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Egyptian Architecture Vs Greek Temple Essay
The word temple from the Latin word templum means a dwelling place. One of the things Egyptian and Greek temples have together is that their
temples serve as a worship places or dwelling place for their gods. The temples were built to house their gods. The sanctuaries where rituals are made
to their gods on behave of the pharaohs (Egyptian rulers) and the kings (Greek rulers), and their people. However, the Egyptian temples were not
intended for public gathering. Ordinary people were forbidden to worship in the temple. The Egyptian temples were only permissive to the priest that
offer sacrifice on behalf of the pharaoh and the people (59). On the other hand, the Greek temples even though they have inner places that only the
priests can enter, more content...
In the tenth century B.C.E., Greek temple was made of ephemeral materials such as wood and mud brick. In the eighth century B.C.E., the Greek
architecture begins to move from ephemeral materials to permanent material like stone. In the fifth century B.C.E., the Greek city–states were engaging
in the show of resources. An example is the Athenians that invested substantial resources in the building of their temple to honor their gods. In
addition, architecture was affected immensely in the process of uplifting the temple in the later century. Greeks re–used temples by remodeling it.
Building a new structure on existing
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Greek Architecture Research Paper
The Greeks and other civilizations, like the Etruscans, architectural style consisted of a post–and–lintel system, which meant they had to two upright
columns, a post, with a horizontal block, known as a lintel, laid flat across the top. An example of this style would be the Greek temple, the
Parthenon, Acropolis. The buildings would look great and massive on the outside, but when it came to the interior, it was limited to space, as the
lintels were very heavy, so much of the interior was dedicated to supporting the load. Although the Romans still used this tradition they had a new way
of building so that they would have both a beautiful exterior and interior with their buildings. This was possible with the new material they used to build
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Characteristics Of Greek Architecture
Greek Architecture:
The Architectures of Greek was produced by the Hellenic group of people who used to speak Greek as a language. Ancient Greek is very well known
for its architecture of temples and also the architecture of open air theatres. Ancient Greek architecture is distinguished from other architectural work in
terms of its structure and decoration. The temples mainly were constructed on high grounds, so that elegance of its proportion can be visible and the
effect of light can be seen from all angles. Greek architecture was all about simplicity and symmetry.
Ancient Greek architecture is divided into three main architectural styles Ionic, Doric and Corinthian.
The domestic buildings in the Greek time period used to have open more content...
The temples in those days did not function in the same way as today. Temples then were a storage for the treasures associated with the cult, where the
devotees would leave their offerings such as helmets, weapons and also statues for the god. Public spaces more gracious and dignified and would have
similar architectural properties so that they could relate to each other.
The architecture of ancient Greece is a composition of posts, which are the vertical beams and lentils which are the horizontal beams. Originally, for the
construction of the buildings wooden beams were used, but later they were replaced with stone for stronger structural support. Some of the temples
which are still standing were made with stones.
The entablature is a horizontal structural element which supports the roof and runs around the entire length of the building. In case of Ionic and
Corinthian, the decoration or sculpting runs in a continues manner throughout. But in Doric it is divided into two sections Metopes and Triglyphs.
Triglyphs are the vertical grooves and Metopes are the space between each Triglyphs. In the front and rear of each temple, the entablature supports a
triangular structure known as the Pediment. The pediment is known for the extraordinary decoration on the exterior of the
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Classical Greek Architecture Essay
Classical Greek Architecture
The reuse of older art works in contemporary times is not an uncommon occurrence, and many examples can be seen throughout the day as one goes
from place to place. Even when one is browsing through the World Wide Web can many uses of older art and architecture be seen, as with the example
shown. This image was found on the internet at the American Express homepage (, which functions as a
resource for college students to find access to many commercial advertisements about discounts and products relevant for students. This homepage
caters mostly to students, as non–students would not apply to the majority of the goods or services available.
The picture itself is more content...
The entablature and pediment rest on top of the columns, forming post and lintel construction. The entablature often contains friezes in the Ionic order,
and metopes and triglyphs in the Doric. The metopes were often painted and the triglyphs may have symbolized wood cross beams that would have
been used before the knowledge of stone construction was developed. The Ionic friezes often contained sculpted figures that relate in some way to the
functionality of the temple or building. The pediment, which rests on the entablature, usually has the shape of an isosceles triangle with sculpture that
varies from low relief to sculpture in the round.
The organization of the columns around the main body of the temple varies in about five major styles. The first three have a small rectangular shaped
building called a cella with two to four columns in front, as with the in antis style and the prostyle, or with an additional four columns in back as with
the amphiprostyle temples. The last two styles consist of a larger rectangular building divided into two rooms, one functioning as a cella. These two
styles are mainly differentiated by one row of columns surrounding the structure, called peripteral, or with two rows of columns, called dipteral. If one
looks at the picture with these standards of Greek architecture in mind, some noticeable similarities and differences occur.
The artist of this graphic, whether intentional or not, used a basic prostyle design and went from
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The History of Greek Architecture Essays
The History of Greek Architecture
The architecture of ancient Greece is represented by buildings in the sanctuaries and cities of mainland Greece, the Aegean islands, southern
Italy and Sicily, and the Ionian coast of Turkey. Monumental Greek architecture began in the archaic period, flourished through the classical and
Hellenistic periods, and saw the first of many revivals during the
Roman Empire. The roots of Greek architecture lie in the tradition of local
Bronze Age house and palaces. The following paper will cover the basic forms of Greek architecture.
One of the many types of Greek building structures was Sacred
Architecture. The Greeks conceived of their gods in human form, as more content...
This era brought about the introduction of both the Doric and Ionic Orders.
The Doric Order, which originated around 400 BCE brought rise to a whole new type of building technique and style. In the archaic temples, stone
gradually started to replace wood, and some of the structural details of the early buildings appear to have been copied in stone. At Thermon, in
northwestern Greece, a succession of buildings from the Last Bronze Age throughout the sixth century BCE show the evolution of the Doric temple
from a hall shaped like a hairpin to a long rectangular building with a porch at either end and surrounded by columns. The temple of Hera at
Olympia, built about 600 BCE, had wooden columns that were gradually replaced by stone ones, probably as votive gifts. The variety of column and
capital shapes illustrates the evolution of the Doric order. The earliest columns had a heavy, bulging profile, and their capitals were broad and low.
During the archaic period, limestone became the standard building material for foundations, steps, walls, columns, and Doric entablature. Building
such as the famous Temple of Aphaia on Aegina illustrate the dramatic influence of the Doric order.
White the Doric order became the standard for mainland Greece, the
Ionian colonies in the eastern Aegean were developing a very different system of columns and entablature based on Egyptian and Near Eastern
architecture. The tall slender columns, low entablature, and
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Greek Architecture Symbolism
Ancient Greek architecture was very intricately made and well thought out. The Greeks used different methods and reasonings behind their
architecture because they made sure that their pieces were exquisitely made to represent the things they thought were important. They valued
their Gods and their worship of the Gods. It was important for them to always represent or have symbolic meaning behind all of their architectural
designs. There are many hidden symbols that are involved in Greek architecture like trees, trophies, leaves, hair, and sacrifices to name a few.
Greek architecture includes these hidden symbols to worship Gods, and to represent culture in their pieces. First, Greek architecture was mainly
created to give respect to Gods and create worship areas for the Gods. Representing and respecting Greek Gods appropriately was considered
important to the Greek people during this time. A very early Greek architectural example of showing respect towards the Gods, was when trees
were used as the first temples as a place of worship. As expressed by Pliny, "The Trees formed the first temples of the Gods." (Pliny). Trees held a
valuable position to the Greeks because they were classified as sacred and even representational to certain Gods. The Greeks believed that trees had
relation to certain Gods. For example, The God Zeus's sacred tree was the oak tree, while, the olive tree was the Goddess Athena's sacred tree. The
olive tree was the first temple for Athena, which was
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Essay on Greek Architecture
Greek Architecture
The Greek culture has had a huge impact on the history of the world. There is something Greek in almost everything, especially in the world's
architecture. Greece no longer had one king, so they focused on building temples for their gods. Architecture began small and plain but evolved into
impressive pieces of art. As time passed from the Archaic period to theHellenistic period, the people of Greece developed a type of formula for their
buildings and their pieces of art.
In Ancient Greece, religion dominated their life, so it is understandable that their architecture would be dominated by their religion. Before Greece
became many different city–states, they had kings, and they would build a room called more content...
They are also described as being entasis, meaning that about two thirds of the way up the column begins to taper in. The fluting of the columns was
hallowed out semi–circles. The entablature of a Doric temple is also very plain. The cornice is plain, meaning there is no ornament on the cornice.
The frieze is broken up into triglyphs and metopes. A triglyph are a series of sculpted vertical lines, and a metope is a plain area. The architrave is one
full piece with no ornament.
An Ionic temple is considered to be feminine. The Ionic temple is very different to the Doric. An Ionic column is very sleek and slender. Just like the
Doric column, the Ionic column is proportioned to its diameter. The height of an Ionic column is nine to ten times the diameter. The column has a
base and the capital is more decorative with the use of scroll volutes. The fluting is very much like the Doric except there is a flat area in between
every hallowed out semi–circle. The entablature of an Ionic temple has a lot more decoration. The cornice and the frieze with both have some sort of
ornament or sculpture. The architrave is broken up into three or four pieces.
The Corinthian order is not used much in Ancient Greece. The Corinthian column is much like the Ionic but the capital is decorated with acanthus
leaves. The Corinthian column is used mostly on the interior and becomes widely used in Ancient Rome.
A Greek temple can be classified in three
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Achievements Of Ancient Greek Architecture
In ancient Greece, architecture was one of the most important aspects that they had. The architecture was important because it was one of the ways the
Greeks contributed to their world. Also, that some of their designs are still here today, like the Athenian Acropolis, a sign that the Greek architecture
was influential. Three architectural achievements that the Greeks had were; the Columns, the Archimedean Screw, and the Pulleys. Each of these
aspects still affects our world today. These developments in Greek architecture, have a lasting impact on our world.
Let's first look at the importance of the columns. Columns were used to decorate the facade of buildings and support the upper structure of buildings.
So, the columns reduce the amount of extra weight from the top to overweigh the structure. Throughout ancient history, and even today columns are
still used for the purpose to have an extra element to buildings. On page 219 in paragraph one, it states that "the ancient Greeks created some of the
most beautiful structures from; religious temples and statues to large outdoor arenas and government buildings." "However, the Greeks built their most
sacred buildings on the Athenian Acropolis, made from a hard limestone called marble. The quote explains the importance of sacred buildings to the
ancient Greeks. Another thing is that on page 221 on the first caption, it states that "the temple of Athena Nike inAthens is one of the most famous Ionic
buildings in the world. It's
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Greek Architecture Essay
Characteristics of Greek Architecture:–
Instead of covering nearly every bit of space with ornament, as the Egyptians did, the Greeks selected only the best places for it, and thus gave it its
proper effect. The decorations, especially the sculptures, were one of the chief features of a Greek temple. Besides their temples the Greeks built many
theaters which may be studied from their ruins, but of their dwelling–houses almost nothing remains to us.
The Greek style is noted for the repose, harmony, and proportion of its effect. These are terms we might use in speaking of a painting, but they relate
to the composition of a building which is, in many respects, similar to the composition of a picture. In selecting more content...
The most important of the Ionic temples left to us is the Erechtheum at Athens. It differs from other temples in its irregularity. This makes it doubly
interesting for it shows that although the Greeks nearly always adhered to one simple form, they could dispense with it when they wished. In the
Erechtheum, they wished to provide for several shrines in one building, and under one roof. The irregularity they have made so beautiful and
interesting that it is a wonder they did not repeat the idea many times in other structures. Its two colonnades of different designs, its remarkable north
doorway, and the famous caryatid porch to the south are unsurpassed. Another temple, that of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus, was known as one of the
seven wonders of the ancient world.
This is the most ornate of the classical orders, and the most slender in its proportions. The capital is shaped somewhat like a bell inverted, and is
adorned with rows of acanthus leaves. A great example of the, third, or Corinthian order is the monument of Lysicrates at Athens.
"Straight is the line of duty."
"Curved is the line of beauty"
"Follow the one and it shall be; The other shall always follow thee."
For such reasons, Greek architecture was called "Intellectual".
"Where on the Aegean shore a city stands,
Built nobly, pure the air and light the soil;
Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts and
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Greek and Roman Architecture Essay example
Greek and Roman Architecture
Greek and Roman architecture is truly amazing. They each had great ideas, and fabulous productions. It is said that the Pantheon is to Italy what the
Parthenon is to Greece. Both are tremendous monuments that reek of culture and history. Each had a purpose which was displayed by the design and
construction of each. There are such great meanings behind each of these architecural structures. The Romans and the Greeks alike worshipped and
dedicated their structures and designs to the Gods and Goddess they believed in.
The Pantheon is a temple to all the Greek gods and goddesses. The Pantheon was a temple in honor of the Olympic gods; in fact, the word pantheon
is Greek for "of all the gods" It is more content...
From the outside of the Pantheon the dome seems shallow and insignificant, said to be purposely done not to ruin the "suprise" of the interior (Gilbert
379). It is only when viewing the inside that one can truly appreciate the amazing architectural design and workmanship of this building. Another
remarkable attribute of this temple to the gods is that it is still in use today with much of the original materials intact. The columns, the marble paneled
walls, the floor, and the two enormous bronze doors are all originals, making the Pantheon the best preserved surviving Roman structure. The Panthenon
can be viewed at the following site which shows many pictures of the interior and exterior of this truly remarkle building:
Dedicated to the goddess Athena, the warrior maiden, the Parthenon is a Doric style temple (Gilbert 368). It took about 15 years to complete this
strucutre (Gilbert 370). A lot like the Roman Pantheon, it had many columns surrounding the interior and exterior of this structure. This place was
decorated with many sculptures along the inner roof top. It was painted in vivid colors, such as red and blue (Gilbert 370). Refered to as the cella its
inner chamber housed the monumental statue of the Goddess Athena. Pheidias' hisself created this thirty foot high statue of Athena Parthenos,
consisting of a frame made of wood, metal, clay, and plaster.
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Greek Architectural System
Greek life was based on religion, which led to the creation of the biggest and most beautiful temples. Alongside with strong religion came political
purpose in which they built temples to demonstrate civic power. Greek society eventually was broken in free people and slaves and the slaves were
owned by the free people. They were used for labor without any right at all. Slavery was eventually ended throughout the many years. The greek had 3
architectural systems which are doric, ionic, and corinthian. These systems were called orders. The doric style was plain and rather sturdy and was
used in Greece Italy and Sicily. The ionic style was thinner and more elegant, decorated with a scroll design and found it eastern greece and the islands.
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All through history, there have been a few huge structural developments. The last, and maybe most continuing development is that of Classic Greece.
Despite the fact that for a considerable length of time, the design of old Greece has been respected, copied, and recreated, its beginnings are to some
degree shocking to one unfamiliar with the history of the region. It is imperative to comprehend the history and mechanics of Classic Greek
engineering with a specific end goal to completely value its frame, capacity, and excellence. "Ancient Greek architects strove for the precision and
excellence of workmanship that are the hallmarks of Greek art in general. The formulas they invented as early as the sixth century B.C. have influenced
the architecture of the past two millennia" ( This paper will cover the essential types of Greek design and the reasoning behind the
important architectural concepts that shaped the society through their Greek politics, beliefs and their constructive orders. One of the numerous sorts
of Greek building structures was Sacred Architecture. The Greeks imagined their divine beings in human frame, as human representations of the
powers and components of the common world. These divine beings and goddesses were worshiped with penances made at an outside sacrificial table.
At numerous asylums, the sacrificial stone was much more established than the sanctuary, and a few havens had just a holy place. The sanctuary
composed basically
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Essay on Greek Architecture
Greek Architecture: History and Mechanics
Throughout history, there have been several significant architectural movements. The last, and perhaps most enduring movement is that of Classic
Greece. Although for centuries, the architecture of ancient Greece has been admired, mimicked, and replicated, its beginnings are somewhat surprising
to one unfamiliar with the history of the region. It is important to understand the history and mechanics of Classic Greek architecture in order to fully
appreciate its form, function, and beauty. "Ancient Greek architects strove for the precision and excellence of workmanship that are the hallmarks of
Greek art in general. The formulas they invented as early as the more content...
One of the most famous examples of Minoan architecture is "...the palace at Knossos, their chief city, located near the northern coast of the island, was
five stories high and consisted of hundreds of interconnected rooms" (Nardo, 12). Nardo states "there is evidence that these were highly sophisticated
buildings with modern–style plumbing features, such as flush toilets and clay pipes carrying hot and cold water. As many as thirty to fifty thousand
people lived in the palace at Knossos and in the city that surrounded it. And there were dozens, perhaps hundreds of Minoan cities and towns on Crete
and the islands of the Aegean Sea, the inlet of the Mediterranean Sea bordering eastern Greece" (Nardo, 12).
"Because the Minoans kept few records and no histories, their culture had been largely forgotten by the time of the classical Greeks. Yet a few vague
memories of Minoan days remained, passed on by word of mouth over the course of many centuries" (Nardo, 13). It is this little bit of information that
was orally passed down which became the foundation for the classical Greek style, when combined with the Egyptian influences to come.
"Greek Life was dominated by religion and so it is not surprising that the temples of ancient Greece were the biggest and most beautiful. They also
had a political purpose as they were often built to celebrate civic power and pride, or offer thanksgiving to the patron deity of a city for success in
war" ( The
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Ancient Greek And Greek Architecture
Ancient Greek architecture dates from around 800 BCE when the site of Delphi first obtained a religious significance. The architecture of Ancient
Greece has influenced the architecture of the past two millennia most significantly that of Ancient Rome (Hemingway, 2003). Greek architecture
influenced Roman architecture in extensive ways, giving that the Romans adopted and incorporated many Greek methods and elements into their own
practice. Although the Romans were inspired by the Greek there are still many differences in their architecture most noticeably through materiality.
Although the Greeks constructed many types of buildings the most recognisable "Greek" structure is the temple. (Becker, 2015) As stated by Coleen
Hemingway in an article for the Metropolitan Museum of Art " the Greek temple best exemplifies the aims and methods of Greek Architecture". Whilst
exploring such architecture it is necessary to examine the mentality, religious beliefs and driving forces of each civilization. According to Stierlin
"Unlike the Greek temple, essentially a structure for the play of light and shade, with little interior space accommodating a small sanctuary, Roman
builders typically used arches, vaults, matching more content...
Although the Romans were influenced and used parts of what the Greeks had previously designed and established, they quickly adopted new
techniques combined with the existing techniques to construct a whole new range of architectural structures. In this style the Romans added to the
Greek Corinthian columns making them even more decorative. The Romans also created their own column style known as the Composite Capital which
was a combination of the volute from the Ionic order and the acanthus design from the Corinthian. (Cartwright,
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Importance Of Greek Art And Architecture
Importance of Greek Art and Architecture
Student's Name
University Affiliation
The Greek culture fascinates the young and the old, the scholar and the tourist, the Greek and the foreigner. The Geek artifacts have demonstrated
unique and ageless artisanship. From the buildings to the paintings, the pieces of ancient artifacts indicate symbolic meanings of the ancient Greek
society. The citizens nurtured this practice over particular periods in since the history of its existence. Due to the advanced techniques of dating ancient
material, scientists have gathered more information about Greece than any other time. As such, this essay discusses the importance of understanding
Greek art, architecture, and how its expressions reflect essential characteristics of the Greek culture.
Several buildings of the past Greek dynasties stand to date. These buildings demonstrate particular characteristics about the people back then. They fell
into two categories – Doric and Ionic (Neer, 2012).The Doric type was common in the mainland Greece whereas the Ionic structures filled the cities of
Ionia. Over time, the various events that rocked the ancient country destroyed some of its structures. One of them; however, stands tall albeit derelict.
The Parthenon, made or marble was built to house the goddess Athena – the goddess of wisdom. Similar buildings were put up to honor the various
Greek gods. These structures denoted how religious the society was back then.
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Ancient Greek Architecture
Ancient Greece is considered by many historians to be the cultural foundation of Western Civilization. Many aspects of Western life that remain visible
today demonstrate how immensely influential the Ancient Greek civilization was, with one of the most evident areas of influence being Architecture.
Ancient Greek Architecture is one of the earliest forms of architectural style. Greek architects provided some of the finest and most extraordinary
buildings that showcased their artistic brilliance in terms of construction and design. One of the prime examples of the architectural skills that the
Greeks possessed is the Parthenon. In its day, and still to this date, the Parthenon is perhaps one of the grandest structures built. The building was
constructed between 447 and 432 BCE in the 'Age of Pericles', and is located on the highest point of the Acropolis, in Athens. The construction of the
temple followed the Persian attack on the city in 480 BCE, which caused extensive damage to the buildings on the Acropolis. Pericles initiated the
project to build new buildings in order to replace the damaged ones and was therefore responsible for the construction of all the grand buildings on the
Acropolis, with the Parthenon being the most spectacular. The Parthenon was designed by the architects Iktinos and Kallikratis, and the making of the
building was overseen by the sculptor Phidias – one of the greatest artist of his day. The Acropolis is the most important monument of ancient
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Ancient Greek And Roman Architecture Essay
This essay will mostly outline the main similarities and differences associated with ancient Greek and Roman architecture. This paper will venture to
distinguish the physical and integral differences between ancient Roman and Greek architecture. It will also determine the similarities associated with
these two variations of ancient architecture. In addition, this paper will explain why and how these forms of architecture are still relevant in today's
society. Ancient architecture is not just a thing of the past; it's more prevalent in modern day than ever before. We will then analyze how ancient
Roman and Greek architecture differ in architectural style, construction methods, time periods they were created, and best of all, overall exterior
appearance. At that point, this paper will propose and conclude a deeper meaning to this difference. The ancient Romans and Greeks were in an
architectural battle. This was a constant battle to defeat each other in architecture. However, this was not just a battle between two empires in
architecture. This paper is not just a compare and contrast essay about ancient architecture. This essay will outline and discover a greater purpose of
this constant battle of architecture. There was much more to this rivalry than just to create better, more elegant structures. We will unravel the real
purpose about this architectural rivalry that was created many, many centuries ago.
Ancient Rome vs. Greece: The Architectural War
Let's just
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The art of architecture is one that has been studied for years and years. The first architects came from Rome when the architect Vitruvius wrote De
Architectura.The definition of an architect is a person who designs buildings and in many cases also supervises their construction. On top of that there
are many futuristic aspects of architecture. A job I would be very interested in would be anarchitect because I enjoy the art of architecture and it's rich
history. The history of architecture is one with many important aspects. Some of the greatest architects in history have come out of Rome. The romans
introduced many of the key aspects of architecture. They made new aspects such as vaults, domes, and bridges. Without the early discoveries from the
romans who knows how we would be constructing many buildings today. Another incredible example of elite architecture is the great pyramids inEgypt
, they were made long before we had advanced technology. The Great pyramids introduce to art of symmetry and the excellence of the egyptian
architecture. The Greeks also incorporate advanced architecture for the time period. The Greeks use arches columns and domes just like the romans.
Next is the art and beauty that is brought out through architecture. One aspect is texture, texture on buildings make them different and match the
lifestyle and feeling of a building. After the texture there is the art that goes into architecture. One example of that is the giant bean
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No matter where you are in the world today, you will surprisingly find that the architectural style on Europe is so similar to that of Greece if you
have been to Greece before. Buildings, monuments, and even houses which related to religion or politics have always primarily consisted of wood,
unbaked bricks, limestone and marble, and metals. The three major style of greek architecture, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles, have dominated
entire Europe. If you have an overall understanding of the work in Renaissance, you will surprisingly find that the artifacts and sculptures during the
late middle age were all about the rival of interest in classical Greece. Why did it happen? What are the other impacts the ancient greek have? Ancient
Greece is located in the northeast of the Mediterranean, including the southern Balkans, the Aegean Sea islands. Making up of many city–states, it is
the birthplace of European civilization. The ancient Greek culture encourages pursuing the value of life, focusing the characteristics of personality, and
thinking the origins of the world. As the cradle of Western civilization, ancient Greece laid the foundation for the development of science and
technology, philosophy, literature and art in the future and made outstanding contributions to human civilization. One of the most important legacies of
ancient Greece was its political system. The ideas of democracy and representatives were derived from the ancient Greek. Because of the
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Egyptian Architecture Vs Greek Temple Essay

  • 1. Egyptian Architecture Vs Greek Temple Essay The word temple from the Latin word templum means a dwelling place. One of the things Egyptian and Greek temples have together is that their temples serve as a worship places or dwelling place for their gods. The temples were built to house their gods. The sanctuaries where rituals are made to their gods on behave of the pharaohs (Egyptian rulers) and the kings (Greek rulers), and their people. However, the Egyptian temples were not intended for public gathering. Ordinary people were forbidden to worship in the temple. The Egyptian temples were only permissive to the priest that offer sacrifice on behalf of the pharaoh and the people (59). On the other hand, the Greek temples even though they have inner places that only the priests can enter, more content... In the tenth century B.C.E., Greek temple was made of ephemeral materials such as wood and mud brick. In the eighth century B.C.E., the Greek architecture begins to move from ephemeral materials to permanent material like stone. In the fifth century B.C.E., the Greek city–states were engaging in the show of resources. An example is the Athenians that invested substantial resources in the building of their temple to honor their gods. In addition, architecture was affected immensely in the process of uplifting the temple in the later century. Greeks re–used temples by remodeling it. Building a new structure on existing Get more content on
  • 2. Greek Architecture Research Paper The Greeks and other civilizations, like the Etruscans, architectural style consisted of a post–and–lintel system, which meant they had to two upright columns, a post, with a horizontal block, known as a lintel, laid flat across the top. An example of this style would be the Greek temple, the Parthenon, Acropolis. The buildings would look great and massive on the outside, but when it came to the interior, it was limited to space, as the lintels were very heavy, so much of the interior was dedicated to supporting the load. Although the Romans still used this tradition they had a new way of building so that they would have both a beautiful exterior and interior with their buildings. This was possible with the new material they used to build Get more content on
  • 3. Characteristics Of Greek Architecture Greek Architecture: The Architectures of Greek was produced by the Hellenic group of people who used to speak Greek as a language. Ancient Greek is very well known for its architecture of temples and also the architecture of open air theatres. Ancient Greek architecture is distinguished from other architectural work in terms of its structure and decoration. The temples mainly were constructed on high grounds, so that elegance of its proportion can be visible and the effect of light can be seen from all angles. Greek architecture was all about simplicity and symmetry. Ancient Greek architecture is divided into three main architectural styles Ionic, Doric and Corinthian. The domestic buildings in the Greek time period used to have open more content... The temples in those days did not function in the same way as today. Temples then were a storage for the treasures associated with the cult, where the devotees would leave their offerings such as helmets, weapons and also statues for the god. Public spaces more gracious and dignified and would have similar architectural properties so that they could relate to each other. The architecture of ancient Greece is a composition of posts, which are the vertical beams and lentils which are the horizontal beams. Originally, for the construction of the buildings wooden beams were used, but later they were replaced with stone for stronger structural support. Some of the temples which are still standing were made with stones. The entablature is a horizontal structural element which supports the roof and runs around the entire length of the building. In case of Ionic and Corinthian, the decoration or sculpting runs in a continues manner throughout. But in Doric it is divided into two sections Metopes and Triglyphs. Triglyphs are the vertical grooves and Metopes are the space between each Triglyphs. In the front and rear of each temple, the entablature supports a triangular structure known as the Pediment. The pediment is known for the extraordinary decoration on the exterior of the Get more content on
  • 4. Classical Greek Architecture Essay Classical Greek Architecture The reuse of older art works in contemporary times is not an uncommon occurrence, and many examples can be seen throughout the day as one goes from place to place. Even when one is browsing through the World Wide Web can many uses of older art and architecture be seen, as with the example shown. This image was found on the internet at the American Express homepage (, which functions as a resource for college students to find access to many commercial advertisements about discounts and products relevant for students. This homepage caters mostly to students, as non–students would not apply to the majority of the goods or services available. The picture itself is more content... The entablature and pediment rest on top of the columns, forming post and lintel construction. The entablature often contains friezes in the Ionic order, and metopes and triglyphs in the Doric. The metopes were often painted and the triglyphs may have symbolized wood cross beams that would have been used before the knowledge of stone construction was developed. The Ionic friezes often contained sculpted figures that relate in some way to the functionality of the temple or building. The pediment, which rests on the entablature, usually has the shape of an isosceles triangle with sculpture that varies from low relief to sculpture in the round. The organization of the columns around the main body of the temple varies in about five major styles. The first three have a small rectangular shaped building called a cella with two to four columns in front, as with the in antis style and the prostyle, or with an additional four columns in back as with the amphiprostyle temples. The last two styles consist of a larger rectangular building divided into two rooms, one functioning as a cella. These two styles are mainly differentiated by one row of columns surrounding the structure, called peripteral, or with two rows of columns, called dipteral. If one looks at the picture with these standards of Greek architecture in mind, some noticeable similarities and differences occur. The artist of this graphic, whether intentional or not, used a basic prostyle design and went from Get more content on
  • 5. The History of Greek Architecture Essays The History of Greek Architecture The architecture of ancient Greece is represented by buildings in the sanctuaries and cities of mainland Greece, the Aegean islands, southern Italy and Sicily, and the Ionian coast of Turkey. Monumental Greek architecture began in the archaic period, flourished through the classical and Hellenistic periods, and saw the first of many revivals during the Roman Empire. The roots of Greek architecture lie in the tradition of local Bronze Age house and palaces. The following paper will cover the basic forms of Greek architecture. One of the many types of Greek building structures was Sacred Architecture. The Greeks conceived of their gods in human form, as more content... This era brought about the introduction of both the Doric and Ionic Orders. The Doric Order, which originated around 400 BCE brought rise to a whole new type of building technique and style. In the archaic temples, stone gradually started to replace wood, and some of the structural details of the early buildings appear to have been copied in stone. At Thermon, in northwestern Greece, a succession of buildings from the Last Bronze Age throughout the sixth century BCE show the evolution of the Doric temple from a hall shaped like a hairpin to a long rectangular building with a porch at either end and surrounded by columns. The temple of Hera at Olympia, built about 600 BCE, had wooden columns that were gradually replaced by stone ones, probably as votive gifts. The variety of column and capital shapes illustrates the evolution of the Doric order. The earliest columns had a heavy, bulging profile, and their capitals were broad and low. During the archaic period, limestone became the standard building material for foundations, steps, walls, columns, and Doric entablature. Building such as the famous Temple of Aphaia on Aegina illustrate the dramatic influence of the Doric order. White the Doric order became the standard for mainland Greece, the Ionian colonies in the eastern Aegean were developing a very different system of columns and entablature based on Egyptian and Near Eastern architecture. The tall slender columns, low entablature, and
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  • 7. Greek Architecture Symbolism Ancient Greek architecture was very intricately made and well thought out. The Greeks used different methods and reasonings behind their architecture because they made sure that their pieces were exquisitely made to represent the things they thought were important. They valued their Gods and their worship of the Gods. It was important for them to always represent or have symbolic meaning behind all of their architectural designs. There are many hidden symbols that are involved in Greek architecture like trees, trophies, leaves, hair, and sacrifices to name a few. Greek architecture includes these hidden symbols to worship Gods, and to represent culture in their pieces. First, Greek architecture was mainly created to give respect to Gods and create worship areas for the Gods. Representing and respecting Greek Gods appropriately was considered important to the Greek people during this time. A very early Greek architectural example of showing respect towards the Gods, was when trees were used as the first temples as a place of worship. As expressed by Pliny, "The Trees formed the first temples of the Gods." (Pliny). Trees held a valuable position to the Greeks because they were classified as sacred and even representational to certain Gods. The Greeks believed that trees had relation to certain Gods. For example, The God Zeus's sacred tree was the oak tree, while, the olive tree was the Goddess Athena's sacred tree. The olive tree was the first temple for Athena, which was Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Greek Architecture Greek Architecture The Greek culture has had a huge impact on the history of the world. There is something Greek in almost everything, especially in the world's architecture. Greece no longer had one king, so they focused on building temples for their gods. Architecture began small and plain but evolved into impressive pieces of art. As time passed from the Archaic period to theHellenistic period, the people of Greece developed a type of formula for their buildings and their pieces of art. In Ancient Greece, religion dominated their life, so it is understandable that their architecture would be dominated by their religion. Before Greece became many different city–states, they had kings, and they would build a room called more content... They are also described as being entasis, meaning that about two thirds of the way up the column begins to taper in. The fluting of the columns was hallowed out semi–circles. The entablature of a Doric temple is also very plain. The cornice is plain, meaning there is no ornament on the cornice. The frieze is broken up into triglyphs and metopes. A triglyph are a series of sculpted vertical lines, and a metope is a plain area. The architrave is one full piece with no ornament. An Ionic temple is considered to be feminine. The Ionic temple is very different to the Doric. An Ionic column is very sleek and slender. Just like the Doric column, the Ionic column is proportioned to its diameter. The height of an Ionic column is nine to ten times the diameter. The column has a base and the capital is more decorative with the use of scroll volutes. The fluting is very much like the Doric except there is a flat area in between every hallowed out semi–circle. The entablature of an Ionic temple has a lot more decoration. The cornice and the frieze with both have some sort of ornament or sculpture. The architrave is broken up into three or four pieces. The Corinthian order is not used much in Ancient Greece. The Corinthian column is much like the Ionic but the capital is decorated with acanthus leaves. The Corinthian column is used mostly on the interior and becomes widely used in Ancient Rome. A Greek temple can be classified in three
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  • 10. Achievements Of Ancient Greek Architecture In ancient Greece, architecture was one of the most important aspects that they had. The architecture was important because it was one of the ways the Greeks contributed to their world. Also, that some of their designs are still here today, like the Athenian Acropolis, a sign that the Greek architecture was influential. Three architectural achievements that the Greeks had were; the Columns, the Archimedean Screw, and the Pulleys. Each of these aspects still affects our world today. These developments in Greek architecture, have a lasting impact on our world. Let's first look at the importance of the columns. Columns were used to decorate the facade of buildings and support the upper structure of buildings. So, the columns reduce the amount of extra weight from the top to overweigh the structure. Throughout ancient history, and even today columns are still used for the purpose to have an extra element to buildings. On page 219 in paragraph one, it states that "the ancient Greeks created some of the most beautiful structures from; religious temples and statues to large outdoor arenas and government buildings." "However, the Greeks built their most sacred buildings on the Athenian Acropolis, made from a hard limestone called marble. The quote explains the importance of sacred buildings to the ancient Greeks. Another thing is that on page 221 on the first caption, it states that "the temple of Athena Nike inAthens is one of the most famous Ionic buildings in the world. It's Get more content on
  • 11. Greek Architecture Essay Characteristics of Greek Architecture:– INTRODUCTION:– Instead of covering nearly every bit of space with ornament, as the Egyptians did, the Greeks selected only the best places for it, and thus gave it its proper effect. The decorations, especially the sculptures, were one of the chief features of a Greek temple. Besides their temples the Greeks built many theaters which may be studied from their ruins, but of their dwelling–houses almost nothing remains to us. The Greek style is noted for the repose, harmony, and proportion of its effect. These are terms we might use in speaking of a painting, but they relate to the composition of a building which is, in many respects, similar to the composition of a picture. In selecting more content... The most important of the Ionic temples left to us is the Erechtheum at Athens. It differs from other temples in its irregularity. This makes it doubly interesting for it shows that although the Greeks nearly always adhered to one simple form, they could dispense with it when they wished. In the Erechtheum, they wished to provide for several shrines in one building, and under one roof. The irregularity they have made so beautiful and interesting that it is a wonder they did not repeat the idea many times in other structures. Its two colonnades of different designs, its remarkable north doorway, and the famous caryatid porch to the south are unsurpassed. Another temple, that of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus, was known as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. THE GREEK CORINTHIAN ORDER:– This is the most ornate of the classical orders, and the most slender in its proportions. The capital is shaped somewhat like a bell inverted, and is adorned with rows of acanthus leaves. A great example of the, third, or Corinthian order is the monument of Lysicrates at Athens. "Straight is the line of duty." "Curved is the line of beauty" "Follow the one and it shall be; The other shall always follow thee." For such reasons, Greek architecture was called "Intellectual". "Where on the Aegean shore a city stands, Built nobly, pure the air and light the soil;
  • 12. Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts and Get more content on
  • 13. Greek and Roman Architecture Essay example Greek and Roman Architecture Greek and Roman architecture is truly amazing. They each had great ideas, and fabulous productions. It is said that the Pantheon is to Italy what the Parthenon is to Greece. Both are tremendous monuments that reek of culture and history. Each had a purpose which was displayed by the design and construction of each. There are such great meanings behind each of these architecural structures. The Romans and the Greeks alike worshipped and dedicated their structures and designs to the Gods and Goddess they believed in. The Pantheon is a temple to all the Greek gods and goddesses. The Pantheon was a temple in honor of the Olympic gods; in fact, the word pantheon is Greek for "of all the gods" It is more content... From the outside of the Pantheon the dome seems shallow and insignificant, said to be purposely done not to ruin the "suprise" of the interior (Gilbert 379). It is only when viewing the inside that one can truly appreciate the amazing architectural design and workmanship of this building. Another remarkable attribute of this temple to the gods is that it is still in use today with much of the original materials intact. The columns, the marble paneled walls, the floor, and the two enormous bronze doors are all originals, making the Pantheon the best preserved surviving Roman structure. The Panthenon can be viewed at the following site which shows many pictures of the interior and exterior of this truly remarkle building: /curriculum/soc_studies/rome/Pantheon.html Dedicated to the goddess Athena, the warrior maiden, the Parthenon is a Doric style temple (Gilbert 368). It took about 15 years to complete this strucutre (Gilbert 370). A lot like the Roman Pantheon, it had many columns surrounding the interior and exterior of this structure. This place was decorated with many sculptures along the inner roof top. It was painted in vivid colors, such as red and blue (Gilbert 370). Refered to as the cella its inner chamber housed the monumental statue of the Goddess Athena. Pheidias' hisself created this thirty foot high statue of Athena Parthenos, consisting of a frame made of wood, metal, clay, and plaster. Get more content on
  • 14. Greek Architectural System Greek life was based on religion, which led to the creation of the biggest and most beautiful temples. Alongside with strong religion came political purpose in which they built temples to demonstrate civic power. Greek society eventually was broken in free people and slaves and the slaves were owned by the free people. They were used for labor without any right at all. Slavery was eventually ended throughout the many years. The greek had 3 architectural systems which are doric, ionic, and corinthian. These systems were called orders. The doric style was plain and rather sturdy and was used in Greece Italy and Sicily. The ionic style was thinner and more elegant, decorated with a scroll design and found it eastern greece and the islands. Get more content on
  • 15. All through history, there have been a few huge structural developments. The last, and maybe most continuing development is that of Classic Greece. Despite the fact that for a considerable length of time, the design of old Greece has been respected, copied, and recreated, its beginnings are to some degree shocking to one unfamiliar with the history of the region. It is imperative to comprehend the history and mechanics of Classic Greek engineering with a specific end goal to completely value its frame, capacity, and excellence. "Ancient Greek architects strove for the precision and excellence of workmanship that are the hallmarks of Greek art in general. The formulas they invented as early as the sixth century B.C. have influenced the architecture of the past two millennia" ( This paper will cover the essential types of Greek design and the reasoning behind the important architectural concepts that shaped the society through their Greek politics, beliefs and their constructive orders. One of the numerous sorts of Greek building structures was Sacred Architecture. The Greeks imagined their divine beings in human frame, as human representations of the powers and components of the common world. These divine beings and goddesses were worshiped with penances made at an outside sacrificial table. At numerous asylums, the sacrificial stone was much more established than the sanctuary, and a few havens had just a holy place. The sanctuary composed basically Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Greek Architecture Greek Architecture: History and Mechanics Throughout history, there have been several significant architectural movements. The last, and perhaps most enduring movement is that of Classic Greece. Although for centuries, the architecture of ancient Greece has been admired, mimicked, and replicated, its beginnings are somewhat surprising to one unfamiliar with the history of the region. It is important to understand the history and mechanics of Classic Greek architecture in order to fully appreciate its form, function, and beauty. "Ancient Greek architects strove for the precision and excellence of workmanship that are the hallmarks of Greek art in general. The formulas they invented as early as the more content... One of the most famous examples of Minoan architecture is "...the palace at Knossos, their chief city, located near the northern coast of the island, was five stories high and consisted of hundreds of interconnected rooms" (Nardo, 12). Nardo states "there is evidence that these were highly sophisticated buildings with modern–style plumbing features, such as flush toilets and clay pipes carrying hot and cold water. As many as thirty to fifty thousand people lived in the palace at Knossos and in the city that surrounded it. And there were dozens, perhaps hundreds of Minoan cities and towns on Crete and the islands of the Aegean Sea, the inlet of the Mediterranean Sea bordering eastern Greece" (Nardo, 12). "Because the Minoans kept few records and no histories, their culture had been largely forgotten by the time of the classical Greeks. Yet a few vague memories of Minoan days remained, passed on by word of mouth over the course of many centuries" (Nardo, 13). It is this little bit of information that was orally passed down which became the foundation for the classical Greek style, when combined with the Egyptian influences to come. "Greek Life was dominated by religion and so it is not surprising that the temples of ancient Greece were the biggest and most beautiful. They also had a political purpose as they were often built to celebrate civic power and pride, or offer thanksgiving to the patron deity of a city for success in war" ( The Get more content on
  • 17. Ancient Greek And Greek Architecture A COMPARISON OF ANCIENT GREEK AND ROMAN TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE Ancient Greek architecture dates from around 800 BCE when the site of Delphi first obtained a religious significance. The architecture of Ancient Greece has influenced the architecture of the past two millennia most significantly that of Ancient Rome (Hemingway, 2003). Greek architecture influenced Roman architecture in extensive ways, giving that the Romans adopted and incorporated many Greek methods and elements into their own practice. Although the Romans were inspired by the Greek there are still many differences in their architecture most noticeably through materiality. Although the Greeks constructed many types of buildings the most recognisable "Greek" structure is the temple. (Becker, 2015) As stated by Coleen Hemingway in an article for the Metropolitan Museum of Art " the Greek temple best exemplifies the aims and methods of Greek Architecture". Whilst exploring such architecture it is necessary to examine the mentality, religious beliefs and driving forces of each civilization. According to Stierlin "Unlike the Greek temple, essentially a structure for the play of light and shade, with little interior space accommodating a small sanctuary, Roman builders typically used arches, vaults, matching more content... Although the Romans were influenced and used parts of what the Greeks had previously designed and established, they quickly adopted new techniques combined with the existing techniques to construct a whole new range of architectural structures. In this style the Romans added to the Greek Corinthian columns making them even more decorative. The Romans also created their own column style known as the Composite Capital which was a combination of the volute from the Ionic order and the acanthus design from the Corinthian. (Cartwright, Get more content on
  • 18. Importance Of Greek Art And Architecture Importance of Greek Art and Architecture Student's Name University Affiliation Date The Greek culture fascinates the young and the old, the scholar and the tourist, the Greek and the foreigner. The Geek artifacts have demonstrated unique and ageless artisanship. From the buildings to the paintings, the pieces of ancient artifacts indicate symbolic meanings of the ancient Greek society. The citizens nurtured this practice over particular periods in since the history of its existence. Due to the advanced techniques of dating ancient material, scientists have gathered more information about Greece than any other time. As such, this essay discusses the importance of understanding Greek art, architecture, and how its expressions reflect essential characteristics of the Greek culture. Several buildings of the past Greek dynasties stand to date. These buildings demonstrate particular characteristics about the people back then. They fell into two categories – Doric and Ionic (Neer, 2012).The Doric type was common in the mainland Greece whereas the Ionic structures filled the cities of Ionia. Over time, the various events that rocked the ancient country destroyed some of its structures. One of them; however, stands tall albeit derelict. The Parthenon, made or marble was built to house the goddess Athena – the goddess of wisdom. Similar buildings were put up to honor the various Greek gods. These structures denoted how religious the society was back then. Get more content on
  • 19. Ancient Greek Architecture Ancient Greece is considered by many historians to be the cultural foundation of Western Civilization. Many aspects of Western life that remain visible today demonstrate how immensely influential the Ancient Greek civilization was, with one of the most evident areas of influence being Architecture. Ancient Greek Architecture is one of the earliest forms of architectural style. Greek architects provided some of the finest and most extraordinary buildings that showcased their artistic brilliance in terms of construction and design. One of the prime examples of the architectural skills that the Greeks possessed is the Parthenon. In its day, and still to this date, the Parthenon is perhaps one of the grandest structures built. The building was constructed between 447 and 432 BCE in the 'Age of Pericles', and is located on the highest point of the Acropolis, in Athens. The construction of the temple followed the Persian attack on the city in 480 BCE, which caused extensive damage to the buildings on the Acropolis. Pericles initiated the project to build new buildings in order to replace the damaged ones and was therefore responsible for the construction of all the grand buildings on the Acropolis, with the Parthenon being the most spectacular. The Parthenon was designed by the architects Iktinos and Kallikratis, and the making of the building was overseen by the sculptor Phidias – one of the greatest artist of his day. The Acropolis is the most important monument of ancient Get more content on
  • 20. Ancient Greek And Roman Architecture Essay This essay will mostly outline the main similarities and differences associated with ancient Greek and Roman architecture. This paper will venture to distinguish the physical and integral differences between ancient Roman and Greek architecture. It will also determine the similarities associated with these two variations of ancient architecture. In addition, this paper will explain why and how these forms of architecture are still relevant in today's society. Ancient architecture is not just a thing of the past; it's more prevalent in modern day than ever before. We will then analyze how ancient Roman and Greek architecture differ in architectural style, construction methods, time periods they were created, and best of all, overall exterior appearance. At that point, this paper will propose and conclude a deeper meaning to this difference. The ancient Romans and Greeks were in an architectural battle. This was a constant battle to defeat each other in architecture. However, this was not just a battle between two empires in architecture. This paper is not just a compare and contrast essay about ancient architecture. This essay will outline and discover a greater purpose of this constant battle of architecture. There was much more to this rivalry than just to create better, more elegant structures. We will unravel the real purpose about this architectural rivalry that was created many, many centuries ago. Ancient Rome vs. Greece: The Architectural War Let's just Get more content on
  • 21. The art of architecture is one that has been studied for years and years. The first architects came from Rome when the architect Vitruvius wrote De Architectura.The definition of an architect is a person who designs buildings and in many cases also supervises their construction. On top of that there are many futuristic aspects of architecture. A job I would be very interested in would be anarchitect because I enjoy the art of architecture and it's rich history. The history of architecture is one with many important aspects. Some of the greatest architects in history have come out of Rome. The romans introduced many of the key aspects of architecture. They made new aspects such as vaults, domes, and bridges. Without the early discoveries from the romans who knows how we would be constructing many buildings today. Another incredible example of elite architecture is the great pyramids inEgypt , they were made long before we had advanced technology. The Great pyramids introduce to art of symmetry and the excellence of the egyptian architecture. The Greeks also incorporate advanced architecture for the time period. The Greeks use arches columns and domes just like the romans. Next is the art and beauty that is brought out through architecture. One aspect is texture, texture on buildings make them different and match the lifestyle and feeling of a building. After the texture there is the art that goes into architecture. One example of that is the giant bean Get more content on
  • 22. No matter where you are in the world today, you will surprisingly find that the architectural style on Europe is so similar to that of Greece if you have been to Greece before. Buildings, monuments, and even houses which related to religion or politics have always primarily consisted of wood, unbaked bricks, limestone and marble, and metals. The three major style of greek architecture, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles, have dominated entire Europe. If you have an overall understanding of the work in Renaissance, you will surprisingly find that the artifacts and sculptures during the late middle age were all about the rival of interest in classical Greece. Why did it happen? What are the other impacts the ancient greek have? Ancient Greece is located in the northeast of the Mediterranean, including the southern Balkans, the Aegean Sea islands. Making up of many city–states, it is the birthplace of European civilization. The ancient Greek culture encourages pursuing the value of life, focusing the characteristics of personality, and thinking the origins of the world. As the cradle of Western civilization, ancient Greece laid the foundation for the development of science and technology, philosophy, literature and art in the future and made outstanding contributions to human civilization. One of the most important legacies of ancient Greece was its political system. The ideas of democracy and representatives were derived from the ancient Greek. Because of the Get more content on