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Divine Principle
Time Spirals
v. 1.2
Timeline: Past+Now+Future
The Past The Future
Concequencies from the Past
+ Potentials of the Future
are both present and pointing
into the present Now
Both Jesus and Sun Myung Moon (SMM)
could see the providential value of NOW
In preparing and building for the
Great Divine future!
Eternity does not start when we die,
but at the moment we come to know God’s will.
Here, if for even an instant there is a leap in
the relationship of time or an abyss created,
eternity will be interrupted.
Therefore, while walking the path of faith in the
course of your lives, do not procrastinate by
deferring your providential responsibilities from
this year to the next, and then to the year after that,
or from your youth to your midlife and finally into
your old age.
We cannot live like that.
People with such a lifestyle will die without having
ever spent even one day of being one with the Will
over the course of their lifetime.
They cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven.
/SMM 27 Dec 1970
• The Time Parallells in Divine Principle
“DP”clearly shows the time-spiral cyclical
pattern in things repeating themselves,
on a higher scale, still strikingly similar.
• Reason is Gods Providence
to make man Lord over Creation
Man must fulfill his/her respons-ability!
Messiah - Jesus
Abraham,-Isak –Jacob
True Parents
New level
New level
New level
The Three Ordered Stages of the Growing Period
All creation reach perfection by passing through three ordered
stages of growth: the formation stage, the growth stage and the
completion stage.
The Three Ordered Stages of the Growing Period
All creation reach perfection by passing through three ordered
stages of growth: the formation stage, the growth stage and the
completion stage.
Messianic Indemnity
needed – LSA SMM
Messianic Indemnity
needed – Jesus1st
Messianic Indemnity
needed – LSA SMM
Messianic Indemnity
needed – Jesus
Before Christ
Anno Domino,
Year of the Lord
3 Jan
1st Adam
1 Jan
Monk Dionysius Exiguus suggested BC/AD in the year 525 CE.
6 Jan 1920
B.C. A.D. H.C.
6 Jan 1920
3 Jan
1st Adam
1 Jan
The World again prepared …
Session 10
4 Seasons
The Holy Bible
2000 year Cycles
Source: SESSION_11_The Second Coming_Version 2.pptx
2000 year parallells of history in Divine Principle
Schweitzer said that Jesus threw
himself upon the wheel
of history in an attempt
to bring it to a halt,
to bring this world to an end and
to usher in the Kingdom of God in its fullness and power;
but the wheel continued to turn, and it crushed him.
Even now, said Schweitzer, his mangled body hangs on
that wheel as it turns, and “this is His victory and His reign.”
I’ve meditated on this image often and over many years,
and I can only agree that Jesus’ sacrifice was a victory,
not because it placated a vindictive God, but because by
it he diverted the wheel of history onto a new course,
opening up a new world of possibilities within the old.
But the wheel turns yet, and the innocent still are crushed by it.
Sometimes in the silence of worship I seem to hear the voices
of those who fall under the wheel in our time.
They seem to be crying out for the presence of Christ,
the Christ we meet in Jesus, the poet who brings the light
of tsedeq and shalom into the darkness of their world.
And as I reflect on their cries in the light of Whitman’s query,
“Who shall soothe these feverish children?”, in the light of the
new possibilities opened up by the poetic genius of Jesus,
I must acknowledge in fear and trembling that the longed-for
poet is I—is each of us.
• The Providence is
conditionally time dependent.
• IF …spiritual conditions are fulfilled it
shortens the Providence
Ex. The sacrifices of
Rebecca, Tamar and Mary
Jesus – Accepted or Rejected
Sacrifice by Jesus on the Cross
Lord of the Second Advent accepted?
• The Providence is
conditionally time dependent.
• IF NOT fulfilled…
indemnity= suffering and/or TIME
has to pass
Ex. Babylonian Captivity
Jesus Crucifixion
400yrs Christian Martyrs under
Roman Empire
The Jewish diaspora 2000 years
True Parents 40yrs suffering course
Lord of the Second Advent –
True Parents accepted!
Indemnity is needed:
1. To Give Inviolability and Perfection to
the Principle
God is perfect, therefore His Principle should
also be perfect.
God created the Principle first, in the beginning.
According to the Principle of Creation, God is to
control perfected man through His love.
God cannot control an immature or unperfected
Indemnity is needed:
2. To make God Alone the Creator
God controls or intervenes only in things which
are created by Him.
Indemnity is needed:
3. To Give Man the Qualification to be the
Lord of all Creation
Biblical Blessing
… if the first man he returns to fails to complete
the indemnity condition within the given period and dies,
he returns to another man and helps him.
Indemnity is necessary.
According to the Principle, indemnity is not completed
in a short time.
For this reason, if the second man does not fulfill the
indemnity, a third man is chosen for a returning resurrection.
/SMM Germany 1972
Upon their death, the believers of this era will enter and abide
in the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven, which is the divine-spirit
level of the spirit world (p. 140).
_____________________ _______________________________
Old TestOld Test
2000 20002000
The Providence of Resurrection for People on Earth
We call this process returning resurrection (p. 145).
The Providence of Resurrection for Spirits
Purpose and Way of Returning Resurrection
Returning Ressurection will take time:
Education of Spirits needed. –
Unification of 3 Generations on Earth is needed!
Compare how it took time for Saul to be a convinced St Paul.
All the Christians martyrs 400 years before Christianity
was firmly established.
The Gospel confirming prophecies on Jesus as Messiah,
written ca. 70 years after the crucifixion.
Why was that knowledge not readily available when Jesus
walked the earth and would have needed it to be accepted..
We must complete our mission to three separate ages.
We should liberate the spirits in the spirit world,
liberate the people living in the sinful world today,
and liberate the future generations from here as well.
The realm of liberation for three generations comes forth
in this way.
This is an immense and remarkable process.
What will happen if such dream-like things come to pass?
Your eyes will open wide, your mouth will open in awe,
your ears will prick up; but you will then have to bow your
head. /SMM 1970.1.11
The family is the smallest unit that connects the past,
present and future.
It is a microcosm of the world.
As the grandfather, father and son coexist in the family,
they connect the past, present and future.
When the son has sons and daughters, he rises to the
position of the father, and his father rises to the position
of the grandfather.
From the grandfather to the father to the son, these three
generations are to unite into one.
The links of the past, present and future should unite them.
No matter how much the world pitches and rolls, society
will not adversely impact that sort of family.
It will maintain a basis for happiness.
(28-162, 1970.01.11)
It is people's original nature and tendency to seek the
greatest love, so it is inevitable that we return to our family.
The grandfather and grandmother are envoys of Heaven,
and the father and mother, as the center of the family,
represent the king and queen of the world.
The grandfather and grandmother are the father and
mother of the past, your own father and mother are the
father and mother of the present, and you and your spouse
are the father and mother of the future.
When these three generations join as one, the past ages
of the spirit world are connected to the historic realm of
love on earth, going beyond the present family, and align
with heavenly law in the future.
Then all people of the world will be able to unite.
The family is the core unit of harmony;
ultimately all humanity must bind together as one
ideal family.
/SMM 2000.02.11
Returning Ressurection will take time:
Today: These days in this heavenly kingdom of spirit world
flowers are in full bloom with the spring of blessing.
When there are blessing events on earth, we in spirit world,
are talking with each other about our euphoria (happiness),
intoxicated with more ecstasy and beauty than earth,
and blooming of flower of the mind.
Returning Ressurection will take time:
Rev. Hyo Won Eu (the first president of HSA-UWC in Korea)
gives DP lecture restlessly, Heung Jin Nim and Great Mother
Hong pray again and again for True Parents health with
incredible sincerity.
Everyday our life consists of prayer, singing our hymn's,
and service. Our life is such a beautiful heavenly kingdom life.
/Rev. Sung Han Lee in Spir. Wrld
Suppose there is an earthly man who is entitled to go
from the sphere of benefit of the family level to that of
the tribal level, through the benefit of the age in the
providence of restoration.
However, if this man has a certain debt of sin, either his
own or his ancestors', he cannot go to the sphere of benefit
of the tribal level without having liquidated the sin by
setting up a corresponding condition of indemnity.
In this case, God can allow the evil spirit to torment the
earthly man as punishment for his sin.
Then, if this man gladly endures the torment given by the
evil spirit man, he can graduate from the sphere of benefit
of the family level to that of the tribal level, with his
endurance as the condition of indemnity.
In this case, the evil spirit man receives a share of the benefit.
In this way, the providence of restoration broadens its
scope in accordance with the benefit of the age, from the
sphere of benefit of the family level, to that of the tribal level,
national level, and finally to that of the worldwide level.
We learn from the Principle
that history repeats
itself in expanded versions.
Because Jesus did not complete his mission
2000 years ago, (to marry and become True Parent)
the pattern of history has to be repeated in our
and we have to pay the indemnity for
people's failure at the time of Jesus.
The base (time slot) upon which the mission of
Jesus had to operate was lost.
God has since prepared
a similar foundation upon which the Messiah
can come and complete the mission of Jesus.
God has been seeking a similar nation —
a nation of suffering —
for the base of the Second Coming
of the Messiah.
/SMM Jul 1 1973
In 1948, Israel became independent;
therefore, some might think it reasonable for the Lord
to come back to Israel.
Korea also became independent in 1948.
However, Korea was liberated from Japanese colonization,
in contrast to modern Israel's situation.
Conceivably both countries may have become independent
at the same time because the physical Israel inherited
something from the spiritual Israel, Korea.
The fact that the Jewish people, who had been wandering
for 2000 years, found their nation, shows that
all their sins had been forgiven.
Therefore, they could return to their original position.
The prophecy that Israel would be restored when Jesus
returned was fulfilled.
Because Jesus' death was indemnified,
mankind was able to receive forgiveness and
the Lord of the Second Advent could come.
/The Turning Point of History S.M.Moon
New World
Old World
& Messianic
1960 2003 2013
Moon Calendar – Heavenly Calendar
D-Day 13 Jan H.C. – 22 Febr Solar Cal.
You must think that your prayer today may not be
fulfilled until thousands of years from now.
I pray such prayers.
I am not praying just for this world today;
I am praying for 1 000 and 2 000 years from now.
If that prayer makes a bridge between that time
and now then the Unification Church will continue
to flourish even a long time after I am gone from the earth.
That kind of prayer is needed.
/SMM 15 April 1979
The Three Ordered Stages of the Growing Period
All creation reach perfection by passing through three ordered
stages of growth: the formation stage, the growth stage and the
completion stage.
4000 BC
2000 BC
2000 AD
1994 AD
• Ezekiel's famous vision of the Divine Throne above the
Four Living Creatures with their "wheels within wheels" contains all the
elements of lightning, fire, a whirlwind, and great noise that typically
attend the great revelations of God's Word.
• And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one
wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the
appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone.
/King James Bible
• The revelation of the Bible Wheel confirms and amplifies the ancient
Christian tradition that Ezekiel's Vision of the "wheels within wheels"
was a vision of the entire Bible in which the Old and and New
Testaments are inextricably interwoven.
Comment Compare DP Chart 3.
Remember this and consider, recall it to mind,
you transgressors, remember the former things of old,
for I am God, and there is no other; I am God,
and there is none like me, declaring the end
from the beginning and from ancient times things
not yet done,
saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish
all my purpose,' calling a bird of prey from the east,
the man of my counsel from afar country.
I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass;
I have purposed, and I will do it.
Isaiah 46:8-11
Whatever you do -- eating, walking down the street
selling papers, witnessing or fund raising –
that is the real battle, the most precious one and
the one that will be recognized in history.
That's the way your life is today.
Yesterday I talked about how establishing home churches
will be like bombs exploding throughout New York.
Do you have spiritual matches you can light to set
the bomb off?
Do you know the right time to push the button?
If you are sleeping you will miss the time.
You cannot do this at just any time.
The instructions will come from heaven to push the button,
but if you are sleeping then you will not hear them.
You might shrug and say, "Oh well, I can push it next year."
The tiny little fingers of women, even if the women
are wearing ugly dresses, can do magic if they know
the heavenly schedule.
The arsenals of the world will have no power if they do
not know the heavenly schedule, and all their weaponry
will be to no avail.
God always keeps time, and if you match His time then
there will be a resounding explosion.
/SMM Home Church 1981
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
by Blake
“Eternity is in love with the productions of time”.
• Time is cyclic (periodic) because all process in the universe
travels in repeating patterns. Within these patterns are
distinct and smaller units of periodic process (like Ezekiel’s
vision of wheels within wheels). Therefore, time is layered
and operates on different scales.
• That is why everything in the universe is unified,
and has order and orientation.
From the Swedenborgian
EDWARD F. SYLVIA, M.T.S. Philosopher/Theologian
• Einstein was one of the first modern thinkers to believe
that time was a part of the very fabric of physical reality.
He was basically correct.
• But where his theory jumped the tracks is that spacetime
was not continuous—like a linear sheet of paper or a
Ezekiel's Vision interpreted as the Old and New
Testaments by Fra Angelico (1455 AD)
• Because time is the result of God’s influence in the world,
all time finds its successive moments leading to some
cosmic result—that is, some utility. The universe is nothing
but process finding form in uses. Time cannot manifest
outside this cosmic law—which promotes interdependence
through utility.
• To go backwards in time would mean to thwart God’s
unifying activity and the directionality of Divine Providence.
Comment: Judas Iscariot. the Pharicees and the sceptical
people around Jesus thwarted Gods providence by
betraying and crucifying Jesus
the Messiah, 2000 years ago.
A potential KoH postponed another 2000 years until today.
• To move into the future, one would have to jump ahead of
God’s creative activity and providence — which means that
you would have to know where God is taking the world and
be able to do God’s Will all by yourself!
Comment: By paying indemnity, the possibility of moving the
providence forward, is possible. Problem is sinful Man can
not be reached by Gods direct guidance until he/she is in
the direct dominion of God. Meaning The Blessing must
have been given by the sinless Messiah, and the path to
completion be entered.
In the spirit world we have no clocks or other
mechanical contrivances to indicate the passage of time.
It would be the simplest thing in the world for our scientists
to provide us with such if we felt the need for them.
But we have no such need.
We have no recurrent seasons, no alternations of light
and darkness as external indications of time, and,
in addition, we have no personal reminders, common
to all the incarnate, of hunger and thirst and fatigue,
together with the ageing of the physical body.
We have two conceptions of time, one of which,
as upon the earth-plane, is purely relative.
Five minutes, let us say, of acute pain suffered by
the physical body will so affect the mind that the
passing moments will seem an age.
But five minutes of intense joy and happiness will seem
to have flown with the rapidity of the same number of seconds.
If, normally, we have none of the customary means
of measuring time because we have no need to do so,
we can -- and we do -- return to make contact with the
earth-plane, where we ascertain the exact time of day,
the day of the year, and the year itself.
I have spoken to some who have made this journey,
and they were all amazed to discover the unsuspected
scores of years that had passed by since their transition.
Conversation between mother on Earth
and daughter Karen
K: Motion moves things. Space conducts.
M: So space is the conductor of things.
And motion is the impetus that makes
the receiving and the conducting happen?
K: Time receives. Space conducts.
M: We (in Physical World) manipulate time, space, and motion;
you (in Spiritual World) manipulate receptivity, conductivity,
and frequency.
Is the”manipulation” anything like what we do when we
make time and space seem shorter or longer?
K: Yes. But our manipulation is more real. /end
Visions of Time and Destiny in Realms beyond Time
Psychically gifted people undoubtedly do see glimpses of
the future, and time in the spirit world is not like earth time.
In A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands, Franchezzo is twice
instructed by his teacher, Ahrinziman, on how the future
interpenetrates the present.
The first is a description reminiscent of Einstein's theory
of relativistic space-time:
In the spirit world, where time is not reckoned by days
or weeks or counted by hours, we judge of how long an
event will take to accomplish or when an occurrence will
happen by seeing how near or how far away they appear,
and also by observing whether the shadow cast by the
coming event touches the earth or is yet distant from it
we then try to judge as nearly as possible of what will be
its corresponding time as measured by earthly standards...
Many things may intervene to delay it and thus make
the date incorrect.
An event may be shown to be very near,
yet instead of continuing to travel to the mortal at the
same speed it may be delayed or held in suspense,
and sometimes even turned aside altogether by a stronger
power than the one which set it in motion.“
Source: Journal of Unification Studies - Vol. II
Visions of the Spirit World
The Eternal Blessing of Unification Church
Indemnity paid!
• 1st
World War - External
• 1920 Internal: Lord of the Second Advent
born on Korea
There is a Timeline
for the Providence
1st World War
One of the most arresting paranormal experiences
on military record which occurred in Europe at
10:30 P.M on November 14, 1915, was witnessed by
French, German, Russian, Italian and British troops.
1st World War
A Spiritual manifestation that, still in spite of the tremendous
human suffering in 1st
World war; there was a result
of that suffering - indemnity; the Birth of Christ!
Indemnity paid!
• 2nd
World War - External
• 1945 15 Aug
Internal: The Lord of Second Advent
starts his messianic mission in Korea
Indemnity paid!
• Until the end of World War II, Japan ruled Korea.
Among Korean patriots, there were many who
fought against Japanese colonial rule.
How did Japan dominate Korea for forty years?
Even the satanic side knew that in the future
Adam on the heavenly side would appear.
Indemnity paid!
Satan already knew of the coming of the true Lord;
he knew the coming of the Lord as the culmination
of four thousand years of history.
Therefore, Japan occupied Korea in order to destroy
that possibility. That is why Japan invaded Asia.
From this point of view, we can understand that
Korea is a providential nation centered on God's will.
Indemnity paid!
We know that it is a principle of development that
prior to the appearance of what is true, what is false
appears. That is why the devil invaded Asia and ruled
it for forty years.
Thus, the satanic forces brought Korean women
aged from twelve to forty, those purity was most
cherished, into sexual slavery with the intention
of staining the national character of the Korean
Indemnity paid!
In 1948, Israel became independent; therefore,
some might think it reasonable for the Lord to
come back to Israel.
Korea also became independent in 1948.
However, Korea was liberated from Japanese
colonization, in contrast to modern Israel's situation.
Indemnity paid!
Conceivably both countries may have become
independent at the same time because
the physical Israel inherited something from the
spiritual Israel, Korea.
The fact that the Jewish people, who had been
wandering for 2,000 years, found their nation,
shows that all their sins had been forgiven.
Therefore, they could return to their original
position. The prophecy that Israel would be
restored when Jesus returned was fulfilled.
Because Jesus' death was indemnified,
mankind was able to receive forgiveness
and the Lord of the Second Advent could come.
Indemnity paid!
The Korean War was the embodiment of the clash
between these two worlds.
It was not merely a local conflict:
it was a global war involving the forces of
world communism and the forces of the United Nations.
The Korean peninsula is a microcosm of the world,
and it could be said that the problems of the world are
encapsulated in the Korean peninsula.
Indemnity paid!
Korean War
This being the case, the solutions which are developed
and successfully applied in Korea are not merely local
solutions: they can become solutions for the world.
Jesus died at 33 age.
1953 Sun Myung Moon was 33 year old.
He survived and bypassed Jesus crucufixion!
– New Start
Indemnity paid!
Korean War
Jesus Spiritually in the clouds over Korean War 1950
Bible: Marriage of The Lamb
True Parents on Earth
1920 1946
1950-53 Indemnity
Korean War
<- Indemnity ->
1954 2003
- - - - - - - >
World/Cosmic B
National Blessing
Church Blessing 1960
Japanese occupation
1910<- Indemnity ->1945
Source: The Parallell Ages and the Providence of True Parents p.361
A Testimony to God's Word, in Regard to Divine Principle“ Gil Ja Sa Eu 2013
Sun Myung Moon not only revealed the Divine Principle
He fulfilled all the promises in it, and in the Bible.
The continuation of the incarnation the Christ, not Jesus, but a Christ,
is the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit has never been silent – never been
inactive. God - in many names ~ and worshiped in many ways –
will touch the hearts of people, and many prophecies will be fulfilled. /A Ford
Cheong Il Guk
Now we must bring OT, NT and CT into one
2013 – End of an Age – Start of a New Age
Cheon Il Guk
Of a fallen Age
Not end of Time
Start of a New Heaven
New Heavenly Calender
Time of Cheon Il Guk
”2 become One”
“Time”- Reality
Space-“Time”- Reality
Subconscious Heavenly Spiritual Inspiration!
1984 The year Heung Jin Nim dies!
and goes to Spirit World
I Want To Know What Love Is - 1984
Now this mountain I must climb, (Finding True Love in Fallen World)
feels like the world upon my shoulders (Saving the World)
Through the clouds I see love shine, (Gods Love)
it keeps me warm as life grows colder
In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far, to change this lonely life
Let's talk about love, I want to know what love is
The love that you feel inside, I want you to show me
And I'm feeling so much love, I want to feel what love is
No, you just can't hide, I know you can show me
I want to know what love is (let's talk about love),
I know you can show me. (TRUE LOVE)
One man one goal one mission, (Messiah – Christ – LSA)
One heart one soul just one solution,
One flash of light yeah one god one vision.
One flesh one bone,
One true religion,
One voice one hope,
Wowowowo gimme one vision.
One Vision – 1985
spiritually very inspired
No wrong no right,
I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white,
No Blood no stain,
All we need is one world wide vision. (DP - True Parents)
One flesh one bone,
one true religion, (Divine Principle)
One voice one hope,
Wowowowo gimme one vision.
I had a dream,
When I was young,
A dream of sweet illusion,
A glimpse of hope and unity,
And visions of one sweet union,
But a cold wind blows, (FallofMan)
And a dark rain falls, (Fallen Spirits down to Earth)
And in my heart it shows,
Look what they've done to my dream.
So give me your hands,
Give me your hearts,
I'm ready,
There's only one direction,
One world one nation, (KoH, Korea)
Yeah one vision. (DP – Christ - True Parents)
No hate no fight,
Just excitation,
All through the night
It's a celebration wowowowo yeah.
One flesh one bone,
one true religion, (True Love)
One voice one hope, (Messiah – Christ –LSA)
One real decision.
Gimme one night,
Gimme ione hope,
One man one man,
One bar one night,
One day hey hey,
Just gimme gimme gimme
One vision. (DP – Christ - True Parents)
A Kind Of Magic – 1986
spiritually inspired
It's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic,
A kind of magic,
One dream, one soul, one prize, (Messiah – Christ –LSA)
One goal, one golden glance of what should be,
It's a kind of magic,
One shaft of light that shows the way,
No mortal man can win this day,
It's a mind of magic,
The bell that rings inside your mind,
It's challenging the doors of time,
It's a kind of magic,
The waiting seems eternity, yeah,
The day will dawn of sanity,
Is this a kind of magic,
There can be only one, (Messiah – Christ –LSA)
This reign that lasts a thousand years (Biblical)
Will soon be gone,
This flame that burns inside of me
I'm hearing secret harmonies
It's a kind of magic,
The bell that rings inside your mind,
Is challenging the doors of time,
It's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic,
This reign that lasts a thousand years,
Will soon be will soon be,
Will soon be gone,
This is a kind of magic,
There can be only be one,
This reign that lasts a thousand years,
Will soon be gone,
Magic - it's a kind of magic,
It's a kind of magic,
Magic, magic, magic, magic,
It's magic,
It's a kind of magic.
It's a kind of magic.
[ From: ]
WHITNEY HOUSTON - My Love is Your Love 1998
If tomorrow is judgment day (Sing Mommy)
And I'm standing on the front line
And the Lord asks me what I did with my life
I will say I spent it with you
If I wake up in World War III – Prophecied in DivinePrinciple
physical or spiritual
I see destruction and poverty
And I feel like I want to go home
It's okay if you're coming with me
As the years they pass us by
We stay young through each other's eyes – True Love
And no matter how old we get
It's okay as long as I got you baby – True Love
WHITNEY HOUSTON – My Love is Your Love
If I should die this very day
Don't cry, 'cause on Earth we weren't meant to stay – Principle of Creation
And no matter what the people say
I'll be waiting for you after the judgment day
'Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
Why Yin/Yang in the Divine Principle (DP)
There are millions of Confusianists in the Orient
who this concept rings very true, and opens up for a
belief in both Jesus and SMM.
I believe Yin/Yang concept is in DP because like
SMM expresses Truth,- no further evaluation,
like the Prophets...message TRUTH delivered. period
quote SMM:
When will all these religions become one?
In the Last Days the purpose of each religion will be
completed, and when we reach that day of consummation
there will be one final movement of unity among religions.
The central religion always focuses on that one day
when all religions will be united, and it will have
many prophecies about the great day of unification to come.
That is how the central religion has been upholding
Christianity is a world religion.
How could it come to be such a formidable religion today?
It is because Christianity was created by God to take
the central role, and as long as God's will is still moving
forward Christianity must keep pace.
When the Last Days come, however, it will come to an
end along with all other religions.
In that day of consummation the one unifying force
which is being predicted is, in religious terms,
the concept of the Messiah.
The Messiah is the central theme of Christianity,
and each religion has a messianic concept in some form.
Each good religion in the world today has some
variation of this idea.
Comment: Unification of Religions
In my discussions with a Christian young minister
he comments on why there is yin/yang concept in DP
when those words are not mentioned in the Bible.
I answer there are millions of Confusianis in the Orient
who this concept rings very true, and opens up for a
belief in both Jesus and SMM, through DP.
I believe yin/yang is in DP because like
SMM expresses Truth,- duality is in creation
(not good/evil included) - no further evaluation,
like the Prophets...message delivered. period
Duality of yin-yang in the Bible
While we need to understand the extremes,
we maintain our walk in the middle.
On one hand, we let God lead us and on the other hand
we strife to accomplish what God has revealed and
instructed us to do. Grace - God's empower only comes
when we initiate actions.
It takes two to accomplish the work and word of God.
(My comment: another reason to see Jesus bride
as a natural part of his mission)
Other points of balance include :
Denying oneself to follow Christ vs Prosperity & Health
as one soul prosper.
Salvation by Grace and Faith only vs God's workmanship
created for Good-Work. see James 2:17-18,
faith without work is dead.
Another point of view is "Both sides of the Same Coin".
A key point in maintaining balance is get the boot
sequence right - God is 1st,
Jesus is the Source and end-point
and man just follows and then
spiraling to greater and greater height.
Yin-Yang is the 2D view of 3D spiral of growth into
the image of Christ.
23rd of March23rd of March 20122012
worthy to open and to read the scroll…
2015 Korea2015 Korea
2015 Korea2015 Korea
2015 Korea2015 Korea
2015 Korea2015 Korea
2016 Korea2016 Korea
2016 Korea2016 Korea
2016 Korea2016 Korea
Father said that even though second generation are born
without original sin, the spirits of new born children
will be clean beginning in the third generation children,
since the spiritual body of first and second generation
members are stained and blotchy with the sins of our
ancestors like dirty clothes.
Second generation children live in an environment where
the Fall can take place at any time, so they must be careful.
From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
Restoring the Marriage of Jesus
From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
Restoring the Physical Fall
Restoring the Spiritual Fall
Quote Korean Prophecy:
There will be no place for even
one evil spirit to reside in the new world.
The whole world will be unified
and once again return to the original point.
Testimony from Spirit World 1965
Sitting with Arthur Ford, March 18, 1965, 3:30 P.M.
Fletcher: I will have to speak for the people here.
Truth never contradicts itself.
Quite often what you call the teachings of Jesus may be
- they often are - interpretations which men have made,
and about which men have built institutions.
Testimony from Spirit World 1965
Sitting with Arthur Ford, March 18, 1965, 3:30 P.M.
You cannot, in your age, rely upon any ancient formula
or any ancient definitions of God or man.
The other religions develop dogmas and doctrines about
both man and God.
And when they declared them, science challenged them –
and then chaos, confusion, set in.
Time to Forgive, Love and Unite!
One True Family – no exceptions!
The Cosmic True Parents of Heaven Earth
and Humankind
Golden Age
Divine Principle:
Speeches by Sun Myung Moon:
Google for:
Youtube Discovering the divine principle
Life in the World Unseen by Anthony Borgia
The problem with time travel by thegodguy
Short Vocabulary:
CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy Textbook
CIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoH
CP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground Korea
DP = Divine Principle, v1973
EDP = Exposition of Divine Principle, v1996
ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008
KoH = Kingdom of Heaven
LSA = Lord of Second Advent
OT = Old Testament
NT = New Testament
CT = Completed Testament
TF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung Moon
TM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon
UC = Unification Church
See also extended Vocabulary:
Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there
to inspire the Holy inside all of us!
Have a great Blessed week! /Bengt 
Comet Feb 2013

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DP & Time Spirals

  • 2. Introduction Timeline: Past+Now+Future Now! The Past The Future Concequencies from the Past + Potentials of the Future are both present and pointing into the present Now
  • 3. Introduction Now! Both Jesus and Sun Myung Moon (SMM) could see the providential value of NOW In preparing and building for the Great Divine future!
  • 4. Eternity does not start when we die, but at the moment we come to know God’s will. Here, if for even an instant there is a leap in the relationship of time or an abyss created, eternity will be interrupted. Therefore, while walking the path of faith in the course of your lives, do not procrastinate by deferring your providential responsibilities from this year to the next, and then to the year after that, or from your youth to your midlife and finally into your old age. Introduction
  • 5. We cannot live like that. People with such a lifestyle will die without having ever spent even one day of being one with the Will over the course of their lifetime. They cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven. /SMM 27 Dec 1970 Introduction
  • 6. Introduction • The Time Parallells in Divine Principle “DP”clearly shows the time-spiral cyclical pattern in things repeating themselves, on a higher scale, still strikingly similar. • Reason is Gods Providence to make man Lord over Creation Man must fulfill his/her respons-ability!
  • 7. Messiah - Jesus Prophets Abraham,-Isak –Jacob Moses … True Parents Opening New level New level New level
  • 8. The Three Ordered Stages of the Growing Period Growth Formation Completion All creation reach perfection by passing through three ordered stages of growth: the formation stage, the growth stage and the completion stage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perfection Growing period CreationCreation _____________________________________ CreationCreation ___________________________________________
  • 9. The Three Ordered Stages of the Growing Period Growth Formation Completion All creation reach perfection by passing through three ordered stages of growth: the formation stage, the growth stage and the completion stage. -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Perfection Growing period CreationCreation _________________________________ CreationCreation ___________________________________________________ Messianic Indemnity needed – LSA SMM Messianic Indemnity needed – Jesus1st Israel 2nd Israel 3rd Israel
  • 10. Messianic Indemnity needed – LSA SMM Messianic Indemnity needed – Jesus
  • 11. B.C. Before Christ A.D. Anno Domino, Year of the Lord 2nd Adam 3 Jan 1st Adam 1 Jan Time Monk Dionysius Exiguus suggested BC/AD in the year 525 CE. 3rd Adam 6 Jan 1920
  • 12. Time B.C. A.D. H.C. 2013 3rd Adam 6 Jan 1920 2nd Adam 3 Jan 1st Adam 1 Jan Time The World again prepared …
  • 14. 4
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  • 45. 2000 year Cycles Source: SESSION_11_The Second Coming_Version 2.pptx 1917-1930
  • 46. 2000 year parallells of history in Divine Principle
  • 47. Schweitzer said that Jesus threw himself upon the wheel of history in an attempt to bring it to a halt, to bring this world to an end and to usher in the Kingdom of God in its fullness and power; but the wheel continued to turn, and it crushed him.
  • 48. Even now, said Schweitzer, his mangled body hangs on that wheel as it turns, and “this is His victory and His reign.” I’ve meditated on this image often and over many years, and I can only agree that Jesus’ sacrifice was a victory, not because it placated a vindictive God, but because by it he diverted the wheel of history onto a new course, (Christianity) opening up a new world of possibilities within the old.
  • 49. But the wheel turns yet, and the innocent still are crushed by it. Sometimes in the silence of worship I seem to hear the voices of those who fall under the wheel in our time. They seem to be crying out for the presence of Christ, the Christ we meet in Jesus, the poet who brings the light of tsedeq and shalom into the darkness of their world. And as I reflect on their cries in the light of Whitman’s query, “Who shall soothe these feverish children?”, in the light of the new possibilities opened up by the poetic genius of Jesus, I must acknowledge in fear and trembling that the longed-for poet is I—is each of us.
  • 50. Introduction • The Providence is conditionally time dependent. • IF …spiritual conditions are fulfilled it shortens the Providence Ex. The sacrifices of Abel,Noah Araham-Isaak-Jacob Moses Rebecca, Tamar and Mary Jesus – Accepted or Rejected Sacrifice by Jesus on the Cross Lord of the Second Advent accepted?
  • 51. Introduction • The Providence is conditionally time dependent. • IF NOT fulfilled… indemnity= suffering and/or TIME has to pass Ex. Babylonian Captivity Jesus Crucifixion 400yrs Christian Martyrs under Roman Empire The Jewish diaspora 2000 years True Parents 40yrs suffering course 1954-94 Lord of the Second Advent – True Parents accepted!
  • 52. Introduction Indemnity is needed: 1. To Give Inviolability and Perfection to the Principle
  • 53. Introduction God is perfect, therefore His Principle should also be perfect. God created the Principle first, in the beginning. According to the Principle of Creation, God is to control perfected man through His love. God cannot control an immature or unperfected being.
  • 54. Introduction Indemnity is needed: 2. To make God Alone the Creator God controls or intervenes only in things which are created by Him.
  • 55. Introduction Indemnity is needed: 3. To Give Man the Qualification to be the Lord of all Creation 3rd Biblical Blessing
  • 56. … if the first man he returns to fails to complete the indemnity condition within the given period and dies, he returns to another man and helps him. Indemnity is necessary. According to the Principle, indemnity is not completed in a short time. For this reason, if the second man does not fulfill the indemnity, a third man is chosen for a returning resurrection. /SMM Germany 1972
  • 57. Upon their death, the believers of this era will enter and abide in the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven, which is the divine-spirit level of the spirit world (p. 140). _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _____________________ _______________________________ ___________________________________________________ Old TestOld Test (form-spirit) 2000 20002000 HeavenlyHeavenly KingdomKingdom (divine-(divine- spirit)spirit) ParadiseParadise (life-spirit)(life-spirit) The Providence of Resurrection for People on Earth
  • 58. ________________________________________ We call this process returning resurrection (p. 145). Returnandcooperation Physi-Physi- calcal selfself Spirits Earthly people The Providence of Resurrection for Spirits Purpose and Way of Returning Resurrection Spirit self Spirit self
  • 59. Returning Ressurection will take time: Education of Spirits needed. – Unification of 3 Generations on Earth is needed! Compare how it took time for Saul to be a convinced St Paul. All the Christians martyrs 400 years before Christianity was firmly established. The Gospel confirming prophecies on Jesus as Messiah, written ca. 70 years after the crucifixion. Why was that knowledge not readily available when Jesus walked the earth and would have needed it to be accepted..
  • 60. We must complete our mission to three separate ages. We should liberate the spirits in the spirit world, liberate the people living in the sinful world today, and liberate the future generations from here as well. The realm of liberation for three generations comes forth in this way. This is an immense and remarkable process. What will happen if such dream-like things come to pass? Your eyes will open wide, your mouth will open in awe, your ears will prick up; but you will then have to bow your head. /SMM 1970.1.11 2006
  • 61. The family is the smallest unit that connects the past, present and future. It is a microcosm of the world. As the grandfather, father and son coexist in the family, they connect the past, present and future. When the son has sons and daughters, he rises to the position of the father, and his father rises to the position of the grandfather. 2006
  • 62. From the grandfather to the father to the son, these three generations are to unite into one. The links of the past, present and future should unite them. No matter how much the world pitches and rolls, society will not adversely impact that sort of family. It will maintain a basis for happiness. (28-162, 1970.01.11) 2006
  • 63. It is people's original nature and tendency to seek the greatest love, so it is inevitable that we return to our family. The grandfather and grandmother are envoys of Heaven, and the father and mother, as the center of the family, represent the king and queen of the world. The grandfather and grandmother are the father and mother of the past, your own father and mother are the father and mother of the present, and you and your spouse are the father and mother of the future. 2006
  • 64. When these three generations join as one, the past ages of the spirit world are connected to the historic realm of love on earth, going beyond the present family, and align with heavenly law in the future. Then all people of the world will be able to unite. The family is the core unit of harmony; ultimately all humanity must bind together as one ideal family. /SMM 2000.02.11 2006
  • 65. Returning Ressurection will take time: Today: These days in this heavenly kingdom of spirit world flowers are in full bloom with the spring of blessing. When there are blessing events on earth, we in spirit world, are talking with each other about our euphoria (happiness), intoxicated with more ecstasy and beauty than earth, and blooming of flower of the mind.
  • 66. Returning Ressurection will take time: Rev. Hyo Won Eu (the first president of HSA-UWC in Korea) gives DP lecture restlessly, Heung Jin Nim and Great Mother Hong pray again and again for True Parents health with incredible sincerity. Everyday our life consists of prayer, singing our hymn's, and service. Our life is such a beautiful heavenly kingdom life. /Rev. Sung Han Lee in Spir. Wrld
  • 67. Suppose there is an earthly man who is entitled to go from the sphere of benefit of the family level to that of the tribal level, through the benefit of the age in the providence of restoration. However, if this man has a certain debt of sin, either his own or his ancestors', he cannot go to the sphere of benefit of the tribal level without having liquidated the sin by setting up a corresponding condition of indemnity. 1973
  • 68. In this case, God can allow the evil spirit to torment the earthly man as punishment for his sin. Then, if this man gladly endures the torment given by the evil spirit man, he can graduate from the sphere of benefit of the family level to that of the tribal level, with his endurance as the condition of indemnity. In this case, the evil spirit man receives a share of the benefit. In this way, the providence of restoration broadens its scope in accordance with the benefit of the age, from the sphere of benefit of the family level, to that of the tribal level, national level, and finally to that of the worldwide level. 1973
  • 69. We learn from the Principle that history repeats itself in expanded versions. Because Jesus did not complete his mission 2000 years ago, (to marry and become True Parent) the pattern of history has to be repeated in our time, and we have to pay the indemnity for people's failure at the time of Jesus.
  • 70. The base (time slot) upon which the mission of Jesus had to operate was lost. God has since prepared a similar foundation upon which the Messiah can come and complete the mission of Jesus. God has been seeking a similar nation — a nation of suffering — for the base of the Second Coming of the Messiah. /SMM Jul 1 1973
  • 71. 1948 In 1948, Israel became independent; therefore, some might think it reasonable for the Lord to come back to Israel. Korea also became independent in 1948. However, Korea was liberated from Japanese colonization, in contrast to modern Israel's situation. Conceivably both countries may have become independent at the same time because the physical Israel inherited something from the spiritual Israel, Korea.
  • 72. 1948 The fact that the Jewish people, who had been wandering for 2000 years, found their nation, shows that all their sins had been forgiven. Therefore, they could return to their original position. The prophecy that Israel would be restored when Jesus returned was fulfilled. Because Jesus' death was indemnified, mankind was able to receive forgiveness and the Lord of the Second Advent could come. /The Turning Point of History S.M.Moon
  • 74. Moon Calendar – Heavenly Calendar Time
  • 75. D-Day 13 Jan H.C. – 22 Febr Solar Cal.
  • 76. You must think that your prayer today may not be fulfilled until thousands of years from now. I pray such prayers. I am not praying just for this world today; I am praying for 1 000 and 2 000 years from now. If that prayer makes a bridge between that time and now then the Unification Church will continue to flourish even a long time after I am gone from the earth. That kind of prayer is needed. /SMM 15 April 1979
  • 77. The Three Ordered Stages of the Growing Period Growth Formation Completion All creation reach perfection by passing through three ordered stages of growth: the formation stage, the growth stage and the completion stage.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Perfection Growing period CreationCreation ________________________________________________________ CreationCreation ________________________________________________________
  • 78. 4000 BC 2000 BC 2000 AD 1994 AD CHEON IL GUK JESUS
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81. • Ezekiel's famous vision of the Divine Throne above the Four Living Creatures with their "wheels within wheels" contains all the elements of lightning, fire, a whirlwind, and great noise that typically attend the great revelations of God's Word.
  • 82. • And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone. /King James Bible • The revelation of the Bible Wheel confirms and amplifies the ancient Christian tradition that Ezekiel's Vision of the "wheels within wheels" was a vision of the entire Bible in which the Old and and New Testaments are inextricably interwoven. Comment Compare DP Chart 3.
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85. Remember this and consider, recall it to mind, you transgressors, remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,' calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of my counsel from afar country. I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it. Isaiah 46:8-11
  • 86. Whatever you do -- eating, walking down the street selling papers, witnessing or fund raising – that is the real battle, the most precious one and the one that will be recognized in history. That's the way your life is today. Yesterday I talked about how establishing home churches will be like bombs exploding throughout New York. Do you have spiritual matches you can light to set the bomb off?
  • 87. Do you know the right time to push the button? If you are sleeping you will miss the time. You cannot do this at just any time. The instructions will come from heaven to push the button, but if you are sleeping then you will not hear them. You might shrug and say, "Oh well, I can push it next year."
  • 88. The tiny little fingers of women, even if the women are wearing ugly dresses, can do magic if they know the heavenly schedule. The arsenals of the world will have no power if they do not know the heavenly schedule, and all their weaponry will be to no avail. God always keeps time, and if you match His time then there will be a resounding explosion. /SMM Home Church 1981
  • 89.
  • 90. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by Blake “Eternity is in love with the productions of time”.
  • 91. • Time is cyclic (periodic) because all process in the universe travels in repeating patterns. Within these patterns are distinct and smaller units of periodic process (like Ezekiel’s vision of wheels within wheels). Therefore, time is layered and operates on different scales. • That is why everything in the universe is unified, and has order and orientation. From the Swedenborgian EDWARD F. SYLVIA, M.T.S. Philosopher/Theologian
  • 92. • Einstein was one of the first modern thinkers to believe that time was a part of the very fabric of physical reality. He was basically correct. • But where his theory jumped the tracks is that spacetime was not continuous—like a linear sheet of paper or a membrane.
  • 93. Ezekiel's Vision interpreted as the Old and New Testaments by Fra Angelico (1455 AD)
  • 94. • Because time is the result of God’s influence in the world, all time finds its successive moments leading to some cosmic result—that is, some utility. The universe is nothing but process finding form in uses. Time cannot manifest outside this cosmic law—which promotes interdependence through utility.
  • 95. • To go backwards in time would mean to thwart God’s unifying activity and the directionality of Divine Providence. Comment: Judas Iscariot. the Pharicees and the sceptical people around Jesus thwarted Gods providence by betraying and crucifying Jesus the Messiah, 2000 years ago. A potential KoH postponed another 2000 years until today.
  • 96. • To move into the future, one would have to jump ahead of God’s creative activity and providence — which means that you would have to know where God is taking the world and be able to do God’s Will all by yourself! Comment: By paying indemnity, the possibility of moving the providence forward, is possible. Problem is sinful Man can not be reached by Gods direct guidance until he/she is in the direct dominion of God. Meaning The Blessing must have been given by the sinless Messiah, and the path to completion be entered. end
  • 97.
  • 98. In the spirit world we have no clocks or other mechanical contrivances to indicate the passage of time. It would be the simplest thing in the world for our scientists to provide us with such if we felt the need for them. But we have no such need. We have no recurrent seasons, no alternations of light and darkness as external indications of time, and, in addition, we have no personal reminders, common to all the incarnate, of hunger and thirst and fatigue, together with the ageing of the physical body.
  • 99. We have two conceptions of time, one of which, as upon the earth-plane, is purely relative. Five minutes, let us say, of acute pain suffered by the physical body will so affect the mind that the passing moments will seem an age. But five minutes of intense joy and happiness will seem to have flown with the rapidity of the same number of seconds.
  • 100. If, normally, we have none of the customary means of measuring time because we have no need to do so, we can -- and we do -- return to make contact with the earth-plane, where we ascertain the exact time of day, the day of the year, and the year itself. I have spoken to some who have made this journey, and they were all amazed to discover the unsuspected scores of years that had passed by since their transition.
  • 101. Conversation between mother on Earth and daughter Karen K: Motion moves things. Space conducts. M: So space is the conductor of things. And motion is the impetus that makes the receiving and the conducting happen? K: Time receives. Space conducts. M: We (in Physical World) manipulate time, space, and motion; you (in Spiritual World) manipulate receptivity, conductivity, and frequency. Is the”manipulation” anything like what we do when we make time and space seem shorter or longer? K: Yes. But our manipulation is more real. /end
  • 102. Visions of Time and Destiny in Realms beyond Time Psychically gifted people undoubtedly do see glimpses of the future, and time in the spirit world is not like earth time. In A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands, Franchezzo is twice instructed by his teacher, Ahrinziman, on how the future interpenetrates the present. The first is a description reminiscent of Einstein's theory of relativistic space-time:
  • 103. In the spirit world, where time is not reckoned by days or weeks or counted by hours, we judge of how long an event will take to accomplish or when an occurrence will happen by seeing how near or how far away they appear, and also by observing whether the shadow cast by the coming event touches the earth or is yet distant from it we then try to judge as nearly as possible of what will be its corresponding time as measured by earthly standards...
  • 104. Many things may intervene to delay it and thus make the date incorrect. An event may be shown to be very near, yet instead of continuing to travel to the mortal at the same speed it may be delayed or held in suspense, and sometimes even turned aside altogether by a stronger power than the one which set it in motion.“ Source: Journal of Unification Studies - Vol. II Visions of the Spirit World
  • 105. The Eternal Blessing of Unification Church
  • 106. Indemnity paid! 1914-18 • 1st World War - External • 1920 Internal: Lord of the Second Advent born on Korea There is a Timeline for the Providence
  • 107. 1st World War One of the most arresting paranormal experiences on military record which occurred in Europe at 10:30 P.M on November 14, 1915, was witnessed by French, German, Russian, Italian and British troops. 1915
  • 108. 1st World War A Spiritual manifestation that, still in spite of the tremendous human suffering in 1st World war; there was a result of that suffering - indemnity; the Birth of Christ! 1915
  • 109. Indemnity paid! 1939-45 • 2nd World War - External • 1945 15 Aug Internal: The Lord of Second Advent starts his messianic mission in Korea
  • 110. Indemnity paid! 1915-45 • Until the end of World War II, Japan ruled Korea. Among Korean patriots, there were many who fought against Japanese colonial rule. How did Japan dominate Korea for forty years? Even the satanic side knew that in the future Adam on the heavenly side would appear.
  • 111. Indemnity paid! 1915-45 Satan already knew of the coming of the true Lord; he knew the coming of the Lord as the culmination of four thousand years of history. Therefore, Japan occupied Korea in order to destroy that possibility. That is why Japan invaded Asia. From this point of view, we can understand that Korea is a providential nation centered on God's will.
  • 112. Indemnity paid! 1915-45 We know that it is a principle of development that prior to the appearance of what is true, what is false appears. That is why the devil invaded Asia and ruled it for forty years. Thus, the satanic forces brought Korean women aged from twelve to forty, those purity was most cherished, into sexual slavery with the intention of staining the national character of the Korean people.
  • 113. Indemnity paid! 1948 In 1948, Israel became independent; therefore, some might think it reasonable for the Lord to come back to Israel. Korea also became independent in 1948. However, Korea was liberated from Japanese colonization, in contrast to modern Israel's situation.
  • 114. Indemnity paid! 1948 Conceivably both countries may have become independent at the same time because the physical Israel inherited something from the spiritual Israel, Korea. The fact that the Jewish people, who had been wandering for 2,000 years, found their nation, shows that all their sins had been forgiven.
  • 115. Therefore, they could return to their original position. The prophecy that Israel would be restored when Jesus returned was fulfilled. Because Jesus' death was indemnified, mankind was able to receive forgiveness and the Lord of the Second Advent could come. Indemnity paid! 1948
  • 116. The Korean War was the embodiment of the clash between these two worlds. It was not merely a local conflict: it was a global war involving the forces of world communism and the forces of the United Nations. The Korean peninsula is a microcosm of the world, and it could be said that the problems of the world are encapsulated in the Korean peninsula. Indemnity paid! Korean War 1950-53
  • 117. This being the case, the solutions which are developed and successfully applied in Korea are not merely local solutions: they can become solutions for the world. Jesus died at 33 age. 1953 Sun Myung Moon was 33 year old. He survived and bypassed Jesus crucufixion! – New Start Indemnity paid! Korean War 1950-53
  • 118. Jesus Spiritually in the clouds over Korean War 1950
  • 119. 1960 Bible: Marriage of The Lamb True Parents on Earth
  • 120. 2010
  • 121. 1920 1946 1960 2002 2013 D-Day 1952 1950-53 Indemnity Korean War 7-Years <- Indemnity -> 1954 2003 - - - - - - - > Jesus World/Cosmic B National Blessing Church Blessing 1960 Japanese occupation 1910<- Indemnity ->1945
  • 122. Source: The Parallell Ages and the Providence of True Parents p.361 A Testimony to God's Word, in Regard to Divine Principle“ Gil Ja Sa Eu 2013
  • 123. Sun Myung Moon not only revealed the Divine Principle He fulfilled all the promises in it, and in the Bible.
  • 124. The continuation of the incarnation the Christ, not Jesus, but a Christ, is the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit has never been silent – never been inactive. God - in many names ~ and worshiped in many ways – will touch the hearts of people, and many prophecies will be fulfilled. /A Ford
  • 125. Cheong Il Guk Now we must bring OT, NT and CT into one
  • 126. 2013 – End of an Age – Start of a New Age Cheon Il Guk
  • 127. End Of a fallen Age Not end of Time Start of a New Heaven New Heavenly Calender Time of Cheon Il Guk ”2 become One”
  • 131.
  • 132. Subconscious Heavenly Spiritual Inspiration! 1984 The year Heung Jin Nim dies! and goes to Spirit World
  • 133. I Want To Know What Love Is - 1984 Lyric: Now this mountain I must climb, (Finding True Love in Fallen World) feels like the world upon my shoulders (Saving the World) Through the clouds I see love shine, (Gods Love) it keeps me warm as life grows colder In my life there's been heartache and pain I don't know if I can face it again Can't stop now, I've traveled so far, to change this lonely life Foreigner
  • 134. Let's talk about love, I want to know what love is The love that you feel inside, I want you to show me And I'm feeling so much love, I want to feel what love is No, you just can't hide, I know you can show me I want to know what love is (let's talk about love), I know you can show me. (TRUE LOVE)
  • 135. One man one goal one mission, (Messiah – Christ – LSA) One heart one soul just one solution, One flash of light yeah one god one vision. One flesh one bone, One true religion, One voice one hope, Wowowowo gimme one vision. One Vision – 1985 spiritually very inspired Queen
  • 136. No wrong no right, I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white, No Blood no stain, All we need is one world wide vision. (DP - True Parents) One flesh one bone, one true religion, (Divine Principle) One voice one hope, Wowowowo gimme one vision.
  • 137. I had a dream, When I was young, A dream of sweet illusion, A glimpse of hope and unity, And visions of one sweet union, But a cold wind blows, (FallofMan) And a dark rain falls, (Fallen Spirits down to Earth) And in my heart it shows, Look what they've done to my dream.
  • 138. So give me your hands, Give me your hearts, I'm ready, There's only one direction, One world one nation, (KoH, Korea) Yeah one vision. (DP – Christ - True Parents)
  • 139. No hate no fight, Just excitation, All through the night It's a celebration wowowowo yeah. One flesh one bone, one true religion, (True Love) One voice one hope, (Messiah – Christ –LSA) One real decision.
  • 140. Gimme one night, Gimme ione hope, One man one man, One bar one night, One day hey hey, Just gimme gimme gimme One vision. (DP – Christ - True Parents)
  • 141. A Kind Of Magic – 1986 spiritually inspired It's a kind of magic, It's a kind of magic, A kind of magic, One dream, one soul, one prize, (Messiah – Christ –LSA) One goal, one golden glance of what should be, It's a kind of magic, One shaft of light that shows the way, No mortal man can win this day,
  • 142. It's a mind of magic, The bell that rings inside your mind, It's challenging the doors of time, It's a kind of magic, The waiting seems eternity, yeah, The day will dawn of sanity, Is this a kind of magic, There can be only one, (Messiah – Christ –LSA) This reign that lasts a thousand years (Biblical) Will soon be gone, This flame that burns inside of me
  • 143. I'm hearing secret harmonies It's a kind of magic, The bell that rings inside your mind, Is challenging the doors of time, It's a kind of magic, It's a kind of magic, This reign that lasts a thousand years, Will soon be will soon be, Will soon be gone,
  • 144. This is a kind of magic, There can be only be one, This reign that lasts a thousand years, Will soon be gone, Magic - it's a kind of magic, It's a kind of magic, Magic, magic, magic, magic, It's magic, It's a kind of magic. It's a kind of magic. [ From: ]
  • 145. WHITNEY HOUSTON - My Love is Your Love 1998 If tomorrow is judgment day (Sing Mommy) And I'm standing on the front line And the Lord asks me what I did with my life I will say I spent it with you If I wake up in World War III – Prophecied in DivinePrinciple physical or spiritual I see destruction and poverty And I feel like I want to go home It's okay if you're coming with me … As the years they pass us by We stay young through each other's eyes – True Love And no matter how old we get It's okay as long as I got you baby – True Love
  • 146. WHITNEY HOUSTON – My Love is Your Love If I should die this very day Don't cry, 'cause on Earth we weren't meant to stay – Principle of Creation And no matter what the people say I'll be waiting for you after the judgment day 'Cause your love is my love And my love is your love It would take an eternity to break us
  • 147.
  • 148. Why Yin/Yang in the Divine Principle (DP) There are millions of Confusianists in the Orient who this concept rings very true, and opens up for a belief in both Jesus and SMM. I believe Yin/Yang concept is in DP because like SMM expresses Truth,- no further evaluation, like the Prophets...message TRUTH delivered. period
  • 149. quote SMM: When will all these religions become one? In the Last Days the purpose of each religion will be completed, and when we reach that day of consummation there will be one final movement of unity among religions. The central religion always focuses on that one day when all religions will be united, and it will have many prophecies about the great day of unification to come.
  • 150. That is how the central religion has been upholding hope. Christianity is a world religion. How could it come to be such a formidable religion today? It is because Christianity was created by God to take the central role, and as long as God's will is still moving forward Christianity must keep pace. When the Last Days come, however, it will come to an end along with all other religions.
  • 151. In that day of consummation the one unifying force which is being predicted is, in religious terms, the concept of the Messiah. The Messiah is the central theme of Christianity, and each religion has a messianic concept in some form. Each good religion in the world today has some variation of this idea.
  • 152. Comment: Unification of Religions In my discussions with a Christian young minister he comments on why there is yin/yang concept in DP when those words are not mentioned in the Bible. I answer there are millions of Confusianis in the Orient who this concept rings very true, and opens up for a belief in both Jesus and SMM, through DP. I believe yin/yang is in DP because like SMM expresses Truth,- duality is in creation (not good/evil included) - no further evaluation, like the Prophets...message delivered. period
  • 153. Duality of yin-yang in the Bible While we need to understand the extremes, we maintain our walk in the middle. On one hand, we let God lead us and on the other hand we strife to accomplish what God has revealed and instructed us to do. Grace - God's empower only comes when we initiate actions. It takes two to accomplish the work and word of God. (My comment: another reason to see Jesus bride as a natural part of his mission)
  • 154. Other points of balance include : Denying oneself to follow Christ vs Prosperity & Health as one soul prosper. Salvation by Grace and Faith only vs God's workmanship created for Good-Work. see James 2:17-18, faith without work is dead. Another point of view is "Both sides of the Same Coin".
  • 155. A key point in maintaining balance is get the boot sequence right - God is 1st, Jesus is the Source and end-point and man just follows and then spiraling to greater and greater height. Yin-Yang is the 2D view of 3D spiral of growth into the image of Christ. Spiraling
  • 156. 23rd of March23rd of March 20122012 worthy to open and to read the scroll…
  • 164. Father said that even though second generation are born without original sin, the spirits of new born children will be clean beginning in the third generation children, since the spiritual body of first and second generation members are stained and blotchy with the sins of our ancestors like dirty clothes. Second generation children live in an environment where the Fall can take place at any time, so they must be careful.
  • 165. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture Restoring the Marriage of Jesus 1960
  • 166. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture Restoring the Physical Fall 2003
  • 167. Restoring the Spiritual Fall 2013 Quote Korean Prophecy: There will be no place for even one evil spirit to reside in the new world. The whole world will be unified and once again return to the original point.
  • 168. Testimony from Spirit World 1965 Sitting with Arthur Ford, March 18, 1965, 3:30 P.M. Fletcher: I will have to speak for the people here. Truth never contradicts itself. Quite often what you call the teachings of Jesus may be - they often are - interpretations which men have made, and about which men have built institutions.
  • 169. Testimony from Spirit World 1965 Sitting with Arthur Ford, March 18, 1965, 3:30 P.M. You cannot, in your age, rely upon any ancient formula or any ancient definitions of God or man. The other religions develop dogmas and doctrines about both man and God. And when they declared them, science challenged them – and then chaos, confusion, set in.
  • 170. Time to Forgive, Love and Unite! One True Family – no exceptions! Hawai 02.12.2015
  • 171. The Cosmic True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind Golden Age
  • 172. References: Divine Principle: Speeches by Sun Myung Moon: Google for: Youtube Discovering the divine principle Faith_Perspectives_How_to_Ring_in_2013.pdf Life in the World Unseen by Anthony Borgia The problem with time travel by thegodguy
  • 173. Short Vocabulary: CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy Textbook CIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoH CP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground Korea DP = Divine Principle, v1973 EDP = Exposition of Divine Principle, v1996 ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008 KoH = Kingdom of Heaven LSA = Lord of Second Advent OT = Old Testament NT = New Testament CT = Completed Testament TF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung Moon TM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon UC = Unification Church See also extended Vocabulary:
  • 174. Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire the Holy inside all of us! Have a great Blessed week! /Bengt  Comet Feb 2013

Editor's Notes

  1. v 1.2 Oct 2016 Kyrkslätt Autumn-colored Finland DP=Divine Principle, the New Revelation by korean Sun Myung Moon
  2. Gods goal of Creation is timeless, in the sence that WHEN it will be fulfilled is dependent on BOTH Gods (sending the Messiah 95%) and Mans (believe and follow 5%) responsibility.
  3. Gods goal of Creation is timeless, in the sence that WHEN it will be fulfilled is dependent on BOTH Gods (sending the Messiah 95%) and Mans (believe and follow 5%) responsibility.
  4. The timecycles for this opportunity of fulfilling Gods Creation, is dependent on indemnity And therefore not fixed in time, but in person-and timeperiod. See time parallells &amp; Indemnity.
  5. Heavenly Calendar = H.C. started by Sun Myung Moon in 2010. Year 1 The Birth of 1st,2nd and 3rd Adam is according to SMM, Moon Calendar. AD/BC notation was first proposed by the monk Dionysius Exiguus (Dennis the Little) in the year 525 CE. He used it to identify the years in the Easter tables.
  6. Heavenly Calendar = H.C. started by Sun Myung Moon in 2010. Year 1 The Birth of 1st,2nd and 3rd Adam is according to SMM, Moon Calendar. AD/BC notation was first proposed by the monk Dionysius Exiguus (Dennis the Little) in the year 525 CE. He used it to identify the years in the Easter tables.
  7. Welcome to Session 10 of Discovering the Divine Principle. In this session we are going to look at the history of God’s providence up to the Second Advent of the Messiah. As a student, I for one did not enjoy
  8. the Messiah and the ideal of creation will be a reality.
  9. In an earlier session we learned about indemnity. What we are going to discover is that God claims periods in history as conditions of indemnity for the Messiah’s coming. That sounds complicated, so let me give an analogy. Let’s say when I was young I said
  10. God, man, woman and child. This is why the numbers four, forty or 400 appear constantly in the Bible. For example, at the time of Noah, the flood judgment was
  11. 40 days. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt for
  12. 400 years. When Moses went up on the mountain,
  13. 4 to claim the ideal of creation. If a person fails to fulfill their responsibility, God will try again.
  14. It’s like the cycle of seasons. We know that flowers bloom every spring.
  15. If a frost stops that, we have to wait for the cycle to come around; another three seasons have to precede it. With this understanding of God working through time periods, and then repeating them when things don’t work out, let’s take a look at the path of human history. In this session we’re going to look at
  16. cycles in history that reveal remarkable parallels. We have covered how God prepared the foundation for the Messiah on the level of the family, through
  17. Adam, Noah, and Abraham’s family.
  18. God then determined to expand this family foundation to a nation. For this reason, we are going to examine the history of the Israelites, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That history begins with a 400-year period of slavery in Egypt. At the end of this 400-year period, God sent
  19. foundation for the Messiah. God spoke through the prophet Malachi, the last prophet of the Hebrew Scriptures, who proclaimed that the Lord is coming.
  20. Then, 400 years later Jesus was born. And what happened? The people God had prepared did not recognize that Jesus was the Messiah.
  21. They rejected him. On the foundation of the cross and resurrection, God had to build a foundation for the Messiah to come again. In the story of the vineyard, Jesus explains that if the people kill God’s son, God will give the vineyard to another people. (Matthew 21:33-43) Who are the “other people”? It is
  22. those who unite in heart with Jesus. They are the ones to pay the indemnity for the Messiah to come again, this time on a
  23. worldwide foundation. The Christian faith is beyond national boundaries, prepared to receive and protect the Messiah. With this in mind, let’s look at Christian history. We will see cycles that parallel the previous course. For example, the first
  24. 400 years of Christianity, a period of suffering under the Roman Empire, parallels the 400-year period of suffering under Egyptian rule. For the next 400 years, whereas judges guided the Israelites,
  25. patriarchs guided the Christian churches. Following this period, in the year 800, the Bishop of Rome anointed
  26. Charlemagne emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. This parallels Samuel anointing Saul king of Israel. In another parallel of history, the Holy Roman Empire failed to exalt the Word which began a period of a
  27. divided Christian empire, just like the period of division in Israel between the northern and southern kingdoms. And just as God sent prophets to Israel, God sent saints to try to reform the church. But despite saints such as
  28. St. Francis of Assisi, those in power resisted reform. This brings us to the period of
  29. exile and return. As the people of Israel were taken into exile in Babylon, the Papacy was exiled to
  30. Avignon, France. Just as the Israelites were in exile for 70 years before they began their return, the papacy was in exile in France for 70 years. This was also followed by a period of return and in 1377,
  31. Pope Gregory the Eleventh (XI) r eturned to Rome. This was a time of great confusion. Kings organized councils to reform the church, but they did not succeed. Finally, just as the Jewish reform occurred at the time of Malachi,
  32. Luther’s reform took place in the Christian faith. One important result of the Reformation was that
  33. the Bible was published in the language of the people. The new churches encouraged the people to read the Word of God. This parallels the Jewish scribes disseminating the Hebrew Scriptures. In both cases, the believers could prepare the foundation for the Messiah. This brings us to the period leading to the birth of
  34. the Messiah. Malachi and Luther stand in parallel positions. If the pattern holds true, then
  35. 400 years after Luther, the second coming of the Messiah should take place. It would actually bring us to the year 1917. Let’s review these parallels. God prepared Israel for the coming of Jesus. And likewise, God prepared Christianity for the second coming. These parallels clearly demonstrate God’s hand in history, centering on the Messiah. We see parallels, from Adam to Abraham, which, in biblical years, was about
  36. 2,000 years. Next we have the history from Abraham’s family to the birth of Jesus, another period of
  37. 2,000 years. And finally we have a
  38. 2,000-year period from Jesus to 1917. The time for the Messiah to appear has come.
  39. We have looked at the three 2,000-year periods, from Adam to Abraham, from Abraham to Jesus, and from Jesus to the present. We pointed out several parallels, ending with the parallel between Malachi and Martin Luther. 400 years after Malachi, Jesus was born. If our parallels are correct, this would indicate that the Messiah would be born 400 years after Luther,
  40. SMM= Sun Myung Moon
  42. Source:
  43. Source:
  44. Even though Jesus wan a spiritual victory over satan the Physical World still remained under the influence of satan. Ex. St Paul urging us “Pray without ceasing&amp;quot;. 1 Chor 13:1 “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.” Rom. 8:19
  45. A lunar calendar is a calendar that is based on cycles of the lunar phase. Because there are about twelve lunations (synodic months) in a solar year, this period (354.37 days) is sometimes referred to as a lunar year. A common purely lunar calendar is the Islamic calendar or Hijri Qamari calendar. A feature of the Islamic calendar is that a year is always 12 months, so the months are not linked with the seasons and drift each solar year by 11 to 12 days. It comes back to the position it had in relation to the solar year approximately every 33 Islamic years. It is used mainly for religious purposes, and in Saudi Arabia it is the official calendar. In other systems, a lunar calendar may include extra months added that synchronize it with the solar calendar.
  47. Gods goal of Creation is timeless, in the sence that WHEN it will be fulfilled is dependent on BOTH Gods (sending the Messiah 95%) and Mans (believe and follow 5%) responsibility.
  48. The timecycles for this opportunity of fulfilling Gods Creation, is dependent on indemnity And therefore fixed in time. See time parallells &amp; Indemnity.
  49. The timecycles for this opportunity of fulfilling Gods Creation, is dependent on indemnity And therefore fixed in time. See time parallells &amp; Indemnity.
  50. Source:
  51. Ref:
  52. Ref:
  53. The timecycles for the opportunity of fulfilling Gods Creation, is dependent on indemnity And therefore fixed in time. See time parallells &amp; Indemnity.
  54. Source:
  55. Artist: Benny Andersson
  56. Ref:
  57. Ref: The problem with time travel by thegodguy
  58. Ref: The problem with time travel by thegodguy
  59. Ref: The problem with time travel by thegodguy
  60. Ref: The problem with time travel by thegodguy
  61. Ref: The problem with time travel by thegodguy
  62. Google for Life in the World Unseen Anthony Borgia
  68. Jesus in the clouds during Korean War 1950-53.
  69. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
  70. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
  71. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
  72. CIG = Cheong Il Guk
  73. &amp;quot;From now on, there is no history according to the solar calendar. Heavenly calender must be used.“ /SMM 13 Feb 2012
  76. Ref: Mrs Eu; A Testimony to Gods Word p. 157
  77. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
  78. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
  79. From Hyung Jin Nims Lecture
  80. As we learned in the workshop, the principle as the truth has been revealed historically as follows: Original copy of the Divine Principle (May 10, 1952), Explanation of the Divine Principle (Aug. 15, 1957), Exposition of the Divine Principle (May 1, 1966) and Original Divine Principle started to be educated (Oct. 10, 2008). Exceptionally there has not been any new book published for ODP besides the lecture notes. When you see them, you realize they are the contents of the principle detailed by the ideas of the Unification thought and some of Father&amp;apos;s words, which, accordingly, would leave some members confused in thinking the workshop seems based on lectures that explore a deeper level of the Principle.
  81. Prepared for 2nd, 3rd, 4th ...forever generations inspiration by Bengt; Swedish Blessed brother living in Finland.