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Essay about Inter Generational Interview
Intergenerational Interview Report
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance."– Alan Watts
Throughout history; more specifically throughout different generations, we as human beings have been subject to a certain amount of change
within our society. As time goes by change is almost inevitable among a nation. Change has occurred throughout history due to specific events that
have a ripple effect upon individuals. Whether the change is a result of advancing technology, social climate, or foreign influence there is little
chance of preventing the effect it will have on society. It is difficult to argue that we have not seen a paradigm shift in social attitudes from
generation more content...
When asked about his sense of community during his childhood, my Grandfather spoke about how much his family and his neighbours relied on
each other to survive and to keep each other in good spirits. They helped farm each others land and in the end would split what was harvested. It
was not until doing further research that it became obvious to me just how important the interdependence of this tight knit community was to their
survival. Between 1943 and 1945 the Dutch people faced a horrible famine that killed nearly 30,000 Dutch civilians which is an astronomical
number for a two years span. (Hitchcock, 98) Seeing as my Grandfather was so young at the time he was not able to remember much about his
times during the war, so instead I conducted some research on what life might have been for a Dutch civilian during that time period. During the
war time the Dutch government was completely ran by Nazis and as a result many rules were implemented that were of little benefit to the
people of the country. For example men from ages 18–35 were forced to work in munitions factories and do field work, Dutch people were
handed out "ration cards" that would limit the amount of food they could consume within the week. (Van der Zee, 3) Evidently this was a
difficult time for the Dutch people so I decided to then change the topic of discussion and ask my Grandfather about his teenage years. To kick off
the discussion the
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Essay on Generation Gap
Essay on Generation Gap
How many times have you felt that your parents don't understand you, that they have no respect for you as an individual? How often do you
shake your head in frustration and blame it on the 'generation gap'? Parents! They are like aliens from another planet altogether! You and they
are in different camps; strangers forced to live under the same roof Right? Wrong! There is a way of bridging what appears to be a yawning
chasm. If you genuinely want to improve your relationship with your parents (and give them a big shock in the bargain!) try listening to them,
treating them just like you would listen to a valued friend. Instead of always whining, 'You don't understand me", stop and think. Do we ever try
and more content...
Generation gap means difference in attitude, or lack of understanding between younger and older generation. This generation gap has always
been there but these days it has reached to an explosive stage. The values and patterns of life have changed to a great extent. Today, everybody
likes to live and behave in his own way. This attitude has widened the generation gap, which can never be filled. It is now destroyingfamily life
completely. The elders look after the children and make all sorts of sacrifices to bring them up. Naturally, they feel they have a right over them.
They want their children to follow their instructions as they have certain expectations from them. But the children, when they grow up, want a
complete freedom in their thoughts and actions and unfortunately their thoughts and actions are just opposite to those expected by the elders.
They revolt when any kind of restrictions are imposed on them. Consequently, the family breaks up and everything gets ruined.
In India, we are yet in the initial stages, but the gap has appeared and it is going to grow bigger day by day. So it is not only the responsibility
of the younger but also of the elders to fill this gap with their love, affection and trust. The
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Generational gap refers to the differences between a younger generation and their seniors. Each generation developed in a different period, with
different ways of living and with different ideals. Although these differences have been present throughout history, old generations have to be
confronted at the cultural change which affects the actual society, particularly with the new generations X and Y. The basic purpose of this paper
is to show that the development of medias and new technologies have a great influence on the Generation Gap. All these improvements have
widened the gap between two particulars generations, the Baby Boomers and their grandchildren who compose the generation Y. In the following
pages we will first look at more content...
The enlargement of instant communication technologies is manly based on the internet, such as email, texting, and IM, but the importance of
new medias like YouTube and social networks like Facebook, MySpace or Twitter also simplify the communication through technology for the
young generation. In the actual society, the Baby Boomers seem to be outdated in comparison to the technological revolution which affects the
new ways of communication. Nevertheless, these two generations remain close to each other and very similar about certain points. According to
a study by the Harvard Business Review, "they tend to share many attitudes and behaviors that set them apart from other generations" (Hewlett,
Sherbin and Sumberg: "How Gen Y and Boomers Will Reshape Your Agenda"). Baby Boomers and Generation Y share vision and values,
because they have the same sense of responsibility to make a positive contribution to the society. The balance between the work and the personal
is very important to both generations, because they want to take time in their hobbies, passions and some leisure. Generation Y needs attention,
praise and reassurance. They look at Baby Boomers as mentors, and these latter want to protect and guide the young generation, particularly when
they interact in a work place. Generation Y may benefit greatly from mentors who
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Distinguishing Generation Gaps
Distinguishing generation gaps
There are several ways to make distinctions between generations. For example, names are given to major groups and each generation sets its own
trends and has its own cultural impact.
Language Use
Generations can be distinguished by the differences in their language use. The generation gap has created a parallel gap in language that can be
difficult to communicate across. This issue is one visible throughout society, creating complications within day to day communication at home, in
the work place, and within schools. As new generations seek to define themselves as something apart from the old, they adopt new lingo and
slang, allowing a generation to create a sense of division from the previous one. This more content...
It's a pity that we don't have enough communication now. But I think the most terrible thing is not this but our ignorance of communicating. And
I can take our daily life for instance. On the one hand, many parents try to provide good living environment for their children. But they only want
their children to study well and seldom want to know what they're thinking about. On the other hand, the children are always complaining about
their parents but neither do they want to understand their parents.
Do you think communicating between generations is difficult? I don't think so. Remember how you made your first friend? Open your mouth
the strangers will become friends. Use your tongue we'll know each other better. And in this way the generation gap can be bridged, I am sure.
Just like it was sung in an old song: "Open your heartland the key is in your hand."
Understanding Generation Gap
Generation gap is nothing but certain psychological and emotional gap between parents or elder people and the younger ones. Bulging generation
gap creates misunderstanding and lack of attachment between the parents and children. The success of parenting lies in how effectively they
avoid the generation gap or ignore the differences with kids.
Generation gap is the result of the fast paced development of the society. In earlier times two or three generations live in the same lifestyle and
environments as the development was so
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Generation Gap Essay
In this modern era of the 21st century, the United States educational system has had to adjust on multiple occasions to fit the need of the growing
career and college–based needs in order to be successful. With the help of technology, new techniques, and a different point of view of higher
education, it has become hard for teens and parents to connect on an educational level.
Between my mom and I there is a good 30–year gap, but as I move closer to finishing high school and applying to colleges, I have noticed that
the generation gap has made it difficult for my parents to understand what my generation finds very basic. It may be just the "use it or lose it"
effect and they haven't used the things I'm learning now after 30 years of not being in high school, but it creates a lot of tension in our house.
However, in my mom's house, her parents couldn't help her with her homework at all because my grandparents didn't have a college degree and
didn't take the strenuous courses like my mom did. My parents can help with some things I do, but when it comes to new techniques they don't
understand why teachers have to make the process harder than it needs to be. Even some simple things are different within the generational gap
like the addition of preschool, all–day kindergarten, and honors classes instead of AP classes or college classes. Mymother and I had always been
overachievers. She used to go to school from 7:30 to four when other students only went from nine to four, I take
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Generation Gap: Teenagers And Adults
Generation Gap; Teenagers and Adults
Nowadays adult hear many thing from teenagers, common dialogues or a phrases that adults hear from the teenagers is, you do not understand,
we are the drivers of our own destiny, we are responsible for our life; on what we are and what will we become. Nowadays teenagers set their
goals in order to be successful in the near future. "Success is measured by power, popularity, control, achievements, authority, winning and etc.
Having more and being more is success." (Peirce, 2005) Teenagers of current society seems very difficult as compare to the older times. Teenagers
of current society makes things prioritized immediately without thinking a second about it. Due to the changes take place in our society and in
our environment, the behaviors of teenagers also changes. The teenagers of current generation desired more content...
The teenagers were not accepted by adults simply for the reason that the teens dressed differently from what was considered to be normal dress.
"They [adults] confuse thrashers with metal heads and Goths because they all wear black. Then they assume that they all are all taking drugs and
worshipping Satan" (Hine, 2001). Adults do not understand that teenagers are constantly searching to define and prove themselves as individuals.
Expression through clothing is a form of that. Yet, Hine's article is not about merely how the teenagers dressed differently to express themselves,
"It is about the alienation of teenagers from adult society, and equally about the alienation of that society from its teenagers. The mere presence of
teenagers threatens us. Is it the idea that this young generation of gothic–dressed supposed losers will be replacing the elders when their time is up
that is so scary? Or are the youth of today causing this boundary that is formed by instigating the adults with things that they know scare
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Bridging The Generational Gap Essay
Communication deficiencies can cause members of different generations to clash. In a diverse workforce, having a better understanding of others
can make the working environment more productive. But what generations are we talking about here? Even in my military branch, where the
majority of Marines tend to be younger than 30 years of age, there is a marked generation variety seen. More so, in the private sector however,
there is a multigenerational workforce. This carries significant implications for leaders heading groups and attempting to manage a team in the
most efficient way. To be successful, one would be wise in assessing how one communicates with others. There are fundamental differences
between the ways different more content...
I have 17 years of experience and wear the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, which is known for having a fair amount of understanding and proficiency
in my field. To that effect, it influences the way I carry myself around other Marines, particularly younger (generation–y) ones. This does not mean
I tend to be condescending or have a brash personality, but in an effort to be clearly understood, it definitely has an authoritarian effect when
speaking or collaborating with others. This authoritarian tone might have even transcended into the technology realm and has made me reflect
on how I use electronic means to communicate. I noticed this phenomenon trickled over to cyberspace, when sending email. Case in point, I
tend to receive increasingly formal email responses despite my original message being exempt of formalities and when it is acceptable for my
subordinate's writing not to be as rigid. I have attributed such behavior to Marines not wanting to be perceived as insubordinate or disrespectful
and I find it commendable. However, these instances reflect my way of communicating as well. Because I have embraced technology most of my
adult life, particularly email, It has affected my style of expression. My email messages are often short and direct, unencumbered by any attempt
to be eloquent. Which, to me, tends to mean clear messages and free of barriers. Is this the result of using electronic means of communicating?
Maybe, however, my attempts center only on
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The Gap of Generations
Logan Rose Davis English– 1302– 11618 July/5/2012 The Gap of Generations Morals and goals change throughout generations as they grow up
and go through different events. Lorraine Hansberry wrote A Raisin in the Sun and in the play a man name Walter and his Mama fight
throughout the story of how they should think about what is most important to the two people. Mama grew up in the early 1900s and how she
was treated and what she had back then helped mold her in to the things she finds most important. Walter grew up where he has more chances to
do stuff that his mother could never even think of. Mama and Walter have totally different out look at life between money and family. Mama's
values are pretty basic she just wants to keep more content...
Domina impassive how Mama Morals by saying "The audience will recall that Mama cares for all living things, even those that do not seem
to thrive" (Dominica 3) just shows that Mama is family number one. Walter and Beneatha have a totally different mindset then Mama because
of the way they grew up. The two children grew up in a different era then Mama they both were involved in racial eras, but in Walters and
Beneathas era is more open time. The success and morels are bigger of the two children Walters morals is all about money rather than family
because he thinks that money will make him into the leader of the family, and be able to get them anything they want. Beneatha is just like
her brother that the basic is just not enough even her friend Asagai gave her a name that means "bread is not enough" (Hansberry, Raisin
1604) he is just saying that the basic stuff is just not enough for her she needs more. Success in Walters's eyes is all about money, and it's not
all about him being greedy it's just all about wanting to have more for the family. At the beginning of the play Walters's son wanted fifty cents
for school but when Travis asked his mom she said no then he asked Walter and he gave him the fifty cents like it was nothing. Walter just
wanted his son to look up at him and see that he is a big successful man. Hansberry wrote "When we first meet him, he does not wish to alter it;
merely to change his position in it" "(Hansberry, Willie
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Essay about My Generation
Everyone sees the future in a different way; some see greater technological advances while others might see a more peaceful mankind. This
indecisiveness leads to the ongoing debate as to whether or not this generation, Generation Y, has a role in America's future. Considering our
teenagers and children are the adults of tomorrow, I would argue that, in fact, they do have an impact. Every new generation has a role in the
future of our country, as they fill the gaps of other people that can't work anymore or have passed away. It just becomes a matter of how we use
this power to impact society. Although the generation is very capable of producing great leaders, politicians, and a hands–on community, we
cannot predict how those will choose more content...
Coined by broadcast journalist Tom Brokaw, The Greatest Generation, "it is, I believe, the greatest generation any society has ever produced"
(Brokaw, 11). As Brokaw argued, this generation may have made the most significant contribution to America. The citizens belonging to this
generation had grown up during the destitution of the Great Depression, and then went on to fight in World War II. However, living their childhood
these events was not enough as these unfortunate events in the United States had even greater unpropitious affects on our country. The affects left
this generation to mend a broken economy and the opportunity to contribute to World War II. Nevertheless, the "Greatest Generation" refers to the
resilience, courage and hope that led these people to invest in the world, in order to extricate the country from a falling doom. The generation
distinguishes itself by means of total sacrifice, commitment and belief in their cause by every citizen of the United States. "They became coaches,
fund–raisers, and advocates of causes large and small. The list of objectives most of them pursued in the postwar period is a study in mundane
topics. Yet, the overwhelming majority of these men and women made a basic decision to build a better America and pass this accomplishment
along to the next generation, which was arriving each year in homes
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Generation Gap Between Mother And Daughter
I feel that the relationship between mother and daughter is a strained one, with the obvious love and care for each other marred by the obvious
generation gap between the two, the lack of understanding and perspective and fixed expectations that the mother sets.
Firstly, the mother sets fixed expectations for her daughter. As seen in the start of the passage, she has already planned out her daughter's future
and expects her to follow it, thinking about how "now (her daughter) can be a doctor, make big money, find a good husband". She also tells Ah
Kow that her daughter was going to be a GP without confirming with her if that was what she really wanted. It would be undeniable to say that
this was a stereotypical mindset for all mothers to have, as they would definitely want the best for their daughters. It shows the care and concern more content...
The differences between two generations become apparent when the mother talks about the lantern that the daughter lost years ago. On one hand,
the mother is still upset about the lost of the lantern but the daughter however, is confused as to why she is bringing it up and asks her to forget
about it, and instead desperately tries to convince her. In the end, the mother says to the daughter, "Your problem is that you don't value what you
have. You have something valuable, but when you lost it, you say 'Forget it, never mind.' When I lose something, it makes me gek sim, for
always." The daughter, being inexperienced and young, has not gone through the hardships or challenges that the mother has. This makes it
difficult for her to understand true value of things, just telling herself to forget about it. The mother is afraid that the daughter would suffer
without the guidance of her parents as she is still foolish and has not experienced life's hardship but the daughter does not understand why the
mother is being so worried, thus causing their relationship to be further
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Generation Gap
Analysis of a Text There will be always a generation gap between a generation and another one. Generation gap is a broad difference in values
and attitudes between one generation and another, especially between children and their Parents. This can be defined as occurring when older
and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behavior. Generation gap isn't a
new feature of our era or a new phenomenon but it has been existed ages ago. The idea of generation gap has been discussed many times by
many authors. Brenda Powers, a newspaper writer, wrote an article that involved the concept of generation gap. In her article she discusses the
situation of teenagers as more content...
She did that to build a momentum of agreement between her and her audience. And when they agree with her in the beginning she will gain
their trust. Consequently, when she comes to her conclusion they would agree with her as well. This is also the same reason why she used a
real world example of the Irish boy. In this article powers used the pronoun "us" when she speaks about her audience and the parents of
nowadays teenagers, baby boomers. She did that to align herself with the audience and get them well involved with the article. Moreover,
Powers used an ideal rhetorical strategy which is the rhetorical questions. This is an effective method of making the audience react with you.
During her article she asks a question and the she gives the audience the opportunity to think about it. She makes them search for an answer for
that question and makes their minds involved in the issue. In most of her article she while she gives us facts that her readers will agree with
her. And as a result, her readers will become convinced of her point of view. However, she spends a lot oftime in giving proofs and facts why this
is true and why the result would be an irresponsible generation of adults. Her argument here seems to be too convincing that when we reach her
conclusion we still more convinced about the first part of her paradox. She didn't support her conclusion well with enough ideas to make you
believe what she is arguing for. In the article, Powers mentioned
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Differences Between Generation And Generation
Anyone who is familiar with our generation knows that our generation is extremely different from our parents' generation. Thus, creates a gap
between the two generations, and has been acknowledged by many sociologists. Aside from today's young people inability to accomplish the
millstones of becoming an adult, there is lot more differences between this generation and the older generation. Therefore, in this essay, I will be
comparing and contrasting both generations. From how their career expectations are different, what was their definition of happiness, and how
their parents played a role on making their dream or expectation turn into reality? To begin with, let me tell you a little bit about my generation.
We are the generations that zd6was born between the late 1970s and the mid–1990s. The "Gen Y" has we are call, was raise by the "baby
boomers" our parents' generation. Growing up, as Tim Urban stated in his article; Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy ", we were raised
"with a sense of optimism and unbounded possibility" (par 6). Moreover, what our parents didn't tell us, is that we have to devote most of our
entire life to achieve those possibility. However, our parents' generation– the baby boomers, born in the 50s, raised by our grandparents. Were
raised to "build practical, secured careers" (Urban par 4) But another for them to get to stable career they have to go through hard time, bad
decisions and loss of love ones. And that brought us to career
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The Generation Gap is Creating Misunderstandings
The generation gap is another reason of creating misunderstanding between the families that can affect their relationships. The passage, "The
Generation Gap" describes how the young and the old people seem to be living in two very different worlds that are separated by different skills
and abilities because of how the generation gap has affected them. From my personal observations, my family is very traditional. My family
expects a lot from my brother and me such as staying within the same area as our parents, marrying the same person that our parents choose for
us and continuing to do the same business as my parents had been doing last few years. These rules have caused so many problems in my
family relationships which have led to a big argument. From the passage, "The Generation Gap" and from my personal experiences that it can be
seen there are many reasons for the generation gap that can affect relationships in families which might lead to separation from the family and
more restriction on their freedom. There are many reasons that the generation gap can cause separation from family. The generation gap is
something that easily can lead to a big misunderstanding between each other without any big reason. For example, "in the passage, it explains
how parents always complain about their children, as if "children do not show them proper respect. They also a lot of complains about their about
their children's music, study habits, and television viewing." This quote
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Today's workforce has expanded to four separate generations. With such a large generational gap it is imperative to have effective
intergenerational communication within organizations. This paper will cover an overview of each generation, similarities and difference, and
what contributes to effect communication among the generations. There is much scholarly research on generational communication but it
becomes unclear when traits and attributions outside of particular generations skew or seemingly misalign the information. The point of this paper
is not to make you an expert at intergenerational communication, which would take extensive research into each generation, their motivations, and
specific attributes. This paper will give a brief overview of how to effectively communicate to a generation diverse workforce. Generational
Communication in the Workplace The term "generational gap" has been around for ages and it is said to have been coined by the late Baby
Boomers. If the baby boomers thought they had a generational gap then, what must they think now? We have a workforce that in some cases has a
60 year age gap! This accounts for all four generations working together and much more complex organizational and communication issues.
(Kersten, 2002). With this paper covering generational communication within the workforce it is first necessary to define each generation before
we can understand what motivates them and how they best communicate. The four
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Generational Gaps And Conflicts Essay
In the short story Who's Irish by Gish Jen and Everyday Use written by Alice Walker, both authors address generational conflicts between mothers
and daughters, as well as struggles to coexist while living in very different cultural mindsets. The moral of both stories is that cross–cultural
issues exist in every family tree and we often find comfort in unlikely places. While a mother may not agree with her daughter's choices she never
loses love, and while a daughter may not like decisions that are made by their mother she never loses respect. Both are stories about women going
through struggle to integrate and adept into modern American life, two mothers struggle to understand their daughters and the lives they are
immersed in. more content...
But Sophie is wild, Sophie is not like my daughter Natalie, or like me" (Jen 105). As a mother–in–law she struggles to understand the Shea's and
their problems, in her thoughts they should have no problems and be rich because they are white, "Why the Shay family have so much
trouble? They are white people, they speak English" (Jen 105). Not only does she not understand the Shay's who are Irish but she also fails to
understand the dynamic of her daughter's marriage, "I especially cannot understand my daughter's husband John, who has no job but cannot
take care of Sophie either. Because he is a man, he say, and that's the end of the sentence"(Jen 105). The mother has an overall lack of
understanding of the American family system and the daughter, Natalie is overall very abrasive with her mother and does not take time to try
and close the culture gap, "Look my daughter say. I have a big presentation tomorrow"(Jen 107). The mother is also painfully aware that her
daughter has little time, "In China, daughter take care of mother. Here it is the other way around. Mother help daughter, mother ask, Anything
else I can do? Otherwise daughter complain mother is not supportive"(Jen 106), once again a comparison between China and America and a lack
of understanding. She speaks of Natalie with as much love as a person can have, even when her daughter is doing the hateful thing of making her
mother move out of her home,
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Importance Of Generation Gaps In The Workplace
The study titled about Generation Gaps: change in the workplace due to Differing Generational Values, so it was conducted by Fredericks
Elizabeth, Carbary Kelly and etc. They explained different generation working together in the workplace. The authors discuss how to
communicate with different generation, there were different values, goals, idea and ways of getting things done in workplace. Although a few
elements are the same for men and ladies as of now, the components that make them pick diverse professions are evolving. There are more open
doors for ladies now that permit them a more extensive scope of vocation alternatives, enabling the chances to wind up plainly more leveled
between the sexes. This study shows each generation has distinct attitudes, behaviors, expectations, habits and motivation button. learning how to
communicate with the different generation can eliminate may major confrontation and misunderstanding in the workplace and world of business.
According to authors, in the table characteristics not every person in generation will share all of the various characteristics. However, these
examples are indicative of general patterns in the relationship between among family, members, friends and people in the workplace. Individual
born at one end of the date range or the other may see overlapping characteristics with the preceding or succeeding generation. Also, different
generation with different viewpoint and it is harder to make different life choice, it
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Generation Gap Essay
"My dear daughter, I do not know why you rarely talk your life to me since you became a senior high school student. If I made some mistakes,
please let me know. I hope everything goes back like before". These words come from a letter which was written by a mother to her 14–year–old
daughter. What made the mother so frustrated and use such a sincere mood to talk to her daughter is the generation gap. The meaning of this
word, generation gap, is the differences of viewpoints and the perceived psychological distance between the younger generation and the older
generation in hobbies, habits, values, world view, and attitudes toward lives. In childhood, little girls like to imitate mothers' behaviors, making
up their faces with mothers' cosmetics and dressing themselves with high heel shoes. Littles boys are more willing to play footballs or video
games with their fathers, and the great majority of them admire their fathers most. However, as children grow older, parents have gradually felt it
becomes harder to get along well with their kids because not only could not parents understand the children's minds, but also their ideas are
difficult to be accepted by children. As a result, problems caused by generation gap bursts, and it has a profound impact on both parents and
children. To dope out a solution to this problem should consider these two questions: what causes the phenomenon and how it affects the
relationships between children and parents.
Some families and schools start
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Examples Of Generation Gap In A Raisin In The Sun
Bernard Rosenberg, an author who wrote books about societal issues in the 1970s, once wrote, "Generation Gap: A chasm, amorphously
situated in time and space, that separates those who have grown up absurd from those who will, with luck, grow up absurd." People grown up in
different environments or times have their own morals or methods of operation that would not be politically correct today. This leads to a
generation gap between young and old people. The difference between an educated twenty year old with prodigious dreams (Beneatha) and a
conservative woman in her early sixties (Mama) is demonstrated In A Raisin in the Sun written by Lorraine Hansberry with how it shows
generation separates dreams, values, and cultural perspectives as shown with Beneatha and Mama.
Beneatha and Mama's dreams are separated because of Beneatha's dreams of becoming a doctor. Female doctors in the 1950s were seen not as
accredible in their field. When Ruth tells Mama about her appointment for her pregnancy and the female doctor she went to, Mama says,
"She–What doctor you went to? "(61). To Mama going to a female doctor is seen as giving up the baby which is the worst thing possible in
Mama's mind. Mama undermines Beneatha as a doctor or any other female doctor because Mama was raised in a generation where the workforce
was dominated by men while women were housewives. Another choice Mama disagrees with is Beneatha choice to not get married. Mama
pesters Beneatha many times about marriage, but Beneatha never agreed. This was shown when Beneatha said, "I'm going to be a doctor. I'm not
worried about who I'm going to marry–if I ever get married" (50). Beneatha wants to be a strong independent female doctor and not a housewife;
besides, Mama believes that women should be married; nevertheless, they should not take on such a male dominated job. Many times Mama
pushes Beneatha to marry a rich man, George Murchison, instead of supporting her dreams because Beneatha's dreams are not the traditional life
style. Beneatha pushes through Mama's beliefs on marriage and female doctors to still continue her dreams of being a doctor.
Between Mama and Beneatha there is a vast generation gap as seen in the opposing views. Beneatha and
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Generation Gap
"When you are as old as me now, you will have the same opinions as me" – said my mother when we had a sensational discussion. I can't
understand what she said. I thought much about it and I realized that we have many differences. So what is its cause? I think the main cause is
the generation gap.
"Generation gap" is a popular term used to describe the wide differences between members of younger generation and their older. A generation
gap exists when older and younger people don't understand each other because of their experiences, their opinions, habits, behavior and life
condition and standard.
Generation gap can exist between 2, even 3 generations in a family, between mature and unmatured generations. There more content...
That's also another generation gap. In a moder society, there are many recreation entertainments that capture the youths imaginations. The young
generation like listening to pop, rock, hip hop music but the older generation like listening to prewar music, folk songs. The young generation like
watching thrilling, horrible or action film, but the old generation like watching
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Communications between the generational gap
Have you ever found yourself unable to continue or hold a conversation with someone older or younger than you? Perhaps it was simply a lack of
interest in the topic or the inability to find similar ground to connect on. The cultural differences between generations in America create a gap
where the ability to communicate effetely and relate is lost. How the younger generation communicate is based off how they were taught by the
older generation. Just like any child the younger generation is molded by experience. When the older generation refuses to reach across and pull
the adults of the younger generation they are creating the gap in communication. The older generation expects the younger to figure out their
place in the world as they had to during the times of hardships and war. However, in the recent years America has avoided was and grown
within its self to create better lives for its people. No longer do kids grow up starving and the fear of losing a loved overseas is not a common
one. The hardships that molded the older generation, the same hardships the older generation wants to the younger one to face are no longer in
existence. So leaving the younger generation alone to mold its self without the hardships leaves them to looking upon themselves and one another
and try to find how they best fit in. Their communication is based off their ability to relate with their own, not with the elders of society. To them
the elders
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Essay About Generation Gap

  • 1. Essay about Inter Generational Interview Intergenerational Interview Report "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance."– Alan Watts Throughout history; more specifically throughout different generations, we as human beings have been subject to a certain amount of change within our society. As time goes by change is almost inevitable among a nation. Change has occurred throughout history due to specific events that have a ripple effect upon individuals. Whether the change is a result of advancing technology, social climate, or foreign influence there is little chance of preventing the effect it will have on society. It is difficult to argue that we have not seen a paradigm shift in social attitudes from generation more content... When asked about his sense of community during his childhood, my Grandfather spoke about how much his family and his neighbours relied on each other to survive and to keep each other in good spirits. They helped farm each others land and in the end would split what was harvested. It was not until doing further research that it became obvious to me just how important the interdependence of this tight knit community was to their survival. Between 1943 and 1945 the Dutch people faced a horrible famine that killed nearly 30,000 Dutch civilians which is an astronomical number for a two years span. (Hitchcock, 98) Seeing as my Grandfather was so young at the time he was not able to remember much about his times during the war, so instead I conducted some research on what life might have been for a Dutch civilian during that time period. During the war time the Dutch government was completely ran by Nazis and as a result many rules were implemented that were of little benefit to the people of the country. For example men from ages 18–35 were forced to work in munitions factories and do field work, Dutch people were handed out "ration cards" that would limit the amount of food they could consume within the week. (Van der Zee, 3) Evidently this was a difficult time for the Dutch people so I decided to then change the topic of discussion and ask my Grandfather about his teenage years. To kick off the discussion the Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Generation Gap Essay on Generation Gap How many times have you felt that your parents don't understand you, that they have no respect for you as an individual? How often do you shake your head in frustration and blame it on the 'generation gap'? Parents! They are like aliens from another planet altogether! You and they are in different camps; strangers forced to live under the same roof Right? Wrong! There is a way of bridging what appears to be a yawning chasm. If you genuinely want to improve your relationship with your parents (and give them a big shock in the bargain!) try listening to them, treating them just like you would listen to a valued friend. Instead of always whining, 'You don't understand me", stop and think. Do we ever try and more content... Generation gap means difference in attitude, or lack of understanding between younger and older generation. This generation gap has always been there but these days it has reached to an explosive stage. The values and patterns of life have changed to a great extent. Today, everybody likes to live and behave in his own way. This attitude has widened the generation gap, which can never be filled. It is now destroyingfamily life completely. The elders look after the children and make all sorts of sacrifices to bring them up. Naturally, they feel they have a right over them. They want their children to follow their instructions as they have certain expectations from them. But the children, when they grow up, want a complete freedom in their thoughts and actions and unfortunately their thoughts and actions are just opposite to those expected by the elders. They revolt when any kind of restrictions are imposed on them. Consequently, the family breaks up and everything gets ruined. In India, we are yet in the initial stages, but the gap has appeared and it is going to grow bigger day by day. So it is not only the responsibility of the younger but also of the elders to fill this gap with their love, affection and trust. The Get more content on
  • 3. Generational gap refers to the differences between a younger generation and their seniors. Each generation developed in a different period, with different ways of living and with different ideals. Although these differences have been present throughout history, old generations have to be confronted at the cultural change which affects the actual society, particularly with the new generations X and Y. The basic purpose of this paper is to show that the development of medias and new technologies have a great influence on the Generation Gap. All these improvements have widened the gap between two particulars generations, the Baby Boomers and their grandchildren who compose the generation Y. In the following pages we will first look at more content... The enlargement of instant communication technologies is manly based on the internet, such as email, texting, and IM, but the importance of new medias like YouTube and social networks like Facebook, MySpace or Twitter also simplify the communication through technology for the young generation. In the actual society, the Baby Boomers seem to be outdated in comparison to the technological revolution which affects the new ways of communication. Nevertheless, these two generations remain close to each other and very similar about certain points. According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, "they tend to share many attitudes and behaviors that set them apart from other generations" (Hewlett, Sherbin and Sumberg: "How Gen Y and Boomers Will Reshape Your Agenda"). Baby Boomers and Generation Y share vision and values, because they have the same sense of responsibility to make a positive contribution to the society. The balance between the work and the personal is very important to both generations, because they want to take time in their hobbies, passions and some leisure. Generation Y needs attention, praise and reassurance. They look at Baby Boomers as mentors, and these latter want to protect and guide the young generation, particularly when they interact in a work place. Generation Y may benefit greatly from mentors who Get more content on
  • 4. Distinguishing Generation Gaps Distinguishing generation gaps There are several ways to make distinctions between generations. For example, names are given to major groups and each generation sets its own trends and has its own cultural impact. Language Use Generations can be distinguished by the differences in their language use. The generation gap has created a parallel gap in language that can be difficult to communicate across. This issue is one visible throughout society, creating complications within day to day communication at home, in the work place, and within schools. As new generations seek to define themselves as something apart from the old, they adopt new lingo and slang, allowing a generation to create a sense of division from the previous one. This more content... It's a pity that we don't have enough communication now. But I think the most terrible thing is not this but our ignorance of communicating. And I can take our daily life for instance. On the one hand, many parents try to provide good living environment for their children. But they only want their children to study well and seldom want to know what they're thinking about. On the other hand, the children are always complaining about their parents but neither do they want to understand their parents. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Do you think communicating between generations is difficult? I don't think so. Remember how you made your first friend? Open your mouth the strangers will become friends. Use your tongue we'll know each other better. And in this way the generation gap can be bridged, I am sure. Just like it was sung in an old song: "Open your heartland the key is in your hand." Understanding Generation Gap Generation gap is nothing but certain psychological and emotional gap between parents or elder people and the younger ones. Bulging generation gap creates misunderstanding and lack of attachment between the parents and children. The success of parenting lies in how effectively they avoid the generation gap or ignore the differences with kids. Generation gap is the result of the fast paced development of the society. In earlier times two or three generations live in the same lifestyle and environments as the development was so
  • 5. Get more content on
  • 6. Generation Gap Essay In this modern era of the 21st century, the United States educational system has had to adjust on multiple occasions to fit the need of the growing career and college–based needs in order to be successful. With the help of technology, new techniques, and a different point of view of higher education, it has become hard for teens and parents to connect on an educational level. Between my mom and I there is a good 30–year gap, but as I move closer to finishing high school and applying to colleges, I have noticed that the generation gap has made it difficult for my parents to understand what my generation finds very basic. It may be just the "use it or lose it" effect and they haven't used the things I'm learning now after 30 years of not being in high school, but it creates a lot of tension in our house. However, in my mom's house, her parents couldn't help her with her homework at all because my grandparents didn't have a college degree and didn't take the strenuous courses like my mom did. My parents can help with some things I do, but when it comes to new techniques they don't understand why teachers have to make the process harder than it needs to be. Even some simple things are different within the generational gap like the addition of preschool, all–day kindergarten, and honors classes instead of AP classes or college classes. Mymother and I had always been overachievers. She used to go to school from 7:30 to four when other students only went from nine to four, I take Get more content on
  • 7. Generation Gap: Teenagers And Adults Generation Gap; Teenagers and Adults Nowadays adult hear many thing from teenagers, common dialogues or a phrases that adults hear from the teenagers is, you do not understand, we are the drivers of our own destiny, we are responsible for our life; on what we are and what will we become. Nowadays teenagers set their goals in order to be successful in the near future. "Success is measured by power, popularity, control, achievements, authority, winning and etc. Having more and being more is success." (Peirce, 2005) Teenagers of current society seems very difficult as compare to the older times. Teenagers of current society makes things prioritized immediately without thinking a second about it. Due to the changes take place in our society and in our environment, the behaviors of teenagers also changes. The teenagers of current generation desired more content... The teenagers were not accepted by adults simply for the reason that the teens dressed differently from what was considered to be normal dress. "They [adults] confuse thrashers with metal heads and Goths because they all wear black. Then they assume that they all are all taking drugs and worshipping Satan" (Hine, 2001). Adults do not understand that teenagers are constantly searching to define and prove themselves as individuals. Expression through clothing is a form of that. Yet, Hine's article is not about merely how the teenagers dressed differently to express themselves, "It is about the alienation of teenagers from adult society, and equally about the alienation of that society from its teenagers. The mere presence of teenagers threatens us. Is it the idea that this young generation of gothic–dressed supposed losers will be replacing the elders when their time is up that is so scary? Or are the youth of today causing this boundary that is formed by instigating the adults with things that they know scare Get more content on
  • 8. Bridging The Generational Gap Essay Communication deficiencies can cause members of different generations to clash. In a diverse workforce, having a better understanding of others can make the working environment more productive. But what generations are we talking about here? Even in my military branch, where the majority of Marines tend to be younger than 30 years of age, there is a marked generation variety seen. More so, in the private sector however, there is a multigenerational workforce. This carries significant implications for leaders heading groups and attempting to manage a team in the most efficient way. To be successful, one would be wise in assessing how one communicates with others. There are fundamental differences between the ways different more content... I have 17 years of experience and wear the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, which is known for having a fair amount of understanding and proficiency in my field. To that effect, it influences the way I carry myself around other Marines, particularly younger (generation–y) ones. This does not mean I tend to be condescending or have a brash personality, but in an effort to be clearly understood, it definitely has an authoritarian effect when speaking or collaborating with others. This authoritarian tone might have even transcended into the technology realm and has made me reflect on how I use electronic means to communicate. I noticed this phenomenon trickled over to cyberspace, when sending email. Case in point, I tend to receive increasingly formal email responses despite my original message being exempt of formalities and when it is acceptable for my subordinate's writing not to be as rigid. I have attributed such behavior to Marines not wanting to be perceived as insubordinate or disrespectful and I find it commendable. However, these instances reflect my way of communicating as well. Because I have embraced technology most of my adult life, particularly email, It has affected my style of expression. My email messages are often short and direct, unencumbered by any attempt to be eloquent. Which, to me, tends to mean clear messages and free of barriers. Is this the result of using electronic means of communicating? Maybe, however, my attempts center only on Get more content on
  • 9. The Gap of Generations Logan Rose Davis English– 1302– 11618 July/5/2012 The Gap of Generations Morals and goals change throughout generations as they grow up and go through different events. Lorraine Hansberry wrote A Raisin in the Sun and in the play a man name Walter and his Mama fight throughout the story of how they should think about what is most important to the two people. Mama grew up in the early 1900s and how she was treated and what she had back then helped mold her in to the things she finds most important. Walter grew up where he has more chances to do stuff that his mother could never even think of. Mama and Walter have totally different out look at life between money and family. Mama's values are pretty basic she just wants to keep more content... Domina impassive how Mama Morals by saying "The audience will recall that Mama cares for all living things, even those that do not seem to thrive" (Dominica 3) just shows that Mama is family number one. Walter and Beneatha have a totally different mindset then Mama because of the way they grew up. The two children grew up in a different era then Mama they both were involved in racial eras, but in Walters and Beneathas era is more open time. The success and morels are bigger of the two children Walters morals is all about money rather than family because he thinks that money will make him into the leader of the family, and be able to get them anything they want. Beneatha is just like her brother that the basic is just not enough even her friend Asagai gave her a name that means "bread is not enough" (Hansberry, Raisin 1604) he is just saying that the basic stuff is just not enough for her she needs more. Success in Walters's eyes is all about money, and it's not all about him being greedy it's just all about wanting to have more for the family. At the beginning of the play Walters's son wanted fifty cents for school but when Travis asked his mom she said no then he asked Walter and he gave him the fifty cents like it was nothing. Walter just wanted his son to look up at him and see that he is a big successful man. Hansberry wrote "When we first meet him, he does not wish to alter it; merely to change his position in it" "(Hansberry, Willie Get more content on
  • 10. Essay about My Generation Everyone sees the future in a different way; some see greater technological advances while others might see a more peaceful mankind. This indecisiveness leads to the ongoing debate as to whether or not this generation, Generation Y, has a role in America's future. Considering our teenagers and children are the adults of tomorrow, I would argue that, in fact, they do have an impact. Every new generation has a role in the future of our country, as they fill the gaps of other people that can't work anymore or have passed away. It just becomes a matter of how we use this power to impact society. Although the generation is very capable of producing great leaders, politicians, and a hands–on community, we cannot predict how those will choose more content... Coined by broadcast journalist Tom Brokaw, The Greatest Generation, "it is, I believe, the greatest generation any society has ever produced" (Brokaw, 11). As Brokaw argued, this generation may have made the most significant contribution to America. The citizens belonging to this generation had grown up during the destitution of the Great Depression, and then went on to fight in World War II. However, living their childhood these events was not enough as these unfortunate events in the United States had even greater unpropitious affects on our country. The affects left this generation to mend a broken economy and the opportunity to contribute to World War II. Nevertheless, the "Greatest Generation" refers to the resilience, courage and hope that led these people to invest in the world, in order to extricate the country from a falling doom. The generation distinguishes itself by means of total sacrifice, commitment and belief in their cause by every citizen of the United States. "They became coaches, fund–raisers, and advocates of causes large and small. The list of objectives most of them pursued in the postwar period is a study in mundane topics. Yet, the overwhelming majority of these men and women made a basic decision to build a better America and pass this accomplishment along to the next generation, which was arriving each year in homes Get more content on
  • 11. Generation Gap Between Mother And Daughter I feel that the relationship between mother and daughter is a strained one, with the obvious love and care for each other marred by the obvious generation gap between the two, the lack of understanding and perspective and fixed expectations that the mother sets. Firstly, the mother sets fixed expectations for her daughter. As seen in the start of the passage, she has already planned out her daughter's future and expects her to follow it, thinking about how "now (her daughter) can be a doctor, make big money, find a good husband". She also tells Ah Kow that her daughter was going to be a GP without confirming with her if that was what she really wanted. It would be undeniable to say that this was a stereotypical mindset for all mothers to have, as they would definitely want the best for their daughters. It shows the care and concern more content... The differences between two generations become apparent when the mother talks about the lantern that the daughter lost years ago. On one hand, the mother is still upset about the lost of the lantern but the daughter however, is confused as to why she is bringing it up and asks her to forget about it, and instead desperately tries to convince her. In the end, the mother says to the daughter, "Your problem is that you don't value what you have. You have something valuable, but when you lost it, you say 'Forget it, never mind.' When I lose something, it makes me gek sim, for always." The daughter, being inexperienced and young, has not gone through the hardships or challenges that the mother has. This makes it difficult for her to understand true value of things, just telling herself to forget about it. The mother is afraid that the daughter would suffer without the guidance of her parents as she is still foolish and has not experienced life's hardship but the daughter does not understand why the mother is being so worried, thus causing their relationship to be further Get more content on
  • 12. Generation Gap Analysis of a Text There will be always a generation gap between a generation and another one. Generation gap is a broad difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another, especially between children and their Parents. This can be defined as occurring when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behavior. Generation gap isn't a new feature of our era or a new phenomenon but it has been existed ages ago. The idea of generation gap has been discussed many times by many authors. Brenda Powers, a newspaper writer, wrote an article that involved the concept of generation gap. In her article she discusses the situation of teenagers as more content... She did that to build a momentum of agreement between her and her audience. And when they agree with her in the beginning she will gain their trust. Consequently, when she comes to her conclusion they would agree with her as well. This is also the same reason why she used a real world example of the Irish boy. In this article powers used the pronoun "us" when she speaks about her audience and the parents of nowadays teenagers, baby boomers. She did that to align herself with the audience and get them well involved with the article. Moreover, Powers used an ideal rhetorical strategy which is the rhetorical questions. This is an effective method of making the audience react with you. During her article she asks a question and the she gives the audience the opportunity to think about it. She makes them search for an answer for that question and makes their minds involved in the issue. In most of her article she while she gives us facts that her readers will agree with her. And as a result, her readers will become convinced of her point of view. However, she spends a lot oftime in giving proofs and facts why this is true and why the result would be an irresponsible generation of adults. Her argument here seems to be too convincing that when we reach her conclusion we still more convinced about the first part of her paradox. She didn't support her conclusion well with enough ideas to make you believe what she is arguing for. In the article, Powers mentioned Get more content on
  • 13. Differences Between Generation And Generation Anyone who is familiar with our generation knows that our generation is extremely different from our parents' generation. Thus, creates a gap between the two generations, and has been acknowledged by many sociologists. Aside from today's young people inability to accomplish the millstones of becoming an adult, there is lot more differences between this generation and the older generation. Therefore, in this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting both generations. From how their career expectations are different, what was their definition of happiness, and how their parents played a role on making their dream or expectation turn into reality? To begin with, let me tell you a little bit about my generation. We are the generations that zd6was born between the late 1970s and the mid–1990s. The "Gen Y" has we are call, was raise by the "baby boomers" our parents' generation. Growing up, as Tim Urban stated in his article; Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy ", we were raised "with a sense of optimism and unbounded possibility" (par 6). Moreover, what our parents didn't tell us, is that we have to devote most of our entire life to achieve those possibility. However, our parents' generation– the baby boomers, born in the 50s, raised by our grandparents. Were raised to "build practical, secured careers" (Urban par 4) But another for them to get to stable career they have to go through hard time, bad decisions and loss of love ones. And that brought us to career Get more content on
  • 14. The Generation Gap is Creating Misunderstandings The generation gap is another reason of creating misunderstanding between the families that can affect their relationships. The passage, "The Generation Gap" describes how the young and the old people seem to be living in two very different worlds that are separated by different skills and abilities because of how the generation gap has affected them. From my personal observations, my family is very traditional. My family expects a lot from my brother and me such as staying within the same area as our parents, marrying the same person that our parents choose for us and continuing to do the same business as my parents had been doing last few years. These rules have caused so many problems in my family relationships which have led to a big argument. From the passage, "The Generation Gap" and from my personal experiences that it can be seen there are many reasons for the generation gap that can affect relationships in families which might lead to separation from the family and more restriction on their freedom. There are many reasons that the generation gap can cause separation from family. The generation gap is something that easily can lead to a big misunderstanding between each other without any big reason. For example, "in the passage, it explains how parents always complain about their children, as if "children do not show them proper respect. They also a lot of complains about their about their children's music, study habits, and television viewing." This quote Get more content on
  • 15. Today's workforce has expanded to four separate generations. With such a large generational gap it is imperative to have effective intergenerational communication within organizations. This paper will cover an overview of each generation, similarities and difference, and what contributes to effect communication among the generations. There is much scholarly research on generational communication but it becomes unclear when traits and attributions outside of particular generations skew or seemingly misalign the information. The point of this paper is not to make you an expert at intergenerational communication, which would take extensive research into each generation, their motivations, and specific attributes. This paper will give a brief overview of how to effectively communicate to a generation diverse workforce. Generational Communication in the Workplace The term "generational gap" has been around for ages and it is said to have been coined by the late Baby Boomers. If the baby boomers thought they had a generational gap then, what must they think now? We have a workforce that in some cases has a 60 year age gap! This accounts for all four generations working together and much more complex organizational and communication issues. (Kersten, 2002). With this paper covering generational communication within the workforce it is first necessary to define each generation before we can understand what motivates them and how they best communicate. The four Get more content on
  • 16. Generational Gaps And Conflicts Essay In the short story Who's Irish by Gish Jen and Everyday Use written by Alice Walker, both authors address generational conflicts between mothers and daughters, as well as struggles to coexist while living in very different cultural mindsets. The moral of both stories is that cross–cultural issues exist in every family tree and we often find comfort in unlikely places. While a mother may not agree with her daughter's choices she never loses love, and while a daughter may not like decisions that are made by their mother she never loses respect. Both are stories about women going through struggle to integrate and adept into modern American life, two mothers struggle to understand their daughters and the lives they are immersed in. more content... But Sophie is wild, Sophie is not like my daughter Natalie, or like me" (Jen 105). As a mother–in–law she struggles to understand the Shea's and their problems, in her thoughts they should have no problems and be rich because they are white, "Why the Shay family have so much trouble? They are white people, they speak English" (Jen 105). Not only does she not understand the Shay's who are Irish but she also fails to understand the dynamic of her daughter's marriage, "I especially cannot understand my daughter's husband John, who has no job but cannot take care of Sophie either. Because he is a man, he say, and that's the end of the sentence"(Jen 105). The mother has an overall lack of understanding of the American family system and the daughter, Natalie is overall very abrasive with her mother and does not take time to try and close the culture gap, "Look my daughter say. I have a big presentation tomorrow"(Jen 107). The mother is also painfully aware that her daughter has little time, "In China, daughter take care of mother. Here it is the other way around. Mother help daughter, mother ask, Anything else I can do? Otherwise daughter complain mother is not supportive"(Jen 106), once again a comparison between China and America and a lack of understanding. She speaks of Natalie with as much love as a person can have, even when her daughter is doing the hateful thing of making her mother move out of her home, Get more content on
  • 17. Importance Of Generation Gaps In The Workplace The study titled about Generation Gaps: change in the workplace due to Differing Generational Values, so it was conducted by Fredericks Elizabeth, Carbary Kelly and etc. They explained different generation working together in the workplace. The authors discuss how to communicate with different generation, there were different values, goals, idea and ways of getting things done in workplace. Although a few elements are the same for men and ladies as of now, the components that make them pick diverse professions are evolving. There are more open doors for ladies now that permit them a more extensive scope of vocation alternatives, enabling the chances to wind up plainly more leveled between the sexes. This study shows each generation has distinct attitudes, behaviors, expectations, habits and motivation button. learning how to communicate with the different generation can eliminate may major confrontation and misunderstanding in the workplace and world of business. According to authors, in the table characteristics not every person in generation will share all of the various characteristics. However, these examples are indicative of general patterns in the relationship between among family, members, friends and people in the workplace. Individual born at one end of the date range or the other may see overlapping characteristics with the preceding or succeeding generation. Also, different generation with different viewpoint and it is harder to make different life choice, it Get more content on
  • 18. Generation Gap Essay "My dear daughter, I do not know why you rarely talk your life to me since you became a senior high school student. If I made some mistakes, please let me know. I hope everything goes back like before". These words come from a letter which was written by a mother to her 14–year–old daughter. What made the mother so frustrated and use such a sincere mood to talk to her daughter is the generation gap. The meaning of this word, generation gap, is the differences of viewpoints and the perceived psychological distance between the younger generation and the older generation in hobbies, habits, values, world view, and attitudes toward lives. In childhood, little girls like to imitate mothers' behaviors, making up their faces with mothers' cosmetics and dressing themselves with high heel shoes. Littles boys are more willing to play footballs or video games with their fathers, and the great majority of them admire their fathers most. However, as children grow older, parents have gradually felt it becomes harder to get along well with their kids because not only could not parents understand the children's minds, but also their ideas are difficult to be accepted by children. As a result, problems caused by generation gap bursts, and it has a profound impact on both parents and children. To dope out a solution to this problem should consider these two questions: what causes the phenomenon and how it affects the relationships between children and parents. Some families and schools start Get more content on
  • 19. Examples Of Generation Gap In A Raisin In The Sun Bernard Rosenberg, an author who wrote books about societal issues in the 1970s, once wrote, "Generation Gap: A chasm, amorphously situated in time and space, that separates those who have grown up absurd from those who will, with luck, grow up absurd." People grown up in different environments or times have their own morals or methods of operation that would not be politically correct today. This leads to a generation gap between young and old people. The difference between an educated twenty year old with prodigious dreams (Beneatha) and a conservative woman in her early sixties (Mama) is demonstrated In A Raisin in the Sun written by Lorraine Hansberry with how it shows generation separates dreams, values, and cultural perspectives as shown with Beneatha and Mama. Beneatha and Mama's dreams are separated because of Beneatha's dreams of becoming a doctor. Female doctors in the 1950s were seen not as accredible in their field. When Ruth tells Mama about her appointment for her pregnancy and the female doctor she went to, Mama says, "She–What doctor you went to? "(61). To Mama going to a female doctor is seen as giving up the baby which is the worst thing possible in Mama's mind. Mama undermines Beneatha as a doctor or any other female doctor because Mama was raised in a generation where the workforce was dominated by men while women were housewives. Another choice Mama disagrees with is Beneatha choice to not get married. Mama pesters Beneatha many times about marriage, but Beneatha never agreed. This was shown when Beneatha said, "I'm going to be a doctor. I'm not worried about who I'm going to marry–if I ever get married" (50). Beneatha wants to be a strong independent female doctor and not a housewife; besides, Mama believes that women should be married; nevertheless, they should not take on such a male dominated job. Many times Mama pushes Beneatha to marry a rich man, George Murchison, instead of supporting her dreams because Beneatha's dreams are not the traditional life style. Beneatha pushes through Mama's beliefs on marriage and female doctors to still continue her dreams of being a doctor. Between Mama and Beneatha there is a vast generation gap as seen in the opposing views. Beneatha and Get more content on
  • 20. Generation Gap GENERATION GAP "When you are as old as me now, you will have the same opinions as me" – said my mother when we had a sensational discussion. I can't understand what she said. I thought much about it and I realized that we have many differences. So what is its cause? I think the main cause is the generation gap. "Generation gap" is a popular term used to describe the wide differences between members of younger generation and their older. A generation gap exists when older and younger people don't understand each other because of their experiences, their opinions, habits, behavior and life condition and standard. Generation gap can exist between 2, even 3 generations in a family, between mature and unmatured generations. There more content... That's also another generation gap. In a moder society, there are many recreation entertainments that capture the youths imaginations. The young generation like listening to pop, rock, hip hop music but the older generation like listening to prewar music, folk songs. The young generation like watching thrilling, horrible or action film, but the old generation like watching Get more content on
  • 21. Communications between the generational gap Have you ever found yourself unable to continue or hold a conversation with someone older or younger than you? Perhaps it was simply a lack of interest in the topic or the inability to find similar ground to connect on. The cultural differences between generations in America create a gap where the ability to communicate effetely and relate is lost. How the younger generation communicate is based off how they were taught by the older generation. Just like any child the younger generation is molded by experience. When the older generation refuses to reach across and pull the adults of the younger generation they are creating the gap in communication. The older generation expects the younger to figure out their place in the world as they had to during the times of hardships and war. However, in the recent years America has avoided was and grown within its self to create better lives for its people. No longer do kids grow up starving and the fear of losing a loved overseas is not a common one. The hardships that molded the older generation, the same hardships the older generation wants to the younger one to face are no longer in existence. So leaving the younger generation alone to mold its self without the hardships leaves them to looking upon themselves and one another and try to find how they best fit in. Their communication is based off their ability to relate with their own, not with the elders of society. To them the elders Get more content on