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Essay about Creation
Jerri Shirley
Theo 201 B14
"Is God actively involved?"
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the
Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." (Gen 1:1–2)
God has been involved with creation since inception and He continues His involvement today in each and every one of us, whether we recognize Him
or not. Without God humans, plants, animals and the things that crawl upon the earth would not exist. The cosmos would not exist. The sun, moon and
the stars would not exist. Nothing would exist if God did not have His hand directly in it, through it, and actively taking part in it. God is all knowing more content...
Clearly God was intimately involved with His creation then, and remains active with His creation today through the Holy Spirit.
But how do we know God is involved in Creation? To answer this question we must be willing to search for the truth, and theBible offers us a written
account of life, love, truth and sacrifice from the first chapter in Genesis through to Revelation.
For a believer in God, there is no greater story– if you wish to refer to the Scriptures as story – than that of the Bible, and for a new believer the book
of John gives a clear account of creation from an Apostles perspective. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life,
and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:1–4) The first line in John 1
clearly points directly back to Genesis 1:1 and sheds light into relationship between the Creator –God– and Jesus – God in the flesh. John 3:16 tells us
of God's love for humanity and what He was willing to sacrifice in order to save His creation from eternal death, "For god loved the world in this way:
He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."
To be a believer in God and a follower of Christ means to take
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The Civilian Creation Myth
The creation of man and the world is a question that has resonated since the conscience of thought and analysis began. We as human beings have the
tendency to seek out the reasons and truths of the phenomena that occur around us, and our desire to achieve answers has not hindered our exploration
of human existence. We tease ourselves by asking the most simplistic questions: why are we here; how did we come to be; who created our world?
And as our minds seek into the unknown and force us to develop the theories of our origins, the human hunger for reason and truth begs to differ.
Stories have collected throughout the generations that have preceded us, and its transition from person to person further more content...
Tu, is the fierce father and god of war–spirited humans; Tane is the father and god of trees, birds, andinsects; Rongo is the father and god of edible
cultivated plants; Tangaroa is the father of fish and seareptiles; Haumia is the father and god of fern root and edible wild plants. All five children
explain the various species of life on earth. The same pattern is found in the Babylonian creation myth. In this myth, the characters Father Apsu and
Mother Tiamat have children/grandchildren, one who controls the heavens. These three myths explain the many "forces" that exist in our world.
The Japanese, Polynesian, and Babylonian myths illustrates a world created from a mother and father being. The character of the father is one that has
all power, all decision, and controls everything and the family. The character of the mother is defined as the caretaker, and a key component that holds
the family together. All three myths exhibit a form of cooperation within the family to achieve natural harmony. Without one "child" the other does not
succeed, a phenomenon expressed in the Polynesian myth where all children try to escape from the void within their parents' attachment. The mother
/father image is important to be distinguished in these three myths, and work as and important figure in it as well. In the Japanese creation myth,
Izanami and Izanagi
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Essay on Genesis: The Creation Week
GENESIS: the creation week
В•This presentation is about the book of Genesis in the Old Testament. Its main purpose will be to educate you, the audience on hermeneutics, the
literal and contextual interpretations of the creation story, as well as the history, author, date and importance of thebook of Genesis.
В•Throughout history, people have asked the ultimate question 'Where did it all begin?' For the majority of fundamentalist Christians, the belief is
that the beginning of all life itself came from the supreme power of the Almighty Lord God. This point of view appears in the Bible, but can this be
taken in a completely literal sense? Did one God create it all? Through examination of the literal and contextual more content...
In the image of god he created man and woman. Male and female created he them'
On the seventh day God decided В‘The heavens and the earth were finished and filled with life' and В‘god rested from his work and all that he had
Each day interpretation
On the first day God creates the foundation on which the rest of the earth and surrounding universe is built. This begins with his command В‘let there
be light'. He then goes on to separate the light from the darkness, naming them night and day.
On the second day God creates the sky, which is described as separating В‘the waters above from the waters below' and the sky is named heaven
On the third day god creates the land and the sea through the command to the water В‘be gathered together in one place and let the dry land appear'.
Next he creates the grass and other foliage such as trees and plants with fruits and seeds.
On the fourth day god creates the В‘lights in the sky of heavens to divide the day from the night', in simple terms this means the sun, moon and the stars.
On the fifth day God adds life to the earth, 'let the waters bring forth in great numbers moving creatures that have life, and let the birds fly above the
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Essay on Creation
The Creation Stories Did the creation of the earth and life begin by itself? Or did God create them? In the beginning, civilization started to question
who created earth. There were many different views. In Genesis, Jinasena, and Buddha have their own thinking. There were some differences as well
as similarities. In Genesis, it was stated that God created heaven and earth. Everything we saw is God's work. Even ourselves is come out from him. In
one week, Days and Nights; Skies and seasons, land and water; living creature; And humans, were created by God. An example, "Let there be
light" then light came out. Everything he thought of happened instantaneously. However, there is no stating how he accomplished more
That is the "Cycle of rebirth". Also, the myth really does not mention anything about god existence. It consistantly looks for logically
answer to prove that god exist. But they do not believe in god with insult. "Some foolish men declare that Creator made the world." and
"The Jains hold that no god created the universe..." It stands strongly there is no one god who created earth. However, they do believe
that there is a hell on earth, and a heaven. The Buddha is a Buddhist myth called "How the World Evolved". They do believe there god
was the creator, but that the world goes through successive periods of expansion and contraction, unaffected by the activities of the gods. We all go
through the "wheel of rebirth...People can become "awakened" to the absolute and can escape the otherwise inevitable round of
rebirth, suffering, and mortality." What's awakened? Does that mean to realize something or awake from the cycle of rebirth? We all live in
the "World of Radiance". Everyone is rebirth. Whoever "awakened" will become creator and go to another world called the
"World of Brahma". Brahma was the first one born in the World of Brahma. The world was empty. He was the first one who arrived to
the new world. He called himself "the Father of all that is or is to be." There are more gods later on, but he claimes to be the first one
who born. He also claims to be the most
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Evolution Vs. Creation Essay
Evolution! The theory that every living organism has come from a lesser organism. A theory that claims humans have come from monkeys. This
"theory", is what's being taught to our children in school. If a child asks a teacher about the theory of Creation, they are sure to get a response like,
"I'm not allowed to answer that question", or something along those lines, because schools are not allowed to teach on religious subjects. I guess
schools think that evolution is the next best thing.
I believe that the world was created by God!
Ever since I have been in high school I have questioned the theory of evolution.
We are going to look at the theory of evolution and where the theory originated. We will also look at the theory more content...
Materialistic philosophy is a philosophy that places materialistic goods above spiritual values; this type of philosophy is what produced the theory of
The person who put forth the theory of evolution the way it is defined today, was an amateur English Naturalist, Charles Robert Darwin.
According Darwin, "living species were not created by God, but came from a common ancestor and differentiated from each other as a result of
natural conditions." Listen to an example given by the History Of Science Society, "Giraffes evolved from antelope–like creatures by extending there
necks further and further from generation to generation in order to reach higher and higher branches of food."
He said living creatures were passing the traits they had acquired during their lifetime from one generation to another, and therefore we evolving. I
think that it is safe to say the theories of Darwin were based on the power of imagination.
As we have seen, the Theory of evolution has not been based on any scientific evidence, or even been claimed by a scientist. Yet the theory has been
taught to students across the country as the truth.
Now that we have looked at the theory of evolution, lets take a look at the theory of
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Creation vs. Evolution Essay
Creation vs. Evolution
There has always been a conflict between the religious world and the scientific world. Whether it be when science first challenged that the earth was
not the center of the universe as dictated by the Church, or when it was discovered that the earth was round rather than flat. Both these "theories"
today are widely accepted and the rest of society generally ridicules any persons that believe the earth is the center of the universe or that the world is
flat. However, at the time of their discovery, there was massive outcry by the religious community, as they believed it contradicted the "facts" in the
bible. The religious community has always been wary of new more content...
Rather both evolution and creation are both correct, but simply two sides of the same coin.
In 1992 New York Times took a poll in which about half of all Americans believe that God created humans pretty much the way they appear now. At
the same time, the vast majority of the scientific community supports the theory of evolution. There are two reasons for this discrepancy. Firstly, most
of the general public is not fully aware of what evolution is. And secondly, the religious ideals that have been ingrained in North American society
dictates the one creator God, and therefore most people refuse to believe in evolution. To emphasize this difference in opinion, I will explain some of
the extreme beliefs on both the creationist side and the evolutionist side.
Much of the religious world (Christians, Jews and Muslims) believe that the world was created pretty much the way it is today. The reason they
believe this is due to their literal understanding of the Bible. Many believe that "…the story of Creation, written [in the bible] long before all
others is completely accurate"(Cooper 45). Furthermore, they believe that "[n]othing could be so exact and descriptive" (Cooper 45). According to
Genesis 1–3, God created the world in six days. The first three days, He created the physical
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Creation Essay
Genesis 2: 4–25 covers the second of creation, I say the second story because in Genesis 1: 1–28 there is another account of creation to refer to. The
creation story in Chapter 1 differs in format to the story in Chapter 2, but they cover all the main details of creation.
In Chapter 1 the story of creation is broken up into days and on each day, seven total, God created something in particular. On the first day Chapter 1
reads," In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a
mighty wind swept over the waters." This is quite similar to the second story of creation in Chapter 2 which starts off, "At the time when the Lord God
made the earth more content...
As human beings we are capable of making the most drastic of changes to our own environment and the lives of those around us, for this reason it is
necessary to know that this power to control comes with a responsibility to use it wisely. We also know that our control over the Earth was not earned
but given to us God to use in the best interest of his creation. I believe that both of these accounts offer valuable outlooks on how much detail God went
through to create the Earth. This also brings up the question of why are there two different accounts in the Bible in the first place.
It is believed that these stories could have been two oral traditions from separate two separate sources in Israel that we have referred to in class.
One story comes from the J source while the other comes from the E source but both accounts describing the same event which produces the
parallels between them. This is possible because both of these sources were combined after 722 BCE. In ancient Hebrew text "J" refers to God as
Yahweh and "E" refers to him as Elohim, but since both describe the same God in the same event both were included in the Bible to create the
parallel of one God being referred too by separate names.
The Bible has been translated into many different languages all over the world. Like with all translations you must stay true to the original text but
make the translations relevant and understanding. When translated from Hebrew to English the first to
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Creation Theories Essay
Without the bible humans would not be able to depict different theories of creation. The Old and New Testament are not considered in many people,
but it is known by all. Theories that have affected different religions are creation, evolution, and mythology. With 6,775,235,700 people walking the
earth, every person has his/her personal opinions about the world's existence. In the book of Genesis, Christian Scholars have described the work of God
in his seven days of constructing the world. Waters, land, light, humankind, etc. were established in the days of the Spirits work. The seven days God
used creating the universe, man transformed into a time period. Names have been assigned to the days for distinction, such Sunday, Monday,
more content...
Evolutionists spend time looking into prehistoric facts to try to prove that the Earth was older than the Bible depicts it to be. The research evolutionists
conducted changed many opinions in the 18th century and so forth. With the evidence provided by archeologists, the world knows dinosaurs once
roamed the Earth and soon became extinct. "The biblical deluge could not have been responsible for the extinctions of all these ancient life forms
because Genesis implied that every species was rescued from the flood" (Denton 21). This has raised many eyebrows for they are documented facts.
Creationists have no argument against this information. Christians only believe that God is the supreme creator of the Earth and all facts against the
Bible are false. Creationists do not debate topics that are superlative for their arguments are not as researched; they only have explanations and fact that
the Bible provides. The evolutionary research has satisfied many people, for they have search for answered to the questionings of the world. However,
others may still have unanswered questions. Such as, why aren't humans able to further the evolutionary timeline, or why did the process end with
humans? "The gap between us and other primates, they say, was unbridgeable by evolution, and must therefore have involved an act of special
creation" (Coyne 193). The theory of evolution has been comical to many
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Essay about Creation Stories
Creation Stories
Where do we come from? The creation of the world has for centuries been told through many different stories, in different languages, and from a
variety of religions across the world. The founders of each religion developed every creation story, and as religions vary greatly in beliefs, so do their
stories of how the world and mankind were created. Although many of these creation stories differ, they have a closemystical and spiritual bind that
brings people together. Two particular creation stories from very diverse religions are that of theNative Americans and the Christians. Unlike Christians
who worship one god, Native Americans worship two high gods as well as a variety of natural and supernatural more content...
The Christian creation story is found in the book of Genesis, the first book of the bible. There are two creation stories out of the Christians beliefs,
both out of the book of Genesis. In Genesis 1:1 to 2:3 the bible says that God created the heavens and earth in six days: On the first day the creation
of light and its separation from darkness; On the second day the separation of the sky and oceans; On the third day separation of land from the
oceans, spreading of plants, grass, and trees across the land; On the fourth day the creation of the sun, moon, and stars; On the fifth day creation of
sea animals and birds; On day six creation of the land animals, creation of humanity. The other creation story comes from Genesis 2:4 to 2:25, it
states that: At first, there were no plants or grain present, because God had not yet sent rain; Then God made Adam out of earth; He then created
plants and herbs, Adam, the Garden of Eden, trees, birds and animals; Finally, God removed a rib from Adam and made it into the first woman, Eve.
Christians belief of one God whom in which created all man from the same earth, may also be a factor of religion in which influences their
understanding of the world. Meaning that they view all man as being created
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Creation and Evolution Essay
Creation and Evolution
Two of the main aspects about our reason on this highly sophisticated universe. No one knows which theory is the right one. It has been a mystery for
many years to all mankind. Who knows how long until the mystery is solved. Your view could differ from many others around you. This is my view...
Creation focuses on one point: God. The Bible and the Qur'an are the best source for this topic.
Christian creation ––––––––––––––––––
For Christianity, the stories of the Creation are found in the first two chapters of the book of Genesis in the Bible. They show how God created the
world in six days and rested on the seventh.
This account says more content...
Гѕ Evolution This science argues, rather like Augustine, that the higher and more advanced forms of life, like human beings, have slowly developed
or evolved from the original simpler life forms, which originally appeared on the earth. This topic will be covered later.
Today most Christians accept the theories of cosmology and evolution and do not take the Biblical account of the Creation literally. They believe that
the Bible is there to explain why God created the world, and the relationship between God and nature, rather than a scientific account of how the world
was created.
Islamic creation
In the Qur'an there is an account of the Creation:
Your Guardian Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then He settled Himself on the Throne. He draws the night as a
veil over the day, each quickly following the other. And the sun and the moon and the stars are all under His command. Surah 7:54
I have created men that they may serve me. I desire no support from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me. Surely; it is Allah who is the
Sustainer, the Lord of Power, the Steadfast. Surah 51:56–57
Science has never posed a major problem for Muslim beliefs about creation. For centuries Islamic scientists have been at the
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Creation Myth Essay
Myth still remains one of the major links that merges the different cultures and religions from various ethnicities. "The Creation of the Titans and the
Gods", as well as "The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe", are among the many creation myths that highlight these combinations.
Throughout history, myths have created various similarities and differences between the cultures and religions of the world.
Man – the common principle in myths, illustrates that man was produced exclusively for the pleasure of the Gods. Since the dawn of civilization the
existence of myths had been recorded and narrated in order to praise the Gods that had blessed them with life. Marduk explains that he created Man
with the Gods to assure more content...
The passage from "Enuma Elish" reveals that water was a precious element to the Balbylonians; it was difficult to find water because they lived in such
dry and barren land. In Babylonian culture, Titmat became the Earth, which literally made her, Mother Earth, therefore making the land and agriculture
important to the civilization. "The Creation of the Titans and Gods" shows that the people of Greece were abundant in agriculture thanks to Zeus;
although Mother Earth and Zeus are not the same, they had the same value in society and that they had created the land the people lived on. Not only
were the land, water and agriculture important in society, but also the society and structure itself was a growing matter. The myth, "The Creation,
Death, and Rebirth of the Universe" tells of a message that was sent throughout the people of India about their roll in society. In order for one to be
the best of their abilities, they must work within their social cast and not be removed from said placing. In a Chinese teaching, called "The Creation
of the Universe and Human Beings", the people believed in the wealthy and the poor; "The people whom Nu Kua had fashioned by hand from the rich
yellow earth of the riverbed were high–born, wealthy, and intelligent. But the people who had fallen in drops from her rope were low–born, poor,
common folk." Countless of creation myths make use of their tales to furnish their evident society or culture a perceptive or reasoning
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Creation Myth Essay
Creation Myth
In the beginning...
There was only water and bare, empty land. In the center of this nothingness was a great mountain. This mountain stood tall and proud and it reached
all the way into the heavens. At the very top of this mountain lived a pair of every kind of animal. In the center of this heaven grew a tree. This tree
was not just any tree, it was the sacred tree of life, and it was not to be harmed in any way.
Among the diverse group of animals was a pair of giraffes. The female giraffe had grown tired of eating the same old leaves and fruits. Being
strong–willed and stubborn she decided that she just had to try a fruit from the sacred tree. She convinced her husband to accompany her and to be one
of the first more content...
Hoping that the Great One will grant them this one request they go to sleep that night.
When they Awake in the morning they find that they clay figure has come to life. That day this human proves to be very helpful and creates a
wonderful paradise out of the barren land. That night there is another great storm. The man is stuck my lightening. He isn't killed but he is split in half.
This other half is slightly different from him and is therefore called a woman.
The land and life is flourishing. All the animals and both the man and woman are quite content. In the spring that woman births a baby boy. Nine
months later she has another child, a girl. The brother and sister got along very well. They were the best of friends and did everything together. One
day the girl convinces her brother to go with her to the great mountain and climb up to the heavens. The boy is against the idea, since the heavens were
forbidden to visit ever since the banishment, but she finally persuades him to come. The reach the heavens and there stands the Great One. He tells
them of his plans. That he had planned to give the animal and human life another chance, and to let them re–enter the heavens. This chance was never
to be given though; the two children had lost it.
The children go back to the lands. The brother is mad at the sister and blames her for the loss of chances. Over the months he grows
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Essay About Creation

  • 1. Essay about Creation Jerri Shirley Turabian Theo 201 B14 Creation "Is God actively involved?" "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." (Gen 1:1–2) God has been involved with creation since inception and He continues His involvement today in each and every one of us, whether we recognize Him or not. Without God humans, plants, animals and the things that crawl upon the earth would not exist. The cosmos would not exist. The sun, moon and the stars would not exist. Nothing would exist if God did not have His hand directly in it, through it, and actively taking part in it. God is all knowing more content... Clearly God was intimately involved with His creation then, and remains active with His creation today through the Holy Spirit. But how do we know God is involved in Creation? To answer this question we must be willing to search for the truth, and theBible offers us a written account of life, love, truth and sacrifice from the first chapter in Genesis through to Revelation. For a believer in God, there is no greater story– if you wish to refer to the Scriptures as story – than that of the Bible, and for a new believer the book of John gives a clear account of creation from an Apostles perspective. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:1–4) The first line in John 1 clearly points directly back to Genesis 1:1 and sheds light into relationship between the Creator –God– and Jesus – God in the flesh. John 3:16 tells us of God's love for humanity and what He was willing to sacrifice in order to save His creation from eternal death, "For god loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." To be a believer in God and a follower of Christ means to take
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  • 3. The Civilian Creation Myth The creation of man and the world is a question that has resonated since the conscience of thought and analysis began. We as human beings have the tendency to seek out the reasons and truths of the phenomena that occur around us, and our desire to achieve answers has not hindered our exploration of human existence. We tease ourselves by asking the most simplistic questions: why are we here; how did we come to be; who created our world? And as our minds seek into the unknown and force us to develop the theories of our origins, the human hunger for reason and truth begs to differ. Stories have collected throughout the generations that have preceded us, and its transition from person to person further more content... Tu, is the fierce father and god of war–spirited humans; Tane is the father and god of trees, birds, andinsects; Rongo is the father and god of edible cultivated plants; Tangaroa is the father of fish and seareptiles; Haumia is the father and god of fern root and edible wild plants. All five children explain the various species of life on earth. The same pattern is found in the Babylonian creation myth. In this myth, the characters Father Apsu and Mother Tiamat have children/grandchildren, one who controls the heavens. These three myths explain the many "forces" that exist in our world. The Japanese, Polynesian, and Babylonian myths illustrates a world created from a mother and father being. The character of the father is one that has all power, all decision, and controls everything and the family. The character of the mother is defined as the caretaker, and a key component that holds the family together. All three myths exhibit a form of cooperation within the family to achieve natural harmony. Without one "child" the other does not succeed, a phenomenon expressed in the Polynesian myth where all children try to escape from the void within their parents' attachment. The mother /father image is important to be distinguished in these three myths, and work as and important figure in it as well. In the Japanese creation myth, Izanami and Izanagi Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Genesis: The Creation Week GENESIS: the creation week Introduction В•This presentation is about the book of Genesis in the Old Testament. Its main purpose will be to educate you, the audience on hermeneutics, the literal and contextual interpretations of the creation story, as well as the history, author, date and importance of thebook of Genesis. В•Throughout history, people have asked the ultimate question 'Where did it all begin?' For the majority of fundamentalist Christians, the belief is that the beginning of all life itself came from the supreme power of the Almighty Lord God. This point of view appears in the Bible, but can this be taken in a completely literal sense? Did one God create it all? Through examination of the literal and contextual more content... In the image of god he created man and woman. Male and female created he them' On the seventh day God decided В‘The heavens and the earth were finished and filled with life' and В‘god rested from his work and all that he had made' Each day interpretation On the first day God creates the foundation on which the rest of the earth and surrounding universe is built. This begins with his command В‘let there be light'. He then goes on to separate the light from the darkness, naming them night and day. On the second day God creates the sky, which is described as separating В‘the waters above from the waters below' and the sky is named heaven On the third day god creates the land and the sea through the command to the water В‘be gathered together in one place and let the dry land appear'. Next he creates the grass and other foliage such as trees and plants with fruits and seeds. On the fourth day god creates the В‘lights in the sky of heavens to divide the day from the night', in simple terms this means the sun, moon and the stars. On the fifth day God adds life to the earth, 'let the waters bring forth in great numbers moving creatures that have life, and let the birds fly above the
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  • 6. Essay on Creation Creation The Creation Stories Did the creation of the earth and life begin by itself? Or did God create them? In the beginning, civilization started to question who created earth. There were many different views. In Genesis, Jinasena, and Buddha have their own thinking. There were some differences as well as similarities. In Genesis, it was stated that God created heaven and earth. Everything we saw is God's work. Even ourselves is come out from him. In one week, Days and Nights; Skies and seasons, land and water; living creature; And humans, were created by God. An example, "Let there be light" then light came out. Everything he thought of happened instantaneously. However, there is no stating how he accomplished more content... That is the "Cycle of rebirth". Also, the myth really does not mention anything about god existence. It consistantly looks for logically answer to prove that god exist. But they do not believe in god with insult. "Some foolish men declare that Creator made the world." and "The Jains hold that no god created the universe..." It stands strongly there is no one god who created earth. However, they do believe that there is a hell on earth, and a heaven. The Buddha is a Buddhist myth called "How the World Evolved". They do believe there god was the creator, but that the world goes through successive periods of expansion and contraction, unaffected by the activities of the gods. We all go through the "wheel of rebirth...People can become "awakened" to the absolute and can escape the otherwise inevitable round of rebirth, suffering, and mortality." What's awakened? Does that mean to realize something or awake from the cycle of rebirth? We all live in the "World of Radiance". Everyone is rebirth. Whoever "awakened" will become creator and go to another world called the "World of Brahma". Brahma was the first one born in the World of Brahma. The world was empty. He was the first one who arrived to the new world. He called himself "the Father of all that is or is to be." There are more gods later on, but he claimes to be the first one who born. He also claims to be the most Get more content on
  • 7. Evolution Vs. Creation Essay Evolution! The theory that every living organism has come from a lesser organism. A theory that claims humans have come from monkeys. This "theory", is what's being taught to our children in school. If a child asks a teacher about the theory of Creation, they are sure to get a response like, "I'm not allowed to answer that question", or something along those lines, because schools are not allowed to teach on religious subjects. I guess schools think that evolution is the next best thing. I believe that the world was created by God! Ever since I have been in high school I have questioned the theory of evolution. We are going to look at the theory of evolution and where the theory originated. We will also look at the theory more content... Materialistic philosophy is a philosophy that places materialistic goods above spiritual values; this type of philosophy is what produced the theory of evolution. The person who put forth the theory of evolution the way it is defined today, was an amateur English Naturalist, Charles Robert Darwin. According Darwin, "living species were not created by God, but came from a common ancestor and differentiated from each other as a result of natural conditions." Listen to an example given by the History Of Science Society, "Giraffes evolved from antelope–like creatures by extending there necks further and further from generation to generation in order to reach higher and higher branches of food." He said living creatures were passing the traits they had acquired during their lifetime from one generation to another, and therefore we evolving. I think that it is safe to say the theories of Darwin were based on the power of imagination. As we have seen, the Theory of evolution has not been based on any scientific evidence, or even been claimed by a scientist. Yet the theory has been taught to students across the country as the truth. Now that we have looked at the theory of evolution, lets take a look at the theory of
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  • 9. Creation vs. Evolution Essay Creation vs. Evolution There has always been a conflict between the religious world and the scientific world. Whether it be when science first challenged that the earth was not the center of the universe as dictated by the Church, or when it was discovered that the earth was round rather than flat. Both these "theories" today are widely accepted and the rest of society generally ridicules any persons that believe the earth is the center of the universe or that the world is flat. However, at the time of their discovery, there was massive outcry by the religious community, as they believed it contradicted the "facts" in the bible. The religious community has always been wary of new more content... Rather both evolution and creation are both correct, but simply two sides of the same coin. In 1992 New York Times took a poll in which about half of all Americans believe that God created humans pretty much the way they appear now. At the same time, the vast majority of the scientific community supports the theory of evolution. There are two reasons for this discrepancy. Firstly, most of the general public is not fully aware of what evolution is. And secondly, the religious ideals that have been ingrained in North American society dictates the one creator God, and therefore most people refuse to believe in evolution. To emphasize this difference in opinion, I will explain some of the extreme beliefs on both the creationist side and the evolutionist side. Much of the religious world (Christians, Jews and Muslims) believe that the world was created pretty much the way it is today. The reason they believe this is due to their literal understanding of the Bible. Many believe that "…the story of Creation, written [in the bible] long before all others is completely accurate"(Cooper 45). Furthermore, they believe that "[n]othing could be so exact and descriptive" (Cooper 45). According to Genesis 1–3, God created the world in six days. The first three days, He created the physical Get more content on
  • 10. Creation Essay Genesis 2: 4–25 covers the second of creation, I say the second story because in Genesis 1: 1–28 there is another account of creation to refer to. The creation story in Chapter 1 differs in format to the story in Chapter 2, but they cover all the main details of creation. In Chapter 1 the story of creation is broken up into days and on each day, seven total, God created something in particular. On the first day Chapter 1 reads," In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters." This is quite similar to the second story of creation in Chapter 2 which starts off, "At the time when the Lord God made the earth more content... As human beings we are capable of making the most drastic of changes to our own environment and the lives of those around us, for this reason it is necessary to know that this power to control comes with a responsibility to use it wisely. We also know that our control over the Earth was not earned but given to us God to use in the best interest of his creation. I believe that both of these accounts offer valuable outlooks on how much detail God went through to create the Earth. This also brings up the question of why are there two different accounts in the Bible in the first place. It is believed that these stories could have been two oral traditions from separate two separate sources in Israel that we have referred to in class. One story comes from the J source while the other comes from the E source but both accounts describing the same event which produces the parallels between them. This is possible because both of these sources were combined after 722 BCE. In ancient Hebrew text "J" refers to God as Yahweh and "E" refers to him as Elohim, but since both describe the same God in the same event both were included in the Bible to create the parallel of one God being referred too by separate names. The Bible has been translated into many different languages all over the world. Like with all translations you must stay true to the original text but make the translations relevant and understanding. When translated from Hebrew to English the first to Get more content on
  • 11. Creation Theories Essay Without the bible humans would not be able to depict different theories of creation. The Old and New Testament are not considered in many people, but it is known by all. Theories that have affected different religions are creation, evolution, and mythology. With 6,775,235,700 people walking the earth, every person has his/her personal opinions about the world's existence. In the book of Genesis, Christian Scholars have described the work of God in his seven days of constructing the world. Waters, land, light, humankind, etc. were established in the days of the Spirits work. The seven days God used creating the universe, man transformed into a time period. Names have been assigned to the days for distinction, such Sunday, Monday, more content... Evolutionists spend time looking into prehistoric facts to try to prove that the Earth was older than the Bible depicts it to be. The research evolutionists conducted changed many opinions in the 18th century and so forth. With the evidence provided by archeologists, the world knows dinosaurs once roamed the Earth and soon became extinct. "The biblical deluge could not have been responsible for the extinctions of all these ancient life forms because Genesis implied that every species was rescued from the flood" (Denton 21). This has raised many eyebrows for they are documented facts. Creationists have no argument against this information. Christians only believe that God is the supreme creator of the Earth and all facts against the Bible are false. Creationists do not debate topics that are superlative for their arguments are not as researched; they only have explanations and fact that the Bible provides. The evolutionary research has satisfied many people, for they have search for answered to the questionings of the world. However, others may still have unanswered questions. Such as, why aren't humans able to further the evolutionary timeline, or why did the process end with humans? "The gap between us and other primates, they say, was unbridgeable by evolution, and must therefore have involved an act of special creation" (Coyne 193). The theory of evolution has been comical to many Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Creation Stories Creation Stories Where do we come from? The creation of the world has for centuries been told through many different stories, in different languages, and from a variety of religions across the world. The founders of each religion developed every creation story, and as religions vary greatly in beliefs, so do their stories of how the world and mankind were created. Although many of these creation stories differ, they have a closemystical and spiritual bind that brings people together. Two particular creation stories from very diverse religions are that of theNative Americans and the Christians. Unlike Christians who worship one god, Native Americans worship two high gods as well as a variety of natural and supernatural more content... The Christian creation story is found in the book of Genesis, the first book of the bible. There are two creation stories out of the Christians beliefs, both out of the book of Genesis. In Genesis 1:1 to 2:3 the bible says that God created the heavens and earth in six days: On the first day the creation of light and its separation from darkness; On the second day the separation of the sky and oceans; On the third day separation of land from the oceans, spreading of plants, grass, and trees across the land; On the fourth day the creation of the sun, moon, and stars; On the fifth day creation of sea animals and birds; On day six creation of the land animals, creation of humanity. The other creation story comes from Genesis 2:4 to 2:25, it states that: At first, there were no plants or grain present, because God had not yet sent rain; Then God made Adam out of earth; He then created plants and herbs, Adam, the Garden of Eden, trees, birds and animals; Finally, God removed a rib from Adam and made it into the first woman, Eve. Christians belief of one God whom in which created all man from the same earth, may also be a factor of religion in which influences their understanding of the world. Meaning that they view all man as being created Get more content on
  • 13. Creation and Evolution Essay Creation and Evolution Two of the main aspects about our reason on this highly sophisticated universe. No one knows which theory is the right one. It has been a mystery for many years to all mankind. Who knows how long until the mystery is solved. Your view could differ from many others around you. This is my view... CREATION Creation focuses on one point: God. The Bible and the Qur'an are the best source for this topic. Christian creation –––––––––––––––––– For Christianity, the stories of the Creation are found in the first two chapters of the book of Genesis in the Bible. They show how God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. This account says more content... Гѕ Evolution This science argues, rather like Augustine, that the higher and more advanced forms of life, like human beings, have slowly developed or evolved from the original simpler life forms, which originally appeared on the earth. This topic will be covered later. Today most Christians accept the theories of cosmology and evolution and do not take the Biblical account of the Creation literally. They believe that the Bible is there to explain why God created the world, and the relationship between God and nature, rather than a scientific account of how the world was created. Islamic creation In the Qur'an there is an account of the Creation:
  • 14. Your Guardian Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then He settled Himself on the Throne. He draws the night as a veil over the day, each quickly following the other. And the sun and the moon and the stars are all under His command. Surah 7:54 I have created men that they may serve me. I desire no support from them, nor do I desire that they should feed Me. Surely; it is Allah who is the Sustainer, the Lord of Power, the Steadfast. Surah 51:56–57 Science has never posed a major problem for Muslim beliefs about creation. For centuries Islamic scientists have been at the Get more content on
  • 15. Creation Myth Essay Myth still remains one of the major links that merges the different cultures and religions from various ethnicities. "The Creation of the Titans and the Gods", as well as "The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe", are among the many creation myths that highlight these combinations. Throughout history, myths have created various similarities and differences between the cultures and religions of the world. Man – the common principle in myths, illustrates that man was produced exclusively for the pleasure of the Gods. Since the dawn of civilization the existence of myths had been recorded and narrated in order to praise the Gods that had blessed them with life. Marduk explains that he created Man with the Gods to assure more content... The passage from "Enuma Elish" reveals that water was a precious element to the Balbylonians; it was difficult to find water because they lived in such dry and barren land. In Babylonian culture, Titmat became the Earth, which literally made her, Mother Earth, therefore making the land and agriculture important to the civilization. "The Creation of the Titans and Gods" shows that the people of Greece were abundant in agriculture thanks to Zeus; although Mother Earth and Zeus are not the same, they had the same value in society and that they had created the land the people lived on. Not only were the land, water and agriculture important in society, but also the society and structure itself was a growing matter. The myth, "The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe" tells of a message that was sent throughout the people of India about their roll in society. In order for one to be the best of their abilities, they must work within their social cast and not be removed from said placing. In a Chinese teaching, called "The Creation of the Universe and Human Beings", the people believed in the wealthy and the poor; "The people whom Nu Kua had fashioned by hand from the rich yellow earth of the riverbed were high–born, wealthy, and intelligent. But the people who had fallen in drops from her rope were low–born, poor, common folk." Countless of creation myths make use of their tales to furnish their evident society or culture a perceptive or reasoning Get more content on
  • 16. Creation Myth Essay Creation Myth In the beginning... There was only water and bare, empty land. In the center of this nothingness was a great mountain. This mountain stood tall and proud and it reached all the way into the heavens. At the very top of this mountain lived a pair of every kind of animal. In the center of this heaven grew a tree. This tree was not just any tree, it was the sacred tree of life, and it was not to be harmed in any way. Among the diverse group of animals was a pair of giraffes. The female giraffe had grown tired of eating the same old leaves and fruits. Being strong–willed and stubborn she decided that she just had to try a fruit from the sacred tree. She convinced her husband to accompany her and to be one of the first more content... Hoping that the Great One will grant them this one request they go to sleep that night. When they Awake in the morning they find that they clay figure has come to life. That day this human proves to be very helpful and creates a wonderful paradise out of the barren land. That night there is another great storm. The man is stuck my lightening. He isn't killed but he is split in half. This other half is slightly different from him and is therefore called a woman. The land and life is flourishing. All the animals and both the man and woman are quite content. In the spring that woman births a baby boy. Nine months later she has another child, a girl. The brother and sister got along very well. They were the best of friends and did everything together. One day the girl convinces her brother to go with her to the great mountain and climb up to the heavens. The boy is against the idea, since the heavens were forbidden to visit ever since the banishment, but she finally persuades him to come. The reach the heavens and there stands the Great One. He tells them of his plans. That he had planned to give the animal and human life another chance, and to let them re–enter the heavens. This chance was never to be given though; the two children had lost it. The children go back to the lands. The brother is mad at the sister and blames her for the loss of chances. Over the months he grows
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