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Lisa Belue, President-North Carolina Disciples Women’s Ministries 
Joann Washington, Vice President (Workshops and Retreats) 
Maere Kay Lashmit, Vice President (Membership) 
Rev. Valerie J. Melvin, Associate Regional Minister 
Rev. John Richardson, Regional Minister 
North Carolina Disciples Women’s Ministries 
Christian Women’s Fellowship
Disciples Women’s Ministries 
Christian Women’s Fellowship 
P.O. Box 1568 
Wilson, NC 27894 
Rev. Valerie J. Melvin, Associate Regional Minister 
October 31, 2014 
Dear Disciples Women: 
I greet you during the crisp breeze of Fall, and with great expectations for Women’s Ministries in 2015! It is that time again when we share information from the Office of Disciples Women’s Ministries and our region. This information will be helpful in visioning and planning next steps for your ministry projects, with hopes that you will engage the full spectrum of women’s ministries. 
As time seems to quicken with each passing year, it seems the appropriate moment to remind us of just how far God’s grace has brought us. In the spirit of remembering, I share this history of Women’s Work in North Carolina (1781-1974). By the fall of 2015, the North Carolina Disciples Women’s Ministries/Christian Women’s Fel- lowship will be 144 years old. WOW! It is my prayer that reading this history will inspire you to prayerfully seek God for more ways to make history in your own women’s ministry/fellowship group by being a catalyst for change and growth! 
The Missionary Heritage in North Carolina 
Meeting in the home of Dr. F. W. Dixon, midway between Hookerton and Snow Hill, in the fall of 1871, his wife, Mrs. Sallie R. Dixon, and a friend, Mrs. Turner May, discussed the need of cooperative work among Christian women for the relief of “the poor in the community and other good work.” 
To secure money for this purpose each woman agreed to make and sell a dress. This they did and realized fifty cents each. They were joined in their efforts by Miss Clara A. Dixon (later Mrs. C. A. Grainger) who added fifty cents to the fund. Dr. Dixon and the pastor, Josephus Latham, each contributed fifty cents and became hon- orary members. 
Material was purchased, more dresses and shirts were made and a ready sale was found for all. “We felt the ready sales evidenced the Master’s approval and blessing of our efforts.” The original group of three women increased to eight and Mrs. Dixon was elected as president. Miss Dixon (Mrs. Grainger) became the secretary and the group adopted the names of “The Sisters Beneficent Society.” 
News of the work and organization spread rapidly and a second group was organized at Bethany Church in Edgewood County. They called themselves a “Sewing Circle” and Mrs. Sue Helen Draughn served as their lead- er. By this time also, nearly every woman in the Hookerton Church was a member of the Society and “such was their joy in it’s fellowship that it was felt the work should be presented to all Disciple women in North Carolina.” 
Despite the then current teaching in our churches regarding Paul’s admonition concerning woman’s silence in the church, Mrs. F. W. Dixon was persuaded that she should present the work of “The sisters Beneficent Society” at the convention that fall. At Wheat Swamp, October 5, 1876, Mrs. Dixon gave ‘the first public talk by one of our NC sisters.” At this time the name of the organization was changed to “The Sisters’ Mission Workers of Disciples of Christ.” The first officers were: Mrs. Sallie R. Dixon, (F. W.) president, Miss Clara A. Dixon (Mrs. Grainger)
The Missionary Heritage 
in North Carolina (continued) 
vice-president, Mrs. Sue Helen Draughn, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Winnie R. Tull, recording secretary and Mrs. Noah Rouse, Treasurer. 
On October 25, 1876, a third society was organized at Kinston with twenty members. This group was called “The Sisters’ Working Society.” 
Since women were not yet bold enough to speak in the churches, a man, Jesse T. Davis, was employed as field worker. At the end of the first year twelve societies were working. Their funds were used to support the field worker in organization and evangelism. Support was also given to assist in establishing new churches, $275.00 being given to sustain R. W. Stancil in planning the new church in Winston-Salem. This was in 1890. 
At the State Convention held in New Bern, October 1891, the Women's Societies of Disciples of Christ in NC agreed to become an auxiliary of The Christian Women's Board of Missions, our national women’s organiza- tion, and to send all funds to the general treasurer of Indianapolis, Indiana. The national officers agreed to direct and supervise the local societies in cooperation with the state officers. 
In 1903 the first regular field secretary, Miss Mary Kilpatrick, was employed. Other workers in this capaci- ty have been Mrs. L. M. Omer, Miss Mary Irene Orvis, Miss Nanna Crozier, Miss Fanny May Dixon, Miss Eliza- beth Tesh, Miss Etta Nunn, Miss Myrtle Azbell, Mrs. C. N. Downey, Mrs. R. F. Hill, Mrs. H. H. Settle, Mrs. Elea- nor Smith, Mrs. E. W. Wyman, and Miss Elaine Lackey (Mrs, Lee Buckmaster) and Miss Raye Feltner. 
At the International Centennial Convention of Disciples of Christ held at Pittsburg in 1909, a membership of 603 women was reported and a centennial gift of $502.15 was made by the women of North Carolina. In 1924, at National Golden Jubilee of Woman’s Missionary Service, again held in Pittsburg, NC, women contributed some $1,500.00 as their Jubilee gift. 
The second fifty years of organized missionary work among the women of NC have been ones of much growth and inevitably, much change. Under the leadership of Mrs. H. H. Settle, who gave thirty-three years of de- voted and outstanding service as general secretary for the women of our churches, a conglomeration of many types of organizations; “Missionary Societies,” “Ladies Aids,” ‘Young Ladies Circles,” “Women’s Councils,” etc. merged in 1949 into then newly adopted National pattern of “Christian Women’s Fellowship.” 
Already found to the larger outreach of the Church through the 1910 merger of all national missionary and education boards and societies into The United Christian Missionary Society, Christian Women’s Fellowship today lifts up the “development of all women in Christian living and Christian service as part of the witnessing church of Jesus Christ.” The number of women serving in positions of leadership in local churches, in our state work and in national groups is indicative of the rich growth that has taken place among Disciple Women in recent years. 
During the years of 1960-1973 the work of Christian Woman’s Fellowship in NC was greatly enriched by the addition of the “Sister’s Home Missions” of the more than two hundred Black Churches in our state. Sharing on boards, gathering in retreats and workshops has brought warn fellowship and loving understanding among the more than five thousand women of CWF now actively involved in our state churches. 
Financial support of the total work of our Brotherhood on local, state, national and worldwide levels has steadily increased from the $500.00 gift in 1909 to a maximum of $79,257.00 in 1972-73.
The Missionary Heritage 
in North Carolina (continued) 
In the spirit of unity, which is our Disciple heritage, women of our churches in NC gave up their autonomy as a separate organization. In a vote at the State Convention in Wilmington, NC, April, 1965, which brought into being The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in North Carolina, The Christian Women’s Fellowship was made a department within this body. This restructuring has brought richness and strength to all phases of the life of the church in our state and enabled women of NC to more fully express themselves as an integral part of Christ’s church on earth. 
Truly the descendants of the Sisters Beneficent Society are holding high that “flame of the Lord’s kindling” started 135 years ago through the faith of a woman. 
Note: Historical information before 1927 was taken from A History of Disciples of Christ in North Carolina by Dr. C. W. Ware. History compiled by Rev. Dr. Raye Feltner-Kapornyai, past NC Associate Regional Minister (photo on p2). 
The NC 2014 Woman-to-Woman delegate, Lisa Belue (also our DWM Cabinet President). Lisa’s tour included the Eiffel Tower, Paris France, Torre Pel- lice, Italy and Ancient Rome. She has much to share in 2015!
MEMORIES: Wang Xiaoyang of Nanjing, China, Our International Sister in NC-June 2014
Our International Sister in NC 
International Sister visits, shares story 
By Jessica Alexander Staff Writer | Posted: Sunday, June 29, 2014 9:30 am 
REIDSVILLE –First Christian Church, of Reidsville, welcomed an “International Sister” during their 11 a.m. worship service Sunday, June 22. 
Wang Xiaoyang, also known as Tammy from Nanjing, China, came to take part in the service and to share her story. 
Disciples Women Worldwide is what brought her here. 
“They are women that come from all over the United States, Canada and our global partners,” pastor of First Christian, Valerie Melvin said. “What we do is, we come together to take care of the goal of mis- sions, service, outreach, fellowship and study.” 
Tammy is a part of the research staff of the Nanjing Massacre Museum. She studied international relations, holding bachelor of art and master of law degrees and has served as an English teacher. She has completed an internship at the Hubei TV Station, served as a researcher for several Chinese social science projects and has experience as a journalist. 
“This is a really, really nice place to me,” Tammy said. “This is my first time here.” 
Following the service, Tammy flew to Atlanta for the Quadrennial Assembly, an international gathering hosted by Disciples Women that took place from June 25-29, and then she will fly to New York. 
“The church is very beautiful and there are many, many churches in China now, but it’s much more different here so I’m glad to be here,” Tammy said. 
Tammy’s connection to the U.S. is the Nanjing Massacre that happened in 1937 during World War II. The Japa- nese army captured Nanjing, killing more than 300,000 natives over a six week period. 
Five U.S. missionaries, two of Chinese decent, remained in China and hid thousands of Nanjing civilians to keep them from being killed. 
”Tammy’s coming to us is to share part of her story and it is to share her historical Christian journey and a large part of it is the missionaries during the WWII,” Melvin said. “It has transcended time just like our story is slavery, how it has transcended time and how we’re still merging from those shackles.” 
Melvin believes that everywhere women go, they minister. 
“Whether it is teaching, whether it is speaking, whether it is in the medical industry, in politics, we believe women minister wherever they go,” she said. “You can feel the passion from Tammy with her heart.” 
Another “International Sister” from Republic of Congo was scheduled to be in attendance as well, but was unable. 
“I am very excited,” Tammy said. “The people here are very nice and outgoing and very friendly. I love it.” 
Reidsville Mayor Pro-Tem, Harry Brown, attended the service and presented Tammy with a gift on behalf of the city and city council.
January 21-25, 2015-DWM Staff Council- Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 
This meeting is the annual planning meeting of the Regional staff of Women’s Ministries. Please pray for Valerie Melvin, and other cabinet members who may be in attendance. With so many changes in our world, Disciples Women’s Ministries seek to be relevant and valuable to the local church. We are excited about attending this year’s meeting, as our very own Marilyn Williams is now serving as the International Disciples Women’s Ministries President. 
February 7, 2015-DWM Winter 
Cabinet Meeting 
During this winter meeting, your NC DWM cabinet will evaluate our previous year, welcome incoming officers, and prepare for the years activities. By this time, the listing of all new DWM/CWF officers of each local church should have been reported. If you have new officers, please send a list to your district coordinator (see p9 for contact info) or 
March 20-21, 2015-A Day Apart Spring Retreat, Camp Caroline / Keynoter: Maggie May, Indianapolis, Indiana (details on pp11- 12) 
April 18, 2015-One Day Regional Assembly 
Women’s Luncheon & Workshop 
During this fellowship meal, we will raffle our Quilt, celebrate our Blessing Box dedication, and install our new DWM cabinet members. 
July 18-22, 2015-General Assembly- Columbus, Ohio 
August 7-9, 2015-Christmount Retreat / Kathy Daughety, Public Relations Director, Barton College and Liza L. Miranda, Miami, Florida 
Fall 2015 Woman-to-Woman Worldwide to Israel & Palestine
Breaking the Chains: 
Link by Link 
The International Disciple Women’s Minis- tries Executive Committee struggled, prayed, consulted with you and discussed among ourselves what our next social ac- tion would be for 2014 through 2018. We soon realized we have barely touched the tip of the iceberg where human trafficking is concerned. 
Women’s groups around the country feel they are just getting started working with this huge social action emphasis. As we traveled around the country conducting workshops, leading re- treats, and talking to you, overwhelmingly we heard you saying “we want to continue working with human trafficking”. The Disciples Women’s Leadership Council (formerly Staff Wom- en’s Fellowship) also voted to continue working with human trafficking. 
It is with great hope we go into the next quadrennium with Breaking the Chains of Human Trafficking: Link by Link as our social action emphasis. 
We want to focus on three areas of human trafficking, three links of the chain: 
Link 1. Sex trafficking, our focus is on women, men, boys and especially our young girls as young as 9 years of age who are being targeted by traffickers every day. 
Link 2. Labor trafficking/immigration with this our focus is on the labor trafficking that is at epic proportions and is closely tied to the immigration issues in this country. 
Link 3. Demand, our focus here is if there were no demand for sex and labor services there would be no trafficking. Decrease demand and we decrease Trafficking. 
This web site was developed to give you some more tools to help you and you group to get started or to continue your work on the social action emphasis. The information is not all in- clusive and it is a work in progress. As we go along we will add more information. 
For each Link we have included information, resources, links and suggested activities for each area. We hope these pages are useful for you and we encourage your feedback. May God Bless you as you work to Break the Chains of Human Trafficking: Link by Link. 
The IDWM... 
...Service project 2014-2018 
Memories of the Walk Against Human Trafficking-QA 2014-Atlanta, GA
Woman-to-Woman Reflection –1 
"Mission IS Possible and Necessary : I See You! 
When you think of a Missionary what comes to mind? 
Most people would say someone that travels out of country to a distant place to spread the love of Christ while helping to improve the living situation of it’s inhabitants. While that is true, can we not be Missionaries in 
our own land? Is it not our obligation to help our Brothers and Sisters whom we pass on the streets everyday 
as we travel to work, to dine with our friends and even as we go to Church to worship? While there is much 
work to be done overseas, we must look into our own back yards and begin to nurture our own people and be 
that lighthouse that shines in this dark world. 
Mission work for the 21st century requires all of the foundation of our history. We must be willing to step outside of our comfort zone, go to those overlooked neighborhoods, reach out to those “less desirable” persons and 
do as Christ did. A lot of times we seem to only want to visit other churches or reach out to those we know or people who already know Him but they are not the ones that need it the most. The ones that have not yet experienced what we as the redeemed are the ones that need to see us walk the walk that we talk so much about. Jesus did’t spend the majority of his time talking to those who are already saved but to those that were lost and knew him not. 
Romans 10:13-15 “Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved.” But how can they call to him for help if they have not believed? And how can they believe if they have not heard the message? And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed? And how can the message be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out? As the scripture says, “How wonderful is the coming of messengers who bring good news! 
There is your challenge! We are called to make Disciples and if we are not spreading the message as Romans states, we are failing our mission as Christians. 
I see you having bible studies that discuss women and men in violent relationships and teaching why this is unhealthy and NOT love and how there IS an escape! I see you teaching that there are children being mentally, physically and sexually abused and how we recognize those signs, rescue them from those situations and how we prevent these tragedies. I see you planting gardens at our churches so we can feed the less fortunate persons in our communities. I see you not only teaching love and tolerance but implementing those actions into your everyday life, especially with those you disagree with the most. With all of these things, I see you! Refreshed and Re- positioned for ministry!!! 
Tammy Simpson
Hello Ladies of North Carolina, my name is Christina Small. I was the Woman to Woman China 2012. I want to talk to you about mission work. To me mission work is being a servant for God. There can be different types of servants ones that go out and do physical work and others who pray for causes. After my mission trip I have tried to become a servant of God. Seeing what the woman of China will do to learn about God and what they will give up with no hesita- tion to serve Him has made me want to do more for Him. 
Most of you might know the story of two sis- ters Mary and Martha. If you don’t let me tell you about it. Their brother Lazarus, was a friend of Jesus. Jesus was invited to their house to supper. When he got there Maratha was busy, busy, busy… in the kitchen finishing up the last minute details, wondering where was Mary, why isn’t she in here helping me ? Doesn’t she know we’ve got an important guest. Well, Mary was in the living room sitting on the floor doing nothing! Martha marched right in there to set her straight. Mary was sitting on the floor at the feet of Jesus, all goo-goo eyed and just listening to Him. Mary! Come in here and help me Martha said. Well Jesus let her know that Mary was actually doing the more important thing, listening to Him. This is the story as my mother has told me. 
Now I want you ladies to think about the story and how does it tell about being a servant? To me it is saying there is two types of serving a physical and a spiritual. I am a Martha, I have no problem doing some- thing but, I struggle being a Mary just setting still and praying. What do you think a mission spirit looks like for the modern woman? For me I get two pictures in my head, I can see someone in China building a school for the kids. The other picture I get in my head is an older member of the church talking about the church and its history to a youth member. Where do you think the mission field is? I feel that the field to do mission work is anywhere and everywhere. How do you think you can support it? I feel like some of the way we can support mission work is by prayers, another is by sending money to help their cause. These are some things to consider when you think about mission work. 
I have loved being a Woman to Woman delegate. I have gotten to experience God’s love for me and other sisters on the other side of the world. The one thing that I got out of being a Woman to Woman is serv- ing. Seeing what the woman of China will give up to serve our Lord it has made me want to do more for God. I know that God has big plans for me and I want to serve Him with all of my heart. I want to leave you with a verse from the bible that talks about serving it is from 1Peter 5:2 “Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly not for dishonest gain but eagerly.” 
Christina Small 
Woman-to-Woman China 2012
Donated by Ann Jones of Stokesdale CC DWM 
Raffle Date: April 18, 2015-12pm 
DWM Luncheon-167th Regional Assembly 
Raleigh, NC 
Ticket Donation-$1.00 
To secure additional tickets, contact one of your District Coordinators or Rev. Valerie Melvin at 252.291.4047 ext. 204 or 
Please make checks payable to: 
Christian Church in NC 
Memo Line: 
2015 Quilt Raffle Tickets 
Mail to: P. O. Box 1568, Wilson, NC 27894 
Deadline for receiving monies or tickets in office: April 1, 2015 
Christina Small 
Daisy Chambers 
Vicky Stephens 
Tonnette Artis 
Mary Evans 
(see Southeastern District) 
Penny Ziemer 
Ellen Stokes 
Mary Evans 
Sandra Jakeway 
Cut and paste this link to pull up the DWM Bible Study free download material 
This is a self-contained study offering eight structured lessons with an introduction that may serve as a ninth lesson. Leaders instructions are included in the publication. Bible study lesson summary. 2014 marks the first year that the Bible study will be written by Disciples women. The writers are: 
 Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President CC (DOC) – introduc- tion; 
 Rev. Dr. Lisa W. Davison, Professor of Hebrew Bible at Phillips Theological Seminary – Ruth & Naomi / Bathsheba; 
 Rev. Dr. Irie Session, pastor/spiritual director for New Friends, New Life – Jeph- thah’s daughter / Tamar; 
 Rev. Dr. Nohemi Pagan, missionary and writer – Esther & Vashti / Sarah & Ha- gar; 
 Rev. Sandhya Jha, founder of Oakland Peace Center – Rachel & Leah / Hannah & Elizabeth; and 
 Rev. Kathy McDowell, minister and freelance writer - lesson guide 
Copies available for $13.00. Contact Rev. Valerie Melvin 
at or 252.291.4047 ext. 204
North Carolina Disciples Women’s Ministries 
Christian Women’s Fellowship 
A Day Apart Retreat 
SAVE THE DATE-MARCH, 20-21, 2015 
Keynoter-Maggie May Archibald 
Indianapolis, Indiana 
Camp Caroline 
3398 Janiero Road, Arapahoe, NC 
Lisa Belue, President 
Rev. Valerie j. Melvin, Associate Regional Minister
The Blessing Box and Bag...they still Matter! 
Women who use a Blessing Box tend to see God’s abundance and blessing more than scarcity and hardship. Come, join us. 
For 60 years, the women of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) have had a special way to express their gratitude to God for the blessings they have received – the Blessing Box. The Blessing Box was created in 1953, the result of a dream of the women who founded Christian Women’s Fellowship. Jessie Trout, who was CWF’s co-founder and first executive secretary, developed the idea as an over – and – above way to help fund the wid- er mission of the church. Since that time, Blessing Boxes have been kept in the homes and offices of women across the church to enable them to express their gratitude for everyday blessings by giving to others. In 2013, the Blessing Bag was introduced as part of this practice. 
Thanks is given for a sunny day, a birth, a reconciling experience, a welcome phone call, a child’s smile, a beautiful snow fall, a flower in full bloom, relief from pain, a good book, a safe journey, and many other things. It is a way of saying “Thank you God, for your world and especially for people. 
For those who participate, it is a spiritual discipline even more than a financial one. It helps keep a focus on gratitude to God and on the responsibility to share blessings with others. The amount put in may be a dime, a quarter or more. The amount is not nearly as im- portant as the discipline of regularly remembering God’s goodness through the acts of dropping in coins and praying prayers of thanksgiving. 
Blessing Box: 
The cost is $7.50 for a package of 10 boxes (S&H $2) 
or $60 for a package of 100 (S&H $10). 
Blessing Bag: 
The cost is $15 for 5 bags (S&H $2) 
or $250 for 100 (S&H $10) 
On the following pages, you will find the 2014 Blessing Box report for those DWM/CWF’s whose contributions were sent to the Regional Office. If you notice missing contributions, there is a strong possibility that you sent your contribution to the OGMP-Treasury Ser- vices in Indianapolis. While this channel for giving is fine, it means that your contribution might not show up on in the Regional Office records for months.
Bath CC 
Bath, NC 
First CC 
Belhaven, NC 
Columbia CC 
Columbia, NC 
Engelhard CC 
Engelhard, NC 
Everetts CC 
Everetts, NC 
First CC 
Elizabeth City, NC 
Gold Point CC 
Robersonville, NC 
Hassell CC 
Hassell, NC 
Jamesville CC 
Jamesville, NC 
Oak City CC 
Oak City, NC 
Pantego CC 
Pantego, NC 
First CC 
Plymouth, NC 
First CC 
Robersonville, NC 
St. John C of C 
Washington, NC 
First CC 
Washington, NC 
First CC 
Williamston, NC 
New Fellowship CC 
Williamston, NC 
Antioch CC 
Winston-Salem, NC 
Body of Christ CC 
High Point, NC 
First CC 
Reidsville, NC 
Front Street CC 
Burlington, NC 
Greater Cleveland Avenue CC 
Winston-Salem, NC 
First CC 
Greensboro, NC 
Little Bethlehem CC 
Eden, NC 
Little Salem CC 
Reidsville, NC 
Messiah CC 
Winston-Salem, NC 
Middlefork CC 
Winston-Salem, NC 
Mt. Pleasant CC 
Greensboro, NC 
North Spray CC 
Eden, NC 
Pfafftown CC 
Pfafftown, NC 
Rosebud CC 
Walnut Cove, NC 
Salem Fork CC 
Dobson, NC 
Shalom Community CC 
Greensboro, NC 
Spencer Memorial CC 
Winston-Salem, NC 
Stokesdale CC 
Stokesdale, NC 
Stoneville CC 
Stoneville, NC 
First CC 
Walnut Cove, NC 
First CC 
Winston-Salem, NC 
Blessing Box Report through September 30, 2014
Covenant CC 
Cary, NC 
Hillyer Memorial CC 
Raleigh, NC 
First CC 
Macclesfield, NC 
Morning Star CC 
Rocky Mount, NC 
First CC 
Rocky Mount, NC 
Saratoga CC 
Saratoga, NC 
St. James CC 
Wilson, NC 
St. Luke CC 
Tarboro, NC 
St. Paul’s CC 
Raleigh, NC 
Wake Forest CC 
Wake Forest, NC 
Wendell CC 
Wendell, NC 
Westview CC 
Wilson, NC 
Wilbanks CC 
Elm City, NC 
First CC 
Wilson, NC 
Airy Grove CC 
Kinston, NC 
Ayden CC 
Ayden, NC 
Bethel CC 
Grifton, NC 
Eden CC 
Snow Hill, NC 
First CC 
Farmville, NC 
First CC 
Greenville, NC 
First CC 
Grifton, NC 
Gordon Street CC 
Kinston, NC 
Grove Park CC 
Kinston, NC 
Hooker Memorial CC 
Greenville, NC 
Hookerton CC 
Hookerton, NC 
LaGrange CC 
LaGrange, NC 
Kinston, NC 
Proctor Memorial 
Grimesland, NC 
Red Oak CC 
Greenville, NC 
Riverside CC 
Grifton, NC 
Rountree CC 
Ayden, NC 
Timothy CC 
Ayden, NC 
Walstonburg CC 
Walstonburg, NC 
Wheat Swamp CC 
LaGrange, NC 
Winterville CC 
Winterville, NC 
Beulah Hill CC 
Four Oaks, NC 
Carr Memorial CC 
Clinton, NC 
Dudley CC 
Dudley, NC 
Eureka CC 
Mount Olive, NC 
First CC 
Fayetteville, NC
First CC 
Goldsboro, NC 
Greenleaf CC 
Goldsboro, NC 
Hood Memorial CC 
Dunn, NC 
Mill Creek CC 
Four Oaks, NC 
First CC 
Mount Olive, NC 
New Generation CC 
Smithfield, NC 
Peace Memorial CC 
Fayetteville, NC 
Pleasant Grove CC 
Fayetteville, NC 
Pleasant Union CC 
Newton Grove, NC 
Rocky Fork CC 
Sanford, NC 
St. Andrews Community CC 
Dudley, NC 
St. James C of C 
Fremont, NC 
St. Mark C of C 
Goldsboro, NC 
St. Mark D of C C 
Dunn, NC 
Selah CC 
Four Oaks, NC 
Shiloh CC 
Smithfield, NC 
First CC 
Smithfield, NC 
Wilson’s Mills CC 
Wilson’s Mills, NC 
Amity CC 
Grantsboro, NC 
Bethany CC 
Arapahoe, NC 
Bridgeton CC 
Bridgeton, NC 
Broad Street CC 
New Bern, NC 
Concord CC 
Merritt, NC 
Cove City, NC 
Cove City, NC 
Highland Park CC 
New Bern, NC 
Kitt Swamp CC 
Ernul, NC 
First CC 
Morehead City, NC 
New Hope CC 
New Bern, NC 
Otway CC 
Beaufort, NC 
Reelsboro CC 
Grantsboro, NC 
Silver Hill CC 
Grantsboro, NC 
Unity CC 
New Bern, NC 
Vanceboro CC 
Vanceboro, NC 
Agape CC 
Hubert, NC 
Armenia CC 
Kinston, NC 
Comfort CC 
Comfort, NC 
First CC 
Jacksonville, NC 
Lanie’s Chapel CC 
Kinston, NC 
Pleasant Hill CC 
Pink Hill, NC 
First CC 
Richlands, NC 
Southwest CC 
Kinston, NC
Southwood Memorial CC 
Kinston, NC 
Tuckahoe CC 
Trenton, NC 
First CC 
Wilmington, NC 
Sun Coast CC 
Myrtle Beach, SC 
Avery's Creek CC 
Arden, NC 
First CC 
Asheville, NC 
First CC 
Black Mountain, NC 
First CC 
Charlotte, NC 
First CC 
Concord, NC 
Eastfield CC 
Charlotte, NC 
First CC 
Greenville, SC 
First CC 
Lincolnton, NC 
SouthPark CC 
Charlotte, NC 
First CC 
Valdese, NC 
50.00 - 
CWF Retreats & Meetings 
Cedar Point 
Newton Grove, NC 
Benson, NC 
Mt. Olive, NC 
Hickory Grove 
Four Oaks, NC 
Jupitor Grove 
Four Oaks, NC 
Long Branch 
Newton Grove, NC 
Point Level 
Dunn, NC 
Moore's Chapel 
Spring Lake, NC 
Piney Grove 
Dudley, NC 
St. James 
Benson, NC 
St. Andrews 
Dudley, NC 
St. Stephens 
Dunn, NC 
Thaddeus Chapel 
Fayetteville, NC 
White Oak 
Newton Grove, NC 
In Loving Memory 
Mary Mattox 
Wendell Christian Church, Wendell, NC 
Mary Mattox was a faithful and loyal CWF supporter. Her participation spanned local, regional, and gen- eral level events for women’s ministry for more than three decades. The North Carolina Disciples Women’s Cabinet, thanks the Christian Women’s Fellowship of Wendell Christian Church, for honoring her legacy by donating a gift to the NC Woman-to-Woman Worldwide Scholarship Fund. Because of their kindness, we can continue to send NC delegates to future Woman-to-Woman mission trips.

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DWM Fall Upate and Information (10.18.14)

  • 1. Lisa Belue, President-North Carolina Disciples Women’s Ministries Joann Washington, Vice President (Workshops and Retreats) Maere Kay Lashmit, Vice President (Membership) Rev. Valerie J. Melvin, Associate Regional Minister Rev. John Richardson, Regional Minister North Carolina Disciples Women’s Ministries Christian Women’s Fellowship
  • 2. 2 Disciples Women’s Ministries Christian Women’s Fellowship P.O. Box 1568 Wilson, NC 27894 Rev. Valerie J. Melvin, Associate Regional Minister October 31, 2014 Dear Disciples Women: I greet you during the crisp breeze of Fall, and with great expectations for Women’s Ministries in 2015! It is that time again when we share information from the Office of Disciples Women’s Ministries and our region. This information will be helpful in visioning and planning next steps for your ministry projects, with hopes that you will engage the full spectrum of women’s ministries. As time seems to quicken with each passing year, it seems the appropriate moment to remind us of just how far God’s grace has brought us. In the spirit of remembering, I share this history of Women’s Work in North Carolina (1781-1974). By the fall of 2015, the North Carolina Disciples Women’s Ministries/Christian Women’s Fel- lowship will be 144 years old. WOW! It is my prayer that reading this history will inspire you to prayerfully seek God for more ways to make history in your own women’s ministry/fellowship group by being a catalyst for change and growth! The Missionary Heritage in North Carolina Meeting in the home of Dr. F. W. Dixon, midway between Hookerton and Snow Hill, in the fall of 1871, his wife, Mrs. Sallie R. Dixon, and a friend, Mrs. Turner May, discussed the need of cooperative work among Christian women for the relief of “the poor in the community and other good work.” To secure money for this purpose each woman agreed to make and sell a dress. This they did and realized fifty cents each. They were joined in their efforts by Miss Clara A. Dixon (later Mrs. C. A. Grainger) who added fifty cents to the fund. Dr. Dixon and the pastor, Josephus Latham, each contributed fifty cents and became hon- orary members. Material was purchased, more dresses and shirts were made and a ready sale was found for all. “We felt the ready sales evidenced the Master’s approval and blessing of our efforts.” The original group of three women increased to eight and Mrs. Dixon was elected as president. Miss Dixon (Mrs. Grainger) became the secretary and the group adopted the names of “The Sisters Beneficent Society.” News of the work and organization spread rapidly and a second group was organized at Bethany Church in Edgewood County. They called themselves a “Sewing Circle” and Mrs. Sue Helen Draughn served as their lead- er. By this time also, nearly every woman in the Hookerton Church was a member of the Society and “such was their joy in it’s fellowship that it was felt the work should be presented to all Disciple women in North Carolina.” Despite the then current teaching in our churches regarding Paul’s admonition concerning woman’s silence in the church, Mrs. F. W. Dixon was persuaded that she should present the work of “The sisters Beneficent Society” at the convention that fall. At Wheat Swamp, October 5, 1876, Mrs. Dixon gave ‘the first public talk by one of our NC sisters.” At this time the name of the organization was changed to “The Sisters’ Mission Workers of Disciples of Christ.” The first officers were: Mrs. Sallie R. Dixon, (F. W.) president, Miss Clara A. Dixon (Mrs. Grainger)
  • 3. 3 The Missionary Heritage in North Carolina (continued) vice-president, Mrs. Sue Helen Draughn, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Winnie R. Tull, recording secretary and Mrs. Noah Rouse, Treasurer. On October 25, 1876, a third society was organized at Kinston with twenty members. This group was called “The Sisters’ Working Society.” Since women were not yet bold enough to speak in the churches, a man, Jesse T. Davis, was employed as field worker. At the end of the first year twelve societies were working. Their funds were used to support the field worker in organization and evangelism. Support was also given to assist in establishing new churches, $275.00 being given to sustain R. W. Stancil in planning the new church in Winston-Salem. This was in 1890. At the State Convention held in New Bern, October 1891, the Women's Societies of Disciples of Christ in NC agreed to become an auxiliary of The Christian Women's Board of Missions, our national women’s organiza- tion, and to send all funds to the general treasurer of Indianapolis, Indiana. The national officers agreed to direct and supervise the local societies in cooperation with the state officers. In 1903 the first regular field secretary, Miss Mary Kilpatrick, was employed. Other workers in this capaci- ty have been Mrs. L. M. Omer, Miss Mary Irene Orvis, Miss Nanna Crozier, Miss Fanny May Dixon, Miss Eliza- beth Tesh, Miss Etta Nunn, Miss Myrtle Azbell, Mrs. C. N. Downey, Mrs. R. F. Hill, Mrs. H. H. Settle, Mrs. Elea- nor Smith, Mrs. E. W. Wyman, and Miss Elaine Lackey (Mrs, Lee Buckmaster) and Miss Raye Feltner. At the International Centennial Convention of Disciples of Christ held at Pittsburg in 1909, a membership of 603 women was reported and a centennial gift of $502.15 was made by the women of North Carolina. In 1924, at National Golden Jubilee of Woman’s Missionary Service, again held in Pittsburg, NC, women contributed some $1,500.00 as their Jubilee gift. The second fifty years of organized missionary work among the women of NC have been ones of much growth and inevitably, much change. Under the leadership of Mrs. H. H. Settle, who gave thirty-three years of de- voted and outstanding service as general secretary for the women of our churches, a conglomeration of many types of organizations; “Missionary Societies,” “Ladies Aids,” ‘Young Ladies Circles,” “Women’s Councils,” etc. merged in 1949 into then newly adopted National pattern of “Christian Women’s Fellowship.” Already found to the larger outreach of the Church through the 1910 merger of all national missionary and education boards and societies into The United Christian Missionary Society, Christian Women’s Fellowship today lifts up the “development of all women in Christian living and Christian service as part of the witnessing church of Jesus Christ.” The number of women serving in positions of leadership in local churches, in our state work and in national groups is indicative of the rich growth that has taken place among Disciple Women in recent years. During the years of 1960-1973 the work of Christian Woman’s Fellowship in NC was greatly enriched by the addition of the “Sister’s Home Missions” of the more than two hundred Black Churches in our state. Sharing on boards, gathering in retreats and workshops has brought warn fellowship and loving understanding among the more than five thousand women of CWF now actively involved in our state churches. Financial support of the total work of our Brotherhood on local, state, national and worldwide levels has steadily increased from the $500.00 gift in 1909 to a maximum of $79,257.00 in 1972-73.
  • 4. 4 The Missionary Heritage in North Carolina (continued) In the spirit of unity, which is our Disciple heritage, women of our churches in NC gave up their autonomy as a separate organization. In a vote at the State Convention in Wilmington, NC, April, 1965, which brought into being The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in North Carolina, The Christian Women’s Fellowship was made a department within this body. This restructuring has brought richness and strength to all phases of the life of the church in our state and enabled women of NC to more fully express themselves as an integral part of Christ’s church on earth. Truly the descendants of the Sisters Beneficent Society are holding high that “flame of the Lord’s kindling” started 135 years ago through the faith of a woman. Note: Historical information before 1927 was taken from A History of Disciples of Christ in North Carolina by Dr. C. W. Ware. History compiled by Rev. Dr. Raye Feltner-Kapornyai, past NC Associate Regional Minister (photo on p2). The NC 2014 Woman-to-Woman delegate, Lisa Belue (also our DWM Cabinet President). Lisa’s tour included the Eiffel Tower, Paris France, Torre Pel- lice, Italy and Ancient Rome. She has much to share in 2015!
  • 5. 5 MEMORIES: Wang Xiaoyang of Nanjing, China, Our International Sister in NC-June 2014
  • 6. 6 Our International Sister in NC International Sister visits, shares story By Jessica Alexander Staff Writer | Posted: Sunday, June 29, 2014 9:30 am REIDSVILLE –First Christian Church, of Reidsville, welcomed an “International Sister” during their 11 a.m. worship service Sunday, June 22. Wang Xiaoyang, also known as Tammy from Nanjing, China, came to take part in the service and to share her story. Disciples Women Worldwide is what brought her here. “They are women that come from all over the United States, Canada and our global partners,” pastor of First Christian, Valerie Melvin said. “What we do is, we come together to take care of the goal of mis- sions, service, outreach, fellowship and study.” Tammy is a part of the research staff of the Nanjing Massacre Museum. She studied international relations, holding bachelor of art and master of law degrees and has served as an English teacher. She has completed an internship at the Hubei TV Station, served as a researcher for several Chinese social science projects and has experience as a journalist. “This is a really, really nice place to me,” Tammy said. “This is my first time here.” Following the service, Tammy flew to Atlanta for the Quadrennial Assembly, an international gathering hosted by Disciples Women that took place from June 25-29, and then she will fly to New York. “The church is very beautiful and there are many, many churches in China now, but it’s much more different here so I’m glad to be here,” Tammy said. Tammy’s connection to the U.S. is the Nanjing Massacre that happened in 1937 during World War II. The Japa- nese army captured Nanjing, killing more than 300,000 natives over a six week period. Five U.S. missionaries, two of Chinese decent, remained in China and hid thousands of Nanjing civilians to keep them from being killed. ”Tammy’s coming to us is to share part of her story and it is to share her historical Christian journey and a large part of it is the missionaries during the WWII,” Melvin said. “It has transcended time just like our story is slavery, how it has transcended time and how we’re still merging from those shackles.” Melvin believes that everywhere women go, they minister. “Whether it is teaching, whether it is speaking, whether it is in the medical industry, in politics, we believe women minister wherever they go,” she said. “You can feel the passion from Tammy with her heart.” Another “International Sister” from Republic of Congo was scheduled to be in attendance as well, but was unable. “I am very excited,” Tammy said. “The people here are very nice and outgoing and very friendly. I love it.” Reidsville Mayor Pro-Tem, Harry Brown, attended the service and presented Tammy with a gift on behalf of the city and city council.
  • 7. 7 UPDATES... January 21-25, 2015-DWM Staff Council- Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This meeting is the annual planning meeting of the Regional staff of Women’s Ministries. Please pray for Valerie Melvin, and other cabinet members who may be in attendance. With so many changes in our world, Disciples Women’s Ministries seek to be relevant and valuable to the local church. We are excited about attending this year’s meeting, as our very own Marilyn Williams is now serving as the International Disciples Women’s Ministries President. February 7, 2015-DWM Winter Cabinet Meeting During this winter meeting, your NC DWM cabinet will evaluate our previous year, welcome incoming officers, and prepare for the years activities. By this time, the listing of all new DWM/CWF officers of each local church should have been reported. If you have new officers, please send a list to your district coordinator (see p9 for contact info) or March 20-21, 2015-A Day Apart Spring Retreat, Camp Caroline / Keynoter: Maggie May, Indianapolis, Indiana (details on pp11- 12) April 18, 2015-One Day Regional Assembly Women’s Luncheon & Workshop During this fellowship meal, we will raffle our Quilt, celebrate our Blessing Box dedication, and install our new DWM cabinet members. July 18-22, 2015-General Assembly- Columbus, Ohio August 7-9, 2015-Christmount Retreat / Kathy Daughety, Public Relations Director, Barton College and Liza L. Miranda, Miami, Florida Fall 2015 Woman-to-Woman Worldwide to Israel & Palestine
  • 8. 8 Breaking the Chains: Link by Link The International Disciple Women’s Minis- tries Executive Committee struggled, prayed, consulted with you and discussed among ourselves what our next social ac- tion would be for 2014 through 2018. We soon realized we have barely touched the tip of the iceberg where human trafficking is concerned. Women’s groups around the country feel they are just getting started working with this huge social action emphasis. As we traveled around the country conducting workshops, leading re- treats, and talking to you, overwhelmingly we heard you saying “we want to continue working with human trafficking”. The Disciples Women’s Leadership Council (formerly Staff Wom- en’s Fellowship) also voted to continue working with human trafficking. It is with great hope we go into the next quadrennium with Breaking the Chains of Human Trafficking: Link by Link as our social action emphasis. We want to focus on three areas of human trafficking, three links of the chain: Link 1. Sex trafficking, our focus is on women, men, boys and especially our young girls as young as 9 years of age who are being targeted by traffickers every day. Link 2. Labor trafficking/immigration with this our focus is on the labor trafficking that is at epic proportions and is closely tied to the immigration issues in this country. Link 3. Demand, our focus here is if there were no demand for sex and labor services there would be no trafficking. Decrease demand and we decrease Trafficking. This web site was developed to give you some more tools to help you and you group to get started or to continue your work on the social action emphasis. The information is not all in- clusive and it is a work in progress. As we go along we will add more information. For each Link we have included information, resources, links and suggested activities for each area. We hope these pages are useful for you and we encourage your feedback. May God Bless you as you work to Break the Chains of Human Trafficking: Link by Link. The IDWM... ...Service project 2014-2018 Memories of the Walk Against Human Trafficking-QA 2014-Atlanta, GA
  • 9. 9 Woman-to-Woman Reflection –1 "Mission IS Possible and Necessary : I See You! When you think of a Missionary what comes to mind? Most people would say someone that travels out of country to a distant place to spread the love of Christ while helping to improve the living situation of it’s inhabitants. While that is true, can we not be Missionaries in our own land? Is it not our obligation to help our Brothers and Sisters whom we pass on the streets everyday as we travel to work, to dine with our friends and even as we go to Church to worship? While there is much work to be done overseas, we must look into our own back yards and begin to nurture our own people and be that lighthouse that shines in this dark world. Mission work for the 21st century requires all of the foundation of our history. We must be willing to step outside of our comfort zone, go to those overlooked neighborhoods, reach out to those “less desirable” persons and do as Christ did. A lot of times we seem to only want to visit other churches or reach out to those we know or people who already know Him but they are not the ones that need it the most. The ones that have not yet experienced what we as the redeemed are the ones that need to see us walk the walk that we talk so much about. Jesus did’t spend the majority of his time talking to those who are already saved but to those that were lost and knew him not. Romans 10:13-15 “Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved.” But how can they call to him for help if they have not believed? And how can they believe if they have not heard the message? And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed? And how can the message be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out? As the scripture says, “How wonderful is the coming of messengers who bring good news! There is your challenge! We are called to make Disciples and if we are not spreading the message as Romans states, we are failing our mission as Christians. I see you having bible studies that discuss women and men in violent relationships and teaching why this is unhealthy and NOT love and how there IS an escape! I see you teaching that there are children being mentally, physically and sexually abused and how we recognize those signs, rescue them from those situations and how we prevent these tragedies. I see you planting gardens at our churches so we can feed the less fortunate persons in our communities. I see you not only teaching love and tolerance but implementing those actions into your everyday life, especially with those you disagree with the most. With all of these things, I see you! Refreshed and Re- positioned for ministry!!! Tammy Simpson
  • 10. 10 Woman-to-Woman-Reflection-2 Hello Ladies of North Carolina, my name is Christina Small. I was the Woman to Woman China 2012. I want to talk to you about mission work. To me mission work is being a servant for God. There can be different types of servants ones that go out and do physical work and others who pray for causes. After my mission trip I have tried to become a servant of God. Seeing what the woman of China will do to learn about God and what they will give up with no hesita- tion to serve Him has made me want to do more for Him. Most of you might know the story of two sis- ters Mary and Martha. If you don’t let me tell you about it. Their brother Lazarus, was a friend of Jesus. Jesus was invited to their house to supper. When he got there Maratha was busy, busy, busy… in the kitchen finishing up the last minute details, wondering where was Mary, why isn’t she in here helping me ? Doesn’t she know we’ve got an important guest. Well, Mary was in the living room sitting on the floor doing nothing! Martha marched right in there to set her straight. Mary was sitting on the floor at the feet of Jesus, all goo-goo eyed and just listening to Him. Mary! Come in here and help me Martha said. Well Jesus let her know that Mary was actually doing the more important thing, listening to Him. This is the story as my mother has told me. Now I want you ladies to think about the story and how does it tell about being a servant? To me it is saying there is two types of serving a physical and a spiritual. I am a Martha, I have no problem doing some- thing but, I struggle being a Mary just setting still and praying. What do you think a mission spirit looks like for the modern woman? For me I get two pictures in my head, I can see someone in China building a school for the kids. The other picture I get in my head is an older member of the church talking about the church and its history to a youth member. Where do you think the mission field is? I feel that the field to do mission work is anywhere and everywhere. How do you think you can support it? I feel like some of the way we can support mission work is by prayers, another is by sending money to help their cause. These are some things to consider when you think about mission work. I have loved being a Woman to Woman delegate. I have gotten to experience God’s love for me and other sisters on the other side of the world. The one thing that I got out of being a Woman to Woman is serv- ing. Seeing what the woman of China will give up to serve our Lord it has made me want to do more for God. I know that God has big plans for me and I want to serve Him with all of my heart. I want to leave you with a verse from the bible that talks about serving it is from 1Peter 5:2 “Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly not for dishonest gain but eagerly.” Christina Small Woman-to-Woman China 2012
  • 11. 11 THE 2015 WOMAN-TO-WOMAN QUILT Donated by Ann Jones of Stokesdale CC DWM Raffle Date: April 18, 2015-12pm DWM Luncheon-167th Regional Assembly Raleigh, NC Ticket Donation-$1.00 To secure additional tickets, contact one of your District Coordinators or Rev. Valerie Melvin at 252.291.4047 ext. 204 or Email: Please make checks payable to: Christian Church in NC Memo Line: 2015 Quilt Raffle Tickets Mail to: P. O. Box 1568, Wilson, NC 27894 Deadline for receiving monies or tickets in office: April 1, 2015 ALBEMARLE DISTRICT Christina Small 252.402.8520 CENTRAL DISTRICT Daisy Chambers 336.725.6596 Vicky Stephens 336.643.5101 COASTAL PLAINS DISTRICT Tonnette Artis 252.315.5306 HOOKERTON DISTRICT Mary Evans (see Southeastern District) MILL CREEK DISTRICT Penny Ziemer 919.920.4192 PAMLICO DISTRICT Ellen Stokes 252.792.8334 SOUTHEASTERN DISTRICT Mary Evans 252.521.6074 WESTERN DISTRICT Sandra Jakeway 813.215.2319
  • 12. 12
  • 13. 13 Cut and paste this link to pull up the DWM Bible Study free download material This is a self-contained study offering eight structured lessons with an introduction that may serve as a ninth lesson. Leaders instructions are included in the publication. Bible study lesson summary. 2014 marks the first year that the Bible study will be written by Disciples women. The writers are:  Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, General Minister and President CC (DOC) – introduc- tion;  Rev. Dr. Lisa W. Davison, Professor of Hebrew Bible at Phillips Theological Seminary – Ruth & Naomi / Bathsheba;  Rev. Dr. Irie Session, pastor/spiritual director for New Friends, New Life – Jeph- thah’s daughter / Tamar;  Rev. Dr. Nohemi Pagan, missionary and writer – Esther & Vashti / Sarah & Ha- gar;  Rev. Sandhya Jha, founder of Oakland Peace Center – Rachel & Leah / Hannah & Elizabeth; and  Rev. Kathy McDowell, minister and freelance writer - lesson guide Copies available for $13.00. Contact Rev. Valerie Melvin at or 252.291.4047 ext. 204
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15 North Carolina Disciples Women’s Ministries Christian Women’s Fellowship Annual A Day Apart Retreat SAVE THE DATE-MARCH, 20-21, 2015 Keynoter-Maggie May Archibald Indianapolis, Indiana Camp Caroline 3398 Janiero Road, Arapahoe, NC Lisa Belue, President Rev. Valerie j. Melvin, Associate Regional Minister
  • 16. 16 The Blessing Box and Bag...they still Matter! Women who use a Blessing Box tend to see God’s abundance and blessing more than scarcity and hardship. Come, join us. For 60 years, the women of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) have had a special way to express their gratitude to God for the blessings they have received – the Blessing Box. The Blessing Box was created in 1953, the result of a dream of the women who founded Christian Women’s Fellowship. Jessie Trout, who was CWF’s co-founder and first executive secretary, developed the idea as an over – and – above way to help fund the wid- er mission of the church. Since that time, Blessing Boxes have been kept in the homes and offices of women across the church to enable them to express their gratitude for everyday blessings by giving to others. In 2013, the Blessing Bag was introduced as part of this practice. Thanks is given for a sunny day, a birth, a reconciling experience, a welcome phone call, a child’s smile, a beautiful snow fall, a flower in full bloom, relief from pain, a good book, a safe journey, and many other things. It is a way of saying “Thank you God, for your world and especially for people. For those who participate, it is a spiritual discipline even more than a financial one. It helps keep a focus on gratitude to God and on the responsibility to share blessings with others. The amount put in may be a dime, a quarter or more. The amount is not nearly as im- portant as the discipline of regularly remembering God’s goodness through the acts of dropping in coins and praying prayers of thanksgiving. Blessing Box: The cost is $7.50 for a package of 10 boxes (S&H $2) or $60 for a package of 100 (S&H $10). Blessing Bag: The cost is $15 for 5 bags (S&H $2) or $250 for 100 (S&H $10) On the following pages, you will find the 2014 Blessing Box report for those DWM/CWF’s whose contributions were sent to the Regional Office. If you notice missing contributions, there is a strong possibility that you sent your contribution to the OGMP-Treasury Ser- vices in Indianapolis. While this channel for giving is fine, it means that your contribution might not show up on in the Regional Office records for months.
  • 17. 17 ALBEMARLE DISTRICT Bath CC Bath, NC 479.18 First CC Belhaven, NC Columbia CC Columbia, NC Engelhard CC Engelhard, NC Everetts CC Everetts, NC First CC Elizabeth City, NC Gold Point CC Robersonville, NC Hassell CC Hassell, NC Jamesville CC Jamesville, NC 873.21 Oak City CC Oak City, NC Pantego CC Pantego, NC First CC Plymouth, NC 352.00 First CC Robersonville, NC 100.00 St. John C of C Washington, NC First CC Washington, NC 368.50 First CC Williamston, NC 1,090.00 New Fellowship CC Williamston, NC Total 3,262.89 CENTRAL DISTRICT Antioch CC Winston-Salem, NC Body of Christ CC High Point, NC First CC Reidsville, NC 75.00 Front Street CC Burlington, NC Greater Cleveland Avenue CC Winston-Salem, NC First CC Greensboro, NC Little Bethlehem CC Eden, NC Little Salem CC Reidsville, NC Messiah CC Winston-Salem, NC 200.00 Middlefork CC Winston-Salem, NC 155.50 Mt. Pleasant CC Greensboro, NC 725.25 North Spray CC Eden, NC Pfafftown CC Pfafftown, NC Rosebud CC Walnut Cove, NC Salem Fork CC Dobson, NC 100.00 Shalom Community CC Greensboro, NC Spencer Memorial CC Winston-Salem, NC Stokesdale CC Stokesdale, NC 200.00 Stoneville CC Stoneville, NC First CC Walnut Cove, NC 208.30 First CC Winston-Salem, NC 200.00 Total 1,864.05 Blessing Box Report through September 30, 2014
  • 18. 18 COASTAL PLAINS DISTRICT Covenant CC Cary, NC 168.55 Hillyer Memorial CC Raleigh, NC 1,290.66 First CC Macclesfield, NC 234.94 Morning Star CC Rocky Mount, NC First CC Rocky Mount, NC 105.00 Saratoga CC Saratoga, NC St. James CC Wilson, NC St. Luke CC Tarboro, NC 300.00 St. Paul’s CC Raleigh, NC Wake Forest CC Wake Forest, NC Wendell CC Wendell, NC Westview CC Wilson, NC Wilbanks CC Elm City, NC First CC Wilson, NC 500.00 Total 2,599.15 HOOKERTON DIS- TRICT Airy Grove CC Kinston, NC Ayden CC Ayden, NC Bethel CC Grifton, NC Eden CC Snow Hill, NC First CC Farmville, NC 282.33 First CC Greenville, NC First CC Grifton, NC Gordon Street CC Kinston, NC 777.22 Grove Park CC Kinston, NC Hooker Memorial CC Greenville, NC 291.00 Hookerton CC Hookerton, NC LaGrange CC LaGrange, NC Northwest Kinston, NC Proctor Memorial Grimesland, NC Red Oak CC Greenville, NC Riverside CC Grifton, NC Rountree CC Ayden, NC Timothy CC Ayden, NC 304.65 Walstonburg CC Walstonburg, NC Wheat Swamp CC LaGrange, NC Winterville CC Winterville, NC Total 1,655.20 MILL CREEK DIS- TRICT Beulah Hill CC Four Oaks, NC Carr Memorial CC Clinton, NC 100.00 Dudley CC Dudley, NC Eureka CC Mount Olive, NC 143.32 First CC Fayetteville, NC
  • 19. 19 First CC Goldsboro, NC 274.89 Greenleaf CC Goldsboro, NC Hood Memorial CC Dunn, NC 131.45 Mill Creek CC Four Oaks, NC 150.00 First CC Mount Olive, NC New Generation CC Smithfield, NC 25.00 Peace Memorial CC Fayetteville, NC 100.00 Pleasant Grove CC Fayetteville, NC Pleasant Union CC Newton Grove, NC Rocky Fork CC Sanford, NC St. Andrews Community CC Dudley, NC 100.00 St. James C of C Fremont, NC 100.00 St. Mark C of C Goldsboro, NC St. Mark D of C C Dunn, NC Selah CC Four Oaks, NC 735.69 Shiloh CC Smithfield, NC 100.00 First CC Smithfield, NC Wilson’s Mills CC Wilson’s Mills, NC Total 1,960.35 PAMLICO DISTRICT Amity CC Grantsboro, NC Bethany CC Arapahoe, NC 170.09 Bridgeton CC Bridgeton, NC Broad Street CC New Bern, NC 433.10 Concord CC Merritt, NC Cove City, NC Cove City, NC Highland Park CC New Bern, NC Kitt Swamp CC Ernul, NC First CC Morehead City, NC New Hope CC New Bern, NC Otway CC Beaufort, NC Reelsboro CC Grantsboro, NC Silver Hill CC Grantsboro, NC Unity CC New Bern, NC Vanceboro CC Vanceboro, NC 105.00 Total 708.19 SOUTHEASTERN DISTRICT Agape CC Hubert, NC Armenia CC Kinston, NC 600.00 Comfort CC Comfort, NC First CC Jacksonville, NC Lanie’s Chapel CC Kinston, NC Pleasant Hill CC Pink Hill, NC First CC Richlands, NC Southwest CC Kinston, NC
  • 20. 20 Southwood Memorial CC Kinston, NC 1,096.00 Tuckahoe CC Trenton, NC First CC Wilmington, NC 230.00 Sun Coast CC Myrtle Beach, SC Total 1,926.00 WESTERN DISTRICT Avery's Creek CC Arden, NC First CC Asheville, NC First CC Black Mountain, NC First CC Charlotte, NC 50.00 First CC Concord, NC Eastfield CC Charlotte, NC First CC Greenville, SC First CC Lincolnton, NC SouthPark CC Charlotte, NC First CC Valdese, NC Total 50.00 - REGIONAL CWF CWF Retreats & Meetings Total 288.00 WESTERN ASSEMBLY CHURCHES Cedar Point Newton Grove, NC Bentonville Benson, NC Goshen Mt. Olive, NC Hickory Grove Four Oaks, NC Jupitor Grove Four Oaks, NC Long Branch Newton Grove, NC Point Level Dunn, NC Moore's Chapel Spring Lake, NC Piney Grove Dudley, NC St. James Benson, NC St. Andrews Dudley, NC St. Stephens Dunn, NC Thaddeus Chapel Fayetteville, NC White Oak Newton Grove, NC Total - ALBEMARLE DISTRICT 3,262.89 CENTRAL DISTRICT 1,864.05 COASTAL PLAINS DISTRICT 2,599.15 HOOKERTON DISTRICT 1,655.20 MILL CREEK DISTRICT 1,960.35 PAMLICO DISTRICT 708.19 SOUTHEASTERN DISTRICT 1,926.00 WESTERN DISTRICT 50.00 WESTERN ASSEMBLY CHURCHES - REGIONAL CWF 1,004.94 TOTAL 15,030.77
  • 21. 21 In Loving Memory of Mary Mattox Wendell Christian Church, Wendell, NC Mary Mattox was a faithful and loyal CWF supporter. Her participation spanned local, regional, and gen- eral level events for women’s ministry for more than three decades. The North Carolina Disciples Women’s Cabinet, thanks the Christian Women’s Fellowship of Wendell Christian Church, for honoring her legacy by donating a gift to the NC Woman-to-Woman Worldwide Scholarship Fund. Because of their kindness, we can continue to send NC delegates to future Woman-to-Woman mission trips.
  • 22. 22