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Object-Oriented Programming

Programming Concepts

.NET Framework



.NET Architecture and Design Patterns








Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)



Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)

.NET Remoting



.NET Compact Framework

Windows Workflow Foundation

Windows Forms Controls


Project Management
Object-Oriented Programming

   1. Difference between Abstract Class and Interface
   2. Difference between Shadowing and Overriding
   3. Difference between Method Overriding and Method Oveloading
   4. Difference between Delegates and Events
   5. Difference between Structure and Class
   6. Difference between System.String and System.StringBuilder Classes
   7. Difference between Property and Indexer
   8. Difference between Overloading and Overriding
   9. Difference between Singleton and Static Class
   10. Difference between Virtual and Abstract Class
   11. Difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation
   12. Difference between Composition and Aggregation
   13. Difference between Invoke,BeginInvoke and Dynamic Invoke Methods
   14. Difference between Class Inheritance and Interface Inheritance
   15. Difference between Virtual and Abstract Methods
   16. Difference between Sealed Class and Private Class in Inheritance
   17. Difference between Class and Abstract Class
   18. Difference between Association, Aggregation and Inheritance relationships
   19. Difference between Protected and Protected Internal (or) Friend and Protected Friend
   20. Difference between Protected, Internal and Protected Internal
   21. Difference between multi-level and multiple inheritance
   22. Difference between Internal and Protected
   23. Difference between class and Public class

Programming Concepts

   1. Difference between Boxing and Unboxing
   2. Difference between Constants and Read-Only variables
   3. Difference between while and for loops
   4. Difference between Subprocedure and Function (or) Difference between Sub and Function
   5. Difference between While loop and do... While loop
   6. Difference between TypeOf() and GetType()
   7. Difference between IList and IEnumerable
   8. Difference between for and foreach loop
   9. Difference between Int32.Parse(String) and Convert.ToInt32(String)
   10. Difference between REF Parameter and OUT Parameter
   11. Difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable
   12. Difference between Passing Objects as Parameter and Passing by Ref
   13. Difference between Checked and Unchecked Keywords
   14. Difference between Value Types and Reference Types
   15. Difference between C# and VB.Net
   16. Difference between C++ and C#
   17. Difference between Arrays in C# and Arrays in other Programming Languages
   18. Difference between Method Parameters and Method Arguments
   19. Difference between Implicit Conversion and Explicit Conversion
   20. Difference between String Keyword and System.String Class
   21. Difference between Int.Parse and Int.TryParse methods
   22. Difference between Proc sent by Value and by Sub
   23. Difference between IEnumerable and IEnumerator
24. Difference between ArrayList and HashTable
  25. Difference between Array and ArrayList
  26. Difference between Const, Read-Only and Static
  27. Difference between HashTable and Arrays
  28. Difference between Class and Module
  29. Difference between Imperative and Interrogative Code
  30. Difference between // Comments, /* */ Comments and /// Comments
  31. Difference between VB 6 and VB.Net
  32. Difference between int and int32
  33. Difference between Convert.toString() and .toString() methods
  34. Difference between DiectCast and cType
  35. Difference between direct type casting and using "as" keyword
  36. Difference between HashTable and Dictionary
  37. Difference between int32 and parse
  38. Difference between function and methods
  39. Difference between List<string> and ArrayList
  40. Difference between while,dowhile and for loop? which loop is best

.NET Framework

  1. Difference between Managed and Unmanaged Code
  2. Difference between Dispose and Finalize methods
  3. Difference between Namespace and Assembly
  4. Difference between System Exceptions and Application Exceptions
  5. Difference between DLL and EXE
  6. Difference between CCW and RCW
  7. Difference between Weak-named .NET Components and Strong-named .NET Components
  8. Difference between CTS and CLS in ASP.Net
  9. Difference between .NET Framework and COM Framework
  10. Difference between Dispose and Destructor
  11. Difference between the statements: Obj = null adn Obj.dispose()
  12. Difference between finally and dispose methods
  13. Difference between VB DLL and Assemblies in .NET
  14. Difference between <connectionString> and <appSettings>
  15. Difference between manifest and metadata
  16. Difference between VS 2003 and VS 2003
  17. Difference between STA and MTA
  18. Difference between Private Assembly and Shared Assembly
  19. Difference between Strong and Weak named assemblies
  20. Difference between Framework 2.0 and Framework 4.0
  21. Difference between .net 3.5 and 4.0


  1.   Difference between OLEDB Provider and SqlClient
  2.   Difference between Clone and Copy methods of DataSet
  3.   Difference between DataSet and DataReader
  4.   Difference between Classic ADO and ADO.Net
  5.   Difference between Optimistic and Pessimistic Locking
  6.   Difference between ADO.Net DataSet and ADO RecordSet
  7.   Difference between ADO.Net DataSet and Entity Framework
  8.   Difference between ExecuteScalar(), ExecuteReader() and ExecuteNonQuery()
9. Difference between OLEDB SQL Server and OLEDB Dotnet Provider
  10. Difference between SqlCommand object and CommandBehaviour object
  11. Difference between Typed and Untyped DataSet
  12. Difference between DataView and DataTable
  13. Difference between Connected and Disconnected environment
  14. Difference between DataSet and DataTable
  15. Difference between OLEDB Reader and DataSet
  16. Difference between DataGrid, DataList and Repeater
  17. Difference between DataReader and DataAdapter
  18. Difference between DataList and GridView
  19. Difference between DataGrid and GridView
  20. Difference between DetailsView and FormView
  21. Difference between GridView and ListView


  1. Difference between ASP and ASP.NET
  2. Difference between Web User Control and Web Custom Control in ASP.NET
  3. Difference between Authentication and Authorization
  4. Difference between HTML and Web Server Controls
  5. Difference between Label control and Literal control
  6. Difference between HyperLink control and LinkButton control
  7. Difference between HtmlInputCheckBox control and HtmlInputRadioButton control
  8. Difference between Client-side and Server-side validations in web pages
  9. Difference between Content Page and Master Page
  10. Difference between Submaster Page and Top-level Master Page
  11. Difference between page theme and global theme
  12. Difference between default skin and named skin
  13. Difference between Globalization and Localization
  14. Difference between Page-level caching and Fragment caching
  15. Difference between absolute time expiration and sliding-time expiration
  16. Difference between file-based dependency and key-based dependency
  17. Difference between Cache.Insert() and Cache.Add() methods
  18. Difference between SQL Cache notification and SQL Cache invalidation
  19. Difference between ASP Session and ASP.NET Session
  20. Difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write() methods
  21. Difference between Cache object and Application object
  22. Difference between Server.Transer and Response.Redirect
  23. Difference between Server-side and Client-side code
  24. Difference between Webfarms and Webgarden
  25. Difference between Grid layout and Flow layout
  26. Difference between Trace and Debug in ASP.NET
  27. Difference between EVAL and BIND
  28. Difference between Inline code and Code-behind code
  29. Difference between global.asax and web.config
  30. Difference between Caching and Application
  31. Difference between Application Event and Session Event
  32. Difference between Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies
  33. Difference between ViewState and Hidden Fields
  34. Difference between web.config and machine.conig
  35. Difference between tier and layer
  36. Difference between User Controls and Master Page
37. Difference between Data Caching and Application-level Caching
   38. Difference between Page_Load() and Pre-render event
   39. Difference between ASP.NET 1.0,ASP.NET 1.1 and ASP.NET 2.0
   40. Difference between http and https
   41. Difference between String.Empty and ""
   42. Difference between .net and php
   43. Difference between ,c sharp and
   44. Difference between cookie and view state
   45. Difference between Page.RegisterStartupScript() and Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock()
   46. Difference between URL and URI
   47. Difference between Src and Code-Behind
   48. Difference between Login Controls and Forms Authentication
   49. Difference between PostBack and CallBack
   50. Difference between ASP.NET 2.0, ASP.NET 3.0 and ASP.NET 3.5
   51. Difference between ASP.NET 2.0 and ASP.NET 3.5
   52. Difference between Post and Get methods
   53. Difference between Windows Authentication and Forms Authentication
   54. Difference between Asynchronous and Synchronous HTTP handlers
   55. Difference between HTTP modules and HTTP handlers
   56. Difference between themes and CSS
   57. Difference between System Exceptions and Application Exceptions
   58. Difference between Session.Abandon() and Session.Clear()
   59. Difference between Website and Web Application Project Models
   60. Difference between Div and Table
   61. Difference between EnableviewState and ViewStateMode properties

.NET Architecture and Design Patterns

   1. Difference between Factory and Abstract Factory patterns
   2. Difference between MVP and MVC
   3. Difference between MVP and MVVM pattern
   4. Difference between MVC pattern / MVP pattern / MVVM pattern
   5. Difference between MEF and DI IOC
   6. Difference between facade and mediator
   7. Difference between command, strategy and template method
   8. Difference between Template and Strategy pattern
   9. Difference between Static class and Singleton instance
   10. Difference between Factory Pattern and Dependency Injection
   11. Difference between Abstract Factory Pattern And Builder Pattern
   12. Difference between Builder Pattern And Composite Pattern
   13. Difference between Observer Pattern and Proxy Pattern
   14. Difference between Adapater and Builder
   15. Difference between Strategy and Inversion of Control (IOC)
   16. Difference between Proxy and Adaptor
   17. Difference between Decorator and Visitor
   18. Difference between Strategy and State
   19. Difference between Multi-Tier and Multi-Layer

   1. Difference between XMLDocument and XpathDocument
   2. Difference between XML and XHTML
   3. Difference between HTML and XML
   4. Difference between XML,XSD and XSLT
   5. What is the difference between XML Encoding and Binary Encoding
   6. What is the main difference between the xmlserialization and soap serialization?
   7. Difference between MSML and .NET Framework XML classes
   8. Difference between XML files and Style Sheets
   9. Difference between XML schema and DTD
   10. Difference between <c> and <code> XML documentation tag


   1.   Difference between HTML 4 and HTML 5
   2.   Difference between HTML and Text
   3.   Difference between XML and XHTML
   4.   Difference between HTM and HTML
   5.   Difference between PHP and HTML
   6.   Difference between HTML 5 and Silverlight and Which one is best?
   7.   Difference between attribute value and property value in HTML
   8.   Difference between HTML and XHTML


   1.   Difference between DHTML and XHTML
   2.   Difference between AJAX and DHTML
   3.   Difference between dynamic html(DHTML) and javascript
   4.   Difference between FontSize and Font Size in DHTML


   1. Difference between XML and XHTML
   2. Difference between XHTML Strict and Transitional
   3. Difference between DHTML and XHTML


   1.  Difference between JavaScript and AJAX
   2.  Difference between JSP and JavaScript
   3.  Difference between CSS and JavaScript
   4.  Difference between syntax of vbscript and javascript
   5.  Difference between javascript and jquery
   6.  Difference between <a href="javascript://"> and <a href="#">
   7.  Difference between dynamic html(DHTML) and javascript
   8.  Difference between calling a JavaScript function directly like onclick = "a()" and
       onclick="JavaScript:a()". where, a() is a function written in JavaScript
   9. Difference between close and refresh in Javascript
   10. Difference between Validation controls validation and JavaScript validation
   11. Difference between onsubmit and onclick

  1.   Difference between JQuery and JQuery UI
  2.   Difference between javascript and jquery
  3.   Difference between dataTable and datagrid view in jquery
  4.   Difference between jQuery find and children methods
  5.   Difference between js and jquery
  6.   Difference between window.load & document.ready in jQuery
  7.   Difference between body.onload() and document.ready() functions
  8.   Difference between .live() and .bind() in jQuery


  1. Difference between Nhibernate and Linq
  2. Difference between linq and entity Framework
  3. Difference between ApplicatoinBlocks and Linq
  4. Difference between linq to sql and 2? Which one them is better?
  5. Difference between linq to sql and Entity Framework(EF)
  6. Difference between LINQ and Lambda Expression
  7. Differences between using LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entites
  8. Difference between Lambda expression and Action
  9. Difference between Take and Skip clauses
  10. Difference between Select clause and SelectMany() method in LINQ
  11. Difference between LINQ and Stored Procedures

Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)

  1. Difference between a WCF call and a regular method call
  2. Difference between wcf 3.0 and wcf 3.5
  3. Difference between WCF Service Application & Website WCF Service
  4. Difference between Message and Transport level security in WCF
  5. Difference between Communication exception and Fault exception in WCF
  6. Difference between a client and a service in WCF Context
  7. Difference between Serialization and Encoding in WCF
  8. Difference between Web Services, WCF and WPF
  9. Difference between WCF and Web Services
  10. Difference between WPF and WCF
  11. Difference between Buffered transfer and Streamed transfer in WCF
  12. Difference between basicHttpBinding and wsHttpBinding
  13. Difference between IIS hosting and Self hosting in WCF
  14. Difference between Service and Component
  15. Difference between Service Contract and Data Contract
  16. Difference between Service level message and Transport level message


  1.   Difference between JavaScript and AJAX
  2.   Difference between AJAX and DHTML
  3.   Difference between proxied and proxyless calls in AJAX
  4.   Difference between Rating and RatingExtender control in ajax control toolkit
  5.   Difference between Synchronous Postback and Asynchronous Postback

   1.   Difference between Silverlight and ASP.NET
   2.   Difference between HTML 5 and Silverlight and Which one is best?
   3.   Difference between Name and X:Name in silverlight
   4.   Difference between wpf and silverlight
   5.   Difference between Silverlight applications and XBAP applications in WPF

Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)

   1.   Difference between wpf and silverlight
   2.   Difference between Web Services, WCF and WPF
   3.   Difference between wpf and silverlight
   4.   Difference between a normal non-WPF application and a WPF application
   5.   Difference between WPF and WCF
   6.   Difference between Bubbling and Tunneling events
   7.   Difference between Simple controls and Content controls

.NET Remoting

   1.  Difference between Marshal by value and Marshal by ref in .net remoting
   2.  Difference between remotable and non-remotable objects
   3.  Difference between singleton mode and singlecall mode
   4.  Difference between HTTP and IPC Channels
   5.  Difference between transparent proxies and real proxies
   6.  Difference between Web Services and Remoting
   7.  Difference between RegisterWellKnownType() and RegisterWellKnownClientType()
       methods in .NET remoting
   8. Difference between Binary Serialization and XML Serialization


   1.   Difference between IIS and Webservices
   2.   Difference between Transport layer security and message security in webservice
   3.   Difference between wcf an webservice
   4.   Difference between Windows Services and Web Services
   5.   Difference between Web Services, WCF and WPF
   6.   Difference between svc and asmx
   7.   Difference between Services and Web Services
   8.   Difference between SOAP and REST Webservice type


   1.   Difference between lock and monitor in
   2.   Difference between thread and process
   3.   Difference between mutex and semaphore
   4.   Difference between UI thread and Background thread

.NET Compact Framework

   1. Difference between Pocket PC and Smartphone
Windows Workflow Foundation

   1. Difference between system workflow and human workflow
   2. Difference between Sequential and State Machine workflows


   1. Difference between Private and Shared data sources
   2. Difference between Crystal and SQL Reporting Services

Project Management

   1.   Difference between SITP and UTP in testing
   2.   Difference between Black-Box testing and White-Box testing
   3.   Difference between Unit testing, Assembly testing and Regression testing
   4.   Difference between Manager and Leader

Windows Forms Controls

   1. Difference between anchoring and docking
   2. Difference between Add() and Insert() methods of a ListBox control
   3. Difference between MDI form and Standard form
   4. Difference between MenuStrip control and ContextMenuStrip control
   5. Difference between toolstrip drop-down button and toolstrip split button
   6. Difference between CheckBox control and RadioButton control
   7. Difference between ListBox control and ComboBox control
   8. Difference between Panel and GroupBox control
   9. Difference between WindowsDefaultLocation and WindowsDefaultBounds
   10. Difference between pixels, points, em's and fonts
   11. Difference between Read() and ReadLine() methods
   12. Difference between Write() and WriteLine() methods
   13. Difference between Windows application and Windows service
   14. Difference between an input box and message box
   15. Difference between Windows and Console application

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.NET Difference Between Interview Questions - Compiled

  • 1. Object-Oriented Programming Programming Concepts .NET Framework ADO.NET ASP.NET .NET Architecture and Design Patterns XML HTML DHTML XHTML JavaScript jQuery LINQ Windows Communication Foundation(WCF) AJAX Silverlight Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF) .NET Remoting WebServices Threading .NET Compact Framework Windows Workflow Foundation Windows Forms Controls Reports Project Management
  • 2. Object-Oriented Programming 1. Difference between Abstract Class and Interface 2. Difference between Shadowing and Overriding 3. Difference between Method Overriding and Method Oveloading 4. Difference between Delegates and Events 5. Difference between Structure and Class 6. Difference between System.String and System.StringBuilder Classes 7. Difference between Property and Indexer 8. Difference between Overloading and Overriding 9. Difference between Singleton and Static Class 10. Difference between Virtual and Abstract Class 11. Difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation 12. Difference between Composition and Aggregation 13. Difference between Invoke,BeginInvoke and Dynamic Invoke Methods 14. Difference between Class Inheritance and Interface Inheritance 15. Difference between Virtual and Abstract Methods 16. Difference between Sealed Class and Private Class in Inheritance 17. Difference between Class and Abstract Class 18. Difference between Association, Aggregation and Inheritance relationships 19. Difference between Protected and Protected Internal (or) Friend and Protected Friend 20. Difference between Protected, Internal and Protected Internal 21. Difference between multi-level and multiple inheritance 22. Difference between Internal and Protected 23. Difference between class and Public class Programming Concepts 1. Difference between Boxing and Unboxing 2. Difference between Constants and Read-Only variables 3. Difference between while and for loops 4. Difference between Subprocedure and Function (or) Difference between Sub and Function 5. Difference between While loop and do... While loop 6. Difference between TypeOf() and GetType() 7. Difference between IList and IEnumerable 8. Difference between for and foreach loop 9. Difference between Int32.Parse(String) and Convert.ToInt32(String) 10. Difference between REF Parameter and OUT Parameter 11. Difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable 12. Difference between Passing Objects as Parameter and Passing by Ref 13. Difference between Checked and Unchecked Keywords 14. Difference between Value Types and Reference Types 15. Difference between C# and VB.Net 16. Difference between C++ and C# 17. Difference between Arrays in C# and Arrays in other Programming Languages 18. Difference between Method Parameters and Method Arguments 19. Difference between Implicit Conversion and Explicit Conversion 20. Difference between String Keyword and System.String Class 21. Difference between Int.Parse and Int.TryParse methods 22. Difference between Proc sent by Value and by Sub 23. Difference between IEnumerable and IEnumerator
  • 3. 24. Difference between ArrayList and HashTable 25. Difference between Array and ArrayList 26. Difference between Const, Read-Only and Static 27. Difference between HashTable and Arrays 28. Difference between Class and Module 29. Difference between Imperative and Interrogative Code 30. Difference between // Comments, /* */ Comments and /// Comments 31. Difference between VB 6 and VB.Net 32. Difference between int and int32 33. Difference between Convert.toString() and .toString() methods 34. Difference between DiectCast and cType 35. Difference between direct type casting and using "as" keyword 36. Difference between HashTable and Dictionary 37. Difference between int32 and parse 38. Difference between function and methods 39. Difference between List<string> and ArrayList 40. Difference between while,dowhile and for loop? which loop is best .NET Framework 1. Difference between Managed and Unmanaged Code 2. Difference between Dispose and Finalize methods 3. Difference between Namespace and Assembly 4. Difference between System Exceptions and Application Exceptions 5. Difference between DLL and EXE 6. Difference between CCW and RCW 7. Difference between Weak-named .NET Components and Strong-named .NET Components 8. Difference between CTS and CLS in ASP.Net 9. Difference between .NET Framework and COM Framework 10. Difference between Dispose and Destructor 11. Difference between the statements: Obj = null adn Obj.dispose() 12. Difference between finally and dispose methods 13. Difference between VB DLL and Assemblies in .NET 14. Difference between <connectionString> and <appSettings> 15. Difference between manifest and metadata 16. Difference between VS 2003 and VS 2003 17. Difference between STA and MTA 18. Difference between Private Assembly and Shared Assembly 19. Difference between Strong and Weak named assemblies 20. Difference between Framework 2.0 and Framework 4.0 21. Difference between .net 3.5 and 4.0 ADO.NET 1. Difference between OLEDB Provider and SqlClient 2. Difference between Clone and Copy methods of DataSet 3. Difference between DataSet and DataReader 4. Difference between Classic ADO and ADO.Net 5. Difference between Optimistic and Pessimistic Locking 6. Difference between ADO.Net DataSet and ADO RecordSet 7. Difference between ADO.Net DataSet and Entity Framework 8. Difference between ExecuteScalar(), ExecuteReader() and ExecuteNonQuery()
  • 4. 9. Difference between OLEDB SQL Server and OLEDB Dotnet Provider 10. Difference between SqlCommand object and CommandBehaviour object 11. Difference between Typed and Untyped DataSet 12. Difference between DataView and DataTable 13. Difference between Connected and Disconnected environment 14. Difference between DataSet and DataTable 15. Difference between OLEDB Reader and DataSet 16. Difference between DataGrid, DataList and Repeater 17. Difference between DataReader and DataAdapter 18. Difference between DataList and GridView 19. Difference between DataGrid and GridView 20. Difference between DetailsView and FormView 21. Difference between GridView and ListView ASP.NET 1. Difference between ASP and ASP.NET 2. Difference between Web User Control and Web Custom Control in ASP.NET 3. Difference between Authentication and Authorization 4. Difference between HTML and Web Server Controls 5. Difference between Label control and Literal control 6. Difference between HyperLink control and LinkButton control 7. Difference between HtmlInputCheckBox control and HtmlInputRadioButton control 8. Difference between Client-side and Server-side validations in web pages 9. Difference between Content Page and Master Page 10. Difference between Submaster Page and Top-level Master Page 11. Difference between page theme and global theme 12. Difference between default skin and named skin 13. Difference between Globalization and Localization 14. Difference between Page-level caching and Fragment caching 15. Difference between absolute time expiration and sliding-time expiration 16. Difference between file-based dependency and key-based dependency 17. Difference between Cache.Insert() and Cache.Add() methods 18. Difference between SQL Cache notification and SQL Cache invalidation 19. Difference between ASP Session and ASP.NET Session 20. Difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write() methods 21. Difference between Cache object and Application object 22. Difference between Server.Transer and Response.Redirect 23. Difference between Server-side and Client-side code 24. Difference between Webfarms and Webgarden 25. Difference between Grid layout and Flow layout 26. Difference between Trace and Debug in ASP.NET 27. Difference between EVAL and BIND 28. Difference between Inline code and Code-behind code 29. Difference between global.asax and web.config 30. Difference between Caching and Application 31. Difference between Application Event and Session Event 32. Difference between Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies 33. Difference between ViewState and Hidden Fields 34. Difference between web.config and machine.conig 35. Difference between tier and layer 36. Difference between User Controls and Master Page
  • 5. 37. Difference between Data Caching and Application-level Caching 38. Difference between Page_Load() and Pre-render event 39. Difference between ASP.NET 1.0,ASP.NET 1.1 and ASP.NET 2.0 40. Difference between http and https 41. Difference between String.Empty and "" 42. Difference between .net and php 43. Difference between ,c sharp and 44. Difference between cookie and view state 45. Difference between Page.RegisterStartupScript() and Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock() 46. Difference between URL and URI 47. Difference between Src and Code-Behind 48. Difference between Login Controls and Forms Authentication 49. Difference between PostBack and CallBack 50. Difference between ASP.NET 2.0, ASP.NET 3.0 and ASP.NET 3.5 51. Difference between ASP.NET 2.0 and ASP.NET 3.5 52. Difference between Post and Get methods 53. Difference between Windows Authentication and Forms Authentication 54. Difference between Asynchronous and Synchronous HTTP handlers 55. Difference between HTTP modules and HTTP handlers 56. Difference between themes and CSS 57. Difference between System Exceptions and Application Exceptions 58. Difference between Session.Abandon() and Session.Clear() 59. Difference between Website and Web Application Project Models 60. Difference between Div and Table 61. Difference between EnableviewState and ViewStateMode properties .NET Architecture and Design Patterns 1. Difference between Factory and Abstract Factory patterns 2. Difference between MVP and MVC 3. Difference between MVP and MVVM pattern 4. Difference between MVC pattern / MVP pattern / MVVM pattern 5. Difference between MEF and DI IOC 6. Difference between facade and mediator 7. Difference between command, strategy and template method 8. Difference between Template and Strategy pattern 9. Difference between Static class and Singleton instance 10. Difference between Factory Pattern and Dependency Injection 11. Difference between Abstract Factory Pattern And Builder Pattern 12. Difference between Builder Pattern And Composite Pattern 13. Difference between Observer Pattern and Proxy Pattern 14. Difference between Adapater and Builder 15. Difference between Strategy and Inversion of Control (IOC) 16. Difference between Proxy and Adaptor 17. Difference between Decorator and Visitor 18. Difference between Strategy and State 19. Difference between Multi-Tier and Multi-Layer
  • 6. XML 1. Difference between XMLDocument and XpathDocument 2. Difference between XML and XHTML 3. Difference between HTML and XML 4. Difference between XML,XSD and XSLT 5. What is the difference between XML Encoding and Binary Encoding 6. What is the main difference between the xmlserialization and soap serialization? 7. Difference between MSML and .NET Framework XML classes 8. Difference between XML files and Style Sheets 9. Difference between XML schema and DTD 10. Difference between <c> and <code> XML documentation tag HTML 1. Difference between HTML 4 and HTML 5 2. Difference between HTML and Text 3. Difference between XML and XHTML 4. Difference between HTM and HTML 5. Difference between PHP and HTML 6. Difference between HTML 5 and Silverlight and Which one is best? 7. Difference between attribute value and property value in HTML 8. Difference between HTML and XHTML DHTML 1. Difference between DHTML and XHTML 2. Difference between AJAX and DHTML 3. Difference between dynamic html(DHTML) and javascript 4. Difference between FontSize and Font Size in DHTML XHTML 1. Difference between XML and XHTML 2. Difference between XHTML Strict and Transitional 3. Difference between DHTML and XHTML JavaScript 1. Difference between JavaScript and AJAX 2. Difference between JSP and JavaScript 3. Difference between CSS and JavaScript 4. Difference between syntax of vbscript and javascript 5. Difference between javascript and jquery 6. Difference between <a href="javascript://"> and <a href="#"> 7. Difference between dynamic html(DHTML) and javascript 8. Difference between calling a JavaScript function directly like onclick = "a()" and onclick="JavaScript:a()". where, a() is a function written in JavaScript 9. Difference between close and refresh in Javascript 10. Difference between Validation controls validation and JavaScript validation 11. Difference between onsubmit and onclick
  • 7. jQuery 1. Difference between JQuery and JQuery UI 2. Difference between javascript and jquery 3. Difference between dataTable and datagrid view in jquery 4. Difference between jQuery find and children methods 5. Difference between js and jquery 6. Difference between window.load & document.ready in jQuery 7. Difference between body.onload() and document.ready() functions 8. Difference between .live() and .bind() in jQuery LINQ 1. Difference between Nhibernate and Linq 2. Difference between linq and entity Framework 3. Difference between ApplicatoinBlocks and Linq 4. Difference between linq to sql and 2? Which one them is better? 5. Difference between linq to sql and Entity Framework(EF) 6. Difference between LINQ and Lambda Expression 7. Differences between using LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entites 8. Difference between Lambda expression and Action 9. Difference between Take and Skip clauses 10. Difference between Select clause and SelectMany() method in LINQ 11. Difference between LINQ and Stored Procedures Windows Communication Foundation(WCF) 1. Difference between a WCF call and a regular method call 2. Difference between wcf 3.0 and wcf 3.5 3. Difference between WCF Service Application & Website WCF Service 4. Difference between Message and Transport level security in WCF 5. Difference between Communication exception and Fault exception in WCF 6. Difference between a client and a service in WCF Context 7. Difference between Serialization and Encoding in WCF 8. Difference between Web Services, WCF and WPF 9. Difference between WCF and Web Services 10. Difference between WPF and WCF 11. Difference between Buffered transfer and Streamed transfer in WCF 12. Difference between basicHttpBinding and wsHttpBinding 13. Difference between IIS hosting and Self hosting in WCF 14. Difference between Service and Component 15. Difference between Service Contract and Data Contract 16. Difference between Service level message and Transport level message AJAX 1. Difference between JavaScript and AJAX 2. Difference between AJAX and DHTML 3. Difference between proxied and proxyless calls in AJAX 4. Difference between Rating and RatingExtender control in ajax control toolkit 5. Difference between Synchronous Postback and Asynchronous Postback
  • 8. Silverlight 1. Difference between Silverlight and ASP.NET 2. Difference between HTML 5 and Silverlight and Which one is best? 3. Difference between Name and X:Name in silverlight 4. Difference between wpf and silverlight 5. Difference between Silverlight applications and XBAP applications in WPF Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF) 1. Difference between wpf and silverlight 2. Difference between Web Services, WCF and WPF 3. Difference between wpf and silverlight 4. Difference between a normal non-WPF application and a WPF application 5. Difference between WPF and WCF 6. Difference between Bubbling and Tunneling events 7. Difference between Simple controls and Content controls .NET Remoting 1. Difference between Marshal by value and Marshal by ref in .net remoting 2. Difference between remotable and non-remotable objects 3. Difference between singleton mode and singlecall mode 4. Difference between HTTP and IPC Channels 5. Difference between transparent proxies and real proxies 6. Difference between Web Services and Remoting 7. Difference between RegisterWellKnownType() and RegisterWellKnownClientType() methods in .NET remoting 8. Difference between Binary Serialization and XML Serialization WebServices 1. Difference between IIS and Webservices 2. Difference between Transport layer security and message security in webservice 3. Difference between wcf an webservice 4. Difference between Windows Services and Web Services 5. Difference between Web Services, WCF and WPF 6. Difference between svc and asmx 7. Difference between Services and Web Services 8. Difference between SOAP and REST Webservice type Threading 1. Difference between lock and monitor in 2. Difference between thread and process 3. Difference between mutex and semaphore 4. Difference between UI thread and Background thread .NET Compact Framework 1. Difference between Pocket PC and Smartphone
  • 9. Windows Workflow Foundation 1. Difference between system workflow and human workflow 2. Difference between Sequential and State Machine workflows Reports 1. Difference between Private and Shared data sources 2. Difference between Crystal and SQL Reporting Services Project Management 1. Difference between SITP and UTP in testing 2. Difference between Black-Box testing and White-Box testing 3. Difference between Unit testing, Assembly testing and Regression testing 4. Difference between Manager and Leader Windows Forms Controls 1. Difference between anchoring and docking 2. Difference between Add() and Insert() methods of a ListBox control 3. Difference between MDI form and Standard form 4. Difference between MenuStrip control and ContextMenuStrip control 5. Difference between toolstrip drop-down button and toolstrip split button 6. Difference between CheckBox control and RadioButton control 7. Difference between ListBox control and ComboBox control 8. Difference between Panel and GroupBox control 9. Difference between WindowsDefaultLocation and WindowsDefaultBounds 10. Difference between pixels, points, em's and fonts 11. Difference between Read() and ReadLine() methods 12. Difference between Write() and WriteLine() methods 13. Difference between Windows application and Windows service 14. Difference between an input box and message box 15. Difference between Windows and Console application