
Mario for trauma,
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Migration Essay
Migration is one of the most important issues facing international politics today and is becoming more prevalent an issue every year. In 1980 the
estimated number of refugees was 8.2m, 1990 – 15m, 1992 – 20m (Castles and Miller, 1993, p 84). In our society there are a lot of preconceptions and
prejudices about immigration and its effect: "they are stealing our jobs!" "They are all scroungers" and "we are to generous to them". It can be argued
that these all arise from institutions such as the tabloid media and right wing political groups, but also from past Government policy which
more content...
One of the most common arguments against immigration is that it puts a strain on government expenditure. Some economists argue that "social capital
expenditure on housing and social services for immigrants reduced the capital available for productive investment" (Castles and Miller, 1993, p 76).
In Britain, the current media scare is "bogus asylum seekers" and how they are a huge drain on the social services. A quote from the BBC web page
sums up the anti immigration feeling in this country: "We are too soft. I'm happy for the government allowing genuine asylum seekers into this country.
However something has to be done about the scroungers who think they could make a better life here. There's nothing for them – our classrooms are
over–crowded, our hospitals can barely cope and our social services are on the brink of collapse such is the demand for pensions and benefits. It's hard
enough making a life for yourself when you live here by right. Simon Skelton, UK" ( The British
National party claim: "The procedure of investigation of 'refugee' claims, together with the job of
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Essay On Immigration To The United States
Humna Raza
As a flourishing country, the United States of America has been a recurring land of hope and prosperity for immigrants. These foreigners may have
been looking for religious freedom, job opportunities, escape from economic and environmental problems, shelter from war, or simply a fresh start at
life. With immigration becoming larger and larger as every years passes, with it comes reasons for more legislation and new trends that are contributed
by the different array of people who come together in the crucible that is the United States. The nationality or ethnicity of the immigrants vary from the
Germans, Irish, Mexicans, Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese. While there are many cases of immigrants to the United States, they are not always
honest, there is always the issues of illegal immigration, that is believed to threaten the American society, "Americans perceived that the large number
of immigrants from ethnically, religiously, and culturally different more content...
The influx of immigrants arriving every year has made a significant effect on the lives of most Americans. According to the Center for Immigration
Studies, "The latest data collected by the Census Bureau show that the last decade was the highest in terms of immigrant arrivals in American history.
New immigration plus births to immigrants added more than 22 million people to the U.S. population in the last decade, equal to 80 percent of total
population growth." The statistics involved in immigration differ from state to state, according to Camarota, "California, New York, Texas, Florida,
New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, Georgia, Virginia, Washington, Arizona,
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Essay About Immigration
Growing up, the topic of immigration has always sat heavy on both my heart and mind. I am a child of a deportee; I have lost time, support, and a
male figure in my life due to the growing social concern that is immigration. In 2018, as racial tensions are at an all time high and many of our
political offices do not favor the idea of immigration I believe it is the work of members of the Hispanic communities in America to fight for our people
and their freedom in the United States. I believe there are many ways of which I, as a member of a Hispanic community and a proud Hispanic, can and
will bring change to help solve the topic of immigration in the U.S.
One of the ways I believe I can make an impact on this social concern is informing people, both Hispanic and non–Hispanic, of the problems my people
face and encouraging people to vote in elections to support government officials who care and will push for change regarding topics of immigration. I
believe this is an effective tactic to if not solve immigration completely then make a monumental impact on this social more content...
This idea of investing in the youth is a tactic that I clearly share with the 'Alcanzando Un SueГ±o Cruz & Associates Scholarship Program' because
pushing Hispanics to achieve a higher education is something that I believe will bring forward change for all Hispanics and eventually will solve
the problems we see in immigration policies. This will bring change by opening up job opportunities for Hispanics, raising the annual income of
Hispanic families, and bringing more Hispanics toward the idea of acquiring a post high school degree. Of course, this solution will take time but as
the old saying goes "Rome was not built in a day", meaning that greatness derives from patience and endless hours of
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Personal Essay On Immigration To Us
I believe that the ability to understand the world around you can tremendously influence a person. I have had the honors to experience many
situations that broadened my perspectives in life. When I immigrated to America in 2006, I had no clue how greatly my education will be affected.
Because my parents did not know any English, I had to accomplish all the work by myself. I understood their struggles of trying to put dinner on the
table so I tried not to complain. They had given up their old life in Vietnam to give me a bettereducation and opportunities, I did not want their effort to
go in vain. Through my whole academic career, I pushed myself to do everything to my fullest potential because I have been given the opportunity that
many more content...
During my time there, I have been able to talk to many different types of visitors and patients. I am grateful that they trusted me enough to share
their story with me and have increased my empathy for others. As a species, we should not hold prejudices against each other as we all have a
different story to tell. Additionally, I have had the chance to travel to many different countries including Vietnam, South Korea, and Japan. All these
counties have their own distinct culture and history and I appreciate everything that they had to offer. For example, I really admire the respect
younger generations have for the elders in these Asian societies and am confident that American society could greatly benefit from this system. In
the future, I would love to travel to a wider range of countries and indulge in the culture. Our world has so much diversity to offer and by
understanding others way of living will connect us as a whole and reduce racism. There is no right or wrong way of living, we are simply influenced
by the people and environment around us. To say that one group is superior to another is detestable. Empathy and compassion for others will only
positively influence society and unify
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Essay On Immigration Paperwork

  • 1. Essay On Immigration Paperwork Who wouldn't want to live and work become a U.S. citizen? However, the U.S. immigration paperwork is something you have to contend with, and some give up midway while trying to complete the paperwork. This reminds one of Graham Nash's songs "here I am with my immigration form: it's big enough to keep me warm" the amount of paperwork is too overwhelming. However, you can't let that put you off from your goal of becoming a U.S. citizen. All you need to do is to think of ways and means to handle the U.S. immigration paperwork and you are done. How to make U.S. Immigration Paperwork Easier The first hurdle you need to cross is to fill out the U.S. Naturalization application form, which is actually a complex maze of U.S. immigration paperwork that can take quite a bit of your time and lot more of your energy. Handling immigration paperwork need not be difficult, whether it is the U.S. more content... However, there are some documents that you need to necessarily send along with your U.S. Naturalization application form and those are the following: A photocopy of your Permanent Resident Card (both sides), which was earlier known as the Alien Registration Card or more popularly the "green card". In case you have either lost the card, misplaced it or it was stolen you may submit a receipt of your Form I–90 , Application to Replace Permanent Resident card, along with Two copies of your color photograph along with your name and Alien Registration Number (A Number) written in pencil on the back of each photo. In case your religion requires you to cover your head, make sure your face is exposed fully to the photo. In case you are applying for Naturalization on the basis of marriage to a U.S. citizen you need to include the following with your U.S. Naturalization application Get more content on
  • 2. Essay about Immigration to the European Union Immigration to the European Union The EU has to decide how to deal with immigration. The European Union allows it's citizens to move freely within it's borders, and also work in any member country. It is also relatively safe and has a democratic government, which makes the laws and regulations, the countries within it are quite highly developed and successful, and provide benefits to needy citizens. It may not be perfect, but compared to other countries there are many opportunities for a 'good life' in the EU. It is therefore no wonder that migrants come, either fleeing violence or prosecution (asylum seekers) or looking for work, (economic migrants). The question the EU needs more content... § The Express has the front–page headline: "Forged ID cards are a passport to terror." The article explains how easily fake passports and ID cards can be purchased for use of immigration to Europe and permission to work, "It doesn't matter if you don't have permission to work – with these you can easily get a job," it states.¨ Should this be worrying? What seems more concerning is that it off–handily switches from talk of migrants to terrorists without much separation. Another example that gives the impression that immigration will cause a rise in crime is given in a report from the European crime agency, Europol: "Warning that organised vice and drug gangs may flood Britain" Г‚©it states dramatically. However, evidence from the socio –economic research program showed that there was no direct link between immigration and rising crime levels. "Ignorance is the basis of racism," says European research commissioner, Phillip Basquin, "and this new report should help insure that any future judgments or policies involving immigration issues will take into account the latest facts first."ª Taking a look on a different point of the argument, it seems that there is more evidence that goes against the papers. What would happen to the EU if
  • 3. Get more content on
  • 4. The Problem with Immigration Essay examples There are many, many issues when it comes to immigration and migration. Nothing is just black and white, and there is always at least two sides to a story, usually more than that. I'm going to tell my side, or at least the side that I see the most of living in Arizona, a border state to Mexico. Being that the issue of immigration is so broad, I've narrowed it down to the most important question to me, living in the southwest, concerning Mexican/American border issues. Is it the immigrants themselves that are the problem or is it the laws governing immigration? This is a big debate amongst politicians, activists, students, citizens, non–citizens, and everyone in between. I think that the more content... Who can argue against the fact that a successful government must be unified in, if nothing else, its communications? However, the debate over the official language spread deep. Remembering the previous paragraph, foreigners will be here no matter what. They are the majority in some communities. This means that there is a whole population of consumers speaking and understanding only a language other than English. Anyone wanting to make a profit in these communities is forced to acknowledge the fact that the language of that community must be accepted. It is just like the rules of supply and demand. There's a tremendous market in many U.S. areas that speaks mainly Spanish, Korean, etc. Particularly, in the southwest, the main foreign language is Spanish. The single largest foreign–language population in the U.S. is Latin Americans, both native born and not. (Sassen p16) It was not until December of 1996 that the Supreme Court agreed to hear Arizonans for Official English v. Arizona. This was on the issue of whether or not government services must be in English.(Clark p56) Now, considering how long the debate has been at hand, wasn't 1996 a little late in the game? Why has it taken so long just to get to where we are today with immigration laws (which have improved, but are far from satisfactory.) Using Charles S. Clark's Chronology in The New Immigrants, the period of 1920 to 1950 only housed three significant changes in policy, including the first quotas. Get more content on
  • 5. Essay About Immigration America is the "Land of Opportunities for the Immigrants" . Across the world , it is perceived as the ideal destination for anyone planning to immigrate or settle abroad–in terms of "Quality of Life" it offers to all its inhabitant . The quality of life or we can say "The American Life" is attracting thousands of people to America every year . The Immigration Scenario in US is largely dominated by Mexicans , Canadians , Caribbean Islanders but now migrants from Asian Countries like China , India , Vietnam , Korea are mastering the trend . According to the stats , nearly 13% of the American population is immigrant or foreign born which is roughly over 40 million people & Asian Immigrants constitute 26% of the total US population . Many Immigrants who have moved to America termed it as the best decision of their of life and these are those who have made good fortunes in America whether in jobs or their businesses . America is one place where immigrants will get their perfect cocktail of freedom , opportunities and money which equates to a elevated life and better living conditions . Many countries from where these migrants are coming from have closed atmosphere with restrictions , poverty , controls , cut throat competitions and work on the survival of the fittest ideology which is making them step out more content... American has always been referred as the "Immigrants Country" and among the US community there is constant recognition of their contribution & role Immigrants play in the Growth of of US Economy and America in General . There is another set of immigrants who restore to illegitimate routes to catch hold of their American Dream and at time people who have migrated under illegal routes have faced many hardship and problems Get more content on
  • 6. Immigration And Immigration The debates over immigration and immigration policy did not develop in recent memory. In fact, one could argue that the debates over this issue date back to antiquity. During Biblical times people did not agree with each other regarding immigration. Even the authors of the Scriptures had different opinions about immigration. Matthew and Paul are two New Testament authors who each discuss the topic of immigration in their writings. Matthew did so in the second chapter of his Gospel, and Paul, in the thirteenth chapter of his letter to the Romans. In the Gospel of Matthew, the author discusses the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people could argue that this story is an argument in favor of lenient immigration policies and international laws, especially those regarding refugees and asylum. Matthew mentions the dream that Joseph had about "an angel of the Lord" (Matthew 2:13) telling him to flee to Egypt with his wife and their new baby because King Herod was searching for baby Jesus in order to kill him since Herod did not want to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. This dream conversation is important because part of the context of Matthew is trying to convince people that Jesus is the Messiah. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees defines a refugee as someone who has "been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence." (UNHCR) An asylum seeker, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, is defined as a person who "flees their Get more content on
  • 7. How To Write An Essay About Immigration Immigration. It's a word that has caused many conflicts mentally and physically. Immigrants should be a part of something they created. Having immigrants come to America could increase America's economy, They contribute to innovation and America states "land of the free" but it's not a relevant saying in today's generation. First, to start off with, America's economy has gotten worse over the years. America is in debt of $18.2 trillion according to Mike Patton, a contributor to "Forbes". The amount of money we owe would take years and years to pay back. Allowing immigrants could gain wealth upon America because of the population increase money is being brought into the nation. America's businesses could prosper and even education of knowing everything about the world in one nation. America could be looked upon as a leader than it is today looked upon as a two–year–old child. Secondly, Immigrants are very well minded people. Most of America's top companies were founded by immigrants. Such as Dawn, At&t and even Google. "Huff post" reported, "In fact, immigrant–founded fortune 500 companies employed 3.6 million workers around the world in 2011 and were responsible for more than 1.7 trillion in revenues in 2010, according to the partnership more content... America has a significant statute named "Statue of liberty" that's in New York, NY. A great factor is that it wasn't even made just by an American. It was helped made by french sculptor artist," Frederic Auguste Bartholdi". It is a symbol of freedom to the immigrants that were coming into America. Not only that but America's Bald Eagle is a symbol of "Fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolize the strength and freedom of America." states 35th U. S President John F. Kennedy. America has always stated to be the land of the free. America is showing its hypocritical ways. That will not only make things look bad but would bring America down by Get more content on
  • 8. Immigration in USA Essay The United States of America is the best place for immigration. The history proved that the United States was the dream land, the place of chances. That started when Europeans escaped form their countries because there were no jobs and no safe places to live. America became the best choice for people who were looking for political asylum, jobs, or freedom, but after a few generations something changed the Americans look to immigrants as strangers and they forgot where they are from because America is multicultural place andimmigration movement should be understandable, but this is not the case. Governments should develop good laws for immigrants by giving rights to immigrants to stay in America, to protect them, and to allow people more content... At first the government supported open immigration in the open and settled land, but after the Civil War while, states began to pass their own immigration regulations and immigrating become more difficult. The Supreme Court decided immigration would be under federal jurisdiction in 1875, and Congress created the Department of Immigration in 1891. Since 1900 to 1921, Congress created the "quota system," which gave authorization for a specified number of individuals of all ethnic groups in immigration like most Asian nations (Wellman, Cole). The government has also put provisions designed to encourage migration of certain kinds of workers who have lost the skills from the current population. In 1924, as the fears of the immigrants fleeing from border increased, Congress set up the first Office of border control to watch the immigrants from Canada and Mexico. Immigration numbers decreased significantly around 1925 and 1945 In 1948, Congress made a temporary revision to the immigration policy to allow people displaced by World War II to be in America. in 1952, Congress made the McCarran –Walter Immigration and Nationality law, which officially canceled any remaining limitations on the grounds of race, and immigration to people of any nation. The McCarran– Walter immigration and nationality law improved political growth (Schrag). Therefore, in 1965, Congress abandoned the quota system and the acceptance of immigration, based on the Get more content on
  • 9. Essay About Immigration To College My mother, who immigrated from the Dominican Republic to the United States, taught me that anything is possible if you work hard for it. When my mother was younger, she did not have the chance to finish high school. At the time,she did not have anyone to guide her and tell her how important college is. Later in her life when my sister and I were about 10 years old, my mother decided to complete her GED and attend college. It was an immense challenge for her as a single mother working full time and having to take care of me and my sister. My mother would take classes at night, but she always managed to make dinner for us and spend time with us before she went to class. I remember her always being so tired when she came home from taking more content... When I was younger, college was something I never thought I could achieve. I always thought I would not be able to afford it or would not have the grades for admission. After my mother graduated, I felt that it does not matter where you come from to be able to achieve something great. From that moment forward I have always put all my energy in everything thing I do. I remember I had a very difficult time while working on my final English paper and felt very discouraged since I had worked hours on it and not yet was satisfied with what I wrote. During that time I remember thinking about my mother and all the challenges she faced. Thinking about her struggles motivated me to continue working on my paper and trying my best. Whenever I thought about complaining, I would think about my mother and the struggles she went through to make my life better by graduating college. I feel that it is only fair to make her proud and not give up on anything I commit to. As I have gotten older, I realized the meaning behind going to college and how important attending college is for my future. Going to college will open many doors for me and will allow me to explore endless opportunities. For me, college has become a requirement instead of an option and without my mother, I would have not made that Get more content on
  • 10. Compare And Contrast Immigration Diamond Blair Prof. Walsh Enc1101–M/W–2:00–3:15 15 November 2017 Compare and contrast essay Immigration In today's world, the president of the United States holds the most important position with significant political power in other parts of the world. The president's job description expands further than the United States; he or she holds significant influence in the world. Furthermore, the position allows the president to shape foreign policy, which can affect global decisions such asimmigration. For many decades, immigrants from around the world have come to help build America. For example, statistics show how working immigrants have increased the GDP as a result of their employment in the states. Nevertheless, immigrants have not always been welcomed to the country for several reasons such controversy has caused divide among Americans. Those who support banning immigrants cite social and economic drawbacks to the nation. While those who are in favor of immigration applaud their contribution to the nation's economy. Although immigration has some disadvantages, the United States benefits significantly from immigration and it needs control to foster these benefits. Immigration offers economic benefits to the United State like slavery for an example. In history when the first English settlers came to America, they traveled to Africa and the Caribbean to seek slaves. These slaves were captured and brought against their will to the United States to farm for white Get more content on
  • 11. Immigration Persuasive Essay On the other hand, Immigration has been and will remain as a huge debate. It is expected to hear different opinions, see Americans react, look at things, and judge things differently, and have different minds, especially when you live in such a country like the United States of America. The social country is what it should be called due to its immigration and having people come here from all over the world. Yet, even today, we still observe different ways of thinking about immigration. Should some countries be banned! And some people departed! Haas and Frezzo emphasized that economic, social and cultural rights need to be addressed further to ensure human development now we will take a close look at migration, one of the very important topics when we talk about rights is right to live simply because nobody decides where to be born so people migrate, but today our society favors some groups over the others. With all my honesty and humanity, I even support illegal immigration, but as an educated, civilized, and an open–minded person, I understand why might someone NOT support illegal immigration, and I don't blame this way of thinking. With all my respect and based on what I know, I believe that Haiti has the biggest rate with illegal immigration to the United States of America. Most people who don't support illegal immigration use the Caribbean as their great example, why? Because, well, one they don't pay taxes, two we know nothing about them, and third, they could honestly be criminals escaping and that is of course expected to come from any country in the world not just poor countries. What's the problem with not paying taxes? Two reasons. One, it is honestly not fair for someone to be busting their ass working all day (like me and you) and getting ripped paying taxes at the end of the year, while someone else who is not even a legal resident is just having fun putting all the money he makes in his pocket. Kind of not fair right!! This is a country of one law and everyone should be treated equally under one government, when you're not paying your taxes whether you making more or less money. As I said I support illegal immigration, but let's be clear on why most people don't. The issue here with not paying Get more content on
  • 12. Informative Essay About Immigration America is the promise land. Where freedom, equality, and opportunity are more than just words, they're a reality. Immigrants come to America to escape poverty and have a better life but we can't see that. We as humans fear the unknown and we don't much about immigrants. All we know is what we are told by the media. Today we hear and read that immigrants bring violence, take our jobs and simply destroy America but they do quite the opposite. Immigrants help America with the economy, technology and making it a more enriched place of people andculture. Growth in our country is necessary but there will be no growth without risk and acceptance. We need to accept those who have taken a risk in search of one thing, a better life, a life worth living. We hear about immigrants coming into the U.S. illegally and that's true some do but they wouldn't have to if we simply let them in. more content... legally or illegally doesn't matter because they do so much for America. They help our economy, create jobs, boost earnings for American workers, become engineers, scientist and inventors. Immigrants are 30% more likely to start a business in the U.S. than non–immigrants and 18% of all small business owners in the U.S. are immigrants. Creating their own businesses also create jobs for American workers. Immigrants also help with cutting edge technology such as computers and companies. Immigrants have started 25% of public U.S. companies that were backed by venture capital investors such as Google, Yahoo!, eBay and more. America needs engineers, scientist, and inventors. Despite immigrants being 16% of the population holding a bachelor's degree or higher immigrants represent 33% of engineers, 27% of mathematicians, computer scientist, and 24% of physical scientists. Hard work is nothing new for immigrants because that is all they've ever known. I don't know about you but I think America can use all the hard working, driven people it can Get more content on
  • 13. Immigration Argumentative Essay Immigration has been a burning issue lately, particularly after Donald Trump's immigration ban in the United States of America. It has been a topic that families discuss every morning with breakfast. Despite many concerns related to immigration, it has several positive benefits that mostly outweighs the negativity. People bizarrely argue when it comes to immigration, but these arguments are primarily based on facts and ideas that are outdated or inconsistent and blindfold the positive aspect related to immigration. Many immigrants in the United States are good workers who don't depend upon any public welfare and mostly help in the overall development of the economy. As a country made by immigrants, we must not forget the fact that immigrants have helped to build cities and create a path of development form Google to iPhones (Gray & Furman, 2012). These facts are secluded, and some related arguments with different content have been repeated for years and continue. Immigrants have a lot to give the United States rather than to take, especially when it comes to economic terms. Immigration has been an essential but disruptive aspect of the people and the political state of the United States; however, debates related to immigration and its benefits are intensified significantly. Opposing immigration keeps ranting on how government should exercise better law to control over the people entering into the States from the foreign land. One of the most buzzed argument is that American citizen is unemployed because immigrants stole their jobs and disrupted the economy (Hoban, 2017). Also, an appeal to National security and vulnerability after several terrorist attacks all over the world and also to the government to keep track and maintain the no. of immigrants to create a safer environment (Cafaro, 2009). However, the contrary to these arguments have often been proven right. The pattern of the immigration shows that the contribution of the immigrants has resulted in an economic boost that cannot be overlooked by the government. Most of the immigrants leave their home country and migrate to the United States because they can live in freedom, practice their religion and make the most out of their life (Arizaga 2006). Get more content on
  • 14. The Issue Of Immigration And Refugees Essay Without a doubt, the topic of immigration and refugees is a pressing matter around the globe. With more than 60 million individuals displaced around the world and 41 million immigrants currently living in the United States, there is an international movement of individuals rather by choice or not. In the United States, the topic of immigration and refugees has been at the forefront of the upcoming presidential election; however, although and this topic is at the lead of most news, Americans are undereducated and misinformed about many of the key terms and concepts about immigrants and refugees. Due to the various misconceptions Americans hold, many citizens not open to welcoming more immigrants or refugees into the country. To explain, according to the Pew Research center, 51% of Americans believe immigrants are beneficial to the country, while 41% believe immigrants are a burden to our country (Krogstad, 2015). In order to clarify the key concepts of immigration and refugees, Dr. Ida Fadzillah, and associate professor of Anthropology at Middle Tennessee State University, defined the crucial terms of immigration and discussed the various limitations of the current international policy of immigration in her lecture "Immigration, Refugees, and the Global Diaspora: Key Concepts and Themes". As an immigrant herself, Dr. Fadzillah is able to use her personal and professional knowledge and perspective to address the multitude of issues surrounding immigration. To begin the Get more content on
  • 15. Commentary On Immigration As I read through this passage I scoured for words that constantly repeated themselves. After doing so I looked for the one that kept going back to itself and displaying itself in different ways. On page 363 I noticed this word appear for the first time in this reading, the word that I have chosen is "Immigrants." The first paragraph speaks strictly about how much you are starting to see the foreign immigration policy stepping itself up in america more and more over the years. The second paragraph uses immigrant also but the second paragraph goes over whether it should be an easy process for an immigrant to obtain citizenship. In the fourth paragraph the word comes back up again this time the author writes about early year immigration conflicting Get more content on
  • 16. Immigration Issues Essay The United States has long served as a refuge for people who seek to escape hunger, poverty, torture, and the oppression of the human spirit in their own countries. However, the issue of immigration in the United States has become a political flashpoint since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The sacralization of the tragedy has served to paint all immigrants with the same fear–ladened brush, and has marginalized and stereotyped an already vulnerable population. Today, more than ever, immigrants in the United States face increasing stressors as they try to assimilate in a politically charged post 9/11 world. To be an effective social worker,immigration issues and multicultural awareness is critical. Mary and Mario, a couple who more content... The journey of many immigrants is characterized by trauma prior to, during, and following migration. They may be escaping hunger, war, poverty, or torture in their native country. The decision to migrate to host country is not an easy one for most immigrants. People leave behind family members, and often risk their lives to cross borders in order to live a life of freedom and opportunity. Immigrants must endure intolerance and suspicion, while navigating the complexities of assimilating to a language and a culture foreign to their own. If the person enters the country without proper documents, they live in constant fear of being detained and deported. Undocumented immigrants may have to accept jobs far below their skill level, and endure blatant discrimination. If Mario is an immigrant, his volatile behavior may be a result of acculturative stress or immigration trauma Immigration trauma has different phases, but generally begins years before the individual leaves the country. The person is usually leaving conditions deemed intolerable; poverty, unemployment, and violence, and fear for one's safety are common. The immigrant then has to endure acculturative stress, the loss of social support, and displacement. A recent study asserts that 11% of all immigrant Latinos reported political violence exposure and 76% described additional lifetime traumas (Foster, 2001). Armed with this knowledge, the clinician assessing Mario and Mary would want to screen Mario for trauma, Get more content on
  • 17. Migration Essay Migration Migration is one of the most important issues facing international politics today and is becoming more prevalent an issue every year. In 1980 the estimated number of refugees was 8.2m, 1990 – 15m, 1992 – 20m (Castles and Miller, 1993, p 84). In our society there are a lot of preconceptions and prejudices about immigration and its effect: "they are stealing our jobs!" "They are all scroungers" and "we are to generous to them". It can be argued that these all arise from institutions such as the tabloid media and right wing political groups, but also from past Government policy which more content... One of the most common arguments against immigration is that it puts a strain on government expenditure. Some economists argue that "social capital expenditure on housing and social services for immigrants reduced the capital available for productive investment" (Castles and Miller, 1993, p 76). In Britain, the current media scare is "bogus asylum seekers" and how they are a huge drain on the social services. A quote from the BBC web page sums up the anti immigration feeling in this country: "We are too soft. I'm happy for the government allowing genuine asylum seekers into this country. However something has to be done about the scroungers who think they could make a better life here. There's nothing for them – our classrooms are over–crowded, our hospitals can barely cope and our social services are on the brink of collapse such is the demand for pensions and benefits. It's hard enough making a life for yourself when you live here by right. Simon Skelton, UK" ( The British National party claim: "The procedure of investigation of 'refugee' claims, together with the job of Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Immigration To The United States Humna Raza IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES As a flourishing country, the United States of America has been a recurring land of hope and prosperity for immigrants. These foreigners may have been looking for religious freedom, job opportunities, escape from economic and environmental problems, shelter from war, or simply a fresh start at life. With immigration becoming larger and larger as every years passes, with it comes reasons for more legislation and new trends that are contributed by the different array of people who come together in the crucible that is the United States. The nationality or ethnicity of the immigrants vary from the Germans, Irish, Mexicans, Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese. While there are many cases of immigrants to the United States, they are not always honest, there is always the issues of illegal immigration, that is believed to threaten the American society, "Americans perceived that the large number of immigrants from ethnically, religiously, and culturally different more content... The influx of immigrants arriving every year has made a significant effect on the lives of most Americans. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, "The latest data collected by the Census Bureau show that the last decade was the highest in terms of immigrant arrivals in American history. New immigration plus births to immigrants added more than 22 million people to the U.S. population in the last decade, equal to 80 percent of total population growth." The statistics involved in immigration differ from state to state, according to Camarota, "California, New York, Texas, Florida, New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, Georgia, Virginia, Washington, Arizona, Get more content on
  • 19. Essay About Immigration Growing up, the topic of immigration has always sat heavy on both my heart and mind. I am a child of a deportee; I have lost time, support, and a male figure in my life due to the growing social concern that is immigration. In 2018, as racial tensions are at an all time high and many of our political offices do not favor the idea of immigration I believe it is the work of members of the Hispanic communities in America to fight for our people and their freedom in the United States. I believe there are many ways of which I, as a member of a Hispanic community and a proud Hispanic, can and will bring change to help solve the topic of immigration in the U.S. One of the ways I believe I can make an impact on this social concern is informing people, both Hispanic and non–Hispanic, of the problems my people face and encouraging people to vote in elections to support government officials who care and will push for change regarding topics of immigration. I believe this is an effective tactic to if not solve immigration completely then make a monumental impact on this social more content... This idea of investing in the youth is a tactic that I clearly share with the 'Alcanzando Un SueГ±o Cruz & Associates Scholarship Program' because pushing Hispanics to achieve a higher education is something that I believe will bring forward change for all Hispanics and eventually will solve the problems we see in immigration policies. This will bring change by opening up job opportunities for Hispanics, raising the annual income of Hispanic families, and bringing more Hispanics toward the idea of acquiring a post high school degree. Of course, this solution will take time but as the old saying goes "Rome was not built in a day", meaning that greatness derives from patience and endless hours of Get more content on
  • 20. Personal Essay On Immigration To Us I believe that the ability to understand the world around you can tremendously influence a person. I have had the honors to experience many situations that broadened my perspectives in life. When I immigrated to America in 2006, I had no clue how greatly my education will be affected. Because my parents did not know any English, I had to accomplish all the work by myself. I understood their struggles of trying to put dinner on the table so I tried not to complain. They had given up their old life in Vietnam to give me a bettereducation and opportunities, I did not want their effort to go in vain. Through my whole academic career, I pushed myself to do everything to my fullest potential because I have been given the opportunity that many more content... During my time there, I have been able to talk to many different types of visitors and patients. I am grateful that they trusted me enough to share their story with me and have increased my empathy for others. As a species, we should not hold prejudices against each other as we all have a different story to tell. Additionally, I have had the chance to travel to many different countries including Vietnam, South Korea, and Japan. All these counties have their own distinct culture and history and I appreciate everything that they had to offer. For example, I really admire the respect younger generations have for the elders in these Asian societies and am confident that American society could greatly benefit from this system. In the future, I would love to travel to a wider range of countries and indulge in the culture. Our world has so much diversity to offer and by understanding others way of living will connect us as a whole and reduce racism. There is no right or wrong way of living, we are simply influenced by the people and environment around us. To say that one group is superior to another is detestable. Empathy and compassion for others will only positively influence society and unify Get more content on