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                                An Inn in Bistritz

                           Enter Jonathan Harker                         Dracul
HARKER:     My name is Harker.       Jonathan Harker.   I believe you    playsc
have a room for me?

INNKEEPER'S WIFE:        Harker?

HARKER:     Yes, Jonathan Harker.

INNKEEPER'S WIFE:        Da.    Jakov!   Jakov!

JAKOV:     Da?

INNKEEPER'S WIFE:        (speaks in Hungarian)

JAKOV:     (hands Harker a letter)

HARKER:     This letter is for me?

JAKOV:     Da, da, da, you.

                               Harker opens letter

     "My friend.        Welcome to the Carpathians.     Sleep well

tonight.     At ten tomorrow morning, the diligence will start for

Bukovina.        A place on it has been kept for you.     At the Borgo

Pass, my caleche will await you and will bring you to me.            I
trust that your journey from England has been a happy one and

that you will enjoy your stay in my beautiful land.       Your

friend, Dracula.

                            THE NEXT MORNING

               Harker boards the diligence to Bukovina

                              THAT EVENING

                               Borgo Pass

                         The diligence stops

               The driver speaks to Harker in Hungarian

HARKER:   I'm sorry, I do not understand you.

PASSENGER:     You are stopping here?

HARKER:   Oh, yes.    What did he say?

PASSENGER:     He said you must either wait here by yourself or

continue on with us to Bukovina.

HARKER:   I cannot do that.    I'm being met here to be taken to my


PASSENGER:     May I ask you, sir, what is your destination?

HARKER:   Castle Dracula.
A carriage approaches

          Harker dismounts and the diligence quickly departs

HARKER:     Are you to take me to Castle Dracula?       Are you to take

me to Castle Dracula?

           Harker mounts the carriage, lays back and sleeps


           Harker is jostled awake by the hurrying carriage

HARKER:     Driver, slow down!

      Harker peers out the window to see wolves following

                            AFTER MIDNIGHT

                            Castle Dracula

                  Harker dismounts from the carriage

HARKER:     Driver?

                      A door to the castle opens

HARKER:     Oh, good evening.    I'm Jonathan Harker.    I'm sorry if

I've kept you waiting.

                            Enter Dracula

DRACULA:     Welcome to my house.    Enter freely and of your own
will.     I am Dracula.    I bid you welcome, Mr. Harker.

HARKER:     Thank you.    For a moment, I thought perhaps that nobody


                Dracula leads Harker into the parlour

HARKER:     Mr. Hawkins bad me give you this on my arrival.

DRACULA:     Thank you, Mr. Harker.    I pray you will be seated and

eat.     Excuse me that I do not join you but I have dined already.

 Your employer speaks well of you.

HARKER:     He is very kind.

DRACULA:     So, what properties do you have that would interest me?

HARKER:     Actually, quite a few.    I have some photographs in my


DRACULA:     I must see them.

HARKER:     As soon as I've unpacked, I'll...

DRACULA:     Now.

HARKER:     Yes, of course.
Harker fetches photos

DRACULA:    Excellent.   These are quite suitable.

      Dracula notes a personal photo in Harker's luggage.

DRACULA:    Who is this young lady?

HARKER:    The one on the right is my fiance, Miss...

DRACULA:    No, Mr. Harker.   This one.

HARKER:    Oh, Miss Lucy Westenra.     She's my fiancee's dearest


DRACULA:    And the young man.

HARKER:    Mr. Arthur Holmwood.     They also are engaged.   As a

matter of fact, Miss Westenra lives quite near Carfax, one of

the properties I want you to consider.       Sir?   Sir?

DRACULA:    Your fiancee is lovely.     You are very fortunate.

HARKER:    Thank you.

DRACULA:    I would like to know more about this Carfax.

HARKER:    To be honest, Count, Carfax is not the best of the lot.

 You could do much better.       The house is old and dilapidated and
much in need of repair.

DRACULA:     On the contrary, my young friend, I am glad it is old.

 I myself am of an old family, and to live in a new house would

distress me.

HARKER:     Interestingly enough, Carfax was the only house on the

list we submitted to you that I personally suggested to Mr.


DRACULA:     How fortuitous for me.     Then it is settled.   Carfax

will be my new home.

                            TOWARD MORNING

                  Dracula refills Karker's wineglass

DRACULA:     ...and the Magyar, the Lombard, the Turk, brought his

thousands across our frontier.        We always drove them back.    No

matter how many times we were beaten and forced to retreat, we

would always regroup our forces and attack again.        When the

           and his legions swept across our Hungarian fatherland...

                         A clock strikes 5 AM

DRACULA:     Ah, it is morning again.     How remiss of me to keep you

up so long, though it has been a pleasurable and most

informative night.     Do write to your Mr. Hawkins and say that

you will stay with me for a month.
HARKER:    A month?     Count...

             Exit Dracula, locking the door behind him

HARKER:    Count Dracula?     Count Dracula?   A month?

                          SEVERAL EVENINGS LATER

                           Harker's Bedchamber

                              Harker awakens

HARKER:    Oh, Cor, I've slept through the whole day.     Oh, this

schedule is ridiculous.


                              Harker shaves

                              Enter Dracula

DRACULA:    I trust you slept well, Mr. Harker.

      Harker is surprised and cuts his neck with the razor

HARKER:    Oh, Count.     Overslept is more the word, I fear.   These

all night conversations are a bit...what is it?

DRACULA:    You will write those letters for!

               Exit Dracula, locking door behind him
HARKER:     One moment, sir.    Count Dracula!   Count Dracula!

                  Harker searches the room for exit

          He finds a hidden door which leads into a library

           Poking around, Harker opens a scrapbook to find

      the photo of Lucy and Mina noted earlier by Dracula

              Harker then sees a portrait of Vlad Tepes

                and a woman who greatly resembles Lucy

                          Enter three women

HARKER:     I never heard you come in.    Who are you?

                        The women rush Harker

                               Enter Dracula

DRACULA:     How dare you touch him until I finish with him!

                  Dracula returns Harker to his room

DRACULA:     Now, you will write that letter to your Mr. Hawkins.

Also to your fiancee.

HARKER:     No, I will not.

DRACULA:     You will tell them that you plan to spend some time in

Europe before coming home.       Also that you hope to make various

contacts on the continent so that you may soon inaugurate your

own business.
Harker writes the letters

Dracula daydreams of the woman who resembles Lucy in the


HARKER:     Now what?

DRACULA:     Now what, Mr. Harker?    Now, I go to England, and


                Dracula throws Harker across the room

                            Harker passes out

                               THE NEXT DAY

           Harker awakens, runs to window and sees a wagon

                            loaded with crates

HARKER:     Hello, down there!    Can you hear me?   Hello!

   Harker climbs out the window and crawls to another window

                  which enters into the castle crypt

              Harker opens coffin to find Dracula inside

      He attempts to cut off Dracula's head with a shovel

                                 but misses

            Gypsy workers attack Harker and knock him out


                                 The Crypt

                              Harker awakens
Enter the three vampiresses

HARKER:     No!     No!


                                 E N G L A N D

                                FIVE WEEKS LATER

                              The beach at Whitby

        Dracula stands on beach looking at a wrecked schooner

                               THREE WEEKS LATER

                              Whitby Train Station

                                A train arrives

CONDUCTOR:        Whitby Station!

            Mina dismounts and is greeted by Mrs. Westenra

MRS. WESTENRA:        Mina, my dear.    So pleased to see you again.

Lucy will be delighted you're here.          How was your journey?

MINA:     It was very good.       How lovely to see you again.

MRS. WESTENRA:        Any kind of word from Jonathan?

MINA:     I'm afraid not.
MRS. WESTENRA:      He did write he planned to spend some time on

the continent before returning.      I'm sure you'll hear from him

quite soon.

                             MOMENTS LATER

                Mina and Mrs. Westenra leave the station

MINA:   Is it some specific illness?

MRS. WESTENRA:      Well, no, that's the problem.   The doctor

doesn't seem to know what's the matter with her.

MINA:   There must be something.

MRS. WESTENRA:      There is, but he doesn't seem to think it's


MINA:   What is it?

MRS. WESTENRA:      Lucy has been walking in her sleep.

MINA: What do you plan to do about it?

MRS. WESTENRA:      I've discussed it with Arthur, and we're

bringing in another doctor...Dr. Van Helsing...a dear friend of

Arthur's family.

MINA:   Good.
MRS. WESTENRA:        As a matter of fact, they should be there when

we arrive.        My dear, have you heard about our local penny

dreadful mystery?

MINA:     No.     What happened?

MRS. WESTENRA:        Well, a Russian vessel called the Demeter

beached itself here several weeks ago with only one man on

board, a dead seaman who had apparently lashed himself to the

wheel.     No one yet has any notion what occurred.       It couldn't

have been piracy because the vessel was entirely in ballast with

the exception of a few wooden boxes partially filled with earth.

                Mina and Mrs. Westenra arrive at Hillingham

         They are greeted by the maid and manservant Burgess

MRS. WESTENRA:        You remember Miss Mina.


                        Lucy's Bedroom at Hillingham

                         Van Helsing examines Lucy

                   Arthur, Mina and Mrs. Westenra look on

HELSING:        Yes, I see.   You'll be fine, my dear.   You'll be fine.

 Now, I think we shall let the young lady get some rest.

                              A SHORT WHILE LATER
The Parlour

                    Van Helsing stands in thought

                               Enter Arthur

ARTHUR:    Well, sir, what do you think?

HELSING:     This wound on her throat, how long has she had it?

ARTHUR:    About three weeks, I believe.       I've had her blood

checked at Whitby Hospital.      There's no sign of venom.

HELSING:     It isn't a matter of venom, Arthur.

ARTHUR:    What then?

HELSING:     I'd rather not discuss it until I'm certain.      I should

like to remain here for several days.         I presume I can be put up.

ARTHUR:    Well, sure you can, but can't you at least tell me


HELSING:     This much.   If the cause of your fiancee's affliction

is what I think it is, then beside it the most venomous serpent

in the world would seem a plaything for children.

                               THAT EVENING

                              Lucy's Bedroom

                          Arthur sits with Lucy
LUCY:     Oh, I'm so frightened.     I've never walked in my sleep

before.     And I feel so weak, and I keep having these terrible

nightmares of something dark all around, something sweet and yet

so bitter.      It's draining me, Arthur.       I don't know what to do.

 I just don't know what to do.


                               Carfax Estate

                              Dracula awakens

                                 THAT NIGHT

                               Lucy's Bedroom

          Arthur stands over Lucy while she sleeps fitfully

HELSING:     Staring at her isn't going to help her sleep.

ARTHUR:     It's that damn wreath of garlic flowers.       Can't we take

them off her?

HELSING:     No, Arthur.     And please stop asking.    I realize that

it must seem absurd to you but you must take my word it is


ARTHUR:     I'm sorry.     I know you're doing what you think is

right.     I just wish you'd tell me why.

HELSING:     Soon enough.     For now, it is enough to know that we

must not let her sleepwalk again.

                                The Garden

                   Dracula stands outside Lucy's window

                              Lucy's Bedroom

                         Van Helsing wakes Arthur

HELSING:    Arthur.

ARTHUR:    What?

HELSING:    It's all right.     Nothing's wrong.     Would you take over

for a time?     It won't be long before dawn.       I'm afraid I might

fall asleep.

ARTHUR:    Yes, of course.

              Van Helsing sleeps while Arthur sits reads

                   Dracula stands outside Lucy's window

                           Arthur falls asleep

                   Lucy awakens and walks to the garden

                Lucy and Dracula embrace passionately

                      Dracula drinks of Lucy's blood

                             THE NEXT MORNING

                              Lucy's Bedroom

                        Van Helsing awakens Arthur
HELSING:     Arthur, she's gone!

              Van Helsing and Arthur run into the garden

ARTHUR:     Doctor, she's over there!

                Lucy sits listlessly in a garden seat

                             LATER THAT MORNING

                               Lucy's Bedroom

    Van Helsing gives Lucy a transfusion of the maid's blood

MRS. WESTENRA:        Will it work, Doctor?

HELSING:     It is already working.


                                The Parlour

           Van Helsing pores drinks for himself and Arthur

ARTHUR:     What is happening to her?

HELSING:     Drink?

ARTHUR:     Yes, please.

HELSING:     Have you ever heard of nosferatu?
ARTHUR:    No, what is it?

HELSING:    It means 'the undead'.

ARTHUR:    What are you saying?

HELSING:    That your fiancee may be the unknowing victim of a

vampire, a preternatural being, a reanimated corpse that drinks

the blood of the living by night.       Thus, the throat wounds.

ARTHUR:    That is the most ridiculous...

HELSING:    Hear me out, Arthur.     I happen to believe that there

exists, in the vicinity of Hillingham, a vampire.         That is why I

placed the wreath of garlic flowers around Lucy's neck and

crosses over the doors and windows of her room.         That is the

only way that the vampire can be kept away from its victim.

ARTHUR:    How can you, a man of science, believe such things?

HELSING:    Because I've lived long enough to accept what is,

whether science agrees with it or not.         We shall continue as

before but this time I shall make sure that we stay awake.

                             THREE DAYS LATER

                              Lucy's Bedroom

                  Lucy sits at the window, reading

                    Enter Mina and Mrs. Westenra
LUCY:   Mina!

MINA:   Lucy.    How lovely to see you looking so well again.

LUCY:   I'm so glad you're here.    I'm feeling much better.

                               A Stream

                     Arthur rows Lucy in a boat

                              The Patio

           Lucy, Mrs. Westenra and Mina are served lunch

MRS. WESTENRA:     Set them down there.

                    Enter Van Helsing and Arthur

HELSING:    What a pity to have to leave this charming company.

LUCY:   Dear Dr. Van Helsing, how can I ever thank you?

HELSING:    Your returning health is my reward, my dear.   Now, I

really must go.     I'll see you at your wedding.

LUCY:   Oh, you shall have a special place at the church, won't

he, Arthur?     And, of course, at our table afterwards.

HELSING:    Mrs. Westenra.
MRS. WESTENRA:       I can't tell you how grateful I am.

HELSING:    I'm happy I could help.     Will you walk me to my

carriage, my boy?

           Arthur and Van Helsing walk toward a carriage

HELSING:    Now, Arthur, whether you believe what I've said or

not, do not alter by a single detail the procedure we have

followed during the last three nights.       Now, here is more than

enough stimulant with which to stay awake.       Then, there should

be no problem.

ARTHUR:    And you're still certain we shouldn't call in the


HELSING:    Dear Arthur, if I haven't yet succeeded in convincing

you, how shall I convince the authorities?       No, we must do this

by ourselves.       You will continue every safeguard?

ARTHUR:    (nods)

HELSING:    Good.     When I return, we will start our search.   All

right, Thomas.

               Exit Van Helsing and driver in carriage

                                THAT NIGHT

                           The Scarborough Zoo
A zookeeper sees someone near the wolf cage

ZOOKEEPER:     Here.     Here.   Nobody's allowed in the grounds after

dark.     Hey, what's the matter with you?        Can't you read the

bloomin' signs?        What are you doing?   Here, what are you up to


                       Dracula sets loose the wolf


                                 Lucy's Bedroom

        Lucy sleeps while Arthur and Mrs. Westenra keep watch

MRS. WESTENRA:     You must tell me what Dr. Van Helsing said.

ARTHUR:     Mrs. Westenra, the important thing is that Lucy is


                            Offstage:    Wolf call

                          Arthur peers out window

ARTHUR:     I can't see anything.

               Wolf leaps in window and attacks Arthur

                            Mrs. Westenra faints

                Arthur shoots wolf and then passes out

                                 Enter Dracula

                   The hall outside Lucy's Bedroom

                  Maid and manservant knock on door

BURGESS:     Mrs. Westenra!     Mrs. Westenra!   Mrs. Westenra!   Mrs.

Westenra!     Stay here.     I'll get the key.

                               Lucy's Bedroom

                     Arthur regains consciousness

ARTHUR:     Mrs. Westenra?

                           Enter maid and Burgess

ARTHUR:     Look after her.     Burgess, come with me.

                 Arthur and Burgess run out to garden

                     Lucy lies dead under a tree

                                 DAYS LATER

                                 A Cemetery

                               Lucy's Funeral

MINISTER:     For as much as it please Almighty God, with his great

mercy, to take unto himself the soul of our dear sister, Lucy

Rebecca Westenra, dear departed, we therefore commit her body to

the ground.     Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.       We

show uncertain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, through

our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile body that it
might be likened to his glorious body according to mighty

working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself.

                                THREE NIGHTS LATER

                                   The Parlour

             Arthur sits alone looking at Lucy's portrait

                      There is a tapping at the window

                                   Lucy appears

ARTHUR:     No.     You're not there!     You're dead!

LUCY:     I'm not dead, Arthur, I'm alive.        Please let me in.      It's

cold out here.        Please, Arthur, please.     Let me in.    Let me in,

Arthur, please.        Please.     Let me in.

                             Arthur opens the window

                             Lucy enters the parlour

LUCY:     Oh, my darling.

                             Lucy and Arthur embrace

LUCY:     I made it back.        Nothing's ever going to keep us apart

again.     Oh, my love, we'll always be together now.          Always.

Hold me.     Hold me very close.        I love you.    I love you, and now

I'm yours.        Forever.

                  Lucy bares her teeth at Arthur's neck
Enter Van Helsing

HELSING:     Arthur!

                       Van Helsing holds up crucifix

                                 Lucy flees

ARTHUR:    Lucy!   Lucy!

HELSING:     No, Arthur.     It isn't Lucy.

ARTHUR:    Let me go.

HELSING:     It isn't Lucy.     Lucy's dead.

ARTHUR:    She isn't dead.      She isn't.

HELSING:     Then what is she running from?        Why did she flee from

the cross?

ARTHUR:    Because she was frightened.

HELSING:     No, Arthur.     Lucy's dead.     What came to you is a

vampire.     She came to drink your blood.


                                Lucy's Tomb

                        Enter Arthur and Van Helsing

                          Lucy lies in her coffin
HELSING:     See.   It's already dawn.   Do you understand now?

           Van Helsing drives a stake through Lucy's heart

                            LATER THAT MORNING

                                The Parlour

                       Mina looks out the window

                            Enter Van Helsing

HELSING:     Ah, Miss Mina.    I would be glad if you would have the

kindness to prepare yourself and Mrs. Westenra for a trip to

Whitby.     I think it would be best if you stayed away from here

for a few days.

MINA:     I must insist that you tell me what's going on.

HELSING:     I'm sorry, I can't.

MINA:     Why?   Why can't I be told?

HELSING:     Because...No, you're right, you should know the truth.

 There is a possibility--it's not a certainty, mind, but a

possibility--that the man who killed Lucy may return.

MINA:     Who would want to kill Lucy?

HELSING:     The vampire.     Please, Miss Mina, I know what you must
think but you must take my word.       It would be better for you and

Mrs. Westenra to be away from here.        Arthur and I will attempt

to track down this vampire to his hiding place, find him in his

box of earth, and kill him.       You see, by day a vampire must

remain in his coffin upon a layer of soil from his native land.

I know this is difficult for you to understand, Miss Mina...

MINA:    Did you say 'box of earth'?

HELSING:    Yes, I did.   Why?

MINA:    Mrs. Westenra spoke of a boat that beached itself in

Whitby some while back.     The boat was entirely in ballast with

the exception of a few wooden boxes partially filled with earth.

                           JUST PAST SUNSET

                             Lucy's Tomb

                            Enter Dracula

DRACULA:    Come, love.   Come.    Come.

        When there is no answer, Dracula opens Lucy's coffin

DRACULA:    Nooooo!

            Dracula remembers being captured by soldiers

             while the woman resembling Lucy lies dead

                             THAT EVENING
Outside the Hillingham Estate

  Mina, Mrs. Westenra, Van Helsing and Arthur board a carriage

HELSING:     Oh, Miss Mina.    I don't want you to say anything to

Mrs. Westenra that we've spoken of.

MINA:     I won't.    How long will you and Arthur be gone?

HELSING:     With any luck at all, we should be back to collect you

by tomorrow afternoon.

                     The carriage heads down the road

                     Dracula watches from a sideroad


                         A hotel lobby in Whitby

          Enter Arthur, Van Helsing, Mrs. Westenra and Mina

ARTHUR:     I believe you have a room for Mrs. Westenra and Miss


DESKCLERK:     Yes, 2-C.

HELSING:     Would it be possible for you to provide us with a


DESKCLERK:     Certainly, sir.
HELSING:     Good.     We'll be down as soon as I've made sure the

ladies are comfortable.

DESKCLERK:     Good evening, sir.     George, would you arrange a

carriage for these gentlemen?

         Outside the hotel, Dracula peers up to Mina's window


                              The hotel lobby

                        Enter Van Helsing and Arthur

ARTHUR:     Is our carriage ready?

DESKCLERK:     Yes, sir.     The coachman's at the door.

                        Exit Van Helsing and Arthur

                               Enter Dracula

CLERK:     I say, you sir, what are you doing there?       This is a

respectable hotel.        You can't just walk around like that...

                         Dracula kills hotel clerk,

                     struggles with a half dozen others

                                and escapes

                           EARLY THE NEXT MORNING

                          Whitby Shipping Services

         Van Helsing and Arthur interview the shipping clerk
CLERK:     Here we are.    The Russian schooner Demeter from Varna.

That name rings a bell.       Demeter.   Of course, I remember now.

That's the mystery ship.

HELSING:     How many boxes of earth was the ship carrying?

CLERK:     Boxes of common earth to be used for experimental

purposes number ten.

HELSING:     Ten?

CLERK:     That's odd.    Only nine of them were picked up from the


HELSING:     Delivered to whom?

CLERK:     Picked up on the written instructions of a man named

Dracula...Count Dracula.

HELSING:     By whom?

CLERK:     Wainright Shipping Services, Stockton.

                            LATER THAT MORNING

                Wainright Shipping Services, Stockton

           Van Helsing and Arthur interview shipping clerk
CLERK:     Yes, I'm sorry.   They remained here one day and then

were picked up by the Midvale Shipping Company of Darlington.

                          EARLY THAT AFTERNOON

                 Midvale Shipping Company, Darlington

           Van Helsing and Arthur interview shipping clerk

CLERK:     Nine boxes of earth?   Let me see.     Oh, yes, here we are.

 I don't have them anymore, gentlemen.      They were picked up next

day by the Richmond Shipping Company.

                          LATER THAT AFTERNOON

                       Richmond Shipping Company

           Van Helsing and Arthur interview shipping clerk

CLERK:     They were picked up next day by the Whitby Shipping


ARTHUR:     Whitby?

CLERK:     Yes, sir.   Taken down to the Carfax Estate.

ARTHUR:     That's less than ten miles from Hillingham.

                        Exit Arthur and Helsing

CLERK:     You're welcome, I'm sure.

Carfax Estate

              Van Helsing and Arthur search for Dracula

ARTHUR:     Doctor!

                      Arthur finds a roomfull of boxes

ARTHUR:     So, he isn't here.

HELSING:     No, nor is the tenth box.

ARTHUR:     What does that mean?

HELSING:     He has gotten himself a second hiding place.     Thank

God he hasn't had the chance yet to find any more.        Obviously,

he means to find a different place for each of these boxes.

ARTHUR:     What are we going to do now?

HELSING:     It's getting late.     Help me to push these boxes


                                 THAT NIGHT

                        The hotel lobby in Whitby

                       Enter Van Helsing and Arthur

DESKCLERK:     Gentlemen, Miss Murray and Mrs. Westenra have

already left.
HELSING:     Left?

DESKCLERK:     A very unfortunate incident occurred.     It seems that

a madman somehow broke into the inn last night.

HELSING:     Was he caught?

DESKCLERK:     No, sir, unfortunately not.    The ladies left this

note for you, sir.

ARTHUR:     What is it?

HELSING:     They've gone back to Hillingham.


                        The Parlour at Hillingham

               Mina and Mrs. Westenra await the return

                        of Arthur and Van Helsing

MINA:     I can't imagine where they could be.

                               The Kitchen

                     Maid and manservant sit at table

                          Offstage:   Loud noise

BURGESS:     Stay here.

                          Servant enters hallway
Finds the entry door ripped off its hinges

           Servant searches the house and shoots at Dracula

           Mina locks the bedroom door and climbs into bed

                           with Mrs. Westenra

                              Enter Dracula

                    Arthur and Van Helsing arrive

                     Find servant lying on floor

            Arthur and Van Helsing rush to Mina's bedroom

                              Mina's Bedroom

              Dracula prepares to drink of Mina's blood

                     Enter Van Helsing and Arthur

HELSING:     Let her go.

                    Van Helsing holds up a crucifix

DRACULA:     Throw it away.

                  Dracula tightens his grip on Mina

MINA:   (screams)

HELSING:     All right.

                  Van Helsing tosses crucifix aside

DRACULA:     So, you play your wits against mine.     Me, who
commanded armies hundred of years before you were born.          There

is no way in this life to stop me.         And to that end, this.

           Dracula rips open his chest and makes Mina drink

DRACULA:     Now she will be blood of my blood, kin of my kin,

later my companion in the night.        You are my slave and helper.

                                Exit Dracula


                               Carfax Estate

            Dracula finds his coffins burnt and smoldering


                               Mina's Bedroom

           Van Helsing hypnotizes Mina while Arthur watches

ARTHUR:     Do you think it will work?

HELSING:     If what he says is literally true...that she is now

blood of his blood, kin of his kin, subject to the calling of

his mind.        Miss Mina, can you hear me?    Miss Mina, can you hear


MINA:     Yes.

HELSING:     Where are you?
MINA:     At Hillingham.

HELSING:        But that is only part of you.    There is another part

now, isn't there, Miss Mina?        Now you are part of him, aren't

you, Miss Mina?

MINA:     Yes.

HELSING:        Can you tell me where that part is?    Where is it?

What are you looking at?        Where are you?    What can you see?

MINA:     Darkness.

HELSING:        Can you tell me where it is?

MINA:     No.     Darkness.

HELSING:        Can you hear anything?   Can you hear anything, Miss


MINA:     Water splashing by outside.

ARTHUR:     What is it?

HELSING:        We should never have destroyed those boxes.    Now he's

leaving England.

ARTHUR:     Isn't that what we want?
HELSING:     That's the last thing in the world we want.     She is in

his control now with his blood in her veins.        If we fail to find

him, she may be subject to his influence till she dies.

ARTHUR:     So, she will die?

HELSING:     Yes.

ARTHUR:     And after she dies?

HELSING:     I'm very much afraid she will become like Lucy.

ARTHUR:     But you don't know.     You can't be sure.

HELSING:     Oh, I can't be sure.     I can only pray to God that I'm

wrong.     But this much I do know...that whatever does happen is

going to happen soon.     Dracula originally came from Varna.     He

may decide to go back there.        We must examine all the shipping

lists.     If he does go back, we might get there first.

MINA:     Dracula.

                         Helsing wakes Mina.

MINA:     Did I tell you anything?

HELSING:     You mentioned the name Dracula.     How do you know that

MINA:     That was the name of the man Jonathan went to see in



                          T R A N S Y L V A N I A

                                 DAYS LATER

                                  A Train

           Mina, Arthur and Van Helsing consult timetables

HELSING:     Doolittle's Wharf last night destination Varna.

Traveling over land in Europe, we could get to Varna before him.

ARTHUR:     I still don't like the idea of Mina being with us.

HELSING:     Well, she's got to be with us.     It's the only way we

can know where he is.

MINA:     Doctor?

HELSING:     Yes, Mina?

MINA:     I want you to promise me something.

HELSING:     Of course.
MINA:     If you should not find Dracula and it becomes apparent

that there is no hope for me, I want you to deal with me as you

did Lucy.

HELSING:     Mina.

MINA:     You must promise me.

HELSING:     Nothing is going to happen to you, Mina.

MINA:     I feel it.     I feel it happening to me.     I'm losing myself

bit by bit.     It won't be long now.

                              SOME TIME LATER

                             Mina's Hotel Room

                                Mina sleeps

                      The Hallway outside Mina's room

                                Arthur waits

                     Enter Van Helsing from Mina's room

ARTHUR:     How is she?

HELSING:     Not very well.

ARTHUR:     This is Madame Cristoff.     She'll look after Mina while

we're away.     Now, do you understand you're not to leave her for

a moment while we're gone?
MME. CRISTOFF:        Yes, of course.

ARTHUR:     Is she asleep?

HELSING:     Yes.

ARTHUR:     And you've told her we're going back to England in the


HELSING:     Yes.     Now all we have to do is hope that that's what

he will think.        Come on, Arthur.   We've got a long hard ride

ahead of us if we're to get to Castle Dracula before tomorrow

night.     We'd better get ready.

ARTHUR:     Take good care of her.

                                THE NEXT DAY

                          The Carpathian Mountains

               Arthur and Van Helsing ride on horseback

                       They arrive at Castle Dracula

                    Arthur finds a doorway to the crypt

ARTHUR:     Doctor.

                Van Helsing and Arthur enter the crypt

           They find three coffins with women lying in them

ARTHUR:     My God, what are they?
HELSING:    They're vampires.     We have to destroy them.

           Van Helsing drives stakes through their hearts

ARTHUR:    Doctor, look at this.

                       Arthur finds an empty coffin

                               Enter Harker

                        Harker attacks Van Helsing

ARTHUR:    Jonathan!

                          Arthur beheads Harker

                   Harker's body falls into a pit

HELSING:    And now, I'm afraid, we must hope that Dracula is here

as well.

                       Exit Arthur and Van Helsing

                                  4 A.M.

                            Mina's Hotel Room

                               Mina awakens

MME. CRISTOFF:    Miss Mina, what is it?      What's wrong?

MINA:     Something's happening to me.     I'm so frightened.
Mina grabs a crucifix but it burns a mark on her palm

MINA:     Help me!    Help me!

                      The library at Castle Dracula

        Van Helsing and Arthur find the portrait of Vlad Tepes

HELSING:     That's him when he was alive.

ARTHUR:     Look at the girl.

HELSING:     The resemblance is incredible.

ARTHUR:     It could be Lucy.

                                 Enter Dracula

DRACULA:     You are now in my domain, gentlemen.      And you shall

not leave.

            Arthur holds up cross causing Dracula to cower

           Dracula overturns a table, knocking down Arthur

                           who drops the cross

              Dracula throws Van Helsing across the room

                     and attempts to strangle Arthur

    Van Helsing rips down the curtains, letting in sunlight

  Dracula is weakened and backs up against an overturned table

    Van Helsing drives a long stake through Dracula's heart
Dracula dies

                  Exit Van Helsing and Arthur

"In the 15th Century in the area of Hungary known as

Transylvania, there lived a nobleman so fierce in battle that

his troops gave him the name Dracula which means 'devil.'

Soldier...statesman...alchemist and warrior, so powerful a man

was he that it was claimed that he succeeded in overcoming even

physical death.   To this day, it has yet to be disproven."

                             THE END

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  • 1. LATE EVENING An Inn in Bistritz Enter Jonathan Harker Dracul HARKER: My name is Harker. Jonathan Harker. I believe you playsc have a room for me? INNKEEPER'S WIFE: Harker? HARKER: Yes, Jonathan Harker. INNKEEPER'S WIFE: Da. Jakov! Jakov! JAKOV: Da? INNKEEPER'S WIFE: (speaks in Hungarian) JAKOV: (hands Harker a letter) HARKER: This letter is for me? JAKOV: Da, da, da, you. Harker opens letter "My friend. Welcome to the Carpathians. Sleep well tonight. At ten tomorrow morning, the diligence will start for Bukovina. A place on it has been kept for you. At the Borgo Pass, my caleche will await you and will bring you to me. I
  • 2. trust that your journey from England has been a happy one and that you will enjoy your stay in my beautiful land. Your friend, Dracula. THE NEXT MORNING Harker boards the diligence to Bukovina THAT EVENING Borgo Pass The diligence stops The driver speaks to Harker in Hungarian HARKER: I'm sorry, I do not understand you. PASSENGER: You are stopping here? HARKER: Oh, yes. What did he say? PASSENGER: He said you must either wait here by yourself or continue on with us to Bukovina. HARKER: I cannot do that. I'm being met here to be taken to my destination. PASSENGER: May I ask you, sir, what is your destination? HARKER: Castle Dracula.
  • 3. A carriage approaches Harker dismounts and the diligence quickly departs HARKER: Are you to take me to Castle Dracula? Are you to take me to Castle Dracula? Harker mounts the carriage, lays back and sleeps LATER Harker is jostled awake by the hurrying carriage HARKER: Driver, slow down! Harker peers out the window to see wolves following AFTER MIDNIGHT Castle Dracula Harker dismounts from the carriage HARKER: Driver? A door to the castle opens HARKER: Oh, good evening. I'm Jonathan Harker. I'm sorry if I've kept you waiting. Enter Dracula DRACULA: Welcome to my house. Enter freely and of your own
  • 4. will. I am Dracula. I bid you welcome, Mr. Harker. HARKER: Thank you. For a moment, I thought perhaps that nobody was... Dracula leads Harker into the parlour HARKER: Mr. Hawkins bad me give you this on my arrival. DRACULA: Thank you, Mr. Harker. I pray you will be seated and eat. Excuse me that I do not join you but I have dined already. Your employer speaks well of you. HARKER: He is very kind. DRACULA: So, what properties do you have that would interest me? HARKER: Actually, quite a few. I have some photographs in my luggage. DRACULA: I must see them. HARKER: As soon as I've unpacked, I'll... DRACULA: Now. HARKER: Yes, of course.
  • 5. Harker fetches photos DRACULA: Excellent. These are quite suitable. Dracula notes a personal photo in Harker's luggage. DRACULA: Who is this young lady? HARKER: The one on the right is my fiance, Miss... DRACULA: No, Mr. Harker. This one. HARKER: Oh, Miss Lucy Westenra. She's my fiancee's dearest friend. DRACULA: And the young man. HARKER: Mr. Arthur Holmwood. They also are engaged. As a matter of fact, Miss Westenra lives quite near Carfax, one of the properties I want you to consider. Sir? Sir? DRACULA: Your fiancee is lovely. You are very fortunate. HARKER: Thank you. DRACULA: I would like to know more about this Carfax. HARKER: To be honest, Count, Carfax is not the best of the lot. You could do much better. The house is old and dilapidated and
  • 6. much in need of repair. DRACULA: On the contrary, my young friend, I am glad it is old. I myself am of an old family, and to live in a new house would distress me. HARKER: Interestingly enough, Carfax was the only house on the list we submitted to you that I personally suggested to Mr. Hawkins. DRACULA: How fortuitous for me. Then it is settled. Carfax will be my new home. TOWARD MORNING Dracula refills Karker's wineglass DRACULA: ...and the Magyar, the Lombard, the Turk, brought his thousands across our frontier. We always drove them back. No matter how many times we were beaten and forced to retreat, we would always regroup our forces and attack again. When the and his legions swept across our Hungarian fatherland... A clock strikes 5 AM DRACULA: Ah, it is morning again. How remiss of me to keep you up so long, though it has been a pleasurable and most informative night. Do write to your Mr. Hawkins and say that you will stay with me for a month.
  • 7. HARKER: A month? Count... Exit Dracula, locking the door behind him HARKER: Count Dracula? Count Dracula? A month? SEVERAL EVENINGS LATER Harker's Bedchamber Harker awakens HARKER: Oh, Cor, I've slept through the whole day. Oh, this schedule is ridiculous. LATER Harker shaves Enter Dracula DRACULA: I trust you slept well, Mr. Harker. Harker is surprised and cuts his neck with the razor HARKER: Oh, Count. Overslept is more the word, I fear. These all night conversations are a bit...what is it? DRACULA: You will write those letters for! Exit Dracula, locking door behind him
  • 8. HARKER: One moment, sir. Count Dracula! Count Dracula! Harker searches the room for exit He finds a hidden door which leads into a library Poking around, Harker opens a scrapbook to find the photo of Lucy and Mina noted earlier by Dracula Harker then sees a portrait of Vlad Tepes and a woman who greatly resembles Lucy Enter three women HARKER: I never heard you come in. Who are you? The women rush Harker Enter Dracula DRACULA: How dare you touch him until I finish with him! Dracula returns Harker to his room DRACULA: Now, you will write that letter to your Mr. Hawkins. Also to your fiancee. HARKER: No, I will not. DRACULA: You will tell them that you plan to spend some time in Europe before coming home. Also that you hope to make various contacts on the continent so that you may soon inaugurate your own business.
  • 9. Harker writes the letters Dracula daydreams of the woman who resembles Lucy in the portrait HARKER: Now what? DRACULA: Now what, Mr. Harker? Now, I go to England, and you...! Dracula throws Harker across the room Harker passes out THE NEXT DAY Harker awakens, runs to window and sees a wagon loaded with crates HARKER: Hello, down there! Can you hear me? Hello! Harker climbs out the window and crawls to another window which enters into the castle crypt Harker opens coffin to find Dracula inside He attempts to cut off Dracula's head with a shovel but misses Gypsy workers attack Harker and knock him out SUNDOWN The Crypt Harker awakens
  • 10. Enter the three vampiresses HARKER: No! No! ***************************** E N G L A N D FIVE WEEKS LATER The beach at Whitby Dracula stands on beach looking at a wrecked schooner THREE WEEKS LATER Whitby Train Station A train arrives CONDUCTOR: Whitby Station! Mina dismounts and is greeted by Mrs. Westenra MRS. WESTENRA: Mina, my dear. So pleased to see you again. Lucy will be delighted you're here. How was your journey? MINA: It was very good. How lovely to see you again. MRS. WESTENRA: Any kind of word from Jonathan? MINA: I'm afraid not.
  • 11. MRS. WESTENRA: He did write he planned to spend some time on the continent before returning. I'm sure you'll hear from him quite soon. MOMENTS LATER Mina and Mrs. Westenra leave the station MINA: Is it some specific illness? MRS. WESTENRA: Well, no, that's the problem. The doctor doesn't seem to know what's the matter with her. MINA: There must be something. MRS. WESTENRA: There is, but he doesn't seem to think it's important. MINA: What is it? MRS. WESTENRA: Lucy has been walking in her sleep. MINA: What do you plan to do about it? MRS. WESTENRA: I've discussed it with Arthur, and we're bringing in another doctor...Dr. Van Helsing...a dear friend of Arthur's family. MINA: Good.
  • 12. MRS. WESTENRA: As a matter of fact, they should be there when we arrive. My dear, have you heard about our local penny dreadful mystery? MINA: No. What happened? MRS. WESTENRA: Well, a Russian vessel called the Demeter beached itself here several weeks ago with only one man on board, a dead seaman who had apparently lashed himself to the wheel. No one yet has any notion what occurred. It couldn't have been piracy because the vessel was entirely in ballast with the exception of a few wooden boxes partially filled with earth. Mina and Mrs. Westenra arrive at Hillingham They are greeted by the maid and manservant Burgess MRS. WESTENRA: You remember Miss Mina. LATER Lucy's Bedroom at Hillingham Van Helsing examines Lucy Arthur, Mina and Mrs. Westenra look on HELSING: Yes, I see. You'll be fine, my dear. You'll be fine. Now, I think we shall let the young lady get some rest. A SHORT WHILE LATER
  • 13. The Parlour Van Helsing stands in thought Enter Arthur ARTHUR: Well, sir, what do you think? HELSING: This wound on her throat, how long has she had it? ARTHUR: About three weeks, I believe. I've had her blood checked at Whitby Hospital. There's no sign of venom. HELSING: It isn't a matter of venom, Arthur. ARTHUR: What then? HELSING: I'd rather not discuss it until I'm certain. I should like to remain here for several days. I presume I can be put up. ARTHUR: Well, sure you can, but can't you at least tell me something? HELSING: This much. If the cause of your fiancee's affliction is what I think it is, then beside it the most venomous serpent in the world would seem a plaything for children. THAT EVENING Lucy's Bedroom Arthur sits with Lucy
  • 14. LUCY: Oh, I'm so frightened. I've never walked in my sleep before. And I feel so weak, and I keep having these terrible nightmares of something dark all around, something sweet and yet so bitter. It's draining me, Arthur. I don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do. MEANWHILE Carfax Estate Dracula awakens THAT NIGHT Lucy's Bedroom Arthur stands over Lucy while she sleeps fitfully HELSING: Staring at her isn't going to help her sleep. ARTHUR: It's that damn wreath of garlic flowers. Can't we take them off her? HELSING: No, Arthur. And please stop asking. I realize that it must seem absurd to you but you must take my word it is necessary. ARTHUR: I'm sorry. I know you're doing what you think is right. I just wish you'd tell me why. HELSING: Soon enough. For now, it is enough to know that we must not let her sleepwalk again.
  • 15. LATER The Garden Dracula stands outside Lucy's window Lucy's Bedroom Van Helsing wakes Arthur HELSING: Arthur. ARTHUR: What? HELSING: It's all right. Nothing's wrong. Would you take over for a time? It won't be long before dawn. I'm afraid I might fall asleep. ARTHUR: Yes, of course. Van Helsing sleeps while Arthur sits reads Dracula stands outside Lucy's window Arthur falls asleep Lucy awakens and walks to the garden Lucy and Dracula embrace passionately Dracula drinks of Lucy's blood THE NEXT MORNING Lucy's Bedroom Van Helsing awakens Arthur
  • 16. HELSING: Arthur, she's gone! Van Helsing and Arthur run into the garden ARTHUR: Doctor, she's over there! Lucy sits listlessly in a garden seat LATER THAT MORNING Lucy's Bedroom Van Helsing gives Lucy a transfusion of the maid's blood MRS. WESTENRA: Will it work, Doctor? HELSING: It is already working. LATER The Parlour Van Helsing pores drinks for himself and Arthur ARTHUR: What is happening to her? HELSING: Drink? ARTHUR: Yes, please. HELSING: Have you ever heard of nosferatu?
  • 17. ARTHUR: No, what is it? HELSING: It means 'the undead'. ARTHUR: What are you saying? HELSING: That your fiancee may be the unknowing victim of a vampire, a preternatural being, a reanimated corpse that drinks the blood of the living by night. Thus, the throat wounds. ARTHUR: That is the most ridiculous... HELSING: Hear me out, Arthur. I happen to believe that there exists, in the vicinity of Hillingham, a vampire. That is why I placed the wreath of garlic flowers around Lucy's neck and crosses over the doors and windows of her room. That is the only way that the vampire can be kept away from its victim. ARTHUR: How can you, a man of science, believe such things? HELSING: Because I've lived long enough to accept what is, whether science agrees with it or not. We shall continue as before but this time I shall make sure that we stay awake. THREE DAYS LATER Lucy's Bedroom Lucy sits at the window, reading Enter Mina and Mrs. Westenra
  • 18. LUCY: Mina! MINA: Lucy. How lovely to see you looking so well again. LUCY: I'm so glad you're here. I'm feeling much better. A Stream Arthur rows Lucy in a boat The Patio Lucy, Mrs. Westenra and Mina are served lunch MRS. WESTENRA: Set them down there. Enter Van Helsing and Arthur HELSING: What a pity to have to leave this charming company. LUCY: Dear Dr. Van Helsing, how can I ever thank you? HELSING: Your returning health is my reward, my dear. Now, I really must go. I'll see you at your wedding. LUCY: Oh, you shall have a special place at the church, won't he, Arthur? And, of course, at our table afterwards. HELSING: Mrs. Westenra.
  • 19. MRS. WESTENRA: I can't tell you how grateful I am. HELSING: I'm happy I could help. Will you walk me to my carriage, my boy? Arthur and Van Helsing walk toward a carriage HELSING: Now, Arthur, whether you believe what I've said or not, do not alter by a single detail the procedure we have followed during the last three nights. Now, here is more than enough stimulant with which to stay awake. Then, there should be no problem. ARTHUR: And you're still certain we shouldn't call in the authorities? HELSING: Dear Arthur, if I haven't yet succeeded in convincing you, how shall I convince the authorities? No, we must do this by ourselves. You will continue every safeguard? ARTHUR: (nods) HELSING: Good. When I return, we will start our search. All right, Thomas. Exit Van Helsing and driver in carriage THAT NIGHT The Scarborough Zoo
  • 20. A zookeeper sees someone near the wolf cage ZOOKEEPER: Here. Here. Nobody's allowed in the grounds after dark. Hey, what's the matter with you? Can't you read the bloomin' signs? What are you doing? Here, what are you up to there? Dracula sets loose the wolf LATER Lucy's Bedroom Lucy sleeps while Arthur and Mrs. Westenra keep watch MRS. WESTENRA: You must tell me what Dr. Van Helsing said. ARTHUR: Mrs. Westenra, the important thing is that Lucy is recovering. Offstage: Wolf call Arthur peers out window ARTHUR: I can't see anything. Wolf leaps in window and attacks Arthur Mrs. Westenra faints Arthur shoots wolf and then passes out Enter Dracula
  • 21. MOMENTS LATER The hall outside Lucy's Bedroom Maid and manservant knock on door BURGESS: Mrs. Westenra! Mrs. Westenra! Mrs. Westenra! Mrs. Westenra! Stay here. I'll get the key. Lucy's Bedroom Arthur regains consciousness ARTHUR: Mrs. Westenra? Enter maid and Burgess ARTHUR: Look after her. Burgess, come with me. Arthur and Burgess run out to garden Lucy lies dead under a tree DAYS LATER A Cemetery Lucy's Funeral MINISTER: For as much as it please Almighty God, with his great mercy, to take unto himself the soul of our dear sister, Lucy Rebecca Westenra, dear departed, we therefore commit her body to the ground. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We show uncertain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile body that it
  • 22. might be likened to his glorious body according to mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself. THREE NIGHTS LATER The Parlour Arthur sits alone looking at Lucy's portrait There is a tapping at the window Lucy appears ARTHUR: No. You're not there! You're dead! LUCY: I'm not dead, Arthur, I'm alive. Please let me in. It's cold out here. Please, Arthur, please. Let me in. Let me in, Arthur, please. Please. Let me in. Arthur opens the window Lucy enters the parlour LUCY: Oh, my darling. Lucy and Arthur embrace LUCY: I made it back. Nothing's ever going to keep us apart again. Oh, my love, we'll always be together now. Always. Hold me. Hold me very close. I love you. I love you, and now I'm yours. Forever. Lucy bares her teeth at Arthur's neck
  • 23. Enter Van Helsing HELSING: Arthur! Van Helsing holds up crucifix Lucy flees ARTHUR: Lucy! Lucy! HELSING: No, Arthur. It isn't Lucy. ARTHUR: Let me go. HELSING: It isn't Lucy. Lucy's dead. ARTHUR: She isn't dead. She isn't. HELSING: Then what is she running from? Why did she flee from the cross? ARTHUR: Because she was frightened. HELSING: No, Arthur. Lucy's dead. What came to you is a vampire. She came to drink your blood. DAWN Lucy's Tomb Enter Arthur and Van Helsing Lucy lies in her coffin
  • 24. HELSING: See. It's already dawn. Do you understand now? Van Helsing drives a stake through Lucy's heart LATER THAT MORNING The Parlour Mina looks out the window Enter Van Helsing HELSING: Ah, Miss Mina. I would be glad if you would have the kindness to prepare yourself and Mrs. Westenra for a trip to Whitby. I think it would be best if you stayed away from here for a few days. MINA: I must insist that you tell me what's going on. HELSING: I'm sorry, I can't. MINA: Why? Why can't I be told? HELSING: Because...No, you're right, you should know the truth. There is a possibility--it's not a certainty, mind, but a possibility--that the man who killed Lucy may return. MINA: Who would want to kill Lucy? HELSING: The vampire. Please, Miss Mina, I know what you must
  • 25. think but you must take my word. It would be better for you and Mrs. Westenra to be away from here. Arthur and I will attempt to track down this vampire to his hiding place, find him in his box of earth, and kill him. You see, by day a vampire must remain in his coffin upon a layer of soil from his native land. I know this is difficult for you to understand, Miss Mina... MINA: Did you say 'box of earth'? HELSING: Yes, I did. Why? MINA: Mrs. Westenra spoke of a boat that beached itself in Whitby some while back. The boat was entirely in ballast with the exception of a few wooden boxes partially filled with earth. JUST PAST SUNSET Lucy's Tomb Enter Dracula DRACULA: Come, love. Come. Come. When there is no answer, Dracula opens Lucy's coffin DRACULA: Nooooo! Dracula remembers being captured by soldiers while the woman resembling Lucy lies dead THAT EVENING
  • 26. Outside the Hillingham Estate Mina, Mrs. Westenra, Van Helsing and Arthur board a carriage HELSING: Oh, Miss Mina. I don't want you to say anything to Mrs. Westenra that we've spoken of. MINA: I won't. How long will you and Arthur be gone? HELSING: With any luck at all, we should be back to collect you by tomorrow afternoon. The carriage heads down the road Dracula watches from a sideroad LATER A hotel lobby in Whitby Enter Arthur, Van Helsing, Mrs. Westenra and Mina ARTHUR: I believe you have a room for Mrs. Westenra and Miss Murray. DESKCLERK: Yes, 2-C. HELSING: Would it be possible for you to provide us with a carriage? DESKCLERK: Certainly, sir.
  • 27. HELSING: Good. We'll be down as soon as I've made sure the ladies are comfortable. DESKCLERK: Good evening, sir. George, would you arrange a carriage for these gentlemen? Outside the hotel, Dracula peers up to Mina's window SHORTLY The hotel lobby Enter Van Helsing and Arthur ARTHUR: Is our carriage ready? DESKCLERK: Yes, sir. The coachman's at the door. Exit Van Helsing and Arthur Enter Dracula CLERK: I say, you sir, what are you doing there? This is a respectable hotel. You can't just walk around like that... Dracula kills hotel clerk, struggles with a half dozen others and escapes EARLY THE NEXT MORNING Whitby Shipping Services Van Helsing and Arthur interview the shipping clerk
  • 28. CLERK: Here we are. The Russian schooner Demeter from Varna. That name rings a bell. Demeter. Of course, I remember now. That's the mystery ship. HELSING: How many boxes of earth was the ship carrying? CLERK: Boxes of common earth to be used for experimental purposes number ten. HELSING: Ten? CLERK: That's odd. Only nine of them were picked up from the schooner. HELSING: Delivered to whom? CLERK: Picked up on the written instructions of a man named Dracula...Count Dracula. HELSING: By whom? CLERK: Wainright Shipping Services, Stockton. LATER THAT MORNING Wainright Shipping Services, Stockton Van Helsing and Arthur interview shipping clerk
  • 29. CLERK: Yes, I'm sorry. They remained here one day and then were picked up by the Midvale Shipping Company of Darlington. EARLY THAT AFTERNOON Midvale Shipping Company, Darlington Van Helsing and Arthur interview shipping clerk CLERK: Nine boxes of earth? Let me see. Oh, yes, here we are. I don't have them anymore, gentlemen. They were picked up next day by the Richmond Shipping Company. LATER THAT AFTERNOON Richmond Shipping Company Van Helsing and Arthur interview shipping clerk CLERK: They were picked up next day by the Whitby Shipping Company. ARTHUR: Whitby? CLERK: Yes, sir. Taken down to the Carfax Estate. ARTHUR: That's less than ten miles from Hillingham. Exit Arthur and Helsing CLERK: You're welcome, I'm sure. LATER
  • 30. Carfax Estate Van Helsing and Arthur search for Dracula ARTHUR: Doctor! Arthur finds a roomfull of boxes ARTHUR: So, he isn't here. HELSING: No, nor is the tenth box. ARTHUR: What does that mean? HELSING: He has gotten himself a second hiding place. Thank God he hasn't had the chance yet to find any more. Obviously, he means to find a different place for each of these boxes. ARTHUR: What are we going to do now? HELSING: It's getting late. Help me to push these boxes together. THAT NIGHT The hotel lobby in Whitby Enter Van Helsing and Arthur DESKCLERK: Gentlemen, Miss Murray and Mrs. Westenra have already left.
  • 31. HELSING: Left? DESKCLERK: A very unfortunate incident occurred. It seems that a madman somehow broke into the inn last night. HELSING: Was he caught? DESKCLERK: No, sir, unfortunately not. The ladies left this note for you, sir. ARTHUR: What is it? HELSING: They've gone back to Hillingham. MEANWHILE The Parlour at Hillingham Mina and Mrs. Westenra await the return of Arthur and Van Helsing MINA: I can't imagine where they could be. The Kitchen Maid and manservant sit at table Offstage: Loud noise BURGESS: Stay here. Servant enters hallway
  • 32. Finds the entry door ripped off its hinges Servant searches the house and shoots at Dracula Mina locks the bedroom door and climbs into bed with Mrs. Westenra Enter Dracula Arthur and Van Helsing arrive Find servant lying on floor Arthur and Van Helsing rush to Mina's bedroom Mina's Bedroom Dracula prepares to drink of Mina's blood Enter Van Helsing and Arthur HELSING: Let her go. Van Helsing holds up a crucifix DRACULA: Throw it away. Dracula tightens his grip on Mina MINA: (screams) HELSING: All right. Van Helsing tosses crucifix aside DRACULA: So, you play your wits against mine. Me, who
  • 33. commanded armies hundred of years before you were born. There is no way in this life to stop me. And to that end, this. Dracula rips open his chest and makes Mina drink DRACULA: Now she will be blood of my blood, kin of my kin, later my companion in the night. You are my slave and helper. Exit Dracula LATER Carfax Estate Dracula finds his coffins burnt and smoldering MEANWHILE Mina's Bedroom Van Helsing hypnotizes Mina while Arthur watches ARTHUR: Do you think it will work? HELSING: If what he says is literally true...that she is now blood of his blood, kin of his kin, subject to the calling of his mind. Miss Mina, can you hear me? Miss Mina, can you hear me? MINA: Yes. HELSING: Where are you?
  • 34. MINA: At Hillingham. HELSING: But that is only part of you. There is another part now, isn't there, Miss Mina? Now you are part of him, aren't you, Miss Mina? MINA: Yes. HELSING: Can you tell me where that part is? Where is it? What are you looking at? Where are you? What can you see? MINA: Darkness. HELSING: Can you tell me where it is? MINA: No. Darkness. HELSING: Can you hear anything? Can you hear anything, Miss Mina? MINA: Water splashing by outside. ARTHUR: What is it? HELSING: We should never have destroyed those boxes. Now he's leaving England. ARTHUR: Isn't that what we want?
  • 35. HELSING: That's the last thing in the world we want. She is in his control now with his blood in her veins. If we fail to find him, she may be subject to his influence till she dies. ARTHUR: So, she will die? HELSING: Yes. ARTHUR: And after she dies? HELSING: I'm very much afraid she will become like Lucy. ARTHUR: But you don't know. You can't be sure. HELSING: Oh, I can't be sure. I can only pray to God that I'm wrong. But this much I do know...that whatever does happen is going to happen soon. Dracula originally came from Varna. He may decide to go back there. We must examine all the shipping lists. If he does go back, we might get there first. MINA: Dracula. Helsing wakes Mina. MINA: Did I tell you anything? HELSING: You mentioned the name Dracula. How do you know that name?
  • 36. MINA: That was the name of the man Jonathan went to see in Transylvania. ******************************* T R A N S Y L V A N I A DAYS LATER A Train Mina, Arthur and Van Helsing consult timetables HELSING: Doolittle's Wharf last night destination Varna. Traveling over land in Europe, we could get to Varna before him. ARTHUR: I still don't like the idea of Mina being with us. HELSING: Well, she's got to be with us. It's the only way we can know where he is. MINA: Doctor? HELSING: Yes, Mina? MINA: I want you to promise me something. HELSING: Of course.
  • 37. MINA: If you should not find Dracula and it becomes apparent that there is no hope for me, I want you to deal with me as you did Lucy. HELSING: Mina. MINA: You must promise me. HELSING: Nothing is going to happen to you, Mina. MINA: I feel it. I feel it happening to me. I'm losing myself bit by bit. It won't be long now. SOME TIME LATER Mina's Hotel Room Mina sleeps The Hallway outside Mina's room Arthur waits Enter Van Helsing from Mina's room ARTHUR: How is she? HELSING: Not very well. ARTHUR: This is Madame Cristoff. She'll look after Mina while we're away. Now, do you understand you're not to leave her for a moment while we're gone?
  • 38. MME. CRISTOFF: Yes, of course. ARTHUR: Is she asleep? HELSING: Yes. ARTHUR: And you've told her we're going back to England in the morning? HELSING: Yes. Now all we have to do is hope that that's what he will think. Come on, Arthur. We've got a long hard ride ahead of us if we're to get to Castle Dracula before tomorrow night. We'd better get ready. ARTHUR: Take good care of her. THE NEXT DAY The Carpathian Mountains Arthur and Van Helsing ride on horseback They arrive at Castle Dracula Arthur finds a doorway to the crypt ARTHUR: Doctor. Van Helsing and Arthur enter the crypt They find three coffins with women lying in them ARTHUR: My God, what are they?
  • 39. HELSING: They're vampires. We have to destroy them. Van Helsing drives stakes through their hearts ARTHUR: Doctor, look at this. Arthur finds an empty coffin Enter Harker Harker attacks Van Helsing ARTHUR: Jonathan! Arthur beheads Harker Harker's body falls into a pit HELSING: And now, I'm afraid, we must hope that Dracula is here as well. Exit Arthur and Van Helsing 4 A.M. Mina's Hotel Room Mina awakens MME. CRISTOFF: Miss Mina, what is it? What's wrong? MINA: Something's happening to me. I'm so frightened.
  • 40. Mina grabs a crucifix but it burns a mark on her palm MINA: Help me! Help me! The library at Castle Dracula Van Helsing and Arthur find the portrait of Vlad Tepes HELSING: That's him when he was alive. ARTHUR: Look at the girl. HELSING: The resemblance is incredible. ARTHUR: It could be Lucy. Enter Dracula DRACULA: You are now in my domain, gentlemen. And you shall not leave. Arthur holds up cross causing Dracula to cower Dracula overturns a table, knocking down Arthur who drops the cross Dracula throws Van Helsing across the room and attempts to strangle Arthur Van Helsing rips down the curtains, letting in sunlight Dracula is weakened and backs up against an overturned table Van Helsing drives a long stake through Dracula's heart
  • 41. Dracula dies Exit Van Helsing and Arthur "In the 15th Century in the area of Hungary known as Transylvania, there lived a nobleman so fierce in battle that his troops gave him the name Dracula which means 'devil.' Soldier...statesman...alchemist and warrior, so powerful a man was he that it was claimed that he succeeded in overcoming even physical death. To this day, it has yet to be disproven." THE END