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Essay on hamlet final
Emma Johns
Mrs. Tiffany Perkins
English II Honors
14 May 2014
Hamlet Final Essay The tragedy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare brilliantly recounts the tale of feigned and true madness as it delves into themes of
betrayal, incest, revenge, moral corruption, and death. The play, set in the kingdom of Denmark, gives an account of how PrinceHamlet seeks exact
revenge on his uncle Claudius, for murdering his own brother and Prince Hamlet's father. After assassinating King Hamlet, Claudius succeeds the
throne and becomes joined in holy matrimony to King Hamlet's widow and Prince Hamlet's mother, more content...
Hamlet's image of Claudius reveals the extensive amount of disgust that he has for the man who has married his mother. Later on in the play, when
actors arrive at the castle, Hamlet requests that they do a speech that he once heard. This speech happens to be the tale that Aenes told Dido about the
murder of Priam. Hamlet starts the speech himself but then lets the actor take control who recites, "Unequal matched/ Pyrrhus at Priam drives.... The
'unnerved father falls"(2.2.458–461). Here, it is possible that Hamlet is comparing Pyrrhus to himself and Priam to Claudius. In the story of Pyrrhus
and Priam, Pyrrhus has come to the city of Troy in order to avenge the death of his father by killing the Trojan King Priam. At one point in the tale,
Pyrrhus hesitated with his sword in the air when he had the chance to kill Priam right then. This is similar to act three scene three where Hamlet
almost takes Claudius' life with his dagger while he is praying but halts mid–strike. Another possibility is that Hamlet is comparing Pyrrhus to Claudius
and Priam to King Hamlet. Even though Claudius didn't murder King Hamlet with a sword, they were unequally matched as King Hamlet was asleep
when Claudius poisoned him. Hamlet is drawing a parallel between the murder of Prium by Pyrrhus, and the murder of his father at the hands of
Claudius. The speech about Pyrrhus and Priam plays a very important role in the play. Up until
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William Shakespeare's Hamlet Essay
William Shakespeare's Hamlet Hamlet might well claim to be Shakespeare's most famous play because of its language and the charm of its central
character. Shakespeare wrote some thirty–eight plays. Taken individually, several of them are among the world's finest written works, taken
collectively, they establish Shakespeare as the foremost scholarly talent of his own Elizabethan Age.
The play "Hamlet" is one of the most well–known more content...
However the progress of the story reveals the troublesome continuity of Hamlet's madness. Claudius therefore describes his madness as being
"dangerous" and "turbulent" to reveal the state of his own mind. Claudius realizes that he has to explore intensely, the depths of Hamlet's thoughts and
therefore regards him as a threat. Claudius is eventually the one who can translate Hamlet's strategies and therefore realizes that "madness in great ones
must not unwatched go."
Later Gertrude describes his madness as "mad as the sea and the wind when both contend." Hamlet's madness seems to be evolving with the progress
of the story and the audience understands that this occurs due to his inability to act. Hamlet inspires in everyone a unique feeling so that in spite of
his madness, he is adored and respected. Hamlet, as a reflective scholar and prince has an indecisive attitude to women in the play. Therefore his
loathing for his mother, moves on to his loathing in womanhood. Gertrude describes Hamlet as her "too much changed son" however she doesn't
realize the change caused in him is partly her own contribution. Hamlet cannot accept his mother's "o'er hasty marriage" and it is this marriage which
causes bitterness in his heart and sarcasm in his words.
Hamlet cannot accept the fact that she moves
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Hamlet Essay examples
Hamlet Hamlet Critique
Hamlet, a play by William Shakespeare, was written in approximately the middle to late 1590's, while Shakespeare's work was flourishing, and his
company was putting up the Globe Theater. Shakespeare was a profound writer, and Hamlet is considered to be his most prolific writing, and is a
favorite among the readers. It is a tragic tale of conspiracy, death, disease, and a young man's struggle to avenge his father's murder.
I would like to set apart Hamlet from the array of characters in this play, as to analyze him from a formalist point of view. To start off, Hamlet was, of
course, the main character. As a promising king, his life is suddenly torn apart by his father's death, and his mother,Gertrude' more content...
Some of the most common were his uses of dramatic irony, subplots, monologues and dialogues, soliloquies, asides, and even contractions and invented
words. He also added things to help move the play along, things of interest, such as ghosts, letters, eavesdropping, love, violence, music, fools, and
sound effects. Hamlet, in its entirety is an excellent example of these things. For instance, the one that you might notice right off the bat, is the use of a
ghost, which appears throughout the play to instruct young Hamlet. Hamlet always interacts with the ghost, and that adds drama, and a bit of
spookiness to the play.
Another critical element about Hamlet is used in Shakespeare verse forms. Language in this play can tell the reader what kind of person is talking.
For instance, Polonius talks in rhyme verse very often, which was used by fools, lovers, and often times fairies and other mythical creatures (in
Shakespeare's works). Since Polonius rarely makes sense, and talks circles around himself, rhyme verse is appropriate because Polonius is a fool.
Hamlet, usually talks in blank verse, which was used by royalty and those of high intelligence. This would make sense, since Hamlet is of royal
blood. Shakespeare was very clever in using this technique to give the reader an idea of a character's personality, background, attitude, etc. (That is, if
you can actually understand Shakespeare!).
One more element I would like to assess
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Hamlet A Hero Essay
Not All Heroes Wear Capes Many view Hamlet, the main character, in Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet as a hero. He portrays characteristics that prove
to the reader that he does possess heroic qualities. Although, it is a struggle for him throughout the play, but as he goes through life and learns new
ways of coping things, he develops new characteristics that he didn't have in the beginning. Hamlet learns to overcome his anxiety, depression, and
anger. In the end, he learns how to be calm and collected. The way Hamlet learns how to handle internal conflicts throughout the play, shows the
readers a realistic view of the difficult encounters one may have when learning to cope with different issues. Hamlet is arguably one of the greatest
dramatic characters to be created. As he learns of his father's death, he starts to over analyze ever little detail causing him to create scenarios in his mind
that give me anxiety. His mother notices his anger, but Hamlet makes it known that the distress he is feeling over–powers his actions. He says,
"Together with all the forms, moods, shapes of grief... for they are the actions that a man might play; but I have that within which passes show, these
but the trappings and the suits of woe" (ACT I, ii). He is angry at his mother because she remarried that same man that killed his father. Hamlet starts to
see his father's ghost and she cannot. She then starts to tell Hamlet how he has offended his father, as in Claudius. When Hamlet is defending
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Essay on Hamlet and Tragedy
Hamlet and Tragedy
Hamlet: A Tragedy When you think of William Shakespeare, Hamlet is the first thing most people think of, as his work. Hamlet is also a classic
example of a tragedy. In all tragedies the hero suffers, and usually dies at the end. All good pieces of literature written way back when, are usually
tragedies. The most important element is the amount of free will the character has. In every tragedy, the character must display free will. If every
action is controlled by a hero's destiny, then the hero's death can't be avoided, and in a tragedy the sad part is that it could. Hamlet's death could have
been avoided many times. Hamlet had more content...
The tragic hero must possess many good traits, as well as one flaw, which eventually leads to his downfall. A tragic hero must be brave and noble.
Hamlet is the perfect example of the tragic hero. Hamlet has all the good traits needed to be a tragic hero. He is brave and daring. One example of
this is that when he went to England, he was taking a big risk and knew they were out to kill him. His loyalty to his father, was the reason he was
so angry with Claudius and his Mother. Eric Bentley said that a Tragedy is dependent on comedy. Comic relief is used in tragedies to change the
atmosphere of the reader, who is constantly focusing on the death and corruption of a tragedy. If a play were full of the death and sorrow, as in
tragedies, it would make the reader very depressed and not like the play. Some examples of this in Hamlet, are in the Gravedigger Scene, Talking to
the Skull and the Throwing of the book.
Towards the end of the play, there are two scenes in the graveyard. One is when Hamlet picks up a skull, and the gravedigger tells him that the
skull belonged to Yorick, the old king's jester. Hamlet tells Horatio that he knew Yorick, and then realizes what we all become after we die, dust. He
then plays with the idea of life and death, and describes the finality of it. The gravedigger scene is the tragic conclusion of the play. The second scene
of comedy in this scene is when the gravediggers argue whether Ophelia should be allowed to be
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Hamlet, Madness or Sanity Essay
Hamlet, Madness or Sanity
Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, is about a young prince who wants revenge when he learns about the murder of his father. As the play begins,
Hamlet's character appears to be a normal, sane person. Moving through the acts Hamlet's personality changes from normal to depressed. There are
hints of insanity that try to convince people Hamlet is "mad". Others might say that Hamlet is faking madness to pursue his goal of revenge. First, he
sees a "ghost" that tells Hamlet who killed his father and married his mother. Was this a dream or was this real? Second, Hamlet kills more than one
person to avenge his father's death. Where these accidents or intentional? "Insanity: a legal term for mental illness of such more content...
"Mood disorder: although Hamlet worries a lot, he doesn't avoid situations that cause him to worry. He confronts the ghost of his father as it appears
before him. Also, he presents two symptoms namely restlessness or feeling on the edge and irability." (Character Analysis of Hamlet, Psychological
Disorders, Sept. 22, 2012).
The next area that questions Hamlet's sanity is that of deaths though out the story. Polonius, who is hiding in Queen Gertrude's room, is stabbed
through the drapes by Hamlet because he thought it was the King. This might have been an accident, but Hamlet's irrational behavior leads us to
believe he is becoming impulsive and unforgiving. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are executed in England by Hamlet's clever idea to change the
name on the death warrant. Here is where Hamlet displays signs of rational thinking to save his own life. Hamlet stabs Claudius with a poisoned
sword and forces a poison drink down his throat (Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 5 Scene 2 page 1105), his ultimate revenge. Then, with the same
poisoned sword that was prepared to kill him, Hamlet cuts Laertes and he dies. (Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 5 Scene 2 page 1105). Hamlet's total
change in personality makes him appear to be "mad" at this point. All forms of sanity are now gone and any plot he had to avenge his father's death
resulted on chaos and his own death.
The final area that leads people to believe Hamlet might
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Essay about Character Development: Hamlet
In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the main protagonist, Hamlet experiences a series of events that dramatically change his character. When the audience first
meets Hamlet, he is dressed in all black he is portrayed as a sulky, depressed prince. Through the course of the play however, it is revealed that Hamlet
as a character has more than one side to him – he is brooding as he is impulsive, and he is vengeful as his is indecisive. The audience sees Hamlet
struggling with the death of his father, and the emotional toll of knowing the truth but being unable to exact revenge. This is what essentially changes
Hamlet. Because of the constant back and forth of having to act like nothing is wrong and having to suppress his rage towards King Claudius,
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He also suggests that no matter what happens, no matter how insane he may act in the future, it must not be revealed that he had witnessed the ghost:
"But come: Here as before, never, so help you mercy, How strange or odd some'er I bear myself (As I perchance hereafter shall think me to put on antic
disposition on)" (1.5.169–173) Here Hamlet again hints that he might have be deceitful in the future and that nobody must know that he found out the
truth about his father's murder. In Act I of Hamlet, the audience meets a seemingly depressed and grieving Hamlet, but even by the end it is revealed
that Hamlet may not always be acting the way he truly feels.
As the play goes on, from the Mousetrap play to Hamlet's uncharacteristic acting (as perceived by those around him) what must be remembered is
that Hamlet is only human. His girlfriend, Ophelia has been specifically instructed to not talk to him anymore. He struggles with the death of his
father and most likely loses sleep thinking about his meeting with the ghost and whether the ghost of lying or not. He even has to deal with the utter
disgust he has towards the King and the Queen, disgust towards the King because he is possibly the man behind his father's death and disgust
towards the Queen which is expressed a number of times for not feeling the slightest amount of grief before marrying Claudius. He is pushed so far
so that he contemplates suicide. In his famous soliloquy which begins in "To be or not to be"
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Hamlet, By William Shakespeare
In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the character Hamlet must deal with both external and internal conflict. Hamlet encounters many struggles
and has trouble finding a way to deal with them. With so many corrupt people in his life, Hamlet feels as if there is no one that he can trust and begins
to isolate himself from others. A result from this isolation leadsHamlet to become melancholy. Hamlet struggles with suicidal thoughts, wants to kill
King Claudius, and is distraught over his mother's hasty marriage with his uncle Claudius. Hamlets contemplation of ending his life shows an inward
conflict within himself. In his first soliloquy, he debates whether he should commit suicide. "To be, or not to be– / that is the question: / whether 'tis
nobler in the mind to suffer/ the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, / or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them" (3.1.
lines 64–68 Shakespeare). He questions why he should live with all of this chaos but overcomes this internal conflict because he acknowledges that
in his religion suicide is a sin. "O, that this too, too sullied flesh would melt, / Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, / or that the everlasting had not
fixed His canon 'gainst (self–slaughter). O God! God!" (1.2. lines 133–136 Shakespeare). This soliloquy signifies the reality of Hamlet s internal
conflict and also shows the reality of his external conflict with the society he is surrounded by. This declamation establishes
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Essay on Suicide in Hamlet
In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, suicide is an important and continuous theme throughout the play. Hamlet is the main character who contemplates
the thought of suicide many different times throughout the play, since the murder of his father. Hamlet weighs the advantages of leaving his miserable
life with the living, for possibly a better but unknown life with the dead. Hamlet seriously contemplates suicide, but decides against it, mainly because it
is a mortal sin against God. Hamlet continues to say that most of humanity would commit suicide and escape the hardships of life, but do not because
they are unsure of what awaits them in the after life. Hamlet throughout the play is continually tormented by his fathers death and more
Hamlet continues on and almost complains on the state of the world, calling it stale, flat, and unprofitable, showing how truly miserable he is.
Hamlet considers suicide as a possible option of escape from his life in a painful world, but feels as though religion is preventing him from doing
so. Hamlet then provides us with the roots for his pain and the reason for his contemplation of suicide. Hamlet is is troubled by his mothers
marriage to Claudius, but especially how quickly the two were married after his father's death. He continues to express his dislike and hatred for
Claudius calling him a satyr, while praising his father and saying how excellent of a king his father was. In one of the final lines of the soliloquy
Hamlet comments on how the marriage is a bad omen for Denmark, "It is not, nor it cannot come to good," (I. ii. 163). For the first time we are
introduced to the idea of suicide which will continue to present itself as the play develops. When Hamlet is set up and spied on by Claudius and
Polonius, he examines the moral aspect of suicide in a painful world. He opens his soliloquy with asking a simple question, "To be, or not to be:that
is the question:" (III. i. 58), that is, whether to live or to die. He then begins to question whether it is nobler to suffer life and the, "slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune," (III. i. 66), or to take ones life and end one's suffering. He compares death to sleep and at first thinks that
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Throughout human history, there have been ideas that help to change society. During the time of the Renaissance, that idea was primarily humanism,
which is, by definition, "a variety of ethical theory and practice that emphasizes reason, scientific inquiry, and human fulfillment in the natural world
and often rejects the importance of belief in God." One of the many people in this time period inspired by this idea was a writer named William
Shakespeare, which can be seen in his play Hamlet. Through its characters and events, Hamlet incorporates the many aspects of humanism throughout
its story, including the promotion of human interests, rational thought, and human fulfillment in the natural world. However, not every idea is treated
equally, as some are directly implemented, while others are either implied or seen in contrast to the story.
At the core of the philosophy of humanism, the interests of human beings dominate. Likewise, the story of Hamlet becomes driven by the decisions of
the characters, who predominantly act in their own interests. Take for example King Claudius, the ruler of Denmark in the play, and the brother of the
former king. Before the actual story begins, Claudius seizes control of the throne by killing the king and marrying his wife. By acting on immoral
impulses to obtain his greatest desire, Claudius serves as a humanistic example of human interests coming first. However, Claudius would not be the
only character to make decisions based on individual needs, as the characters Hamlet and Laertes also make decisions based on what suits them at the
time, which often relate to each others' actions.
Just as King Claudius acted based on personal desires, the protagonist Hamlet follows this humanistic philosophy. Furthermore, Hamlet's entire drive
throughout the story comes from his hatred of his uncle upon the discovery that Claudius killed the former king. While he had clear intentions of
taking revenge, Hamlet's actions stem from his abhorrence of his mother marrying his uncle, which only fuels his rage. Throughout the play, he makes
numerous irrational actions in his own interests, including conflicting behavior towards Ophelia. Ultimately, his manner of loving her then hating
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Hamlet: Literary Essay
In the play of Hamlet, Shakespeare sets up three plots of revenge which involve three characters, each determined to avenge their deceased loved ones.
Revenge is essentially a recurring element in the play and can be noted as an important theme. Revenge is often lead by uncontrolled emotions,
affecting an individual's thoughts and feelings differently and provoking the individual to act without a reason. The play helps us question the
justifiability and benefits of revenge through the story's individual characters. King Hamlet appears as a ghost and informs Hamlet that he was
murdered in his sleep by Claudius. He tells his son that while he was sleeping, Claudius poured poison into his ear. Hamlet is shocked by the ghosts
words. more content...
(IV.5.135) Claudius is able to manipulate Laertes and Hamlet in a duel, claiming that "Revenge should have no bounds" (IV.7.128) and promising
that Hamlet would be poisoned to death. At this point of the play, all three sons are committed to avenging their father's deaths. Laertes is also
notified that Ophelia has drowned, further upsetting him, and worsening the current situation. The three significant characters: Hamlet, Fortinbras,
and Laertes each have their own ways of seeking vengeance, for their father's deaths and obtaining their desires. Fortinbras uses revenge as an
excuse to send in his army to take back the territories his father lost to King Hamlet, which justifies that he wants some sort of control. Hamlet and
Laertes know that their father's have been wronged. Hamlet suffers from depression, and the kingdom does not know the true reason behind his
father's death, so he is determined to reveal truth and overturn his uncle. Laertes is enraged about his father and sister's unnecessary death, blaming
Hamlet for the cause of it. The play can be viewed as a tragic story with multiple deaths mainly provoked by members of their own family and
kingdom. They are forced to duel, and fight to the death to honor their father's soul, rather then to resolve the situation in a civilized way. The motif:
revenge is recurring because the characters of the play feel the need avenge their fathers, they are driven mad by it, as it takes control of their mind.
Their eyes are
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Essay on Character Analysis of Hamlet
Hamlet is the main character and protagonist in the play "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare. Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark. He is the son of Queen
Gertrude and King Hamlet, who was murdered by his uncle Claudius. Hamlet is a very unique individual and handles many situations in unusual ways.
Hamlet is an extremely intriguing and complex character that appears to change with every different perspective. Shakespeare has done an absolutely
fantastic job with capturing true human characteristics with Hamlet. Hamlet bounces back and forth with his emotions so inconsistently that one never
knows what he is about to do next. One moment he is rational, and the next he is not. One moment he wants to plan things out, and then he does things more content...
The ghost made the whole situation for Hamlet seem even that much more unreal. He already wished that all of the recent events he had to deal with
were not real. He then has to deal with the reality of this ghost. It seems to influence him terribly and takes a negative toll on his emotions. This
occurrence continues to further diversify Hamlet's feelings and emotions (Snider, 67). The last major external influence is the company of others
(Snider, 71). How hamlet responded had a lot to do with the actions done by others and himself. A person's environment greatly affects how they handle
oneself and situations around them. Due to Hamlet's extremely ludicrous environment and unusual circumstances, he is just that much more of a
complicated and elaborate character (Bristol). Another major thing that contributed to Hamlet's complexity was his utter hatred towards Claudius.
From the get go Hamlet never liked him. He felt Claudius was immoral and almost worthless. After the ghost of his father told Hamlet that Claudius
was responsible for his death, he hated his uncle just that much more. That hatred soon turned into something much more though. It transformed into a
desire for revenge. Before he did anything though, he had to be positive that Claudius was the one responsible, so Hamlet tested his innocence.
Claudius failed the test and Hamlet was then positive that he was responsible for the murder of his father (Mitchell, 34–37). Hamlet
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Hamlet- A Revenge Tragedy Essay
Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's most well–known tragedies. At first glance, it holds all of the common occurrences in a revenge tragedy which include
plotting, ghosts, and madness, but its complexity as a story far transcends its functionality as a revenge tragedy. Revenge tragedies are often closely
tied to the real or feigned madness in the play. Hamlet is such a complex revenge tragedy because there truly is a question about the sanity of the main
character Prince Hamlet. Interestingly enough, this deepens the psychology of his character and affects the way that the revenge tragedy takes place.
An evaluation of Hamlet's actions and words over the course of the play can be determined to see that his 'outsider' outlook on society, more
One symptom of Schizophrenia is finding oneself incapable of communicating with society. It is possible that Hamlet is Schizophrenic because, given
the way that Hamlet feels unable to trust the likes of Claudius, Gertrude, and the other characters, it could suggest a reasoning for his acts of insanity
being a way to communicate.
Well known is it that the main plot of Hamlet is outlined by revenge. Upon learning the circumstances of his father's death, Hamlet's attitude shifts.
Once a saddened mourner, Hamlet becomes a man on a mission for revenge. When the ghost of Hamlet's father brings the news to the awestruck
Hamlet, Hamlet is appalled by the "Foul and most unnatural murder" (1.5, 31). Hamlet immediately promises the ghost the retribution he desires,
claiming that he will seek swift vengeance against his father's murder to prove his love for him: "Haste me to know't that I, with wings as swift as
meditation or the thoughts of love, may sweep to my revenge" (1.5, 35–37). Ironically, Hamlet promises the ghost a swift revenge, though his revenge
is anything but quick. The theme of delayed activity reoccurs throughout the plot of the story, because, consistently, the protagonist's time–table for
accomplishing the task is slowed due to his pondering of moral issues. Hamlet's Mousetrap scene is a perfect
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Hamlet Essay : Hamlet's Hamartia
William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" is a captivating story revolving around the death of the King of Denmark and the reveal of how his death truly
happened at the hands of his own brother – who wanted the kingdom to himself. After the king's death, he returns as a ghost to tell his son, Hamlet, of
how his death truly happened. The rest of the story entails how Hamlet took this news and begins his journey to avenge his father's murder. As this
journey progresses, the audience is able to witness Hamlet's hamartia. Hamartia is a tragic flaw which leads to the eventual downfall of a hero or
heroine. Hamlet's hamartia is his inability to act and his indecisiveness regarding avenging his father's murder – which results in a horrid ending for
Hamlet and most of the people he knows.
Throughout "Hamlet", it is evident that Hamlet's hamartia is his inability to act and his indecisiveness. These flaws are evident throughout many
aspects of his life, but are able to be identified as he attempts to avenge his father's murder. After Hamlet's father tells him in his ghostly form that he
was murdered by his brother, Claudius, instead of simply going to seek revenge immediately, Hamlet makes elaborate plans to decide if Claudius is
truly guilty of the murder. This is where his indecisiveness begins. Hamlet vows to his father he will avenge his death in Act I, Scene 5, "So uncle,
there you are. Now to my word:" (Line 111). While Hamlet vows this to his father, he does not act on it instantly.
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The "To Be or Not To Be" speech in the play, "Hamlet," portrays Hamlet as a very confused man. He is very unsure of himself and his thoughts often
waver between two extremes due to his relatively strange personality. In the monologue, he contemplates whether or not he should continue or end his
own life. He also considers seeking revenge for his father's death. Evidence of his uncertainty and over thinking is not only shown in this speech, but it
also can be referenced in other important parts of the play.
The topic of Hamlet's soliloquy is his consideration of committing suicide. Throughout the speech, it is obvious that Hamlet is over thinking and
wavering between two different extremes: life and death. "Whether 'tis nobler in more content...
The "dread of something after death, The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveler returns, puzzles the will" (3, 1, 78–80) and keeps people
from choosing death due to the fear of the unknown. His entire monologue compares the two extremes: life and death. He analyzes both situations and
thinks very much about the consequences of either action. This occurs not only in this speech, but also later in the play, and demonstrates that Hamlet's
indecisive personality is his fatal flaw. Hamlet does not only have a hard time choosing between life and death. He also can not choose between
murdering Claudius or not. Even though Hamlet wanted to kill his uncle, he was terrified of the possible consequences and could not make a concrete
decision. Consequently, he ended up procrastinating greatly with the murder.
Hamlet knows that he over thinks everything. He plans to kill Claudius because of his desperate desire to avenge his father's death and right the wrong
that was committed, but cannot go through with his plan due to his confusion and uncertainty. He says, "Whether it be Bestial oblivion, or some
craven scruple of thinking too precisely on th'event –A thought which quartered hath but one part wisdom And ever three parts coward–I do not know
Why yet I live to say this things to do" (4, 4, 39–44). He sees himself as either being a coward and as over thinking his actions to delay the murder,
instead of killing Claudius when he had the chance.
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Analysis of Hamlet Essay
Hamlet is a suspenseful play that introduces the topic of tragedy. Throughout the play, Hamlet displays anger, uncertainty, and obsession with death.
Although Hamlet is unaware of it, these emotions cause the mishaps that occur throughout the play. These emotions combined with his unawareness
are the leading basis for the tragic hero's flaws. These flaws lead Hamlet not to be a bad man, but a regular form of imperfection that comes along with
being human. When Hamlet is first encountered with the ghost that resembles his father, it is revealed that his uncle Claudius might have been the cause
of his father's death. Hamlet is then confused about what he should believe and how more content...
When he does act, he prefers to do it recklessly and violently. This is a flaw that Hamlet cannot deny. He knows that it is unjust, but only cares
about avenging his father's death. Hamlet is not only angered with the fact of his father's death, but also with his mother's decision to marry
Claudius. Devastated by his mother's decision to marry so soon after her husband's death, Hamlet becomes skeptical about women in general. He
shows a particular obsession with what he perceives to be a connection with female sexuality and moral corruption. He almost develops hatred
towards women because of his mother's decision. This hatred occurs and is shown with his relationship with Ophelia. He urges Ophelia to go to a
nunnery rather than experience the dishonesty of sexuality. This hinders Hamlet from experiencing a love that is really needed at this time of his loss.
One can say that this is another flaw, which Hamlet is unaware of. Throughout the course of the play, Hamlet is also obsessed with the mystery of
death. In the beginning of the play, he states that he is unsure where one ends up after they die. Later into the play, he makes a reference to the afterlife
contradicting his first approach. When he attempts to kill
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Existential Crisis In Hamlet
In Shakespeare's Hamlet, a tale of murder, tragedy, pain, and grief is told. Since its creation, a number of people have analyzed, explained, and
criticized Hamlet. As with all literary criticism, a number of approaches have been applied to the play, with varying results and interpretations. In
particular, analysis of Hamlet through an existential lens, as a revenge–tragedy, as viewed through a Freudian philosophy, through analysis of the
psychology of characters in other ways, and as it relates to the history surrounding it show particularly keen insights into the work itself.
In the work, Hamlet himself frequently finds himself caught in a existential crisis, making the existential outlook on the play an appropriate one.
Frequently throughout the play, Hamlet finds himself questioning his existence, and more specifically, "to be, or not to be" (Shakespeare, 3.1). The
nature of Hamlet's existential crisis is not one of whether or not he does exist, but rather, whether or not he should exist. Hamlet's mindset is reflective
of viewpoint not uncommon at the time of the play's conception–– that the world is rotten, and he must suffer through it (Tekinay 117). The particular
events of Hamlet's own life lead him to the conclusion that, for his existence to remain bearable, he must either end his own life or exact revenge on
Claudius. The former is where existentialism is seen in Hamlet; through his ability to decide whether or not his existence should continue, Hamlet is
forced to question the meaning and value of his life. He begins to see the people around him as something entirely different from himself, and as his
enemies. Save for Horatio, Hamlet no longer considers himself to be part of the rest of humanity (Tekinay 120), and this drives him to look down
upon the rest of humanity. He views them as more foolish and less aware, a perception revealed to the readers through asides and impolite comments
that go unnoticed by other characters in the play. This distaste for others leads Hamlet to wonder where his own worth is, and the conclusion he
eventually comes to is that it is his revenge that is most important to the question of his "being." Hamlet views his duty towards revenge as the
justification for his
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Essay about hamlet
One of the most unique elements of the Hamlet character is that he is so human. Many types of readers can identify with him. Hamlet is imperfect,
and he is fretful. Hamlet has human properties, and it is his humanity that I intend to explore. Indeed it is these human qualities and imperfections that
make his story so tragic. Another tragic part of the play is the plays irony. Irony is an important tool in the hands of the playwright to achieve both
comical and/or dramatic effect. There is usually little reason for a tragedy to be funny, so
Shakespeare has used this tool to add more tragedy to the play. I will investigate the nature of this irony. Also, I will investigate the types of conflict
that play a major part in the more content...
One occurrence of irony I found particularly striking was the fact that Hamlet effectively maneuvers himself into the same position as Claudius.
Claudius had attacked and killed a man who did not have the opportunity to defend himself, but when Hamlet kills Polonius, is he not guilty of the
same? It is intriguing that both Claudius and Hamlet have killed fathers. It is interesting to see how these two completely different characters deal
with this problem in different ways. Other interesting parallels I found are the numerous deaths by poison. Hamlet's father was murdered by
Claudius with poison. In the final act, the queen is the first to be poisoned, by drinking from Hamlet's cup. Then, Hamlet is wounded by the
poisoned tip of Laertes' sword. When they change swords, Hamlet gets the upper hand and Laertes is poisoned. When the queen dies, Laertes
explains all to Hamlet, before he dies. Hamlet then kills Claudius before dying himself. It is ironic that, as Claudius is poisoned because of his own
plotting, he had already signed his own death warrant when he killed Hamlet's father, the first tragic action of the play. There are only three people in
this play who don't die by poisoning: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern meet their deaths in England, after being outsmarted by Hamlet. The third is
Ophelia, who is drowned.
There are three types of conflict I can identify in the play: 'man versus man', 'man versus nature' and 'man versus
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Hamlet
In Shakespeare's Hamlet, there is a constant question of whether Hamlet is truly mad, or if it is all a ploy to avenge the death of his father. While
looking at Hamlet's behaviour, one notices that it is neither madness, nor a ploy, but rather an addiction to obsessions. These fascinations, whether
shown towards his mother and his persona, perfection, or death, destroy Hamlet as he continuously craves for resolutions that are out of his reach.
These obsessions play against Hamlet, as his strengths ultimately become his demise, whether these strengths be through Hamlet's ability to dive deep
philosophically or his ability to question morality. Shakespeare's Hamlet is not mad, nor does he use madness as a ploy, rather Hamlet is atragic hero
who allows his tragic flaw of obsessiveness towards different aspects to work against him. Hamlet's obsession with himself and his mother's persona
leads to his demise as it not only makes Hamlet unstable, but it also burns a vital bridge with his mother. His instability sprouts from his constant
questioning of his character, and if he truly is a coward, villain, or vengeful hero, in regards to killing Claudius. Through Hamlet's soliloquies, he
constantly refers to his character stating, "Am I coward" (Shakespeare 2.2.598), or "How stand I, then, that have a father killed, a mother stained,"
(4.4.59–60). These questionings show his indecisive ability to decide what he wants, and it is within this instability to decide his character that leads to
his demise. Hamlet spends most of his time pondering upon his character than acting upon it! Furthermore, Hamlet's addiction with persona not only
reaches to him, but his mother as well. Hamlet's obsession with his mother's life, specifically her sexual life, breathes uncanny as it shows Hamlet's
demented passion with his mother's persona. Hamlet goes as far as making his mother "have no life to breathe" (3.4.220) just to try and shape her
character. This proves detrimental as Hamlet cuts off one of the few people that truly love him. Subsequently, Hamlet's fascination with perfection
proves to be detrimental as it causes Hamlet to always pursue for a better opportunity, leading him to never take action. Throughout the play,
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Essay On Hamlet Final

  • 1. Essay on hamlet final Emma Johns Mrs. Tiffany Perkins English II Honors 14 May 2014 Hamlet Final Essay The tragedy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare brilliantly recounts the tale of feigned and true madness as it delves into themes of betrayal, incest, revenge, moral corruption, and death. The play, set in the kingdom of Denmark, gives an account of how PrinceHamlet seeks exact revenge on his uncle Claudius, for murdering his own brother and Prince Hamlet's father. After assassinating King Hamlet, Claudius succeeds the throne and becomes joined in holy matrimony to King Hamlet's widow and Prince Hamlet's mother, more content... Hamlet's image of Claudius reveals the extensive amount of disgust that he has for the man who has married his mother. Later on in the play, when actors arrive at the castle, Hamlet requests that they do a speech that he once heard. This speech happens to be the tale that Aenes told Dido about the murder of Priam. Hamlet starts the speech himself but then lets the actor take control who recites, "Unequal matched/ Pyrrhus at Priam drives.... The 'unnerved father falls"(2.2.458–461). Here, it is possible that Hamlet is comparing Pyrrhus to himself and Priam to Claudius. In the story of Pyrrhus and Priam, Pyrrhus has come to the city of Troy in order to avenge the death of his father by killing the Trojan King Priam. At one point in the tale, Pyrrhus hesitated with his sword in the air when he had the chance to kill Priam right then. This is similar to act three scene three where Hamlet almost takes Claudius' life with his dagger while he is praying but halts mid–strike. Another possibility is that Hamlet is comparing Pyrrhus to Claudius and Priam to King Hamlet. Even though Claudius didn't murder King Hamlet with a sword, they were unequally matched as King Hamlet was asleep when Claudius poisoned him. Hamlet is drawing a parallel between the murder of Prium by Pyrrhus, and the murder of his father at the hands of Claudius. The speech about Pyrrhus and Priam plays a very important role in the play. Up until Get more content on
  • 2. William Shakespeare's Hamlet Essay William Shakespeare's Hamlet Hamlet might well claim to be Shakespeare's most famous play because of its language and the charm of its central character. Shakespeare wrote some thirty–eight plays. Taken individually, several of them are among the world's finest written works, taken collectively, they establish Shakespeare as the foremost scholarly talent of his own Elizabethan Age. The play "Hamlet" is one of the most well–known more content... However the progress of the story reveals the troublesome continuity of Hamlet's madness. Claudius therefore describes his madness as being "dangerous" and "turbulent" to reveal the state of his own mind. Claudius realizes that he has to explore intensely, the depths of Hamlet's thoughts and therefore regards him as a threat. Claudius is eventually the one who can translate Hamlet's strategies and therefore realizes that "madness in great ones must not unwatched go." Later Gertrude describes his madness as "mad as the sea and the wind when both contend." Hamlet's madness seems to be evolving with the progress of the story and the audience understands that this occurs due to his inability to act. Hamlet inspires in everyone a unique feeling so that in spite of his madness, he is adored and respected. Hamlet, as a reflective scholar and prince has an indecisive attitude to women in the play. Therefore his loathing for his mother, moves on to his loathing in womanhood. Gertrude describes Hamlet as her "too much changed son" however she doesn't realize the change caused in him is partly her own contribution. Hamlet cannot accept his mother's "o'er hasty marriage" and it is this marriage which causes bitterness in his heart and sarcasm in his words. Hamlet cannot accept the fact that she moves Get more content on
  • 3. Hamlet Essay examples Hamlet Hamlet Critique Hamlet, a play by William Shakespeare, was written in approximately the middle to late 1590's, while Shakespeare's work was flourishing, and his company was putting up the Globe Theater. Shakespeare was a profound writer, and Hamlet is considered to be his most prolific writing, and is a favorite among the readers. It is a tragic tale of conspiracy, death, disease, and a young man's struggle to avenge his father's murder. I would like to set apart Hamlet from the array of characters in this play, as to analyze him from a formalist point of view. To start off, Hamlet was, of course, the main character. As a promising king, his life is suddenly torn apart by his father's death, and his mother,Gertrude' more content... Some of the most common were his uses of dramatic irony, subplots, monologues and dialogues, soliloquies, asides, and even contractions and invented words. He also added things to help move the play along, things of interest, such as ghosts, letters, eavesdropping, love, violence, music, fools, and sound effects. Hamlet, in its entirety is an excellent example of these things. For instance, the one that you might notice right off the bat, is the use of a ghost, which appears throughout the play to instruct young Hamlet. Hamlet always interacts with the ghost, and that adds drama, and a bit of spookiness to the play. Another critical element about Hamlet is used in Shakespeare verse forms. Language in this play can tell the reader what kind of person is talking. For instance, Polonius talks in rhyme verse very often, which was used by fools, lovers, and often times fairies and other mythical creatures (in Shakespeare's works). Since Polonius rarely makes sense, and talks circles around himself, rhyme verse is appropriate because Polonius is a fool. Hamlet, usually talks in blank verse, which was used by royalty and those of high intelligence. This would make sense, since Hamlet is of royal blood. Shakespeare was very clever in using this technique to give the reader an idea of a character's personality, background, attitude, etc. (That is, if you can actually understand Shakespeare!). One more element I would like to assess Get more content on
  • 4. Hamlet A Hero Essay Not All Heroes Wear Capes Many view Hamlet, the main character, in Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet as a hero. He portrays characteristics that prove to the reader that he does possess heroic qualities. Although, it is a struggle for him throughout the play, but as he goes through life and learns new ways of coping things, he develops new characteristics that he didn't have in the beginning. Hamlet learns to overcome his anxiety, depression, and anger. In the end, he learns how to be calm and collected. The way Hamlet learns how to handle internal conflicts throughout the play, shows the readers a realistic view of the difficult encounters one may have when learning to cope with different issues. Hamlet is arguably one of the greatest dramatic characters to be created. As he learns of his father's death, he starts to over analyze ever little detail causing him to create scenarios in his mind that give me anxiety. His mother notices his anger, but Hamlet makes it known that the distress he is feeling over–powers his actions. He says, "Together with all the forms, moods, shapes of grief... for they are the actions that a man might play; but I have that within which passes show, these but the trappings and the suits of woe" (ACT I, ii). He is angry at his mother because she remarried that same man that killed his father. Hamlet starts to see his father's ghost and she cannot. She then starts to tell Hamlet how he has offended his father, as in Claudius. When Hamlet is defending Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Hamlet and Tragedy Hamlet and Tragedy Hamlet: A Tragedy When you think of William Shakespeare, Hamlet is the first thing most people think of, as his work. Hamlet is also a classic example of a tragedy. In all tragedies the hero suffers, and usually dies at the end. All good pieces of literature written way back when, are usually tragedies. The most important element is the amount of free will the character has. In every tragedy, the character must display free will. If every action is controlled by a hero's destiny, then the hero's death can't be avoided, and in a tragedy the sad part is that it could. Hamlet's death could have been avoided many times. Hamlet had more content... The tragic hero must possess many good traits, as well as one flaw, which eventually leads to his downfall. A tragic hero must be brave and noble. Hamlet is the perfect example of the tragic hero. Hamlet has all the good traits needed to be a tragic hero. He is brave and daring. One example of this is that when he went to England, he was taking a big risk and knew they were out to kill him. His loyalty to his father, was the reason he was so angry with Claudius and his Mother. Eric Bentley said that a Tragedy is dependent on comedy. Comic relief is used in tragedies to change the atmosphere of the reader, who is constantly focusing on the death and corruption of a tragedy. If a play were full of the death and sorrow, as in tragedies, it would make the reader very depressed and not like the play. Some examples of this in Hamlet, are in the Gravedigger Scene, Talking to the Skull and the Throwing of the book. Towards the end of the play, there are two scenes in the graveyard. One is when Hamlet picks up a skull, and the gravedigger tells him that the skull belonged to Yorick, the old king's jester. Hamlet tells Horatio that he knew Yorick, and then realizes what we all become after we die, dust. He then plays with the idea of life and death, and describes the finality of it. The gravedigger scene is the tragic conclusion of the play. The second scene of comedy in this scene is when the gravediggers argue whether Ophelia should be allowed to be Get more content on
  • 6. Hamlet, Madness or Sanity Essay Hamlet, Madness or Sanity Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, is about a young prince who wants revenge when he learns about the murder of his father. As the play begins, Hamlet's character appears to be a normal, sane person. Moving through the acts Hamlet's personality changes from normal to depressed. There are hints of insanity that try to convince people Hamlet is "mad". Others might say that Hamlet is faking madness to pursue his goal of revenge. First, he sees a "ghost" that tells Hamlet who killed his father and married his mother. Was this a dream or was this real? Second, Hamlet kills more than one person to avenge his father's death. Where these accidents or intentional? "Insanity: a legal term for mental illness of such more content... "Mood disorder: although Hamlet worries a lot, he doesn't avoid situations that cause him to worry. He confronts the ghost of his father as it appears before him. Also, he presents two symptoms namely restlessness or feeling on the edge and irability." (Character Analysis of Hamlet, Psychological Disorders, Sept. 22, 2012). The next area that questions Hamlet's sanity is that of deaths though out the story. Polonius, who is hiding in Queen Gertrude's room, is stabbed through the drapes by Hamlet because he thought it was the King. This might have been an accident, but Hamlet's irrational behavior leads us to believe he is becoming impulsive and unforgiving. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are executed in England by Hamlet's clever idea to change the name on the death warrant. Here is where Hamlet displays signs of rational thinking to save his own life. Hamlet stabs Claudius with a poisoned sword and forces a poison drink down his throat (Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 5 Scene 2 page 1105), his ultimate revenge. Then, with the same poisoned sword that was prepared to kill him, Hamlet cuts Laertes and he dies. (Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 5 Scene 2 page 1105). Hamlet's total change in personality makes him appear to be "mad" at this point. All forms of sanity are now gone and any plot he had to avenge his father's death resulted on chaos and his own death. The final area that leads people to believe Hamlet might Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Character Development: Hamlet In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the main protagonist, Hamlet experiences a series of events that dramatically change his character. When the audience first meets Hamlet, he is dressed in all black he is portrayed as a sulky, depressed prince. Through the course of the play however, it is revealed that Hamlet as a character has more than one side to him – he is brooding as he is impulsive, and he is vengeful as his is indecisive. The audience sees Hamlet struggling with the death of his father, and the emotional toll of knowing the truth but being unable to exact revenge. This is what essentially changes Hamlet. Because of the constant back and forth of having to act like nothing is wrong and having to suppress his rage towards King Claudius, more content... He also suggests that no matter what happens, no matter how insane he may act in the future, it must not be revealed that he had witnessed the ghost: "But come: Here as before, never, so help you mercy, How strange or odd some'er I bear myself (As I perchance hereafter shall think me to put on antic disposition on)" (1.5.169–173) Here Hamlet again hints that he might have be deceitful in the future and that nobody must know that he found out the truth about his father's murder. In Act I of Hamlet, the audience meets a seemingly depressed and grieving Hamlet, but even by the end it is revealed that Hamlet may not always be acting the way he truly feels. As the play goes on, from the Mousetrap play to Hamlet's uncharacteristic acting (as perceived by those around him) what must be remembered is that Hamlet is only human. His girlfriend, Ophelia has been specifically instructed to not talk to him anymore. He struggles with the death of his father and most likely loses sleep thinking about his meeting with the ghost and whether the ghost of lying or not. He even has to deal with the utter disgust he has towards the King and the Queen, disgust towards the King because he is possibly the man behind his father's death and disgust towards the Queen which is expressed a number of times for not feeling the slightest amount of grief before marrying Claudius. He is pushed so far so that he contemplates suicide. In his famous soliloquy which begins in "To be or not to be" Get more content on
  • 8. Hamlet, By William Shakespeare In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the character Hamlet must deal with both external and internal conflict. Hamlet encounters many struggles and has trouble finding a way to deal with them. With so many corrupt people in his life, Hamlet feels as if there is no one that he can trust and begins to isolate himself from others. A result from this isolation leadsHamlet to become melancholy. Hamlet struggles with suicidal thoughts, wants to kill King Claudius, and is distraught over his mother's hasty marriage with his uncle Claudius. Hamlets contemplation of ending his life shows an inward conflict within himself. In his first soliloquy, he debates whether he should commit suicide. "To be, or not to be– / that is the question: / whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, / or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them" (3.1. lines 64–68 Shakespeare). He questions why he should live with all of this chaos but overcomes this internal conflict because he acknowledges that in his religion suicide is a sin. "O, that this too, too sullied flesh would melt, / Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, / or that the everlasting had not fixed His canon 'gainst (self–slaughter). O God! God!" (1.2. lines 133–136 Shakespeare). This soliloquy signifies the reality of Hamlet s internal conflict and also shows the reality of his external conflict with the society he is surrounded by. This declamation establishes Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Suicide in Hamlet In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, suicide is an important and continuous theme throughout the play. Hamlet is the main character who contemplates the thought of suicide many different times throughout the play, since the murder of his father. Hamlet weighs the advantages of leaving his miserable life with the living, for possibly a better but unknown life with the dead. Hamlet seriously contemplates suicide, but decides against it, mainly because it is a mortal sin against God. Hamlet continues to say that most of humanity would commit suicide and escape the hardships of life, but do not because they are unsure of what awaits them in the after life. Hamlet throughout the play is continually tormented by his fathers death and more content... Hamlet continues on and almost complains on the state of the world, calling it stale, flat, and unprofitable, showing how truly miserable he is. Hamlet considers suicide as a possible option of escape from his life in a painful world, but feels as though religion is preventing him from doing so. Hamlet then provides us with the roots for his pain and the reason for his contemplation of suicide. Hamlet is is troubled by his mothers marriage to Claudius, but especially how quickly the two were married after his father's death. He continues to express his dislike and hatred for Claudius calling him a satyr, while praising his father and saying how excellent of a king his father was. In one of the final lines of the soliloquy Hamlet comments on how the marriage is a bad omen for Denmark, "It is not, nor it cannot come to good," (I. ii. 163). For the first time we are introduced to the idea of suicide which will continue to present itself as the play develops. When Hamlet is set up and spied on by Claudius and Polonius, he examines the moral aspect of suicide in a painful world. He opens his soliloquy with asking a simple question, "To be, or not to be:that is the question:" (III. i. 58), that is, whether to live or to die. He then begins to question whether it is nobler to suffer life and the, "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," (III. i. 66), or to take ones life and end one's suffering. He compares death to sleep and at first thinks that Get more content on
  • 10. Throughout human history, there have been ideas that help to change society. During the time of the Renaissance, that idea was primarily humanism, which is, by definition, "a variety of ethical theory and practice that emphasizes reason, scientific inquiry, and human fulfillment in the natural world and often rejects the importance of belief in God." One of the many people in this time period inspired by this idea was a writer named William Shakespeare, which can be seen in his play Hamlet. Through its characters and events, Hamlet incorporates the many aspects of humanism throughout its story, including the promotion of human interests, rational thought, and human fulfillment in the natural world. However, not every idea is treated equally, as some are directly implemented, while others are either implied or seen in contrast to the story. At the core of the philosophy of humanism, the interests of human beings dominate. Likewise, the story of Hamlet becomes driven by the decisions of the characters, who predominantly act in their own interests. Take for example King Claudius, the ruler of Denmark in the play, and the brother of the former king. Before the actual story begins, Claudius seizes control of the throne by killing the king and marrying his wife. By acting on immoral impulses to obtain his greatest desire, Claudius serves as a humanistic example of human interests coming first. However, Claudius would not be the only character to make decisions based on individual needs, as the characters Hamlet and Laertes also make decisions based on what suits them at the time, which often relate to each others' actions. Just as King Claudius acted based on personal desires, the protagonist Hamlet follows this humanistic philosophy. Furthermore, Hamlet's entire drive throughout the story comes from his hatred of his uncle upon the discovery that Claudius killed the former king. While he had clear intentions of taking revenge, Hamlet's actions stem from his abhorrence of his mother marrying his uncle, which only fuels his rage. Throughout the play, he makes numerous irrational actions in his own interests, including conflicting behavior towards Ophelia. Ultimately, his manner of loving her then hating Get more content on
  • 11. Hamlet: Literary Essay In the play of Hamlet, Shakespeare sets up three plots of revenge which involve three characters, each determined to avenge their deceased loved ones. Revenge is essentially a recurring element in the play and can be noted as an important theme. Revenge is often lead by uncontrolled emotions, affecting an individual's thoughts and feelings differently and provoking the individual to act without a reason. The play helps us question the justifiability and benefits of revenge through the story's individual characters. King Hamlet appears as a ghost and informs Hamlet that he was murdered in his sleep by Claudius. He tells his son that while he was sleeping, Claudius poured poison into his ear. Hamlet is shocked by the ghosts words. more content... (IV.5.135) Claudius is able to manipulate Laertes and Hamlet in a duel, claiming that "Revenge should have no bounds" (IV.7.128) and promising that Hamlet would be poisoned to death. At this point of the play, all three sons are committed to avenging their father's deaths. Laertes is also notified that Ophelia has drowned, further upsetting him, and worsening the current situation. The three significant characters: Hamlet, Fortinbras, and Laertes each have their own ways of seeking vengeance, for their father's deaths and obtaining their desires. Fortinbras uses revenge as an excuse to send in his army to take back the territories his father lost to King Hamlet, which justifies that he wants some sort of control. Hamlet and Laertes know that their father's have been wronged. Hamlet suffers from depression, and the kingdom does not know the true reason behind his father's death, so he is determined to reveal truth and overturn his uncle. Laertes is enraged about his father and sister's unnecessary death, blaming Hamlet for the cause of it. The play can be viewed as a tragic story with multiple deaths mainly provoked by members of their own family and kingdom. They are forced to duel, and fight to the death to honor their father's soul, rather then to resolve the situation in a civilized way. The motif: revenge is recurring because the characters of the play feel the need avenge their fathers, they are driven mad by it, as it takes control of their mind. Their eyes are Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Character Analysis of Hamlet Hamlet is the main character and protagonist in the play "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare. Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark. He is the son of Queen Gertrude and King Hamlet, who was murdered by his uncle Claudius. Hamlet is a very unique individual and handles many situations in unusual ways. Hamlet is an extremely intriguing and complex character that appears to change with every different perspective. Shakespeare has done an absolutely fantastic job with capturing true human characteristics with Hamlet. Hamlet bounces back and forth with his emotions so inconsistently that one never knows what he is about to do next. One moment he is rational, and the next he is not. One moment he wants to plan things out, and then he does things more content... The ghost made the whole situation for Hamlet seem even that much more unreal. He already wished that all of the recent events he had to deal with were not real. He then has to deal with the reality of this ghost. It seems to influence him terribly and takes a negative toll on his emotions. This occurrence continues to further diversify Hamlet's feelings and emotions (Snider, 67). The last major external influence is the company of others (Snider, 71). How hamlet responded had a lot to do with the actions done by others and himself. A person's environment greatly affects how they handle oneself and situations around them. Due to Hamlet's extremely ludicrous environment and unusual circumstances, he is just that much more of a complicated and elaborate character (Bristol). Another major thing that contributed to Hamlet's complexity was his utter hatred towards Claudius. From the get go Hamlet never liked him. He felt Claudius was immoral and almost worthless. After the ghost of his father told Hamlet that Claudius was responsible for his death, he hated his uncle just that much more. That hatred soon turned into something much more though. It transformed into a desire for revenge. Before he did anything though, he had to be positive that Claudius was the one responsible, so Hamlet tested his innocence. Claudius failed the test and Hamlet was then positive that he was responsible for the murder of his father (Mitchell, 34–37). Hamlet Get more content on
  • 13. Hamlet- A Revenge Tragedy Essay Hamlet is one of Shakespeare's most well–known tragedies. At first glance, it holds all of the common occurrences in a revenge tragedy which include plotting, ghosts, and madness, but its complexity as a story far transcends its functionality as a revenge tragedy. Revenge tragedies are often closely tied to the real or feigned madness in the play. Hamlet is such a complex revenge tragedy because there truly is a question about the sanity of the main character Prince Hamlet. Interestingly enough, this deepens the psychology of his character and affects the way that the revenge tragedy takes place. An evaluation of Hamlet's actions and words over the course of the play can be determined to see that his 'outsider' outlook on society, more content... One symptom of Schizophrenia is finding oneself incapable of communicating with society. It is possible that Hamlet is Schizophrenic because, given the way that Hamlet feels unable to trust the likes of Claudius, Gertrude, and the other characters, it could suggest a reasoning for his acts of insanity being a way to communicate. Well known is it that the main plot of Hamlet is outlined by revenge. Upon learning the circumstances of his father's death, Hamlet's attitude shifts. Once a saddened mourner, Hamlet becomes a man on a mission for revenge. When the ghost of Hamlet's father brings the news to the awestruck Hamlet, Hamlet is appalled by the "Foul and most unnatural murder" (1.5, 31). Hamlet immediately promises the ghost the retribution he desires, claiming that he will seek swift vengeance against his father's murder to prove his love for him: "Haste me to know't that I, with wings as swift as meditation or the thoughts of love, may sweep to my revenge" (1.5, 35–37). Ironically, Hamlet promises the ghost a swift revenge, though his revenge is anything but quick. The theme of delayed activity reoccurs throughout the plot of the story, because, consistently, the protagonist's time–table for accomplishing the task is slowed due to his pondering of moral issues. Hamlet's Mousetrap scene is a perfect Get more content on
  • 14. Hamlet Essay : Hamlet's Hamartia William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" is a captivating story revolving around the death of the King of Denmark and the reveal of how his death truly happened at the hands of his own brother – who wanted the kingdom to himself. After the king's death, he returns as a ghost to tell his son, Hamlet, of how his death truly happened. The rest of the story entails how Hamlet took this news and begins his journey to avenge his father's murder. As this journey progresses, the audience is able to witness Hamlet's hamartia. Hamartia is a tragic flaw which leads to the eventual downfall of a hero or heroine. Hamlet's hamartia is his inability to act and his indecisiveness regarding avenging his father's murder – which results in a horrid ending for Hamlet and most of the people he knows. Throughout "Hamlet", it is evident that Hamlet's hamartia is his inability to act and his indecisiveness. These flaws are evident throughout many aspects of his life, but are able to be identified as he attempts to avenge his father's murder. After Hamlet's father tells him in his ghostly form that he was murdered by his brother, Claudius, instead of simply going to seek revenge immediately, Hamlet makes elaborate plans to decide if Claudius is truly guilty of the murder. This is where his indecisiveness begins. Hamlet vows to his father he will avenge his death in Act I, Scene 5, "So uncle, there you are. Now to my word:" (Line 111). While Hamlet vows this to his father, he does not act on it instantly. Get more content on
  • 15. The "To Be or Not To Be" speech in the play, "Hamlet," portrays Hamlet as a very confused man. He is very unsure of himself and his thoughts often waver between two extremes due to his relatively strange personality. In the monologue, he contemplates whether or not he should continue or end his own life. He also considers seeking revenge for his father's death. Evidence of his uncertainty and over thinking is not only shown in this speech, but it also can be referenced in other important parts of the play. The topic of Hamlet's soliloquy is his consideration of committing suicide. Throughout the speech, it is obvious that Hamlet is over thinking and wavering between two different extremes: life and death. "Whether 'tis nobler in more content... The "dread of something after death, The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveler returns, puzzles the will" (3, 1, 78–80) and keeps people from choosing death due to the fear of the unknown. His entire monologue compares the two extremes: life and death. He analyzes both situations and thinks very much about the consequences of either action. This occurs not only in this speech, but also later in the play, and demonstrates that Hamlet's indecisive personality is his fatal flaw. Hamlet does not only have a hard time choosing between life and death. He also can not choose between murdering Claudius or not. Even though Hamlet wanted to kill his uncle, he was terrified of the possible consequences and could not make a concrete decision. Consequently, he ended up procrastinating greatly with the murder. Hamlet knows that he over thinks everything. He plans to kill Claudius because of his desperate desire to avenge his father's death and right the wrong that was committed, but cannot go through with his plan due to his confusion and uncertainty. He says, "Whether it be Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple of thinking too precisely on th'event –A thought which quartered hath but one part wisdom And ever three parts coward–I do not know Why yet I live to say this things to do" (4, 4, 39–44). He sees himself as either being a coward and as over thinking his actions to delay the murder, instead of killing Claudius when he had the chance. Get more content on
  • 16. Analysis of Hamlet Essay Hamlet is a suspenseful play that introduces the topic of tragedy. Throughout the play, Hamlet displays anger, uncertainty, and obsession with death. Although Hamlet is unaware of it, these emotions cause the mishaps that occur throughout the play. These emotions combined with his unawareness are the leading basis for the tragic hero's flaws. These flaws lead Hamlet not to be a bad man, but a regular form of imperfection that comes along with being human. When Hamlet is first encountered with the ghost that resembles his father, it is revealed that his uncle Claudius might have been the cause of his father's death. Hamlet is then confused about what he should believe and how more content... When he does act, he prefers to do it recklessly and violently. This is a flaw that Hamlet cannot deny. He knows that it is unjust, but only cares about avenging his father's death. Hamlet is not only angered with the fact of his father's death, but also with his mother's decision to marry Claudius. Devastated by his mother's decision to marry so soon after her husband's death, Hamlet becomes skeptical about women in general. He shows a particular obsession with what he perceives to be a connection with female sexuality and moral corruption. He almost develops hatred towards women because of his mother's decision. This hatred occurs and is shown with his relationship with Ophelia. He urges Ophelia to go to a nunnery rather than experience the dishonesty of sexuality. This hinders Hamlet from experiencing a love that is really needed at this time of his loss. One can say that this is another flaw, which Hamlet is unaware of. Throughout the course of the play, Hamlet is also obsessed with the mystery of death. In the beginning of the play, he states that he is unsure where one ends up after they die. Later into the play, he makes a reference to the afterlife contradicting his first approach. When he attempts to kill Get more content on
  • 17. Existential Crisis In Hamlet In Shakespeare's Hamlet, a tale of murder, tragedy, pain, and grief is told. Since its creation, a number of people have analyzed, explained, and criticized Hamlet. As with all literary criticism, a number of approaches have been applied to the play, with varying results and interpretations. In particular, analysis of Hamlet through an existential lens, as a revenge–tragedy, as viewed through a Freudian philosophy, through analysis of the psychology of characters in other ways, and as it relates to the history surrounding it show particularly keen insights into the work itself. In the work, Hamlet himself frequently finds himself caught in a existential crisis, making the existential outlook on the play an appropriate one. Frequently throughout the play, Hamlet finds himself questioning his existence, and more specifically, "to be, or not to be" (Shakespeare, 3.1). The nature of Hamlet's existential crisis is not one of whether or not he does exist, but rather, whether or not he should exist. Hamlet's mindset is reflective of viewpoint not uncommon at the time of the play's conception–– that the world is rotten, and he must suffer through it (Tekinay 117). The particular events of Hamlet's own life lead him to the conclusion that, for his existence to remain bearable, he must either end his own life or exact revenge on Claudius. The former is where existentialism is seen in Hamlet; through his ability to decide whether or not his existence should continue, Hamlet is forced to question the meaning and value of his life. He begins to see the people around him as something entirely different from himself, and as his enemies. Save for Horatio, Hamlet no longer considers himself to be part of the rest of humanity (Tekinay 120), and this drives him to look down upon the rest of humanity. He views them as more foolish and less aware, a perception revealed to the readers through asides and impolite comments that go unnoticed by other characters in the play. This distaste for others leads Hamlet to wonder where his own worth is, and the conclusion he eventually comes to is that it is his revenge that is most important to the question of his "being." Hamlet views his duty towards revenge as the justification for his Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about hamlet Hamlet One of the most unique elements of the Hamlet character is that he is so human. Many types of readers can identify with him. Hamlet is imperfect, and he is fretful. Hamlet has human properties, and it is his humanity that I intend to explore. Indeed it is these human qualities and imperfections that make his story so tragic. Another tragic part of the play is the plays irony. Irony is an important tool in the hands of the playwright to achieve both comical and/or dramatic effect. There is usually little reason for a tragedy to be funny, so Shakespeare has used this tool to add more tragedy to the play. I will investigate the nature of this irony. Also, I will investigate the types of conflict that play a major part in the more content... One occurrence of irony I found particularly striking was the fact that Hamlet effectively maneuvers himself into the same position as Claudius. Claudius had attacked and killed a man who did not have the opportunity to defend himself, but when Hamlet kills Polonius, is he not guilty of the same? It is intriguing that both Claudius and Hamlet have killed fathers. It is interesting to see how these two completely different characters deal with this problem in different ways. Other interesting parallels I found are the numerous deaths by poison. Hamlet's father was murdered by Claudius with poison. In the final act, the queen is the first to be poisoned, by drinking from Hamlet's cup. Then, Hamlet is wounded by the poisoned tip of Laertes' sword. When they change swords, Hamlet gets the upper hand and Laertes is poisoned. When the queen dies, Laertes explains all to Hamlet, before he dies. Hamlet then kills Claudius before dying himself. It is ironic that, as Claudius is poisoned because of his own plotting, he had already signed his own death warrant when he killed Hamlet's father, the first tragic action of the play. There are only three people in this play who don't die by poisoning: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern meet their deaths in England, after being outsmarted by Hamlet. The third is Ophelia, who is drowned. There are three types of conflict I can identify in the play: 'man versus man', 'man versus nature' and 'man versus Get more content on
  • 19. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Hamlet In Shakespeare's Hamlet, there is a constant question of whether Hamlet is truly mad, or if it is all a ploy to avenge the death of his father. While looking at Hamlet's behaviour, one notices that it is neither madness, nor a ploy, but rather an addiction to obsessions. These fascinations, whether shown towards his mother and his persona, perfection, or death, destroy Hamlet as he continuously craves for resolutions that are out of his reach. These obsessions play against Hamlet, as his strengths ultimately become his demise, whether these strengths be through Hamlet's ability to dive deep philosophically or his ability to question morality. Shakespeare's Hamlet is not mad, nor does he use madness as a ploy, rather Hamlet is atragic hero who allows his tragic flaw of obsessiveness towards different aspects to work against him. Hamlet's obsession with himself and his mother's persona leads to his demise as it not only makes Hamlet unstable, but it also burns a vital bridge with his mother. His instability sprouts from his constant questioning of his character, and if he truly is a coward, villain, or vengeful hero, in regards to killing Claudius. Through Hamlet's soliloquies, he constantly refers to his character stating, "Am I coward" (Shakespeare 2.2.598), or "How stand I, then, that have a father killed, a mother stained," (4.4.59–60). These questionings show his indecisive ability to decide what he wants, and it is within this instability to decide his character that leads to his demise. Hamlet spends most of his time pondering upon his character than acting upon it! Furthermore, Hamlet's addiction with persona not only reaches to him, but his mother as well. Hamlet's obsession with his mother's life, specifically her sexual life, breathes uncanny as it shows Hamlet's demented passion with his mother's persona. Hamlet goes as far as making his mother "have no life to breathe" (3.4.220) just to try and shape her character. This proves detrimental as Hamlet cuts off one of the few people that truly love him. Subsequently, Hamlet's fascination with perfection proves to be detrimental as it causes Hamlet to always pursue for a better opportunity, leading him to never take action. Throughout the play, Get more content on