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Essay about Innocent Man by John Grisham
The innocent man is the story of Ron Williamson who was unjustly convicted of murder and spent
twelve years on death row before being exonerated by DNA evidence.
Ron Williamson was born in Ada, a small town in Oklahoma. His future looked bright when he was
young and he was an exceptional athlete who was drafted by the Oakland
Athletics. After an unsuccessful career in the minors Ron Williamson became a drug addict and an
alcoholic whose life steadily got worse. He could not keep any job and he began spending most of
his time in bars, and living with various friends. He soon accumulated a criminal record that
included DUI?s, check fraud, and two rape charges that did not result in conviction. He became a
heavy user of ... Show more content on ...
The book starts of with a very brief biography of the victim, Debbie Carter and
takes us to the scene of her murder describing the manner of her brutal rape and death. Following
this first chapter the book follows the attempts of the Ada police department as they try to solve the
murder of Debbie Carter, and also the abduction of Denice Haraway a few years later.
From Grisham?s perspective it seems that the prosecution team was only
concerned about pinning the murder on someone and they really didn?t care who it was.
Interrogators literally forced Williamson to make his dream confession and this was the basis for the
entire prosecution even though the defendant was obviously mentally incompetent The prosecution
team used other unreliable sources of evidence, mainly hair samples, and ?jailhouse snitches? who
received reduced sentences as a reward of testifying against the defendant. Eventually they
manipulated an inexperienced jury into believing their insignificant evidence and Ron Williamson
was sentenced to death. His friend Dennis Fritz was sentenced to life in prison, mainly for being the
only friend Ron had when the murder occurred.
Tommy Ward and Karl Fontenot went through a similar process. Even though there is little evidence
to say they did not murder Denice Haraway they have never received
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Comparing the Movies A Time to Kill, by John Grisham and...
The movie based on John Grisham's A Time to Kill is a Hollywoodized, modern–day version of To
Kill a Mockingbird. Both movies employ many of the same themes and plot elements; but the
former movie is one–dimensional and predictable while the latter is innovative and purposeful. The
movie version of Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird is considered a classic film, whereas
John Grisham?s adapted novel is merely another example of the money making efforts of
Some of the movies' more prominent themes are the same. Both focus on the family, particularly the
role of the father. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Attacus, who is based on the father of author Harper
Lee, is an upstanding parent. Not only is he an excellent role ... Show more content on ...
Boo Radley saves the children by fighting their attacker to the death at great personal risk even
though these same children had feared him. He is a very mysterious character until this incident,
which unexpectedly defines him as a hero. In one of the most striking scenes in A Time to Kill, a
soldier jumps in the path of a bullet to protect Jake. When Jake learns this total stranger is
permanently paralyzed, he is dumbfounded.
The basic plots of the two movies are identical: a white man commits rape but a black man ends up
being prosecuted in a racially charged trial. The focus is on the defense lawyer?s struggle, and the
movies climax during the closing statement. The essential difference of plot is a juxtaposition: in To
Kill a Mockingbird, an innocent man is convicted, while in the other, a guilty man walks. This
reflects that more was at stake than simply one man?s life in both cases. The former?s result is much
more powerful. This unrevenged injustice has potential to hold audiences in indignant shock and
open their eyes to the harsh reality of racism. This is the first of several discrepancies I will point out
that favor To Kill a Mockingbird as the better film.
These juxtaposed outcomes of the trials can be attributed to two factors unrelated to the plot. First, it
reflects our nation?s growing sensitivity toward stamping out racism. A black man prosecuted for a
crime against a white person had terrible
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The Client John Grisham
In writing the Crime novel ‘The Client’, John Grisham has quite effectively
intertwined the plot, characters, themes and issues to create a dramatic and suspenseful story. To do
this he creates strong interesting characters along with an in depth storyline to lure the reader in.
John Grisham raises important themes and issues in all his novels, this story raises such issues as
suicide and corruption. In ‘The Client’ we are faced with rather rough but also
innocent young boy who is suddenly thrown into a complicated circle of lies, murder and revenge
all because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The incredible plot John Grisham has
accumulated to complete the electrifying story of ‘The ... Show more content on ...
In some ways Reggie and Mark are quite alike, their stubborn and resolute natures. In chapter nine
of the novel where Mark was being interrogated by the FBI and several lawyers without his mother
present, we observe Reggie’s truly amazing confrontation. "Its all right here on tape, fellas.
You boys attempted to interrogate a child outside the presence of his mother." Reggie has a great
deal of confidence in herself to be working in such a male dominated position, she always comes out
way ahead of Roy Foltrigg the federal Prosecutor. John Grisham’s character of Barry the
Blade Muldanno, The murderer of a United States Senator, adds a great tension to the story as he
and his Mafia associates hold the driving force behind the main plot line. Barry Muldanno pursues
Mark and his family with great vigour when he finds out that Mark may hold information as to
where the body is hidden. For the continuation of the story the character of Barry Muldanno is
responsible for providing the plot line with added suspense and thrill. In one particular excerpt mark
is suddenly confronted and threatened by a man in an elevator holding a knife to his throat. "If you
repeat a single word of it to anyone, including your lawyer, I’ll kill you. And I’ll kill
your mother and your little brother." There are several other
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The Appeal
Politics has always been a dirty game. Now justice is, too." Although "The Appeal" by John
Grisham is a fictional book, the author himself claims that there is a certain truth behind the
storyline, as he explains in the author's note. "I must say that there is a lot of truth in this story." This
quote especially shocks one when reconsidering the story and the criminal energy involved. The
book impresses the reader with a story based on corruption and money.
Mary Grace and Wes Payton are, married and both work as lawyers on the verdict against Krane
Chemicals, on the edge of financial ruin they barely manage to finance the last trial against Krane
Chemicals. Although they win the verdict and with that earn an immense amount of money ... Show
more content on ...
This is then the point when a mysterious organization comes into the story changing Carl's chances
by buying a seat in the court deciding on the case, by recruiting and financing a unsuspecting
One may argue that this book was too long and partly too descriptive in both the storyline and the
characters, which made it hard to follow the storyline throughout the book.
Grisham's intend is clearly to sensitize and focus his readers on corruption in the sections
companies, politics and justice. "As long as private money is allowed in judicial elections we will
see competing interests fight for seats on the bench." Grisham highlights this point so often
throughout the book that one clearly notices his concern of corruption in the judicial system because
of money.The book changes its pace very rapidly from chapter to chapter therefor the narrative style
reminds one of an appeal in a court with constantly changing perceptions and argumentations. John
Grisham wrote the book in a way that the reader constantly switches between the parallel stories of
the two lawyers and Carl Trudeau and his company.
The way in which john Grisham writes, lures the reader into a feeling that the actual story is true and
happening while one is reading. The book brings both the interesting parts of a trial into one's
understanding as well as the boring paperwork making the book different as its pace and tension
switch constantly and are not
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John Grisham Research Paper
John Grisham is a widely adored thriller author. When Grisham was young, his family traveled from
his birthplace of Arkansas until he was twelve where his family settled in Mississippi. Although
John's family was poor, he said he always felt loved. Grisham always felt confident from an early
age, to adulthood, no matter what he was doing. Although John was never fantastic at sports, he was
poised when he volunteered to play. Another long term hobby of Grisham was reading, little did he
know it would be his majorly successful career. Grisham went to college at Mississippi State
University and majored in tax law and eventually changed majors to criminal law. John received his
Bachelor's Degree before enrolling into the University of Mississippi
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The Testament John Grisham Quotes
I have finished the book The Testament, by John Grisham. It was a superb book. In the last 122
pages of the book many events occurred. Nate O'Riley goes to the Amazon rainforest to find Rachel
Lane, the sole heir to an 11 billion dollar fortune. Rachel does not care about the money and refuses
to sign the paperwork that allows Nate to be her lawyer. This means that the other eight children,
who are all unscrupulous, will squander the money among themselves. Nate gets a jungle fever and
is forced to leave the small indigenous village in the Amazon and move to a hospital in Brazil. Nate
recovers and his boss forges Rachel's signature allowing Nate to become the lawyer defending the
will. Although Rachel does not know about the trial, Nate defends ... Show more content on ...
She is realistic when she acts charitably and selflessly without any money. After she learns about her
inheritance, she still acts selflessly and even disregards the money entirely sometimes. Most people
would not act in this manner, but some people do. Her altruism is shown in the quote, "I'm not
leaving" (Grisham 184). She did not want the money when she was alive, and after she was dead,
she gave it away. Unlike the lawyers who have little (comparatively) and want much, she has much
and wants little. Her character is unrealistic, however, in the way she handles the money. This is
shown by the quote, "I'm not signing anything. I don't want the money" (Grisham 202). When the
will was read to her, she did not even want to give the money to charity. This may show she has
been disconnected from the world. It is not realistic for her to disregard the money even though she
has no worldly possessions. She has experience with money when she goes into Còrumba to buy
medicine and other supplies for her work. It could be argued that she does not have any experience
with large amounts of money or having such freedom with it as she had, therefore the ways she
acted are realistic. Rachel Lane is at times realistic and
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The Death Penalty In The Confession By John Grisham
Across America, certain states allow their governments to make use of the death penalty for a
myriad of crimes. The methods through which it is attained is often as controversial as the act itself.
In the tale of The Confession by John Grisham, the city of Slone, Texas comes to terms with the
severe ramifications that come with taking someone's life, whether it be condoned by the law or not.
In the case of Donté Drumm, a young football player is accused of killing Nicole Yerber, a popular
cheerleader who was supposedly dating him at the time. He was forced into a confession by means
of psychological torture. After nine years, Donté is killed for a crime he did not commit. The town
unearths the reality that taking someone's life is a permanent action which cannot be undone when a
mistake is made. The Confession takes a closer look at what the death penalty really means by not
only looking at the statistics but the emotional toll it takes on the people connected to it too,
explaining how the death penalty is fundamentally wrong and looking at ways to open people's eyes
to the truth of it. The haunting race to save the life of Donté Drumm is largely told from the vantage
point of Travis Boyette, the actual criminal who escaped punishment; Robbie Flak, the defense
lawyer who has taken on the task of fighting the state of Texas in Donté's name; and Keith
Schroeder, an outsider whose life becomes entangled and influenced by Donté's plight. Each of them
are equally important as
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The Painted House John Grisham Essay
John Grisham is an influential writer that has written many thrillers. A Painted House reflects on the
life of an impoverished farm boy in Black Oak, Arkansas. John Grisham's life influenced his novel
A Painted House by helping convey what it was like for a poor, working child in rural Arkansas in
the early 50's.
Firstly, the book starts out in 1952 in Black Oak, Arkansas; Black Oak is a small farm town in far
northeast Arkansas. Luke always had a dream of being a professional baseball player and so did
John, John Grisham as a child dreamed of being a professional baseball player" (Grisham). He
played in college but never got to live out his dream, "a young man sat alone at the end of a bleacher
close to first base" (Hughes 1). Black Oak ... Show more content on ...
All of Luke's life his parents and grandparents were always worrying about money. He learned to
persevere through these tough times, " But he also will have learned about the depth of compassion
especially his own" (Morris). The incoming floods towards the end of the growing season always
stressed out his father's and Pappy's life. Luke's parents get tired of this and his uncle Jimmy
acquired a job for his dad at the Buick factory to assemble cars in Michigan. His father was going
there to earn a whole three dollars a hour. In Grisham's real life, his father was a construction worker
that was frequently traveling to provide for his family. When they lived in Black Oak with his
grandparents, his parents struggled to make a profit and have money of their own. Therefore they
ended up moving to Southaven, Mississippi and finally settled down in a pleasant middle class
neighborhood. Grisham ended up calling Southaven his home and placed his first law practice here.
Since he was in Mississippi it was only natural for him to go to The University of Mississippi,
"Grisham went on to study accounting at Mississippi State University and then law at the University
of Mississippi, graduating in 1981" (Biography). In 1990, at the age of 35, he moved to Oxford,
Mississippi. Consequently, he retired from law and focused on his evolving writing
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Bleachers, by John Grisham Essay
Books read by adolescents contain both positive and negative values. Bleachers, by John Grisham is
one book that contains many positive values. This book is about high school all–American Neely
Crenshaw, who was probably the best quarterback ever to play for the legendary Messina Spartans.
Fifteen years have gone by since those glory days, and Neely has come home to Messina to bury
Coach Eddie Rake, the man who molded the Spartans into an unbeatable football dynasty. It is well
known that books read by adolescents are somewhat inappropriate in certain ways such as language
and the types of actions done by the characters. Some books consist of drugs, sex, and violence
which obviously isn't very appropriate nor does it consist of ... Show more content on ...
Although some books do contain negative values and deemed inappropriate by some people,
Bleachers, by John Grisham contains many positive values and is very appropriate for adolescents to
read. Bleachers, is about a high school all–American Nelly Crenshaw who was the best quarterback
ever to play for the Messina Spartans. The story is based around on the impending death of the
Messina Spartans' football coach Eddie Rake, who is one of the most victorious coaches in high
school football history, Rake is both feared and loved by his players and by a town that relishes his
13 state titles. The protagonist of the novel is Neely Crenshaw, who is a former Rake All–American
whose NFL prospects ended quickly after a cheap shot to the knees. In the book, Neely has just
returned home for the first time in years to join his former teammates to sit in the bleachers and wait
for the dimming field lights to signal his passing. During this time they replay the old games, relive
the glory days and try and decide whether they love or hate their former coach, Eddie Rake. This
trip back for Neely is more meaningful as he has to forgive himself as well as his coach and try and
rekindle his love for his ex–girlfriend he abandoned long ago so he can get on with his life. It is
obvious to see the positive values and appropriate nature of Bleachers.
It is obvious to see why Bleachers has many positive values, one is the fact that Neely is trying to
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Research Paper On John Grisham
The anatomy and physiology of the human body is extremely complex in many different aspects.
Scientifically, the human body is organized from simple to complex. The organization sequence
begins with diminutive cells and finishes with multiplex organ systems. All people are typically
organized in the same fashion. However, psychologically all people do not process information the
same way. People have a myriad of motives for the actions they take in life. For instance, a person
may be motivated or inspired by a situation he or she has been in, and they decide to act upon his or
her beliefs. John Grisham, a well–known novelist, was inspired to become a writer by past
circumstances he has experienced, the knowledge he obtained by being a lawyer, through the
stimulating people he has met throughout his life thus far, and to prove that people can experience a
little adventure while reading. Axiomatically, to completely understand how an author writes his or
her books people need to know the author's background. "John Ray Grisham, Jr., was born on
February 8th, 1955 in Jonesboro, Arkansas. John's father was a construction worker, and his family
moved to different states frequently" (June Harris). After spending most of his childhood in
Arkansas and Louisiana, the Grisham family found a permanent home in Southaven, Mississippi.
After graduating high school and finishing his undergraduate studies at two different colleges, John
Grisham attended law school at Mississippi State
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Memo To John Grisham
Summary of Stone's Argument In "Memo to John Grisham: What's Next –– 'A Movie Made Me Do
It'?" by Oliver Stone he argues that his movies and other violent films do not exclusively stimulate
criminal actions. According to Stone, society always tries to place the blame or find a scapegoat
when a disaster occurs. He elaborates by claiming Grisham is placing the issue of public violence on
Stone's and other director's movies. Stone, more importantly, explains that as an artist he is simply
placing a mirror to reality and showing an untainted perspective on life (Stone 1–2). Stone goes on
to reinforce the notion that films are not the major influences of violence when he states,
"Accordingly, only 16 percent of all [Televsions] programs show ... Show more content on ...
Zimecki suggests that violence is greatly impacted by movies when he claims, "the perpetrators of
the 1974 Hi–Fi Murders in Ogden, Utah, forced their victims to drink liquid Drano after watching a
similar scene in the Clint Eastwood picture Magnum Force" (Zimecki 10). Zimecki provides goes
on to provide more examples of crimes committed that bear a striking resemblance to movie scenes
or certain films. Had these scenes not been shown then it is very likely that these crimes wouldn't
have happened. Zimecki also discusses how the court often allows the film industry to get away
with including gory violence through the court's views on "incitement." According to Zimecki
speech that promotes violence but does not incite harm is guarded under the First Amendment based
on the court case Brandenberg v. Ohio. From the case, the court ruled that simply advocating
violence is not enough. In addition, the court claimed people are allowed to promote violence as
long as it does not refer to the present and takes on an abstract quality. Conversely, someone who
incorrectly yells "fire" in a theater is unconstitutionally using the First amendment because their
words cause immediate action and harm (Zimecki 12–15). Zimecki is ultimately trying to convey
the Supreme court loosely interprets
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John Grisham Homeless Analysis
Exposing a problem in American cities that will not go away, homelessness and affordable housing.
In 1998, John Grisham's reveals his attitudes towards the homeless population in New York City at
the time the article was written for Newsweek magazine. There are cities all across America like
Baltimore where there are over 16,000 vacant properties. As poverty continues to increase, as the
gap between the wealthy and poor continues to widen, the homeless become the invisible, the
misunderstood and marginalized and affordable housing may be the answer. John Grisham's
epiphany led him to the streets of Washington DC to write a story from the viewpoint of a street
lawyer. He entered a world of street lawyers, the homeless shelters ... Show more content on ...
As of January 2014, there are on average over 578, 400 people experiencing homelessness in the
United States ("National Alliance to End Homelessness: The State of Homelessness in America
2015").). In New York, Grisham did not view poor people as not having basic needs met nor did he
view people without housing as the homeless, however, years later in D.C. where over a 1,000
individuals sleep on the streets a night Grisham realized his inhumanity. In Baltimore City, there are
approximately 16,000 homes that are vacant and about 30,000 people that will experience
homelessness during the course of a year as well as 3000 during the course of a night (Samuels).
According to the National Low–Income Housing Coalition, a minimum wage worker would have to
work 138 per week to afford a two–bedroom apartment a fair market value in Baltimore. Maryland
is one of the richest states in the United States, yet it has some of the least affordable housing in the
country (Samuel). D.C. houses many of its homeless population in rented motels at about 400 rooms
per night with more than 900 families in motels and shelters. Current Mayor Muriel E. Bowser
refuses to treat the homeless population as refugees, therefore, she has devised a detailed plan to end
chronic homelessness in five years in D. C. as well as removing families from dilapidated shelters
into apartments for long terms
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John Grisham Research Paper
John Grisham John Grisham had plenty of jobs as a lawyer but the benefits of being a lawyer
matched his zest for writing. On February 8, 1955 John Ray Grisham was born in Jonesboro,
Arkansas. As a child John's family moved around a lot, going wherever John's father could find
work. At the age of twelve the Grisham family settled down in Southaven, Mississippi. Grisham and
his four siblings grew up with strong family values. In his adult life John married Renée Jones.
Overtime John and Renée had two children Ty and Shea Grisham. When John first started college he
wanted to be a tax lawyer. He was just an average student at Southaven High school but he had large
hopes and dreams. Grisham received a B.S. from Mississippi State, a J.D.
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How Is Violence In The Media Perceived In Society Essay...
The world today has a variety of problems and violence is one of the most prominent. It is seen on
the front page of the newspaper and as the "Top Story" on the eleven o'clock news. Unfortunately, it
is also widely used for entertainment purposes. In the New York Times a 1998 article by Faye Fiore
stated: "On average last year, one act of serious brutality was found for every four minutes of
entertainment." Today, violence is a major part of electronic games, television, and the film
industry. Violence becomes such an everyday scene for us that many believe it desensitizes us to the
real world. That is why the majority of the time violence is perceived as the cause of many of
society's ills. One ... Show more content on ...
Whether we admit it to ourselves consciously or not, violence is and has always been entertaining.
In ancient Rome, citizens filled the coliseum to see gladiators fight to the death. In medieval times
castle courtyards were packed with people trying to witness the public executions. Today we are
able to witness violent acts in the comfort of our own homes. If we want to see some gladiators fight
to the death we can just go find one of our favorite movies or
Playstation games. This shows that main perception of violence in society is that it is entertaining
and accepted for its entertaining qualities.
Not all representations of the media perceive violence as entertainment. One representation is in the
film "Full Metal Jacket". Violence is shown to be a somewhat necessary evil that society can not
escape. In one specific scene containing violence, the squad comes upon an apparently deserted city
only to find out that it is occupied by a hidden sniper who quickly disables one squad member to the
horror of the rest of the squad. They want to help the fallen soldier but they would be putting
themselves in danger of being sniped. The sniper, who realizes this, continues to shoot the fallen
soldier to try and lure his squad in to help him. This torture is to much for one member of the squad
to handle. This soldier then attempts to rescue his fallen comrade. Unfortunately he is
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Forgiveness In Bleachers
In today's society, forgiveness is sometimes a touchy subject. Some believe forgiveness is not
necessary, while others follow the belief in the Bible, "forgive and forget." However one looks at
this subject, forgiveness can be difficult in certain instances, especially between a coach and his
players. When conflicts arise between these two subjects, there are instances when forgiveness can
take years, sometimes many years. In the book, Bleachers, the author, John Grisham, shows the
reader the inside of this quest. The main characters, Neely Crenshaw and Eddie Rake, battle inner
conflict as they struggle through ambivalence toward one another. Neely, the All–American football
player returns home after 15 years when he discovers his coach is ... Show more content on ...
The author showed the reader that Neely had to travel along a path and hit rock bottom in order to
realize the underlying conflict that was making him miserable; he had to forgive, not give up on life.
Through this quest he finally comes to realize his misery, "I knew I had to be here when he died, I
had to say farewell, And I had to finally, and sincerely, accept his apology. I should have done it
earlier" (Grisham 158). When one realizes the underlying conflict that is making one miserable,
picks himself or herself up after hitting rock bottom, and works through pain and suffering, the quest
ends. One realizes not to give up. The author supports this theme with Neely's quest toward
forgiveness to show what happens if one never gives up. One learns from his or her mistakes when
he or she is in a different position. It took a man's confession on his deathbed for Neely to finally let
go. When the confessional letter is read, Neely can finally let go. He can forgive. I believe we
should all take Neely's actions as a symbol that we all should try to forgive and forget no matter how
difficult it may
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Analysis Of The Article ' The Pelican Brief '
The Wetlands In Grisham's novel, The Pelican Brief, he presents a case where an organization
attempts to protect the coastal marshes of Louisiana against the selfish oil companies and citizens
that wish to destroy it for money. This is a tremendous concern that people deal with in America.
John Grisham wrote The Pelican Brief, in 1992 and it was one of his best selling books. Louisiana's
marshes are being destroyed and are suffering greatly because of humans. Grisham shows extensive
knowledge of the wetlands as well as the wildlife through discussing the endangered Brown Pelican
and how humans have brought it to the brink of extinction. Numberless amounts of waterfowl, birds,
and countless species that call Louisiana home are now being terrorized thanks to non–native
species, humans and a numerous amount of different causes. The Brown Pelican, Louisiana's state
bird, has been endangered until 1995, and about half of all the geese in North America spend the
winter in the coastal marshes (Elliott, Charles). Additionally, Louisiana is the leading state for the
number of wintering ducks (¨SGP¨). The marshes are extremely important to the fowl that live there
year round and for the ones that do not. The Bobwhite Quail, that live there year round, have
suffered huge losses to their population. From 1966 they have declined 75%, primarily due to
habitat degradation (¨SGP¨). One of the reasons populations of fowl have been going down is the
result of invasive species. The common
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The Pelican Brief Novel vs. Movie
"The Pelican Brief" Novel vs. Movie
The differences and the similarities between the novel "The Pelican Brief" by John Grisham and the
movie "The Pelican Brief" by Alan J. Pakula film. There were maybe similarities between the novel
and the movie. The story line and plot were basically the same in both the novel and the movie.
Then there were also many differences when the novel was made in to a movie. As in most cases
when a novel is made in to a movie there are certain things that are left out in the movie version.
The novel and the movie were both very suspenseful. The main characters are both the same in the
book and in the movie but are a little bit different then their counter partners in the novel/movie. In
both the movie and ... Show more content on ...
The scene in the novel where all the porno cinemas were bombed and burned to the ground was
somewhat important in the fact that it showed to state of anarchy our country is in, in this novel. The
movie neglected to use that scene in to the movie version of "The Pelican Brief." The burning down
of the porno cinemas gave an example and showed how the "Underground Military" worked. This in
a sense excluded them from the list of suspects do to there expert use of explosives. If they had
indeed were the killers of the two Chief Justices they most likely would of stuck to there area of
expertise, explosives. The main difference between the novel and the movie is that in the novel you
are introduced to more characters and there involvement in the story is explained. The movie doesn't
really introduce u as well as the novel does and this makes it harder to follow what is going on in the
movie version. It is harder in a movie to introduce a character but it seemed that it was poorly don in
"The Pelican Brief" movie version. I can understand why its easer for a novel to describe how and
what they what you to know about a particular character. Now in a movie it's your own perception
that you make of a character.
The perception that the novel is usually better than the movie version in this case is true; I preferred
reading the novel over watching the movie. The novel
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John Grisham Research Paper
John Grisham has influenced many people to begin writing mystery novels. John Grisham was born
in Arkansas in 1955. He married Renee Jones and was the son of a construction worker and a
homemaker. John has two children by the name of Ty and Shea. John had received nearly thirty
rejections by publishers before his first book was accepted by Wynwood Press. John was "called to
the bar" and became a lawyer. He then became the publisher of the Oxford American. He had a
passion for baseball and to coach little league baseball. He preferred to watch college and school
sports games rather than the professionals. He enjoyed fishing and horseback riding with his kids,
along with taking long walks on the beach with his wife. Grisham was
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The Believability of John Grisham’s Bleachers Essay
Many people form their opinions of whether or not a book is believable solely on the book's
classification as nonfiction or fiction. Others use New Critical analysis to determine whether a book
is believable or not. The use of New Critical analysis requires the reader to consider events that
happen throughout the book and any conflict that may have occurred. It also requires that the reader
focus on the plot of the book and the characters. Grisham sets the book to take place in a small,
football crazed town, known as Messina. The book is set in present day time, but Grisham uses his
characters to incorporate flashbacks from the sixties, seventies, and eighties. Grisham uses many
characters throughout the entire book to tell the story ... Show more content on ...
As Grisham stated: [on] Friday nights, the entire town of Messina waited for the gate to open, then
rushed to the bleachers where seats were claimed and nervous pregame rituals were followed. The
black, paved pasture around Rake Field would overflow long before the opening kickoff, sending
the out–of–town traffic into the dirt roads and alleys and remote parking zones behind the school's
cafeteria and its baseball field. (2) Many people would question whether or not this detail is
believable, especially if they are unaware of how big of a sport high school football is in the South.
Grisham lets us see that high school football is a sport that the whole town of Messina was involved
in. He also lets us see that the people of Messina not only loved high school football, but they had
rituals they followed as well. Readers, who are unfamiliar with Southern high school football
tradition, would question Grisham's depiction of Messina's rules. When describing an incident
involving a Messina field keeper named "Rabbit" (43) and a speeding opposing player, known as
"Lightning Loyd" (44), Grisham states that "the score was tied late in the third quarter" (44) when:
to the horror (and delight) of ten thousand Messina faithful, Rabbit flung his bony and brittle body
into the arena, and somewhere around the thirty–five–yard line, he collided with Lighting. The
collision, while nearly fatal for Rabbit, who at the time was at least forty years old, had little
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John Grisham 's The Pelican Brief
Essay Paper In John Grisham's The Pelican Brief, two supreme court justices are assassinated,
which the reader can compare to other assassinations in history. With former president John F.
Kennedy's assassination, the reader can connect the political aspects of the book to a real life
situation, and with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, the reader can see how sometimes
your very own opinions can get you killed (Grisham). The reader can also compare John Grisham
himself to both Kennedy and King because both Kennedy and Grisham were politicians and both
King and Grisham were activists ("John Grisham"). Through these connections, the reader can better
understand the book and Grisham himself. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on
November 22, 1963, after almost three years as president (Wilentz, Sean). He was shot and killed by
Lee Harvey Oswald while riding in a car through downtown Dallas, Texas (Wilentz, Sean). His
death came as a great shock to America, similar to when Callahan heard of the justices' death
(Grisham). The entire world mourned Kennedy's death, and the funeral proceedings were all very
public (Wilentz, Sean). On the Sunday after his assassination, the casket was laid in the Capitol
Rotunda, "Throughout the day and night, hundreds of thousands of people filed past the guarded
casket" (Wilentz, Sean). Within days of Kennedy's assassination, Oswald was also shot, by Jack
Ruby (Domina, Thurston). After the death of President Kennedy, vice
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Forgiveness In John Grishams Bleachers
Forgiveness may be one of the simplest things in life, but also one of the hardest. In John Grishams
Bleachers, forgiveness did not come until the end. Since Rakes apology at the end came as a
surprise, making it easier to accept. The actions of Coach Rake were crucial in this book, causing
him to need forgiveness, from Messina, the Spartan football players, families, and friends. Would
Rake get the forgiveness he needed? Through Rakes many years of coaching, he saw many different
levels from the football players. Seeing both sides, football and their lives, Rake still took each and
everyone of them in the same. Pushing them to be there best, both on and off the field. Once you
were on the Spartan football team, you were on top. There was ... Show more content on ...
A concern for Messina would be losing. Coach had not won a state title since 1987 and he was ready
for another one. The 1992 team was not looking very promising to accomplish much. Rake was
ready to work these boys and get them ready for the season. They needed to be in tip top shape to
win it all. The team had shown Rake poor effort in a scrimmage, leading to a rare Sunday morning
practice. This would be a full out conditioning practice. No contact football, just conditioning. The
boys were there and ready at eight o'clock on that Sunday morning, with thick humidity in the air.
Practice started with a mile around the track for a warm up, followed by another mile. "Number two
on the list of dreaded tortures, just behind the Spartan Marathon, was the assault on the bleachers"
(Grisham 74). Up and down, side to side on both the guest and home bleachers. This was the hardest
conditioning. Rake had been conditioning for years and these boys could push themselves. He
believed in them. As Scotty Reardon, a sophomore player began to weaken in his bleacher workout,
everyone else kept going. Before anyone knew, Scotty passed out. No trainers, no ambulance, just
coach and the
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John Grisham's Bleachers
Title– Bleachers
Author– John Grisham
Publisher– Doubleday
Date of publication: Bleachers was originally published September 9, 2003.
Illustrator– This novel did not have an illustrator.
Author's biography– John Grisham was born February 8, 1955 in Jonesboro, Arkansas. As a child,
John had wanted to be a professional baseball player. When he realized he didn't have enough talent
to be a pro, he switched gears and majored in accounting at Mississippi State University. Grisham's
real career began as a lawyer in Southaven, Mississippi. In between his courthouse dates and serving
in the Mississippi House of Representatives, he took time to begin writing his first novel, A Time to
Kill. He has written a novel a year since 1988, many of which became major motion pictures. Today,
he splits his time between his wife and two children at his ... Show more content on
He is a legend in Messina, having coached the high school football team for 34 years and piling up
tremendous statistics.
Neely Crenshaw– The quarterback hero in the 1980's who had a great future perhaps in professional
football. Then, he received a career–ending knee injury as a sophomore in college and his great
future disappeared. He has not returned to his hometown in 15 years because of his hatred for Coach
Paul Curry– Now a banker in Messina, Paul was also a great football hero with Neely. He had been
Neely's favorite receiver and best friend. They were also co–captains of the 1987 football team
Silo Mooney– He is the local owner of a body shop behind which he runs a chop shop for illegal
parts. So far, he hasn't been caught, but it seems only a matter of time. When he played football with
Neely and Paul, he had been the most dominant player in Messina history. He was as wide as he was
tall, and according to Neely, he owned the field. He was the player most cursed by Rake, but
Mooney loved his coach
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The Innocent Man Book Response Essay
The Innocent Man Book Response In today's society the criminal justice system that we live in is
flawed in so many ways. Some say that it works while others go to prison or jail for crimes that they
didn't commit. In this paper I will be covering specific examples from the book, The Innocent Man,
where the defendant's rights were violated. John Grisham talks about innocent men being innocent
and convicted for murder and sent to unlawful court proceedings. In this paper I will be focusing
mainly on the violations of his 6th amendment. The 6th amendment is the right to effective
assistance of counsel. Now Mr. Williamson was a very indigent or poor man and because of that he
couldn't afford a great attorney. Therefore he was assigned ... Show more content on
This violation being in the form of a videotape, which could have completely changed the outcome
of the case. On this videotape there was a full confession from Ricky Simmons. Barney Ward knew
all about this videotape (as it was shared with him along with all other information) yet he chose not
to bring this evidence to the table and share it with the jury. Judge Jones ruled that the tape was not a
Brady violation. "The tape was not really hidden; it was handed over after the trial, sort of a delayed
submission (Grisham pg. 258)".This one piece of evidence alone would have been enough to change
the opinions of the jury and change the outcome of the trail. However because Barney Ward did
NOT show this video, this is a clear violation of Mr. Williamson's 6th Amendment, which
guarantees that in all criminal prosecutions there must be an "effective" assistance of counsel (Cole
and Smith pg. 84). In my opinion at no point in this trial was Ron Williamson's attorney an
"effective assistance of counsel". Now the last example of how Ron Williamson's 6th Amendment
was violated was as the very beginning of all this. During the investigation of the crime scene, the
police conducting the search had found two hair samples. There was no proof that either of these
belonged to Mr. Williamson, however they still claimed that it had come from the scalp of Mr.
Williamson. However this is just a claim and Barney Ward knew that and should have jumped on
this opportunity. Mr. Ward
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Bleachers By John Grisham Analysis
Life is not fair. People know this and it shows throughout John Grisham's Bleachers. People all over
the world have different circumstances and that affects how they will proceed on with their lives.
Eddie Rake loves the people on his team but he does not show it very well. He is a tough coach
because he wants to see them succeed and he knows the only way for them to succeed is by pushing
them to their limits, making them work for what they want so they understand how to work in the
future, he shows them that life is not a cake walk, especially when you love something, when you
love something you have to be willing to work your ass off to achieve your dreams. "Neely
Crenshaw reflects that the highlight of his life as a football hero has passed, though he is still a ...
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It is things like this that show you that people are insecure about themselves; they cannot accept a
man with a different sexual orientation, why? Because it is uncommon, they rarely see it, and now
that it is "in their faces" out in the open they have no idea how to react to it. They are unsure of how
other people will react and they refuse to be the ones to accept him because they do not want the
same fate as him, being outcast by their community. But Coach Rake is unbothered by the sexual
orientation of a person, he has a deeper understanding of how to love the people around him and
accept them for who they are. When Rake accepts Nat's sexual orientation and supports his
bookstore, the people of Messina whom look at Rake as a superhuman have no choice but to accept
him as well, this shows that life is unfair and sometimes it takes someone else stepping in to even
the playing
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John Grisham 's The Pelican Brief
Pelican Brief Research Essay In John Grisham's The Pelican Brief, he correctly identifies how the
criminal justice system works and shows how it can be corrupted for favorable outcomes. The
criminal justice system is the set of agencies and processes established by the government to control
crime and impose penalties on those who violate the law (TCJS). "The ideal result is making
offenders pay for, and repent, their criminal acts while delivering recompense to the victims"
(USCJS). John Grisham had a career within the criminal justice system, so most of his books are
about or include the criminal justice system. He uses his knowledge to make his books feel realistic
and that is one of the reasons he is such a great writer. John Grisham was born in Jonesboro,
Arkansas on February 8th, 1955 (Gale). He first went to Mississippi State and majored in
accounting and then earned his law degree at the University of Mississippi (Gale). After earning his
law degree, he opened a small practice in Southaven, specializing in criminal defense (Gale).
Grisham began growing restless, so he decided to run for the state legislature and won his post in
1984 (Gale). He began writing his first book, A Time To Kill, after hearing a girl 's testimony in
court in 1987 (Gale). When his second book, The Firm, became a huge hit, he quit his law practice
and focused on writing (Gale). Grisham then wrote The Pelican Brief and finished it in 100 days
(Gale). The Pelican Brief also became a
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Essay about Bleachers by John Grisham
Is it possible for a fictional novel to have the characteristic elements to make the reader believe that
it is nonfiction? In the novel, Bleachers by John Grisham, we witness a disoriented former high
school all–star quarterback make a return to his hometown after many years as he tries to figure out
the feelings he has for his former Coach. The novel takes place in a small town called Messina,
where the biggest events to happen are high school football on a Friday night. Other than Spartan
football, the small populated, Messina does not have much going for them besides hearing about the
latest news and gossip spread with the locals. Neely Crenshaw is the main character focused in the
story. A once high school hero for breaking ... Show more content on ...
Personally, my cousin used to live in a small city down in Arizona until he finally moved to
Concord. Bleacher's setting reminded me of this town because it was also a town that is obsesses
with their high school's football team. I've always imagine what it would have been like to live in a
place far from the city and a southern vibe. Messina helps me imagine growing up in a town,
looking forward to Friday and watching home green jersey Spartans take the field. The setting and
the Arizona town are somewhat similar. This means that the realism of the descriptive environment
within the fictional novel can in fact, be possible. There are many southern states that have a small
population and are prideful of their local high school football team. There are also people in the real
world that have similar traits and experiences like the fictional characters of Bleachers. Neely
Crenshaw is a man that deals with a conflict from his past and issues with forgiveness. This is a
realistic problem everyone goes through and hope to overcome these demons. Crenshaw is
conflicting with himself on whether to thank Coach Rake or if he hates him. He wants to thank him
because Rake played a major role on how tough mentally Crenshaw turned out to be, but also hates
him for how much football took over his life and for the incident that happened at halftime during
the 87'
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Essay A Time To Kill
     In A Time To Kill, by John Grisham, two drunken white men
violently raped, beat, and nearly killed a 10–year–old black girl named Tonya Hailey. Her father, in
a clouded rage, executed the two rapists with an M–16 on their way out of the courthouse. His
vigilante form of justice was not well taken by many in prejudiced Ford County, Mississippi. On the
other hand, he had lots of support from the black community and from any white person whom
dared to step into his shoes. A young, thirty–something lawyer named Jack Brigance was hired as
his defense. He personally hoped it would give him national recognition, but his outlook turned sour
when an all–white jury was drawn to decide on the fate of this Negro man. As ... Show more content
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At no point in the book was a decrease in action evident, so the chance for a loss of interest was
never possible.      The book held several different tactics to
increase appeal, interest, and attention. Throughout the book, a series of attacks (on the characters
and reader alike) made the element of surprise extremely valuable to the storyline. Controversy was
introduced with the initiation of new KKK members in Ford County, something society today has a
strong feeling about. By keeping relevant topics on the front line throughout the story, attention was
rarely lost since no unpopular topics needed to be explained or elaborated on. By keeping with a
theme that will surely last for decades, this book is one of the few that will last for years to come.
And, unlike other books that include racism to provoke controversy, Grisham made sure to show
both sides of the argument, in order to keep everyone happy. Although this is sometimes seen as a
weak approach that could make a novel boring, he did it in such a way that the book's luminosity
could not be faded. A happy medium was reached, which is a direct sign of a world–class author.
     Without giving away the ending, it is hard to explain what a
tremendous job was done in the conclusion of the story. Simply put, the last fifty pages have to be
read in one sitting–it is impossible
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Natural Born Killers Analysis
The film "Natural Born Killers", analyzes author John Grisham's main argument regards that of the
astronomical role of the film in the deaths of Bill Savage and Patsy Byers due to it's use of glorified
violence. The author uses information regarding the case such as the outstanding personalities of the
victims, the troubled childhood of the perpetrators, and the effect that the movie natural born killers
had on them, as well as Oliver Stone's apparent lack of interest regarding the case. The author
Grisham in his opinion piece " unnatural killers" asserts that Oliver Stone's film should be held
accountable for the murder of the two victims Bill Savage and Patsy Byers. The author uses a
journalistic style with direct evidence from the case in order to aid his arguments and points. The
author's purpose is to give a detailed description of the case in order to try to get the audience on his
side. The primary audience are people who feel that the media is corrupt and is detrimental to
society particularly to the youth. The author establishes a tone that appears to be objective, but it is
clear even from the beginning that it is biased in nature. To explain, Grisham is eloquent in utilizing
facts and statistics accompanied by his expertise and personal anecdotal experiences in order to
paint an idealized picture of Savage and Byers, rather than delving straight into his focal point.
Grisham spends an entire page offering a vivid description of Patsy and her death. Finally, he
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A Time To Kill By John Grisham
In A Time To Kill written by John Grisham as readers, we have an inside look on racism in the
primarily white fictional town of Ford County. The book is about two white men, Pete Willard and
Billy Ray Cobb who brutally rape a 10 year old black girl named Tonya Hailey. We are soon
introduced to a middle class lawyer, Jake Brigance and the victim's father, Carl Lee Hailey. When
the two men are sent to court, Carl Lee Hailey takes justice into his own hands and is soon tried for
the murder of the two rapists. In Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird, we meet Jem and Scout, two
siblings from Maycomb, Alabama. Their father, (Atticus Finch) is popular among the town as a
lawyer and state legislative representative. The novel follows young Scout and ... Show more
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Both lawyers work and live in a predominantly white community. Because both lawyers take a stand
for equality in the courtroom, they fear their families will suffer the consequences. In A Time to Kill,
Jake brigance experiences hatred from community members also associated with the Ku Klux Klan
(KKK). They threatened to blow his house up, potentially putting him, Carla, and Hanna at risk.
"Jake knelt above the suitcase and put his ear next to it. He jumped and retreated. 'It's ticking,' he
said weakly." (Grisham, 351) Down the same page the author writes "But why, Jake? What have you
found?' says Carla. 'Dynamite' said Jake. And in To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus Finch fears his
children will be harassed because he is representing a black man on trial. Atticus is afraid that Jem
and Scout will be harassed by their friends because many of the townspeople are racist. The two
lawyers had different ways of approaching the dangerous situations. While Jake sent his wife and
daughter to live with their parents, Atticus taught Scout and Jem how to uphold themselves in
conflicting scenarios. Both characters show courage and perseverance throughout the
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John Grisham's Use Of Foreshadowing In Rouge Lawyer
In the book Rouge Lawyer, John Grisham uses foreshadowing to create drama in the minds of the
clients and illustrate the corruption in our court system. Mr.Rudd has dealt with the court many
times and seems to know what is going to happen in his case. By using foreshadowing he shows his
client how essential it will be for Mr.Rudd to serve as his lawyer. Mr.Rudd describes how corrupt
our system is and makes sure his client is going to win the case despite this. We can see a level of
expertise in John Grisham's writing and see multiple instances of drama throughout the book
through foreshadowing.
In one of the trials Mr.Rudd uses foreshadowing to induce drama in the mind of his client Doug
Renfro. Doug Renfro an innocent man has just been
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Innocent Man
A book Review of "The Innocent Man"
By, Oscar Thomas
Novelist, former attorney, and Mississippi legislator, John Grisham, wrote the book entitled Innocent
Man. As a small town lawyer in the South, he experienced many events that provided him with a
clear view of families and communities. For this particular book, however, he gathered research that
would provide insight to the justice system of Oklahoma and he found injustice that took the best
years of a man 's life.
While reading several selections Grisham book, I conclude that he is definitely pro anti–capital
punishment. He really focuses on the lack of justice in the criminal justice system in states
predominately in the South and Midwest area. In these states spending any ... Show more content on ...
In an era where everyone is so concerned about the money, denying a defendant a reasonable
amount of funding (to his public defender) for expert consultants and their testimonies could save
thousands upon millions of dollars in wrongful prosecution lawsuits later. With the advent of DNA,
many previously convicted men and women are being let out. Interestingly enough, DNA evidence
isn 't the ONLY thing that would have exonerated them, but no one would listen. One issue I think
Grisham was trying to help people see is the fact that we should not believe what we THINK, it has
to be what we KNOW. What is the harm in humane treatment? Yes, criminals should be kept from
the public, but since the justice system is not perfect and will make mistakes they shouldn 't be so
self–righteous about their treatment of those they deem unworthy.
Ron 's example was just one of many who, because they are not the smartest, most capable souls,
they make stupid mistakes, their odd behaviors offend many and they are the first ones put under a
microscope when something goes wrong.
In light of recent events, the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school, multiple bomb and
shooting threats since then, as well as other crimes (NYC subway system) people tend to react in a
negative way toward people they feel are a threat. IF they are odd or quirky, for example, I recently
read that in New York, right after Sandy Hook, a local politician made the
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Essay about Grisham
John Grisham once said of his own writing, "I write grab readers. This isn't serious literature." (John
Grisham CLC, 189) Serious literature or not, Grisham has written nine best–selling novels, many of
which were also made into very successful movies. Before starting to write professionally, Grisham
was a lawyer in Southhaven, Mississippi, which has provided him with plentiful ideas for legal
storylines. In many of his novels, Grisham has on ongoing link of novice lawyers who uncover and
overcome flaws in the legal system.
Influences during Grisham's childhood and adult life have helped to shape his writing career. His
family moved around a great deal during his childhood. Eventually, they settled in ... Show more
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The novice in The Firm is Mitchell Y. McDeere, a very appealing hero, a poor kid whose only assets
are a first class mind, a Harvard law degree and beautiful, loving wife. (Amazon Firm, 2) He is
described as the "perfect" law school graduate. He completes Harvard at the top of his class and is
approached by several large Wall Street law firms. A much smaller firm, called Bendini, Lambert
and Locke, also seems very interested in McDeere. This firm is quite different than others in the
country. They don't actively seek new graduates, they have mere 41 lawyers, and the offer more
money that firms four times their size " We don't hire too many people; about one every other year.
We offer the highest salary and fringes in the country, and I'm not exaggerating. So we are very
selective." (Grisham Firm, 4) They offer the most money, so he takes that job. (Grisham Firm, 1–24)
McDeere immediately moves to Memphis with his extremely attractive wife Abby. He begins to
work ninety hour weeks and is well on his way to becoming the youngest partner the firm has ever
seen. (35–49) As far as he knew, there was nothing illegal about that. However, McDeere should
have remembered his brother Ray, who was doing fifteen years in a Tennessee jail, you never get
money for nothing. Then an FBI investigation plunges this straight and narrow attorney into a
nightmare of terror and intrigue, with no choice but to pit his wits, ethics, and legal skills
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John Grisham 's The Pelican Brief
In John Grisham's The Pelican Brief, two supreme court justices are assassinated, which the reader
can compare to other assassinations in history. With former president John F. Kennedy's
assassination, the reader can connect the political aspects of the book to a real life situation, and
with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, the reader can see how sometimes your very own
opinions can get you killed (Grisham). The reader can also compare John Grisham himself to both
Kennedy and King because both Kennedy and Grisham were politicians and both King and Grisham
were activists ("John Grisham"). Through these connections, the reader can better understand the
book and Grisham himself. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963,
after almost three years as president (Wilentz, Sean). He was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald
while riding in a car through downtown Dallas, Texas (Wilentz, Sean). His death came as a great
shock to America, similar to when Callahan heard of the justices' death (Grisham). The entire world
mourned Kennedy's death, and the funeral proceedings were all very public (Wilentz, Sean). On the
Sunday after the assassination, the casket was laid in the Capitol Rotunda, "Throughout the day and
night, hundreds of thousands of people filed past the guarded casket" (Wilentz, Sean).Within days of
Kennedy's assassination, Oswald was also shot, by Jack Ruby (Domina, Thurston). After the death
of President Kennedy, vice president Lyndon
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John Ray Grisham Accomplishments
John Ray Grisham, Jr. by most measures is one of the most successful writers, due to his numerous
bestselling books and many other things. Grisham was the most commercially successful novelists
of the 1990's compared to the many other authors at the time. He is an American bestselling author,
writer, attorney, politician, and activist. He is best known for his popular legal terms. His books have
been translated into forty–two different languages nationwide. In ninety sixty–six his books brought
him over forty million in royalties and they have increased over all the years. There are currently
over three hundred million copies of his books. The Firm was the first of seventeen straight number
one best sellers. Many of his books have been adapted into major motion pictures. Some of his
novels have even been ... Show more content on ...
He has written some of the best and most thrilling books. He is very successful in all his work and
has done many great things. Even though his dream of playing baseballs did not come true, he still is
a big fan of baseball and goes to baseball games. He is happily married and lives a great life with his
wife and kids. With his mom encouragement to do good it brought him to a great place he is now.
His accomplishments in writing books brought him some much success. In his books he lets you
know exactly what he is thinking. Today many of his books make it to shelves all around the world
and many people enjoy many of his books in different places in the world. He is like a celebrity
author and is known for it. John has written innumerable novels and has sold over 250 million
copies nationwide. There is many things people can learn about John Grisham and many people
should look up to his success of writing some amazing books. People can learn a lot from all his
books, they have some interesting stories. Many of his books can really touch one's heart like the
book I read A Time to Kill. John Grisham is by far one of the best
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Essay On Bleachers By John Grisham
For one to have true closure, one must forgive. In John Grisham's Bleachers, people from the town
of Messina are intertwined in a web of forgiveness with each other. Some characters are asking for
forgiveness and others are wondering whether to or to not forgive. One may ask how a football
player could forgive his coach for hitting him and breaking his nose or how a woman could forgive
the man that broke her heart. Another may ask how a mother and father could ever forgive the man
who caused the death of their son. It comes down to one thing. When one has the strength and
courage to accept what has happened and forgive, there can be closure.
The 1987 state title game was a wound that never healed. It just sat there, slowly eating away at both
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Randall Scott Reardon, or as others called him Scotty, was just fifteen years old, only a sophomore
in high school, and had such a long life ahead of him. That all ended on August 21st, 1992 when
Coach Eddie Rake made the football players run the unforgettable "bleachers". Scotty was running
the "bleachers" for a grueling third time and died of heatstroke right there in the stands. Rake was
held responsible with the death and the Reardons were able to fire him due to their wealth and
connections. The death affected Rake more than the people of Messina could fathom as expressed in
his final letter read at the funeral, "Holding him in my arms as he passed away is something I have
wept over every day since" (Grisham 204). All he wanted was to be forgiven by the Reardons.
Eventually, the Reardons did forgive him as this was also said in Rake's letter, "I have expressed
these feelings to his parents, and, in time, I think they have forgiven me. I cling to their forgiveness
and take it to my death" (Grisham 204). The Reardons finally had the strength to forgive Rake after
seeing how greatly Scotty's death affected him and they even allowed Rake to be buried next to
Scotty's grave. There was now closure over such a terrible tragedy and both the Reardons and Rake
could be at
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Homelessness, By John Grisham Essay
In the landscape of today's forever changing social environment, one thing there is without a doubt
no lack of is controversial contemporary social issues. There are many topics that are considered to
be taboo and one thing that has changed is that there is no lack of those that are willing to voice and
share their beliefs and ideals on these controversial social topics. One of these topics that has
received quite the spotlight recently is that of the levels of poverty and homelessness that plague our
social infrastructure today. There are many different thoughts and ideals as to what is the major root
cause of this systemic social issues.
In Somewhere for Everyone the author John Grisham does not hold back on a very pungent social
topic which is that of homelessness. In this story as well as other recent articles about homelessness
there are many valid points and concerns for what the future of society may hold if there are no
changes in how homelessness is not only viewed but is also looked at to change. In the article
published in Newsweek back in February 9, 1998 John Grisham paints a very vivid and thought
provoking article about the increasing issue of homelessness in the United States and how action
must be taken or this issue will continue to escalate in dramatic fashion. The beginning of the article
starts by reliving a time that John Grisham was harassed by a panhandler and how this made him
feel. The article then discusses how this was somewhat of a chic issue
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What Is My Passion Essay
The story of my passion in law started when I was in primary school. I was and still am really into
English. It all started with my English teacher often asked me to read my essay aloud to the class.
This somehow boosted my interest, passion and love towards English. From this, my effort into
reading and writing never go lesser than it is supposed to be in order to improve my English so that I
could read better essays to the class. My love towards reading and writing never fades even after I
entered secondary school and did not have to read my essay aloud. What I used to see as an effort to
improvement is now a hobby and a way to express myself. Due to my passion and my talent in
writing, I was chosen as an editor to an issue of an education section in New Straits Time. I realised
at that time how some words on a right medium could give a huge impact. I surely believe that your
thoughts are precious and will only help if the channel is right. ... Show more content on ...
By being a part of this society, I have to coach some underachievers to improve their English. My
friends who were under my guidance clearly have brilliant ideas but do not how to flow it to the
paper. Thus, they practised their writing and I will proofread their essays. What I learnt from this
proofreading task was it is not about the grammar mistakes or spelling error. It is actually about the
idea they have to share to the world. Thus, I was there to help them to express it in a proper manner.
So that, they are not only writing for grades but also writing to express. It really knocked me in the
head that whatever specialities and talents I have is not for only me to enjoy it is to be shared and to
be given back to the society. Which I believe is needed for an excellent lawyer to give back to the
... Get more on ...
Analysis Of John Grisham 's The Pelican Brief
In John Grisham's The Pelican Brief, He brings up oil and gas companies drilling in the wetlands,
which is destroying them, and I decided to investigate further about how these companies have been
hurting the environment. The main way that the wetlands are being killed is from the salt water that
is intruding into the marshes from the canals, that gas and oil companies use, are the way that most
salt water gets so deep inside the wetlands (Barnowski). Oil and gas companies are always trying to
build more canals to invade different areas of the wetlands when they find different reserves of oil
and gas just like Victor Mattiece was in the Pelican Brief. When they build more canals, The
wetlands soil starts to break up and that destroys the small amount of land that is left in the
wetlands. There are several different types of marshes with different salinities which are measured
using ppt which is the amount of salt in a thousand units. The types of marshes include freshwater,
intermediate, brackish, and salt marshes. Freshwater marshes have no salinity and are 100%
freshwater as the name would suggest. Intermediate marshes have a salinity from 0–5 ppt
("Louisiana's Oil."). Brackish marshes have a salinity from 5–15 ppt and lastly salt water marshes
have a salinity higher than 15 ppt ("Louisiana's Oil."). Salt water marshes are the ones that are right
by canals or are hit by ocean waves every day and are the easiest eroded because they have a lot less
plants than the other
... Get more on ...
John Grisham Accomplishments
I chose John Grisham because, even though he was born in Arkansas, he grew up in North
Mississippi about two hours North of where we currently are. Writing was never interesting to him
until his job as a lawyer brought on interesting topics. His life, how he got in to writing, and his
accomplishments are interesting to say the least. John Ray Grisham, Jr., the second of five children,
was born in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and raised in the South (Harris). He lived in Arkansas, Louisiana
and Mississippi while he was growing up; and, whenever they moved to a new town his mother,
Wanda Grisham, made sure to get the children library cards to encourage reading instead of
watching television (Harris). He wanted to play professional baseball, so instead of focusing on
studies, in his early college years, he concentrated on sports and later decided to become an
accounting major because a baseball career was unlikely (Harris). In 1977, he graduated from
Mississippi State University with a bachelor's degree in accounting and then transferred to the
University of Mississippi, also known as Ole Miss, for law school and graduated in 1981 (Harris).
After graduating, he married Renee Jones and they moved to Charlottesville, Virginia, for half of the
year, and in ... Show more content on ...
In his book, A Time to Kill, he depicts his characters as the assailants being Caucasian and the
victim is African American when, in reality, there was two Caucasian victims and one African
American assailant. There would not have been as much buzz if it had been a story about an African
American rapist. I believe because there of the acts of racism going on back then, he decided to
switch it around to give it more, as one would say, power. It's more of a thrill seeker that the victim's
father is going after these white men because one did not hear of that
... Get more on ...

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Essay About Innocent Man By John Grisham

  • 1. Essay about Innocent Man by John Grisham The innocent man is the story of Ron Williamson who was unjustly convicted of murder and spent twelve years on death row before being exonerated by DNA evidence. Ron Williamson was born in Ada, a small town in Oklahoma. His future looked bright when he was young and he was an exceptional athlete who was drafted by the Oakland Athletics. After an unsuccessful career in the minors Ron Williamson became a drug addict and an alcoholic whose life steadily got worse. He could not keep any job and he began spending most of his time in bars, and living with various friends. He soon accumulated a criminal record that included DUI?s, check fraud, and two rape charges that did not result in conviction. He became a heavy user of ... Show more content on ... The book starts of with a very brief biography of the victim, Debbie Carter and takes us to the scene of her murder describing the manner of her brutal rape and death. Following this first chapter the book follows the attempts of the Ada police department as they try to solve the murder of Debbie Carter, and also the abduction of Denice Haraway a few years later. From Grisham?s perspective it seems that the prosecution team was only concerned about pinning the murder on someone and they really didn?t care who it was. Interrogators literally forced Williamson to make his dream confession and this was the basis for the entire prosecution even though the defendant was obviously mentally incompetent The prosecution team used other unreliable sources of evidence, mainly hair samples, and ?jailhouse snitches? who received reduced sentences as a reward of testifying against the defendant. Eventually they manipulated an inexperienced jury into believing their insignificant evidence and Ron Williamson was sentenced to death. His friend Dennis Fritz was sentenced to life in prison, mainly for being the only friend Ron had when the murder occurred. Tommy Ward and Karl Fontenot went through a similar process. Even though there is little evidence to say they did not murder Denice Haraway they have never received ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Comparing the Movies A Time to Kill, by John Grisham and... The movie based on John Grisham's A Time to Kill is a Hollywoodized, modern–day version of To Kill a Mockingbird. Both movies employ many of the same themes and plot elements; but the former movie is one–dimensional and predictable while the latter is innovative and purposeful. The movie version of Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird is considered a classic film, whereas John Grisham?s adapted novel is merely another example of the money making efforts of Hollywood. Some of the movies' more prominent themes are the same. Both focus on the family, particularly the role of the father. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Attacus, who is based on the father of author Harper Lee, is an upstanding parent. Not only is he an excellent role ... Show more content on ... Boo Radley saves the children by fighting their attacker to the death at great personal risk even though these same children had feared him. He is a very mysterious character until this incident, which unexpectedly defines him as a hero. In one of the most striking scenes in A Time to Kill, a soldier jumps in the path of a bullet to protect Jake. When Jake learns this total stranger is permanently paralyzed, he is dumbfounded. The basic plots of the two movies are identical: a white man commits rape but a black man ends up being prosecuted in a racially charged trial. The focus is on the defense lawyer?s struggle, and the movies climax during the closing statement. The essential difference of plot is a juxtaposition: in To Kill a Mockingbird, an innocent man is convicted, while in the other, a guilty man walks. This reflects that more was at stake than simply one man?s life in both cases. The former?s result is much more powerful. This unrevenged injustice has potential to hold audiences in indignant shock and open their eyes to the harsh reality of racism. This is the first of several discrepancies I will point out that favor To Kill a Mockingbird as the better film. These juxtaposed outcomes of the trials can be attributed to two factors unrelated to the plot. First, it reflects our nation?s growing sensitivity toward stamping out racism. A black man prosecuted for a crime against a white person had terrible ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Client John Grisham In writing the Crime novel ‘The Client’, John Grisham has quite effectively intertwined the plot, characters, themes and issues to create a dramatic and suspenseful story. To do this he creates strong interesting characters along with an in depth storyline to lure the reader in. John Grisham raises important themes and issues in all his novels, this story raises such issues as suicide and corruption. In ‘The Client’ we are faced with rather rough but also innocent young boy who is suddenly thrown into a complicated circle of lies, murder and revenge all because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The incredible plot John Grisham has accumulated to complete the electrifying story of ‘The ... Show more content on ... In some ways Reggie and Mark are quite alike, their stubborn and resolute natures. In chapter nine of the novel where Mark was being interrogated by the FBI and several lawyers without his mother present, we observe Reggie’s truly amazing confrontation. "Its all right here on tape, fellas. You boys attempted to interrogate a child outside the presence of his mother." Reggie has a great deal of confidence in herself to be working in such a male dominated position, she always comes out way ahead of Roy Foltrigg the federal Prosecutor. John Grisham’s character of Barry the Blade Muldanno, The murderer of a United States Senator, adds a great tension to the story as he and his Mafia associates hold the driving force behind the main plot line. Barry Muldanno pursues Mark and his family with great vigour when he finds out that Mark may hold information as to where the body is hidden. For the continuation of the story the character of Barry Muldanno is responsible for providing the plot line with added suspense and thrill. In one particular excerpt mark is suddenly confronted and threatened by a man in an elevator holding a knife to his throat. "If you repeat a single word of it to anyone, including your lawyer, I’ll kill you. And I’ll kill your mother and your little brother." There are several other ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Appeal Politics has always been a dirty game. Now justice is, too." Although "The Appeal" by John Grisham is a fictional book, the author himself claims that there is a certain truth behind the storyline, as he explains in the author's note. "I must say that there is a lot of truth in this story." This quote especially shocks one when reconsidering the story and the criminal energy involved. The book impresses the reader with a story based on corruption and money. Mary Grace and Wes Payton are, married and both work as lawyers on the verdict against Krane Chemicals, on the edge of financial ruin they barely manage to finance the last trial against Krane Chemicals. Although they win the verdict and with that earn an immense amount of money ... Show more content on ... This is then the point when a mysterious organization comes into the story changing Carl's chances by buying a seat in the court deciding on the case, by recruiting and financing a unsuspecting candidate. One may argue that this book was too long and partly too descriptive in both the storyline and the characters, which made it hard to follow the storyline throughout the book. Grisham's intend is clearly to sensitize and focus his readers on corruption in the sections companies, politics and justice. "As long as private money is allowed in judicial elections we will see competing interests fight for seats on the bench." Grisham highlights this point so often throughout the book that one clearly notices his concern of corruption in the judicial system because of money.The book changes its pace very rapidly from chapter to chapter therefor the narrative style reminds one of an appeal in a court with constantly changing perceptions and argumentations. John Grisham wrote the book in a way that the reader constantly switches between the parallel stories of the two lawyers and Carl Trudeau and his company. The way in which john Grisham writes, lures the reader into a feeling that the actual story is true and happening while one is reading. The book brings both the interesting parts of a trial into one's understanding as well as the boring paperwork making the book different as its pace and tension switch constantly and are not ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. John Grisham Research Paper John Grisham is a widely adored thriller author. When Grisham was young, his family traveled from his birthplace of Arkansas until he was twelve where his family settled in Mississippi. Although John's family was poor, he said he always felt loved. Grisham always felt confident from an early age, to adulthood, no matter what he was doing. Although John was never fantastic at sports, he was poised when he volunteered to play. Another long term hobby of Grisham was reading, little did he know it would be his majorly successful career. Grisham went to college at Mississippi State University and majored in tax law and eventually changed majors to criminal law. John received his Bachelor's Degree before enrolling into the University of Mississippi ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Testament John Grisham Quotes I have finished the book The Testament, by John Grisham. It was a superb book. In the last 122 pages of the book many events occurred. Nate O'Riley goes to the Amazon rainforest to find Rachel Lane, the sole heir to an 11 billion dollar fortune. Rachel does not care about the money and refuses to sign the paperwork that allows Nate to be her lawyer. This means that the other eight children, who are all unscrupulous, will squander the money among themselves. Nate gets a jungle fever and is forced to leave the small indigenous village in the Amazon and move to a hospital in Brazil. Nate recovers and his boss forges Rachel's signature allowing Nate to become the lawyer defending the will. Although Rachel does not know about the trial, Nate defends ... Show more content on ... She is realistic when she acts charitably and selflessly without any money. After she learns about her inheritance, she still acts selflessly and even disregards the money entirely sometimes. Most people would not act in this manner, but some people do. Her altruism is shown in the quote, "I'm not leaving" (Grisham 184). She did not want the money when she was alive, and after she was dead, she gave it away. Unlike the lawyers who have little (comparatively) and want much, she has much and wants little. Her character is unrealistic, however, in the way she handles the money. This is shown by the quote, "I'm not signing anything. I don't want the money" (Grisham 202). When the will was read to her, she did not even want to give the money to charity. This may show she has been disconnected from the world. It is not realistic for her to disregard the money even though she has no worldly possessions. She has experience with money when she goes into Còrumba to buy medicine and other supplies for her work. It could be argued that she does not have any experience with large amounts of money or having such freedom with it as she had, therefore the ways she acted are realistic. Rachel Lane is at times realistic and ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Death Penalty In The Confession By John Grisham Across America, certain states allow their governments to make use of the death penalty for a myriad of crimes. The methods through which it is attained is often as controversial as the act itself. In the tale of The Confession by John Grisham, the city of Slone, Texas comes to terms with the severe ramifications that come with taking someone's life, whether it be condoned by the law or not. In the case of Donté Drumm, a young football player is accused of killing Nicole Yerber, a popular cheerleader who was supposedly dating him at the time. He was forced into a confession by means of psychological torture. After nine years, Donté is killed for a crime he did not commit. The town unearths the reality that taking someone's life is a permanent action which cannot be undone when a mistake is made. The Confession takes a closer look at what the death penalty really means by not only looking at the statistics but the emotional toll it takes on the people connected to it too, explaining how the death penalty is fundamentally wrong and looking at ways to open people's eyes to the truth of it. The haunting race to save the life of Donté Drumm is largely told from the vantage point of Travis Boyette, the actual criminal who escaped punishment; Robbie Flak, the defense lawyer who has taken on the task of fighting the state of Texas in Donté's name; and Keith Schroeder, an outsider whose life becomes entangled and influenced by Donté's plight. Each of them are equally important as ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Painted House John Grisham Essay John Grisham is an influential writer that has written many thrillers. A Painted House reflects on the life of an impoverished farm boy in Black Oak, Arkansas. John Grisham's life influenced his novel A Painted House by helping convey what it was like for a poor, working child in rural Arkansas in the early 50's. Firstly, the book starts out in 1952 in Black Oak, Arkansas; Black Oak is a small farm town in far northeast Arkansas. Luke always had a dream of being a professional baseball player and so did John, John Grisham as a child dreamed of being a professional baseball player" (Grisham). He played in college but never got to live out his dream, "a young man sat alone at the end of a bleacher close to first base" (Hughes 1). Black Oak ... Show more content on ... All of Luke's life his parents and grandparents were always worrying about money. He learned to persevere through these tough times, " But he also will have learned about the depth of compassion especially his own" (Morris). The incoming floods towards the end of the growing season always stressed out his father's and Pappy's life. Luke's parents get tired of this and his uncle Jimmy acquired a job for his dad at the Buick factory to assemble cars in Michigan. His father was going there to earn a whole three dollars a hour. In Grisham's real life, his father was a construction worker that was frequently traveling to provide for his family. When they lived in Black Oak with his grandparents, his parents struggled to make a profit and have money of their own. Therefore they ended up moving to Southaven, Mississippi and finally settled down in a pleasant middle class neighborhood. Grisham ended up calling Southaven his home and placed his first law practice here. Since he was in Mississippi it was only natural for him to go to The University of Mississippi, "Grisham went on to study accounting at Mississippi State University and then law at the University of Mississippi, graduating in 1981" (Biography). In 1990, at the age of 35, he moved to Oxford, Mississippi. Consequently, he retired from law and focused on his evolving writing ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Bleachers, by John Grisham Essay Books read by adolescents contain both positive and negative values. Bleachers, by John Grisham is one book that contains many positive values. This book is about high school all–American Neely Crenshaw, who was probably the best quarterback ever to play for the legendary Messina Spartans. Fifteen years have gone by since those glory days, and Neely has come home to Messina to bury Coach Eddie Rake, the man who molded the Spartans into an unbeatable football dynasty. It is well known that books read by adolescents are somewhat inappropriate in certain ways such as language and the types of actions done by the characters. Some books consist of drugs, sex, and violence which obviously isn't very appropriate nor does it consist of ... Show more content on ... Although some books do contain negative values and deemed inappropriate by some people, Bleachers, by John Grisham contains many positive values and is very appropriate for adolescents to read. Bleachers, is about a high school all–American Nelly Crenshaw who was the best quarterback ever to play for the Messina Spartans. The story is based around on the impending death of the Messina Spartans' football coach Eddie Rake, who is one of the most victorious coaches in high school football history, Rake is both feared and loved by his players and by a town that relishes his 13 state titles. The protagonist of the novel is Neely Crenshaw, who is a former Rake All–American whose NFL prospects ended quickly after a cheap shot to the knees. In the book, Neely has just returned home for the first time in years to join his former teammates to sit in the bleachers and wait for the dimming field lights to signal his passing. During this time they replay the old games, relive the glory days and try and decide whether they love or hate their former coach, Eddie Rake. This trip back for Neely is more meaningful as he has to forgive himself as well as his coach and try and rekindle his love for his ex–girlfriend he abandoned long ago so he can get on with his life. It is obvious to see the positive values and appropriate nature of Bleachers. It is obvious to see why Bleachers has many positive values, one is the fact that Neely is trying to repair ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Research Paper On John Grisham The anatomy and physiology of the human body is extremely complex in many different aspects. Scientifically, the human body is organized from simple to complex. The organization sequence begins with diminutive cells and finishes with multiplex organ systems. All people are typically organized in the same fashion. However, psychologically all people do not process information the same way. People have a myriad of motives for the actions they take in life. For instance, a person may be motivated or inspired by a situation he or she has been in, and they decide to act upon his or her beliefs. John Grisham, a well–known novelist, was inspired to become a writer by past circumstances he has experienced, the knowledge he obtained by being a lawyer, through the stimulating people he has met throughout his life thus far, and to prove that people can experience a little adventure while reading. Axiomatically, to completely understand how an author writes his or her books people need to know the author's background. "John Ray Grisham, Jr., was born on February 8th, 1955 in Jonesboro, Arkansas. John's father was a construction worker, and his family moved to different states frequently" (June Harris). After spending most of his childhood in Arkansas and Louisiana, the Grisham family found a permanent home in Southaven, Mississippi. After graduating high school and finishing his undergraduate studies at two different colleges, John Grisham attended law school at Mississippi State ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Memo To John Grisham Summary of Stone's Argument In "Memo to John Grisham: What's Next –– 'A Movie Made Me Do It'?" by Oliver Stone he argues that his movies and other violent films do not exclusively stimulate criminal actions. According to Stone, society always tries to place the blame or find a scapegoat when a disaster occurs. He elaborates by claiming Grisham is placing the issue of public violence on Stone's and other director's movies. Stone, more importantly, explains that as an artist he is simply placing a mirror to reality and showing an untainted perspective on life (Stone 1–2). Stone goes on to reinforce the notion that films are not the major influences of violence when he states, "Accordingly, only 16 percent of all [Televsions] programs show ... Show more content on ... Zimecki suggests that violence is greatly impacted by movies when he claims, "the perpetrators of the 1974 Hi–Fi Murders in Ogden, Utah, forced their victims to drink liquid Drano after watching a similar scene in the Clint Eastwood picture Magnum Force" (Zimecki 10). Zimecki provides goes on to provide more examples of crimes committed that bear a striking resemblance to movie scenes or certain films. Had these scenes not been shown then it is very likely that these crimes wouldn't have happened. Zimecki also discusses how the court often allows the film industry to get away with including gory violence through the court's views on "incitement." According to Zimecki speech that promotes violence but does not incite harm is guarded under the First Amendment based on the court case Brandenberg v. Ohio. From the case, the court ruled that simply advocating violence is not enough. In addition, the court claimed people are allowed to promote violence as long as it does not refer to the present and takes on an abstract quality. Conversely, someone who incorrectly yells "fire" in a theater is unconstitutionally using the First amendment because their words cause immediate action and harm (Zimecki 12–15). Zimecki is ultimately trying to convey the Supreme court loosely interprets ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. John Grisham Homeless Analysis Exposing a problem in American cities that will not go away, homelessness and affordable housing. In 1998, John Grisham's reveals his attitudes towards the homeless population in New York City at the time the article was written for Newsweek magazine. There are cities all across America like Baltimore where there are over 16,000 vacant properties. As poverty continues to increase, as the gap between the wealthy and poor continues to widen, the homeless become the invisible, the misunderstood and marginalized and affordable housing may be the answer. John Grisham's epiphany led him to the streets of Washington DC to write a story from the viewpoint of a street lawyer. He entered a world of street lawyers, the homeless shelters ... Show more content on ... As of January 2014, there are on average over 578, 400 people experiencing homelessness in the United States ("National Alliance to End Homelessness: The State of Homelessness in America 2015").). In New York, Grisham did not view poor people as not having basic needs met nor did he view people without housing as the homeless, however, years later in D.C. where over a 1,000 individuals sleep on the streets a night Grisham realized his inhumanity. In Baltimore City, there are approximately 16,000 homes that are vacant and about 30,000 people that will experience homelessness during the course of a year as well as 3000 during the course of a night (Samuels). According to the National Low–Income Housing Coalition, a minimum wage worker would have to work 138 per week to afford a two–bedroom apartment a fair market value in Baltimore. Maryland is one of the richest states in the United States, yet it has some of the least affordable housing in the country (Samuel). D.C. houses many of its homeless population in rented motels at about 400 rooms per night with more than 900 families in motels and shelters. Current Mayor Muriel E. Bowser refuses to treat the homeless population as refugees, therefore, she has devised a detailed plan to end chronic homelessness in five years in D. C. as well as removing families from dilapidated shelters into apartments for long terms ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. John Grisham Research Paper John Grisham John Grisham had plenty of jobs as a lawyer but the benefits of being a lawyer matched his zest for writing. On February 8, 1955 John Ray Grisham was born in Jonesboro, Arkansas. As a child John's family moved around a lot, going wherever John's father could find work. At the age of twelve the Grisham family settled down in Southaven, Mississippi. Grisham and his four siblings grew up with strong family values. In his adult life John married Renée Jones. Overtime John and Renée had two children Ty and Shea Grisham. When John first started college he wanted to be a tax lawyer. He was just an average student at Southaven High school but he had large hopes and dreams. Grisham received a B.S. from Mississippi State, a J.D. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. How Is Violence In The Media Perceived In Society Essay... The world today has a variety of problems and violence is one of the most prominent. It is seen on the front page of the newspaper and as the "Top Story" on the eleven o'clock news. Unfortunately, it is also widely used for entertainment purposes. In the New York Times a 1998 article by Faye Fiore stated: "On average last year, one act of serious brutality was found for every four minutes of entertainment." Today, violence is a major part of electronic games, television, and the film industry. Violence becomes such an everyday scene for us that many believe it desensitizes us to the real world. That is why the majority of the time violence is perceived as the cause of many of society's ills. One ... Show more content on ... Whether we admit it to ourselves consciously or not, violence is and has always been entertaining. In ancient Rome, citizens filled the coliseum to see gladiators fight to the death. In medieval times castle courtyards were packed with people trying to witness the public executions. Today we are able to witness violent acts in the comfort of our own homes. If we want to see some gladiators fight to the death we can just go find one of our favorite movies or Playstation games. This shows that main perception of violence in society is that it is entertaining and accepted for its entertaining qualities. Not all representations of the media perceive violence as entertainment. One representation is in the film "Full Metal Jacket". Violence is shown to be a somewhat necessary evil that society can not escape. In one specific scene containing violence, the squad comes upon an apparently deserted city only to find out that it is occupied by a hidden sniper who quickly disables one squad member to the horror of the rest of the squad. They want to help the fallen soldier but they would be putting themselves in danger of being sniped. The sniper, who realizes this, continues to shoot the fallen soldier to try and lure his squad in to help him. This torture is to much for one member of the squad to handle. This soldier then attempts to rescue his fallen comrade. Unfortunately he is ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Forgiveness In Bleachers In today's society, forgiveness is sometimes a touchy subject. Some believe forgiveness is not necessary, while others follow the belief in the Bible, "forgive and forget." However one looks at this subject, forgiveness can be difficult in certain instances, especially between a coach and his players. When conflicts arise between these two subjects, there are instances when forgiveness can take years, sometimes many years. In the book, Bleachers, the author, John Grisham, shows the reader the inside of this quest. The main characters, Neely Crenshaw and Eddie Rake, battle inner conflict as they struggle through ambivalence toward one another. Neely, the All–American football player returns home after 15 years when he discovers his coach is ... Show more content on ... The author showed the reader that Neely had to travel along a path and hit rock bottom in order to realize the underlying conflict that was making him miserable; he had to forgive, not give up on life. Through this quest he finally comes to realize his misery, "I knew I had to be here when he died, I had to say farewell, And I had to finally, and sincerely, accept his apology. I should have done it earlier" (Grisham 158). When one realizes the underlying conflict that is making one miserable, picks himself or herself up after hitting rock bottom, and works through pain and suffering, the quest ends. One realizes not to give up. The author supports this theme with Neely's quest toward forgiveness to show what happens if one never gives up. One learns from his or her mistakes when he or she is in a different position. It took a man's confession on his deathbed for Neely to finally let go. When the confessional letter is read, Neely can finally let go. He can forgive. I believe we should all take Neely's actions as a symbol that we all should try to forgive and forget no matter how difficult it may ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Analysis Of The Article ' The Pelican Brief ' The Wetlands In Grisham's novel, The Pelican Brief, he presents a case where an organization attempts to protect the coastal marshes of Louisiana against the selfish oil companies and citizens that wish to destroy it for money. This is a tremendous concern that people deal with in America. John Grisham wrote The Pelican Brief, in 1992 and it was one of his best selling books. Louisiana's marshes are being destroyed and are suffering greatly because of humans. Grisham shows extensive knowledge of the wetlands as well as the wildlife through discussing the endangered Brown Pelican and how humans have brought it to the brink of extinction. Numberless amounts of waterfowl, birds, and countless species that call Louisiana home are now being terrorized thanks to non–native species, humans and a numerous amount of different causes. The Brown Pelican, Louisiana's state bird, has been endangered until 1995, and about half of all the geese in North America spend the winter in the coastal marshes (Elliott, Charles). Additionally, Louisiana is the leading state for the number of wintering ducks (¨SGP¨). The marshes are extremely important to the fowl that live there year round and for the ones that do not. The Bobwhite Quail, that live there year round, have suffered huge losses to their population. From 1966 they have declined 75%, primarily due to habitat degradation (¨SGP¨). One of the reasons populations of fowl have been going down is the result of invasive species. The common ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Pelican Brief Novel vs. Movie "The Pelican Brief" Novel vs. Movie The differences and the similarities between the novel "The Pelican Brief" by John Grisham and the movie "The Pelican Brief" by Alan J. Pakula film. There were maybe similarities between the novel and the movie. The story line and plot were basically the same in both the novel and the movie. Then there were also many differences when the novel was made in to a movie. As in most cases when a novel is made in to a movie there are certain things that are left out in the movie version. The novel and the movie were both very suspenseful. The main characters are both the same in the book and in the movie but are a little bit different then their counter partners in the novel/movie. In both the movie and ... Show more content on ... The scene in the novel where all the porno cinemas were bombed and burned to the ground was somewhat important in the fact that it showed to state of anarchy our country is in, in this novel. The movie neglected to use that scene in to the movie version of "The Pelican Brief." The burning down of the porno cinemas gave an example and showed how the "Underground Military" worked. This in a sense excluded them from the list of suspects do to there expert use of explosives. If they had indeed were the killers of the two Chief Justices they most likely would of stuck to there area of expertise, explosives. The main difference between the novel and the movie is that in the novel you are introduced to more characters and there involvement in the story is explained. The movie doesn't really introduce u as well as the novel does and this makes it harder to follow what is going on in the movie version. It is harder in a movie to introduce a character but it seemed that it was poorly don in "The Pelican Brief" movie version. I can understand why its easer for a novel to describe how and what they what you to know about a particular character. Now in a movie it's your own perception that you make of a character. The perception that the novel is usually better than the movie version in this case is true; I preferred reading the novel over watching the movie. The novel ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. John Grisham Research Paper John Grisham has influenced many people to begin writing mystery novels. John Grisham was born in Arkansas in 1955. He married Renee Jones and was the son of a construction worker and a homemaker. John has two children by the name of Ty and Shea. John had received nearly thirty rejections by publishers before his first book was accepted by Wynwood Press. John was "called to the bar" and became a lawyer. He then became the publisher of the Oxford American. He had a passion for baseball and to coach little league baseball. He preferred to watch college and school sports games rather than the professionals. He enjoyed fishing and horseback riding with his kids, along with taking long walks on the beach with his wife. Grisham was ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Believability of John Grisham’s Bleachers Essay Many people form their opinions of whether or not a book is believable solely on the book's classification as nonfiction or fiction. Others use New Critical analysis to determine whether a book is believable or not. The use of New Critical analysis requires the reader to consider events that happen throughout the book and any conflict that may have occurred. It also requires that the reader focus on the plot of the book and the characters. Grisham sets the book to take place in a small, football crazed town, known as Messina. The book is set in present day time, but Grisham uses his characters to incorporate flashbacks from the sixties, seventies, and eighties. Grisham uses many characters throughout the entire book to tell the story ... Show more content on ... As Grisham stated: [on] Friday nights, the entire town of Messina waited for the gate to open, then rushed to the bleachers where seats were claimed and nervous pregame rituals were followed. The black, paved pasture around Rake Field would overflow long before the opening kickoff, sending the out–of–town traffic into the dirt roads and alleys and remote parking zones behind the school's cafeteria and its baseball field. (2) Many people would question whether or not this detail is believable, especially if they are unaware of how big of a sport high school football is in the South. Grisham lets us see that high school football is a sport that the whole town of Messina was involved in. He also lets us see that the people of Messina not only loved high school football, but they had rituals they followed as well. Readers, who are unfamiliar with Southern high school football tradition, would question Grisham's depiction of Messina's rules. When describing an incident involving a Messina field keeper named "Rabbit" (43) and a speeding opposing player, known as "Lightning Loyd" (44), Grisham states that "the score was tied late in the third quarter" (44) when: to the horror (and delight) of ten thousand Messina faithful, Rabbit flung his bony and brittle body into the arena, and somewhere around the thirty–five–yard line, he collided with Lighting. The collision, while nearly fatal for Rabbit, who at the time was at least forty years old, had little ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. John Grisham 's The Pelican Brief Essay Paper In John Grisham's The Pelican Brief, two supreme court justices are assassinated, which the reader can compare to other assassinations in history. With former president John F. Kennedy's assassination, the reader can connect the political aspects of the book to a real life situation, and with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, the reader can see how sometimes your very own opinions can get you killed (Grisham). The reader can also compare John Grisham himself to both Kennedy and King because both Kennedy and Grisham were politicians and both King and Grisham were activists ("John Grisham"). Through these connections, the reader can better understand the book and Grisham himself. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, after almost three years as president (Wilentz, Sean). He was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald while riding in a car through downtown Dallas, Texas (Wilentz, Sean). His death came as a great shock to America, similar to when Callahan heard of the justices' death (Grisham). The entire world mourned Kennedy's death, and the funeral proceedings were all very public (Wilentz, Sean). On the Sunday after his assassination, the casket was laid in the Capitol Rotunda, "Throughout the day and night, hundreds of thousands of people filed past the guarded casket" (Wilentz, Sean). Within days of Kennedy's assassination, Oswald was also shot, by Jack Ruby (Domina, Thurston). After the death of President Kennedy, vice ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Forgiveness In John Grishams Bleachers Forgiveness may be one of the simplest things in life, but also one of the hardest. In John Grishams Bleachers, forgiveness did not come until the end. Since Rakes apology at the end came as a surprise, making it easier to accept. The actions of Coach Rake were crucial in this book, causing him to need forgiveness, from Messina, the Spartan football players, families, and friends. Would Rake get the forgiveness he needed? Through Rakes many years of coaching, he saw many different levels from the football players. Seeing both sides, football and their lives, Rake still took each and everyone of them in the same. Pushing them to be there best, both on and off the field. Once you were on the Spartan football team, you were on top. There was ... Show more content on ... A concern for Messina would be losing. Coach had not won a state title since 1987 and he was ready for another one. The 1992 team was not looking very promising to accomplish much. Rake was ready to work these boys and get them ready for the season. They needed to be in tip top shape to win it all. The team had shown Rake poor effort in a scrimmage, leading to a rare Sunday morning practice. This would be a full out conditioning practice. No contact football, just conditioning. The boys were there and ready at eight o'clock on that Sunday morning, with thick humidity in the air. Practice started with a mile around the track for a warm up, followed by another mile. "Number two on the list of dreaded tortures, just behind the Spartan Marathon, was the assault on the bleachers" (Grisham 74). Up and down, side to side on both the guest and home bleachers. This was the hardest conditioning. Rake had been conditioning for years and these boys could push themselves. He believed in them. As Scotty Reardon, a sophomore player began to weaken in his bleacher workout, everyone else kept going. Before anyone knew, Scotty passed out. No trainers, no ambulance, just coach and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. John Grisham's Bleachers Title– Bleachers Author– John Grisham Publisher– Doubleday Date of publication: Bleachers was originally published September 9, 2003. Illustrator– This novel did not have an illustrator. Author's biography– John Grisham was born February 8, 1955 in Jonesboro, Arkansas. As a child, John had wanted to be a professional baseball player. When he realized he didn't have enough talent to be a pro, he switched gears and majored in accounting at Mississippi State University. Grisham's real career began as a lawyer in Southaven, Mississippi. In between his courthouse dates and serving in the Mississippi House of Representatives, he took time to begin writing his first novel, A Time to Kill. He has written a novel a year since 1988, many of which became major motion pictures. Today, he splits his time between his wife and two children at his ... Show more content on ... He is a legend in Messina, having coached the high school football team for 34 years and piling up tremendous statistics. Neely Crenshaw– The quarterback hero in the 1980's who had a great future perhaps in professional football. Then, he received a career–ending knee injury as a sophomore in college and his great future disappeared. He has not returned to his hometown in 15 years because of his hatred for Coach Rake. Paul Curry– Now a banker in Messina, Paul was also a great football hero with Neely. He had been Neely's favorite receiver and best friend. They were also co–captains of the 1987 football team team. Silo Mooney– He is the local owner of a body shop behind which he runs a chop shop for illegal parts. So far, he hasn't been caught, but it seems only a matter of time. When he played football with Neely and Paul, he had been the most dominant player in Messina history. He was as wide as he was tall, and according to Neely, he owned the field. He was the player most cursed by Rake, but Mooney loved his coach ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. The Innocent Man Book Response Essay The Innocent Man Book Response In today's society the criminal justice system that we live in is flawed in so many ways. Some say that it works while others go to prison or jail for crimes that they didn't commit. In this paper I will be covering specific examples from the book, The Innocent Man, where the defendant's rights were violated. John Grisham talks about innocent men being innocent and convicted for murder and sent to unlawful court proceedings. In this paper I will be focusing mainly on the violations of his 6th amendment. The 6th amendment is the right to effective assistance of counsel. Now Mr. Williamson was a very indigent or poor man and because of that he couldn't afford a great attorney. Therefore he was assigned ... Show more content on ... This violation being in the form of a videotape, which could have completely changed the outcome of the case. On this videotape there was a full confession from Ricky Simmons. Barney Ward knew all about this videotape (as it was shared with him along with all other information) yet he chose not to bring this evidence to the table and share it with the jury. Judge Jones ruled that the tape was not a Brady violation. "The tape was not really hidden; it was handed over after the trial, sort of a delayed submission (Grisham pg. 258)".This one piece of evidence alone would have been enough to change the opinions of the jury and change the outcome of the trail. However because Barney Ward did NOT show this video, this is a clear violation of Mr. Williamson's 6th Amendment, which guarantees that in all criminal prosecutions there must be an "effective" assistance of counsel (Cole and Smith pg. 84). In my opinion at no point in this trial was Ron Williamson's attorney an "effective assistance of counsel". Now the last example of how Ron Williamson's 6th Amendment was violated was as the very beginning of all this. During the investigation of the crime scene, the police conducting the search had found two hair samples. There was no proof that either of these belonged to Mr. Williamson, however they still claimed that it had come from the scalp of Mr. Williamson. However this is just a claim and Barney Ward knew that and should have jumped on this opportunity. Mr. Ward ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Bleachers By John Grisham Analysis Life is not fair. People know this and it shows throughout John Grisham's Bleachers. People all over the world have different circumstances and that affects how they will proceed on with their lives. Eddie Rake loves the people on his team but he does not show it very well. He is a tough coach because he wants to see them succeed and he knows the only way for them to succeed is by pushing them to their limits, making them work for what they want so they understand how to work in the future, he shows them that life is not a cake walk, especially when you love something, when you love something you have to be willing to work your ass off to achieve your dreams. "Neely Crenshaw reflects that the highlight of his life as a football hero has passed, though he is still a ... Show more content on ... It is things like this that show you that people are insecure about themselves; they cannot accept a man with a different sexual orientation, why? Because it is uncommon, they rarely see it, and now that it is "in their faces" out in the open they have no idea how to react to it. They are unsure of how other people will react and they refuse to be the ones to accept him because they do not want the same fate as him, being outcast by their community. But Coach Rake is unbothered by the sexual orientation of a person, he has a deeper understanding of how to love the people around him and accept them for who they are. When Rake accepts Nat's sexual orientation and supports his bookstore, the people of Messina whom look at Rake as a superhuman have no choice but to accept him as well, this shows that life is unfair and sometimes it takes someone else stepping in to even the playing ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. John Grisham 's The Pelican Brief Pelican Brief Research Essay In John Grisham's The Pelican Brief, he correctly identifies how the criminal justice system works and shows how it can be corrupted for favorable outcomes. The criminal justice system is the set of agencies and processes established by the government to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate the law (TCJS). "The ideal result is making offenders pay for, and repent, their criminal acts while delivering recompense to the victims" (USCJS). John Grisham had a career within the criminal justice system, so most of his books are about or include the criminal justice system. He uses his knowledge to make his books feel realistic and that is one of the reasons he is such a great writer. John Grisham was born in Jonesboro, Arkansas on February 8th, 1955 (Gale). He first went to Mississippi State and majored in accounting and then earned his law degree at the University of Mississippi (Gale). After earning his law degree, he opened a small practice in Southaven, specializing in criminal defense (Gale). Grisham began growing restless, so he decided to run for the state legislature and won his post in 1984 (Gale). He began writing his first book, A Time To Kill, after hearing a girl 's testimony in court in 1987 (Gale). When his second book, The Firm, became a huge hit, he quit his law practice and focused on writing (Gale). Grisham then wrote The Pelican Brief and finished it in 100 days (Gale). The Pelican Brief also became a ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Essay about Bleachers by John Grisham Is it possible for a fictional novel to have the characteristic elements to make the reader believe that it is nonfiction? In the novel, Bleachers by John Grisham, we witness a disoriented former high school all–star quarterback make a return to his hometown after many years as he tries to figure out the feelings he has for his former Coach. The novel takes place in a small town called Messina, where the biggest events to happen are high school football on a Friday night. Other than Spartan football, the small populated, Messina does not have much going for them besides hearing about the latest news and gossip spread with the locals. Neely Crenshaw is the main character focused in the story. A once high school hero for breaking ... Show more content on ... Personally, my cousin used to live in a small city down in Arizona until he finally moved to Concord. Bleacher's setting reminded me of this town because it was also a town that is obsesses with their high school's football team. I've always imagine what it would have been like to live in a place far from the city and a southern vibe. Messina helps me imagine growing up in a town, looking forward to Friday and watching home green jersey Spartans take the field. The setting and the Arizona town are somewhat similar. This means that the realism of the descriptive environment within the fictional novel can in fact, be possible. There are many southern states that have a small population and are prideful of their local high school football team. There are also people in the real world that have similar traits and experiences like the fictional characters of Bleachers. Neely Crenshaw is a man that deals with a conflict from his past and issues with forgiveness. This is a realistic problem everyone goes through and hope to overcome these demons. Crenshaw is conflicting with himself on whether to thank Coach Rake or if he hates him. He wants to thank him because Rake played a major role on how tough mentally Crenshaw turned out to be, but also hates him for how much football took over his life and for the incident that happened at halftime during the 87' ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Essay A Time To Kill      In A Time To Kill, by John Grisham, two drunken white men violently raped, beat, and nearly killed a 10–year–old black girl named Tonya Hailey. Her father, in a clouded rage, executed the two rapists with an M–16 on their way out of the courthouse. His vigilante form of justice was not well taken by many in prejudiced Ford County, Mississippi. On the other hand, he had lots of support from the black community and from any white person whom dared to step into his shoes. A young, thirty–something lawyer named Jack Brigance was hired as his defense. He personally hoped it would give him national recognition, but his outlook turned sour when an all–white jury was drawn to decide on the fate of this Negro man. As ... Show more content on ... At no point in the book was a decrease in action evident, so the chance for a loss of interest was never possible.      The book held several different tactics to increase appeal, interest, and attention. Throughout the book, a series of attacks (on the characters and reader alike) made the element of surprise extremely valuable to the storyline. Controversy was introduced with the initiation of new KKK members in Ford County, something society today has a strong feeling about. By keeping relevant topics on the front line throughout the story, attention was rarely lost since no unpopular topics needed to be explained or elaborated on. By keeping with a theme that will surely last for decades, this book is one of the few that will last for years to come. And, unlike other books that include racism to provoke controversy, Grisham made sure to show both sides of the argument, in order to keep everyone happy. Although this is sometimes seen as a weak approach that could make a novel boring, he did it in such a way that the book's luminosity could not be faded. A happy medium was reached, which is a direct sign of a world–class author.      Without giving away the ending, it is hard to explain what a tremendous job was done in the conclusion of the story. Simply put, the last fifty pages have to be read in one sitting–it is impossible ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Natural Born Killers Analysis The film "Natural Born Killers", analyzes author John Grisham's main argument regards that of the astronomical role of the film in the deaths of Bill Savage and Patsy Byers due to it's use of glorified violence. The author uses information regarding the case such as the outstanding personalities of the victims, the troubled childhood of the perpetrators, and the effect that the movie natural born killers had on them, as well as Oliver Stone's apparent lack of interest regarding the case. The author Grisham in his opinion piece " unnatural killers" asserts that Oliver Stone's film should be held accountable for the murder of the two victims Bill Savage and Patsy Byers. The author uses a journalistic style with direct evidence from the case in order to aid his arguments and points. The author's purpose is to give a detailed description of the case in order to try to get the audience on his side. The primary audience are people who feel that the media is corrupt and is detrimental to society particularly to the youth. The author establishes a tone that appears to be objective, but it is clear even from the beginning that it is biased in nature. To explain, Grisham is eloquent in utilizing facts and statistics accompanied by his expertise and personal anecdotal experiences in order to paint an idealized picture of Savage and Byers, rather than delving straight into his focal point. Grisham spends an entire page offering a vivid description of Patsy and her death. Finally, he ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. A Time To Kill By John Grisham In A Time To Kill written by John Grisham as readers, we have an inside look on racism in the primarily white fictional town of Ford County. The book is about two white men, Pete Willard and Billy Ray Cobb who brutally rape a 10 year old black girl named Tonya Hailey. We are soon introduced to a middle class lawyer, Jake Brigance and the victim's father, Carl Lee Hailey. When the two men are sent to court, Carl Lee Hailey takes justice into his own hands and is soon tried for the murder of the two rapists. In Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird, we meet Jem and Scout, two siblings from Maycomb, Alabama. Their father, (Atticus Finch) is popular among the town as a lawyer and state legislative representative. The novel follows young Scout and ... Show more content on ... Both lawyers work and live in a predominantly white community. Because both lawyers take a stand for equality in the courtroom, they fear their families will suffer the consequences. In A Time to Kill, Jake brigance experiences hatred from community members also associated with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). They threatened to blow his house up, potentially putting him, Carla, and Hanna at risk. "Jake knelt above the suitcase and put his ear next to it. He jumped and retreated. 'It's ticking,' he said weakly." (Grisham, 351) Down the same page the author writes "But why, Jake? What have you found?' says Carla. 'Dynamite' said Jake. And in To Kill A Mockingbird, Atticus Finch fears his children will be harassed because he is representing a black man on trial. Atticus is afraid that Jem and Scout will be harassed by their friends because many of the townspeople are racist. The two lawyers had different ways of approaching the dangerous situations. While Jake sent his wife and daughter to live with their parents, Atticus taught Scout and Jem how to uphold themselves in conflicting scenarios. Both characters show courage and perseverance throughout the ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. John Grisham's Use Of Foreshadowing In Rouge Lawyer In the book Rouge Lawyer, John Grisham uses foreshadowing to create drama in the minds of the clients and illustrate the corruption in our court system. Mr.Rudd has dealt with the court many times and seems to know what is going to happen in his case. By using foreshadowing he shows his client how essential it will be for Mr.Rudd to serve as his lawyer. Mr.Rudd describes how corrupt our system is and makes sure his client is going to win the case despite this. We can see a level of expertise in John Grisham's writing and see multiple instances of drama throughout the book through foreshadowing. In one of the trials Mr.Rudd uses foreshadowing to induce drama in the mind of his client Doug Renfro. Doug Renfro an innocent man has just been ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Innocent Man A book Review of "The Innocent Man" By, Oscar Thomas Novelist, former attorney, and Mississippi legislator, John Grisham, wrote the book entitled Innocent Man. As a small town lawyer in the South, he experienced many events that provided him with a clear view of families and communities. For this particular book, however, he gathered research that would provide insight to the justice system of Oklahoma and he found injustice that took the best years of a man 's life. While reading several selections Grisham book, I conclude that he is definitely pro anti–capital punishment. He really focuses on the lack of justice in the criminal justice system in states predominately in the South and Midwest area. In these states spending any ... Show more content on ... In an era where everyone is so concerned about the money, denying a defendant a reasonable amount of funding (to his public defender) for expert consultants and their testimonies could save thousands upon millions of dollars in wrongful prosecution lawsuits later. With the advent of DNA, many previously convicted men and women are being let out. Interestingly enough, DNA evidence isn 't the ONLY thing that would have exonerated them, but no one would listen. One issue I think Grisham was trying to help people see is the fact that we should not believe what we THINK, it has to be what we KNOW. What is the harm in humane treatment? Yes, criminals should be kept from the public, but since the justice system is not perfect and will make mistakes they shouldn 't be so self–righteous about their treatment of those they deem unworthy. Ron 's example was just one of many who, because they are not the smartest, most capable souls, they make stupid mistakes, their odd behaviors offend many and they are the first ones put under a microscope when something goes wrong. In light of recent events, the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school, multiple bomb and shooting threats since then, as well as other crimes (NYC subway system) people tend to react in a negative way toward people they feel are a threat. IF they are odd or quirky, for example, I recently read that in New York, right after Sandy Hook, a local politician made the ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Essay about Grisham John Grisham once said of his own writing, "I write grab readers. This isn't serious literature." (John Grisham CLC, 189) Serious literature or not, Grisham has written nine best–selling novels, many of which were also made into very successful movies. Before starting to write professionally, Grisham was a lawyer in Southhaven, Mississippi, which has provided him with plentiful ideas for legal storylines. In many of his novels, Grisham has on ongoing link of novice lawyers who uncover and overcome flaws in the legal system. Influences during Grisham's childhood and adult life have helped to shape his writing career. His family moved around a great deal during his childhood. Eventually, they settled in ... Show more content on ... The novice in The Firm is Mitchell Y. McDeere, a very appealing hero, a poor kid whose only assets are a first class mind, a Harvard law degree and beautiful, loving wife. (Amazon Firm, 2) He is described as the "perfect" law school graduate. He completes Harvard at the top of his class and is approached by several large Wall Street law firms. A much smaller firm, called Bendini, Lambert and Locke, also seems very interested in McDeere. This firm is quite different than others in the country. They don't actively seek new graduates, they have mere 41 lawyers, and the offer more money that firms four times their size " We don't hire too many people; about one every other year. We offer the highest salary and fringes in the country, and I'm not exaggerating. So we are very selective." (Grisham Firm, 4) They offer the most money, so he takes that job. (Grisham Firm, 1–24) McDeere immediately moves to Memphis with his extremely attractive wife Abby. He begins to work ninety hour weeks and is well on his way to becoming the youngest partner the firm has ever seen. (35–49) As far as he knew, there was nothing illegal about that. However, McDeere should have remembered his brother Ray, who was doing fifteen years in a Tennessee jail, you never get money for nothing. Then an FBI investigation plunges this straight and narrow attorney into a nightmare of terror and intrigue, with no choice but to pit his wits, ethics, and legal skills ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. John Grisham 's The Pelican Brief In John Grisham's The Pelican Brief, two supreme court justices are assassinated, which the reader can compare to other assassinations in history. With former president John F. Kennedy's assassination, the reader can connect the political aspects of the book to a real life situation, and with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, the reader can see how sometimes your very own opinions can get you killed (Grisham). The reader can also compare John Grisham himself to both Kennedy and King because both Kennedy and Grisham were politicians and both King and Grisham were activists ("John Grisham"). Through these connections, the reader can better understand the book and Grisham himself. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, after almost three years as president (Wilentz, Sean). He was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald while riding in a car through downtown Dallas, Texas (Wilentz, Sean). His death came as a great shock to America, similar to when Callahan heard of the justices' death (Grisham). The entire world mourned Kennedy's death, and the funeral proceedings were all very public (Wilentz, Sean). On the Sunday after the assassination, the casket was laid in the Capitol Rotunda, "Throughout the day and night, hundreds of thousands of people filed past the guarded casket" (Wilentz, Sean).Within days of Kennedy's assassination, Oswald was also shot, by Jack Ruby (Domina, Thurston). After the death of President Kennedy, vice president Lyndon ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. John Ray Grisham Accomplishments John Ray Grisham, Jr. by most measures is one of the most successful writers, due to his numerous bestselling books and many other things. Grisham was the most commercially successful novelists of the 1990's compared to the many other authors at the time. He is an American bestselling author, writer, attorney, politician, and activist. He is best known for his popular legal terms. His books have been translated into forty–two different languages nationwide. In ninety sixty–six his books brought him over forty million in royalties and they have increased over all the years. There are currently over three hundred million copies of his books. The Firm was the first of seventeen straight number one best sellers. Many of his books have been adapted into major motion pictures. Some of his novels have even been ... Show more content on ... He has written some of the best and most thrilling books. He is very successful in all his work and has done many great things. Even though his dream of playing baseballs did not come true, he still is a big fan of baseball and goes to baseball games. He is happily married and lives a great life with his wife and kids. With his mom encouragement to do good it brought him to a great place he is now. His accomplishments in writing books brought him some much success. In his books he lets you know exactly what he is thinking. Today many of his books make it to shelves all around the world and many people enjoy many of his books in different places in the world. He is like a celebrity author and is known for it. John has written innumerable novels and has sold over 250 million copies nationwide. There is many things people can learn about John Grisham and many people should look up to his success of writing some amazing books. People can learn a lot from all his books, they have some interesting stories. Many of his books can really touch one's heart like the book I read A Time to Kill. John Grisham is by far one of the best ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Essay On Bleachers By John Grisham For one to have true closure, one must forgive. In John Grisham's Bleachers, people from the town of Messina are intertwined in a web of forgiveness with each other. Some characters are asking for forgiveness and others are wondering whether to or to not forgive. One may ask how a football player could forgive his coach for hitting him and breaking his nose or how a woman could forgive the man that broke her heart. Another may ask how a mother and father could ever forgive the man who caused the death of their son. It comes down to one thing. When one has the strength and courage to accept what has happened and forgive, there can be closure. The 1987 state title game was a wound that never healed. It just sat there, slowly eating away at both ... Show more content on ... Randall Scott Reardon, or as others called him Scotty, was just fifteen years old, only a sophomore in high school, and had such a long life ahead of him. That all ended on August 21st, 1992 when Coach Eddie Rake made the football players run the unforgettable "bleachers". Scotty was running the "bleachers" for a grueling third time and died of heatstroke right there in the stands. Rake was held responsible with the death and the Reardons were able to fire him due to their wealth and connections. The death affected Rake more than the people of Messina could fathom as expressed in his final letter read at the funeral, "Holding him in my arms as he passed away is something I have wept over every day since" (Grisham 204). All he wanted was to be forgiven by the Reardons. Eventually, the Reardons did forgive him as this was also said in Rake's letter, "I have expressed these feelings to his parents, and, in time, I think they have forgiven me. I cling to their forgiveness and take it to my death" (Grisham 204). The Reardons finally had the strength to forgive Rake after seeing how greatly Scotty's death affected him and they even allowed Rake to be buried next to Scotty's grave. There was now closure over such a terrible tragedy and both the Reardons and Rake could be at ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Homelessness, By John Grisham Essay In the landscape of today's forever changing social environment, one thing there is without a doubt no lack of is controversial contemporary social issues. There are many topics that are considered to be taboo and one thing that has changed is that there is no lack of those that are willing to voice and share their beliefs and ideals on these controversial social topics. One of these topics that has received quite the spotlight recently is that of the levels of poverty and homelessness that plague our social infrastructure today. There are many different thoughts and ideals as to what is the major root cause of this systemic social issues. In Somewhere for Everyone the author John Grisham does not hold back on a very pungent social topic which is that of homelessness. In this story as well as other recent articles about homelessness there are many valid points and concerns for what the future of society may hold if there are no changes in how homelessness is not only viewed but is also looked at to change. In the article published in Newsweek back in February 9, 1998 John Grisham paints a very vivid and thought provoking article about the increasing issue of homelessness in the United States and how action must be taken or this issue will continue to escalate in dramatic fashion. The beginning of the article starts by reliving a time that John Grisham was harassed by a panhandler and how this made him feel. The article then discusses how this was somewhat of a chic issue ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. What Is My Passion Essay The story of my passion in law started when I was in primary school. I was and still am really into English. It all started with my English teacher often asked me to read my essay aloud to the class. This somehow boosted my interest, passion and love towards English. From this, my effort into reading and writing never go lesser than it is supposed to be in order to improve my English so that I could read better essays to the class. My love towards reading and writing never fades even after I entered secondary school and did not have to read my essay aloud. What I used to see as an effort to improvement is now a hobby and a way to express myself. Due to my passion and my talent in writing, I was chosen as an editor to an issue of an education section in New Straits Time. I realised at that time how some words on a right medium could give a huge impact. I surely believe that your thoughts are precious and will only help if the channel is right. ... Show more content on ... By being a part of this society, I have to coach some underachievers to improve their English. My friends who were under my guidance clearly have brilliant ideas but do not how to flow it to the paper. Thus, they practised their writing and I will proofread their essays. What I learnt from this proofreading task was it is not about the grammar mistakes or spelling error. It is actually about the idea they have to share to the world. Thus, I was there to help them to express it in a proper manner. So that, they are not only writing for grades but also writing to express. It really knocked me in the head that whatever specialities and talents I have is not for only me to enjoy it is to be shared and to be given back to the society. Which I believe is needed for an excellent lawyer to give back to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Analysis Of John Grisham 's The Pelican Brief In John Grisham's The Pelican Brief, He brings up oil and gas companies drilling in the wetlands, which is destroying them, and I decided to investigate further about how these companies have been hurting the environment. The main way that the wetlands are being killed is from the salt water that is intruding into the marshes from the canals, that gas and oil companies use, are the way that most salt water gets so deep inside the wetlands (Barnowski). Oil and gas companies are always trying to build more canals to invade different areas of the wetlands when they find different reserves of oil and gas just like Victor Mattiece was in the Pelican Brief. When they build more canals, The wetlands soil starts to break up and that destroys the small amount of land that is left in the wetlands. There are several different types of marshes with different salinities which are measured using ppt which is the amount of salt in a thousand units. The types of marshes include freshwater, intermediate, brackish, and salt marshes. Freshwater marshes have no salinity and are 100% freshwater as the name would suggest. Intermediate marshes have a salinity from 0–5 ppt ("Louisiana's Oil."). Brackish marshes have a salinity from 5–15 ppt and lastly salt water marshes have a salinity higher than 15 ppt ("Louisiana's Oil."). Salt water marshes are the ones that are right by canals or are hit by ocean waves every day and are the easiest eroded because they have a lot less plants than the other ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. John Grisham Accomplishments I chose John Grisham because, even though he was born in Arkansas, he grew up in North Mississippi about two hours North of where we currently are. Writing was never interesting to him until his job as a lawyer brought on interesting topics. His life, how he got in to writing, and his accomplishments are interesting to say the least. John Ray Grisham, Jr., the second of five children, was born in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and raised in the South (Harris). He lived in Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi while he was growing up; and, whenever they moved to a new town his mother, Wanda Grisham, made sure to get the children library cards to encourage reading instead of watching television (Harris). He wanted to play professional baseball, so instead of focusing on studies, in his early college years, he concentrated on sports and later decided to become an accounting major because a baseball career was unlikely (Harris). In 1977, he graduated from Mississippi State University with a bachelor's degree in accounting and then transferred to the University of Mississippi, also known as Ole Miss, for law school and graduated in 1981 (Harris). After graduating, he married Renee Jones and they moved to Charlottesville, Virginia, for half of the year, and in ... Show more content on ... In his book, A Time to Kill, he depicts his characters as the assailants being Caucasian and the victim is African American when, in reality, there was two Caucasian victims and one African American assailant. There would not have been as much buzz if it had been a story about an African American rapist. I believe because there of the acts of racism going on back then, he decided to switch it around to give it more, as one would say, power. It's more of a thrill seeker that the victim's father is going after these white men because one did not hear of that ... Get more on ...