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Assignment 16: Planning

         Amy Cleary
     Monae Minors Gibbs
      Jodie Foster- Pilia
       Pamela Younes
Amy Cleary
Candidate number: 7338
 Colour code: Green
Monae Minors-Gibbs
  Candidate number: 7413
   Colour code: Orange
Jodie Foster–Pilia
  Candidate number:7362
   Colour code: Blue
Pamela Younes
 Candidate number:7488
 Colour code - Red
Close up of
                           Long shot
                                                         Side shot                      Jodie going
            Establishing of Jodie     Mid shot of                                                           Close up of the
                                                         of Jodie   Close up shot       into the
Fox         shot of Kensal sitting at Jodie sitting on                                                      screen.
                                                         sitting on of the timer.       flashback.
searchlight Green.         the        the bench.
                           station.                      the bench.

   0-25      25-28         28-29          29-31                        33-36                36-38
                                                         31-33                                                  38-40

               Over the                                                        Long shot
               shoulder                             Close up of                of Jodie on     Mid shot         Close up of
                                        Side shot                                              of Jodie’s       Jodie’s legs
 Side shot of shot of                   of Jodie    Jodie coming               bench, her
                                                                               legs are        legs             shaking.
 Jodie looking Jodie    Close up of     shaking     out of the Close up shot
 at the        looking the words.       her head.   flashback. of the timer.   shaking.
 screen.       at the

  40-43        43-45         45-46      46-48       48-52             52-54         54-56           56-58       58-60
Shot reverse shot                                      Over the              Slow zoom of Jodie
Close up of Long shot of of Jodie and mirror               Shot reverse shot     shoulder shot         coming out of the
Jodie going Jodie putting                 Close up of      of Jodie and mirror   of Jodie              flashback.
into the                                  Jodie’s reflection                     looking at
            on her beard.
flashback.                                in the mirror.                         herself in the

1.00-1.02    1.02-1.04        1.04-1.06        1.06-1.09        1.09-1.11                               1.12-1.14

             Over head shot                            Mid shot                                       Close up of
             of Jodie.                  Close up shot of Jodie                                        Monica’s
Mid shot of
Jodie wiping her            Mid shot of going into the dancing in       Mid shot of      Mid shot     hand on the
                            Jodie       flashback .    the              Jodie’s mum.     of Jodie     door

1.14-1.15     1.15-1.17    1.17-1.19      1.19-1.20         1.20-1.26       1.26-1.27     1.27-1.28    1.28-1.29

                                                       Long shot of   Close up of          Long shot Close up shot
Two shot of             Close up of                                   Jodie shaking        of Jodie of the timer.
Jodie and   Mid shot of Jodie       Mid shot of        Jodie sliding
                                    Monica             down the door. her head.            standing
Monica      Monica                                                                         up.

1.29-1.31    1.31-1.33    1.33-1.35       1.35-1.40        1.40-1.47    1.47-1.49        1.49-1.51        1.51-1.53
Close up                                  Close up of                                                    Over the
  of Jodie      Three way shot. Mid shot of ipad        Mid shot of Mid shot                Close up of    shoulder
  going into                    Monae                   Amy         of Jodie                ipad           shot

   1.53-1.54      1.54-1.57       1.57-1.60      2.00-2.03     2.03-2.05 2.05-2.08 2.08-2.11         2.11-2.14
                                                Over the                                  Close up of
                Close up of Mid shot of                                     Long          Jodie           POV of
Mid shot of                                     shoulder                    shot of
                ipad        Amy and             shot                                      coming out      tracks and
Amy                         Monae                        Three way shot.    Jodie         of into         train.

  2.14-2.17     2.17-2.19       2.19-2.23       2.23-2.26      2.26-2.29        2.29-2.31          2.31-2.33          2.33-2.37

                                                   Close up       Close up of     Close up        Close up of
Close up shot      POV of           Close up of    of train
                                    Jodie                         Jodie           of train        Jodie's feet
of the timer.      tracks and

  2.37-2.39      2.39-2.44          2.44-2.49      2.49-2.52      2.52-2.54       2.54-3.00               3.00-3.04
Genre and purpose

      Genre/subgenres                                   Purpose of film
The genre of our opening sequence is          •   To demonstrate the feelings and emotions of
drama                                             transsexuals
                                              •   To extend and possibly change peoples views and
The subgenres within our film are:                opinions on transgender
• Suicide drama( Main character is suicidal   •   Allows transsexual people to relate and
   at the end)                                    understand some of the issues put forward in the
• Transsexual drama(She is unhappy with           film
   her gender and wants to change.)           •   Focusses on hard hitting issues
• Identity drama (character is finding her
   true identity)
• Prejudice drama (main character is
   always forced to be a certain way and
   isn’t accepted)
Conventions           Use/develop/challenge                Similarities/Differences

1. Conflict with      Use because in most drama films                                 The family
                                                                                      are all
friends/family.       there is conflict and the
                      resolution is them sorting it out.                              with each
                                                                                      because of
                                                                                      an issue.

                                                                        The differences is that
                                                                        it is about terminal
                                                                        illness not transgender.

2. Follows the        Challenge, because ours doesn’t                         The differences are
characters journey.   really follow the characters                            that this follows all
                      journey because you only see                            of the characters
                      snippets.                                               journeys as they
                                                                              learn new things.

                                                                              Similarities are that
                                                                              they are students
                                                                              and experimenting
                                                                              and gain
                                                                              knowledge of
                                                                              different things.
Genre conventions
Conventions you are   Use/develop or challenge?      Similarities/differences to
applying in opening   How? Why?                      real films (annotated
sequence                                             pictures)
Identity issue        Use                            Boys Don’t Cry- similarities
                      • Suicide attempt because
                        of not finding herself                               Secretes
                        (transgender                                         out and
                                                                             the dad
                      • Pressure from family and                             wanting
                        friends to dress as a girl   Female                  to kill
                                                     to a                    her

Flashbacks            Develop                        Memento- similarities
                      • Flashbacks of the
                                                                           Also the
                      characters past memories                             character
                      • Main character is left                             is
                      confused                                             confused

Genre Conventions

Convections      Use/develop/challenge?                                         Similarities/differences to real films
we are           How?/Why?
applying in
                                                                                 Film: Slumdog millionaire
Portrays                       USE                                               Refers to characters past to explain how and why he
journey of a     HOW                                                             is playing who wants to be a millionaire
character        The constants use of personal flashbacks, allows the
                 audience to understand how and why the character is in a
                 suicidal situation and the stages of their journey
                 To shows the stages of their journey which establishes
Exhibits real                            USE                                    Film:Train spotting This character wants
                 HOW                                                                                      to get clean, and
life situation   Shows the daily experiences of a transgender person                                      stop using drugs,
                 WHY                                                                                      which is a real life
                 People with the similar situation may be able to relate to                               situation, that
                 the issues within the film, which is typical of a drama film                             people face
Dramatic                                 USE                                    Film: My lovley bones
story line to     The main character is so emotionally unhappy with her                                  This film is about a
move the          physical and mental state and could commit suicide this                                young girl who was
audience          is an emotional storyline                                                              murdered by her
                  WHY                                                                                    neighbour. This
                  Allows audience to experience a feel of apprehension and                               film has a moving
                  uneasiness for the audience                                                            story line.
Genre Conventions
Conventions you are   Use develop or   How? And why?       Similarities/differences to real
applying in           challenge                            films
opening sequence
Abuse                 Develop          When she would
                                       get shouted at by
                                       her mum for
                                       wanting to change
                                       her identity.

                                                           Film: She’s the man
                                                            This is similar because…
                                                            She dresses like a boy
                                                            She does what guys
                                                               normally do
                                                            And her personality and
                                                               thoughts are like a guy as
                                                            And her mum is convincing
                                                               her to start wearing dresses
                                                               and to forget about football.
Genre Conventions
Conventions you    Use develop or How? And why?         Similarities/difference
are applying in    challenge                            s to real films
opening sequence
Crime              use           When Jodie commits
                                 suicide because of
                                 her depression as no
                                 one gets her and
                                 excepts that she
                                 wants to change her    Film: Man on a ledge
                                 identity                This is similar
                                                         The person wants
                                                           to commit suicide
                                                         This would be a
Genre Conventions
Conventions you    Use develop or   How? And why?      Similarities/differences to
are applying in    challenge                           real films
opening sequence
Role on the wall   use              In the outside
                                    Jodie is feeling
                                    normal but on
                                    the inside her
                                    thoughts and
                                    feelings are
                                    completely         Film: Mean girls
                                    different.          Wanting to make Regina
                                                          fat, Katie's thoughts
                                                          inside her
                                                        And wants her to lose
                                                          weight from the outside
                                                          pretends like she cares
Target audience
• Our opening sequence is Niche because
  Reason                            Explanation
  Not many films have transgender   This would be the case because there
                                    isn't a wide range of target audience
                                    that would watch this type of film
  Low budget film                   It wouldn’t be advertised everywhere
                                    therefore, not a lot of money would
                                    be spent on advertising
  Independent                       Only made for specific audience as
                                    not many people are
                                    interested/comfortable watching this
                                    type of film.
Target audience
Target audience details   Details                                Why?
Age                       15+                                    It would be 15 because that’s
                                                                 when teenagers would
                                                                 mature up and would realise
                                                                 what they want.
Gender                    Male, female                           Because male and females
                                                                 could both understand and
                                                                 possibly relate to some of the
Race/Ethnicity            All Races and Ethnicity                Because everyone is able to
                                                                 watch it and if they are not
                                                                 allowed it also good to see
                                                                 what people go through even
                                                                 in these situations
Religion                  All except Christianity and some of    because they might get
                          Islam where they would say they        offended how they would
                          should be secure. Because they         watch something that they
                          would say that there's a cure how it   wouldn’t be allowed
                          would be with the same sex,
Target audience
Target Audience detail    Details                       Why?
Location                  In the UK                     It wouldn’t be in international
                                                        as it’s a niche audience, and It
                                                        would only be shown in the
                                                        UK as it can be restricted in
                                                        some places because its all
                                                        about identity
Social Class              Any class                     Anyone can experience the
                                                        dilemma of seeking there
Interests/hobbies         They can all have different   because it wouldn’t stop
                          interests hobbies - All       those kind of audience to
                                                        watch identity films.
Social Group              All                           Because the people who are
                                                        in different groups such as
                                                        punks can also seek identity
Target audience
Target audience    Detail       Why?
Sexuality          All          Because this film has to do
                                with sexuality, so its good for
                                both sexes to know what
                                other people would go
                                through and to see what
                                people’s opinions would be.
Profession/Role    All          It would be all because
                                everyone has the right to
                                watch these kind of films if
                                wanted, this would mean
                                more people would be aware
                                about these types of situation
                                that some people would go
B)Target Audience
The reason why would our         The reason our target audience    The reason why our target
target audience would be         would be interested in the form   audience would be interested in
interested in the idea           of our film                       our film due to the genre

•   The majority of the target   •   The fact that a significant   •   Our target audience would
    audience would be                number of the target              be attracted to our film as
    possibly be transgender          audience would be                 they know it is a drama
    and therefore they can           transgender, means the            film, this is due to the
    relate to a substantial          form of the flashbacks            recognisable drama
    amount of issues raised          may relate back to their          conventions such as
    within the film the              way of thinking                   suicide and prejudice.
                                                                   •   The fact that the target
•   The Niche audience may                                             audience are used to
    want to learn about                                                these familiar conventions
    particular issues that may                                         ensures that they will be
    be expressed regarding                                             satisfied with the film
    the life of a transsexual
Uses Gratification theory
Information                Entertainment                  Personal identity              Integration & Social
 Can be watched to        •   People could see this      •   The audience getting       •   The majority of the
  gain information such        film as entertainment          an insight of a trans          target audience will
  as..                         because it is                  persons life                   be transgender, this
 Knowing people               something different        •   People may                     film will allow them to
  opinions thoughts            and is not really talked       understand how                 engage, as they have
  about identity               about.                         tough it is to not be in       so much in common
 How people deal with     •   Also, if people haven’t        the right body as they     •   People who watch our
  this situation               heard of transgender           expect                         film may inform
 The people who are           people before then it      •   The audience realising         people on what they
  relatives/close to the       gives them                     being trans does not           have seen and how
  person who wants to          entertainment as they          affect who they like           their views and
  change their identity        are learning a part of     •   Realising not to judge         opinions of
  see how they would           them.                          people on their                transgender may have
  react towards them       •   In addition they can           gender but try to              changed, because of
  and what do they do          get entertainment              accept different               the film
  would they                   from seeing what a             people                     •   Friends and family of
 advice them to               transgender person’s                                          those who are
  something better             thoughts could                                                transgender may
 tell them not to do          possibly be. E.g.                                             understand some of
  what that person             suicide.                                                      their issues of
  thinks of doing                                                                            transgender in greater
 how would the person                                                                       detail
  deal with this
Person 1&2

                        BBFC rating
Our film would be rated 15+

         Standards            How you are meeting
                              standards in your film
         15                   • Strong language
                              • Aggressive behaviour
                              • Be able to understand
                                serious issues
Narrative style/structure
A) Non linear

B) Our opening sequence would be a teaser that
establishes the character. It is also anachronic which
involves a lot of flashbacks.
• We decided to create the opening like this so it
  creates enigmas and makes the audience have
  high anticipation of what will happen
• Get the audience on the edge of their seats
Narrative style/structure
C) Unrestricted
                          Restrictive narrative-    Objective character
narrative-tells all the
                          gives minimal             identification
information to the
                          information regarding     • The viewer is given
audience and not
                          the narrative.            unique access to a
hiding anything from
                          • Our opening sequence    characters point of view
                          contains a serious        such as seeing things
• Our opening
                          enigma, which is if she   from the characters
sequence focuses on
                          jumps in front of the     mind, dreams or
transgender so, an
                          train or not.             memories.
example were we give
                          • This would influence    • our opening sequence
the audience hints is
                          an audience to want to    contains a lot of
when the main
                          watch the rest o the      memories (flashbacks)
character has a
                          film.                     which lets the audience
flashback of herself
                                                    on a insight.
                    Time                                       2&3

    Time                   Explanation

Flashback                  • There are flashbacks in our
                             opening sequence which
                             change the linear progression
                             of the story.
                           • We used flashbacks to
                             demonstrate memories of the
                           • This allow the audience to
                             gain perspective on the events
Discourse time(summary)    In reality, the scene where the
                           main character is having
                           flashbacks at the train station,
                           happens in 15 minutes but we
                           shortened it to two minutes, and
                           will still get out point across.
Strauss Theory
• Strauss’ theory doesn’t relate to our opening
  sequence because there are no villains and
  heroes etc.
• This is because the girl is confused about her
  gender so there is not right or wrong, its
  about her finding herself.
Narrative Theory- Barthes
Enigma codes
• Delays the ending/resolution
• Sometimes left unsolved
• Answer to enigmas contribute to our
  enjoyment of resolutions (new equilibrium)
In our opening sequence the enigmas would be:
• If she jumps in front of the train or not
Narrative Theory- Barthes
Action codes
• Codes of actions that lead audience to expect
  contains consequences
• E.g. Psycho which is a horror film
The action codes in our opening would be:
• The audience thinking that the character will
  jump in front of the train
Narrative Theory- Barthes
Semantic codes
• Meanings of characters, objects and locations
• Learn from experience about the denotations
  and connotations
The semantic codes used would be:
• The colour red on her clothing to represent
  the danger of herself
Narrative Theory- Barthes
Symbolic codes
• Oppositions and antitheses (light/dark)
• Female= close fitting clothes, crossed legged
  when sitting, female feature e.g. breasts etc
• Male=baggy clothing, legs spread when sitting
In our opening sequence we will need to
  consider the male aspect as the main
  character will portray being a transgender.
Narrative Theory- Barthes
Cultural codes
• Bring understanding and meaning to the text
• References to things in popular cultures and
  historical events
In our opening there is not a cultural code
Narrative Theory
                                    Todorov theory also doesn’t exist
                                        in our opening sequence
                                     because he came up with, that
                                         there should be a new
                                      equilibrium but the audience
                                     doesn’t know what happens at
                                      the end as we leave in a cliff
                                      hanger so they wont see the
                                             new equilibrium

                                                                           Finally, it also doesn’t exist
Todorov theory has the 5 stages
                                                                        because he says that there's one
 of the beginning till the end in
                                                                         disruption, but Jodie has more
    linear order, however our
                                                                         than one disruption, she has 4
opening sequence is non-linear
                                                                        flashbacks and each flashback is
      as Jodie has flashbacks
                                                                                    a disruption

                                       Todorov theory
                                        does not exist
                                       in our opening
Enigmas created         How                        Why

When the character is   It is a build up of        The audience don’t know
about to jump.          adrenaline.                whether she will jump or

When the character is   The audience are confused The audience start
drawing the suit.       as to why she’s not drawing guessing and assuming
                        a dress.                    things.
Social Group Represented   How                         Why?
Jodie – changing her       It would be the people      Because it has to do with
identity                   who are                     identity and this can show
                           lesbian/gay/homosexual/st   how other people would
                           raight etc.                 deal with the same
Monae & Amy – her          This can be any social      Because the friends can be
friends                    group                       anyone who is friends with
                                                       the person, that is going
                                                       through that situation
Monica – Jodie’s Mum       parents                     Because the parents would
                                                       understand what can be
                                                       best for their children
• Main actor:     • Actress:        • Actress:        • Actress:
  Jodie Foster       Monae           Amy Cleary       Monica (Jodie’s
                   Minors-Gibbs                           mum)
• Availability:                     • Availability:
   always         • Availability:     always          • Availability:
   available                          available         Most
   when             when              when              Saturdays
   needed           needed            needed
           Jodie                                Monae
Before             After (in         Before             After (in
(normal)           character)        (normal)           character)
Before              After (in
(normal)            character
Costume for main character

                           Smart/casual black      Casual White trainers
Casual blue baggy jeans
                           leather jacket

                                                Example of full outfit
                                                put together

 Either a cap or a simple woolly hat
Hair and makeup of main character/props

             Natural look, no makeup, and
             if so very little                                Hair tied back of face.

Computer (prop)           Mirror (prop)
                                            Pencil and paper (props)
Costume for friend of main character (Monae)

Skinny, fitted jeans (feminine)    Peach coloured top/blouse
                                   (feminine)                  Long black boots (just below
                                                               the knee)

                            Example of full
                            outfit              Short black leather
                                                type jacket
Hair and makeup of friend main character (Monae)

             Hair down/out (looks feminine)

                                    Lip gloss (looks feminine)

                       Mascara/eyeliner (light
Costume for other friend of main character (Amy)

                                                              Smart /casual cardigan
 Leopard print top                  Tight fitted blue jeans
 (feminine and girly)

                        Black high heels
Hair/makeup for other friend of main character

                       Natural pink Lip-gloss
Mascara (eye makeup)

                       Hair out, straight and
Costume of the main characters mum

Casual blue denim jeans
                               Plain black jumper

                                            Full outfit of character

                 Socks as she is at based
                 at home
Hair and makeup of the main characters mum

                        Hardly any makeup
                        (quite natural)

                                            Hair tied back
Location name & what               How to get there Access to location         Photos of location

                                   From school get    Public station open
Name of location
                                   the 18 bus right   from 6 - 9
Kensal green station
                                   outside Kensel
                                   green station

Name of location                   From school get    Available all the time
Jodie's bedroom (Jodie's house)    the 18 bus,
-Looking in the mirror whilst
                                   outside my
applying fake facial hair          house
-Conversation with friends about
Name of location                   From school get    Available all the time
Jodie's living room (Jodie's       the 18 bus,
                                   outside my
-Jodie's mum shouts at her for     house
not being feminine
-Jodie researches transgender on
the computer
Risk Assessment
Tasks                             Possible risk involved in tasks          Actions to prevent harm to
                                                                           health or safety

Filming in unknown locations      Could be dangerous because you           Film somewhere you are familiar
                                  don’t know where you are                 with, with people around.

Travelling to filming locations   Might get lost                           Travel with people.

Interviewing people for filming   Could be offended and not want to        Definitely ask their permission
                                  get involved.                            first.

Filming underage (below 16)       Child could hurt themselves or get       Try to possibly get somebody over
                                  scared when filming.                     16.

Filming anyone                    Could not want to be involved or         Ask permission first or try to film
                                  filmed and get angry.                    with nobody there.

Health of group members when      Could get an illness from being in the   Film when the weather is okay and
filming                           cold.                                    everybody is feeling okay.
Risk Assessment Continued

Interviewing an expert for filming   Could not want to be on camera for       Ask permission first and make sure
                                     personal reasons.                        they are certain they want to be it.

Types of area (how safe are they)    Area could be dangerous if its           Film somewhere familiar and quiet.

Time of day                          If its too dark could be risky and the   Film during the day and start early so
                                     camera wont be able to pick up the       you have plenty of time.

Using technology (filming)           Could be stolen by a stranger.           Keep it safe and hide it when you get
equipment                                                                     a bad feeling.
Music / sound

                                  This would be
                                  our first option
                                  to use when
                                  Jodie would be
      c                           on the train

Music / sound


This would be our
second option to use
when Jodie would be on
the train station

    Music / Sound

                         This would be our third
                         option to use when
                         Jodie would be on the
                         train station


Music / sound


  This would be our fourth
  option to use when
  Jodie would be on the
  train station

      Music / sound


This would be our first
option to use when
Jodie is near the train
tracks, and the train is
about to come

Music / sound


This would be our
second option to use
when Jodie is near the
train tracks, and the
train is about to come

Music / sound


                        This would be our third
                        option to use when
                        Jodie is near the train
                        tracks, and the train is
                        about to come
The script
The script
The script
Shot list
Type of shot     Description                          Prop/costumes
Establish        To aware the audience that, that’s N/A
                 where everything will happen
Long shot        To show how Jodie looks like and     c
                 what she’s doing
Mid shot         To show an even detailed             Top, jeans, hat, earrings
                 character of Jodie and how she
Side long shot   To show what Jodie would be          Top, jeans, trainers, hat,
                 doing from a different angle         earring

Close up         To show that Jodie Is thinking and   Hat, earrings
                 is about to have a flashback
Shot list
Type of shot       Description                         Prop/costumes
Over the head      Showing an over head shot of Joie N/A
                   typing on the computer
Close up           Showing what's on the computer      N/A
                   screen in detail and what Jodie
                   has typed on Google
Side long shot     Showing the audience that Jodie     Grey cardigan, hat, jeans,
                   Is searching on the computer and    trainers
                   an see her facial expression
Over the           Showing the audience what Jodie     Top, earrings
shoulder shot      was searching on the computer
Extreme close up   Showing Jodie’s facial expression   N/A
                   while she is researching on
Shot list
Type of shot       Description                           Prop/costumes
Extreme close up   Showing what Jodie looking at/        N/A
                   focussed on
Close up           Of Jodie's reaction when she saw      Hat, earrings
                   what she had to do
Close up           When Jodie comes back to reality      Hat, earrings
                   and carries on thinking when
                   she's on the train platform
Side long shot     Showing her body reaction, to         Top, jeans, trainers, hat,
                   how she was feeling about her         earring
Mid shot from      Showing Jodie leg shaking, which      Jeans, trainers
her hips to her    makes It clear to the audience
legs               that she is frustrated and stressed
Shot list
Type of shot      Description                          Prop/costumes
Close up          A closer shot of Jodie's leg shaking Trainers, jeans
Mid shot          Showing what Jodie is going to do    Top, jeans, hat
Close up          To show that Jodie Is thinking and   Hat, earrings
                  is about to have a flashback
Establish shot    Showing that Jodie is in a new       Jacket, jeans, trainers, hat
                  location in her flashback to show
                  what she's doing from behind
Over the          Showing what Jodie s doing, while Jacket, jeans, trainers, hat
shoulder tilted   showing half of her face and half
                  of her back
Shot list
Type of shot       Description                          Prop/costumes
Over the           Showing the back of Jodie looking    Hat, earrings
shoulder           at the mirror and can see Jodie's
Close up           Can see the mirror with the          Hat, earrings
                   reflection of Jodie's face
Extreme close up   Of Jodie's fake facial hair on the   Hat, earrings
                   desk and can see Jodie's face
Close up           Of Jodie trimming her facial hair    Hat, earrings
Extreme close up   Of Jodie putting the scissors on     N/A
                   the desk
Shot list
Type of shot       Description                        Prop/costumes
Extreme close up   To show Jodie's expression from    N/A
                   the flashback, When Jodie comes
                   back to reality and carries on
                   thinking when she's on the train
Close up           Showing her facial expression      Hat, earrings
mid shot           Of Jodie crying because she's      Hat, earrings, top
Close up           The train timer, showing when the N/A
                   train was coming
Over the head      To have a variety of shot          Hat, earrings, top,
shot                                                  trousers, trainers
Shot list
Type of shot   Description                          Prop/costumes
Mid shot       To see Jodie's body reaction         Hat, earrings, trousers,
                                                    trainers, top
Close up       To show that Jodie Is thinking and   Hat, earrings
               is about to have a flashback
Long shot      Showing Jodie walking towards        Top, jeans, trainers, hat,
               the stereo, for her to dance         earrings
Mid shot       Jodie dancing looking at the         Hat, earrings, top
               mirror and can see her refection
Long shot      Of Jodie’s mum Monika in the         Trousers, uggs, top
               living room talking on the phone
Shot list
Type of shot     Description                         Prop/costumes
Long shot from   A long shot from the back of        Trousers, uggs, top
the back         Jodie's mum walking towards
                 Jodie's room
Long shot        Long shot of Jodie dancing and      Top, jeans, trainers, hat,
                 you can see her reflection on the   earrings
Long shot        Jodie walking towards Jodie's       Trousers, uggs, top
Long shot        Long shot of Jodie dancing and      Top, jeans, trainers, hat,
                 you can see her reflection on the   earrings
Long shot        A long shot from the back of        Trousers, uggs, top
                 Jodie's mum walking towards
                 Jodie's room
Shot list
Type of shot        Description                         Prop/costumes
Long shot           Long shot of Jodie dancing and      Top, jeans, trainers, hat,
                    you can see her reflection on the   earrings

Close up            Jodie's mum about to push the       N/A
                    door of Jodie's room
Two shot            Jodie behind the door trying to     Jodie : Top, jeans,
                    cover herself from her mum,         trainers, hat, earrings
                    while her mum is trying to come
                    in                                  Jodie's mum: Trousers,
                                                        uggs, top
Mid shot            Jodie's mum being shocked           top
Mid shot of Jodie   Showing her facial expression, by Hat, earring, top
                    the way her mum is looking at her
Shot list
Type of shot     Description                          Prop/costumes
Mid shot         Of Jodie's mum talking to Jodie      Top
                 and what she feels about Jodie's
Long shot        Of Jodie slides down the door,       Top, jeans, trainers, hat,
                 because she's upset when her         earrings
                 mum leaves the room
Close up         To show Jodie's expression from      N/A
                 the flashback, When Jodie comes
                 back to reality and carries on
                 thinking when she's on the train
Side long shot   Of Jodie in the train station, and   Hat, earrings, top,
                 can see her body reaction to the     trousers, trainers
                 flashback she just remembered
Long shot        Of Jodie getting up and getting      Hat, earrings, top,
                 towards the edge of the train        trousers, trainers
Shot list
Type of shot     Description                          Prop/costumes
Close up         Of Jodie's feet walking towards      Trousers, trainers
                 the edge of the platform
Establish shot   A shot of the timer, to allow the    N/A
                 audience and to build up tension
                 to when the train will come
Mid shot         A mid shot from the back , when      Top, hat, earrings
                 Jodie is at the edge of the
Close up         To show that Jodie Is thinking and   Hat, earring
                 is about to have a flashback
Establish shot   A shot where Monae, Amy and          Jodie: hoodie, trousers,
                 Jodie is seen, to show the           trainers, ipad
                 audience who is in this scene
                                                      Amy: top, trousers,
                                                      converses, ipad

                                                      Monae, skirt, blazer, top,
                                                      converses, ipad
Shot list
Type of shot   Description                          Prop/costumes
Two shot       Amy and Monae having a               Amy: top, ipad
               conversation                         Monae : top, blazer, ipad

Mid shot       Of Amy talking to monae              Top, ipad
Close up       A shot of Amy's ipad, showing what   N/A
               she wants to wear to prom

Mid shot       Of monae replying back to Amy        Top, blazer
Close up       A shot of Moane’s ipad, showing      N/A
               what she wants to wear to prom
Shot list
Type of shot    Description                           Prop/costumes
Long shot       Of Jodie sitting down and looking at Hoodie, trousers, trainers,
                her ipad                             hat, earrings, ipad
Over head       Showing what Jodie is looking at,     Hat, trousers, hoodie,
                which is suits on her iPad            trainers, earrings, iPad
Over shoulder   Moane and Amy talking to Jodie        Amy: top, trousers,
                                                      converses, ipad

                                                      Monae, skirt, blazer, top,
                                                      converses, ipad

                                                      Jodie; hat, earrings, hoodie
Mid shot        Of Amy about to snatch Jodie's ipad Top, ipad
                from her hands so she is able to see
                what she is looking at
Close up        of Amy taking Jodie's ipad            N/A
Shot list
Type of shot     Description                           Prop/costumes
Two shot         Amy’s and Monae’s facial reaction  Amy: top, trousers,
                 when finding out she wants to wear converses, ipad
                 a suit to prom
                                                    Monae, skirt, blazer, top,
                                                    converses, ipad
Close up         Of Jodie's reaction, to her friends   Hat, earrings
Two shot         Of Amy and Monae talking to Jodie      Amy: top, trousers,
                 about wearing a suit to prom          converses, ipad

                                                       Monae, skirt, blazer, top,
                                                       converses, ipad
Over shoulder    To see Jodie's reaction to what her   Amy: top
                 friends are saying to her (opinion)   Monae: top, blazer
                                                       Jodie: hoodie, hat,
Establish shot   Of Jodie getting up and leaving the   Hoodie, trousers, trainers,
                 room                                  hat, earrings
Shot list
Type of shot   Description                          Prop/costumes
Long shot      Jodie leaving g the room             Hoodie, trousers, trainers,
                                                    hat, earrings
Close up       To show Jodie's expression from the Hat, earrings
               flashback, When Jodie comes back
               to reality and carries on thinking
               when she's on the train platform
Mid shot       A shot behind Jodie looking at the   Top, hat, earrings
POV            Shot of the tracks                   N/A
Close up       To show her facial expression to     Hat, earrings
               how she is feeling about suicide
Shot list
Type of shot     Description                         Prop/costumes
POV              Shot of the train tracks            N/A
Establish shot   Shot of the train approaching       N/A
Close up         To show how she is feeling before   Hat, earrings
                 she commits suicide
Establish shot   Of the tracks                       N/A
Establish shot   A shot of the train beside Jodie    Top, hat, earrings
Group meeting record

Date      Time          People         Agenda          Targets         Due             Notes
                        attended       (points to                      date/deadline
21/2/13   2pm-8pm       Whole group    Discuss the     Did the         25/2/13
                                       preliminary     storyboard,
                                                       script, short

25/2/13   3.20pm        Whole group    Discussed       Had to put      1/3/13
                                       ideas for our   together a
                                       opening         strong idea

26/3/13   11am          Monae,         Discussed       Had a           1/3/13          Monae and
                        Jodie and      more ideas      clearer idea.                   Amy further
                        Pam            and putting                                     discussed.
                                       it together

1/3/13    3.20-4.30pm   Monae and      Discussed       Change of                       Discussed with
                        Ms Connell     everyone’s      idea.                           everyone in
                                       ideas.          Change of                       group
Group meeting record continued

Date     Time         People       Agenda         Targets        Due             Notes
                      attended                                   date/deadline

4/3/13   10.40am      The group    Cleared up     Had the full
                                   the idea of    idea of the
                                   the opening    opening
                                   sequence       sequence

5/3/13   9.50am       The group    Discussed      Inputs on      8/3/13
                                   the timeline   the timeline
                                   (planning)     and backup

6/3/13   3.30pm       Monae,       Discussed      Finished       8/3/13          Went
                      Jodie, Amy   the            storyboard                     through this
                                   storyboard,    and script                     with Pam
Long term Planning
Long term Planning
Long term Planning
Short Term planning
Day & time    Filming what scene?          Travel         Equipment/costume/props
                                           How will you   checklist (what do you
                                           get there?     need to bring with you)
Sat Mar 9     - Filming all the train      On bus         Camera, tripod, ipad,
              station scene                               costumes
Sun Mar 10    - Filming at Jodie's house   On bus         Camera, tripod, ipad, long
                                                          mirror (in bedroom),
                                                          computer, costumes, paper
                                                          and pencil
Saturday 23   - Filming at Jodie’s house   Bus            Camera, tripod, iPad,
march                                                     costumes
Sunday 24     - Filming at the train       Bus            Camera, tripod, iPad, long
march         station                                     mirror (in bedroom),
                                                          computer, costumes, paper
                                                          and pencil
Short Term planning
Day & time            Filming what           Travel                Equipment/costum
                      scene?                 How will you get      e/props checklist
                                             there?                (what do you need
                                                                   to bring with you)
Sunday 7th April      -Filming the train     - On the bus to kg    Camera, tripod,
                      station scene in the   station then the      iPads, computer,
                      morning                train to Paddington   costumes
                      -The computer          then another train
                      scene                  to Langley
                      -The friends scene
                      as well
Thursday 11th April   - Filming the          - On the 18           Camera, tripod,
                      dancing scene and                            iPads, long mirror
                      beard scene                                  (in bedroom),

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Draft 3 planning

  • 1. Assignment 16: Planning Amy Cleary Monae Minors Gibbs Jodie Foster- Pilia Pamela Younes
  • 2. Amy Cleary Candidate number: 7338 Colour code: Green
  • 3. Monae Minors-Gibbs Candidate number: 7413 Colour code: Orange
  • 4. Jodie Foster–Pilia Candidate number:7362 Colour code: Blue
  • 5. Pamela Younes Candidate number:7488 Colour code - Red
  • 6. Close up of Long shot Side shot Jodie going Establishing of Jodie Mid shot of Close up of the of Jodie Close up shot into the Fox shot of Kensal sitting at Jodie sitting on screen. sitting on of the timer. flashback. searchlight Green. the the bench. station. the bench. pictures. 0-25 25-28 28-29 29-31 33-36 36-38 31-33 38-40 Over the Long shot shoulder Close up of of Jodie on Mid shot Close up of Side shot of Jodie’s Jodie’s legs Side shot of shot of of Jodie Jodie coming bench, her legs are legs shaking. Jodie looking Jodie Close up of shaking out of the Close up shot shaking. at the looking the words. her head. flashback. of the timer. shaking. screen. at the screen. 40-43 43-45 45-46 46-48 48-52 52-54 54-56 56-58 58-60
  • 7. Shot reverse shot Over the Slow zoom of Jodie Close up of Long shot of of Jodie and mirror Shot reverse shot shoulder shot coming out of the Jodie going Jodie putting Close up of of Jodie and mirror of Jodie flashback. into the Jodie’s reflection looking at on her beard. flashback. in the mirror. herself in the mirror. 1.00-1.02 1.02-1.04 1.04-1.06 1.06-1.09 1.09-1.11 1.12-1.14 1.11-1.12 Over head shot Mid shot Close up of of Jodie. Close up shot of Jodie Monica’s Mid shot of Jodie wiping her Mid shot of going into the dancing in Mid shot of Mid shot hand on the Jodie flashback . the Jodie’s mum. of Jodie door tears mirror. 1.14-1.15 1.15-1.17 1.17-1.19 1.19-1.20 1.20-1.26 1.26-1.27 1.27-1.28 1.28-1.29 Long shot of Close up of Long shot Close up shot Two shot of Close up of Jodie shaking of Jodie of the timer. Jodie and Mid shot of Jodie Mid shot of Jodie sliding Monica down the door. her head. standing Monica Monica up. 1.29-1.31 1.31-1.33 1.33-1.35 1.35-1.40 1.40-1.47 1.47-1.49 1.49-1.51 1.51-1.53
  • 8. Close up Close up of Over the of Jodie Three way shot. Mid shot of ipad Mid shot of Mid shot Close up of shoulder going into Monae Amy of Jodie ipad shot flashback. 1.53-1.54 1.54-1.57 1.57-1.60 2.00-2.03 2.03-2.05 2.05-2.08 2.08-2.11 2.11-2.14 Over the Close up of Close up of Mid shot of Long Jodie POV of Mid shot of shoulder shot of ipad Amy and shot coming out tracks and Amy Monae Three way shot. Jodie of into train. flashback. 2.14-2.17 2.17-2.19 2.19-2.23 2.23-2.26 2.26-2.29 2.29-2.31 2.31-2.33 2.33-2.37 Close up Close up of Close up Close up of Close up shot POV of Close up of of train Jodie Jodie of train Jodie's feet of the timer. tracks and train. 2.37-2.39 2.39-2.44 2.44-2.49 2.49-2.52 2.52-2.54 2.54-3.00 3.00-3.04
  • 9. Genre and purpose Genre/subgenres Purpose of film The genre of our opening sequence is • To demonstrate the feelings and emotions of drama transsexuals • To extend and possibly change peoples views and The subgenres within our film are: opinions on transgender • Suicide drama( Main character is suicidal • Allows transsexual people to relate and at the end) understand some of the issues put forward in the • Transsexual drama(She is unhappy with film her gender and wants to change.) • Focusses on hard hitting issues • Identity drama (character is finding her true identity) • Prejudice drama (main character is always forced to be a certain way and isn’t accepted)
  • 10. Conventions Use/develop/challenge Similarities/Differences How? Why? 1. Conflict with Use because in most drama films The family are all friends/family. there is conflict and the conflicting resolution is them sorting it out. with each other because of an issue. The differences is that it is about terminal illness not transgender. 2. Follows the Challenge, because ours doesn’t The differences are characters journey. really follow the characters that this follows all journey because you only see of the characters snippets. journeys as they learn new things. Similarities are that they are students and experimenting and gain knowledge of different things.
  • 11. Genre conventions Conventions you are Use/develop or challenge? Similarities/differences to applying in opening How? Why? real films (annotated sequence pictures) Identity issue Use Boys Don’t Cry- similarities • Suicide attempt because of not finding herself Secretes (transgender out and the dad • Pressure from family and wanting friends to dress as a girl Female to kill to a her male Flashbacks Develop Memento- similarities • Flashbacks of the Also the characters past memories character • Main character is left is confused confused Having flashbacks
  • 12. Genre Conventions Convections Use/develop/challenge? Similarities/differences to real films we are How?/Why? applying in opening sequence Film: Slumdog millionaire Portrays USE Refers to characters past to explain how and why he journey of a HOW is playing who wants to be a millionaire character The constants use of personal flashbacks, allows the audience to understand how and why the character is in a suicidal situation and the stages of their journey WHY To shows the stages of their journey which establishes character Exhibits real USE Film:Train spotting This character wants HOW to get clean, and life situation Shows the daily experiences of a transgender person stop using drugs, WHY which is a real life People with the similar situation may be able to relate to situation, that the issues within the film, which is typical of a drama film people face Dramatic USE Film: My lovley bones HOW story line to The main character is so emotionally unhappy with her This film is about a move the physical and mental state and could commit suicide this young girl who was audience is an emotional storyline murdered by her WHY neighbour. This Allows audience to experience a feel of apprehension and film has a moving uneasiness for the audience story line.
  • 13. Genre Conventions Conventions you are Use develop or How? And why? Similarities/differences to real applying in challenge films opening sequence Abuse Develop When she would get shouted at by her mum for wanting to change her identity. Film: She’s the man  This is similar because…  She dresses like a boy  She does what guys normally do  And her personality and thoughts are like a guy as well  And her mum is convincing her to start wearing dresses and to forget about football.
  • 14. Genre Conventions Conventions you Use develop or How? And why? Similarities/difference are applying in challenge s to real films opening sequence Crime use When Jodie commits suicide because of her depression as no one gets her and excepts that she wants to change her Film: Man on a ledge identity  This is similar  The person wants to commit suicide  This would be a crime
  • 15. Genre Conventions Conventions you Use develop or How? And why? Similarities/differences to are applying in challenge real films opening sequence Role on the wall use In the outside Jodie is feeling normal but on the inside her thoughts and feelings are completely Film: Mean girls different.  Wanting to make Regina fat, Katie's thoughts inside her  And wants her to lose weight from the outside pretends like she cares
  • 16. Target audience • Our opening sequence is Niche because Reason Explanation Not many films have transgender This would be the case because there isn't a wide range of target audience that would watch this type of film Low budget film It wouldn’t be advertised everywhere therefore, not a lot of money would be spent on advertising Independent Only made for specific audience as not many people are interested/comfortable watching this type of film.
  • 17. Target audience Target audience details Details Why? Age 15+ It would be 15 because that’s when teenagers would mature up and would realise what they want. Gender Male, female Because male and females could both understand and possibly relate to some of the situation Race/Ethnicity All Races and Ethnicity Because everyone is able to watch it and if they are not allowed it also good to see what people go through even in these situations Religion All except Christianity and some of because they might get Islam where they would say they offended how they would should be secure. Because they watch something that they would say that there's a cure how it wouldn’t be allowed would be with the same sex,
  • 18. Target audience Target Audience detail Details Why? Location In the UK It wouldn’t be in international as it’s a niche audience, and It would only be shown in the UK as it can be restricted in some places because its all about identity Social Class Any class Anyone can experience the dilemma of seeking there identity Interests/hobbies They can all have different because it wouldn’t stop interests hobbies - All those kind of audience to watch identity films. Social Group All Because the people who are in different groups such as punks can also seek identity
  • 19. Target audience Target audience Detail Why? Sexuality All Because this film has to do with sexuality, so its good for both sexes to know what other people would go through and to see what people’s opinions would be. Profession/Role All It would be all because everyone has the right to watch these kind of films if wanted, this would mean more people would be aware about these types of situation that some people would go through
  • 20. B)Target Audience The reason why would our The reason our target audience The reason why our target target audience would be would be interested in the form audience would be interested in interested in the idea of our film our film due to the genre conventions • The majority of the target • The fact that a significant • Our target audience would audience would be number of the target be attracted to our film as possibly be transgender audience would be they know it is a drama and therefore they can transgender, means the film, this is due to the relate to a substantial form of the flashbacks recognisable drama amount of issues raised may relate back to their conventions such as within the film the way of thinking suicide and prejudice. situations • The fact that the target • The Niche audience may audience are used to want to learn about these familiar conventions particular issues that may ensures that they will be be expressed regarding satisfied with the film the life of a transsexual
  • 21. Uses Gratification theory Information Entertainment Personal identity Integration & Social interaction  Can be watched to • People could see this • The audience getting • The majority of the gain information such film as entertainment an insight of a trans target audience will as.. because it is persons life be transgender, this  Knowing people something different • People may film will allow them to opinions thoughts and is not really talked understand how engage, as they have about identity about. tough it is to not be in so much in common  How people deal with • Also, if people haven’t the right body as they • People who watch our this situation heard of transgender expect film may inform  The people who are people before then it • The audience realising people on what they relatives/close to the gives them being trans does not have seen and how person who wants to entertainment as they affect who they like their views and change their identity are learning a part of • Realising not to judge opinions of see how they would them. people on their transgender may have react towards them • In addition they can gender but try to changed, because of and what do they do get entertainment accept different the film would they from seeing what a people • Friends and family of  advice them to transgender person’s those who are something better thoughts could transgender may  tell them not to do possibly be. E.g. understand some of what that person suicide. their issues of thinks of doing transgender in greater  how would the person detail deal with this situation
  • 22. Person 1&2 BBFC rating Our film would be rated 15+ Standards How you are meeting standards in your film 15 • Strong language • Aggressive behaviour • Be able to understand serious issues
  • 23. Narrative style/structure A) Non linear B) Our opening sequence would be a teaser that establishes the character. It is also anachronic which involves a lot of flashbacks. • We decided to create the opening like this so it creates enigmas and makes the audience have high anticipation of what will happen • Get the audience on the edge of their seats
  • 24. Narrative style/structure C) Unrestricted Restrictive narrative- Objective character narrative-tells all the gives minimal identification information to the information regarding • The viewer is given audience and not the narrative. unique access to a hiding anything from • Our opening sequence characters point of view them. contains a serious such as seeing things • Our opening enigma, which is if she from the characters sequence focuses on jumps in front of the mind, dreams or transgender so, an train or not. memories. example were we give • This would influence • our opening sequence the audience hints is an audience to want to contains a lot of when the main watch the rest o the memories (flashbacks) character has a film. which lets the audience flashback of herself on a insight. searching ‘transgender’.
  • 25. Person Time 2&3 Time Explanation Flashback • There are flashbacks in our opening sequence which change the linear progression of the story. • We used flashbacks to demonstrate memories of the past • This allow the audience to gain perspective on the events Discourse time(summary) In reality, the scene where the main character is having flashbacks at the train station, happens in 15 minutes but we shortened it to two minutes, and will still get out point across.
  • 26. Strauss Theory • Strauss’ theory doesn’t relate to our opening sequence because there are no villains and heroes etc. • This is because the girl is confused about her gender so there is not right or wrong, its about her finding herself.
  • 27. Narrative Theory- Barthes Enigma codes • Delays the ending/resolution • Sometimes left unsolved • Answer to enigmas contribute to our enjoyment of resolutions (new equilibrium) In our opening sequence the enigmas would be: • If she jumps in front of the train or not
  • 28. Narrative Theory- Barthes Action codes • Codes of actions that lead audience to expect contains consequences • E.g. Psycho which is a horror film The action codes in our opening would be: • The audience thinking that the character will jump in front of the train
  • 29. Narrative Theory- Barthes Semantic codes • Meanings of characters, objects and locations • Learn from experience about the denotations and connotations The semantic codes used would be: • The colour red on her clothing to represent the danger of herself
  • 30. Narrative Theory- Barthes Symbolic codes • Oppositions and antitheses (light/dark) • Female= close fitting clothes, crossed legged when sitting, female feature e.g. breasts etc • Male=baggy clothing, legs spread when sitting In our opening sequence we will need to consider the male aspect as the main character will portray being a transgender.
  • 31. Narrative Theory- Barthes Cultural codes • Bring understanding and meaning to the text • References to things in popular cultures and historical events In our opening there is not a cultural code portrayed.
  • 32. Narrative Theory Todorov theory also doesn’t exist in our opening sequence because he came up with, that there should be a new equilibrium but the audience doesn’t know what happens at the end as we leave in a cliff hanger so they wont see the new equilibrium Finally, it also doesn’t exist Todorov theory has the 5 stages because he says that there's one of the beginning till the end in disruption, but Jodie has more linear order, however our than one disruption, she has 4 opening sequence is non-linear flashbacks and each flashback is as Jodie has flashbacks a disruption Todorov theory does not exist in our opening sequence because…
  • 33. Enigmas Enigmas created How Why When the character is It is a build up of The audience don’t know about to jump. adrenaline. whether she will jump or not. When the character is The audience are confused The audience start drawing the suit. as to why she’s not drawing guessing and assuming a dress. things.
  • 34. Characters Social Group Represented How Why? Jodie – changing her It would be the people Because it has to do with identity who are identity and this can show lesbian/gay/homosexual/st how other people would raight etc. deal with the same situation Monae & Amy – her This can be any social Because the friends can be friends group anyone who is friends with the person, that is going through that situation Monica – Jodie’s Mum parents Because the parents would understand what can be best for their children
  • 35. Actors • Main actor: • Actress: • Actress: • Actress: Jodie Foster Monae Amy Cleary Monica (Jodie’s Minors-Gibbs mum) • Availability: • Availability: always • Availability: always • Availability: always available available Most available when when when Saturdays needed needed needed
  • 36. Actors Jodie Monae Before After (in Before After (in (normal) character) (normal) character)
  • 37. Actors Amy Before After (in (normal) character
  • 38. Costume for main character Smart/casual black Casual White trainers Casual blue baggy jeans leather jacket (male) Example of full outfit put together Either a cap or a simple woolly hat
  • 39. Hair and makeup of main character/props Natural look, no makeup, and if so very little Hair tied back of face. (pintail)(bun) Computer (prop) Mirror (prop) Pencil and paper (props)
  • 40. Costume for friend of main character (Monae) Skinny, fitted jeans (feminine) Peach coloured top/blouse (feminine) Long black boots (just below the knee) Example of full outfit Short black leather type jacket
  • 41. Hair and makeup of friend main character (Monae) Hair down/out (looks feminine) Lip gloss (looks feminine) Mascara/eyeliner (light makeup)
  • 42. Costume for other friend of main character (Amy) Smart /casual cardigan Leopard print top Tight fitted blue jeans (feminine and girly) Black high heels
  • 43. Hair/makeup for other friend of main character (Amy) Natural pink Lip-gloss Mascara (eye makeup) Hair out, straight and blond
  • 44. Costume of the main characters mum Casual blue denim jeans Plain black jumper Full outfit of character Socks as she is at based at home
  • 45. Hair and makeup of the main characters mum Hardly any makeup (quite natural) Hair tied back
  • 46. Locations Location name & what How to get there Access to location Photos of location for From school get Public station open Name of location the 18 bus right from 6 - 9 Kensal green station outside Kensel green station Name of location From school get Available all the time Jodie's bedroom (Jodie's house) the 18 bus, Scene -Looking in the mirror whilst outside my applying fake facial hair house (flashback) -Conversation with friends about prom(flashback Name of location From school get Available all the time Jodie's living room (Jodie's the 18 bus, house) outside my Scene -Jodie's mum shouts at her for house not being feminine -Jodie researches transgender on the computer
  • 47. Risk Assessment Tasks Possible risk involved in tasks Actions to prevent harm to health or safety Filming in unknown locations Could be dangerous because you Film somewhere you are familiar don’t know where you are with, with people around. Travelling to filming locations Might get lost Travel with people. (bus/car/walk/tube) Interviewing people for filming Could be offended and not want to Definitely ask their permission get involved. first. Filming underage (below 16) Child could hurt themselves or get Try to possibly get somebody over scared when filming. 16. Filming anyone Could not want to be involved or Ask permission first or try to film filmed and get angry. with nobody there. Health of group members when Could get an illness from being in the Film when the weather is okay and filming cold. everybody is feeling okay.
  • 48. Risk Assessment Continued Interviewing an expert for filming Could not want to be on camera for Ask permission first and make sure personal reasons. they are certain they want to be it. Types of area (how safe are they) Area could be dangerous if its Film somewhere familiar and quiet. unknown. Time of day If its too dark could be risky and the Film during the day and start early so camera wont be able to pick up the you have plenty of time. scene. Using technology (filming) Could be stolen by a stranger. Keep it safe and hide it when you get equipment a bad feeling.
  • 49. d_search.php Music / sound This would be our first option to use when Jodie would be c on the train station
  • 50. d_search.php?sindex=11&kw=sad Music / sound c This would be our second option to use when Jodie would be on the train station
  • 51. d_search.php?sindex=11&kw=sad Music / Sound This would be our third option to use when Jodie would be on the train station c
  • 52. d_search.php?sindex=11&kw=sad Music / sound c This would be our fourth option to use when Jodie would be on the train station
  • 53. d_search.php?sindex=21&kw=sad Music / sound c This would be our first option to use when Jodie is near the train tracks, and the train is about to come
  • 54. d_search.php?sindex=21&kw=sad Music / sound c This would be our second option to use when Jodie is near the train tracks, and the train is about to come
  • 55. d_search.php?sindex=21&kw=sad Music / sound c This would be our third option to use when Jodie is near the train tracks, and the train is about to come
  • 66. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Establish To aware the audience that, that’s N/A where everything will happen Long shot To show how Jodie looks like and c what she’s doing Mid shot To show an even detailed Top, jeans, hat, earrings character of Jodie and how she looks Side long shot To show what Jodie would be Top, jeans, trainers, hat, doing from a different angle earring Close up To show that Jodie Is thinking and Hat, earrings is about to have a flashback
  • 67. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Over the head Showing an over head shot of Joie N/A typing on the computer Close up Showing what's on the computer N/A screen in detail and what Jodie has typed on Google Side long shot Showing the audience that Jodie Grey cardigan, hat, jeans, Is searching on the computer and trainers an see her facial expression Over the Showing the audience what Jodie Top, earrings shoulder shot was searching on the computer Extreme close up Showing Jodie’s facial expression N/A while she is researching on transgender
  • 68. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Extreme close up Showing what Jodie looking at/ N/A focussed on Close up Of Jodie's reaction when she saw Hat, earrings what she had to do Close up When Jodie comes back to reality Hat, earrings and carries on thinking when she's on the train platform Side long shot Showing her body reaction, to Top, jeans, trainers, hat, how she was feeling about her earring flashback Mid shot from Showing Jodie leg shaking, which Jeans, trainers her hips to her makes It clear to the audience legs that she is frustrated and stressed
  • 69. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Close up A closer shot of Jodie's leg shaking Trainers, jeans Mid shot Showing what Jodie is going to do Top, jeans, hat Close up To show that Jodie Is thinking and Hat, earrings is about to have a flashback Establish shot Showing that Jodie is in a new Jacket, jeans, trainers, hat location in her flashback to show what she's doing from behind Over the Showing what Jodie s doing, while Jacket, jeans, trainers, hat shoulder tilted showing half of her face and half of her back
  • 70. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Over the Showing the back of Jodie looking Hat, earrings shoulder at the mirror and can see Jodie's reflection Close up Can see the mirror with the Hat, earrings reflection of Jodie's face Extreme close up Of Jodie's fake facial hair on the Hat, earrings desk and can see Jodie's face Close up Of Jodie trimming her facial hair Hat, earrings Extreme close up Of Jodie putting the scissors on N/A the desk
  • 71. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Extreme close up To show Jodie's expression from N/A the flashback, When Jodie comes back to reality and carries on thinking when she's on the train platform Close up Showing her facial expression Hat, earrings mid shot Of Jodie crying because she's Hat, earrings, top depressed Close up The train timer, showing when the N/A train was coming Over the head To have a variety of shot Hat, earrings, top, shot trousers, trainers
  • 72. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Mid shot To see Jodie's body reaction Hat, earrings, trousers, trainers, top Close up To show that Jodie Is thinking and Hat, earrings is about to have a flashback Long shot Showing Jodie walking towards Top, jeans, trainers, hat, the stereo, for her to dance earrings Mid shot Jodie dancing looking at the Hat, earrings, top mirror and can see her refection Long shot Of Jodie’s mum Monika in the Trousers, uggs, top living room talking on the phone
  • 73. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Long shot from A long shot from the back of Trousers, uggs, top the back Jodie's mum walking towards Jodie's room Long shot Long shot of Jodie dancing and Top, jeans, trainers, hat, you can see her reflection on the earrings mirror Long shot Jodie walking towards Jodie's Trousers, uggs, top room Long shot Long shot of Jodie dancing and Top, jeans, trainers, hat, you can see her reflection on the earrings mirror Long shot A long shot from the back of Trousers, uggs, top Jodie's mum walking towards Jodie's room
  • 74. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Long shot Long shot of Jodie dancing and Top, jeans, trainers, hat, you can see her reflection on the earrings mirror Close up Jodie's mum about to push the N/A door of Jodie's room Two shot Jodie behind the door trying to Jodie : Top, jeans, cover herself from her mum, trainers, hat, earrings while her mum is trying to come in Jodie's mum: Trousers, uggs, top Mid shot Jodie's mum being shocked top Mid shot of Jodie Showing her facial expression, by Hat, earring, top the way her mum is looking at her
  • 75. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Mid shot Of Jodie's mum talking to Jodie Top and what she feels about Jodie's action Long shot Of Jodie slides down the door, Top, jeans, trainers, hat, because she's upset when her earrings mum leaves the room Close up To show Jodie's expression from N/A the flashback, When Jodie comes back to reality and carries on thinking when she's on the train platform Side long shot Of Jodie in the train station, and Hat, earrings, top, can see her body reaction to the trousers, trainers flashback she just remembered Long shot Of Jodie getting up and getting Hat, earrings, top, towards the edge of the train trousers, trainers tracks
  • 76. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Close up Of Jodie's feet walking towards Trousers, trainers the edge of the platform Establish shot A shot of the timer, to allow the N/A audience and to build up tension to when the train will come Mid shot A mid shot from the back , when Top, hat, earrings Jodie is at the edge of the platform Close up To show that Jodie Is thinking and Hat, earring is about to have a flashback Establish shot A shot where Monae, Amy and Jodie: hoodie, trousers, Jodie is seen, to show the trainers, ipad audience who is in this scene Amy: top, trousers, converses, ipad Monae, skirt, blazer, top, converses, ipad
  • 77. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Two shot Amy and Monae having a Amy: top, ipad conversation Monae : top, blazer, ipad Mid shot Of Amy talking to monae Top, ipad Close up A shot of Amy's ipad, showing what N/A she wants to wear to prom Mid shot Of monae replying back to Amy Top, blazer Close up A shot of Moane’s ipad, showing N/A what she wants to wear to prom
  • 78. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Long shot Of Jodie sitting down and looking at Hoodie, trousers, trainers, her ipad hat, earrings, ipad Over head Showing what Jodie is looking at, Hat, trousers, hoodie, which is suits on her iPad trainers, earrings, iPad Over shoulder Moane and Amy talking to Jodie Amy: top, trousers, converses, ipad Monae, skirt, blazer, top, converses, ipad Jodie; hat, earrings, hoodie Mid shot Of Amy about to snatch Jodie's ipad Top, ipad from her hands so she is able to see what she is looking at Close up of Amy taking Jodie's ipad N/A
  • 79. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Two shot Amy’s and Monae’s facial reaction Amy: top, trousers, when finding out she wants to wear converses, ipad a suit to prom Monae, skirt, blazer, top, converses, ipad Close up Of Jodie's reaction, to her friends Hat, earrings response Two shot Of Amy and Monae talking to Jodie Amy: top, trousers, about wearing a suit to prom converses, ipad Monae, skirt, blazer, top, converses, ipad Over shoulder To see Jodie's reaction to what her Amy: top friends are saying to her (opinion) Monae: top, blazer Jodie: hoodie, hat, earrings Establish shot Of Jodie getting up and leaving the Hoodie, trousers, trainers, room hat, earrings
  • 80. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes Long shot Jodie leaving g the room Hoodie, trousers, trainers, hat, earrings Close up To show Jodie's expression from the Hat, earrings flashback, When Jodie comes back to reality and carries on thinking when she's on the train platform Mid shot A shot behind Jodie looking at the Top, hat, earrings platform POV Shot of the tracks N/A Close up To show her facial expression to Hat, earrings how she is feeling about suicide (confusion)
  • 81. Shot list Type of shot Description Prop/costumes POV Shot of the train tracks N/A Establish shot Shot of the train approaching N/A Close up To show how she is feeling before Hat, earrings she commits suicide Establish shot Of the tracks N/A Establish shot A shot of the train beside Jodie Top, hat, earrings
  • 82. Group meeting record Date Time People Agenda Targets Due Notes attended (points to date/deadline discuss) 21/2/13 2pm-8pm Whole group Discuss the Did the 25/2/13 preliminary storyboard, script, short list 25/2/13 3.20pm Whole group Discussed Had to put 1/3/13 ideas for our together a opening strong idea sequence 26/3/13 11am Monae, Discussed Had a 1/3/13 Monae and Jodie and more ideas clearer idea. Amy further Pam and putting discussed. it together 1/3/13 3.20-4.30pm Monae and Discussed Change of Discussed with Ms Connell everyone’s idea. everyone in ideas. Change of group storyline.
  • 83. Group meeting record continued Date Time People Agenda Targets Due Notes attended date/deadline 4/3/13 10.40am The group Cleared up Had the full the idea of idea of the the opening opening sequence sequence 5/3/13 9.50am The group Discussed Inputs on 8/3/13 the timeline the timeline (planning) and backup plan 6/3/13 3.30pm Monae, Discussed Finished 8/3/13 Went Jodie, Amy the storyboard through this storyboard, and script with Pam script
  • 87. Short Term planning Day & time Filming what scene? Travel Equipment/costume/props How will you checklist (what do you get there? need to bring with you) Sat Mar 9 - Filming all the train On bus Camera, tripod, ipad, station scene costumes Sun Mar 10 - Filming at Jodie's house On bus Camera, tripod, ipad, long mirror (in bedroom), computer, costumes, paper and pencil Saturday 23 - Filming at Jodie’s house Bus Camera, tripod, iPad, march costumes Sunday 24 - Filming at the train Bus Camera, tripod, iPad, long march station mirror (in bedroom), computer, costumes, paper and pencil
  • 88. Short Term planning Day & time Filming what Travel Equipment/costum scene? How will you get e/props checklist there? (what do you need to bring with you) Sunday 7th April -Filming the train - On the bus to kg Camera, tripod, station scene in the station then the iPads, computer, morning train to Paddington costumes -The computer then another train scene to Langley -The friends scene as well Thursday 11th April - Filming the - On the 18 Camera, tripod, dancing scene and iPads, long mirror beard scene (in bedroom), computer, costumes