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Electricity Access Essay
Electricity access is one of the major challenges facing most developing nations especially in Africa. These challenges have been overcome mostly in
urban areas because of existence of power infrastructure, dense population and economic activities which require electricity. However, electricity
access is still low in many areas especially rural and remote areas with scattered population with little or no economic activities. To electrify these
areas the electric grid is always the most feasible solution, but it is limited by high costs associated with grid extension [1].
With increasing demand for electricity coupled with environmental concerns and sustainability issues, the manner in which electricity is generated and
consumed is key to sustainable development. Global environmental pollution, depleting oil reserves and increased cost of electricity have necessitated
the need for alternative forms of energy which are environmentally friendly and sustainable.
Hybrid energy systems based on renewable energy will play a key role in meeting current and future electricity demand. Electricity generated from
geothermal, wind, solar, biomass, hydroelectric and ocean resources is eco–friendly and increase the diversity of power generation. However, power
produced from renewable sources such as solar photovoltaic and wind energy systems is highly variable due to their intermittent nature. To provide
balance between energy generation and load demand, energy storage systems are
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Argumentative Essay On Renewable Energy
For nearly everyone on earth, fossil fuels are a part of our daily lives. Some of the more obvious places to find petroleum products would be gas and
diesel in cars and trucks, but it is in more than just your tank. Without fossil fuels, we would not have things such as plastic to make a wide variety of
things such as tires, kayaks, or even computers. The question remains, do we need fossil fuels?
In this day and age, we have new energy sources that could be used to power our homes and transportation. Wind and solar power are used all over
the world, but are still used far less than fossil fuels. Most would say it's not reliable or it doesn't make any profit. While both statements are true, it
doesn't mean we can't make a better future using renewable energy. In fact, the only reason we don't use renewables for everything is that we don't want
to change. The hard truth is we need to change. Fossil fuels are great right now, but if we run out, humanity must have another source of energy.
Renewable energy may seem like a daunting task, but the benefits to humanity could be incredible. Public uses of renewable energy range from
transportation all the way to heating and cooling. Everything we use could become less explosive and less expensive. Cities with a high concentration
of people could become safer and healthier places to live. Transportation could be converted to electricity dramatically, improving smog conditions.
Global warming may or may not
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The Future Of Electric Energy
Upon the first discovery of electricity, the subjects of electricity and magnetism would go on to revolutionize life as we know it. With the rudimentary
work completed by the leaders within the field, such as Benjamin Franklin or Nikola Tesla, these brilliant scientists laid the foundation that would go
on to become arguably one of the most important aspects of our forever–changed society. Although we have learned to incorporate electricity, it has
many uses within our lives. Electric energy is at the forefront of our world's business, engineering, and medical sectors of the workforce. Public
transportation is rapidly getting on the radar for developing new technologies to better serve consumers. With great emphasis being placed on living
more eco–friendly lives and the increasing costs of energy, these more efficient transportation models will change the face of history. One major
point driving this initiative is the pull back of fossil fuel consumption, and the reduction of greenhouse gases being released into our atmosphere.
Both historians and energy experts agree that as society advances, there is a need for more concentrated, powerful forms of energy, like rocket fuel
instead of gasoline. Electric vehicles are one of these technologies to hit the consumer markets. Companies such as Toyota and Tesla are beginning to
manufacture both hybrid and electric vehicles. Electric cars work on the basis of expending the energy stored in a battery (or series of batteries) for
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Essay On Energy Consumption
The overall structure is to calculate the total electricity consumption and convert to CO2 emissions by applying conversion factors of electricity. There
are normally two methods for carbon emission calculation (WBCSD/WRI,2004). One is top–down method. Energy consumption data is gathered at an
aggregate level, such as annual electricity consumption for the whole company. The other one is bottom–up method in which Individual process can be
controlled separately and their energy usage can be measured individually. Generally, the top–down approach can provide more reliable overall
emission estimates, but the calculation is usually on a company level. This method could not reflect how the energy is consumed. while the bottom–up
technique more content...
Case selection cross docking which make an extension of the original model Data collection
Generally, four types of data will be used in this paper: Data provided by the warehouse Secondary data from government department or green
organizations Industrial data from previous research or industrial standard Website
The warehouse provided limited data. A large range of the parameters are estimated from previous research or industrial standard. Data likes the
warehouse size, temperature of the storage, the flow of the goods, average inventory level and electricity consumption is provided by the warehouse;
Some parameters in the model are difficult to measure, such as U values and emission factors are gathered from government published document. The
warehouse related energy parameters, for examples the lighting energy parameters and MHE energy parameter are estimated from previous
researchers. The daily temperature for the city is from a weather history website weather database. Data analysis
The data analysis is consist of four parts. The first part will use the model to calculate emission by HVAC, MHE and ligting respectively as well as
calculate monthly total emissions. The separate CO2 emissions are used to analyse how warehouse consumes energy; the total emission will be used to
compare with the result from the top–down method. The second part will validate the model with the CO2 emission estimated by top–down methd.
The third part will calculate the
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Essay on Energy Crisis
Energy Crisis
Energy is important to our nation for many reasons. It is a key economic driver. It offers new market opportunities for business. Providing energy to our
nation has been an exciting challenge in recent years. Many changes have been constant throughout that period. The past tells Americans that predicting
the specifics of the energy future for our nation with great accuracy would be unlikely. Americans get their energy from different types of resources.
With all the different resources Americans believe that an energy crunch shouldn't happen.
The crisis is a nationwide energy discontent in which natural gas rates have soared to the highest level in 15 years, and OPEC has slashed its oil
output again to more content...
More than half of the growth for natural gas, over the next 20 years, will come from the electric generation market. The use of natural gas in this
country could increase by more than a third in the next 20 years. In the electric power generation industry, natural gas could increase as much as 250
percent for power generation.
The United States now has two percent of the world's proven crude–oil reserves. Most of the American produced oil comes form old wells, where the
output declines over the years. Production costs are lower overseas, so it is cheaper to buy from OPEC nations than from many American suppliers.
Increasing energy supplies requires not only wells but new pipelines to transport oil and natural gas. In 1998, the United States consumed 9.8 million
more barrels of oil a day than it produced.
The economic miracles of the 20th century were powered by fossil fuels. The 21st century may be seen by an equally dramatic change from fossil
fuels, and the environmental chaos they brought. The result may be less than an energy revolution. The cost of fossil fuel energy produced is
comparable to that of electricity. A fuel cell cleanly and quietly combines oxygen and hydrogen to produce electricity. Fuel cells could one day sit in
thousands of basements producing power and hot water, without fossil fuels. Some fossil fuel lobbyists still argue that it will be difficult and
expensive to find an alternative to oil and coal.
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Electricity Energy Story
Energy Story, Hands–On Science with Squishy Circuits, and Conducting Solutions all have one important similarity: they all explain how electricity
works! These three sources explain very different things, but they always end up coming back to the main objective of electricity. Energy Story
explained how atoms function, and how they, as a whole, are passed through circuits to create electricity. Conducting Solutions explains how liquid
solutions including Ammonia and Vinegar are stronger together, and create a stronger conduction of electricity. Hands
–On Science with Squishy
Circuits visually shows how two batches of homemade play–dough, one made with salt, and the other with sugar can be made into circuits when used
together. Energy Story uses visual representation to explain how atoms function, and then move further to explain how more content...
In this video, AnnMarie Thomas shows how two different types of homemade playdough can help you change your students or children into circuit
designers. You make on batch of playdough using salt, and then another substituting salt with sugar. First, you take a battery pack, and plug the two
wires into two separate pieces of playdough containing salt, or the positive playdough. You can then stick a tiny LED light into the playdough, and it
will light up, but when the two positive doughs are pushed together, you create a short in the circuits. This happens because the electricity wants to run
through the two positive doughs, not one positive dough. To prevent this from happening, you take a piece of the sugary dough you made, or the
negative dough, and place a clump of that in between to two positive doughs. However, the sugary dough is 150 times more resistant to electricity than
the salty dough, due to the ions in the sodium chloride in the salty dough. The sugary dough then creates a barrier, successfully making a functioning
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History of Electricity Essay
The oldest civilization known to understand electricity was the ancient Greeks because of the electric fish in the Nile River. In the 1600's William
Gilbert an English Physician studied electricity and magnetism; studies were continued by other researchers such as Robert Boyle and Benjamin
Franklin. Then by the 1800's scientist Allesandro Volta had identified a way to harnesselectricity in a battery format and he had also discovered the
chemical reactions that electricity could produce. Volta also invented the first device with a steady current known as the electric battery, and he also
created the first transmission of electricity by linking positively–charged and negatively–charged connectors and driving an electric charge through more content...
How is electricity made? Electricity can be generated in power plants fueled by fossil fuels such as coal. 1. The first step of generating electricity in
a power plant is to put coal in to a machine called pulverizer which grinds the coal into a fine powder. 2. The coal powder mixes with hot air, which
helps the coal burn more efficiently, and the mixture to the furnace. 3. The burning coal heats up a boiler creating steam. 4. Steam released from the
boiler powers and engine called a turbine, transforming heat energy from burning coal into mechanical energy that spins the turbine engine. 5 The
spinning turbine is used to power a generator, a machine that turns mechanical energy into electrical energy. This happens when magnets inside a
copper coil in the generator spin. 6. A condenser cools the steam moving through the turbine which and it converts into reusable water. (Source C).
(Source D) After that process the power plants send out the electricity through the power lines using a transformer which adds voltage to
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The Effect Of Electricity On Our Lives
If you were to assess the daily life of any average person, you would quickly realize just how dependent a majority of the human race has become on
electricity. A few of the everyday appliances that require electricity would include cell phones, computers, air conditioning, lighting, and even most
modes of transportation. If we were to look at the uses of electricity a couple hundred years ago and compare them to today's world, it would be
obvious that electricity has played an important role in innovation, progress, and communication and continues to become more and more important
as engineers and scientists find more and more ways to use it. Therefore, it would be simple to assume that electricity will lead to much more
innovation and technology as time goes on, including playing a very important role in transportation as other resources may become scarce.
Gasoline, used as the fuel for methods of transportation like cars and airplanes, is nonrenewable and being pumped from the ground at around 85
million gallons per year [1]. It is now known that the oil supply globally cannot meet demand forever and thus many scientists have begun preparing
methods that reduce our reliance on the fossil fuels [1]. One already known use of electricity in transportation would be the electric car, also often
known as the Smart Car. Though the sales have not been as high as many hoped, many carmakers have began to produce electric vehicles, such as
Ford, Volvo, BMW, and Tesla [2].
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Essay on Electrical Hazards
Electrical Hazards Electrical Hazards, risks of injury or death arising from exposure to electricity. Electricity is essential to daily life, providing heat
and light and powering appliances in homes and factories. It must, however, be treated with great care, because the consequences of an electrical fault
can be serious and sometimes fatal. Generally voltages greater than 50 volts can present a serious hazard and currents of more than about 50 milliamps
flowing through the human body can lead to death by electrocution. A shock occurs when a "live" part of some device is touched, so that
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Most were males between 15 and 64 years of age, carrying out do–it–yourself and maintenance work. Several deaths were caused by people touching
the live end of a cable cut by an electric lawnmower. Electrical faults in the home cause around 25,000 fires each year, killing or injuring over 2,000
people. Electrical Installations Most countries have detailed regulations governing the standards to which electrical installations must conform. In the
United Kingdom the Wiring Regulations (BS 7671), produced by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) and the British Standards Institution
(BSI), prescribe the wiring standards to be adopted. The Electrical Contractors Association (ECA) and the National Inspection Council for Electrical
Installation Contracting (NICEIC) require their members to observe these requirements to minimize any danger. Electrical Products In Britain,
domestic electrical products must satisfy the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations (1994), which were made under the
Consumer Protection Act (1987), and implement the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) of the European Union (EU). The technical interpretation of
the legal requirements is
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Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy
The time has come, we're running out of fossil fuels and we need an alternative. That is where renewable energy comes in; The best part about it is
that it is renewable so it will always be available to us, and we can acquire this energy through solar, water, and wind power. There is a lot of
controversy as to whether we should rely on renewable energy, because some say it is not cost effective. However renewable energy can pay for itself,
is available nearly everywhere through various methods of obtaining it, provides numerous amount of jobs and economical benefits, and it will not
harm our environment.
One of the biggest, but not most obvious reasons for switching to renewable energy is that it will pay for itself. One of the first things people think
about when they make an investment is price; Sure acquiring renewable energy such as solar power right now may not be cheap but as a matter of fact
during the duration of 2009–2014 the price of solar power dropped 78%(Gardiner)! The best part about solar power is that it is available to nearly
anyone. Likewise wind power has also dropped 58% in price and now is among one of the cheapest sources of power in the United States (Gardiner)
even though wind power is not available to the ordinary citizen. Switching to renewable energy will save a boat load of money as the article
"Committing to Renewable Energy Will Pay Off" states "Investing in a renewable energy as the source for electricity in our future will save 10 times the
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Essay on Wireless Electricity
Wireless Electricity
Devry University
Tech, Society, and Culture
February 24, 2013
Table of Contents
I. Wireless Electricity: Explanation and History 3 II. Political and Legal Influences 10 III. Economic Questions and Considerations 16 IV.Wireless
Technology with Today's Culture 20 V. Ethical Implications of Wireless Power 26 VI. Environmental Impact30 VII. Bibliography33
ABSTRACT: Wireless electricity is not a new idea, but it has recently become revitalized. This paper looks at the different facets of this invigorated
technology. First, it talks about what wireless electricity is and more content...
Where does one even begin to go to recharge or plug in their device? Picture being in the home of your dreams, do you want the position and
placements of electrical wall outlets to tell you where your furniture or appliances are going to go? It is these simple yet important common
occurrences that one considers when trying to simplify their lifestyle. With a more widespread use of wireless electricity, these common concerns
are almost completely nullified. On a larger scale, just imagine being able to drive electric cars without ever having the need to stop and plug it in.
Advancements in this sort of wireless power will eliminate having to ever consider where is the nearest recharging station. As time goes on, this
wireless electricity will only become more refined and widely used and what once was a pipe dream–turned–small scale probability will soon become a
widespread reality.
Wireless electricity is a technology that will surely change the future the more it is implemented into our daily lives. "Wireless charging is already
available for low–power applications (up to 5 Watts), suitable for mobile phones and other devices. However, medium– and high–power applications
are also being developed, and in the future your kitchen appliances
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Importance Of Electricity Essay
Electricity is one of the most important blessings that science has given to mankind. It has also become a part of every person's life and one
cannot think of a world without electricity. We utilize electricity in our day to day life, in enormous ways. It is used for lighting, fans, electronic
gadgets and domestic appliances like using electric heaters, A/C, refrigerator and many other appliances. All these provide comfort in life. In
factories, large machines are running because of electricity. Essential items like food, cloth, paper and many other things are the product of the
factories who runs on electricity. Modern means of transportation and communication have been revolutionised by electricity. Electric trains and
battery cars are quick means of transportation. Electricity also provides means of entertainment like radio, television and cinema, cell phones
which are the most common and popular forms of entertainment are the result of electricity. Modern equipment like computers and robots have
also been developed because of electricity. Electricity plays a pivotal role in the fields of medicines and surgery too. The use of electricity is
increasing day by day. As, the demand and the consumption of the electricity is increasing we must explore option for the generation of the
electricity. Now in a modern world we cannot rely on sources as coal and oil. If we keep on relying on these sources we will not only run out of these
natural sources but also, we will have to face
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Introduction: Hydroelectric power plant is one of the major power plants all over the world in order to create electricity. It is also one of the best
renewable energy sources on the planet earth. In ranking, Canada is the third largest country to produce hydroelectricity power. The efficiency of
this power source is 90% and this is very impressive as the percentage of efficiency is very high. Hydro power plants generate 24% of the world's
electricity. More than 1 billion people are associated with hydro power plants as they use the power supply from hydro power plants. Where does it
come from? / Source: Hydropower became the source of generating electricity in the late 19th century. Electricity generated by hydro power plants is more content...
In short, the water which is captured in a dam flows through a tunnel which has turbines at the end. The speed of water turns the turbines, and
following to that, the turbines turns the generator and create electricity and send it to the transformers. The transformers then supply the
electricity in a designated area. To elaborate, dam is one of major parts to discuss about firstly. The process of a dam is to store water by creating a
large reservoir. This reservoir could be a lake or any other natural water source. The dam is most likely located at higher level ground than the
turbines of the power plant. The dam contains gates at its bottom to control the water flow. As the gates open, the water stored in the dam flows
downstream as gravity pulls everything down or towards the earth's surface. The falling water goes through a pipeline called penstock. This pipeline
leads to the turbines in the hydroelectric power plant. Much water flow in the pipeline means greater pressure from water. As the water comes down
the pipeline, it hits the blades of the turbines and makes it rotate simultaneously. The speed of the rotational blades depends on the speed of the water
flow. As a result, much pressure of water flow will rotate the blades with a higher force and vice versa. Francis Turbine is the turbine that is most
common for building hydroelectric power plant. This type of turbine looks like a big
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Static Electricity Essay
Static Electricity Everything is made up of tiny particles called atoms. The atoms are made up of even smaller parts called protons, electrons and
neutrons. Protons have a positive charge (+), electrons have a negative charge (–) and neutrons have no charge at all, they are neutral. Atoms normally
have the same amount of electrons and protons, making them neutral and having no charge. When rubbing things together, electrons can move from
one atom to another, resulting in some atoms having extra electrons and a negative charge. The other atoms now have more protons than electrons and
a positive charge. When the charges are separated, it is static electricity.
"Electricity is present in all matter in the form of electrons more content...
All of those particles are then attracted to the negatively charged grid and then the air passes through a carbon filter to remove any odors. Static
electricity is also used with photography to work a photocopier. An "electrostatically charged drum" attracts toner particles to the image in the original
document. The metal drum inside the machine is charged at the beginning of each copy. The system inside the photocopier then puts an image of the
document onto the drum. The electric charge goes away wherever light shines on the drum and so only the dark parts of the image are still charged on
the metal surface. The particles of black toner are oppositely charged and then applied to the drum. The charged parts, which contain the image, are
attracted to the toner and transferred to the paper and finally attached to the paper with heat.
Static electricity can cause materials to attract or repel each other. If you use a hair dryer on your hair and then comb through it or just comb it on a
very dry day, the plastic comb will collect negative charges from the hair and leave the hair with an excess amount of positive charges. Since like
charges repel, the hair strands will push away from each other causing your hair to stand up or "flyaway." Static electricity can also cause a spark to
jump from one material to another, like when you touch someone and "shock" them. As you walk across something like a carpet, electrons
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Energy and Power Essay
Energy and Power
Although I am surrounded by energy and power, I never really knew just how much they mean to the world. However, after learning about the
fundamentals of energy, I have a much deeper understanding of their magnitude. In this paper, I will reflect back on what I have learned about energy,
and how it has affected me personally. For instance, I know now that the power I am using to sit here and type is roughly equivalent to the power used
by an incandescent light bulb, but that is only the beginning.
Energy is all around us, but to create power, we need to harness it. I never thought about the fact that everything on earth has some type of energy, and
until this course I never even knew the six different more content...
I never anticipated that the things I learned in just the first few weeks of this course would lead me to change my own daily activities. Reading about the
amounts of energy consumed in past years, and projections for the future, made me realize we need to start conserving now ("Environmental..." 2001).
When I learned how much energy the United States consumed in a single year in BTU's, I began conserving my energy much more than I used to. I
never knew that our country consumed more energy than is given off in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb ("Annual..."2004). Therefore, I am much
more careful about turning off my lights, conserving my heat, and taking shorter showers. I would much rather know that I am doing my part to
conserve the precious energy that we have, than know that I am lavishly wasting it. Until this course, I never would have understood the importance of
energy conservation, but being able to convert the amount of energy that I use into different medias, such as horsepower, watts and Calories, has
shown me just how much of a difference a single person can make (Texas, February 2005).
As a single student in EGEE 101, the knowledge I have gained so far has only affected me, and maybe a few of my closest friends. As a class, I believe
we can make a large difference, and as a campus, an even larger one. Learning new things about energy everyday
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Energy Sources Essay
Introduction Electricity is generated by the use of energy. Before going further, it will be necessary to talk briefly on what energy is all about. In
this modern day, the standard scientific definition of energy is the capacity to do work, which means ability to move an object against a resisting
force (Boyle 2003). According to (Beggs 2009) a physicist or an engineer will best describe energy in a form of an illustration. I.e. consider a mass of
1kg which is raised 1m above a surface on which it was originally resting. Therefore, in order for the weight to have been lifted above the surface, a
machine or someone must have performed work. Simply, what this means is that, to have raised the mass from a low level to a higher level, work more content...
Examples of these fuels are coal, oil and natural gas. Because these fuels took millions of years to form, there are growing concerns that once used
up; it will not be possible to replace them. Which means attentions will have to be shifted to the renewable energies in order to address the problem in
the future because these fossil fuels currently supplies nearly 80% of the world's current energy consumptions (Boyle 2003). Looking at the three
types of fossil fuels, Oil as a liquid fossil fuel and natural gas as a gaseous fossil fuel are both formed from the remains of marine microorganisms.
Oil and natural gas have been called the noble fuels, by comparison with noble metals such as gold and silver. These two are amongst the most
concentrated natural stores of energy, and being fluids, made them fairly easy to transport from one place to another and very convenient to use. On
the other hand, coal is a solid fossil fuel which is formed over millions of years by decay of land vegetation. They can be referred to as ignoble fuel
because they are particularly unattractive energy source. In comparison to oil and natural gas, coal is less convenient to transport, store or use. It
produces up to twice the amount of carbon dioxide for the same useful heat, and this is by no means its only undesirable environmental effect. But even
with is environmental effect, coal is still widely
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Essay On How To Reduce Electric Bill
Practical Ways to Reduce Your Electric Bill Every Month The cost of electricity like other expenses, have gone through the roof, but it doesn't have
to be that way. There are simple ways of taking action to bring down your electric bills. These Simple Steps Can Make a Difference Saving You
Money Every Month Use energy–efficient bulbs instead of the regular ones to reduce the amount of watts you use. Make sure you clean your
appliances and your air conditioner from dirt and dust every year so they don't have to run harder. Use your stove or a crock pot in the summer instead
of your oven. Turn off lights, TV, radios, and computers when you're not using them. Make sure your heating ducts, furnace and water heater is cleaned more content...
Buying a New Furnace or Caring For the One You Have In order to keep your furnace running efficiently, you will have to get it cleaned along with
your heating ducts every year so it will run smoothly. The dirtier the heater, along with the heating ducts, the harder it will have to run and it will cost
you more money in the long run on heating bills. When replacing your old heater, make sure it's energy–efficient, it will save you lots of money in the
future. Buying a New Refrigerator When looking for a new refrigerator, look for one that is energy efficient. Make sure to clean the coils under the
refrigerator or back of it to clear dust and dirt off. Do this twice a year so it runs more efficiently to keep the energy costs down. Cooking During
Summer Months When it's hot and humid, using your oven will heat up your home and if you have your air conditioner on, it will run harder to
keep your home cooler. As a result, it will cost you more on your electric bill. Instead, use a crock pot or just use the stove, that way you aren't using
as much electricity. When Using Your Computer and Other Electronics After you are done using your computer, be sure to shut it off so you don't
waste electricity. If there is a radio or television in your home, shut that off as well if it's not in use. These are simple ways you can save on your
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Electricity Generation Essay
Electricity is a secondary form of energy, the primary being fossil fuels, which are used to generate it. The world's production of electricity was
twelve trillion kilowatt hours in 1997, and is expected to be close to twenty–one trillion kilowatt hours by 2020. (Fay and Golomb, 2002, 16) This is a
cause of concern because based on the United States Department of Energy's International Energy Outlook 1997 the world's electricity generation is
primarily (63%) from fossil fuels, which release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when burned. The unnatural amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere is already beginning to make some changes in our weather patterns, and predictions for the future look grim. Therefore, more content...
(Urone, 2001, 479) The generation of an electric current is done using Michael Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic induction. This method includes
magnets, copper wire (conductor), and motion as the key components to electric current generation. Based on Michael Faraday's discovery, the
movement of a magnetic field relative to a conductor, or the movement of a conductor relative to a magnetic field will induce a current in the
conductor. Fossil fuels, nuclear, hydro, and wind all serve the same purpose of creating the motion needed in the electricity generation process.
In the case of wind power, the force from the wind spins the arms of a windmill creating the motion needed to generate electricity. This type of
energy source is termed renewable because it can furnish energy for all time within our consideration. (Ristinen and Kraushaar, 1999, 90) The wind
currents are generated by solar energy from the sun that warms the air. The movement of denser cold air toward the ground, and warmer air upward
creates the wind currents needed to drive the windmill, generating electricity. (Ristinen and Kraushaar, 1999, 133) An analysis of windmill
performance shows that no more than 59% of the kinetic energy of the wind is recoverable as mechanical energy. Therefore, modern windmills can
attain an efficiency of perhaps 50 to 70% of the theoretical maximum. (Ristinen and Kraushaar, 1999, 135)
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The Importance of Electricity
What is Electricity?
Electricity is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. As a matter of fact, it can even kill you. The most vital part of electricity is called electric
energy. This is what we commonly think of when we hear the word electricity. "Electricity" reminds us of anything that we plug into an electrical
outlet in order to make it work, such as lights, refrigerators, video games, microwaves, and computers. Scientists discovered ways to produce electric
energy in large amounts in order to make heat, light and motion. These discoveries have improved our lives greatly and for many of us it would be
difficult to picture what life would be like without electricity.
What Are Some of the Problems With Electricity more content...
Electrical signals from our brain causes our muscle movements. Electrical signals cause each heartbeat. One of the most important forms of electricity
is in electrical current. During the industrial revolution of the 1800s, people began to find ways to use electricity to do work. Today electricity is used
throughout our homes, at work, in communication, in transportation, and in medicine and science. Electrically powered devices are prevalent.
Relatively cheap electricity has made electrical appliances, machines, and other devices possible.
Why is Electricity Important?
Everything in our world is powered by electricity, it is the most common source of power and it convenient. Things move faster with electricity.
Electricity is important because it is used in everday life. You use electricity for light, heat, medical necessities, such as ventilators, respirators, etc and
many other things. We would be lost without electricity.
|Why Power & Electricity World Africa? | |
|Because the entire energy value chain faces critical business, investment and technology issues. | |
|Africa's governments are seeking to attract investment | |
|Energy regulators need
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Electricity Access Essay

  • 1. Electricity Access Essay Electricity access is one of the major challenges facing most developing nations especially in Africa. These challenges have been overcome mostly in urban areas because of existence of power infrastructure, dense population and economic activities which require electricity. However, electricity access is still low in many areas especially rural and remote areas with scattered population with little or no economic activities. To electrify these areas the electric grid is always the most feasible solution, but it is limited by high costs associated with grid extension [1]. With increasing demand for electricity coupled with environmental concerns and sustainability issues, the manner in which electricity is generated and consumed is key to sustainable development. Global environmental pollution, depleting oil reserves and increased cost of electricity have necessitated the need for alternative forms of energy which are environmentally friendly and sustainable. Hybrid energy systems based on renewable energy will play a key role in meeting current and future electricity demand. Electricity generated from geothermal, wind, solar, biomass, hydroelectric and ocean resources is eco–friendly and increase the diversity of power generation. However, power produced from renewable sources such as solar photovoltaic and wind energy systems is highly variable due to their intermittent nature. To provide balance between energy generation and load demand, energy storage systems are Get more content on
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On Renewable Energy Renewability For nearly everyone on earth, fossil fuels are a part of our daily lives. Some of the more obvious places to find petroleum products would be gas and diesel in cars and trucks, but it is in more than just your tank. Without fossil fuels, we would not have things such as plastic to make a wide variety of things such as tires, kayaks, or even computers. The question remains, do we need fossil fuels? In this day and age, we have new energy sources that could be used to power our homes and transportation. Wind and solar power are used all over the world, but are still used far less than fossil fuels. Most would say it's not reliable or it doesn't make any profit. While both statements are true, it doesn't mean we can't make a better future using renewable energy. In fact, the only reason we don't use renewables for everything is that we don't want to change. The hard truth is we need to change. Fossil fuels are great right now, but if we run out, humanity must have another source of energy. Renewable energy may seem like a daunting task, but the benefits to humanity could be incredible. Public uses of renewable energy range from transportation all the way to heating and cooling. Everything we use could become less explosive and less expensive. Cities with a high concentration of people could become safer and healthier places to live. Transportation could be converted to electricity dramatically, improving smog conditions. Global warming may or may not Get more content on
  • 3. The Future Of Electric Energy Upon the first discovery of electricity, the subjects of electricity and magnetism would go on to revolutionize life as we know it. With the rudimentary work completed by the leaders within the field, such as Benjamin Franklin or Nikola Tesla, these brilliant scientists laid the foundation that would go on to become arguably one of the most important aspects of our forever–changed society. Although we have learned to incorporate electricity, it has many uses within our lives. Electric energy is at the forefront of our world's business, engineering, and medical sectors of the workforce. Public transportation is rapidly getting on the radar for developing new technologies to better serve consumers. With great emphasis being placed on living more eco–friendly lives and the increasing costs of energy, these more efficient transportation models will change the face of history. One major point driving this initiative is the pull back of fossil fuel consumption, and the reduction of greenhouse gases being released into our atmosphere. Both historians and energy experts agree that as society advances, there is a need for more concentrated, powerful forms of energy, like rocket fuel instead of gasoline. Electric vehicles are one of these technologies to hit the consumer markets. Companies such as Toyota and Tesla are beginning to manufacture both hybrid and electric vehicles. Electric cars work on the basis of expending the energy stored in a battery (or series of batteries) for Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Energy Consumption The overall structure is to calculate the total electricity consumption and convert to CO2 emissions by applying conversion factors of electricity. There are normally two methods for carbon emission calculation (WBCSD/WRI,2004). One is top–down method. Energy consumption data is gathered at an aggregate level, such as annual electricity consumption for the whole company. The other one is bottom–up method in which Individual process can be controlled separately and their energy usage can be measured individually. Generally, the top–down approach can provide more reliable overall emission estimates, but the calculation is usually on a company level. This method could not reflect how the energy is consumed. while the bottom–up technique more content... Case selection cross docking which make an extension of the original model Data collection Generally, four types of data will be used in this paper: Data provided by the warehouse Secondary data from government department or green organizations Industrial data from previous research or industrial standard Website The warehouse provided limited data. A large range of the parameters are estimated from previous research or industrial standard. Data likes the warehouse size, temperature of the storage, the flow of the goods, average inventory level and electricity consumption is provided by the warehouse; Some parameters in the model are difficult to measure, such as U values and emission factors are gathered from government published document. The warehouse related energy parameters, for examples the lighting energy parameters and MHE energy parameter are estimated from previous researchers. The daily temperature for the city is from a weather history website weather database. Data analysis The data analysis is consist of four parts. The first part will use the model to calculate emission by HVAC, MHE and ligting respectively as well as calculate monthly total emissions. The separate CO2 emissions are used to analyse how warehouse consumes energy; the total emission will be used to compare with the result from the top–down method. The second part will validate the model with the CO2 emission estimated by top–down methd. The third part will calculate the Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Energy Crisis Energy Crisis Energy is important to our nation for many reasons. It is a key economic driver. It offers new market opportunities for business. Providing energy to our nation has been an exciting challenge in recent years. Many changes have been constant throughout that period. The past tells Americans that predicting the specifics of the energy future for our nation with great accuracy would be unlikely. Americans get their energy from different types of resources. With all the different resources Americans believe that an energy crunch shouldn't happen. The crisis is a nationwide energy discontent in which natural gas rates have soared to the highest level in 15 years, and OPEC has slashed its oil output again to more content... More than half of the growth for natural gas, over the next 20 years, will come from the electric generation market. The use of natural gas in this country could increase by more than a third in the next 20 years. In the electric power generation industry, natural gas could increase as much as 250 percent for power generation. The United States now has two percent of the world's proven crude–oil reserves. Most of the American produced oil comes form old wells, where the output declines over the years. Production costs are lower overseas, so it is cheaper to buy from OPEC nations than from many American suppliers. Increasing energy supplies requires not only wells but new pipelines to transport oil and natural gas. In 1998, the United States consumed 9.8 million more barrels of oil a day than it produced. The economic miracles of the 20th century were powered by fossil fuels. The 21st century may be seen by an equally dramatic change from fossil fuels, and the environmental chaos they brought. The result may be less than an energy revolution. The cost of fossil fuel energy produced is comparable to that of electricity. A fuel cell cleanly and quietly combines oxygen and hydrogen to produce electricity. Fuel cells could one day sit in thousands of basements producing power and hot water, without fossil fuels. Some fossil fuel lobbyists still argue that it will be difficult and expensive to find an alternative to oil and coal. Nuclear
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  • 7. Electricity Energy Story Energy Story, Hands–On Science with Squishy Circuits, and Conducting Solutions all have one important similarity: they all explain how electricity works! These three sources explain very different things, but they always end up coming back to the main objective of electricity. Energy Story explained how atoms function, and how they, as a whole, are passed through circuits to create electricity. Conducting Solutions explains how liquid solutions including Ammonia and Vinegar are stronger together, and create a stronger conduction of electricity. Hands –On Science with Squishy Circuits visually shows how two batches of homemade play–dough, one made with salt, and the other with sugar can be made into circuits when used together. Energy Story uses visual representation to explain how atoms function, and then move further to explain how more content... In this video, AnnMarie Thomas shows how two different types of homemade playdough can help you change your students or children into circuit designers. You make on batch of playdough using salt, and then another substituting salt with sugar. First, you take a battery pack, and plug the two wires into two separate pieces of playdough containing salt, or the positive playdough. You can then stick a tiny LED light into the playdough, and it will light up, but when the two positive doughs are pushed together, you create a short in the circuits. This happens because the electricity wants to run through the two positive doughs, not one positive dough. To prevent this from happening, you take a piece of the sugary dough you made, or the negative dough, and place a clump of that in between to two positive doughs. However, the sugary dough is 150 times more resistant to electricity than the salty dough, due to the ions in the sodium chloride in the salty dough. The sugary dough then creates a barrier, successfully making a functioning Get more content on
  • 8. History of Electricity Essay The oldest civilization known to understand electricity was the ancient Greeks because of the electric fish in the Nile River. In the 1600's William Gilbert an English Physician studied electricity and magnetism; studies were continued by other researchers such as Robert Boyle and Benjamin Franklin. Then by the 1800's scientist Allesandro Volta had identified a way to harnesselectricity in a battery format and he had also discovered the chemical reactions that electricity could produce. Volta also invented the first device with a steady current known as the electric battery, and he also created the first transmission of electricity by linking positively–charged and negatively–charged connectors and driving an electric charge through more content... How is electricity made? Electricity can be generated in power plants fueled by fossil fuels such as coal. 1. The first step of generating electricity in a power plant is to put coal in to a machine called pulverizer which grinds the coal into a fine powder. 2. The coal powder mixes with hot air, which helps the coal burn more efficiently, and the mixture to the furnace. 3. The burning coal heats up a boiler creating steam. 4. Steam released from the boiler powers and engine called a turbine, transforming heat energy from burning coal into mechanical energy that spins the turbine engine. 5 The spinning turbine is used to power a generator, a machine that turns mechanical energy into electrical energy. This happens when magnets inside a copper coil in the generator spin. 6. A condenser cools the steam moving through the turbine which and it converts into reusable water. (Source C). (Source D) After that process the power plants send out the electricity through the power lines using a transformer which adds voltage to Get more content on
  • 9. The Effect Of Electricity On Our Lives If you were to assess the daily life of any average person, you would quickly realize just how dependent a majority of the human race has become on electricity. A few of the everyday appliances that require electricity would include cell phones, computers, air conditioning, lighting, and even most modes of transportation. If we were to look at the uses of electricity a couple hundred years ago and compare them to today's world, it would be obvious that electricity has played an important role in innovation, progress, and communication and continues to become more and more important as engineers and scientists find more and more ways to use it. Therefore, it would be simple to assume that electricity will lead to much more innovation and technology as time goes on, including playing a very important role in transportation as other resources may become scarce. Gasoline, used as the fuel for methods of transportation like cars and airplanes, is nonrenewable and being pumped from the ground at around 85 million gallons per year [1]. It is now known that the oil supply globally cannot meet demand forever and thus many scientists have begun preparing methods that reduce our reliance on the fossil fuels [1]. One already known use of electricity in transportation would be the electric car, also often known as the Smart Car. Though the sales have not been as high as many hoped, many carmakers have began to produce electric vehicles, such as Ford, Volvo, BMW, and Tesla [2]. Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Electrical Hazards Electrical Hazards Electrical Hazards, risks of injury or death arising from exposure to electricity. Electricity is essential to daily life, providing heat and light and powering appliances in homes and factories. It must, however, be treated with great care, because the consequences of an electrical fault can be serious and sometimes fatal. Generally voltages greater than 50 volts can present a serious hazard and currents of more than about 50 milliamps flowing through the human body can lead to death by electrocution. A shock occurs when a "live" part of some device is touched, so that more content... Most were males between 15 and 64 years of age, carrying out do–it–yourself and maintenance work. Several deaths were caused by people touching the live end of a cable cut by an electric lawnmower. Electrical faults in the home cause around 25,000 fires each year, killing or injuring over 2,000 people. Electrical Installations Most countries have detailed regulations governing the standards to which electrical installations must conform. In the United Kingdom the Wiring Regulations (BS 7671), produced by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) and the British Standards Institution (BSI), prescribe the wiring standards to be adopted. The Electrical Contractors Association (ECA) and the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) require their members to observe these requirements to minimize any danger. Electrical Products In Britain, domestic electrical products must satisfy the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations (1994), which were made under the Consumer Protection Act (1987), and implement the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) of the European Union (EU). The technical interpretation of the legal requirements is Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Renewable Energy The time has come, we're running out of fossil fuels and we need an alternative. That is where renewable energy comes in; The best part about it is that it is renewable so it will always be available to us, and we can acquire this energy through solar, water, and wind power. There is a lot of controversy as to whether we should rely on renewable energy, because some say it is not cost effective. However renewable energy can pay for itself, is available nearly everywhere through various methods of obtaining it, provides numerous amount of jobs and economical benefits, and it will not harm our environment. One of the biggest, but not most obvious reasons for switching to renewable energy is that it will pay for itself. One of the first things people think about when they make an investment is price; Sure acquiring renewable energy such as solar power right now may not be cheap but as a matter of fact during the duration of 2009–2014 the price of solar power dropped 78%(Gardiner)! The best part about solar power is that it is available to nearly anyone. Likewise wind power has also dropped 58% in price and now is among one of the cheapest sources of power in the United States (Gardiner) even though wind power is not available to the ordinary citizen. Switching to renewable energy will save a boat load of money as the article "Committing to Renewable Energy Will Pay Off" states "Investing in a renewable energy as the source for electricity in our future will save 10 times the Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Wireless Electricity Wireless Electricity Devry University Tech, Society, and Culture Professor February 24, 2013 Table of Contents I. Wireless Electricity: Explanation and History 3 II. Political and Legal Influences 10 III. Economic Questions and Considerations 16 IV.Wireless Technology with Today's Culture 20 V. Ethical Implications of Wireless Power 26 VI. Environmental Impact30 VII. Bibliography33 ABSTRACT: Wireless electricity is not a new idea, but it has recently become revitalized. This paper looks at the different facets of this invigorated technology. First, it talks about what wireless electricity is and more content... Where does one even begin to go to recharge or plug in their device? Picture being in the home of your dreams, do you want the position and placements of electrical wall outlets to tell you where your furniture or appliances are going to go? It is these simple yet important common occurrences that one considers when trying to simplify their lifestyle. With a more widespread use of wireless electricity, these common concerns are almost completely nullified. On a larger scale, just imagine being able to drive electric cars without ever having the need to stop and plug it in. Advancements in this sort of wireless power will eliminate having to ever consider where is the nearest recharging station. As time goes on, this wireless electricity will only become more refined and widely used and what once was a pipe dream–turned–small scale probability will soon become a widespread reality. Wireless electricity is a technology that will surely change the future the more it is implemented into our daily lives. "Wireless charging is already available for low–power applications (up to 5 Watts), suitable for mobile phones and other devices. However, medium– and high–power applications are also being developed, and in the future your kitchen appliances
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  • 14. Importance Of Electricity Essay Electricity is one of the most important blessings that science has given to mankind. It has also become a part of every person's life and one cannot think of a world without electricity. We utilize electricity in our day to day life, in enormous ways. It is used for lighting, fans, electronic gadgets and domestic appliances like using electric heaters, A/C, refrigerator and many other appliances. All these provide comfort in life. In factories, large machines are running because of electricity. Essential items like food, cloth, paper and many other things are the product of the factories who runs on electricity. Modern means of transportation and communication have been revolutionised by electricity. Electric trains and battery cars are quick means of transportation. Electricity also provides means of entertainment like radio, television and cinema, cell phones which are the most common and popular forms of entertainment are the result of electricity. Modern equipment like computers and robots have also been developed because of electricity. Electricity plays a pivotal role in the fields of medicines and surgery too. The use of electricity is increasing day by day. As, the demand and the consumption of the electricity is increasing we must explore option for the generation of the electricity. Now in a modern world we cannot rely on sources as coal and oil. If we keep on relying on these sources we will not only run out of these natural sources but also, we will have to face Get more content on
  • 15. Introduction: Hydroelectric power plant is one of the major power plants all over the world in order to create electricity. It is also one of the best renewable energy sources on the planet earth. In ranking, Canada is the third largest country to produce hydroelectricity power. The efficiency of this power source is 90% and this is very impressive as the percentage of efficiency is very high. Hydro power plants generate 24% of the world's electricity. More than 1 billion people are associated with hydro power plants as they use the power supply from hydro power plants. Where does it come from? / Source: Hydropower became the source of generating electricity in the late 19th century. Electricity generated by hydro power plants is more content... In short, the water which is captured in a dam flows through a tunnel which has turbines at the end. The speed of water turns the turbines, and following to that, the turbines turns the generator and create electricity and send it to the transformers. The transformers then supply the electricity in a designated area. To elaborate, dam is one of major parts to discuss about firstly. The process of a dam is to store water by creating a large reservoir. This reservoir could be a lake or any other natural water source. The dam is most likely located at higher level ground than the turbines of the power plant. The dam contains gates at its bottom to control the water flow. As the gates open, the water stored in the dam flows downstream as gravity pulls everything down or towards the earth's surface. The falling water goes through a pipeline called penstock. This pipeline leads to the turbines in the hydroelectric power plant. Much water flow in the pipeline means greater pressure from water. As the water comes down the pipeline, it hits the blades of the turbines and makes it rotate simultaneously. The speed of the rotational blades depends on the speed of the water flow. As a result, much pressure of water flow will rotate the blades with a higher force and vice versa. Francis Turbine is the turbine that is most common for building hydroelectric power plant. This type of turbine looks like a big Get more content on
  • 16. Static Electricity Essay Static Electricity Everything is made up of tiny particles called atoms. The atoms are made up of even smaller parts called protons, electrons and neutrons. Protons have a positive charge (+), electrons have a negative charge (–) and neutrons have no charge at all, they are neutral. Atoms normally have the same amount of electrons and protons, making them neutral and having no charge. When rubbing things together, electrons can move from one atom to another, resulting in some atoms having extra electrons and a negative charge. The other atoms now have more protons than electrons and a positive charge. When the charges are separated, it is static electricity. "Electricity is present in all matter in the form of electrons more content... All of those particles are then attracted to the negatively charged grid and then the air passes through a carbon filter to remove any odors. Static electricity is also used with photography to work a photocopier. An "electrostatically charged drum" attracts toner particles to the image in the original document. The metal drum inside the machine is charged at the beginning of each copy. The system inside the photocopier then puts an image of the document onto the drum. The electric charge goes away wherever light shines on the drum and so only the dark parts of the image are still charged on the metal surface. The particles of black toner are oppositely charged and then applied to the drum. The charged parts, which contain the image, are attracted to the toner and transferred to the paper and finally attached to the paper with heat. Static electricity can cause materials to attract or repel each other. If you use a hair dryer on your hair and then comb through it or just comb it on a very dry day, the plastic comb will collect negative charges from the hair and leave the hair with an excess amount of positive charges. Since like charges repel, the hair strands will push away from each other causing your hair to stand up or "flyaway." Static electricity can also cause a spark to jump from one material to another, like when you touch someone and "shock" them. As you walk across something like a carpet, electrons Get more content on
  • 17. Energy and Power Essay Energy and Power Although I am surrounded by energy and power, I never really knew just how much they mean to the world. However, after learning about the fundamentals of energy, I have a much deeper understanding of their magnitude. In this paper, I will reflect back on what I have learned about energy, and how it has affected me personally. For instance, I know now that the power I am using to sit here and type is roughly equivalent to the power used by an incandescent light bulb, but that is only the beginning. Energy is all around us, but to create power, we need to harness it. I never thought about the fact that everything on earth has some type of energy, and until this course I never even knew the six different more content... I never anticipated that the things I learned in just the first few weeks of this course would lead me to change my own daily activities. Reading about the amounts of energy consumed in past years, and projections for the future, made me realize we need to start conserving now ("Environmental..." 2001). When I learned how much energy the United States consumed in a single year in BTU's, I began conserving my energy much more than I used to. I never knew that our country consumed more energy than is given off in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb ("Annual..."2004). Therefore, I am much more careful about turning off my lights, conserving my heat, and taking shorter showers. I would much rather know that I am doing my part to conserve the precious energy that we have, than know that I am lavishly wasting it. Until this course, I never would have understood the importance of energy conservation, but being able to convert the amount of energy that I use into different medias, such as horsepower, watts and Calories, has shown me just how much of a difference a single person can make (Texas, February 2005). As a single student in EGEE 101, the knowledge I have gained so far has only affected me, and maybe a few of my closest friends. As a class, I believe we can make a large difference, and as a campus, an even larger one. Learning new things about energy everyday Get more content on
  • 18. Energy Sources Essay Introduction Electricity is generated by the use of energy. Before going further, it will be necessary to talk briefly on what energy is all about. In this modern day, the standard scientific definition of energy is the capacity to do work, which means ability to move an object against a resisting force (Boyle 2003). According to (Beggs 2009) a physicist or an engineer will best describe energy in a form of an illustration. I.e. consider a mass of 1kg which is raised 1m above a surface on which it was originally resting. Therefore, in order for the weight to have been lifted above the surface, a machine or someone must have performed work. Simply, what this means is that, to have raised the mass from a low level to a higher level, work more content... Examples of these fuels are coal, oil and natural gas. Because these fuels took millions of years to form, there are growing concerns that once used up; it will not be possible to replace them. Which means attentions will have to be shifted to the renewable energies in order to address the problem in the future because these fossil fuels currently supplies nearly 80% of the world's current energy consumptions (Boyle 2003). Looking at the three types of fossil fuels, Oil as a liquid fossil fuel and natural gas as a gaseous fossil fuel are both formed from the remains of marine microorganisms. Oil and natural gas have been called the noble fuels, by comparison with noble metals such as gold and silver. These two are amongst the most concentrated natural stores of energy, and being fluids, made them fairly easy to transport from one place to another and very convenient to use. On the other hand, coal is a solid fossil fuel which is formed over millions of years by decay of land vegetation. They can be referred to as ignoble fuel because they are particularly unattractive energy source. In comparison to oil and natural gas, coal is less convenient to transport, store or use. It produces up to twice the amount of carbon dioxide for the same useful heat, and this is by no means its only undesirable environmental effect. But even with is environmental effect, coal is still widely Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On How To Reduce Electric Bill Practical Ways to Reduce Your Electric Bill Every Month The cost of electricity like other expenses, have gone through the roof, but it doesn't have to be that way. There are simple ways of taking action to bring down your electric bills. These Simple Steps Can Make a Difference Saving You Money Every Month Use energy–efficient bulbs instead of the regular ones to reduce the amount of watts you use. Make sure you clean your appliances and your air conditioner from dirt and dust every year so they don't have to run harder. Use your stove or a crock pot in the summer instead of your oven. Turn off lights, TV, radios, and computers when you're not using them. Make sure your heating ducts, furnace and water heater is cleaned more content... Buying a New Furnace or Caring For the One You Have In order to keep your furnace running efficiently, you will have to get it cleaned along with your heating ducts every year so it will run smoothly. The dirtier the heater, along with the heating ducts, the harder it will have to run and it will cost you more money in the long run on heating bills. When replacing your old heater, make sure it's energy–efficient, it will save you lots of money in the future. Buying a New Refrigerator When looking for a new refrigerator, look for one that is energy efficient. Make sure to clean the coils under the refrigerator or back of it to clear dust and dirt off. Do this twice a year so it runs more efficiently to keep the energy costs down. Cooking During Summer Months When it's hot and humid, using your oven will heat up your home and if you have your air conditioner on, it will run harder to keep your home cooler. As a result, it will cost you more on your electric bill. Instead, use a crock pot or just use the stove, that way you aren't using as much electricity. When Using Your Computer and Other Electronics After you are done using your computer, be sure to shut it off so you don't waste electricity. If there is a radio or television in your home, shut that off as well if it's not in use. These are simple ways you can save on your Get more content on
  • 20. Electricity Generation Essay Electricity is a secondary form of energy, the primary being fossil fuels, which are used to generate it. The world's production of electricity was twelve trillion kilowatt hours in 1997, and is expected to be close to twenty–one trillion kilowatt hours by 2020. (Fay and Golomb, 2002, 16) This is a cause of concern because based on the United States Department of Energy's International Energy Outlook 1997 the world's electricity generation is primarily (63%) from fossil fuels, which release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when burned. The unnatural amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is already beginning to make some changes in our weather patterns, and predictions for the future look grim. Therefore, more content... (Urone, 2001, 479) The generation of an electric current is done using Michael Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic induction. This method includes magnets, copper wire (conductor), and motion as the key components to electric current generation. Based on Michael Faraday's discovery, the movement of a magnetic field relative to a conductor, or the movement of a conductor relative to a magnetic field will induce a current in the conductor. Fossil fuels, nuclear, hydro, and wind all serve the same purpose of creating the motion needed in the electricity generation process. In the case of wind power, the force from the wind spins the arms of a windmill creating the motion needed to generate electricity. This type of energy source is termed renewable because it can furnish energy for all time within our consideration. (Ristinen and Kraushaar, 1999, 90) The wind currents are generated by solar energy from the sun that warms the air. The movement of denser cold air toward the ground, and warmer air upward creates the wind currents needed to drive the windmill, generating electricity. (Ristinen and Kraushaar, 1999, 133) An analysis of windmill performance shows that no more than 59% of the kinetic energy of the wind is recoverable as mechanical energy. Therefore, modern windmills can attain an efficiency of perhaps 50 to 70% of the theoretical maximum. (Ristinen and Kraushaar, 1999, 135) Get more content on
  • 21. The Importance of Electricity What is Electricity? Electricity is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. As a matter of fact, it can even kill you. The most vital part of electricity is called electric energy. This is what we commonly think of when we hear the word electricity. "Electricity" reminds us of anything that we plug into an electrical outlet in order to make it work, such as lights, refrigerators, video games, microwaves, and computers. Scientists discovered ways to produce electric energy in large amounts in order to make heat, light and motion. These discoveries have improved our lives greatly and for many of us it would be difficult to picture what life would be like without electricity. What Are Some of the Problems With Electricity more content... Electrical signals from our brain causes our muscle movements. Electrical signals cause each heartbeat. One of the most important forms of electricity is in electrical current. During the industrial revolution of the 1800s, people began to find ways to use electricity to do work. Today electricity is used throughout our homes, at work, in communication, in transportation, and in medicine and science. Electrically powered devices are prevalent. Relatively cheap electricity has made electrical appliances, machines, and other devices possible. Why is Electricity Important? Everything in our world is powered by electricity, it is the most common source of power and it convenient. Things move faster with electricity. Electricity is important because it is used in everday life. You use electricity for light, heat, medical necessities, such as ventilators, respirators, etc and many other things. We would be lost without electricity. |Why Power & Electricity World Africa? | | |Because the entire energy value chain faces critical business, investment and technology issues. | | |Africa's governments are seeking to attract investment | | |Energy regulators need
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