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Conflict Minerals
    Provision of
            Immediate implications and
 long-term opportunities for companies

                       August 2011

Section 1: Summary ............................................................................................................2

Section 2: The law and its requirements..............................................................................3

Section 3: Analysis of industry action and challenges .........................................................5

Section 4: KPMG’s recommended approach.......................................................................8

Section 5: Long-term costs and benefits of implementing Section 1502............................9

Section 6: Conclusion ..........................................................................................................9
Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank | 2

Section 1: Summary

Even as the “conflict minerals’’ provision    neighboring countries in Central Africa,     A small number of companies already
of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform          where proceeds of the mining activities      have begun the work of performing
and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-            have been used to finance armed militias     supply chain due diligence, some
Frank, or the Act) slowly garners attention   committing atrocities in those war-torn      even before Dodd-Frank was enacted;
in board rooms, C-suites, and among the       countries.                                   and, a few industry groups have been
rank and file of companies around the                                                      instrumental in formulating industry-wide
                                              For many—if not most—businesses,
world, questions abound regarding the                                                      solutions, with the high-tech industry
                                              the most daunting aspects of the
provision’s scope, impact, reporting, and                                                  taking the lead. However, the majority of
                                              provision will involve complying with the
auditing requirements.                                                                     companies have not yet taken any action
                                              requirement to conduct due diligence on
                                                                                           to formulate a strategy, according to a
The conflict minerals provision, contained    the origin of the conflict minerals, which
                                                                                           recent KPMG survey on the topic. In fact,
in Section 1502 of the Act, has a direct      include gold, wolframite, casserite,
                                                                                           it appears that general awareness of the
bearing on reporting requirements on          columbite-tantalite, and their derivative
                                                                                           conflict minerals provision continues to
about half (at least 6,000) of all publicly   metals, which include tin, tungsten, and
                                                                                           be low. Corporate counsel and auditors
traded companies in the United States.        tantalum.
                                                                                           report that they have had to inform senior
The Act directs the Securities and
                                              In today’s global economy, where             executives at their affiliated companies
Exchange Commission (SEC) to issue
                                              businesses utilize numerous vendors,         about the conflict minerals provision,
rules requiring companies to disclose in
                                              contract manufacturers, and strategic-       its broad implications, and the reporting
10-K, 20-F and 40-F filings whether they
                                              alliance partners, knowing simply how        deadlines. The final rules, which were
manufacture products containing certain
                                              to develop a strategy to determine the       expected in April, are now anticipated to
minerals mined from the Democratic
                                              source of minerals will be the first major   be released before the end of 2011.
Republic of Congo (DRC) or certain
                                              hurdle to clear.
                                                                                           KPMG has developed a practical
                                                                                           approach for conducting due diligence
                                                                                           on conflict minerals—an approach that
                                                                                           is in conformance with the Organisation
                                                                                           for Economic Co-operation and
                                                                                           Development (OECD) guidelines, and
                                                                                           works well with tools and programs
                                                                                           endorsed by two electronics industry
                                                                                           associations—Electronic Industry
                                                                                           Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and Global
                                                                                           e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI).
                                                                                           While a number of organizations and
                                                                                           specific businesses have raised a great
                                                                                           deal of criticism about the complexity
                                                                                           and ambiguity of the rules, a number
                                                                                           of organizations that already have
                                                                                           undertaken a supply-chain due diligence
                                                                                           program have reported benefits
                                                                                           beyond pure compliance of the rule
                                                                                           requirements, not the least of which is
                                                                                           supply-chain transparency.
                                                                                           KPMG issued a recent Public Policy Alert
                                                                                           addressing the impact conflict minerals
                                                                                           provisions may have on strategic
                                                                                           business planning such as supply chain
                                                                                           optimization particularly during global
3 | Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank

Section 2:The law and its requirements

Introduction                                       In enacting Section 1502,
The term “conflict minerals” is used to            Congress hoped to remedy
describe certain minerals such as gold,            what it perceived as the
wolframite, casserite, columbite-tantalite         exploitation and trade
and their derivative metals, which                 of conflict minerals
include tin, tungsten, and tantalum that           originating in the DRC.
are mined in the DRC or its adjoining              Trade of these minerals
countries.1                                        help finance armed
                                                   conflict, characterized by
The United Nations has been raising
                                                   extreme levels of violence.1
awareness of mining of conflict minerals
                                                   The purpose of Section 1502 is
as a source of revenue for armed militias
                                                   to promote transparency and consumer
committing atrocities in the DRC for
                                                   awareness regarding the use of conflict
at least the past 10 years.2 Over the
                                                   minerals and ultimately to discourage the
last several years, Non-Governmental
                                                   use of conflict minerals by manufacturing
Organization (NGO) groups, such as the
                                                   and processing companies.
Enough Project3 and Global Witness,4
have championed the cause and lobbied              Apart from action on tin, tantalum,
Congress and several major electronics             tungsten and gold (commonly referred
corporations to take action.                       to as 3TG), Section 1502 leaves the door
                                                   open for the U.S. Secretary of State to
Attempts to legislate controls around the
                                                   classify other metals/minerals as conflict                    Figure 1: DRC and adjoining countries
use of these minerals began in 20095
                                                   minerals. Congress left the task of
and culminated with the U.S. Congress
                                                   formulating guidelines and implementing
passing the Dodd-Frank Wall Street
                                                   the rules to the SEC.
Reform and Consumer Protection Act
in 2010. Included in the Act was the
little-known—and even less-understood
—“Section 1502, dealing with conflict

                                                  Table 1: Uses of 3TG and % from DRC1, 6

       Metal         Industries Using the Metal         Common Applications                 Commercial Ores*                  % World-Supply from DRC
 Tin             „ Electronics                    „ Solders for joining pipes and    Cassiterite                         5%
                 „ Automotive
                                                  „ Tin plating of steel
                 „ Industrial equipment
                                                  „ Alloys (bronze, brass,
                 „ Construction
 Tantalum        „ Electronics                    „ Capacitors (in most              Coltan (columbite-tantalite)        15-20%
                 „ Medical equipment
                                                  „ Carbide tools
                 „ Industrial tools and
                   equipment                      „ Jet engine components
                 „ Aerospace
 Tungsten        „ Electronics                    „ Metal wires, electrodes,         Wolframite, Scheelite,              0.60%
                                                    electrical contacts              Ferberite, hübnerite
                 „ Lighting
                                                  „ Heating, and welding
                 „ Industrial machinery
 Gold            „ Jewelry                        „ Jewelry                          Various free and combined           0.5-2%
                 „ Electronics                    „ Electric plating and IC wiring
                 „ Aerospace
Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank | 4

Applicability                                 from a conflict mineral to make another       Current time line
The section requires that companies           product. In other words, the conflict         On December 23, 2010, the SEC
that file 10-K, 20-F or 40-F annual reports
                    ,                         mineral need not appear in the final          proposed rules governing specialized
with the SEC, and use conflict minerals       product to require reporting compliance.      disclosure relating to conflict minerals
in their manufacturing processes and                                                        and opened a period for receiving public
                                              The provision specifically mandates three
supply chain, disclose in the reports                                                       comments. Final rules were due to be
                                              steps for companies to follow:
whether the minerals came from the                                                          issued by April 15, 2011, but the release
DRC or an adjoining country.                  1. 	 Determine if tin, tungsten, tantalum     date was later delayed until sometime
                                                   and gold are used to make its            between August and December of 2011.7
The disclosure requirements will impact
myriad industries, from makers of                                                           For now, it is understood that the final
earrings, to cell phones, to combat jet       2. Determine if the metals they use           rules will apply beginning with the annual
fighters, to auto parts, and many more.          originated in the DRC or neighboring       report for the first full fiscal year after the
The SEC estimates the law may directly           countries. If the metals did not           enactment of the final rules (i.e., for a
impact as many as half (roughly 6,000) of        originate in affected nations,             calendar-year company, the annual report
all U.S. publically traded companies and         companies must report how the              for 2012 to be filed early in 2013).
perhaps thousands more suppliers.1               company determined the metals’
                                                                                            Action by state and local governments
The rule affects:                                                                           On April 12, 2011, a California State
                                              3. If the metals were from DRC or             Senate committee passed a bill that
„ Publicly listed companies that
                                                 adjoining countries—or the source          would curb the use of conflict minerals
  manufacture products utilizing conflict
                                                 is unknown—companies must trace            from Congo.8 If passed, the bill would
                                                 the supply chain for the source and        prohibit the state government from
„ Publicly listed retailers that carry           furnish an independently audited           contracting with companies that fail
  private-label products or contracted           report on those due-diligence efforts.     to comply with federal regulations on
  with another party to have a                                                              conflict minerals. In addition, two cities,
                                              The SEC mandate is expected to require
  product specifically made for them;                                                       Pittsburgh, PA; and St. Petersburg FL,
                                              the first and second steps of the process
  however, retailers that only sell other                                                   have taken steps toward becoming
                                              described, regardless of the origin of
  companies’ branded products are not                                                       conflict-free cities, and NGOs have been
                                              these metals. The third step—disclosure
  required to report.                                                                       lobbying other cities in the United States
                                              of the products manufactured, facilities
                                                                                            and Canada to follow suit.9
„ Certain private or foreign corporations     where DRC materials may have been
  that operate in the supply chain of a       used, etc.—must be completed only if
  publicly listed U.S. customer. While        the DRC is identified as a source or if the
  they do not have SEC reporting              source is not identifiable. Companies
  obligations, it is likely that many will    must make specific disclosures in their
  need to provide documentation to            annual report, and if applicable, furnish
  their customers.                            a conflict mineral report as an exhibit,
                                              and on their Web site whether they
„ Certain public/private distributors
                                              use conflict minerals in a product they
  with no product specifically made for
                                              manufacture, or in products contracted
  them. Similar to private corporations,
                                              to be manufactured on their behalf.
  while they are not covered by the
  new regulations, they may need to           Federal law does not prohibit companies
  conduct due diligence to provide            from sourcing conflict minerals, nor
  information to their public customers.      impose a penalty for doing so. However,
                                              the intent is to rely on public pressure to
Law’s requirement
                                              dissuade U.S. companies from indirectly
All SEC-listed companies that use
                                              sourcing conflict minerals, and hence
conflict minerals in the “functionality or
                                              fund the armed groups in the DRC.
production” of a manufactured product
must comply with the Act, including
companies that used a product made
5 | Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank

Section 3: Analysis of industry action and

Challenges to implementation                    Uncertainties include:                        deadline. Smaller companies are even
There are many reasons why                                                                    less likely to have developed a strategy.
                                                „ Nature and objective of audit:
implementing Section 1502 could be
challenging for companies. Its mandate             –	 Conformity with a recognized            Figure 2: Company strategy for conflict
to companies is extremely complex and                 standard                                              minerals
it has been criticized in many quarters
                                                   –	 Whether the issuer performed the                                Have you developed a strategy to
as being vague and open to wide                                                                                           comply by the deadline?
                                                                                                                              py	y
                                                      due-diligence procedures
interpretation. Even though the SEC is
expected to issue further details later in         – Origin of the conflict minerals                                                            Yes
2011, implementation may be challenging
                                                „ Applicable professional standards for
for the following reasons:
                                                  audit: Choice between attestation or
1.	 Uncertainties regarding the scope             performance audit                                                      No
                                                                                                                                                      Not sure/
    of the requirement. Terms such as                                                                                                                  know

                                                „ Independence requirement:                                                                            24%

    “reasonable country of origin search”
                                                  Standards set by the SEC, the Public
    and “substantial to the functionality”
                                                  Company Accounting Oversight
    have caused a great deal of debate.
                                                  Board (PCAOB), or the GAO                                 % of companies that have not yet developed a strategy
    Also, the implications to retailers are                                                                              to comply with regulation
    unclear, as is the extent to which due      While the comments to the SEC10                             80%

    diligence will be required for recycled     overwhelmingly supported the                                70%

                                                                                              % responses
    materials. 	                                implementation of the new law, the                          50%

                                                challenges were apparent in some of                         40%
2. Mapping the supply chain is
                                                the comments from companies, trade                          30%

   expected to be an arduous task.                                                                          20%
                                                groups, and service providers, including
   Today’s supply chains are global and                                                                     10%
                                                KPMG. However, it is unrealistic to                          0%
   highly complex. Between the ore and
                                                expect that the SEC will be able to clarify                        <$0.5B   $0.5B - $1B - $5B    $5B -        $10B -   >$20B
   the final use, materials frequently                                                                                       $1B                 $10B          $20B
                                                every requirement. In fact, requirements
   change hands 10 or more times. The                                                                                               Annual revenues
                                                are expected to evolve over time, and
   dynamic nature of sourcing of parts
                                                it will be up to the industries to find                        Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011
   and commodities that have yielded
                                                acceptable solutions.
   lower costs for companies have
                                                                                              One of the first steps in “DRC conflict
   also made the supply chains less             Individual company response and
                                                                                              free” status is to develop a company
   transparent. Complexity can magnify          potential reasons
                                                                                              policy of not using conflict minerals and
   when companies use distributors              Even before the conflict minerals
                                                                                              including appropriate language in supplier
   or multiple suppliers for the same           provision was signed into law, several
                                                                                              contracts. The KPMG survey found that
   component. As a result, even large           high-tech companies had started work
                                                                                              fewer than 10 percent of respondents
   companies with substantial clout over        on the issue. According to the Enough
                                                                                              have even taken this step (figure 3). Not
   suppliers and extensive resources            Project, companies such as Intel, HP,
                                                                                              surprisingly, the majority of companies
   face significant challenges to map           Apple, Dell, Motorola, Microsoft, and
                                                                                              that have taken action are from the
   their entire supply chain.                   Nokia have begun conducting due
                                                                                              high-tech industry or are suppliers to the
                                                diligence to become “DRC conflict
3. Uncertainties regarding audit                                                              industry.
                                                free. 12
   standards. Companies are finding it
                                                                                              While there may be several reasons for
   difficult to reach a conclusion about        Despite these examples, and a looming
                                                                                              the inaction, a lack of understanding of
   how the audit will be conducted. The         reporting requirement about to become
                                                                                              the act seems to be a strong contributor.
   proposed rule does not clearly state         a reality, most companies have not
                                                                                              Just over 50 percent of companies
   the type of conclusion sought and            acted. A survey conducted by KPMG’s
                                                                                              surveyed in the affected industries claim
   related objective of the audit of the        Americas’ Financial Services Regulatory
                                                                                              to have a good understanding (2 or higher
   conflict minerals report; but leaves         Center of Excellence (figure 2) indicated
                                                                                              on a scale of 0 through 4) of conflict
   it to the Government Accountability          that only 17 percent of respondents
                                                                                              minerals (see figure 4). In fact, only five
   Office (GAO) to provide guidelines.          in affected industries claim to have a
                                                                                              percent of respondents said that they
                                                strategy to comply by the reporting
                                                                                              understood the provision very well.
Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank | 6

Figure 3: Company policy and supplier                               Figure 4: Awareness of Conflict
             contracts                                         Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank
                                                              Awareness of Conflict Minerals Provision
                                                                          of Dodd-Frank
Have you started including verbiage in supplier contracts?   100%

                             5% Do not
                                 use                         80%
                                                             80%                                0 = Not aware
                             Not sure/Don't know

                                                             30%                                3

         Have you developed a company policy?
                                                                                                4 = Understand
                                                             10%                                very well
                             process                          0%

                                                                Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011

              No             Not sure/Don't know
             53%                     38%

     Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011
7 | Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank

Industry-based Solutions                                          Figure 5: Stages of conflict minerals due diligence by industry
While individual companies have been                                  Industrial

slow to act, a few industry groups have
taken the lead in formulating potential                              Aerospace

solutions. The OECD has developed                                    Healthcare

standards that have been referenced1
by the SEC as a good starting point for         Industry            Automotive

companies to base their policies for

compliance with the Act. The OECD
requirements13 for risk-based due                                         Retail

diligence in the conflict mineral supply
                                                           Electronics/High Tech
chain include:
„ Establish strong company                                                Initial stages of                                               Advanced stage
  management systems                                                       due diligence                                                  of due diligence

„ Identify and assess risks in the supply                                              Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011
                                                process of developing a Conflict Free                         While other industry groups have not
„ Design and implement a strategy to
                                                Smelter (CFS) program14. If successful,                       made public any common solutions,
  respond to identified risks
                                                companies performing due diligence                            the Automotive Industry Action Group
„ Carry out independent third-party             will only need to trace the 3TG supply                        (AIAG) and the Aerospace Industry
  audit                                         chain down to smelters (see figure 6).                        Association (AIA) have sought to increase
                                                The work of tracking the mines of origin                      awareness among their members by
„ Report on supply chain due diligence
                                                and preventing “tainted” minerals from                        holding seminars/Webinars. Through the
Even though OECD guidelines may                 reaching the supply chain would then                          AIAG, six auto makers—Chrysler, Ford,
be a good starting point, they do not           fall on the smelters. Lastly, on August 3,                    GM, Honda of America, Nissan North
outline how supply chain due diligence          EICC and GeSi announced the release of                        America, and Toyota North America—
could be conducted. Two electronics             the “Due Diligence Reporting Template                         issued a letter dated April 19, 2011 to
industry associations, Electronic               and Dashboard” that companies can                             their suppliers alerting them of the new
Industry Citizenship Coalition and              use as a standard questionnaire for                           law.16
Global e-Sustainability Initiative, which       conducting inquiries into supplier’s
                                                                                                              Figure 5 illustrates the progress made by
together represent a large group                sources of metals.15
                                                                                                              various industries on addressing conflict
of high-tech companies, are in the

                                 Figure 6: Proposed solution for end-to-end supply chain transparency

                                                                    Source: KPMG LLP 2011
Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank | 8

Section 4: KPMG’s recommended approach

Recommended steps                                    „ Prepare disclosure statements in                         is leading the implementation of this
Based on extensive experience with                     accordance with SEC requirements                         initiative to drive towards meeting
past due diligence and reporting                                                                                “significant and reasonable” due-
                                                     „ Engage third party to perform an
requirements, KPMG has developed                                                                                diligence requirements.
                                                       independent conflict minerals audit
a simple process that involves the
                                                                                                                Gaps in internal and external processes
following key steps:                                 „ Institutionalize a process so to update
                                                                                                                were identified and an action plan put in
                                                       with ease on an annual basis
„ Identify use of 3TG conflict minerals                                                                         place to bridge the gaps by December,
  in products manufactured or                        KPMG successfully tested this approach                     2011.
  assembled                                          with a U.S.-based electronics corporation
                                                                                                                OECD guidelines, industry best practices
                                                     with global operations, and thousands
„ Identify and survey suppliers of 3TG                                                                          for supply chain due diligence, and
                                                     of worldwide suppliers. In the face
  metals                                                                                                        questionnaires available from EICC-GeSi
                                                     of imperfect information and gaps in
                                                                                                                were referenced during the course of the
„ Perform a risk assessment using tools              supplier data, KPMG worked with the
  and OECD guidelines                                company’s procurement group that

  Case Study

  KPMG recently assisted a U.S.-based,                business implications of the rigorous                     the annual report disclosure on conflict
  global manufacturer with more than                  compliance process. The team included                     minerals.
  3,000 suppliers in instituting a rigorous           legal, investor relations, procurement,
                                                                                                                Looking for opportunities beyond
  “auditable” supply chain due diligence              corporate social responsibility, supply
                                                                                                                traditional compliance
  process to assess its risk exposure                 chain, and others within the company
                                                                                                                In the end, the company used this
  to conflict minerals. The ancillary                 who typically handle large change
                                                                                                                project to gain other significant benefits
  objectives beyond the immediate                     management exercises.
                                                                                                                such as future supplier certification and
  compliance goal were to develop a
                                                      Compliance strategy                                       meet audit requirements, establishing
  process that could be extended to other
                                                      The team developed a process                              a process to respond to customer
  corporate social responsibility initiatives
                                                      to identify, survey, and risk rate                        requests to provide information on the
  in the future—one that would integrate
                                                      suppliers that use 3TG metals in the                      use of conflict minerals in the products
  with the company’s overall risk process
                                                      manufacture of components used by                         sold, identifying opportunities for
  (both from an internal audit and external
                                                      this company. This was done using,                        consolidation and supply chain cost
  audit perspective) and drive vendor
                                                      in part, a KPMG proprietary tool that                     reduction, and preemptive identification
  accountability while improving the
                                                      provided the mechanism to collect and                     of risk due to sole sourced suppliers.
  stability of their own supply chain.
                                                      analyze the results. Supplier information                 This company also saw value in
  Getting started                                     was synthesized into information that                     positioning their market brand as
  The company established a                           will be used to complete and maintain                     conflict free.
  multidisciplinary team to address

                  Source: KPMG Public Policy Alert, July 2011, “Legislative complexity challenges traditional business and compliance strategies.
9 | Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank

Section 5: Long-term costs and benefits of
implementing Section 1502
The fear of the unknown                                                         Supplemental benefits of conducting              recognize that there could be other
Several comments to the SEC from                                                supply chain due diligence                       potential benefits of performing supply
industry groups have expressed                                                  During a recent KPMG Webcast                     chain due diligence for conflict minerals,
concerns about the cost of implementing                                         on conflict minerals, the audience,              such as identification of opportunities for
the provisions of the new law. KPMG’s                                           comprising representatives from more             supply chain simplification/rationalization
survey specifically asked respondents                                           than 500 diverse organizations, was              (6%) and cost reduction (14%), and
about the (perceived) impact of                                                 asked if they foresaw any supplemental           improvement in customer goodwill/brand
compliance. The surprising finding was                                          benefits from implementing the conflict          recognition (8%).
that companies that had not already                                             minerals provision. Only nine percent
                                                                                                                                 Industry participants believe that this law
developed a conflict minerals strategy                                          of respondents chose “none, viewing
                                                                                                                                 may trigger similar regulations on other
were three times more likely to anticipate                                      the effort as purely a reporting burden
                                                                                                                                 corporate social responsibility issues,
higher costs from suppliers than                                                (figure 8). It appears that companies
                                                                                                                                 such as environment/sustainability, labor
companies that had developed a strategy
                                                                                                                                 standards, health and safety, and ethics.
(figure 7).
                                                                                  Figure 8: Long-term benefits of the            The California Transparency in Supply
                                                                                      Conflict Minerals provision                Chain Act,17 which seeks to curb human
              Figure 7: Anticipated impact of the 

                 Conflict Minerals provision
                                                                                    trafficking and slave labor, is one such
                                                                                                                                 example. A strong process developed for
    % anticipating higher cost from suppliers as a result of the Conflict 

                            Minerals provision

                                                                                                                                 conflict minerals may serve as a template
                                                                                                                                 to meet those regulations as well.
% responses


                    Companies that have NOT   Companies that have developed a
                      developed a strategy               strategy

               Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011                         Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011

Section 6: Conclusion

The Conflict Minerals provision of                                              once the ruling is finalized. The generally
Dodd-Frank places a new burden on                                               positive experience of companies that
SEC registered corporations to trace                                            have already begun work should spur
and report the source of 3TG metals.                                            other affected corporations to develop
Requirements of the new law are far                                             a conflict minerals strategy, and begin
from clear, and many corporations are                                           the due-diligence process sooner rather
waiting for the SEC to issue clarifications                                     than later. This message has been
before the end of the year.                                                     reiterated by the U.S. State Department
                                                                                in a press release on July 15, 2011 that
However, several leading corporations
                                                                                urges companies to begin to “…exercise
and industry groups have begun to trace
                                                                                due diligence immediately in order to
conflict minerals in their supply chain
                                                                                ensure a viable and conflict free supply
rather than wait for SEC’s final ruling, due
to the tight time line for implementation
Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank | 10

1.	 SEC Release No. 34-63547; File No. S7-40-10 (
2.	 “A Comprehensive Approach to Congo’s Conflict Minerals - Strategy Paper” by
    The Enough Project (­
6.	 U.S. Geological Survey (
7.   “SEC Postpones Rules on African Conflict Minerals Until August” by Bloomberg,
     April 12 2011 (­
8.	 “California takes decisive step against Congo’s conflict minerals” by Christian
    Science Monitor, April 13, 2011 (­
9.	 “City Councils: A New Pressure Point for the Conflict Minerals Movement?” by
    Enough Project, May 25 2011 (­
11.	 KPMG’s comment to the SEC:­
12. “Getting to Conflict-Free: Assessing Corporate Action on Conflict Minerals”
    by Enough Project Dec 13, 2010 (
13.	 “OECD (2011), OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of
     Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas” OECD Publishing (http://
15. “GeSI and the EICC® Launch Conflict Minerals Reporting Template
    and Dashboard, by GeSI, August 3, 2011 (
16. “SEC Conflict Mineral Filing Requirement Affects Automotive Suppliers” by
    PRWeb, May 16, 2011 (
17 “ The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act: New Legislation Requires
    Disclosures on Corporate Efforts to Eliminate Slavery and Human Trafficking” by
    Foley Hoag LLP October 3, 2010 (
18. “Statement Concerning Implementation of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank
    Legislation Concerning Conflict Minerals Due Diligence, United States
    Department of State, July 15, 2011.
Contact us

Jim Low
Partner, Americas Center of Excellence – Co-lead
T: 212-872-3205

Preet Nagvanshi
Director, Advisory
T: 212-872-6731

Bala Lakshman
Director, Advisory
T: 214-840-4005

Sara Ellison
Manager, Americas Center of Excellence
T: 212-954-2696

Caryn Bocchino
Senior Manager, Americas Center of Excellence
T: 203-406-8586


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Conflict Minerals Overview by KPMG (August 2011 Update)

  • 1. Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank Immediate implications and long-term opportunities for companies August 2011
  • 2. Contents Section 1: Summary ............................................................................................................2 Section 2: The law and its requirements..............................................................................3 Section 3: Analysis of industry action and challenges .........................................................5 Section 4: KPMG’s recommended approach.......................................................................8 Section 5: Long-term costs and benefits of implementing Section 1502............................9 Section 6: Conclusion ..........................................................................................................9
  • 3. Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank | 2 Section 1: Summary Even as the “conflict minerals’’ provision neighboring countries in Central Africa, A small number of companies already of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform where proceeds of the mining activities have begun the work of performing and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd- have been used to finance armed militias supply chain due diligence, some Frank, or the Act) slowly garners attention committing atrocities in those war-torn even before Dodd-Frank was enacted; in board rooms, C-suites, and among the countries. and, a few industry groups have been rank and file of companies around the instrumental in formulating industry-wide For many—if not most—businesses, world, questions abound regarding the solutions, with the high-tech industry the most daunting aspects of the provision’s scope, impact, reporting, and taking the lead. However, the majority of provision will involve complying with the auditing requirements. companies have not yet taken any action requirement to conduct due diligence on to formulate a strategy, according to a The conflict minerals provision, contained the origin of the conflict minerals, which recent KPMG survey on the topic. In fact, in Section 1502 of the Act, has a direct include gold, wolframite, casserite, it appears that general awareness of the bearing on reporting requirements on columbite-tantalite, and their derivative conflict minerals provision continues to about half (at least 6,000) of all publicly metals, which include tin, tungsten, and be low. Corporate counsel and auditors traded companies in the United States. tantalum. report that they have had to inform senior The Act directs the Securities and In today’s global economy, where executives at their affiliated companies Exchange Commission (SEC) to issue businesses utilize numerous vendors, about the conflict minerals provision, rules requiring companies to disclose in contract manufacturers, and strategic- its broad implications, and the reporting 10-K, 20-F and 40-F filings whether they , alliance partners, knowing simply how deadlines. The final rules, which were manufacture products containing certain to develop a strategy to determine the expected in April, are now anticipated to minerals mined from the Democratic source of minerals will be the first major be released before the end of 2011. Republic of Congo (DRC) or certain hurdle to clear. KPMG has developed a practical approach for conducting due diligence on conflict minerals—an approach that is in conformance with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines, and works well with tools and programs endorsed by two electronics industry associations—Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). While a number of organizations and specific businesses have raised a great deal of criticism about the complexity and ambiguity of the rules, a number of organizations that already have undertaken a supply-chain due diligence program have reported benefits beyond pure compliance of the rule requirements, not the least of which is supply-chain transparency. KPMG issued a recent Public Policy Alert addressing the impact conflict minerals provisions may have on strategic business planning such as supply chain optimization particularly during global expansion.
  • 4. 3 | Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank Section 2:The law and its requirements Introduction In enacting Section 1502, The term “conflict minerals” is used to Congress hoped to remedy describe certain minerals such as gold, what it perceived as the wolframite, casserite, columbite-tantalite exploitation and trade and their derivative metals, which of conflict minerals include tin, tungsten, and tantalum that originating in the DRC. are mined in the DRC or its adjoining Trade of these minerals countries.1 help finance armed conflict, characterized by The United Nations has been raising extreme levels of violence.1 awareness of mining of conflict minerals The purpose of Section 1502 is as a source of revenue for armed militias to promote transparency and consumer committing atrocities in the DRC for awareness regarding the use of conflict at least the past 10 years.2 Over the minerals and ultimately to discourage the last several years, Non-Governmental use of conflict minerals by manufacturing Organization (NGO) groups, such as the and processing companies. Enough Project3 and Global Witness,4 have championed the cause and lobbied Apart from action on tin, tantalum, Congress and several major electronics tungsten and gold (commonly referred corporations to take action. to as 3TG), Section 1502 leaves the door open for the U.S. Secretary of State to Attempts to legislate controls around the classify other metals/minerals as conflict Figure 1: DRC and adjoining countries use of these minerals began in 20095 minerals. Congress left the task of and culminated with the U.S. Congress formulating guidelines and implementing passing the Dodd-Frank Wall Street the rules to the SEC. Reform and Consumer Protection Act in 2010. Included in the Act was the little-known—and even less-understood —“Section 1502, dealing with conflict ” minerals. Table 1: Uses of 3TG and % from DRC1, 6 Metal Industries Using the Metal Common Applications Commercial Ores* % World-Supply from DRC Tin „ Electronics „ Solders for joining pipes and Cassiterite 5% circuits „ Automotive „ Tin plating of steel „ Industrial equipment „ Alloys (bronze, brass, „ Construction pewter) Tantalum „ Electronics „ Capacitors (in most Coltan (columbite-tantalite) 15-20% electronics), „ Medical equipment „ Carbide tools „ Industrial tools and equipment „ Jet engine components „ Aerospace Tungsten „ Electronics „ Metal wires, electrodes, Wolframite, Scheelite, 0.60% electrical contacts Ferberite, hübnerite „ Lighting „ Heating, and welding „ Industrial machinery applications Gold „ Jewelry „ Jewelry Various free and combined 0.5-2% forms „ Electronics „ Electric plating and IC wiring „ Aerospace
  • 5. Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank | 4 Applicability from a conflict mineral to make another Current time line The section requires that companies product. In other words, the conflict On December 23, 2010, the SEC that file 10-K, 20-F or 40-F annual reports , mineral need not appear in the final proposed rules governing specialized with the SEC, and use conflict minerals product to require reporting compliance. disclosure relating to conflict minerals in their manufacturing processes and and opened a period for receiving public The provision specifically mandates three supply chain, disclose in the reports comments. Final rules were due to be steps for companies to follow: whether the minerals came from the issued by April 15, 2011, but the release DRC or an adjoining country. 1. Determine if tin, tungsten, tantalum date was later delayed until sometime and gold are used to make its between August and December of 2011.7 The disclosure requirements will impact products. myriad industries, from makers of For now, it is understood that the final earrings, to cell phones, to combat jet 2. Determine if the metals they use rules will apply beginning with the annual fighters, to auto parts, and many more. originated in the DRC or neighboring report for the first full fiscal year after the The SEC estimates the law may directly countries. If the metals did not enactment of the final rules (i.e., for a impact as many as half (roughly 6,000) of originate in affected nations, calendar-year company, the annual report all U.S. publically traded companies and companies must report how the for 2012 to be filed early in 2013). perhaps thousands more suppliers.1 company determined the metals’ Action by state and local governments origins. The rule affects: On April 12, 2011, a California State 3. If the metals were from DRC or Senate committee passed a bill that „ Publicly listed companies that adjoining countries—or the source would curb the use of conflict minerals manufacture products utilizing conflict is unknown—companies must trace from Congo.8 If passed, the bill would minerals. the supply chain for the source and prohibit the state government from „ Publicly listed retailers that carry furnish an independently audited contracting with companies that fail private-label products or contracted report on those due-diligence efforts. to comply with federal regulations on with another party to have a conflict minerals. In addition, two cities, The SEC mandate is expected to require product specifically made for them; Pittsburgh, PA; and St. Petersburg FL, the first and second steps of the process however, retailers that only sell other have taken steps toward becoming described, regardless of the origin of companies’ branded products are not conflict-free cities, and NGOs have been these metals. The third step—disclosure required to report. lobbying other cities in the United States of the products manufactured, facilities and Canada to follow suit.9 „ Certain private or foreign corporations where DRC materials may have been that operate in the supply chain of a used, etc.—must be completed only if publicly listed U.S. customer. While the DRC is identified as a source or if the they do not have SEC reporting source is not identifiable. Companies obligations, it is likely that many will must make specific disclosures in their need to provide documentation to annual report, and if applicable, furnish their customers. a conflict mineral report as an exhibit, and on their Web site whether they „ Certain public/private distributors use conflict minerals in a product they with no product specifically made for manufacture, or in products contracted them. Similar to private corporations, to be manufactured on their behalf. while they are not covered by the new regulations, they may need to Federal law does not prohibit companies conduct due diligence to provide from sourcing conflict minerals, nor information to their public customers. impose a penalty for doing so. However, the intent is to rely on public pressure to Law’s requirement dissuade U.S. companies from indirectly All SEC-listed companies that use sourcing conflict minerals, and hence conflict minerals in the “functionality or fund the armed groups in the DRC. production” of a manufactured product must comply with the Act, including companies that used a product made
  • 6. 5 | Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank Section 3: Analysis of industry action and challenges Challenges to implementation Uncertainties include: deadline. Smaller companies are even There are many reasons why less likely to have developed a strategy. „ Nature and objective of audit: implementing Section 1502 could be challenging for companies. Its mandate – Conformity with a recognized Figure 2: Company strategy for conflict to companies is extremely complex and standard minerals it has been criticized in many quarters – Whether the issuer performed the Have you developed a strategy to as being vague and open to wide comply by the deadline? py y due-diligence procedures interpretation. Even though the SEC is expected to issue further details later in – Origin of the conflict minerals Yes 17% 2011, implementation may be challenging „ Applicable professional standards for for the following reasons: audit: Choice between attestation or 1. Uncertainties regarding the scope performance audit No Not sure/ Don't 59% of the requirement. Terms such as know „ Independence requirement: 24% “reasonable country of origin search” Standards set by the SEC, the Public and “substantial to the functionality” Company Accounting Oversight have caused a great deal of debate. Board (PCAOB), or the GAO % of companies that have not yet developed a strategy Also, the implications to retailers are to comply with regulation unclear, as is the extent to which due While the comments to the SEC10 80% 80% diligence will be required for recycled overwhelmingly supported the 70% 70% onses % responses 60% 60% materials. implementation of the new law, the 50% challenges were apparent in some of 40% 2. Mapping the supply chain is the comments from companies, trade 30% 30% expected to be an arduous task. 20% 20% groups, and service providers, including Today’s supply chains are global and 10% 10% KPMG. However, it is unrealistic to 0% highly complex. Between the ore and expect that the SEC will be able to clarify <$0.5B $0.5B - $1B - $5B $5B - $10B - >$20B the final use, materials frequently $1B $10B $20B every requirement. In fact, requirements change hands 10 or more times. The Annual revenues are expected to evolve over time, and dynamic nature of sourcing of parts it will be up to the industries to find Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011 and commodities that have yielded acceptable solutions. lower costs for companies have One of the first steps in “DRC conflict also made the supply chains less Individual company response and free” status is to develop a company transparent. Complexity can magnify potential reasons policy of not using conflict minerals and when companies use distributors Even before the conflict minerals including appropriate language in supplier or multiple suppliers for the same provision was signed into law, several contracts. The KPMG survey found that component. As a result, even large high-tech companies had started work fewer than 10 percent of respondents companies with substantial clout over on the issue. According to the Enough have even taken this step (figure 3). Not suppliers and extensive resources Project, companies such as Intel, HP, surprisingly, the majority of companies face significant challenges to map Apple, Dell, Motorola, Microsoft, and that have taken action are from the their entire supply chain. Nokia have begun conducting due high-tech industry or are suppliers to the diligence to become “DRC conflict 3. Uncertainties regarding audit industry. free. 12 ” standards. Companies are finding it While there may be several reasons for difficult to reach a conclusion about Despite these examples, and a looming the inaction, a lack of understanding of how the audit will be conducted. The reporting requirement about to become the act seems to be a strong contributor. proposed rule does not clearly state a reality, most companies have not Just over 50 percent of companies the type of conclusion sought and acted. A survey conducted by KPMG’s surveyed in the affected industries claim related objective of the audit of the Americas’ Financial Services Regulatory to have a good understanding (2 or higher conflict minerals report; but leaves Center of Excellence (figure 2) indicated on a scale of 0 through 4) of conflict it to the Government Accountability that only 17 percent of respondents minerals (see figure 4). In fact, only five Office (GAO) to provide guidelines. in affected industries claim to have a percent of respondents said that they strategy to comply by the reporting understood the provision very well.
  • 7. Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank | 6 Figure 3: Company policy and supplier Figure 4: Awareness of Conflict contracts Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank Awareness of Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank Have you started including verbiage in supplier contracts? 100% Yes 90% 5% Do not use 80% 80% 0 = Not aware aware 9% No 70% 70% 40% 1 60% Not sure/Don't know 46% 50% 2 40% 30% 30% 3 20% 20% Have you developed a company policy? 4 = Understand 10% very well Yes/In- process 0% 9% Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011 No Not sure/Don't know 53% 38% Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011
  • 8. 7 | Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank Industry-based Solutions Figure 5: Stages of conflict minerals due diligence by industry While individual companies have been Industrial slow to act, a few industry groups have taken the lead in formulating potential Aerospace solutions. The OECD has developed Healthcare standards that have been referenced1 by the SEC as a good starting point for Industry Automotive companies to base their policies for Chemicals compliance with the Act. The OECD requirements13 for risk-based due Retail diligence in the conflict mineral supply Electronics/High Tech chain include: „ Establish strong company Initial stages of Advanced stage management systems due diligence of due diligence „ Identify and assess risks in the supply Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011 chain process of developing a Conflict Free While other industry groups have not „ Design and implement a strategy to Smelter (CFS) program14. If successful, made public any common solutions, respond to identified risks companies performing due diligence the Automotive Industry Action Group „ Carry out independent third-party will only need to trace the 3TG supply (AIAG) and the Aerospace Industry audit chain down to smelters (see figure 6). Association (AIA) have sought to increase The work of tracking the mines of origin awareness among their members by „ Report on supply chain due diligence and preventing “tainted” minerals from holding seminars/Webinars. Through the Even though OECD guidelines may reaching the supply chain would then AIAG, six auto makers—Chrysler, Ford, be a good starting point, they do not fall on the smelters. Lastly, on August 3, GM, Honda of America, Nissan North outline how supply chain due diligence EICC and GeSi announced the release of America, and Toyota North America— could be conducted. Two electronics the “Due Diligence Reporting Template issued a letter dated April 19, 2011 to industry associations, Electronic and Dashboard” that companies can their suppliers alerting them of the new Industry Citizenship Coalition and use as a standard questionnaire for law.16 Global e-Sustainability Initiative, which conducting inquiries into supplier’s Figure 5 illustrates the progress made by together represent a large group sources of metals.15 various industries on addressing conflict of high-tech companies, are in the minerals. Figure 6: Proposed solution for end-to-end supply chain transparency Source: KPMG LLP 2011 ,
  • 9. Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank | 8 Section 4: KPMG’s recommended approach Recommended steps „ Prepare disclosure statements in is leading the implementation of this Based on extensive experience with accordance with SEC requirements initiative to drive towards meeting past due diligence and reporting “significant and reasonable” due- „ Engage third party to perform an requirements, KPMG has developed diligence requirements. independent conflict minerals audit a simple process that involves the Gaps in internal and external processes following key steps: „ Institutionalize a process so to update were identified and an action plan put in with ease on an annual basis „ Identify use of 3TG conflict minerals place to bridge the gaps by December, in products manufactured or KPMG successfully tested this approach 2011. assembled with a U.S.-based electronics corporation OECD guidelines, industry best practices with global operations, and thousands „ Identify and survey suppliers of 3TG for supply chain due diligence, and of worldwide suppliers. In the face metals questionnaires available from EICC-GeSi of imperfect information and gaps in were referenced during the course of the „ Perform a risk assessment using tools supplier data, KPMG worked with the project. and OECD guidelines company’s procurement group that Case Study KPMG recently assisted a U.S.-based, business implications of the rigorous the annual report disclosure on conflict global manufacturer with more than compliance process. The team included minerals. 3,000 suppliers in instituting a rigorous legal, investor relations, procurement, Looking for opportunities beyond “auditable” supply chain due diligence corporate social responsibility, supply traditional compliance process to assess its risk exposure chain, and others within the company In the end, the company used this to conflict minerals. The ancillary who typically handle large change project to gain other significant benefits objectives beyond the immediate management exercises. such as future supplier certification and compliance goal were to develop a Compliance strategy meet audit requirements, establishing process that could be extended to other The team developed a process a process to respond to customer corporate social responsibility initiatives to identify, survey, and risk rate requests to provide information on the in the future—one that would integrate suppliers that use 3TG metals in the use of conflict minerals in the products with the company’s overall risk process manufacture of components used by sold, identifying opportunities for (both from an internal audit and external this company. This was done using, consolidation and supply chain cost audit perspective) and drive vendor in part, a KPMG proprietary tool that reduction, and preemptive identification accountability while improving the provided the mechanism to collect and of risk due to sole sourced suppliers. stability of their own supply chain. analyze the results. Supplier information This company also saw value in Getting started was synthesized into information that positioning their market brand as The company established a will be used to complete and maintain conflict free. multidisciplinary team to address Source: KPMG Public Policy Alert, July 2011, “Legislative complexity challenges traditional business and compliance strategies. ”
  • 10. 9 | Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank Section 5: Long-term costs and benefits of implementing Section 1502 The fear of the unknown Supplemental benefits of conducting recognize that there could be other Several comments to the SEC from supply chain due diligence potential benefits of performing supply industry groups have expressed During a recent KPMG Webcast chain due diligence for conflict minerals, concerns about the cost of implementing on conflict minerals, the audience, such as identification of opportunities for the provisions of the new law. KPMG’s comprising representatives from more supply chain simplification/rationalization survey specifically asked respondents than 500 diverse organizations, was (6%) and cost reduction (14%), and about the (perceived) impact of asked if they foresaw any supplemental improvement in customer goodwill/brand compliance. The surprising finding was benefits from implementing the conflict recognition (8%). that companies that had not already minerals provision. Only nine percent Industry participants believe that this law developed a conflict minerals strategy of respondents chose “none, viewing ” may trigger similar regulations on other were three times more likely to anticipate the effort as purely a reporting burden corporate social responsibility issues, higher costs from suppliers than (figure 8). It appears that companies such as environment/sustainability, labor companies that had developed a strategy standards, health and safety, and ethics. (figure 7). Figure 8: Long-term benefits of the The California Transparency in Supply Conflict Minerals provision Chain Act,17 which seeks to curb human Figure 7: Anticipated impact of the Conflict Minerals provision trafficking and slave labor, is one such example. A strong process developed for % anticipating higher cost from suppliers as a result of the Conflict Minerals provision provision conflict minerals may serve as a template to meet those regulations as well. 20% 20% 18% % responses 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Companies that have NOT Companies that have developed a developed a strategy strategy Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011 Source: KPMG Conflict Minerals Survey, 2011 Section 6: Conclusion The Conflict Minerals provision of once the ruling is finalized. The generally Dodd-Frank places a new burden on positive experience of companies that SEC registered corporations to trace have already begun work should spur and report the source of 3TG metals. other affected corporations to develop Requirements of the new law are far a conflict minerals strategy, and begin from clear, and many corporations are the due-diligence process sooner rather waiting for the SEC to issue clarifications than later. This message has been before the end of the year. reiterated by the U.S. State Department in a press release on July 15, 2011 that However, several leading corporations urges companies to begin to “…exercise and industry groups have begun to trace due diligence immediately in order to conflict minerals in their supply chain ensure a viable and conflict free supply rather than wait for SEC’s final ruling, due chain…”18 to the tight time line for implementation
  • 11. Conflict Minerals Provision of Dodd-Frank | 10 Sources 1. SEC Release No. 34-63547; File No. S7-40-10 ( proposed/2010/34-63547.pdf) 2. “A Comprehensive Approach to Congo’s Conflict Minerals - Strategy Paper” by The Enough Project (­ approach-conflict-minerals-strategy-paper) 3. 4. 5. 6. U.S. Geological Survey ( 7. “SEC Postpones Rules on African Conflict Minerals Until August” by Bloomberg, April 12 2011 (­ on-african-conflict-minerals-until-august.html) 8. “California takes decisive step against Congo’s conflict minerals” by Christian Science Monitor, April 13, 2011 (­ Monitor/2011/0413/California-takes-decisive-step-against-Congo-s-conflict­ minerals) 9. “City Councils: A New Pressure Point for the Conflict Minerals Movement?” by Enough Project, May 25 2011 (­ new-pressure-point-conflict-minerals-movement) 10. 11. KPMG’s comment to the SEC:­ 110.pdf 12. “Getting to Conflict-Free: Assessing Corporate Action on Conflict Minerals” by Enough Project Dec 13, 2010 ( getting-conflict-free) 13. “OECD (2011), OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas” OECD Publishing (http:// , 14. 15. “GeSI and the EICC® Launch Conflict Minerals Reporting Template and Dashboard, by GeSI, August 3, 2011 ( ” GeSINewsFullStory/tabid/85/smid/503/ArticleID/84/reftab/37/Default.aspx) 16. “SEC Conflict Mineral Filing Requirement Affects Automotive Suppliers” by PRWeb, May 16, 2011 ( Republic_of_Congo/prweb8430202.htm) 17 “ The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act: New Legislation Requires . Disclosures on Corporate Efforts to Eliminate Slavery and Human Trafficking” by Foley Hoag LLP October 3, 2010 ( , legislation/the-california-transparency-in-supply-chains-act-new-legislation­ requires-disclosures-on-corporate-efforts-to-eliminate-slavery-and-human-traffic­ king/) 18. “Statement Concerning Implementation of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Legislation Concerning Conflict Minerals Due Diligence, United States ” Department of State, July 15, 2011.
  • 12. Contact us Jim Low Partner, Americas Center of Excellence – Co-lead T: 212-872-3205 E: Preet Nagvanshi Director, Advisory T: 212-872-6731 E: Bala Lakshman Director, Advisory T: 214-840-4005 E: Sara Ellison Manager, Americas Center of Excellence T: 212-954-2696 E: Caryn Bocchino Senior Manager, Americas Center of Excellence T: 203-406-8586 E: Resources Contact FS Regulatory Center of Excellence E: Visit Web Site Public Policy Alerts © 2011 KPMG LLP a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member , firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. The KPMG name, logo and “cutting through complexity” are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. 68835NYO