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  Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                Overall System
      Implementation and Experimental Results
                       Conclusions Future Work

Efficient Privacy Preserving Content Based Publish
               Subscribe Systems

             Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino


                                      June 21, 2012

    Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Publish Subscribe Systems

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Content Based Pub/Sub Systems
             Produced by publishers
             Consist of set of attribute-value pairs
             Example: { symbol = ”MSFT”, price = 30.93, size = 1000 }
             Produced by subscribers
             Specify a condition on one or more attributes in a notification
             Examples: (symbol = ”GOOG” ∧ price ≥ 578), (1000 ≤ size
             ≤ 2000)
     Brokers match notifications against subscriptions and forward
     the matching notifications to authorized subscribers

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Why Filtering?

     Access control restrictions
     Computational, storage and/or bandwidth considerations
             Subscribers do not have sufficient computational power,
             storage or bandwidth
             Subscribers are interested only in certain types of notifications

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Security and Privacy

      With the utilization of third-party brokering networks, brokers
      cannot be trusted for the confidentiality/privacy
      Publication privacy
             Hide the notifications from brokers
      Subscription privacy
             Hide subscription from brokers
             Unable to link multiple subscriptions
      The goal of this work is to address these privacy issues

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Isn’t It a Solved Problem?
      Secure pub-sub systems
             Hinder matching functionality
             False positives [Raiciu 2006]
             Limited expressiveness [Srivatsa et al. 2007]
             Key management overhead [Bacon et al. 2008]
      Searchable encryption
             Secure keyward matching [Song et al. 2000]
             Order preserving encryption [Boldyreva et al. 2009]
      Secure multi-party computation

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Goals of our Work

     Allows brokers to make matching decisions without letting
     them learn the actual notifications and subscriptions
     Perform accurate matching and covering
     Support the same expressiveness as the system without
     Minimize the overhead introdcued by the security layer

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

System Overview
             Produce ”encrypted” notifications
             Register subscribers
             Make ”encrypted” subscriptions
             Authenticate subscribers and handle subscriptions
             Match incoming notifications with existing subscriptions and
             forward to the notifications to corresponding subscribers

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Trust Model

     Brokers are honest-but-curious
     Brokers may collude with one another
     Publishers are trusted
     Subscribers are not trusted for subscriptions

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Message Format

     Each notification consists of a set of attribute-value pairs
     The set of AVPs is called the payload
     The AVPs related to matching are ”blinded” using our scheme
     The payload is encrypted using a seperate cryptosystem
             Examples: Broadcast encryption, Proxy Re-Encryption,
             Attribute Based Encryption

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Homomorphic Encryption

     E (m1 ) · E (m2 ) = E (m1 ⊙ m2 )
     Partially vs. fully homomorphic cryptosystems
     Additive homomorphic cryptosystems
             E (m1 ) · E (m2 ) = E (m1 + m2 )
             Examples: Paillier, Damgard, Benaloh
     Multiplicative homomorphic cryptosystems
             E (m1 ) · E (m2 ) = E (m1 · m2 )
             Examples: Unpadded RSA, El-Gamal

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Paillier Homomorphic Crytosystem (PHC)
     Key generation KG (p, q)
             p and q are large primes
             Private key = (λ, µ)
             Public key = (n, g ), n = pq and g ∈ Z/(n2 )×
     Encryption E (m, r )
             c = g m · r n (mod n2 )
     Decryption D(c)
             m = L(c λ (mod n2 )) · µ (mod n), where L(u) = (u − 1)/n

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Homomorphic Properties of PHC

     PHC is additive homomorphic:

        D(E (m1 , r1 )E (m2 , r2 ) (mod n2 )) = m1 + m2 (mod n)
                      D(E (m1 , r1 )k (mod n2 )) = km1 (mod n)

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
    Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                  Overall System
        Implementation and Experimental Results
                         Conclusions Future Work

Tweaking PHC

     Making µ public
     Shifting the computation so that matching and covering
     operations are efficient
     Allowing to compute the randomized difference without
     decrypting individual values

      Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Making µ Public

     Original private key = (λ, µ) and public key = (n, g )
     Modified private key = λ and public key = (n, g , µ)
     Due to the hardness of Computational Diffie-Hellman
     problem, it is hard to derive λ from µ.

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
      Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                    Overall System
          Implementation and Experimental Results
                           Conclusions Future Work

Shifting the Computation

  Encryption E ′ (m, r , λ)

                            E ′ (m, r ) = E (m, r )λ
                                           = g mλ · r nλ (mod n2 )

  Decryption D(c)

                        D(c) = L(c (mod n2 )) · µ (mod n)

        Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
      Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                    Overall System
          Implementation and Experimental Results
                           Conclusions Future Work

Allowing to Compute Differences
  Allowing to find the difference of x and v
  Encryption E ′′ (x, v )

                            x ′ = g t · E ′ (x, r1 ) (mod n2 )
                            v ′ = g −t · E ′ (−v , r2 ) (mod n2 )
  We get the following:
                                    x ′ · v ′ = E ′ (x − v , r3 )
  Decryption D(x ′ · v ′ )

                                       D(x ′ · v ′ ) = x − v
        Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Allowing to Compare

     Notification = x ∈ [0, 2l ], where l is the domain size
     Subscription = v ∈ [0, 2l ]
     Difference d = x − v
     The matching table is as follows:

                              d                      Decision
                              0                      x =v
                              < n/2                  x >v
                              > n/2                  x <v

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino      PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

How to hide the difference?

     The current approach reveals the difference to brokers
     The key idea: using the unused range to hide the difference

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

Hiding the Difference

     Introduce two random numbers rp and rq during blinding:
     x ′′ = g t · E ′ (x, r1 )rp E ′ (rq ) (mod n2 )
     v ′′ = g −t · E ′ (−v , r2 )rp (mod n2 )
     x ′′ and v ′′ are called blinded values
     The decryption results in the following output:
     D(x ′′ · v ′′ ) = rp (x − v ) + rq = d ′
     The matching table is as follows:

                              d’                     Decision
                              ≤ n/2                  x≥v
                              > n/2                  x <v

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino      PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

System Protocols and Interactions
             Intialize system security parameters
             Domain size = l bits (2l << n)
             Subscribers initially registers with publishers and obtain
             randomized access tokens
             Subscribers submit blinded subscriptions (v ′′ ) to brokers
             Publishers submit blinded notifications (x ′′ ) to brokers
             For each notification, brokers compute x ′′ · v ′′ and make
             matching decision
             Brokers find covering relationships among subscriptions
       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
      Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                    Overall System
          Implementation and Experimental Results
                           Conclusions Future Work

Correctness of Matching
  The following shows the correctness of d ′ . Let

                                    y = x ′′ · v ′′ (mod n2 )

                   y = g t · (E ((rp x + rq )λ) · g −t · (E (−v ))rp λ
                       (mod n2 )
                      = {E (rp x + rq )) · E (−rp v )}λ (mod n2 )
                      = (E (rp (x − v ) + rq ))λ (mod n2 )
                  d ′ = L(y ) · µ (mod n)
                      = rp (x − v ) + rq

        Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work

     Implementation Environment
             Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 2.50GHz 4GB
             Linux kernel version 2.6.27
             Java 1.6 with Bouncy Castle
     Two types of experiments
             Extension to SIENA

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS
                         Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                                       Overall System
                             Implementation and Experimental Results
                                              Conclusions Future Work

Protocol Experiments (Blinding)

                 100                                                                                                                20
                                         Encrypt Subscription (Sub)                                                                                    Encrypt Subscription (Sub)
                                 Blind Encrypted Subscription (Pub)                                                                            Blind Encrypted Subscription (Pub)
                 90                          Blind Notification (Pub)                                                                                      Blind Notification (Pub)


  Time (in ms)

                                                                                                                     Time (in ms)
                 50                                                                                                                 10




                  0                                                                                                                 0
                   200     400         600       800       1000         1200      1400   1600   1800   2000   2200                       10   20        30          40          50          60         70   80   90   100
                                                            Bit length of n (Paillier)                                                                                     Bit length of content (l)

                                              (a) Varying n                                                                                                   (b) Varying l

                           Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino                                                         PP-CBPS
                                   Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                                                 Overall System
                                       Implementation and Experimental Results
                                                        Conclusions Future Work

Protocol Experiments (Match/Cover)

                           400                                                                                                                110
                                    Match (Broker)                                                                                                       Match (Broker)
                                    Cover (Broker)                                                                                                       Cover (Broker)


                           300                                                                                                                105
  Time (in microseconds)

                                                                                                                     Time (in microseconds)

                           200                                                                                                                100


                           100                                                                                                                95


                            0                                                                                                                 90
                             200      400       600   800   1000      1200        1400   1600   1800   2000   2200                                  10       20           30     40        50          60         70   80   90   100
                                                            Bit length of n (Paillier)                                                                                                Bit length of content (l)

                                                      (c) Varying n                                                                                                            (d) Varying l

                                      Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino                                                    PP-CBPS
                       Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                                     Overall System
                           Implementation and Experimental Results
                                            Conclusions Future Work

System Experiments

                  12                                                                                                 140
                         SIENA                                                                                               l = 25 bits
                       PP-CBPS                                                                                               l = 10 bits



                                                                                                Time (in microsec)
   Time (in ms)






                  0                                                                                                   0
                  1000       1500   2000   2500        3000         3500   4000   4500   5000                         1000       1500      2000   2500        3000         3500   4000   4500   5000
                                               No. of subscriptions                                                                                   No. of subscriptions

                                 (e) Equality Filtering                                                                        (f) Inequality Filtering

                           Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino                            PP-CBPS
     Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem
                                   Overall System
         Implementation and Experimental Results
                          Conclusions Future Work


     We proposed approach for brokers to perform matching and
     covering operations without learning the actual subscriptions
     and notifications
     Experimental results shows that the approach is practical
     Our privacy preserving matching technique can be utilized in
     other applications
     Future work
             Implement our scheme on an industry strength JMS
             Support frequent subscriptions/unsubscriptions

       Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino     PP-CBPS

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Efficient Privacy Preserving Content Based Publish Subscribe Systems

  • 1. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Efficient Privacy Preserving Content Based Publish Subscribe Systems Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino June 21, 2012 Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 2. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Publish Subscribe Systems Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 3. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Content Based Pub/Sub Systems Notifications Produced by publishers Consist of set of attribute-value pairs Example: { symbol = ”MSFT”, price = 30.93, size = 1000 } Subscriptions Produced by subscribers Specify a condition on one or more attributes in a notification Examples: (symbol = ”GOOG” ∧ price ≥ 578), (1000 ≤ size ≤ 2000) Brokers match notifications against subscriptions and forward the matching notifications to authorized subscribers Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 4. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Why Filtering? Access control restrictions Computational, storage and/or bandwidth considerations Subscribers do not have sufficient computational power, storage or bandwidth Subscribers are interested only in certain types of notifications Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 5. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Security and Privacy With the utilization of third-party brokering networks, brokers cannot be trusted for the confidentiality/privacy Publication privacy Hide the notifications from brokers Subscription privacy Hide subscription from brokers Unable to link multiple subscriptions The goal of this work is to address these privacy issues Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 6. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Isn’t It a Solved Problem? Secure pub-sub systems Hinder matching functionality False positives [Raiciu 2006] Limited expressiveness [Srivatsa et al. 2007] Key management overhead [Bacon et al. 2008] Searchable encryption Secure keyward matching [Song et al. 2000] Order preserving encryption [Boldyreva et al. 2009] Secure multi-party computation Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 7. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Goals of our Work Allows brokers to make matching decisions without letting them learn the actual notifications and subscriptions Perform accurate matching and covering Support the same expressiveness as the system without security Minimize the overhead introdcued by the security layer Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 8. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work System Overview Publishers Produce ”encrypted” notifications Register subscribers Subscribers Make ”encrypted” subscriptions Brokers Authenticate subscribers and handle subscriptions Match incoming notifications with existing subscriptions and forward to the notifications to corresponding subscribers Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 9. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Trust Model Brokers are honest-but-curious Brokers may collude with one another Publishers are trusted Subscribers are not trusted for subscriptions Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 10. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Message Format Each notification consists of a set of attribute-value pairs (AVPs) The set of AVPs is called the payload The AVPs related to matching are ”blinded” using our scheme The payload is encrypted using a seperate cryptosystem Examples: Broadcast encryption, Proxy Re-Encryption, Attribute Based Encryption Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 11. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Homomorphic Encryption E (m1 ) · E (m2 ) = E (m1 ⊙ m2 ) Partially vs. fully homomorphic cryptosystems Additive homomorphic cryptosystems E (m1 ) · E (m2 ) = E (m1 + m2 ) Examples: Paillier, Damgard, Benaloh Multiplicative homomorphic cryptosystems E (m1 ) · E (m2 ) = E (m1 · m2 ) Examples: Unpadded RSA, El-Gamal Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 12. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Paillier Homomorphic Crytosystem (PHC) Key generation KG (p, q) p and q are large primes Private key = (λ, µ) Public key = (n, g ), n = pq and g ∈ Z/(n2 )× Encryption E (m, r ) c = g m · r n (mod n2 ) Decryption D(c) m = L(c λ (mod n2 )) · µ (mod n), where L(u) = (u − 1)/n Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 13. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Homomorphic Properties of PHC PHC is additive homomorphic: D(E (m1 , r1 )E (m2 , r2 ) (mod n2 )) = m1 + m2 (mod n) D(E (m1 , r1 )k (mod n2 )) = km1 (mod n) Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 14. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Tweaking PHC Making µ public Shifting the computation so that matching and covering operations are efficient Allowing to compute the randomized difference without decrypting individual values Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 15. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Making µ Public Original private key = (λ, µ) and public key = (n, g ) Modified private key = λ and public key = (n, g , µ) Due to the hardness of Computational Diffie-Hellman problem, it is hard to derive λ from µ. Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 16. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Shifting the Computation Encryption E ′ (m, r , λ) E ′ (m, r ) = E (m, r )λ = g mλ · r nλ (mod n2 ) =c Decryption D(c) D(c) = L(c (mod n2 )) · µ (mod n) Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 17. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Allowing to Compute Differences Allowing to find the difference of x and v Encryption E ′′ (x, v ) x ′ = g t · E ′ (x, r1 ) (mod n2 ) v ′ = g −t · E ′ (−v , r2 ) (mod n2 ) We get the following: x ′ · v ′ = E ′ (x − v , r3 ) Decryption D(x ′ · v ′ ) D(x ′ · v ′ ) = x − v Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 18. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Allowing to Compare Notification = x ∈ [0, 2l ], where l is the domain size Subscription = v ∈ [0, 2l ] Difference d = x − v The matching table is as follows: d Decision 0 x =v < n/2 x >v > n/2 x <v Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 19. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work How to hide the difference? The current approach reveals the difference to brokers The key idea: using the unused range to hide the difference Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 20. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Hiding the Difference Introduce two random numbers rp and rq during blinding: x ′′ = g t · E ′ (x, r1 )rp E ′ (rq ) (mod n2 ) v ′′ = g −t · E ′ (−v , r2 )rp (mod n2 ) x ′′ and v ′′ are called blinded values The decryption results in the following output: D(x ′′ · v ′′ ) = rp (x − v ) + rq = d ′ The matching table is as follows: d’ Decision ≤ n/2 x≥v > n/2 x <v Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 21. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work System Protocols and Interactions Setup Intialize system security parameters Domain size = l bits (2l << n) Register Subscribers initially registers with publishers and obtain randomized access tokens Subscribe Subscribers submit blinded subscriptions (v ′′ ) to brokers Publish Publishers submit blinded notifications (x ′′ ) to brokers Match For each notification, brokers compute x ′′ · v ′′ and make matching decision Cover Brokers find covering relationships among subscriptions Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 22. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Correctness of Matching The following shows the correctness of d ′ . Let y = x ′′ · v ′′ (mod n2 ) y = g t · (E ((rp x + rq )λ) · g −t · (E (−v ))rp λ (mod n2 ) = {E (rp x + rq )) · E (−rp v )}λ (mod n2 ) = (E (rp (x − v ) + rq ))λ (mod n2 ) d ′ = L(y ) · µ (mod n) = rp (x − v ) + rq Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 23. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Implemenation Implementation Environment Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 2.50GHz 4GB Linux kernel version 2.6.27 Java 1.6 with Bouncy Castle Two types of experiments Protocols Extension to SIENA Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 24. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Protocol Experiments (Blinding) 100 20 Encrypt Subscription (Sub) Encrypt Subscription (Sub) Blind Encrypted Subscription (Pub) Blind Encrypted Subscription (Pub) 90 Blind Notification (Pub) Blind Notification (Pub) 80 15 70 60 Time (in ms) Time (in ms) 50 10 40 30 5 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Bit length of n (Paillier) Bit length of content (l) (a) Varying n (b) Varying l Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 25. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Protocol Experiments (Match/Cover) 400 110 Match (Broker) Match (Broker) Cover (Broker) Cover (Broker) 350 300 105 Time (in microseconds) Time (in microseconds) 250 200 100 150 100 95 50 0 90 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Bit length of n (Paillier) Bit length of content (l) (c) Varying n (d) Varying l Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 26. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work System Experiments 12 140 SIENA l = 25 bits PP-CBPS l = 10 bits 120 10 100 8 Time (in microsec) Time (in ms) 80 6 60 4 40 2 20 0 0 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 No. of subscriptions No. of subscriptions (e) Equality Filtering (f) Inequality Filtering Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS
  • 27. Introduction Overview Background Tweaking Pailliear Homomorphic Cryptosystem Overall System Implementation and Experimental Results Conclusions Future Work Conclusions We proposed approach for brokers to perform matching and covering operations without learning the actual subscriptions and notifications Experimental results shows that the approach is practical Our privacy preserving matching technique can be utilized in other applications Future work Implement our scheme on an industry strength JMS Support frequent subscriptions/unsubscriptions Mohamed Nabeel, Ning Shang, Elisa Bertino PP-CBPS