SlideShare a Scribd company logo
 User Guide
      Version 1.5

  April 28, 2011
Table of Contents
1. Installation.............................................................................................................................4
   1.1 Download Easy WP SEO...............................................................................................4
   1.2 Sign-Up to the Update List.............................................................................................4
   1.3 Download the “” File................................................................................5
   1.4 Unzip and Extract the Easy WP SEO Plugin Files.........................................................5
   1.5 Upload the Easy WP SEO Plugin...................................................................................5
      1.5.1 Upload Easy WP SEO to Your Wordpress Site Through FTP................................5
      1.5.2 Upload Easy WP SEO to Your Wordpress Site Without FTP.................................6
   1.6 Activate the Plugin..........................................................................................................7
   1.7 Upload Troubleshooting..................................................................................................7
   1.8 Validate Your License.....................................................................................................7
2. Configure Settings................................................................................................................9
   2.1 Automatic Decoration Settings.......................................................................................9
      2.1.1 Decoration Type......................................................................................................9
      2.1.2 Keyword Decorations............................................................................................10
      2.1.3 Image ALT Attribute...............................................................................................11
      2.1.4 REL=”No Follow” Attribute.....................................................................................12
      2.1.5 REL=”No Follow” White List URLs........................................................................12
      2.1.6 REL=”No Follow” White List URLs........................................................................12
   2.2 Miscellaneous Settings.................................................................................................12
      2.2.1 Keyword Density...................................................................................................12
      2.2.2 Description Meta Tag.............................................................................................13
      2.2.3 Post/Page Content (Minimum Words)...................................................................14
      2.2.4 Title Length............................................................................................................14
      2.2.5 Manage Keywords Display Posts Per Page.........................................................14
      2.2.6 Request Timeout...................................................................................................15
      2.2.7 Internal Links.........................................................................................................15
      2.2.8 Internal Images......................................................................................................15
   2.3 Keyword Settings..........................................................................................................16
   2.4 Developer License Holders – How to Hide License Information From Clients............16
   2.5 Upgrade Easy WP SEO................................................................................................17
3. Manage Keywords...............................................................................................................18
   3.1 Manually Add Keywords...............................................................................................18
      3.1.1 Select the Bulk Action............................................................................................18
      3.1.2 Filter the Results...................................................................................................18
      3.1.3 Enter the Primary Keywords.................................................................................19
   3.1 Import Keywords...........................................................................................................20
   3.2 Manually Enter Keywords.............................................................................................21
3.2.1 Enter the Primary Keyword...................................................................................21
       3.2.2 Enter the Secondary Keywords.............................................................................21
       3.2.3 Edit a Secondary Keyword....................................................................................22
       3.2.4 Delete a Secondary Keyword................................................................................22
       3.2.5 Clear All of the Secondary Keywords....................................................................23
       3.2.6 Switch Between Scores and Suggestions............................................................23
4. On-Page SEO Analysis.......................................................................................................24
   4.1 On-Page SEO Score....................................................................................................24
   4.2 Keyword Density...........................................................................................................24
   4.3 SEO Suggestions.........................................................................................................25
       4.3.1 Title Tag.................................................................................................................25
       4.3.2 URL.......................................................................................................................26
       4.3.3 Meta Tags..............................................................................................................26
       4.3.4 Heading Tags.........................................................................................................27
       4.3.5 Content...................................................................................................................27
5. LSI Keywords......................................................................................................................29
   5.1 Select the Keyword.......................................................................................................29
   5.2 Generate a List of LSI Keywords..................................................................................29
   5.3 Drag-and-Drop LSI Keywords into Your Content.........................................................30
6. Readability...........................................................................................................................31
   6.1 Readability Scores........................................................................................................31
   6.2 Readability Statistics.....................................................................................................31
7. Miscellaneous......................................................................................................................32
   7.1 Internal Links................................................................................................................32
   7.2 Internal Images.............................................................................................................33
   7.3 Help...............................................................................................................................33
8. System Reset/Uninstall......................................................................................................34
   8.1 Clear All Keywords........................................................................................................34
   8.2 Reset Options To Defaults............................................................................................34
   8.3 Uninstall Easy WP SEO................................................................................................34
9. Troubleshooting..................................................................................................................35
   9.1 Why Do I Get Red X's For Things That I Know are 100% Correct (e.g., Title, H1, Meta
   9.2 Why Does Easy WP SEO Display a Red X For “Title Contains Up To 66 Characters”
   When My Title Is Only 55 Characters?.................................................................................35
   9.3 Why Does Easy WP SEO Display a Red X For “Title Begins With Keyword” When My
   Title DOES Begin with the Keyword?...................................................................................36
   9.4 What Should I Do if I Automatically Upgraded From Version 1.4 to Version 1.5 and the
   Plugin Disappeared?............................................................................................................37
1. Installation

1.1 Download Easy WP SEO
Click the download link in the email (with the “Your Easy WP SEO Download Instructions...) subject
line) you received after your investment in Easy WP SEO.

1.2 Sign-Up to the Update List

                                                            At the top of the download page, enter
                                                            your name and email address and click
                                                            the Sign Up Now button to opt-in to the
                                                            update list so you receive all of the latest
                                                            updates and announcements about Easy
                                                            WP SEO.

1.3 Download the “” File
On the download page, scroll down to STEP #1 and click the Download button. Save the file to your computer's hard drive.

1.4 Unzip and Extract the Easy WP SEO Plugin Files

                                                       Right click on the “” file and
                                                       click the Extract to easywpseo menu to
                                                       extract the Easy WP SEO plugin files to a
                                                       directory on your hard drive.

1.5 Upload the Easy WP SEO Plugin
After you extract the Easy WP SEO plugin files, you need to upload the easywpseo files to the /your-
wordpress-directory/wp-content/plugins directory of your Wordpress site.

1.5.1 Upload Easy WP SEO to Your Wordpress Site Through FTP
   1. Open an FTP client on your computer, and connect to your site's web hosting server through
      your FTP account. If you do not have an FTP client, you can go to
      and search for “FTP client.” I personally recommend a free FTP client called FileZilla. You
      can also refer to your web hosting provider's help or support section for more information on
      how to connect through FTP to the web server.

   2. From your FTP client, navigate to your Wordpress directory, and then go to the
      wp-content/plugins directory.

3. Upload the easywpseo directory (with the Easy WP SEO files) to the wp-content/plugins

1.5.2 Upload Easy WP SEO to Your Wordpress Site Without FTP
  1. Click the Add New button in the Plugins menu (found on the left
     sidebar of the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard).

  2. Click the Upload link on the “Install Plugins” screen.

  3. On the “Install Plugins” screen, click the Choose File button, and select the file
     from your computer.

  4. Click the Install Now button to upload the plugin to your Wordpress site.

1.6 Activate the Plugin
Go to the Plugins screen in the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard, and click the Activate link in the
Easy WP SEO plugin section.

1.7 Upload Troubleshooting
After you upload the easywpseo directory (that contains the Easy WP SEO plugin files) to the wp-
content/plugins directory, do you receive a “This plugin does not have a valid header...” error
message? Or does Easy WP SEO not appear on the Plugins screen in the Wordpress Administrative
Dashboard (so you cannot activate the plugin)?

   1. Check your wp-content/plugins directory to see if you uploaded Easy WP SEO inside of another
      directory like this...

   2. If so, you need to re-upload the plugin so the directory structure looks like this...

1.8 Validate Your License
   1. Click the Settings link in the Easy WP SEO menu (found on the left
      sidebar of the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard).

   2. Enter your email address and serial number (refer to the email you
      received after your purchase of Easy WP SEO – read Section 1.1 of
      the User's Guide), and click the Save Changes button to validate your license.

2. Configure Settings
                         After you activate Easy WP SEO and validate your license, click the Settings
                         link in the Easy WP SEO menu (found on the left sidebar of the Wordpress
                         Administrative Dashboard) to configure the plugin settings.

2.1 Automatic Decoration Settings
With Easy WP SEO's automatic decoration feature, you can...

   ✔ Automatically decorate your primary keywords with bold, italic, or underline styling;

   ✔ Insert your primary keywords into the ALT attribute of images;

   ✔ Add rel="nofollow" and target=”_blank” attributes to external links.

2.1.1 Decoration Type
The Decoration Type setting determines how Easy WP SEO automatically decorates your content.
Easy WP SEO provides you with three decoration type options:

       (a) Turned Off

          This is the default setting. When you select this option, it “turns off” the automatic
          decoration feature in Easy WP SEO.

       (b) Client-Side

          The client-side option automatically decorates your content “on-the-fly” when someone
          visits a post or page on your Wordpress site.

          Pros: Decorates your content without the need to permanently change your post and page
          title or content.

Cons: Can slow your site's load time because the plugin has to decorate the content in the
          background before Wordpress displays the post or page.

       (c) Admin-Side

          The admin-side option automatically decorates your content when you publish or edit your
          post or page (and when you save a draft).
          Pros: Permanently decorates your content. Even if you decide to uninstall Easy WP SEO,
          your content remains decorated for the search engines.

          Cons: You have to manually remove the decorations through the Wordpress Dashboard if
          you change your keyword or decide to remove automatic decorations.

2.1.2 Keyword Decorations
The Keyword Decorations setting allows you to automatically decorate your primary keywords with
bold, italic, and underline styling. Also, it allows you to specify which HTML tags you want to use
to decorate your content.

(a) Bold

       Bold Keyword – Select the checkbox next to “Bold Keyword” to automatically bold your
       primary keywords.

       Bold Style – Select the HTML tag you want Easy WP SEO to use to bold your primary
       keywords. You can select <b>...</b>, <strong>...</strong>, or <span style=”font-

   (b) Italic

       Italicize Keyword – Select the checkbox next to “Italicize Keyword” to automatically italicize
       your primary keywords.

       Italic Style – Select the HTML tag you want Easy WP SEO to use to italicize your primary
       keywords. You can select <i>...</i>, <em>...</em>, or <span style=”font-

   (c) Underline

       Underline Keyword – Select the checkbox next to “Underline Keyword” to automatically
       underline your primary keywords.

       Underline Style – Select the HTML tag you want Easy WP SEO to use to underline your
       primary keywords. You can select <u>...</u> or <span style=”text-

2.1.3 Image ALT Attribute
Select the checkbox next to “Image ALT Attribute” to automatically insert your primary keyword into
the ALT attribute of images in your post and page content. Easy WP SEO only inserts your keyword
if an image does NOT already have an ALT attribute.

Here is an example of what your HTML code looks like after Easy WP SEO inserts your primary
keyword into the ALT attribute of an image:

<img src=”” alt=”your primary keyword” />

2.1.4 REL=”No Follow” Attribute
Select the checkbox next to “No Follow” to automatically insert rel=”no follow” into all external links
in your post or page content.

2.1.5 REL=”No Follow” White List URLs
Enter URLs, separated by a new line (press the “Enter” key after each URL), into the text area next to
“No Follow (White List URLs)” so Easy WP SEO does not add rel=”no follow” to these external links.

2.1.6 REL=”No Follow” White List URLs
Select the checkbox next to “Open External Links In New Browser Window” to automatically add
target=”_blank” to external links (so external URLs open in a new browser window).

2.2 Miscellaneous Settings

2.2.1 Keyword Density
Easy WP SEO lets you set several factors concerning your content's keyword density.

(a) Keyword Density (Minimum Score)

       Enter a percentage into the textbox next to “Keyword Density (Minimum Score)” to determine
       the minimum keyword density score required for your content. I recommend around 2%.

   (b) Keyword Density (Maximum Score)

       Enter a percentage into the textbox next to “Keyword Density (Maximum Score)” to determine
       the maximum keyword density score required for your content. I recommend around 4%.

   (c) Keyword Density Formula

       Select the formula you want Easy WP SEO to use to calculate your content's keyword density
       score. The first formula (Total Keywords / Total Words * 100) does not take into account the
       number of words in a keyword phrase, but is used by most other plugins to calculate keyword
       density. The second formula (Total Keywords / (Total Words / Total Words in Keyword
       Phrase)) * 100 calculates your keyword density score based on how many words are in your
       keyword phrase.

2.2.2 Description Meta Tag
Enter the maximum number of characters for your Description meta tag in the textbox next to
“Description Meta Tag (Maximum Characters)”. I recommend around 160 characters.

2.2.3 Post/Page Content (Minimum Words)
Enter the minimum number of words for your post and page content in the textbox next to “Post
Content (Minimum Words)”. I recommend around 300-500 words.

2.2.4 Title Length
The Title Length settings enable you to set the minimum and maximum number of words for your
content's Title tag.

   (a) Title Length (Minimum Words)

       Enter the minimum number of words for your Title tag in the textbox next to “Title Length
       (Minimum Words)”. I recommend around 3 words.

   (b) Title Length (Maximum Characters)

       Enter the maximum number of characters for your Title tag in the textbox next to “Title Length
       (Minimum Characters)”. I recommend around 66 characters.

2.2.5 Manage Keywords Display Posts Per Page
Enter the number of posts/pages to display per page on the Manage Keywords screen (found at Easy
WP SEO → Manage Keywords).

2.2.6 Request Timeout
Enter the number of seconds to wait for a request connection to a URL (set a higher number of seconds
if you experience “timeout” errors).

2.2.7 Internal Links
Enter the maximum number of related posts and pages to display in the “Internal Links” tab (found in
the Misc tab in the Easy WP SEO metabox on the Add New Post/Page or Edit Post/Page screens).

2.2.8 Internal Images
Enter the maximum number of images to display in the “Internal Images” tab (found in the Misc tab in
the Easy WP SEO metabox on the Add New Post/Page or Edit Post/Page screens).

2.3 Keyword Settings
Adjust the settings for the Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords.

   (a) Default Region/Language

       Display semantically related keywords in 25 different languages from 41 regions around the
       world (select which one you want to display).

   (b) Maximum Results

       Enter the maximum number of keywords to display in the LSI keywords tab (found in the Easy
       WP SEO metabox on the Add New Post/Page or Edit Post/Page screens).

   (c) Sort Method

       Select the method to sort LSI keywords. “Frequency” sorts LSI keywords by the total number
       of occurrences. “Alphabetical” sorts the LSI keywords alphabetically.

2.4 Developer License Holders – How to Hide License
   Information From Clients
If you own a “Developer” license, you can install Easy WP SEO on your clients' sites and hide your
license information by clicking the “Hide License Information” button.

IMPORTANT: To reverse this action, you need to go to Easy WP SEO → Manage Keywords and
click the Uninstall Easy WP SEO button.

2.5 Upgrade Easy WP SEO

 1. Click the "Settings" link in the Easy WP SEO menu.

 2. Click the "Upgrade Plugin" button (found at the bottom of the screen).

 3. On the “Easy WP SEO License Upgrade” page, select the appropriate license upgrade, and
    click the “Upgrade” button.

3. Manage Keywords
                         After you configure the Easy WP SEO settings, click the Manage Keywords
                         link in the Easy WP SEO menu (found on the left sidebar of the Wordpress
                         Administrative Dashboard) to import or manually add primary keywords to
                         your posts and pages.

3.1 Manually Add Keywords
With Easy WP SEO, you can quickly and easily add primary keywords to multiple posts and pages and
calculate on-page SEO and keyword density scores.

3.1.1 Select the Bulk Action
Select your desired action from the “Bulk Actions” drop-down
menu. You can select either “Update” or “Clear Keywords”.

   (a) Update

       The “Update” action updates the primary keyword and
       the SEO and keyword density scores for all selected posts and pages.

   (b) Clear Keywords

       The “Clear Keywords” action deletes the primary keyword and the SEO and keyword density
       scores for all selected posts and pages.

3.1.2 Filter the Results
Here is how to filter the results on the “Manage Keywords” screen:

   (a) Filter by Post Type

       Select from the “Post Type” drop-down men to filter the results by
       post type. You can select “View all post types” to display posts,
       pages, and custom post types. Select “Posts” to display only posts
       and select “Pages” to display only pages. Also, if your Wordpress
       version and theme supports custom post types, you can filter by the desired custom post type.

(b) Filter by Post Status

     Select from the “Post Status” drop-down menu to filter the results by
     status. You can select “View all published” to display all posts,
     pages, and custom post types (regardless of status). Select
     “Pending” to display pending posts and pages. Select “Draft” to
     display draft posts and pages. Select “Future” to display future posts
     and pages. Select “Private” to display private posts and pages. And
     select “Trash” to display posts and pages in the Trash section.

  (c) Filter by Categories

     Select from the “Categories” drop-down menu to filter the results
     by category. You can select “View all categories” to display all
     posts in all categories. Also, you can select a category like
     “Uncategorized” to display all posts in that specific category.

  (d) Filter by Date

     Select from the “Date” drop-down menu to filter the results by date.
     You can select “Show all dates” to display all posts and pages from
     all dates. Also, you can select a date like “April 2011” (for
     example) to display all posts from that specific date.

     Click the “Apply” or “Filter” buttons to filter the results.

3.1.3 Enter the Primary Keywords
  1. Enter in your primary keyword next to the post
     or page that you want to update.

  2. Also, make sure you select the checkbox next to
     the post /page title (or the primary keyword and
                                    SEO and keyword
                                    density scores will
                                    not change).

  3. Finally, click the “Apply” button.

3.1 Import Keywords
Easy WP SEO can instantly import your keywords from SEOPressor, ClickBump SEO!, WP SEO
Beast, and BloggerHigh SEO.

NOTE: You do NOT need any of these plugins to use Easy WP SEO. The import keywords feature
makes it so you do not have to waste your time typing all of those keywords again.

   1. Click the “Import Keywords” button that corresponds to the desired plugin.

   2. Click “OK” to confirm and Easy WP SEO will import your keywords from the plugin. (Just for
      the record, Easy WP SEO does not delete keywords from these other plugins.)

3.2 Manually Enter Keywords
To manually enter your primary and secondary keywords for a single post or page, go to the Add New
Post or Page or the Edit Post or Page screen in the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard.

3.2.1 Enter the Primary Keyword

                                                1. Select the “Primary Keyword” tab (if not already
                                                   selected) in the Easy WP SEO metabox, and
                                                   enter your primary keyword into the textbox.

                                                2. Click the Publish (for a new post or page),
                                                   Update (for an old post or page), or Save Draft
                                                   button to update your SEO and keyword density
                                                   score and display the suggestions.

IMPORTANT: The SEO and keyword density scores, suggestions, LSI keywords, readability scores,
and internal links and images do NOT appear unless you enter a primary keyword and click the
Publish, Update, or Save Draft buttons.

3.2.2 Enter the Secondary Keywords
   1. Click the “Secondary Keywords” tab in the
      Easy WP SEO metabox.

   2. Enter your secondary keyword into the

   3. Click the “Add” button to add the keyword to
      your list of secondary keywords.

IMPORTANT: You must click the Publish (for a new
post or page), Update (for an old post or page), or
Save Draft button to update your post or page before
a new secondary keyword's SEO and keyword density
scores and suggestions appear in the Easy WP SEO

3.2.3 Edit a Secondary Keyword

                                              1. Select the keyword you want to edit from the list
                                                 of secondary keywords.

                                              2. Enter a new keyword into the textbox to the right
                                                 of the “Add” button.

                                              3. Click the “Edit” button to automatically edit the

                                           REMEMBER: You must click the Publish (for a new
                                           post or page), Update (for an old post or page), or Save
                                           Draft button to update your post or page before a new
                                           secondary keyword's SEO and keyword density scores
                                           and suggestions appear in the Easy WP SEO metabox.

3.2.4 Delete a Secondary Keyword
  1. Select the keyword you want to delete from the
     list of secondary keywords.

  2. Click the “Delete” button.

  3. Click the “OK” button on the confirmation pop-

  4. Click the Publish (for a new post or page),
     Update (for an old post or page), or Save Draft
     button to permanently delete the secondary
     keyword and its SEO and keyword density
     scores and suggestions.

3.2.5 Clear All of the Secondary Keywords

                                               1. Click the “Clear All” button.

                                               2. Click the “OK” button on the confirmation pop-

                                               3. Click the Publish (for a new post or page),
                                                  Update (for an old post or page), or Save Draft
                                                  button to permanently delete all of the secondary

3.2.6 Switch Between Scores and Suggestions
   1. Click the “Primary Keywords” or “Secondary
      Keywords” tab to switch between the SEO and
      keyword density scores and suggestions for
      primary and secondary keywords.

   2. After you click the “Secondary Keywords” tab,
      highlight a keyword to displays its scores and

   3. After you highlight a secondary keyword, you
      can click the up and down arrow keys on your
      keyboard to quickly and easily move through
      your secondary keywords.

IMPORTANT: You must click the Publish (for a new
post or page), Update (for an old post or page), or Save
Draft button to update your post or page before a new
primary or secondary keyword's SEO and keyword
density scores and suggestions appear in the Easy WP SEO

4. On-Page SEO Analysis
To view Easy WP SEO's on-page SEO analysis of your
post or page, select the “Analysis” tab.

4.1 On-Page SEO Score
                                               Click the Publish (for a new post or page), Update (for
                                               an old post or page), or Save Draft button, and Easy WP
                                               SEO analyzes your post, page, or custom post type for 23
                                               proven on-page SEO factors. Then it displays an on-page
                                               SEO score that reveals how well your content is
                                               optimized for the search engines.

4.2 Keyword Density
The keyword density score shows you the percentage
of how many times your keyword or phrase appears in
the post or page content in comparison to the total
number of words. So, for example, if your post or page
has 500 total words and your keyword appears 25 times,
then your keyword density score is 5.00%.

To learn more about keyword density:

Easy WP SEO allows you to choose between two keyword density formulas:

   1. (Total Keywords / Total Words) * 100

       This is the most common formula used in other plugins (and Easy WP SEO now uses this
       formula by default).

   2. (Total Keywords / (Total Words / Total Words in Keyword Phrase)) * 100

       This keyword density formula is more accurate for keyword phrases because it takes into
       account how many words are in the phrase. To my knowledge, Easy WP SEO is the only
       Wordpress plugin (out of its competitors) that includes this keyword density formula.

Go to Section 2.2.1 of the user guide to learn how to configure the Keyword Density Formula setting.

IMPORTANT: Some people have thought their keyword density scores for long-tail keyword phrases
were too high in Easy WP SEO compared to other plugins. But these other plugins rely on Formula #1,
and do not take into account the total number of words in the keyword phrase. Therefore, the keyword
density score in Easy WP SEO is actually more accurate (when Formula #2 is selected) because it
DOES take into account the total number of words in the keyword phrase.

4.3 SEO Suggestions
Easy WP SEO provides you with a detailed checklist of suggested SEO "tweaks". These changes to
your content can dramatically increase your search engine rankings, improve quality scores for Google
Adwords, and bring you more FREE targeted traffic to your website. A green checkmark next to a
factor means it appears in your content, and a red X means it does not appear in your content.

4.3.1 Title Tag
   1. Title contains keyword.

       This factor determines if your keyword appears
       within the Title tag (<title>Keyword</title>) of
       your post or page.

   2. Title begins with keyword.

       This factor determines if the Title begins with the keyword (<title>Keyword at the

   3. Title contains at least 3 words.

       This factor determines if the Title contains at least three total words (<title>First Second

   4. Title contains up to 66 characters.

       This factor determines if the Title contains a maximum of 66 characters.

IMPORTANT: Some people wonder why they receive a red X for Title begins with keyword or Title
contains up to 66 characters when their Title is only 55 characters (for example). What they do not
understand is most plugins and themes add additional information to your Title.

So, while you may think your title is like this...

<title>This is my test title to give you an example</title>

The plugin or theme changes your title to the following...

<title>This is my test title to give you an example | The Name of Your Site</title>

Remember, Easy WP SEO scores your content based on what a visitor to your site sees, not necessarily
what you see in the Add New Post/Page or Edit Post/Page screens in the Wordpress Dashboard.

4.3.2 URL
   1. Permalink contains your keyword.

        This factor determines if your keyword appears in
        the permalink of your post or page.
        (For example,

4.3.3 Meta Tags
                                                1. Description meta tag contains keyword.

                                                    This factor determines if your keyword appears in
                                                    the Description Meta Tag. (<meta
                                                    name=”description” content=”Keyword” />)

                                                2. Description meta tag contains up to 160

                                                    This factor determines if the Description Meta Tag
                                                    contains a maximum of 160 characters.

   3.   Description meta tag begins with keyword.

        This factor determines if the Description Meta Tag begins with the keyword. (<meta
        name=”description” content=”Keyword at the beginning” />)

   4.   Keywords meta tag contains keyword.

        This factor determines if your keyword appears in the Keywords Meta Tag. (<meta
        name=”keywords” content=”Keyword” />)

4.3.4 Heading Tags
  1. H1 tag contains your keyword.

     This factor determines if your keyword appears
     within the H1 tag (<h1>Keyword</h1>) of your
     post or page.

  2. H1 tag begins with keyword.

     This factor determines if the H1 tag begins with the keyword (<h1>Keyword at the
  3. H2 tag contains your keyword.

     This factor determines if your keyword appears within the H2 tag (<h2>Keyword</h2>) of
     your post or page.

  4. H3 tag contains your keyword.

     This factor determines if your keyword appears within the H3 tag (<h3>Keyword</h3>) of
     your post or page.

4.3.5 Content

                                           1. Content contains at least 300 words.

                                               This factor determines if your keyword contains a
                                               minimum number of 300 words.

                                           2. Content has a 2.0%-5.5% keyword density.

                                               This factor determines if your keyword density has
                                               a minimum score of 2% and a maximum score of

                                           3. Content contains keyword in the first 50-100

                                               This factor determines if your keyword appears in
                                               the first 50-100 words of your post or page.

4. Content contains at least one image with keyword in ALT attribute.

   This factor determines if your keyword appears in the ALT attribute of at least one image (<img
   src=”yourimage.jpg” alt=”Keyword” />)

5. Content contains at least one bold keyword.

   This factor determines if your keyword appears in a bold (<b>Keyword</b>), strong
   (<strong>Keyword</strong>), or span (<span style=”font-weight:bold;”>Keyword</span>)

6. Content contains at least one italicized keyword.

   This factor determines if your keyword appears in an italic (<i>Keyword</i>), emphasis
   (<em>Keyword</em>), or span (<span style=”font-style:italic;”>Keyword</span>) tag.

7. Content contains at least one underlined keyword.

   This factor determines if your keyword appears in an underline (<u>Keyword</u>) or span
   (<span style=”text-decoration:underline;”>Keyword</span>) tag.

8. Content contains keyword in anchor text of at least one external link.

   This factor determines if your keyword appears in the anchor text of at least one external link
   (<a href=””>Keyword</a>).

9. Content contains keyword in anchor text of at least one internal link.

   This factor determines if your keyword appears in the anchor text of at least one internal link
   (<a href=””>Keyword</a>).

10. Content contains keyword in the last 50-100 words.

   This factor determines if your keyword appears in the last 50-100 words of your post or page.

5. LSI Keywords
Select the “LSI” tab to access the Latent Semantic Indexing
(LSI) feature of Easy WP SEO.

5.1 Select the Keyword

                                                  1. Select the “Primary Keyword” tab to highlight
                                                     the primary keyword or highlight one of the
                                                     secondary keywords.

                                                      IMPORTANT: You are going to generate a list
                                                      of LSI keywords that are semantically related to
                                                      the keyword you highlight.

5.2 Generate a List of LSI Keywords
   1. After you select the “Primary Keyword” tab or
      highlight a secondary keyword, click the “Display
      LSI Keywords” button to generate a list of
      semantically related keywords.

5.3 Drag-and-Drop LSI Keywords into Your Content

  1. Grab an LSI keyword with your mouse pointer and drag-and-drop the keyword into your post or
     page title or content through the “Visual” or “HTML” Wordpress Editor.

  2. Also, you can drag-and-drop LSI keywords into the primary keyword textbox or into the
     secondary keyword textbox next to the “Add” button (click the “Secocndary Keywords” tab).

6. Readability
To view the readability scores and statistics for your post or
page, select the “Readability” tab.

6.1 Readability Scores
                                             Easy WP SEO scientifically tests your post or page using
                                             six readability formulas to ensure that your content can
                                             easily be read by anyone in your target market:

                                                 1. Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease

                                                 2. Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level

                                                 3. Gunning-Fog Score

                                                 4. Coleman-Liau Index

                                                 5. SMOG Index

                                                 6. Automated Readability Index

                                             IMPORTANT: If a score is in red, then your visitor
                                             requires a higher average grade level to read and understand
                                             your content (it is probably difficult to read). If a score is
                                             in green, then your visitor requires a lower average grade
                                             level (it is probably easy to read).

6.2 Readability Statistics
   1. Click the “Readability Statistics” link to view the
      readability statistics for your post or page content.

   2. Is your content is difficult to read? Then you need to go
      through your content and reduce the number of
      complex words (complex words have three or more

   3. Click the Publish (for a new post or page), Update (for
      an old post or page), or Save Draft button to update
      your content's readability scores and statistics.

7. Miscellaneous
To access the miscellaneous features of Easy WP SEO,
select the “Misc” tab.

7.1 Internal Links
Internal Links are posts or pages that are related to your primary keyword.

   1. To insert internal links into your post or page content, grab an internal link with your mouse
      pointer and drag-and-drop it into your content through the “Visual” or “HTML” Wordpress
      Editor. It will insert the internal link with your primary keyword as the anchor text (if the
      “Primary Keywords” tab is selected).

   2. To insert the internal link into your content with a secondary keyword as the anchor text, click
      the “Secondary Keywords” tab, highlight the desired secondary keyword, and drag-and-drop
      the internal link into your content.

7.2 Internal Images
Easy WP SEO allows you to drag-and-drop the images in
your Wordpress site's Media Library into your content
through the “Visual” or “HTML” Wordpress Editor.

   1. To insert an internal image into your post or page
      content, grab an image with your mouse pointer and
      drag-and-drop it into your content. It will insert the
      internal link with your primary keyword as the
      anchor text (if the “Primary Keywords” tab is

   2. To insert the internal image into your content with a
      secondary keyword as the anchor text, click the
      “Secondary Keywords” tab, highlight the desired
      secondary keyword, and drag-and-drop the image
      into your content.

7.3 Help

                                                1. Click the “Help” tab to view a list of step-by-step
                                                   videos for Easy WP SEO.

                                                2. Click the help (?) icon beside a topic and a pop-up
                                                   will display the video.

                                                3. There are help (?) icons throughout Easy WP SEO
                                                   that you can click to instantly view helpful videos.

8. System Reset/Uninstall
                      Click the Manage Keywords link in the Easy WP SEO menu (found on the
                      left sidebar of the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard) and scroll to the
                      bottom of the page to find the System Reset/Uninstall options.

8.1 Clear All Keywords
    Click the “Clear All Keywords” button to delete all of the primary and secondary keywords
    from your Wordpress database. After you click the “Clear All Keywords” button, a pop-up
    confirmation screen will appear. Click the “OK” button and Easy WP SEO will clear all of your

8.2 Reset Options To Defaults
    Click the “Reset Options To Defaults” button to reset the Easy WP SEO settings (Easy WP
    SEO → Settings) to their factory default values. Next, a pop-up confirmation screen will
    appear. Click the “OK” button and Easy WP SEO will reset the options.

8.3 Uninstall Easy WP SEO
    Click the “Uninstall Easy WP SEO” button to uninstall and deactivate Easy WP SEO from
    your Wordpress site. After the pop-up confirmation screen appears, click the “OK” button to
    uninstall Easy WP SEO.

9. Troubleshooting

9.1 Why Do I Get Red X's For Things That I Know are 100%
   Correct (e.g., Title, H1, Meta Tags)?
Do you use HostGator as your web host? If so, they disable "GET Requests" by default. So, you need
to contact them and ask them to "turn GET requests on" for your domain name. They will know
exactly what I'm talking about. You can go to and click the "Live Chat"
graphic for the fastest response.

If you don't have HostGator, what happens when you type in a word like test or keyword as the primary
keyword? Enter the same word into the Title, Meta, and Heading tags. Do you get the same red X's
when you update the post or page?

If you still receive X's in the suggestion area, even after you use a simple word like test or keyword,
then your web host probably has "GET Requests" turned off for your account. Contact them and ask
them to turn GET requests on for your domain name.

If your web server doesn't allow Easy WP SEO to request the HTML for your post or page, then
it can't analyze your content, and it is going to display X's.

9.2 Why Does Easy WP SEO Display a Red X For “Title
   Contains Up To 66 Characters” When My Title Is Only 55
Just because a theme or plugin like All In One SEO Pack says that your title is only 55 characters (for
example) does not mean this is necessarily true.

You may enter your Title like this...

Here is an Example of a Title For Your Wordpress Post or Page (61 characters)

But the theme or plugin may add “additional” characters or words to your title (making it longer)...

Here is an Example of a Title For Your Wordpress Post or Page | Site Name (73 characters)

IMPORTANT: While you thought your Title was only 61 characters (because that is what All In One
SEO Pack or some other plugin or theme tells you), your Title is really 73 characters. As a result, Easy
WP SEO displays a red X next to “Title contains up to 66 characters” because your Title is 73
characters long, which is more than 66 characters.

9.3 Why Does Easy WP SEO Display a Red X For “Title Begins
   With Keyword” When My Title DOES Begin with the
Just because a theme or plugin like All In One SEO Pack says that your Title begins with your keyword
does not mean this is necessarily true.

For example, you may enter your Title like this...

Keyword at the Beginning of the Title

But the theme or plugin may add “additional” characters or words to the beginning of your title...

Site Name | Keyword at the Beginning of the Title

IMPORTANT: While you thought the Title began with your keyword (because that is what All In
One SEO Pack or some other plugin or theme tells you), your Title actually begins with your site's
name. As a result, Easy WP SEO displays a red X next to “Title begins with your keyword” because
your Title does NOT begin with your keyword.

   1. To know for sure what the Title is for your post or page, view the post or page in your web

   2. Click the “View Source” menu in your web browser (to view the
      HTML code for your post or page).

   3. Find the contents of the Title tag (<title>Contents of the Title

9.4 What Should I Do if I Automatically Upgraded From
   Version 1.4 to Version 1.5 and the Plugin Disappeared?
There was a glitch in version 1.4 that updated the plugin like this...


When it should have been...


This was corrected in version 1.5

However, anyone who invests in Easy WP SEO now will download version 1.5, so this is not an issue
of concern. And for anyone who automatically updated the plugin and experiences the above issue,
you just need to do the following...

   1. Delete the easywpseo directory from your /your-wordpress-directory/wp-content/plugins

   2. Download the latest version of Easy WP SEO (from the link in the "Thank You" email you
      received with the subject line... "Your Easy WP SEO Download Instructions...").

   3. Unzip and re-upload to the /your-wordpress-directory/wp-content/plugins directory.

Here is how to download step-by-step instructions...


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Easywpseo 1.5-user-guide

  • 1. Easy WP SEO User Guide Version 1.5 Released: April 28, 2011
  • 2. Table of Contents 1. Installation.............................................................................................................................4 1.1 Download Easy WP SEO...............................................................................................4 1.2 Sign-Up to the Update List.............................................................................................4 1.3 Download the “” File................................................................................5 1.4 Unzip and Extract the Easy WP SEO Plugin Files.........................................................5 1.5 Upload the Easy WP SEO Plugin...................................................................................5 1.5.1 Upload Easy WP SEO to Your Wordpress Site Through FTP................................5 1.5.2 Upload Easy WP SEO to Your Wordpress Site Without FTP.................................6 1.6 Activate the Plugin..........................................................................................................7 1.7 Upload Troubleshooting..................................................................................................7 1.8 Validate Your License.....................................................................................................7 2. Configure Settings................................................................................................................9 2.1 Automatic Decoration Settings.......................................................................................9 2.1.1 Decoration Type......................................................................................................9 2.1.2 Keyword Decorations............................................................................................10 2.1.3 Image ALT Attribute...............................................................................................11 2.1.4 REL=”No Follow” Attribute.....................................................................................12 2.1.5 REL=”No Follow” White List URLs........................................................................12 2.1.6 REL=”No Follow” White List URLs........................................................................12 2.2 Miscellaneous Settings.................................................................................................12 2.2.1 Keyword Density...................................................................................................12 2.2.2 Description Meta Tag.............................................................................................13 2.2.3 Post/Page Content (Minimum Words)...................................................................14 2.2.4 Title Length............................................................................................................14 2.2.5 Manage Keywords Display Posts Per Page.........................................................14 2.2.6 Request Timeout...................................................................................................15 2.2.7 Internal Links.........................................................................................................15 2.2.8 Internal Images......................................................................................................15 2.3 Keyword Settings..........................................................................................................16 2.4 Developer License Holders – How to Hide License Information From Clients............16 2.5 Upgrade Easy WP SEO................................................................................................17 3. Manage Keywords...............................................................................................................18 3.1 Manually Add Keywords...............................................................................................18 3.1.1 Select the Bulk Action............................................................................................18 3.1.2 Filter the Results...................................................................................................18 3.1.3 Enter the Primary Keywords.................................................................................19 3.1 Import Keywords...........................................................................................................20 3.2 Manually Enter Keywords.............................................................................................21
  • 3. 3.2.1 Enter the Primary Keyword...................................................................................21 3.2.2 Enter the Secondary Keywords.............................................................................21 3.2.3 Edit a Secondary Keyword....................................................................................22 3.2.4 Delete a Secondary Keyword................................................................................22 3.2.5 Clear All of the Secondary Keywords....................................................................23 3.2.6 Switch Between Scores and Suggestions............................................................23 4. On-Page SEO Analysis.......................................................................................................24 4.1 On-Page SEO Score....................................................................................................24 4.2 Keyword Density...........................................................................................................24 4.3 SEO Suggestions.........................................................................................................25 4.3.1 Title Tag.................................................................................................................25 4.3.2 URL.......................................................................................................................26 4.3.3 Meta Tags..............................................................................................................26 4.3.4 Heading Tags.........................................................................................................27 4.3.5 Content...................................................................................................................27 5. LSI Keywords......................................................................................................................29 5.1 Select the Keyword.......................................................................................................29 5.2 Generate a List of LSI Keywords..................................................................................29 5.3 Drag-and-Drop LSI Keywords into Your Content.........................................................30 6. Readability...........................................................................................................................31 6.1 Readability Scores........................................................................................................31 6.2 Readability Statistics.....................................................................................................31 7. Miscellaneous......................................................................................................................32 7.1 Internal Links................................................................................................................32 7.2 Internal Images.............................................................................................................33 7.3 Help...............................................................................................................................33 8. System Reset/Uninstall......................................................................................................34 8.1 Clear All Keywords........................................................................................................34 8.2 Reset Options To Defaults............................................................................................34 8.3 Uninstall Easy WP SEO................................................................................................34 9. Troubleshooting..................................................................................................................35 9.1 Why Do I Get Red X's For Things That I Know are 100% Correct (e.g., Title, H1, Meta Tags)?...................................................................................................................................35 9.2 Why Does Easy WP SEO Display a Red X For “Title Contains Up To 66 Characters” When My Title Is Only 55 Characters?.................................................................................35 9.3 Why Does Easy WP SEO Display a Red X For “Title Begins With Keyword” When My Title DOES Begin with the Keyword?...................................................................................36 9.4 What Should I Do if I Automatically Upgraded From Version 1.4 to Version 1.5 and the Plugin Disappeared?............................................................................................................37
  • 4. 1. Installation 1.1 Download Easy WP SEO Click the download link in the email (with the “Your Easy WP SEO Download Instructions...) subject line) you received after your investment in Easy WP SEO. 1.2 Sign-Up to the Update List At the top of the download page, enter your name and email address and click the Sign Up Now button to opt-in to the update list so you receive all of the latest updates and announcements about Easy WP SEO. 4
  • 5. 1.3 Download the “” File On the download page, scroll down to STEP #1 and click the Download button. Save the file to your computer's hard drive. 1.4 Unzip and Extract the Easy WP SEO Plugin Files Right click on the “” file and click the Extract to easywpseo menu to extract the Easy WP SEO plugin files to a directory on your hard drive. 1.5 Upload the Easy WP SEO Plugin After you extract the Easy WP SEO plugin files, you need to upload the easywpseo files to the /your- wordpress-directory/wp-content/plugins directory of your Wordpress site. 1.5.1 Upload Easy WP SEO to Your Wordpress Site Through FTP 1. Open an FTP client on your computer, and connect to your site's web hosting server through your FTP account. If you do not have an FTP client, you can go to and search for “FTP client.” I personally recommend a free FTP client called FileZilla. You can also refer to your web hosting provider's help or support section for more information on how to connect through FTP to the web server. 2. From your FTP client, navigate to your Wordpress directory, and then go to the wp-content/plugins directory. 5
  • 6. 3. Upload the easywpseo directory (with the Easy WP SEO files) to the wp-content/plugins directory. 1.5.2 Upload Easy WP SEO to Your Wordpress Site Without FTP 1. Click the Add New button in the Plugins menu (found on the left sidebar of the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard). 2. Click the Upload link on the “Install Plugins” screen. 3. On the “Install Plugins” screen, click the Choose File button, and select the file from your computer. 4. Click the Install Now button to upload the plugin to your Wordpress site. 6
  • 7. 1.6 Activate the Plugin Go to the Plugins screen in the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard, and click the Activate link in the Easy WP SEO plugin section. 1.7 Upload Troubleshooting After you upload the easywpseo directory (that contains the Easy WP SEO plugin files) to the wp- content/plugins directory, do you receive a “This plugin does not have a valid header...” error message? Or does Easy WP SEO not appear on the Plugins screen in the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard (so you cannot activate the plugin)? 1. Check your wp-content/plugins directory to see if you uploaded Easy WP SEO inside of another directory like this... 2. If so, you need to re-upload the plugin so the directory structure looks like this... 1.8 Validate Your License 1. Click the Settings link in the Easy WP SEO menu (found on the left sidebar of the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard). 2. Enter your email address and serial number (refer to the email you received after your purchase of Easy WP SEO – read Section 1.1 of the User's Guide), and click the Save Changes button to validate your license. 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. 2. Configure Settings After you activate Easy WP SEO and validate your license, click the Settings link in the Easy WP SEO menu (found on the left sidebar of the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard) to configure the plugin settings. 2.1 Automatic Decoration Settings With Easy WP SEO's automatic decoration feature, you can... ✔ Automatically decorate your primary keywords with bold, italic, or underline styling; ✔ Insert your primary keywords into the ALT attribute of images; ✔ Add rel="nofollow" and target=”_blank” attributes to external links. 2.1.1 Decoration Type The Decoration Type setting determines how Easy WP SEO automatically decorates your content. Easy WP SEO provides you with three decoration type options: (a) Turned Off This is the default setting. When you select this option, it “turns off” the automatic decoration feature in Easy WP SEO. (b) Client-Side The client-side option automatically decorates your content “on-the-fly” when someone visits a post or page on your Wordpress site. Pros: Decorates your content without the need to permanently change your post and page title or content. 9
  • 10. Cons: Can slow your site's load time because the plugin has to decorate the content in the background before Wordpress displays the post or page. (c) Admin-Side The admin-side option automatically decorates your content when you publish or edit your post or page (and when you save a draft). Pros: Permanently decorates your content. Even if you decide to uninstall Easy WP SEO, your content remains decorated for the search engines. Cons: You have to manually remove the decorations through the Wordpress Dashboard if you change your keyword or decide to remove automatic decorations. 2.1.2 Keyword Decorations The Keyword Decorations setting allows you to automatically decorate your primary keywords with bold, italic, and underline styling. Also, it allows you to specify which HTML tags you want to use to decorate your content. 10
  • 11. (a) Bold Bold Keyword – Select the checkbox next to “Bold Keyword” to automatically bold your primary keywords. Bold Style – Select the HTML tag you want Easy WP SEO to use to bold your primary keywords. You can select <b>...</b>, <strong>...</strong>, or <span style=”font- weight:bold;”>...</span>. (b) Italic Italicize Keyword – Select the checkbox next to “Italicize Keyword” to automatically italicize your primary keywords. Italic Style – Select the HTML tag you want Easy WP SEO to use to italicize your primary keywords. You can select <i>...</i>, <em>...</em>, or <span style=”font- style:italic;”>...</span>. (c) Underline Underline Keyword – Select the checkbox next to “Underline Keyword” to automatically underline your primary keywords. Underline Style – Select the HTML tag you want Easy WP SEO to use to underline your primary keywords. You can select <u>...</u> or <span style=”text- decoration:underline;”>...</span>. 2.1.3 Image ALT Attribute Select the checkbox next to “Image ALT Attribute” to automatically insert your primary keyword into the ALT attribute of images in your post and page content. Easy WP SEO only inserts your keyword if an image does NOT already have an ALT attribute. Here is an example of what your HTML code looks like after Easy WP SEO inserts your primary keyword into the ALT attribute of an image: <img src=”” alt=”your primary keyword” /> 11
  • 12. 2.1.4 REL=”No Follow” Attribute Select the checkbox next to “No Follow” to automatically insert rel=”no follow” into all external links in your post or page content. 2.1.5 REL=”No Follow” White List URLs Enter URLs, separated by a new line (press the “Enter” key after each URL), into the text area next to “No Follow (White List URLs)” so Easy WP SEO does not add rel=”no follow” to these external links. 2.1.6 REL=”No Follow” White List URLs Select the checkbox next to “Open External Links In New Browser Window” to automatically add target=”_blank” to external links (so external URLs open in a new browser window). 2.2 Miscellaneous Settings 2.2.1 Keyword Density Easy WP SEO lets you set several factors concerning your content's keyword density. 12
  • 13. (a) Keyword Density (Minimum Score) Enter a percentage into the textbox next to “Keyword Density (Minimum Score)” to determine the minimum keyword density score required for your content. I recommend around 2%. (b) Keyword Density (Maximum Score) Enter a percentage into the textbox next to “Keyword Density (Maximum Score)” to determine the maximum keyword density score required for your content. I recommend around 4%. (c) Keyword Density Formula Select the formula you want Easy WP SEO to use to calculate your content's keyword density score. The first formula (Total Keywords / Total Words * 100) does not take into account the number of words in a keyword phrase, but is used by most other plugins to calculate keyword density. The second formula (Total Keywords / (Total Words / Total Words in Keyword Phrase)) * 100 calculates your keyword density score based on how many words are in your keyword phrase. 2.2.2 Description Meta Tag Enter the maximum number of characters for your Description meta tag in the textbox next to “Description Meta Tag (Maximum Characters)”. I recommend around 160 characters. 13
  • 14. 2.2.3 Post/Page Content (Minimum Words) Enter the minimum number of words for your post and page content in the textbox next to “Post Content (Minimum Words)”. I recommend around 300-500 words. 2.2.4 Title Length The Title Length settings enable you to set the minimum and maximum number of words for your content's Title tag. (a) Title Length (Minimum Words) Enter the minimum number of words for your Title tag in the textbox next to “Title Length (Minimum Words)”. I recommend around 3 words. (b) Title Length (Maximum Characters) Enter the maximum number of characters for your Title tag in the textbox next to “Title Length (Minimum Characters)”. I recommend around 66 characters. 2.2.5 Manage Keywords Display Posts Per Page Enter the number of posts/pages to display per page on the Manage Keywords screen (found at Easy WP SEO → Manage Keywords). 14
  • 15. 2.2.6 Request Timeout Enter the number of seconds to wait for a request connection to a URL (set a higher number of seconds if you experience “timeout” errors). 2.2.7 Internal Links Enter the maximum number of related posts and pages to display in the “Internal Links” tab (found in the Misc tab in the Easy WP SEO metabox on the Add New Post/Page or Edit Post/Page screens). 2.2.8 Internal Images Enter the maximum number of images to display in the “Internal Images” tab (found in the Misc tab in the Easy WP SEO metabox on the Add New Post/Page or Edit Post/Page screens). 15
  • 16. 2.3 Keyword Settings Adjust the settings for the Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords. (a) Default Region/Language Display semantically related keywords in 25 different languages from 41 regions around the world (select which one you want to display). (b) Maximum Results Enter the maximum number of keywords to display in the LSI keywords tab (found in the Easy WP SEO metabox on the Add New Post/Page or Edit Post/Page screens). (c) Sort Method Select the method to sort LSI keywords. “Frequency” sorts LSI keywords by the total number of occurrences. “Alphabetical” sorts the LSI keywords alphabetically. 2.4 Developer License Holders – How to Hide License Information From Clients If you own a “Developer” license, you can install Easy WP SEO on your clients' sites and hide your license information by clicking the “Hide License Information” button. IMPORTANT: To reverse this action, you need to go to Easy WP SEO → Manage Keywords and click the Uninstall Easy WP SEO button. 16
  • 17. 2.5 Upgrade Easy WP SEO 1. Click the "Settings" link in the Easy WP SEO menu. 2. Click the "Upgrade Plugin" button (found at the bottom of the screen). 3. On the “Easy WP SEO License Upgrade” page, select the appropriate license upgrade, and click the “Upgrade” button. 17
  • 18. 3. Manage Keywords After you configure the Easy WP SEO settings, click the Manage Keywords link in the Easy WP SEO menu (found on the left sidebar of the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard) to import or manually add primary keywords to your posts and pages. 3.1 Manually Add Keywords With Easy WP SEO, you can quickly and easily add primary keywords to multiple posts and pages and calculate on-page SEO and keyword density scores. 3.1.1 Select the Bulk Action Select your desired action from the “Bulk Actions” drop-down menu. You can select either “Update” or “Clear Keywords”. (a) Update The “Update” action updates the primary keyword and the SEO and keyword density scores for all selected posts and pages. (b) Clear Keywords The “Clear Keywords” action deletes the primary keyword and the SEO and keyword density scores for all selected posts and pages. 3.1.2 Filter the Results Here is how to filter the results on the “Manage Keywords” screen: (a) Filter by Post Type Select from the “Post Type” drop-down men to filter the results by post type. You can select “View all post types” to display posts, pages, and custom post types. Select “Posts” to display only posts and select “Pages” to display only pages. Also, if your Wordpress version and theme supports custom post types, you can filter by the desired custom post type. 18
  • 19. (b) Filter by Post Status Select from the “Post Status” drop-down menu to filter the results by status. You can select “View all published” to display all posts, pages, and custom post types (regardless of status). Select “Pending” to display pending posts and pages. Select “Draft” to display draft posts and pages. Select “Future” to display future posts and pages. Select “Private” to display private posts and pages. And select “Trash” to display posts and pages in the Trash section. (c) Filter by Categories Select from the “Categories” drop-down menu to filter the results by category. You can select “View all categories” to display all posts in all categories. Also, you can select a category like “Uncategorized” to display all posts in that specific category. (d) Filter by Date Select from the “Date” drop-down menu to filter the results by date. You can select “Show all dates” to display all posts and pages from all dates. Also, you can select a date like “April 2011” (for example) to display all posts from that specific date. Click the “Apply” or “Filter” buttons to filter the results. 3.1.3 Enter the Primary Keywords 1. Enter in your primary keyword next to the post or page that you want to update. 2. Also, make sure you select the checkbox next to the post /page title (or the primary keyword and SEO and keyword density scores will not change). 3. Finally, click the “Apply” button. 19
  • 20. 3.1 Import Keywords Easy WP SEO can instantly import your keywords from SEOPressor, ClickBump SEO!, WP SEO Beast, and BloggerHigh SEO. NOTE: You do NOT need any of these plugins to use Easy WP SEO. The import keywords feature makes it so you do not have to waste your time typing all of those keywords again. 1. Click the “Import Keywords” button that corresponds to the desired plugin. 2. Click “OK” to confirm and Easy WP SEO will import your keywords from the plugin. (Just for the record, Easy WP SEO does not delete keywords from these other plugins.) 20
  • 21. 3.2 Manually Enter Keywords To manually enter your primary and secondary keywords for a single post or page, go to the Add New Post or Page or the Edit Post or Page screen in the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard. 3.2.1 Enter the Primary Keyword 1. Select the “Primary Keyword” tab (if not already selected) in the Easy WP SEO metabox, and enter your primary keyword into the textbox. 2. Click the Publish (for a new post or page), Update (for an old post or page), or Save Draft button to update your SEO and keyword density score and display the suggestions. IMPORTANT: The SEO and keyword density scores, suggestions, LSI keywords, readability scores, and internal links and images do NOT appear unless you enter a primary keyword and click the Publish, Update, or Save Draft buttons. 3.2.2 Enter the Secondary Keywords 1. Click the “Secondary Keywords” tab in the Easy WP SEO metabox. 2. Enter your secondary keyword into the textbox. 3. Click the “Add” button to add the keyword to your list of secondary keywords. IMPORTANT: You must click the Publish (for a new post or page), Update (for an old post or page), or Save Draft button to update your post or page before a new secondary keyword's SEO and keyword density scores and suggestions appear in the Easy WP SEO metabox. 21
  • 22. 3.2.3 Edit a Secondary Keyword 1. Select the keyword you want to edit from the list of secondary keywords. 2. Enter a new keyword into the textbox to the right of the “Add” button. 3. Click the “Edit” button to automatically edit the keyword. REMEMBER: You must click the Publish (for a new post or page), Update (for an old post or page), or Save Draft button to update your post or page before a new secondary keyword's SEO and keyword density scores and suggestions appear in the Easy WP SEO metabox. 3.2.4 Delete a Secondary Keyword 1. Select the keyword you want to delete from the list of secondary keywords. 2. Click the “Delete” button. 3. Click the “OK” button on the confirmation pop- up. 4. Click the Publish (for a new post or page), Update (for an old post or page), or Save Draft button to permanently delete the secondary keyword and its SEO and keyword density scores and suggestions. 22
  • 23. 3.2.5 Clear All of the Secondary Keywords 1. Click the “Clear All” button. 2. Click the “OK” button on the confirmation pop- up. 3. Click the Publish (for a new post or page), Update (for an old post or page), or Save Draft button to permanently delete all of the secondary keywords. 3.2.6 Switch Between Scores and Suggestions 1. Click the “Primary Keywords” or “Secondary Keywords” tab to switch between the SEO and keyword density scores and suggestions for primary and secondary keywords. 2. After you click the “Secondary Keywords” tab, highlight a keyword to displays its scores and suggestions. 3. After you highlight a secondary keyword, you can click the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard to quickly and easily move through your secondary keywords. IMPORTANT: You must click the Publish (for a new post or page), Update (for an old post or page), or Save Draft button to update your post or page before a new primary or secondary keyword's SEO and keyword density scores and suggestions appear in the Easy WP SEO 23
  • 24. 4. On-Page SEO Analysis To view Easy WP SEO's on-page SEO analysis of your post or page, select the “Analysis” tab. 4.1 On-Page SEO Score Click the Publish (for a new post or page), Update (for an old post or page), or Save Draft button, and Easy WP SEO analyzes your post, page, or custom post type for 23 proven on-page SEO factors. Then it displays an on-page SEO score that reveals how well your content is optimized for the search engines. 4.2 Keyword Density The keyword density score shows you the percentage of how many times your keyword or phrase appears in the post or page content in comparison to the total number of words. So, for example, if your post or page has 500 total words and your keyword appears 25 times, then your keyword density score is 5.00%. To learn more about keyword density: Easy WP SEO allows you to choose between two keyword density formulas: 1. (Total Keywords / Total Words) * 100 This is the most common formula used in other plugins (and Easy WP SEO now uses this formula by default). 2. (Total Keywords / (Total Words / Total Words in Keyword Phrase)) * 100 This keyword density formula is more accurate for keyword phrases because it takes into account how many words are in the phrase. To my knowledge, Easy WP SEO is the only Wordpress plugin (out of its competitors) that includes this keyword density formula. Go to Section 2.2.1 of the user guide to learn how to configure the Keyword Density Formula setting. 24
  • 25. IMPORTANT: Some people have thought their keyword density scores for long-tail keyword phrases were too high in Easy WP SEO compared to other plugins. But these other plugins rely on Formula #1, and do not take into account the total number of words in the keyword phrase. Therefore, the keyword density score in Easy WP SEO is actually more accurate (when Formula #2 is selected) because it DOES take into account the total number of words in the keyword phrase. 4.3 SEO Suggestions Easy WP SEO provides you with a detailed checklist of suggested SEO "tweaks". These changes to your content can dramatically increase your search engine rankings, improve quality scores for Google Adwords, and bring you more FREE targeted traffic to your website. A green checkmark next to a factor means it appears in your content, and a red X means it does not appear in your content. 4.3.1 Title Tag 1. Title contains keyword. This factor determines if your keyword appears within the Title tag (<title>Keyword</title>) of your post or page. 2. Title begins with keyword. This factor determines if the Title begins with the keyword (<title>Keyword at the beginning</title>). 3. Title contains at least 3 words. This factor determines if the Title contains at least three total words (<title>First Second Third</title>). 4. Title contains up to 66 characters. This factor determines if the Title contains a maximum of 66 characters. IMPORTANT: Some people wonder why they receive a red X for Title begins with keyword or Title contains up to 66 characters when their Title is only 55 characters (for example). What they do not understand is most plugins and themes add additional information to your Title. So, while you may think your title is like this... <title>This is my test title to give you an example</title> 25
  • 26. The plugin or theme changes your title to the following... <title>This is my test title to give you an example | The Name of Your Site</title> Remember, Easy WP SEO scores your content based on what a visitor to your site sees, not necessarily what you see in the Add New Post/Page or Edit Post/Page screens in the Wordpress Dashboard. 4.3.2 URL 1. Permalink contains your keyword. This factor determines if your keyword appears in the permalink of your post or page. (For example, 4.3.3 Meta Tags 1. Description meta tag contains keyword. This factor determines if your keyword appears in the Description Meta Tag. (<meta name=”description” content=”Keyword” />) 2. Description meta tag contains up to 160 characters. This factor determines if the Description Meta Tag contains a maximum of 160 characters. 3. Description meta tag begins with keyword. This factor determines if the Description Meta Tag begins with the keyword. (<meta name=”description” content=”Keyword at the beginning” />) 4. Keywords meta tag contains keyword. This factor determines if your keyword appears in the Keywords Meta Tag. (<meta name=”keywords” content=”Keyword” />) 26
  • 27. 4.3.4 Heading Tags 1. H1 tag contains your keyword. This factor determines if your keyword appears within the H1 tag (<h1>Keyword</h1>) of your post or page. 2. H1 tag begins with keyword. This factor determines if the H1 tag begins with the keyword (<h1>Keyword at the beginning</h1>). 3. H2 tag contains your keyword. This factor determines if your keyword appears within the H2 tag (<h2>Keyword</h2>) of your post or page. 4. H3 tag contains your keyword. This factor determines if your keyword appears within the H3 tag (<h3>Keyword</h3>) of your post or page. 4.3.5 Content 1. Content contains at least 300 words. This factor determines if your keyword contains a minimum number of 300 words. 2. Content has a 2.0%-5.5% keyword density. This factor determines if your keyword density has a minimum score of 2% and a maximum score of 5.5%. 3. Content contains keyword in the first 50-100 words. This factor determines if your keyword appears in the first 50-100 words of your post or page. 27
  • 28. 4. Content contains at least one image with keyword in ALT attribute. This factor determines if your keyword appears in the ALT attribute of at least one image (<img src=”yourimage.jpg” alt=”Keyword” />) 5. Content contains at least one bold keyword. This factor determines if your keyword appears in a bold (<b>Keyword</b>), strong (<strong>Keyword</strong>), or span (<span style=”font-weight:bold;”>Keyword</span>) tag. 6. Content contains at least one italicized keyword. This factor determines if your keyword appears in an italic (<i>Keyword</i>), emphasis (<em>Keyword</em>), or span (<span style=”font-style:italic;”>Keyword</span>) tag. 7. Content contains at least one underlined keyword. This factor determines if your keyword appears in an underline (<u>Keyword</u>) or span (<span style=”text-decoration:underline;”>Keyword</span>) tag. 8. Content contains keyword in anchor text of at least one external link. This factor determines if your keyword appears in the anchor text of at least one external link (<a href=””>Keyword</a>). 9. Content contains keyword in anchor text of at least one internal link. This factor determines if your keyword appears in the anchor text of at least one internal link (<a href=””>Keyword</a>). 10. Content contains keyword in the last 50-100 words. This factor determines if your keyword appears in the last 50-100 words of your post or page. 28
  • 29. 5. LSI Keywords Select the “LSI” tab to access the Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) feature of Easy WP SEO. 5.1 Select the Keyword 1. Select the “Primary Keyword” tab to highlight the primary keyword or highlight one of the secondary keywords. IMPORTANT: You are going to generate a list of LSI keywords that are semantically related to the keyword you highlight. 5.2 Generate a List of LSI Keywords 1. After you select the “Primary Keyword” tab or highlight a secondary keyword, click the “Display LSI Keywords” button to generate a list of semantically related keywords. 29
  • 30. 5.3 Drag-and-Drop LSI Keywords into Your Content 1. Grab an LSI keyword with your mouse pointer and drag-and-drop the keyword into your post or page title or content through the “Visual” or “HTML” Wordpress Editor. 2. Also, you can drag-and-drop LSI keywords into the primary keyword textbox or into the secondary keyword textbox next to the “Add” button (click the “Secocndary Keywords” tab). 30
  • 31. 6. Readability To view the readability scores and statistics for your post or page, select the “Readability” tab. 6.1 Readability Scores Easy WP SEO scientifically tests your post or page using six readability formulas to ensure that your content can easily be read by anyone in your target market: 1. Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease 2. Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 3. Gunning-Fog Score 4. Coleman-Liau Index 5. SMOG Index 6. Automated Readability Index IMPORTANT: If a score is in red, then your visitor requires a higher average grade level to read and understand your content (it is probably difficult to read). If a score is in green, then your visitor requires a lower average grade level (it is probably easy to read). 6.2 Readability Statistics 1. Click the “Readability Statistics” link to view the readability statistics for your post or page content. 2. Is your content is difficult to read? Then you need to go through your content and reduce the number of complex words (complex words have three or more syllables). 3. Click the Publish (for a new post or page), Update (for an old post or page), or Save Draft button to update your content's readability scores and statistics. 31
  • 32. 7. Miscellaneous To access the miscellaneous features of Easy WP SEO, select the “Misc” tab. 7.1 Internal Links Internal Links are posts or pages that are related to your primary keyword. 1. To insert internal links into your post or page content, grab an internal link with your mouse pointer and drag-and-drop it into your content through the “Visual” or “HTML” Wordpress Editor. It will insert the internal link with your primary keyword as the anchor text (if the “Primary Keywords” tab is selected). 2. To insert the internal link into your content with a secondary keyword as the anchor text, click the “Secondary Keywords” tab, highlight the desired secondary keyword, and drag-and-drop the internal link into your content. 32
  • 33. 7.2 Internal Images Easy WP SEO allows you to drag-and-drop the images in your Wordpress site's Media Library into your content through the “Visual” or “HTML” Wordpress Editor. 1. To insert an internal image into your post or page content, grab an image with your mouse pointer and drag-and-drop it into your content. It will insert the internal link with your primary keyword as the anchor text (if the “Primary Keywords” tab is selected). 2. To insert the internal image into your content with a secondary keyword as the anchor text, click the “Secondary Keywords” tab, highlight the desired secondary keyword, and drag-and-drop the image into your content. 7.3 Help 1. Click the “Help” tab to view a list of step-by-step videos for Easy WP SEO. 2. Click the help (?) icon beside a topic and a pop-up will display the video. 3. There are help (?) icons throughout Easy WP SEO that you can click to instantly view helpful videos. 33
  • 34. 8. System Reset/Uninstall Click the Manage Keywords link in the Easy WP SEO menu (found on the left sidebar of the Wordpress Administrative Dashboard) and scroll to the bottom of the page to find the System Reset/Uninstall options. 8.1 Clear All Keywords Click the “Clear All Keywords” button to delete all of the primary and secondary keywords from your Wordpress database. After you click the “Clear All Keywords” button, a pop-up confirmation screen will appear. Click the “OK” button and Easy WP SEO will clear all of your keywords. 8.2 Reset Options To Defaults Click the “Reset Options To Defaults” button to reset the Easy WP SEO settings (Easy WP SEO → Settings) to their factory default values. Next, a pop-up confirmation screen will appear. Click the “OK” button and Easy WP SEO will reset the options. 8.3 Uninstall Easy WP SEO Click the “Uninstall Easy WP SEO” button to uninstall and deactivate Easy WP SEO from your Wordpress site. After the pop-up confirmation screen appears, click the “OK” button to uninstall Easy WP SEO. 34
  • 35. 9. Troubleshooting 9.1 Why Do I Get Red X's For Things That I Know are 100% Correct (e.g., Title, H1, Meta Tags)? Do you use HostGator as your web host? If so, they disable "GET Requests" by default. So, you need to contact them and ask them to "turn GET requests on" for your domain name. They will know exactly what I'm talking about. You can go to and click the "Live Chat" graphic for the fastest response. If you don't have HostGator, what happens when you type in a word like test or keyword as the primary keyword? Enter the same word into the Title, Meta, and Heading tags. Do you get the same red X's when you update the post or page? If you still receive X's in the suggestion area, even after you use a simple word like test or keyword, then your web host probably has "GET Requests" turned off for your account. Contact them and ask them to turn GET requests on for your domain name. If your web server doesn't allow Easy WP SEO to request the HTML for your post or page, then it can't analyze your content, and it is going to display X's. 9.2 Why Does Easy WP SEO Display a Red X For “Title Contains Up To 66 Characters” When My Title Is Only 55 Characters? Just because a theme or plugin like All In One SEO Pack says that your title is only 55 characters (for example) does not mean this is necessarily true. You may enter your Title like this... Here is an Example of a Title For Your Wordpress Post or Page (61 characters) But the theme or plugin may add “additional” characters or words to your title (making it longer)... Here is an Example of a Title For Your Wordpress Post or Page | Site Name (73 characters) IMPORTANT: While you thought your Title was only 61 characters (because that is what All In One SEO Pack or some other plugin or theme tells you), your Title is really 73 characters. As a result, Easy WP SEO displays a red X next to “Title contains up to 66 characters” because your Title is 73 characters long, which is more than 66 characters. 35
  • 36. 9.3 Why Does Easy WP SEO Display a Red X For “Title Begins With Keyword” When My Title DOES Begin with the Keyword? Just because a theme or plugin like All In One SEO Pack says that your Title begins with your keyword does not mean this is necessarily true. For example, you may enter your Title like this... Keyword at the Beginning of the Title But the theme or plugin may add “additional” characters or words to the beginning of your title... Site Name | Keyword at the Beginning of the Title IMPORTANT: While you thought the Title began with your keyword (because that is what All In One SEO Pack or some other plugin or theme tells you), your Title actually begins with your site's name. As a result, Easy WP SEO displays a red X next to “Title begins with your keyword” because your Title does NOT begin with your keyword. 1. To know for sure what the Title is for your post or page, view the post or page in your web browser. 2. Click the “View Source” menu in your web browser (to view the HTML code for your post or page). 3. Find the contents of the Title tag (<title>Contents of the Title Tag</title>). 36
  • 37. 9.4 What Should I Do if I Automatically Upgraded From Version 1.4 to Version 1.5 and the Plugin Disappeared? There was a glitch in version 1.4 that updated the plugin like this... /your-wordpress-directory/wp-content/plugins/easywpseo/easywpseo When it should have been... /your-wordpress-directory/wp-content/plugins/easywpseo This was corrected in version 1.5 However, anyone who invests in Easy WP SEO now will download version 1.5, so this is not an issue of concern. And for anyone who automatically updated the plugin and experiences the above issue, you just need to do the following... 1. Delete the easywpseo directory from your /your-wordpress-directory/wp-content/plugins directory. 2. Download the latest version of Easy WP SEO (from the link in the "Thank You" email you received with the subject line... "Your Easy WP SEO Download Instructions..."). 3. Unzip and re-upload to the /your-wordpress-directory/wp-content/plugins directory. Here is how to download step-by-step instructions... 37