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   Technology Enhanced North
        Carolina History
         Latorya Hedgepeth
               EDU 649
             Dr. Lawyer
          February 18, 2010
Learning Setting
„ Class size: Twenty Students
„ Class Demographics:
  ‟   Ten Academically Gifted Students
  ‟   Ten Non-Academically Gifted Students
  ‟   High School Seniors
  ‟   Five African-American students
  ‟   Two Hispanic students
  ‟   Three Asian students
Learning Setting
„ Classroom Layout:
  ‟ Teacher Station
    „ LCD Projector with drop down screen
    „ Computer with Microsoft office Student Ed
      and high speed Internet access
    „ Wireless Printer
    „ Student work inbox, outbox, and missed
    „ Software: CourseLab-Online & on CD ROM
Learning Setting
„ Classroom layout:
  ‟ Course Length: 18 Weeks Longs
  ‟ Student Stations
     „ 20 computers with high speed internet
     „ Microsoft office Student Ed. & CourseLab Software
„ Textbooks:
   ‟ Digital Textbook by LearnNC
   ‟ North Carolina: A History by William S.
„ Class will be taught as an Advanced Placement
  (AP) course- 3 college credit awarded
Learner Profile
„ Academically Gifted Students
  ‟ Five visual learners
  ‟ Three kinesthetic learners
  ‟ Two audio learners
„ Non Academically Gifted Students
  ‟ Five visual learners
  ‟ Four kinesthetic learners
  ‟ One audio learner
Teaching Style
Teaching Style                         Result

Expert- full understanding of the      3.265 (Moderate)
material should be passed to
Formal/Authority ‟ feels job is to     3.25 (High)
show the students the material and
explain how to understand it
Personal Model- like to model          3.125 (Moderate)
examples, hands on approach to
getting students to learn
Facilitator ‟ prefers group projects   2.75 (Low)
and students should be responsible
for their own learning
Delegator ‟ Puts emphasis on           4 (High)
student independence; allows
students to choose what types of
assessments and projects to do on
their own with little or no input
Learning Objectives
„   Students will learn the history of North Carolina
    ‟ specifically the history of its founding, the demographics and
      population makeup, key important dates in North Carolina history
      and historical figures
„   Expose students to technology in a controlled learning
„   Students will begin to think more actively about history
    and learn it in context to how the past affects the
    outcome of the future by developing critical thinking
„   Immerse students to history in an active way via field
    trips and educational and technological tools.
Learning Event/Lesson
„ Lesson Overview:
  ‟ Student will be exposed to North Carolina history by
    completing a group project that will be a brief
    overview of the local history of the surrounding
    areas via a MiniQuest Activity
  ‟ Students will be assigned to five groups of
    fours based
  ‟ Each group will be assigned a local
    town/city in North Carolina to research and
    present in front of the class
MiniQuest Activity
„ Directions:
  ‟ Complete all parts of    ‟ Students will be
    the assignments            graded by a rubric
                             ‟ Students at the end
  ‟ Each student will
                               of the project
    chose a role from the
    list provided              will complete a H-
                               Chart, compare
  ‟ Create a presentation;     and contrast
    choice & style of          graphic
    presentation will be       organizer, that
    left up to the group       compares all four
Group Roles
• Reporter/Recorder
  ‟ Transcribes all group work
„ Technology Coordinator
  ‟ Helps group find helpful websites, facts, and
„ Content Creator
  ‟ Generates all the overall creative elements on
    the project with support from the group
    through brainstorming
„ Presenter/Speaker
  ‟ Present finished presentation before the class
    but maybe assisted by other members of their
MiniQuest Activity
„   Introduction:
    ‟ Hello (Group Name) I would like to congratulate you on
      joining the National Geographic family. We think that you
      will be perfect for this assignment that we have been
      working on. We are creating an article and television show
      on some of the local history of North Carolina. There will
      be four teams sent out to a town or city in North Carolina
      and each town or city will have its own special article that
      will run as part of the entire series but will be compiled in
      the television version. Please be advised that each article
      needs to be as detailed as possible as that the television
      version of production is slated for a hour and a half long.
„ Your team will be assigned to           „   This includes but not limited
    (______________) for one week.
    You must work as a team and
    each member of the team must          „   Map of the area
    document each day of the trip in
                                          „   Climate
    their individual log book.
    Please note that all individual       „   Local
    log books must be compiled at             foodstuffs, recipes, restaur
    the end of the trip, and that all         ants
    arrangements for room and
    board will not be provided so         „   Founding of the town
    plan the trip as cost effectively     „   Special
    as possible.
                                              events, celebrations, hobbie
„   On this trip your mission is to
    ask as researchers and find out
                                              s, and town heroes
    about all the local history of        „    Political & Social Culture
    your assigned area as
                                          „   Town/City
                                              scandals, demographics, and
Log Book
„   Keep track of all dates on which your group meets
„   Each member must keep a log
„   Should be used to keep track of all progress of each member
    of the group
     ‟ All data found on your town or city assigned
     ‟ What day the data was found on and who did the research;
       all dates and data must correspond appropriately
     ‟ All brainstorming session by the group must be recorded
„   One complied log book should be turned in at the end of the
„   Must be free of errors, well written and reflects the amount
    of work of each members efforts with there chosen role
The Process
„   Find a map of the North Carolina online & place a copy of
    it your log book
„   Find at least two maps of the locale that you are
    traveling to and fine a state map that shows where
    ‟ If your team is flying to your locale please note which airport that
      your team used, flight company, the number of miles flown, total
      fight time and cost to fly
    ‟ If your team chooses to drive to their locale please note if you
      rented cars, how the total cost of the rental, the type of car, and
      total amount of money spend on gas and food to your trip
„   Use the internet, library, and your textbooks to help you
    find this data
The Progress Continued.
„ Climate
  ‟ Find the all local news station in the area
  ‟ Note the names and channel numbers of each
  ‟ Note the five day forecast for your assigned
  ‟ If all local news forecast are different then
    please note that, check them daily if they
  ‟ Find at least one to two other local climate
    sources and note where you found them from
More on the Process
„ Culinary Delights
  ‟ Locate at least five non-fast food
    restaurants in the area
    „ Place a map of where the it is located and
      a picture of each one in the log book
    „ Note the types of food served
  ‟ Find recipes of local foods and place
    them and a picture in your log book
Just a Few More….
„ Local History
  ‟ Find the local history of your locale
    „   Founding your assigned area
    „   Local economic conditions
    „   Political and Social Culture
    „   Schools and number of school districts, jail and prisions
    „   Demographics of the area
    „   Area geographical location in the area, county location
    „ Area historical events and figures, important history events
      or town scandals
    „ List local news media outlets; radio, TV., and print
Example Log Book
Example of H-Chart
Starter Websites
    m                          •
„          •
„           •
             Unacceptable Acceptabl             Admirable       Exceptional      Score
                          e                                                      Point
Effort       Actively avoids     Reluctantl     Willingly       Volunteers       1
             job when            y works        takes on jobs   for jobs no
             possible.           when           when asked.     matter how
             Complains           asked.         Works to        difficult.       3
             about others.       Seeks          completion.     Always works     4
             Has large set       easiest        Will work       to
             of excuses.         duties.        long hours      completion.
                                 Sometimes      when            Willing to
                                 works to       required.       work long
                                 completion                     hours.
Engagemen    Waits for
             direction. Knows
                                 Seeks          Sometimes       Enthusiastical   1
t/Particip                       direction,     initiates       ly initiates
             little of what is
                                 but does       action and      action.
ation        going on or                                                         3
             objectives.         not initiate   always          Personalizes
             Cannot describe     action.        works well      the task and     4
             where group is in   Objectives     with            takes
             process             seen as        direction.      ownership of
                                 poorly         Generally       the
                                 defined        knows the       objectives.
                                 external       specific        Always knows
                                 requiremen     objectives      where group
                                 ts. May        and where       is.
                                 know           group is.
Category       Unacceptabl     Acceptabl      Admirable      Exceptiona      Score
               e               e                             l               Point
Intellectual   Has little to   Aware of       Usually        Understands     1
Contribution   no grasp of     overall        understands    overall
               context. Sees   context, but   overall        context of
               task as         makes no       context of     the task.       3
               isolated with   connections    task and       Contributes     4
               no connection   on own. Can    asks           ideas and
               to past or      recite         questions      proposals.
               future ideas.   connections    about          Connects to
                               of others      context.       ideas past
                               but rarely     Makes          and future.
                               can support    connections
                               them.          on own and
Organization   Always          Begins work    Will begin     Begins          1
& time         postpones       early when     work early     immediately.
               work until      required to    in process,    Connects
Management                                                                   3
               deadline. Has   do so, but     but tends to   work to
               no              usually        increase       assignment      4
               organization    postpones.     effort         not to
               for files or    May lose       toward         deadline. Has
Category        Unacceptable       Rubric
                                 Acceptable         Admirable        Exceptional        Score
Planning        Has no plan,     Plan               Makes plan,      Conceptualizes     1
                notion of the    dominated by       but does not     task and plans
                magnitude of     an early           always           execution as a
                the work. Is     postponement       follow it.       rational,          3
                always late.     and deadline       May need         sequenced          4
                Often a “no      related push.      help             process. Almost
                show” for        May be “no         allotting        always meets the
                group work       show” at start     time. May        set intermediate
                session.         of task. Rarely    miss             deadlines,
                                 meets              intermediate     overcomes
                                 intermediate       deadlines;       problems.
                                 deadlines          work may
                                                    pile up
                                                    toward end
                                                    of allotted
Understanding   Avoids           Sees task as       Sees task as a   Sees               1
of the          teacher. Sees    burden, but is     school
process         task as          somewhat           requirement
                                                                     opportunity        2
                burden to fill   invested in        to be filled,    in task for        3
                class time       process. Asks, “   but sees some    doing and          4
                with no value.   Do we have         value in work.   learning. Sees
                Sees group as    to…?”              Sees teacher
                free ride                           as evaluator     value in the
                                                                     work. Sees
Category      Unacceptable
                                Acceptable       Admirable        Exceptional      Scor
Creativity    Project is        Seeks the        Inspired and     Goes above       1
              incomplete and    easiest way to   original well    and beyond
              little time and   complete         put together .   project
              effort is put     task.            Shows an         objectives.      3
              towards the       Uninspired,      effort and a     Reflects real    4
              task. Produces    but shows        willingness      world work
              Uninspired and    attempt at       to complete      effort and
              uncreative        some             tasks.           see task and
              work.             originally                        an
                                                                  to express
Presentatio   Presentation is   Presentation     Presentation     Presentation     1
              incomplete, all   is complete      is well put      reflects a
n             or parts of       and but          together and     degree of
              their work        appears to       shows a lot      professionali    3
              maybe missing     have put         of effort on     sm and is        4
              or not done.      little effort    the part of      well
              Has a lot         into how they    the group;       presented.;
              excuses about     will present     demonstrates     Demonstrates
              why there is      the              an acquisition   an acquisition
              work              information      of knowledge     of knowledge
„   Clark Colvin, R. M. (2008). e-Learning And The Science of
    Instruction: Proven Guidelines for consumers and
    designers of Multimedia Learning (2nd ed.). San Francisco,
    CA: Pfeiffer.
„   Clark, C. C. (2003, July). The Declaration of Independence
    WebQuest. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from
„   Dodge, D. B. (2009, July 31). What is a WebQuest? Retrieved
    February 15, 2010, from YouTube:
„   Shank, P. (2007). The Online Learning Idea Book: 95 Proven
    Ways to Enhance Technology Based and Blended Learning.
    San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

„   Grasha, F. A.-H. (1996). Teaching Style Survey. Retrieved
    February 15, 2010, from LongLeaf:

„   Stein, J. S.-M. (2001, April 13). Teaching Styles. Retrieved
    February 15, 2010, from Shaw Members:

„   CourseLab Tutorial. (n.d.). Retrieved 01 27, 2010, from Learning Game:

„   WebSoft. (2007-2009). CourseLab. Retrieved 01 27, 2009, from

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Enhanced technology north carolina history

  • 1. Welcome to Technology Enhanced North Carolina History Latorya Hedgepeth EDU 649 Dr. Lawyer February 18, 2010
  • 2. Learning Setting „ Class size: Twenty Students „ Class Demographics: ‟ Ten Academically Gifted Students ‟ Ten Non-Academically Gifted Students ‟ High School Seniors ‟ Five African-American students ‟ Two Hispanic students ‟ Three Asian students
  • 3. Learning Setting „ Classroom Layout: ‟ Teacher Station „ LCD Projector with drop down screen „ Computer with Microsoft office Student Ed and high speed Internet access „ Wireless Printer „ Student work inbox, outbox, and missed worked „ Software: CourseLab-Online & on CD ROM
  • 4. Learning Setting „ Classroom layout: ‟ Course Length: 18 Weeks Longs ‟ Student Stations „ 20 computers with high speed internet „ Microsoft office Student Ed. & CourseLab Software „ Textbooks: ‟ Digital Textbook by LearnNC y/ ‟ North Carolina: A History by William S. Powell „ Class will be taught as an Advanced Placement (AP) course- 3 college credit awarded
  • 5. Learner Profile „ Academically Gifted Students ‟ Five visual learners ‟ Three kinesthetic learners ‟ Two audio learners „ Non Academically Gifted Students ‟ Five visual learners ‟ Four kinesthetic learners ‟ One audio learner
  • 6. Teaching Style Teaching Style Result Expert- full understanding of the 3.265 (Moderate) material should be passed to students Formal/Authority ‟ feels job is to 3.25 (High) show the students the material and explain how to understand it Personal Model- like to model 3.125 (Moderate) examples, hands on approach to getting students to learn Facilitator ‟ prefers group projects 2.75 (Low) and students should be responsible for their own learning Delegator ‟ Puts emphasis on 4 (High) student independence; allows students to choose what types of assessments and projects to do on their own with little or no input
  • 7. Learning Objectives „ Students will learn the history of North Carolina ‟ specifically the history of its founding, the demographics and population makeup, key important dates in North Carolina history and historical figures „ Expose students to technology in a controlled learning environment „ Students will begin to think more actively about history and learn it in context to how the past affects the outcome of the future by developing critical thinking skills „ Immerse students to history in an active way via field trips and educational and technological tools.
  • 8. Learning Event/Lesson „ Lesson Overview: ‟ Student will be exposed to North Carolina history by completing a group project that will be a brief overview of the local history of the surrounding areas via a MiniQuest Activity ‟ Students will be assigned to five groups of fours based ‟ Each group will be assigned a local town/city in North Carolina to research and present in front of the class
  • 9. MiniQuest Activity „ Directions: ‟ Complete all parts of ‟ Students will be the assignments graded by a rubric ‟ Students at the end ‟ Each student will of the project chose a role from the list provided will complete a H- Chart, compare ‟ Create a presentation; and contrast choice & style of graphic presentation will be organizer, that left up to the group compares all four area
  • 10. Group Roles • Reporter/Recorder ‟ Transcribes all group work „ Technology Coordinator ‟ Helps group find helpful websites, facts, and data „ Content Creator ‟ Generates all the overall creative elements on the project with support from the group through brainstorming „ Presenter/Speaker ‟ Present finished presentation before the class but maybe assisted by other members of their group
  • 11. MiniQuest Activity „ Introduction: ‟ Hello (Group Name) I would like to congratulate you on joining the National Geographic family. We think that you will be perfect for this assignment that we have been working on. We are creating an article and television show on some of the local history of North Carolina. There will be four teams sent out to a town or city in North Carolina and each town or city will have its own special article that will run as part of the entire series but will be compiled in the television version. Please be advised that each article needs to be as detailed as possible as that the television version of production is slated for a hour and a half long.
  • 12. Task „ Your team will be assigned to „ This includes but not limited (______________) for one week. You must work as a team and to: each member of the team must „ Map of the area document each day of the trip in „ Climate their individual log book. Please note that all individual „ Local log books must be compiled at foodstuffs, recipes, restaur the end of the trip, and that all ants arrangements for room and board will not be provided so „ Founding of the town plan the trip as cost effectively „ Special as possible. events, celebrations, hobbie „ On this trip your mission is to ask as researchers and find out s, and town heroes about all the local history of „ Political & Social Culture your assigned area as „ Town/City possible. scandals, demographics, and population.
  • 13. Log Book „ Keep track of all dates on which your group meets „ Each member must keep a log „ Should be used to keep track of all progress of each member of the group ‟ All data found on your town or city assigned ‟ What day the data was found on and who did the research; all dates and data must correspond appropriately ‟ All brainstorming session by the group must be recorded „ One complied log book should be turned in at the end of the trip „ Must be free of errors, well written and reflects the amount of work of each members efforts with there chosen role
  • 14. The Process „ Find a map of the North Carolina online & place a copy of it your log book „ Find at least two maps of the locale that you are traveling to and fine a state map that shows where ‟ If your team is flying to your locale please note which airport that your team used, flight company, the number of miles flown, total fight time and cost to fly ‟ If your team chooses to drive to their locale please note if you rented cars, how the total cost of the rental, the type of car, and total amount of money spend on gas and food to your trip „ Use the internet, library, and your textbooks to help you find this data
  • 15. The Progress Continued. „ Climate ‟ Find the all local news station in the area ‟ Note the names and channel numbers of each one ‟ Note the five day forecast for your assigned locale ‟ If all local news forecast are different then please note that, check them daily if they change ‟ Find at least one to two other local climate sources and note where you found them from
  • 16. More on the Process „ Culinary Delights ‟ Locate at least five non-fast food restaurants in the area „ Place a map of where the it is located and a picture of each one in the log book „ Note the types of food served ‟ Find recipes of local foods and place them and a picture in your log book
  • 17. Just a Few More…. „ Local History ‟ Find the local history of your locale „ Founding your assigned area „ Local economic conditions „ Political and Social Culture „ Schools and number of school districts, jail and prisions „ Demographics of the area „ Area geographical location in the area, county location „ Area historical events and figures, important history events or town scandals „ List local news media outlets; radio, TV., and print journalism
  • 20. Starter Websites • „ • „ • „ • „ • „ • „ m • „ • „ • „ „
  • 21. Category Rubric Unacceptable Acceptabl Admirable Exceptional Score e Point Scale Effort Actively avoids Reluctantl Willingly Volunteers 1 job when y works takes on jobs for jobs no possible. when when asked. matter how 2 Complains asked. Works to difficult. 3 about others. Seeks completion. Always works 4 Has large set easiest Will work to of excuses. duties. long hours completion. Sometimes when Willing to works to required. work long completion hours. Engagemen Waits for direction. Knows Seeks Sometimes Enthusiastical 1 t/Particip direction, initiates ly initiates little of what is but does action and action. 2 ation going on or 3 objectives. not initiate always Personalizes Cannot describe action. works well the task and 4 where group is in Objectives with takes process seen as direction. ownership of poorly Generally the defined knows the objectives. external specific Always knows requiremen objectives where group ts. May and where is. know group is. where
  • 22. Rubric Category Unacceptabl Acceptabl Admirable Exceptiona Score e e l Point Scale Intellectual Has little to Aware of Usually Understands 1 Contribution no grasp of overall understands overall context. Sees context, but overall context of 2 task as makes no context of the task. 3 isolated with connections task and Contributes 4 no connection on own. Can asks ideas and to past or recite questions proposals. future ideas. connections about Connects to of others context. ideas past but rarely Makes and future. can support connections them. on own and understands overall goal. Organization Always Begins work Will begin Begins 1 & time postpones early when work early immediately. work until required to in process, Connects 2 Management 3 deadline. Has do so, but but tends to work to no usually increase assignment 4 organization postpones. effort not to for files or May lose toward deadline. Has
  • 23. Category Unacceptable Rubric Acceptable Admirable Exceptional Score Point Scale Planning Has no plan, Plan Makes plan, Conceptualizes 1 notion of the dominated by but does not task and plans magnitude of an early always execution as a 2 the work. Is postponement follow it. rational, 3 always late. and deadline May need sequenced 4 Often a “no related push. help process. Almost show” for May be “no allotting always meets the group work show” at start time. May set intermediate session. of task. Rarely miss deadlines, meets intermediate overcomes intermediate deadlines; problems. deadlines work may pile up toward end of allotted time Understanding Avoids Sees task as Sees task as a Sees 1 of the teacher. Sees burden, but is school process task as somewhat requirement opportunity 2 burden to fill invested in to be filled, in task for 3 class time process. Asks, “ but sees some doing and 4 with no value. Do we have value in work. learning. Sees Sees group as to…?” Sees teacher free ride as evaluator value in the work. Sees
  • 24. Category Unacceptable Rubric Acceptable Admirable Exceptional Scor e Point Scal e Creativity Project is Seeks the Inspired and Goes above 1 incomplete and easiest way to original well and beyond little time and complete put together . project 2 effort is put task. Shows an objectives. 3 towards the Uninspired, effort and a Reflects real 4 task. Produces but shows willingness world work Uninspired and attempt at to complete effort and uncreative some tasks. see task and work. originally an opportunity to express themselves. Presentatio Presentation is Presentation Presentation Presentation 1 incomplete, all is complete is well put reflects a n or parts of and but together and degree of 2 their work appears to shows a lot professionali 3 maybe missing have put of effort on sm and is 4 or not done. little effort the part of well Has a lot into how they the group; presented.; excuses about will present demonstrates Demonstrates why there is the an acquisition an acquisition work information of knowledge of knowledge
  • 25. References „ Clark Colvin, R. M. (2008). e-Learning And The Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for consumers and designers of Multimedia Learning (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer. „ Clark, C. C. (2003, July). The Declaration of Independence WebQuest. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from „ Dodge, D. B. (2009, July 31). What is a WebQuest? Retrieved February 15, 2010, from YouTube: „ Shank, P. (2007). The Online Learning Idea Book: 95 Proven Ways to Enhance Technology Based and Blended Learning. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer. •
  • 26. References „ Grasha, F. A.-H. (1996). Teaching Style Survey. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from LongLeaf: „ Stein, J. S.-M. (2001, April 13). Teaching Styles. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from Shaw Members: „ CourseLab Tutorial. (n.d.). Retrieved 01 27, 2010, from Learning Game: „ WebSoft. (2007-2009). CourseLab. Retrieved 01 27, 2009, from CourseLab:

Editor's Notes

  1. CourseLab is a “powerful, yet easy-to-use, e-learning authoring tool that offers programming-free WYSIWYG environment for creating high-quality interactive e-learning content which can be published on the Internet, Learning Management Systems (LMS), CD-ROMS and other devices.
  2. Students will be assigned one of the following towns/cities in North Carolina: Raleigh,Durham,Chapel Hill, Rocky Mount, and Roanoke Rapids. The will be broken down into four groups of five based on learning style. The scenario is that the group is a team of new National Geographic hires and that they will be researching the area they have been assigned for as part of an article that will be turned into a future television episode.
  3. Log book should be written as a record of the groups progress during the assignment. It should be written in a personal tone as if it was really a work journal they would keep. Statements such as “ Joe was late for the meeting.” would translate into Joe was late when the group was working on the project. Others statements such as “ I like working for this company.” could be used to express joy about the project, or as a creative device to show the students creative nature.