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     Numbers 15-20: After the reading, answer the questions by choosing the correct option for each.

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                                         by Charlotte Brontë, © 1847

MY FIRST QUARTER AT LOWOOD SEEMED AN AGE; and not the golden age, either: it comprised an
irksome struggle with difficulties in habituating myself to new rules and unwonted tasks. The fear of failure
in these points harassed me worse than the physical hardships of my lot; though these were no trifles.
    During January, February, and part of March, the deep snows, and, after their melting, the almost
impassable roads, prevented our stirring beyond the garden walls, except to go to church; but within these
limits we had to pass an hour every day in the open air. Our clothing was insufficient to protect us from the
severe cold. We had no boots; the snow got into our shoes and melted there; our ungloved hands became
numbed and covered with chilblains, as were our feet; I remember well the distracting irritation I endured
from this cause, every evening when my feet inflamed; and the torture of thrusting the swelled, raw and stiff
toes into my shoes in the morning. Then the scanty supply of food was distressing. With the keen appetites
of growing children, we had scarcely sufficient to keep alive a delicate invalid. From this deficiency of
nourishment resulted an abuse which pressed hardly on the younger pupils; whenever the famished great
girls had an opportunity, they would coax or menace the little ones out of their portion. Many a time I have
shared between two claimants the precious morsel of brown bread distributed at tea-time; and after
relinquishing to a third half the contents of my mug of coffee, I have swallowed the remainder with an
accompaniment of secret tears, forced from me by the exigency of hunger.
    Sundays were dreary days in that wintry season. We had to walk two miles to Brocklebridge church,
where our patron officiated; we set out cold, we arrived at church colder; during the morning service we
became almost paralyzed. It was too far to return to dinner, and an allowance of cold meat and bread, in the
same penurious proportion observed in our ordinary meals, was served around between the services.
    At the close of the afternoon service, we returned by an exposed and hilly road, where the bitter winter
wind, blowing over a range of snowy summits to the north, almost flayed the skin from our faces.
    I can remember Miss Temple walking lightly and rapidly along our drooping line, her plaid cloak, which
the frosty winds fluttered, gathered close about her, and encouraging us, by precept and example, to keep up
our spirits, and march forward, as she said, “like stalwart soldiers.” The other teachers, poor things, were
generally themselves too much dejected to attempt the task of cheering others.
    How we longed for the light and heat of a blazing fire when we got back! But, to the little ones at least,
this was denied; each hearth in the school-room was immediately surrounded by a double row of great girls,
and behind them the younger children crouched in groups, wrapping their starved (dialect for “frozen”)
arms in their pinafores.
    A little solace came at tea-time, in the shape of a double ration of bread, a whole instead of a half slice,
with the delicious addition of a thin scrape of butter; it was the hebdomadal (weekly) treat to which we all
looked forward from Sabbath to Sabbath. I generally contrived to reserve a moiety of this bounteous repast
for myself, but the remainder I was invariably obliged to part with.
    The Sunday evening was spent in repeating, by heart, the Church Catechism, and the fifth, sixth, and
seventh chapters of St. Matthew; and in listening to a long sermon, read by Miss Miller, whose irrepressible
yawns attested her weariness. A frequent interlude of these performances was the enactment of the part of
Eutychus by some half dozen of little girls; who, overpowered by sleep, would fall down, if not out of the
third loft, yet off the fourth form, and be taken up half dead. The remedy was to thrust them forward into the
centre of the school-room, and oblige them to stand there till the sermon was finished. Sometimes their feet
failed them, and they sunk together in a heap; they were then propped up with monitors’ high stools.
15. Jane’s first quarter at Lowood seemed an age
        (A) she missed her home.
        (B) life was hard at school.
        (C) she did not have any friends.
        (D) she was bored.
        (E) there was no way to tell time.

16. The girls had to pass an hour in the open air
        (F) as a form of punishment.
        (G) because it was deemed healthy.
        (H) because they wanted to.
        (I) so the school-room could be swept.
        (J) to help shovel the snow away.

17. In line 16 what does the word “exigency” mean?
         (A) emergency
         (B) hardship
         (C) pain
         (D) presence
         (E) experience

18. From the reading, we can tell that Miss Temple
       (A) stern.
       (B) sickly.
       (C) compassionate.
       (D) weak.
       (E) insensitive.

19. Which of the following statements is true?
       (A) The girls had enough to eat.
       (B) They did not go to church during winter months.
       (C) The older girls treated the younger girls kindly.
       (D) Jane seldom had to share her food.
       (E) The girls often experienced fatigue.

20. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
       (A) There was a great deal of snow during winter.
       (B) Lowood was a school of limited means.
       (C) The girls had regular lessons on Sundays.
       (D) The winter days were very bleek.
       (E) The girls were often famished.


DIRECTIONS: Pick the answer that means the same or about the same as the bold-faced underlined words for 21-

21. a pivotal role                                       27. a parsimonious benefactor
        (A) changing                                             (A) cruel
        (B) crucial                                              (B) gentle
        (C) unstable                                             (C) lavish
        (D) minor                                                (D) negligent
        (E) unseen                                               (E) stingy

22. an official repudiation
        (A) acknowledgement
        (B) rejection                                    28. a pleasant countenance
        (C) report                                               (A) appearance
        (D) organization                                         (B) face
        (E) acceptance                                           (C) meeting
                                                                 (D) reminder
23. a rancorous memory                                           (E) event
        (A) bitter
        (B) unsettling                                   29. austere accommodations
        (C) vivid                                                (A) comfortable
        (D) pleasant                                             (B) plain
        (E) vague                                                (C) luxurious
                                                                 (D) convenient
24. unexpected largesse                                          (E) agreeable
       (A) splendor
       (B) generosity                                    30. an elegant brougham
       (C) girth                                                 (A) cottage
       (D) length                                                (B) banquet
       (E) sadness                                               (C) costume
                                                                 (D) carriage
25. an unrequited love                                           (E) ballroom
        (A) secret
        (B) everlasting
        (C) mutual
        (D) unreturned
        (E) voluntary

26. a maudlin song
        (A) plain
        (B) melancholy
        (C) old-fashioned
        (D) irritating
        (E) memorable


DIRECTIONS: Choose the answer that means the same or about the same as the underlined word(s) for 83-105.

83. churlish behaviour                                   90. a novel interpretation
       (F) aromatic                                              (F) literary
       (G) outright                                              (G) new
       (H) habitual                                              (H) book
       (I) waving                                                (I) difficult
       (J) unsuspecting                                          (J) wonderful

84. a phlegmatic attitude                                91. a cumbersome package
        (F) abound                                               (F) light
        (G) play                                                 (G) bulky
        (H) argue                                                (H) mysterious
        (I) adolescent                                           (I) battered
        (J) join                                                 (J) dangerous

85. a manipulative child                                 92. his vehement objection
       (F) absentminded                                           (F) loud
       (G) forgetful                                              (G) weak
       (H) boring                                                 (H) unpleasant
       (I) learned                                                (I) unhappy
       (J) disciplined                                            (J) strong

86. a mellifluous voice                                  93. conventional wisdom
       (F) interest                                              (A) ancient
       (G) anticipation                                          (B) practical
       (H) relief                                                (C) unsuitable
       (I) attention                                             (D) convenient
       (J) dismay                                                (E) common

87. an aristocratic family                               94. a peevish individual
        (F) story                                                (A) sick
        (G) era                                                  (B) worried
        (H) event                                                (C) shy
        (I) discovery                                            (D) bad-tempered
        (J) idea                                                 (E) restless

88. a secret rendezvous                                  95. a gregarious fellow
        (F) ordinary                                             (A) gangly
        (G) unusual                                              (B) sociable
        (H) mournful                                             (C) withdrawn
        (I) loud                                                 (D) large
        (J) whispered                                            (E) humourous

89. a sinuous road                                       96. a sultry day
         (F) hard to comprehend                                  (A) puzzling
         (G) interesting                                         (B) important
         (H) easily understood                                   (C) pleasant
         (I) confusing                                           (D) historical
         (J) surprising                                          (E) disastrous

97. a dilapidated building           102. meager resources
         (A) in bad condition               (A) abundant
         (B) newly constructed              (B) scant
         (C) extremely tall                 (C) valuable
         (D) made of stone                  (D) varied
         (E) modern                         (E) plentiful

98. a fervent admirer                103. tepid water
         (A) quiet                           (A) boiling
         (B) unfaithful                      (B) frozen
         (C) enthusiastic                    (C) polluted
         (D) recent                          (D) stagnant
         (E) angry                           (E) lukewarm

99. a nebulous plan                  104. erratic behaviour
        (A) strategic                        (A) consistent
        (B) nervous                          (B) mistaken
        (C) well thought out                 (C) unpredictable
        (D) vague                            (D) disturbing
        (E) exciting                         (E) positive

100. a palatable agreement           105. a mysterious interloper
        (A) acceptable                       (A) character
        (B) peaceful                         (B) visitor
        (C) mutual                           (C) criminal
        (D) sudden                           (D) intruder
        (E) reluctant                        (E) opponent

101. a scathing remark
        (A) soothing                 STOP
        (B) crushing
        (C) fascinating
        (D) encouraging
        (E) provocative


DIRECTIONS: Choose the answer that means the same or about the same as the underlined words for
69-91. Place the letter of your choice on the blank line in front of each number.

_____ 69. churlish behaviour                             _____ 75. a sinuous road
       (K) immature                                             (K) bumpy
       (L) rude                                                 (L) long
       (M)feminine                                              (M)winding
       (N) polite                                               (N) slippery
       (O) wild                                                 (O) straight

_____ 70. a phlegmatic attitude                          _____ 76. a menial job
       (K) decisive                                             (K) challenging
       (L) mature                                               (L) important
       (M)self-controlled                                       (M)easy
       (N) adolescent                                           (N) difficult
       (O) angry                                                (O) humble

_____ 71. a manipulative child                           _____ 77. a fatuous question
       (K) absentminded                                         (K) excellent
       (L) forgetful                                            (L) puzzling
       (M)difficult                                             (M)easy
       (N) scheming                                             (N) silly
       (O) disciplined                                          (O) difficult

_____ 72. a mellifluous voice                            _____ 78. a garrulous old man
       (K) soothing                                             (K) talkative
       (L) quiet                                                (L) feisty
       (M)loud                                                  (M)unpleasant
       (N) unpleasant                                           (N) quarrelsome
       (O) weak                                                 (O) strong

_____ 73. an aristocratic family                         _____ 79. a callow youth
       (K) corrupt                                              (F) bold
       (L) noble                                                (G) inexperienced
       (M)famous                                                (H) stubborn
       (N) poor                                                 (I) obedient
       (O) wealthy                                              (J) sickly

_____ 74. a secret rendezvous                            _____ 80. sporadic bursts of gunfire
       (K) voyage                                               (F) explosive
       (L) meeting                                              (G) loud
       (M)affair                                                (H) intermittent
       (N) identity                                             (I) constant
       (O) discovery                                            (J) rapid

_____ 81. a mawkish poem                 _____ 88. convivial atmosphere
       (F) shocking                             (F) harsh
       (G) awful                                (G) crowded
       (H) beautiful                            (H) agreeable
       (I) sentimental                          (I) tense
       (J) humourous                            (J) threatening

_____ 82. a sultry day                   _____ 89. an ostentatious manner
       (F) refreshing                           (F) shy
       (G) chilly                               (G) conspicuous
       (H) stormy                               (H) friendly
       (I) calm                                 (I) surly
       (J) humid                                (J) nervous

_____ 83. a vulgar sense of humour       _____ 90. an ambiguous statement
       (F) witty                                (F) accurate
       (G) common                               (G) surprising
       (H) crude                                (H) negative
       (I) outrageous                           (I) unclear
       (J) decent                               (J) interesting

_____ 84. prodigious talent              _____ 91. an egregious error
       (F) well-known                           (F) awful
       (G) newly found                          (G) simple
       (H) considerable                         (H) understandable
       (I) hidden                               (I) common
       (J) limited                              (J) unique

_____ 85. an impertinent question
       (F) irrelevant
       (G) rude
       (H) important
       (I) difficult
       (J) inappropriate

_____ 86. a frivolous remark
       (F) thoughtless
       (G) serious
       (H) pointed
       (I) vague
       (J) quick

_____ 87. a dishevelled appearance
       (F) dirty
       (G) pleasant
       (H) neat
       (I) natural
       (J) slovenly

Numbers 51-68: After each reading, answer the questions by choosing the correct option for each and write
                             the letter of your answer on the blank space.

                                          Y|yà{ Uâá|Çxáá
                  by Robertson Davies, Viking Penguin Inc., New York, New York © 1970

MY LIFELONG INVOLVEMENT with Mrs. Dempster began at 5.58 o’clock p.m. on 27 December 1908, at which
time I was ten years and seven months old.
    I am able to date the occasion with complete certainty because that afternoon I had been sledding with
my lifelong friend and enemy Percy Boyd Staunton, and we had quarreled, because his fine new Christmas
sled would not go as fast as my old one. Snow was never heavy in our part of the world, but this Christmas it
had been plentiful enough almost to cover the tallest spears of dried grass in the fields; in such snow his sled
with its tall runners and foolish steering apparatus was clumsy and apt to stick, whereas my low-slung old
affair would almost have slid on grass without snow.
    The afternoon had been humiliating for him, and when Percy was humiliated he was vindictive. His
parents were rich, his clothes were fine, and his mittens were of skin and came from a store in the city,
whereas mine were knitted by my mother; it was manifestly wrong, therefore, that his splendid sled should
not go faster than mine, and when such injustice showed itself Percy became cranky. He slighted my sled,
scoffed at my mittens, and at last came right out and said that his father was better than my father. Instead
of hitting him, which might have started a fight that could have ended in a draw or even a defeat for me, I
said, all right, then, I would go home and he could have the field all to himself. This was crafty of me, for I
knew it was getting on for suppertime, and one of our home rules was that nobody, under any circumstances,
was to be late for a meal. So I was keeping the home rule, while at the same time leaving Percy to himself.
    As I walked back to the village he followed me, shouting fresh insults. When I walked, he taunted, I
staggered like an old cow; my woolen cap was absurd beyond all belief; my backside was immense and
wobbled when I walked; and more of the same sort, for his invention was not lively. I said nothing, because
I knew that this spited him more than any retort, and that every time he shouted at me he lost face.
    Our village was so small that you came on it at once; it lacked the dignity of outskirts. I darted up our
street, putting on speed, for I had looked ostentatiously at my new Christmas dollar watch (Percy had a
watch but was not let wear it because it was too good) and saw that it was 5.57; just time to get indoors, wash
my hands in the noisy, splashy way my parents seemed to like, and be in my place at six, my head bent for
grace. Percy was by this time hopping mad, and I knew I had spoiled his supper and probably his whole
evening. Then the unforeseen took over.
    Walking up the street ahead of me were the Reverend Amasa Dempster and his wife; he had her arm
tucked in his and was leaning towards her in the protective way he had. I was familiar with this sight, for
they always took a walk at this time, after dark and when most people were at supper, because Mrs.
Dempster was going to have a baby, and it was not the custom in our village for pregnant women to show
themselves boldly in the streets – not if they had any position to keep up, and of course the Baptist minister’s
wife had a position. Percy had been throwing snowballs at me, from time to time, and I had ducked them all;
I had a boy’s sense of when a snowball was coming, and I knew Percy. I was sure that he would try to land
one last, insulting snowball between my shoulders before I ducked into our house. I stepped briskly – not
running, but not dawdling – in front of the Dempsters just as Percy threw, and the snowball hit Mrs.
Dempster on the back of the head. She gave a cry and, clinging to her husband, slipped to the ground; he
might have caught her if he had not turned at once to see who had thrown the snowball.
    I had meant to dart into our house, but I was unnerved by hearing Mrs. Dempster; I had never heard an
adult cry in pain before and the sound was terrible to me. Falling, she burst into nervous tears, and
suddenly there she was, on the ground, with her husband kneeling beside her, holding her in his arms and
speaking to her in terms of endearment that were strange and embarrassing to me; I had never heard
married people – or any people – speak unashamedly loving words before. I knew that I was watching a

“scene,” and my parents had always warned against scenes as very serious breaches of propriety. I stood
gaping, and then Mr. Dempster became conscious of me.
    “Dunny,” he said – I did not know he knew my name – “lend us your sleigh to get my wife home.”
    I was contrite and guilty, for I knew that the snowball had been meant for me, but the Dempsters did not
seem to think that. He lifted his wife on my sled, which was not hard because she was a small, girlish
woman, and as I pulled it towards their house he walked beside it, very awkwardly bent over her, supporting
her and uttering soft endearment and encouragement, for she went on crying, like a child.
   Their house was not far away – just around the corner, really – but by the time I had been there, and seen
Mr. Dempster take his wife inside, and found myself unwanted outside, it was a few minutes after six, and I
was late for supper. But I pelted home (pausing only for a moment at the scene of the accident), washed my
hands, slipped into my place at table, and made my excuse, looking straight into my mother’s sternly
interrogative eyes. I gave my story a slight historical bias, leaning firmly but not absurdly on my own role as
the Good Samaritan. I suppressed any information or guesswork about where the snowball had come from,
and to my relief my mother did not pursue that aspect of it. She was much more interested in Mrs.
Dempster, and when supper was over and the dishes washed she told my father she thought she would just
step over to the Dempsters’ and see if there was anything she could do.

_____ 51. When was Dunny, the narrator, born?                _____ 55. From this reading, we can see that Percy
        (K) in May of 1898                                           (F) is easy to get along with.
        (L) in July of 1897                                          (G) has many friends.
        (M) in April of 1898                                         (H) is somewhat temperamental.
        (N) in April of 1897                                         (I) is very athletic.
        (O) It cannot be determined from the story.                  (J) likes to play alone.

_____ 52. Which statement is NOT true?                       _____ 56. In line 36 the word “dawdling” means
        (F) Dunny’s sled was faster than Percy’s.                    (A) delaying
        (G) Percy came from a wealthy family.                        (B) hurrying
        (H) Mrs. Dempster was unintentionally hit with               (C) standing still
            a snowball.                                              (D) playing
        (I) Dunny was surprised that Reverend                        (E) following
            Dempster knew his name.
        (J) Percy and Dunny never got along.                 _____ 57. Which statement is true?
                                                                     (A) Dunny told his mother who threw the
_____ 53. The word “ostentatiously” in line 23 most                      snowball.
          nearly means                                               (B) Dunny was late for diner.
        (F) conspicuously.                                           (C) Mrs. Dempster rarely took walks with her
        (G) quickly.                                                     husband.
        (H) deliberately.                                            (D) Percy was happy because he had everything
        (I) timidly.                                                     he wanted.
        (J) carefully.                                               (E) Dunny wobbled when he walked.

_____ 54. Why didn’t Dunny say anything in response to       _____ 58. Dunny thought of himself as a Good Samaritan
           Percy’s insults?                                            because he
        (F) He did not want to make Percy angry.                     (A) was kind to Percy.
        (G) By saying nothing Dunny knew he would                    (B) obeyed his parents.
             make Percy even angrier.                                (C) took Mrs. Dempster home on his sled.
        (H) Dunny was too kind to retaliate.                         (D) had not thrown the snowball.
        (I) Percy’s insults did not hurt Dunny.                      (E) told his mother the truth.
        (J) Dunny did not know what to say.

g{x TÑÑÄx gÜxx
                               by John Galsworthy, Charles Scribner’s Sons, © 1918
ON THEIR SILVER-WEDDING DAY Ashurst and his wife were motoring along the outskirts of the moor, intending to
crown the festival by stopping the night at Torquay, where they had first met. This was the idea of Stella Ashurst,
whose character contained a streak of sentiment. If she had long lost the blue-eyed, flowerlike charm, the cool,
slim purity of face and form, the apple-blossom coloring, which had so swiftly and so oddly affected Ashurst
twenty-six years ago, she was still at forty-three a comely and faithful companion, whose cheeks were faintly
mottled and whose gray-blue eyes had acquired a certain fullness.
    It was she who had stopped the car where the common rose steeply to the left, and a narrow strip of larch and
beech, with here and there a pine, stretched out toward the valley between the road and the first long high hill of
the full moor. She was looking for a place where they might picnic, for Ashurst never looked for anything; and
this, between the golden furze and the feathery green larches smelling of lemons in the last sun of April—this, with
a view into the deep valley and up to the long moor heights, seemed fitting to the decisive nature of one who
sketched in watercolors and loved romantic spots. Grasping her paint box, she got out.
    “Won’t this do, Frank?”
    Ashurst, bearded, gray at the sides, tall and long-legged, with large remote gray eyes that sometimes filled with
meaning and became almost beautiful, with a nose a little to one side and bearded lips just open—Ashurst, forty-
eight and silent, grasped the picnic basket and got out too.
    “Oh! Look, Frank! A grave!”
    By the side of the road, where the track from the top of the common crossed it at right angles and ran through a
gate past the narrow wood, was a thin mound of turf, six feet by one, with a moorstone to the west, and on it
someone had thrown a blackthorn spray and a handful of bluebells. Ashurst looked, and the poet in him moved.
    At crossroads—a suicide’s grave! Poor mortals with their superstitions! Whoever lay there, though, had the
best of it, no clammy sepulcher among other hideous graves carved with futilities—just a rough stone, the wide sky
and wayside blessings!
    Without comment he strode away up onto the common, dropped the picnic basket under a wall, spread a
blanket for his wife to sit on—she would turn up from her sketching when she was hungry—and took from his
pocket Murray’s translation of the Hippolytus. He had soon finished reading of the Cyprian, the goddess of love,
and her revenge, and looked at the sky instead.
    Watching the white clouds so bright against the intense blue, Ashurst, on his silver-wedding day, longed for—
he knew not what. Maladjusted to life—civilized man! One’s mode of life might be high and scrupulous, but there
was always an undercurrent of greediness, a hankering and a sense of waste. Did women have it too? Who could
    And yet, men who gave vent to their appetites for novelty, their riotous longings for new adventures, new risks,
new pleasures, these suffered, no doubt, from the reverse side of starvation, from surfeit. No getting out of it—a
maladjusted animal, civilized man! There could be no garden of his choosing, of “the Apple-tree, the singing, and
the gold,” in the words of that lovely Greek chorus, no achievable Elysium in life, or lasting haven of happiness for
any man with a sense of beauty—nothing that could compare with the captured loveliness in a work of art, set
down forever, so that to look on it or to read it was always to have the same precious sense of exaltation and
    Life had moments with that quality of beauty, of unbidden flying rapture, but the trouble was that they lasted
no longer than the span of a cloud’s flight over the sun; impossible to keep them with you, as art caught beauty
and held it fast. They were as fleeting as one of the glimmering or golden visions one had of the soul in nature,
glimpses of its remote and brooding spirit. Here, with the sun hot on his face, a cuckoo calling from a thorn tree,
and in the air the honey savor of gorse—here among the little fronds of the young fern, the starry blackthorn, while
the bright clouds drifted by high above the hills and dreamy valleys—here and now was such a glimpse.
    And suddenly he sat up. Surely there was something familiar about this view, this bit of common, that ribbon
of road, the old wall behind him. While they were driving he had not been taking notice—he never did; thinking
of faraway things or of nothing—but now he saw!

Twenty-six years ago, just at this time of year, from a farmhouse within half a mile of this very spot, he had
started for Torquay whence it might be said he had never returned. And a sudden ache beset his heart; he had
stumbled on just one of those past moments in his life whose beauty and rapture he had failed to arrest, whose
wings had fluttered away into the unknown; he had stumbled on a buried memory, a wild sweet time, swiftly
choked and ended. And, turning on his face, he rested his chin on his hands and stared at the short grass where
the little blue milkwort was growing….
    And this is what he remembered.

_____ 59. How old was Stella when she first met Frank?                     (A)   lack.
        (A) twenty-six                                                     (B)   excess.
        (B) eighteen                                                       (C)   surrender.
        (C) twenty-two                                                     (D)   hunger.
        (D) seventeen                                                      (E)   satisfaction.
        (E) It cannot be determined from the reading.
                                                                   _____ 66. Ashurst eventually realized that
_____ 60. In line 6 the word “mottled” means                              (A) he had misplaced the picnic basket.
        (A) blotchy.                                                      (B) his wife was not interested in eating.
        (B) wrinkled.                                                     (C) he would never be happy.
        (C) shiny.                                                        (D) he had returned to a place that he knew.
        (D) flushed.                                                      (E) his wife no longer loved him.
        (E) puffy.
                                                                   _____ 67. In line 24 the word “sepulcher” means
_____ 61. The word “common” in line 7 means                                (A) bench.
        (A) slope.                                                         (B) wall.
        (B) farm.                                                          (C) tomb.
        (C) path.                                                          (D) hiding place.
        (D) meadow.                                                        (E) headstone.
        (E) beach.
                                                                   _____ 68. Which of the following statements is true?
_____ 62. Which of the following statements is NOT                         (A) Frank and Stella were married for twenty
          true?                                                                years.
        (A) It was a lovely day for a picnic.                              (B) Stella was five years younger than Frank.
        (B) Ashurst noticed the beauty of nature around                    (C) Frank had been driving the car.
            him.                                                           (D) Frank’s eyes were blue.
        (C) Stella was more of a planner than her husband.                 (E) Frank got out of the car first.
        (D) Ashurst was content with his life.
        (E) Stella seemed more interested in sketching than
            in eating.                                             Go on to the next section.
_____ 63. The word “scrupulous” in line 32 means
        (A) easy.
        (B) important.
        (C) comfortable
        (D) demanding
        (E) conscientious.

_____ 64. Ashurst thought that
        (A) his wife was a good artist.
        (B) life was better than art because it was real.
        (C) art was better than life because it endured.
        (D) it was going to rain.
        (E) life and art were very similar.

_____ 65. In line 35 the word “surfeit” means

For questions 146-165, look for mistakes in spelling
                                                                                (E) No mistakes.
146.                                                                     152.
       (A) The teacher gave her an excellent recommendation.                    (A) Are there any cancellations for this evening’s
       (B) “Are you attending the dance tonight?” Tolu                              performance?
           inquired.                                                            (B) Uzoma is a very dilligent and serious student.
       (C) The accomodations at the hotel were wonderful.                       (C) There were so many balloons I couldn’t count them.
       (D) All things considered, it was a delightful party.                    (D) I am not as intelligent as my older sister.
       (E) No mistakes.                                                         (E) No mistakes.

147.                                                                     153.
       (A) The subtlety of his wry humour was lost on them.                     (A) The terrain was so desolate and virtually
       (B) I always recieve many gifts for my birthday.                             uninhabitable.
       (C) The office was inundated with complaints and                         (B) The leader emancipated the prisoners from their
           criticisms.                                                              bondage.
       (D) There was an obvious miscalculation in the ledgers.                  (C) I would like to take this ocasion to express my
       (E) No mistakes.                                                             appreciation.
                                                                                (D) Charitable contributions are often considered tax-
148.                                                                                deductible.
       (A) Mother made a scrumptious casserole for dinner                       (E) No mistakes.
           with boysenberry pie for desert.
       (B) The other team has a definite advantage over us.              154.
       (C) He had a sneaking suspicion that something was                       (A) The novel had a lyrical and mythical quality to it.
           amiss.                                                               (B) The school principle had a foreboding presentiment
       (D) Due to her infirmity she lost her appetite and                           regarding the excursion.
           wouldn’t eat a morsel.                                               (C) What a fascinating and informative article!
       (E) No mistakes.                                                         (D) He is a chronic and incorrigible liar.
                                                                                (E) No mistakes.
       (A) These two painters have distinct similarities in their        155.
           use of colour.                                                       (A) The suspected culprit had a waterproof alibi.
       (B) The jurors weighed the evidence carefully and                        (B) It was an honour and a priviledge to represent our
           reached a verdict.                                                       school at the symposium.
       (C) He came to a conclusion through a process of                         (C) Olu had failed so many times that he had grown
           elimination.                                                             dejected and disillusioned.
       (D) The maintenence department is very hardworking.                      (D) The child had ingested a poisonous chemical liquid.
       (E) No mistakes.                                                         (E) No mistakes.

150.                                                                     156.
       (A) Do you know how many people are in attendance?                       (A) Though her credentials were impeccable, Tayo did
       (B) The farmer was in desperate need of extra workers.                       not qualify for the position.
       (C) The news about my scholarship is unbelievable, but                   (B) The new regime had quite an auspicious beginning.
           true.                                                                (C) The actor wore a very wierd and scary mask.
       (D) Do all your calculations on a seperate sheet of                      (D) The security guard’s testimony was utterly
           paper.                                                                   preposterous.
       (E) No mistakes.                                                         (E) No mistakes.

151.                                                                     157.
       (A) The poor boy had pneumonia and therefore was                         (A) His idiosyncrasies were not immediately detectable.
           understandably dispondent.                                           (B) Nwabunie is inclined to be immature and hysterical.
       (B) The disrespectful child promised sincerely to                        (C) Chisom’s father makes a very descent salary as a
           change.                                                                  certified public accountant.
       (C) What a defiant and obnoxious student!                                (D) Such rumours are contemptible and pernicious!
       (D) Everyone could see how pretentious and haughty                       (E) No mistakes.
           she was.

158.                                                                        (A) I seriously thought I was going to die from
       (A) The teacher found Damola’s demeanour deplorable.                     embarassment and humiliation!
       (B) I missplaced my biro and can’t find it anywhere.                 (B) Lola is often distracted and caught up in a reverie.
       (C) The prodigal son found himself in such wretched                  (C) Are you insinuating that I am a hypochondriac?
           circumstances.                                                   (D) Heroine and cocaine are hallucinogenic drugs.
       (D) There is a burgeoning textile industry in that                   (E) No mistakes.
       (E) No mistakes.                                              163.
                                                                            (A) There were all sorts of bric-à-brac and paraphernalia
159.                                                                            for sale at the school bazar.
       (A) The pool of water was limpid and crystalline.                    (B) What is all this hullabaloo?
       (B) The scoundrel was notorious for his nasty                        (C) Fried chicken is greasy and unhealthy.
           temperament.                                                     (D) Have you ever tasted Hungarian goulash?
       (C) The dinosaurs ultimately reached the point of                    (E) No mistakes.
       (D) Jide was a mischieveous and unpredictable                 164.
           prankster.                                                       (A) The poor little boy was suffocating and could not
       (E) No mistakes                                                          breathe.
                                                                            (B) I am unused to dealing with such ill-mannered
160.                                                                            ruffians.
       (A) Jemila is so careless and often looses her                       (C) The physicist was on the threshold of a radical new
           belongings.                                                          discovery.
       (B) In the army barracks the day typically begins with               (D) The back witheld my funds because I had
           reveille.                                                            overdrawn my account.
       (C) The sound from the explosion reverberated                        (E) No mistakes.
           throughout the region.
       (D) Their apartment was conveniently situated near the        165.
           supermarket.                                                     (A) I’m not averse to a drop of whisky after dinner.
       (E) No mistakes.                                                     (B) The chandaliers in the dining room glittered
                                                                            (C) Those souvenirs are extremely valuable.
       (A) The prosecutor aggressively interrogated the
                                                                            (D) The sovereign ruler’s coat was trimmed with white
                                                                                ermine fur.
       (B) Is there really any difference between tartan and
                                                                            (E) No mistakes.
       (C) The Christmas decorations were simply divine.
       (D) Uju and Amaka were having a terrific arguement.
       (E) No mistakes.


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  • 1. READING COMPREHENSION Numbers 15-20: After the reading, answer the questions by choosing the correct option for each. ]tÇx XçÜx by Charlotte Brontë, © 1847 G MY FIRST QUARTER AT LOWOOD SEEMED AN AGE; and not the golden age, either: it comprised an irksome struggle with difficulties in habituating myself to new rules and unwonted tasks. The fear of failure in these points harassed me worse than the physical hardships of my lot; though these were no trifles. During January, February, and part of March, the deep snows, and, after their melting, the almost impassable roads, prevented our stirring beyond the garden walls, except to go to church; but within these limits we had to pass an hour every day in the open air. Our clothing was insufficient to protect us from the severe cold. We had no boots; the snow got into our shoes and melted there; our ungloved hands became numbed and covered with chilblains, as were our feet; I remember well the distracting irritation I endured from this cause, every evening when my feet inflamed; and the torture of thrusting the swelled, raw and stiff toes into my shoes in the morning. Then the scanty supply of food was distressing. With the keen appetites of growing children, we had scarcely sufficient to keep alive a delicate invalid. From this deficiency of nourishment resulted an abuse which pressed hardly on the younger pupils; whenever the famished great girls had an opportunity, they would coax or menace the little ones out of their portion. Many a time I have shared between two claimants the precious morsel of brown bread distributed at tea-time; and after relinquishing to a third half the contents of my mug of coffee, I have swallowed the remainder with an accompaniment of secret tears, forced from me by the exigency of hunger. Sundays were dreary days in that wintry season. We had to walk two miles to Brocklebridge church, where our patron officiated; we set out cold, we arrived at church colder; during the morning service we became almost paralyzed. It was too far to return to dinner, and an allowance of cold meat and bread, in the same penurious proportion observed in our ordinary meals, was served around between the services. At the close of the afternoon service, we returned by an exposed and hilly road, where the bitter winter wind, blowing over a range of snowy summits to the north, almost flayed the skin from our faces. I can remember Miss Temple walking lightly and rapidly along our drooping line, her plaid cloak, which the frosty winds fluttered, gathered close about her, and encouraging us, by precept and example, to keep up our spirits, and march forward, as she said, “like stalwart soldiers.” The other teachers, poor things, were generally themselves too much dejected to attempt the task of cheering others. How we longed for the light and heat of a blazing fire when we got back! But, to the little ones at least, this was denied; each hearth in the school-room was immediately surrounded by a double row of great girls, and behind them the younger children crouched in groups, wrapping their starved (dialect for “frozen”) arms in their pinafores. A little solace came at tea-time, in the shape of a double ration of bread, a whole instead of a half slice, with the delicious addition of a thin scrape of butter; it was the hebdomadal (weekly) treat to which we all looked forward from Sabbath to Sabbath. I generally contrived to reserve a moiety of this bounteous repast for myself, but the remainder I was invariably obliged to part with. The Sunday evening was spent in repeating, by heart, the Church Catechism, and the fifth, sixth, and seventh chapters of St. Matthew; and in listening to a long sermon, read by Miss Miller, whose irrepressible yawns attested her weariness. A frequent interlude of these performances was the enactment of the part of Eutychus by some half dozen of little girls; who, overpowered by sleep, would fall down, if not out of the third loft, yet off the fourth form, and be taken up half dead. The remedy was to thrust them forward into the centre of the school-room, and oblige them to stand there till the sermon was finished. Sometimes their feet failed them, and they sunk together in a heap; they were then propped up with monitors’ high stools.
  • 2. 15. Jane’s first quarter at Lowood seemed an age because (A) she missed her home. (B) life was hard at school. (C) she did not have any friends. (D) she was bored. (E) there was no way to tell time. 16. The girls had to pass an hour in the open air (F) as a form of punishment. (G) because it was deemed healthy. (H) because they wanted to. (I) so the school-room could be swept. (J) to help shovel the snow away. 17. In line 16 what does the word “exigency” mean? (A) emergency (B) hardship (C) pain (D) presence (E) experience 18. From the reading, we can tell that Miss Temple is (A) stern. (B) sickly. (C) compassionate. (D) weak. (E) insensitive. 19. Which of the following statements is true? (A) The girls had enough to eat. (B) They did not go to church during winter months. (C) The older girls treated the younger girls kindly. (D) Jane seldom had to share her food. (E) The girls often experienced fatigue. 20. Which of the following statements is NOT true? (A) There was a great deal of snow during winter. (B) Lowood was a school of limited means. (C) The girls had regular lessons on Sundays. (D) The winter days were very bleek. (E) The girls were often famished. 9
  • 3. READING-Vocabulary DIRECTIONS: Pick the answer that means the same or about the same as the bold-faced underlined words for 21- 30. 21. a pivotal role 27. a parsimonious benefactor (A) changing (A) cruel (B) crucial (B) gentle (C) unstable (C) lavish (D) minor (D) negligent (E) unseen (E) stingy 22. an official repudiation (A) acknowledgement (B) rejection 28. a pleasant countenance (C) report (A) appearance (D) organization (B) face (E) acceptance (C) meeting (D) reminder 23. a rancorous memory (E) event (A) bitter (B) unsettling 29. austere accommodations (C) vivid (A) comfortable (D) pleasant (B) plain (E) vague (C) luxurious (D) convenient 24. unexpected largesse (E) agreeable (A) splendor (B) generosity 30. an elegant brougham (C) girth (A) cottage (D) length (B) banquet (E) sadness (C) costume (D) carriage 25. an unrequited love (E) ballroom (A) secret (B) everlasting (C) mutual (D) unreturned (E) voluntary 26. a maudlin song (A) plain (B) melancholy (C) old-fashioned (D) irritating (E) memorable 10
  • 4. READING-Vocabulary DIRECTIONS: Choose the answer that means the same or about the same as the underlined word(s) for 83-105. 83. churlish behaviour 90. a novel interpretation (F) aromatic (F) literary (G) outright (G) new (H) habitual (H) book (I) waving (I) difficult (J) unsuspecting (J) wonderful 84. a phlegmatic attitude 91. a cumbersome package (F) abound (F) light (G) play (G) bulky (H) argue (H) mysterious (I) adolescent (I) battered (J) join (J) dangerous 85. a manipulative child 92. his vehement objection (F) absentminded (F) loud (G) forgetful (G) weak (H) boring (H) unpleasant (I) learned (I) unhappy (J) disciplined (J) strong 86. a mellifluous voice 93. conventional wisdom (F) interest (A) ancient (G) anticipation (B) practical (H) relief (C) unsuitable (I) attention (D) convenient (J) dismay (E) common 87. an aristocratic family 94. a peevish individual (F) story (A) sick (G) era (B) worried (H) event (C) shy (I) discovery (D) bad-tempered (J) idea (E) restless 88. a secret rendezvous 95. a gregarious fellow (F) ordinary (A) gangly (G) unusual (B) sociable (H) mournful (C) withdrawn (I) loud (D) large (J) whispered (E) humourous 89. a sinuous road 96. a sultry day (F) hard to comprehend (A) puzzling (G) interesting (B) important (H) easily understood (C) pleasant (I) confusing (D) historical (J) surprising (E) disastrous 2
  • 5. 97. a dilapidated building 102. meager resources (A) in bad condition (A) abundant (B) newly constructed (B) scant (C) extremely tall (C) valuable (D) made of stone (D) varied (E) modern (E) plentiful 98. a fervent admirer 103. tepid water (A) quiet (A) boiling (B) unfaithful (B) frozen (C) enthusiastic (C) polluted (D) recent (D) stagnant (E) angry (E) lukewarm 99. a nebulous plan 104. erratic behaviour (A) strategic (A) consistent (B) nervous (B) mistaken (C) well thought out (C) unpredictable (D) vague (D) disturbing (E) exciting (E) positive 100. a palatable agreement 105. a mysterious interloper (A) acceptable (A) character (B) peaceful (B) visitor (C) mutual (C) criminal (D) sudden (D) intruder (E) reluctant (E) opponent 101. a scathing remark (A) soothing STOP (B) crushing (C) fascinating (D) encouraging (E) provocative 3
  • 6. READING-Vocabulary DIRECTIONS: Choose the answer that means the same or about the same as the underlined words for 69-91. Place the letter of your choice on the blank line in front of each number. _____ 69. churlish behaviour _____ 75. a sinuous road (K) immature (K) bumpy (L) rude (L) long (M)feminine (M)winding (N) polite (N) slippery (O) wild (O) straight _____ 70. a phlegmatic attitude _____ 76. a menial job (K) decisive (K) challenging (L) mature (L) important (M)self-controlled (M)easy (N) adolescent (N) difficult (O) angry (O) humble _____ 71. a manipulative child _____ 77. a fatuous question (K) absentminded (K) excellent (L) forgetful (L) puzzling (M)difficult (M)easy (N) scheming (N) silly (O) disciplined (O) difficult _____ 72. a mellifluous voice _____ 78. a garrulous old man (K) soothing (K) talkative (L) quiet (L) feisty (M)loud (M)unpleasant (N) unpleasant (N) quarrelsome (O) weak (O) strong _____ 73. an aristocratic family _____ 79. a callow youth (K) corrupt (F) bold (L) noble (G) inexperienced (M)famous (H) stubborn (N) poor (I) obedient (O) wealthy (J) sickly _____ 74. a secret rendezvous _____ 80. sporadic bursts of gunfire (K) voyage (F) explosive (L) meeting (G) loud (M)affair (H) intermittent (N) identity (I) constant (O) discovery (J) rapid 4
  • 7. _____ 81. a mawkish poem _____ 88. convivial atmosphere (F) shocking (F) harsh (G) awful (G) crowded (H) beautiful (H) agreeable (I) sentimental (I) tense (J) humourous (J) threatening _____ 82. a sultry day _____ 89. an ostentatious manner (F) refreshing (F) shy (G) chilly (G) conspicuous (H) stormy (H) friendly (I) calm (I) surly (J) humid (J) nervous _____ 83. a vulgar sense of humour _____ 90. an ambiguous statement (F) witty (F) accurate (G) common (G) surprising (H) crude (H) negative (I) outrageous (I) unclear (J) decent (J) interesting _____ 84. prodigious talent _____ 91. an egregious error (F) well-known (F) awful (G) newly found (G) simple (H) considerable (H) understandable (I) hidden (I) common (J) limited (J) unique _____ 85. an impertinent question (F) irrelevant (G) rude STOP! (H) important (I) difficult (J) inappropriate _____ 86. a frivolous remark (F) thoughtless (G) serious (H) pointed (I) vague (J) quick _____ 87. a dishevelled appearance (F) dirty (G) pleasant (H) neat (I) natural (J) slovenly 3
  • 8. READING COMPREHENSION Numbers 51-68: After each reading, answer the questions by choosing the correct option for each and write the letter of your answer on the blank space. Y|yà{ Uâá|Çxáá by Robertson Davies, Viking Penguin Inc., New York, New York © 1970 G MY LIFELONG INVOLVEMENT with Mrs. Dempster began at 5.58 o’clock p.m. on 27 December 1908, at which time I was ten years and seven months old. I am able to date the occasion with complete certainty because that afternoon I had been sledding with my lifelong friend and enemy Percy Boyd Staunton, and we had quarreled, because his fine new Christmas sled would not go as fast as my old one. Snow was never heavy in our part of the world, but this Christmas it had been plentiful enough almost to cover the tallest spears of dried grass in the fields; in such snow his sled with its tall runners and foolish steering apparatus was clumsy and apt to stick, whereas my low-slung old affair would almost have slid on grass without snow. The afternoon had been humiliating for him, and when Percy was humiliated he was vindictive. His parents were rich, his clothes were fine, and his mittens were of skin and came from a store in the city, whereas mine were knitted by my mother; it was manifestly wrong, therefore, that his splendid sled should not go faster than mine, and when such injustice showed itself Percy became cranky. He slighted my sled, scoffed at my mittens, and at last came right out and said that his father was better than my father. Instead of hitting him, which might have started a fight that could have ended in a draw or even a defeat for me, I said, all right, then, I would go home and he could have the field all to himself. This was crafty of me, for I knew it was getting on for suppertime, and one of our home rules was that nobody, under any circumstances, was to be late for a meal. So I was keeping the home rule, while at the same time leaving Percy to himself. As I walked back to the village he followed me, shouting fresh insults. When I walked, he taunted, I staggered like an old cow; my woolen cap was absurd beyond all belief; my backside was immense and wobbled when I walked; and more of the same sort, for his invention was not lively. I said nothing, because I knew that this spited him more than any retort, and that every time he shouted at me he lost face. Our village was so small that you came on it at once; it lacked the dignity of outskirts. I darted up our street, putting on speed, for I had looked ostentatiously at my new Christmas dollar watch (Percy had a watch but was not let wear it because it was too good) and saw that it was 5.57; just time to get indoors, wash my hands in the noisy, splashy way my parents seemed to like, and be in my place at six, my head bent for grace. Percy was by this time hopping mad, and I knew I had spoiled his supper and probably his whole evening. Then the unforeseen took over. Walking up the street ahead of me were the Reverend Amasa Dempster and his wife; he had her arm tucked in his and was leaning towards her in the protective way he had. I was familiar with this sight, for they always took a walk at this time, after dark and when most people were at supper, because Mrs. Dempster was going to have a baby, and it was not the custom in our village for pregnant women to show themselves boldly in the streets – not if they had any position to keep up, and of course the Baptist minister’s wife had a position. Percy had been throwing snowballs at me, from time to time, and I had ducked them all; I had a boy’s sense of when a snowball was coming, and I knew Percy. I was sure that he would try to land one last, insulting snowball between my shoulders before I ducked into our house. I stepped briskly – not running, but not dawdling – in front of the Dempsters just as Percy threw, and the snowball hit Mrs. Dempster on the back of the head. She gave a cry and, clinging to her husband, slipped to the ground; he might have caught her if he had not turned at once to see who had thrown the snowball. I had meant to dart into our house, but I was unnerved by hearing Mrs. Dempster; I had never heard an adult cry in pain before and the sound was terrible to me. Falling, she burst into nervous tears, and suddenly there she was, on the ground, with her husband kneeling beside her, holding her in his arms and speaking to her in terms of endearment that were strange and embarrassing to me; I had never heard married people – or any people – speak unashamedly loving words before. I knew that I was watching a 5
  • 9. “scene,” and my parents had always warned against scenes as very serious breaches of propriety. I stood gaping, and then Mr. Dempster became conscious of me. “Dunny,” he said – I did not know he knew my name – “lend us your sleigh to get my wife home.” I was contrite and guilty, for I knew that the snowball had been meant for me, but the Dempsters did not seem to think that. He lifted his wife on my sled, which was not hard because she was a small, girlish woman, and as I pulled it towards their house he walked beside it, very awkwardly bent over her, supporting her and uttering soft endearment and encouragement, for she went on crying, like a child. Their house was not far away – just around the corner, really – but by the time I had been there, and seen Mr. Dempster take his wife inside, and found myself unwanted outside, it was a few minutes after six, and I was late for supper. But I pelted home (pausing only for a moment at the scene of the accident), washed my hands, slipped into my place at table, and made my excuse, looking straight into my mother’s sternly interrogative eyes. I gave my story a slight historical bias, leaning firmly but not absurdly on my own role as the Good Samaritan. I suppressed any information or guesswork about where the snowball had come from, and to my relief my mother did not pursue that aspect of it. She was much more interested in Mrs. Dempster, and when supper was over and the dishes washed she told my father she thought she would just step over to the Dempsters’ and see if there was anything she could do. _____ 51. When was Dunny, the narrator, born? _____ 55. From this reading, we can see that Percy (K) in May of 1898 (F) is easy to get along with. (L) in July of 1897 (G) has many friends. (M) in April of 1898 (H) is somewhat temperamental. (N) in April of 1897 (I) is very athletic. (O) It cannot be determined from the story. (J) likes to play alone. _____ 52. Which statement is NOT true? _____ 56. In line 36 the word “dawdling” means (F) Dunny’s sled was faster than Percy’s. (A) delaying (G) Percy came from a wealthy family. (B) hurrying (H) Mrs. Dempster was unintentionally hit with (C) standing still a snowball. (D) playing (I) Dunny was surprised that Reverend (E) following Dempster knew his name. (J) Percy and Dunny never got along. _____ 57. Which statement is true? (A) Dunny told his mother who threw the _____ 53. The word “ostentatiously” in line 23 most snowball. nearly means (B) Dunny was late for diner. (F) conspicuously. (C) Mrs. Dempster rarely took walks with her (G) quickly. husband. (H) deliberately. (D) Percy was happy because he had everything (I) timidly. he wanted. (J) carefully. (E) Dunny wobbled when he walked. _____ 54. Why didn’t Dunny say anything in response to _____ 58. Dunny thought of himself as a Good Samaritan Percy’s insults? because he (F) He did not want to make Percy angry. (A) was kind to Percy. (G) By saying nothing Dunny knew he would (B) obeyed his parents. make Percy even angrier. (C) took Mrs. Dempster home on his sled. (H) Dunny was too kind to retaliate. (D) had not thrown the snowball. (I) Percy’s insults did not hurt Dunny. (E) told his mother the truth. (J) Dunny did not know what to say. 6
  • 10. g{x TÑÑÄx gÜxx by John Galsworthy, Charles Scribner’s Sons, © 1918 G ON THEIR SILVER-WEDDING DAY Ashurst and his wife were motoring along the outskirts of the moor, intending to crown the festival by stopping the night at Torquay, where they had first met. This was the idea of Stella Ashurst, whose character contained a streak of sentiment. If she had long lost the blue-eyed, flowerlike charm, the cool, slim purity of face and form, the apple-blossom coloring, which had so swiftly and so oddly affected Ashurst twenty-six years ago, she was still at forty-three a comely and faithful companion, whose cheeks were faintly mottled and whose gray-blue eyes had acquired a certain fullness. It was she who had stopped the car where the common rose steeply to the left, and a narrow strip of larch and beech, with here and there a pine, stretched out toward the valley between the road and the first long high hill of the full moor. She was looking for a place where they might picnic, for Ashurst never looked for anything; and this, between the golden furze and the feathery green larches smelling of lemons in the last sun of April—this, with a view into the deep valley and up to the long moor heights, seemed fitting to the decisive nature of one who sketched in watercolors and loved romantic spots. Grasping her paint box, she got out. “Won’t this do, Frank?” Ashurst, bearded, gray at the sides, tall and long-legged, with large remote gray eyes that sometimes filled with meaning and became almost beautiful, with a nose a little to one side and bearded lips just open—Ashurst, forty- eight and silent, grasped the picnic basket and got out too. “Oh! Look, Frank! A grave!” By the side of the road, where the track from the top of the common crossed it at right angles and ran through a gate past the narrow wood, was a thin mound of turf, six feet by one, with a moorstone to the west, and on it someone had thrown a blackthorn spray and a handful of bluebells. Ashurst looked, and the poet in him moved. At crossroads—a suicide’s grave! Poor mortals with their superstitions! Whoever lay there, though, had the best of it, no clammy sepulcher among other hideous graves carved with futilities—just a rough stone, the wide sky and wayside blessings! Without comment he strode away up onto the common, dropped the picnic basket under a wall, spread a blanket for his wife to sit on—she would turn up from her sketching when she was hungry—and took from his pocket Murray’s translation of the Hippolytus. He had soon finished reading of the Cyprian, the goddess of love, and her revenge, and looked at the sky instead. Watching the white clouds so bright against the intense blue, Ashurst, on his silver-wedding day, longed for— he knew not what. Maladjusted to life—civilized man! One’s mode of life might be high and scrupulous, but there was always an undercurrent of greediness, a hankering and a sense of waste. Did women have it too? Who could tell? And yet, men who gave vent to their appetites for novelty, their riotous longings for new adventures, new risks, new pleasures, these suffered, no doubt, from the reverse side of starvation, from surfeit. No getting out of it—a maladjusted animal, civilized man! There could be no garden of his choosing, of “the Apple-tree, the singing, and the gold,” in the words of that lovely Greek chorus, no achievable Elysium in life, or lasting haven of happiness for any man with a sense of beauty—nothing that could compare with the captured loveliness in a work of art, set down forever, so that to look on it or to read it was always to have the same precious sense of exaltation and intoxication. Life had moments with that quality of beauty, of unbidden flying rapture, but the trouble was that they lasted no longer than the span of a cloud’s flight over the sun; impossible to keep them with you, as art caught beauty and held it fast. They were as fleeting as one of the glimmering or golden visions one had of the soul in nature, glimpses of its remote and brooding spirit. Here, with the sun hot on his face, a cuckoo calling from a thorn tree, and in the air the honey savor of gorse—here among the little fronds of the young fern, the starry blackthorn, while the bright clouds drifted by high above the hills and dreamy valleys—here and now was such a glimpse. And suddenly he sat up. Surely there was something familiar about this view, this bit of common, that ribbon of road, the old wall behind him. While they were driving he had not been taking notice—he never did; thinking of faraway things or of nothing—but now he saw! 14
  • 11. Twenty-six years ago, just at this time of year, from a farmhouse within half a mile of this very spot, he had started for Torquay whence it might be said he had never returned. And a sudden ache beset his heart; he had stumbled on just one of those past moments in his life whose beauty and rapture he had failed to arrest, whose wings had fluttered away into the unknown; he had stumbled on a buried memory, a wild sweet time, swiftly choked and ended. And, turning on his face, he rested his chin on his hands and stared at the short grass where the little blue milkwort was growing…. And this is what he remembered. _____ 59. How old was Stella when she first met Frank? (A) lack. (A) twenty-six (B) excess. (B) eighteen (C) surrender. (C) twenty-two (D) hunger. (D) seventeen (E) satisfaction. (E) It cannot be determined from the reading. _____ 66. Ashurst eventually realized that _____ 60. In line 6 the word “mottled” means (A) he had misplaced the picnic basket. (A) blotchy. (B) his wife was not interested in eating. (B) wrinkled. (C) he would never be happy. (C) shiny. (D) he had returned to a place that he knew. (D) flushed. (E) his wife no longer loved him. (E) puffy. _____ 67. In line 24 the word “sepulcher” means _____ 61. The word “common” in line 7 means (A) bench. (A) slope. (B) wall. (B) farm. (C) tomb. (C) path. (D) hiding place. (D) meadow. (E) headstone. (E) beach. _____ 68. Which of the following statements is true? _____ 62. Which of the following statements is NOT (A) Frank and Stella were married for twenty true? years. (A) It was a lovely day for a picnic. (B) Stella was five years younger than Frank. (B) Ashurst noticed the beauty of nature around (C) Frank had been driving the car. him. (D) Frank’s eyes were blue. (C) Stella was more of a planner than her husband. (E) Frank got out of the car first. (D) Ashurst was content with his life. (E) Stella seemed more interested in sketching than in eating. Go on to the next section. _____ 63. The word “scrupulous” in line 32 means (A) easy. (B) important. (C) comfortable (D) demanding (E) conscientious. _____ 64. Ashurst thought that (A) his wife was a good artist. (B) life was better than art because it was real. (C) art was better than life because it endured. (D) it was going to rain. (E) life and art were very similar. _____ 65. In line 35 the word “surfeit” means 15
  • 12. For questions 146-165, look for mistakes in spelling only. (E) No mistakes. 146. 152. (A) The teacher gave her an excellent recommendation. (A) Are there any cancellations for this evening’s (B) “Are you attending the dance tonight?” Tolu performance? inquired. (B) Uzoma is a very dilligent and serious student. (C) The accomodations at the hotel were wonderful. (C) There were so many balloons I couldn’t count them. (D) All things considered, it was a delightful party. (D) I am not as intelligent as my older sister. (E) No mistakes. (E) No mistakes. 147. 153. (A) The subtlety of his wry humour was lost on them. (A) The terrain was so desolate and virtually (B) I always recieve many gifts for my birthday. uninhabitable. (C) The office was inundated with complaints and (B) The leader emancipated the prisoners from their criticisms. bondage. (D) There was an obvious miscalculation in the ledgers. (C) I would like to take this ocasion to express my (E) No mistakes. appreciation. (D) Charitable contributions are often considered tax- 148. deductible. (A) Mother made a scrumptious casserole for dinner (E) No mistakes. with boysenberry pie for desert. (B) The other team has a definite advantage over us. 154. (C) He had a sneaking suspicion that something was (A) The novel had a lyrical and mythical quality to it. amiss. (B) The school principle had a foreboding presentiment (D) Due to her infirmity she lost her appetite and regarding the excursion. wouldn’t eat a morsel. (C) What a fascinating and informative article! (E) No mistakes. (D) He is a chronic and incorrigible liar. (E) No mistakes. 149. (A) These two painters have distinct similarities in their 155. use of colour. (A) The suspected culprit had a waterproof alibi. (B) The jurors weighed the evidence carefully and (B) It was an honour and a priviledge to represent our reached a verdict. school at the symposium. (C) He came to a conclusion through a process of (C) Olu had failed so many times that he had grown elimination. dejected and disillusioned. (D) The maintenence department is very hardworking. (D) The child had ingested a poisonous chemical liquid. (E) No mistakes. (E) No mistakes. 150. 156. (A) Do you know how many people are in attendance? (A) Though her credentials were impeccable, Tayo did (B) The farmer was in desperate need of extra workers. not qualify for the position. (C) The news about my scholarship is unbelievable, but (B) The new regime had quite an auspicious beginning. true. (C) The actor wore a very wierd and scary mask. (D) Do all your calculations on a seperate sheet of (D) The security guard’s testimony was utterly paper. preposterous. (E) No mistakes. (E) No mistakes. 151. 157. (A) The poor boy had pneumonia and therefore was (A) His idiosyncrasies were not immediately detectable. understandably dispondent. (B) Nwabunie is inclined to be immature and hysterical. (B) The disrespectful child promised sincerely to (C) Chisom’s father makes a very descent salary as a change. certified public accountant. (C) What a defiant and obnoxious student! (D) Such rumours are contemptible and pernicious! (D) Everyone could see how pretentious and haughty (E) No mistakes. she was. 15
  • 13. 162. 158. (A) I seriously thought I was going to die from (A) The teacher found Damola’s demeanour deplorable. embarassment and humiliation! (B) I missplaced my biro and can’t find it anywhere. (B) Lola is often distracted and caught up in a reverie. (C) The prodigal son found himself in such wretched (C) Are you insinuating that I am a hypochondriac? circumstances. (D) Heroine and cocaine are hallucinogenic drugs. (D) There is a burgeoning textile industry in that (E) No mistakes. country. (E) No mistakes. 163. (A) There were all sorts of bric-à-brac and paraphernalia 159. for sale at the school bazar. (A) The pool of water was limpid and crystalline. (B) What is all this hullabaloo? (B) The scoundrel was notorious for his nasty (C) Fried chicken is greasy and unhealthy. temperament. (D) Have you ever tasted Hungarian goulash? (C) The dinosaurs ultimately reached the point of (E) No mistakes. extinction. (D) Jide was a mischieveous and unpredictable 164. prankster. (A) The poor little boy was suffocating and could not (E) No mistakes breathe. (B) I am unused to dealing with such ill-mannered 160. ruffians. (A) Jemila is so careless and often looses her (C) The physicist was on the threshold of a radical new belongings. discovery. (B) In the army barracks the day typically begins with (D) The back witheld my funds because I had reveille. overdrawn my account. (C) The sound from the explosion reverberated (E) No mistakes. throughout the region. (D) Their apartment was conveniently situated near the 165. supermarket. (A) I’m not averse to a drop of whisky after dinner. (E) No mistakes. (B) The chandaliers in the dining room glittered overhead. 161. (C) Those souvenirs are extremely valuable. (A) The prosecutor aggressively interrogated the (D) The sovereign ruler’s coat was trimmed with white witness. ermine fur. (B) Is there really any difference between tartan and (E) No mistakes. plaid? (C) The Christmas decorations were simply divine. (D) Uju and Amaka were having a terrific arguement. (E) No mistakes. STOP 16