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The And Environmental Energy Conservation
Growing up my dad would always say "switch off the lights, save power" and "do not waste
things, other people need to use it" those statements instilled in me an indelible dislike for
wastage of any kind and to be considerate of other people's needs like just my dad. These doctrines
helped also helped to forge my interest in recycling and environmental energy conservation
especially now as the demand for energy resources is growing at an alarming rate. Chevron PLC
stated in an article that the world population which is currently around 7 billion is projected to
grow by an additional 1 billion in the next 12 years, especially in NOECD or developing countries
as predicted by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), this growth would result in more
demand for energy resources particularly global fossil fuel consumption, clean water supply,
electricity as well as food, public health services and shelter.
Having grown up in Nigeria, a country with a population of 167 million persons and ranked as the
seventh crude oil producer in the world and the largest oil–producing country in Africa, it is ironic
that about 117.8 million Nigerians rely on fuels such as animal dung, crop residues, wood, charcoal
and kerosene as sources of energy to cook and to power lanterns, an estimated 60 million Nigerians
own generators, and spend an estimated N1.56 trillion ($13.35m) annually to power them. Only
about 40% of the populations have access to
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Essay On Energy Consumption
The overall structure is to calculate the total electricity consumption and convert to CO2 emissions
by applying conversion factors of electricity. There are normally two methods for carbon emission
calculation (WBCSD/WRI,2004). One is top–down method. Energy consumption data is gathered at
an aggregate level, such as annual electricity consumption for the whole company. The other one is
bottom–up method in which Individual process can be controlled separately and their energy usage
can be measured individually. Generally, the top–down approach can provide more reliable overall
emission estimates, but the calculation is usually on a company level. This method could not reflect
how the energy is consumed. while the bottom–up technique more content...
Case selection cross docking which make an extension of the original model Data collection
Generally, four types of data will be used in this paper: Data provided by the warehouse Secondary
data from government department or green organizations Industrial data from previous research or
industrial standard Website
The warehouse provided limited data. A large range of the parameters are estimated from previous
research or industrial standard. Data likes the warehouse size, temperature of the storage, the flow of
the goods, average inventory level and electricity consumption is provided by the warehouse; Some
parameters in the model are difficult to measure, such as U values and emission factors are gathered
from government published document. The warehouse related energy parameters, for examples the
lighting energy parameters and MHE energy parameter are estimated from previous researchers. The
daily temperature for the city is from a weather history website weather database. Data analysis
The data analysis is consist of four parts. The first part will use the model to calculate emission by
HVAC, MHE and ligting respectively as well as calculate monthly total emissions. The separate
CO2 emissions are used to analyse how warehouse consumes energy; the total emission will be used
to compare with the result from the top–down method. The second part will validate the model with
the CO2 emission estimated by top–down methd. The third part will calculate the
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The Conservation Of Energy Lab Essay
Introduction: For the conservation of energy lab three experiments were performed. Terrestrial
Gravitation Acceleration, First Law of Thermodynamics and Centripetal Acceleration vs. First Law
of Thermodynamics. Each of the experiments demonstrated the importance of the first law of
thermodynamic and how its present on our daily lives. Therefore, reinforcing the importance of
thermodynamics concepts and their role in our society.
Experiment A: Terrestrial Gravitational Acceleration
The main objective of experiment A, was to measure the gravitational acceleration of earth upon
between two distinct masses; and to measure and record time and mass in order to calculate an
experimental value for gravity. Experiment B: First Law of Thermodynamics
The main objective was to demonstrate the first law of thermodynamics which states that energy
cannot be destroyed or created, therefore, it has to be conserved in one form or another during a
thermodynamic process. For this reason, two traveling cars were used along a low slope slide to
harness gravitational potential energy between two points and see it transformed into kinetic energy.
Experiment C: Centripetal Acceleration vs. First Law of Thermodynamics
The main objective was to find the minimum height required for the travelling car to complete the
loop track successfully by thermodynamics forces of conservation of energy and centripetal
acceleration. Moreover, the minimum height also had to satisfy an
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Importance Of Energy Conservation Essay
Energy Consumption Modern human civilization depends on large amounts of energy. Energy
consumption is not evenly spread throughout the world. A handful of countries consume a majority
of the world's produced energy. The 5 largest annual energy consumers in the world are China,
United States, European Union, Russia, and India. Solutions for Energy Consumption Replacing
fossil fuels with alternative fuel sources is the main solution to climate change. Cleaner energy
sources will reduce the amount of pollutants released in the environment during the production of
energy. Increasing the efficiency of energy consuming appliances will reduce the amount of energy
that is wasted and decrease the amount of energy needing to be produced. Increasing Energy
Efficiency Increased energy efficiency is an economical solution to decreasing the amount wasted
energy. Focusing energy conservation in buildings is a crucial step for improving world energy
efficiency. Older buildings often lack the energy Investing in energy saving technology will save
companies lots of money in the long run when it comes to energy costs. Energy saving technology
can also be used by homebuilders and homeowners designing or refitting houses to increase energy
efficiency. Possible energy saving designs are designing the long side of a building facing south,
install thick insulation around windows and in the attic. The location of the living quarters inside the
houses should be in the southern side of the
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Advantages Of Energy Conservation Essay
Discussion Modern human civilization depends on large amounts of energy. Energy consumption is
not evenly spread throughout the world. A handful of countries consume a majority of the world's
produced energy. The 5 largest annual energy consumers in the world are China, United States,
European Union, Russia, and India. Solutions for Energy Consumption Replacing fossil fuels with
alternative fuel sources is the main solution to climate change. Cleaner energy sources will reduce
the amount of pollutants released in the environment during the production of energy. Increasing the
efficiency of energy consuming appliances will reduce the amount of energy that is wasted and
decrease the amount of energy needing to be produced. Increasing Energy Efficiency Increased
energy efficiency is an economical solution to decreasing the amount wasted energy. Focusing
energy conservation in buildings is a crucial step for improving world energy efficiency. Older
buildings often lack the energy Investing in energy saving technology will save companies lots of
money in the long run when it comes to energy costs. Energy saving technology can also be used by
homebuilders and homeowners designing or refitting houses to increase energy efficiency. Possible
energy saving designs are designing the long side of a building facing south, install thick insulation
around windows and in the attic. The location of the living quarters inside the houses should be in
the southern side of the buildings
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Energy Conservation Essay
The topic of energy is one that is seen in the news more and more as each day passes. As most
Americans can tell you these days, energy is essential for industrial and technological development
in this or any other country. However, some believe that certain traditional methods of producing
energy, such as burning fossil fuels, are depleting the earth's limited supply of natural resources and
may also be harmful to the environment. They encourage the use of renewable sources of power,
such as wind turbines or hydroelectric plants. While some debate humans being the cause of climate
change, others believe mankind has barely made a mark on what our planet has to offer us.
Conserving energy has nearly become as important an issue as more content...
The need for coal sparked the American Industrial Revolution and introduced new inventions such as
the steam engine. Petroleum oil, another non–renewable resource, is found beneath the earth's
surface and is collected through oil drilling. The conversion from oil to gasoline allowed for the
invention of the automobile. Today, Petroleum is perhaps our most valuable source of fuel. Oil
drills and refineries can be found all over the world, and the demand for this fuel has grown so
great that it has caused a worldwide crisis. While some countries depend on oil as a source of
fuel, others depend on exporting oil as their primary source of income. "The U.N. Security
Council has terminated its authorization of foreign military operations in Libya. And as of
tomorrow night, NATO's bombing campaign there will be over. Libyans now have to focus on the
future, which includes reconstruction after the devastation of war. Some of the money for that
effort may come from the country's oil wealth" (CAN OIL FUEL LIBYA'S
RECONSTRUCTION? 1). The burning of fossil fuels has become a notorious cause of pollution.
From contaminants being released into the atmosphere to oceans being devastated from oil spills,
the earth's ecosystem is suffering thanks to years of thoughtless fuel consumption. Excessive
utilization of coal and oil for generation of electricity leads to the multiple problems of acid rain,
and rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. There are
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Environmental Conservation Essay
Energy Conservation
Jessica Goode
Axia College of University of Phoenix
We all use energy each and every day. We use energy for entertainment, cooking, transportation,
lighting, heating, cooling, manufacturing, as well as many other things. According to the Webster
Dictionary (2009), energy is defined as just being active. If that is truly the case, then anytime we
are doing anything we are being active and using up energy. Shouldn't we try to conserve more
energy if that is the case? According to the Business Dictionary (2007), energy conservation is the
reduction in the consumption of natural resources by any individual, society, organization, or the
economy as a whole. It is the elimination of waste being put back into the more
A lot of this consumption could be decreased if humans were more aware of the dangers they were
creating for the environment and their future generations. There are many sustainability strategies
and solutions already in place. The most known about plan in place is the Solar Tax Credit. On
October, 4, 2008, Congress passed an 18 billion dollar bill that provides those individuals that take
the responsibility and costs upon themselves to utilize the renewable energy sources available (Yang,
2008). "Climate change and green buildings legislation are expected to be high on the agenda of the
111th Congress and the new administration" (2009 legislative outlook, 2009). There are also several
other plans in place such as the Energy Star Heating and Cooling Program. This program is a
voluntary program in which manufacturers agree to manufacture and market high efficiency heating,
cooling, and control products to help lower energy usage (Green Communities, 2008). Although
there have been many sustainable and strategic solutions developed to conserve energy, many have
been unsuccessful. The reason that these plans have been so unsuccessful is because they have a
limited time frame, the awareness of the public is not there and mainly because of the current
economic crisis. My plan to reach sustainability is simple and should take no longer than two year's
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Energy and Power Essay
Energy and Power
Although I am surrounded by energy and power, I never really knew just how much they mean to
the world. However, after learning about the fundamentals of energy, I have a much deeper
understanding of their magnitude. In this paper, I will reflect back on what I have learned about
energy, and how it has affected me personally. For instance, I know now that the power I am using
to sit here and type is roughly equivalent to the power used by an incandescent light bulb, but that is
only the beginning.
Energy is all around us, but to create power, we need to harness it. I never thought about the fact that
everything on earth has some type of energy, and until this course I never even knew the six different more content...
I never anticipated that the things I learned in just the first few weeks of this course would lead me
to change my own daily activities. Reading about the amounts of energy consumed in past years, and
projections for the future, made me realize we need to start conserving now ("Environmental..."
2001). When I learned how much energy the United States consumed in a single year in BTU's, I
began conserving my energy much more than I used to. I never knew that our country consumed
more energy than is given off in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb ("Annual..."2004). Therefore, I
am much more careful about turning off my lights, conserving my heat, and taking shorter showers.
I would much rather know that I am doing my part to conserve the precious energy that we have,
than know that I am lavishly wasting it. Until this course, I never would have understood the
importance of energy conservation, but being able to convert the amount of energy that I use into
different medias, such as horsepower, watts and Calories, has shown me just how much of a
difference a single person can make (Texas, February 2005).
As a single student in EGEE 101, the knowledge I have gained so far has only affected me, and
maybe a few of my closest friends. As a class, I believe we can make a large difference, and as a
campus, an even larger one. Learning new things about energy everyday
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The Conservation of Energy Essay
The Conservation of Energy
Physics Essay: The Conservation of Energy
Since the beginning of time, energy has pervaded our earth. These days we rely on it to advance
in our technological developments. We also need energy for a variety of other things such as: to
keep our bodies alive and healthy, to run our machines and other technical devices, we also rely on
energy to keep warm in winter and cool in summer.
Energy is the ability to do work. People and other things can run out of energy (e.g. a marathon
runner) in which case they can no longer have the ability to do work. In a mechanical situation, if a
machine has energy it has the ability to apply a force to another body. There are many different
forms of energy and there more content...
Here is a description of the transformation of energy as a pole–vaulter completes a jump. Firstly,
when the pole–vaulter runs forward the muscles in the legs are doing work as a result of energy to
push him/her forward. As the pole digs into the ground and stops, the forward motion of the runner
causes the pole to bend, giving it elastic potential energy. If the pole–vaulter were to let go of the
pole at this point, the pole release upwards rapidly. As he/she jumps off the ground, it slowly
releases the elastic potential energy of the pole and transforms it into kinetic energy, forcing the
pole–vaulter upward and forward. If he/she jumps too early, there would not be enough elastic
potential energy created to force him/her over the bar. Also if the pole–vaulter doesn't run fast
enough, there will not be the required kinetic energy to force him/her forward over the bar.
Conservation of energy also has another meaning and that is to 'save' energy. As the natural energy
sources become scarcer it is important to learn how to save energy. One way of doing this is to
create an energy efficient home. To create an energy efficient home there are many measures that
can be taken to save energy, they include: solar energy, as the sun is a constant natural energy
resource we can store that energy and use it to heat out water. 'Sleep mode' on computers, computers
are definitely becoming more and more popular in homes,
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Case Study : Starbucks Energy Conservation Essay
Starbucks Energy Conservation As–Is Flowchart Improvement Analysis
The Starbucks Corporation is the largest coffeehouse worldwide and has more than 16,858 stores in
50 countries, including 11,000 in the United States alone (The McGraw–Hill Companies, 1999). The
company's products include drip brewed coffee, espresso's, cappuccino beverages, cold drinks, hot
drinks, smoothies, tea, coffee beans, salads, sandwiches, snacks, pastries, ice cream, and Starbucks
merchandise such as mugs and tumblers (The McGraw–Hill Companies, 1999). The company sells
premade coffee and started the coffee bar in which they are known for today. The coffeehouse gives
customers a quiet environment to drink coffee, read a book or browse the Internet using Wi–Fi
connection the company has available consumers (The McGraw–Hill Companies, 1999).
The company plans to open a third African location in the country Algeria as well as join a business
partnership with Tata Coffee located in India (The McGraw–Hill Companies, 1999). With steady
annual growth, Starbucks identifies strategic objectives within energy conservation solutions to
provide improvements within the organization business processes to continue to open many
franchises around the world (The McGraw–Hill Companies, 1999). This summary explains
Starbucks optimizing business processes and identifying potential procedures to create strategic
objectives through documenting the changes in the as–is process to ensure the company obtains the
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Essay On Saving Energy
Saving Energy While Improving Comfort and Productivity In actuality, well–designed,
naturally–ventilated buildings lead to profitability in many ways. They have the potential to cut
energy use of air–conditioned buildings in half . Access to fresh air also results in better employee
outputs. Natural ventilation can increase productivity by up to 11 percent , showing that the
profitability of a building's design can be tied directly to the workforce inside. There's also the
satisfaction derived from self–assessed productivity and the perception of control according to
Adrian Leaman and Bill Boardass, as well as a deeper connection to the outdoors . In addition to a
sense of well–being, employees in naturally–ventilated buildings more content...
Studies have shown that these kinds of devices can save on annual energy costs by 40 percent .
2.Powered Window Actuators: We have them in cars, so why not in buildings? Taking
measurements of various conditions inside and outside a building, such as wind speed, dust
particulate volume, and temperature levels, sensors can be programmed to open vents automatically
at various positions to suit specific conditions. These devices are cost effective, as a single sensor
can control a number of vents. Window actuators allow a machine–based approach to open windows
when conditions are ideal or when the building's design prevents human access to hard–to–reach
vents. By introducing a simple device with a programmed algorithm, the efficiency of the HVAC
system can be instantly improved. 3.Monsoon Windows: For office buildings in the tropics,
windows have to be closed when it rains heavily, which results in shutting off airflow. With
monsoon windows , a rain sensor closes windows when it rains, however there is still airflow into
the interior. 4.Full fresh air mode: just like with cars where one can turn off the AC and have the
fan on outside air mode left on, the mechanical systems in offices can be designed to have a 'full
fresh air' mode. The windows can of course be left open to flush out internal heat gains and humidity.
5.Night Ventilation Cooling: In the sub–tropics, where the outdoor temperature in the evening is
generally lower, night ventilation
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The preservation of the environment and conservation of energy are dynamic topics in the political
world of today and actions to be taken are discussed every day. It is time to advance beyond the
ordinary gasoline engine automobile that has polluted our environment for several decades. The
recurring problem that hasn't been solved is the pollution from automobiles that harms the
environment and uses fuel that won't be around some time in the future. Neglect for the preservation
of the environment has spread like an infection over the years, and automobiles are major players in
the pollution of the environment. A change is vital, and hybrid cars have begun to lead the way to
that change, besting regular car in cost–effectiveness more content...
The environmental impacts from automobiles come in the dozens ranging from brake and tire
debris to the toxicity of the lead acid batteries in cars. These problems are also not to be taken
lightly. For example, the debris from tires and braking raises the toxicity levels of nearby soils and
leads to the formation of black carbon. Both pollutants have been shown to cause lung toxicity and
significant portions of particulate matter in urban areas. Painting and coating cause discharges of
harmful materials such as nickel, copper, and hexavalent chromium into the atmosphere. Batteries
are a more critical part of the automobile, and even though they can be recycled they account for the
release of 42,000 tons of unwanted lead release into the environment. The plethora of environmental
problems from automobiles today is affecting the lifespan of our atmosphere and causing a
downward spiral that is exponentially increasing. With these problems, the transportation revolution
is knocking on the door and as the guardians of our planet, humanity needs to find a way to decrease
pollution and that way has been opened with the hybrid car.
Hybrid cars are more beneficial to the environment than their traditional counterparts, but not all
hybrid vehicles function the same way. To decrease emissions all hybrid cars run on some form of
electricity, whether it run on pure electricity or splits power with
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Energy Conservation And What We Can Do
Kris Gilmour
August 14, 2015
GEOS 330
Energy Conservation and What We Can Do
Every household within the United States can make realistic changes to improve the global energy
crisis. Homes in the United States expend a significant amount of natural gas and electricity. Future
generations may experience drastic energy deficiencies if people around the world do not act now
and take the necessary precautions to reduce energy consumption. Family homes consume roughly
thirty eight percent of the total energy consumption per year, which leads problems like global
warming. It is vital, now more than ever, that individuals comprehend how we deplete energy in a
domestic home and what he or she can do to prevent excessive energy more
Keep in mind; there are several other means in which an individual can aid this decrease in energy
consumption. The most collective way is to utilize a furnace. Of course, one can always use a
fireplace, stove, electric resistance heater, or electrically powered heat pump to warm up the
household. Generally, furnaces operate via natural gas and result in approximately sixty to ninety
percent efficiency. Shockingly, electrical resistant heaters prove to be almost one hundred percent
efficient when it comes to heat production. Unfortunately, this value is not all that accurate in the
end game scheme of things. These heaters consume a vast amount of energy in order to heat one's
home. An individual needs to inspect the efficiency of a heating element and the amount of energy
consumption necessary for operation when considering a new means to produce household warmth.
In fact, electricity is more costly than natural gas to generate, making electric resistance heaters
pricier to maintain. This energy demand must be included in the total cost of electric resistance
An alternative method to heat one's home, and perhaps my favorite after living in Chico, is to do
so via a fireplace. Yes, a fireplace. A fireplace eliminates the consumption of natural gas. Instead, the
burning of wood fuels a fireplace. Unfortunately, fireplaces do not prove to be an effective solution
for society's environmental problem. The burning of wood produces
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During this meeting I will talk to my fellow homeowners in regard to energy conversation and
efficiency in our community. Conserving energy is important because our world relies heavily on
the use of nonrenewable energy resources. Once these resources are used up, we will have to rely
on alternatives. Rather than depleting the Earth of its natural resources, we can put an end to it now,
or at least slow it down. A more immediate solution to using alternatives is to conserve theenergy we
use by using less of it to accomplish everyday tasks. In addition to energy conservation, being energy
efficient is a vital step we can take. With technological breakthroughs come energy efficiency
breakthroughs such as vehicles with higher miles more content...
These also can be bought at any department store in which you can buy regular washing machines,
but are substantially more expensive than those low wattage light bulbs. They can however save
money with your water and electricity bills every month, so they eventually pay for themselves
(Dunn, 2010). For people who have the money to put into them, replacing your car with a hybrid
car is an excellent way to conserve energy. Hybrid cars switch between using batteries and
gasoline to power the vehicle. They use less gas however, and in turn give out fewer emissions
(Richard, 2010). They usually have outstanding MPG ratings like the Toyota Prius, which has a
combined rating of 50 MPG (MPGFacts, 2010). If you want to save on gas but don't have the
money for a hybrid vehicle, you can find a regular car that has a rating of around 30 MPG these
days, which is substantially better than most of the older vehicles that many people are still
driving. Another way to save on gas is to carpool with friends and coworkers (Gordon, How to Go
Green: Cars, 2010).
The government also plays a role in conservation efforts. They provide certain tax cuts for
homeowners and taxpayers who meet certain requirements and make significant efforts to conserve
energy. Homeowners may claim residential energy property credits, which provide a 30% credit for
qualified geothermal heat pumps, small wind energy turbines, and solar water heaters. Homeowners
can also
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Energy Conservation Essay
Energy Conservation
Energy conservation is so important. Why you ask? Because of the limited amount of nonrenewable
energy sources on Earth, it is important to conserve our current supply or to use renewable sources
so that our natural resources will be available for future generations. Energy conservation is also
important because consumption of nonrenewable sources impacts the environment. Specifically, our
use of fossil fuels contributes to air and water pollution. For example, carbon dioxide is produced
when oil, coal, and gas combust in power stations, heating systems, and car engines. Carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere acts as a transparent blanket that contributes to the more content...
It has been shown that natural day lighting increases productivity levels of workers, while reducing
energy consumption.
Positive impacts of energy conservation can be extremely rewarding for the future. By utilizing our
renewable energies and reducing the amount of non–renewable energy being used we can save the
future of energy. The economy can be renewed by the lower cost of energy. Renewable energy
can also create more jobs. By using wind turbines to produce electricity it creates a great use of
our natural resources. This type of renewable energy is produced by the wind. When the wind
blows the turbines turn and create power. Wind energy is the most established of the renewables,
constituting 1% of global energy production, or about $51.4 billion in 2008, and accounting for
more than 50% of global investment in renewable energy in 2009. It can also be the most
cost–efficient, especially when large installations using large turbines can take advantage of
economies of scale. [ ( ]
Another renewable energy resource is solar energy. Most renewable energy comes either directly or
indirectly from the sun. Sunlight, or solar energy, can be used directly for heating and lighting
homes and other buildings, for generating electricity, and for hot water heating, solar cooling, and a
variety of commercial and industrial uses [ (NREL) ]. By absorbing the sun's rays
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Persuasive Essay On Energy Conservation
I am not surprised that the jury is still out on the convenience and comfort of energy conservation
since the confidence in coal, oil and nuclear power has been shaken over the years. The extraction
methods used in fracking and shale oil reserves should be under investigation by United States
because he landowners are constantly approached by unscrupulous companies eager to drill for oil
and natural gas but with no clean up requirement enforced by the state and federal laws. The New
York Times articles outlines concerns and doubts as a result of this natural gas rush. California,
Colorado and a host other states are rushing to join the United States natural gas boom. I believe
that the shift from coal to gas is a great investment not to be ignored by the United States, China
and other developing countries. Errors are great opportunities to ensure the efficient transferring of
knowledge. Liquid energy is part of our life and ignoring the importance will not solve the
problems that can arise from faulty extracting methods. Our ancestors over a century ago
considered natural gas a waste product in oil fields however the discovery of a large gas
Vautor–Laplaceliere 2
Field in the Panhandle in 1918 opened avenues for its use in the manufacturing of car tires and home
heating. Nevertheless coal, oil, and nuclear power remained the important source of energy. Recent
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The Conservation Of Mechanical Energy
The purpose of this experiment was to test the conservation of mechanical energy. This was done so
by using two different methods: (1) to test the conservation of mechanical energy using a cart with a
load set on a PASCO track attached to a hanging mass by a string and pulley, and (2) to test the
conservation of mechanical energy using a spring attached to a hanging mass. . In the first part of the
lab involving gravitational potential energy, the theoretical value to be consistent with the law of
conservation of mechanical energy was 0 J/m, but instead we obtained a value for ∆E/∆y to
be 0.04772 п‚± 0.00209 J/m. In the second part of the lab involving spring potential energy, the
net change in energy should have been 0J, yet we calculated a value of 3.14 п‚± 0.13 J. Although
our result for the first part of the lab was quite accurate and close to 0 J/m, our result for the second
part was not consistent with the theory since the value greatly deviates from zero. The cause of this
may have been certain errors while performing the lab.
Gravitational Potential Energy
Introduction and Theory: The energy that an object has due to its position in a gravitational field
due to its position is known as the gravitational potential energy (О”U). It is known that energy is
conserved, so when the cart is released, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (О”K).
Due to friction, the equation would be non–conservative, yet the weight of paperclips can be used as
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Why Are We Sleep Using The Inactivity Theory
Introduction: what is sleep: Sleeping is something that most creatures of the animal kingdom have in
common. A period of time where the body seemingly ceases to function. The average human is
supposed to sleep 7–8 hours a day, and although this varies from species to species, the core
function stays the same.The dictionary definition of sleep is "the natural state of rest during
which your eyes are closed and you become unconscious".(Sleep, n.d.) Although it seems like
nothing is happening when the body is in this seemingly dead state, in reality sleep plays a very
key role in physical and mental development. Why we sleep: The question of why we sleep is a
question scientists have been trying to answer for many years. There are four main theories as to
why we sleep: the inactivity theory, the energy conservation theory(the energy conservation theory is
often considered to be part of the inactivity theory), the restorative theory, and the brain plasticity
theory (Why Do We Sleep Anyway, 2007). The inactivity theory states that sleeping at night served
as a survival function by keeping organisms out of harm 's way at time they were particularly
vulnerable. It goes onto suggest that animals who were able to stay still and quiet during these
periods of vulnerability had an advantage over animals that stayed active. The inactivity theory
counter–argument is that it is always safer to remain awake in case of an emergency, so there is no
advantage unconscious if safety is
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Energy conservation is a method to limit or control the use of energy resources in our day to day
lives. It is a process which limits or reduces the amount of energy used. Energy conservation is an
important necessity in our day to day lives, as the energy resources present on the Earth is limited.
With the expansion of technology, the use and consumption of energy resources have been increased
gradually over the years. Energy conservation can be done through the efficient use of energy i.e.
reducing the consumption of energy resources. Conservation of energy is advantageous both for us
and for the environment too. It is an important aspect which will help us in shaping the lives of our
future generations. Energy more content...
It represents or shows the property of an appliance to conserve electricity. It limits from one to five.
Each rating shows the efficiency of the product. The Products with maximum stars are considered to
be more energy efficient than others with low star content.
Incandescent lamps has been replaced by CFL i.e. compact fluorescent lamps, which takes low
electricity to generate more amount of life and is more energy efficient.
The CFL were replaced by LEDs as they consume 1/4th of electricity as used by a CFL. It has a
longer life than CFL. The government is promoting the use of LEDs as they are the future.
Switching off electric appliances when not in use could save a lot of electricity.
Tightening of pipe joints can save water and avoid leakages.
Reducing use of lights during daytime.
Using public transports instead of own vehicles.
Using CNG instead of petroleum could save fuels and also helps in reducing pollution.
Use induction in place of LPG cylinders.
Turn off the engines of vehicles at traffic signals could help in saving a lot of
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Energy Conservation Essays

  • 1. The And Environmental Energy Conservation PERSONAL STATEMENT DRAFT_081114 Growing up my dad would always say "switch off the lights, save power" and "do not waste things, other people need to use it" those statements instilled in me an indelible dislike for wastage of any kind and to be considerate of other people's needs like just my dad. These doctrines helped also helped to forge my interest in recycling and environmental energy conservation especially now as the demand for energy resources is growing at an alarming rate. Chevron PLC stated in an article that the world population which is currently around 7 billion is projected to grow by an additional 1 billion in the next 12 years, especially in NOECD or developing countries as predicted by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), this growth would result in more demand for energy resources particularly global fossil fuel consumption, clean water supply, electricity as well as food, public health services and shelter. Having grown up in Nigeria, a country with a population of 167 million persons and ranked as the seventh crude oil producer in the world and the largest oil–producing country in Africa, it is ironic that about 117.8 million Nigerians rely on fuels such as animal dung, crop residues, wood, charcoal and kerosene as sources of energy to cook and to power lanterns, an estimated 60 million Nigerians own generators, and spend an estimated N1.56 trillion ($13.35m) annually to power them. Only about 40% of the populations have access to Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On Energy Consumption The overall structure is to calculate the total electricity consumption and convert to CO2 emissions by applying conversion factors of electricity. There are normally two methods for carbon emission calculation (WBCSD/WRI,2004). One is top–down method. Energy consumption data is gathered at an aggregate level, such as annual electricity consumption for the whole company. The other one is bottom–up method in which Individual process can be controlled separately and their energy usage can be measured individually. Generally, the top–down approach can provide more reliable overall emission estimates, but the calculation is usually on a company level. This method could not reflect how the energy is consumed. while the bottom–up technique more content... Case selection cross docking which make an extension of the original model Data collection Generally, four types of data will be used in this paper: Data provided by the warehouse Secondary data from government department or green organizations Industrial data from previous research or industrial standard Website The warehouse provided limited data. A large range of the parameters are estimated from previous research or industrial standard. Data likes the warehouse size, temperature of the storage, the flow of the goods, average inventory level and electricity consumption is provided by the warehouse; Some parameters in the model are difficult to measure, such as U values and emission factors are gathered from government published document. The warehouse related energy parameters, for examples the lighting energy parameters and MHE energy parameter are estimated from previous researchers. The daily temperature for the city is from a weather history website weather database. Data analysis The data analysis is consist of four parts. The first part will use the model to calculate emission by HVAC, MHE and ligting respectively as well as calculate monthly total emissions. The separate CO2 emissions are used to analyse how warehouse consumes energy; the total emission will be used to compare with the result from the top–down method. The second part will validate the model with the CO2 emission estimated by top–down methd. The third part will calculate the Get more content on
  • 3. The Conservation Of Energy Lab Essay Introduction: For the conservation of energy lab three experiments were performed. Terrestrial Gravitation Acceleration, First Law of Thermodynamics and Centripetal Acceleration vs. First Law of Thermodynamics. Each of the experiments demonstrated the importance of the first law of thermodynamic and how its present on our daily lives. Therefore, reinforcing the importance of thermodynamics concepts and their role in our society. Objectives: Experiment A: Terrestrial Gravitational Acceleration The main objective of experiment A, was to measure the gravitational acceleration of earth upon between two distinct masses; and to measure and record time and mass in order to calculate an experimental value for gravity. Experiment B: First Law of Thermodynamics The main objective was to demonstrate the first law of thermodynamics which states that energy cannot be destroyed or created, therefore, it has to be conserved in one form or another during a thermodynamic process. For this reason, two traveling cars were used along a low slope slide to harness gravitational potential energy between two points and see it transformed into kinetic energy. Experiment C: Centripetal Acceleration vs. First Law of Thermodynamics The main objective was to find the minimum height required for the travelling car to complete the loop track successfully by thermodynamics forces of conservation of energy and centripetal acceleration. Moreover, the minimum height also had to satisfy an Get more content on
  • 4. Importance Of Energy Conservation Essay Energy Consumption Modern human civilization depends on large amounts of energy. Energy consumption is not evenly spread throughout the world. A handful of countries consume a majority of the world's produced energy. The 5 largest annual energy consumers in the world are China, United States, European Union, Russia, and India. Solutions for Energy Consumption Replacing fossil fuels with alternative fuel sources is the main solution to climate change. Cleaner energy sources will reduce the amount of pollutants released in the environment during the production of energy. Increasing the efficiency of energy consuming appliances will reduce the amount of energy that is wasted and decrease the amount of energy needing to be produced. Increasing Energy Efficiency Increased energy efficiency is an economical solution to decreasing the amount wasted energy. Focusing energy conservation in buildings is a crucial step for improving world energy efficiency. Older buildings often lack the energy Investing in energy saving technology will save companies lots of money in the long run when it comes to energy costs. Energy saving technology can also be used by homebuilders and homeowners designing or refitting houses to increase energy efficiency. Possible energy saving designs are designing the long side of a building facing south, install thick insulation around windows and in the attic. The location of the living quarters inside the houses should be in the southern side of the Get more content on
  • 5. Advantages Of Energy Conservation Essay Discussion Modern human civilization depends on large amounts of energy. Energy consumption is not evenly spread throughout the world. A handful of countries consume a majority of the world's produced energy. The 5 largest annual energy consumers in the world are China, United States, European Union, Russia, and India. Solutions for Energy Consumption Replacing fossil fuels with alternative fuel sources is the main solution to climate change. Cleaner energy sources will reduce the amount of pollutants released in the environment during the production of energy. Increasing the efficiency of energy consuming appliances will reduce the amount of energy that is wasted and decrease the amount of energy needing to be produced. Increasing Energy Efficiency Increased energy efficiency is an economical solution to decreasing the amount wasted energy. Focusing energy conservation in buildings is a crucial step for improving world energy efficiency. Older buildings often lack the energy Investing in energy saving technology will save companies lots of money in the long run when it comes to energy costs. Energy saving technology can also be used by homebuilders and homeowners designing or refitting houses to increase energy efficiency. Possible energy saving designs are designing the long side of a building facing south, install thick insulation around windows and in the attic. The location of the living quarters inside the houses should be in the southern side of the buildings Get more content on
  • 6. Energy Conservation Essay The topic of energy is one that is seen in the news more and more as each day passes. As most Americans can tell you these days, energy is essential for industrial and technological development in this or any other country. However, some believe that certain traditional methods of producing energy, such as burning fossil fuels, are depleting the earth's limited supply of natural resources and may also be harmful to the environment. They encourage the use of renewable sources of power, such as wind turbines or hydroelectric plants. While some debate humans being the cause of climate change, others believe mankind has barely made a mark on what our planet has to offer us. Conserving energy has nearly become as important an issue as more content... The need for coal sparked the American Industrial Revolution and introduced new inventions such as the steam engine. Petroleum oil, another non–renewable resource, is found beneath the earth's surface and is collected through oil drilling. The conversion from oil to gasoline allowed for the invention of the automobile. Today, Petroleum is perhaps our most valuable source of fuel. Oil drills and refineries can be found all over the world, and the demand for this fuel has grown so great that it has caused a worldwide crisis. While some countries depend on oil as a source of fuel, others depend on exporting oil as their primary source of income. "The U.N. Security Council has terminated its authorization of foreign military operations in Libya. And as of tomorrow night, NATO's bombing campaign there will be over. Libyans now have to focus on the future, which includes reconstruction after the devastation of war. Some of the money for that effort may come from the country's oil wealth" (CAN OIL FUEL LIBYA'S RECONSTRUCTION? 1). The burning of fossil fuels has become a notorious cause of pollution. From contaminants being released into the atmosphere to oceans being devastated from oil spills, the earth's ecosystem is suffering thanks to years of thoughtless fuel consumption. Excessive utilization of coal and oil for generation of electricity leads to the multiple problems of acid rain, and rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. There are Get more content on
  • 7. Environmental Conservation Essay Energy Conservation Jessica Goode Axia College of University of Phoenix We all use energy each and every day. We use energy for entertainment, cooking, transportation, lighting, heating, cooling, manufacturing, as well as many other things. According to the Webster Dictionary (2009), energy is defined as just being active. If that is truly the case, then anytime we are doing anything we are being active and using up energy. Shouldn't we try to conserve more energy if that is the case? According to the Business Dictionary (2007), energy conservation is the reduction in the consumption of natural resources by any individual, society, organization, or the economy as a whole. It is the elimination of waste being put back into the more content... A lot of this consumption could be decreased if humans were more aware of the dangers they were creating for the environment and their future generations. There are many sustainability strategies and solutions already in place. The most known about plan in place is the Solar Tax Credit. On October, 4, 2008, Congress passed an 18 billion dollar bill that provides those individuals that take the responsibility and costs upon themselves to utilize the renewable energy sources available (Yang, 2008). "Climate change and green buildings legislation are expected to be high on the agenda of the 111th Congress and the new administration" (2009 legislative outlook, 2009). There are also several other plans in place such as the Energy Star Heating and Cooling Program. This program is a voluntary program in which manufacturers agree to manufacture and market high efficiency heating, cooling, and control products to help lower energy usage (Green Communities, 2008). Although there have been many sustainable and strategic solutions developed to conserve energy, many have been unsuccessful. The reason that these plans have been so unsuccessful is because they have a limited time frame, the awareness of the public is not there and mainly because of the current economic crisis. My plan to reach sustainability is simple and should take no longer than two year's time Get more content on
  • 8. Energy and Power Essay Energy and Power Although I am surrounded by energy and power, I never really knew just how much they mean to the world. However, after learning about the fundamentals of energy, I have a much deeper understanding of their magnitude. In this paper, I will reflect back on what I have learned about energy, and how it has affected me personally. For instance, I know now that the power I am using to sit here and type is roughly equivalent to the power used by an incandescent light bulb, but that is only the beginning. Energy is all around us, but to create power, we need to harness it. I never thought about the fact that everything on earth has some type of energy, and until this course I never even knew the six different more content... I never anticipated that the things I learned in just the first few weeks of this course would lead me to change my own daily activities. Reading about the amounts of energy consumed in past years, and projections for the future, made me realize we need to start conserving now ("Environmental..." 2001). When I learned how much energy the United States consumed in a single year in BTU's, I began conserving my energy much more than I used to. I never knew that our country consumed more energy than is given off in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb ("Annual..."2004). Therefore, I am much more careful about turning off my lights, conserving my heat, and taking shorter showers. I would much rather know that I am doing my part to conserve the precious energy that we have, than know that I am lavishly wasting it. Until this course, I never would have understood the importance of energy conservation, but being able to convert the amount of energy that I use into different medias, such as horsepower, watts and Calories, has shown me just how much of a difference a single person can make (Texas, February 2005). As a single student in EGEE 101, the knowledge I have gained so far has only affected me, and maybe a few of my closest friends. As a class, I believe we can make a large difference, and as a campus, an even larger one. Learning new things about energy everyday Get more content on
  • 9. The Conservation of Energy Essay The Conservation of Energy Physics Essay: The Conservation of Energy Since the beginning of time, energy has pervaded our earth. These days we rely on it to advance in our technological developments. We also need energy for a variety of other things such as: to keep our bodies alive and healthy, to run our machines and other technical devices, we also rely on energy to keep warm in winter and cool in summer. Energy is the ability to do work. People and other things can run out of energy (e.g. a marathon runner) in which case they can no longer have the ability to do work. In a mechanical situation, if a machine has energy it has the ability to apply a force to another body. There are many different forms of energy and there more content... Here is a description of the transformation of energy as a pole–vaulter completes a jump. Firstly, when the pole–vaulter runs forward the muscles in the legs are doing work as a result of energy to push him/her forward. As the pole digs into the ground and stops, the forward motion of the runner causes the pole to bend, giving it elastic potential energy. If the pole–vaulter were to let go of the pole at this point, the pole release upwards rapidly. As he/she jumps off the ground, it slowly releases the elastic potential energy of the pole and transforms it into kinetic energy, forcing the pole–vaulter upward and forward. If he/she jumps too early, there would not be enough elastic potential energy created to force him/her over the bar. Also if the pole–vaulter doesn't run fast enough, there will not be the required kinetic energy to force him/her forward over the bar. Conservation of energy also has another meaning and that is to 'save' energy. As the natural energy sources become scarcer it is important to learn how to save energy. One way of doing this is to create an energy efficient home. To create an energy efficient home there are many measures that can be taken to save energy, they include: solar energy, as the sun is a constant natural energy resource we can store that energy and use it to heat out water. 'Sleep mode' on computers, computers are definitely becoming more and more popular in homes, Get more content on
  • 10. Case Study : Starbucks Energy Conservation Essay Starbucks Energy Conservation As–Is Flowchart Improvement Analysis The Starbucks Corporation is the largest coffeehouse worldwide and has more than 16,858 stores in 50 countries, including 11,000 in the United States alone (The McGraw–Hill Companies, 1999). The company's products include drip brewed coffee, espresso's, cappuccino beverages, cold drinks, hot drinks, smoothies, tea, coffee beans, salads, sandwiches, snacks, pastries, ice cream, and Starbucks merchandise such as mugs and tumblers (The McGraw–Hill Companies, 1999). The company sells premade coffee and started the coffee bar in which they are known for today. The coffeehouse gives customers a quiet environment to drink coffee, read a book or browse the Internet using Wi–Fi connection the company has available consumers (The McGraw–Hill Companies, 1999). The company plans to open a third African location in the country Algeria as well as join a business partnership with Tata Coffee located in India (The McGraw–Hill Companies, 1999). With steady annual growth, Starbucks identifies strategic objectives within energy conservation solutions to provide improvements within the organization business processes to continue to open many franchises around the world (The McGraw–Hill Companies, 1999). This summary explains Starbucks optimizing business processes and identifying potential procedures to create strategic objectives through documenting the changes in the as–is process to ensure the company obtains the vision Get more content on
  • 11. Essay On Saving Energy Saving Energy While Improving Comfort and Productivity In actuality, well–designed, naturally–ventilated buildings lead to profitability in many ways. They have the potential to cut energy use of air–conditioned buildings in half . Access to fresh air also results in better employee outputs. Natural ventilation can increase productivity by up to 11 percent , showing that the profitability of a building's design can be tied directly to the workforce inside. There's also the satisfaction derived from self–assessed productivity and the perception of control according to Adrian Leaman and Bill Boardass, as well as a deeper connection to the outdoors . In addition to a sense of well–being, employees in naturally–ventilated buildings more content... Studies have shown that these kinds of devices can save on annual energy costs by 40 percent . 2.Powered Window Actuators: We have them in cars, so why not in buildings? Taking measurements of various conditions inside and outside a building, such as wind speed, dust particulate volume, and temperature levels, sensors can be programmed to open vents automatically at various positions to suit specific conditions. These devices are cost effective, as a single sensor can control a number of vents. Window actuators allow a machine–based approach to open windows when conditions are ideal or when the building's design prevents human access to hard–to–reach vents. By introducing a simple device with a programmed algorithm, the efficiency of the HVAC system can be instantly improved. 3.Monsoon Windows: For office buildings in the tropics, windows have to be closed when it rains heavily, which results in shutting off airflow. With monsoon windows , a rain sensor closes windows when it rains, however there is still airflow into the interior. 4.Full fresh air mode: just like with cars where one can turn off the AC and have the fan on outside air mode left on, the mechanical systems in offices can be designed to have a 'full fresh air' mode. The windows can of course be left open to flush out internal heat gains and humidity. 5.Night Ventilation Cooling: In the sub–tropics, where the outdoor temperature in the evening is generally lower, night ventilation Get more content on
  • 12. The preservation of the environment and conservation of energy are dynamic topics in the political world of today and actions to be taken are discussed every day. It is time to advance beyond the ordinary gasoline engine automobile that has polluted our environment for several decades. The recurring problem that hasn't been solved is the pollution from automobiles that harms the environment and uses fuel that won't be around some time in the future. Neglect for the preservation of the environment has spread like an infection over the years, and automobiles are major players in the pollution of the environment. A change is vital, and hybrid cars have begun to lead the way to that change, besting regular car in cost–effectiveness more content... The environmental impacts from automobiles come in the dozens ranging from brake and tire debris to the toxicity of the lead acid batteries in cars. These problems are also not to be taken lightly. For example, the debris from tires and braking raises the toxicity levels of nearby soils and leads to the formation of black carbon. Both pollutants have been shown to cause lung toxicity and significant portions of particulate matter in urban areas. Painting and coating cause discharges of harmful materials such as nickel, copper, and hexavalent chromium into the atmosphere. Batteries are a more critical part of the automobile, and even though they can be recycled they account for the release of 42,000 tons of unwanted lead release into the environment. The plethora of environmental problems from automobiles today is affecting the lifespan of our atmosphere and causing a downward spiral that is exponentially increasing. With these problems, the transportation revolution is knocking on the door and as the guardians of our planet, humanity needs to find a way to decrease pollution and that way has been opened with the hybrid car. Hybrid cars are more beneficial to the environment than their traditional counterparts, but not all hybrid vehicles function the same way. To decrease emissions all hybrid cars run on some form of electricity, whether it run on pure electricity or splits power with Get more content on
  • 13. Energy Conservation And What We Can Do Kris Gilmour August 14, 2015 GEOS 330 Energy Conservation and What We Can Do Every household within the United States can make realistic changes to improve the global energy crisis. Homes in the United States expend a significant amount of natural gas and electricity. Future generations may experience drastic energy deficiencies if people around the world do not act now and take the necessary precautions to reduce energy consumption. Family homes consume roughly thirty eight percent of the total energy consumption per year, which leads problems like global warming. It is vital, now more than ever, that individuals comprehend how we deplete energy in a domestic home and what he or she can do to prevent excessive energy more content... Keep in mind; there are several other means in which an individual can aid this decrease in energy consumption. The most collective way is to utilize a furnace. Of course, one can always use a fireplace, stove, electric resistance heater, or electrically powered heat pump to warm up the household. Generally, furnaces operate via natural gas and result in approximately sixty to ninety percent efficiency. Shockingly, electrical resistant heaters prove to be almost one hundred percent efficient when it comes to heat production. Unfortunately, this value is not all that accurate in the end game scheme of things. These heaters consume a vast amount of energy in order to heat one's home. An individual needs to inspect the efficiency of a heating element and the amount of energy consumption necessary for operation when considering a new means to produce household warmth. In fact, electricity is more costly than natural gas to generate, making electric resistance heaters pricier to maintain. This energy demand must be included in the total cost of electric resistance heating. An alternative method to heat one's home, and perhaps my favorite after living in Chico, is to do so via a fireplace. Yes, a fireplace. A fireplace eliminates the consumption of natural gas. Instead, the burning of wood fuels a fireplace. Unfortunately, fireplaces do not prove to be an effective solution for society's environmental problem. The burning of wood produces Get more content on
  • 14. During this meeting I will talk to my fellow homeowners in regard to energy conversation and efficiency in our community. Conserving energy is important because our world relies heavily on the use of nonrenewable energy resources. Once these resources are used up, we will have to rely on alternatives. Rather than depleting the Earth of its natural resources, we can put an end to it now, or at least slow it down. A more immediate solution to using alternatives is to conserve theenergy we use by using less of it to accomplish everyday tasks. In addition to energy conservation, being energy efficient is a vital step we can take. With technological breakthroughs come energy efficiency breakthroughs such as vehicles with higher miles more content... These also can be bought at any department store in which you can buy regular washing machines, but are substantially more expensive than those low wattage light bulbs. They can however save money with your water and electricity bills every month, so they eventually pay for themselves (Dunn, 2010). For people who have the money to put into them, replacing your car with a hybrid car is an excellent way to conserve energy. Hybrid cars switch between using batteries and gasoline to power the vehicle. They use less gas however, and in turn give out fewer emissions (Richard, 2010). They usually have outstanding MPG ratings like the Toyota Prius, which has a combined rating of 50 MPG (MPGFacts, 2010). If you want to save on gas but don't have the money for a hybrid vehicle, you can find a regular car that has a rating of around 30 MPG these days, which is substantially better than most of the older vehicles that many people are still driving. Another way to save on gas is to carpool with friends and coworkers (Gordon, How to Go Green: Cars, 2010). The government also plays a role in conservation efforts. They provide certain tax cuts for homeowners and taxpayers who meet certain requirements and make significant efforts to conserve energy. Homeowners may claim residential energy property credits, which provide a 30% credit for qualified geothermal heat pumps, small wind energy turbines, and solar water heaters. Homeowners can also Get more content on
  • 15. Energy Conservation Essay Energy Conservation SCI/275 Energy conservation is so important. Why you ask? Because of the limited amount of nonrenewable energy sources on Earth, it is important to conserve our current supply or to use renewable sources so that our natural resources will be available for future generations. Energy conservation is also important because consumption of nonrenewable sources impacts the environment. Specifically, our use of fossil fuels contributes to air and water pollution. For example, carbon dioxide is produced when oil, coal, and gas combust in power stations, heating systems, and car engines. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acts as a transparent blanket that contributes to the more content... It has been shown that natural day lighting increases productivity levels of workers, while reducing energy consumption. Positive impacts of energy conservation can be extremely rewarding for the future. By utilizing our renewable energies and reducing the amount of non–renewable energy being used we can save the future of energy. The economy can be renewed by the lower cost of energy. Renewable energy can also create more jobs. By using wind turbines to produce electricity it creates a great use of our natural resources. This type of renewable energy is produced by the wind. When the wind blows the turbines turn and create power. Wind energy is the most established of the renewables, constituting 1% of global energy production, or about $51.4 billion in 2008, and accounting for more than 50% of global investment in renewable energy in 2009. It can also be the most cost–efficient, especially when large installations using large turbines can take advantage of economies of scale. [ ( ] Another renewable energy resource is solar energy. Most renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun. Sunlight, or solar energy, can be used directly for heating and lighting homes and other buildings, for generating electricity, and for hot water heating, solar cooling, and a variety of commercial and industrial uses [ (NREL) ]. By absorbing the sun's rays Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Energy Conservation I am not surprised that the jury is still out on the convenience and comfort of energy conservation since the confidence in coal, oil and nuclear power has been shaken over the years. The extraction methods used in fracking and shale oil reserves should be under investigation by United States because he landowners are constantly approached by unscrupulous companies eager to drill for oil and natural gas but with no clean up requirement enforced by the state and federal laws. The New York Times articles outlines concerns and doubts as a result of this natural gas rush. California, Colorado and a host other states are rushing to join the United States natural gas boom. I believe that the shift from coal to gas is a great investment not to be ignored by the United States, China and other developing countries. Errors are great opportunities to ensure the efficient transferring of knowledge. Liquid energy is part of our life and ignoring the importance will not solve the problems that can arise from faulty extracting methods. Our ancestors over a century ago considered natural gas a waste product in oil fields however the discovery of a large gas Vautor–Laplaceliere 2 Field in the Panhandle in 1918 opened avenues for its use in the manufacturing of car tires and home heating. Nevertheless coal, oil, and nuclear power remained the important source of energy. Recent Get more content on
  • 17. The Conservation Of Mechanical Energy Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to test the conservation of mechanical energy. This was done so by using two different methods: (1) to test the conservation of mechanical energy using a cart with a load set on a PASCO track attached to a hanging mass by a string and pulley, and (2) to test the conservation of mechanical energy using a spring attached to a hanging mass. . In the first part of the lab involving gravitational potential energy, the theoretical value to be consistent with the law of conservation of mechanical energy was 0 J/m, but instead we obtained a value for ∆E/∆y to be 0.04772 п‚± 0.00209 J/m. In the second part of the lab involving spring potential energy, the net change in energy should have been 0J, yet we calculated a value of 3.14 п‚± 0.13 J. Although our result for the first part of the lab was quite accurate and close to 0 J/m, our result for the second part was not consistent with the theory since the value greatly deviates from zero. The cause of this may have been certain errors while performing the lab. Gravitational Potential Energy Introduction and Theory: The energy that an object has due to its position in a gravitational field due to its position is known as the gravitational potential energy (О”U). It is known that energy is conserved, so when the cart is released, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (О”K). Due to friction, the equation would be non–conservative, yet the weight of paperclips can be used as a Get more content on
  • 18. Why Are We Sleep Using The Inactivity Theory Introduction: what is sleep: Sleeping is something that most creatures of the animal kingdom have in common. A period of time where the body seemingly ceases to function. The average human is supposed to sleep 7–8 hours a day, and although this varies from species to species, the core function stays the same.The dictionary definition of sleep is "the natural state of rest during which your eyes are closed and you become unconscious".(Sleep, n.d.) Although it seems like nothing is happening when the body is in this seemingly dead state, in reality sleep plays a very key role in physical and mental development. Why we sleep: The question of why we sleep is a question scientists have been trying to answer for many years. There are four main theories as to why we sleep: the inactivity theory, the energy conservation theory(the energy conservation theory is often considered to be part of the inactivity theory), the restorative theory, and the brain plasticity theory (Why Do We Sleep Anyway, 2007). The inactivity theory states that sleeping at night served as a survival function by keeping organisms out of harm 's way at time they were particularly vulnerable. It goes onto suggest that animals who were able to stay still and quiet during these periods of vulnerability had an advantage over animals that stayed active. The inactivity theory counter–argument is that it is always safer to remain awake in case of an emergency, so there is no advantage unconscious if safety is Get more content on
  • 19. ENERGY CONSERVATION: – Energy conservation is a method to limit or control the use of energy resources in our day to day lives. It is a process which limits or reduces the amount of energy used. Energy conservation is an important necessity in our day to day lives, as the energy resources present on the Earth is limited. With the expansion of technology, the use and consumption of energy resources have been increased gradually over the years. Energy conservation can be done through the efficient use of energy i.e. reducing the consumption of energy resources. Conservation of energy is advantageous both for us and for the environment too. It is an important aspect which will help us in shaping the lives of our future generations. Energy more content... It represents or shows the property of an appliance to conserve electricity. It limits from one to five. Each rating shows the efficiency of the product. The Products with maximum stars are considered to be more energy efficient than others with low star content. ENERGY CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES: – Incandescent lamps has been replaced by CFL i.e. compact fluorescent lamps, which takes low electricity to generate more amount of life and is more energy efficient. The CFL were replaced by LEDs as they consume 1/4th of electricity as used by a CFL. It has a longer life than CFL. The government is promoting the use of LEDs as they are the future. Switching off electric appliances when not in use could save a lot of electricity. Tightening of pipe joints can save water and avoid leakages. Reducing use of lights during daytime. Using public transports instead of own vehicles. Using CNG instead of petroleum could save fuels and also helps in reducing pollution. Use induction in place of LPG cylinders. Turn off the engines of vehicles at traffic signals could help in saving a lot of Get more content on