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 Breast Cancer
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 Breast Cancer
o Patient
o Health Professional
 Breast Cancer Treatment
 Male Breast Cancer Treatment
 Breast Cancer Treatment & Pregnancy
 Breast Cancer Prevention
 Genetics of Breast & Gynecologic Cancers
 Breast Cancer Screening
o Research
Breast Cancer Treatment–for health
professionals (PDQ®)
 General Information About Breast Cancer
 Histopathologic Classification of Breast Cancer
 Stage Information for Breast Cancer
 Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
 Early/Localized/Operable Breast Cancer
 Stage IIIB, Inoperable IIIC, IV, Recurrent, and Metastatic Breast Cancer
 Changes to This Summary (10/30/2015)
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General Information About Breast Cancer
 Incidence and Mortality
 Anatomy
 Risk and Protective Factors
 Screening
 Diagnosis
o Patient evaluation
o Contralateral disease
 Prognostic Factors
 Posttherapy Considerations
o Hormone replacement therapy
 Related Summaries
This summary discusses primary epithelial breast cancers in women. The breast is rarely
affected by other tumors such as lymphomas, sarcomas, or melanomas. Refer to the following
PDQ summaries for more information on these cancer types:
 Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment
 Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma Treatment
 Melanoma Treatment
Breast cancer also affects men and children and may occur during pregnancy, although it is
rare in these populations. Refer to the following PDQ summaries for more information:
 Male Breast Cancer Treatment
 Breast Cancer Treatment and Pregnancy
 Unusual Cancers of Childhood Treatment
Incidence and Mortality
Estimated new cases and deaths from breast cancer (women only) in the United States in
 New cases: 231,840.
 Deaths: 40,290.
Breast cancer is the most common noncutaneous cancer in U.S. women, with an estimated
60,290 cases of in situ disease, 231,840 new cases of invasive disease, and 40,290 deaths
expected in 2015.[1] Thus, fewer than one of six women diagnosed with breast cancer die of
the disease. By comparison, it is estimated that about 71,660 American women will die of
lung cancer in 2015.[1] Men account for 1% of breast cancer cases and breast cancer deaths
(refer to the Special Populations section in the PDQ summary on Breast Cancer Screening for
more information).
Widespread adoption of screening increases breast cancer incidence in a given population and
changes the characteristics of cancers detected, with increased incidence of lower-risk
cancers, premalignant lesions, and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). (Refer to the Ductal
Carcinoma In Situ section in the Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Pathology section in the PDQ
summary on Breast Cancer Screening for more information.) Population studies from the
United States [2] and the United Kingdom [3] demonstrate an increase in DCIS and invasive
breast cancer incidence since the 1970s, attributable to the widespread adoption of both
postmenopausal hormone therapy and screening mammography. In the last decade, women
have refrained from using postmenopausal hormones, and breast cancer incidence has
declined, but not to the levels seen before the widespread use of screening mammography.[4]
Anatomy of the female breast. The nipple and areola are shown on the outside of the breast.
The lymph nodes, lobes, lobules, ducts, and other parts of the inside of the breast are also
Risk and Protective Factors
Increasing age is the most important risk factor for breast cancer.[2] Other risk factors for
breast cancer include the following:
 Family health history.[5]
 Major inheritance susceptibility.[6-8]
o Germline mutation of the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, and other breast cancer
susceptibility genes.[9-13]
 Alcohol intake.[14]
 Breast tissue density (mammographic).[15,16]
 Estrogen (endogenous):[17-20]
o Menstrual history (early menarche/late menopause).[21-23]
o Nulliparity.
o Older age at first birth.
 Hormone therapy history:[24]
o Combination estrogen plus progestin hormone replacement therapy
 Obesity.[29,30]
 Personal history of breast cancer.[31]
 Personal history of proliferative forms of benign breast disease.[32-38]
 Race.[39,40]
 Radiation exposure to the breast/chest.[41,42]
Age-specific risk estimates are available to help counsel and design screening strategies for
women with a family history of breast cancer.[43,44]
Of all women with breast cancer, 5% to 10% may have a germline mutation of the genes
BRCA1 and BRCA2.[45] Specific mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 are more common in
women of Jewish ancestry.[46] The estimated lifetime risk of developing breast cancer for
women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations is 40% to 85%. Carriers with a history of breast
cancer have an increased risk of contralateral disease that may be as high as 5% per year.[47]
Male BRCA2 mutation carriers also have an increased risk of breast cancer.[48]
Mutations in either the BRCA1 or the BRCA2 gene also confer an increased risk of ovarian
cancer [48,49] or other primary cancers.[48,49] Once a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation has been
identified, other family members can be referred for genetic counseling and testing.[50-53]
(Refer to the PDQ summaries on Genetics of Breast and Gynecologic Cancers; Breast Cancer
Prevention; and Breast Cancer Screening for more information.)
(Refer to the PDQ summary on Breast Cancer Prevention for more information about factors
that increase the risk of breast cancer.)
Protective factors and interventions to reduce the risk of female breast cancer include the
 Estrogen use (after hysterectomy).[54-56]
 Exercise.[57-59]
 Early pregnancy.[23,60,61]
 Breast feeding.[62]
 Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs).[63]
 Aromatase inhibitors or inactivators.[64,65]
 Risk-reducing mastectomy.[66]
 Risk-reducing oophorectomy or ovarian ablation.[67-70]
(Refer to the PDQ summary on Breast Cancer Prevention for more information about factors
that decrease the risk of breast cancer.)
Clinical trials have established that screening asymptomatic women using mammography,
with or without clinical breast examination, decreases breast cancer mortality. (Refer to the
PDQ summary on Breast Cancer Screening for more information.)
Patient evaluation
When breast cancer is suspected, patient management generally includes the following:
 Confirmation of the diagnosis.
 Evaluation of the stage of disease.
 Selection of therapy.
The following tests and procedures are used to diagnose breast cancer:
 Mammography.
 Ultrasound.
 Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), if clinically indicated.
 Biopsy.
Contralateral disease
Pathologically, breast cancer can be a multicentric and bilateral disease. Bilateral disease is
somewhat more common in patients with infiltrating lobular carcinoma. At 10 years after
diagnosis, the risk of a primary breast cancer in the contralateral breast ranges from 3% to
10%, although endocrine therapy decreases that risk.[71-73] The development of a
contralateral breast cancer is associated with an increased risk of distant recurrence.[74]
When BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers were diagnosed before age 40 years, the risk of a
contralateral breast cancer reached nearly 50% in the ensuing 25 years.[75,76]
Patients who have breast cancer will undergo bilateral mammography at the time of diagnosis
to rule out synchronous disease. To detect either recurrence in the ipsilateral breast in patients
treated with breast-conserving surgery or a second primary cancer in the contralateral breast,
patients will continue to have regular breast physical examinations and mammograms.
The role of MRI in screening the contralateral breast and monitoring women treated with
breast-conserving therapy continues to evolve. Because an increased detection rate of
mammographically occult disease has been demonstrated, the selective use of MRI for
additional screening is occurring more frequently despite the absence of randomized,
controlled data. Because only 25% of MRI-positive findings represent malignancy,
pathologic confirmation before treatment is recommended. Whether this increased detection
rate will translate into improved treatment outcome is unknown.[77-79]
Prognostic Factors
Breast cancer is commonly treated by various combinations of surgery, radiation therapy,
chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. Prognosis and selection of therapy may be influenced
by the following clinical and pathology features (based on conventional histology and
 The menopausal status of the patient.
 The stage of the disease.
 The grade of the primary tumor.
 The estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) status of the tumor.
 Human epidermal growth factor type 2 receptor (HER2/neu) overexpression and/or
 The histologic type. Breast cancer is classified into a variety of histologic types, some
of which have prognostic importance. For example, favorable histologic types include
mucinous, medullary, and tubular carcinomas.[81-83]
The use of molecular profiling in breast cancer includes the following:[84]
 ER and PR status testing.
 HER2/neu receptor status testing.
 Gene profile testing by microarray assay or reverse transcription-polymerase chain
reaction (e.g., MammaPrint, Oncotype DX).
On the basis of these results, breast cancer is classified as:
 Hormone-receptor positive.
 HER2 positive.
 Triple negative (ER, PR, and Her2/neu negative).
Although certain rare inherited mutations, such as those of BRCA1 and BRCA2, predispose
women to develop breast cancer, prognostic data on BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers who
have developed breast cancer are conflicting; these women are at greater risk of developing
contralateral breast cancer.
Posttherapy Considerations
Hormone replacement therapy
After careful consideration, patients with severe symptoms may be treated with hormone
replacement therapy. For more information, refer to the following PDQ summaries:
 Breast Cancer Prevention
 Hot Flashes and Night Sweats
Related Summaries
Other PDQ summaries containing information related to breast cancer include the following:
 Breast Cancer Prevention
 Breast Cancer Screening
 Breast Cancer Treatment and Pregnancy
 Genetics of Breast and Gynecologic Cancers
 Male Breast Cancer Treatment
 Unusual Cancers of Childhood Treatment (breast cancer in children)
1. American Cancer Society: Cancer Facts and Figures 2015. Atlanta, Ga: American
Cancer Society, 2015. Available onlineExit Disclaimer. Last accessed October 30,
2. Altekruse SF, Kosary CL, Krapcho M, et al.: SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-
2007. Bethesda, Md: National Cancer Institute, 2010. Also available online. Last
accessed October 9, 2015.
3. Johnson A, Shekhdar J: Breast cancer incidence: what do the figures mean? J Eval
Clin Pract 11 (1): 27-31, 2005. [PUBMED Abstract]
4. Haas JS, Kaplan CP, Gerstenberger EP, et al.: Changes in the use of postmenopausal
hormone therapy after the publication of clinical trial results. Ann Intern Med 140 (3):
184-8, 2004. [PUBMED Abstract]
5. Colditz GA, Rosner BA, Speizer FE: Risk factors for breast cancer according to
family history of breast cancer. For the Nurses' Health Study Research Group. J Natl
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6. Colditz GA, Kaphingst KA, Hankinson SE, et al.: Family history and risk of breast
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2012. [PUBMED Abstract]
7. Malone KE, Daling JR, Doody DR, et al.: Family history of breast cancer in relation
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8. Cybulski C, Wokołorczyk D, Jakubowska A, et al.: Risk of breast cancer in women
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9. Goodwin PJ, Phillips KA, West DW, et al.: Breast cancer prognosis in BRCA1 and
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13. Wooster R, Neuhausen SL, Mangion J, et al.: Localization of a breast cancer
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15. Boyd NF, Martin LJ, Rommens JM, et al.: Mammographic density: a heritable risk
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16. McCormack VA, dos Santos Silva I: Breast density and parenchymal patterns as
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20. Endogenous Hormones and Breast Cancer Collaborative Group: Endogenous sex
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21. Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer: Menarche, menopause,
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22. Ritte R, Lukanova A, Tjønneland A, et al.: Height, age at menarche and risk of
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25. Writing Group for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators: Risks and benefits of
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27. Chlebowski RT, Hendrix SL, Langer RD, et al.: Influence of estrogen plus progestin
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39. Razzaghi H, Troester MA, Gierach GL, et al.: Mammographic density and breast
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41. Andrieu N, Easton DF, Chang-Claude J, et al.: Effect of chest X-rays on the risk of
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45. Blackwood MA, Weber BL: BRCA1 and BRCA2: from molecular genetics to clinical
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71. Rosen PP, Groshen S, Kinne DW, et al.: Factors influencing prognosis in node-
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75. Graeser MK, Engel C, Rhiem K, et al.: Contralateral breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and
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Next section >
Histopathologic Classification of Breast Cancer
 Updated: October 30, 2015
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  • 5.  General Information About Breast Cancer  Histopathologic Classification of Breast Cancer  Stage Information for Breast Cancer  Ductal Carcinoma In Situ  Early/Localized/Operable Breast Cancer  Stage IIIB, Inoperable IIIC, IV, Recurrent, and Metastatic Breast Cancer  Changes to This Summary (10/30/2015)  About This PDQ Summary  Get More Information From NCI  View All Sections General Information About Breast Cancer  Incidence and Mortality  Anatomy  Risk and Protective Factors  Screening  Diagnosis o Patient evaluation o Contralateral disease  Prognostic Factors  Posttherapy Considerations o Hormone replacement therapy  Related Summaries This summary discusses primary epithelial breast cancers in women. The breast is rarely affected by other tumors such as lymphomas, sarcomas, or melanomas. Refer to the following PDQ summaries for more information on these cancer types:  Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment  Adult Soft Tissue Sarcoma Treatment  Melanoma Treatment Breast cancer also affects men and children and may occur during pregnancy, although it is rare in these populations. Refer to the following PDQ summaries for more information:  Male Breast Cancer Treatment  Breast Cancer Treatment and Pregnancy  Unusual Cancers of Childhood Treatment Incidence and Mortality Estimated new cases and deaths from breast cancer (women only) in the United States in 2015:[1]  New cases: 231,840.  Deaths: 40,290.
  • 6. Breast cancer is the most common noncutaneous cancer in U.S. women, with an estimated 60,290 cases of in situ disease, 231,840 new cases of invasive disease, and 40,290 deaths expected in 2015.[1] Thus, fewer than one of six women diagnosed with breast cancer die of the disease. By comparison, it is estimated that about 71,660 American women will die of lung cancer in 2015.[1] Men account for 1% of breast cancer cases and breast cancer deaths (refer to the Special Populations section in the PDQ summary on Breast Cancer Screening for more information). Widespread adoption of screening increases breast cancer incidence in a given population and changes the characteristics of cancers detected, with increased incidence of lower-risk cancers, premalignant lesions, and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). (Refer to the Ductal Carcinoma In Situ section in the Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Pathology section in the PDQ summary on Breast Cancer Screening for more information.) Population studies from the United States [2] and the United Kingdom [3] demonstrate an increase in DCIS and invasive breast cancer incidence since the 1970s, attributable to the widespread adoption of both postmenopausal hormone therapy and screening mammography. In the last decade, women have refrained from using postmenopausal hormones, and breast cancer incidence has declined, but not to the levels seen before the widespread use of screening mammography.[4] Anatomy
  • 7. Enlarge Anatomy of the female breast. The nipple and areola are shown on the outside of the breast. The lymph nodes, lobes, lobules, ducts, and other parts of the inside of the breast are also shown. Risk and Protective Factors Increasing age is the most important risk factor for breast cancer.[2] Other risk factors for breast cancer include the following:  Family health history.[5]  Major inheritance susceptibility.[6-8] o Germline mutation of the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, and other breast cancer susceptibility genes.[9-13]  Alcohol intake.[14]  Breast tissue density (mammographic).[15,16]  Estrogen (endogenous):[17-20] o Menstrual history (early menarche/late menopause).[21-23] o Nulliparity. o Older age at first birth.
  • 8.  Hormone therapy history:[24] o Combination estrogen plus progestin hormone replacement therapy (HRT).[25-28]  Obesity.[29,30]  Personal history of breast cancer.[31]  Personal history of proliferative forms of benign breast disease.[32-38]  Race.[39,40]  Radiation exposure to the breast/chest.[41,42] Age-specific risk estimates are available to help counsel and design screening strategies for women with a family history of breast cancer.[43,44] Of all women with breast cancer, 5% to 10% may have a germline mutation of the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2.[45] Specific mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 are more common in women of Jewish ancestry.[46] The estimated lifetime risk of developing breast cancer for women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations is 40% to 85%. Carriers with a history of breast cancer have an increased risk of contralateral disease that may be as high as 5% per year.[47] Male BRCA2 mutation carriers also have an increased risk of breast cancer.[48] Mutations in either the BRCA1 or the BRCA2 gene also confer an increased risk of ovarian cancer [48,49] or other primary cancers.[48,49] Once a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation has been identified, other family members can be referred for genetic counseling and testing.[50-53] (Refer to the PDQ summaries on Genetics of Breast and Gynecologic Cancers; Breast Cancer Prevention; and Breast Cancer Screening for more information.) (Refer to the PDQ summary on Breast Cancer Prevention for more information about factors that increase the risk of breast cancer.) Protective factors and interventions to reduce the risk of female breast cancer include the following:  Estrogen use (after hysterectomy).[54-56]  Exercise.[57-59]  Early pregnancy.[23,60,61]  Breast feeding.[62]  Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs).[63]  Aromatase inhibitors or inactivators.[64,65]  Risk-reducing mastectomy.[66]  Risk-reducing oophorectomy or ovarian ablation.[67-70] (Refer to the PDQ summary on Breast Cancer Prevention for more information about factors that decrease the risk of breast cancer.) Screening Clinical trials have established that screening asymptomatic women using mammography, with or without clinical breast examination, decreases breast cancer mortality. (Refer to the PDQ summary on Breast Cancer Screening for more information.) Diagnosis
  • 9. Patient evaluation When breast cancer is suspected, patient management generally includes the following:  Confirmation of the diagnosis.  Evaluation of the stage of disease.  Selection of therapy. The following tests and procedures are used to diagnose breast cancer:  Mammography.  Ultrasound.  Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), if clinically indicated.  Biopsy. Contralateral disease Pathologically, breast cancer can be a multicentric and bilateral disease. Bilateral disease is somewhat more common in patients with infiltrating lobular carcinoma. At 10 years after diagnosis, the risk of a primary breast cancer in the contralateral breast ranges from 3% to 10%, although endocrine therapy decreases that risk.[71-73] The development of a contralateral breast cancer is associated with an increased risk of distant recurrence.[74] When BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers were diagnosed before age 40 years, the risk of a contralateral breast cancer reached nearly 50% in the ensuing 25 years.[75,76] Patients who have breast cancer will undergo bilateral mammography at the time of diagnosis to rule out synchronous disease. To detect either recurrence in the ipsilateral breast in patients treated with breast-conserving surgery or a second primary cancer in the contralateral breast, patients will continue to have regular breast physical examinations and mammograms. The role of MRI in screening the contralateral breast and monitoring women treated with breast-conserving therapy continues to evolve. Because an increased detection rate of mammographically occult disease has been demonstrated, the selective use of MRI for additional screening is occurring more frequently despite the absence of randomized, controlled data. Because only 25% of MRI-positive findings represent malignancy, pathologic confirmation before treatment is recommended. Whether this increased detection rate will translate into improved treatment outcome is unknown.[77-79] Prognostic Factors Breast cancer is commonly treated by various combinations of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. Prognosis and selection of therapy may be influenced by the following clinical and pathology features (based on conventional histology and immunohistochemistry):[80]  The menopausal status of the patient.  The stage of the disease.  The grade of the primary tumor.  The estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) status of the tumor.
  • 10.  Human epidermal growth factor type 2 receptor (HER2/neu) overexpression and/or amplification.  The histologic type. Breast cancer is classified into a variety of histologic types, some of which have prognostic importance. For example, favorable histologic types include mucinous, medullary, and tubular carcinomas.[81-83] The use of molecular profiling in breast cancer includes the following:[84]  ER and PR status testing.  HER2/neu receptor status testing.  Gene profile testing by microarray assay or reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (e.g., MammaPrint, Oncotype DX). On the basis of these results, breast cancer is classified as:  Hormone-receptor positive.  HER2 positive.  Triple negative (ER, PR, and Her2/neu negative). Although certain rare inherited mutations, such as those of BRCA1 and BRCA2, predispose women to develop breast cancer, prognostic data on BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers who have developed breast cancer are conflicting; these women are at greater risk of developing contralateral breast cancer. Posttherapy Considerations Hormone replacement therapy After careful consideration, patients with severe symptoms may be treated with hormone replacement therapy. For more information, refer to the following PDQ summaries:  Breast Cancer Prevention  Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Related Summaries Other PDQ summaries containing information related to breast cancer include the following:  Breast Cancer Prevention  Breast Cancer Screening  Breast Cancer Treatment and Pregnancy  Genetics of Breast and Gynecologic Cancers  Male Breast Cancer Treatment  Unusual Cancers of Childhood Treatment (breast cancer in children) References 1. American Cancer Society: Cancer Facts and Figures 2015. Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer Society, 2015. Available onlineExit Disclaimer. Last accessed October 30, 2015.
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