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Episode 214: Making Workplace 
Technology Accessible 
Intro: ​[00:00:00.15] ​Welcome to the Work OLogy Podcast, a podcast for the disruptive workplace leader, join host
Jessica Miller Merrell, founder of work ology dot com as she sits down and gets to the bottom of trends, tools and
case studies for the business leader, H.R. and recruiting professional who is tired of the status quo. Now here's
Jessica with this episode of Workology.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:00:25.5] ​I'm reading a lot of buzz on the Internet about accessibility and technology. I
[00:00:30.0] love that more companies are considering accessibility for their employees and in their hiring process.
That's what the workology podcast and our future of Work series with PEAT is all about. I wanted to hear more about
assistive technology from an expert who helps train, lead and coach every single day in this area. Where is the future
of assistive technology going and what things do? HRN Workplace leaders need to be more aware of what do they
need to do to make their workplaces and businesses [00:01:00.0] more inclusive and accessible? This episode of the
Work OLogy podcast is part of our Future of Work series powered by PEAT. The Partnership, Unemployment and
Accessible Technology in honor of the upcoming 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act this July.
We're investigating. What does the next 30 years have in store? What will the workplace look like for people with
disabilities? And what is the potential of emerging technologies that will be there to help make [00:01:30.0]
workplaces more inclusive and accessible? Today, I'm joined by Chancey Fleet. Chancey is an assistive technology
coordinator for a library in New York. Chancey is an affiliate in residence at Data and Society Research Institute. She
also serves as the president of the National Federation of the Blind Assistive Technology Trainers Division Chancey.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:01:52.68] ​Welcome to the Workology podcast. Thank you. I'm so happy to be here. Can
you tell us a little bit about your background?
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:01:59.31] ​Sure. So [00:02:00.0] I identify as blind and I am a technology educator. I've been in
that field since I was an undergrad in college where I was studying sociology and psychology. And I had the
opportunity to start teaching people with disabilities how to use their technology and bringing to them the sense of
confidence, flexibility, independent learning and freedom that technology has always afforded me.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:02:28.83] ​So even though I was studying [00:02:30.0] sociology and psychology in college.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:02:33.45] ​I thought for many years that those weren't fields that I was really going to be working
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:02:39.81] ​I thought I had found my calling as as an assistant technology trainer. What's been
interesting over the years, as technology becomes more complex and there's more and more to negotiate. That's not
just hardware and software, but also as social forces. Legal forces, organizational [00:03:00.0] cultures and the
individual decisions that people make around technology and what that does to benefit or harm their lives. I find that I
actually am drawing on that very old background that I have in sociology and psychology. And my current
professional practice, I think gives it all together.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:03:20.93] ​I teach people how to use digital tools with mindfulness, with confidence, with an
outlook that is positive in terms [00:03:30.0] of what they can accomplish, but an outlook that's also skeptical in terms
of whether tools are ever really all good or all bad. And I think understanding how technologies appeal or don't appeal
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to people. What frustrates and empowers a learner? And how technologies are designed with maybe more than just
the user's interests in mind. I think it all comes together in the practice that I have now.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:03:59.4] ​I'm based at a library [00:04:00.0] in New York. I curated assistive technology that we
have in our branch and I run a technology coaching program. We do about 150 hours of one on one coaching a
month, powered by staff and volunteers who are native users of assistive technology. I run a fully accessible graphics
lab called the Dimensions Project, where we give blind and sighted people the tools to create accessible, non-visual
spatial representations using tactile graphics and 3D prints. [00:04:30.0] And then last year, I just finished up a
fellowship at Data Society Research Institute, where I did direct advocacy, community organizing and and writing to
shine a little bit of a light on the intersection between cloud connected accessibility tools and critical issues and data
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:04:49.91] ​I'm already impressed. Let's talk about the importance of accessibility when it
comes to technology. You mentioned that you identify as blind so [00:05:00.0] you can speak firsthand as someone
who's using the technology, but also in your work with with others.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:05:08.33] ​It runs really deep for me. A lot of my early formative experiences were about moments
where I noticed technology either getting in my way or helping me to remove a roadblock.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:05:20.72] ​When I was in kindergarten, which was in nineteen eighty seven, my father got me a
laptop. It was really early for a kindergartener to have a laptop with this laptop, [00:05:30.0] ran dos. It had two floppy
disk drives and it ran a screen reader called Arctic Business Vision, and he made sure that I learned to type as well
as read braille and learn a word processor. And that means that at a time when most blind children were relying on a
Braille transcriber to mediate interaction between them and their classroom teachers to Braille out of worksheet and
then Braille homework that that a child did in response to that worksheet, [00:06:00.0] I would just sit there and load
things up on a desk, read my work and do my work. And I realized that blindness didn't cause me to be dependent on
other people. You know, I didn't think of it properly in those terms in kindergarten, but I noticed that if I had the right
tools, I could just do stuff on my own schedule without waiting around and. That has stayed with me for it for all these
years. And it's every bit as relevant when I find a new tool that works for me today. [00:06:30.0] And on the other
hand, I remember these times when there was just an absurd lack of accessibility that kept me from having a good
time. I remember opening up a Christmas present one year and it was a talking language translating dictionary and I
really wanted it because I was a nerdy kid. But it turns out that only the words in the dictionary would speak. And
that's the rest of the thing wouldn't. And I was crying on Christmas morning.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:06:56.71] ​And, you know, sometimes as an adult working in this space, I am still [00:07:00.0] on
the inside crying on Christmas morning because often accessibility that's technically achievable doesn't happen
because when people develop hardware and software, they may not have robust ways of checking accessibility
during the development workflow.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:07:15.85] ​The people who know how to do that might not be empowered to stop inaccessible
things from shipping. And frankly, we get fatigued and a lot of blind workers are not as excited as they could be or
should [00:07:30.0] be about new opportunities and new technologies, because we just like know in our bones that
even though accessibility is well understood by enough of the community and so technically achievable, it's often just
work that is not done.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:07:46.34] ​Oftentimes when H.R. people think of accommodation, they think of
accommodation in the form of like a screen reader or a foot rest in the office.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:07:56.8] ​They don't necessarily think about accessible [00:08:00.0] technology. So can
you give us some examples of maybe how accessible technology would be used in a work comp in a work context?
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Chancey Fleet: ​[00:08:09.16] ​I would say that a screen reader without accessible mainstream technology that it's
working to interpret is like offering your employee a foot rest without offering them for a screenwriter's job is to read
whatever's happening in the operating system selectively and efficiently and give us the tools that we need to avoid
using the [00:08:30.0] mouse and avoid using the screen and still get our work done and feel confident, focused and
productive. Lots of programs allow screen readers to do that very well. Microsoft Office and G Suite, although of
course they have their issues and things always get a little bit better and a little bit worse. And it's a cycle. But
[00:09:00.0] on the other hand, there are programs and it's not necessarily programs where achieving accessibility
would be more difficult. But elements on the screen are not labeled properly. Images are not described. Mechanisms
are not provided that allow someone using a keyboard to do something that most people would do with a mouse. And
these little sort of pedestrian and very solvable issues lead to [00:09:30.0] a condition where any worker at any time
may be asked to onboard with a new program and discover that it is just hostile to them as a screen reader user. So
what ally ship an effective human resource management looks like in the accessibility space is not only providing the
specialized tools that a worker may need, such as screen reader magnification programs, switch control, but also
having [00:10:00.0] an organizational wide procurement policy where when something is being considered to be
acquired, the vendor has to furnish proof that it's accessible.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:10:10.69] ​The internal process for figuring out what the accessibility claims are accurate is
strong. There's a mechanism for reporting accessibility issues when they do exist. There's a roadmap of
consequences for vendors who deploy accessibility regressions [00:10:30.0] after a contract has been signed and
manifestly inaccessible technologies don't get bought or their contracts don't get renewed. Just like hard lines have
been taken in the civil rights movement over the years on issues of parenthood and gender and ethnicity and many
other things. It's a hard line to take right now because everyone's not doing it and it's hard for any one [00:11:00.0]
organization or human resources department to do something that feels radical. But I guarantee you that if everyone
woke up tomorrow and decided to stop purchasing accessible technology, the landscape would change in just a
couple of years because vendors want to sell products and if they can't sell products without providing. Robust,
reliable accessibility. They will just have to start providing products that do meet [00:11:30.0] the standards
demanded by by Social Justice and by H.R. departments need to have disabled employees who are as productive as
as their potential and their skills would warrant. Jim Frontmen who founded Benitec, which is a social justice
technology nonprofit that, among other things, has developed book share, an accessible online library of over a
million titles, has recently said the procurement is the single [00:12:00.0] most powerful lever that we can employ to
shift the industry to become more accessible and move the needle on the employment of folks who have disabilities.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:12:12.74] ​I want to break down a little bit more of what you said because I feel like we
could just end the podcast right now. You've given us already so much information, but I want to reiterate it because
what you were saying is that. HR people, as [00:12:30.0] we are going through and starting to look at procurement of
technologies, we need to make sure that they are accessible for all employees, and that means bringing in
employees who have different disabilities into the process so that they can test, ask questions, give their opinion and
help make sure that we're selecting the right tech. Is that that's what you're saying?
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:12:57.43] ​Yes. And also making space for [00:13:00.0] employees with disabilities to choose not
to be accessibility testers by default. I've done some freelance accessibility testing in the past and across my roles.
Sometimes I'll still do it as a way to be in solidarity and help the folks who are having to deal with H.R. and
procurement and support their work. That being said. I'm not passionate about that activity. I don't enjoy it. It feels
stressful and a little bit upsetting and it is not something [00:13:30.0] that I really want for my career. So I think it is
important to incorporate people with disabilities into the process of procurement and deployment and decision
making. Sometimes workers will want to be actively engaged in accessibility testing, but sometimes that just looks
like keeping them in the loop and empowering them to help make decisions, given information that's been furnished
about accessibility and it's [00:14:00.0] possible to contract with firms who can do extensive, robust accessibility
testing. And it's also possible to have someone in-house for whom accessibility, testing and remediation is a
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specialty. You don't always want to put that on your workers just because they are the end users who will be affected.
Sometimes that's the very last person that wants to do it.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:14:25.02] ​Thank you for that clarification, because I immediately think, oh, I I have these
people here, but it's [00:14:30.0] a voluntary option and they might not be the best person to do the testing. Yeah. If
they're not users or comfortable with different types of technology or just for whatever reason, they could also.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:14:46.83] ​For me, what it is, is it feels a little close to home. It's very hard for me to detach and
do a dispassionate, granular audit when I know that my future productivity and comfort is in the balance. It's just
[00:15:00.0] a it's a funny position to be put in.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:15:03.69] ​I appreciate the insights here because I that's not where it like your you're
opening my eyes because I'm like, oh, these people are here. Like, let's involve them in the decision making process.
But that doesn't mean they're always the best people to be involved.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:15:19.31] ​I think of it a lot of the way. What I hear from folks that are on the frontlines of social
justice that intersects with. Ethnicity and [00:15:30.0] parenthood and other backgrounds. Is that a big part of alliship
is, yes, making space for marginalized groups to be part of the process and part of the decision making that happens,
but being super careful about asking marginalized groups to do all the labor of eliminating their own marginalization? I
hope that makes sense for some people. They do want to get in the weeds. And even for me on some days, if I think
[00:16:00.0] I know exactly how something could be better and I have a vision for changing it, and I'm not just going
to be reporting on what's wrong, I will get excited about it and I will engage with it. You absolutely do want to ask your
workers. You want to give them the opportunity to be as involved in the accessibility, testing and vetting process as
they want to be. You just want to make space for it to be a decision.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:16:22.32] ​Thank you. I know this is this is fantastic.The other thing that you said was that
as an H.R. leader [00:16:30.0] or a purchaser of this technologies technology is to be prepared to walk away from
that technology if it doesn't do the things that it's supposed to do.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:16:42.63] ​Yep. You said it right there. It is a hard one. And I think what makes it the hardest is
that right now. Vendors know. That each H.R. department, each procurement team is an island and there's
[00:17:00.0] not a broad based groundswell of people who are putting their feet down in full and saying no more, no
more inaccessible products.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:17:12.1] ​If that were to change, if folks were to make a conscious decision to make a hard stand
right now. And enough of that happened in enough large organizations. The effect would be swift and it would
[00:17:30.0] be dramatic.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:17:31.77] ​Well, that's why we're we're having you on the podcast so that we can help
start this conversation. So people are confident and comfortable and willing to walk away when a piece of technology
doesn't do what it should be doing. For all employees. Yes.
Break: ​[00:17:47.25] ​Let's take a reset. This is Jessica Miller Merrill. And you were listening to the work all podcast.
Today, we're talking with Chancey Fleet about creating an accessible workplace with technology. This [00:18:00.0]
podcast is sponsored by work ology and is part of our future work series in partnership with PEAT. The partnership,
Unemployment and Accessible Technology.
Break: ​[00:18:10.23] ​Are you tired of putting your professional development on the backburner? It's time for you to
invest in yourself with Upskill H.R. by workology. We're a membership community focused on personal development
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for each are gain access to our elite community training, coaching and [00:18:30.0] events. Learn more and Upskill
H.R. dot com.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:18:35.58] ​So one of the things I wanted to ask you because as an H.R. person, I'm sitting
here thinking as you're talking like, wow, there's a lot of technology I need to do this testing, usability testing. Is there
a database or a resource that we can go to to get more information on what technology really does what? Because I
feel like we talked to the salespeople and they're just gonna say, oh, yes, it does all these things, but that's
[00:19:00.0] not always the case.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:19:01.47] ​So I'm not immersed enough in the field that I can give you specific recommendations
about the exact path to follow. But I do think I know some resources. So one good place to start is web aim dot org.
The aim part stands for accessibility in mind. So it's wcp a I am dot org. And there you will find a treasure trove of
information about accessibility and technology. There's a wonderful community of accessibility and technology
professionals. I personally love to follow the A 1 1 why tag on Twitter. A 1 1 y is a short form for accessibility because
it's a and then 11 more out and then 11 more letters and then y and there's a really generous, smart, open, prolific
community of people who are posting up articles, answering questions, offering office hours, offering mentorship
[00:20:30.0] and doing lots of other cool things. Twitter is a really productive and generative space for me. And I think
if if if you let it be if you engage with that community, that's one way to have to have colleagues in accessibility, even
if you don't happen to have colleagues and accessibility already in your organization.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:20:50.01] ​I also recommend that you go to your local accessibility meetup again and many cities
have an A1 1 y meetup and sometimes a yearly a 1 1 y conference or camp. And [00:21:00.0] those tend to draw an
interdisciplinary crowd of people from technology, arts and culture. User training. Side user experience. All with
accessibility in mind. And then lastly, and this should go without saying. But let me say it anyway. Bring people with
disabilities into [00:21:30.0] your pipeline. And that doesn't just mean I mean it does mean hiring people with
disabilities onto your teams immediately who are already well qualified and ready to go. But it also means doing
outreach in our communities and investing in the development of emerging professionals. Some of the ways to do
that, you can invite high school and college students with disabilities to come and do tours and talks of your
organization to do job shadows. And you can also offer [00:22:00.0] volunteer experiences and internships. If your
organization does any kind of civic, tech or public facing work, consider sending some your employees out to places
where a lot of people with disabilities are, to vocational training programs, to summer camps.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:22:18.85] ​Disability pride events to all those places where you might find people who, if they
connect with you, might think of you when they are looking for a job. And if you work in a role where you're
[00:22:30.0] in a position to do proactive outreach around recruitment and employment, make sure that you make
your welcome clear. A lot of people with disabilities, myself included, conserve our energy by really singling out
opportunities where it's already clear that we're encouraged to apply. If I see a posting that says, you know, in that
boiler plate of folks were encouraged to apply. People disabilities are encouraged to apply. That makes me
[00:23:00.0] more likely to engage. If I've actually seen someone from your company at a disability focused event.
Engaging with us in a substantive way. I am all the more excited. So I think not only signaling things that but also
actively doing things that demonstrate an investment to communities with disability is a way to get your future
employees thinking about you and excited about joining you.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:23:23.21] ​I'm starting to see a tech companies talking about accessibility and inclusion
with [00:23:30.0] our technology, which I love. It's it's it's happening. But I wondered how do we hold them
accountable or ask these questions as maybe they're starting to talk about things like we care 2.0 standards. How do
we ensure that they're doing what they say they're going to do?
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:23:48.55] ​This is a new iteration of a timeless problem. We're you in the first stage. The company
totally ignores the needs of a demographic. And in the second [00:24:00.0] stage, the company realizes that it's good
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for marketing to embrace the demographic and they start doing marketing. And we can see this across marketing to
communities of color, to specific genders, to people who are GLBTQ And now, congratulations. It's our turn to people
with disabilities and sometimes marketing matches up with reality and sometimes marketing attempts to make its own
reality for long enough [00:24:30.0] for purchase decisions to get made.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:24:32.38] ​And so it is a good sign. I think mostly when a company chooses to include information
about inclusion and accessibility in its marketing messages and there are many companies who have a sincere
commitment that should be applauded. That said, marketing is advertising claims, whatever they are, always have to
be checked. And so while marketing may draw you into [00:25:00.0] conversation with the company and that's
perfectly fine, then it's fine to get excited that we're being represented, that it's time to do your homework.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:25:24.28] ​Because even a company that is fully, sincerely committed to accessibility may
experience [00:25:30.0] changes in ownership, staffing and organizational priorities and accessibility can break at any
time. Thank you.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:25:39.28] ​This is all very helpful. Just started to notice this myself and I thought, what is
this? What does this really mean? So I appreciate your insights here. Also, I'm a little bit jaded about when it comes
to marketing and advertising in this space. I like real buzzword. Bingo. Let's move on a little bit. I want to talk about
data privacy. When you and I were talking [00:26:00.0] and we were doing our prep for the show on the subject, you
said something to me that really opened my eyes. Can you talk to us about why data privacy is something that H.R.
leaders should be thinking about when it comes to accessible technology?
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:26:16.21] ​We've spent so long convincing people about the need for accessible technology that
we've conditioned folks to think that accessibility is some sort of pure good that [00:26:30.0] can't be complicated by
other factors. And this is why we see accessible technologies reviewed in the mainstream tech press with just the
most ridiculous rose colored glasses. So, for example, I use a visual interpreter service called a I are a i._r._a real
time access to visual interpreters who can interpret any visual elements of any situation.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:26:55.99] ​And I love working with Aira interpreters because I can walk up to [00:27:00.0] the
office copier or do you or origami at home or figure out what's up at a farmer's market and instant access to visual
information that is not determined by someone else's priorities or schedule is one heck of a drug.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:27:15.43] ​That being said. This is a for profit tech company. And even though The New York
Times created, in a word, literally entitled Tech for Good and gave it to Air. Aira also happens to be a company that
[00:27:30.0] is not very transparent about the security features and data processing happening in its app.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:27:39.75] ​It's a company that retains audio, video and location data about the sessions that users
have had, sometimes on very sensitive topics for a period of 18 months, unless the user says at the top of every
single session that they'd like to opt out of recording. And if you check [00:28:00.0] out the terms of service, all of that
data, the visuals, the conversations, everything could even go with the company in the event of an acquisition. So,
yes, accessible technology is wonderful, but we have to have the same critical lens that we're already used to
applying.​ ​One trend I'm seeing [00:29:00.0] in the space right now is that more and more accessibility tools are cloud
connected and that's sold as a feature. Access to A.I. and machine learning and processing power in the cloud is
touted as an automatic good and in some cases that is what we need. And with the right security protocols, that may
even be what we want. But there are products [00:29:30.0] out there that, for example, process plain text. You know, I
can take a picture of a printed page and they send it to the cloud to be processed. It's stored on some server
somewhere. And you know what? My phone has enough processing power to do that job locally just fine. When you
see a cloud connected technology solving and accessibility problem, please ask yourself whether cloud connection is
a feature for you or a future for the vendor.
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Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:29:59.01] ​Because they're storing that data, [00:30:00.0] they won't. They're pulling it
somewhere and then using collecting that information, how it's being used or shared. Once you've send it to the
cloud, it's out of your hands.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:30:09.78] ​I have one direct ask for our listeners because I'm really passionate about the visual
interpreters space. I am living in a world now for the past couple of years where if I encounter some tiny annoying
thing, whether it's a copier, your or a thermostat or, you know, my 3-D printer that came with a diagram [00:30:30.0]
for how to assemble it, I can connect to a visual interpreter and without bothering any of my colleagues or deciding
that I'm not up for the challenge. I can power through that task. Visual interpretation is an amazing asset to my career
and to my personal life, and I worry that we've been given a one time gift. Of public trust and acceptance of deploying
cameras [00:31:00.0] in the service of accessibility in spaces where normally cameras are not allowed. I think that
rights important and I want it to stay. And so by my direct ask is that when you engage with A.I. or human powered
visual interpreter technology in the workplace and that you are procuring it for your employees, make it a condition of
contract, that there is transparency about how data is processed and that data is [00:31:30.0] not stored for residual
secondary purposes on the servers of the vendor. I think we need to have a an organizational and location based
ability to opt out of being part of that data harvesting operation, because I think if we don't do that, we are letting
ourselves in for exposures which might include exposures in the event of a hack or a security breach, a law
enforcement request [00:32:00.0] or an internal leak that could have a reputational impact on not only the person or
the company who's interpreted time is is exposed, but also a reputational impact on the visual interpreter industry as
a whole.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:32:18.97] ​And I love it too much to want to see that happen. So let's call on those vendors to do
better than they are right now on making sure that we can [00:32:30.0] access interpretation without that residual
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:32:33.76] ​And one of the reasons they're likely asking you every time you go in and say,
yes, I want to I want to connect with a visual interpreter on a technology like IRA, maybe I can explain, like how it
works because not every ATRA person is. I mean, I wasn't familiar and I started working with P that this thing this
even existed, which I think is fantastic. But also you're talking about potential perils, you know. [00:33:00.0]
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:33:00.46] ​Yeah. So. And let me preface this by saying that I've done a lot of soul searching
before I took the decision to to say this out loud to H.R. people, because I don't want to have a chilling effect on the
industry. As I said, visual interpretation is a really powerful tool in our lives. But I think if we want to preserve it, not
only for ourselves right now, but for generations to come. We're going to have to demand more transparency
[00:33:30.0] and rigour from the industry in terms of privacy and security. So please don't take this as a call to shut
down visual interpretation in the workplace. Please just take it as a call to demand more control over what's
happening to data that gets generated in the workplace, just as you would with any other vendor.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:35:24.29] ​You know, sometimes I help library patrons with crafts or with their computers. So
[00:35:30.0] I need to be able to follow directions to assemble things. Origami sometimes is, believe it or not, a
legitimate part of my job. And when I go online and look for YouTube videos of where Origami so that I can learn it
and teach it to others, what I encounter are completely silent videos. That's just someone's hands moving. or maybe,
maybe you're at a conference and you're in the audience. There's a technical. PowerPoint presentation. And whoever
put it together is not bothering to describe the slides or making them available [00:36:00.0] online. And you've got to
figure that situation out. Or maybe your networking with your colleagues and you would love to be able to go get a
coffee and a bagel. That's all not a tall order, but you're meeting all these new people and you don't want to turn any
of them into your personal assistant because that changes the dynamics when you're networking. It's really powerful
to be able to just find out where things are with your phone and suddenly independently go get what you need. So
that's what official interpreter app does. It offers flexibility through [00:36:30.0] description of visual things on demand.
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Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:36:33.15] ​Awesome. Thank you for forgiving us. I think on STARTING POINT for that. I
think they're amazing. I I would I would be a life changer. Life saver for. Yeah, it's for so many people. I mentioned at
the beginning of the podcast that we're heading towards this year is the 30th anniversary of the Americans with
Disabilities Act. So with the P Future Work series, I'm asking each person that [00:37:00.0] we're we're talking to over
the course of this year, looking back and then looking forward. But looking forward, what emerging workplace trends
or technologies do you think are going to have the biggest impact on people with disabilities moving?
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:37:15.96] ​Oh, it data analytics and a AI in hiring decisions. So I've been reading about tech, for
example, that does facial sentiment analysis [00:37:30.0] to help predict to help score the quality of applicants
interview. And as someone who has eyes that are going to do their own thing, no matter what I say and who doesn't
make traditional eye contact, I have a feeling that that might be a test. I would fail. Other people who are neuro
divergent or have other disabilities or just have certain personality types might [00:38:00.0] be eliminated using this
sentiment analysis. Even though they might be the best person for the job and make unique contributions to. Or might
bring unique expertise to your position. I'm really worried about that. I also downloaded just for fun and infuriating kind
of fun. I guess an app called Job Flair. And please check the field notes. If it's job fair, CloudFlare. I [00:38:30.0]
believe it's called job player. I downloaded this app called Job Flair that promises to take potential applicants through
a flight of quick sort of gamified skills tests after which they can be rated and matched with potential opportunities. I
encountered one test that asked people to quickly mix and match images, and those images are not described,
[00:39:00.0] not legible to my screen reader and I encountered another one that was a math test that was much the
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:39:07.45] ​And when you test the skills of people you have never met against a normative model
of what success looks like when you predicate their success on an A.I. driven decision maker who cannot be asked
for accommodations, happy before you can ever connect them with a human being inside your [00:39:30.0] company.
You are enacting a type of discrimination that is very hard to detect, hard to prevent and hard to prove.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:39:40.84] ​So I really think that these tools that claim to make hiring decisions more seamless and
frictionless for you are actually creating a tremendous legal liability and having a chilling effect on diversity inclusion.
So I would recommend [00:40:00.0] against using them in their current form. And if you think that they have a future,
engage really strongly with vendors to explore how their models are redefining existing biases and the culture.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:40:16.36] ​Thank you. I appreciate the thoughts on this. I think that there I have a lot of
conversations upcoming and future podcasts where we're we're tackling we're talking a lot about artificial intelligence
and the data analytics and [00:40:30.0] employment screening and for a variety of different employee groups. You're
not the only one who's thinking about this. So I think it will be interesting. Definitely. And as we move as we move
forward. Very complicated. Yeah.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:40:48.25] ​And I would encourage you, if you're thinking about this in more intersectional terms
beyond just the scope of disability. Please do check out the Data Society Research Institute, where it data society dot
net.And we have [00:41:00.0] researchers working on all of the intersectional implications of these tools for hiring and
worker management. We have a labor futures initiatives and we publish papers and we also have pretty frequent
public talks and it's a really diverse and thoughtful community where everyone is welcome to come and engage
around these issues and think critically together.
Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:41:26.75] ​Chancy. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us today.
[00:41:30.0] I really appreciate it.
Chancey Fleet: ​[00:41:31.21] ​You're so welcome.
Workology Podcast​ ​| | @workology
Break: ​[00:41:32.44] ​The Work OLogy Podcast Future of Work series is supported by PEAT, the Partnership on
Employment and Accessible Technology. PEAT's initiative is to foster collaboration and action around accessible
technology in the workplace. Peter's funded by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment
Policy. Oh, dep-. Learn more about Pete and Pete works dot org. That's P.E.A, T.W. O. R.K. s dot org. [00:42:00.0]
Closing: ​[00:42:00.49] ​I absolutely love the work that Chancey is doing and I appreciate her candid and open
opinions that honesty is so refreshing. It really is a breath of fresh air. It's so hard with all the marketing talk in the
H.R. technology space to cut through the noise and understand how we in H.R. as workplace leaders can help our
employees and candidates have a great hiring and employment experience. It's conversations like these that give me
a new perspective and hopefully [00:42:30.0] enlighten you on how all these different technologies can change the
game. I especially loved the visual interpretation technologies. They are life changing and something that you should
really consider adding for your visually impaired employees. The Future of Work series is in partnership with Pete and
it is one of my favorites. Thank you to Pete as well as our work ology podcast sponsor work ecology.
Episode Link:​214
Workology Podcast​ ​| | @workology

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Ep 214: Making Workplace Technology Accessible with Chancey Fleet

  • 1.   Episode 214: Making Workplace  Technology Accessible  Intro: ​[00:00:00.15] ​Welcome to the Work OLogy Podcast, a podcast for the disruptive workplace leader, join host Jessica Miller Merrell, founder of work ology dot com as she sits down and gets to the bottom of trends, tools and case studies for the business leader, H.R. and recruiting professional who is tired of the status quo. Now here's Jessica with this episode of Workology. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:00:25.5] ​I'm reading a lot of buzz on the Internet about accessibility and technology. I [00:00:30.0] love that more companies are considering accessibility for their employees and in their hiring process. That's what the workology podcast and our future of Work series with PEAT is all about. I wanted to hear more about assistive technology from an expert who helps train, lead and coach every single day in this area. Where is the future of assistive technology going and what things do? HRN Workplace leaders need to be more aware of what do they need to do to make their workplaces and businesses [00:01:00.0] more inclusive and accessible? This episode of the Work OLogy podcast is part of our Future of Work series powered by PEAT. The Partnership, Unemployment and Accessible Technology in honor of the upcoming 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act this July. We're investigating. What does the next 30 years have in store? What will the workplace look like for people with disabilities? And what is the potential of emerging technologies that will be there to help make [00:01:30.0] workplaces more inclusive and accessible? Today, I'm joined by Chancey Fleet. Chancey is an assistive technology coordinator for a library in New York. Chancey is an affiliate in residence at Data and Society Research Institute. She also serves as the president of the National Federation of the Blind Assistive Technology Trainers Division Chancey. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:01:52.68] ​Welcome to the Workology podcast. Thank you. I'm so happy to be here. Can you tell us a little bit about your background? Chancey Fleet: ​[00:01:59.31] ​Sure. So [00:02:00.0] I identify as blind and I am a technology educator. I've been in that field since I was an undergrad in college where I was studying sociology and psychology. And I had the opportunity to start teaching people with disabilities how to use their technology and bringing to them the sense of confidence, flexibility, independent learning and freedom that technology has always afforded me. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:02:28.83] ​So even though I was studying [00:02:30.0] sociology and psychology in college. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:02:33.45] ​I thought for many years that those weren't fields that I was really going to be working in. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:02:39.81] ​I thought I had found my calling as as an assistant technology trainer. What's been interesting over the years, as technology becomes more complex and there's more and more to negotiate. That's not just hardware and software, but also as social forces. Legal forces, organizational [00:03:00.0] cultures and the individual decisions that people make around technology and what that does to benefit or harm their lives. I find that I actually am drawing on that very old background that I have in sociology and psychology. And my current professional practice, I think gives it all together. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:03:20.93] ​I teach people how to use digital tools with mindfulness, with confidence, with an outlook that is positive in terms [00:03:30.0] of what they can accomplish, but an outlook that's also skeptical in terms of whether tools are ever really all good or all bad. And I think understanding how technologies appeal or don't appeal Workology Podcast​ ​| | @workology
  • 2. to people. What frustrates and empowers a learner? And how technologies are designed with maybe more than just the user's interests in mind. I think it all comes together in the practice that I have now. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:03:59.4] ​I'm based at a library [00:04:00.0] in New York. I curated assistive technology that we have in our branch and I run a technology coaching program. We do about 150 hours of one on one coaching a month, powered by staff and volunteers who are native users of assistive technology. I run a fully accessible graphics lab called the Dimensions Project, where we give blind and sighted people the tools to create accessible, non-visual spatial representations using tactile graphics and 3D prints. [00:04:30.0] And then last year, I just finished up a fellowship at Data Society Research Institute, where I did direct advocacy, community organizing and and writing to shine a little bit of a light on the intersection between cloud connected accessibility tools and critical issues and data ethics. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:04:49.91] ​I'm already impressed. Let's talk about the importance of accessibility when it comes to technology. You mentioned that you identify as blind so [00:05:00.0] you can speak firsthand as someone who's using the technology, but also in your work with with others. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:05:08.33] ​It runs really deep for me. A lot of my early formative experiences were about moments where I noticed technology either getting in my way or helping me to remove a roadblock. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:05:20.72] ​When I was in kindergarten, which was in nineteen eighty seven, my father got me a laptop. It was really early for a kindergartener to have a laptop with this laptop, [00:05:30.0] ran dos. It had two floppy disk drives and it ran a screen reader called Arctic Business Vision, and he made sure that I learned to type as well as read braille and learn a word processor. And that means that at a time when most blind children were relying on a Braille transcriber to mediate interaction between them and their classroom teachers to Braille out of worksheet and then Braille homework that that a child did in response to that worksheet, [00:06:00.0] I would just sit there and load things up on a desk, read my work and do my work. And I realized that blindness didn't cause me to be dependent on other people. You know, I didn't think of it properly in those terms in kindergarten, but I noticed that if I had the right tools, I could just do stuff on my own schedule without waiting around and. That has stayed with me for it for all these years. And it's every bit as relevant when I find a new tool that works for me today. [00:06:30.0] And on the other hand, I remember these times when there was just an absurd lack of accessibility that kept me from having a good time. I remember opening up a Christmas present one year and it was a talking language translating dictionary and I really wanted it because I was a nerdy kid. But it turns out that only the words in the dictionary would speak. And that's the rest of the thing wouldn't. And I was crying on Christmas morning. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:06:56.71] ​And, you know, sometimes as an adult working in this space, I am still [00:07:00.0] on the inside crying on Christmas morning because often accessibility that's technically achievable doesn't happen because when people develop hardware and software, they may not have robust ways of checking accessibility during the development workflow. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:07:15.85] ​The people who know how to do that might not be empowered to stop inaccessible things from shipping. And frankly, we get fatigued and a lot of blind workers are not as excited as they could be or should [00:07:30.0] be about new opportunities and new technologies, because we just like know in our bones that even though accessibility is well understood by enough of the community and so technically achievable, it's often just work that is not done. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:07:46.34] ​Oftentimes when H.R. people think of accommodation, they think of accommodation in the form of like a screen reader or a foot rest in the office. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:07:56.8] ​They don't necessarily think about accessible [00:08:00.0] technology. So can you give us some examples of maybe how accessible technology would be used in a work comp in a work context? Workology Podcast​ ​| | @workology
  • 3. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:08:09.16] ​I would say that a screen reader without accessible mainstream technology that it's working to interpret is like offering your employee a foot rest without offering them for a screenwriter's job is to read whatever's happening in the operating system selectively and efficiently and give us the tools that we need to avoid using the [00:08:30.0] mouse and avoid using the screen and still get our work done and feel confident, focused and productive. Lots of programs allow screen readers to do that very well. Microsoft Office and G Suite, although of course they have their issues and things always get a little bit better and a little bit worse. And it's a cycle. But [00:09:00.0] on the other hand, there are programs and it's not necessarily programs where achieving accessibility would be more difficult. But elements on the screen are not labeled properly. Images are not described. Mechanisms are not provided that allow someone using a keyboard to do something that most people would do with a mouse. And these little sort of pedestrian and very solvable issues lead to [00:09:30.0] a condition where any worker at any time may be asked to onboard with a new program and discover that it is just hostile to them as a screen reader user. So what ally ship an effective human resource management looks like in the accessibility space is not only providing the specialized tools that a worker may need, such as screen reader magnification programs, switch control, but also having [00:10:00.0] an organizational wide procurement policy where when something is being considered to be acquired, the vendor has to furnish proof that it's accessible. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:10:10.69] ​The internal process for figuring out what the accessibility claims are accurate is strong. There's a mechanism for reporting accessibility issues when they do exist. There's a roadmap of consequences for vendors who deploy accessibility regressions [00:10:30.0] after a contract has been signed and manifestly inaccessible technologies don't get bought or their contracts don't get renewed. Just like hard lines have been taken in the civil rights movement over the years on issues of parenthood and gender and ethnicity and many other things. It's a hard line to take right now because everyone's not doing it and it's hard for any one [00:11:00.0] organization or human resources department to do something that feels radical. But I guarantee you that if everyone woke up tomorrow and decided to stop purchasing accessible technology, the landscape would change in just a couple of years because vendors want to sell products and if they can't sell products without providing. Robust, reliable accessibility. They will just have to start providing products that do meet [00:11:30.0] the standards demanded by by Social Justice and by H.R. departments need to have disabled employees who are as productive as as their potential and their skills would warrant. Jim Frontmen who founded Benitec, which is a social justice technology nonprofit that, among other things, has developed book share, an accessible online library of over a million titles, has recently said the procurement is the single [00:12:00.0] most powerful lever that we can employ to shift the industry to become more accessible and move the needle on the employment of folks who have disabilities. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:12:12.74] ​I want to break down a little bit more of what you said because I feel like we could just end the podcast right now. You've given us already so much information, but I want to reiterate it because what you were saying is that. HR people, as [00:12:30.0] we are going through and starting to look at procurement of technologies, we need to make sure that they are accessible for all employees, and that means bringing in employees who have different disabilities into the process so that they can test, ask questions, give their opinion and help make sure that we're selecting the right tech. Is that that's what you're saying? Chancey Fleet: ​[00:12:57.43] ​Yes. And also making space for [00:13:00.0] employees with disabilities to choose not to be accessibility testers by default. I've done some freelance accessibility testing in the past and across my roles. Sometimes I'll still do it as a way to be in solidarity and help the folks who are having to deal with H.R. and procurement and support their work. That being said. I'm not passionate about that activity. I don't enjoy it. It feels stressful and a little bit upsetting and it is not something [00:13:30.0] that I really want for my career. So I think it is important to incorporate people with disabilities into the process of procurement and deployment and decision making. Sometimes workers will want to be actively engaged in accessibility testing, but sometimes that just looks like keeping them in the loop and empowering them to help make decisions, given information that's been furnished about accessibility and it's [00:14:00.0] possible to contract with firms who can do extensive, robust accessibility testing. And it's also possible to have someone in-house for whom accessibility, testing and remediation is a Workology Podcast​ ​| | @workology
  • 4. specialty. You don't always want to put that on your workers just because they are the end users who will be affected. Sometimes that's the very last person that wants to do it. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:14:25.02] ​Thank you for that clarification, because I immediately think, oh, I I have these people here, but it's [00:14:30.0] a voluntary option and they might not be the best person to do the testing. Yeah. If they're not users or comfortable with different types of technology or just for whatever reason, they could also. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:14:46.83] ​For me, what it is, is it feels a little close to home. It's very hard for me to detach and do a dispassionate, granular audit when I know that my future productivity and comfort is in the balance. It's just [00:15:00.0] a it's a funny position to be put in. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:15:03.69] ​I appreciate the insights here because I that's not where it like your you're opening my eyes because I'm like, oh, these people are here. Like, let's involve them in the decision making process. But that doesn't mean they're always the best people to be involved. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:15:19.31] ​I think of it a lot of the way. What I hear from folks that are on the frontlines of social justice that intersects with. Ethnicity and [00:15:30.0] parenthood and other backgrounds. Is that a big part of alliship is, yes, making space for marginalized groups to be part of the process and part of the decision making that happens, but being super careful about asking marginalized groups to do all the labor of eliminating their own marginalization? I hope that makes sense for some people. They do want to get in the weeds. And even for me on some days, if I think [00:16:00.0] I know exactly how something could be better and I have a vision for changing it, and I'm not just going to be reporting on what's wrong, I will get excited about it and I will engage with it. You absolutely do want to ask your workers. You want to give them the opportunity to be as involved in the accessibility, testing and vetting process as they want to be. You just want to make space for it to be a decision. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:16:22.32] ​Thank you. I know this is this is fantastic.The other thing that you said was that as an H.R. leader [00:16:30.0] or a purchaser of this technologies technology is to be prepared to walk away from that technology if it doesn't do the things that it's supposed to do. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:16:42.63] ​Yep. You said it right there. It is a hard one. And I think what makes it the hardest is that right now. Vendors know. That each H.R. department, each procurement team is an island and there's [00:17:00.0] not a broad based groundswell of people who are putting their feet down in full and saying no more, no more inaccessible products. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:17:12.1] ​If that were to change, if folks were to make a conscious decision to make a hard stand right now. And enough of that happened in enough large organizations. The effect would be swift and it would [00:17:30.0] be dramatic. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:17:31.77] ​Well, that's why we're we're having you on the podcast so that we can help start this conversation. So people are confident and comfortable and willing to walk away when a piece of technology doesn't do what it should be doing. For all employees. Yes. Break: ​[00:17:47.25] ​Let's take a reset. This is Jessica Miller Merrill. And you were listening to the work all podcast. Today, we're talking with Chancey Fleet about creating an accessible workplace with technology. This [00:18:00.0] podcast is sponsored by work ology and is part of our future work series in partnership with PEAT. The partnership, Unemployment and Accessible Technology. Break: ​[00:18:10.23] ​Are you tired of putting your professional development on the backburner? It's time for you to invest in yourself with Upskill H.R. by workology. We're a membership community focused on personal development Workology Podcast​ ​| | @workology
  • 5. for each are gain access to our elite community training, coaching and [00:18:30.0] events. Learn more and Upskill H.R. dot com. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:18:35.58] ​So one of the things I wanted to ask you because as an H.R. person, I'm sitting here thinking as you're talking like, wow, there's a lot of technology I need to do this testing, usability testing. Is there a database or a resource that we can go to to get more information on what technology really does what? Because I feel like we talked to the salespeople and they're just gonna say, oh, yes, it does all these things, but that's [00:19:00.0] not always the case. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:19:01.47] ​So I'm not immersed enough in the field that I can give you specific recommendations about the exact path to follow. But I do think I know some resources. So one good place to start is web aim dot org. The aim part stands for accessibility in mind. So it's wcp a I am dot org. And there you will find a treasure trove of information about accessibility and technology. There's a wonderful community of accessibility and technology professionals. I personally love to follow the A 1 1 why tag on Twitter. A 1 1 y is a short form for accessibility because it's a and then 11 more out and then 11 more letters and then y and there's a really generous, smart, open, prolific community of people who are posting up articles, answering questions, offering office hours, offering mentorship [00:20:30.0] and doing lots of other cool things. Twitter is a really productive and generative space for me. And I think if if if you let it be if you engage with that community, that's one way to have to have colleagues in accessibility, even if you don't happen to have colleagues and accessibility already in your organization. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:20:50.01] ​I also recommend that you go to your local accessibility meetup again and many cities have an A1 1 y meetup and sometimes a yearly a 1 1 y conference or camp. And [00:21:00.0] those tend to draw an interdisciplinary crowd of people from technology, arts and culture. User training. Side user experience. All with accessibility in mind. And then lastly, and this should go without saying. But let me say it anyway. Bring people with disabilities into [00:21:30.0] your pipeline. And that doesn't just mean I mean it does mean hiring people with disabilities onto your teams immediately who are already well qualified and ready to go. But it also means doing outreach in our communities and investing in the development of emerging professionals. Some of the ways to do that, you can invite high school and college students with disabilities to come and do tours and talks of your organization to do job shadows. And you can also offer [00:22:00.0] volunteer experiences and internships. If your organization does any kind of civic, tech or public facing work, consider sending some your employees out to places where a lot of people with disabilities are, to vocational training programs, to summer camps. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:22:18.85] ​Disability pride events to all those places where you might find people who, if they connect with you, might think of you when they are looking for a job. And if you work in a role where you're [00:22:30.0] in a position to do proactive outreach around recruitment and employment, make sure that you make your welcome clear. A lot of people with disabilities, myself included, conserve our energy by really singling out opportunities where it's already clear that we're encouraged to apply. If I see a posting that says, you know, in that boiler plate of folks were encouraged to apply. People disabilities are encouraged to apply. That makes me [00:23:00.0] more likely to engage. If I've actually seen someone from your company at a disability focused event. Engaging with us in a substantive way. I am all the more excited. So I think not only signaling things that but also actively doing things that demonstrate an investment to communities with disability is a way to get your future employees thinking about you and excited about joining you. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:23:23.21] ​I'm starting to see a tech companies talking about accessibility and inclusion with [00:23:30.0] our technology, which I love. It's it's it's happening. But I wondered how do we hold them accountable or ask these questions as maybe they're starting to talk about things like we care 2.0 standards. How do we ensure that they're doing what they say they're going to do? Chancey Fleet: ​[00:23:48.55] ​This is a new iteration of a timeless problem. We're you in the first stage. The company totally ignores the needs of a demographic. And in the second [00:24:00.0] stage, the company realizes that it's good Workology Podcast​ ​| | @workology
  • 6. for marketing to embrace the demographic and they start doing marketing. And we can see this across marketing to communities of color, to specific genders, to people who are GLBTQ And now, congratulations. It's our turn to people with disabilities and sometimes marketing matches up with reality and sometimes marketing attempts to make its own reality for long enough [00:24:30.0] for purchase decisions to get made. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:24:32.38] ​And so it is a good sign. I think mostly when a company chooses to include information about inclusion and accessibility in its marketing messages and there are many companies who have a sincere commitment that should be applauded. That said, marketing is advertising claims, whatever they are, always have to be checked. And so while marketing may draw you into [00:25:00.0] conversation with the company and that's perfectly fine, then it's fine to get excited that we're being represented, that it's time to do your homework. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:25:24.28] ​Because even a company that is fully, sincerely committed to accessibility may experience [00:25:30.0] changes in ownership, staffing and organizational priorities and accessibility can break at any time. Thank you. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:25:39.28] ​This is all very helpful. Just started to notice this myself and I thought, what is this? What does this really mean? So I appreciate your insights here. Also, I'm a little bit jaded about when it comes to marketing and advertising in this space. I like real buzzword. Bingo. Let's move on a little bit. I want to talk about data privacy. When you and I were talking [00:26:00.0] and we were doing our prep for the show on the subject, you said something to me that really opened my eyes. Can you talk to us about why data privacy is something that H.R. leaders should be thinking about when it comes to accessible technology? Chancey Fleet: ​[00:26:16.21] ​We've spent so long convincing people about the need for accessible technology that we've conditioned folks to think that accessibility is some sort of pure good that [00:26:30.0] can't be complicated by other factors. And this is why we see accessible technologies reviewed in the mainstream tech press with just the most ridiculous rose colored glasses. So, for example, I use a visual interpreter service called a I are a i._r._a real time access to visual interpreters who can interpret any visual elements of any situation. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:26:55.99] ​And I love working with Aira interpreters because I can walk up to [00:27:00.0] the office copier or do you or origami at home or figure out what's up at a farmer's market and instant access to visual information that is not determined by someone else's priorities or schedule is one heck of a drug. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:27:15.43] ​That being said. This is a for profit tech company. And even though The New York Times created, in a word, literally entitled Tech for Good and gave it to Air. Aira also happens to be a company that [00:27:30.0] is not very transparent about the security features and data processing happening in its app. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:27:39.75] ​It's a company that retains audio, video and location data about the sessions that users have had, sometimes on very sensitive topics for a period of 18 months, unless the user says at the top of every single session that they'd like to opt out of recording. And if you check [00:28:00.0] out the terms of service, all of that data, the visuals, the conversations, everything could even go with the company in the event of an acquisition. So, yes, accessible technology is wonderful, but we have to have the same critical lens that we're already used to applying.​ ​One trend I'm seeing [00:29:00.0] in the space right now is that more and more accessibility tools are cloud connected and that's sold as a feature. Access to A.I. and machine learning and processing power in the cloud is touted as an automatic good and in some cases that is what we need. And with the right security protocols, that may even be what we want. But there are products [00:29:30.0] out there that, for example, process plain text. You know, I can take a picture of a printed page and they send it to the cloud to be processed. It's stored on some server somewhere. And you know what? My phone has enough processing power to do that job locally just fine. When you see a cloud connected technology solving and accessibility problem, please ask yourself whether cloud connection is a feature for you or a future for the vendor. Workology Podcast​ ​| | @workology
  • 7. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:29:59.01] ​Because they're storing that data, [00:30:00.0] they won't. They're pulling it somewhere and then using collecting that information, how it's being used or shared. Once you've send it to the cloud, it's out of your hands. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:30:09.78] ​I have one direct ask for our listeners because I'm really passionate about the visual interpreters space. I am living in a world now for the past couple of years where if I encounter some tiny annoying thing, whether it's a copier, your or a thermostat or, you know, my 3-D printer that came with a diagram [00:30:30.0] for how to assemble it, I can connect to a visual interpreter and without bothering any of my colleagues or deciding that I'm not up for the challenge. I can power through that task. Visual interpretation is an amazing asset to my career and to my personal life, and I worry that we've been given a one time gift. Of public trust and acceptance of deploying cameras [00:31:00.0] in the service of accessibility in spaces where normally cameras are not allowed. I think that rights important and I want it to stay. And so by my direct ask is that when you engage with A.I. or human powered visual interpreter technology in the workplace and that you are procuring it for your employees, make it a condition of contract, that there is transparency about how data is processed and that data is [00:31:30.0] not stored for residual secondary purposes on the servers of the vendor. I think we need to have a an organizational and location based ability to opt out of being part of that data harvesting operation, because I think if we don't do that, we are letting ourselves in for exposures which might include exposures in the event of a hack or a security breach, a law enforcement request [00:32:00.0] or an internal leak that could have a reputational impact on not only the person or the company who's interpreted time is is exposed, but also a reputational impact on the visual interpreter industry as a whole. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:32:18.97] ​And I love it too much to want to see that happen. So let's call on those vendors to do better than they are right now on making sure that we can [00:32:30.0] access interpretation without that residual exposure. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:32:33.76] ​And one of the reasons they're likely asking you every time you go in and say, yes, I want to I want to connect with a visual interpreter on a technology like IRA, maybe I can explain, like how it works because not every ATRA person is. I mean, I wasn't familiar and I started working with P that this thing this even existed, which I think is fantastic. But also you're talking about potential perils, you know. [00:33:00.0] Chancey Fleet: ​[00:33:00.46] ​Yeah. So. And let me preface this by saying that I've done a lot of soul searching before I took the decision to to say this out loud to H.R. people, because I don't want to have a chilling effect on the industry. As I said, visual interpretation is a really powerful tool in our lives. But I think if we want to preserve it, not only for ourselves right now, but for generations to come. We're going to have to demand more transparency [00:33:30.0] and rigour from the industry in terms of privacy and security. So please don't take this as a call to shut down visual interpretation in the workplace. Please just take it as a call to demand more control over what's happening to data that gets generated in the workplace, just as you would with any other vendor. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:35:24.29] ​You know, sometimes I help library patrons with crafts or with their computers. So [00:35:30.0] I need to be able to follow directions to assemble things. Origami sometimes is, believe it or not, a legitimate part of my job. And when I go online and look for YouTube videos of where Origami so that I can learn it and teach it to others, what I encounter are completely silent videos. That's just someone's hands moving. or maybe, maybe you're at a conference and you're in the audience. There's a technical. PowerPoint presentation. And whoever put it together is not bothering to describe the slides or making them available [00:36:00.0] online. And you've got to figure that situation out. Or maybe your networking with your colleagues and you would love to be able to go get a coffee and a bagel. That's all not a tall order, but you're meeting all these new people and you don't want to turn any of them into your personal assistant because that changes the dynamics when you're networking. It's really powerful to be able to just find out where things are with your phone and suddenly independently go get what you need. So that's what official interpreter app does. It offers flexibility through [00:36:30.0] description of visual things on demand. Workology Podcast​ ​| | @workology
  • 8. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:36:33.15] ​Awesome. Thank you for forgiving us. I think on STARTING POINT for that. I think they're amazing. I I would I would be a life changer. Life saver for. Yeah, it's for so many people. I mentioned at the beginning of the podcast that we're heading towards this year is the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. So with the P Future Work series, I'm asking each person that [00:37:00.0] we're we're talking to over the course of this year, looking back and then looking forward. But looking forward, what emerging workplace trends or technologies do you think are going to have the biggest impact on people with disabilities moving? Chancey Fleet: ​[00:37:15.96] ​Oh, it data analytics and a AI in hiring decisions. So I've been reading about tech, for example, that does facial sentiment analysis [00:37:30.0] to help predict to help score the quality of applicants interview. And as someone who has eyes that are going to do their own thing, no matter what I say and who doesn't make traditional eye contact, I have a feeling that that might be a test. I would fail. Other people who are neuro divergent or have other disabilities or just have certain personality types might [00:38:00.0] be eliminated using this sentiment analysis. Even though they might be the best person for the job and make unique contributions to. Or might bring unique expertise to your position. I'm really worried about that. I also downloaded just for fun and infuriating kind of fun. I guess an app called Job Flair. And please check the field notes. If it's job fair, CloudFlare. I [00:38:30.0] believe it's called job player. I downloaded this app called Job Flair that promises to take potential applicants through a flight of quick sort of gamified skills tests after which they can be rated and matched with potential opportunities. I encountered one test that asked people to quickly mix and match images, and those images are not described, [00:39:00.0] not legible to my screen reader and I encountered another one that was a math test that was much the same. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:39:07.45] ​And when you test the skills of people you have never met against a normative model of what success looks like when you predicate their success on an A.I. driven decision maker who cannot be asked for accommodations, happy before you can ever connect them with a human being inside your [00:39:30.0] company. You are enacting a type of discrimination that is very hard to detect, hard to prevent and hard to prove. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:39:40.84] ​So I really think that these tools that claim to make hiring decisions more seamless and frictionless for you are actually creating a tremendous legal liability and having a chilling effect on diversity inclusion. So I would recommend [00:40:00.0] against using them in their current form. And if you think that they have a future, engage really strongly with vendors to explore how their models are redefining existing biases and the culture. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:40:16.36] ​Thank you. I appreciate the thoughts on this. I think that there I have a lot of conversations upcoming and future podcasts where we're we're tackling we're talking a lot about artificial intelligence and the data analytics and [00:40:30.0] employment screening and for a variety of different employee groups. You're not the only one who's thinking about this. So I think it will be interesting. Definitely. And as we move as we move forward. Very complicated. Yeah. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:40:48.25] ​And I would encourage you, if you're thinking about this in more intersectional terms beyond just the scope of disability. Please do check out the Data Society Research Institute, where it data society dot net.And we have [00:41:00.0] researchers working on all of the intersectional implications of these tools for hiring and worker management. We have a labor futures initiatives and we publish papers and we also have pretty frequent public talks and it's a really diverse and thoughtful community where everyone is welcome to come and engage around these issues and think critically together. Jessica Miller-Merrell: ​[00:41:26.75] ​Chancy. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us today. [00:41:30.0] I really appreciate it. Chancey Fleet: ​[00:41:31.21] ​You're so welcome. Workology Podcast​ ​| | @workology
  • 9. Break: ​[00:41:32.44] ​The Work OLogy Podcast Future of Work series is supported by PEAT, the Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology. PEAT's initiative is to foster collaboration and action around accessible technology in the workplace. Peter's funded by the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy. Oh, dep-. Learn more about Pete and Pete works dot org. That's P.E.A, T.W. O. R.K. s dot org. [00:42:00.0] Closing: ​[00:42:00.49] ​I absolutely love the work that Chancey is doing and I appreciate her candid and open opinions that honesty is so refreshing. It really is a breath of fresh air. It's so hard with all the marketing talk in the H.R. technology space to cut through the noise and understand how we in H.R. as workplace leaders can help our employees and candidates have a great hiring and employment experience. It's conversations like these that give me a new perspective and hopefully [00:42:30.0] enlighten you on how all these different technologies can change the game. I especially loved the visual interpretation technologies. They are life changing and something that you should really consider adding for your visually impaired employees. The Future of Work series is in partnership with Pete and it is one of my favorites. Thank you to Pete as well as our work ology podcast sponsor work ecology. Episode Link:​214 Workology Podcast​ ​| | @workology