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Elements of Security
2 0 1 1   Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence
          on Critical Minerals

          By Christine Parthemore
I would like to thank my colleagues at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) for their valuable insights and com-
ments throughout the research and writing process for this report. John Nagl, kristin Lord, Will rogers, Nora Bensahel and
more than a dozen colleagues all provided invaluable feedback and critiques. Joseph S. Nye, Jr. National Security Intern
Zachary keck contributed extensive research as well as assistance in developing the tables in this report.
As always, Liz Fontaine, Ashley hoffman and Shannon o’reilly provided guidance and advice through the production
process. I am also grateful for reviews and advice from David Sullivan, David Abraham and other external reviewers, includ-
ing several Georgetown graduate school classmates and professors who contributed to a thesis project that formed the
foundation of this research.
this report also benefitted immensely from nearly two years of consulting with and learning from a range of experts from
the Department of Defense, Department of energy, u.S. Geological Survey, several National Labs and private companies.
Any errors or omissions, however, are mine alone.

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J U N E   2 0 1 1

Elements of Security
Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

By Christine Parthemore
Elements of Security
    J U N E   2 0 1 1
                                             Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

                        About the Author
                        Christine Parthemore is a Fellow at the Center for a New American Security.

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ElEmENtS oF SECurity: mitigAtiNg thE riSkS

By Christine Parthemore
Elements of Security
J U N E   2 0 1 1
                    Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals
E l E m E N t S o F S E C u r i t y:   Executive Summary
m i t i g At i N g t h E r i S k S     Reliable access to critical minerals is a matter of
o F u. S . D E P E N D E N C E         both economic and geostrategic importance to the
oN CritiCAl miNErAlS                   United States. Although concern about access to
                                       minerals waxes and wanes, it is rising now due to
                                       increasing demand, new competitors capturing
                                       large market shares and other trends that defy easy
                                       prediction. These same trends can interfere with
                                       foreign and defense policy goals and give mineral
                                       suppliers easy leverage over the United States and
                                       other countries reliant on global supply chains.

                                       Despite renewed attention to critical minerals,
                                       America’s dependence on these minerals is often
                                       misunderstood and miscast in the public debate.
                                       Recent tensions with China concerning the supply
                                       of rare earth elements, for instance, should chal-
                                       lenge U.S. policymakers not because the United
                                       States’ import dependence is inherently problem-
                                       atic (which it is not) or because rare earth minerals
                                       are scarce (which they are not). Rather, rare earths
                                       deserve attention because U.S. supply options
By Christine Parthemore
                                       are limited: Supplies are concentrated mostly
                                       in the hands of one supplier with its own rising
                                       demand, and the United States currently has no
                                       good options for recycling rare earth minerals or
                                       substituting more easily obtained minerals. While
                                       China is nearly the sole producer and exporter of
                                       rare earths today, it does not possess a permanent
                                       “corner” on this market. Indeed, China holds only
                                       about half of known world reserves – not a terri-
                                       bly high concentration.1 The loss of a single major
                                       supplier such as China may therefore increase the
                                       costs of rare earth minerals, but may not affect
                                       their long-term availability. The issue, then, is more
                                       appropriately understood in terms of managing
                                       short-term risks such as disruptions and ensuring
                                       that the U.S. government’s most important defense
                                       and energy needs can be met.

                                       To manage these risks, the U.S. government
                                       needs to alter government policy, ensure access to
                                       correct information about mineral markets and
                                       better assess which minerals are required for a
Elements of Security
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                                             Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

        small number of strategic needs, such as defense
        and energy. It must also use existing mechanisms,           Risks Involving Minerals
        such as stockpiling and research and development
                                                                    •	 leverage provided to sometimes-hostile suppliers.
        funding, to help mitigate risks. The Department
        of Defense (DOD) can also understand its unique             •	 Persistent cost overruns in an era of budget cuts.
        supply needs better by including mineral problems
        in relevant war games involving regions such as the         •	 lags in military equipment delivery.
        South China Sea and Latin America.                          •	 inability to fully develop clean energy technolo-
                                                                       gies domestically.
        U.S. policy should focus on:
                                                                    •	 New roadblocks for achieving u.S. foreign policy
        •	 Preventing supplier countries and companies
                                                                       goals around the world, especially in Asia.
           from wielding undue leverage over the United
           States.                                                  •	 trade disputes that entangle other u.S. security
        •	 Mitigating fiscal risk and cost overruns in an era          interests.
           of budgetary strain.                                     •	 unintentionally funding human rights atrocities
        •	 Reducing vulnerability to supply disruptions,               and fueling black markets.
           especially for critical military assets.
        •	 Ensuring the ability of the United States to meet
           its economic growth goals in clean energy and          A sober and informed analysis suggests there are
           other high-tech fields.                                real vulnerabilities, which place critical national
                                                                  security and foreign policy interests at risk. In
        The United States should not be complacent about          worst-case scenarios, supplies of minerals that
        its access to critical minerals. Political and economic   the United States does not produce domestically
        risks to critical mineral supplies are still visible      may be disrupted, creating price spikes and lags
        on the horizon and the stakes are high. Growing           in delivery. Even short of major supply disrup-
        global demand coupled with the mineral require-           tions, supplier countries can exert leverage over the
        ments necessary for both managing military supply         United States by threatening to cut off certain key
        chains and transitioning to a clean energy future         mineral supplies. The United States may also lose
        will require not only clearer understanding, but also     ground strategically if it continues to lag in man-
        pragmatic and realistic solutions.                        aging mineral issues, as countries that consider
                                                                  assured access to minerals as far more strategically
                                                                  important are increasingly setting the rules for
        Minerals are a subject of much contention. On one
                                                                  trade in this area.
        hand, the United States remains less prepared for
        supply disruptions, price spikes and trade dis-           China’s rising dominance is at the heart of this
        agreements related to the global minerals trade           growing public debate. Its 2010 cutoff of rare
        than most experts realize. On the other hand,             earth elements2 – a unique set of minerals that
        public concern over reliable access to the miner-         are difficult to process yet critical to many high-
        als required in key sectors of the U.S. economy, in       tech applications – attracted particular attention.
        particular those needed to produce military equip-        After Japan detained a Chinese trawler captain
        ment, is growing. Too frequently, however, such           over a skirmish in the East China Sea, Japanese
        concerns are based on inaccurate assumptions.             companies reported weeks of stalled shipments of
6   |
rare earths from China amid rumors of an offi-           to find additional sources of supply for rare earth
cial embargo. This may sound like a minor trade          minerals, and stated that China’s recent cuts to
dispute, but China currently controls production of      rare earth exports “served as a wakeup call that
about 95 percent of the world’s rare earths, which       being so dependent on only one source, disruption
are critical to building laser-guidance systems for      could occur for natural disaster reasons or other
weapons, refining petroleum and building wind            kinds of events could intervene.”5 In January 2011,
turbines. Coinciding with possessing this incred-        Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, Sen. Lisa Murkowski,
ible leverage over the rest of the world, China has      R-Alaska, and Rep. Mike Coffman, R-Colo., wrote
also reduced its export quotas for these minerals.       a letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates express-
For its part, the Chinese government contended           ing concern for minerals required for producing
that it did not put any formal export embargo in         defense equipment such as Joint Direct Attack
place, and that its plans to reduce exports simply       Munitions (JDAMs), which stated, “Clearly, rare
reflect the need to meet growing domestic demand         earth supply limitations present a serious vulnera-
for rare earths. Japan-China relations experienced       bility to our national security. Yet early indications
further strain in their already tense relationship. In   are that DOD has dismissed the severity of the
the United States, many reporters, policy analysts       situation to date.”6 Additionally, the Department
and decision makers did not foresee this challenge.      of Energy (DOE) launched a multiyear effort to
Feeling blindsided, some in the United States char-      explore potential vulnerabilities in supply chains
acterized the situation in a manner that demonized       for minerals that will be critical to four distinct
China rather than using the opportunity to better        areas of energy technology innovation.
understand the true nature of U.S. supply chain
vulnerabilities.                                         While concern is growing, the media and policy-
                                                         makers often focus too narrowly on what may seem
The 2010 rare earths case and others are increasing      the most compelling indicators – usually import
interest in critical minerals among U.S. policy-         dependence or scarcity – in prescribing solutions to
makers. Congress held hearings on the strategic          reduce U.S. vulnerabilities, in particular to supply
importance of minerals between 2007 and 2010,            disruptions in critical minerals such as rare earths.
and the 2010 National Defense Authorization              This focus is sparking protectionist attitudes, with
Act required DOD to study and report on its              some worrying that import dependence poses an
dependence on rare earth elements for weapons,           inherent risk to the U.S. economy. Discussion of
communications and other systems.3 During a              minerals also frequently focuses on supply scarcity
2009 hearing on minerals and military readi-             and resource depletion in absolute terms. However,
ness, Republican Representative Randy Forbes of          both the rhenium and rare earth minerals dis-
Virginia called minerals, “one of those things that      ruptions of the past five years were triggered by
no one really talks about or worries about until         deliberate decisions made by political leaders to
something goes wrong. It’s at that point – the point     leverage their positions of strength, not by market
where we don’t have the steel we need to build           forces, disorder or scarcities of these minerals.
MRAPs [Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehi-             Countries often revert to hoarding, pressuring
cles] or the rhenium we need to build a JSF [Joint       suppliers and otherwise behaving as if scarcities
Strike Fighter] engine that the stockpile becomes        are present even when they are not, based solely on
critically important.”4 In October 2010, Secretary of    concerns that shortages are likely in the near term.
State Hillary Rodham Clinton stated that it would        In fact, neither scarcity nor import dependence
be “in our interests commercially and strategically”     alone is sufficient to signal vulnerability, and a
Elements of Security
    J U N E   2 0 1 1
                                            Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

                                    TaBlE 1: SElECT CRITICal MInERalS and ThEIR uSES

        MInERal            BRIEf dESCRIPTIon                      ExaMPlES                      SPECIfIC aSSETS
                                                                   of uSES
                        A class of minerals that         •		Automotive	catalytic	          •		Joint	Direct	Attack	
                        share properties critical        converters                        Munitions	(JDAMs)
                        for advanced technologies        •		Petroleum	refining	catalysts   •		BGM-109	Tomahawk
                        and require extensive            •		Metallurgical	additives	and	   •		Jet	fighter	engines
                        processing. today, China         alloys                            •		Antimissile	defense	
                        controls more than 90            •		Glass	polishing	and	           systems
        Rare            percent of global reserves.      ceramics                          •		AGM-84E	Standoff	Land	
        Earths                                           •		Computer	monitors              Attack missile
        Elements                                         •		Radar                          •		Smart	bombs
        (REEs)                                           •		Permanent	magnets              •		Night	vision	goggles7
                                                         •		Lasers
                                                         •		Range	finders	on	tanks	and	
                                                         other equipment
                                                         •		Target	designators

                        gallium is an element with       •		Integrated	circuits	           •		Joint	Land	Attack	Cruise	
                        unique properties useful in      •		Semiconductor	chips            missile Defense Elevated
                        manufacturing. Because it is     •		Light-emitting	diodes	(LEDs)   Netted	Sensor	(JLENS)	
                        found only in other mineral      •		Laser	diodes                   system
        Gallium         ores and does not exist          •		Solar	cells                    •		Satellites
        (Ga)            alone in nature, reserves        •		Opto-electronic	devices	       •	Radar	and	high-
                        are difficult to estimate, and   (esp.	in	aerospace)               power radio-frequency
                        there are a limited number       •		Telecommunications	            applications and jammers8
                        of suppliers.                    equipment

                        A particularly heat-resistant    •		Petroleum	refining	catalysts   •		F-16,	F-18,	F-22	Raptor,	
                        mineral, rhenium is critical     •		Superalloys	used	in	high-      F-35	Joint	Strike	Fighter	
                        in building many aerospace       temperature turbine engine        •		C-40	Clipper	
                        components. Supplied by          components                        •		Divert	and	Attitude	
        Rhenium         few countries, its prices        •		Semi-conductors                Control	System	(DACS)9
        (Re)            have seen dramatic spikes in
                        times of supply uncertainty
                        and demand growth.

8   |
MInERal                    BRIEf dESCRIPTIon                                       ExaMPlES                                   SPECIfIC aSSETS
                                                                                       of uSES
                         used frequently in                              •		Steel	production                               •		Divert	and	Attitude	
                         producing superalloys and                       •		Alloys	and	metals	used	                        Control	System	(DACS)	
                         steel, known reserves are                       in aerospace production                           •		Jet	engines
   Niobium               today primarily located in                                                                        •		Missiles10
   (Nb)                  Brazil and Canada.

                         tantalum is used in a wide                      •		Tantalum	capacitors	used	in	                   •		Missile	defense	systems
                         array of applications for its                   automotive electronics                            •		Unmanned	aerial	vehicles	
                         high resistance to heat and                     •		Specialty	steels                               •		Smart	phones11
                         wear, and other properties.                     •		Personal	computers
   Tantalum              it is critical in several high-                 •		Portable	phones
   (Ta)                  tech components.

                         the focus of much media                         •		Energy	storage	and	                            •		Improved	Target	
                         attention due to its                            advanced batteries                                Acquisition	System	(ITAS)	
                         increasing use in advanced                      •		Alloys	and	metals	for	aircraft	                used in the toW missile
                         batteries, lithium is a                         and space components                              •		Non-Line-of-Sight	
                         commonly found mineral,                         •		Medicinal	uses                                 Cannon	(NLOS-C)
   Lithium               but one that is often not                       •		High-strength	ceramics                         •			Hybrid-electric	Humvees
   (Li)                  economical to produce.                                                                            •		Reconnaissance,	
                                                                                                                           Surveillance, targeting
                                                                                                                           Vehicle	(RST-V)
                                                                                                                           •		Missile	defense	systems12

Note: Given the challenges described in this report of tracing what minerals are used in assets important to the U.S. government – let alone quantities needed –
this table is intended to convey the types of systems that require these minerals. While some of the assets listed are no longer in high production or may represent
future procurement, this table shows that policymakers should seek greater information on U.S. vulnerabilities to supply chain disruptions for a wide range of assets.
Sources taken from those listed throughout this report’s endnotes, and others as specified.

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                                               Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

         combination of factors including concentration of           for the United States given its purchasing power. In
         suppliers is most often required for mineral issues         between these extremes, even staunch pragmatists
         to become security or foreign policy problems.              will point to the 2010 China rare earths episode
                                                                     as proof of one basic tenet: The United States and
         This report, based on two years of research, site visits    other market-based economies no longer deter-
         and discussions with stakeholders, explores how the         mine all the rules of global trade.
         supply, demand and use of minerals can impair U.S.
         foreign relations, economic interests and defense           Central to this narrative is a conundrum for
         readiness. It examines cases of five individual min-        policymakers. Reserve estimates show that
         erals – lithium, gallium, rhenium, tantalum and             global supplies of almost all minerals are ade-
         niobium – and rare earth elements, such as neo-             quate to meet expected global demands over
         dymium, samarium and dysprosium, as a sixth group           the long term, and for decades into the future
         in order to show the complexity of addressing these         for most minerals. The U.S. Geological Survey
         concerns. Each of these minerals is critical for defense    (USGS) indicates, for example, that world sup-
         technologies and U.S. economic growth plans. They           plies of rare earths will be adequate for more
         share characteristics with minerals that have caused        than 100 years.13 These estimates, however,
         important political or economic concerns for the            can be meaningless in the near term if supplies
         United States in the past. Additionally, lithium is fre-    are insufficient, or if suppliers reduce exports
         quently cited in the media and in discussions of how        or otherwise manipulate trade. For example,
         clean energy supply chains are critical to meeting          most experts project that global production of
         America’s future economic, energy and environmen-           rare earths will likely be insufficient to meet
         tal goals. Within the past five years, two of these cases   the world’s demand over the next two to three
         – rhenium and rare earth minerals – have involved           years. The long-term sufficiency of supplies has
         supply disruptions or important threats of disrup-          no practical effect because it takes years and
         tions for the United States and its allies. Each of these   high capital costs to start up new mining and
         minerals will require federal government attention in       processing businesses for rare earths. Thus, the
         the coming years.                                           risks of inaction are high. A range of political,
                                                                     economic and geographic factors can disrupt
         assessing u.S. Vulnerability                                supplies and cause price spikes that can create
         Analysts vary widely in assessing the implications          rifts in bilateral relations, trade disputes, accu-
         of U.S. dependence on critical minerals, despite            sations of economic sabotage and instability in
         broad acceptance of the physical reality that min-          countries that possess rare reserves of prized
         eral resources are finite and the economic realities        minerals. They can also give supplier countries
         that requirements are ubiquitous and demand is              extraordinary leverage that can alter geopoliti-
         growing. On one extreme, some analysts believe              cal calculations, especially when single countries
         the 2010 incident between China and Japan sug-              control most world supplies.
         gests an approaching Hobbesian world in which
         resource demands outstrip supplies for minerals,            For U.S. policymakers, the risks fall into two rough
         nonrenewable energy sources and even food sup-              categories: Disruptions, delivery lags and price
         plies. History indicates that conflict over absolute        spikes that affect military assets and place unan-
         scarcities is unlikely. At the other end of the             ticipated strains on defense procurement budgets;
         spectrum, many still believe that an open market            and lack of affordable access to minerals and raw
         and its invisible hand will continue to determine           materials preventing important national economic
         winners and losers with no serious repercussions            growth goals.
10   |
The defense industrial base in the modern era dif-    Countries (OPEC) oil embargo and related oil cri-
fers greatly from any previous time. Often, actual    ses of the 1970s further brought into question the
scarcity is not required for problems to arise, as    assumption that the United States could depend
concerns about future scarcities often drive coun-    on imports, as it became apparent that broader
tries to behave as if shortages are occurring. The    global conditions and political decisions by other
National Academies recently reported, “The risk       countries could dramatically hinder the U.S. abil-
of supply interruption arguably has increased or,     ity to openly purchase sufficient commodities at
at the very least, has become different from the      affordable costs. This conclusion was reinforced
more traditional threats associated with the more     when supply disruptions and threats of disruptions
familiar ideas of war and conflict.”14 During World   by apartheid-era South Africa, the hostile Soviet
War I and World War II, for example, governments      Union and its satellites led to a wave of congressio-
counted on domestic steel production – and even       nal hearings, government reports and independent
civilian willingness to contribute scrap materi-      analysis of the conditions contributing to U.S.
als for reuse and recycling – for tanks and other     vulnerability.15
equipment. In contrast, modern warfare relies on
globalized and privatized supply chains rather than   Following these Cold War-era events, policy-
a primarily domestic (and often government-run)       makers held hearings and commissioned studies
network. Vulnerability to mineral supply disrup-      in order to understand which specific factors
tions is likewise far broader and more complicated    were most important in signaling that U.S. eco-
than it was in previous eras.                         nomic and security interests may be in jeopardy.
                                                      American analysts generally agreed that the fol-
Policymakers should also consider minerals that       lowing factors were the most important to track:
play uniquely important roles in the American
economy. Rare earths, for example, are important      •	 Level of substitutes and the uniqueness of spe-
in petroleum refining, which today enables the           cific minerals.
smooth functioning of the economy. Looking to         •	 Level of U.S. domestic supplies and dependence
the longer term, much concern is turning toward          on foreign sources.
minerals that may see booming demand as the           •	 Geographic concentration of supplies.
economy develops a greater reliance on energy
                                                      •	 Stability of producing countries and their region.
efficiency and renewable energy technologies,
such as the lithium used in advanced batteries        •	 Distances and routes of supply chains.
and hybrid and electric vehicles. These minerals      •	 Availability of technology to recover and process
will directly affect U.S. economic competitive-          the minerals.
ness, and plans for improving economic growth
                                                      •	 Economic price of the resources themselves.
and job development.
                                                      •	 Inability of foreign governments to coordinate
This vulnerability is not a new concern. Since the       minerals policies.
early 1900s, U.S. defense analysts and national
                                                      •	 Level of domestic demand in producing
policymakers have worried about U.S. vulnerabili-
ties to supply disruptions of the minerals critical
to manufacturing defense systems, from tanks          Some of these concerns remain today, but changes
and munitions to communications equipment.            in technology, economics and the international
These concerns were generally heightened in war-      security environment will pose new challenges as
time. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting         well. Analysts often pinpoint China’s rising resource
                                                                                                              | 11
Elements of Security
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                                             Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

         demand as the major new cause for concern, yet          complicated by both often-long global supply chains
         limited transparency and the changing nature of         and the nature of transactions. In some cases, natu-
         the defense industrial base and the broader econ-       ral disasters or strikes halt production at specific
         omy will also affect U.S. mineral supplies in the       mines that produce large proportions of global
         coming decades. Looking forward, major concerns         supplies. In murkier cases, “disruptions” manifest
         for the U.S. government will include: Lack of suffi-    as long contracting or legal delays (often intentional,
         cient information for policymakers; understanding       for pricing or political reasons) or long lags in
         the evolving energy paradigm; increasing explora-       delivery. Whether disruptions are abrupt and clear,
         tion of space and seabed territory; and a changing      or long and uncertain, delivery times and prices of
         defense industrial base.                                important energy technologies and military equip-
                                                                 ment can rise significantly. Today’s global supply
                                                                 chains are incredibly efficient, as companies have
               Poor information is a major                       worked to reduce the slack in their transit routes
                                                                 and shipping plans. This efficiency can save energy
            obstacle to addressing critical                      and money, but as infrastructure, routes and people
                                                                 are taken out of service, it also reduces options when
            mineral vulnerabilities, and it                      things go wrong.17
           is creating conditions in which                       Four other trends are changing the ways in which
          hype could drive policy debates.                       minerals affect U.S. security and foreign policy

                                                                 a nEw EnERgy PaRadIgM
         Poor information is a major obstacle to address-        Efforts to develop alternative energy sources
         ing critical mineral vulnerabilities, and it is         will influence the global demand for minerals.
         creating conditions in which hype could drive           Governments around the world are promoting a
         policy debates. For example, the media and oth-         more sustainable, lower-carbon energy paradigm
         ers focused heavy attention throughout 2009             that includes increasing adoption of renewable
         and 2010 on Bolivia’s potentially large lithium         energy sources, energy efficiency technologies,
         supplies, often noting the populist, and at times       advanced batteries and other products. Just as
         erratic, behavior of the Bolivian president as          rare earths and other minerals are critical to
         a reason for great concern over future lithium          petroleum production, developing and manufac-
         availability. In reality, many independent experts      turing wind turbines, solar energy systems and
         agree that reliable exporters such as Chile and         efficient batteries on a large scale will drive new
         Argentina will prove to be the most important           mineral demands. In particular, energy storage
         lithium suppliers for years, and supply gluts in        will be critical in the coming decades for military-
         the lithium market will continue for the foresee-       specific energy innovation, electric grid security,
         able future even in the face of rising demand. Yet      clean energy development and much more. As
         the popular media focus on lithium rarely, if ever,     a result, the Obama administration has already
         includes this market information.16                     identified energy storage as a key technology area
                                                                 for research and development investment. The
         Identifying when and how mineral supply disrup-         Department of Energy has increased loans and
         tions (or threats of disruptions) could affect U.S.     grants related to energy storage, and DOD has
         defense industries or foreign relations is further      begun fielding renewable energy generation and
12   |
advanced energy storage units in Afghanistan.            in the South China Sea – areas seen as having great
Such significant investments in research and             mineral supply potential – are already concerning
development are likely to produce new technolo-          U.S. military strategists and diplomats. The possibil-
gies that trigger major changes in global mineral        ity of seabed mining is already fueling a renewed
requirements over the decades ahead, making it           debate about whether the United States should ratify
crucial for the U.S. government to monitor min-          the U.N. Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS).
eral supply chains.
                                                         a gloBal dEfEnSE InduSTRIal BaSE
a nEw SPaCE RaCE                                         Given the state of the modern defense industrial
Due to requirements for advanced technologies            base, the National Academies of Science deter-
and components that can withstand extreme                mined in 2008, “The Department of Defense
conditions, the expansion of countries’ space            appears not to fully understand its needs for
capabilities over the coming decades will influence      specific materials or to have adequate information
demand for critical minerals. A range of nations         on their supply.”19 In the information age, the U.S.
– from India to Iran – aim to bolster their reputa-      military increasingly relies on dual-use equip-
tions as space powers and develop more advanced          ment and depends on globalized supply chains.
satellite systems and launch capabilities. The           Military equipment for the modern battlefield
U.S. government must therefore expect demand             includes communications technologies, robotics,
growth (and potentially growth that is not linear        computer systems and space assets that are used
or predictable) for minerals like rare earths that       by DOD, civilian government agencies and private
are critical in space technologies. On the supply        enterprises alike. Indeed, a 2008 Defense Science
side, many countries are considering the possibil-       Board report noted, “Military-relevant technol-
ity of mining space objects, and even the 2010 U.S.      ogy will continue to change rapidly and will be
National Space Policy suggests that the United           increasingly global.”20 Defense supply chains are,
States should “identify potentially resource-rich        therefore, less distinct from those in the broader
planetary objects.”18                                    economy as they once were, and the dual-use
                                                         nature of a broad range of assets also means that
a REVoluTIon In SEaBEd ExPloRaTIon                       many supply chains are more globalized than ever.
Seabed mineral exploration is high on the agenda         Moreover, “higher risk of and uncertainty about
for a range of countries and companies and, if major     supply disruptions owing to the fragmentation
new supplies are discovered, will substantially          of global supply chains”21 can further threaten
change the global market for critical minerals. After    assured access to critical minerals. Much of
decades of major investments in seabed exploration       today’s defense equipment is purchased directly
by scientists, petroleum producers and others, the       from civilian vendors and designed to meet both
world is experiencing great advances in the technical    civilian and military needs. Consider modern
and economic viability of undersea exploration and       warfare’s dependence on computer systems,
exploitation. Countries seeking to mine these poten-     satellites, radar and Global Positioning System.
tially important seabed mineral reserves may engage      The National Academies study notes, “The glo-
in territorial disputes as a result, even though doubt   balization of materials production and supply
remains over whether, where and at what price            has radically changed the ability of the United
seabed mineral supplies may become economical to         States to produce and to procure materials vital to
produce. For example, territorial disputes over areas    defense needs,” and that the stockpiling system is
of the Arctic that are opening up to exploration and     inadequate given today’s global supply systems.22
                                                                                                                  | 13
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                                                Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

          The Evolution of Stockpiling

          After experiencing several supply       always shared with the government.       the expert argued that assessing
          disruptions for minerals critical       the lack of government-operated          stockpiling needs should more
          to	war	efforts,	the	United	States	      reserves can therefore prove wor-        broadly “encompass a range of less
          established a stockpile of defense-     risome in times of disruptions and       than full-scale emergency condi-
          critical minerals and raw materials     allow suppliers to leverage exports      tions [to] plausibly include potential
          in 1939. this stockpile has mor-        for political ends.                      material supply disruptions due to
          phed greatly over the past seven                                                 natural disasters, political instability
          decades, and its management is          to address this challenge, the           in key foreign countries and selec-
          under renewed scrutiny now that         Department of Defense is in the          tive terrorist attacks.”26
          minerals are once again emerging        process of changing its stockpil-
          as strategically important.             ing system. in 2008, a National          Despite	Pentagon	efforts	to	
                                                  Academies report declared, “the          improve u.S. stockpile manage-
          Since the 1990s, Congress has           design, structure, and operation         ment, many members of Congress
          instructed the Department of            of the National Defense Stockpile        still worry that DoD is not taking
          Defense	(DOD)	to	sell	off	minerals	     render	it	ineffective	in	respond-        threats of minerals supply disrup-
          from the National Defense Stockpile     ing to modern needs and threats,”        tions seriously enough, and that
          Center due to budgetary consider-       and, “the Department of Defense          it may be placing too much faith
          ations, and because the minerals        appears not to fully understand its      in the private sector to address
          critical to defense assets at the       needs	for	specific	materials	or	to	      the strategic threats posed by
          height of the Cold War are no longer    have adequate information on their       threats of supply disruptions to
          as relevant to modern military tech-    supply.”24 the Pentagon responded        critical minerals. to mitigate these
          nology. however, Congress did not       to this critique in April 2009 by set-   concerns, DoD should be more
          replace these stockpiles with miner-    ting plans to establish a Strategic      transparent about its mineral
          als necessary for today’s military      materials Security management            policies, including its process of
          and economy. For example, the u.S.      System to evaluate DoD mineral           reconfiguring	the	stockpile.	Even	if	
          government appears to stockpile         needs and develop stockpiling            Pentagon officials believe that they
          tantalum and niobium, but it does       strategies more comprehensively.25       can develop proper inventory strat-
          not stockpile rhenium, gallium,         yet, at a hearing just a few months      egies to hedge against challenges
          lithium or rare earths.23 While pri-    later, one expert noted that this        to military readiness, they will still
          vate companies may have reserves        stockpiling approach focuses on          require congressional support for
          of these minerals in their own          mineral shortages during “a full-        their	efforts	to	continue	modern-
          stockpiles, this information is not     scale national security emergency.”      izing the stockpiling system.

        These risks, coupled with long-enduring vulner-                 chains and can help analysts identify potential
        abilities, are heightening concerns about U.S.                  points of vulnerability. Once potentially profitable
        access to minerals. We can gain an even deeper                  reserves are discovered, companies must obtain the
        understanding of the security challenges involved               technology, permits and capital needed for min-
        by examining specific minerals in detail.                       eral extraction. Since most minerals are not pure
                                                                        ores – extracted resources typically contain many
        Economic, geographic and Political Risks                        different materials in various concentrations – the
        Though supply chains differ for every mineral, sev-             minerals must be processed and separated. Unless
        eral steps are common across most of these supply               the deposits are processed on site, the minerals
14		|
may be shipped multiple times before they are            term availability, as eventually supplies will be
ready to use. Many minerals are sold in commodi-         developed elsewhere.
ties markets, which requires additional physical
shipment or financial steps. Finally, the minerals       Similar to rare earths reserves, lithium is not
are purchased, shipped to the consumer and used.         highly concentrated despite its small number of
                                                         current suppliers. Chile holds about 58 percent
Analyzing this supply chain prompts the ques-            of currently known lithium reserves, but at least
tion: What factors should serve as warning signs         seven other countries have identified signifi-
to policymakers who want to better anticipate and        cant reserves. Additionally, Bolivia, Afghanistan
mitigate mineral supply disruptions, trade dis-          and other countries possess significant lithium
putes and other challenges? Most headlines focus         resources that are not yet quantified due to lack
on import dependence and the concentration of            of existing infrastructure and because prices are
supplies in the hands of a single country. As this       not high enough to make their estimation and
section will show, however, additional geographic,       production profitable.28 Gallium presents a diffi-
economic and political factors also affect the           cult case, as it is found only in other mineral ores;
degree to which mineral supplies challenge U.S.          deposits do not exist alone in nature. According
interests. These factors include whether substitutes     to the USGS, “Only part of the gallium present in
are readily available, whether minerals can be           bauxite and zinc ores is recoverable, and the factors
recycled and reused, and whether the United States       controlling the recovery are proprietary. Therefore,
stockpiles them.                                         an estimate of current reserves comparable to the
                                                         definition of reserves of other minerals cannot be
gEogRaPhIC faCToRS                                       made.”29 However, neither bauxite nor zinc (the
The geographic locations of mineral resources are        two minerals most often found with gallium) is
mostly static, since the composition of the earth        highly concentrated geographically.30
does not change dramatically on human times-
cales. However, our understanding of geology does        Other minerals important to the U.S. economy
change, which affects supply estimates. Geographic       appear to be more geographically concentrated.
concentration of supplies is therefore a critical fac-   Chile holds about 52 percent of quantified world
tor in determining vulnerability to disruptions.         reserves of rhenium, followed by the United States
                                                         (with about 15 percent of reserves) and many other
Looking at the minerals examined in this report,         smaller-scale producing countries. Known tanta-
in the past decade the most severe case of disrup-       lum reserves are even more concentrated, mostly
tions with national security implications involved       in Australia and Brazil, and Brazil also possesses
rare earth elements, which are not particularly          between 80 percent and 90 percent of the world’s
concentrated geographically. At least eight coun-        niobium deposits.31
tries have known reserves, and unknown reserves
are expected to be high. The media often refers          Geography affects supply in ways that are not
to China as dominating the rare earths market            always intuitive. For instance, it seems logical
because it produces and exports almost all of cur-       that vulnerability would correlate directly with
rent world supplies, but it possesses only about         distance: The further minerals must travel to
half of known world reserves – not a terribly high       their end user, the greater the risk that something
concentration.27 The loss of a single major supplier     will go wrong. The globalization of supply chains
such as China may therefore increase the costs of        discussed above, however, has made the length of
rare earths. However, it may not affect their long-      routes increasingly irrelevant.
                                                                                                                 | 15
Elements of Security
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                                            Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

         Today, chokepoints and routes through unstable         problematic, but it can cause great problems for the
         locations are more important. In some cases,           United States if suppliers refuse to meet demand
         air transit is more economical or practical than       for political reasons or to ensure supplies for their
         maritime freight, which could reduce opportuni-        own manufacturing sectors, as occurred with
         ties for disruptions despite long distances between    China’s reduction of rare earths exports.
         exporter and importer. Likewise, supplies traveling
         through unstable or inefficient Latin American         Though the economics of most every mineral are
         countries, or through the most violence-plagued        unique, those examined in this report share several
         Mexican cities, could potentially be vulnerable to     important dynamics.
         disruption despite their relatively short journey to   United States demand for minerals changes over
         the United States.                                     time as the government and industries develop
                                                                new military platforms and invest in new tech-
         EConoMIC faCToRS
                                                                nologies. As DOD makes acquisition decisions,
         When examining whether specific minerals will
                                                                for example, it creates new dependencies and
         be available to meet U.S. government needs, it
                                                                increases demand for specific minerals and raw
         can be tempting to look simply at whether world
                                                                materials. Other countries often design interoper-
         supply is adequate to meet global demand over the
                                                                able systems, similar capabilities or purchase from
         long term. This is an accessible metric, and one
                                                                U.S. manufacturers, thereby amplifying global
         that USGS estimates regularly. According to USGS
                                                                demand. Changes in domestic demand in mineral-
         calculations, the world’s supplies are adequate to
                                                                producing countries can also affect export levels or
         meet long-term demand for each of the minerals
                                                                prices if supplies do not increase commensurately.
         examined here – gallium, lithium, niobium, rare
                                                                However, clear information on domestic demand
         earths, rhenium and tantalum – for decades in
                                                                in foreign countries can be elusive, since many
         absolute terms.
                                                                countries do not thoroughly collect or publicize
         This long-term picture is deceptive, however.          this information. Translation and financial costs
         Policymakers should instead consider a range of        can also present barriers.33
         nuances in evaluating mineral-related vulner-
                                                                The overlap between military and private sec-
         abilities. For instance, when production costs are
                                                                tor needs can complicate tracking shifts in
         too high relative to prices, mines can shut down –
                                                                demand and their implications given the mili-
         temporarily or for years – and supplies can decline
                                                                tary’s dependence on dual-use technologies such
         in the short term regardless of long-term supply
                                                                as communications equipment, computers and
         sufficiency. Many countries that hold large reserves
                                                                satellites. This makes the defense-related supply
         also lack the technology, expertise or funding to
                                                                of critical minerals vulnerable to the rise and fall
         develop these minerals on their own, which can
                                                                of commercial demand. All minerals examined
         lead to greater concentration of suppliers. Today
                                                                in this study are dual-use in U.S. consumption:
         this is of greatest concern for gallium, rare earth
                                                                Niobium is used mostly in steel production and
         minerals and rhenium given their limited number
                                                                aerospace applications; rare earth minerals are
         of suppliers.32
                                                                in everything from computer monitors to sat-
         Many economic factors can influence the sup-           ellites; and rhenium is used in turbine engine
         ply of critical minerals to the United States, but     components and in superalloys because of its heat
         they are often oversimplified or misinterpreted.       resistance and other properties.34
         Import dependence, for example, is not inherently
16   |
An important factor is whether a given mineral has       States may become tolerable, making domestic
unique properties that make substitution difficult       supplies economical. For example, although the
or impossible. For many minerals and raw materi-         United States has been 100 percent dependent
als, consumers have options to substitute different      on imports of rare earths for years, this was not
minerals with similar properties if something is         always the case. Several companies once extracted
unavailable or too costly. Others possess proper-        rare earths in California. The United States also
ties for which scientists and manufacturers have         imports 100 percent of its gallium, and it has not
yet to find substitutes. Rare earth minerals fall into   produced niobium or tantalum for decades.37 From
this category. In many defense applications, for         2006 to 2010, import dependence for rhenium hov-
example, certain rare earths retain magnetism at         ered between 80 and 86 percent, and dependence
extreme temperatures to a degree not readily found       on foreign suppliers for lithium is only about 43
in other minerals. Niobium and tantalum can be           percent as of early 2011.38 High import dependence
replaced in some applications but with reduced           for some minerals also coincides with reduced
effectiveness. For rhenium and lithium, however,         demand within the United States, given the dra-
there are a variety of substitutes in use today, with    matic changes in the American manufacturing
additional substitutes currently being tested and        sector over the past several decades. At the same
developed. Gallium can be replaced for many of its       time, the United States relies on imports to meet
uses, although some substitutes are also vulnerable      100 percent of its needs for at least 17 commodi-
to disruptions and price spikes.35                       ties,39 and in most cases, this dependence has had
                                                         no geopolitical or foreign policy repercussions.
The ability to recover and recycle minerals eco-
nomically can expand sources of supply. Minerals         Finally, examining the concentration of suppli-
can be removed from manufactured items that              ers helps identify vulnerabilities to disruptions.
are headed for the landfill, extracted and then          Various economic conditions can lead to concen-
recycled. Lithium, for example, has good recy-           tration of suppliers, for example when low labor
cling potential, and economical recycling and            costs or environmental advantages in one country
reuse is being researched extensively. Gallium can       price other potential producers out of the market.
be recovered and reprocessed in some cases, as           The United States has relied on China for an aver-
can rhenium, niobium and tantalum. However,              age of 92 percent of its rare earths supplies since
for most rare earths, very little material can be        2006. It also relies on Brazil for 84 percent of its
recycled or recovered economically given current         niobium supplies, on Chile to meet 93 percent of its
technologies and methods.36                              rhenium metal powder demand and Kazakhstan
                                                         for more than half of its supplies of ammonium
A lack of domestic supplies and the resulting            perrhenate, a common form in which rhenium
dependence on foreign sources is the economic            is traded. In contrast, the United States imports
factor identified most frequently as an indicator        tantalum from a far more dispersed network of
of U.S. vulnerability. This, however, is somewhat        suppliers; it imports only 17 percent of supplies
misleading. Many minerals are not (or are no             from its top suppliers, Australia and China, and
longer) produced in the United States for environ-       receives tantalum from more than a half dozen
mental reasons or because U.S. production is more        additional countries. Likewise, Germany, the top
expensive than in other countries – not necessarily      single U.S. supplier of gallium, supplies only about
because American deposits of the minerals can-           26 percent of U.S. demand.40 Lithium provides a
not be found. As global demand growth generates          mid-range case in this area. Chile supplies about
higher prices, the costs of extraction in the United
                                                                                                                | 17
Elements of Security
     J U N E         2 0 1 1
                                                              Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

                                                        Known RESERVES of RaRE EaRTh MInERalS

              Known reserves, in
              metric tons of rare
              earth oxide content.
                      50 million +
                      25	-	49	million
                      1	-	24	million
                      < 1 million

         Source: USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2011

         Known reserves worldwide totaled 110 million metric tons as of January 2011. The Commonwealth of Independent States combined hold 19 million metric tons.
         Additionally, other countries hold a combined 22 million in known reserves.

                                                         IMPoRT SouRCES of RaRE EaRTh MInERalS

              Percentage of imports
              supplied to the United
              States, 2006-2009.
                      75% +
                      50	-	74%
                      25	-	49%
                      1	-	24%

         Source: USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2011

         Other countries produced 2 percent of supplies to the United States.
18   |

     Known reserves, in
     metric tons of lithium
             1 million +
             500,000 - 999,999
             50,000	-	499,999
             < 50,000

Source: USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2011

Total known reserves worldwide totaled 13 million metric tons as of January 2011. Note that Bolivia and other resource holders are not listed by USGS until their
known reserves are quantified.

                                                            IMPoRT SouRCES of lIThIuM

     Percentage of imports
     supplied to the United
     States, 2006-2009.
             75% +
             50	-	74%
             25	-	49%
             1	-	24%

Source: USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2011

Other countries produced 2 percent of supplies to the United States.
                                                                                                                                                                    | 19
Elements of Security
     J U N E     2 0 1 1
                                                Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

         59 percent of U.S. lithium consumption, with 38             Potential rare earth minerals-producing countries,
         percent of the remaining demand being met by                including the United States, Australia, Brazil and
         Argentina. Although global supplies of lithium              Malaysia, all rank as even more stable. Rhenium-
         are not at all concentrated, Chile’s uniquely dry           and lithium-producing countries generally rank as
         environment, high-quality resources and well-               moderately or primarily stable, including the United
         developed infrastructure make it by far the most            States, Canada, Australia and Chile, with Zimbabwe,
         economical place in the world to produce lithium.41         Russia and Kazakhstan among the less stable export-
                                                                     ers of these two minerals. For gallium, all but two
         PolITICal faCToRS                                           important producers (China and Russia) are among
         Supply disruptions can result from political or pol-        the most stable half of countries. The major produc-
         icy decisions, either by the United States or other         ers of niobium (Brazil and Canada) and tantalum
         governments. Many political factors, however, are           (Australia and Brazil) are also generally stable.43
         difficult to quantify. Beyond regulations, important
         political factors include: instability in producing         Though this index evaluates political conditions
         countries and their regions, labor strikes and insuf-       only at the state level, political disruptions can occur
         ficient U.S. government stockpiles.                         at the local level as well, most notably in the form of
                                                                     labor strikes. The 2010 USGS minerals commodity
         Geopolitical calculations and domestic political            summaries and other U.S. government assessments
         factors can both influence mineral supply availabil-        highlight three cases of strikes disrupting minerals
         ity. In some cases, producers (whether companies            supplies over the past five years (to bismuth, cobalt
         or countries) deliberately withhold supplies. Their         and nickel), but do not indicate that strikes affected
         decisions to do so depend, in part, on their calcula-       any of the minerals examined in this report.44
         tion of the economic impact of disrupting supplies,
         and their ability to control the global market. The         At the national level, leaders alter export quotas,
         2010 Japan dispute with China over a skirmish in            subsidize domestic production or increase the
         the East China Sea serves as an example. In this            stockpiles of minerals critical to defense needs
         case, Chinese officials denied that the country had         based on political considerations – including
         instituted an official embargo, but Japanese firms          misperceptions. Overconfidence in or lack of atten-
         continued to report supply disruptions for several          tion to minerals markets can also lead to political
         weeks.42 These types of bold geopolitical moves can         complacency. In the United States, for example,
         generate sticky foreign policy problems in addition         Congress has instructed DOD to sell off minerals
         to the direct effects of supply disruptions.                from the National Defense Stockpile Center since
                                                                     the early 1990s due to budgetary considerations
         Interestingly, while political stability of producing       but did not invest in increasing stocks of minerals
         countries and their regions has influenced the supply       important to emerging technologies.45
         of minerals historically, stability of supplier countries
         does not appear very important for the minerals             Sometimes internal politics motivates foreign
         discussed in this report. Every year, Foreign Policy        suppliers’ decisions about whether to export
         magazine and the Fund for Peace produce the Failed          critical minerals. For example, in 2007, the U.S.
         States Index, an annual report on state stability that      State Department was forced to intervene when
         ranks all the countries of the world. China, today’s        China halted shipments of rare earths to a U.S.
         primary producer of rare earths, ranked as the 57th-        petroleum refining and chemicals company for so
         least stable country in the world in 2010, though it is     long that it drove concerns for nationwide refined
         not classified as being within the index’s “alert” zone.    petroleum shortages.46 From China’s perspective,
20   |
policy prescription aimed at a single geographic,
          Since the United States                     economic or political variable will reduce U.S.
                                                      vulnerability to supply disruptions. Policymakers,
    depends on minerals for its                       nongovernmental analysts and the media must pay
                                                      far less attention to singular factors like import
 defense and economic vitality,
                                                      dependence and focus on the full range of eco-
 it is time to update American                        nomic, geographic and political factors.

        policies to reflect current                   In developing new policies related to minerals,
                                                      policymakers must remember that substantial
                global conditions.                    government intervention already exists, includ-
                                                      ing permitting exploitation on government lands
                                                      and regulating environmental impacts. However,
domestic demand was rising quickly, and rare
                                                      policymakers must navigate a market that is not
earths production was already creating major
                                                      always easy to predict and in which the need
environmental problems that could unleash local
                                                      for federal government intervention (or nonin-
unrest. The country’s political leaders therefore
                                                      tervention) is not always obvious. In the recent
began restricting exports and promoting efficient
                                                      rare earths case, the private sector responded by
                                                      providing some capital for a domestic mining
Political crises can also disrupt supplies. In 2005   operation to resume. This does not always solve
and 2006, the United States experienced a supply      the foreign policy and geopolitical challenges the
disruption in rhenium, triggered by a domestic        U.S. government experiences. In particular, for
dispute in Kazakhstan. Exports from Kazakhstan,       minerals that private companies will not reliably
which supplied 25 percent of the U.S. demand          produce or more defense-specific applications,
at that time, “were halted from the third quar-       U.S. government interests may be at stake while
ter of 2005 until the fourth quarter of 2006.”47 A    private interests are not.
supplier to Kazakhstan’s state-owned rhenium
                                                      To manage circumstances where the federal
producer blocked trade over a financial dis-
                                                      government must act to protect U.S. interests
pute amid additional political tensions between
                                                      against the threat of supply disruptions, various
governing officials who variously wanted to open
                                                      federal agencies have existing mechanisms that
rhenium reserves for foreign investment and, on
                                                      must be preserved and utilized. The Departments
the other side, expand the state’s monopoly.48 By
                                                      of Defense and Energy already have mechanisms
early 2006, rhenium prices were rising precipi-
                                                      for offering low-interest loan guarantees for busi-
tously just as demand was increasing for use in
                                                      nesses in a broad range of strategically important
petroleum refining and, important for DOD, in
                                                      fields, from semi-conductors to military assets to
jet engine production.49
                                                      energy infrastructure. Similarly, these agencies
Recommendations for u.S. Policymakers                 can use loan guarantees to facilitate production
Since the United States depends on minerals for       or advance research and development related to
its defense and economic vitality, it is time to      minerals, including lending funds to support
update American policies to reflect current global    research on the more efficient use of rare earths,
conditions. As policymakers address these issues,     rhenium or lithium in defense or energy appli-
they must understand the complexity of the chal-      cations. Only a willingness to use these tools is
lenge and develop multifaceted solutions. No          required.
                                                                                                            | 21
Elements of Security
     J U N E            2 0 1 1
                                                                Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

                                                 TaBlE 2: KEy VulnERaBIlITIES foR SElECTEd MInERalS

                                  TyPES of VulnERaBIlITIES                                   REEs                nb              Ta            Re             ga             li

                        Lack	of	substitutes/uniqueness	of	specific	                     yes                    yes/           yes/           yes            No            No
                        minerals	(esp.	in	defense	applications)                                                No             No

                        Importance	of	specific	minerals	for	                            yes                    yes            yes            yes            yes           No
                        producing defense equipment

                        inability to recover and recycle economically                   No                     No             No             No             No            No

                        import dependence for more than                                 yes                    yes            yes            No             yes           No
                        90 percent of supplies

                        known supplies inadequate to meet                               yes, in                No             No             No             No            No
                        projected global demand                                         2011/2012

                        Concentration of suppliers to the united                        yes                    yes            No             yes            yes           yes
                        States (fewer than three suppliers for
                        2/3	or	more	of	supplies)50

                        geographic concentration of supplies                            No                     yes            yes            yes            No            No

                        (more than 50 percent known reserves
                        in	single	country’s	possession)	

                        major natural disasters (that created                           No                     No             No             No             No            No
                        major	disruption	to	United	States)	

                        instability of producing countries and                          No                     No             No             No             No            No
                        their regions

                        Strikes                                                         No                     No             yes            No             No            No

                        lack of u.S. government stockpile                               yes                    No             No             yes            yes           yes

         Note: Table 2 lists the vulnerabilities identified through this report, and notes which minerals have exhibited each one between 2005 and the present. The “Yes/No” label
         in the first row indicates that substitutes may be available, but with a loss of characteristics that may be critical to defense assets. The only two minerals for which the
         United States experienced disruptions in the past five years, rhenium and rare earths, differ in whether reserves are geographically concentrated and in most economic
         factors. This indicates a need for policymakers to examine a wide range of factors specific to each critical mineral in order to best hedge against disruptions.
         Source: Compilation of sources listed in the endnotes; table compiled and created by the author.
22   |
In making policy choices, policymakers should           The Department of Defense should conduct new
embrace one key principle: avoid blanket protec-        assessments of defense supply chains. Developing
tionism. While supporting domestic production           a proactive and prioritized approach will require
may be a useful remedial action for some specific       serious consideration of the future of warfare,
minerals, domestic production is not a panacea.         drawing on expertise from other government
Often, protectionist tendencies reflect a misdiag-      agencies, academia, non-governmental orga-
nosis of U.S. mineral problems as a result of import    nizations, think tanks and private industries.
dependence, which this report shows is not the          While DOD is currently reviewing rare earths
core problem in most cases. Moreover, protection-       in its supply chains and will deliver its report to
ism could be an overly narrow policy solution           Congress in the summer of 2011, its efforts must
that would not mitigate other serious risks. Since      not end with consideration of rare earths. The
increased domestic production is not always             Defense Science Board should conduct a new
possible or economical for all minerals, some           assessment building on its 1999 and 2008 stud-
dependence on imports is unavoidable.                   ies examining the changing nature of defense
                                                        supply chains, to include more extensive consid-
To protect against the risks of dependence on           eration of minerals and raw materials.52 These
critical minerals at an acceptable cost, the U.S.       two studies outlined many of the key dynamics
government should take the following steps:             that are heightening mineral and raw material
Administration officials and Congress should            concerns today and described DOD’s increasing
identify the minerals most important to defense         dependence on dual use technologies and global
acquisitions, energy innovation and other key           supply chains. However, neither study focused
functions as they build tailored strategies to          specifically on control of minerals or raw materi-
mitigate potential supply disruptions. In other         als, which could give suppliers strategic leverage
words, government officials should evaluate             over the United States. Beyond these omissions,
mineral issues proactively as a regular, ongo-          the nature of minerals trade and the global supply
ing part of their operations. The Department of         system have changed enough in the past five years
Defense and Congress have been largely reactive,        that an update is warranted. The Defense Science
responding to the recent rare earths disruptions        Board would be sufficiently neutral and would
and issuing one-off reports. By contrast, DOE has       complement the DOE’s ongoing work by focusing
adopted a proactive approach that prioritizes the       specifically on defense needs.
minerals most important to its missions. A major        To protect the U.S. government’s ability to man-
evaluation in December 2010 prioritized four            age critical minerals appropriately, Congress
distinct areas of energy technology development         should protect the government’s role in ana-
and explored mineral supplies of high importance        lyzing critical mineral vulnerabilities and
to those particular categories, and DOE plans to        producing its own data. As congressional leaders
regularly analyze potential risks and supply chain      in both political parties strive to reduce spend-
vulnerabilities in these areas.51 The Department        ing and seek efficiencies, they should maintain
of Energy’s willingness to prioritize is particularly   a strong U.S. government capacity for research
noteworthy: Given that DOE’s work is global and         and analysis – a public good that is both neces-
involves more than 100 distinct minerals, seeking       sary to protect U.S. interests and undersupplied
to address all contingencies could have negative        by the private sector. Without vigilance, the
side effects or be so broad as to lack effectiveness.   United States risks being blindsided by regular
                                                                                                              | 23
Elements of Security
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                                             Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

        trade disputes and supply disruptions, and by             Major seabed mining sites should be included as
        countries exerting political leverage. Improving          strategic locations in games focusing on the East
        how the U.S. government handles mineral issues            and South China Seas and the Arctic, among other
        should not require major increases in manpower            locations, just as energy resources and storage
        or spending. But the administration and Congress          facilities are mapped in considering assets that
        must maintain the existing capacities and pre-            countries may protect or target today. Appropriate
        serve the knowledge infrastructure that the               scenarios would also include those involving great
        government has redeveloped in the past few years          unrest or major, long-term strikes that halt exports
        (See Key U.S. Government Offices box).                    from Latin America or South Africa.

        In addition to continuing to produce good data,           Congress and the executive branch should update
        the U.S. government can do more to leverage its           stockpiling policies. Stockpiling critical miner-
        relationships with contractors. The private sector        als (for example, those important to current and
        will continue to withhold important informa-              future defense production, concentrated in the
        tion in order to keep information proprietary or          hands of only a few suppliers and also experienc-
        because it could be harmful to the bottom line if         ing high global demand growth) remains one of
        shared with the government. But when DOD, for             the best policies for ensuring supplies, especially
        example, has billion-dollar contracts with suppliers      for DOD. In a 2008 report, the National Academies
        for critical military assets, it should be able to have   recommended that DOD develop a new inven-
        contractual requirements that these companies             tory system (versus simply stockpiling) that would
        share information about major supply chain vul-           “assess the risks in order to make better-informed
        nerabilities that can provide other countries with        decisions on mitigating them (for example, decid-
        leverage over the United States or potentially cause      ing if stocks need to be held),” “spot vulnerabilities
        major disruptions. The 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall               in the supply chain and redesign it to eliminate or
        Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is an           mitigate them before events occur” and “design
        important model for requiring due diligence in            and manage the supply chain to be more resilient
        understanding and reporting supply chain infor-           to disruption.”54 DOD has been working to update
        mation among manufacturers that source minerals           its stockpiling policies, and should fully embrace
        from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.53              the National Academies report’s recommenda-
                                                                  tions. Congress also has a role in supporting and
        The Department of Defense should integrate                funding these changes. (See the Evolving Tool of
        conflicts over minerals and raw materials into            Stockpiling box) However, DOD should be far
        relevant war games. One of the chief risks in             more open with Congress and the public regarding
        ignoring access to critical minerals is the lever-        how it intends to modernize its stockpiling policies
        age such negligence can provide to suppliers,             than it has been to date.
        which alters the strategic context in which DOD
        operates. Exploring how disruptions or threats of         The U.S. government should create incentives
        disruptions in mineral supplies could affect vari-        to reduce consumption when its interests are
        ous American interests would provide valuable             on the line. This report focuses primarily on the
        information for U.S. policymakers. Relevant games         nature of current and potential supply challenges,
        should include a range of scenarios in which sup-         but solutions must also include reducing demand
        plies of minerals critical to defense equipment are       for minerals that see major disruptions or erratic
        cut off for extended periods of time and supplier         prices. Policymakers can maximize the potential
        countries use embargoes for political leverage.           of substitution and recycling by clearly identifying
24		|
Key u.S. government offices

  the following offices and agen-         The department of Energy’s                identifying mineral supply chain
  cies have in recent years proven to     office of Policy and International        concerns related to energy innova-
  be among the most important in          affairs has conducted the federal         tion. it also funds unique research
  mitigating mineral-related risks to     government’s most important               and development that may help
  u.S. interests.                         work to date in analyzing how the         reduce u.S. vulnerabilities, such
                                          changing global minerals trade            as developing substitutes for rare
  The u.S. geological Survey’s            and America’s goals for energy            earths and permanent magnets
  (uSgS) work is critical for the         intersect. the Department of              that may help minimize the risks for
  government’s ability to make            Energy	(DOE)	should	maintain	this	        defense-critical assets.56
  sound policy given its unique           capacity going forward, with sup-
  ability to provide free, public data    port from the Congress.                   The white house office of
  on mineral trends. Beyond what                                                    Science and Technology Policy
  is provided by the uSgS, most           the obama administration’s                (oSTP) is coordinating an inter-
  data that policymakers need to          fiscal	year	2012	budget	for	DOE	          agency working group to prevent
  make decisions is prohibitively         recommends creating an “Energy            u.S. government agencies from
  expensive to purchase from pri-         innovation hub” focused on miner-         being blindsided by supply
  vate vendors, if it available at all.   als critical to energy innovation,        disruptions and minimize broad
  Without	USGS	efforts	to	provide	        modeled on existing hubs focused          mineral-related vulnerabilities.
  the government and public with          on alternative fuels and energy           in this role, oStP should include
  neutral information and unbiased        efficiency.55 Congress should             representation from the State
  analysis, the united States would       approve this budget request, and          Department’s regional bureaus
  be forced into a persistent reac-       take an active role in monitoring         to improve u.S. government
  tionary state whenever concerns         the	effectiveness	of	this	hub	as	it	is	   coordination among relevant
  about minerals arise – and the u.S.     established and begins operations.        stakeholders. oStP could also play
  government will be far less well                                                  an important role in developing
  equipped to deal with episodes          also at doE, the advanced                 accepted	economy-wide	defini-
  like the 2010 rare earths dispute       Research Projects agency-Energy           tions for “critical” and “strategic”
  with China.                             has played an important role in           minerals.

the minerals for which U.S. government inter-                   the rule of law and freedom of navigation around
ests are affected most directly, and then offering              the world and also to participate in important dis-
incentives to develop substitutes for these miner-              cussions about critical minerals. Today, the United
als. Developing efficient solutions, however, will              States cannot play a full role in the Arctic Council
require addressing the daunting information chal-               because it has not ratified UNCLOS, and its position
lenges discussed earlier.                                       of promoting the rules enshrined in this treaty rings
                                                                hollow to international audiences. Since American
The Senate should ratify the U.N. Convention                    concerns over seabed mining informed the initial
on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). While today                     refusal to ratify this treaty, these issues are likely to
the United States recognizes UNCLOS as custom-                  resurface in any debates about UNCLOS. To date,
ary international law, ratifying this treaty would              efforts toward UNCLOS ratification have stalled
increase the ability of U.S. policymakers to promote            out of a misguided notion that the treaty would
                                                                                                                            | 25
Elements of Security
     J U N E     2 0 1 1
                                                 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals

           Minerals and Conflict in the democratic Republic of the Congo

           Black market and even legal               stemming this problem, however,       chain information among manu-
           trade in minerals can directly            would	prove	ineffective.	Many	        facturers that source minerals from
           fuel conflict, instability, corrup-       minerals found in the DrC are pro-    the DrC.58 the united Nations and
           tion, human rights atrocities             duced in only a few mines globally    other nongovernmental organi-
           and other broad foreign policy            or can be purchased more cheaply      zations are similarly working to
           and security concerns. the most           from sellers in this war-torn         require greater transparency and
           glaring current example is in the         country than elsewhere, leaving       source reporting in minerals sup-
           Democratic republic of the Congo          no shortage of buyers. Due to cor-    ply chains as a means of curtailing
           (DRC),	where	trade	in	minerals	           ruption and the informal nature of    support for militant groups.59 the
           such as tin, copper and Columbite-        much of the DrC’s economy, even       executive branch should continue
           tantalite	(coltan)	funds	militias	that	   if Congolese officials wished to      to enact the Dodd-Frank bill, and
           have killed, raped and robbed mil-        provide greater transparency on       maintain direct involvement in
           lions, and that perpetuate regional       its minerals trade, they would have   efforts	by	the	United	Nations,	pri-
           instability.                              great difficulty doing so.            vate companies and other groups
                                                                                           that are working to establish cer-
           international concern had grown           At the same time, the DrC             tification	processes,	due	diligence	
           in recent years over the ways in          example also highlights potential     requirements and other transpar-
           which minerals contribute to con-         solutions available to u.S. policy-   ency measures. this movement
           flict in the DrC. During her August       makers. to date there has been        toward greater transparency can
           2009 trip to the DrC, Secretary of        little	effort	by	manufacturers	to	    make it easier to tell when money
           State hillary Clinton remarked, “i        track where the minerals they use     is being transferred to militants
           think the international community         originate, providing little incen-    and human rights violators, and
           must start looking at steps we can        tive for any company or country       therefore	easier	to	find	ways	to	cut	
           take to try to prevent the mineral        to cease purchasing minerals that     off	this	minerals-related	funding	
           wealth from the DrC ending up             fuel conflict in the DrC. this is     of rogue groups. though these
           in the hands of those who fund            beginning to change. the 2010         efforts	are	imperfect,	they	can	
           the violence here … this is a very        Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform         assist in minimizing the ways in
           challenging problem but we’re             and Consumer Protection Act           which u.S. minerals procurement
           going to address it.”57 Embargoes         requires due diligence in under-      fuels other security challenges.
           and other traditional tools for           standing and reporting supply

         negatively affect U.S. sovereignty, as it recognizes            the South China Sea. Growing mineral concerns
         exclusive economic zones for countries around the               will make ratification all the more pressing.
         world. Ratification, however, has strong support
         from the armed services, the private sector and a               Finally, Congress and the executive branch should
         wide range of security and foreign policy experts.              promote information sharing with the private
         Despite the lack of a strong political constituency for         sector and internationally. Regular dialogues and
         ratification, there is widespread belief that the treaty        information sharing among the U.S. Departments
         is integral to protecting U.S. economic and security            of Energy, State and Defense, and industry and
         interests in U.S. coastal areas, and in serving as a            international stakeholders can be a cost-effective
         neutral voice in territorial disputes in regions like           means of helping the U.S. government prevent
                                                                         mineral disruptions and trade disputes from
26   |
or else policy will be based on conjecture and
    Complacency is perhaps the                          unproven assumptions about this area of trade.

   biggest risk facing the United                       Complacency is perhaps the biggest risk facing the
                                                        United States. Given the global trends highlighted
 States. Given the global trends                        in this report, a variety of mineral-related risks are
                                                        visible on the horizon. The U.S. government should
     highlighted in this report, a                      be proactive in preventing mineral issues from
variety of mineral-related risks                        impinging on security, foreign policy or economic
                                                        growth plans, and not lose its newfound vigilance
      are visible on the horizon.                       in the years ahead.

negatively affecting U.S. foreign policy goals,
defense readiness or economic growth. Over time,
regular dialogues and greater transparency can
help policymakers to access better information on
minerals, and can create an “in-group” mental-
ity in which companies and government agencies
alike increasingly see the professional benefit for
sharing certain types of information. For instance,
more open dialogue can provide important infor-
mation to companies on emerging government
concerns and geopolitical trends that may affect
their businesses.

It is time for the United States to reassess its
dependence on critical minerals. America’s vul-
nerability to mineral supply disruptions carries a
number of persistent risks: high cost overruns for
weapons that rely on key minerals, lags in military
equipment delivery, leverage provided to supplier
countries and an inability to fully develop clean
energy technologies. Global demand for minerals
– and the ways in which minerals affect security
and foreign policy concerns – will also continue to
evolve. Countries other than China may attempt to
use the leverage created through controlling major-
ity shares of global supplies. Technology will evolve
in non-linear ways, and new mineral demands may
challenge the United States in ways not predict-
able today. A systematic evaluation of the factors
involved with mineral supplies will be required,
                                                                                                                 | 27
Elements of Security: Mitigating the Risks of US Dependence on Critical Minerals (June 2011)
Elements of Security: Mitigating the Risks of US Dependence on Critical Minerals (June 2011)
Elements of Security: Mitigating the Risks of US Dependence on Critical Minerals (June 2011)
Elements of Security: Mitigating the Risks of US Dependence on Critical Minerals (June 2011)
Elements of Security: Mitigating the Risks of US Dependence on Critical Minerals (June 2011)
Elements of Security: Mitigating the Risks of US Dependence on Critical Minerals (June 2011)
Elements of Security: Mitigating the Risks of US Dependence on Critical Minerals (June 2011)

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Elements of Security: Mitigating the Risks of US Dependence on Critical Minerals (June 2011)

  • 1. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals By Christine Parthemore
  • 2. Acknowledgments I would like to thank my colleagues at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) for their valuable insights and com- ments throughout the research and writing process for this report. John Nagl, kristin Lord, Will rogers, Nora Bensahel and more than a dozen colleagues all provided invaluable feedback and critiques. Joseph S. Nye, Jr. National Security Intern Zachary keck contributed extensive research as well as assistance in developing the tables in this report. As always, Liz Fontaine, Ashley hoffman and Shannon o’reilly provided guidance and advice through the production process. I am also grateful for reviews and advice from David Sullivan, David Abraham and other external reviewers, includ- ing several Georgetown graduate school classmates and professors who contributed to a thesis project that formed the foundation of this research. this report also benefitted immensely from nearly two years of consulting with and learning from a range of experts from the Department of Defense, Department of energy, u.S. Geological Survey, several National Labs and private companies. Any errors or omissions, however, are mine alone. Cover Image (ShutterStoCk)
  • 3. J U N E 2 0 1 1 Elements of Security Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals By Christine Parthemore
  • 4. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals About the Author Christine Parthemore is a Fellow at the Center for a New American Security. 2 |
  • 5. ElEmENtS oF SECurity: mitigAtiNg thE riSkS oF u.S. DEPENDENCE oN CritiCAl miNErAlS By Christine Parthemore
  • 6. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals
  • 7. E l E m E N t S o F S E C u r i t y: Executive Summary m i t i g At i N g t h E r i S k S Reliable access to critical minerals is a matter of o F u. S . D E P E N D E N C E both economic and geostrategic importance to the oN CritiCAl miNErAlS United States. Although concern about access to minerals waxes and wanes, it is rising now due to increasing demand, new competitors capturing large market shares and other trends that defy easy prediction. These same trends can interfere with foreign and defense policy goals and give mineral suppliers easy leverage over the United States and other countries reliant on global supply chains. Despite renewed attention to critical minerals, America’s dependence on these minerals is often misunderstood and miscast in the public debate. Recent tensions with China concerning the supply of rare earth elements, for instance, should chal- lenge U.S. policymakers not because the United States’ import dependence is inherently problem- atic (which it is not) or because rare earth minerals are scarce (which they are not). Rather, rare earths deserve attention because U.S. supply options By Christine Parthemore are limited: Supplies are concentrated mostly in the hands of one supplier with its own rising demand, and the United States currently has no good options for recycling rare earth minerals or substituting more easily obtained minerals. While China is nearly the sole producer and exporter of rare earths today, it does not possess a permanent “corner” on this market. Indeed, China holds only about half of known world reserves – not a terri- bly high concentration.1 The loss of a single major supplier such as China may therefore increase the costs of rare earth minerals, but may not affect their long-term availability. The issue, then, is more appropriately understood in terms of managing short-term risks such as disruptions and ensuring that the U.S. government’s most important defense and energy needs can be met. To manage these risks, the U.S. government needs to alter government policy, ensure access to correct information about mineral markets and better assess which minerals are required for a |5
  • 8. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals small number of strategic needs, such as defense and energy. It must also use existing mechanisms, Risks Involving Minerals such as stockpiling and research and development • leverage provided to sometimes-hostile suppliers. funding, to help mitigate risks. The Department of Defense (DOD) can also understand its unique • Persistent cost overruns in an era of budget cuts. supply needs better by including mineral problems in relevant war games involving regions such as the • lags in military equipment delivery. South China Sea and Latin America. • inability to fully develop clean energy technolo- gies domestically. U.S. policy should focus on: • New roadblocks for achieving u.S. foreign policy • Preventing supplier countries and companies goals around the world, especially in Asia. from wielding undue leverage over the United States. • trade disputes that entangle other u.S. security • Mitigating fiscal risk and cost overruns in an era interests. of budgetary strain. • unintentionally funding human rights atrocities • Reducing vulnerability to supply disruptions, and fueling black markets. especially for critical military assets. • Ensuring the ability of the United States to meet its economic growth goals in clean energy and A sober and informed analysis suggests there are other high-tech fields. real vulnerabilities, which place critical national security and foreign policy interests at risk. In The United States should not be complacent about worst-case scenarios, supplies of minerals that its access to critical minerals. Political and economic the United States does not produce domestically risks to critical mineral supplies are still visible may be disrupted, creating price spikes and lags on the horizon and the stakes are high. Growing in delivery. Even short of major supply disrup- global demand coupled with the mineral require- tions, supplier countries can exert leverage over the ments necessary for both managing military supply United States by threatening to cut off certain key chains and transitioning to a clean energy future mineral supplies. The United States may also lose will require not only clearer understanding, but also ground strategically if it continues to lag in man- pragmatic and realistic solutions. aging mineral issues, as countries that consider assured access to minerals as far more strategically Introduction important are increasingly setting the rules for Minerals are a subject of much contention. On one trade in this area. hand, the United States remains less prepared for supply disruptions, price spikes and trade dis- China’s rising dominance is at the heart of this agreements related to the global minerals trade growing public debate. Its 2010 cutoff of rare than most experts realize. On the other hand, earth elements2 – a unique set of minerals that public concern over reliable access to the miner- are difficult to process yet critical to many high- als required in key sectors of the U.S. economy, in tech applications – attracted particular attention. particular those needed to produce military equip- After Japan detained a Chinese trawler captain ment, is growing. Too frequently, however, such over a skirmish in the East China Sea, Japanese concerns are based on inaccurate assumptions. companies reported weeks of stalled shipments of 6 |
  • 9. rare earths from China amid rumors of an offi- to find additional sources of supply for rare earth cial embargo. This may sound like a minor trade minerals, and stated that China’s recent cuts to dispute, but China currently controls production of rare earth exports “served as a wakeup call that about 95 percent of the world’s rare earths, which being so dependent on only one source, disruption are critical to building laser-guidance systems for could occur for natural disaster reasons or other weapons, refining petroleum and building wind kinds of events could intervene.”5 In January 2011, turbines. Coinciding with possessing this incred- Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, ible leverage over the rest of the world, China has R-Alaska, and Rep. Mike Coffman, R-Colo., wrote also reduced its export quotas for these minerals. a letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates express- For its part, the Chinese government contended ing concern for minerals required for producing that it did not put any formal export embargo in defense equipment such as Joint Direct Attack place, and that its plans to reduce exports simply Munitions (JDAMs), which stated, “Clearly, rare reflect the need to meet growing domestic demand earth supply limitations present a serious vulnera- for rare earths. Japan-China relations experienced bility to our national security. Yet early indications further strain in their already tense relationship. In are that DOD has dismissed the severity of the the United States, many reporters, policy analysts situation to date.”6 Additionally, the Department and decision makers did not foresee this challenge. of Energy (DOE) launched a multiyear effort to Feeling blindsided, some in the United States char- explore potential vulnerabilities in supply chains acterized the situation in a manner that demonized for minerals that will be critical to four distinct China rather than using the opportunity to better areas of energy technology innovation. understand the true nature of U.S. supply chain vulnerabilities. While concern is growing, the media and policy- makers often focus too narrowly on what may seem The 2010 rare earths case and others are increasing the most compelling indicators – usually import interest in critical minerals among U.S. policy- dependence or scarcity – in prescribing solutions to makers. Congress held hearings on the strategic reduce U.S. vulnerabilities, in particular to supply importance of minerals between 2007 and 2010, disruptions in critical minerals such as rare earths. and the 2010 National Defense Authorization This focus is sparking protectionist attitudes, with Act required DOD to study and report on its some worrying that import dependence poses an dependence on rare earth elements for weapons, inherent risk to the U.S. economy. Discussion of communications and other systems.3 During a minerals also frequently focuses on supply scarcity 2009 hearing on minerals and military readi- and resource depletion in absolute terms. However, ness, Republican Representative Randy Forbes of both the rhenium and rare earth minerals dis- Virginia called minerals, “one of those things that ruptions of the past five years were triggered by no one really talks about or worries about until deliberate decisions made by political leaders to something goes wrong. It’s at that point – the point leverage their positions of strength, not by market where we don’t have the steel we need to build forces, disorder or scarcities of these minerals. MRAPs [Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehi- Countries often revert to hoarding, pressuring cles] or the rhenium we need to build a JSF [Joint suppliers and otherwise behaving as if scarcities Strike Fighter] engine that the stockpile becomes are present even when they are not, based solely on critically important.”4 In October 2010, Secretary of concerns that shortages are likely in the near term. State Hillary Rodham Clinton stated that it would In fact, neither scarcity nor import dependence be “in our interests commercially and strategically” alone is sufficient to signal vulnerability, and a |7
  • 10. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals TaBlE 1: SElECT CRITICal MInERalS and ThEIR uSES MInERal BRIEf dESCRIPTIon ExaMPlES SPECIfIC aSSETS of uSES A class of minerals that • Automotive catalytic • Joint Direct Attack share properties critical converters Munitions (JDAMs) for advanced technologies • Petroleum refining catalysts • BGM-109 Tomahawk and require extensive • Metallurgical additives and • Jet fighter engines processing. today, China alloys • Antimissile defense controls more than 90 • Glass polishing and systems Rare percent of global reserves. ceramics • AGM-84E Standoff Land Earths • Computer monitors Attack missile Elements • Radar • Smart bombs (REEs) • Permanent magnets • Night vision goggles7 • Lasers • Range finders on tanks and other equipment • Target designators gallium is an element with • Integrated circuits • Joint Land Attack Cruise unique properties useful in • Semiconductor chips missile Defense Elevated manufacturing. Because it is • Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) Netted Sensor (JLENS) found only in other mineral • Laser diodes system Gallium ores and does not exist • Solar cells • Satellites (Ga) alone in nature, reserves • Opto-electronic devices • Radar and high- are difficult to estimate, and (esp. in aerospace) power radio-frequency there are a limited number • Telecommunications applications and jammers8 of suppliers. equipment A particularly heat-resistant • Petroleum refining catalysts • F-16, F-18, F-22 Raptor, mineral, rhenium is critical • Superalloys used in high- F-35 Joint Strike Fighter in building many aerospace temperature turbine engine • C-40 Clipper components. Supplied by components • Divert and Attitude Rhenium few countries, its prices • Semi-conductors Control System (DACS)9 (Re) have seen dramatic spikes in times of supply uncertainty and demand growth. 8 |
  • 11. MInERal BRIEf dESCRIPTIon ExaMPlES SPECIfIC aSSETS of uSES used frequently in • Steel production • Divert and Attitude producing superalloys and • Alloys and metals used Control System (DACS) steel, known reserves are in aerospace production • Jet engines Niobium today primarily located in • Missiles10 (Nb) Brazil and Canada. tantalum is used in a wide • Tantalum capacitors used in • Missile defense systems array of applications for its automotive electronics • Unmanned aerial vehicles high resistance to heat and • Specialty steels • Smart phones11 wear, and other properties. • Personal computers Tantalum it is critical in several high- • Portable phones (Ta) tech components. the focus of much media • Energy storage and • Improved Target attention due to its advanced batteries Acquisition System (ITAS) increasing use in advanced • Alloys and metals for aircraft used in the toW missile batteries, lithium is a and space components • Non-Line-of-Sight commonly found mineral, • Medicinal uses Cannon (NLOS-C) Lithium but one that is often not • High-strength ceramics • Hybrid-electric Humvees (Li) economical to produce. • Reconnaissance, Surveillance, targeting Vehicle (RST-V) • Missile defense systems12 Note: Given the challenges described in this report of tracing what minerals are used in assets important to the U.S. government – let alone quantities needed – this table is intended to convey the types of systems that require these minerals. While some of the assets listed are no longer in high production or may represent future procurement, this table shows that policymakers should seek greater information on U.S. vulnerabilities to supply chain disruptions for a wide range of assets. Sources taken from those listed throughout this report’s endnotes, and others as specified. |9
  • 12. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals combination of factors including concentration of for the United States given its purchasing power. In suppliers is most often required for mineral issues between these extremes, even staunch pragmatists to become security or foreign policy problems. will point to the 2010 China rare earths episode as proof of one basic tenet: The United States and This report, based on two years of research, site visits other market-based economies no longer deter- and discussions with stakeholders, explores how the mine all the rules of global trade. supply, demand and use of minerals can impair U.S. foreign relations, economic interests and defense Central to this narrative is a conundrum for readiness. It examines cases of five individual min- policymakers. Reserve estimates show that erals – lithium, gallium, rhenium, tantalum and global supplies of almost all minerals are ade- niobium – and rare earth elements, such as neo- quate to meet expected global demands over dymium, samarium and dysprosium, as a sixth group the long term, and for decades into the future in order to show the complexity of addressing these for most minerals. The U.S. Geological Survey concerns. Each of these minerals is critical for defense (USGS) indicates, for example, that world sup- technologies and U.S. economic growth plans. They plies of rare earths will be adequate for more share characteristics with minerals that have caused than 100 years.13 These estimates, however, important political or economic concerns for the can be meaningless in the near term if supplies United States in the past. Additionally, lithium is fre- are insufficient, or if suppliers reduce exports quently cited in the media and in discussions of how or otherwise manipulate trade. For example, clean energy supply chains are critical to meeting most experts project that global production of America’s future economic, energy and environmen- rare earths will likely be insufficient to meet tal goals. Within the past five years, two of these cases the world’s demand over the next two to three – rhenium and rare earth minerals – have involved years. The long-term sufficiency of supplies has supply disruptions or important threats of disrup- no practical effect because it takes years and tions for the United States and its allies. Each of these high capital costs to start up new mining and minerals will require federal government attention in processing businesses for rare earths. Thus, the the coming years. risks of inaction are high. A range of political, economic and geographic factors can disrupt assessing u.S. Vulnerability supplies and cause price spikes that can create Analysts vary widely in assessing the implications rifts in bilateral relations, trade disputes, accu- of U.S. dependence on critical minerals, despite sations of economic sabotage and instability in broad acceptance of the physical reality that min- countries that possess rare reserves of prized eral resources are finite and the economic realities minerals. They can also give supplier countries that requirements are ubiquitous and demand is extraordinary leverage that can alter geopoliti- growing. On one extreme, some analysts believe cal calculations, especially when single countries the 2010 incident between China and Japan sug- control most world supplies. gests an approaching Hobbesian world in which resource demands outstrip supplies for minerals, For U.S. policymakers, the risks fall into two rough nonrenewable energy sources and even food sup- categories: Disruptions, delivery lags and price plies. History indicates that conflict over absolute spikes that affect military assets and place unan- scarcities is unlikely. At the other end of the ticipated strains on defense procurement budgets; spectrum, many still believe that an open market and lack of affordable access to minerals and raw and its invisible hand will continue to determine materials preventing important national economic winners and losers with no serious repercussions growth goals. 10 |
  • 13. The defense industrial base in the modern era dif- Countries (OPEC) oil embargo and related oil cri- fers greatly from any previous time. Often, actual ses of the 1970s further brought into question the scarcity is not required for problems to arise, as assumption that the United States could depend concerns about future scarcities often drive coun- on imports, as it became apparent that broader tries to behave as if shortages are occurring. The global conditions and political decisions by other National Academies recently reported, “The risk countries could dramatically hinder the U.S. abil- of supply interruption arguably has increased or, ity to openly purchase sufficient commodities at at the very least, has become different from the affordable costs. This conclusion was reinforced more traditional threats associated with the more when supply disruptions and threats of disruptions familiar ideas of war and conflict.”14 During World by apartheid-era South Africa, the hostile Soviet War I and World War II, for example, governments Union and its satellites led to a wave of congressio- counted on domestic steel production – and even nal hearings, government reports and independent civilian willingness to contribute scrap materi- analysis of the conditions contributing to U.S. als for reuse and recycling – for tanks and other vulnerability.15 equipment. In contrast, modern warfare relies on globalized and privatized supply chains rather than Following these Cold War-era events, policy- a primarily domestic (and often government-run) makers held hearings and commissioned studies network. Vulnerability to mineral supply disrup- in order to understand which specific factors tions is likewise far broader and more complicated were most important in signaling that U.S. eco- than it was in previous eras. nomic and security interests may be in jeopardy. American analysts generally agreed that the fol- Policymakers should also consider minerals that lowing factors were the most important to track: play uniquely important roles in the American economy. Rare earths, for example, are important • Level of substitutes and the uniqueness of spe- in petroleum refining, which today enables the cific minerals. smooth functioning of the economy. Looking to • Level of U.S. domestic supplies and dependence the longer term, much concern is turning toward on foreign sources. minerals that may see booming demand as the • Geographic concentration of supplies. economy develops a greater reliance on energy • Stability of producing countries and their region. efficiency and renewable energy technologies, such as the lithium used in advanced batteries • Distances and routes of supply chains. and hybrid and electric vehicles. These minerals • Availability of technology to recover and process will directly affect U.S. economic competitive- the minerals. ness, and plans for improving economic growth • Economic price of the resources themselves. and job development. • Inability of foreign governments to coordinate This vulnerability is not a new concern. Since the minerals policies. early 1900s, U.S. defense analysts and national • Level of domestic demand in producing policymakers have worried about U.S. vulnerabili- countries. ties to supply disruptions of the minerals critical to manufacturing defense systems, from tanks Some of these concerns remain today, but changes and munitions to communications equipment. in technology, economics and the international These concerns were generally heightened in war- security environment will pose new challenges as time. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting well. Analysts often pinpoint China’s rising resource | 11
  • 14. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals demand as the major new cause for concern, yet complicated by both often-long global supply chains limited transparency and the changing nature of and the nature of transactions. In some cases, natu- the defense industrial base and the broader econ- ral disasters or strikes halt production at specific omy will also affect U.S. mineral supplies in the mines that produce large proportions of global coming decades. Looking forward, major concerns supplies. In murkier cases, “disruptions” manifest for the U.S. government will include: Lack of suffi- as long contracting or legal delays (often intentional, cient information for policymakers; understanding for pricing or political reasons) or long lags in the evolving energy paradigm; increasing explora- delivery. Whether disruptions are abrupt and clear, tion of space and seabed territory; and a changing or long and uncertain, delivery times and prices of defense industrial base. important energy technologies and military equip- ment can rise significantly. Today’s global supply chains are incredibly efficient, as companies have Poor information is a major worked to reduce the slack in their transit routes and shipping plans. This efficiency can save energy obstacle to addressing critical and money, but as infrastructure, routes and people are taken out of service, it also reduces options when mineral vulnerabilities, and it things go wrong.17 is creating conditions in which Four other trends are changing the ways in which hype could drive policy debates. minerals affect U.S. security and foreign policy interests. a nEw EnERgy PaRadIgM Poor information is a major obstacle to address- Efforts to develop alternative energy sources ing critical mineral vulnerabilities, and it is will influence the global demand for minerals. creating conditions in which hype could drive Governments around the world are promoting a policy debates. For example, the media and oth- more sustainable, lower-carbon energy paradigm ers focused heavy attention throughout 2009 that includes increasing adoption of renewable and 2010 on Bolivia’s potentially large lithium energy sources, energy efficiency technologies, supplies, often noting the populist, and at times advanced batteries and other products. Just as erratic, behavior of the Bolivian president as rare earths and other minerals are critical to a reason for great concern over future lithium petroleum production, developing and manufac- availability. In reality, many independent experts turing wind turbines, solar energy systems and agree that reliable exporters such as Chile and efficient batteries on a large scale will drive new Argentina will prove to be the most important mineral demands. In particular, energy storage lithium suppliers for years, and supply gluts in will be critical in the coming decades for military- the lithium market will continue for the foresee- specific energy innovation, electric grid security, able future even in the face of rising demand. Yet clean energy development and much more. As the popular media focus on lithium rarely, if ever, a result, the Obama administration has already includes this market information.16 identified energy storage as a key technology area for research and development investment. The Identifying when and how mineral supply disrup- Department of Energy has increased loans and tions (or threats of disruptions) could affect U.S. grants related to energy storage, and DOD has defense industries or foreign relations is further begun fielding renewable energy generation and 12 |
  • 15. advanced energy storage units in Afghanistan. in the South China Sea – areas seen as having great Such significant investments in research and mineral supply potential – are already concerning development are likely to produce new technolo- U.S. military strategists and diplomats. The possibil- gies that trigger major changes in global mineral ity of seabed mining is already fueling a renewed requirements over the decades ahead, making it debate about whether the United States should ratify crucial for the U.S. government to monitor min- the U.N. Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS). eral supply chains. a gloBal dEfEnSE InduSTRIal BaSE a nEw SPaCE RaCE Given the state of the modern defense industrial Due to requirements for advanced technologies base, the National Academies of Science deter- and components that can withstand extreme mined in 2008, “The Department of Defense conditions, the expansion of countries’ space appears not to fully understand its needs for capabilities over the coming decades will influence specific materials or to have adequate information demand for critical minerals. A range of nations on their supply.”19 In the information age, the U.S. – from India to Iran – aim to bolster their reputa- military increasingly relies on dual-use equip- tions as space powers and develop more advanced ment and depends on globalized supply chains. satellite systems and launch capabilities. The Military equipment for the modern battlefield U.S. government must therefore expect demand includes communications technologies, robotics, growth (and potentially growth that is not linear computer systems and space assets that are used or predictable) for minerals like rare earths that by DOD, civilian government agencies and private are critical in space technologies. On the supply enterprises alike. Indeed, a 2008 Defense Science side, many countries are considering the possibil- Board report noted, “Military-relevant technol- ity of mining space objects, and even the 2010 U.S. ogy will continue to change rapidly and will be National Space Policy suggests that the United increasingly global.”20 Defense supply chains are, States should “identify potentially resource-rich therefore, less distinct from those in the broader planetary objects.”18 economy as they once were, and the dual-use nature of a broad range of assets also means that a REVoluTIon In SEaBEd ExPloRaTIon many supply chains are more globalized than ever. Seabed mineral exploration is high on the agenda Moreover, “higher risk of and uncertainty about for a range of countries and companies and, if major supply disruptions owing to the fragmentation new supplies are discovered, will substantially of global supply chains”21 can further threaten change the global market for critical minerals. After assured access to critical minerals. Much of decades of major investments in seabed exploration today’s defense equipment is purchased directly by scientists, petroleum producers and others, the from civilian vendors and designed to meet both world is experiencing great advances in the technical civilian and military needs. Consider modern and economic viability of undersea exploration and warfare’s dependence on computer systems, exploitation. Countries seeking to mine these poten- satellites, radar and Global Positioning System. tially important seabed mineral reserves may engage The National Academies study notes, “The glo- in territorial disputes as a result, even though doubt balization of materials production and supply remains over whether, where and at what price has radically changed the ability of the United seabed mineral supplies may become economical to States to produce and to procure materials vital to produce. For example, territorial disputes over areas defense needs,” and that the stockpiling system is of the Arctic that are opening up to exploration and inadequate given today’s global supply systems.22 | 13
  • 16. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals The Evolution of Stockpiling After experiencing several supply always shared with the government. the expert argued that assessing disruptions for minerals critical the lack of government-operated stockpiling needs should more to war efforts, the United States reserves can therefore prove wor- broadly “encompass a range of less established a stockpile of defense- risome in times of disruptions and than full-scale emergency condi- critical minerals and raw materials allow suppliers to leverage exports tions [to] plausibly include potential in 1939. this stockpile has mor- for political ends. material supply disruptions due to phed greatly over the past seven natural disasters, political instability decades, and its management is to address this challenge, the in key foreign countries and selec- under renewed scrutiny now that Department of Defense is in the tive terrorist attacks.”26 minerals are once again emerging process of changing its stockpil- as strategically important. ing system. in 2008, a National Despite Pentagon efforts to Academies report declared, “the improve u.S. stockpile manage- Since the 1990s, Congress has design, structure, and operation ment, many members of Congress instructed the Department of of the National Defense Stockpile still worry that DoD is not taking Defense (DOD) to sell off minerals render it ineffective in respond- threats of minerals supply disrup- from the National Defense Stockpile ing to modern needs and threats,” tions seriously enough, and that Center due to budgetary consider- and, “the Department of Defense it may be placing too much faith ations, and because the minerals appears not to fully understand its in the private sector to address critical to defense assets at the needs for specific materials or to the strategic threats posed by height of the Cold War are no longer have adequate information on their threats of supply disruptions to as relevant to modern military tech- supply.”24 the Pentagon responded critical minerals. to mitigate these nology. however, Congress did not to this critique in April 2009 by set- concerns, DoD should be more replace these stockpiles with miner- ting plans to establish a Strategic transparent about its mineral als necessary for today’s military materials Security management policies, including its process of and economy. For example, the u.S. System to evaluate DoD mineral reconfiguring the stockpile. Even if government appears to stockpile needs and develop stockpiling Pentagon officials believe that they tantalum and niobium, but it does strategies more comprehensively.25 can develop proper inventory strat- not stockpile rhenium, gallium, yet, at a hearing just a few months egies to hedge against challenges lithium or rare earths.23 While pri- later, one expert noted that this to military readiness, they will still vate companies may have reserves stockpiling approach focuses on require congressional support for of these minerals in their own mineral shortages during “a full- their efforts to continue modern- stockpiles, this information is not scale national security emergency.” izing the stockpiling system. These risks, coupled with long-enduring vulner- chains and can help analysts identify potential abilities, are heightening concerns about U.S. points of vulnerability. Once potentially profitable access to minerals. We can gain an even deeper reserves are discovered, companies must obtain the understanding of the security challenges involved technology, permits and capital needed for min- by examining specific minerals in detail. eral extraction. Since most minerals are not pure ores – extracted resources typically contain many Economic, geographic and Political Risks different materials in various concentrations – the Though supply chains differ for every mineral, sev- minerals must be processed and separated. Unless eral steps are common across most of these supply the deposits are processed on site, the minerals 14 |
  • 17. may be shipped multiple times before they are term availability, as eventually supplies will be ready to use. Many minerals are sold in commodi- developed elsewhere. ties markets, which requires additional physical shipment or financial steps. Finally, the minerals Similar to rare earths reserves, lithium is not are purchased, shipped to the consumer and used. highly concentrated despite its small number of current suppliers. Chile holds about 58 percent Analyzing this supply chain prompts the ques- of currently known lithium reserves, but at least tion: What factors should serve as warning signs seven other countries have identified signifi- to policymakers who want to better anticipate and cant reserves. Additionally, Bolivia, Afghanistan mitigate mineral supply disruptions, trade dis- and other countries possess significant lithium putes and other challenges? Most headlines focus resources that are not yet quantified due to lack on import dependence and the concentration of of existing infrastructure and because prices are supplies in the hands of a single country. As this not high enough to make their estimation and section will show, however, additional geographic, production profitable.28 Gallium presents a diffi- economic and political factors also affect the cult case, as it is found only in other mineral ores; degree to which mineral supplies challenge U.S. deposits do not exist alone in nature. According interests. These factors include whether substitutes to the USGS, “Only part of the gallium present in are readily available, whether minerals can be bauxite and zinc ores is recoverable, and the factors recycled and reused, and whether the United States controlling the recovery are proprietary. Therefore, stockpiles them. an estimate of current reserves comparable to the definition of reserves of other minerals cannot be gEogRaPhIC faCToRS made.”29 However, neither bauxite nor zinc (the The geographic locations of mineral resources are two minerals most often found with gallium) is mostly static, since the composition of the earth highly concentrated geographically.30 does not change dramatically on human times- cales. However, our understanding of geology does Other minerals important to the U.S. economy change, which affects supply estimates. Geographic appear to be more geographically concentrated. concentration of supplies is therefore a critical fac- Chile holds about 52 percent of quantified world tor in determining vulnerability to disruptions. reserves of rhenium, followed by the United States (with about 15 percent of reserves) and many other Looking at the minerals examined in this report, smaller-scale producing countries. Known tanta- in the past decade the most severe case of disrup- lum reserves are even more concentrated, mostly tions with national security implications involved in Australia and Brazil, and Brazil also possesses rare earth elements, which are not particularly between 80 percent and 90 percent of the world’s concentrated geographically. At least eight coun- niobium deposits.31 tries have known reserves, and unknown reserves are expected to be high. The media often refers Geography affects supply in ways that are not to China as dominating the rare earths market always intuitive. For instance, it seems logical because it produces and exports almost all of cur- that vulnerability would correlate directly with rent world supplies, but it possesses only about distance: The further minerals must travel to half of known world reserves – not a terribly high their end user, the greater the risk that something concentration.27 The loss of a single major supplier will go wrong. The globalization of supply chains such as China may therefore increase the costs of discussed above, however, has made the length of rare earths. However, it may not affect their long- routes increasingly irrelevant. | 15
  • 18. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals Today, chokepoints and routes through unstable problematic, but it can cause great problems for the locations are more important. In some cases, United States if suppliers refuse to meet demand air transit is more economical or practical than for political reasons or to ensure supplies for their maritime freight, which could reduce opportuni- own manufacturing sectors, as occurred with ties for disruptions despite long distances between China’s reduction of rare earths exports. exporter and importer. Likewise, supplies traveling through unstable or inefficient Latin American Though the economics of most every mineral are countries, or through the most violence-plagued unique, those examined in this report share several Mexican cities, could potentially be vulnerable to important dynamics. disruption despite their relatively short journey to United States demand for minerals changes over the United States. time as the government and industries develop new military platforms and invest in new tech- EConoMIC faCToRS nologies. As DOD makes acquisition decisions, When examining whether specific minerals will for example, it creates new dependencies and be available to meet U.S. government needs, it increases demand for specific minerals and raw can be tempting to look simply at whether world materials. Other countries often design interoper- supply is adequate to meet global demand over the able systems, similar capabilities or purchase from long term. This is an accessible metric, and one U.S. manufacturers, thereby amplifying global that USGS estimates regularly. According to USGS demand. Changes in domestic demand in mineral- calculations, the world’s supplies are adequate to producing countries can also affect export levels or meet long-term demand for each of the minerals prices if supplies do not increase commensurately. examined here – gallium, lithium, niobium, rare However, clear information on domestic demand earths, rhenium and tantalum – for decades in in foreign countries can be elusive, since many absolute terms. countries do not thoroughly collect or publicize This long-term picture is deceptive, however. this information. Translation and financial costs Policymakers should instead consider a range of can also present barriers.33 nuances in evaluating mineral-related vulner- The overlap between military and private sec- abilities. For instance, when production costs are tor needs can complicate tracking shifts in too high relative to prices, mines can shut down – demand and their implications given the mili- temporarily or for years – and supplies can decline tary’s dependence on dual-use technologies such in the short term regardless of long-term supply as communications equipment, computers and sufficiency. Many countries that hold large reserves satellites. This makes the defense-related supply also lack the technology, expertise or funding to of critical minerals vulnerable to the rise and fall develop these minerals on their own, which can of commercial demand. All minerals examined lead to greater concentration of suppliers. Today in this study are dual-use in U.S. consumption: this is of greatest concern for gallium, rare earth Niobium is used mostly in steel production and minerals and rhenium given their limited number aerospace applications; rare earth minerals are of suppliers.32 in everything from computer monitors to sat- Many economic factors can influence the sup- ellites; and rhenium is used in turbine engine ply of critical minerals to the United States, but components and in superalloys because of its heat they are often oversimplified or misinterpreted. resistance and other properties.34 Import dependence, for example, is not inherently 16 |
  • 19. An important factor is whether a given mineral has States may become tolerable, making domestic unique properties that make substitution difficult supplies economical. For example, although the or impossible. For many minerals and raw materi- United States has been 100 percent dependent als, consumers have options to substitute different on imports of rare earths for years, this was not minerals with similar properties if something is always the case. Several companies once extracted unavailable or too costly. Others possess proper- rare earths in California. The United States also ties for which scientists and manufacturers have imports 100 percent of its gallium, and it has not yet to find substitutes. Rare earth minerals fall into produced niobium or tantalum for decades.37 From this category. In many defense applications, for 2006 to 2010, import dependence for rhenium hov- example, certain rare earths retain magnetism at ered between 80 and 86 percent, and dependence extreme temperatures to a degree not readily found on foreign suppliers for lithium is only about 43 in other minerals. Niobium and tantalum can be percent as of early 2011.38 High import dependence replaced in some applications but with reduced for some minerals also coincides with reduced effectiveness. For rhenium and lithium, however, demand within the United States, given the dra- there are a variety of substitutes in use today, with matic changes in the American manufacturing additional substitutes currently being tested and sector over the past several decades. At the same developed. Gallium can be replaced for many of its time, the United States relies on imports to meet uses, although some substitutes are also vulnerable 100 percent of its needs for at least 17 commodi- to disruptions and price spikes.35 ties,39 and in most cases, this dependence has had no geopolitical or foreign policy repercussions. The ability to recover and recycle minerals eco- nomically can expand sources of supply. Minerals Finally, examining the concentration of suppli- can be removed from manufactured items that ers helps identify vulnerabilities to disruptions. are headed for the landfill, extracted and then Various economic conditions can lead to concen- recycled. Lithium, for example, has good recy- tration of suppliers, for example when low labor cling potential, and economical recycling and costs or environmental advantages in one country reuse is being researched extensively. Gallium can price other potential producers out of the market. be recovered and reprocessed in some cases, as The United States has relied on China for an aver- can rhenium, niobium and tantalum. However, age of 92 percent of its rare earths supplies since for most rare earths, very little material can be 2006. It also relies on Brazil for 84 percent of its recycled or recovered economically given current niobium supplies, on Chile to meet 93 percent of its technologies and methods.36 rhenium metal powder demand and Kazakhstan for more than half of its supplies of ammonium A lack of domestic supplies and the resulting perrhenate, a common form in which rhenium dependence on foreign sources is the economic is traded. In contrast, the United States imports factor identified most frequently as an indicator tantalum from a far more dispersed network of of U.S. vulnerability. This, however, is somewhat suppliers; it imports only 17 percent of supplies misleading. Many minerals are not (or are no from its top suppliers, Australia and China, and longer) produced in the United States for environ- receives tantalum from more than a half dozen mental reasons or because U.S. production is more additional countries. Likewise, Germany, the top expensive than in other countries – not necessarily single U.S. supplier of gallium, supplies only about because American deposits of the minerals can- 26 percent of U.S. demand.40 Lithium provides a not be found. As global demand growth generates mid-range case in this area. Chile supplies about higher prices, the costs of extraction in the United | 17
  • 20. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals Known RESERVES of RaRE EaRTh MInERalS Known reserves, in metric tons of rare earth oxide content. 50 million + 25 - 49 million 1 - 24 million < 1 million Source: USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2011 Known reserves worldwide totaled 110 million metric tons as of January 2011. The Commonwealth of Independent States combined hold 19 million metric tons. Additionally, other countries hold a combined 22 million in known reserves. IMPoRT SouRCES of RaRE EaRTh MInERalS Percentage of imports supplied to the United States, 2006-2009. 75% + 50 - 74% 25 - 49% 1 - 24% Source: USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2011 Other countries produced 2 percent of supplies to the United States. 18 |
  • 21. Known RESERVES of lIThIuM Known reserves, in metric tons of lithium content. 1 million + 500,000 - 999,999 50,000 - 499,999 < 50,000 Source: USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2011 Total known reserves worldwide totaled 13 million metric tons as of January 2011. Note that Bolivia and other resource holders are not listed by USGS until their known reserves are quantified. IMPoRT SouRCES of lIThIuM Percentage of imports supplied to the United States, 2006-2009. 75% + 50 - 74% 25 - 49% 1 - 24% Source: USGS Mineral Commodity Summary 2011 Other countries produced 2 percent of supplies to the United States. | 19
  • 22. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals 59 percent of U.S. lithium consumption, with 38 Potential rare earth minerals-producing countries, percent of the remaining demand being met by including the United States, Australia, Brazil and Argentina. Although global supplies of lithium Malaysia, all rank as even more stable. Rhenium- are not at all concentrated, Chile’s uniquely dry and lithium-producing countries generally rank as environment, high-quality resources and well- moderately or primarily stable, including the United developed infrastructure make it by far the most States, Canada, Australia and Chile, with Zimbabwe, economical place in the world to produce lithium.41 Russia and Kazakhstan among the less stable export- ers of these two minerals. For gallium, all but two PolITICal faCToRS important producers (China and Russia) are among Supply disruptions can result from political or pol- the most stable half of countries. The major produc- icy decisions, either by the United States or other ers of niobium (Brazil and Canada) and tantalum governments. Many political factors, however, are (Australia and Brazil) are also generally stable.43 difficult to quantify. Beyond regulations, important political factors include: instability in producing Though this index evaluates political conditions countries and their regions, labor strikes and insuf- only at the state level, political disruptions can occur ficient U.S. government stockpiles. at the local level as well, most notably in the form of labor strikes. The 2010 USGS minerals commodity Geopolitical calculations and domestic political summaries and other U.S. government assessments factors can both influence mineral supply availabil- highlight three cases of strikes disrupting minerals ity. In some cases, producers (whether companies supplies over the past five years (to bismuth, cobalt or countries) deliberately withhold supplies. Their and nickel), but do not indicate that strikes affected decisions to do so depend, in part, on their calcula- any of the minerals examined in this report.44 tion of the economic impact of disrupting supplies, and their ability to control the global market. The At the national level, leaders alter export quotas, 2010 Japan dispute with China over a skirmish in subsidize domestic production or increase the the East China Sea serves as an example. In this stockpiles of minerals critical to defense needs case, Chinese officials denied that the country had based on political considerations – including instituted an official embargo, but Japanese firms misperceptions. Overconfidence in or lack of atten- continued to report supply disruptions for several tion to minerals markets can also lead to political weeks.42 These types of bold geopolitical moves can complacency. In the United States, for example, generate sticky foreign policy problems in addition Congress has instructed DOD to sell off minerals to the direct effects of supply disruptions. from the National Defense Stockpile Center since the early 1990s due to budgetary considerations Interestingly, while political stability of producing but did not invest in increasing stocks of minerals countries and their regions has influenced the supply important to emerging technologies.45 of minerals historically, stability of supplier countries does not appear very important for the minerals Sometimes internal politics motivates foreign discussed in this report. Every year, Foreign Policy suppliers’ decisions about whether to export magazine and the Fund for Peace produce the Failed critical minerals. For example, in 2007, the U.S. States Index, an annual report on state stability that State Department was forced to intervene when ranks all the countries of the world. China, today’s China halted shipments of rare earths to a U.S. primary producer of rare earths, ranked as the 57th- petroleum refining and chemicals company for so least stable country in the world in 2010, though it is long that it drove concerns for nationwide refined not classified as being within the index’s “alert” zone. petroleum shortages.46 From China’s perspective, 20 |
  • 23. policy prescription aimed at a single geographic, Since the United States economic or political variable will reduce U.S. vulnerability to supply disruptions. Policymakers, depends on minerals for its nongovernmental analysts and the media must pay far less attention to singular factors like import defense and economic vitality, dependence and focus on the full range of eco- it is time to update American nomic, geographic and political factors. policies to reflect current In developing new policies related to minerals, policymakers must remember that substantial global conditions. government intervention already exists, includ- ing permitting exploitation on government lands and regulating environmental impacts. However, domestic demand was rising quickly, and rare policymakers must navigate a market that is not earths production was already creating major always easy to predict and in which the need environmental problems that could unleash local for federal government intervention (or nonin- unrest. The country’s political leaders therefore tervention) is not always obvious. In the recent began restricting exports and promoting efficient rare earths case, the private sector responded by consumption. providing some capital for a domestic mining Political crises can also disrupt supplies. In 2005 operation to resume. This does not always solve and 2006, the United States experienced a supply the foreign policy and geopolitical challenges the disruption in rhenium, triggered by a domestic U.S. government experiences. In particular, for dispute in Kazakhstan. Exports from Kazakhstan, minerals that private companies will not reliably which supplied 25 percent of the U.S. demand produce or more defense-specific applications, at that time, “were halted from the third quar- U.S. government interests may be at stake while ter of 2005 until the fourth quarter of 2006.”47 A private interests are not. supplier to Kazakhstan’s state-owned rhenium To manage circumstances where the federal producer blocked trade over a financial dis- government must act to protect U.S. interests pute amid additional political tensions between against the threat of supply disruptions, various governing officials who variously wanted to open federal agencies have existing mechanisms that rhenium reserves for foreign investment and, on must be preserved and utilized. The Departments the other side, expand the state’s monopoly.48 By of Defense and Energy already have mechanisms early 2006, rhenium prices were rising precipi- for offering low-interest loan guarantees for busi- tously just as demand was increasing for use in nesses in a broad range of strategically important petroleum refining and, important for DOD, in fields, from semi-conductors to military assets to jet engine production.49 energy infrastructure. Similarly, these agencies Recommendations for u.S. Policymakers can use loan guarantees to facilitate production Since the United States depends on minerals for or advance research and development related to its defense and economic vitality, it is time to minerals, including lending funds to support update American policies to reflect current global research on the more efficient use of rare earths, conditions. As policymakers address these issues, rhenium or lithium in defense or energy appli- they must understand the complexity of the chal- cations. Only a willingness to use these tools is lenge and develop multifaceted solutions. No required. | 21
  • 24. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals TaBlE 2: KEy VulnERaBIlITIES foR SElECTEd MInERalS TyPES of VulnERaBIlITIES REEs nb Ta Re ga li Lack of substitutes/uniqueness of specific yes yes/ yes/ yes No No minerals (esp. in defense applications) No No Importance of specific minerals for yes yes yes yes yes No producing defense equipment inability to recover and recycle economically No No No No No No Economic import dependence for more than yes yes yes No yes No 90 percent of supplies known supplies inadequate to meet yes, in No No No No No projected global demand 2011/2012 Concentration of suppliers to the united yes yes No yes yes yes States (fewer than three suppliers for 2/3 or more of supplies)50 geographic concentration of supplies No yes yes yes No No Geographic (more than 50 percent known reserves in single country’s possession) major natural disasters (that created No No No No No No major disruption to United States) instability of producing countries and No No No No No No their regions Political Strikes No No yes No No No lack of u.S. government stockpile yes No No yes yes yes Note: Table 2 lists the vulnerabilities identified through this report, and notes which minerals have exhibited each one between 2005 and the present. The “Yes/No” label in the first row indicates that substitutes may be available, but with a loss of characteristics that may be critical to defense assets. The only two minerals for which the United States experienced disruptions in the past five years, rhenium and rare earths, differ in whether reserves are geographically concentrated and in most economic factors. This indicates a need for policymakers to examine a wide range of factors specific to each critical mineral in order to best hedge against disruptions. Source: Compilation of sources listed in the endnotes; table compiled and created by the author. 22 |
  • 25. In making policy choices, policymakers should The Department of Defense should conduct new embrace one key principle: avoid blanket protec- assessments of defense supply chains. Developing tionism. While supporting domestic production a proactive and prioritized approach will require may be a useful remedial action for some specific serious consideration of the future of warfare, minerals, domestic production is not a panacea. drawing on expertise from other government Often, protectionist tendencies reflect a misdiag- agencies, academia, non-governmental orga- nosis of U.S. mineral problems as a result of import nizations, think tanks and private industries. dependence, which this report shows is not the While DOD is currently reviewing rare earths core problem in most cases. Moreover, protection- in its supply chains and will deliver its report to ism could be an overly narrow policy solution Congress in the summer of 2011, its efforts must that would not mitigate other serious risks. Since not end with consideration of rare earths. The increased domestic production is not always Defense Science Board should conduct a new possible or economical for all minerals, some assessment building on its 1999 and 2008 stud- dependence on imports is unavoidable. ies examining the changing nature of defense supply chains, to include more extensive consid- To protect against the risks of dependence on eration of minerals and raw materials.52 These critical minerals at an acceptable cost, the U.S. two studies outlined many of the key dynamics government should take the following steps: that are heightening mineral and raw material Administration officials and Congress should concerns today and described DOD’s increasing identify the minerals most important to defense dependence on dual use technologies and global acquisitions, energy innovation and other key supply chains. However, neither study focused functions as they build tailored strategies to specifically on control of minerals or raw materi- mitigate potential supply disruptions. In other als, which could give suppliers strategic leverage words, government officials should evaluate over the United States. Beyond these omissions, mineral issues proactively as a regular, ongo- the nature of minerals trade and the global supply ing part of their operations. The Department of system have changed enough in the past five years Defense and Congress have been largely reactive, that an update is warranted. The Defense Science responding to the recent rare earths disruptions Board would be sufficiently neutral and would and issuing one-off reports. By contrast, DOE has complement the DOE’s ongoing work by focusing adopted a proactive approach that prioritizes the specifically on defense needs. minerals most important to its missions. A major To protect the U.S. government’s ability to man- evaluation in December 2010 prioritized four age critical minerals appropriately, Congress distinct areas of energy technology development should protect the government’s role in ana- and explored mineral supplies of high importance lyzing critical mineral vulnerabilities and to those particular categories, and DOE plans to producing its own data. As congressional leaders regularly analyze potential risks and supply chain in both political parties strive to reduce spend- vulnerabilities in these areas.51 The Department ing and seek efficiencies, they should maintain of Energy’s willingness to prioritize is particularly a strong U.S. government capacity for research noteworthy: Given that DOE’s work is global and and analysis – a public good that is both neces- involves more than 100 distinct minerals, seeking sary to protect U.S. interests and undersupplied to address all contingencies could have negative by the private sector. Without vigilance, the side effects or be so broad as to lack effectiveness. United States risks being blindsided by regular | 23
  • 26. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals trade disputes and supply disruptions, and by Major seabed mining sites should be included as countries exerting political leverage. Improving strategic locations in games focusing on the East how the U.S. government handles mineral issues and South China Seas and the Arctic, among other should not require major increases in manpower locations, just as energy resources and storage or spending. But the administration and Congress facilities are mapped in considering assets that must maintain the existing capacities and pre- countries may protect or target today. Appropriate serve the knowledge infrastructure that the scenarios would also include those involving great government has redeveloped in the past few years unrest or major, long-term strikes that halt exports (See Key U.S. Government Offices box). from Latin America or South Africa. In addition to continuing to produce good data, Congress and the executive branch should update the U.S. government can do more to leverage its stockpiling policies. Stockpiling critical miner- relationships with contractors. The private sector als (for example, those important to current and will continue to withhold important informa- future defense production, concentrated in the tion in order to keep information proprietary or hands of only a few suppliers and also experienc- because it could be harmful to the bottom line if ing high global demand growth) remains one of shared with the government. But when DOD, for the best policies for ensuring supplies, especially example, has billion-dollar contracts with suppliers for DOD. In a 2008 report, the National Academies for critical military assets, it should be able to have recommended that DOD develop a new inven- contractual requirements that these companies tory system (versus simply stockpiling) that would share information about major supply chain vul- “assess the risks in order to make better-informed nerabilities that can provide other countries with decisions on mitigating them (for example, decid- leverage over the United States or potentially cause ing if stocks need to be held),” “spot vulnerabilities major disruptions. The 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall in the supply chain and redesign it to eliminate or Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is an mitigate them before events occur” and “design important model for requiring due diligence in and manage the supply chain to be more resilient understanding and reporting supply chain infor- to disruption.”54 DOD has been working to update mation among manufacturers that source minerals its stockpiling policies, and should fully embrace from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.53 the National Academies report’s recommenda- tions. Congress also has a role in supporting and The Department of Defense should integrate funding these changes. (See the Evolving Tool of conflicts over minerals and raw materials into Stockpiling box) However, DOD should be far relevant war games. One of the chief risks in more open with Congress and the public regarding ignoring access to critical minerals is the lever- how it intends to modernize its stockpiling policies age such negligence can provide to suppliers, than it has been to date. which alters the strategic context in which DOD operates. Exploring how disruptions or threats of The U.S. government should create incentives disruptions in mineral supplies could affect vari- to reduce consumption when its interests are ous American interests would provide valuable on the line. This report focuses primarily on the information for U.S. policymakers. Relevant games nature of current and potential supply challenges, should include a range of scenarios in which sup- but solutions must also include reducing demand plies of minerals critical to defense equipment are for minerals that see major disruptions or erratic cut off for extended periods of time and supplier prices. Policymakers can maximize the potential countries use embargoes for political leverage. of substitution and recycling by clearly identifying 24 |
  • 27. Key u.S. government offices the following offices and agen- The department of Energy’s identifying mineral supply chain cies have in recent years proven to office of Policy and International concerns related to energy innova- be among the most important in affairs has conducted the federal tion. it also funds unique research mitigating mineral-related risks to government’s most important and development that may help u.S. interests. work to date in analyzing how the reduce u.S. vulnerabilities, such changing global minerals trade as developing substitutes for rare The u.S. geological Survey’s and America’s goals for energy earths and permanent magnets (uSgS) work is critical for the intersect. the Department of that may help minimize the risks for government’s ability to make Energy (DOE) should maintain this defense-critical assets.56 sound policy given its unique capacity going forward, with sup- ability to provide free, public data port from the Congress. The white house office of on mineral trends. Beyond what Science and Technology Policy is provided by the uSgS, most the obama administration’s (oSTP) is coordinating an inter- data that policymakers need to fiscal year 2012 budget for DOE agency working group to prevent make decisions is prohibitively recommends creating an “Energy u.S. government agencies from expensive to purchase from pri- innovation hub” focused on miner- being blindsided by supply vate vendors, if it available at all. als critical to energy innovation, disruptions and minimize broad Without USGS efforts to provide modeled on existing hubs focused mineral-related vulnerabilities. the government and public with on alternative fuels and energy in this role, oStP should include neutral information and unbiased efficiency.55 Congress should representation from the State analysis, the united States would approve this budget request, and Department’s regional bureaus be forced into a persistent reac- take an active role in monitoring to improve u.S. government tionary state whenever concerns the effectiveness of this hub as it is coordination among relevant about minerals arise – and the u.S. established and begins operations. stakeholders. oStP could also play government will be far less well an important role in developing equipped to deal with episodes also at doE, the advanced accepted economy-wide defini- like the 2010 rare earths dispute Research Projects agency-Energy tions for “critical” and “strategic” with China. has played an important role in minerals. the minerals for which U.S. government inter- the rule of law and freedom of navigation around ests are affected most directly, and then offering the world and also to participate in important dis- incentives to develop substitutes for these miner- cussions about critical minerals. Today, the United als. Developing efficient solutions, however, will States cannot play a full role in the Arctic Council require addressing the daunting information chal- because it has not ratified UNCLOS, and its position lenges discussed earlier. of promoting the rules enshrined in this treaty rings hollow to international audiences. Since American The Senate should ratify the U.N. Convention concerns over seabed mining informed the initial on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). While today refusal to ratify this treaty, these issues are likely to the United States recognizes UNCLOS as custom- resurface in any debates about UNCLOS. To date, ary international law, ratifying this treaty would efforts toward UNCLOS ratification have stalled increase the ability of U.S. policymakers to promote out of a misguided notion that the treaty would | 25
  • 28. Elements of Security J U N E 2 0 1 1 Mitigating the Risks of U.S. Dependence on Critical Minerals Minerals and Conflict in the democratic Republic of the Congo Black market and even legal stemming this problem, however, chain information among manu- trade in minerals can directly would prove ineffective. Many facturers that source minerals from fuel conflict, instability, corrup- minerals found in the DrC are pro- the DrC.58 the united Nations and tion, human rights atrocities duced in only a few mines globally other nongovernmental organi- and other broad foreign policy or can be purchased more cheaply zations are similarly working to and security concerns. the most from sellers in this war-torn require greater transparency and glaring current example is in the country than elsewhere, leaving source reporting in minerals sup- Democratic republic of the Congo no shortage of buyers. Due to cor- ply chains as a means of curtailing (DRC), where trade in minerals ruption and the informal nature of support for militant groups.59 the such as tin, copper and Columbite- much of the DrC’s economy, even executive branch should continue tantalite (coltan) funds militias that if Congolese officials wished to to enact the Dodd-Frank bill, and have killed, raped and robbed mil- provide greater transparency on maintain direct involvement in lions, and that perpetuate regional its minerals trade, they would have efforts by the United Nations, pri- instability. great difficulty doing so. vate companies and other groups that are working to establish cer- international concern had grown At the same time, the DrC tification processes, due diligence in recent years over the ways in example also highlights potential requirements and other transpar- which minerals contribute to con- solutions available to u.S. policy- ency measures. this movement flict in the DrC. During her August makers. to date there has been toward greater transparency can 2009 trip to the DrC, Secretary of little effort by manufacturers to make it easier to tell when money State hillary Clinton remarked, “i track where the minerals they use is being transferred to militants think the international community originate, providing little incen- and human rights violators, and must start looking at steps we can tive for any company or country therefore easier to find ways to cut take to try to prevent the mineral to cease purchasing minerals that off this minerals-related funding wealth from the DrC ending up fuel conflict in the DrC. this is of rogue groups. though these in the hands of those who fund beginning to change. the 2010 efforts are imperfect, they can the violence here … this is a very Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform assist in minimizing the ways in challenging problem but we’re and Consumer Protection Act which u.S. minerals procurement going to address it.”57 Embargoes requires due diligence in under- fuels other security challenges. and other traditional tools for standing and reporting supply negatively affect U.S. sovereignty, as it recognizes the South China Sea. Growing mineral concerns exclusive economic zones for countries around the will make ratification all the more pressing. world. Ratification, however, has strong support from the armed services, the private sector and a Finally, Congress and the executive branch should wide range of security and foreign policy experts. promote information sharing with the private Despite the lack of a strong political constituency for sector and internationally. Regular dialogues and ratification, there is widespread belief that the treaty information sharing among the U.S. Departments is integral to protecting U.S. economic and security of Energy, State and Defense, and industry and interests in U.S. coastal areas, and in serving as a international stakeholders can be a cost-effective neutral voice in territorial disputes in regions like means of helping the U.S. government prevent mineral disruptions and trade disputes from 26 |
  • 29. or else policy will be based on conjecture and Complacency is perhaps the unproven assumptions about this area of trade. biggest risk facing the United Complacency is perhaps the biggest risk facing the United States. Given the global trends highlighted States. Given the global trends in this report, a variety of mineral-related risks are visible on the horizon. The U.S. government should highlighted in this report, a be proactive in preventing mineral issues from variety of mineral-related risks impinging on security, foreign policy or economic growth plans, and not lose its newfound vigilance are visible on the horizon. in the years ahead. negatively affecting U.S. foreign policy goals, defense readiness or economic growth. Over time, regular dialogues and greater transparency can help policymakers to access better information on minerals, and can create an “in-group” mental- ity in which companies and government agencies alike increasingly see the professional benefit for sharing certain types of information. For instance, more open dialogue can provide important infor- mation to companies on emerging government concerns and geopolitical trends that may affect their businesses. Conclusion It is time for the United States to reassess its dependence on critical minerals. America’s vul- nerability to mineral supply disruptions carries a number of persistent risks: high cost overruns for weapons that rely on key minerals, lags in military equipment delivery, leverage provided to supplier countries and an inability to fully develop clean energy technologies. Global demand for minerals – and the ways in which minerals affect security and foreign policy concerns – will also continue to evolve. Countries other than China may attempt to use the leverage created through controlling major- ity shares of global supplies. Technology will evolve in non-linear ways, and new mineral demands may challenge the United States in ways not predict- able today. A systematic evaluation of the factors involved with mineral supplies will be required, | 27