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Instant Money Secrets

       Instant Money Secrets!

    "Discover This Proven 3-Step Money-
              Making System!"

                           By: Fabian Tan

             © Fabian Tan, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.                                 1
Instant Money Secrets

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Instant Money Secrets

                                     Table Of Contents

Introduction: Purpose And Benefit Of This Report......................                               .4

Getting The Most From This Report.........................................                          ... 6

Set Your Income Goals......................................................................         .. 7

The Secret To Online Success.........................................                                .8

The Power Of Diversification.........................................................                10

Step 1: Leveraging The Power Of Affiliate Marketing – The Quickest And
Easiest Way To Start Making Money Online............................... . 11

Step 2: Creating Your Very Own Highly Profitable Information
Products........................................................................................   .. 21

Step 3: Building A Membership Site That Will Bring You Massive Residual
Profits                                                              . 37

Where From Here?........................................................................           .. 41

Recommended Resources.............................................................                   42                                                                            3
Instant Money Secrets

          Purpose And Benefit Of This Report

First of all, I want to thank you for downloading ‘Instant Money Secrets’.

This is your step-by-step personal blueprint to generating an honest Internet
income for the long-term.

Owning your own Internet business is one of the greatest things in the world

As you may already know, it does not take a lot of money to start your very own
online business. Unlike in the “real world” where starting a business can and
usually does require thousands of dollars in start-up money!

More and more people are buying products off the Internet every single day. In
fact, hundreds of millions of people all over the world spend billions of dollars
buying products off the Internet.

In most cases selling information products on the Internet provides a lucrative
passive income. Once your website is set up, you can pretty much put it on
autopilot and spend only half an hour a day checking to see how many sales
you’ve got and answer a few emails.

Here’s a list of some of the benefits of running an online business:

   •   Your business is open 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

   •   You can potentially target a worldwide market, all of more than 1 billion
       people who are currently online.

   •   You would not need to hire employees in most instances.

   •   The cost of overhead is extremely low compared to a brick-and-mortar

   •   In some cases, you do not even need an inventory. Your products can be
       delivered digitally, giving your products almost infinite distribution.

This report will give you a step-by-step plan you can start with today on a very
small budget. I will also show you how to come up with your own great business
ideas pretty much any time you want.

The great thing about starting a business on the Internet is that you don’t have to
spend a ton of money.                                                         4
Instant Money Secrets

Because if you spend a gazillion dollars starting an online business, you first
have to make that money back...before you make any profits.

Almost all of the businesses I have created cost me less than a hundred bucks,
and the most I have ever spent on creating an online business is under a

So where do we begin?

It's hard isn't it? Knowing just where to begin when you're new to the whole
online selling game. With so many others already earning money and touting the
praises of their methods, where exactly do you begin?

Many "newbies" give up before they've really begun. That's due in part to the
unrelenting maze of courses, ebooks, and other assorted sources available as
soon as you log in! It's confusing. Who's right? Who's wrong? And who's in it just
to make a quick buck from the inexperienced?

This report will point you in the right direction.                                                       5
Instant Money Secrets

            Getting The Most From This Report

You are reading this report because you want to learn how to profit from the
goldmine that is the Internet. And you don’t want to spend a lot of money trying to
get things right. With that in mind, I have made this the complete starter course
for your online business learning.

To get the most of this report, follow these simple steps:

Keep connected to the Internet.
There are many useful links in here that will help you in building a profitable
Internet empire. To take advantage of these resources, stay connected to the

These resources will save you lots of time and money, allowing you to
concentrate on other aspects of your business!

Read the course from front to back.
You don’t want to miss any important information in your quest to make money
online. Knowledge is power, and that statement applies nowhere more so than
the Internet!

One thing you should do is to print out the entire report and devour all the great

Take action immediately!
Set goals and act on achieving them! Success is achieved by those who acted
on their ideas and had a very focused goal.

Create a plan and then act on it. By having a plan, you will find managing your
online business much easier.

With that, let’s dive straight in                                                          6
Instant Money Secrets

                      Set Your Income Goals

If you fully intend to achieve your goals, you should perceive goal setting as an
extremely powerful process of personal planning! Goal setting should not be
taken lightly because your journey to success starts with the goal setting

Your goal is yours and yours alone to make!

Set some goals now:

In 3 months, my goal is to be making $         a month.

In 6 months, my goal is to be making $         a month.

In 12 months, my goal is to be making $         a month.

In 2 years, my goal is to be making $         a month.

In 5 years, my goal is to be making $         a month.

I suggest you don’t miss this important step. The very act of typing or writing
down your goals is a very strong affirmative action. Review your goals from
time and time and make adjustments to them based on your progress in your
online business.                                                         7
Instant Money Secrets

                The Secret To Online Success

There are 5 key areas you need to constantly maintain if you want to succeed

Those 5 key areas are

1) Product or Service

2) Lead Generation

3) Conversion

4) Administration

5) Education

Let's start with Number 1, Product Or Service.

You must have some sort of product or service online that a fair amount of
people would be interested in to make any money.

You might have a hobby you would like to make money from like, polishing
brass, I don't know, but a hobby like that will probably not have a very big market
online to sell too.

This product could even be an affiliate program you are promoting. I talk more
about affiliate programs in Step 1.

Some of the most profitable sites on the Internet are those with one single page
of writing. Exactly like the page you got this ebook from!

Number 2 is Lead Generation.

Being able to contact prospects and customers anytime you want without
spending a fortune in the process is one of the great things about marketing on
the Internet.

Once you have those leads, you can contact them again and again for practically
nothing. It doesn't even need to take up your own time, you can use
autoresponders to do the work for you.

Having an email list full of people who are dying to know about your product or
service is like having money in the bank.                                                        8
Instant Money Secrets

Number 3 is Conversion.

This is one of those things you tweak along the way. If your website or emails are
only converting at 1% then that’s ok, it's something you can improve on.

For instance, if you get 100 customers to your website and you have a 1%
conversion rate, you will only make 1 sale. If you have a conversion rate of 2%
you double the amount of sales you get and the amount of money you make
without having to get any more traffic or even spending any more money.

Try and get the most out of what you have. It really is the simple things that count
and if you do them right, everything else falls into place.

Number 4 is Administration.

This is something I struggled with. People fail to realize that an Internet business
is just like any other business and needs to be run the same way.

There is bookwork, emails, finances, expenses, you name it, and it's there. While
this might be mundane, it needs to be done. If you don't want to do it, hire
someone to do it for you!

Number 5 is Education.

I spend thousands every year on books, tapes, seminars.. you name it.
You need to be able to keep up with what is going on. Just like a doctor has to
read medical journals, you need to keep up to date with the latest marketing
techniques and news that will affect you in some way.

No one knows all there is to know about running a business online, that's why
testing and tracking are crucial. As much as reading is important, just doing
something will make all the difference to your business.                                                        9
Instant Money Secrets

                The Power Of Diversification

To earn enough and to create enough security for your income to keep coming
through, we do what the stock brokers advise, which is 'diversify'.

Creating multiple streams of income not only reduces your risk, it gives
you a chance to multiply your revenue!

Diversify your money-making efforts throughout the Internet. Have your hand in
all the viable opportunities to make money, which I will discuss throughout this
course. If one income stream was to disappear, you still have the others.

By creating a number of income streams, you could be creating a residual
income business that pays you for the rest of your life for work done only once.
This is especially so when you create a popular ebook or join a network
marketing company. You get paid for the rest of your life for work done only

Why is residual income important? Well, look at all the rich businessmen! Most, if
not all, of their income comes from residual income. By creating assets that bring
in residual income, the rich often don't have to spend much time on these assets
after a while, because they are bringing in income even without the owner's

What then happens?

With more time, the entrepreneur is then able to create more assets that produce
even more residual income, and he repeats the process almost ad infinitum!

Now we shall move on to the real business: exactly how to make mega wads of
cash online!                                                        10
Instant Money Secrets

  Step 1: Leveraging The Power Of Affiliate
 Marketing – The Quickest And Easiest Way To
         Start Making Money Online

What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate businesses are probably the easiest to start.

Have you ever recommended a product to your friends, family members or co-
workers? Perhaps the latest gadget, jersey or gardening tool?

If you have, you understand the power of referral marketing. Which is really
another name for affiliate marketing.

Now imagine if you get paid for each and every referral. Imagine if you get paid a
commission every time your friend buys the service or product you recommend!
This is the philosophy behind affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is currently the fastest growing business model on the web.
However, it still remains a secret in many quarters. It is an "invisible business"
where lots of money is made.

Companies and merchants love this model because their profit margins are
extremely high; they do not have to spend any money on advertising. Their
affiliates are acting as their sales force.

Now, wouldn't you want to be different from the rest of the population? Wouldn't
you want to be paid for your marketing efforts? Rather than helping a big
company get rich everyday through your recommendations, you can get a piece
of the pie too.

So, what exactly is Affiliate Marketing?

To sum it up, affiliate programs or associate programs are revenue sharing
arrangements where companies pay people commission for sending them

You are paid a commission if the person buys a product or service, (Pay Per
Sale - Most Popular Option), clicks on an affiliate link (Pay Per Click - Less
popular due to fraud) or simply fills out a form (Pay Per Lead - Also Very

Basically affiliate programs are programs that enable you to sell other people's
products for a percentage of the sale.                                                          11
Instant Money Secrets

One of the most lucrative aspects of affiliate marketing is in being able to build an
online income even without a product of your own.

While information development is an incredibly profitable market, when you're
just entering the world of online business, affiliate marketing simplifies the
process, while giving you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience without
having to deal with the multiple tasks and responsibilities associated with being
the developer or merchant.

For example, as an information product developer, you're responsible for all
customer support inquiries and requests, and you need to spend time updating
your product, working on keeping it consistently fresh and current based on
market demand.

It's your job to satisfy customers, to handle refund requests, and to consistently
work to optimize conversion rates.

As an affiliate marketer, however, you never have to spend any time on the
product development, delivery or support issues, and instead, can focus on
developing profitable campaigns that jack in commission payments 24 hours a

Your only job is to develop highly targeted campaigns that promote high quality
products and then build powerful traffic campaigns that funnel in red-hot
prospects who are interested in purchasing the products you promote.

Then, cash your commission checks and rinse and repeat the process!

Affiliate marketing is not only incredibly simple to get involved in but it's a
very rewarding experience.

It gives you the freedom to choose as many different niche markets as you wish,
exploring countless opportunities and learning the ropes as you go. What other
way can you "earn as you learn"?

So, now that you know just a few of the reasons why so many new marketers
begin their journey into online business as affiliate marketers, let's take a closer
look at what you can do to join the ranks of successful earners!                                                        12
Instant Money Secrets

Choosing Products To Promote

Choosing quality products is an important part of every affiliate campaign,
because you want to make sure that you are setting up campaigns around
products that are likely to convert.

This means that you need to spend time carefully researching and evaluating
products in order to create your "affiliate swipe file".

When it comes to choosing a niche, there are two methods that will help you get

1) Choose a niche that is evergreen
2) Identify demand and profitability based on existing competition

Take down notes of possible products and niche markets that look interesting to

Then, search for related forums, groups and blogs to determine what people are
looking for, how big the market is and what is currently in demand.

Then, investigate keywords to determine how much competition is in the
marketplace as well as how many searches take place each month for specific
keyword phrases relating to each niche market.

If you plan to promote digital products, the best place to start looking for quality
products is through ClickBank, available at

ClickBank is the largest online marketplace for digital products, and you'll be able
to quickly pinpoint hot sellers by browsing through their many categories. offers detailed statistics and information regarding each specific
product making it even easier to quickly evaluate the profitability of potential

Here is what these mean:

$/sale: The amount of money you earn for each sale.

Future $: Average rebill revenue.

Total $/sale: Average total $ per sale, including all rebills.

%/sale: The percentage of the product sale price that the sale represents.

%/refd: Fraction of publisher’s total sales that are referred by affiliates.                                                            13
Instant Money Secrets

grav: The measure of how many affiliates are promoting the product.

For each affiliate paid in the last 8 weeks Clickbank adds an amount between 0.1
and 1.0 to the total. The more recent the last referral, the higher the value added.

The Gravity indicator will tell you how well a product is selling. So a gravity score
of 100 means a product is potentially selling better than one with a gravity score
of 20.

When it comes to gravity assigned to any specific product, a gravity of 70 or
higher is usually a good sign that the product is still in demand, and being
actively promoted by other affiliates.

To take things a bit further, you can use free services such as or to further evaluate each product, in
terms of performance, demand, and the number of affiliate marketers that are
promoting it (which is always a good indication of how profitable the market is).

There are many other affiliate networks and marketplaces worth exploring, with
many offering a combination of both digital and physical products.

Here are a few to help you get started:

Amazon Marketplace

I suggest using Amazon to locate products primarily with a higher price point, as
their payout rate is set at only 4%. Personally, I use Amazon only for products
priced at $200 or higher to make up the difference in the low-end commission

Still, the Amazon marketplace is a great way to monetize extra space on your
website or blog, and with their extended affiliate options, such as being able to
integrate an "astore" into your website, you're given a lot of flexibility as to how
you can develop affiliate campaigns.

Tip: You can monetize your feeder sites with Amazon modules and plugins, just
by logging into your Amazon Associates account and exploring their 'extended'

Commission Junction

Otherwise known as “”, Commission Junction has been around for many
years and is known to pay on time and provide unbeatable support.                                                            14
Instant Money Secrets

They also feature hundreds of merchants across the board spanning thousands
of niche markets.

You may require approval prior to being able to participate in select affiliate
programs, as Commission Junction provides merchants the opportunity to pre-
approve affiliates, but the application is extremely simple and you can expect to
receive a response in a matter of a few hours.

Share A Sale has grown into an extensive affiliate marketplace, and since all
merchants are required to retain a cash balance of funds used to pay affiliates,
it’s a risk-free way to ensure that you are paid for all of your efforts.

Pay Dot Com

PayDotCom is similar to ClickBank in that it only features digital products. One of
the key differences between PayDotCom and Clickbank however is that when
promoting products through PayDotCom, it's up the merchant to pay you, and
this is done primarily through Paypal.

With ClickBank, you are paid by the company itself based on their payment
schedule (every two weeks for paper check or weekly via direct bank transfer).

Link Share Services

Link Share is an ever-growing affiliate marketplace and with it comes a great
variety of lucrative and high paying affiliate opportunities.

You can create your Link Share account at                                                      15
Instant Money Secrets

Promoting Your Affiliate Links
There are two ways to promote affiliate your affiliate links. You can choose the
slower track, which is to build a content-rich site that will attract lots of visitors,
hence making lots of sales from your affiliate links. (A resource which will help
you achieve this is the Super Affiliate Handbook by Rosalind Gardner) This is a
highly effective and proven strategy for generating consistent passive income.

The other way, the fast track, is to promote these programs without even owning
a website. How do you do that? Simple, just start sending targeted traffic to your
affiliate links!

You can do this a number of different ways, and in this segment of the report,
we'll explore the 2 most cost effective strategies to jump-starting your campaigns.

Article Marketing

One of the easiest ways of launching an affiliate campaign is by using article
marketing directories.

With article content, you can simply submit it into the larger article directories and
within hours or even minutes of being approved, can begin to see traffic flowing.

In exchange for providing them with free content, you get to include some text
and links in a section at the bottom of each article called a resource box. ( is the biggest, most popular,
highest-traffic article directory. They have tremendous authority in Google, and
articles often rank extremely well, so they can get a lot of traffic. However, one
thing you need to know about Ezine Articles is that they don't allow you to link
directly to your affiliate link; you'll need to purchase a domain name and then
forward it to your link.

As long as your articles are structured so that you are providing solid, useful
content with a link back to your domain showcased within the resource box,
article marketing is a simple and effective strategy to generating prime traffic.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that you should always use anchor text
within your resource boxes, rather than a direct link to your site. Anchor text will
help you rank for many different keywords rather than just your website URL

Here is the HTML code to use in your resource box if you want to use anchor text
rather than a direct URL:

<a href=” > Your Anchor Keyword Here </a>                                                           16
Instant Money Secrets

You would replace with your domain URL and include a
relevant keyword phrase in the anchor text.

Your author’s resource box needs to be as strong as your article’s headline and
contain information that will pull a reader in and motivate them to click on your
link and visit your website.

Essentially, a resource box is very much like a fast-track commercial. You have
only a few seconds to motivate them to read further and explore your website.

Here are the top five article marketing directories that you can use for your

You can always choose to save time by hiring an article submission service to
automatically submit your articles for you.

One popular resource is available at:

Feeder Sites

If you want to push your marketing message out to your niche market quickly,
and absolutely free - you'll want to turn to feeder sites.

Feeder sites are free remotely hosted web services that allow you to create
simple websites or web pages, such as Squidoo, available at, who provides a free "hub building service" to anyone
wishing to create a content rich web page.

Feeder sites are such a popular method of building targeted traffic campaigns
because of how quickly they rank in the major search engines.

Since these websites are deemed "authority sites", they're already ranked high in
engines like, and so by creating your sub-page on their server, your
page will be discovered by search engine spiders, and ranked very quickly.

When creating your Squidoo lens, be sure to take advantage of the various
modules that you can include on your page, and place a prominent link back to                                                     17
Instant Money Secrets

your main affiliate link as well!

In addition, break up your content into short articles, and avoid linking to any
related products until after the initial launch is over, since your focus is on
funneling this traffic through your affiliate link to the products order page.

For each feeder site, upload 1-2 keyword rich articles and spice up your pages
with images, videos and use built in modules or plug-ins whenever possible.

When you've finished creating your feeder pages, ping each URL to get the traffic
pumping in. You can do this with either or

Here are the top feeder site resources to help you get started:


A great way to get your sites ranking in the search engines quickly is by creating
an account at

Create free websites and blogs, switch designs instantly, and features a drag and
drop interface, Weebly helps you rank higher in search engines, especially on
Wet Paint features free wiki based websites that allow you to start your own
social website instantly. A very good site for backlinks and ranking.
Another free blog platform that will allow you to customize your blog from top to
bottom including free themes and modules.

You now have the basics of creating profitable affiliate marketing campaigns. The
next step: Take action!

It all begins with choosing a single product and marketing that roduct. Then, once
you’ve been able to generate targeted traffic to your affiliate link, begin working
towards expanding your outreach by creating additional affiliate campaigns,
focusing on new products and evergreen markets.

Affiliate marketing is an exciting industry to be a part of, and if you take
consistent action in developing campaigns, creating high quality content and
keeping a pulse on market trends and demand, you’ll quickly reap the rewards.                                                        18
Instant Money Secrets

By the way, a resource I recommend is Paul Walker's Affiliate Cash Ultimatum.
Paul is a super affiliate who makes up $40,000 per month online. He is one guy
you definitely want to learn from!                                                 19
Instant Money Secrets

        Step 2: Creating Your Very Own Highly
           Profitable Information Products

Why Sell Information Products Online?
I’m going to show you the oh so simple secrets of creating effective, profitable
information products. These are the very same SIMPLE secrets used by
information product gurus. Simple yes, but also deadly effective and hugely

There are so many advantages to creating information products that it’s hard to
list them all, but here are a few:

Information products are extremely easy to produce.

Information products are extremely cheap to produce.

When you start most businesses you go straight into debt. You might have to buy
or rent premises, buy your stock, fit out a store, install technology etc etc and
before you know it you’re $50,000 in debt before you even start trading.

Selling information products online is a way to start your own business with little
or sometimes NO overheads.

Also, information products are very versatile.

You can sell them at a profit, give them away as an incentive to get people to
sign up for your list, sell them at a low price to showcase your content and then
offer higher priced products...There’s a whole world of ways to use information
products to build an online business.

So what do we mean when we say information products?

Any product that gives people information, usually a solution to some sort of
problem. People pay to get out of the hole they just fell in – not how to avoid
holes. Solutions to problems always sell well.

For instance a product could tell people how to train a dog, lose weight, design a
website, cure bad breath, meet members of the opposite sex, put up shelves,
apply makeup, or paint a portrait using oil paintings.

An information product can be made in video form, as an ebook, or as an audio
recording. Some types of information products lend themselves better to one
form than another. For instance if you are telling people how to apply makeup
you definitely need visuals, so a video would be best. An audio recording                                                        20
Instant Money Secrets

wouldn’t do the trick in this case and an ebook would need to have a lot of

If you want to tell someone how to meet members of the opposite sex, however,
an ebook or an audio recording would work well.

And if you want to tell someone how to train a dog, an ebook with screen shots,
or a video, would work equally well.

Find your subject, then decide on the best way to present it – ebook, audio, video
etc.                                                    21
Instant Money Secrets

Pick Your Information Product
One of the biggest hurdles new internet marketers face is choosing what type of
information product to create.

Since you most likely want to make a profit off of this, you need to create an
information product that solves a problem or tells people how to do something.

Solving problems is profitable.

Also, you want to make sure that there’s a decent sized audience for this
product, and you want to make sure that they have money to spend.

So you wouldn’t want to create an information product that solves a really
obscure problem that is only faced by a tiny group of people. And you wouldn’t
want to create an information product that appeals to a crowd that has no money
to spend, such as young teenagers or children.

Here is a list of evergreen product ideas where you will always find a hungry
crowd. Provide these people with a genuinely helpful solution to their problem
and you will have a grateful crowd that will come back again and again:

Weight Loss

Dog training

Pet health

Acne cures

Curing romantic woes

Saving money

Debt Consolidation

Avoiding foreclosure




Making money online                                                      22
Instant Money Secrets

Driving targeted traffic to websites

This doesn’t mean that you should only stick to that list, by any means. If you
have a skill and you can teach other people - for instance, as we mentioned
earlier, applying makeup or painting a portrait or arts and crafts or home repairs -
by all means create an information product around it.

You need to make your information product stand out, so you would want to
develop a method that lets people learn how to do something quickly and easily,
and emphasize that when promoting your product.

“Learn How to Paint Portraits Quickly And Easily!”

“Take Pictures Like A Pro - Learn How in Just Five Lessons!”

You get the idea.

If you’re searching for ideas, try to identify what potential customers need. You
can do this by doing some basic Google searches and by visiting internet forums
or blogs that are targeted to the area that you want to create a product for - dog
training, weight loss, dating forums, etc.

Here’s one way to find out what people need - go to Google and type in the
phrase “How To” in quotes.

Here are some of the things that you will find on the first page:                                                       23
Instant Money Secrets

Some product ideas there would be a weight loss product, or a quit smoking
through hypnosis product, or, if you are religious, a product that helps people
reconnect with their spirituality.

Or, a manual that gives people tips on creating a Google friendly site, if you know
anything about SEO.

Don’t ever be put off by the fact that the product may already exist.

In fact, if there are NO other versions of the product - you should worry. That
possibly means there is no market.

There is nothing new under the sun - but people who have an interest in an area
tend to buy a LOT of products that address that interest.

If someone is a fanatic about dog training, they are likely going to buy more than
one book on it. If someone is desperate for romance, they will snap up any
product that looks like they offer a solution.

You need to create an excellent product that solves the problem, emphasize how
good your product is when you are promoting it, highlight some common flaws
that competing products have and how your product is better than the other
products...and it won’t matter how many other competing products are out there.

Another way to find out what people need is to go to Yahoo! Answers and see
what people are asking for help with.                                                       24
Instant Money Secrets

When you go to, you will see a list of categories on the
left hand side of the page. If you have an idea of what general type of information
product that you want to create, you can click on the category that you are
interested in and see what types of questions people are asking.

Below is the list of categories:                                                     25
Instant Money Secrets

So, if you wanted to create a pet product, you would click on pets and you would
see what kinds of questions people are asking about their pets.

If you wanted to narrow it down to horses or dogs or cats or some other type of
animal, there is a list on the left of the page of different categories of pets, which
you can also click on:                                                         26
Instant Money Secrets

Just by seeing the common questions that crop up, you will be able to identify a
need for information - and fill that need by creating an information product.

You can also find forums by going to a search engine such as Google or Yahoo
or Altavista and typing in, for example, “dog forum” or “chihuahua forum” or “DIY
decorating forum” or “web design forum” or whatever your chosen topic is.

It’s important to make sure that there is actually a market out there that is seeking
a product like yours.

And once you have done that, you can go on to the next step...product creation.                                                       27
Instant Money Secrets

Creating Your Info Product
Now, we’re going to talk about what form your information product is going to

There is a lot of talk these days about how video information products are hot
and everyone prefers video.

The truth is video is perfect for some types of information products and not so hot
for others. And not everyone loves video.

There can be drawbacks to presenting information in video form. People have
limited time and short attention spans these days, and it’s a lot easier to scan an
ebook and get what information you need than it is to scan a video. Then again
some people claim the exact opposite.

It’s very hard however to fast forward an online video that is still loading to see if
it contains the relevant information than it is to look at the contents page of an

So your video must be well made and get to the point immediately, with no fluff or
lengthy introductions, or you will anger people and get a lot of refund requests,
and people will not be likely to order from you again.

In a written product, people are a little more forgiving, because they can page
forward quickly to get to the information that they need.

If you are talking about how to design a web site, for instance, they may already
know some of what you are discussing. In an ebook they can skip what they
already know; in a video they can’t, because they don’t know where on the video
to find the part of the video that they are looking for.

However, some information products do naturally lend themselves to ebook form
or audio form.

If you can interview an expert, like an internet marketing guru, an audio form
works quite well. If you have an information product that does not rely on visuals
(like teaching someone how to paint a portrait), the audio form works quite well.

An audio recording is also a good option for people who are visually impaired.
Video can definitely jazz up an information product. Say you have a cookbook;
anyone can write a cookbook, but if you show each step of the cookbook
process, along with a picture of the cookbook at the end, you present a much
more tantalizing picture.                                                         28
Instant Money Secrets

If you want to show how to train a dog, it’s easy to say a technique, but to show a
video of an unruly dog, and then you using the training techniques, and then that
same dog behaving perfectly and obeying very powerful.

So how do you actually go about creating your information products?

It can be done very cheaply and easily.

Your computer may already come with a word processing program which can
save a document in Portable Document Format. (pdf) If not, there are numerous
paid options available, or you can download Open Office, which is free and works
with both Macintosh and PC platforms. CutePDF works with several Windows
platforms including Vista. PrimoPDF is another option.

To make a video, there are a number of free and low cost programs available.
Macintosh users can use imovie software, which also comes with Garageband
software that is great for podcasts and audio recordings. It costs about $79.

Videospin is a free video editing program that works with Windows XP.

Camstudio is another free video editing program.

Many Windows computers come with the program Windows Movie Maker, which
may be all that you need. also has screen capture software and video editing software and
works with Macs and Windows. It is free; can’t beat that price!

Camtasia is a wonderful screen capture and video editing program that is very
popular with internet marketers and works with Macs and Windows. It is pricey,
however, currently at $299. It comes with a 30-day free trial.

Realistically speaking, the programs that cost money are going to have more
features available then the free programs, but for the purposes of creating
information products, the free products are more than sufficient.

When you create a written information product, like an ebook or short report, you
are going to want to save it both in regular format and also in PDF, so that you
can export it.

When you create a video or audio product, you may want to lead in with a short
audio jingle - 5 seconds or so - or you may just want to start right in with the
information product.                                                      29
Instant Money Secrets

Video editing programs will allow you to add in titles and transition effects to your
video, such as fading from one screenshot to another. Keep in mind that when
you add in transition effects it can take longer for the product to download.

Don’t be nervous about making a perfect video; purchasers of information
products don’t expect a Hollywood production. They have a problem; they want
someone to tell them how to solve it, quickly and with no distractions. They’re not
looking for fancy special effects.

One thing that is important in making your product look good is getting an
attractive digital cover made.

They generally cost between $25-$97 - you definitely shouldn’t have to pay more
than that - and you can find good ecover designers on, rentacoder, and other freelance sites.

You will need to tell the designer the theme of your information product, what
your author name is (you can use your real name, use a pseudonym, or use no
name at all) and what the product title is.

You can also tell him what color scheme you want.

If you are creating an ebook he’ll create an ebook cover. If you’re creating a
video he’ll create a CD cover. These are just images that you will have on the site
that sells your product; you’re probably not going to mail out actual CDs if you
don't want to.                                                        30
Instant Money Secrets

Pricing and Creating Your Sales Page
Pricing is always a delicate issue, because if you charge too much people won’t
buy, but if you charge too little, people might perceive that what you are selling
has no value.

You should start out by looking at other information products that are similar to
yours and examine their sales pages thoroughly to get an idea of what they offer
and how much they charge for their product.

You don’t want to charge too much more than the other people in your field.

However you want to see what they have to offer versus what you have to offer.
If they are just selling a 20 page ebook on puppy training and you are selling a
100 page ebook on dog training from puppyhood through adulthood, along with a
set of step by step videos...then of course you should charge significantly more.

The puppy ebook might sell for anywhere up to $17. The dog training ebook plus
videos might sell for up to $67.

Or, you could offer the ebook at a cheaper price, say $37, and then offer the
videos as an “upsell”. They might cost an additional $30 or so.

You may have noticed that the prices quote here end in seven. There have been
numerous internet marketing studies on this and oddly, prices ending in seven
outsell other prices ending in the traditional .95 - $9.95, for instance.

That holds true even if the number ending in 5 is several dollars cheaper.

A product that sells for $19.97 has been shown (in some instances) to outsell a
product that sells for $15.95.

Another thing to consider is whether you want to give the product away to start
building a list.

This method can work very well if you have back end products that you want to

In the dog-training example, you could offer a free five-day course to teach
people how to housebreak a dog, or how to handle a dog’s excessive barking.
Each day you would mail out the day’s lesson using an autoresponder service
like Aweber, Get Response, or Constant Contact.

In each email you would have a link at the top and at the bottom of the email,
offering people a chance to click on the link and order your product. Then, you                                                       31
Instant Money Secrets

give a helpful, well-written lesson about your subject, again without giving away
everything - just enough to show that you know your stuff.

If it’s a video or audio that you are selling, you could give away the first video or
audio recording in the series to show the quality that the customer will be getting
- in exchange for their name and email so you can use it to build a list.

Now, you need to start planning out the sales page for your product.

Again, one of the best things that you can do is study the sales pages of your

You don’t want to copy them, of course; you want to see what they offer and
make sure that you present a more compelling offer.

For instance if someone is selling an ebook about dog training you want to
emphasize that your ebook comes with videos to actually demonstrate what you
are talking about.

If someone is selling a video series about painting a landscape, you want to
make one that is more thorough or that offers some type of free bonus like a
video on how to paint a portrait.

You also want to get an idea of how sales pages are structured.

Starting at the top, you will see that sales pages often have large, attention
grabbing headlines. Many websites use this type of headline because – simply –
it works.

The headline needs to be about the benefits that your product delivers. It needs
to tell the customer what relief they can expect from buying your product.

It could say something like “Cure Your Dog’s Bad Habits Faster Than You
Thought Possible!” or “Trim That Extra Tummy Flab In Weeks!”
or “Supercharge Your Metabolism With These Super Foods!”

Notice that sales pages do not have long unbroken blocks of text. Under the
headline you want a photograph, a paragraph or two about your product, and
then a “sub-head”. You need to make it easy to read.

You want a series of paragraphs and subheads.

At some point a list of bullet points is also helpful. They should summarize your
products benefits or highlight how it’s better than its competitors.

Example:                                                         32
Instant Money Secrets

This product DOES NOT rely on:

•   Expensive exercise equipment that’s impossible to put together!

•   Fad diets that make you sick!

•   Gross food supplements that taste horrible!

•   Hours of tortuous exercise!

This is good because it mentions negative points about your competitors and
what they offer - subtly, of course, without naming names - and thus by contrast
highlights the good things that you have to offer.

Customers have most likely tried many of those things before and have obviously
failed or they wouldn’t still be dieting, so they will be eager to find a product that
offers them something different.

You also want a clear “call to action” which tells the customer what to do, and you
want it to be prominently displayed in several places on your sales page.

This is very important. If the customer cannot easily figure out what to do next
when they come to your sales page, they will hit the back button and you will
likely lose them forever.

The call to action would say something like “To lose that excess tummy flab
NOW, click here to place your secure order via Paypal.”

You can also throw in a time element to make it more urgent, or a scarcity

If you are using a time element you would say something like “For the first 48
hours, we are going to offer a free downloadable cookbook of low calorie recipes
to each person who orders...” et cetera.

You must cut this off after 48 hours and remove that statement from the sales
page when the bonus offer expires, because if you don’t, people will not take you
seriously any more.

For scarcity, it helps if you have a physical object that you will mail to everyone
who orders from you.

You could also offer something like a free one-hour consultation with you, if the
information product is appropriate to that type of offer. You could offer it to the
first 10 or 20 people who order.                                                           33
Instant Money Secrets

Selling Your Product
This is equally as important as creating your product. You can create the best,
most useful product in the world but that doesn’t do you much good if you don’t
know how to sell it, does it? Your product doesn’t make you any money sitting on
your hard drive.

There are numerous ways to sell an information product online and you may end
up choosing to use several of them.

One way to do it is using Google Adwords pay per click. This is being mentioned
only briefly here because learning how to do well with Google Adwords would fill
another ebook entirely.

Adwords ads are the advertising links that you see in blue on the right side of
Google Search pages. MSN and Yahoo have their own versions as well.

If you had a dog training ebook you would bid to have your Adwords ad appear
when people typed in relevant search phrases like “Dog Training” or “How To
Teach My Dog To Sit”.

You have to constantly monitor your ad campaigns to see which ones are
profitable and shut down the ones that are not showing enough return on

You also have to make sure you set a daily spending limit, or your Adwords bill
could be in the thousands of dollars or pounds for an unprofitable ad campaign.

Some people make their living entirely by selling information products through
Adwords, so that is certainly an option. If you want to learn about Adwords, read
through all of Google’s own tutorials on the subject, and then buy some books
and courses on Adwords as well.

Another very popular way to sell your product is through Clickbank.

Clickbank only (at time of writing) specializes in downloadable products. You
have to apply to be a merchant on Clickbank and there is a one-time set up fee.

Then, you can encourage affiliates to sell your product for you, in exchange for a
generous commission.

To entice affiliates you are going to have to offer a really large percentage of the
product price, at least 50 percent and preferably 70 percent.

However, look at it this way. The affiliates will do all of the hard work for you,
paying for Adwords to drive traffic to your sales page, writing articles for article                                                            34
Instant Money Secrets

marketing directories that link to their pre-sell page or to your sales page,
creating pre-sell pages that link to your sales page...and the more you pay them,
the more incentive they have to work hard to sell your product.

Here are some tips to keep your affiliates happy and to attract good affiliates:

•   Never undercut your affiliates. Do not offer your product for $25 if you have
    set the price they will promote it at $37.

•   Offer good affiliate support. Offer them banner ads to put on their sales page,
    showing your product; several different product pictures would be ideal. A
    picture of the ebook cover and a banner ad at the bare minimum, would be

•   Offer them several custom written articles that they can then rewrite and
    submit to article directories.

•   Offer a cash bonus for every 100 copies of your product sold.

•   Make sure that the terms and conditions of your affiliate offer are clear and
    specify what the affiliates can and can’t do: no misleading ads, etc.

So you know how to create an information product, how to price it, and where to
sell it. The only thing left for you to do is get cracking and start building your
profitable information product empire.

If you want to discover more about creating information products fast and selling
them well, check out this top resource from Tiffany Dow, who is the ghostwriter to
the gurus:

Building An Ebook Empire                                                         35
Instant Money Secrets

 Step 3: Build A Membership Site That Will Bring You
               Massive Residual Profits

You've probably heard how lucrative starting a membership site can be. Getting
paid every month from members willing to pay your monthly fee for access to
your websites content is an incredibly profitable method of generating recurring

With your own community, you can develop credibility, build brand awareness
and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

The strategies featured within this section are simple and straightforward. All you
need to do is follow along, step by step, and apply the techniques!

Let's begin!                                                      36
Instant Money Secrets

Your Membership Site Theme
A membership topic or theme serves as the basis of your entire community's

For example, if your membership website is focused on weight loss, all of the
content, tools and resources offered to subscribers would be relevant to losing
weight, or fitness training.

Topics for successful membership based websites vary, and it’s likely that you
can find a subscription community model for pretty well any topic imaginable.

However, when first creating your membership website it’s important that you
focus on overall profitability, rather than simply developing a subscription site
around a topic or theme that you are personally interested in.

After all, you want to focus on a scalable community base that can consistently
grow and maximize your overall income.

Evergreen markets are focused around topics that are unlikely to change and
can stand the test of time, and by choosing an overall evergreen theme, you can
focus on longevity.

After all, you want your membership site to continue to generate passive income
for many years to come.

Another element to keep in mind is the overall size of your target audience and
niche market.

        Will you be able to come up with fresh ideas for future updates to
   ensure that your website stays fresh?

          Is your market scalable with the potential for ongoing growth? Can you
   offer upgrade options to further maximize your income, or are products

          Is your target audience able to solve their problems quickly (making it
   difficult to retain subscribers), or is your potential topic able to expand so that
   you can cater to a large-scale community?

These are just a couple of important questions to keep in mind when choosing
your membership theme.

Then, take it one step further by identifying what you are good at, experienced
with or could offer to a potential customer base.                                                         37
Instant Money Secrets

         Are you experienced with a specific instrument?

         Are you trained in specific programs or software?

         Are you experienced with a specific sport?

         Are you knowledgeable regarding a specialized topic?

Consider creating an e-course, informational series, ebooks, reports or training
guides and developing them around a membership website platform.

Keep in mind that themed membership sites are always much easier to manage
and monetize than generic communities. You want a strict focus on your
membership community, so that you can expand on the topics, yet retain an
overall theme.

The more focused your website is, the easier it will be to tap into your niche
market and determine exactly what your target audience is interested in, and
subsequently, give it to them.

Once you have created a list of potential ideas, you need to evaluate the overall
profitability of the market before going any further.

While it’s first important to identify what you can personally bring to the table in
terms of content development, or material, you also need to make sure that other
people are willing to pay for access to this content.

You can do this by browsing through existing marketplaces like to determine how many products are available, the
communication and delivery channels that are being used, as well as the
popularity of your potential niche.

Simply by evaluating existing membership sites, you will get a good idea of the
different platforms available, as well as what other merchants are currently
offering the same target audience that you will be catering to.

The idea is to create a reference file of existing subscription based sites that exist
within your targeted markets.

The more thoroughly you evaluate existing models and successful websites, the
easier it will be to create one of your own.

Note: Google Alerts is an exceptionally useful tool for locating hot topics and
current trends that could serve as potential ideas for your membership site. You
can access Google Alerts at                                                        38
Instant Money Secrets

Choosing Your Membership Structure
When it comes to building your own membership website, you have quite a few
different options in terms of exactly how it's structured and designed to run.

For starters, you could choose to create your subscription site based on the
traditional format, where subscribers pay a monthly fee to access protected
content or directories on your website.

However, there are other equally profitable models used by successful
membership webmasters online, including autoresponder based memberships,
and even coaching membership models that offer the opportunity for you to earn
consistently just for helping those within your market.

Here are the more popular membership models:

Traditional Membership Platform

With a traditional membership website, your subscribers pay monthly for content
releases and updates.

By far, this is the most common method of building a membership website,
however it does require specific criteria in order to be successful.

Typically, traditional membership sites either offer a low trial price with the cost
increasing once the trial is offer.

Example: $17 for 7 days, then $37 monthly, set on a fixed term rate, meaning
that the monthly costs do not change, allowing a subscriber to be “locked in” to
your current price, even if you increase the costs in the future for new

Coaching Membership Platform

Coaching websites offer clients coaching services for a set fee. It usually consists
of a set amount of time and follow-ups.

With a coaching membership site clients will still have that, but they may also
have access to forums to speak with other clients and ask public questions from
their coach and other experts. They may also have access to learning material
that is specific to what that coach teaches.

With a coaching based membership site, lessons are accessible only to
members of the site, with schedules being made available for all members in
regards to meeting times, personal coaching sessions and more.                                                            39
Instant Money Secrets

Coaching is available, but not limited to, Internet marketing, career, life,
specialized skills coaching and even such subjects as parenting coaching. If you
have a skill that you can coach others in you can form a membership site
exclusively focused on that topic.

You need to be objective when analyzing your website, however. You need to be
conscious and aware of the different types of members you are going to receive,
and focus on ensuring that your content and material communicates directly to

Think about their skill levels (if you are selling courses, tutoring, coaching, etc).

Coaching based membership websites are extremely easy to set up because
unlike traditional membership websites where you’ll need to develop and publish
content prior to your website launch, with service based membership websites,
you can update your website less frequently, creating content and resources as
the site grows.

Email Based Memberships

With an autoresponder based membership offer, you are able to set up complete
membership sites quickly, with very little start up costs, after all since the majority
of the content will be delivered via email, you don’t need a dedicated server, or
expensive membership software.

You will also want to determine a delivery schedule, making sure to send out the
newsletters on the same day each week, for consistency.

When it comes to frequency, the usual choices are daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or

When you are deciding what your publishing schedule will be for your website,
keep in mind the kind of information you will be supplying to your membership
and its “dated importance”.

If it is information that changes quickly and regularly, then you are going to need
to consider RSS feed alerts, as well as a solid CMS (content management
system) that will make it easier in developing, managing and organizing content.

Free Or Paid Platforms

Paid for membership sites are set up by businesses or individuals with the
objective of making money by supplying hard to find information, access to
specialized data or lists, or instruction in various fields.                                                             40
Instant Money Secrets

Membership sites are owned and operated by people who either own the sites or
who are hired by the site owners to monitor and administer them.

The topics for paid for membership sites are even more varied than the free sites
and certainly more specialized.

With free memberships, the foundation is usually based on allowing free entry
with the intention of selling a membership upgrade. Using teaser options like this,
you initially attract a customer with a no obligation, no cost offer.

To gain access to limited information, a visitor to a free membership based
website would require supplying an email address, choosing a user name and a
password, and potentially verifying their subscription via email (after being added
to a mailing list).

In order to gain full access to the site, the same subscriber would have to
upgrade their free account to a more feature rich one.

The free membership module works well, especially if you are able to provide
useful, relevant content snippets for free with the “meaty” stuff being available
only to paid members.

On the flip side with paid membership websites, you are establishing your
customer base upfront, and weeding out any freebie seekers from those who are
more likely to subscribe on a monthly basis.

The topics for paid for membership sites are typically more varied than the free
site model and certainly more specialized.                                                         41
Instant Money Secrets

Powerful Membership Scripts
In order to set up your membership site quickly and efficiently, you will want to
look into the different membership scripts and software solutions that are
available to you.

While there are many different options available online, you need to ensure that
the script you use is powerful, scalable and flexible.

You need to be able to integrate this script into your website quickly and easily,
and the software should allow you the freedom of setting up and managing your
membership website so that it suits your needs and makes it easy to maintain.

With these programs, you are able to upload files, create a system and launch
your site with very limited effort.

In fact, with some of the higher end membership scripts, the features extend
beyond simple member registration and log in, to enabling you to offer One Time
offers, Backend products, bonus specials and even introductory trials, if you are
interested in capturing a visitor’s information without requiring an immediate

Be sure to spend some time evaluating each membership script prior to

You will want to make sure that the system is scalable and can grow as your
membership site does, and that the developer fully supports their script and will
be available to assist you should you need it.

Here are a few membership scripts that I highly recommend:

If you aren't sure how to develop or design a membership website, consider
using Wordpress as the CMS (Content Management System) to organize and
manage your entire website.

With, you can purchase an add-on module that will seemlessly
integrate a membership script with a Wordpress blog, forming a bridge between                                                         42
Instant Money Secrets

the main (guest) area and the subscribers only content categories.

Wordpress membership scripts:
Features unlimited membership levels, flexible options, sequential content
delivery, control viewed content, shopping cart integration and more.
With MemberWing, you can instantly set up a membership website using nothing
more than Wordpress and this simple plugin.                                                  43
Instant Money Secrets

Maximize Your Income
Savvy membership webmasters rarely rely on the subscription income alone
when focusing on the membership model as a way of making money online.

Instead, they integrate a handful of extended options that will funnel in additional
cash, from the same subscriber base.

For starters, adding in upsells, special offers or upgrade packages are great
ways of enhancing your membership site while maximizing profit potential.

For example, you could consider setting up a membership site that offers various
levels, starting with Bronze, then upgrading to Silver and finally Gold. Each level
would gain access to extended content, special downloads or exclusive offers.

Another method of thoroughly monetizing membership websites is that rather
than offer a front end system that is based on a recurring fee, you could instead,
offer a flat rate access fee with upgrade options.

For example, your membership site could be priced at $97 entry fee (one time
charge) with a monthly rate of $67. What this does is help in customer retention,
because if a subscriber cancels their account, they would then have to re-
subscribe, paying $97 again before being given the monthly discount rate.

You should also consider using scarcity tactics, such as time sensitive offers, or
limited quantities or spots left within your membership community.

You could also consider offering coupon codes, with only a specific number
available before expiring. This will motivate your visitors to take action and
subscribe before the offer ends.

Here are some other ways to further enhance your membership site:

Feature An Affiliate Program

You will also want to incorporate an affiliate program into your membership
website, so that both visitors and subscribers are able to generate commissions
from every referred sale they make.

When structuring your affiliate program, focus on offering a very appealing
commission percentage; in order to recruit active affiliates who will help you
jump-start your marketing campaigns.

Different companies pay different percentages and amounts for leads and sales.
The differences paid for a sale can range from 75% down to 1% depending on
the company and the product.                                                       44
Instant Money Secrets

What you decide to pay your affiliates will depend entirely upon what you are
selling and to whom you are selling it. A good idea would be to check what other
companies selling a product comparable to yours is paying their affiliates.

However, how much you pay your Affiliates really depends on how much your
product/service costs, its profit margin, how much you're willing to give up and
what action you want to take place.

When running an affiliate program, you will want to make sure that your current
membership script or software is able to effectively track all sales and leads, as
well as provide detailed information to affiliates (including overall earnings, stats,
payment dates, etc).

Sell Ad Space Within Your Members Center

You could also consider offering advertising space within your members area,
once your subscribers base has grown.

This way, you could monetize “un-used” space within your members area by
allowing third party merchants to promote their products and services to your

If you run a members forum, you could also consider integrating promotional
banners and allocated ad spaces that feature affiliate based products.

If you run a newsletter (and you should), you could also offer solo ad campaigns
to advertisers who are interested in gaining exposure at affordable rates.

Just be sure to adjust your advertising prices as your community grows and your
overall ad campaigns become more valuable.

List / Email Promotions

Apart from allowing advertises to purchase email based advertisements, you
could also monetize your subscriber mailing list by sending out promotional
emails that showcase affiliate products, as well as your own special offers.

Consider creating a special bundle that features new content, relevant to your
membership site, and making it available as an upgrade only to existing


Recurring income is one of the best parts of running a membership website, and
something that many other types of online businesses lack.                                                         45
Instant Money Secrets

Just remember, while first time subscribers certainly breathe life into a
membership website, renewals keep it alive.

Make sure to consistently remain active within your community and to do your
best to provide high quality, exclusive material to your subscriber base on a
regular basis.

If you want an easy to use script to build powerful membership sites, here is an
excellent one:

Memberfire                                                     46
Instant Money Secrets

                         Where From Here?

I hope you have enjoyed and benefited from this report on how to make money
online, all by just working at home.

This blueprint covers the ways you can make money with your own online
business, and the next step for you is to follow each step along the process, and
build multiple streams of income, forming your own online empire.

Concentrate on one business at a time. Focus is power!

I am sure you now realize the potential that is before you. So why not get started
on it right away?

In fact, you should get started right away! Because if you do, you won't waste any
time and will finally get around to making loads of cash on the Internet and living
the lifestyle you want.

The fact of the matter is – YOU can!

But what ever you decide to do right now, just know that the potential to make
money with the steps outlined in this guide is truly great. The money is out there,
all you have to do is go get it

Good luck!

All the best,

Fabian Tan                                                      47
Instant Money Secrets

                   Recommended Resources

This book is full of great resources, so I have collected the best ones all in one
place for easy reference, including a few additional useful ones.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Cash Ultimatum – discover how Paul Walker makes up to $40,000 per
month from affiliate marketing and how you can do the same!

Information Marketing

Building An Ebook Empire – learn how to create an ebook mini empire from
the ghostwriter to the gurus, Tiffany Dow.

Membership Sites

Memberfire – this powerful membership script lets you create an unlimited
number of profitable and secure membership sites!

Keyword Research Tools

Adwords Keyword Tool – where better to do your keyword research than from
the horse's mouth itself? Google's keyword tool is one of the best in the
business. – probably one of the best free resources

Domain Names

Namecheap – this is the most popular service for registering domain names.
They offer some of the best prices and excellent service.

Web Hosting

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Affiliate fabian tan

  • 1. Instant Money Secrets Instant Money Secrets! "Discover This Proven 3-Step Money- Making System!" By: Fabian Tan © Fabian Tan, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 1
  • 2. Instant Money Secrets Notice: You’ve Got FREE Giveaway Rights Worth $97! This is a complimentary resource. You may distribute this digital report as a free gift, post it on your website or include it as part of a package as long as the content in it is not changed and it is delivered via this PDF file. Disclaimer And/Or Legal Notices: While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. They disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability or fitness for any purpose. This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. The Publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain competent counsel to determine what state and/or local laws or regulations may apply to the user's particular business. The Purchaser or Reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. The Author and Publisher do not warrant the performance or effectiveness of any sites stated in this book. All links are for informational and educational purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, federal, state, and local, governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising, and all other aspects of doing business in the United States or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser or Reader. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any Purchaser or Reader of these materials. Any perceived slights of specific people or organizations are unintentional. Reproduction and distribution are forbidden. No part of this publication shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher. 2
  • 3. Instant Money Secrets Table Of Contents Introduction: Purpose And Benefit Of This Report...................... .4 Getting The Most From This Report......................................... ... 6 Set Your Income Goals...................................................................... .. 7 The Secret To Online Success......................................... .8 The Power Of Diversification......................................................... 10 Step 1: Leveraging The Power Of Affiliate Marketing – The Quickest And Easiest Way To Start Making Money Online............................... . 11 Step 2: Creating Your Very Own Highly Profitable Information Products........................................................................................ .. 21 Step 3: Building A Membership Site That Will Bring You Massive Residual Profits . 37 Where From Here?........................................................................ .. 41 Recommended Resources............................................................. 42 3
  • 4. Instant Money Secrets Introduction: Purpose And Benefit Of This Report First of all, I want to thank you for downloading ‘Instant Money Secrets’. This is your step-by-step personal blueprint to generating an honest Internet income for the long-term. Owning your own Internet business is one of the greatest things in the world As you may already know, it does not take a lot of money to start your very own online business. Unlike in the “real world” where starting a business can and usually does require thousands of dollars in start-up money! More and more people are buying products off the Internet every single day. In fact, hundreds of millions of people all over the world spend billions of dollars buying products off the Internet. In most cases selling information products on the Internet provides a lucrative passive income. Once your website is set up, you can pretty much put it on autopilot and spend only half an hour a day checking to see how many sales you’ve got and answer a few emails. Here’s a list of some of the benefits of running an online business: • Your business is open 24 hours, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. • You can potentially target a worldwide market, all of more than 1 billion people who are currently online. • You would not need to hire employees in most instances. • The cost of overhead is extremely low compared to a brick-and-mortar business. • In some cases, you do not even need an inventory. Your products can be delivered digitally, giving your products almost infinite distribution. This report will give you a step-by-step plan you can start with today on a very small budget. I will also show you how to come up with your own great business ideas pretty much any time you want. The great thing about starting a business on the Internet is that you don’t have to spend a ton of money. 4
  • 5. Instant Money Secrets Because if you spend a gazillion dollars starting an online business, you first have to make that money back...before you make any profits. Almost all of the businesses I have created cost me less than a hundred bucks, and the most I have ever spent on creating an online business is under a thousand. So where do we begin? It's hard isn't it? Knowing just where to begin when you're new to the whole online selling game. With so many others already earning money and touting the praises of their methods, where exactly do you begin? Many "newbies" give up before they've really begun. That's due in part to the unrelenting maze of courses, ebooks, and other assorted sources available as soon as you log in! It's confusing. Who's right? Who's wrong? And who's in it just to make a quick buck from the inexperienced? This report will point you in the right direction. 5
  • 6. Instant Money Secrets Getting The Most From This Report You are reading this report because you want to learn how to profit from the goldmine that is the Internet. And you don’t want to spend a lot of money trying to get things right. With that in mind, I have made this the complete starter course for your online business learning. To get the most of this report, follow these simple steps: Keep connected to the Internet. There are many useful links in here that will help you in building a profitable Internet empire. To take advantage of these resources, stay connected to the Internet. These resources will save you lots of time and money, allowing you to concentrate on other aspects of your business! Read the course from front to back. You don’t want to miss any important information in your quest to make money online. Knowledge is power, and that statement applies nowhere more so than the Internet! One thing you should do is to print out the entire report and devour all the great information. Take action immediately! Set goals and act on achieving them! Success is achieved by those who acted on their ideas and had a very focused goal. Create a plan and then act on it. By having a plan, you will find managing your online business much easier. With that, let’s dive straight in 6
  • 7. Instant Money Secrets Set Your Income Goals If you fully intend to achieve your goals, you should perceive goal setting as an extremely powerful process of personal planning! Goal setting should not be taken lightly because your journey to success starts with the goal setting process. Your goal is yours and yours alone to make! Set some goals now: In 3 months, my goal is to be making $ a month. In 6 months, my goal is to be making $ a month. In 12 months, my goal is to be making $ a month. In 2 years, my goal is to be making $ a month. In 5 years, my goal is to be making $ a month. I suggest you don’t miss this important step. The very act of typing or writing down your goals is a very strong affirmative action. Review your goals from time and time and make adjustments to them based on your progress in your online business. 7
  • 8. Instant Money Secrets The Secret To Online Success There are 5 key areas you need to constantly maintain if you want to succeed online. Those 5 key areas are 1) Product or Service 2) Lead Generation 3) Conversion 4) Administration 5) Education Let's start with Number 1, Product Or Service. You must have some sort of product or service online that a fair amount of people would be interested in to make any money. You might have a hobby you would like to make money from like, polishing brass, I don't know, but a hobby like that will probably not have a very big market online to sell too. This product could even be an affiliate program you are promoting. I talk more about affiliate programs in Step 1. Some of the most profitable sites on the Internet are those with one single page of writing. Exactly like the page you got this ebook from! Number 2 is Lead Generation. Being able to contact prospects and customers anytime you want without spending a fortune in the process is one of the great things about marketing on the Internet. Once you have those leads, you can contact them again and again for practically nothing. It doesn't even need to take up your own time, you can use autoresponders to do the work for you. Having an email list full of people who are dying to know about your product or service is like having money in the bank. 8
  • 9. Instant Money Secrets Number 3 is Conversion. This is one of those things you tweak along the way. If your website or emails are only converting at 1% then that’s ok, it's something you can improve on. For instance, if you get 100 customers to your website and you have a 1% conversion rate, you will only make 1 sale. If you have a conversion rate of 2% you double the amount of sales you get and the amount of money you make without having to get any more traffic or even spending any more money. Try and get the most out of what you have. It really is the simple things that count and if you do them right, everything else falls into place. Number 4 is Administration. This is something I struggled with. People fail to realize that an Internet business is just like any other business and needs to be run the same way. There is bookwork, emails, finances, expenses, you name it, and it's there. While this might be mundane, it needs to be done. If you don't want to do it, hire someone to do it for you! Number 5 is Education. I spend thousands every year on books, tapes, seminars.. you name it. You need to be able to keep up with what is going on. Just like a doctor has to read medical journals, you need to keep up to date with the latest marketing techniques and news that will affect you in some way. No one knows all there is to know about running a business online, that's why testing and tracking are crucial. As much as reading is important, just doing something will make all the difference to your business. 9
  • 10. Instant Money Secrets The Power Of Diversification To earn enough and to create enough security for your income to keep coming through, we do what the stock brokers advise, which is 'diversify'. Creating multiple streams of income not only reduces your risk, it gives you a chance to multiply your revenue! Diversify your money-making efforts throughout the Internet. Have your hand in all the viable opportunities to make money, which I will discuss throughout this course. If one income stream was to disappear, you still have the others. By creating a number of income streams, you could be creating a residual income business that pays you for the rest of your life for work done only once. This is especially so when you create a popular ebook or join a network marketing company. You get paid for the rest of your life for work done only once. Why is residual income important? Well, look at all the rich businessmen! Most, if not all, of their income comes from residual income. By creating assets that bring in residual income, the rich often don't have to spend much time on these assets after a while, because they are bringing in income even without the owner's presence. What then happens? With more time, the entrepreneur is then able to create more assets that produce even more residual income, and he repeats the process almost ad infinitum! Now we shall move on to the real business: exactly how to make mega wads of cash online! 10
  • 11. Instant Money Secrets Step 1: Leveraging The Power Of Affiliate Marketing – The Quickest And Easiest Way To Start Making Money Online What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate businesses are probably the easiest to start. Have you ever recommended a product to your friends, family members or co- workers? Perhaps the latest gadget, jersey or gardening tool? If you have, you understand the power of referral marketing. Which is really another name for affiliate marketing. Now imagine if you get paid for each and every referral. Imagine if you get paid a commission every time your friend buys the service or product you recommend! This is the philosophy behind affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is currently the fastest growing business model on the web. However, it still remains a secret in many quarters. It is an "invisible business" where lots of money is made. Companies and merchants love this model because their profit margins are extremely high; they do not have to spend any money on advertising. Their affiliates are acting as their sales force. Now, wouldn't you want to be different from the rest of the population? Wouldn't you want to be paid for your marketing efforts? Rather than helping a big company get rich everyday through your recommendations, you can get a piece of the pie too. So, what exactly is Affiliate Marketing? To sum it up, affiliate programs or associate programs are revenue sharing arrangements where companies pay people commission for sending them customers. You are paid a commission if the person buys a product or service, (Pay Per Sale - Most Popular Option), clicks on an affiliate link (Pay Per Click - Less popular due to fraud) or simply fills out a form (Pay Per Lead - Also Very Popular). Basically affiliate programs are programs that enable you to sell other people's products for a percentage of the sale. 11
  • 12. Instant Money Secrets One of the most lucrative aspects of affiliate marketing is in being able to build an online income even without a product of your own. While information development is an incredibly profitable market, when you're just entering the world of online business, affiliate marketing simplifies the process, while giving you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience without having to deal with the multiple tasks and responsibilities associated with being the developer or merchant. For example, as an information product developer, you're responsible for all customer support inquiries and requests, and you need to spend time updating your product, working on keeping it consistently fresh and current based on market demand. It's your job to satisfy customers, to handle refund requests, and to consistently work to optimize conversion rates. As an affiliate marketer, however, you never have to spend any time on the product development, delivery or support issues, and instead, can focus on developing profitable campaigns that jack in commission payments 24 hours a day! Your only job is to develop highly targeted campaigns that promote high quality products and then build powerful traffic campaigns that funnel in red-hot prospects who are interested in purchasing the products you promote. Then, cash your commission checks and rinse and repeat the process! Affiliate marketing is not only incredibly simple to get involved in but it's a very rewarding experience. It gives you the freedom to choose as many different niche markets as you wish, exploring countless opportunities and learning the ropes as you go. What other way can you "earn as you learn"? So, now that you know just a few of the reasons why so many new marketers begin their journey into online business as affiliate marketers, let's take a closer look at what you can do to join the ranks of successful earners! 12
  • 13. Instant Money Secrets Choosing Products To Promote Choosing quality products is an important part of every affiliate campaign, because you want to make sure that you are setting up campaigns around products that are likely to convert. This means that you need to spend time carefully researching and evaluating products in order to create your "affiliate swipe file". When it comes to choosing a niche, there are two methods that will help you get started: 1) Choose a niche that is evergreen 2) Identify demand and profitability based on existing competition Take down notes of possible products and niche markets that look interesting to you. Then, search for related forums, groups and blogs to determine what people are looking for, how big the market is and what is currently in demand. Then, investigate keywords to determine how much competition is in the marketplace as well as how many searches take place each month for specific keyword phrases relating to each niche market. If you plan to promote digital products, the best place to start looking for quality products is through ClickBank, available at ClickBank is the largest online marketplace for digital products, and you'll be able to quickly pinpoint hot sellers by browsing through their many categories. offers detailed statistics and information regarding each specific product making it even easier to quickly evaluate the profitability of potential campaigns. Here is what these mean: $/sale: The amount of money you earn for each sale. Future $: Average rebill revenue. Total $/sale: Average total $ per sale, including all rebills. %/sale: The percentage of the product sale price that the sale represents. %/refd: Fraction of publisher’s total sales that are referred by affiliates. 13
  • 14. Instant Money Secrets grav: The measure of how many affiliates are promoting the product. For each affiliate paid in the last 8 weeks Clickbank adds an amount between 0.1 and 1.0 to the total. The more recent the last referral, the higher the value added. The Gravity indicator will tell you how well a product is selling. So a gravity score of 100 means a product is potentially selling better than one with a gravity score of 20. When it comes to gravity assigned to any specific product, a gravity of 70 or higher is usually a good sign that the product is still in demand, and being actively promoted by other affiliates. To take things a bit further, you can use free services such as or to further evaluate each product, in terms of performance, demand, and the number of affiliate marketers that are promoting it (which is always a good indication of how profitable the market is). There are many other affiliate networks and marketplaces worth exploring, with many offering a combination of both digital and physical products. Here are a few to help you get started: Amazon Marketplace I suggest using Amazon to locate products primarily with a higher price point, as their payout rate is set at only 4%. Personally, I use Amazon only for products priced at $200 or higher to make up the difference in the low-end commission offer. Still, the Amazon marketplace is a great way to monetize extra space on your website or blog, and with their extended affiliate options, such as being able to integrate an "astore" into your website, you're given a lot of flexibility as to how you can develop affiliate campaigns. Tip: You can monetize your feeder sites with Amazon modules and plugins, just by logging into your Amazon Associates account and exploring their 'extended' options. Commission Junction Otherwise known as “”, Commission Junction has been around for many years and is known to pay on time and provide unbeatable support. 14
  • 15. Instant Money Secrets They also feature hundreds of merchants across the board spanning thousands of niche markets. You may require approval prior to being able to participate in select affiliate programs, as Commission Junction provides merchants the opportunity to pre- approve affiliates, but the application is extremely simple and you can expect to receive a response in a matter of a few hours. Share A Sale has grown into an extensive affiliate marketplace, and since all merchants are required to retain a cash balance of funds used to pay affiliates, it’s a risk-free way to ensure that you are paid for all of your efforts. Pay Dot Com PayDotCom is similar to ClickBank in that it only features digital products. One of the key differences between PayDotCom and Clickbank however is that when promoting products through PayDotCom, it's up the merchant to pay you, and this is done primarily through Paypal. With ClickBank, you are paid by the company itself based on their payment schedule (every two weeks for paper check or weekly via direct bank transfer). Link Share Services Link Share is an ever-growing affiliate marketplace and with it comes a great variety of lucrative and high paying affiliate opportunities. You can create your Link Share account at 15
  • 16. Instant Money Secrets Promoting Your Affiliate Links There are two ways to promote affiliate your affiliate links. You can choose the slower track, which is to build a content-rich site that will attract lots of visitors, hence making lots of sales from your affiliate links. (A resource which will help you achieve this is the Super Affiliate Handbook by Rosalind Gardner) This is a highly effective and proven strategy for generating consistent passive income. The other way, the fast track, is to promote these programs without even owning a website. How do you do that? Simple, just start sending targeted traffic to your affiliate links! You can do this a number of different ways, and in this segment of the report, we'll explore the 2 most cost effective strategies to jump-starting your campaigns. Article Marketing One of the easiest ways of launching an affiliate campaign is by using article marketing directories. With article content, you can simply submit it into the larger article directories and within hours or even minutes of being approved, can begin to see traffic flowing. In exchange for providing them with free content, you get to include some text and links in a section at the bottom of each article called a resource box. ( is the biggest, most popular, highest-traffic article directory. They have tremendous authority in Google, and articles often rank extremely well, so they can get a lot of traffic. However, one thing you need to know about Ezine Articles is that they don't allow you to link directly to your affiliate link; you'll need to purchase a domain name and then forward it to your link. As long as your articles are structured so that you are providing solid, useful content with a link back to your domain showcased within the resource box, article marketing is a simple and effective strategy to generating prime traffic. Another important thing to keep in mind is that you should always use anchor text within your resource boxes, rather than a direct link to your site. Anchor text will help you rank for many different keywords rather than just your website URL itself. Here is the HTML code to use in your resource box if you want to use anchor text rather than a direct URL: <a href=” > Your Anchor Keyword Here </a> 16
  • 17. Instant Money Secrets You would replace with your domain URL and include a relevant keyword phrase in the anchor text. Your author’s resource box needs to be as strong as your article’s headline and contain information that will pull a reader in and motivate them to click on your link and visit your website. Essentially, a resource box is very much like a fast-track commercial. You have only a few seconds to motivate them to read further and explore your website. Here are the top five article marketing directories that you can use for your campaigns: You can always choose to save time by hiring an article submission service to automatically submit your articles for you. One popular resource is available at: Feeder Sites If you want to push your marketing message out to your niche market quickly, and absolutely free - you'll want to turn to feeder sites. Feeder sites are free remotely hosted web services that allow you to create simple websites or web pages, such as Squidoo, available at, who provides a free "hub building service" to anyone wishing to create a content rich web page. Feeder sites are such a popular method of building targeted traffic campaigns because of how quickly they rank in the major search engines. Since these websites are deemed "authority sites", they're already ranked high in engines like, and so by creating your sub-page on their server, your page will be discovered by search engine spiders, and ranked very quickly. When creating your Squidoo lens, be sure to take advantage of the various modules that you can include on your page, and place a prominent link back to 17
  • 18. Instant Money Secrets your main affiliate link as well! In addition, break up your content into short articles, and avoid linking to any related products until after the initial launch is over, since your focus is on funneling this traffic through your affiliate link to the products order page. For each feeder site, upload 1-2 keyword rich articles and spice up your pages with images, videos and use built in modules or plug-ins whenever possible. When you've finished creating your feeder pages, ping each URL to get the traffic pumping in. You can do this with either or Here are the top feeder site resources to help you get started: Blogger: Wordpress: WikiDot A great way to get your sites ranking in the search engines quickly is by creating an account at Weebly Create free websites and blogs, switch designs instantly, and features a drag and drop interface, Weebly helps you rank higher in search engines, especially on Google. Wet Paint features free wiki based websites that allow you to start your own social website instantly. A very good site for backlinks and ranking. Another free blog platform that will allow you to customize your blog from top to bottom including free themes and modules. You now have the basics of creating profitable affiliate marketing campaigns. The next step: Take action! It all begins with choosing a single product and marketing that roduct. Then, once you’ve been able to generate targeted traffic to your affiliate link, begin working towards expanding your outreach by creating additional affiliate campaigns, focusing on new products and evergreen markets. Affiliate marketing is an exciting industry to be a part of, and if you take consistent action in developing campaigns, creating high quality content and keeping a pulse on market trends and demand, you’ll quickly reap the rewards. 18
  • 19. Instant Money Secrets By the way, a resource I recommend is Paul Walker's Affiliate Cash Ultimatum. Paul is a super affiliate who makes up $40,000 per month online. He is one guy you definitely want to learn from! 19
  • 20. Instant Money Secrets Step 2: Creating Your Very Own Highly Profitable Information Products Why Sell Information Products Online? I’m going to show you the oh so simple secrets of creating effective, profitable information products. These are the very same SIMPLE secrets used by information product gurus. Simple yes, but also deadly effective and hugely profitable... There are so many advantages to creating information products that it’s hard to list them all, but here are a few: Information products are extremely easy to produce. Information products are extremely cheap to produce. When you start most businesses you go straight into debt. You might have to buy or rent premises, buy your stock, fit out a store, install technology etc etc and before you know it you’re $50,000 in debt before you even start trading. Selling information products online is a way to start your own business with little or sometimes NO overheads. Also, information products are very versatile. You can sell them at a profit, give them away as an incentive to get people to sign up for your list, sell them at a low price to showcase your content and then offer higher priced products...There’s a whole world of ways to use information products to build an online business. So what do we mean when we say information products? Any product that gives people information, usually a solution to some sort of problem. People pay to get out of the hole they just fell in – not how to avoid holes. Solutions to problems always sell well. For instance a product could tell people how to train a dog, lose weight, design a website, cure bad breath, meet members of the opposite sex, put up shelves, apply makeup, or paint a portrait using oil paintings. An information product can be made in video form, as an ebook, or as an audio recording. Some types of information products lend themselves better to one form than another. For instance if you are telling people how to apply makeup you definitely need visuals, so a video would be best. An audio recording 20
  • 21. Instant Money Secrets wouldn’t do the trick in this case and an ebook would need to have a lot of screenshots. If you want to tell someone how to meet members of the opposite sex, however, an ebook or an audio recording would work well. And if you want to tell someone how to train a dog, an ebook with screen shots, or a video, would work equally well. Find your subject, then decide on the best way to present it – ebook, audio, video etc. 21
  • 22. Instant Money Secrets Pick Your Information Product One of the biggest hurdles new internet marketers face is choosing what type of information product to create. Since you most likely want to make a profit off of this, you need to create an information product that solves a problem or tells people how to do something. Solving problems is profitable. Also, you want to make sure that there’s a decent sized audience for this product, and you want to make sure that they have money to spend. So you wouldn’t want to create an information product that solves a really obscure problem that is only faced by a tiny group of people. And you wouldn’t want to create an information product that appeals to a crowd that has no money to spend, such as young teenagers or children. Here is a list of evergreen product ideas where you will always find a hungry crowd. Provide these people with a genuinely helpful solution to their problem and you will have a grateful crowd that will come back again and again: Weight Loss Dog training Pet health Acne cures Curing romantic woes Saving money Debt Consolidation Avoiding foreclosure Fitness Parenting Fertility Making money online 22
  • 23. Instant Money Secrets Driving targeted traffic to websites This doesn’t mean that you should only stick to that list, by any means. If you have a skill and you can teach other people - for instance, as we mentioned earlier, applying makeup or painting a portrait or arts and crafts or home repairs - by all means create an information product around it. You need to make your information product stand out, so you would want to develop a method that lets people learn how to do something quickly and easily, and emphasize that when promoting your product. “Learn How to Paint Portraits Quickly And Easily!” “Take Pictures Like A Pro - Learn How in Just Five Lessons!” You get the idea. If you’re searching for ideas, try to identify what potential customers need. You can do this by doing some basic Google searches and by visiting internet forums or blogs that are targeted to the area that you want to create a product for - dog training, weight loss, dating forums, etc. Here’s one way to find out what people need - go to Google and type in the phrase “How To” in quotes. Here are some of the things that you will find on the first page: 23
  • 24. Instant Money Secrets Some product ideas there would be a weight loss product, or a quit smoking through hypnosis product, or, if you are religious, a product that helps people reconnect with their spirituality. Or, a manual that gives people tips on creating a Google friendly site, if you know anything about SEO. Don’t ever be put off by the fact that the product may already exist. In fact, if there are NO other versions of the product - you should worry. That possibly means there is no market. There is nothing new under the sun - but people who have an interest in an area tend to buy a LOT of products that address that interest. If someone is a fanatic about dog training, they are likely going to buy more than one book on it. If someone is desperate for romance, they will snap up any product that looks like they offer a solution. You need to create an excellent product that solves the problem, emphasize how good your product is when you are promoting it, highlight some common flaws that competing products have and how your product is better than the other products...and it won’t matter how many other competing products are out there. Really. Another way to find out what people need is to go to Yahoo! Answers and see what people are asking for help with. 24
  • 25. Instant Money Secrets When you go to, you will see a list of categories on the left hand side of the page. If you have an idea of what general type of information product that you want to create, you can click on the category that you are interested in and see what types of questions people are asking. Below is the list of categories: 25
  • 26. Instant Money Secrets So, if you wanted to create a pet product, you would click on pets and you would see what kinds of questions people are asking about their pets. If you wanted to narrow it down to horses or dogs or cats or some other type of animal, there is a list on the left of the page of different categories of pets, which you can also click on: 26
  • 27. Instant Money Secrets Just by seeing the common questions that crop up, you will be able to identify a need for information - and fill that need by creating an information product. You can also find forums by going to a search engine such as Google or Yahoo or Altavista and typing in, for example, “dog forum” or “chihuahua forum” or “DIY decorating forum” or “web design forum” or whatever your chosen topic is. It’s important to make sure that there is actually a market out there that is seeking a product like yours. And once you have done that, you can go on to the next step...product creation. 27
  • 28. Instant Money Secrets Creating Your Info Product Now, we’re going to talk about what form your information product is going to take. There is a lot of talk these days about how video information products are hot and everyone prefers video. The truth is video is perfect for some types of information products and not so hot for others. And not everyone loves video. There can be drawbacks to presenting information in video form. People have limited time and short attention spans these days, and it’s a lot easier to scan an ebook and get what information you need than it is to scan a video. Then again some people claim the exact opposite. It’s very hard however to fast forward an online video that is still loading to see if it contains the relevant information than it is to look at the contents page of an ebook. So your video must be well made and get to the point immediately, with no fluff or lengthy introductions, or you will anger people and get a lot of refund requests, and people will not be likely to order from you again. In a written product, people are a little more forgiving, because they can page forward quickly to get to the information that they need. If you are talking about how to design a web site, for instance, they may already know some of what you are discussing. In an ebook they can skip what they already know; in a video they can’t, because they don’t know where on the video to find the part of the video that they are looking for. However, some information products do naturally lend themselves to ebook form or audio form. If you can interview an expert, like an internet marketing guru, an audio form works quite well. If you have an information product that does not rely on visuals (like teaching someone how to paint a portrait), the audio form works quite well. An audio recording is also a good option for people who are visually impaired. Video can definitely jazz up an information product. Say you have a cookbook; anyone can write a cookbook, but if you show each step of the cookbook process, along with a picture of the cookbook at the end, you present a much more tantalizing picture. 28
  • 29. Instant Money Secrets If you want to show how to train a dog, it’s easy to say a technique, but to show a video of an unruly dog, and then you using the training techniques, and then that same dog behaving perfectly and obeying very powerful. So how do you actually go about creating your information products? It can be done very cheaply and easily. Your computer may already come with a word processing program which can save a document in Portable Document Format. (pdf) If not, there are numerous paid options available, or you can download Open Office, which is free and works with both Macintosh and PC platforms. CutePDF works with several Windows platforms including Vista. PrimoPDF is another option. To make a video, there are a number of free and low cost programs available. Macintosh users can use imovie software, which also comes with Garageband software that is great for podcasts and audio recordings. It costs about $79. Videospin is a free video editing program that works with Windows XP. Camstudio is another free video editing program. Many Windows computers come with the program Windows Movie Maker, which may be all that you need. also has screen capture software and video editing software and works with Macs and Windows. It is free; can’t beat that price! Camtasia is a wonderful screen capture and video editing program that is very popular with internet marketers and works with Macs and Windows. It is pricey, however, currently at $299. It comes with a 30-day free trial. Realistically speaking, the programs that cost money are going to have more features available then the free programs, but for the purposes of creating information products, the free products are more than sufficient. When you create a written information product, like an ebook or short report, you are going to want to save it both in regular format and also in PDF, so that you can export it. When you create a video or audio product, you may want to lead in with a short audio jingle - 5 seconds or so - or you may just want to start right in with the information product. 29
  • 30. Instant Money Secrets Video editing programs will allow you to add in titles and transition effects to your video, such as fading from one screenshot to another. Keep in mind that when you add in transition effects it can take longer for the product to download. Don’t be nervous about making a perfect video; purchasers of information products don’t expect a Hollywood production. They have a problem; they want someone to tell them how to solve it, quickly and with no distractions. They’re not looking for fancy special effects. One thing that is important in making your product look good is getting an attractive digital cover made. They generally cost between $25-$97 - you definitely shouldn’t have to pay more than that - and you can find good ecover designers on, rentacoder, and other freelance sites. You will need to tell the designer the theme of your information product, what your author name is (you can use your real name, use a pseudonym, or use no name at all) and what the product title is. You can also tell him what color scheme you want. If you are creating an ebook he’ll create an ebook cover. If you’re creating a video he’ll create a CD cover. These are just images that you will have on the site that sells your product; you’re probably not going to mail out actual CDs if you don't want to. 30
  • 31. Instant Money Secrets Pricing and Creating Your Sales Page Pricing is always a delicate issue, because if you charge too much people won’t buy, but if you charge too little, people might perceive that what you are selling has no value. You should start out by looking at other information products that are similar to yours and examine their sales pages thoroughly to get an idea of what they offer and how much they charge for their product. You don’t want to charge too much more than the other people in your field. However you want to see what they have to offer versus what you have to offer. If they are just selling a 20 page ebook on puppy training and you are selling a 100 page ebook on dog training from puppyhood through adulthood, along with a set of step by step videos...then of course you should charge significantly more. The puppy ebook might sell for anywhere up to $17. The dog training ebook plus videos might sell for up to $67. Or, you could offer the ebook at a cheaper price, say $37, and then offer the videos as an “upsell”. They might cost an additional $30 or so. You may have noticed that the prices quote here end in seven. There have been numerous internet marketing studies on this and oddly, prices ending in seven outsell other prices ending in the traditional .95 - $9.95, for instance. That holds true even if the number ending in 5 is several dollars cheaper. A product that sells for $19.97 has been shown (in some instances) to outsell a product that sells for $15.95. Another thing to consider is whether you want to give the product away to start building a list. This method can work very well if you have back end products that you want to sell. In the dog-training example, you could offer a free five-day course to teach people how to housebreak a dog, or how to handle a dog’s excessive barking. Each day you would mail out the day’s lesson using an autoresponder service like Aweber, Get Response, or Constant Contact. In each email you would have a link at the top and at the bottom of the email, offering people a chance to click on the link and order your product. Then, you 31
  • 32. Instant Money Secrets give a helpful, well-written lesson about your subject, again without giving away everything - just enough to show that you know your stuff. If it’s a video or audio that you are selling, you could give away the first video or audio recording in the series to show the quality that the customer will be getting - in exchange for their name and email so you can use it to build a list. Now, you need to start planning out the sales page for your product. Again, one of the best things that you can do is study the sales pages of your competition. You don’t want to copy them, of course; you want to see what they offer and make sure that you present a more compelling offer. For instance if someone is selling an ebook about dog training you want to emphasize that your ebook comes with videos to actually demonstrate what you are talking about. If someone is selling a video series about painting a landscape, you want to make one that is more thorough or that offers some type of free bonus like a video on how to paint a portrait. You also want to get an idea of how sales pages are structured. Starting at the top, you will see that sales pages often have large, attention grabbing headlines. Many websites use this type of headline because – simply – it works. The headline needs to be about the benefits that your product delivers. It needs to tell the customer what relief they can expect from buying your product. It could say something like “Cure Your Dog’s Bad Habits Faster Than You Thought Possible!” or “Trim That Extra Tummy Flab In Weeks!” or “Supercharge Your Metabolism With These Super Foods!” Notice that sales pages do not have long unbroken blocks of text. Under the headline you want a photograph, a paragraph or two about your product, and then a “sub-head”. You need to make it easy to read. You want a series of paragraphs and subheads. At some point a list of bullet points is also helpful. They should summarize your products benefits or highlight how it’s better than its competitors. Example: 32
  • 33. Instant Money Secrets This product DOES NOT rely on: • Expensive exercise equipment that’s impossible to put together! • Fad diets that make you sick! • Gross food supplements that taste horrible! • Hours of tortuous exercise! This is good because it mentions negative points about your competitors and what they offer - subtly, of course, without naming names - and thus by contrast highlights the good things that you have to offer. Customers have most likely tried many of those things before and have obviously failed or they wouldn’t still be dieting, so they will be eager to find a product that offers them something different. You also want a clear “call to action” which tells the customer what to do, and you want it to be prominently displayed in several places on your sales page. This is very important. If the customer cannot easily figure out what to do next when they come to your sales page, they will hit the back button and you will likely lose them forever. The call to action would say something like “To lose that excess tummy flab NOW, click here to place your secure order via Paypal.” You can also throw in a time element to make it more urgent, or a scarcity element. If you are using a time element you would say something like “For the first 48 hours, we are going to offer a free downloadable cookbook of low calorie recipes to each person who orders...” et cetera. You must cut this off after 48 hours and remove that statement from the sales page when the bonus offer expires, because if you don’t, people will not take you seriously any more. For scarcity, it helps if you have a physical object that you will mail to everyone who orders from you. You could also offer something like a free one-hour consultation with you, if the information product is appropriate to that type of offer. You could offer it to the first 10 or 20 people who order. 33
  • 34. Instant Money Secrets Selling Your Product This is equally as important as creating your product. You can create the best, most useful product in the world but that doesn’t do you much good if you don’t know how to sell it, does it? Your product doesn’t make you any money sitting on your hard drive. There are numerous ways to sell an information product online and you may end up choosing to use several of them. One way to do it is using Google Adwords pay per click. This is being mentioned only briefly here because learning how to do well with Google Adwords would fill another ebook entirely. Adwords ads are the advertising links that you see in blue on the right side of Google Search pages. MSN and Yahoo have their own versions as well. If you had a dog training ebook you would bid to have your Adwords ad appear when people typed in relevant search phrases like “Dog Training” or “How To Teach My Dog To Sit”. You have to constantly monitor your ad campaigns to see which ones are profitable and shut down the ones that are not showing enough return on investment. You also have to make sure you set a daily spending limit, or your Adwords bill could be in the thousands of dollars or pounds for an unprofitable ad campaign. Some people make their living entirely by selling information products through Adwords, so that is certainly an option. If you want to learn about Adwords, read through all of Google’s own tutorials on the subject, and then buy some books and courses on Adwords as well. Another very popular way to sell your product is through Clickbank. Clickbank only (at time of writing) specializes in downloadable products. You have to apply to be a merchant on Clickbank and there is a one-time set up fee. Then, you can encourage affiliates to sell your product for you, in exchange for a generous commission. To entice affiliates you are going to have to offer a really large percentage of the product price, at least 50 percent and preferably 70 percent. However, look at it this way. The affiliates will do all of the hard work for you, paying for Adwords to drive traffic to your sales page, writing articles for article 34
  • 35. Instant Money Secrets marketing directories that link to their pre-sell page or to your sales page, creating pre-sell pages that link to your sales page...and the more you pay them, the more incentive they have to work hard to sell your product. Here are some tips to keep your affiliates happy and to attract good affiliates: • Never undercut your affiliates. Do not offer your product for $25 if you have set the price they will promote it at $37. • Offer good affiliate support. Offer them banner ads to put on their sales page, showing your product; several different product pictures would be ideal. A picture of the ebook cover and a banner ad at the bare minimum, would be helpful. • Offer them several custom written articles that they can then rewrite and submit to article directories. • Offer a cash bonus for every 100 copies of your product sold. • Make sure that the terms and conditions of your affiliate offer are clear and specify what the affiliates can and can’t do: no misleading ads, etc. So you know how to create an information product, how to price it, and where to sell it. The only thing left for you to do is get cracking and start building your profitable information product empire. If you want to discover more about creating information products fast and selling them well, check out this top resource from Tiffany Dow, who is the ghostwriter to the gurus: Building An Ebook Empire 35
  • 36. Instant Money Secrets Step 3: Build A Membership Site That Will Bring You Massive Residual Profits You've probably heard how lucrative starting a membership site can be. Getting paid every month from members willing to pay your monthly fee for access to your websites content is an incredibly profitable method of generating recurring income. With your own community, you can develop credibility, build brand awareness and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. The strategies featured within this section are simple and straightforward. All you need to do is follow along, step by step, and apply the techniques! Let's begin! 36
  • 37. Instant Money Secrets Your Membership Site Theme A membership topic or theme serves as the basis of your entire community's platform. For example, if your membership website is focused on weight loss, all of the content, tools and resources offered to subscribers would be relevant to losing weight, or fitness training. Topics for successful membership based websites vary, and it’s likely that you can find a subscription community model for pretty well any topic imaginable. However, when first creating your membership website it’s important that you focus on overall profitability, rather than simply developing a subscription site around a topic or theme that you are personally interested in. After all, you want to focus on a scalable community base that can consistently grow and maximize your overall income. Evergreen markets are focused around topics that are unlikely to change and can stand the test of time, and by choosing an overall evergreen theme, you can focus on longevity. After all, you want your membership site to continue to generate passive income for many years to come. Another element to keep in mind is the overall size of your target audience and niche market. Will you be able to come up with fresh ideas for future updates to ensure that your website stays fresh? Is your market scalable with the potential for ongoing growth? Can you offer upgrade options to further maximize your income, or are products limited? Is your target audience able to solve their problems quickly (making it difficult to retain subscribers), or is your potential topic able to expand so that you can cater to a large-scale community? These are just a couple of important questions to keep in mind when choosing your membership theme. Then, take it one step further by identifying what you are good at, experienced with or could offer to a potential customer base. 37
  • 38. Instant Money Secrets Are you experienced with a specific instrument? Are you trained in specific programs or software? Are you experienced with a specific sport? Are you knowledgeable regarding a specialized topic? Consider creating an e-course, informational series, ebooks, reports or training guides and developing them around a membership website platform. Keep in mind that themed membership sites are always much easier to manage and monetize than generic communities. You want a strict focus on your membership community, so that you can expand on the topics, yet retain an overall theme. The more focused your website is, the easier it will be to tap into your niche market and determine exactly what your target audience is interested in, and subsequently, give it to them. Once you have created a list of potential ideas, you need to evaluate the overall profitability of the market before going any further. While it’s first important to identify what you can personally bring to the table in terms of content development, or material, you also need to make sure that other people are willing to pay for access to this content. You can do this by browsing through existing marketplaces like to determine how many products are available, the communication and delivery channels that are being used, as well as the popularity of your potential niche. Simply by evaluating existing membership sites, you will get a good idea of the different platforms available, as well as what other merchants are currently offering the same target audience that you will be catering to. The idea is to create a reference file of existing subscription based sites that exist within your targeted markets. The more thoroughly you evaluate existing models and successful websites, the easier it will be to create one of your own. Note: Google Alerts is an exceptionally useful tool for locating hot topics and current trends that could serve as potential ideas for your membership site. You can access Google Alerts at 38
  • 39. Instant Money Secrets Choosing Your Membership Structure When it comes to building your own membership website, you have quite a few different options in terms of exactly how it's structured and designed to run. For starters, you could choose to create your subscription site based on the traditional format, where subscribers pay a monthly fee to access protected content or directories on your website. However, there are other equally profitable models used by successful membership webmasters online, including autoresponder based memberships, and even coaching membership models that offer the opportunity for you to earn consistently just for helping those within your market. Here are the more popular membership models: Traditional Membership Platform With a traditional membership website, your subscribers pay monthly for content releases and updates. By far, this is the most common method of building a membership website, however it does require specific criteria in order to be successful. Typically, traditional membership sites either offer a low trial price with the cost increasing once the trial is offer. Example: $17 for 7 days, then $37 monthly, set on a fixed term rate, meaning that the monthly costs do not change, allowing a subscriber to be “locked in” to your current price, even if you increase the costs in the future for new subscribers. Coaching Membership Platform Coaching websites offer clients coaching services for a set fee. It usually consists of a set amount of time and follow-ups. With a coaching membership site clients will still have that, but they may also have access to forums to speak with other clients and ask public questions from their coach and other experts. They may also have access to learning material that is specific to what that coach teaches. With a coaching based membership site, lessons are accessible only to members of the site, with schedules being made available for all members in regards to meeting times, personal coaching sessions and more. 39
  • 40. Instant Money Secrets Coaching is available, but not limited to, Internet marketing, career, life, specialized skills coaching and even such subjects as parenting coaching. If you have a skill that you can coach others in you can form a membership site exclusively focused on that topic. You need to be objective when analyzing your website, however. You need to be conscious and aware of the different types of members you are going to receive, and focus on ensuring that your content and material communicates directly to them. Think about their skill levels (if you are selling courses, tutoring, coaching, etc). Coaching based membership websites are extremely easy to set up because unlike traditional membership websites where you’ll need to develop and publish content prior to your website launch, with service based membership websites, you can update your website less frequently, creating content and resources as the site grows. Email Based Memberships With an autoresponder based membership offer, you are able to set up complete membership sites quickly, with very little start up costs, after all since the majority of the content will be delivered via email, you don’t need a dedicated server, or expensive membership software. You will also want to determine a delivery schedule, making sure to send out the newsletters on the same day each week, for consistency. When it comes to frequency, the usual choices are daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. When you are deciding what your publishing schedule will be for your website, keep in mind the kind of information you will be supplying to your membership and its “dated importance”. If it is information that changes quickly and regularly, then you are going to need to consider RSS feed alerts, as well as a solid CMS (content management system) that will make it easier in developing, managing and organizing content. Free Or Paid Platforms Paid for membership sites are set up by businesses or individuals with the objective of making money by supplying hard to find information, access to specialized data or lists, or instruction in various fields. 40
  • 41. Instant Money Secrets Membership sites are owned and operated by people who either own the sites or who are hired by the site owners to monitor and administer them. The topics for paid for membership sites are even more varied than the free sites and certainly more specialized. With free memberships, the foundation is usually based on allowing free entry with the intention of selling a membership upgrade. Using teaser options like this, you initially attract a customer with a no obligation, no cost offer. To gain access to limited information, a visitor to a free membership based website would require supplying an email address, choosing a user name and a password, and potentially verifying their subscription via email (after being added to a mailing list). In order to gain full access to the site, the same subscriber would have to upgrade their free account to a more feature rich one. The free membership module works well, especially if you are able to provide useful, relevant content snippets for free with the “meaty” stuff being available only to paid members. On the flip side with paid membership websites, you are establishing your customer base upfront, and weeding out any freebie seekers from those who are more likely to subscribe on a monthly basis. The topics for paid for membership sites are typically more varied than the free site model and certainly more specialized. 41
  • 42. Instant Money Secrets Powerful Membership Scripts In order to set up your membership site quickly and efficiently, you will want to look into the different membership scripts and software solutions that are available to you. While there are many different options available online, you need to ensure that the script you use is powerful, scalable and flexible. You need to be able to integrate this script into your website quickly and easily, and the software should allow you the freedom of setting up and managing your membership website so that it suits your needs and makes it easy to maintain. With these programs, you are able to upload files, create a system and launch your site with very limited effort. In fact, with some of the higher end membership scripts, the features extend beyond simple member registration and log in, to enabling you to offer One Time offers, Backend products, bonus specials and even introductory trials, if you are interested in capturing a visitor’s information without requiring an immediate subscription. Be sure to spend some time evaluating each membership script prior to purchasing. You will want to make sure that the system is scalable and can grow as your membership site does, and that the developer fully supports their script and will be available to assist you should you need it. Here are a few membership scripts that I highly recommend: If you aren't sure how to develop or design a membership website, consider using Wordpress as the CMS (Content Management System) to organize and manage your entire website. With, you can purchase an add-on module that will seemlessly integrate a membership script with a Wordpress blog, forming a bridge between 42
  • 43. Instant Money Secrets the main (guest) area and the subscribers only content categories. Wordpress membership scripts: Features unlimited membership levels, flexible options, sequential content delivery, control viewed content, shopping cart integration and more. With MemberWing, you can instantly set up a membership website using nothing more than Wordpress and this simple plugin. 43
  • 44. Instant Money Secrets Maximize Your Income Savvy membership webmasters rarely rely on the subscription income alone when focusing on the membership model as a way of making money online. Instead, they integrate a handful of extended options that will funnel in additional cash, from the same subscriber base. For starters, adding in upsells, special offers or upgrade packages are great ways of enhancing your membership site while maximizing profit potential. For example, you could consider setting up a membership site that offers various levels, starting with Bronze, then upgrading to Silver and finally Gold. Each level would gain access to extended content, special downloads or exclusive offers. Another method of thoroughly monetizing membership websites is that rather than offer a front end system that is based on a recurring fee, you could instead, offer a flat rate access fee with upgrade options. For example, your membership site could be priced at $97 entry fee (one time charge) with a monthly rate of $67. What this does is help in customer retention, because if a subscriber cancels their account, they would then have to re- subscribe, paying $97 again before being given the monthly discount rate. You should also consider using scarcity tactics, such as time sensitive offers, or limited quantities or spots left within your membership community. You could also consider offering coupon codes, with only a specific number available before expiring. This will motivate your visitors to take action and subscribe before the offer ends. Here are some other ways to further enhance your membership site: Feature An Affiliate Program You will also want to incorporate an affiliate program into your membership website, so that both visitors and subscribers are able to generate commissions from every referred sale they make. When structuring your affiliate program, focus on offering a very appealing commission percentage; in order to recruit active affiliates who will help you jump-start your marketing campaigns. Different companies pay different percentages and amounts for leads and sales. The differences paid for a sale can range from 75% down to 1% depending on the company and the product. 44
  • 45. Instant Money Secrets What you decide to pay your affiliates will depend entirely upon what you are selling and to whom you are selling it. A good idea would be to check what other companies selling a product comparable to yours is paying their affiliates. However, how much you pay your Affiliates really depends on how much your product/service costs, its profit margin, how much you're willing to give up and what action you want to take place. When running an affiliate program, you will want to make sure that your current membership script or software is able to effectively track all sales and leads, as well as provide detailed information to affiliates (including overall earnings, stats, payment dates, etc). Sell Ad Space Within Your Members Center You could also consider offering advertising space within your members area, once your subscribers base has grown. This way, you could monetize “un-used” space within your members area by allowing third party merchants to promote their products and services to your community. If you run a members forum, you could also consider integrating promotional banners and allocated ad spaces that feature affiliate based products. If you run a newsletter (and you should), you could also offer solo ad campaigns to advertisers who are interested in gaining exposure at affordable rates. Just be sure to adjust your advertising prices as your community grows and your overall ad campaigns become more valuable. List / Email Promotions Apart from allowing advertises to purchase email based advertisements, you could also monetize your subscriber mailing list by sending out promotional emails that showcase affiliate products, as well as your own special offers. Consider creating a special bundle that features new content, relevant to your membership site, and making it available as an upgrade only to existing members. Renewals Recurring income is one of the best parts of running a membership website, and something that many other types of online businesses lack. 45
  • 46. Instant Money Secrets Just remember, while first time subscribers certainly breathe life into a membership website, renewals keep it alive. Make sure to consistently remain active within your community and to do your best to provide high quality, exclusive material to your subscriber base on a regular basis. If you want an easy to use script to build powerful membership sites, here is an excellent one: Memberfire 46
  • 47. Instant Money Secrets Where From Here? I hope you have enjoyed and benefited from this report on how to make money online, all by just working at home. This blueprint covers the ways you can make money with your own online business, and the next step for you is to follow each step along the process, and build multiple streams of income, forming your own online empire. Concentrate on one business at a time. Focus is power! I am sure you now realize the potential that is before you. So why not get started on it right away? In fact, you should get started right away! Because if you do, you won't waste any time and will finally get around to making loads of cash on the Internet and living the lifestyle you want. The fact of the matter is – YOU can! But what ever you decide to do right now, just know that the potential to make money with the steps outlined in this guide is truly great. The money is out there, all you have to do is go get it Good luck! All the best, Fabian Tan 47
  • 48. Instant Money Secrets Recommended Resources This book is full of great resources, so I have collected the best ones all in one place for easy reference, including a few additional useful ones. Affiliate Marketing Affiliate Cash Ultimatum – discover how Paul Walker makes up to $40,000 per month from affiliate marketing and how you can do the same! Information Marketing Building An Ebook Empire – learn how to create an ebook mini empire from the ghostwriter to the gurus, Tiffany Dow. Membership Sites Memberfire – this powerful membership script lets you create an unlimited number of profitable and secure membership sites! Keyword Research Tools Adwords Keyword Tool – where better to do your keyword research than from the horse's mouth itself? Google's keyword tool is one of the best in the business. – probably one of the best free resources around. Domain Names Namecheap – this is the most popular service for registering domain names. They offer some of the best prices and excellent service. Web Hosting Third Sphere Hosting – this is the best hosting available for Internet entrepreneurs. Their service is second to none! 48
  • 49. Instant Money Secrets Payment Processors - start accepting credit card payments from customers from several parts of the world! – it’s still free of charge, and its ease of convenience is unbeatable. – leverage Clickbank’s army of affiliates. Autoresponder Aweber – most of the big guns use this service. Their deliverability rate is unmatched. Creating Videos Camtasia – probably the best video recording software on the market now. Creating Audio Sourceforge – a free download that allows you to make audio recordings on your PC easily. 49
  • 50. Instant Money Secrets WARNING! ! ! The secrets you have just discovered are just samples of the killer information hidden within The Day Job Annihilation Membership. You'd want to get in fast before your competitors do and get the edge! "The Day Job Annihilation Membership!" 50