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Economic history of Sandro Suzart, A material history of Sandro Suzart
For this study purpose we shall consider Sandro Suzart as a passive entity in face of the system,
the economy is the active agent and it drives Sandro Suzart through the economic universy, in this
course of history flow, Sandro Suzart is moved passively by history and its agent, the economy.
Appointment of Sandro Suzart body history, which is material and should be understood as an
material entity in motion, not as usual in development. The motion is economic.
We shall evaluate the capital generated, traded and dealed in the form of number of hours of
body development, by the sentence Capital = Number of hours of body development, we define
the capital that was traded between Sandro Suzart and the economic environment.
Before 1992: There was history of Sandro Suzart before 1992, we could analyze for example his
biological history from the nutritional history of the fetus and before the fetus and the biological
envioronment involved in brain development and body development of Sandro Suzart.
We could analyse either the economic conditions prior to Sandro Suzart birth the conditions
which will have continuity in the material action perpetrated by the body of Sandro Suzart or in
the history suceeding his birth.
Warning, to analyze his family would take in consideration an milenia overpast and slave history
that could condenm Sandro Suzart to misery, Sandro Suzart has been suscetible of misery
especialy coming from his family, instead of it we could consider that Sandro Suzart would in some
point of his life to interact and work with media.
We could analyze the historical interaction of Sandro Suzart and Media, from his body point of
view to the economic and structural course the interaction with the material media and later the
commodity media would have with his economic course, and stratify all interactions toward an
economic structure analyses.
1992 - 2003
- Before 2003: There is not the record of economic produtivity. Between the decade of 1992 to
2003 was no realised material motion from the point of view that material motion or social motion
is created by economic produtivity. Despite the lack of economic project or economic course to be
followed, Sandro Suzart spent 6.720 hours in school, 384 hours in social activity, 7.200 hours
watching TV, 800 hours playing videogame.
Despite lack of economic project,
Displayment of Capital traded with the environment (economy)
1993: 48 hours of social activity
1994: 48 hours of social activity
1995: 48 hours of social activity
1996: 800 hours in school
48 hours in social activity
942 hours in watching TV
1997: 800 hours in school
48 hours in social activity
942 hours in watching TV
1998: 800 hours in school
48 hours in social activity
942 hours in watching TV
1999: 800 hours in school
48 hours in social activity
942 hours in watching TV
100 hours in playing videogame
2000: 800 hours in school
48 hours in social activity
942 hours in watching TV
100 hours in playing videogame
2001: 800 hours in school
48 hours in social activity
942 hours in watching TV
100 hours in playing videogame
2002: 800 hours in school
48 hours in social activity
942 hours in watching TV
100 hours in playing videogame
2003: 800 hours in school
48 hours in social activity
942 hours in watching TV
100 hours in playing videogame
120 hours material development (preparatory of military school)
Total Capital traded with the environment (economy): 13.294 hours
Capital = hours of material development = 13.945 hours
Conclusion: 3 levels of material development, material development could be stated by the the
following levels:
Intelectual material development = 1
quasi-slave material development = - 2
slave material development = - 3
Intelectual material development shall be caracterized by the enviorment of the following material
{ computers, printers, software, television, dvd, music albuns, cameras, videogames}
quasi-slave material development shall be caracterized by the enviorment of the following
material goods:
{dishes, brooms, cups}
slave material development shall be caracterized by the enviorment of the following material
{ worms, insects, feces}
The 3 levels of material development shall also be caracterized by physical actions performed with
the mentioned material goods of each level. The quasi-slave material development and the slave
material developmt give origin to negative capital
3 levels of material development, material development could be stated by the the following
capital = quantity of hours of work (labour) X material development ( technology employed in the
To develop that affirmation the recordered number of hours of material development ( in Sandro
Suzart case 13.924 hours) will be multiplied by the level of material development ( the figure equal
to 1 shall be given to intelectual material development, the figure -2 shall be given to a quasi-slave
material development and the figure - 3 shall be given to slave material development)
Warning, as mentioned in the previous Warning there is the presency of misery in Sandro Suzart
history in repeated cycles and susceptibility to misery in Sandro Suzart history, here we shall
analyze the presence of slave material development and negative capital (negative forms of
material development):
1992: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
1993: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
1994: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
1995: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
1996: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
1997: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
1998: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
1999: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
2000: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
2001: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
2002: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
2003: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family).
Total negative capital produced: 26.400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the
presence of family).
capital = quantity of hours of work (labour) X material development ( technology employed in the
Capital = 26.400 hours X - 3
Capital = - 79.200 hours ( Negative Capital)
Conclusion = There is the abyss of slave material development quatified in - 79.200 hours of capital
( Negative Capital), highlighted the presency of misery.
2003 - 2009
2003 - 2009. The 2nd decade of material development. Recorded economic activity, the year 2003
marked the first experience of Sandro Suzart with trainment, a year session of 120 hours that was
repeated in 2004 with more 120 hours of trainment. The year 2009 marked Sandro Suzart first
experience with the capital markets through Buriti Filmes. From these marks on will be only be
accounted the interaction between Sandro Suzart and economical development activity.
2003: 120 hours of material development
2004: 120 hours of material development
2005: 0 hours of material development
2006: 150 hours of material development
2007: 300 hours of material development
2008: 500 hours of material development
2009: 2.200 hours of material development
2010 - 2017
The 3rd decade of material development, most relatives and school mates died to this point.
Recorded economic activity, this decade marked the learning of institutional negotiation,
affiliation and exploitation. The presence of institutional relationship mark the most important
event to the date, that marks a deepening in the relationship to the market.
2009 -2011:
Oficina Tela Brasil: 54 horas
Curso Hebe Alvez, xisto bahia: 20 horas
TV pelourinho: 119 horas
Olodum percussão: 120 horas
Olodum politica: 90 horas
Da página para o palco: 120 horas
Espaço cultural Ensaio: 150 horas
Oficina VIVADANÇA: 3 horas
Curso Harildo Deda, Chekhov e Shakespeare: 40 horas
1050 hours of material development in FUNCEB
1 semestre de psicologia e ética - 1,5 horas por semana - total de 30 horas
1 semestre de psicologia e ética - 1,5 horas por semana - total de 30 horas
1 semestre de história da dança - 1,5 horas por semana - total de 30 horas
1 semestre de dança afro - 3 horas por semana - total de 60 horas
2 semestres de música - 1,5 horas por semana- total de 60 horas
2 semestres de dança contemporânea - 3 horas por semana - total de 120 horas.
2 semestres de dança popular - 3 horas por semana - total de 120 horas
5 semestres de dança moderna - 3 horas por semana - total de 300 horas
5 semestres de dança ballet classico - 3 horas por semana- total 300 horas
Balé Folclórico - 9 horas total
SAGA - Arte gráfica - 270 horas
Fotografia - 54 horas
2013 - 2014
720 horas de vestibular
300 horas musculação
2015 -2016
3.200 horas de texto no Google.
300 horas musculação
2017 - 2027
2017 - 2027. The 4th decade, all relatives and school mates are expected to be already dead, from
the population point of view it will reproduce socially and renual, with the death of all the past
generation, I am expected to be alive. In this decade we expect a deppening in the relationship to
the market.
Trajectory from economic flow point
of view.
The objective in this paragraph is to understand how the market drove Sandro Suzart untill this
point in 2017. The market is a multi-institutional entity that have the ability to perform economic
planning for social reproduction, the paradigm here is to identify how these multi-institutional
agencies have been playing Sandro Suzart role in economy and to atecipate its relatories arguably
important to the course of Sandro Suzart in economy.
To understand the nature and role playing of the institutions Sandro Suzart passed through how
how these institutions have been seting way of Sandro Suzart trajectory in economy and with that
analyzes results to antecipate the decade 2017-2027 ways and pitfalls as well as identify the
2017-2027 opportuneties.
1992 - 1996
Institutions group: { Family,Church, prefecture, neighboor}
Role playing: The four institutions listed above are institutions of mysery that creates repeated
cycles of mysery and pepetrate mysery, this is responsible for negative capital creation in the
economic trajectory of Sandro Suzart, the institutional avaliation done by the institutions
metioned above is to create or attempt to create deep misery in the trajectory of Sandro Suzart,
recently there is the aggravating of misery perpetration from these 4 institutions, to deeper level
and to the deepest levels of misery.
Prediction for 2017 - 2027
Role playing: these four institutions will insist in create misery forms to Sandro Suzart in maybe, a
furious process of canibalism, Sandro Suzart must work of rapair his social vulnelability.
1996 - 2003
Institutions group: { Family,Church, prefecture, neighboor}
Role playing: The four institutions listed above are institutions of mysery that creates repeated
cycles of mysery and pepetrate mysery, this is responsible for negative capital creation in the
economic trajectory of Sandro Suzart, the institutional avaliation done by the institutions
metioned above is to create or attempt to create deep misery in the trajectory of Sandro Suzart,
recently there is the aggravating of misery perpetration from these 4 institutions, to deeper level
and to the deepest levels of misery.
Prediction for 2017 - 2027
Role playing: these four institutions will insist in create misery forms to Sandro Suzart in maybe, a
furious process of canibalism, Sandro Suzart must work of rapair his social vulnelability. All
individuals known by Sandro Suzart from these institutions are facing in 2017 deep misery and
near death situations, aggravating that most of them already died.
2003 - 2009
Institution group: { Military, Jiu-Jitsu, Gym, Media Studies, Buriti Filmes}
Role Playing: Identity acquisition process of Sandro Suzart, the 5 institutions mentioned gave
psychological foundation to Sandro Suzart, and provided him psychological resources to overall
development in the studied decade. Unhappily, from the 5 institutions mentioned 3 gave not
development in economic initiative to Sandro Suzart, but 2 of these institutions (Media Studies
and Buriti Filmes) gave continuity to the economical resources provided, this development of
economic initiative and continuity was much explored in the following decade.
It is important to notice that there was an evolution, from deep misery to the marginality of the
actual institutions attended. I was not allowed representative participation in economy thought it
could occour form immediate sides of the institutions I was playing, I was allowed to transit in the
listed institutions in the decade analyzed but without much economic centrality in them.
Despite been not allowed to play with economic centrality in the institutions I attended, the
behaviour of attendence in these institutions would create the concretized possiblity to attend a
Conservatorium. To be able to attend a Conservatorium created an big development in the
material development form I practise or live in. The possibility of attend and play in a
Conservatorium would create in the following decade an impressive economic development.
The system or the economy at the following of 2003 - 2009 allowed the attendence in a
Conservatorium, which was concretized in an institutional act in 2011. To attend a
Conservatorium was the decision of the system and the decision the system took to place me in a
Conservatorium was a major economic development.
Prediction for 2017 - 2027
Role playing: The Media Studies and Buriti Filmes initiative seen to have continuity of economic
development in the decade of 2017 - 2027, Sandro Suzart will possess some resources from Media
Studies and Buriti Filmes institutions and its developments, it will be essentia to deal with the
mysery from the earlier institutions he attended, it is important to remember that the misery
institutions and misery perpetrators provided Sandro Suzart in 26.400 hours of negative capital
against only 2.200 hours or even less, 716 hours, provided by Media Studies and Buriti Filmes, the
question is will the reinforce of Media Studies and Buriti Filmes be enough to fight misery? or
will a reinforce of 716 hours be enough to face an reinforce of 26.400 hours of misery? one
appointed exit would be to lead a behavioural study in order to diminish the maximum the
reinforcement from misery, currently calculated in 3.650 hours of annual reinforcement of
2009 - 2017
Institution group: { FUNCEB, OLODUM, Media Studies, UFBA, Google, United States Army, Senado
Role Playing: Media Studies institution became a Conservatorium institution. From the institutions
above studied, 4 are Conservatoriums. In economic rate means this statement that Sandro Suzart
attended 3 Conservatoriums in 1 decade means and emphasies of the system in vinculate Sandro
Suzart in Conservatoriums.
I can not antecipate the factors that led to the system emphasize the presence of Sandro Suzart in
Conservatoriums, the system decided to tolerate Sandro Suzart in consevatorium with the
following observances: 1 - Sandro Suzart does not play with economic centrality 2 - Sandro
Suzart is not reinforced in major emphasis in body studies and development, meaning that Sandro
Suzart is NOT reinforced in major emphasis in body studies and development, instead Sandro
Suzart is reinforced in textual forms of sign development , structuralism and ritual structuralism,
meaning that the SYSTEM or the ECONOMY does reinforce Sandro Suzart with textual forms of
sign development , structuralism and ritual structuralism.
In continuity to the SYSTEM reinforcement, the SYSTEM from 2013 on started to reinforce Sandro
Suzart in policy, meanig that the SYSTEM do reinforce Sandro Suzart in policy, with major
emphasis in Demonstrations and Economic structure, institutionally the role of reinforcer in policy
is played by Google Inc, United States Army and Senado Federal.
3 of the listed institutions reinforce Sandro Suzart in policy, these institutions are, Google INC,
United States Army and Senado Federal. The institutions: Google INC, United States Army and
Senado Federal do reinforce SANDRO SUZART IN POLICY ACTIVITY. The major areas reinforced are
Demonstrations and economic structure.
Prediction for 2017 - 2027
Role Playing - In 2017 or in 2014 there was the opportunety from the system to continue the
Media Studies in a Conservatorium. The system does reinforces the Conservatorium behaviour of
Sandro Suzart. In 2015 the SYSTEM did reinforced the policy activity of Policy, the institutional
entity to reinforce that was the Senado Federal institution, warning this relationship is not
developed and should be given a feedback.
The reinforce of Media Studies was reinforced by policy activity which added finaly an economic
centrality, the level of economic centrality of Sandro Suzart in that activity is extreme. But the
question remains and is, will the Media Studies reinforcement of 716 hours annualy and added
an structural economic reinforce be able to fight the misery perpetrated by the first mentioned
institutions? or will Sandro Suzart survive and be able to reproduce socially even thought the
mysery has a 26.400 hours of reinforcement against the slow 716 hours of reinforce of Media
Studies? All the material effort was made to reinforce the Media Studies of Sandro Suzart, but the
maximum reach seems 1.000 hours a year from Media Studies, against 3.650 hours of misery
reinforcement, so the question is, will Sandro Suzart survive misery ?
Also, in 3 of the institutions studied in the decade, the following FUNCEB, OLODUM, UFBA, there is
the presence of extreme deep misery and homicide which reinforces the misery condition of
Sandro Suzart, so the question is, will Sandro Suzart survive misery?
Economic history of sandro suzart ii Sandro Suzart SUZART Relationship IMPEACHMENT in Brazil United States

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Economic history of sandro suzart ii Sandro Suzart SUZART Relationship IMPEACHMENT in Brazil United States

  • 1. Economic history of Sandro Suzart, A material history of Sandro Suzart For this study purpose we shall consider Sandro Suzart as a passive entity in face of the system, the economy is the active agent and it drives Sandro Suzart through the economic universy, in this course of history flow, Sandro Suzart is moved passively by history and its agent, the economy. Appointment of Sandro Suzart body history, which is material and should be understood as an material entity in motion, not as usual in development. The motion is economic. We shall evaluate the capital generated, traded and dealed in the form of number of hours of body development, by the sentence Capital = Number of hours of body development, we define the capital that was traded between Sandro Suzart and the economic environment. Before 1992: There was history of Sandro Suzart before 1992, we could analyze for example his biological history from the nutritional history of the fetus and before the fetus and the biological envioronment involved in brain development and body development of Sandro Suzart. We could analyse either the economic conditions prior to Sandro Suzart birth the conditions which will have continuity in the material action perpetrated by the body of Sandro Suzart or in the history suceeding his birth. Warning, to analyze his family would take in consideration an milenia overpast and slave history that could condenm Sandro Suzart to misery, Sandro Suzart has been suscetible of misery especialy coming from his family, instead of it we could consider that Sandro Suzart would in some point of his life to interact and work with media. We could analyze the historical interaction of Sandro Suzart and Media, from his body point of view to the economic and structural course the interaction with the material media and later the commodity media would have with his economic course, and stratify all interactions toward an economic structure analyses. 1992 - 2003 - Before 2003: There is not the record of economic produtivity. Between the decade of 1992 to 2003 was no realised material motion from the point of view that material motion or social motion is created by economic produtivity. Despite the lack of economic project or economic course to be followed, Sandro Suzart spent 6.720 hours in school, 384 hours in social activity, 7.200 hours watching TV, 800 hours playing videogame. Despite lack of economic project, Displayment of Capital traded with the environment (economy)
  • 2. 1993: 48 hours of social activity 1994: 48 hours of social activity 1995: 48 hours of social activity 1996: 800 hours in school 48 hours in social activity 942 hours in watching TV 1997: 800 hours in school 48 hours in social activity 942 hours in watching TV 1998: 800 hours in school 48 hours in social activity 942 hours in watching TV 1999: 800 hours in school 48 hours in social activity 942 hours in watching TV 100 hours in playing videogame 2000: 800 hours in school 48 hours in social activity 942 hours in watching TV 100 hours in playing videogame 2001: 800 hours in school 48 hours in social activity 942 hours in watching TV 100 hours in playing videogame 2002: 800 hours in school 48 hours in social activity 942 hours in watching TV 100 hours in playing videogame 2003: 800 hours in school 48 hours in social activity 942 hours in watching TV
  • 3. 100 hours in playing videogame 120 hours material development (preparatory of military school) Total Capital traded with the environment (economy): 13.294 hours Capital = hours of material development = 13.945 hours Conclusion: 3 levels of material development, material development could be stated by the the following levels: Intelectual material development = 1 quasi-slave material development = - 2 slave material development = - 3 Intelectual material development shall be caracterized by the enviorment of the following material goods: { computers, printers, software, television, dvd, music albuns, cameras, videogames} quasi-slave material development shall be caracterized by the enviorment of the following material goods: {dishes, brooms, cups} slave material development shall be caracterized by the enviorment of the following material goods: { worms, insects, feces} The 3 levels of material development shall also be caracterized by physical actions performed with the mentioned material goods of each level. The quasi-slave material development and the slave material developmt give origin to negative capital 3 levels of material development, material development could be stated by the the following affirmation: capital = quantity of hours of work (labour) X material development ( technology employed in the labour) To develop that affirmation the recordered number of hours of material development ( in Sandro Suzart case 13.924 hours) will be multiplied by the level of material development ( the figure equal to 1 shall be given to intelectual material development, the figure -2 shall be given to a quasi-slave material development and the figure - 3 shall be given to slave material development)
  • 4. Warning, as mentioned in the previous Warning there is the presency of misery in Sandro Suzart history in repeated cycles and susceptibility to misery in Sandro Suzart history, here we shall analyze the presence of slave material development and negative capital (negative forms of material development): 1992: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). 1993: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). 1994: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). 1995: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). 1996: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). 1997: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). 1998: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). 1999: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). 2000: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). 2001: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). 2002: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). 2003: 2400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). Total negative capital produced: 26.400 hours of slave material development (reinforced by the presence of family). capital = quantity of hours of work (labour) X material development ( technology employed in the labour) Capital = 26.400 hours X - 3 Capital = - 79.200 hours ( Negative Capital) Conclusion = There is the abyss of slave material development quatified in - 79.200 hours of capital ( Negative Capital), highlighted the presency of misery. 2003 - 2009
  • 5. 2003 - 2009. The 2nd decade of material development. Recorded economic activity, the year 2003 marked the first experience of Sandro Suzart with trainment, a year session of 120 hours that was repeated in 2004 with more 120 hours of trainment. The year 2009 marked Sandro Suzart first experience with the capital markets through Buriti Filmes. From these marks on will be only be accounted the interaction between Sandro Suzart and economical development activity. 2003: 120 hours of material development 2004: 120 hours of material development 2005: 0 hours of material development 2006: 150 hours of material development 2007: 300 hours of material development 2008: 500 hours of material development 2009: 2.200 hours of material development 2010 - 2017 The 3rd decade of material development, most relatives and school mates died to this point. Recorded economic activity, this decade marked the learning of institutional negotiation, affiliation and exploitation. The presence of institutional relationship mark the most important event to the date, that marks a deepening in the relationship to the market. 2009 -2011: Oficina Tela Brasil: 54 horas Curso Hebe Alvez, xisto bahia: 20 horas TV pelourinho: 119 horas Olodum percussão: 120 horas Olodum politica: 90 horas Da página para o palco: 120 horas Espaço cultural Ensaio: 150 horas
  • 6. Oficina VIVADANÇA: 3 horas Curso Harildo Deda, Chekhov e Shakespeare: 40 horas 2011-2013: 1050 hours of material development in FUNCEB 1 semestre de psicologia e ética - 1,5 horas por semana - total de 30 horas 1 semestre de psicologia e ética - 1,5 horas por semana - total de 30 horas 1 semestre de história da dança - 1,5 horas por semana - total de 30 horas 1 semestre de dança afro - 3 horas por semana - total de 60 horas 2 semestres de música - 1,5 horas por semana- total de 60 horas 2 semestres de dança contemporânea - 3 horas por semana - total de 120 horas. 2 semestres de dança popular - 3 horas por semana - total de 120 horas 5 semestres de dança moderna - 3 horas por semana - total de 300 horas 5 semestres de dança ballet classico - 3 horas por semana- total 300 horas Balé Folclórico - 9 horas total SAGA - Arte gráfica - 270 horas Fotografia - 54 horas 2013 - 2014
  • 7. 720 horas de vestibular 300 horas musculação 2015 -2016 3.200 horas de texto no Google. 300 horas musculação 2017 - 2027 2017 - 2027. The 4th decade, all relatives and school mates are expected to be already dead, from the population point of view it will reproduce socially and renual, with the death of all the past generation, I am expected to be alive. In this decade we expect a deppening in the relationship to the market. Trajectory from economic flow point of view. The objective in this paragraph is to understand how the market drove Sandro Suzart untill this point in 2017. The market is a multi-institutional entity that have the ability to perform economic planning for social reproduction, the paradigm here is to identify how these multi-institutional agencies have been playing Sandro Suzart role in economy and to atecipate its relatories arguably important to the course of Sandro Suzart in economy. To understand the nature and role playing of the institutions Sandro Suzart passed through how how these institutions have been seting way of Sandro Suzart trajectory in economy and with that analyzes results to antecipate the decade 2017-2027 ways and pitfalls as well as identify the 2017-2027 opportuneties. 1992 - 1996 Institutions group: { Family,Church, prefecture, neighboor}
  • 8. Role playing: The four institutions listed above are institutions of mysery that creates repeated cycles of mysery and pepetrate mysery, this is responsible for negative capital creation in the economic trajectory of Sandro Suzart, the institutional avaliation done by the institutions metioned above is to create or attempt to create deep misery in the trajectory of Sandro Suzart, recently there is the aggravating of misery perpetration from these 4 institutions, to deeper level and to the deepest levels of misery. Prediction for 2017 - 2027 Role playing: these four institutions will insist in create misery forms to Sandro Suzart in maybe, a furious process of canibalism, Sandro Suzart must work of rapair his social vulnelability. 1996 - 2003 Institutions group: { Family,Church, prefecture, neighboor} Role playing: The four institutions listed above are institutions of mysery that creates repeated cycles of mysery and pepetrate mysery, this is responsible for negative capital creation in the economic trajectory of Sandro Suzart, the institutional avaliation done by the institutions metioned above is to create or attempt to create deep misery in the trajectory of Sandro Suzart, recently there is the aggravating of misery perpetration from these 4 institutions, to deeper level and to the deepest levels of misery. Prediction for 2017 - 2027 Role playing: these four institutions will insist in create misery forms to Sandro Suzart in maybe, a furious process of canibalism, Sandro Suzart must work of rapair his social vulnelability. All individuals known by Sandro Suzart from these institutions are facing in 2017 deep misery and near death situations, aggravating that most of them already died. 2003 - 2009 Institution group: { Military, Jiu-Jitsu, Gym, Media Studies, Buriti Filmes} Role Playing: Identity acquisition process of Sandro Suzart, the 5 institutions mentioned gave psychological foundation to Sandro Suzart, and provided him psychological resources to overall development in the studied decade. Unhappily, from the 5 institutions mentioned 3 gave not development in economic initiative to Sandro Suzart, but 2 of these institutions (Media Studies and Buriti Filmes) gave continuity to the economical resources provided, this development of economic initiative and continuity was much explored in the following decade.
  • 9. It is important to notice that there was an evolution, from deep misery to the marginality of the actual institutions attended. I was not allowed representative participation in economy thought it could occour form immediate sides of the institutions I was playing, I was allowed to transit in the listed institutions in the decade analyzed but without much economic centrality in them. Despite been not allowed to play with economic centrality in the institutions I attended, the behaviour of attendence in these institutions would create the concretized possiblity to attend a Conservatorium. To be able to attend a Conservatorium created an big development in the material development form I practise or live in. The possibility of attend and play in a Conservatorium would create in the following decade an impressive economic development. The system or the economy at the following of 2003 - 2009 allowed the attendence in a Conservatorium, which was concretized in an institutional act in 2011. To attend a Conservatorium was the decision of the system and the decision the system took to place me in a Conservatorium was a major economic development. Prediction for 2017 - 2027 Role playing: The Media Studies and Buriti Filmes initiative seen to have continuity of economic development in the decade of 2017 - 2027, Sandro Suzart will possess some resources from Media Studies and Buriti Filmes institutions and its developments, it will be essentia to deal with the mysery from the earlier institutions he attended, it is important to remember that the misery institutions and misery perpetrators provided Sandro Suzart in 26.400 hours of negative capital against only 2.200 hours or even less, 716 hours, provided by Media Studies and Buriti Filmes, the question is will the reinforce of Media Studies and Buriti Filmes be enough to fight misery? or will a reinforce of 716 hours be enough to face an reinforce of 26.400 hours of misery? one appointed exit would be to lead a behavioural study in order to diminish the maximum the reinforcement from misery, currently calculated in 3.650 hours of annual reinforcement of misery. 2009 - 2017 Institution group: { FUNCEB, OLODUM, Media Studies, UFBA, Google, United States Army, Senado Federal} Role Playing: Media Studies institution became a Conservatorium institution. From the institutions above studied, 4 are Conservatoriums. In economic rate means this statement that Sandro Suzart attended 3 Conservatoriums in 1 decade means and emphasies of the system in vinculate Sandro Suzart in Conservatoriums. I can not antecipate the factors that led to the system emphasize the presence of Sandro Suzart in
  • 10. Conservatoriums, the system decided to tolerate Sandro Suzart in consevatorium with the following observances: 1 - Sandro Suzart does not play with economic centrality 2 - Sandro Suzart is not reinforced in major emphasis in body studies and development, meaning that Sandro Suzart is NOT reinforced in major emphasis in body studies and development, instead Sandro Suzart is reinforced in textual forms of sign development , structuralism and ritual structuralism, meaning that the SYSTEM or the ECONOMY does reinforce Sandro Suzart with textual forms of sign development , structuralism and ritual structuralism. In continuity to the SYSTEM reinforcement, the SYSTEM from 2013 on started to reinforce Sandro Suzart in policy, meanig that the SYSTEM do reinforce Sandro Suzart in policy, with major emphasis in Demonstrations and Economic structure, institutionally the role of reinforcer in policy is played by Google Inc, United States Army and Senado Federal. 3 of the listed institutions reinforce Sandro Suzart in policy, these institutions are, Google INC, United States Army and Senado Federal. The institutions: Google INC, United States Army and Senado Federal do reinforce SANDRO SUZART IN POLICY ACTIVITY. The major areas reinforced are Demonstrations and economic structure. Prediction for 2017 - 2027 Role Playing - In 2017 or in 2014 there was the opportunety from the system to continue the Media Studies in a Conservatorium. The system does reinforces the Conservatorium behaviour of Sandro Suzart. In 2015 the SYSTEM did reinforced the policy activity of Policy, the institutional entity to reinforce that was the Senado Federal institution, warning this relationship is not developed and should be given a feedback. The reinforce of Media Studies was reinforced by policy activity which added finaly an economic centrality, the level of economic centrality of Sandro Suzart in that activity is extreme. But the question remains and is, will the Media Studies reinforcement of 716 hours annualy and added an structural economic reinforce be able to fight the misery perpetrated by the first mentioned institutions? or will Sandro Suzart survive and be able to reproduce socially even thought the mysery has a 26.400 hours of reinforcement against the slow 716 hours of reinforce of Media Studies? All the material effort was made to reinforce the Media Studies of Sandro Suzart, but the maximum reach seems 1.000 hours a year from Media Studies, against 3.650 hours of misery reinforcement, so the question is, will Sandro Suzart survive misery ? Also, in 3 of the institutions studied in the decade, the following FUNCEB, OLODUM, UFBA, there is the presence of extreme deep misery and homicide which reinforces the misery condition of Sandro Suzart, so the question is, will Sandro Suzart survive misery?