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1. Socrates - “know thy self”
2. Plato - wrote the “Republic”
3. Aristotle - Father of Modern Sciences
4. Ciero - Wrote the “Oratore”
5. Quintillian - Wrote” Institution Oratoria”
- He was a famous Grammaticus
6. Anselm - father of scholasticism
7. Abelard - spearheaded Conceptualism
8. St. Thomas Aquinas - “wrote” Summa
9. Erasmus - suggested that education be in
accordance with the needs of society
- he was a humanist who advocated the
importance of studying the character of the
10. Ascham - wrote the “Schoolmaster”
- condemning brutal punishment in English
schools during his time.
11. John Amos Comenius - father of modern
- He wrote the first picture book ”Orbis
Senualium Pictus”
12. Mulcaster - said that” Education should be
in accordance with nature”
13. John Locke - “tabula rasa’ ( blank sheet)
14. John Jacques Rosseau - wrote ”Emile”
(Education should be in accordance with the
nature of the child)
15. Pestallozzi - defined education as natural
,symmetrical and harmonious development
of the faculties of the child
16. Herbart - conceived education as aimed
towards the development of morality and
- He is famous for the Herbatian Method in
17. Froebel - father of kindergarden John Dewey
- “Education is not preparation for
18. St.John Baptiste de la Salle - patron saint of
19. Maria Montessori - advocated the child-
centered education and prepared
Prepositions of TIME (AT, ON, and IN).
1. AT- usually sa exact time like at 7pm, at 3
oçlock, etc...
2. ON - is used with days and dates like on
January 2, on Monday, on Tuesday, on the
4th of April
3. IN - is used with months and years like in
April, in June, in 1990, in 2017...etc....
Prepositions of LOCATION (AT, ON, and IN). .
1. AT- usually sa specific point like at the
center, at the corner, and in addresses
usually pag may number si house like I live
at #3 Roxas street, etc...
2. ON - is used with surfaces like on the wall,
on the floor, on the table, on the ground,
and in addresses usually paag name lang ng
street, avenue, road like I Live on Roxas
street, I live on Roxas avenue
3. IN - is used when the thing is inside the
boxlike structure like in the kitchen, in the
room, in the hall..with addresses naman use
IN with cities, places like in Seoul, in the
Philippines, in Mindanao, etc....
The Top 20 Figures of Speech
1. Alliteration - the repetition of an initial
consonant sound.
2. Anaphora - the repetition of the same word
or phrase at the beginning of successive
clauses or verses.
3. Antithesis - the juxtaposition of contrasting
ideas in balanced phrases.
4. Apostrophe - reaking off discourse to
address some absent person or thing, some
abstract quality, an inanimate object, or a
nonexistent character.
5. Assonance - identity or similarity in sound
between internal vowels in neighboring
6. Chiasmus - a verbal pattern in which the
second half of an expression is balanced
against the first but with the parts reversed.
7. Euphemism - the substitution of an
inoffensive term for one considered
offensively explicit.
8. Hyperbole - an extravagant statement; the
use of exaggerated terms for the purpose of
emphasis or heightened effect.
9. Irony - the use of words to convey the
opposite of their literal meaning. Also, a
statement or situation where the meaning is
contradicted by the appearance or
presentation of the idea.
10. Litotes - a figure of speech consisting of an
understatement in which an affirmative is
expressed by negating its opposite.
11. Metaphor - an implied comparison between
two unlike things that actually have
something important in common.
12. Metonymy - a figure of speech in which one
word or phrase is substituted for another
with which it's closely associated; also, the
rhetorical strategy of describing something
indirectly by referring to things around it.
13. Onomatopoeia - the use of words that
imitate the sounds associated with the
objects or actions they refer to.
14. Oxymoron - a figure of speech in which
incongruous or contradictory terms appear
side by side.
15. Paradox - a statement that appears to
contradict itself.
16. Personification - a figure of speech in which
an inanimate object or abstraction is
endowed with human qualities or abilities.
17. Pun – a play on words, sometimes on
different senses of the same word and
sometimes on the similar sense or sound of
different words.
18. Simile - a stated comparison (usually formed
with "like" or "as") between two
fundamentally dissimilar things that have
certain qualities in common.
19. Synecdoche - a figure of speech in which a
part is used to represent the whole (for
example, ABCs for alphabet) or the whole for
a part ("England won the World Cup in
20. Understatement - a figure of speech in which
a writer or speaker deliberately makes a
situation seem less important or serious than
it is.
 Rule 1 - Singular subjects take singular verbs.
Plural subjects take plural verbs.
 1. The bee BUZZES every night.
 2. The bees BUZZ every night.
 3. She HAS a new book.
 4. We HAVE many things in common.
 5. He IS our mentor and adviser.
 Note: The Pronouns I and You always take a
plural verb.
 1. I ENJOY being with my friends.
 2. You ARE so beautiful.
 3. I LIKE you a lot.
 Rule 2 – Compound subjects or subjects joined
by “and” take a plural verb.
 1. My father and my brother VISIT me
every year.
 2. Juan and Ana SERVE in their lunch.
 3. Charles and James WERE busy last
 Rule 3 – When the subject words are joined by
or, neither/nor, either/or & not only/but, the
verb agrees with the subject closest to it.
 1. Your father or your sisters ARE going
to take care of Anna.
 2. Your sisters or your father IS going to
take care of Anna.
 3. Either her friend or her mother HAS
the money.
 4. Neither her uncle nor her aunts HAVE
the money.
 Rule 4 – The indefinite pronouns: no one,
anyone, everyone, someone, anybody,
everybody, somebody, nobody, anything,
everything, something, are always singular. They
take singular verb.
 1. No one IS above the law.
 2. Everyone HAS the right to education.
 3. Everything HAPPENS for a reason.
 While indefinite pronouns like both, many,
several, few, others, are always plural.
 1. Many singers FIND it easy to release
their stress.
 2. Several of the trees WERE cut down.
 3. Few of our members DON'T want to
 Some indefinite pronouns like all, any, more,
most, none, & some can be singular or plural
depending on what the indefinite pronoun
refers to.
 1. All of the people clapped THEIR hands.
 2. Some of the newspaper WAS soaked.
 3. Most of the cars WERE stolen
 Rule 5 – When a group of words or modifiers
separate the subject and the verb, locate the
subject word to determine whether to use a
singular or plural verb.
 1. The flowers in the pot on the balcony
NEED watering.
 2. The rock at the top of the hill LOOKS
 Rule 6 – phrases like together with, along with,
as well as, accompanied by, in addition to, do
not affect the subject.
 1. Rica, together with her friends, GOES
to a party every weekend.
 2. Danna and Gemma, together with
their father, GO to church every
 Rule 7 – Modifiers between the subject and the
verb does not affect the number of the subject.
 1. Juan, who is a father of four, IS
currently working as a firefighter.
 2. A dog, which lives on the street, HAS
the tendency to have rabies.
 Rule 8 – Some nouns (collective nouns) can be
used as a singular or plural depending on the
context and usage.
 1. Rica’s family PLANS to go on a
vacation this summer.
 2. The staff HAVE gone their separate
ways after the meeting.
 Rule 9 – Uncountable nouns or nouns that can’t
be counted takes a singular verb.
 1. Too much sugar WAS put in this
 2. Money IS the root of all problems. 3.
Honesty IS the best policy.
 Rule 10 – There are nouns that end in s that are
always considered as singular.
 1. The news about her death IS spreading
very fast.
 2. Mathematics IS a very difficult subject.
 3. Diabetes IS not a curable disease.
 Rule 11 – Fractional expressions half of, part of,
portion of, may take singular or plural verbs
depending if the noun that is being referred to
is countable or not.
 1. Half of the audience ARE asleep
because of his boring speech.
 2. A portion of his wealth WAS donated
to cancer patients.
 Rule 12 – In inverted sentences especially those
that use “here” and “there”, the subject follows
the verb.
 1. Here ARE the towels that you need.
 2. A good snack IS a salad.
 3. There ARE houses under the bridge.
Types of Motivation
1. Intrinsic Motivation
✓ doing any activity without expecting in
✓ Voluntary work
2. Extrinsic Motivation
✓ doing any activity with expectation in return
✓ rewards, praise, reinforcement, punishment.
Supported Curriculum
✓ Instructional materials in form of the
a. traditional instructional materials (e.g.
visual aids, pictures, charts)
b. digital instructional materials (e.g.
PowerPoint presentation, video presentation
c. Real objects
✓School/Learning Facilities in form of the
a. Science Laboratory;
b. Computer Laboratory, etc.
✓ Purpose: to help teacher in facilitating the
teaching-learning process in the actual
classroom setting/implement the curriculum.
Philosophy of Education
1. Idealism – spiritual, values, ideal
2. Realism - science/ what is real
3. Empiricism - senses
4. Naturalism - innate
5. Existentialism - choice, decision, unique
6. Essentialism - specialization, basic, fundamental
7. Perrenialism - classic, literature, traditional
8. Pragmatism - activation of skills
9. Progressivism - child-centered
10. Epicureanism - perfection
11. Agnosticism - atheist, unknown
12. Stoicism - passionate emotions
13. Hedonism - pleasure
14. Humanism - humans
15. Constructivism - prior knowledge activation
16. Reconstructionism - solution to problem
17. Scholasticism- rationalization of church
Here are some activities for the topic "Connecting
to and Expanding on English Language Learners
(ELLs) Background Knowledge":
1. Importance of Speaking: Show a picture or
video related to a specific topic and allow
students to share their knowledge or
experiences about it in their native language.
Then, provide expressions or vocabulary related
to the topic in English.
2. Personal Storytelling: Let students tell a story
about themselves, their family, or their culture in
their native language. Then, encourage them to
translate it into English and share it with the
3. Look and Translate: Give students a short,
familiar text in their native language and ask
them to translate it into English. Afterward, have
a discussion about differences or the
importance of the words used.
4. Culture and Traditions: Organize presentations
or projects about their culture and traditions.
Let students research and share what they've
learned in English.
5. Fables and Folktales: Explore fables and folktales
from various cultures. Read them in the
students' native language and then discuss the
moral or lesson in English.
Let's simplify the concept of self in Eastern
philosophies with examples:
*Hinduism*: - The self in Hinduism is called
"Atman." - Think of it like your inner,
unchanging soul. - Example: It's like realizing
that your true self is like a drop of water in the
vast ocean of the universe. The drop (Atman)
and the ocean (Brahman) are ultimately one.
*Taoism*: - Taoism believes in the "Tao," a
fundamental principle. - Imagine the Tao as the
flow of nature and life. - Example: It's like going
with the flow of a river. To be in harmony, you
align your actions with the river's current (the
*Confucianism*: - In Confucianism, it's about
morals and relationships. - Think of yourself as
part of a family and society. - Example: It's like
respecting and caring for your family and
community, as Confucius taught, to be a good
*Buddhism*: - Buddhism teaches "Anatta" or
"no-self." - Imagine that your self is ever-
changing, like a flowing river. - Example: It's like
understanding that you are not a fixed,
unchanging entity, but a collection of thoughts,
feelings, and experiences that change over time.
These are different ways to understand the self
in Eastern philosophies, from an eternal soul in
Hinduism to being part of the natural flow in
Taoism, focusing on moral behavior in
Confucianism, and the idea of an ever-changing
self in Buddhism.
In the TV series "FRIENDS," various functions of
communication can be observed in different
segments. Here are a few examples:
 *Informative Function*: Characters often
exchange information about their lives, plans, or
events. For instance, when Ross informs the
group about his upcoming wedding to Emily, it
serves to convey important details.
 *Expressive Function*: The characters express
their emotions and feelings through
communication. When Monica expresses her
excitement about her wedding or when
Chandler makes sarcastic jokes to cope with his
insecurities, it highlights the expressive function.
 *Phatic Function*: The casual small talk,
greetings, and social niceties in everyday
conversations among the friends establish and
maintain relationships. For example, when they
exchange pleasantries upon entering the
 *Directive Function*: Communication is used to
give or seek directions and instructions. When
Joey gives Chandler advice on relationships, it
serves a directive function.
 *Metalinguistic Function*: The group often
discusses and comments on the way they
communicate. For example, when they tease
each other about catchphrases like "How you
doin'?" it highlights the metalinguistic function.
 *Poetic Function*: Humor and wordplay are
integral to the show. The clever and witty
remarks made by the characters contribute to
the poetic function of communication.
 *Aesthetic Function*: The show's dialogues and
banter are carefully crafted to entertain the
audience and elicit laughter, fulfilling the
aesthetic function of communication. These
functions of communication in "FRIENDS"
contribute to the humor, depth, and relatability
of the series, making it a classic in the world of
1. Technological Knowledge (TK)
✓ a teacher apply his/her knowledge
in using technological tools in teaching.
2. Content Knowledge (CK)
✓ a teacher demonstrates/presents
his/her mastery/knowledge about the
lesson/subject matter needed to
3. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)
✓ a teacher proves knowledge and
skills in showing his/her variety of
teaching strategies, techniques, and
styles in the actual classroom setting.
● IDEALISM Plato (own ideas) nothing exist
except in the mind of a man/ what we want the
world to be
● REALISM Aristotle;Herbart; Comenius;
Pestalozzi; Montessori; Hobbes; Bacon; Locke
(experience) fully mastery of knowledge
● BEHAVIORISM always guided by standards/by
procedure; purpose is to modify the behavior
● EXISTENTIALISM Kierkegaard; Sartre; "Man
shapes his being as he lives" Focuses on
James; John Dewey - learn from experiences
through interaction to the environment
Emphasizes the needs and interests of the children
● PERENNIALISM Robert Hutchins focuses on
unchanging/universal truths
● ESSENTIALISM William Bagley - teaching the
basic/essential knowledge Focuses on basic skills
and knowledge
● PROGRESSIVISM Dewey/Pestalozzi (process of
development) focuses on the whole child and the
cultivation of individuality
● CONSTRUCTIVISM Jean Piaget Focused on
how humans make meaning in relation to the
interaction b/w their experiences and their ideas.
Nature of knowledge w/c represents an
epistemological stance.
- recognized that education was the means of
preparing people for creating his new social order
highlights social reform as the aim of education
1. BALLAD – narrative, less folk tale/legend, to be
2. BLACK VERSE – with meter but no rhyme
3. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE – written in form of
speech for individual character.
4. ELEGY –death of individual
5. EPIC – tells a story about heroic figure
6. EULOGY – message for the dead
7. FREE VERSE (vers libre) – without meter but with
8. HAIKU – Japanese poem about nature. 5, 7, 5 (3
lines and 17 syllables)
9. IDYLL (Idyl) – peaceful, idealized country scene
10. LYRICS - thoughts and feelings
11. NARRATIVE – tells story
12. ODE -typically serious/meditative nature, type of
13. PASTORAL –rural life in peaceful & romanticized
14. SONNET – Lyric poem consists of 14 lines
15. TANKA – Japanese poem: 5 lines, 31 syllables
1. Mathematics - Sipnayan
2. Arithmetic - Bilnuran
3. Science - Agham
4. Biology - Haynayan
5. Chemistry - Kapnayan
6. Thermodynamics - Initsigan
7. Statistics - Palautatan
8. Calendar - Talaarawan
9. Dictionary - Talahulugan ; Talailigan
10, Airplane - Salipawpaw
11. Infinity - Awanggan ; Habambuhay
12. E-mail - Sulatroniko
13. Hyperlink - Kawingan
14. Browser - Panghinain
15. Charger – Pantablay
16. Website - Pook-sapot
17. Telephone - Hatinig
18. Window - Durungawan
19. Switch - Gaptol
20. Germs - Kagaw
21. Toothbrush – Pangaso
22. Pupil (part of the eyes) - Balintataw
23. Washroom - Palikuran ; Batalan
24. Compass - Paraluman
25. Amplifier - Panghibayo
26. Headset - Pang-ulong hatinig
27. Carpenter - Anluwage
28. Adam's apple - lalagukan ; tatagukan
29. Honeymoon - Pulo't gata
30. Eclipse – Duyog
𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
1. Clarity: The quality of being clear, easily
understood, and unambiguous in communication.
2. Conciseness: Expressing an idea or message
clearly and effectively with the minimum number of
3. Coherence: The logical and orderly connection of
ideas in a written or spoken communication.
4. Cohesion: The use of linguistic devices (e.g.,
transitional words, pronouns) to connect ideas and
create a smooth flow in a text or conversation.
5. Precision: Communicating with exactness and
accuracy, using the appropriate terms and avoiding
6. Active Voice: A sentence structure where the
subject performs the action stated by the verb,
making the communication more direct and
7. Passive Voice: A sentence structure where the
subject receives the action stated by the verb, often
used to shift the focus away from the subject.
8. Tone: The attitude or emotion conveyed in a
piece of communication, such as formal, informal,
persuasive, friendly, or authoritative.
9. Audience: The intended recipients or listeners of
a communication, considering their knowledge,
interests, and needs.
10. Purpose: The reason or goal behind a specific
communication, such as to inform, persuade,
entertain, or instruct.
11. Intonation: The pattern and variation in pitch,
tone, and emphasis used in spoken communication
to convey meaning and emotion.
12. Diction: The choice and use of words and
phrases in writing or speaking.
13. Rhetoric: The art of effective or persuasive
speaking or writing, often using techniques such as
repetition, analogy, and rhetorical questions.
14. Etiquette: The set of accepted rules and
behaviors governing polite and respectful
communication in a particular context or culture.
15. Feedback: Information provided in response to a
communication, offering evaluation, suggestions, or
16. Nonverbal Communication: The use of gestures,
facial expressions, body language, and other
nonverbal cues to convey meaning and emotions.
17. Listening Skills: The ability to actively receive,
understand, and interpret spoken or written
messages accurately.
18. Empathy: The capacity to understand and share
the feelings and perspectives of others, enhancing
effective communication.
19. Negotiation: The process of reaching a mutually
satisfactory agreement through discussion,
compromise, and effective communication.
20. Persuasion: The act of influencing others'
attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors through logical
reasoning, emotional appeals, or credibility.
21. Paraphrasing: Restating someone else's words or
ideas using different language while maintaining
the original meaning.
22. Summarizing: Briefly and concisely capturing the
main points or essential information from a longer
23. Jargon: Specialized terminology or language
used by a particular group or profession that may
not be readily understood by others.
24. Slang: Informal words or phrases used in specific
social groups or contexts that are not typically part
of standard language.
25. Context: The circumstances, background, or
setting that influences the meaning, interpretation,
and understanding of a communication.
26. Cultural Sensitivity: Being aware and respectful
of the values, customs, beliefs, and norms of
different cultures in communication.
27. Verbal Fluency: The ability to express oneself
clearly, smoothly, and confidently in spoken
28. Body Language: The use of physical movements,
gestures, and postures to convey meaning and
29. Respectful Language: Using language that shows
consideration, politeness, and sensitivity towards
30. Interpersonal Skills: The ability to interact
effectively and harmoniously with others, including
active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution.
31. Conflict Resolution: The process of addressing
and resolving disagreements or conflicts through
communication, negotiation, or mediation.
32. Clarity of Purpose: Having a clear and specific
objective or goal in communication, ensuring focus
and effectiveness.
33. Courtesy: Politeness and good manners in
communication, demonstrating respect and
consideration towards others.
34. Body Language: The use of physical movements,
gestures, and postures to convey meaning and
35. Active Listening: Fully concentrating on and
engaging with a speaker or a written
communication to understand and respond
36. Cultural Competence: The ability to effectively
communicate and interact with people from diverse
cultures, respecting their values and beliefs.
37. Negotiation Skills: The ability to engage in
constructive discussions and reach agreements that
benefit all parties involved.
38. Diplomacy: The skill of handling sensitive or
difficult situations with tact, sensitivity, and effective
39. Verbal Clarity: The use of clear, articulate, and
well-structured speech in oral communication.
40. Nonverbal Cues: Gestures, facial expressions,
and body language used to convey meaning and
emotions without using words.
41. Trustworthiness: Demonstrating reliability,
integrity, and credibility in communication to gain
the trust of others.
42. Professionalism: Conducting oneself with
competence, integrity, and appropriate behavior in
a professional setting.
43. Constructive Criticism: Providing feedback or
critique in a helpful and supportive manner to
encourage improvement.
44. Cultural Awareness: Being conscious and
knowledgeable about different cultures and their
impact on communication.
45. Logical Reasoning: Applying sound reasoning
and critical thinking to construct and convey
coherent arguments or ideas.
46. Visual Aids: Charts, graphs, images, or other
visual tools used to enhance and support oral or
written communication.
47. Open-mindedness: Being receptive to different
ideas, perspectives, and opinions in communication.
48. Trust Building: Developing a sense of trust and
confidence through open, honest, and transparent
49. Conflict Management: Strategies and techniques
for resolving conflicts and disputes in a constructive
and mutually beneficial manner.
50. Verbal Etiquette: Using appropriate language,
tone, and style in communication, considering the
cultural and social context.
1. Learning to Know – the development of skills and
knowledge needed to function in this world e.g.
formal acquisition of literacy, numeracy, critical
thinking and general knowledge.
2. Learning to DO – the acquisition of applied skills
linked to professional success.
3. Learning to Live Together – the development of
social skills and values such as respect and concern
for others, and the appreciation of cultural diversity.
4. Learning to BE – the learning that contributes to a
person’s mind, body, and spirit. Skills include
creativity and personal discovery, acquired through
reading, the Internet, and activities such as sports
and arts.
5. Learning to Transform Oneself and Society – when
individuals and groups gain knowledge, develop
skills, and acquire new values as a result of learning,
they are equipped with tools and mindsets for
creating lasting change in organizations,
communities, and societies.
Idioms in General Education
1. ahas na tulog - tamad
2. alog na ang baba - matanda
3. babaha ng dugo - mag-aaway
4. maglubid ng buhangin - magsinungaling
5. magdilat ng mata - tanggaping ang katotohanan
6. namuti ang mata - naghintay ng matagal o
7. di-mahapayang gatang -di-nagpapatalo o
8. isang kahig, isang tuka - mahirap
9. di - maliparang uwak - napakalawak
10. ilista sa tubig - kalimutan
11. bugtong na anak - nag-iisang anak
12. buwayang-lubog - traydor
13. lobong nakadamit tupa - mapagpanggap o
14. nagbibilang ng poste - tambay o walang
15. ampalayang-ampalaya - kuripot o makunat
16. bulang gugo - bulagsak o magastos
17. nagbibig-anghel - nagkatotoo ang sinabi
18. kaututang-dila - kadaldalan
19. nag-aamoy bawang - malapit nang magpakasal
20. lumilipad ang saya - maligayang-maligaya
21. nakatulog sa pansitan - napag-iiwanan
22. alilang-kanin - katulong na pagkain lang ang
23. walang bituka - manhid
24. ngiting-aso - di-totoo o nagkukunwari
25. buhay alamang - mahirap
26. balitang kutsero - tsismis
27. maluwag ang kwerdas - sira-ulo
28. nag-ermitanyo - namuhay ng mag-isa
29. itaga sa bato - tandaan
30. mataas ang lipad – mayabang
Measurements and Calculation
1 inch = 25.40mm 1 foot = 304.8mm
1 yard = 914.4mm 1 yard = 3 feet
1 metre = 1.0936 yards 1 yard = 0.9144 metres
1 metre = 3.281 feet
1 cubic metre = 35.315 cubic feet
1 cubic metre = 1.3079 cubic yards
1 cubic foot = 0.0283 cubic metre
1 cubic yard = 0.7646 cubic metre
1 tonne (metric) = 2205 lbs
1 ton imperial = 2240 lbs
1000 grams = 1 kilogram
1000 kilograms = 1 tonne
1 kilogram = 2.20462 lbs.
1 kilogram = 0.0197 cwt
1 cwt = 112 lbs
1 cwt = 50.8 kg
1 lb = 0.4536 kg
1 lb = 16 oz
1 oz = 28.3 grams
Liquid Volume
1 litre = 0.035 cubic feet
1 cubic ft. = 28.32 litres 1 gallon =
4.5461 litres
1 cubic ft. = 6.23 gallons
1 cubic yd = 168.21 gallons
1 cubic mt = 1000 litres
Liquid Conversion
1000 millilitres(ml) = 1 litre
1 litre = 1.76 pints
1 ml = 1cc = 0.0017 pints
1ml or cc = 0.035 fluid ounce(oz)
1 litre = 0.22 gallons
1 fl.oz. = 28.413 ml or cc
1 pint = 568 ml or cc
1 pint = 0.568 litres
1 square mm = 0.00155 sq. inches
1 square metre = 10.764 sq. feet
1 square metre = 1.196 sq. yards
1 square inch = 645.20 sq. mm
1 square foot = 0.0929 sq. metres
1 square yard = 0.8361 sq. metres
Weights of materials
Dry sand fine - 1.28 tonnes per cubic metre
Dry sand coarse - 1.6 tonnes per cubic metre
Topsoil (some moisture) - 1.44 tonnes per cubic
Ballast - 1.76 tonnes per cubic metre
Gravel - 1.92 tonnes per cubic metre
Shingle - 1.62 tonnes per cubic metre
Cement - 25 kg bags
Stiff clay - 1.6 tonnes per cubic metre
Loam - 1.28 tonnes per cubic metre
Peat (wet) - 0.96 tonnes per cubic metre
Peat (dry) - 0.8 tonnes per cubic metre
Lump chalk - 1.2 tonnes per cubic metre
Sandstone - 2.32 tonnes per cubic metre
Lias - 2.48 tonnes per metre
JB Granite - 2.72 tonnes per cubic metre
Slate - 2.8 tonnes per cubic metre
Flint - 2.3 tonnes per cubic metre
Yorkstone - 2.5 tonnes per cubic metre
Brick rubble - 1.8--2.2 tonnes per cubic metre
Coverage of stone for 1 tonne weight
Sets (100mm x 100mm x 100mm) = 3.9 sq.m.
Cobbles 50/70mm on end = 6.5 sq.m.
✓ Folklore - traditionally derived and orally
transmitted literature
✓ Folktales - reflect the people's beliefs handed
down from generation to generation by word of
✓ Epilogue - conclusion or final part of non-
dramatic literary work
✓ Genre - distinctive type of literary composition
such as epic, tragedy, comedy & novel
✓ "Quo Vadis" - means "where are you going"
✓ hieroglyphics - the oldest forn of Egyptian
✓ Allegory - narrative whose meaning is beneath
the surface
✓ Elegy - a meditated poem of grief
✓ Sonnet - verse w/14 iambic pentameter lines
✓ Epic - long poem w/c depicts the adventure of a
great hero who reveals his country's aspirations;
narrates heroic deeds and supernatural happenings
local actor in w/c people sing/chant
✓ Soliloquy - speech made by a person who
reveals his thoughts
✓ Manuel Arcilla - "How my brother Leon brought
home a wife"
✓ Washington Irving - "The Legend of a Sleepy
✓ Fall of the house of usher - hypochondriac living
in morbid fear
✓ Cyrano de Bergerac - poet & soldier noted for his
Peculiar nose
✓ "The Illiad of Homer" - a great epic poem whose
plot centers around the anger & wrath of Achilles
against Agamemnon
✓ "The Bells" - "If eyes are made for seeing, then
beauty is its own excuse for being"
✓ Cacophony - literary term w/c means harsh &
discordant sounds introduced for poetic effect
✓ George Bernard Shaw - known for his excellence
in characterization, swiftness of narrative & clarity
of style.
✓ Edgar Allan Poe - greatest American writer of
horror and detective stories
✓ Rabindranath Tagore - best known for his
collection of poems called Gitanjali/song offerings
✓ Robert Frost - is ranked as one of the best
modern American poets.
✓ Geoffrey Chaucer - Morning Star of English
✓ Mark Twain - "Samuel Clemens"
✓ Harriet Stowe - "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
✓ Charles Darwin - Origin of species
✓ Lazlo Biro - invented the ballpoint pen
✓ Harry Potter - epic kind of story
1. 𝙂𝙄𝙉𝘼𝙒 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙊𝙂 (1993) A native of Oriental
Mindoro who faithfully helps preserve the Hanunuo
Mangyan script and their Ambahan poetry.
2. 𝙈𝘼𝙎𝙄𝙉𝙊 𝙄𝙉𝙏𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙔 (1993). A native of Palawan
who exemplary shared his skills in basal or gong
music ensemble. He is a musician and epic chanter
(Kulilal and Bagit).
3. 𝙎𝘼𝙈𝘼𝙊𝙉 𝙎𝙐𝙇𝘼𝙄𝙈𝘼𝙉 (1993). A Maguindanao of
Mama SaPano who showed outstanding artistry
and dedication to his chosen instrument, the
Magindanao kutiyapi.
4. 𝙇𝘼𝙉𝙂 𝘿𝙐𝙇𝘼𝙔 (1998). A T'boli of Lake Sebu, South
Cotabato, for her skills in weaving the abaca ikat
cloth known as t'nalak.
5. 𝙎𝘼𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙏𝘼 𝙈𝙊𝙉𝙊𝙉 (1998). A Tagabawa-Bagobo
of Bansalan, Davao del for fully demonstrating her
creative and expressive aspects of the Bagobo
abaca ikat weaving called inabal.
6. 𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙕𝙊 𝙎𝘼𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙂 (2000). A Kalinga of Lubuagan
for his mastery of the Kalinga dance and the
performing arts.
7. 𝙁𝙀𝘿𝙀𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙊 𝘾𝘼𝘽𝘼𝙇𝙇𝙀𝙍𝙊 (2000). A Panay-
Bukidnon of Calinog, Iloilo for his mastery of
chanting the epic tradition of Central Panay, the
8. 𝙐𝙒𝘼𝙉𝙂 𝘼𝙃𝘼𝘿𝘼𝙎 (2000). A Yakan of Lamitan.
Basilan for his dexterity in playing Yakan musical
instruments such as the agung, gabhang,
tuntungan, and kwintangan.
9. 𝘿𝘼𝙍𝙃𝘼𝙏𝘼 𝙎𝘼𝙒𝘼𝘽𝙄, (2005). A weaver of Parang.
Sulu province for helping preserve the art of "Pis
Syabit weaving."
10. 𝙀𝘿𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘿𝙊 𝙈𝙐𝙏𝙐𝘾 (2005). A Kapampangan
from Central Luzon for reviving the metal or
smithcraft of Plateria which is in Spanish colonial
11. 𝙃𝘼𝙅𝘼 𝘼𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘼 𝘼𝙋𝙋𝙄 (2005). A Sama of
Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi, for sharing her skills in mat
weaving among the Sama indigenous community.
12. 𝙏𝙀𝙊𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙊 𝙂𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙄𝘼 (2012). A casque maker of
San Quintin, Abra, Casque For his skill making
13. 𝙈𝘼𝙂𝘿𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙉𝘼 𝙂𝘼𝙈𝘼𝙔𝙊 (2012). A master
weaver of Pinili, Ilocos Norte for his skill in Weaving
known as Inabel.
14. 𝙔𝘼𝘽𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙈𝘼𝙎𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙉 𝘿𝙐𝙇𝙊 (2016). A master
weaver of Polomolok, South Cotabato for his
contribution Ikat Weaving.
15. Ambalang Ausalin (2016). A Yakan master
weaver of Lamitan. Basilan foTennun Weaving skills.
B'laan master weaver of Malapatan, Sarangani for
preserving the Igem Weaving skills.
17. 𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙂-𝙊𝘿 (2017). A traditional tattoo artist
(mambabatok) of Buscalan, Tinglayan, Kalinga.
Type of Parents
1. Uninvolved/Neglecting - No rule no care
2. Permissive - no rule with care
3. Authoritarian - With rule no care.
4. Authoritative - With rule and care
• Reinforcement - to increase the behavior.
• Punishment - to decrease the behavior.
Universal Value - World Heritage
Agency tasked to nurture arts - NCCA
It can be touched - TACTILE
Prevent depression - MUSIC
Auditory patterns - MUSIC
Sculpture materials (EXCEPT) - ACRYLIC
Painting boost memory - INTELLECTUAL
Film is modern because it uses - TECHNOLOGIES
Films are most advanced because they not only
involved visual and audio it involves __ -
Theater art form (EXCEPT) - CARTOONS
Most accessible to people – LITERATURE
Organization of words - LITERATURE
Purpose is to please or entertain - FICTION
Filipino Epic Poem - BANTUGAN
National Artist in Painting in 1972 - AMORSOLO
Awarded as Philippine National Artist for Dance
in 2004 - ALICE REYES
National Artist in Literature in 1976 - NICK
National Artist in Sculpture in 1976 -
Violin Virtuoso - KABAYAO
Gilopez Kabayao - MASSES
Filipino Stage Actress - LEA SALONGA
Arena Theater - MONTANO
Sala Theater - ROGERS
Experimental Theater - TINIO
Revives past arts - CLASSICAL
Revival of the classics - HUMANISTS
Man-made wonders - RICE TERRACES
Wonders of the world - BABYLONIA
Itik-itik Dance - SURIGAO DEL SUR
✓ emphasizes on the use of testing for measuring
knowledge, comprehension and other thinking
✓ quantitative aspect of evaluation
✓ involves outcomes that can be quantified
✓ measurement is one aspect of evaluation
✓ qualitative aspects of determining the outcomes
of learning
✓ involves value judgement
✓ consist of question or exercises or other for
measuring the outcomes of learning ---
✓ evaluate student learning & academic
✓ end-of-term/midterm exams
✓ end-of-unit/chapter tests
✓ standardised tests
✓ cumulative work like final project or creative
✓ more diagnostic than evaluative
✓ used to monitor pupil learning style & ability
✓ allow to improve and adjust teaching-learning
✓ impromptu quizzes or classroom polls
✓ short comparative assessments
✓ lesson exit tickets to summarise what pupils have
✓ assess a learner's current knowledge base or
current views on a topic/issue to be studied in the
✓ used to “place” students into a course, course
level, or academic program
✓ e.g. results use to determine student's section
✓ a collection of student works that are associated
with standards required to learn
✓ taken with paper & pencil
✓ focus on the students’ strengths (different
learning styles, maturity levels, learning disabilities,
physical disabilities, & other characteristics that
could affect language performance)
✓ the measurement of "intellectual
accomplishments that are worthwhile, significant, &
✓ require the learner to perform in realistic
situations, participate in specific tasks/performances
that are appropriate to the audience and setting ---
1. According to manner of response
✓ oral
✓ written
2. According to method of preparation
✓ subjectivity/essay
✓ objective
3. According to the nature of answer
✓ personality tests
✓ intelligence test
✓ aptitude test
✓ achievement or summative test
✓ sociometric test
✓ diagnostic or formative test
✓ trade or vocational test
4. According to method of deliveration
✓ group tests ✓ individual tests
✓ speed tests ✓ power tests
✓ pretests ✓ post tests
✓ take-home test
✓ first person personal pronouns I and we should
not be used
✓ various types of test items should be made to
avoid monotony
✓ few difficult & few easy items, majority items are
✓ test items should be arranged from easy to
✓ cast the items in positive form
1. Simple Recall Type
✓ Q: usually begin with who, where, when or what
2. Completion Type
✓ Q: statement with blank part (omitted important
word or phrase)
3. Enumeration Type
✓ exact number of expected answers are stated
4. Identification Type
✓ make an examinee think of a word, number, or
group of words that would complete the statement
or just answer the problem
1. True-False or Alternate-Response Type
✓ declarative sentences (may be right or wrong)
2. Yes-No Type
✓ interrogative sentences (may be right or wrong)
3. Multiple Choice or Multiple-Response Type
✓ with three to five numbered or lettered choices
(usually in a-b-c-d form) & only one correct option
4. Best Answer Type
✓ with three to five right choices but only the best
option should be chosen
5. Matching Type
✓ with 2 column usually A (word/phrase) & B (its
✓ determine the objectives or essentials for each
question to be evaluated Examples:
1. Comparison of two things
2. Explanation of the use or meaning of a statement
or passage
3. Analysis
4. Decision for or against
5. Discussion
✓ tests which have definite answers & therefore
are not subject to personal bias
✓ constructed by the teachers based on the
contents of different subjects taught
✓ used measure a students’ strengths and
weaknesses, usually to identify deficiencies in skills
or performance
✓ done to monitor student’s attainment of the
instructional objectives
✓ done at the conclusion of instruction &
measures the extent to which students have
attained the desired outcomes
✓ already valid, reliable & objective
✓ contents have been selected & for which norms
or standards have been established e.g.
psychological tests & government national
✓ really measures what it intends to measure
✓ content validity
✓ concurrent validity
✓ predictive validity
✓ construct validity
✓ consistency of the results when it is administered
to different groups of individuals with similar
characteristics in different places at different times
(coefficient of correlation is not less than 0.85)
✓ really measures what it intends to measure
✓ degree to which personal bias is eliminated in
the scoring of the answers
✓ amount of information contained in a score
generated by the measurement
✓ merely classify objects or events by assigning
numbers to them
✓ assign rank order
✓ equal unit measurement between score points
✓ contains the nominal & ordinal properties
✓ includes the nominal & ordinal properties, but in
a ratio scale, 0=0
✓ goals to be achieved expressed in terms of the
average performance of the population tested
✓ referencing an individual’s performance
to some criterion that is defined
performance level
✓ interpretation is an absolute rather than
relative interpretation, referenced to a
specifically defined group of behaviors
✓ focus more on sub skill than on broad
✓ mastery learning is involved e.g. a level of
75 percent score - considered a satisfactory
✓ scored on the basis of the norm or
standard level (normal curve of distribution)
✓ individual’s score is interpreted by
comparing it to the scores of a normative
✓ usually more general and comprehensive
and cover a large domain of content &
learning tasks e.g. standardized
achievements tests, when measuring
attitudes, interests, and aptitudes
I. Planning the Test
✓ Determining the Objectives
✓ Preparing TOS
✓ Selecting the Appropriate Item
✓ Writing the Test Items
✓ Editing the Test Items
II. Trying Out the Test
✓ Tryout – then Item Analysis
✓ Preparing the Final Form of the
III. Establishing Test Validity
IV. Establishing the Test Reliability
V. Interpreting the Test Score
✓ Norm-Referenced Measure
✓ Criterion-Referenced Measure
Guides in Addressing Content in the Curriculum
1. Balance – Content should be fairly distributed in
depth and breadth.
2. Articulation - As the content complexity
progresses, vertically or horizontally, smooth
connections or bridging should be provided. This
ensures that there is no gaps or overlaps in the
3. Sequence – Logical arrangement - Vertically – For
deepening the content - Horizontally – For
broadening the content
4. Integration – Relatedness or connection to other
contents. Provides a holistic or unified view of
curriculum instead of segmentation.
5. Continuity – Should be perennial, endures time.
Constant repetition, reinforcement and
enhancement are elements of continuity.
1. TEORYANG BOW-WOW - Ayon sa teoryang ito,
maaaring ang wika raw ng tao ay mula sa
panggagaya sa mga tunog ng kalikasan.
2. TEORYANG DINGDONG - Kahawig ng teoryang
bow-bow, nagkaroon daw ng wika ang tao, ayon sa
teoryang ito, sa pamamagitan ng mga tunog na
nalilikha ng mga bagay-bagay sa paligid. Ngunit
ang teoryang ito ay hindi limitado sa mga kalikasan
lamang kungdi maging sa mga bagay na likha ng
3. TEORYANG POOH-POOH - Unang natutong
magsalita ang mga tao, ayon teoryang ito, nang
hindi sinasadya ay napabulalas sila bunga ng mga
masisidhing damdamin tulad ng sakit, tuwa, sarap,
kalungkutan, takot, pagkabigla at iba pa. Pansinin
nga naman ang isang Pilipinong napapabulalas sa
4. TEORYANG TATA - Ayon naman sa teoryang ito,
ang kumpas o galaw ng kamay ng tao na kanyang
ginagawa sa bawat partikular na okasyon ay ginaya
ng dila at naging sanhi ng pagkatuto ng taong
lumikha ng tunog at kalauna’y nagsalita.
5. TEORYANG SING SONG - Iminungkahi ng
linggwistang si Jesperson na ang wika ay nagmula
sa paglalaro, pagtawa, pagbulong sa sarili,
panliligaw at iba pang mga bulalas-emosyunal.
Iminungkahi pa niya na taliwas sa iba pang teorya,
ang mga unang salita ay sadyang mahahaba at
musikal, at hindi maiikling bulalas na
pinaniniwalaan ng marami.
teoryang ito, nagmula ang wika sa mga tunog na
nalilikha ng ating mga ninuno sa mga ritwal na
kalauna’y nagpapabago-bago at nilapatan ng iba’t
ibang kahulugan.
7. TEORYANG YUM YUM - Katulad ng teoryang ta-
ta, sinasabi rito na ang tao ay tutugon sa
pamamagitan ng pagkumpas sa alinmang bagay na
nangangailangan ng aksiyon. Ang pagtugong ito ay
isinasagawa sa pamamagitan ng bibig ayon sa
posisyon ng dila
8. TEORYANG YOHEHO - Pinaniniwalaan ng
linggwistang si A.S. Diamond (sa Berel, 2003) na
ang tao ay natutong magsalita bunga diumano ng
kanyang pwersang pisikal.
9. TEORYANG LALA - Nakabatay sa mga puwersang
may kinalaman sa ROMANSA. Ang salik na
nagtutulak sa tao upang magsalita.
10. TEORYANG MAMA - Ayon sa teoryang ito,
nagmula ang wika mula sa pinakamadaling pantig
ng pinakamahahalagang bagay.
11. TEORYANG COO COO - Ayon sa teoryang ito,
ang wika ay nagmula sa wika ng sanggol. Ang mga
tunog ay ginagaya ng mga matatanda bilang
pagpapangalan sa paligid.
12. TEORYANG BABBLE LUCKY - Ayon sa teoryang
ito, ang wika raw ay nagmula sa mga walang
kahulugang bulalas ng tao.
13. TEORYANG HOCUS POCUS - Ayon sa teoryang
ito, ang wika ay tulad ng pinanggalingan ng mga
mahikal o relihiyosong aspeto ng pamumuhay ng
ating mga ninuno.
14. TEORYANG EUREKA - Sadyang inimbento ang
wika - Ayon sa teoryang ito, maaari raw na ang
ating mga ninuno ay may ideya sa pagtatakda ng
mga arbitraryong tunog upang ipakahulugan sa
mga tiyak na bagay.
Elements of Culture
1. Language - an abstract system of words,
meanings, and symbols for all aspects of culture.
2. Norms - standard of behaviors maintained by a
3. Sanctions - penalties or rewards for conducting
concerning social norms.
4. Values - used to evaluate the behavior of others.
5. Change - adjustment of persons or group to
achieve relative harmony.
Characteristics of Culture
1. Transferable 2. Shared
3. Adaptive
4. Continuous 5. Learned
6. Universal
7. Dynamic 8. Symbolic
9. Borrowed
Forms of Change
1. Cultural change - refers to all alteration affection
new trait or trait complexes to change.
2. Technological Change - revision that occurs in
man's application of his technical knowledge and
skills as he adopts himself to environment.
3. Social Change - refers to the variation or
modification in the patterns of social organizations,
of such groups within a society or the entire society.
Uri ng panitikan noong panahon ng kastila:
1. Senakulo- dula tungkol sa buhay, pagpapasakit at
pagdurusa ni Hesukristo
2. Komedya-naglalarawan ng pakikipaglaban ng
mga binyagan sa mga di nabinyagan. Palaging
nagwawakas sa pagwawagi ng mga Kristiyano.
3. Pasyon-tulang bini bigkas nang paawit tungkol sa
buhay ni Hesukristo.Ginagawa tuwing Kuwaresma.
4. Dalit-awit patungkol sa Birheng Maria
5. Korido-tulang pasa laysay na may sukat na
walong pantig bawat taludtod , may paksang
makababalaghan at maalamat. Hal. Ibong Adarna
6. Awit- may 12 pantig sa bawat taludtod, mas
nakaugat sa reyalidad ang paksain. Hal. Florante at
7. Dung-aw -- binibigkas nang paawit ng isang
naulila sa piling bangkay ng yumaong mahal sa
8. Karagatan-larong patula na ginagawa sa lamayan,
nagpapaligsahan sa pagandahan ng palaisipan at
pataasan ng talinhaga
9. Tibag- pagtatanghal tuwing Mayo, paghahanap
ng tunay na krus na kinamatayan ni Kristo
10. Duplo- paligsahan sa pangangatwiran sa
patulang pamamaraan
11. Balagtasan- tagisan ng talino sa pamamagitan
ng palitan ng katwiran sa pamamaraang patula
12. Soneto-14 taludtod at ang nilalaman ay tungkol
sa damdamin at kaisipan at may malinaw na
kabatiran sa likas na pagkatao
13. Elehiya-may kinalaman sa alaala ng isang
namatay, guniguni sa kamatayan, pananangis, at
14. Oda- masigla ang nilalaman ,pumupuri sa
pambihirang nagawa ng tao o grupo ng tao.
walang katiyakan ang bilang ng pantig at saknong
sa bawat taludtod
15. Balad- may himig sa dahilang ito ay inaawit
Iba’t Ibang Panahon ng Panitikang Pilipino
(Kasaysayan ng Panitikan sa Pilipinas) Sinaunang
✓ May sarili nang panitikan ang ating mga ninuno
sa panahong ito
✓ Alibata ang kadalasang ginagamit
✓ Gumagamit din sila ng mga biyas ng kawayan ,
talukap ng bunga o niyog at dahon at balat ng
punungkahoy bilang sulatan at matutulis na bagay
naman bilang panulat
Mga uri ng Panitikang sumibol at sumikat sa
sinaunang panahon:
a. Bidasari - Moro b. Biag ni Lam-
ang - Ilokano
c. Maragtas - Bisaya d. Haraya -
e. Lagda – Bisaya f. Kumintang -
g. Hari sa Bukid - Bisaya
a. Salawikain - nagsisilbing batas at tuntunin ng
kagandahang-asal ng ating mga ninuno. - hal.
Aanhin pa ang damo kung wala na ang kabayo.
b. Sawikain – mga kasabihang walang natatagong
kahulugan - hal. Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang
c. Bugtong – maikling tulang karaniwang
naglalarawan ng isang bagay na siyang pahuhulaan.
- hal. Isang tabo , laman ay pako. (langka)
1. Cognitive Domain - domain of thought
Knowledge- recall of prior learned materials
in terms of facts, concepts, theories and principles.
Comprehension- ability to grasp the
meaning of material.
Application- ability to used learned material
in new and concrete situation.
Analysis- ability to break down material into
Synthesis- ability to put parts together to
form a new whole.
Evaluation- ability to pass judgement on
something based on given criteria.
2. Affective Domain - domain of valuing, attitude
and appreciation.
Receiving- students' willingness to pay
attention to classroom activities.
Responding- active participation on the part
of the students.
Valuing- concerned with the value attaches
to a particular behavior.
Organization- concerned with bringing
together different values and building a value
Characterization by a value- developing a
lifestyle from a value system.
3. Psychomotor Domain - domain of the use of
psychomotor attributes.
Perception- use of sense organs to guide
motor activities.
Set- refers to the readiness to take a
particular type of action.
Guided response- concerned with the early
stages in learning complex skills.
Mechanism- responses have become
Complex overt responses- skillful
performance and with complex movement patterns.
Adaptation- skill well developed that the
ability to modify is very easy.
Origination- refers to creating new
movement patterns to fit the situation.
1. Pulchritude - Loveliness
2. Composure – Aplomb
3. Abase- Demoted
4. Despotic – Cruel
5. Persiflage – Praise glowingly
6. Dexterity – Manual skill
7. Amorphous - Shapeless
8. Penchant - Fondness
9. Transmuted - Change
10. Transcendental - Supernatural
11. Rancor - Bitterness
12. Carnal - Worldly
13. Sine qua non - Indispensable
14. Euphoria - Extreme Happiness
15. Loquacious - Verbose
16. Acapella - Without accompaniment
17. Alter ego – Close and Inseparable Friend
18. Amor con amor sepaga – Love begets love
19. conflagration - Large fire
20. Baduy – Awkward-looking
21. Mundane – Ordinary
22. Profanity – Obscenity
23. Apocalyptic – Prophetic
24. Impertinent – Irrelevant
25. Voracious – Very eager
26. Abandoned – Left behind
27. Volition – Will
28. Esoteric – Understandable by few
29. Queue – line
30. Docile – Easy to management
31. Erudite – Learned
32. Soiree – Evening party
33. Connoisseur – Expert in matter of test
34. Chauffeur - Driver
35. Mesdames- Plural of madame
36. Renaissance- Rebirth
37. Sophisticated – Wordly
38. Caveat -emptor - Let the buyer decide
39. Ad nauseam - Excessive degree
40. Coup de grace – A death blow
41. Correlation – No relation
42. Prodigy - Offspring
43. Formally – Unconventionally
44. Formerly – Hereto force
Assessment of Learning
Test -an Instrument designed to measure any
characteristic, quality, ability, knowledge or skill. It
comprised of Items in the area. it is designed to
Measurement -a process of quantifying the degree
to which someone/something possesses a given
trait. ie., quality, characteristic, or feature.
Assessment - process of gathering and organizing
quantitative or qualitative data into an interpretable
form to have a basis for judgment or decision-
making, it is a pre-requisite to evaluation. It
provides the information which enables evaluation
to take place.
Evaluation - a process of systematic interpretation,
analysis, appraisal or judgment of the worth of
organized data as basis for decision-making. It
Involves judgment about the desirability of changes
in students.
Traditional Assessment - it refers to the use of
pen-and-paper objective test.
Alternative Assessment - It refers to the use of
methods other than pen-and-paper objective test
which includes performance tests, projects,
portfolios, journals, and the likes.
Authentic Assessment - It refers to the use of an
assessment method that simulate true-to-life
situations. This could be objective tests that reflect
real-life situations or alternative methods that are
parallel to what we experience in real
1. Of the following which best describe the teaching
*Noblest Profession
2. There is a gap between the words and deeds of
student and so the teacher needs to exemplify
certain characteristics. The most personal of which
is ___________.
* To monitor one's own behavior
3. "Red Letter day" is a/an
a. Idiom
4. Ano ang tamang pagbaybay ng salitang
"barbershop" sa filipino?
* barbershop
5. It is the relationship between an organism and a
host where neither is benefited nor harmed?
6. Among the important successful teaching, which
shows fairness, impartiality, open-mindedness,
prejudice and sense of awareness?
7. Based on the elements of a profession, can a taxi
driver be considered a professional?
*No, because driving is not a college/university
8. Among ways or tools to gather assessment,
which is an add-on of assessment of learning?
9. Piliin ang simuno sa sumusunod na
pangungusap: sa kabila ng kahirapan, nagsikap siya
na makatapos sa kolehiyo.
* Siya
10. What does negatively skewed score distribution
imply? (Twice lumabas sa SetB pero magkaiba ang
choices of answer)
*The scores congregate on the right side of the
normal distribution curve
* the scores of the students are high
11. What is the most appropriate tagline for the
slogan on cultural diversity "A people without the
knowledge of their history, origin, and culture is like
a tree without roots".
* Cultural Identity
12. The international commission on Education for
the 21st century advocates four pillars of learning,
namely; learning to know, learning to do, learning
to live together and learning to be. Since there are
peace and cultural diversity problems in the world
and everywhere, which of the four pillars should be
given more emphasis in teaching?
* Learning to live together
13. What kind of reasoning is used when church
men concluded that the earth is the center of the
universe because Jesus Christ is the center of all
14. Which of the following is not at the critical level
of thinking?
*Guessing and believing
15. What kind of knowledge processing was
involved when teacher Algie asked his student to
reflect on themselves as self-learners?
* Metacogntion
16. Assessment of learning is ________ part of the
teaching-learning process?
* Integral
17. Compared with evaluation which is subjective,
testing student is more objective because it is
based on?
*Quantifiable data
18. Which student thinking or behavior indicates
that he or she values diversity?
*He/she accepts the fact that all people are unique
in their own way
19. How does a novice learner acquire information?
*All the information
20. Which of the following characterizes a student
raised by authoritative parents?
* relates well to classmates
21. Teacher Roger wants his students to rate their
own work using the scoring rubric which he
explained to class before the students began with
their task, Based on revised Bloom's taxonomy, In
which level of cognitive processing are the
* applying
22. Which is considered as the nurseries of the
23. This was the philosophy which compromises the
official statement of Chinese values during the Han
*Confucian philosophy
24. Sa pangungusap na "Malakas ang busis mo".
Ang salitang malakas ay:
25. What is the oldest religion in Asia?
26. Who is the Indian Shakespearean poet?
27. The birthplace of Jose Rizal.
* Calamba, Laguna
28. She asked an IMPERTINENT questions. The
capitalized word means?
29. Insulin secreted by?
30. Light travels fastest in?
a. Water c. Vacuum
b. Air * d. Wood
31. It is the agreement between Sikatuna and
*Blood compact
32. Candor means?
* frank
33. Which Spanish policy which provided for the
resettlement of Filipino communities to form town
centers of cabeceras?
34. Matriarchal:
* a woman is the ruler of the family
35. Anong uri ng salita ang ginamit said
pangungusap na "siya ay huwarang mag-aaral".
36. An ant colony stores food in the summer
defends itself by stinging enemies and invades a
competing ant colony and steals larvae and uses
them as new workers. What is the term to best
describe how this species copes with everyday life?
*Ecological niche
37. Element X has an electron configuration of 1S2
2S2 2P2. Based on information, element X belongs
to an/a ________ family.
38. It is considered as the earliest form of writing in
the Philippines.
39. Who discovered the penicillin?
* Alexander Fleming
40. Which of the following illustrates feeding
connection among organisms?
*Food web
41. Which play by William Shakespeare feature to
ill-starred lovers who come from warring families?
*Romeo and Juliet
42. Who is considered the father of local
government code?
*Aquilino Pimentel
43. A question is raised by one student, teacher
princess doesn't answer it but throw back the
question to the class. What is this reacting
*Redirecting questions to other pupils
44. Which practice don't promote interaction?
*Rejecting students' answer outright
45. Which assessment determines what is going on,
such as whether the students are improving
towards mastery of the lessons?
*Formative assessment
46. The student was taught how to conduct an
action research and was required an end of the
term written research report. The class was taught
how to do the research report and was shown an
Analytic scoring rubric for them to know how they
will be graded. They were all motivated to pass an
excellent research report and as group checked
now and then if they were through scoring rubric.
What form of assessment is described?
* assessment as learning
47. Which of the following promotes thrift among
members and generates funds in order to lend to
its member?
*Credit cooperate
49. An achievement test measure what?
*Quality and quantity of previous learning
50. Which is the largest prime number less than
51. Which of the following is an economic system
based on free enterprise?
52. Who established the national theater in Spain?
*Lope de Vega
53. The use of organisms to produce things that
people need is called____.
54. "She is a lovely rose" is an example of what?
55. What do you called the opening holes of the
plant leaves?
* Stomata
56. Which of the following can detect the
magnitude of an earthquake?
57. The Spanish Governor-General who was
responsible for the use of Spanish surnames by
*Narciso Claveria
58. How many days are needed after which an
enrolled bill becomes a law?
*30 days
59. Taxation:
*Burden to people
60. What country is the highest paid teachers'
* Singapore
61. A toothpick can sit on the surface of water due
to what?
*surface tension
62. In the speech progress, which is concerned with
amplifying and enriching the voice, using human
amplifiers such as the nose, windpipe and chest?
63. Capsid:
64. He condemned the hidden control and
domination by Spanish religious priests over the
colonial government using frailocracia.
*Marcelo H. Del polar
65. When the scores of the students were
negatively skewed means?
*their scores are high
66. Walrus are mostly live in a ______.
*Arctic island
67. Whose view gives prominence to faith in
understanding the "existence of God"?
*St. John
68. Who changed the Independence day from July
to June?
* Macapagal
69. "...It droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven" is
an example of which the following?
70. Metacognition means :
*thinking about thinking
71. The students from the lower group obtained
high scores in an item.
*negatively descriminating power
72. The energy source which is not sustainable is
a. Wind b. Sun
c. Coal * d. Water
73. This was the philosophy which comprises the
official statement of Chinese values during the Han
a. Confucian philosophy *
b. Taoist philosophy
74. Three brothers inherited a cash amount of
P62000 and they divided it among themselves in
the ratio of 5:4:1. How much more is the smaller
a. 28,400 c. 2400
b. 31,000 d. 6200
75. Interest at 8% for 3 months on 6,000.00?
a. 150.00 b. 120.00*
c. 250.00 d. 50.00
76. What is the journal writing using the internet
and useful for teachers who can publish lesson
ideas to digital students?
77. It is a mediated poem of grief?
78. Who wrote the "How my brother Leon brought
home a wife?
*Manuel Arcilla
79. The teacher is convinced that change is constant
in this world and he/she implements it in his/her
pupils, because he/she agrees on it.
80. While credit cards can boost consumer buying,
what is the danger to consumers?
*Dept with high interest payments
81. Corroborate means
* Confirm
82. Outside the acceptable and effective ways of
dealing discipline problem is/ are:
*additional homework
83. Eye wink, waving of hands, nodding of head are
example of what?
*body language
84. Which of the following did not meet the
a. Below 75%*
b. Below 76%
85. Our guest of honor was a loquacious speaker.
This means______.
86. What is the main organ of respiration?
* lungs
87. It is a condition in which the excessive number
of organisms may result in unhealthy living
conditions and lower quality of life.
88. Who is exempted to the professional code of
89. What social service is available to the computer?
90. The score of the student in a test is related to
other student.
* norm reference
91. One instance of taking away the life of another
person without due process is called?
92. Gullible means:
*Easily deceived
93. Taoism is another Chinese philosophy about the
same period of Confucianism, but more spiritual
rather than ethical interested as it stressed that
nature contains a divine impulse that directs all life.
Who is the philosopher behind Taoism?
94. A renewable resources that have not yet
developed in the Philippines.
a. Coal b. Sea* c. Wind d. Water
95. What kind of portfolio is used when applying for
a job?
a. assessment portfolio
b. Showcase portfolio*
c. Developmental portfolio
96. A speech made by a person who reveals his
* soliloquy
97.People on earth experience day and night
regularly every 24 hours. Why is this so?
*because the earth rotates on its own axis
98. Which described the division of the Legislature
in to Senate and the House of Representatives?
99. It is the earth's shield against the sun's harmful
*Ozone layer
100. Which literature reflect the people's beliefs and
handed down from generation to generation by
word of mouth?
101. It is the excessive presence of CO^2 in the air
trapping heat near the earth's surface causing a rise
in the temperature in the environment.
* Greenhouse Effect
102. Which epic poem whose plot centers around
the anger and wrath of Archilles against
*The Illiad of Homer
103. A branch of science that deals with the study
of relationship between plants, animals and other
living things found in their habitats.
104. Fall of the house of usher:
*hypochondriac living in morbid fear
105. Before migrants crossed the seas from the
southern philippines, there were already aboriginal
settlers in the islands. Who were these?
106. You should be ashamed of yourself for having
such carnal desires. Select the word which means
the same as the underlined word.
107. "To be or not to be" is the beginning of the
soliloquy of _______
108. The courage of the son who saved his father
from a ranging fire is worth?
109. Who wrote the 1st Filipino modern English
language short story "Dead Star" ?
*Paz Marquez Benitez
110. Participation in governance, including the right
to vote and seek public office is secured within the
citizen's ___________
*Political rights
111. The right invoked in the "writ of amparo". Is
*Right to life, liberty, and security
113. Philippines is belong to what political system?
114.Which enables the computer to communicate
with other computers over the telephone?
115. It is the information highway.
116. "Mahal kita, mahal kita hindi 'to bola, ngumiti
ka man lang sana ako't nasa langit na". Ang salitang
pampanitikan na ginamit sa kanta ay
117. Heto na, heto na, heto na, wahh! Doo bidoo
bidoo, bidoo bidoo" Alin ang nabuong salita ayon
sa teoryang pooh-pooh?
118. Ang pagpapalitan ng mga ideya, opinyon,
salaysay, sa pamamagitan ng mga sagisay ay
tinatawag na________.
119. How are bats able to navigate in the dark
without bumping into anything?
*They emit sound waves whose returning vibrations
can detect the presence of objects
120. A species of fish lived in a lake. When a dam
was constructed in the area, a group of fish was
separated and populated a new pond. They now
developed different characteristics and became a
distinct species. Which of the following concepts
explains this speciation?
*Geographical Isolation
121. Plants capture energy from the sunlight by
means of molecule known as _____
122. Why do fisherfolks catch more fish during the
new moon than during the full moon?
*Fishes are attracted to the light from fishing boat
which fisherman makes use of during the new moon.
123. Which of the following is true about light and
* Light hits an object, bounces and then enters the
124. The union of an ovum and sperm inside a test
tube is
*In vitro fertilization
125. What thin structures are essential for
cytokinesis, amoeboid movement and changes in
cell shape?
126. Which of the following process best explains
the evolution of life forms or gradual
transformation of species?
*Natural selection
127. How are institutions of learning encouraged to
set higher standards of quality over and above the
minimum required for state recognition as provided
for the Education Act of 1982?
*Voluntary accreditation
128. The main function of a philosophy of
education is to:
*Define the goals and set the direction for which
education is to strive
129. The singing of national anthem is an offshoot
of the philosophical ideals of
130. Parents and Teachers are considered as
authorities and models by children at the early
childhood stage. What does this statement imply?
*Teachers and parents should serve as a role models
at all times
Shapes of the Frequency Polygons
1. Normal – bell - shaped curve
2. Positively skewed – most scores are below the
mean and there are
extremely high scores. In this shape, the mean is
higher than the median
while mode is the lowest among the three
measures of central tendency.
3. Negatively skewed – most scores are above the
mean and there are
extremely low scores. In this shape, the mean is
lower than the median
while the mode is the highest among the three
measures of central
4. Leptokurtic – highly peaked and the tails are
more elevated above the
5. Mesokurtic – moderately peaked
6. Platykurtic - flattened peak
7. Bimodal Curve – curve with two peaks or mode
8. Polymodal Curve – curve with three or more
9. Rectangular Distribution – there is no mode.
1. Hedonism – Pleasure principle
2. Double Effect – sacrifice for the good or bad
3. Formal Cooperation – cooperation with will
4. Lesser evil – choice of the less one from two bad
5. Material cooperation – cooperation without evil
1. Central tendency – central (middle location)
2. Mean – average mode – most occurring
3. Range – highest score minus lowest score
4. Low sd – homogenous, scores near to mean
(almost same)
5. High SD – Heterogeneous, scores far to mean
6. Decile – 10 grps (D1 …. D10)
7. Quartile – 4 groups (Q1 … Q4)
8. Suspension – time
9. Revokation – condition
1. Thrust – proceeding w/o assessing
2. Dangling – hanging activity by giving another
3. Truncation – leaves activity
4. Flip-Flop – returns to a left activity while
currently doing an activity
5. Stimulus-bound – distracted
6. Over dwelling – overtime in one topic
7. Overlapping – multitasking results negatively
1. Attention seeker – “teacher, notice me”
2. Revenge – “teacher, I am hurt”
3. Power-seeking – “teacher, may I help?”
4. Inadequacy – “teacher, don’t give up on me”
5. Withdrawal – “teacher, please help me”
1. Enactive (0-1 yrs. Old)
- Action-based information
2. Iconic (1 – 6 yrs. Old)
- Image-based information
3. Symbolic (7+)
- Code/symbols such as language
Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation
Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange
Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationships
Stage 4: Maintaining the Social Order
Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights
Stage 6: Universal Principles
1. Oral (0 -1 yrs. old) – infant
2. Anal (1 – 3 yrs. old) – Toddler
3. Phallic – Preschool
4. Latency – School Age
5. Genital – Adolescence
6. Oedipus – son to mom
7. Electra – daughter to dad
1. Trust vs. Mistrust (0 – 12 months)
2. Autonomy vs. Shame/doubt (1 – 3 yrs. old)
3. Initiative vs. Guilt (3 – 6 yrs. old)
4. Industry vs. Inferiority (6 – 12 years old)
5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (12 – 18 years old)
6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (early 20s – early 40s)
7. Generativity vs. Stagnation (40s – mid 60s)
8. Integrity vs. Despair (mid 60s - death)
PRE- SPANISH – survival conformity
SPANISH - Christianity
AMERICAN – democratic ideals and way of life
COMMONWEALTH- moral character, efficiency
JAPANESE – progress
1. DECREE 1006 – Professionalizing Teachers
2. RA 7836 – Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994
3. RA 4670 – Magna Carta for Public Teachers
4. RA 9293 – Amendment of RA 7836
5. RA 10157 – Kindergarten act
6. RA 9155 – DECS to DepEd
7. RA 10533 – K-12 or Enhanced Basic Education
8. RA 7722 – Commission on Higher Education or
9. RA 7796 – Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority or TESDA
10. RA 7610 – Anti Child-Abuse Law
11. RA 7160 – Local Government Code of 1991
12. RA 6728 – Government Assistance to Students
and Teachers in Private Education of GASTPE
13. RA 8545 – Amended 6728
14. RA 9442 – Amended 7277; 20% discount
15. RA 1425 – Rizal Law
16. MEMORANDUM 514 –
17. RA 6713 – Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials
18. RA 6655 – Free Public Secondary Education Act
of 1988
19. RA 8491 – Flag and Heraldic Code of the
20. RA 9647 – Philippines Normal University (PNU)
as the National Center for teacher Education
21. RA 7877 – Anti Sexual Harassment Act
22. RA 9262 – Anti-violence Against Women and
Children Act of 2004
23. RA 10627 – Anti-bullying Act of 2013
24. RA 10157 – Integrated Kindergarten Act
25. RA 10931 – Free Tertiary Education Act
26. RA 10968 – Philippine Qualification Framework
27. RA 10912 – Continuity Professional
Development Act of 2006
28. RA 11650 – Inclusion of Learners with Disability
to Inclusive Education
29. RA 10754 – PWD 20% VAT exemption
30. RA 10713 – Data Privacy Act
31. 10175 – Cybercrime Prevention Act
32. D.O. No. 70 . 2012 – Exemption of Required DLP
after 3 years
33. BP No. 232 – Integrated System of Education
34. RA 9994 – Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2010
35. RA 8049 – Anti-Hazing Law
36. RA 9163 – NSTP Act
37. RA 7798 Education Act of 1982

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  • 1. NOTABLE NAMES IN EDUCATION 1. Socrates - “know thy self” 2. Plato - wrote the “Republic” 3. Aristotle - Father of Modern Sciences 4. Ciero - Wrote the “Oratore” 5. Quintillian - Wrote” Institution Oratoria” - He was a famous Grammaticus 6. Anselm - father of scholasticism 7. Abelard - spearheaded Conceptualism 8. St. Thomas Aquinas - “wrote” Summa Theolgiae” 9. Erasmus - suggested that education be in accordance with the needs of society - he was a humanist who advocated the importance of studying the character of the child 10. Ascham - wrote the “Schoolmaster” - condemning brutal punishment in English schools during his time. 11. John Amos Comenius - father of modern education - He wrote the first picture book ”Orbis Senualium Pictus” 12. Mulcaster - said that” Education should be in accordance with nature” 13. John Locke - “tabula rasa’ ( blank sheet) 14. John Jacques Rosseau - wrote ”Emile” (Education should be in accordance with the nature of the child) 15. Pestallozzi - defined education as natural ,symmetrical and harmonious development of the faculties of the child 16. Herbart - conceived education as aimed towards the development of morality and virtue. - He is famous for the Herbatian Method in psychology 17. Froebel - father of kindergarden John Dewey - “Education is not preparation for life 18. St.John Baptiste de la Salle - patron saint of teachers 19. Maria Montessori - advocated the child- centered education and prepared environment. Prepositions of TIME (AT, ON, and IN). 1. AT- usually sa exact time like at 7pm, at 3 oçlock, etc... 2. ON - is used with days and dates like on January 2, on Monday, on Tuesday, on the 4th of April 3. IN - is used with months and years like in April, in June, in 1990, in 2017...etc.... Prepositions of LOCATION (AT, ON, and IN). . 1. AT- usually sa specific point like at the center, at the corner, and in addresses
  • 2. usually pag may number si house like I live at #3 Roxas street, etc... 2. ON - is used with surfaces like on the wall, on the floor, on the table, on the ground, and in addresses usually paag name lang ng street, avenue, road like I Live on Roxas street, I live on Roxas avenue 3. IN - is used when the thing is inside the boxlike structure like in the kitchen, in the room, in the hall..with addresses naman use IN with cities, places like in Seoul, in the Philippines, in Mindanao, etc.... The Top 20 Figures of Speech 1. Alliteration - the repetition of an initial consonant sound. 2. Anaphora - the repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or verses. 3. Antithesis - the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases. 4. Apostrophe - reaking off discourse to address some absent person or thing, some abstract quality, an inanimate object, or a nonexistent character. 5. Assonance - identity or similarity in sound between internal vowels in neighboring words. 6. Chiasmus - a verbal pattern in which the second half of an expression is balanced against the first but with the parts reversed. 7. Euphemism - the substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit. 8. Hyperbole - an extravagant statement; the use of exaggerated terms for the purpose of emphasis or heightened effect. 9. Irony - the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning. Also, a statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the idea. 10. Litotes - a figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite. 11. Metaphor - an implied comparison between two unlike things that actually have something important in common. 12. Metonymy - a figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it's closely associated; also, the rhetorical strategy of describing something indirectly by referring to things around it. 13. Onomatopoeia - the use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. 14. Oxymoron - a figure of speech in which incongruous or contradictory terms appear side by side. 15. Paradox - a statement that appears to contradict itself.
  • 3. 16. Personification - a figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities. 17. Pun – a play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words. 18. Simile - a stated comparison (usually formed with "like" or "as") between two fundamentally dissimilar things that have certain qualities in common. 19. Synecdoche - a figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole (for example, ABCs for alphabet) or the whole for a part ("England won the World Cup in 1966"). 20. Understatement - a figure of speech in which a writer or speaker deliberately makes a situation seem less important or serious than it is. SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT RULES  Rule 1 - Singular subjects take singular verbs. Plural subjects take plural verbs.  1. The bee BUZZES every night.  2. The bees BUZZ every night.  3. She HAS a new book.  4. We HAVE many things in common.  5. He IS our mentor and adviser.  Note: The Pronouns I and You always take a plural verb.  1. I ENJOY being with my friends.  2. You ARE so beautiful.  3. I LIKE you a lot.  Rule 2 – Compound subjects or subjects joined by “and” take a plural verb.  1. My father and my brother VISIT me every year.  2. Juan and Ana SERVE in their lunch.  3. Charles and James WERE busy last week.  Rule 3 – When the subject words are joined by or, neither/nor, either/or & not only/but, the verb agrees with the subject closest to it.  1. Your father or your sisters ARE going to take care of Anna.  2. Your sisters or your father IS going to take care of Anna.  3. Either her friend or her mother HAS the money.  4. Neither her uncle nor her aunts HAVE the money.  Rule 4 – The indefinite pronouns: no one, anyone, everyone, someone, anybody, everybody, somebody, nobody, anything, everything, something, are always singular. They take singular verb.  1. No one IS above the law.  2. Everyone HAS the right to education.  3. Everything HAPPENS for a reason.  While indefinite pronouns like both, many, several, few, others, are always plural.  1. Many singers FIND it easy to release their stress.  2. Several of the trees WERE cut down.  3. Few of our members DON'T want to participate.  Some indefinite pronouns like all, any, more, most, none, & some can be singular or plural
  • 4. depending on what the indefinite pronoun refers to.  1. All of the people clapped THEIR hands.  2. Some of the newspaper WAS soaked.  3. Most of the cars WERE stolen yesterday.  Rule 5 – When a group of words or modifiers separate the subject and the verb, locate the subject word to determine whether to use a singular or plural verb.  1. The flowers in the pot on the balcony NEED watering.  2. The rock at the top of the hill LOOKS amazing.  Rule 6 – phrases like together with, along with, as well as, accompanied by, in addition to, do not affect the subject.  1. Rica, together with her friends, GOES to a party every weekend.  2. Danna and Gemma, together with their father, GO to church every weekend.  Rule 7 – Modifiers between the subject and the verb does not affect the number of the subject.  1. Juan, who is a father of four, IS currently working as a firefighter.  2. A dog, which lives on the street, HAS the tendency to have rabies.  Rule 8 – Some nouns (collective nouns) can be used as a singular or plural depending on the context and usage.  1. Rica’s family PLANS to go on a vacation this summer.  2. The staff HAVE gone their separate ways after the meeting.  Rule 9 – Uncountable nouns or nouns that can’t be counted takes a singular verb.  1. Too much sugar WAS put in this coffee.  2. Money IS the root of all problems. 3. Honesty IS the best policy.  Rule 10 – There are nouns that end in s that are always considered as singular.  1. The news about her death IS spreading very fast.  2. Mathematics IS a very difficult subject.  3. Diabetes IS not a curable disease.  Rule 11 – Fractional expressions half of, part of, portion of, may take singular or plural verbs depending if the noun that is being referred to is countable or not.  1. Half of the audience ARE asleep because of his boring speech.  2. A portion of his wealth WAS donated to cancer patients.  Rule 12 – In inverted sentences especially those that use “here” and “there”, the subject follows the verb.  1. Here ARE the towels that you need.  2. A good snack IS a salad.  3. There ARE houses under the bridge. Types of Motivation 1. Intrinsic Motivation ✓ doing any activity without expecting in return. ✓ Voluntary work 2. Extrinsic Motivation ✓ doing any activity with expectation in return ✓ rewards, praise, reinforcement, punishment. Supported Curriculum
  • 5. ✓ Instructional materials in form of the following: a. traditional instructional materials (e.g. visual aids, pictures, charts) b. digital instructional materials (e.g. PowerPoint presentation, video presentation c. Real objects ✓School/Learning Facilities in form of the following: a. Science Laboratory; b. Computer Laboratory, etc. ✓ Purpose: to help teacher in facilitating the teaching-learning process in the actual classroom setting/implement the curriculum. Philosophy of Education 1. Idealism – spiritual, values, ideal 2. Realism - science/ what is real 3. Empiricism - senses 4. Naturalism - innate 5. Existentialism - choice, decision, unique 6. Essentialism - specialization, basic, fundamental 7. Perrenialism - classic, literature, traditional 8. Pragmatism - activation of skills 9. Progressivism - child-centered 10. Epicureanism - perfection 11. Agnosticism - atheist, unknown 12. Stoicism - passionate emotions 13. Hedonism - pleasure 14. Humanism - humans 15. Constructivism - prior knowledge activation 16. Reconstructionism - solution to problem 17. Scholasticism- rationalization of church Here are some activities for the topic "Connecting to and Expanding on English Language Learners (ELLs) Background Knowledge": 1. Importance of Speaking: Show a picture or video related to a specific topic and allow students to share their knowledge or experiences about it in their native language. Then, provide expressions or vocabulary related to the topic in English. 2. Personal Storytelling: Let students tell a story about themselves, their family, or their culture in their native language. Then, encourage them to translate it into English and share it with the class. 3. Look and Translate: Give students a short, familiar text in their native language and ask them to translate it into English. Afterward, have a discussion about differences or the importance of the words used. 4. Culture and Traditions: Organize presentations or projects about their culture and traditions. Let students research and share what they've learned in English. 5. Fables and Folktales: Explore fables and folktales from various cultures. Read them in the students' native language and then discuss the moral or lesson in English. Let's simplify the concept of self in Eastern philosophies with examples: *Hinduism*: - The self in Hinduism is called "Atman." - Think of it like your inner, unchanging soul. - Example: It's like realizing that your true self is like a drop of water in the vast ocean of the universe. The drop (Atman) and the ocean (Brahman) are ultimately one. *Taoism*: - Taoism believes in the "Tao," a fundamental principle. - Imagine the Tao as the flow of nature and life. - Example: It's like going with the flow of a river. To be in harmony, you
  • 6. align your actions with the river's current (the Tao). *Confucianism*: - In Confucianism, it's about morals and relationships. - Think of yourself as part of a family and society. - Example: It's like respecting and caring for your family and community, as Confucius taught, to be a good person. *Buddhism*: - Buddhism teaches "Anatta" or "no-self." - Imagine that your self is ever- changing, like a flowing river. - Example: It's like understanding that you are not a fixed, unchanging entity, but a collection of thoughts, feelings, and experiences that change over time. These are different ways to understand the self in Eastern philosophies, from an eternal soul in Hinduism to being part of the natural flow in Taoism, focusing on moral behavior in Confucianism, and the idea of an ever-changing self in Buddhism. In the TV series "FRIENDS," various functions of communication can be observed in different segments. Here are a few examples:  *Informative Function*: Characters often exchange information about their lives, plans, or events. For instance, when Ross informs the group about his upcoming wedding to Emily, it serves to convey important details.  *Expressive Function*: The characters express their emotions and feelings through communication. When Monica expresses her excitement about her wedding or when Chandler makes sarcastic jokes to cope with his insecurities, it highlights the expressive function.  *Phatic Function*: The casual small talk, greetings, and social niceties in everyday conversations among the friends establish and maintain relationships. For example, when they exchange pleasantries upon entering the apartment.  *Directive Function*: Communication is used to give or seek directions and instructions. When Joey gives Chandler advice on relationships, it serves a directive function.  *Metalinguistic Function*: The group often discusses and comments on the way they communicate. For example, when they tease each other about catchphrases like "How you doin'?" it highlights the metalinguistic function.  *Poetic Function*: Humor and wordplay are integral to the show. The clever and witty remarks made by the characters contribute to the poetic function of communication.  *Aesthetic Function*: The show's dialogues and banter are carefully crafted to entertain the audience and elicit laughter, fulfilling the aesthetic function of communication. These functions of communication in "FRIENDS" contribute to the humor, depth, and relatability of the series, making it a classic in the world of sitcoms. TPACK MODEL 1. Technological Knowledge (TK) ✓ a teacher apply his/her knowledge in using technological tools in teaching. 2. Content Knowledge (CK)
  • 7. ✓ a teacher demonstrates/presents his/her mastery/knowledge about the lesson/subject matter needed to teach. 3. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) ✓ a teacher proves knowledge and skills in showing his/her variety of teaching strategies, techniques, and styles in the actual classroom setting. PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION ● IDEALISM Plato (own ideas) nothing exist except in the mind of a man/ what we want the world to be ● REALISM Aristotle;Herbart; Comenius; Pestalozzi; Montessori; Hobbes; Bacon; Locke (experience) fully mastery of knowledge ● BEHAVIORISM always guided by standards/by procedure; purpose is to modify the behavior ● EXISTENTIALISM Kierkegaard; Sartre; "Man shapes his being as he lives" Focuses on self/individual ● PRAGMATISM/EXPERIMENTALISM William James; John Dewey - learn from experiences through interaction to the environment Emphasizes the needs and interests of the children ● PERENNIALISM Robert Hutchins focuses on unchanging/universal truths ● ESSENTIALISM William Bagley - teaching the basic/essential knowledge Focuses on basic skills and knowledge ● PROGRESSIVISM Dewey/Pestalozzi (process of development) focuses on the whole child and the cultivation of individuality ● CONSTRUCTIVISM Jean Piaget Focused on how humans make meaning in relation to the interaction b/w their experiences and their ideas. Nature of knowledge w/c represents an epistemological stance. ● SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONISM George Counts - recognized that education was the means of preparing people for creating his new social order highlights social reform as the aim of education CLASSIFICATIONS OF POEM 1. BALLAD – narrative, less folk tale/legend, to be sung 2. BLACK VERSE – with meter but no rhyme 3. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE – written in form of speech for individual character. 4. ELEGY –death of individual 5. EPIC – tells a story about heroic figure 6. EULOGY – message for the dead 7. FREE VERSE (vers libre) – without meter but with rhyme 8. HAIKU – Japanese poem about nature. 5, 7, 5 (3 lines and 17 syllables) 9. IDYLL (Idyl) – peaceful, idealized country scene 10. LYRICS - thoughts and feelings 11. NARRATIVE – tells story 12. ODE -typically serious/meditative nature, type of Lyric 13. PASTORAL –rural life in peaceful & romanticized way 14. SONNET – Lyric poem consists of 14 lines 15. TANKA – Japanese poem: 5 lines, 31 syllables FILIPINO WORDS 1. Mathematics - Sipnayan 2. Arithmetic - Bilnuran 3. Science - Agham 4. Biology - Haynayan 5. Chemistry - Kapnayan 6. Thermodynamics - Initsigan 7. Statistics - Palautatan
  • 8. 8. Calendar - Talaarawan 9. Dictionary - Talahulugan ; Talailigan 10, Airplane - Salipawpaw 11. Infinity - Awanggan ; Habambuhay 12. E-mail - Sulatroniko 13. Hyperlink - Kawingan 14. Browser - Panghinain 15. Charger – Pantablay 16. Website - Pook-sapot 17. Telephone - Hatinig 18. Window - Durungawan 19. Switch - Gaptol 20. Germs - Kagaw 21. Toothbrush – Pangaso 22. Pupil (part of the eyes) - Balintataw 23. Washroom - Palikuran ; Batalan 24. Compass - Paraluman 25. Amplifier - Panghibayo 26. Headset - Pang-ulong hatinig 27. Carpenter - Anluwage 28. Adam's apple - lalagukan ; tatagukan 29. Honeymoon - Pulo't gata 30. Eclipse – Duyog 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 1. Clarity: The quality of being clear, easily understood, and unambiguous in communication. 2. Conciseness: Expressing an idea or message clearly and effectively with the minimum number of words. 3. Coherence: The logical and orderly connection of ideas in a written or spoken communication. 4. Cohesion: The use of linguistic devices (e.g., transitional words, pronouns) to connect ideas and create a smooth flow in a text or conversation. 5. Precision: Communicating with exactness and accuracy, using the appropriate terms and avoiding ambiguity. 6. Active Voice: A sentence structure where the subject performs the action stated by the verb, making the communication more direct and engaging. 7. Passive Voice: A sentence structure where the subject receives the action stated by the verb, often used to shift the focus away from the subject. 8. Tone: The attitude or emotion conveyed in a piece of communication, such as formal, informal, persuasive, friendly, or authoritative. 9. Audience: The intended recipients or listeners of a communication, considering their knowledge, interests, and needs. 10. Purpose: The reason or goal behind a specific communication, such as to inform, persuade, entertain, or instruct. 11. Intonation: The pattern and variation in pitch, tone, and emphasis used in spoken communication to convey meaning and emotion.
  • 9. 12. Diction: The choice and use of words and phrases in writing or speaking. 13. Rhetoric: The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, often using techniques such as repetition, analogy, and rhetorical questions. 14. Etiquette: The set of accepted rules and behaviors governing polite and respectful communication in a particular context or culture. 15. Feedback: Information provided in response to a communication, offering evaluation, suggestions, or critique. 16. Nonverbal Communication: The use of gestures, facial expressions, body language, and other nonverbal cues to convey meaning and emotions. 17. Listening Skills: The ability to actively receive, understand, and interpret spoken or written messages accurately. 18. Empathy: The capacity to understand and share the feelings and perspectives of others, enhancing effective communication. 19. Negotiation: The process of reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement through discussion, compromise, and effective communication. 20. Persuasion: The act of influencing others' attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors through logical reasoning, emotional appeals, or credibility. 21. Paraphrasing: Restating someone else's words or ideas using different language while maintaining the original meaning. 22. Summarizing: Briefly and concisely capturing the main points or essential information from a longer communication. 23. Jargon: Specialized terminology or language used by a particular group or profession that may not be readily understood by others. 24. Slang: Informal words or phrases used in specific social groups or contexts that are not typically part of standard language. 25. Context: The circumstances, background, or setting that influences the meaning, interpretation, and understanding of a communication. 26. Cultural Sensitivity: Being aware and respectful of the values, customs, beliefs, and norms of different cultures in communication. 27. Verbal Fluency: The ability to express oneself clearly, smoothly, and confidently in spoken communication. 28. Body Language: The use of physical movements, gestures, and postures to convey meaning and emotions. 29. Respectful Language: Using language that shows consideration, politeness, and sensitivity towards others. 30. Interpersonal Skills: The ability to interact effectively and harmoniously with others, including active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution.
  • 10. 31. Conflict Resolution: The process of addressing and resolving disagreements or conflicts through communication, negotiation, or mediation. 32. Clarity of Purpose: Having a clear and specific objective or goal in communication, ensuring focus and effectiveness. 33. Courtesy: Politeness and good manners in communication, demonstrating respect and consideration towards others. 34. Body Language: The use of physical movements, gestures, and postures to convey meaning and emotions. 35. Active Listening: Fully concentrating on and engaging with a speaker or a written communication to understand and respond effectively. 36. Cultural Competence: The ability to effectively communicate and interact with people from diverse cultures, respecting their values and beliefs. 37. Negotiation Skills: The ability to engage in constructive discussions and reach agreements that benefit all parties involved. 38. Diplomacy: The skill of handling sensitive or difficult situations with tact, sensitivity, and effective communication. 39. Verbal Clarity: The use of clear, articulate, and well-structured speech in oral communication. 40. Nonverbal Cues: Gestures, facial expressions, and body language used to convey meaning and emotions without using words. 41. Trustworthiness: Demonstrating reliability, integrity, and credibility in communication to gain the trust of others. 42. Professionalism: Conducting oneself with competence, integrity, and appropriate behavior in a professional setting. 43. Constructive Criticism: Providing feedback or critique in a helpful and supportive manner to encourage improvement. 44. Cultural Awareness: Being conscious and knowledgeable about different cultures and their impact on communication. 45. Logical Reasoning: Applying sound reasoning and critical thinking to construct and convey coherent arguments or ideas. 46. Visual Aids: Charts, graphs, images, or other visual tools used to enhance and support oral or written communication. 47. Open-mindedness: Being receptive to different ideas, perspectives, and opinions in communication. 48. Trust Building: Developing a sense of trust and confidence through open, honest, and transparent communication. 49. Conflict Management: Strategies and techniques for resolving conflicts and disputes in a constructive and mutually beneficial manner. 50. Verbal Etiquette: Using appropriate language, tone, and style in communication, considering the cultural and social context.
  • 11. UNESCO'S 5 PILLARS of EDUCATION. 1. Learning to Know – the development of skills and knowledge needed to function in this world e.g. formal acquisition of literacy, numeracy, critical thinking and general knowledge. 2. Learning to DO – the acquisition of applied skills linked to professional success. 3. Learning to Live Together – the development of social skills and values such as respect and concern for others, and the appreciation of cultural diversity. 4. Learning to BE – the learning that contributes to a person’s mind, body, and spirit. Skills include creativity and personal discovery, acquired through reading, the Internet, and activities such as sports and arts. 5. Learning to Transform Oneself and Society – when individuals and groups gain knowledge, develop skills, and acquire new values as a result of learning, they are equipped with tools and mindsets for creating lasting change in organizations, communities, and societies. Idioms in General Education 1. ahas na tulog - tamad 2. alog na ang baba - matanda 3. babaha ng dugo - mag-aaway 4. maglubid ng buhangin - magsinungaling 5. magdilat ng mata - tanggaping ang katotohanan 6. namuti ang mata - naghintay ng matagal o nainip 7. di-mahapayang gatang -di-nagpapatalo o mayabang 8. isang kahig, isang tuka - mahirap 9. di - maliparang uwak - napakalawak 10. ilista sa tubig - kalimutan 11. bugtong na anak - nag-iisang anak 12. buwayang-lubog - traydor 13. lobong nakadamit tupa - mapagpanggap o mapagbalatkayo 14. nagbibilang ng poste - tambay o walang trabaho 15. ampalayang-ampalaya - kuripot o makunat 16. bulang gugo - bulagsak o magastos 17. nagbibig-anghel - nagkatotoo ang sinabi 18. kaututang-dila - kadaldalan 19. nag-aamoy bawang - malapit nang magpakasal 20. lumilipad ang saya - maligayang-maligaya 21. nakatulog sa pansitan - napag-iiwanan 22. alilang-kanin - katulong na pagkain lang ang sweldo 23. walang bituka - manhid 24. ngiting-aso - di-totoo o nagkukunwari 25. buhay alamang - mahirap 26. balitang kutsero - tsismis 27. maluwag ang kwerdas - sira-ulo 28. nag-ermitanyo - namuhay ng mag-isa 29. itaga sa bato - tandaan 30. mataas ang lipad – mayabang Measurements and Calculation 1 inch = 25.40mm 1 foot = 304.8mm 1 yard = 914.4mm 1 yard = 3 feet 1 metre = 1.0936 yards 1 yard = 0.9144 metres 1 metre = 3.281 feet Volume 1 cubic metre = 35.315 cubic feet 1 cubic metre = 1.3079 cubic yards 1 cubic foot = 0.0283 cubic metre 1 cubic yard = 0.7646 cubic metre
  • 12. Weight 1 tonne (metric) = 2205 lbs 1 ton imperial = 2240 lbs 1000 grams = 1 kilogram 1000 kilograms = 1 tonne 1 kilogram = 2.20462 lbs. 1 kilogram = 0.0197 cwt 1 cwt = 112 lbs 1 cwt = 50.8 kg 1 lb = 0.4536 kg 1 lb = 16 oz 1 oz = 28.3 grams Liquid Volume 1 litre = 0.035 cubic feet 1 cubic ft. = 28.32 litres 1 gallon = 4.5461 litres 1 cubic ft. = 6.23 gallons 1 cubic yd = 168.21 gallons 1 cubic mt = 1000 litres Liquid Conversion 1000 millilitres(ml) = 1 litre 1 litre = 1.76 pints 1 ml = 1cc = 0.0017 pints 1ml or cc = 0.035 fluid ounce(oz) 1 litre = 0.22 gallons 1 fl.oz. = 28.413 ml or cc 1 pint = 568 ml or cc 1 pint = 0.568 litres Area 1 square mm = 0.00155 sq. inches 1 square metre = 10.764 sq. feet 1 square metre = 1.196 sq. yards 1 square inch = 645.20 sq. mm 1 square foot = 0.0929 sq. metres 1 square yard = 0.8361 sq. metres Weights of materials Dry sand fine - 1.28 tonnes per cubic metre Dry sand coarse - 1.6 tonnes per cubic metre Topsoil (some moisture) - 1.44 tonnes per cubic metre Ballast - 1.76 tonnes per cubic metre Gravel - 1.92 tonnes per cubic metre Shingle - 1.62 tonnes per cubic metre Cement - 25 kg bags Stiff clay - 1.6 tonnes per cubic metre Loam - 1.28 tonnes per cubic metre Peat (wet) - 0.96 tonnes per cubic metre Peat (dry) - 0.8 tonnes per cubic metre Lump chalk - 1.2 tonnes per cubic metre Sandstone - 2.32 tonnes per cubic metre Lias - 2.48 tonnes per metre JB Granite - 2.72 tonnes per cubic metre Slate - 2.8 tonnes per cubic metre Flint - 2.3 tonnes per cubic metre Yorkstone - 2.5 tonnes per cubic metre Brick rubble - 1.8--2.2 tonnes per cubic metre Coverage of stone for 1 tonne weight
  • 13. Sets (100mm x 100mm x 100mm) = 3.9 sq.m. Cobbles 50/70mm on end = 6.5 sq.m. LITERATURE ✓ Folklore - traditionally derived and orally transmitted literature ✓ Folktales - reflect the people's beliefs handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth ✓ Epilogue - conclusion or final part of non- dramatic literary work ✓ Genre - distinctive type of literary composition such as epic, tragedy, comedy & novel ✓ "Quo Vadis" - means "where are you going" ✓ hieroglyphics - the oldest forn of Egyptian writing ✓ Allegory - narrative whose meaning is beneath the surface ✓ Elegy - a meditated poem of grief ✓ Sonnet - verse w/14 iambic pentameter lines ✓ Epic - long poem w/c depicts the adventure of a great hero who reveals his country's aspirations; narrates heroic deeds and supernatural happenings local actor in w/c people sing/chant ✓ Soliloquy - speech made by a person who reveals his thoughts ✓ Manuel Arcilla - "How my brother Leon brought home a wife" ✓ Washington Irving - "The Legend of a Sleepy Hollow" ✓ Fall of the house of usher - hypochondriac living in morbid fear ✓ Cyrano de Bergerac - poet & soldier noted for his Peculiar nose ✓ "The Illiad of Homer" - a great epic poem whose plot centers around the anger & wrath of Achilles against Agamemnon ✓ "The Bells" - "If eyes are made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being" ✓ Cacophony - literary term w/c means harsh & discordant sounds introduced for poetic effect ✓ George Bernard Shaw - known for his excellence in characterization, swiftness of narrative & clarity of style. ✓ Edgar Allan Poe - greatest American writer of horror and detective stories ✓ Rabindranath Tagore - best known for his collection of poems called Gitanjali/song offerings ✓ Robert Frost - is ranked as one of the best modern American poets. ✓ Geoffrey Chaucer - Morning Star of English Literature ✓ Mark Twain - "Samuel Clemens" ✓ Harriet Stowe - "Uncle Tom's Cabin" ✓ Charles Darwin - Origin of species ✓ Lazlo Biro - invented the ballpoint pen ✓ Harry Potter - epic kind of story
  • 14. 𝗔𝗥𝗧 𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝙋𝙃𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙋𝙋𝙄𝙉𝙀 𝙂𝘼𝙈𝘼𝘽𝘼 𝘼𝙒𝘼𝙍𝘿𝙀𝙀𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙉𝙊𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀𝙀𝙎 1. 𝙂𝙄𝙉𝘼𝙒 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙊𝙂 (1993) A native of Oriental Mindoro who faithfully helps preserve the Hanunuo Mangyan script and their Ambahan poetry. 2. 𝙈𝘼𝙎𝙄𝙉𝙊 𝙄𝙉𝙏𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙔 (1993). A native of Palawan who exemplary shared his skills in basal or gong music ensemble. He is a musician and epic chanter (Kulilal and Bagit). 3. 𝙎𝘼𝙈𝘼𝙊𝙉 𝙎𝙐𝙇𝘼𝙄𝙈𝘼𝙉 (1993). A Maguindanao of Mama SaPano who showed outstanding artistry and dedication to his chosen instrument, the Magindanao kutiyapi. 4. 𝙇𝘼𝙉𝙂 𝘿𝙐𝙇𝘼𝙔 (1998). A T'boli of Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, for her skills in weaving the abaca ikat cloth known as t'nalak. 5. 𝙎𝘼𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙏𝘼 𝙈𝙊𝙉𝙊𝙉 (1998). A Tagabawa-Bagobo of Bansalan, Davao del for fully demonstrating her creative and expressive aspects of the Bagobo abaca ikat weaving called inabal. 6. 𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙕𝙊 𝙎𝘼𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙂 (2000). A Kalinga of Lubuagan for his mastery of the Kalinga dance and the performing arts. 7. 𝙁𝙀𝘿𝙀𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙊 𝘾𝘼𝘽𝘼𝙇𝙇𝙀𝙍𝙊 (2000). A Panay- Bukidnon of Calinog, Iloilo for his mastery of chanting the epic tradition of Central Panay, the Sugidanon. 8. 𝙐𝙒𝘼𝙉𝙂 𝘼𝙃𝘼𝘿𝘼𝙎 (2000). A Yakan of Lamitan. Basilan for his dexterity in playing Yakan musical instruments such as the agung, gabhang, tuntungan, and kwintangan. 9. 𝘿𝘼𝙍𝙃𝘼𝙏𝘼 𝙎𝘼𝙒𝘼𝘽𝙄, (2005). A weaver of Parang. Sulu province for helping preserve the art of "Pis Syabit weaving." 10. 𝙀𝘿𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘿𝙊 𝙈𝙐𝙏𝙐𝘾 (2005). A Kapampangan from Central Luzon for reviving the metal or smithcraft of Plateria which is in Spanish colonial era. 11. 𝙃𝘼𝙅𝘼 𝘼𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘼 𝘼𝙋𝙋𝙄 (2005). A Sama of Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi, for sharing her skills in mat weaving among the Sama indigenous community. 12. 𝙏𝙀𝙊𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙊 𝙂𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙄𝘼 (2012). A casque maker of San Quintin, Abra, Casque For his skill making Tabungao. 13. 𝙈𝘼𝙂𝘿𝘼𝙇𝙀𝙉𝘼 𝙂𝘼𝙈𝘼𝙔𝙊 (2012). A master weaver of Pinili, Ilocos Norte for his skill in Weaving known as Inabel. 14. 𝙔𝘼𝘽𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙈𝘼𝙎𝘼𝙇𝙊𝙉 𝘿𝙐𝙇𝙊 (2016). A master weaver of Polomolok, South Cotabato for his contribution Ikat Weaving. 15. Ambalang Ausalin (2016). A Yakan master weaver of Lamitan. Basilan foTennun Weaving skills. 16. 𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙇𝙄𝙏𝘼 𝙏𝙐𝙈𝘼𝙉𝘿𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄𝙇𝘼𝙉 (2016). A B'laan master weaver of Malapatan, Sarangani for preserving the Igem Weaving skills. 17. 𝙒𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙂-𝙊𝘿 (2017). A traditional tattoo artist (mambabatok) of Buscalan, Tinglayan, Kalinga.
  • 15. Type of Parents 1. Uninvolved/Neglecting - No rule no care 2. Permissive - no rule with care 3. Authoritarian - With rule no care. 4. Authoritative - With rule and care • Reinforcement - to increase the behavior. • Punishment - to decrease the behavior. 𝗔𝗥𝗧 𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 Universal Value - World Heritage Agency tasked to nurture arts - NCCA It can be touched - TACTILE Prevent depression - MUSIC Auditory patterns - MUSIC Sculpture materials (EXCEPT) - ACRYLIC Painting boost memory - INTELLECTUAL Film is modern because it uses - TECHNOLOGIES Films are most advanced because they not only involved visual and audio it involves __ - MOVEMENT Theater art form (EXCEPT) - CARTOONS Proponent of PETA - CECILE ALVAREZ Most accessible to people – LITERATURE Organization of words - LITERATURE Purpose is to please or entertain - FICTION Filipino Epic Poem - BANTUGAN National Artist in Painting in 1972 - AMORSOLO Awarded as Philippine National Artist for Dance in 2004 - ALICE REYES National Artist in Literature in 1976 - NICK JOAQUIN National Artist in Sculpture in 1976 - NAPOLEON ABUEVA “Mukha” - DIGNITY OF LABOR Violin Virtuoso - KABAYAO Gilopez Kabayao - MASSES Filipino Stage Actress - LEA SALONGA Arena Theater - MONTANO Sala Theater - ROGERS Experimental Theater - TINIO Revives past arts - CLASSICAL Revival of the classics - HUMANISTS Man-made wonders - RICE TERRACES Wonders of the world - BABYLONIA Itik-itik Dance - SURIGAO DEL SUR • ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING ✓ emphasizes on the use of testing for measuring knowledge, comprehension and other thinking skills • MEASUREMENT ✓ quantitative aspect of evaluation ✓ involves outcomes that can be quantified statistically ✓ measurement is one aspect of evaluation • EVALUATION ✓ qualitative aspects of determining the outcomes of learning ✓ involves value judgement
  • 16. • TEST ✓ consist of question or exercises or other for measuring the outcomes of learning --- • SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT ✓ evaluate student learning & academic achievement ✓ end-of-term/midterm exams ✓ end-of-unit/chapter tests ✓ standardised tests ✓ cumulative work like final project or creative portfolio • FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT ✓ more diagnostic than evaluative ✓ used to monitor pupil learning style & ability ✓ allow to improve and adjust teaching-learning process ✓ impromptu quizzes or classroom polls ✓ short comparative assessments ✓ lesson exit tickets to summarise what pupils have learnt • DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT ✓ assess a learner's current knowledge base or current views on a topic/issue to be studied in the course • PLACEMENT ASSESSMENT ✓ used to “place” students into a course, course level, or academic program ✓ e.g. results use to determine student's section • PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT ✓ a collection of student works that are associated with standards required to learn •TRADITIONAL ASSESSMENT ✓ taken with paper & pencil • ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENTS ✓ focus on the students’ strengths (different learning styles, maturity levels, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, & other characteristics that could affect language performance) • AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT ✓ the measurement of "intellectual accomplishments that are worthwhile, significant, & meaningful • PERFORMANCE-BASE ASSESSMENT ✓ require the learner to perform in realistic situations, participate in specific tasks/performances that are appropriate to the audience and setting --- CLASSIFICATION OF TESTS 1. According to manner of response ✓ oral ✓ written 2. According to method of preparation ✓ subjectivity/essay ✓ objective 3. According to the nature of answer ✓ personality tests ✓ intelligence test ✓ aptitude test
  • 17. ✓ achievement or summative test ✓ sociometric test ✓ diagnostic or formative test ✓ trade or vocational test 4. According to method of deliveration ✓ group tests ✓ individual tests ✓ speed tests ✓ power tests ✓ pretests ✓ post tests ✓ take-home test SOME PRINCIPLES IN CONSTRUCTING DIFFERENT TYPES OF TESTS ✓ first person personal pronouns I and we should not be used ✓ various types of test items should be made to avoid monotony ✓ few difficult & few easy items, majority items are moderate ✓ test items should be arranged from easy to difficult ✓ cast the items in positive form DIFFERENT TYPES OF TESTS A. RECALL TYPES 1. Simple Recall Type ✓ Q: usually begin with who, where, when or what 2. Completion Type ✓ Q: statement with blank part (omitted important word or phrase) 3. Enumeration Type ✓ exact number of expected answers are stated 4. Identification Type ✓ make an examinee think of a word, number, or group of words that would complete the statement or just answer the problem B. RECOGNITION TYPES 1. True-False or Alternate-Response Type ✓ declarative sentences (may be right or wrong) 2. Yes-No Type ✓ interrogative sentences (may be right or wrong) 3. Multiple Choice or Multiple-Response Type ✓ with three to five numbered or lettered choices (usually in a-b-c-d form) & only one correct option 4. Best Answer Type ✓ with three to five right choices but only the best option should be chosen 5. Matching Type ✓ with 2 column usually A (word/phrase) & B (its description) C. ESSAY TYPE EXAMINATIONS ✓ determine the objectives or essentials for each question to be evaluated Examples: 1. Comparison of two things 2. Explanation of the use or meaning of a statement or passage 3. Analysis 4. Decision for or against 5. Discussion
  • 18. • OBJECTIVE TESTS ✓ tests which have definite answers & therefore are not subject to personal bias • TEACHER-MADE TESTS OR EDUCATIONAL TESTS ✓ constructed by the teachers based on the contents of different subjects taught • DIAGNOSTICS TESTS ✓ used measure a students’ strengths and weaknesses, usually to identify deficiencies in skills or performance • FORMATIVE TESTING ✓ done to monitor student’s attainment of the instructional objectives • SUMMATIVE TESTING ✓ done at the conclusion of instruction & measures the extent to which students have attained the desired outcomes • STANDARDIZED TESTS ✓ already valid, reliable & objective ✓ contents have been selected & for which norms or standards have been established e.g. psychological tests & government national examinations CRITERIA OF A GOOD EXAMINATION • VALIDITY ✓ really measures what it intends to measure ✓ content validity ✓ concurrent validity ✓ predictive validity ✓ construct validity • RELIABILITY ✓ consistency of the results when it is administered to different groups of individuals with similar characteristics in different places at different times (coefficient of correlation is not less than 0.85) ✓ really measures what it intends to measure • OBJECTIVITY ✓ degree to which personal bias is eliminated in the scoring of the answers ✓ amount of information contained in a score generated by the measurement SCALES OF MEASUREMENT • NOMINAL MEASUREMENT ✓ merely classify objects or events by assigning numbers to them • ORDINAL MEASUREMENT ✓ assign rank order • INTERVAL MEASUREMENT ✓ equal unit measurement between score points ✓ contains the nominal & ordinal properties • RATIO MEASUREMENT ✓ includes the nominal & ordinal properties, but in a ratio scale, 0=0 • STANDARDS OR NORMS ✓ goals to be achieved expressed in terms of the average performance of the population tested
  • 19. 2 WAYS OF INTERPRETING INFORMATION 1. CRITERION-REFERENCED MEASURE ✓ referencing an individual’s performance to some criterion that is defined performance level ✓ interpretation is an absolute rather than relative interpretation, referenced to a specifically defined group of behaviors ✓ focus more on sub skill than on broad skills ✓ mastery learning is involved e.g. a level of 75 percent score - considered a satisfactory performance. 2. NORM-REFERENCED MEASURE ✓ scored on the basis of the norm or standard level (normal curve of distribution) ✓ individual’s score is interpreted by comparing it to the scores of a normative group ✓ usually more general and comprehensive and cover a large domain of content & learning tasks e.g. standardized achievements tests, when measuring attitudes, interests, and aptitudes STAGES IN TEST CONSTRUCTION I. Planning the Test ✓ Determining the Objectives ✓ Preparing TOS ✓ Selecting the Appropriate Item Format ✓ Writing the Test Items ✓ Editing the Test Items II. Trying Out the Test ✓ Tryout – then Item Analysis ✓ Preparing the Final Form of the Test III. Establishing Test Validity IV. Establishing the Test Reliability V. Interpreting the Test Score ✓ Norm-Referenced Measure ✓ Criterion-Referenced Measure Guides in Addressing Content in the Curriculum 1. Balance – Content should be fairly distributed in depth and breadth. 2. Articulation - As the content complexity progresses, vertically or horizontally, smooth connections or bridging should be provided. This ensures that there is no gaps or overlaps in the content. 3. Sequence – Logical arrangement - Vertically – For deepening the content - Horizontally – For broadening the content 4. Integration – Relatedness or connection to other contents. Provides a holistic or unified view of curriculum instead of segmentation. 5. Continuity – Should be perennial, endures time. Constant repetition, reinforcement and enhancement are elements of continuity.
  • 20. TEORYA SA PINAGMULAN NG WIKA 1. TEORYANG BOW-WOW - Ayon sa teoryang ito, maaaring ang wika raw ng tao ay mula sa panggagaya sa mga tunog ng kalikasan. 2. TEORYANG DINGDONG - Kahawig ng teoryang bow-bow, nagkaroon daw ng wika ang tao, ayon sa teoryang ito, sa pamamagitan ng mga tunog na nalilikha ng mga bagay-bagay sa paligid. Ngunit ang teoryang ito ay hindi limitado sa mga kalikasan lamang kungdi maging sa mga bagay na likha ng tao. 3. TEORYANG POOH-POOH - Unang natutong magsalita ang mga tao, ayon teoryang ito, nang hindi sinasadya ay napabulalas sila bunga ng mga masisidhing damdamin tulad ng sakit, tuwa, sarap, kalungkutan, takot, pagkabigla at iba pa. Pansinin nga naman ang isang Pilipinong napapabulalas sa sakit. 4. TEORYANG TATA - Ayon naman sa teoryang ito, ang kumpas o galaw ng kamay ng tao na kanyang ginagawa sa bawat partikular na okasyon ay ginaya ng dila at naging sanhi ng pagkatuto ng taong lumikha ng tunog at kalauna’y nagsalita. 5. TEORYANG SING SONG - Iminungkahi ng linggwistang si Jesperson na ang wika ay nagmula sa paglalaro, pagtawa, pagbulong sa sarili, panliligaw at iba pang mga bulalas-emosyunal. Iminungkahi pa niya na taliwas sa iba pang teorya, ang mga unang salita ay sadyang mahahaba at musikal, at hindi maiikling bulalas na pinaniniwalaan ng marami. 6. TEORYANG TARARA-BOOM-DE-AY - Ayon sa teoryang ito, nagmula ang wika sa mga tunog na nalilikha ng ating mga ninuno sa mga ritwal na kalauna’y nagpapabago-bago at nilapatan ng iba’t ibang kahulugan. 7. TEORYANG YUM YUM - Katulad ng teoryang ta- ta, sinasabi rito na ang tao ay tutugon sa pamamagitan ng pagkumpas sa alinmang bagay na nangangailangan ng aksiyon. Ang pagtugong ito ay isinasagawa sa pamamagitan ng bibig ayon sa posisyon ng dila 8. TEORYANG YOHEHO - Pinaniniwalaan ng linggwistang si A.S. Diamond (sa Berel, 2003) na ang tao ay natutong magsalita bunga diumano ng kanyang pwersang pisikal. 9. TEORYANG LALA - Nakabatay sa mga puwersang may kinalaman sa ROMANSA. Ang salik na nagtutulak sa tao upang magsalita. 10. TEORYANG MAMA - Ayon sa teoryang ito, nagmula ang wika mula sa pinakamadaling pantig ng pinakamahahalagang bagay. 11. TEORYANG COO COO - Ayon sa teoryang ito, ang wika ay nagmula sa wika ng sanggol. Ang mga tunog ay ginagaya ng mga matatanda bilang pagpapangalan sa paligid. 12. TEORYANG BABBLE LUCKY - Ayon sa teoryang ito, ang wika raw ay nagmula sa mga walang kahulugang bulalas ng tao. 13. TEORYANG HOCUS POCUS - Ayon sa teoryang ito, ang wika ay tulad ng pinanggalingan ng mga mahikal o relihiyosong aspeto ng pamumuhay ng ating mga ninuno.
  • 21. 14. TEORYANG EUREKA - Sadyang inimbento ang wika - Ayon sa teoryang ito, maaari raw na ang ating mga ninuno ay may ideya sa pagtatakda ng mga arbitraryong tunog upang ipakahulugan sa mga tiyak na bagay. Elements of Culture 1. Language - an abstract system of words, meanings, and symbols for all aspects of culture. 2. Norms - standard of behaviors maintained by a society. 3. Sanctions - penalties or rewards for conducting concerning social norms. 4. Values - used to evaluate the behavior of others. 5. Change - adjustment of persons or group to achieve relative harmony. Characteristics of Culture 1. Transferable 2. Shared 3. Adaptive 4. Continuous 5. Learned 6. Universal 7. Dynamic 8. Symbolic 9. Borrowed Forms of Change 1. Cultural change - refers to all alteration affection new trait or trait complexes to change. 2. Technological Change - revision that occurs in man's application of his technical knowledge and skills as he adopts himself to environment. 3. Social Change - refers to the variation or modification in the patterns of social organizations, of such groups within a society or the entire society. Uri ng panitikan noong panahon ng kastila: 1. Senakulo- dula tungkol sa buhay, pagpapasakit at pagdurusa ni Hesukristo 2. Komedya-naglalarawan ng pakikipaglaban ng mga binyagan sa mga di nabinyagan. Palaging nagwawakas sa pagwawagi ng mga Kristiyano. 3. Pasyon-tulang bini bigkas nang paawit tungkol sa buhay ni Hesukristo.Ginagawa tuwing Kuwaresma. 4. Dalit-awit patungkol sa Birheng Maria 5. Korido-tulang pasa laysay na may sukat na walong pantig bawat taludtod , may paksang makababalaghan at maalamat. Hal. Ibong Adarna 6. Awit- may 12 pantig sa bawat taludtod, mas nakaugat sa reyalidad ang paksain. Hal. Florante at Laura 7. Dung-aw -- binibigkas nang paawit ng isang naulila sa piling bangkay ng yumaong mahal sa buhay 8. Karagatan-larong patula na ginagawa sa lamayan, nagpapaligsahan sa pagandahan ng palaisipan at pataasan ng talinhaga 9. Tibag- pagtatanghal tuwing Mayo, paghahanap ng tunay na krus na kinamatayan ni Kristo
  • 22. 10. Duplo- paligsahan sa pangangatwiran sa patulang pamamaraan 11. Balagtasan- tagisan ng talino sa pamamagitan ng palitan ng katwiran sa pamamaraang patula 12. Soneto-14 taludtod at ang nilalaman ay tungkol sa damdamin at kaisipan at may malinaw na kabatiran sa likas na pagkatao 13. Elehiya-may kinalaman sa alaala ng isang namatay, guniguni sa kamatayan, pananangis, at pananaghoy 14. Oda- masigla ang nilalaman ,pumupuri sa pambihirang nagawa ng tao o grupo ng tao. walang katiyakan ang bilang ng pantig at saknong sa bawat taludtod 15. Balad- may himig sa dahilang ito ay inaawit Iba’t Ibang Panahon ng Panitikang Pilipino (Kasaysayan ng Panitikan sa Pilipinas) Sinaunang Panahon ✓ May sarili nang panitikan ang ating mga ninuno sa panahong ito ✓ Alibata ang kadalasang ginagamit ✓ Gumagamit din sila ng mga biyas ng kawayan , talukap ng bunga o niyog at dahon at balat ng punungkahoy bilang sulatan at matutulis na bagay naman bilang panulat Mga uri ng Panitikang sumibol at sumikat sa sinaunang panahon: 1. ALAMAT 2. KWENTONG BAYAN 3. EPIKO a. Bidasari - Moro b. Biag ni Lam- ang - Ilokano c. Maragtas - Bisaya d. Haraya - Bisaya e. Lagda – Bisaya f. Kumintang - Tagalog g. Hari sa Bukid - Bisaya 4. MGA AWITING BAYAN 5. KARUNUNGANG BAYAN a. Salawikain - nagsisilbing batas at tuntunin ng kagandahang-asal ng ating mga ninuno. - hal. Aanhin pa ang damo kung wala na ang kabayo. b. Sawikain – mga kasabihang walang natatagong kahulugan - hal. Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa. c. Bugtong – maikling tulang karaniwang naglalarawan ng isang bagay na siyang pahuhulaan. - hal. Isang tabo , laman ay pako. (langka) (3 BIG DOMAINS OF OBJECTIVES) 1. Cognitive Domain - domain of thought Knowledge- recall of prior learned materials in terms of facts, concepts, theories and principles. Comprehension- ability to grasp the meaning of material. Application- ability to used learned material in new and concrete situation. Analysis- ability to break down material into parts. Synthesis- ability to put parts together to form a new whole. Evaluation- ability to pass judgement on something based on given criteria.
  • 23. 2. Affective Domain - domain of valuing, attitude and appreciation. Receiving- students' willingness to pay attention to classroom activities. Responding- active participation on the part of the students. Valuing- concerned with the value attaches to a particular behavior. Organization- concerned with bringing together different values and building a value system. Characterization by a value- developing a lifestyle from a value system. 3. Psychomotor Domain - domain of the use of psychomotor attributes. Perception- use of sense organs to guide motor activities. Set- refers to the readiness to take a particular type of action. Guided response- concerned with the early stages in learning complex skills. Mechanism- responses have become habitual. Complex overt responses- skillful performance and with complex movement patterns. Adaptation- skill well developed that the ability to modify is very easy. Origination- refers to creating new movement patterns to fit the situation. Most Common VOCABULARY in ENGLISH 1. Pulchritude - Loveliness 2. Composure – Aplomb 3. Abase- Demoted 4. Despotic – Cruel 5. Persiflage – Praise glowingly 6. Dexterity – Manual skill 7. Amorphous - Shapeless 8. Penchant - Fondness 9. Transmuted - Change 10. Transcendental - Supernatural 11. Rancor - Bitterness 12. Carnal - Worldly 13. Sine qua non - Indispensable 14. Euphoria - Extreme Happiness 15. Loquacious - Verbose 16. Acapella - Without accompaniment 17. Alter ego – Close and Inseparable Friend 18. Amor con amor sepaga – Love begets love 19. conflagration - Large fire 20. Baduy – Awkward-looking 21. Mundane – Ordinary 22. Profanity – Obscenity 23. Apocalyptic – Prophetic 24. Impertinent – Irrelevant 25. Voracious – Very eager 26. Abandoned – Left behind 27. Volition – Will 28. Esoteric – Understandable by few 29. Queue – line 30. Docile – Easy to management 31. Erudite – Learned 32. Soiree – Evening party 33. Connoisseur – Expert in matter of test 34. Chauffeur - Driver 35. Mesdames- Plural of madame 36. Renaissance- Rebirth 37. Sophisticated – Wordly 38. Caveat -emptor - Let the buyer decide 39. Ad nauseam - Excessive degree 40. Coup de grace – A death blow 41. Correlation – No relation 42. Prodigy - Offspring 43. Formally – Unconventionally 44. Formerly – Hereto force Assessment of Learning BASIC CONCEPTS Test -an Instrument designed to measure any characteristic, quality, ability, knowledge or skill. It comprised of Items in the area. it is designed to measure. Measurement -a process of quantifying the degree to which someone/something possesses a given trait. ie., quality, characteristic, or feature.
  • 24. Assessment - process of gathering and organizing quantitative or qualitative data into an interpretable form to have a basis for judgment or decision- making, it is a pre-requisite to evaluation. It provides the information which enables evaluation to take place. Evaluation - a process of systematic interpretation, analysis, appraisal or judgment of the worth of organized data as basis for decision-making. It Involves judgment about the desirability of changes in students. Traditional Assessment - it refers to the use of pen-and-paper objective test. Alternative Assessment - It refers to the use of methods other than pen-and-paper objective test which includes performance tests, projects, portfolios, journals, and the likes. Authentic Assessment - It refers to the use of an assessment method that simulate true-to-life situations. This could be objective tests that reflect real-life situations or alternative methods that are parallel to what we experience in real life. LET QUESTIONS (ProfEd & GenEd) 1. Of the following which best describe the teaching profession? *Noblest Profession 2. There is a gap between the words and deeds of student and so the teacher needs to exemplify certain characteristics. The most personal of which is ___________. * To monitor one's own behavior 3. "Red Letter day" is a/an a. Idiom 4. Ano ang tamang pagbaybay ng salitang "barbershop" sa filipino? * barbershop 5. It is the relationship between an organism and a host where neither is benefited nor harmed? *Commensalism 6. Among the important successful teaching, which shows fairness, impartiality, open-mindedness, prejudice and sense of awareness? *Objectivity 7. Based on the elements of a profession, can a taxi driver be considered a professional? *No, because driving is not a college/university degree 8. Among ways or tools to gather assessment, which is an add-on of assessment of learning? *Observation 9. Piliin ang simuno sa sumusunod na pangungusap: sa kabila ng kahirapan, nagsikap siya na makatapos sa kolehiyo. * Siya 10. What does negatively skewed score distribution imply? (Twice lumabas sa SetB pero magkaiba ang choices of answer) *The scores congregate on the right side of the normal distribution curve * the scores of the students are high 11. What is the most appropriate tagline for the slogan on cultural diversity "A people without the knowledge of their history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots". * Cultural Identity 12. The international commission on Education for the 21st century advocates four pillars of learning, namely; learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be. Since there are peace and cultural diversity problems in the world
  • 25. and everywhere, which of the four pillars should be given more emphasis in teaching? * Learning to live together 13. What kind of reasoning is used when church men concluded that the earth is the center of the universe because Jesus Christ is the center of all creation? *Inductive 14. Which of the following is not at the critical level of thinking? *Guessing and believing 15. What kind of knowledge processing was involved when teacher Algie asked his student to reflect on themselves as self-learners? * Metacogntion 16. Assessment of learning is ________ part of the teaching-learning process? * Integral 17. Compared with evaluation which is subjective, testing student is more objective because it is based on? *Quantifiable data 18. Which student thinking or behavior indicates that he or she values diversity? *He/she accepts the fact that all people are unique in their own way 19. How does a novice learner acquire information? *All the information 20. Which of the following characterizes a student raised by authoritative parents? * relates well to classmates 21. Teacher Roger wants his students to rate their own work using the scoring rubric which he explained to class before the students began with their task, Based on revised Bloom's taxonomy, In which level of cognitive processing are the students? * applying 22. Which is considered as the nurseries of the state? *school 23. This was the philosophy which compromises the official statement of Chinese values during the Han Dynasty. *Confucian philosophy 24. Sa pangungusap na "Malakas ang busis mo". Ang salitang malakas ay: *Panguri 25. What is the oldest religion in Asia? *Hinduism 26. Who is the Indian Shakespearean poet? *Kalidasa 27. The birthplace of Jose Rizal. * Calamba, Laguna 28. She asked an IMPERTINENT questions. The capitalized word means? *Irrelevant 29. Insulin secreted by? *Pancreas 30. Light travels fastest in? a. Water c. Vacuum b. Air * d. Wood 31. It is the agreement between Sikatuna and legaspi? *Blood compact 32. Candor means? * frank 33. Which Spanish policy which provided for the resettlement of Filipino communities to form town centers of cabeceras?
  • 26. *Reduccion 34. Matriarchal: * a woman is the ruler of the family 35. Anong uri ng salita ang ginamit said pangungusap na "siya ay huwarang mag-aaral". *pang-uri 36. An ant colony stores food in the summer defends itself by stinging enemies and invades a competing ant colony and steals larvae and uses them as new workers. What is the term to best describe how this species copes with everyday life? *Ecological niche 37. Element X has an electron configuration of 1S2 2S2 2P2. Based on information, element X belongs to an/a ________ family. *Coinage 38. It is considered as the earliest form of writing in the Philippines. *Alibata 39. Who discovered the penicillin? * Alexander Fleming 40. Which of the following illustrates feeding connection among organisms? *Food web 41. Which play by William Shakespeare feature to ill-starred lovers who come from warring families? *Romeo and Juliet 42. Who is considered the father of local government code? *Aquilino Pimentel 43. A question is raised by one student, teacher princess doesn't answer it but throw back the question to the class. What is this reacting behavior? *Redirecting questions to other pupils 44. Which practice don't promote interaction? *Rejecting students' answer outright 45. Which assessment determines what is going on, such as whether the students are improving towards mastery of the lessons? *Formative assessment 46. The student was taught how to conduct an action research and was required an end of the term written research report. The class was taught how to do the research report and was shown an Analytic scoring rubric for them to know how they will be graded. They were all motivated to pass an excellent research report and as group checked now and then if they were through scoring rubric. What form of assessment is described? * assessment as learning 47. Which of the following promotes thrift among members and generates funds in order to lend to its member? *Credit cooperate 49. An achievement test measure what? *Quality and quantity of previous learning 50. Which is the largest prime number less than 200? *199 51. Which of the following is an economic system based on free enterprise? *Capitalism 52. Who established the national theater in Spain? *Lope de Vega 53. The use of organisms to produce things that people need is called____. *Biotechnology 54. "She is a lovely rose" is an example of what? *metaphor
  • 27. 55. What do you called the opening holes of the plant leaves? * Stomata 56. Which of the following can detect the magnitude of an earthquake? *Seismograph 57. The Spanish Governor-General who was responsible for the use of Spanish surnames by Filipinos? *Narciso Claveria 58. How many days are needed after which an enrolled bill becomes a law? *30 days 59. Taxation: *Burden to people 60. What country is the highest paid teachers' salary? * Singapore 61. A toothpick can sit on the surface of water due to what? *surface tension 62. In the speech progress, which is concerned with amplifying and enriching the voice, using human amplifiers such as the nose, windpipe and chest? *Resonation 63. Capsid: *Virus 64. He condemned the hidden control and domination by Spanish religious priests over the colonial government using frailocracia. *Marcelo H. Del polar 65. When the scores of the students were negatively skewed means? *their scores are high 66. Walrus are mostly live in a ______. *Arctic island 67. Whose view gives prominence to faith in understanding the "existence of God"? *St. John 68. Who changed the Independence day from July to June? * Macapagal 69. "...It droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven" is an example of which the following? *Simile 70. Metacognition means : *thinking about thinking 71. The students from the lower group obtained high scores in an item. *negatively descriminating power 72. The energy source which is not sustainable is a. Wind b. Sun c. Coal * d. Water 73. This was the philosophy which comprises the official statement of Chinese values during the Han dynasty. a. Confucian philosophy * b. Taoist philosophy 74. Three brothers inherited a cash amount of P62000 and they divided it among themselves in the ratio of 5:4:1. How much more is the smaller share? a. 28,400 c. 2400 b. 31,000 d. 6200 75. Interest at 8% for 3 months on 6,000.00? a. 150.00 b. 120.00* c. 250.00 d. 50.00
  • 28. 76. What is the journal writing using the internet and useful for teachers who can publish lesson ideas to digital students? *blog 77. It is a mediated poem of grief? *elegy 78. Who wrote the "How my brother Leon brought home a wife? *Manuel Arcilla 79. The teacher is convinced that change is constant in this world and he/she implements it in his/her pupils, because he/she agrees on it. *Pragmatism 80. While credit cards can boost consumer buying, what is the danger to consumers? *Dept with high interest payments 81. Corroborate means * Confirm 82. Outside the acceptable and effective ways of dealing discipline problem is/ are: *additional homework 83. Eye wink, waving of hands, nodding of head are example of what? *body language 84. Which of the following did not meet the expectations? a. Below 75%* b. Below 76% 85. Our guest of honor was a loquacious speaker. This means______. *Verbose 86. What is the main organ of respiration? * lungs 87. It is a condition in which the excessive number of organisms may result in unhealthy living conditions and lower quality of life. *Overpopulation 88. Who is exempted to the professional code of ethics? *Librarian 89. What social service is available to the computer? *Facebook 90. The score of the student in a test is related to other student. * norm reference 91. One instance of taking away the life of another person without due process is called? *Salvaging 92. Gullible means: *Easily deceived 93. Taoism is another Chinese philosophy about the same period of Confucianism, but more spiritual rather than ethical interested as it stressed that nature contains a divine impulse that directs all life. Who is the philosopher behind Taoism? *Lao-Tzu 94. A renewable resources that have not yet developed in the Philippines. a. Coal b. Sea* c. Wind d. Water 95. What kind of portfolio is used when applying for a job? a. assessment portfolio b. Showcase portfolio* c. Developmental portfolio 96. A speech made by a person who reveals his thoughts. * soliloquy 97.People on earth experience day and night regularly every 24 hours. Why is this so?
  • 29. *because the earth rotates on its own axis 98. Which described the division of the Legislature in to Senate and the House of Representatives? *Bicameralism 99. It is the earth's shield against the sun's harmful radiation. *Ozone layer 100. Which literature reflect the people's beliefs and handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth? *Folktales 101. It is the excessive presence of CO^2 in the air trapping heat near the earth's surface causing a rise in the temperature in the environment. * Greenhouse Effect 102. Which epic poem whose plot centers around the anger and wrath of Archilles against Agamemnon? *The Illiad of Homer 103. A branch of science that deals with the study of relationship between plants, animals and other living things found in their habitats. *Ecology 104. Fall of the house of usher: *hypochondriac living in morbid fear 105. Before migrants crossed the seas from the southern philippines, there were already aboriginal settlers in the islands. Who were these? *Negritos 106. You should be ashamed of yourself for having such carnal desires. Select the word which means the same as the underlined word. *Wordly 107. "To be or not to be" is the beginning of the soliloquy of _______ *Hamlet 108. The courage of the son who saved his father from a ranging fire is worth? *Emulating 109. Who wrote the 1st Filipino modern English language short story "Dead Star" ? *Paz Marquez Benitez 110. Participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public office is secured within the citizen's ___________ *Political rights 111. The right invoked in the "writ of amparo". Is *Right to life, liberty, and security 113. Philippines is belong to what political system? *Democracy 114.Which enables the computer to communicate with other computers over the telephone? *Modem 115. It is the information highway. *Internet 116. "Mahal kita, mahal kita hindi 'to bola, ngumiti ka man lang sana ako't nasa langit na". Ang salitang pampanitikan na ginamit sa kanta ay nangangahulugan *sinisinta 117. Heto na, heto na, heto na, wahh! Doo bidoo bidoo, bidoo bidoo" Alin ang nabuong salita ayon sa teoryang pooh-pooh? *Wahh 118. Ang pagpapalitan ng mga ideya, opinyon, salaysay, sa pamamagitan ng mga sagisay ay tinatawag na________. *Talastasan
  • 30. 119. How are bats able to navigate in the dark without bumping into anything? *They emit sound waves whose returning vibrations can detect the presence of objects 120. A species of fish lived in a lake. When a dam was constructed in the area, a group of fish was separated and populated a new pond. They now developed different characteristics and became a distinct species. Which of the following concepts explains this speciation? *Geographical Isolation 121. Plants capture energy from the sunlight by means of molecule known as _____ *Chlorophyll 122. Why do fisherfolks catch more fish during the new moon than during the full moon? *Fishes are attracted to the light from fishing boat which fisherman makes use of during the new moon. 123. Which of the following is true about light and seeing? * Light hits an object, bounces and then enters the eyes 124. The union of an ovum and sperm inside a test tube is *In vitro fertilization 125. What thin structures are essential for cytokinesis, amoeboid movement and changes in cell shape? *Microfilaments 126. Which of the following process best explains the evolution of life forms or gradual transformation of species? *Natural selection 127. How are institutions of learning encouraged to set higher standards of quality over and above the minimum required for state recognition as provided for the Education Act of 1982? *Voluntary accreditation 128. The main function of a philosophy of education is to: *Define the goals and set the direction for which education is to strive 129. The singing of national anthem is an offshoot of the philosophical ideals of *Nationalism 130. Parents and Teachers are considered as authorities and models by children at the early childhood stage. What does this statement imply? *Teachers and parents should serve as a role models at all times ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING Shapes of the Frequency Polygons 1. Normal – bell - shaped curve 2. Positively skewed – most scores are below the mean and there are extremely high scores. In this shape, the mean is higher than the median while mode is the lowest among the three measures of central tendency. 3. Negatively skewed – most scores are above the mean and there are extremely low scores. In this shape, the mean is lower than the median while the mode is the highest among the three measures of central tendency. 4. Leptokurtic – highly peaked and the tails are more elevated above the baseline 5. Mesokurtic – moderately peaked 6. Platykurtic - flattened peak 7. Bimodal Curve – curve with two peaks or mode 8. Polymodal Curve – curve with three or more modes 9. Rectangular Distribution – there is no mode. PRINCIPLE 1. Hedonism – Pleasure principle
  • 31. 2. Double Effect – sacrifice for the good or bad 3. Formal Cooperation – cooperation with will 4. Lesser evil – choice of the less one from two bad things 5. Material cooperation – cooperation without evil ASSESSMENT 1. Central tendency – central (middle location) tendency 2. Mean – average mode – most occurring 3. Range – highest score minus lowest score 4. Low sd – homogenous, scores near to mean (almost same) 5. High SD – Heterogeneous, scores far to mean (scattered) 6. Decile – 10 grps (D1 …. D10) 7. Quartile – 4 groups (Q1 … Q4) 8. Suspension – time 9. Revokation – condition MOVEMENT MANAGEMENT 1. Thrust – proceeding w/o assessing 2. Dangling – hanging activity by giving another 3. Truncation – leaves activity 4. Flip-Flop – returns to a left activity while currently doing an activity 5. Stimulus-bound – distracted 6. Over dwelling – overtime in one topic 7. Overlapping – multitasking results negatively MISTAKEN GOALS 1. Attention seeker – “teacher, notice me” 2. Revenge – “teacher, I am hurt” 3. Power-seeking – “teacher, may I help?” 4. Inadequacy – “teacher, don’t give up on me” 5. Withdrawal – “teacher, please help me” BRUNER’S THREE MODES OF REPRESENTATION 1. Enactive (0-1 yrs. Old) - Action-based information 2. Iconic (1 – 6 yrs. Old) - Image-based information 3. Symbolic (7+) - Code/symbols such as language KOHLBERG’S THEORY OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT LEVEL 1: PRE-CONVENTIONAL MORALITY Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange LEVEL 2: CONVENTIONAL MORALITY Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationships Stage 4: Maintaining the Social Order LEVEL 3: POST-CONVENTIONAL MORALITY Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights Stage 6: Universal Principles FREUD’S PSYCHOSEXUAL/PSYCHOANALYTICAL THEORY 1. Oral (0 -1 yrs. old) – infant 2. Anal (1 – 3 yrs. old) – Toddler 3. Phallic – Preschool 4. Latency – School Age 5. Genital – Adolescence 6. Oedipus – son to mom 7. Electra – daughter to dad ERIKSON’S PSYCHOSOCIAL TASKS 1. Trust vs. Mistrust (0 – 12 months) 2. Autonomy vs. Shame/doubt (1 – 3 yrs. old) 3. Initiative vs. Guilt (3 – 6 yrs. old) 4. Industry vs. Inferiority (6 – 12 years old)
  • 32. 5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (12 – 18 years old) 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (early 20s – early 40s) 7. Generativity vs. Stagnation (40s – mid 60s) 8. Integrity vs. Despair (mid 60s - death) AIMS OF ERAS PRE- SPANISH – survival conformity SPANISH - Christianity AMERICAN – democratic ideals and way of life COMMONWEALTH- moral character, efficiency JAPANESE – progress LAWS 1. DECREE 1006 – Professionalizing Teachers 2. RA 7836 – Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 3. RA 4670 – Magna Carta for Public Teachers 4. RA 9293 – Amendment of RA 7836 5. RA 10157 – Kindergarten act 6. RA 9155 – DECS to DepEd 7. RA 10533 – K-12 or Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum 8. RA 7722 – Commission on Higher Education or CHED 9. RA 7796 – Technical Education and Skills Development Authority or TESDA 10. RA 7610 – Anti Child-Abuse Law 11. RA 7160 – Local Government Code of 1991 12. RA 6728 – Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education of GASTPE 13. RA 8545 – Amended 6728 14. RA 9442 – Amended 7277; 20% discount 15. RA 1425 – Rizal Law 16. MEMORANDUM 514 – 17. RA 6713 – Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials 18. RA 6655 – Free Public Secondary Education Act of 1988 19. RA 8491 – Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines 20. RA 9647 – Philippines Normal University (PNU) as the National Center for teacher Education (NCTE) 21. RA 7877 – Anti Sexual Harassment Act 22. RA 9262 – Anti-violence Against Women and Children Act of 2004 23. RA 10627 – Anti-bullying Act of 2013 24. RA 10157 – Integrated Kindergarten Act 25. RA 10931 – Free Tertiary Education Act 26. RA 10968 – Philippine Qualification Framework (PQF) 27. RA 10912 – Continuity Professional Development Act of 2006 28. RA 11650 – Inclusion of Learners with Disability to Inclusive Education 29. RA 10754 – PWD 20% VAT exemption 30. RA 10713 – Data Privacy Act 31. 10175 – Cybercrime Prevention Act 32. D.O. No. 70 . 2012 – Exemption of Required DLP after 3 years 33. BP No. 232 – Integrated System of Education 34. RA 9994 – Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2010 35. RA 8049 – Anti-Hazing Law 36. RA 9163 – NSTP Act 37. RA 7798 Education Act of 1982