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Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship
Preface / Introduction

Small business continues to be the biggest employer in the United States of America; however, it
also suffers the worst in relation to all businesses when it comes to government intervention resulting
in imposed costs that can hurt the bottoline. Now, more and more businesses are seeking other
sources of revenue so as to minimise or eliminate costs have sought relief via the Internet. Indeed,
supplemental income for many businesses is being achieved online; however, intergrating two
different business mediums requires a mastery of both. Therefore, allow me to offer you this
resource to make your transaction as a bricks & mortar business owner to online business owner
more successful. It is without say, "online business is different from offline; therefore, learning the
tools of the trade are critical". Let me introduce you to the many Tools and resources you will need
to generate Consistent, Predictable and long-term residual Income. Oh yes, review this information
carefully; otherwise, the author wasted his bloody time.
Table of Contents
1. Seven things you must NEVER say to yourself if you want MAXIMUM business and personal
2. Five Things You Don't Know About Closing Sales Which Are Eviscerating Your Profits
3. 100% sales. The 'must read' for business people who want more money and want it NOW!
4. What is Marketing
5. A recognized Internet marketing master delivers the sober word you don't want to hear: The way
you're 'marketing' online your failure is assured. Take the challenge and see for yourself.
6. Amazing Technology And Your Online Marketing
7. Does Your Website Work The Best It Can For You
8. Evaluate Your Business Home Marketing Business
9. Help With Your Failing Internet Market Business
10. Internet Advertising Cost-You Get What You Pay For
11. Internet Advertising Help-Use Your Popular Search Engines
12. Keep Your Internet Marketing Business Fresh
13. Motivate New Business For Your Web Site
14. Need Web Traffic The Internet Is A Realm Of Endless Possibility
15. Old News In Internet Marketing Business
16. Planning A Strategic Marketing Campaign
17. Seminars On Internet Marketing-How About A Webinar
18. Submit Your Site-Starting Your Online Business
19. Submit Your Website Free-Perfect Way If Your Budget Is Tight
20. Success With Internet Marketing Promotions
21. What Is Hot For Internet Marketing Business Today
22. Small Business Internet Marketing Advice
23. Small Business Internet Marketing Techniques
24. The Internet Marketing Center -Great Place To Start
25. Tips To Meet Your Business Goals
26. Will They Come Without Effective Internet Marketing
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

Seven things you must NEVER say to yourself if you want
MAXIMUM business and personal success
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
You've heard it and said it since you were a kid: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words
will never hurt me." That's definitely true if you are the recipient of the words... but absolutely
wrong if you are the sender. You see, language completely defines who you are, what you will do,
and the level of success you can achieve. If "you are what you eat," it is also absolutely true "You
are what you say."
That's why I've identified 7 key phrases that are holding you back, 7 phrases which you must
IMMEDIATELY eradicate from your speech as they threaten your success!
1) "I'll do it tomorrow."
Want success? Then understand that "tomorrow" is the enemy of "today." How many people do you
know who have a "manana" mentality, always willing to put off until tomorrow that which could so
easily be done today.
People who succeed in life are people who do today what can be done today, never allowing
themselves the luxury of postponement. These words, then, must be the first to expunge ... and never
allow your brain to think. "Carpe diem" must forever be your guide.
2) "I'll make do."
Now hear this: successful people never "make do." Making do is for people who have convinced
themselves that they will be happy with less. This, of course, is the direct opposite of what truly
successful people think, say, and do.
To the successful, "making do" means imposing restrictions on who you are and what you could
achieve if you made achievement, rather than its opposite, your objective. No great thing, no worthy
thing, no meaningful or awesome thing has ever emerged when the person in charge said these
words. So banish them at once from your vocabulary; if you keep them you will surely get the less
you say satisfies and nothing more. Is that what you want?
3) "I'm a survivor."
Initially this may seem positive, but upon further thought you will come to see how invidious this
phrase really is. No successful person is merely a survivor; such people do not merely continue to
exist (which is what survival means). Instead, they ascend beyond mere existence to the superior
state of flourishing.
Thus, instead of touting the mere ability to get by, give yourself a better objective by saying: "I am
not merely a survivor. Instead I flourish." (Note: Floreat Etona is the motto of England's most
prestigious and influential school, the school that has provided generations of leaders. Let the slogan
work its magic for you, too.)
4) "I'm fixing to do it."
Take a close look at these words.
They do not say "I am doing it."
They say "I'm thinking about getting around to doing it."                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                4 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

Now, it should be obvious that truly successful people don't brag about how they are "about" to do
something. No, indeed. These people, the people we want to be like and emulate, are people who are
masters of "do". And you must be, too. Drop "fixin" from your vocabulary forthwith.
5) "Working on it."
Here's another deceptive phrase which makes non English speakers scratch their heads in
bafflement. The phrase, you see, seems to mean one thing, but actually means quite another.
"Working on it" means the complete reverse. It does not mean that a thing is being attended to,
completion in sight. It means, instead, that the thing in question is not being attended to, has not
been started, and that no completion date can be seen because none has been set. Oh, my!
"Working on it" is a phrase beloved of procrastinators, the slothful and slow-walkers worldwide
because it gives them cover for the work they are assuredly are not doing and the success they will
not achieve because of it.
6) "It's good enough for me."
This potent phrase has destroyed success for millions worldwide, generation after generation.
Success means constant application, work, a vivid striving after success and the thrill that comes
from having achieved it.
By contrast, the minute you utter the word "enough" you have signalled an end to absolutely
everything necessary to achieve success, including success itself.
"It's good enough" could hardly be worse for your aspirations, strangling success in its cradle and
leaving you with crumbs. "There is nothing quite so bad," wrote the insightful Oscar Wilde, "as that
which is good enough." This is why you must banish this corrosive phrase at once. Only the good
can be good enough for you!
*7) "I could never do that."
Are you one of the legions of people who use these killer words? Be advised: success cannot
flourish in this inhospitable terrain.
People who demand success empower themselves by creating an environment where the goal of
success is never undercut by the words they use and the thoughts they think. For such people, the
keynote is positive potential, not instantaneous death by your own hand.
You see, if you say you cannot do the thing in question, then most assuredly you will not achieve
that thing. As Henry Ford, master of the practical, the richest man of his time, rightly said: "You
think you can. You think you can't. Either way you're right."
Last Words
Success at the best of times is generally difficult to achieve. Why, then, make it even more difficult
by sabotaging yourself, diminishing success by empowering failure? Your thoughts, your words are
your realities. Negative words, restricting words, words that sabotage rather than improve and
inspire must be rooted out and destroyed.
YOU must create for yourself an environment where the total focus, including every word you utter,
facilitates achievement and does not handicap it. Start by eradicating these 7 invidious phrases,
replacing them with those that enrich, improve... and never impede. At once, your trek to success
becomes decidedly easier. Yes, you are on your way!
This astonishing phrase is dynamite, a sure-fire indicator that the person who thinks and utters it will                          Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                 5 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

have the most meager portion of success. In short, it undermines, sabotages and otherwise strangles
the very possibility of success.
What stimulates success is the keen desire to be better, to have better, to live better.                           Copyright Vaurn James - 2012           6 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

Five Things You Don't Know About Closing Sales Which Are
Eviscerating Your Profits
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
It isn't just that most people are lousy at sales... far more shocking is the fact that most SALES
PEOPLE are lousy at sales.
If you're one of them, this article is for YOU!
The plain fact of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of sales people rely on their charm,
gift of gab, and ability to "wing it" to make sales... instead of being prepared to make sale after sale.
STOP IT! Following these sensible steps means more money:
1) Closing sales is not a matter of motivation or pressure. Instead, it's a question of having the right
information readily at hand, so you can answer customer questions quickly, easily, thoroughly.
Thus, consider what you have readily available when you are talking to a customer.
2) Do you have (readily available, mind) a sheet of "you gets", that is a list of PRECISELY what
your customer gets when using your product/service?
Dollars to doughnuts, neither you nor any member of your business has sat down and written out the
features of what you're selling; then converted each and every feature into a benefit that the
customer gets. Treat each and every benefit like scoops on an ice-cream cone; the higher you stack
'em, the more enticing to the customer!
3) Do you have a sheet of offers?
Products do not sell themselves; a sales person bragging "Our product sells itself" is wrong, naive or
both. What sells products is offers; the better the offer the faster the sale.
Thus, have you got a sheet of offers; "add-ons" you can use to motivate immediate customer action?
This list should make it very clear just what the customer gets for fast action. AND when the
customer must act, for ALL offers must be limited by time, quantity, etc.
4) Do you have a sheet of results testimonials?
People what to be assured and re-assured about what they will get when using your product. Here's
where "results" testimonials come in. These not only provide a happy customer's experience in using
your product ("I loved it"), but the specific results that customer achieved. The greater the specificity
and the benefits, the better and more effective the testimonial.
Note: whenever possible ALL testimonials must include full customer and such relevant details as
title, location, etc. In short, testimonials must be detailed and complete to be completely credible.
5) A page of objection responses and rebuttals
Face it, not every customer will leap for joy upon hearing of what you are selling. That's why you
must be prepared for the nay-sayers, the procrastinators, the cautious, and the merely foolish. For
these folks, a list of every possible objection and your strongest response is required.
Commmon objections include:
"I must ask my spouse."
"I'm on vacation for the next 2 weeks."                           Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                   7 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

"I'm on vacation for the next 2 weeks."
"I have to check you out."
"I don't have the money."
Now hear this: there isn't an objection under the sun which cannot be effectively answered, only not
by "winging it." EVERY successful sales person knows that preparation here is mandatory; the
rebuttals may seem spontaneous... but they must ALWAYS be rehearsed. Brainstorm all objections;
then work on the responses. As new objections surface, add them to your list... and, again, perfect
the perfect, objection- demolishing response.
Last Words
The key to sales success is NEVER a "wing and a prayer." It is ALWAYS a matter of total,
complete, deliberate effort. Such effort can turn a mediocre sales person into a stellar performer.
That, of course, is precisely what your goal must be, and now you know how to achieve it!                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                 8 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

100% sales. The 'must read' for business people who want
more money and want it NOW!
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. I have the inestimable privilege of training some of the brightest business
people on earth... people of wit, intelligence, good humor... and a fierce determination to be
successful, climbing the greasy pole, making more money, and living just the way they want. I find
this work enthralling, exhilarating... and (I'll admit it) frequently frustrating... as I watch even the
best and the brightest muff it.
And so, today, I am writing about the one essential thing these fine folks -- and that now includes
YOU -- must do every single minute of every single day that you want more money. For, let's not
kid ourselves... if you understand this crucial article and follow its directives... you are going to
make more money, lots more, and leave your lackadaisical and languid colleagues in the dust. And
won't that be sweet?
To put you in the mood for my insistent message, I have selected a dance number that once made
you gyrate and awe... "I Want Your Love" by a group named Chic. It hit the charts in 1978, and it
made its point early and often:
"I want your love. I want your love. I want your love. I want your love."
In other words, they kept on message, driving home the point of their endeavors until even the most
mentally challenged "got it". As a teacher with a sledgehammer, repetitive delivery, I like that... I
like it a lot.
And so to set the stage for what follows, look this tune up in any search engine now and move that
overweight, arthritic body; because you're about to recapture your alluring youth... and be the person
who got what you wanted, oh yeah!
Painful, so painful.
It happened again yesterday... and it gets me, right in the solar plexus, each and every time I see this
fundamental error. The sales person I was training was operating solo. In other words, they had
progressed sufficiently far in their instruction to where they get to fly all alone. I am there, of course;
I am always there... but I try to remain as silent as the grave and unobtrusive so that I am seeing the
student and just the student. And make no mistake about it... this situation (as every parent knows)
can make you as nervous and frustrated as all get out.
Lights, camera... think!
Picture the scene. All parties are on the 'net. I am present in my video box, the student is in his... and
the "real life" prospect enters... like a bull at a corrida. Everything happens in real time.... and has
real world implications, for good... or for ill.
Ok... the student (and, remember, my students are established business people, not
wet-behind-the-ears kids) goes into closing mode. This starts by greeting each and every prospect by
name; then asking each prospect to watch a 20-minute video packed with the vital data that both
excites the prospect and instructs her.
These steps are crucial... and the students know I am a stickler for ensuring that they occur. In other
words, make SURE the prospect has the critical facts before any further action can occur.
The prospect is prepped... are you?                           Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                  9 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

"As soon as you've finished the video, return to me for a spectacular one-time-only offer."
These words usher in the next phase of the operation. We make it clear what must be done (watch
video) and what is coming thereafter (spectacular offer). So far... so good.
Close but no cigar.
The first mistake the students make is to present the offer before the prospect has been adequately
prepped. This is a critical error. Prospects must have the necessary facts... or they end up asking a
ton of unnecessary questions; questions which have already been answered -- and in precise, clear
detail, too -- in the video.
The video, the whole video, nothing but the video.
As soon as you have confirmed that the prospect has watched the ENTIRE video, proceed to the
"Big rock candy mountain," your scintillating offer. It IS scintillating, isn't it? For if it doesn't snap,
crackle, and pop you've just thrown away a sale. Sales occur because the offer sizzles, excites, is just
too thrilling to decline. You ARE making such an offer, I trust. And if you're not, you'd better make
its improvement "Action this day," which is what Winston Churchill did when as Prime Minister of
England he demanded instant attention and RESULTS.
And now... the critical moment that turns you into a master... and puts another sale in your pocket:
100% sales.
To remain an average closer, keep doing what you're doing.But to fly high as one of the world's
sales masters you must set the desired goal... then do everything possible, everything necessary to
achieve it.
That is... 100% sales.
Is this what you do?
Make your objective immediately clear to the prospect: "I want you to get the benefits of this
widget... and I'm going to do everything I can to make it happen." Don't just say these words... mean
them. Because once the prospect knows you're serious, they can be serious too, working with you for
fastest, most complete mutual advantage.
At this moment, the prospect may well start back peddling saying things like this:
"I don't have any money."
"I can't do it today."
"I need to tell the little woman. We're a team."
And so forth. Your job is to thrust these obstacles out of the way and CLOSE THAT DEAL.
To do this, you must remind yourself AT ALL TIMES that you have a 100% closing goal... and that
you are going to make this close. If the prospect stalls or blocks you, keep things going by asking for
the prospect's undivided attention and for an all- important OPEN mind. Make sure the prospect
understands what the offer is.... and if necessary improve it; always making it clear that this offer
expires the second the prospect leaves. In other words, there is a premium for staying, working
things out, but irrevocable loss if they won't.
Now, gun it.
Keep in mind at all times, with the terrific offer you are making, the prospect will be better off... if...                          Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                  10 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

and only if... they take immediate action. It is your job to drive this home NOW... making it
abundantly clear that action now is the only sensible course.
Do this, and do it with enthusiasm, gusto, and good humor, and you will not only want that sale...
you will get it! For as Chic sang, "a better love you won't find today..." or a better offer either.
*** What do you think? We invite you to post your comments below.                        Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                 11 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

What is Marketing
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and
distribution of ideas or goods and services, that will ultimately satisfy a customer demand.
Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or another, maybe an idea
even. So why there such a high percentage of products on the market that just don't survive? Well in
most cases, the problem lies not in the idea or service itself, but in the cultivation thereof.

Lets try and analyse where most businesses go wrong:
Most small businesses don't have a Marketing plan
Successful businesses thrive because every single person in the organisation is aware of where the
business is going. In other words, the business is as a result of one mans vision, and with the help
every employee, the company as a whole is dedicated to see that vision through. A Marketing plan
helps to achieve this kind of focus and when used effectively, it will ensure that the business is able
to adapt to todays dynamic business environment and changing customer needs.

They tend to confuse Sales with Marketing
One important fact to remember is that Sales is a direct byproduct of effective Marketing. The
objective of sales is to increase revenue that the company generates by distributing products and
services, none of which would be possible if the consumer of that product had no information on
which to base their purchase. Although it is important not to confuse the two, Sales and Marketing
together with PR tend to work hand-in-hand and removing any one of these from the chain could
result in failure.

?We don't need marketing, we're a small company?
That should be that exact reason as to why a business does need to have a marketing process. Lets
be honest, no business owner wants to remain the same size forever and to just keep breaking even.
But the only way of changing that is to be proactive, know what the market is, where its going and
where you fit in.

Marketing gurus say that Marketing is an art, not a science. We could argue this point forever but
the bottom line is that I don't believe it is. You can learn how to Market. Marketing is not some God
given talent that only those born with can exploit, it is a process, a method, a way of succeeding that
you can start learning right now.                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                12 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

A recognized Internet marketing master delivers the sober
word you don't want to hear: The way you're 'marketing'
online your failure is assured. Take the challenge and see for
Author's program note. One of the great films is "Cool Hand Luke" (1967) that features this line
etched in acid, "What we have here is failure to communicate". This line is delivered just after the
prison authority has slashed "Luke" with a whip, causing him to roll over and over down a long,
dusty hill, each rotation more painful than the last. The warden then says what seems an
extraordinary statement: that Luke had been beaten because he wanted it that way... Huh?
But pretty soon you understand the authority figure is right. Luke is determined to do things his way,
when that way is a certain disaster... he won't learn, won't examine his position, and will never admit
to error. The only thing that will enlighten him and change certain failure to incipient progress is
getting beaten and beaten again; then he might see the benefit, the essential value of instruction,
training and constant adjustment and beneficial change.
Luke's pointless "system" delivers nothing but misery. Communication delivers the desired results
that you're too stubborn to master. So what if what you're doing doesn't work. "It's a poor thing but
mine own" and therefore good enough.
Thus, for the music to accompany this article, I give you the theme song to "Cool Hand Luke"
because you bear more than a passing resemblance to a character and a situation that will keep
failing you and which you do not wish to change -- whatever you say. Find the music by Lalo
Schifrin in any search engine, and remember: it's YOUR theme, obstinacy and willful adherence to
present, total, predictable failure being celebrated.
Why you must master marketing to succeed online.
Right now chances are whatever online enterprise you are pursuing is not only failing to make you a
living wage... it is failing to make you anything at all. Don't be coy about this; YOU are a complete,
total, abject, and ridiculous marketing catastrophe. So, what have you been doing to solve this
problem and generate increasing bucks? What have you been doing? I'll tell you what you've been
doing; the same things that delivered failure while expecting success, if you do them long enough
This is the textbook definition of madness... and that makes YOU certifiably crazy.
"Your Money Is In Their Pocket!"
Right now people around the world are walking around with your money in their pockets. Moreover,
due to the pathetic way you "market", one thing is clear: you will never get that money. It will stay in
your customer's pocket... he will in due course spend it elsewhere, thereby depriving himself of
whatever benefit you could deliver and 100% of the profits you would have derived. What's worse,
you seem neither to know nor to care that this travesty of marketing that keeps you broke and
unsuccessful is going on. You're the poor little lamb who has gone astray... and you must be
perfectly happy with that result... since you learn nothing new; try nothing new; and master nothing
new. Amazing!
Magic words that deliver one hot prospect after another; the rocket ship that delivers them.
To succeed online you need, first of all, prospect lists because in my well-known phrase "The list is
the business... and the business is the list." To make money you must have lists; to make lots of
money, you must have bigger lists. Developing this list is a project for each and every day you want
to move money from "their" pockets... to yours. The first critical question: what did you do each day                        Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                13 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

to move money from "their" pockets... to yours. The first critical question: what did you do each day
this week to grow your pivotal lists? Don't be vague; be rigorously detailed and specific. The sad
fact is, you've probably done nothing on this matter whatsoever. And so you will continue to fail.
That's 100 percent certain.
You must give your prospects a reason to pick up the phone and call you. Do you? Consider this.
Over the years I have turned myself from an impecunious graduate student (albeit at Harvard) into
an online multi-millionaire. How did it happen? By creating powerful, punchy, profit-making ads
like this one, my current favorite and likely to remain so since it is a certifiable money maker:
Call me now for your FREE Internet marketing consultation. $100 value. Let an expert show you
RIGHT NOW how to profit online every single day without leaving home. Call me -- Dr. Jeffrey
Lant -- now, (617) 547-6372. LIVE 24/7/365. Your success guaranteed. I'm waiting for your call
This verbiage MUST be on EVERYTHING that will be seen, received, read and presented to every
single person you wish to respond. Each time you send out ANYTHING, be that business card,
email message, brochure, space ad, landing page, etc. without these precise words is a marketing
opportunity and ALL its potential profits lost and gone forever "dreadful sorrow, Clementine."
Ebooks as rocket ships.
Now you know the magic words to use that ensure 100 percent guaranteed results. How do you get
them into the hands of prospects who, being motivated by them, will pick up the telephone to make
instant contact with --you? There are many ways, but here's one that takes just about 5-7 minutes per
day. It's ebook marketing... and it's so clever because you don't write your ebooks (though you may
if you like). I DO!
Just over two years ago...
In the fall of 2010, I had an epochal "AHA!" moment. Keep in mind that at that time, the Great
Recession was dragging down the Great Republic, the European Union, and the world. I wanted to
seize this crucial moment when all the best things on Earth were for sale at deeply discounted prices;
I wanted to seize this moment, I say, to fatten my stock portfolio and fast-growing collection of
eye-popping Old Master pictures and the best 18th century furniture. In short, I needed lots of cash...
and a mechanism to deliver it to me and the eager-beavers who saw this turbulent, even frightening
time as the right time for massive asset acquisition. Enter the ebook... the ebook you don't write but
can profit from every single day!
Well over 1,000,000 formatted words, with images and musical cues, marching smartly to 1000
Here's the good word, bird. Since September, 2010 I have written approaching one thousand articles;
each about 1500 words. You can see them at These articles, carefully
researched, carefully written cover over 35 different subject areas. At least 20 new articles are added
every single month. Using them is a breeze...
Go to the article repository. Select any 2 or 3. Add the magic marketing words above. Click, send...
and await certain response... by people picking up the phone to call you... whenever they're ready to
call you.
Is this difficult in any way? No, it's child's play.
Is it time-consuming? Certainly not. 7 minutes for newbies. Under 5 for experienced marketers.
Does it produce prospect leads? Yes, EVERY time you use it, which should be 7 days a week.                            Copyright Vaurn James - 2012            14 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

And now The Million-Dollar Question. WILL YOU DO IT?
Return to "Cool Hand Luke," obstinate, stubborn, beaten, unsuccessful... just plain stupid.
Now let's be brutally frank with each other. I remind you that this is proven, that it's simple, that it
takes but a few paltry minutes a day, that it will cause your phone to ring off the hook (especially if
you put it on the top of each document for maximum impact), that it will ensure profits, profits
which will grow as you grow your lists.
But you, admit it, are "cool hand Luke", lazy, excuse making, smart aleck, a permanent sneer on
your lips, the know-it-all who knows nothing. You'll follow this advice for a day; maybe, two. You'll
start seeing results. Then your residual bad habits will kick in, including your acute disinclination to
take phone calls from real people. After all, when push comes to shove you are most surely of the "I
love humanity; it's people I can't stand" School of Marketing. And you're a slothful bugger, too.
You'll deny all this of course, just as Paul denied Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed. But the truth
will be most apparent in your derisory bank account, assets, and future. Partner, I hope that sneer on
your face and your reeking arrogance are enough for you, 'cause, baby, that's what you're gonna get.
Capisce?                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                 15 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

Amazing Technology And Your Online Marketing
Blending the amazing technology and your online marketing strategy takes a little thought. With all
the automated systems available today you can do so much quicker and easier than ever before.
Even though the amazing technology and your online marketing strategy do work together, that does
not mean that you won't have to work. Ultimately you need to plan the best course of action for your
It is about more than just getting some software, pushing some buttons and sitting back waiting for
the money to roll in. As a matter of fact, this is one of the most common mistakes that many people
make. They have bought into the hype of online marketing. They have come to believe that with a
little time and virtually no effort, they can can make a ton of money.
The problem is that the software won't do it all and if you don't understand at least the basics of how
it all goes together, you will miss out on a great opportunity.
So, no matter what technology and automation you depend on you need to be willing to learn the
basics of how it all goes together or you won't have much, or any success.
Another thing that many would be internet marketers overlook is the fact that they need to be able to
track all of their results. There are things that may need to be tweaked but unless you are tracking
your results you won't be able to identify which things work well for you and which ones don't
For that reason you should add, and learn to use, some type of code to track elements of your online
business. Two things that are very important to track are the number of visitors you get to your site
and the percentage of conversions (people who actually take some action like buy your product or
sign up to your list) that you are getting.
Most of the tweaks you do to your site will be geared to increasing one of these things - traffic or
conversions. You need to be able to figure out which tweaks have worked and which ones haven't
To that end, make sure you only make one change at a time. If you try to change too many things at
once how will you know which one of those changes made a difference and which one didn't?
And worse, you may have actually had one thing that made a positive change and one that made a
negative change and they have balanced each other out. If that happens you have no way of knowing
that one of the changes actually worked.
Make one small change at a time, wait a few weeks or months to see if the change helped or hurt (or
didn't do anything). If the change worked try something else to get even better results, if it didn't
work go back to what you had before and then make another change.                        Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                16 of 40
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Does Your Website Work The Best It Can For You
Setting up a website is a pretty simple affair. Most anyone can set up their own website, either for
free or for a small amount of money. But while setting up a website is simple and easy, setting up a
successful website is a whole different ordeal. There are a lot of aspects involved in determining
whether or not your website is working as it should, and most people have no idea what these
aspects are.
For the most part this is not that big of a deal for those who are just testing the waters or hosting
personal stuff. But for those who are trying to set up a website for their business, this can be life or
death for your business. So you should ask yourself, Does Your Website "Work?
To answer that question you need to start from the beginning. Go through your website as if you
were a visitor, check all your links and make sure everything looks nice and works as intended. We
have all gone to websites where they had buttons that led to incomplete or "under construction"
parts of the site. That sort of thing is absolutely unacceptable for a business website.
By simply going through and clicking on everything and verifying it all works as intended, you can
save yourself a lot of grief down the road. It sounds like a common sense thing to do, but you would
be surprised at how many people forget this simple, yet crucial step.
After that you should again ask yourself, Does Your Website "Work? You might think you are safe
once you checked over everything, but that is just the technical aspect of it. Yeah, sure, all your
buttons work as intended and you have everything you want, but are people seeing it?
Part of making a working website is ensuring it is getting the traffic it needs. There are a lot of web
designers out there who can design a very pretty and nice looking website, but that website is not
built to utilize SEO and is difficult to make successful.
There are really two main types of websites in this regard. Formatted ones, such as some web
designers use, and more modular ones, which is what you should use. You want to be able to freely
and easily modify your website to account for changes Google and other search engines make.
You will also want to include all the things these search engines look for when determining what
page your website lands on. You want to build your website so that it utilizes all aspects of SEO and
gets on the first page.
So when asking Does Your Website "Work, it is not just about the obvious stuff such as checking all
the buttons, but also the more subtle things. Even if your website is functional and everything works,
it is still not "working" if it does not perform it's role in attracting visitors.
Only once you get people visiting your website and are making money can you say your website is
truly working.                          Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                 17 of 40
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Evaluate Your Business Home Marketing Business
No one wants to waste time and money on something that doesn't work for them. As a home
business owner this applies to you as well. As a small business owner you have even less wiggle
room than a bigger company so you need to be able to spot both good and bad changes as soon as
possible. You need to be able to carefully evaluate your business home internet marketing
Once you know how to evaluate your business home internet marketing promotion you can decide
which promotion(s) is working, which one isn't and how best to proceed.
One easy way to do this online is to add code to your site, or use your c-panel information, to track
the amount of traffic you are getting. This is one of the most important elements of any business...
the amount of traffic they are getting. Of course, this is only one thing that needs to be tracked.
Another very important metric you need to keep track of is conversions.
Getting a ton of traffic is great, but it's only part of the overall picture. A ton of traffic won't do you a
bit of good if you can't convert that traffic in some way. A conversion could mean a sale or just
getting someone to sign up to your email list so you can continue to contact them over time and build
trust and rapport with them.
Then, after you've built that trust, you will be able to turn many of those people into paying, lifelong,
customers. But how can you gauge what is working to increase traffic or conversions?
Like I mentioned above, you need a way to track that information by adding code to your site. But,
that is only the "how" you also need to know the "what".
One big mistake some website owners make is that they get too anxious to increase their traffic and
conversions. They are of the "if one is good two must be better" school of thought.
So instead of just making one change at a time and then waiting for a few weeks or months to see
what, if any, effect that change had on traffic or conversions they make a bunch of changes all at
once and / or they make one change and then get inpatient and don't wait long enough to see what
affect that change had on traffic and conversions so they make another change.
If you take such a haphazard approach to making changes, it will be virtually impossible for you to
identify which changes have helped, which ones hurt and which ones didn't do anything.
You need to make just one change at a time. And then you need to wait long enough to be able to
determine if that change had any effect on the performance of your site. How long you will have to
wait will be determined in large part by the changes you want to see. For example, if you have made
a change that should give you more traffic that may show up almost immediately.
You still have to wait for a week or two to make sure that something else hasn't had an affect on
your traffic rates such as a holiday, bad weather in a certain part of the world, or some other issue
that may have resulted in a change to your traffic levels.
Once you've waited long enough to determine that the change you made is the most likely reason for
any changes that you saw either in traffic or conversions, you should than try to make another
change. By continuing to do this, you can optimize your website and get the most out of all the
visitors you get as well as getting more visitors in the first place!
Evaluate your business home internet marketing promotion in this way to get the biggest bang from
all you do online.                           Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                  18 of 40
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Help With Your Failing Internet Market Business
There are many people who jumped online with high hopes of starting a successful internet
marketing business. Unfortunately, many of these people have not even come close to realizing this
success and many more are wondering where they went wrong. If you need help with your failing
internet marketing business this article may be able to provide you with a little insight of where you
may have gone wrong.
There are many places where you can get help with your failing internet marketing business, and
some sources are better than others. There are many so called experts online who will be only too
happy to sell you some product or service that will supposedly help you turn things around and
actually start making money online.
Whether it's a course, some piece of software or just some coaching, it can be mighty tempting to
shell out big bucks to finally have the success you so desperately want. But you have to be cautious
There are many really knowledgeable, honest people online but even among this group, you may
not really find the answer you are looking for.
Instead, start right here with this article. I will give you an idea of where you might want to spend
your money and where you are likely to get the biggest bang for your buck I will also tell you what
products you may want to stay clear of:
1. For the most part, you should not bother to spend your money on some "do it all for you"
software. I have spent more money on this type of software than I care to admit and I have to say
that it's never really worked the way it was supposed to.
Some might have worked, others didn't work at all, but no matter what none of it has ever lived up to
it's own hype. I would save my money if I were you (I wish someone had told me that when I was
first starting out).
2. You will usually get the most out of your expenditure if you buy a course that will teach you
something about internet marketing. Internet marketing is not necessarily something I would call
hard, but it does have a lot of pieces that have to fit together in a precise way in order to get the
results you want.
That is what can take so long; just learning how to put it all together. The majority of your "puzzle"
will involve finding the best ways to drive traffic to your website. There are many ways to do this
and many elements that will go into creating an effective stream of traffic.
Once you've learned this skill and you are getting traffic, and plenty of it, you can start making some
real money.
3. Another investment that you may want to consider if you have the money is getting a coach.
Having someone who can show you the ropes and can even hold you accountable to getting
something done can really help.
Obviously, there are many other things you will need such as buying your own domain name,
getting a website, etc. but these can all be learned by taking comprehensive internet marketing
Doing these steps can really help with your failing internet marketing business. It is within your
reach but you have to be willing to grab it.                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                 20 of 40
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Internet Advertising Cost-You Get What You Pay For
Many new internet marketers find themselves asking the question "How much does internet
advertising cost?". And the answer ranges from. . ."It's free" to "It's very expensive" depending on
what type of advertising you are using. It's important to remember that free advertising doesn't
necessarily mean low-quality, especially when it comes to internet advertising, but it does mean that
you will pay in the amount of time that it takes rather than with a sum of money.
Free or low internet advertising cost methods include article marketing, blogging (on a free blogging
platform), participating in any of the social networking sites or forums, placing free online classified
advertising, using safelists or traffic exchanges and more. Article marketing means creating
informational articles that your target audience would be interested in reading and acting upon and
submitting them to various content sites like EzineArticles, HubPages, Squidoo, etc. This type of
advertising builds up your credibility, expert status and can get you ranked higher in the search
engines. You can set up a blog at and promote your business there. Setting up a profile
at Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or any of the other hundreds of social networks is a way to be seen
and establish relationships with potential customers. Getting traffic to your blog, profile or answers
on forums requires that you participate with other members of the network in a social way. Being
too promotional will not win you any points with your audience and it may even get you penalized
by the network itself. Doing advertisements on free online classifieds allows you to do more
hard-core promotional (less social) advertising. When it comes to Safelists and Traffic Exchanges,
the key is to come up with a short headline that compels whoever sees your ad to read further.
When it comes to paid internet advertising, pay per click (PPC), ezines (online magazines) and
banner advertising are three popular choices. Pay per click can be very cheap, or it could be
expensive. It all depends on how much you bid. If you have a low budget, you will want to bid low
and on uncompetitive keywords (terms that people aren't searching for very much). Luckily, it's easy
to find out what the uncompetitive keywords are in any of the search engines that you advertise on.
They will provide you with the tools that help you identify keywords. Once you start getting some
traffic and making money, you can gradually start to bid more on the keywords.
Ezine advertising prices vary greatly as well. The price you pay for advertising on an ezine depends
on the size and quality of the subscriber list so you will need to research the best ezines and possibly
go through some trial and error before you find some that consistently perform. Banner advertising
is a way to promote your products on other sites that are ranked well in the search engines and not
direct competitors. The internet advertising cost for this depends on the site that you choose as well.                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                22 of 40
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Internet Advertising Help-Use Your Popular Search Engines
Have you been trying to break into the online world of business and need internet advertising help?
You're not alone. Although many small businesses realize the importance of the internet, they often
do not take advantage of what Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines have to offer. And
many people don't even know what Google Maps is all about - but this is essential if you own a
brick and mortar business. Similar services exist in Bing and Yahoo too.
These are just some of the many internet advertising places. There are many other venues that you
can use to promote your business, products and services:
1. Article Directories and Content Sites. Registering with Ezine Articles (and the hundreds of other
article directories), Hub Pages and Squidoo is completely free. Your goal with these sites is to create
informative articles about your products/services and publish them here. Doing this will earn you
credibility, expert status and possibly higer ranking in the search engines once you start bringing in
traffic to your site.
2. Search Engine Pay Per Click Platforms: All of the major search engines and many other search
engines offer the possibility for you to advertise on their sites and some of the most sophisticated
internet advertising help. It works like this. . .you place an ad based on some keywords that are
relevent to your business, products or services. All of the search engines give you free tools that you
can use to find the keywords that you want to target. You will bid on each keyword that you
advertise and the search engines will also help you to identify what your bid should be. Once you
have placed your ad, whenever anyone types in the keyword that you targeted into that search
engine, your ad will come up. Where it appears depends on how high you placed your bid and how
relevent your ad is to the keywords that you specified.
3. Ezine Advertising. Advertising in online magazines, called ezines, is another very effective way
to get started with internet advertising. As with all of your advertising efforts, this requires some
research on your part. Your goal is to find an ezine which fits your target market and advertsing
budget. Don't discount ezines with small subscriber count. They may allow you to advertise for very
little and often have very responsive lists.
4. Banner advertising. Placing banner advertisement on high traffic sites within your indusry is also
an effective ways to bring in traffic to your own site.
5. Online Classified Ads. Many online classified sites allow you to place free advertisements within
restrictions. Upgrading to become a paid member usually allows you to place more sophisticated ads
more frequently than if you are a paid member.
Each of these methods offers internet advertising help in the form of written instructions, tutorials
and support communities within their sites.                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                23 of 40
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Keep Your Internet Marketing Business Fresh
Having an internet marketing business is a great way to be independent and have a secure source of
income. It can be started up with very little money and really the only resource required to keep it
running and be successful is your own time and dedication. Despite the advantages of having such a
business, countless people find themselves getting frustrated and throwing in the towel, so they do
not find the success they were hoping for.
If you want to be successful on the internet, one of the important things you will need to do is Keep
Your Inter Marketing Business Fresh. Most people will throw up their website and then let it sit,
maybe poking it once a week or so. This is why they fail. The internet is an ever shifting market and
if you are not constantly working your business, it will fall behind and fail.
Now, just to be clear, I am not saying you need to spend all day every day working on your website.
That is a selling point about working online, you do not have to work all that much to keep it rolling.
Just work an hour or two every day to keep it going, that is all it needs.
By working your website every day, you provide new and fresh content and this in turn makes the
search engines happy. By Keep Your Inter Marketing Business Fresh you keep it high in the
rankings. Google and other search engines look for certain criteria to determine what page your
website should land on when someone searches for related terms.
That is referred to as Search Engine Optimization. SEO, again, looks for a variety of things but most
importantly is just keeping your website active and loaded with new, unique, and fresh content. If
you just let it sit, the search engines would bump your website down and down until it ends up on
page 100, and who is going to find it then?
Google is constantly updating its software to help the user find what they are looking for, but this
also means it requires you, the website owner, to be on your toes and always adapting. Even if you
were going good before, an update can absolutely wreck you. So if you want to Keep Your Inter
Marketing Business Fresh, the absolute most important thing to keep in mind is to always be aware
of what Google is doing.
You need to keep tabs on what the current software requires of your website and you need to keep
on the look out for updates. Many businesses have gone under because an update decided their
website was not doing what needed to be done, and ended up bumping them down to lower pages.
By keeping your eyes on Google and always working to abide by their rules you can ensure that no
matter what happens, you can keep your website on the top pages and get a consistent flow of traffic,
which in turn means a consistent flow of money.                        Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                24 of 40
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Motivate New Business For Your Web Site
Once you get your online business up and running and get traffic going to it, it can be pretty easy to
manage. This ease of management is one of the big selling points for owning an online business.
Simple oversight and a little work every day can keep it running smoothly, earning you a consistent
While this is how it is most of the time, this is not necessarily true for every internet based business.
Sometimes you will need to Motivate new business for your web site in order to keep it going. This
can be a bit of a challenge since you still need to stay true to your original business model, but you
also need to keep things fresh and entice people to visit your website and buy your product.
There are three things you can do to help you out with this.
1: Play into desire. People want what they want. People will also be willing to part with a fair bit of
cash if it can get them what they want. So as a business owner, you need to try and give them what
they want. If you can feed into this desire, you can keep them coming back for more. If your current
business model is not cutting it, try to branch out to similar products that people may desire to keep
your business going.
2: Enjoyment. Another way to Motivate new business for your web site is to show potential
customers that they can enjoy the product they buy from you. It does not necessarily have to be
enjoyment in the sense of a child playing with a toy, but if you are selling say... self help books.
Then make them think they will get a lot out of your product and thus enjoy purchasing it since it
gives them what they want. As stated above, desire is a powerful motivator, does not hurt to try and
make them desire your product.
3: Fear. A common and effective method is to invoke a little fear. If you read through websites
trying to sell you a product, you might pick up on a little scare tactic going on. It plays into the
human psyche in making them feel as if they need something. By making them think they will lose
something by not buying your product, you make them more willing to buy your product. Obviously
this does not mean to intimidate them, it is all about wording, as you probably noticed from other
Trying to Motivate new business for your web site can be a bit tricky since it means you have to
expand, or at the very least find new ways to promote your product. These three tips may or may not
work given what exactly you are selling, or maybe you already follow them.
But for those of you who can utilize these tips, they can provide you with a means of increasing
sales. There are still many more methods out there for you to use as well, so whether these work or
not you should still seek out more ways to build up your business.                          Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                25 of 40
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Need Web Traffic The Internet Is A Realm Of Endless
The internet is a realm of endless possibility, anyone can go out and start up their own web based
business and be successful. Thousands upon thousands of people have already done this, and there is
nothing stopping you from getting that same success. The only thing that can stop you is, well, you.
The single greatest pitfall potential business owners face is they simply give up. They do not see any
returns and think it does not work, so they lose hope and abandon it. But if you stick it out, you can
join the statistics of successful internet business owners. But to do that you Need Web Traffic to get
to your site.
Driving traffic is the most important aspect of owning an online business. The more traffic you get,
the better odds you have of selling your product and making money. It's like they always say, even
if you make the best business in the world, if nobody knows it exists then you still will not make any
There are some methods you can use to get people to visit your website that I will share with you.
1: Pay for ads. This method requires money, and so if you are working under a tight budget this may
not be an option. But if you can afford it, then purchasing ads with search engines like Google or
Yahoo! are a great way to increase awareness of your site's existence. Sometimes you have to spend
money to make money, after all.
2: Disperse links. If you Need Web Traffic, then back linking is something you are going to have to
do, and likely will have to do a lot. Back linking is where you have another website carry a link to
your site. More often than not this is done by submitting articles to article directories, or search
directories that will carry your link.
3: Viral marketing. I am sure you have heard of this before, viral marketing is where you get other
people to market for you naturally. For example, if you have a youtube video that involves your
business and it gets a ton of hits because it is popular, that is all marketing for your website. It can be
difficult to pull off, but when it works you will have very noticeable results.
4: Keywords. Like back linking, keywords are a stable of internet marketing. Keywords are the
words or phrases people type into google to find what they are looking for. You want to make sure
your website is using keywords properly so that the search engines can find your website and put it
into the results when people search for that specific keyword.
If you Need Web Traffic then following these tips can help you get it. These are not all there is
when it comes to internet marketing and there are a lot of finer points you can learn to maximize
your gains. But once you get the hang of it and get your business going, it is an easy and secure
source of income.                          Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                 26 of 40
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Old News In Internet Marketing Business
There are many people that think that since the new updates at the search engines that article
marketing is old news in Internet marketing business. Personally, I could not disagree more. There
is still a place for getting a lot of very targeted traffic by using article marketing, you just have to
change how you go about doing it.
Back in the first part of 2011 Google introduced a fairly major change to their algorithm called
Panda. Since then many people have lost traffic and have been scrambling to find a way to appease
the "Big G".
Since the Panda update hit a lot of the top article directories really hard many people erroneously
jumped to the conclusion that article marketing was old news in Internet marketing business, but
they are wrong.
Writing quality content either for submission to a directory or to add directly to your own website
still is, and probably always will be, a good way to curry favor in the search engines. You've no
doubt heard the expression "Content is King" well that is still true.
The only difference is that with the various updates the algorithms are actually sophisticated enough
to weed out a lot of the lesser quality content. So the new saying may be more along the lines of
"Quality Content Is King".
No more submitting mind numbingly boring articles that are only 250 words long. Today it will
require interesting well written articles that really offer something to the reader.
Today it is more about writing as much good information on a certain topic than it is to write around
a particular keyword. It's about writing content that shows the world you really are an expert on a
certain subject. Once you get that part done you can still benefit greatly from submitting these
articles all over the web.
Other than creating content that is longer, say a minimum of 700 words for instance, you also want
to get out of the habit of using the assembly line of composing your articles. What I mean by that is
don't just compile a long list of keywords and than write articles on those keywords, instead
compose a list of keywords that will fully explore your niche.
So, if your niche is on bird watching, for example, don't do what most of us have done in the past:
have only keyword optimized content. You know what I mean, sites that have keywords like: bird
watching in the north, bird watching in the south, bird watching in the east, etc.
Instead focus on the overall topic of bird watching. Think more about topics like: the best binoculars
for bird watching, how to get great pictures when bird watching, what is the best time of day for bird
watching?, etc.
Building your site, and all your onsite and offsite content, based on this method (topics rather than
just keywords) will show Google that you are really trying to supply your readers with all the
information they need to get the most out of your niche topic. It is more geared to providing your
readers with quality, well rounded, information and not just geared solely to driving traffic.
Article marketing is a great method to build trust, set yourself up as an expert in your niche and of
course get more traffic... but only if done properly. Do it the right way so you don't become old
news in Internet marketing business.                          Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                 27 of 40
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Planning A Strategic Marketing Campaign
If you want to go hunting you have to know what you are going to hunt. Strategic marketing
planning will help you find out what customers you are looking for and how to catch them. Essential
to any marketing campaign is finding and knowing your target audience. Knowing your target
audience doesn't just mean identifying Planning a Strategic Marketing Campaign Will Improve Your
who they are but getting to know how they think and what they want and where to find them. After
you know them you can find ways to catch them. The better you know them, the better your chances
are at getting to them before your competition does.
Selecting your target market is only the beginning but it is a very important beginning. It is best to go
after customers that you have some knowledge about and have a legitimate chance of getting with
what you have available. While a BB gun might be enough to take down a small bird, you wouldn't
want to try it on a grizzly bear. Use what you have at your disposal and use it on those you have a
legitimate opportunity to be successful with. Choose a target audience whose needs you can meet.
There is no shame in starting small. Use that audience to learn with and prepare for bigger targets.
Many people choose to work exclusively with small markets and do quite well.
There are several factors to consider when getting to know your target audience and planning a
strategic marketing campaign to go after them. You will want to know as much about their
demographics as possible. Pay attention to things like their age, sex, race or ethnicity, education,
income, family size, or any other factor that can have an impact on their buying behaviors. Don't
believe that you are being racist or buying into stereotypes when you do this. Every demographic
group has behaviors that are special to them, even though they may be subtle. Do your best to notice
what those behaviors are and cater to them.
Knowing your target audience is incredibly important for anyone planning for a successful strategic
marketing plan because it is how they use that knowledge to their benefit that will separate
themselves from their competition. All of that knowledge is going to give you insight into how to
meet the needs of those future customers of yours.
In planning your strategic marketing campaign you need to know how the other elements of your
marketing mix will work together to meet the needs of your target market. The other areas to take
into consideration will be things like the particular product or service you want to offer, your method
of distribution, your promotions, and the price. The better your knowledge is of your market, the
better your ability will be to find a mix that will have an advantage over your competitors.                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                28 of 40
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Seminars On Internet Marketing-How About A Webinar
If you are tired of customers dribbling in here and there and want to know how to attract more and
then get them to buy your product or service there are seminars on internet marketing and any other
topic that interests you available.
You will no doubt be able to find seminars on Internet marketing somewhere in your area or you
could take a working vacation and travel to where the seminar is.
Participating in a webinar is another way to get the information you need to increase traffic and
grow your business.
You started your own business to make money and learning all you can about different marketing
techniques and staying on top of the latest news will help you in the long run.
There is always something new coming down the pike for you to learn. They say that knowledge is
power and in the case of running your own business, whether it is online or off, knowledge is money
in your pocket.
Some things you should keep in mind to get the most out of attending an informational seminar are:
1. Take a lot of notes - If the seminar is an all day affair or will be conducted over a couple of days
you will not be able to remember everything that is said so take a notepad and pen with you or use
your mobile device to take notes. You do not want to miss an important piece of information.
2. Ask questions - If there is something you do not understand or just want more information on, jot
down some questions during the presentation to ask at the end. There is usually time at the end of
the presentation for Q and A.
3. Network - Get talking with the other participants of the seminar when there is time. You never
know what you might learn and you can possibly get your businesses name out there a little quicker,
If there is to be an informal gathering after the presentation where you can all mingle and discuss
what you learned, you could possibly meet with the speaker and/or the host of the seminar.
If so, do not brush this off, this could be as important to growing your business as attending the
seminar is. Your could acquaint yourself with the speaker or the host and maybe arrange a time to
talk one on one with them to "pick their brain" so to speak.
Never give up the chance to learn something new about marketing your business. In fact, try to learn
something new every day, if not every day then at least every week or month.
The more you know the better off your will be and your increased business and bottom line will be
your reward.
Seminars on Internet marketing are one of the best ways to go about learning what you need to know
to increase your business and your bottom line. Make sure to register early because most often
seating is limited.                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                 29 of 40
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Submit Your Site-Starting Your Online Business
Starting your own online business and setting up your website are fairly easy to accomplish and can
cost you almost nothing. The part that is difficult and that causes most people to give up is driving
traffic to your website. Like with any business, marketing is key and if you can not get people to
visit your website, it will not make you any money.
There are a ton of ways to get traffic to your website. From buying ads, hosting articles, using viral
marketing, using social networking sites, or any number of other possibilities. Your choices for
promoting your website are vast, and you are encouraged to try them all. But one method you should
try as soon as possible is to Submit Your Site to a website directory.
As you can infer from the name, a website directory is a site dedicated to cataloging other websites,
providing a one stop shop for those looking for whatever website they need. So as you can imagine,
having your website on such a directory can provide a huge traffic boost.
There are really two types of website directories. Those who are free and those that cost money. For
free directories you can simply submit your website and be done with it. The downside is that it can
take months for your site to finally be hosted, so a long wait.
Paid directories are often preferred since they will have your site hosted within just a couple of days.
So if you Submit Your Site to one of these directories you can see increased traffic almost
immediately. But, as you can imagine, the downside is that it costs money. Money you may not
If you can afford it, paying is the way to go. But if you do go that route, you need to look into the
directory and make sure it is worthy of having your money. While uploading your website to a
directory is great, if the directory itself is ranked low on the search engines, people still will not see
your site. So only host on directories that are highly ranked, especially if you are paying.
Sometimes these directories will require you to have their link, this is called back linking. By having
their link you help increase their own page rank, which in turn benefits you since it makes your
website more visible through them. So do not think this is a downside if a particular directory
requires this.
You will want to Submit Your Site to as many directories as possible. However, when doing this, do
not just copy and paste to every directory. Make sure every entry is unique. This will help make your
results that much better.
Submitting your website to a directory is an effective and simple way of driving traffic to your
website. While it can not do it all on its own, it is a wonderful boost to get your website going. If you
need traffic fast, being able to effectively buy traffic can make a world of difference. Even if you do
not need traffic ASAP, having your website out there as much as possible is still a vital component.                           Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                 30 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

Submit Your Website Free-Perfect Way If Your Budget Is
If you are looking to Submit Your Website Free, then there are a lot of options available to you.
There are quite a few website hosting services out there that will allow you to host your website for
free. With money being tight for most people this can seem like the perfect way for you to get your
website out there even if you are on a tight budget.
But while it sounds good, is it really the right choice for you? While hosting a free website is pretty
easy, it may be the wrong move depending on what exactly you want your website to do. If it is just
some personal affair, then it will work wonderfully.
Not all free web hosting services are the same, and some will offer features that others do not. So
you should look into finding out what exactly these services have. Do they allow you enough
administrative freedoms to have the website you want? Do they allow you enough bandwidth to
have the content you want? These are questions you should ask before settling on a specific service.
As I mentioned above, utilizing a free hosting service can be great if you just want to put up some
personal site for whatever reason. However, if you are a business and want a website related to your
business, this is where things can get a little tricky.
While being able to Submit Your Website Free would be nice, for businesses this is not always an
option. With free services you, obviously, will have certain restrictions. These restrictions can
hamper your efforts in promoting your business. Free websites can also impose restrictions on how
you drive traffic to your website, making it even more difficult to get yourself and your business out
for the public to see.
Beyond those problems is a very simple fact that it looks tacky. You want your business to appear
professional and appealing, after all. If you utilize a free service, it will be obvious that it is a free
service and this might turn potential visitors away. They may not take you seriously, since you do
not even have a proper website.
While your budget may be tight, if you are looking to make a website for your business it is best to
simply fork up some cash and buy one. They are not that expensive and you would be surprised at
just how much of a difference it can make. Not only will it make your business appear more
professional, but the enhanced features and control you have will make it far easier to tailor your
website to meet your needs.
Ultimately, though, it comes down to what you are looking to get out of it all. If you just want some
personal website, maybe a blog or some kind of file sharing website, then using a free service to
Submit Your Website Free is probably your best bet. But if you are looking to set up a website for
your business, you will need something a little more and for that you will have to part with a little
cash.                           Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                  31 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

Success With Internet Marketing Promotions
Success With Internet Marketing Promotions
Many business owners tend to overlook one of the best, free methods of internet marketing
promotion available to them—writing articles. If you’re shrugging and thinking that you’re not a
writer so you couldn’t possibly promote yourself in that way, take heart. You don’t have to be a
writer. As long as you know your subject and can explain it in a reasonable way, you’re capable of
marketing yourself with articles.
Internet marketing promotion is the key to your online business’ success, so you want to use every
resource available to you. And articles are powerful little tools in getting your business in front of
people who are interested in what you have to say. It’s very easy to get started.
Think about article topics that relate to your business. What services do you offer, or what products
do you sell? If you sell pet items, any article about any aspect of pet ownership is a possibility. If
you sell voice recognition software, then an article about how disability affects computer use or how
dictating a novel while doing other things with your hands can allow you to get more done might be
a good choice. Anything relating to your main business focus is a good possibility.
You’re going to get very specific with your internet marketing promotion very soon, but for right
now take one or two topics you’ve come up with an actually write about them. You’ll want to aim
for an article of 400 to 450 words, depending on the minimum of the depository like that you’re aiming it for. Just convey your knowledge on the subject, and write
like you talk. After you’ve done a couple, it will get easier.
You want your internet marketing promotion to look as good as everyone else’s, so spell check your
work and proofread it for errors. Add a brief author note at the bottom along with your link. Then
submit the articles. Now that you’ve had a little practice, find an online keyword tool like the one
Google offers for free, and think of some keywords that relate to your business. If you own a
gardening center, then “growing roses” or “when to mulch” might be possibilities. Use the tool to
find popular keywords that don’t have thousands of websites already catering to them.
The next step in your article internet marketing promotion is to pick a few keyword phrases and
write articles based around those. Use the phrase in the title if possible, and 4 or 5 times throughout
the article. This makes it more likely that when someone searches on that phrase, your article will
show up high in the listings. Then when they read the article, they find your link at the bottom.
If you’re truly intimidated by writing articles, you can always hire someone to do it for you at a
reasonable rate. But it could become something you enjoy doing. Articles filled with good content
can be a fun way to expand your internet marketing promotion efforts.                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                32 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

What Is Hot For Internet Marketing Business Today
If you aren't sure what is hot for internet marketing business today I have one word for you: Panda.
You may have heard people doing a lot of talking about Panda lately and if you aren't sure what it is
I will help you out. In this article I will explain what Panda is, whether it is a good or bad thing and
what you need to do with your business to make Panda work for you.
Panda is an algorithm update by Google. It was actually implemented in early 2011 and it sent many
people into a tailspin. There has been much written about in regards to Panda and, as you can
imagine, not all of it has been accurate.
For this article on what is hot for internet marketing business today I want to start with the basics so
if you're not sure what an algorithm is it is basically just the computer program that Google uses to
define how websites will be ranked.
I'm sure you know that there are millions of sites on line and more everyday. All the search engines
want to make sure that when you and I go to the search engine to find information on some product
or service that we get just what we are looking for. They want our results to be as spot on as
possible. To that end they are always tweaking their algorithms.
For us as internet marketers these tweaks aren't really a bad thing it just means that we need to stay
up to date and we may need to make some changes to our sites and the way we do things so we don't
lose any of our rankings.
One of the biggest things that came out of the Panda update was the way that people did article
marketing. It was common practice that people would find a list of keywords associated with their
niche market, write a bunch of fairly generic low quality articles (or have them written for them) and
submit them all over to these huge sites called article directories.
The problem, at least according to Google, is that the majority of these articles were repetitive with
little new information being presented and these huge article directories had millions of them.
That was a no- no as far as Google was concerned. For that reason many of these article directories
suddenly found themselves on page 512 instead of page one. As a result their traffic went from a
raging river to a trickle virtually overnight.
Scary, right? But it isn't all bad and it isn't the death of article marketing. You just need to learn how
to do it better. Today the articles need to be longer for one thing. They should be at least 700 words
But that's still not enough, they must also be relevant to the topic at hand, they shouldn't be loaded
up with mindless keyword phrases and they must be well written.
You should also make changes right on your website too. Add new content regularly and follow the
same quality guidelines I just spelled out. In addition don't make your site all about keyword
optimized content but rather just focus on a topic. If your site is about dog training make that your
focus when creating your content.
For example, don't get so caught up on a bunch of mindless keywords: dog training for German
Shepard's, Dog Training for Rottweilers, Dog Training for Poodles, etc. Instead go for topics like:
the best dog collars for dog training, should you use treats for dog training, how long does it take to
train a dog, etc. See the difference? These are topics not just keywords.
So, that is what is hot for internet marketing business today. Follow these simple tips and you
shouldn't have to be afraid of the big bad Panda.                          Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                 33 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship                 Copyright Vaurn James - 2012    34 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

Small Business Internet Marketing Advice
Small Business Internet Marketing Advice
Small business internet marketing isn’t just advertising anymore. It used to consist of purchasing ads
in various places, and then purchasing specific types of ads, when the internet exploded. Now the
difference between advertising and marketing has become very clear. Advertising is something you
do that’s very passive. Yes, you’ll use specific language in any advertising space you purchase to try
to entice people to click and buy, but once you’ve put the ad in place, it’s there and it’s not going to
change. Even pay-per-click advertising falls into this more passive category.
But with many of the techniques of small business internet marketing, the things you do are far from
passive. If you search engine optimize your website, that might seem passive because once you do
it, it’s done. But that’s not true. As you add new pages to your website, you do more tweaking and
changing. You’ll use new keywords and different keywords in different areas. Sure, if you use
banner ads you’ll change them from time to time, but it’s still much more static that almost any
other type of marketing you can do.
And unless you have a huge advertising budget, those static ads like banners and pay-per-clicks
probably aren’t going to garner you many sales. It’s the dynamic methods of small business internet
marketing that are going to bring people to your website and keep them coming back. And when
they keep coming back, they’re once again faced with the things you offer. It can take a person 6 or
7 times seeing an offer before they’re inclined to buy, so the more you get them at your website,
seeing your products and services, the more likely it is you’ll make a paying customer out of them.
The most efficient, active method of small business internet marketing that’s guaranteed to let you
make frequent contact with your target market is an opt-in mailing list. You can offer some
information, a discount, or an ongoing thing like a 5-day course in something relevant to your site to
get people to sign up for the mailing list. Once they’ve done that, you have their permission to send
emails that will contain links and sales language designed to get them to go to your website and buy.

You won’t want to just start sending ads every day. Come up with something that the people who
found your website were probably looking for. If your small business internet marketing plan makes
it likely that people will come across your website when looking for ways to keep aphids off of
houseplants, for instance, then offer a 3- 5- or 7- day email “course” about how take care of African
violets or how to keep houseplants healthy in less than ideal conditions.
Give them something of value, and they’ll give you permission to contact them. Once you have that
permission, good small business internet marketing will include emails that contain not just ads, but
content to remind them what a valuable resource your website is.                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                35 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

Small Business Internet Marketing Techniques
Small Business Internet Marketing Techniques
Small business internet marketing isn’t just advertising anymore. It used to consist of purchasing ads
in various places, and then purchasing specific types of ads, when the internet exploded. Now the
difference between advertising and marketing has become very clear. Advertising is something you
do that’s very passive. Yes, you’ll use specific language in any advertising space you purchase to try
to entice people to click and buy, but once you’ve put the ad in place, it’s there and it’s not going to
change. Even pay-per-click advertising falls into this more passive category.
But with many of the techniques of small business internet marketing, the things you do are far from
passive. If you search engine optimize your website, that might seem passive because once you do
it, it’s done. But that’s not true. As you add new pages to your website, you do more tweaking and
changing. You’ll use new keywords and different keywords in different areas. Sure, if you use
banner ads you’ll change them from time to time, but it’s still much more static that almost any
other type of marketing you can do.
And unless you have a huge advertising budget, those static ads like banners and pay-per-clicks
probably aren’t going to garner you many sales. It’s the dynamic methods of small business internet
marketing that are going to bring people to your website and keep them coming back. And when
they keep coming back, they’re once again faced with the things you offer. It can take a person 6 or
7 times seeing an offer before they’re inclined to buy, so the more you get them at your website,
seeing your products and services, the more likely it is you’ll make a paying customer out of them.
The most efficient, active method of small business internet marketing that’s guaranteed to let you
make frequent contact with your target market is an opt-in mailing list. You can offer some
information, a discount, or an ongoing thing like a 5-day course in something relevant to your site to
get people to sign up for the mailing list. Once they’ve done that, you have their permission to send
emails that will contain links and sales language designed to get them to go to your website and buy.

You won’t want to just start sending ads every day. Come up with something that the people who
found your website were probably looking for. If your small business internet marketing plan makes
it likely that people will come across your website when looking for ways to keep aphids off of
houseplants, for instance, then offer a 3- 5- or 7- day email “course” about how take care of African
violets or how to keep houseplants healthy in less than ideal conditions.                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                36 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

The Internet Marketing Center -Great Place To Start
Making money online is the dream of many people. They look at it, see all the benefits of working
from home, being their own boss, and making a lot of money. So they jump right in. They think
they can get rich overnight. Sadly, this is not the case. To be successful online you need to learn a
lot of skills and be dedicated to applying what you learn.
That is why places like the internet marketing center are a great benefit to aspiring entrepreneurs.
They will have tools and training courses you need to get started on building up a truly successful
The main reason so many people fail at being successful online is that they simply do not know
what they are doing or go in with the wrong mindset. They go in thinking they can just set up a
website, sit back, and watch the money roll in. This just is not how it works.
When you set up your website you need to make sure you set it up correctly. It is simple to set up a
website, anybody can do it in five minutes. But will it have all the necessary criteria to get ranked on
search engines? Will it be on the first page when someone searches for the product your website is
promoting? Probably not.
The internet marketing center and other websites like it will contain the necessary tools and
information you need to build your website right, to make sure it has everything it needs. If you can
build your website to fit the criteria search engines like Google are looking for, that will go a long
way towards building your business into a successful money making machine.
But simply setting up your website properly is not the only thing you have to worry about. You also
need to make sure you maintain it. This is another reason why so many people fail. They think the
internet is some magical wonderland that will do everything for them.
An online business is still a business, it is not some fire and forget sort of deal. You have to actually
run it, maintain it, promote it, and grow it. The best analogy would be a potted plant. If you put a
seed in a pot of dirt and set it on the windowsill, will it grow? Will it prosper? No. You have to water
it and take care of it.
Having an online business is just like that. You do not have to slave away once it gets going like
you might with a brick and mortar store, but you do still have to keep tabs on it and make sure it is
doing well.
Utilizing the tools from internet marketing center can make this process much simpler. There are a
lot of aspects of running an online business that you can automate. You will still have to provide
content, but you can download software that will automatically upload or send out that content,
making your job a lot easier.                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                37 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

Tips To Meet Your Business Goals
Your goal as a business is the same as everyone else, whether big or small, to get new customers and
keep the ones you already caught. You need to have a marketing strategy that will use the web to
catch them and keep them. It can seem hard to get it put together but the great thing is once you have
the right marketing design and strategy in place it will keep working for you and be easier to follow
every time you implement it.
Research is going to be the key to developing a good marketing strategy. Finding out as much as
you can about your clients, their tendencies on the web, where they look for information about your
particular service is important. It is also important to know as much about their demographics as
possible to custom tailor a marketing strategy to suit their needs and interests and capture their
attention. Once you find out these things as well as every other bit of information that is pertinent to
your industry find what ways are being used to attract them. What are your competitors doing? Is it
working? How can it be improved. Also look at where they are doing their advertising and find ways
to do it better in those locations, or if it would even be a good place to advertise in the first place.
There is no need to reinvent the wheel. A lot of the work has been done by others in your field to
develop a marketing strategy trying to take advantage of the web. Build on their strengths, strengthen
their weaknesses, and avoid the failures.
It is rare to find but there will be those around you who say that you are wasting your time, that you
don't have what it takes to market effectively on the web or that your strategy won't be effective.
Don't listen to those voices, especially of you are one of those, doubting that you have what it takes
to make it. The knowledge is out there for you to take advantage of that will show you how to get it
done right.
There are plenty of people to outsource parts of your marketing campaign to, whether it is doing
graphics work for you or doing research on your potential customers. There are those that can make
your website optimized for search engines so that you are easier to find. There are so many resources
available to you that can help make you a success that are actually affordable. Seek them out and
find out how they can help you. There are those who can make websites for you at a very affordable
rate and can help you get your web presence up and running.
The web is a great place to business and developing a marketing strategy that will bring you
customers is easy and affordable. It will take some research and learning and a little bit of time but
once you finally get the right marketing strategy in place the web will have your customers caught in
no time.                         Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                38 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

Will They Come Without Effective Internet Marketing
In the field of dreams that everyone has there is an idea that if you build it big and pretty enough
people will want to come to it, but that isn't an effective marketing strategy to use. You need to let
people know what it is that you have and provide a way to get to it. You might even need to give
them a reason to buy what you have. People aren't going to instantly see the value in what you are
offering that you do. You will need to convince them that buying this will make their world easier
and/or better. THIS is what effective marketing does.
Now obviously you want lots of people to come chasing after what you have to offer and the idea of
going and chasing all of these people might seem like an impossible task. The truth is, it is nearly
impossible for you to go and get every possible customer. Doing so would take much more energy
and money than your product is worth, not that what you are offering isn't valuable. An easy and
cost effective strategy is to go and tell a few people who see value in your offer who will then go
and tell a few others about your offer, and let the cycle repeat itself over and over again. To be
effective, your marketing strategy is going to involve giving as much incentive for people to spread
the word about what you are offering as possible. This can come through offering free things, such
as a newsletter, ezine, an ebook, or, in the world of IM, something that they can sell themselves and
make a little money on. Find ways to add a cherry on the top of your deal. Even if you have a sweet
enough offering for them, it won't ever hurt to add another bit of sweetness.
Search engines don't care how big or small you are, as long as you have things worded correctly in
your offering. Simple but direct and to the point page titles as well as carefully crafted articles using
frequent use of keywords pertaining to your subject can take your little site right to the top of all the
popular search engines zooming ahead of the big dogs in the hunt for your customers.
Even using carefully chosen words for the title in the HTML coding can generate traffic. Search
engines will use the title tags to rank sites so make sure that it contains two or three keywords that
your future customers will likely be typing when looking for your product or service.
There are more ways that you can use the Internet for effective marketing of your product or service.
Many cost quite a bit of money but there are also many ways that cost very little, if anything at all.
Just remember that even if you have made it and it is the stuff that dreams are made of, they may not
come unless you find some way to to effectively market it on the Internet.                          Copyright Vaurn James - 2012                39 of 40
Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship

About The Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and
home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and
receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Dr. Lant is the author of 18
best-selling books.
Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James                       Copyright Vaurn James - 2012              40 of 40

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E book 6197_53326060

  • 1. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship
  • 2. Preface / Introduction Small business continues to be the biggest employer in the United States of America; however, it also suffers the worst in relation to all businesses when it comes to government intervention resulting in imposed costs that can hurt the bottoline. Now, more and more businesses are seeking other sources of revenue so as to minimise or eliminate costs have sought relief via the Internet. Indeed, supplemental income for many businesses is being achieved online; however, intergrating two different business mediums requires a mastery of both. Therefore, allow me to offer you this resource to make your transaction as a bricks & mortar business owner to online business owner more successful. It is without say, "online business is different from offline; therefore, learning the tools of the trade are critical". Let me introduce you to the many Tools and resources you will need to generate Consistent, Predictable and long-term residual Income. Oh yes, review this information carefully; otherwise, the author wasted his bloody time.
  • 3. Table of Contents 1. Seven things you must NEVER say to yourself if you want MAXIMUM business and personal success 2. Five Things You Don't Know About Closing Sales Which Are Eviscerating Your Profits 3. 100% sales. The 'must read' for business people who want more money and want it NOW! 4. What is Marketing 5. A recognized Internet marketing master delivers the sober word you don't want to hear: The way you're 'marketing' online your failure is assured. Take the challenge and see for yourself. 6. Amazing Technology And Your Online Marketing 7. Does Your Website Work The Best It Can For You 8. Evaluate Your Business Home Marketing Business 9. Help With Your Failing Internet Market Business 10. Internet Advertising Cost-You Get What You Pay For 11. Internet Advertising Help-Use Your Popular Search Engines 12. Keep Your Internet Marketing Business Fresh 13. Motivate New Business For Your Web Site 14. Need Web Traffic The Internet Is A Realm Of Endless Possibility 15. Old News In Internet Marketing Business 16. Planning A Strategic Marketing Campaign 17. Seminars On Internet Marketing-How About A Webinar 18. Submit Your Site-Starting Your Online Business 19. Submit Your Website Free-Perfect Way If Your Budget Is Tight 20. Success With Internet Marketing Promotions 21. What Is Hot For Internet Marketing Business Today 22. Small Business Internet Marketing Advice 23. Small Business Internet Marketing Techniques 24. The Internet Marketing Center -Great Place To Start 25. Tips To Meet Your Business Goals 26. Will They Come Without Effective Internet Marketing
  • 4. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Seven things you must NEVER say to yourself if you want MAXIMUM business and personal success by Dr. Jeffrey Lant You've heard it and said it since you were a kid: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." That's definitely true if you are the recipient of the words... but absolutely wrong if you are the sender. You see, language completely defines who you are, what you will do, and the level of success you can achieve. If "you are what you eat," it is also absolutely true "You are what you say." That's why I've identified 7 key phrases that are holding you back, 7 phrases which you must IMMEDIATELY eradicate from your speech as they threaten your success! 1) "I'll do it tomorrow." Want success? Then understand that "tomorrow" is the enemy of "today." How many people do you know who have a "manana" mentality, always willing to put off until tomorrow that which could so easily be done today. People who succeed in life are people who do today what can be done today, never allowing themselves the luxury of postponement. These words, then, must be the first to expunge ... and never allow your brain to think. "Carpe diem" must forever be your guide. 2) "I'll make do." Now hear this: successful people never "make do." Making do is for people who have convinced themselves that they will be happy with less. This, of course, is the direct opposite of what truly successful people think, say, and do. To the successful, "making do" means imposing restrictions on who you are and what you could achieve if you made achievement, rather than its opposite, your objective. No great thing, no worthy thing, no meaningful or awesome thing has ever emerged when the person in charge said these words. So banish them at once from your vocabulary; if you keep them you will surely get the less you say satisfies and nothing more. Is that what you want? 3) "I'm a survivor." Initially this may seem positive, but upon further thought you will come to see how invidious this phrase really is. No successful person is merely a survivor; such people do not merely continue to exist (which is what survival means). Instead, they ascend beyond mere existence to the superior state of flourishing. Thus, instead of touting the mere ability to get by, give yourself a better objective by saying: "I am not merely a survivor. Instead I flourish." (Note: Floreat Etona is the motto of England's most prestigious and influential school, the school that has provided generations of leaders. Let the slogan work its magic for you, too.) 4) "I'm fixing to do it." Take a close look at these words. They do not say "I am doing it." They say "I'm thinking about getting around to doing it." Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 4 of 40
  • 5. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Now, it should be obvious that truly successful people don't brag about how they are "about" to do something. No, indeed. These people, the people we want to be like and emulate, are people who are masters of "do". And you must be, too. Drop "fixin" from your vocabulary forthwith. 5) "Working on it." Here's another deceptive phrase which makes non English speakers scratch their heads in bafflement. The phrase, you see, seems to mean one thing, but actually means quite another. "Working on it" means the complete reverse. It does not mean that a thing is being attended to, completion in sight. It means, instead, that the thing in question is not being attended to, has not been started, and that no completion date can be seen because none has been set. Oh, my! "Working on it" is a phrase beloved of procrastinators, the slothful and slow-walkers worldwide because it gives them cover for the work they are assuredly are not doing and the success they will not achieve because of it. 6) "It's good enough for me." This potent phrase has destroyed success for millions worldwide, generation after generation. Success means constant application, work, a vivid striving after success and the thrill that comes from having achieved it. By contrast, the minute you utter the word "enough" you have signalled an end to absolutely everything necessary to achieve success, including success itself. "It's good enough" could hardly be worse for your aspirations, strangling success in its cradle and leaving you with crumbs. "There is nothing quite so bad," wrote the insightful Oscar Wilde, "as that which is good enough." This is why you must banish this corrosive phrase at once. Only the good can be good enough for you! *7) "I could never do that." Are you one of the legions of people who use these killer words? Be advised: success cannot flourish in this inhospitable terrain. People who demand success empower themselves by creating an environment where the goal of success is never undercut by the words they use and the thoughts they think. For such people, the keynote is positive potential, not instantaneous death by your own hand. You see, if you say you cannot do the thing in question, then most assuredly you will not achieve that thing. As Henry Ford, master of the practical, the richest man of his time, rightly said: "You think you can. You think you can't. Either way you're right." Last Words Success at the best of times is generally difficult to achieve. Why, then, make it even more difficult by sabotaging yourself, diminishing success by empowering failure? Your thoughts, your words are your realities. Negative words, restricting words, words that sabotage rather than improve and inspire must be rooted out and destroyed. YOU must create for yourself an environment where the total focus, including every word you utter, facilitates achievement and does not handicap it. Start by eradicating these 7 invidious phrases, replacing them with those that enrich, improve... and never impede. At once, your trek to success becomes decidedly easier. Yes, you are on your way! This astonishing phrase is dynamite, a sure-fire indicator that the person who thinks and utters it will Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 5 of 40
  • 6. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship have the most meager portion of success. In short, it undermines, sabotages and otherwise strangles the very possibility of success. What stimulates success is the keen desire to be better, to have better, to live better. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 6 of 40
  • 7. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Five Things You Don't Know About Closing Sales Which Are Eviscerating Your Profits by Dr. Jeffrey Lant It isn't just that most people are lousy at sales... far more shocking is the fact that most SALES PEOPLE are lousy at sales. If you're one of them, this article is for YOU! The plain fact of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of sales people rely on their charm, gift of gab, and ability to "wing it" to make sales... instead of being prepared to make sale after sale. STOP IT! Following these sensible steps means more money: 1) Closing sales is not a matter of motivation or pressure. Instead, it's a question of having the right information readily at hand, so you can answer customer questions quickly, easily, thoroughly. Thus, consider what you have readily available when you are talking to a customer. 2) Do you have (readily available, mind) a sheet of "you gets", that is a list of PRECISELY what your customer gets when using your product/service? Dollars to doughnuts, neither you nor any member of your business has sat down and written out the features of what you're selling; then converted each and every feature into a benefit that the customer gets. Treat each and every benefit like scoops on an ice-cream cone; the higher you stack 'em, the more enticing to the customer! 3) Do you have a sheet of offers? Products do not sell themselves; a sales person bragging "Our product sells itself" is wrong, naive or both. What sells products is offers; the better the offer the faster the sale. Thus, have you got a sheet of offers; "add-ons" you can use to motivate immediate customer action? This list should make it very clear just what the customer gets for fast action. AND when the customer must act, for ALL offers must be limited by time, quantity, etc. 4) Do you have a sheet of results testimonials? People what to be assured and re-assured about what they will get when using your product. Here's where "results" testimonials come in. These not only provide a happy customer's experience in using your product ("I loved it"), but the specific results that customer achieved. The greater the specificity and the benefits, the better and more effective the testimonial. Note: whenever possible ALL testimonials must include full customer and such relevant details as title, location, etc. In short, testimonials must be detailed and complete to be completely credible. 5) A page of objection responses and rebuttals Face it, not every customer will leap for joy upon hearing of what you are selling. That's why you must be prepared for the nay-sayers, the procrastinators, the cautious, and the merely foolish. For these folks, a list of every possible objection and your strongest response is required. Commmon objections include: "I must ask my spouse." "I'm on vacation for the next 2 weeks." Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 7 of 40
  • 8. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship "I'm on vacation for the next 2 weeks." "I have to check you out." "I don't have the money." Now hear this: there isn't an objection under the sun which cannot be effectively answered, only not by "winging it." EVERY successful sales person knows that preparation here is mandatory; the rebuttals may seem spontaneous... but they must ALWAYS be rehearsed. Brainstorm all objections; then work on the responses. As new objections surface, add them to your list... and, again, perfect the perfect, objection- demolishing response. Last Words The key to sales success is NEVER a "wing and a prayer." It is ALWAYS a matter of total, complete, deliberate effort. Such effort can turn a mediocre sales person into a stellar performer. That, of course, is precisely what your goal must be, and now you know how to achieve it! Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 8 of 40
  • 9. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship 100% sales. The 'must read' for business people who want more money and want it NOW! by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. I have the inestimable privilege of training some of the brightest business people on earth... people of wit, intelligence, good humor... and a fierce determination to be successful, climbing the greasy pole, making more money, and living just the way they want. I find this work enthralling, exhilarating... and (I'll admit it) frequently frustrating... as I watch even the best and the brightest muff it. And so, today, I am writing about the one essential thing these fine folks -- and that now includes YOU -- must do every single minute of every single day that you want more money. For, let's not kid ourselves... if you understand this crucial article and follow its directives... you are going to make more money, lots more, and leave your lackadaisical and languid colleagues in the dust. And won't that be sweet? To put you in the mood for my insistent message, I have selected a dance number that once made you gyrate and awe... "I Want Your Love" by a group named Chic. It hit the charts in 1978, and it made its point early and often: "I want your love. I want your love. I want your love. I want your love." In other words, they kept on message, driving home the point of their endeavors until even the most mentally challenged "got it". As a teacher with a sledgehammer, repetitive delivery, I like that... I like it a lot. And so to set the stage for what follows, look this tune up in any search engine now and move that overweight, arthritic body; because you're about to recapture your alluring youth... and be the person who got what you wanted, oh yeah! Painful, so painful. It happened again yesterday... and it gets me, right in the solar plexus, each and every time I see this fundamental error. The sales person I was training was operating solo. In other words, they had progressed sufficiently far in their instruction to where they get to fly all alone. I am there, of course; I am always there... but I try to remain as silent as the grave and unobtrusive so that I am seeing the student and just the student. And make no mistake about it... this situation (as every parent knows) can make you as nervous and frustrated as all get out. Lights, camera... think! Picture the scene. All parties are on the 'net. I am present in my video box, the student is in his... and the "real life" prospect enters... like a bull at a corrida. Everything happens in real time.... and has real world implications, for good... or for ill. Ok... the student (and, remember, my students are established business people, not wet-behind-the-ears kids) goes into closing mode. This starts by greeting each and every prospect by name; then asking each prospect to watch a 20-minute video packed with the vital data that both excites the prospect and instructs her. These steps are crucial... and the students know I am a stickler for ensuring that they occur. In other words, make SURE the prospect has the critical facts before any further action can occur. The prospect is prepped... are you? Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 9 of 40
  • 10. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship "As soon as you've finished the video, return to me for a spectacular one-time-only offer." These words usher in the next phase of the operation. We make it clear what must be done (watch video) and what is coming thereafter (spectacular offer). So far... so good. Close but no cigar. The first mistake the students make is to present the offer before the prospect has been adequately prepped. This is a critical error. Prospects must have the necessary facts... or they end up asking a ton of unnecessary questions; questions which have already been answered -- and in precise, clear detail, too -- in the video. The video, the whole video, nothing but the video. As soon as you have confirmed that the prospect has watched the ENTIRE video, proceed to the "Big rock candy mountain," your scintillating offer. It IS scintillating, isn't it? For if it doesn't snap, crackle, and pop you've just thrown away a sale. Sales occur because the offer sizzles, excites, is just too thrilling to decline. You ARE making such an offer, I trust. And if you're not, you'd better make its improvement "Action this day," which is what Winston Churchill did when as Prime Minister of England he demanded instant attention and RESULTS. And now... the critical moment that turns you into a master... and puts another sale in your pocket: 100% sales. To remain an average closer, keep doing what you're doing.But to fly high as one of the world's sales masters you must set the desired goal... then do everything possible, everything necessary to achieve it. That is... 100% sales. Is this what you do? Make your objective immediately clear to the prospect: "I want you to get the benefits of this widget... and I'm going to do everything I can to make it happen." Don't just say these words... mean them. Because once the prospect knows you're serious, they can be serious too, working with you for fastest, most complete mutual advantage. At this moment, the prospect may well start back peddling saying things like this: "I don't have any money." "I can't do it today." "I need to tell the little woman. We're a team." And so forth. Your job is to thrust these obstacles out of the way and CLOSE THAT DEAL. To do this, you must remind yourself AT ALL TIMES that you have a 100% closing goal... and that you are going to make this close. If the prospect stalls or blocks you, keep things going by asking for the prospect's undivided attention and for an all- important OPEN mind. Make sure the prospect understands what the offer is.... and if necessary improve it; always making it clear that this offer expires the second the prospect leaves. In other words, there is a premium for staying, working things out, but irrevocable loss if they won't. Now, gun it. Keep in mind at all times, with the terrific offer you are making, the prospect will be better off... if... Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 10 of 40
  • 11. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship and only if... they take immediate action. It is your job to drive this home NOW... making it abundantly clear that action now is the only sensible course. Do this, and do it with enthusiasm, gusto, and good humor, and you will not only want that sale... you will get it! For as Chic sang, "a better love you won't find today..." or a better offer either. *** What do you think? We invite you to post your comments below. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 11 of 40
  • 12. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship What is Marketing Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas or goods and services, that will ultimately satisfy a customer demand. Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or another, maybe an idea even. So why there such a high percentage of products on the market that just don't survive? Well in most cases, the problem lies not in the idea or service itself, but in the cultivation thereof. Lets try and analyse where most businesses go wrong: Most small businesses don't have a Marketing plan Successful businesses thrive because every single person in the organisation is aware of where the business is going. In other words, the business is as a result of one mans vision, and with the help every employee, the company as a whole is dedicated to see that vision through. A Marketing plan helps to achieve this kind of focus and when used effectively, it will ensure that the business is able to adapt to todays dynamic business environment and changing customer needs. They tend to confuse Sales with Marketing One important fact to remember is that Sales is a direct byproduct of effective Marketing. The objective of sales is to increase revenue that the company generates by distributing products and services, none of which would be possible if the consumer of that product had no information on which to base their purchase. Although it is important not to confuse the two, Sales and Marketing together with PR tend to work hand-in-hand and removing any one of these from the chain could result in failure. ?We don't need marketing, we're a small company? That should be that exact reason as to why a business does need to have a marketing process. Lets be honest, no business owner wants to remain the same size forever and to just keep breaking even. But the only way of changing that is to be proactive, know what the market is, where its going and where you fit in. Marketing gurus say that Marketing is an art, not a science. We could argue this point forever but the bottom line is that I don't believe it is. You can learn how to Market. Marketing is not some God given talent that only those born with can exploit, it is a process, a method, a way of succeeding that you can start learning right now. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 12 of 40
  • 13. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship A recognized Internet marketing master delivers the sober word you don't want to hear: The way you're 'marketing' online your failure is assured. Take the challenge and see for yourself. Author's program note. One of the great films is "Cool Hand Luke" (1967) that features this line etched in acid, "What we have here is failure to communicate". This line is delivered just after the prison authority has slashed "Luke" with a whip, causing him to roll over and over down a long, dusty hill, each rotation more painful than the last. The warden then says what seems an extraordinary statement: that Luke had been beaten because he wanted it that way... Huh? But pretty soon you understand the authority figure is right. Luke is determined to do things his way, when that way is a certain disaster... he won't learn, won't examine his position, and will never admit to error. The only thing that will enlighten him and change certain failure to incipient progress is getting beaten and beaten again; then he might see the benefit, the essential value of instruction, training and constant adjustment and beneficial change. Luke's pointless "system" delivers nothing but misery. Communication delivers the desired results that you're too stubborn to master. So what if what you're doing doesn't work. "It's a poor thing but mine own" and therefore good enough. Thus, for the music to accompany this article, I give you the theme song to "Cool Hand Luke" because you bear more than a passing resemblance to a character and a situation that will keep failing you and which you do not wish to change -- whatever you say. Find the music by Lalo Schifrin in any search engine, and remember: it's YOUR theme, obstinacy and willful adherence to present, total, predictable failure being celebrated. Why you must master marketing to succeed online. Right now chances are whatever online enterprise you are pursuing is not only failing to make you a living wage... it is failing to make you anything at all. Don't be coy about this; YOU are a complete, total, abject, and ridiculous marketing catastrophe. So, what have you been doing to solve this problem and generate increasing bucks? What have you been doing? I'll tell you what you've been doing; the same things that delivered failure while expecting success, if you do them long enough This is the textbook definition of madness... and that makes YOU certifiably crazy. "Your Money Is In Their Pocket!" Right now people around the world are walking around with your money in their pockets. Moreover, due to the pathetic way you "market", one thing is clear: you will never get that money. It will stay in your customer's pocket... he will in due course spend it elsewhere, thereby depriving himself of whatever benefit you could deliver and 100% of the profits you would have derived. What's worse, you seem neither to know nor to care that this travesty of marketing that keeps you broke and unsuccessful is going on. You're the poor little lamb who has gone astray... and you must be perfectly happy with that result... since you learn nothing new; try nothing new; and master nothing new. Amazing! Magic words that deliver one hot prospect after another; the rocket ship that delivers them. To succeed online you need, first of all, prospect lists because in my well-known phrase "The list is the business... and the business is the list." To make money you must have lists; to make lots of money, you must have bigger lists. Developing this list is a project for each and every day you want to move money from "their" pockets... to yours. The first critical question: what did you do each day Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 13 of 40
  • 14. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship to move money from "their" pockets... to yours. The first critical question: what did you do each day this week to grow your pivotal lists? Don't be vague; be rigorously detailed and specific. The sad fact is, you've probably done nothing on this matter whatsoever. And so you will continue to fail. That's 100 percent certain. You must give your prospects a reason to pick up the phone and call you. Do you? Consider this. Over the years I have turned myself from an impecunious graduate student (albeit at Harvard) into an online multi-millionaire. How did it happen? By creating powerful, punchy, profit-making ads like this one, my current favorite and likely to remain so since it is a certifiable money maker: Call me now for your FREE Internet marketing consultation. $100 value. Let an expert show you RIGHT NOW how to profit online every single day without leaving home. Call me -- Dr. Jeffrey Lant -- now, (617) 547-6372. LIVE 24/7/365. Your success guaranteed. I'm waiting for your call RIGHT NOW! This verbiage MUST be on EVERYTHING that will be seen, received, read and presented to every single person you wish to respond. Each time you send out ANYTHING, be that business card, email message, brochure, space ad, landing page, etc. without these precise words is a marketing opportunity and ALL its potential profits lost and gone forever "dreadful sorrow, Clementine." Ebooks as rocket ships. Now you know the magic words to use that ensure 100 percent guaranteed results. How do you get them into the hands of prospects who, being motivated by them, will pick up the telephone to make instant contact with --you? There are many ways, but here's one that takes just about 5-7 minutes per day. It's ebook marketing... and it's so clever because you don't write your ebooks (though you may if you like). I DO! Just over two years ago... In the fall of 2010, I had an epochal "AHA!" moment. Keep in mind that at that time, the Great Recession was dragging down the Great Republic, the European Union, and the world. I wanted to seize this crucial moment when all the best things on Earth were for sale at deeply discounted prices; I wanted to seize this moment, I say, to fatten my stock portfolio and fast-growing collection of eye-popping Old Master pictures and the best 18th century furniture. In short, I needed lots of cash... and a mechanism to deliver it to me and the eager-beavers who saw this turbulent, even frightening time as the right time for massive asset acquisition. Enter the ebook... the ebook you don't write but can profit from every single day! Well over 1,000,000 formatted words, with images and musical cues, marching smartly to 1000 articles. Here's the good word, bird. Since September, 2010 I have written approaching one thousand articles; each about 1500 words. You can see them at These articles, carefully researched, carefully written cover over 35 different subject areas. At least 20 new articles are added every single month. Using them is a breeze... Go to the article repository. Select any 2 or 3. Add the magic marketing words above. Click, send... and await certain response... by people picking up the phone to call you... whenever they're ready to call you. Is this difficult in any way? No, it's child's play. Is it time-consuming? Certainly not. 7 minutes for newbies. Under 5 for experienced marketers. Does it produce prospect leads? Yes, EVERY time you use it, which should be 7 days a week. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 14 of 40
  • 15. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship And now The Million-Dollar Question. WILL YOU DO IT? Return to "Cool Hand Luke," obstinate, stubborn, beaten, unsuccessful... just plain stupid. Now let's be brutally frank with each other. I remind you that this is proven, that it's simple, that it takes but a few paltry minutes a day, that it will cause your phone to ring off the hook (especially if you put it on the top of each document for maximum impact), that it will ensure profits, profits which will grow as you grow your lists. But you, admit it, are "cool hand Luke", lazy, excuse making, smart aleck, a permanent sneer on your lips, the know-it-all who knows nothing. You'll follow this advice for a day; maybe, two. You'll start seeing results. Then your residual bad habits will kick in, including your acute disinclination to take phone calls from real people. After all, when push comes to shove you are most surely of the "I love humanity; it's people I can't stand" School of Marketing. And you're a slothful bugger, too. You'll deny all this of course, just as Paul denied Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed. But the truth will be most apparent in your derisory bank account, assets, and future. Partner, I hope that sneer on your face and your reeking arrogance are enough for you, 'cause, baby, that's what you're gonna get. Capisce? Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 15 of 40
  • 16. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Amazing Technology And Your Online Marketing Blending the amazing technology and your online marketing strategy takes a little thought. With all the automated systems available today you can do so much quicker and easier than ever before. Even though the amazing technology and your online marketing strategy do work together, that does not mean that you won't have to work. Ultimately you need to plan the best course of action for your business. It is about more than just getting some software, pushing some buttons and sitting back waiting for the money to roll in. As a matter of fact, this is one of the most common mistakes that many people make. They have bought into the hype of online marketing. They have come to believe that with a little time and virtually no effort, they can can make a ton of money. The problem is that the software won't do it all and if you don't understand at least the basics of how it all goes together, you will miss out on a great opportunity. So, no matter what technology and automation you depend on you need to be willing to learn the basics of how it all goes together or you won't have much, or any success. Another thing that many would be internet marketers overlook is the fact that they need to be able to track all of their results. There are things that may need to be tweaked but unless you are tracking your results you won't be able to identify which things work well for you and which ones don't work. For that reason you should add, and learn to use, some type of code to track elements of your online business. Two things that are very important to track are the number of visitors you get to your site and the percentage of conversions (people who actually take some action like buy your product or sign up to your list) that you are getting. Most of the tweaks you do to your site will be geared to increasing one of these things - traffic or conversions. You need to be able to figure out which tweaks have worked and which ones haven't worked. To that end, make sure you only make one change at a time. If you try to change too many things at once how will you know which one of those changes made a difference and which one didn't? And worse, you may have actually had one thing that made a positive change and one that made a negative change and they have balanced each other out. If that happens you have no way of knowing that one of the changes actually worked. Make one small change at a time, wait a few weeks or months to see if the change helped or hurt (or didn't do anything). If the change worked try something else to get even better results, if it didn't work go back to what you had before and then make another change. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 16 of 40
  • 17. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Does Your Website Work The Best It Can For You Setting up a website is a pretty simple affair. Most anyone can set up their own website, either for free or for a small amount of money. But while setting up a website is simple and easy, setting up a successful website is a whole different ordeal. There are a lot of aspects involved in determining whether or not your website is working as it should, and most people have no idea what these aspects are. For the most part this is not that big of a deal for those who are just testing the waters or hosting personal stuff. But for those who are trying to set up a website for their business, this can be life or death for your business. So you should ask yourself, Does Your Website "Work? To answer that question you need to start from the beginning. Go through your website as if you were a visitor, check all your links and make sure everything looks nice and works as intended. We have all gone to websites where they had buttons that led to incomplete or "under construction" parts of the site. That sort of thing is absolutely unacceptable for a business website. By simply going through and clicking on everything and verifying it all works as intended, you can save yourself a lot of grief down the road. It sounds like a common sense thing to do, but you would be surprised at how many people forget this simple, yet crucial step. After that you should again ask yourself, Does Your Website "Work? You might think you are safe once you checked over everything, but that is just the technical aspect of it. Yeah, sure, all your buttons work as intended and you have everything you want, but are people seeing it? Part of making a working website is ensuring it is getting the traffic it needs. There are a lot of web designers out there who can design a very pretty and nice looking website, but that website is not built to utilize SEO and is difficult to make successful. There are really two main types of websites in this regard. Formatted ones, such as some web designers use, and more modular ones, which is what you should use. You want to be able to freely and easily modify your website to account for changes Google and other search engines make. You will also want to include all the things these search engines look for when determining what page your website lands on. You want to build your website so that it utilizes all aspects of SEO and gets on the first page. So when asking Does Your Website "Work, it is not just about the obvious stuff such as checking all the buttons, but also the more subtle things. Even if your website is functional and everything works, it is still not "working" if it does not perform it's role in attracting visitors. Only once you get people visiting your website and are making money can you say your website is truly working. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 17 of 40
  • 18. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Evaluate Your Business Home Marketing Business No one wants to waste time and money on something that doesn't work for them. As a home business owner this applies to you as well. As a small business owner you have even less wiggle room than a bigger company so you need to be able to spot both good and bad changes as soon as possible. You need to be able to carefully evaluate your business home internet marketing promotion. Once you know how to evaluate your business home internet marketing promotion you can decide which promotion(s) is working, which one isn't and how best to proceed. One easy way to do this online is to add code to your site, or use your c-panel information, to track the amount of traffic you are getting. This is one of the most important elements of any business... the amount of traffic they are getting. Of course, this is only one thing that needs to be tracked. Another very important metric you need to keep track of is conversions. Getting a ton of traffic is great, but it's only part of the overall picture. A ton of traffic won't do you a bit of good if you can't convert that traffic in some way. A conversion could mean a sale or just getting someone to sign up to your email list so you can continue to contact them over time and build trust and rapport with them. Then, after you've built that trust, you will be able to turn many of those people into paying, lifelong, customers. But how can you gauge what is working to increase traffic or conversions? Like I mentioned above, you need a way to track that information by adding code to your site. But, that is only the "how" you also need to know the "what". One big mistake some website owners make is that they get too anxious to increase their traffic and conversions. They are of the "if one is good two must be better" school of thought. So instead of just making one change at a time and then waiting for a few weeks or months to see what, if any, effect that change had on traffic or conversions they make a bunch of changes all at once and / or they make one change and then get inpatient and don't wait long enough to see what affect that change had on traffic and conversions so they make another change. If you take such a haphazard approach to making changes, it will be virtually impossible for you to identify which changes have helped, which ones hurt and which ones didn't do anything. You need to make just one change at a time. And then you need to wait long enough to be able to determine if that change had any effect on the performance of your site. How long you will have to wait will be determined in large part by the changes you want to see. For example, if you have made a change that should give you more traffic that may show up almost immediately. You still have to wait for a week or two to make sure that something else hasn't had an affect on your traffic rates such as a holiday, bad weather in a certain part of the world, or some other issue that may have resulted in a change to your traffic levels. Once you've waited long enough to determine that the change you made is the most likely reason for any changes that you saw either in traffic or conversions, you should than try to make another change. By continuing to do this, you can optimize your website and get the most out of all the visitors you get as well as getting more visitors in the first place! Evaluate your business home internet marketing promotion in this way to get the biggest bang from all you do online. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 18 of 40
  • 19. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 19 of 40
  • 20. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Help With Your Failing Internet Market Business There are many people who jumped online with high hopes of starting a successful internet marketing business. Unfortunately, many of these people have not even come close to realizing this success and many more are wondering where they went wrong. If you need help with your failing internet marketing business this article may be able to provide you with a little insight of where you may have gone wrong. There are many places where you can get help with your failing internet marketing business, and some sources are better than others. There are many so called experts online who will be only too happy to sell you some product or service that will supposedly help you turn things around and actually start making money online. Whether it's a course, some piece of software or just some coaching, it can be mighty tempting to shell out big bucks to finally have the success you so desperately want. But you have to be cautious too. There are many really knowledgeable, honest people online but even among this group, you may not really find the answer you are looking for. Instead, start right here with this article. I will give you an idea of where you might want to spend your money and where you are likely to get the biggest bang for your buck I will also tell you what products you may want to stay clear of: 1. For the most part, you should not bother to spend your money on some "do it all for you" software. I have spent more money on this type of software than I care to admit and I have to say that it's never really worked the way it was supposed to. Some might have worked, others didn't work at all, but no matter what none of it has ever lived up to it's own hype. I would save my money if I were you (I wish someone had told me that when I was first starting out). 2. You will usually get the most out of your expenditure if you buy a course that will teach you something about internet marketing. Internet marketing is not necessarily something I would call hard, but it does have a lot of pieces that have to fit together in a precise way in order to get the results you want. That is what can take so long; just learning how to put it all together. The majority of your "puzzle" will involve finding the best ways to drive traffic to your website. There are many ways to do this and many elements that will go into creating an effective stream of traffic. Once you've learned this skill and you are getting traffic, and plenty of it, you can start making some real money. 3. Another investment that you may want to consider if you have the money is getting a coach. Having someone who can show you the ropes and can even hold you accountable to getting something done can really help. Obviously, there are many other things you will need such as buying your own domain name, getting a website, etc. but these can all be learned by taking comprehensive internet marketing course. Doing these steps can really help with your failing internet marketing business. It is within your reach but you have to be willing to grab it. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 20 of 40
  • 21. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 21 of 40
  • 22. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Internet Advertising Cost-You Get What You Pay For Many new internet marketers find themselves asking the question "How much does internet advertising cost?". And the answer ranges from. . ."It's free" to "It's very expensive" depending on what type of advertising you are using. It's important to remember that free advertising doesn't necessarily mean low-quality, especially when it comes to internet advertising, but it does mean that you will pay in the amount of time that it takes rather than with a sum of money. Free or low internet advertising cost methods include article marketing, blogging (on a free blogging platform), participating in any of the social networking sites or forums, placing free online classified advertising, using safelists or traffic exchanges and more. Article marketing means creating informational articles that your target audience would be interested in reading and acting upon and submitting them to various content sites like EzineArticles, HubPages, Squidoo, etc. This type of advertising builds up your credibility, expert status and can get you ranked higher in the search engines. You can set up a blog at and promote your business there. Setting up a profile at Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or any of the other hundreds of social networks is a way to be seen and establish relationships with potential customers. Getting traffic to your blog, profile or answers on forums requires that you participate with other members of the network in a social way. Being too promotional will not win you any points with your audience and it may even get you penalized by the network itself. Doing advertisements on free online classifieds allows you to do more hard-core promotional (less social) advertising. When it comes to Safelists and Traffic Exchanges, the key is to come up with a short headline that compels whoever sees your ad to read further. When it comes to paid internet advertising, pay per click (PPC), ezines (online magazines) and banner advertising are three popular choices. Pay per click can be very cheap, or it could be expensive. It all depends on how much you bid. If you have a low budget, you will want to bid low and on uncompetitive keywords (terms that people aren't searching for very much). Luckily, it's easy to find out what the uncompetitive keywords are in any of the search engines that you advertise on. They will provide you with the tools that help you identify keywords. Once you start getting some traffic and making money, you can gradually start to bid more on the keywords. Ezine advertising prices vary greatly as well. The price you pay for advertising on an ezine depends on the size and quality of the subscriber list so you will need to research the best ezines and possibly go through some trial and error before you find some that consistently perform. Banner advertising is a way to promote your products on other sites that are ranked well in the search engines and not direct competitors. The internet advertising cost for this depends on the site that you choose as well. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 22 of 40
  • 23. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Internet Advertising Help-Use Your Popular Search Engines Have you been trying to break into the online world of business and need internet advertising help? You're not alone. Although many small businesses realize the importance of the internet, they often do not take advantage of what Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines have to offer. And many people don't even know what Google Maps is all about - but this is essential if you own a brick and mortar business. Similar services exist in Bing and Yahoo too. These are just some of the many internet advertising places. There are many other venues that you can use to promote your business, products and services: 1. Article Directories and Content Sites. Registering with Ezine Articles (and the hundreds of other article directories), Hub Pages and Squidoo is completely free. Your goal with these sites is to create informative articles about your products/services and publish them here. Doing this will earn you credibility, expert status and possibly higer ranking in the search engines once you start bringing in traffic to your site. 2. Search Engine Pay Per Click Platforms: All of the major search engines and many other search engines offer the possibility for you to advertise on their sites and some of the most sophisticated internet advertising help. It works like this. . .you place an ad based on some keywords that are relevent to your business, products or services. All of the search engines give you free tools that you can use to find the keywords that you want to target. You will bid on each keyword that you advertise and the search engines will also help you to identify what your bid should be. Once you have placed your ad, whenever anyone types in the keyword that you targeted into that search engine, your ad will come up. Where it appears depends on how high you placed your bid and how relevent your ad is to the keywords that you specified. 3. Ezine Advertising. Advertising in online magazines, called ezines, is another very effective way to get started with internet advertising. As with all of your advertising efforts, this requires some research on your part. Your goal is to find an ezine which fits your target market and advertsing budget. Don't discount ezines with small subscriber count. They may allow you to advertise for very little and often have very responsive lists. 4. Banner advertising. Placing banner advertisement on high traffic sites within your indusry is also an effective ways to bring in traffic to your own site. 5. Online Classified Ads. Many online classified sites allow you to place free advertisements within restrictions. Upgrading to become a paid member usually allows you to place more sophisticated ads more frequently than if you are a paid member. Each of these methods offers internet advertising help in the form of written instructions, tutorials and support communities within their sites. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 23 of 40
  • 24. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Keep Your Internet Marketing Business Fresh Having an internet marketing business is a great way to be independent and have a secure source of income. It can be started up with very little money and really the only resource required to keep it running and be successful is your own time and dedication. Despite the advantages of having such a business, countless people find themselves getting frustrated and throwing in the towel, so they do not find the success they were hoping for. If you want to be successful on the internet, one of the important things you will need to do is Keep Your Inter Marketing Business Fresh. Most people will throw up their website and then let it sit, maybe poking it once a week or so. This is why they fail. The internet is an ever shifting market and if you are not constantly working your business, it will fall behind and fail. Now, just to be clear, I am not saying you need to spend all day every day working on your website. That is a selling point about working online, you do not have to work all that much to keep it rolling. Just work an hour or two every day to keep it going, that is all it needs. By working your website every day, you provide new and fresh content and this in turn makes the search engines happy. By Keep Your Inter Marketing Business Fresh you keep it high in the rankings. Google and other search engines look for certain criteria to determine what page your website should land on when someone searches for related terms. That is referred to as Search Engine Optimization. SEO, again, looks for a variety of things but most importantly is just keeping your website active and loaded with new, unique, and fresh content. If you just let it sit, the search engines would bump your website down and down until it ends up on page 100, and who is going to find it then? Google is constantly updating its software to help the user find what they are looking for, but this also means it requires you, the website owner, to be on your toes and always adapting. Even if you were going good before, an update can absolutely wreck you. So if you want to Keep Your Inter Marketing Business Fresh, the absolute most important thing to keep in mind is to always be aware of what Google is doing. You need to keep tabs on what the current software requires of your website and you need to keep on the look out for updates. Many businesses have gone under because an update decided their website was not doing what needed to be done, and ended up bumping them down to lower pages. By keeping your eyes on Google and always working to abide by their rules you can ensure that no matter what happens, you can keep your website on the top pages and get a consistent flow of traffic, which in turn means a consistent flow of money. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 24 of 40
  • 25. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Motivate New Business For Your Web Site Once you get your online business up and running and get traffic going to it, it can be pretty easy to manage. This ease of management is one of the big selling points for owning an online business. Simple oversight and a little work every day can keep it running smoothly, earning you a consistent income. While this is how it is most of the time, this is not necessarily true for every internet based business. Sometimes you will need to Motivate new business for your web site in order to keep it going. This can be a bit of a challenge since you still need to stay true to your original business model, but you also need to keep things fresh and entice people to visit your website and buy your product. There are three things you can do to help you out with this. 1: Play into desire. People want what they want. People will also be willing to part with a fair bit of cash if it can get them what they want. So as a business owner, you need to try and give them what they want. If you can feed into this desire, you can keep them coming back for more. If your current business model is not cutting it, try to branch out to similar products that people may desire to keep your business going. 2: Enjoyment. Another way to Motivate new business for your web site is to show potential customers that they can enjoy the product they buy from you. It does not necessarily have to be enjoyment in the sense of a child playing with a toy, but if you are selling say... self help books. Then make them think they will get a lot out of your product and thus enjoy purchasing it since it gives them what they want. As stated above, desire is a powerful motivator, does not hurt to try and make them desire your product. 3: Fear. A common and effective method is to invoke a little fear. If you read through websites trying to sell you a product, you might pick up on a little scare tactic going on. It plays into the human psyche in making them feel as if they need something. By making them think they will lose something by not buying your product, you make them more willing to buy your product. Obviously this does not mean to intimidate them, it is all about wording, as you probably noticed from other websites. Trying to Motivate new business for your web site can be a bit tricky since it means you have to expand, or at the very least find new ways to promote your product. These three tips may or may not work given what exactly you are selling, or maybe you already follow them. But for those of you who can utilize these tips, they can provide you with a means of increasing sales. There are still many more methods out there for you to use as well, so whether these work or not you should still seek out more ways to build up your business. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 25 of 40
  • 26. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Need Web Traffic The Internet Is A Realm Of Endless Possibility The internet is a realm of endless possibility, anyone can go out and start up their own web based business and be successful. Thousands upon thousands of people have already done this, and there is nothing stopping you from getting that same success. The only thing that can stop you is, well, you. The single greatest pitfall potential business owners face is they simply give up. They do not see any returns and think it does not work, so they lose hope and abandon it. But if you stick it out, you can join the statistics of successful internet business owners. But to do that you Need Web Traffic to get to your site. Driving traffic is the most important aspect of owning an online business. The more traffic you get, the better odds you have of selling your product and making money. It's like they always say, even if you make the best business in the world, if nobody knows it exists then you still will not make any money. There are some methods you can use to get people to visit your website that I will share with you. 1: Pay for ads. This method requires money, and so if you are working under a tight budget this may not be an option. But if you can afford it, then purchasing ads with search engines like Google or Yahoo! are a great way to increase awareness of your site's existence. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money, after all. 2: Disperse links. If you Need Web Traffic, then back linking is something you are going to have to do, and likely will have to do a lot. Back linking is where you have another website carry a link to your site. More often than not this is done by submitting articles to article directories, or search directories that will carry your link. 3: Viral marketing. I am sure you have heard of this before, viral marketing is where you get other people to market for you naturally. For example, if you have a youtube video that involves your business and it gets a ton of hits because it is popular, that is all marketing for your website. It can be difficult to pull off, but when it works you will have very noticeable results. 4: Keywords. Like back linking, keywords are a stable of internet marketing. Keywords are the words or phrases people type into google to find what they are looking for. You want to make sure your website is using keywords properly so that the search engines can find your website and put it into the results when people search for that specific keyword. If you Need Web Traffic then following these tips can help you get it. These are not all there is when it comes to internet marketing and there are a lot of finer points you can learn to maximize your gains. But once you get the hang of it and get your business going, it is an easy and secure source of income. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 26 of 40
  • 27. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Old News In Internet Marketing Business There are many people that think that since the new updates at the search engines that article marketing is old news in Internet marketing business. Personally, I could not disagree more. There is still a place for getting a lot of very targeted traffic by using article marketing, you just have to change how you go about doing it. Back in the first part of 2011 Google introduced a fairly major change to their algorithm called Panda. Since then many people have lost traffic and have been scrambling to find a way to appease the "Big G". Since the Panda update hit a lot of the top article directories really hard many people erroneously jumped to the conclusion that article marketing was old news in Internet marketing business, but they are wrong. Writing quality content either for submission to a directory or to add directly to your own website still is, and probably always will be, a good way to curry favor in the search engines. You've no doubt heard the expression "Content is King" well that is still true. The only difference is that with the various updates the algorithms are actually sophisticated enough to weed out a lot of the lesser quality content. So the new saying may be more along the lines of "Quality Content Is King". No more submitting mind numbingly boring articles that are only 250 words long. Today it will require interesting well written articles that really offer something to the reader. Today it is more about writing as much good information on a certain topic than it is to write around a particular keyword. It's about writing content that shows the world you really are an expert on a certain subject. Once you get that part done you can still benefit greatly from submitting these articles all over the web. Other than creating content that is longer, say a minimum of 700 words for instance, you also want to get out of the habit of using the assembly line of composing your articles. What I mean by that is don't just compile a long list of keywords and than write articles on those keywords, instead compose a list of keywords that will fully explore your niche. So, if your niche is on bird watching, for example, don't do what most of us have done in the past: have only keyword optimized content. You know what I mean, sites that have keywords like: bird watching in the north, bird watching in the south, bird watching in the east, etc. Instead focus on the overall topic of bird watching. Think more about topics like: the best binoculars for bird watching, how to get great pictures when bird watching, what is the best time of day for bird watching?, etc. Building your site, and all your onsite and offsite content, based on this method (topics rather than just keywords) will show Google that you are really trying to supply your readers with all the information they need to get the most out of your niche topic. It is more geared to providing your readers with quality, well rounded, information and not just geared solely to driving traffic. Article marketing is a great method to build trust, set yourself up as an expert in your niche and of course get more traffic... but only if done properly. Do it the right way so you don't become old news in Internet marketing business. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 27 of 40
  • 28. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Planning A Strategic Marketing Campaign If you want to go hunting you have to know what you are going to hunt. Strategic marketing planning will help you find out what customers you are looking for and how to catch them. Essential to any marketing campaign is finding and knowing your target audience. Knowing your target audience doesn't just mean identifying Planning a Strategic Marketing Campaign Will Improve Your Aim who they are but getting to know how they think and what they want and where to find them. After you know them you can find ways to catch them. The better you know them, the better your chances are at getting to them before your competition does. Selecting your target market is only the beginning but it is a very important beginning. It is best to go after customers that you have some knowledge about and have a legitimate chance of getting with what you have available. While a BB gun might be enough to take down a small bird, you wouldn't want to try it on a grizzly bear. Use what you have at your disposal and use it on those you have a legitimate opportunity to be successful with. Choose a target audience whose needs you can meet. There is no shame in starting small. Use that audience to learn with and prepare for bigger targets. Many people choose to work exclusively with small markets and do quite well. There are several factors to consider when getting to know your target audience and planning a strategic marketing campaign to go after them. You will want to know as much about their demographics as possible. Pay attention to things like their age, sex, race or ethnicity, education, income, family size, or any other factor that can have an impact on their buying behaviors. Don't believe that you are being racist or buying into stereotypes when you do this. Every demographic group has behaviors that are special to them, even though they may be subtle. Do your best to notice what those behaviors are and cater to them. Knowing your target audience is incredibly important for anyone planning for a successful strategic marketing plan because it is how they use that knowledge to their benefit that will separate themselves from their competition. All of that knowledge is going to give you insight into how to meet the needs of those future customers of yours. In planning your strategic marketing campaign you need to know how the other elements of your marketing mix will work together to meet the needs of your target market. The other areas to take into consideration will be things like the particular product or service you want to offer, your method of distribution, your promotions, and the price. The better your knowledge is of your market, the better your ability will be to find a mix that will have an advantage over your competitors. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 28 of 40
  • 29. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Seminars On Internet Marketing-How About A Webinar If you are tired of customers dribbling in here and there and want to know how to attract more and then get them to buy your product or service there are seminars on internet marketing and any other topic that interests you available. You will no doubt be able to find seminars on Internet marketing somewhere in your area or you could take a working vacation and travel to where the seminar is. Participating in a webinar is another way to get the information you need to increase traffic and grow your business. You started your own business to make money and learning all you can about different marketing techniques and staying on top of the latest news will help you in the long run. There is always something new coming down the pike for you to learn. They say that knowledge is power and in the case of running your own business, whether it is online or off, knowledge is money in your pocket. Some things you should keep in mind to get the most out of attending an informational seminar are: 1. Take a lot of notes - If the seminar is an all day affair or will be conducted over a couple of days you will not be able to remember everything that is said so take a notepad and pen with you or use your mobile device to take notes. You do not want to miss an important piece of information. 2. Ask questions - If there is something you do not understand or just want more information on, jot down some questions during the presentation to ask at the end. There is usually time at the end of the presentation for Q and A. 3. Network - Get talking with the other participants of the seminar when there is time. You never know what you might learn and you can possibly get your businesses name out there a little quicker, too. If there is to be an informal gathering after the presentation where you can all mingle and discuss what you learned, you could possibly meet with the speaker and/or the host of the seminar. If so, do not brush this off, this could be as important to growing your business as attending the seminar is. Your could acquaint yourself with the speaker or the host and maybe arrange a time to talk one on one with them to "pick their brain" so to speak. Never give up the chance to learn something new about marketing your business. In fact, try to learn something new every day, if not every day then at least every week or month. The more you know the better off your will be and your increased business and bottom line will be your reward. Seminars on Internet marketing are one of the best ways to go about learning what you need to know to increase your business and your bottom line. Make sure to register early because most often seating is limited. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 29 of 40
  • 30. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Submit Your Site-Starting Your Online Business Starting your own online business and setting up your website are fairly easy to accomplish and can cost you almost nothing. The part that is difficult and that causes most people to give up is driving traffic to your website. Like with any business, marketing is key and if you can not get people to visit your website, it will not make you any money. There are a ton of ways to get traffic to your website. From buying ads, hosting articles, using viral marketing, using social networking sites, or any number of other possibilities. Your choices for promoting your website are vast, and you are encouraged to try them all. But one method you should try as soon as possible is to Submit Your Site to a website directory. As you can infer from the name, a website directory is a site dedicated to cataloging other websites, providing a one stop shop for those looking for whatever website they need. So as you can imagine, having your website on such a directory can provide a huge traffic boost. There are really two types of website directories. Those who are free and those that cost money. For free directories you can simply submit your website and be done with it. The downside is that it can take months for your site to finally be hosted, so a long wait. Paid directories are often preferred since they will have your site hosted within just a couple of days. So if you Submit Your Site to one of these directories you can see increased traffic almost immediately. But, as you can imagine, the downside is that it costs money. Money you may not have. If you can afford it, paying is the way to go. But if you do go that route, you need to look into the directory and make sure it is worthy of having your money. While uploading your website to a directory is great, if the directory itself is ranked low on the search engines, people still will not see your site. So only host on directories that are highly ranked, especially if you are paying. Sometimes these directories will require you to have their link, this is called back linking. By having their link you help increase their own page rank, which in turn benefits you since it makes your website more visible through them. So do not think this is a downside if a particular directory requires this. You will want to Submit Your Site to as many directories as possible. However, when doing this, do not just copy and paste to every directory. Make sure every entry is unique. This will help make your results that much better. Submitting your website to a directory is an effective and simple way of driving traffic to your website. While it can not do it all on its own, it is a wonderful boost to get your website going. If you need traffic fast, being able to effectively buy traffic can make a world of difference. Even if you do not need traffic ASAP, having your website out there as much as possible is still a vital component. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 30 of 40
  • 31. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Submit Your Website Free-Perfect Way If Your Budget Is Tight If you are looking to Submit Your Website Free, then there are a lot of options available to you. There are quite a few website hosting services out there that will allow you to host your website for free. With money being tight for most people this can seem like the perfect way for you to get your website out there even if you are on a tight budget. But while it sounds good, is it really the right choice for you? While hosting a free website is pretty easy, it may be the wrong move depending on what exactly you want your website to do. If it is just some personal affair, then it will work wonderfully. Not all free web hosting services are the same, and some will offer features that others do not. So you should look into finding out what exactly these services have. Do they allow you enough administrative freedoms to have the website you want? Do they allow you enough bandwidth to have the content you want? These are questions you should ask before settling on a specific service. As I mentioned above, utilizing a free hosting service can be great if you just want to put up some personal site for whatever reason. However, if you are a business and want a website related to your business, this is where things can get a little tricky. While being able to Submit Your Website Free would be nice, for businesses this is not always an option. With free services you, obviously, will have certain restrictions. These restrictions can hamper your efforts in promoting your business. Free websites can also impose restrictions on how you drive traffic to your website, making it even more difficult to get yourself and your business out for the public to see. Beyond those problems is a very simple fact that it looks tacky. You want your business to appear professional and appealing, after all. If you utilize a free service, it will be obvious that it is a free service and this might turn potential visitors away. They may not take you seriously, since you do not even have a proper website. While your budget may be tight, if you are looking to make a website for your business it is best to simply fork up some cash and buy one. They are not that expensive and you would be surprised at just how much of a difference it can make. Not only will it make your business appear more professional, but the enhanced features and control you have will make it far easier to tailor your website to meet your needs. Ultimately, though, it comes down to what you are looking to get out of it all. If you just want some personal website, maybe a blog or some kind of file sharing website, then using a free service to Submit Your Website Free is probably your best bet. But if you are looking to set up a website for your business, you will need something a little more and for that you will have to part with a little cash. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 31 of 40
  • 32. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Success With Internet Marketing Promotions Success With Internet Marketing Promotions Many business owners tend to overlook one of the best, free methods of internet marketing promotion available to them—writing articles. If you’re shrugging and thinking that you’re not a writer so you couldn’t possibly promote yourself in that way, take heart. You don’t have to be a writer. As long as you know your subject and can explain it in a reasonable way, you’re capable of marketing yourself with articles. Internet marketing promotion is the key to your online business’ success, so you want to use every resource available to you. And articles are powerful little tools in getting your business in front of people who are interested in what you have to say. It’s very easy to get started. Think about article topics that relate to your business. What services do you offer, or what products do you sell? If you sell pet items, any article about any aspect of pet ownership is a possibility. If you sell voice recognition software, then an article about how disability affects computer use or how dictating a novel while doing other things with your hands can allow you to get more done might be a good choice. Anything relating to your main business focus is a good possibility. You’re going to get very specific with your internet marketing promotion very soon, but for right now take one or two topics you’ve come up with an actually write about them. You’ll want to aim for an article of 400 to 450 words, depending on the minimum of the depository like that you’re aiming it for. Just convey your knowledge on the subject, and write like you talk. After you’ve done a couple, it will get easier. You want your internet marketing promotion to look as good as everyone else’s, so spell check your work and proofread it for errors. Add a brief author note at the bottom along with your link. Then submit the articles. Now that you’ve had a little practice, find an online keyword tool like the one Google offers for free, and think of some keywords that relate to your business. If you own a gardening center, then “growing roses” or “when to mulch” might be possibilities. Use the tool to find popular keywords that don’t have thousands of websites already catering to them. The next step in your article internet marketing promotion is to pick a few keyword phrases and write articles based around those. Use the phrase in the title if possible, and 4 or 5 times throughout the article. This makes it more likely that when someone searches on that phrase, your article will show up high in the listings. Then when they read the article, they find your link at the bottom. If you’re truly intimidated by writing articles, you can always hire someone to do it for you at a reasonable rate. But it could become something you enjoy doing. Articles filled with good content can be a fun way to expand your internet marketing promotion efforts. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 32 of 40
  • 33. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship What Is Hot For Internet Marketing Business Today If you aren't sure what is hot for internet marketing business today I have one word for you: Panda. You may have heard people doing a lot of talking about Panda lately and if you aren't sure what it is I will help you out. In this article I will explain what Panda is, whether it is a good or bad thing and what you need to do with your business to make Panda work for you. Panda is an algorithm update by Google. It was actually implemented in early 2011 and it sent many people into a tailspin. There has been much written about in regards to Panda and, as you can imagine, not all of it has been accurate. For this article on what is hot for internet marketing business today I want to start with the basics so if you're not sure what an algorithm is it is basically just the computer program that Google uses to define how websites will be ranked. I'm sure you know that there are millions of sites on line and more everyday. All the search engines want to make sure that when you and I go to the search engine to find information on some product or service that we get just what we are looking for. They want our results to be as spot on as possible. To that end they are always tweaking their algorithms. For us as internet marketers these tweaks aren't really a bad thing it just means that we need to stay up to date and we may need to make some changes to our sites and the way we do things so we don't lose any of our rankings. One of the biggest things that came out of the Panda update was the way that people did article marketing. It was common practice that people would find a list of keywords associated with their niche market, write a bunch of fairly generic low quality articles (or have them written for them) and submit them all over to these huge sites called article directories. The problem, at least according to Google, is that the majority of these articles were repetitive with little new information being presented and these huge article directories had millions of them. That was a no- no as far as Google was concerned. For that reason many of these article directories suddenly found themselves on page 512 instead of page one. As a result their traffic went from a raging river to a trickle virtually overnight. Scary, right? But it isn't all bad and it isn't the death of article marketing. You just need to learn how to do it better. Today the articles need to be longer for one thing. They should be at least 700 words long. But that's still not enough, they must also be relevant to the topic at hand, they shouldn't be loaded up with mindless keyword phrases and they must be well written. You should also make changes right on your website too. Add new content regularly and follow the same quality guidelines I just spelled out. In addition don't make your site all about keyword optimized content but rather just focus on a topic. If your site is about dog training make that your focus when creating your content. For example, don't get so caught up on a bunch of mindless keywords: dog training for German Shepard's, Dog Training for Rottweilers, Dog Training for Poodles, etc. Instead go for topics like: the best dog collars for dog training, should you use treats for dog training, how long does it take to train a dog, etc. See the difference? These are topics not just keywords. So, that is what is hot for internet marketing business today. Follow these simple tips and you shouldn't have to be afraid of the big bad Panda. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 33 of 40
  • 34. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 34 of 40
  • 35. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Small Business Internet Marketing Advice Small Business Internet Marketing Advice Small business internet marketing isn’t just advertising anymore. It used to consist of purchasing ads in various places, and then purchasing specific types of ads, when the internet exploded. Now the difference between advertising and marketing has become very clear. Advertising is something you do that’s very passive. Yes, you’ll use specific language in any advertising space you purchase to try to entice people to click and buy, but once you’ve put the ad in place, it’s there and it’s not going to change. Even pay-per-click advertising falls into this more passive category. But with many of the techniques of small business internet marketing, the things you do are far from passive. If you search engine optimize your website, that might seem passive because once you do it, it’s done. But that’s not true. As you add new pages to your website, you do more tweaking and changing. You’ll use new keywords and different keywords in different areas. Sure, if you use banner ads you’ll change them from time to time, but it’s still much more static that almost any other type of marketing you can do. And unless you have a huge advertising budget, those static ads like banners and pay-per-clicks probably aren’t going to garner you many sales. It’s the dynamic methods of small business internet marketing that are going to bring people to your website and keep them coming back. And when they keep coming back, they’re once again faced with the things you offer. It can take a person 6 or 7 times seeing an offer before they’re inclined to buy, so the more you get them at your website, seeing your products and services, the more likely it is you’ll make a paying customer out of them. The most efficient, active method of small business internet marketing that’s guaranteed to let you make frequent contact with your target market is an opt-in mailing list. You can offer some information, a discount, or an ongoing thing like a 5-day course in something relevant to your site to get people to sign up for the mailing list. Once they’ve done that, you have their permission to send emails that will contain links and sales language designed to get them to go to your website and buy. You won’t want to just start sending ads every day. Come up with something that the people who found your website were probably looking for. If your small business internet marketing plan makes it likely that people will come across your website when looking for ways to keep aphids off of houseplants, for instance, then offer a 3- 5- or 7- day email “course” about how take care of African violets or how to keep houseplants healthy in less than ideal conditions. Give them something of value, and they’ll give you permission to contact them. Once you have that permission, good small business internet marketing will include emails that contain not just ads, but content to remind them what a valuable resource your website is. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 35 of 40
  • 36. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Small Business Internet Marketing Techniques Small Business Internet Marketing Techniques Small business internet marketing isn’t just advertising anymore. It used to consist of purchasing ads in various places, and then purchasing specific types of ads, when the internet exploded. Now the difference between advertising and marketing has become very clear. Advertising is something you do that’s very passive. Yes, you’ll use specific language in any advertising space you purchase to try to entice people to click and buy, but once you’ve put the ad in place, it’s there and it’s not going to change. Even pay-per-click advertising falls into this more passive category. But with many of the techniques of small business internet marketing, the things you do are far from passive. If you search engine optimize your website, that might seem passive because once you do it, it’s done. But that’s not true. As you add new pages to your website, you do more tweaking and changing. You’ll use new keywords and different keywords in different areas. Sure, if you use banner ads you’ll change them from time to time, but it’s still much more static that almost any other type of marketing you can do. And unless you have a huge advertising budget, those static ads like banners and pay-per-clicks probably aren’t going to garner you many sales. It’s the dynamic methods of small business internet marketing that are going to bring people to your website and keep them coming back. And when they keep coming back, they’re once again faced with the things you offer. It can take a person 6 or 7 times seeing an offer before they’re inclined to buy, so the more you get them at your website, seeing your products and services, the more likely it is you’ll make a paying customer out of them. The most efficient, active method of small business internet marketing that’s guaranteed to let you make frequent contact with your target market is an opt-in mailing list. You can offer some information, a discount, or an ongoing thing like a 5-day course in something relevant to your site to get people to sign up for the mailing list. Once they’ve done that, you have their permission to send emails that will contain links and sales language designed to get them to go to your website and buy. You won’t want to just start sending ads every day. Come up with something that the people who found your website were probably looking for. If your small business internet marketing plan makes it likely that people will come across your website when looking for ways to keep aphids off of houseplants, for instance, then offer a 3- 5- or 7- day email “course” about how take care of African violets or how to keep houseplants healthy in less than ideal conditions. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 36 of 40
  • 37. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship The Internet Marketing Center -Great Place To Start Making money online is the dream of many people. They look at it, see all the benefits of working from home, being their own boss, and making a lot of money. So they jump right in. They think they can get rich overnight. Sadly, this is not the case. To be successful online you need to learn a lot of skills and be dedicated to applying what you learn. That is why places like the internet marketing center are a great benefit to aspiring entrepreneurs. They will have tools and training courses you need to get started on building up a truly successful business. The main reason so many people fail at being successful online is that they simply do not know what they are doing or go in with the wrong mindset. They go in thinking they can just set up a website, sit back, and watch the money roll in. This just is not how it works. When you set up your website you need to make sure you set it up correctly. It is simple to set up a website, anybody can do it in five minutes. But will it have all the necessary criteria to get ranked on search engines? Will it be on the first page when someone searches for the product your website is promoting? Probably not. The internet marketing center and other websites like it will contain the necessary tools and information you need to build your website right, to make sure it has everything it needs. If you can build your website to fit the criteria search engines like Google are looking for, that will go a long way towards building your business into a successful money making machine. But simply setting up your website properly is not the only thing you have to worry about. You also need to make sure you maintain it. This is another reason why so many people fail. They think the internet is some magical wonderland that will do everything for them. An online business is still a business, it is not some fire and forget sort of deal. You have to actually run it, maintain it, promote it, and grow it. The best analogy would be a potted plant. If you put a seed in a pot of dirt and set it on the windowsill, will it grow? Will it prosper? No. You have to water it and take care of it. Having an online business is just like that. You do not have to slave away once it gets going like you might with a brick and mortar store, but you do still have to keep tabs on it and make sure it is doing well. Utilizing the tools from internet marketing center can make this process much simpler. There are a lot of aspects of running an online business that you can automate. You will still have to provide content, but you can download software that will automatically upload or send out that content, making your job a lot easier. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 37 of 40
  • 38. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Tips To Meet Your Business Goals Your goal as a business is the same as everyone else, whether big or small, to get new customers and keep the ones you already caught. You need to have a marketing strategy that will use the web to catch them and keep them. It can seem hard to get it put together but the great thing is once you have the right marketing design and strategy in place it will keep working for you and be easier to follow every time you implement it. Research is going to be the key to developing a good marketing strategy. Finding out as much as you can about your clients, their tendencies on the web, where they look for information about your particular service is important. It is also important to know as much about their demographics as possible to custom tailor a marketing strategy to suit their needs and interests and capture their attention. Once you find out these things as well as every other bit of information that is pertinent to your industry find what ways are being used to attract them. What are your competitors doing? Is it working? How can it be improved. Also look at where they are doing their advertising and find ways to do it better in those locations, or if it would even be a good place to advertise in the first place. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. A lot of the work has been done by others in your field to develop a marketing strategy trying to take advantage of the web. Build on their strengths, strengthen their weaknesses, and avoid the failures. It is rare to find but there will be those around you who say that you are wasting your time, that you don't have what it takes to market effectively on the web or that your strategy won't be effective. Don't listen to those voices, especially of you are one of those, doubting that you have what it takes to make it. The knowledge is out there for you to take advantage of that will show you how to get it done right. There are plenty of people to outsource parts of your marketing campaign to, whether it is doing graphics work for you or doing research on your potential customers. There are those that can make your website optimized for search engines so that you are easier to find. There are so many resources available to you that can help make you a success that are actually affordable. Seek them out and find out how they can help you. There are those who can make websites for you at a very affordable rate and can help you get your web presence up and running. The web is a great place to business and developing a marketing strategy that will bring you customers is easy and affordable. It will take some research and learning and a little bit of time but once you finally get the right marketing strategy in place the web will have your customers caught in no time. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 38 of 40
  • 39. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Will They Come Without Effective Internet Marketing In the field of dreams that everyone has there is an idea that if you build it big and pretty enough people will want to come to it, but that isn't an effective marketing strategy to use. You need to let people know what it is that you have and provide a way to get to it. You might even need to give them a reason to buy what you have. People aren't going to instantly see the value in what you are offering that you do. You will need to convince them that buying this will make their world easier and/or better. THIS is what effective marketing does. Now obviously you want lots of people to come chasing after what you have to offer and the idea of going and chasing all of these people might seem like an impossible task. The truth is, it is nearly impossible for you to go and get every possible customer. Doing so would take much more energy and money than your product is worth, not that what you are offering isn't valuable. An easy and cost effective strategy is to go and tell a few people who see value in your offer who will then go and tell a few others about your offer, and let the cycle repeat itself over and over again. To be effective, your marketing strategy is going to involve giving as much incentive for people to spread the word about what you are offering as possible. This can come through offering free things, such as a newsletter, ezine, an ebook, or, in the world of IM, something that they can sell themselves and make a little money on. Find ways to add a cherry on the top of your deal. Even if you have a sweet enough offering for them, it won't ever hurt to add another bit of sweetness. Search engines don't care how big or small you are, as long as you have things worded correctly in your offering. Simple but direct and to the point page titles as well as carefully crafted articles using frequent use of keywords pertaining to your subject can take your little site right to the top of all the popular search engines zooming ahead of the big dogs in the hunt for your customers. Even using carefully chosen words for the title in the HTML coding can generate traffic. Search engines will use the title tags to rank sites so make sure that it contains two or three keywords that your future customers will likely be typing when looking for your product or service. There are more ways that you can use the Internet for effective marketing of your product or service. Many cost quite a bit of money but there are also many ways that cost very little, if anything at all. Just remember that even if you have made it and it is the stuff that dreams are made of, they may not come unless you find some way to to effectively market it on the Internet. Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 39 of 40
  • 40. Small Business & The Internet: New Symbiotic Relationship Resource About The Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice. Dr. Lant is the author of 18 best-selling books. Republished with author's permission by Vaurn James Copyright Vaurn James - 2012 40 of 40