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Domestic Violence Essay
Domestic violence has been an ongoing issue among couples in society. This violence is not something that is new; it has been around for a long
time. Domestic violence, can range from physical, mental, and emotional. When a couple is in an intimate relationship or married, one of the
individuals in the relationship tries to dominate the other partner by trying to control them. This is commonly called domestic violence. A vast
majority of domestic violence cases go unreported each year. This could be because the victim believes their spouse will harm them more if
police are involved or the victim thinks they can fix and stop the violence themselves. The public is more aware that women are the victims. A
male being abused does not often more content...
They believed that it could not happen to a man, stereotyping him into the category of being strong, not being able to be harmed by a female,
and to be independent who can take care of himself. The Ontario Provincial Police now have a section that is devoted to domestic violence
and to get rid of officers being stereotypical. When the crime is taken to court, the criminal justice system, the Crown are required to continue
with all domestic violence cases since a conviction is likely to exist (Victims of Violence, 2011). This can be hard though since some males
will not want to continue with the case, if the police or someone in the court system begins to poke fun at them, not taking them serious. Out
of all the domestic violence cases that police respond to the two of the ten cases were males as the victims. Media can help to bring male
victims of domestic violence to the public's attention. Many young people use computers and browse media sites, Facebook and Twitter. They
can spend endless hours on those websites doing mindless things. It would be useful if someone made a group or news bulletin on Facebook
to tell the young people about different kinds of crimes that are going on, so they can be aware of it. People of every age need to be aware of
the crimes that are committed and how it could even happen to them if they were not aware, and were not strong enough to get
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My Experience with Domestic Violence Essay
I would shut my eyes because I knew what was coming. And before I shut my eyes, I held my breath, like a swimmer ready to dive into a deep
ocean. I could never watch when his hands came toward me; I only patiently waited for the harsh sound of the strike. I would always remember
his eyes right before I closed my own: pupils wide with rage, cold, and dark eyebrows clenched with hate. When it finally came, I never knew
which fist hit me first, or which blow sent me to my knees because I could not bring myself to open my eyes. They were closed because I didn't
want to see what he had promised he would never do again. In the darkness of my mind, I could escape to a paradise where he would never reach
me. I would find again the haven where more content...
"Did he hit it away from me?" I would ask, "Who am I?"
It is difficult for a person to understand the feeling of not having any control over his or her body, until he or she has experienced domestic
violence. When I came to realize that I had no say over my body, and the only thing left to soar free was my soul, I learned that it was a cruel
world out there. However, after two years of unforgivable pain and torment, I decided to get my life back. I went to counseling sessions that my
close friend set up for me. The counselor helped me realize that I needed to come to terms with the harsh reality of what was happening. After
that, I learned that the abuse was not my fault. This was where I realized that I was not alone, and that I did not deserve the pain.
Even now, I sometimes think he won, though, because he sleeps peacefully at night, while I wake up trembling with swollen eyes. But then I
stop, absorb everything around me, and look at the world in another perspective. I look in the mirror now and see a different person, a woman
who has survived the unimaginable.
Some may judge, but it is so easy to fall into this trap. I was so alone, just as I know that there are so many women out there suffering from
domestic violence who feel that no one understands. We must be strong, confident, and recognize our worth, in order to take hold of our lives.
Domestic violence is a vicious cycle that occurs
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Cause And Effect Essay On Domestic Violence
According to Roxanne Edwards, domestic abuse affects 3%–5% of current adult relationships in the United States, including more than 2 million
women. Jealousy, envy, drug abuse and alcohol, including low self–esteem, poor mental health, and anger are some problematic causes
contributing to domestic violence.
Domestic violence is often triggered by sexual jealousy and accusations . People don't normally experience jealousy unless they feel threatened
by another person or entity. When offenders sense attention and/or attraction from a third party, they feel this uneasiness that we call jealousy.
In romantic relationships, jealousy is typically triggered by a third party. They do not have to actually pose a threat; the mere perception of a
threat is enough to get the wheels of jealousy turning. Just like every other emotion and relationship problem , a adult whose parents modeled
jealousy may tend more toward jealousy only because that's all they know and see as a child growing up. Certain traits such as anxiety can also
affect jealousy. Some individuals who tend to worry are more likely to worry about losing a loved one or their relationship with that individual .
Surprisingly, according to SSRI Stories prescription drugs , antidepressants and antianxiety medications are often involved in cases of domestic
violence. The linkage between alcohol and drug use on the one hand and domestic violence on the other , would strongly include that there must
be a cause–and–effect
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Domestic Abuse Impact
"Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, or any other factors". Did
you know that 1 in 4 women will experience some form of domestic violence in their lifetime? These are just a few statistics in a nationwide
epidemic that impacts us all. Domestic violence comes in many forms such as physical, sexual and even psychological abuse. Domestic abuse is
widespread in the United States, it impacts every class (poor, middle, wealthy), race, ethnic group, etc. The major source of domestic abuse is
"fear" which the abuser uses as a form of control. Unfortunately the fear factor leads to unreported incidents which in many cases leads to
unnecessary fatalities. The more content...
Women who do not ever use shelter services are more likely to stay in abusive situations longer, and they experience longer lifetime trajectories of
5.For many victims of Intimate Partner Violence, the empowerment that they receive from in–shelter services is actually more effective in
reducing their symptoms of post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than outreach resources. This is particularly important because research
indicates that for many victims of abuse, PTSD symptoms make it difficult to impossible to impossible for them to adequately use resources made
*** The benefits of Shelter services are actually so significant, that the longer victims are able to spend in the shelter, the better their outcomes
*** – Richard T. Hudson
The longer women are able to stay in shelter, the greater their chance of independence upon leaving that shelter.
Being able to stay in shelters for an extended period of time significantly leads to increased self–esteem among victims and more feelings of
control over their situations and lives.
The empowerment and benefits of staying in a shelter for extended periods of time lead to positive outcomes in several life areas including:
1.Increased–self esteem
2.Reduced symptoms and feelings of
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Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence is a problem sweeping the nation. This problem can affect anyone from anywhere but is generally acting out upon children and
adult women in abusive relationships. Domestic violence is emotionally and physically scarring for anyone involved, and as a result could take
multiple intervention meetings to begin to understand the issue, alleviate the associated problems, and to assist the victim in getting back on his
or her feet. The consequences of abuse include anxiety, depression, post–traumatic stress disorder and self–harm. Children may begin to act
differently to their usual behavior – withdrawal is very common, as is self–harming (Khan, 2012). There are two ways that people can consider
interventions for victims more content...
The three most common ways to use persuasion to curb domestic violence is to educate, have nonverbal signals, and to speak out. Educating
people will teach people how to deal with anger in a passive way before turning into an abusive case. Different kinds of people can be shown
and given education on the dangers and signs of domestic violence and can use their knowledge of the issue to put a stop to it. Nonverbal
signals are a good way for people in relationships with anger problems to control that anger. If there is a nonverbal signal in place, whoever is
angry can take the time to walk away and clear their head before turning to violence during an argument. Last, speaking out is one of the best
ways to put a stop to domestic violence. Calling the authorities when he or she see or hear something can save someone's life. Take the
necessary steps when something first happens rather than later, when it gets out of hand. Domestic violence is a crime, and there are almost
always victims that come out of it damaged. Persuading people to do these things could very well curb domestic violence and help save a life. (2)
Social psychology can help to end domestic violence in many ways. Social Psychology deals with interactions between people. So, in theory,
social psychology could help psychologists study the relationship from parent to abuser, and the relationship from
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Informative Speech On Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Life is a gift in which many have the great experiences that come with it. As children, most have loving parents, helpful teachers, a good
education, and friends that encourage us to fulfill our dreams. We become teenagers who think we know it all, strictly care about having a good
time, and make memories that we can carry with us throughout our lifetime. Eventually we must grow up. We get a job, marry someone, and start a
family. If you haven't noticed already, I am describing an ideal life that many don't have the privilege of living. Adult years begin to tear you
apart and build up stress. Learning to live a life on your own can and will lead to tears and mistakes. Although everyone makes mistakes some
can be more content...
Having to depend on themselves for so long a sense of weakness comes along with asking others for help. "Children witness 68% to 80% of
domestic assaults"(secondhand hurt)
Believe it or not domestic abuse is more than physical. "Domestic abuse includes forced or arranged marriages, sexual, verbal, emotional, and
economic abuse as well."(wiki) Let's break these down and explain exactly what these types of abuse mean. "Arranged marriages usually
occur in many Eastern countries where a child commonly around the age of 5 is married to a much older man who is then used as a wife after
her first menstrual period for children and work. Sexual abuse occurs when a man or woman takes advantage of another through rape, drugs,
molesting, and even sexual comments. Many know but do not consider the laws on age of consent; if a partner is too young for such a
relationship."(Wikipedia) Verbal abuse consists of yelling and screaming in a way that would be considered bullying. "Emotional abuse is a cycle
of intimidation, threats, and undermines self–worth. The abuser in this situation gets in the victims head and makes them feel as though they
deserve to be punished. Economic abuse is when the abuser has complete control over the partner's finances making it difficult for them to escape
or have any freedom."(Wikipedia)
Causes of Abuse
Why would anyone want to hurt someone enough to have long
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Domestic Abuse
Domestic Abuse
Domestic violence is an important social issue that is common in many households across the United States. Domestic violence is also known as
domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence. It is also not merely just physical, it is any behavior that
is intended to control another person through verbal assaults, intimidation, and other means. It can happen to couples who are married, living
together, and who are dating. Domestic violence affects people of all economic, social, racial, and educational backgrounds. In this paper, I will
discuss domestic violence against women, and why I believe we need harsher punishments for the abusers.
All forms of domestic abuse have one purpose: to gain and maintain control over the victim. The actual act of domestic abuse comes in many
forms; aggravated assault, kidnapping, sexual abuse, forcible touching, stalking, kidnapping, sexual misconduct, and attempted murder are just to
name a few. According to Amy Lehrner and Nicole Allen, domestic violence is battery as an intentional pattern of abusive behaviors by one
partner against the other which results in establishing and maintaining the abuser's power and control over the other. (Lehrner & Allen, 2008)
Victims tend to stay in abusive relationships for many different reasons. Some see their abusers as powerful and believe they cannot escape, they
also fear retaliation, and are often beaten or intimidating into
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Domestic Violence :Persuasive Essay
Sophomore English
January 11, 2013
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is an act of assault that happens every day, fixing an issue like domestic violence is hard but not impossible. By speaking out
and helping those who have been abused is the hardest but most effective way of limiting domestic violence. Lots of people blame domestic
violence related issues on substance abuse or a controlling man. Those statements may be true but it's an over exaggeration. Abuse causes severe
physiological effects as well as emotional. Domestic violence can be almost anything and can happen to anyone at any time.
Domestic violence is defined as violence, physical or mental or emotional abuse directed toward more content...
It needs to be recognized that they may need help as well.
Lots of people, abuser and non–abusers blame alcohol and substance for their violent actions. While this may be true it's not right to say flat
out. Yes 93% of the persons causing violence on their spouses were alcoholics (Roleff, Tamara). Alcohol and drugs are in hankers but never
and excuse and/or cause. Abuse is a choice (Introduction). Being a society of people who find it the easiest way to get out of a situation is
blaming something on another thing. Substance abuse seems pretty common and generic. There are a lot of things that go into abuse before
alcohol is brought into the picture. The fact that a spouse is jealous or controlling even just angry is magnified by the effect of alcohol (Roleff,
Tamara) it makes everything a whole lot worse. The abuser being affected by alcohol is also a way so the abuser and the person being abused
have something to blame it on (Roleff, Tamara). As stated before we are a society of giving out blame.
It is also stereotyped that a man is the one to be the abuser. This is not true. Men are almost equally abused or taken advantage of. "Historically
there has been a culture of permission that accepts and condones violence against women" (Dr. Jerkins, White, Joseph). As a society we live by
this. Thinking it only a man who is an abuser when naturally domestic violence can and is sometimes a mutual on going. A women slapping and
throwing things is more
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Domestic Violence And Substance Abuse Essay
What is domestic violence? According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence "Domestic violence is willful intimidation, physical
assault, battery, and/or abusive behavior as a part of a pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another." In the
United States, an average of twenty women are physically abused by intimate partners and sadly every nine seconds a woman is assaulted or
beaten. Many researchers have asked women why they use drugs. Their reasons include controlling weight, fighting exhaustion, coping with pain,
or self–treating mental problems. However, the biggest contributor to substance abuse is women who are victims of domestic violence.
History of Domestic Violence and Substance more content...
After introducing myself to the store manager Linda Panagakis, she assigned me to work with two women in the clothing department of the
store. For the sake of the two women's safety and privacy I will be calling the women Maria and Bethany. After working for some time
Bethany decided to give me her testimony. She began to explain to me the type of abuse she faced for ten years by her husband. He was
controlling over her life and the decisions she made for herself. At first when they were newlyweds he only had a slight temper and raised his
voice but over time his temper progressed. Argument after argument her husband acted out of rage even worse. He went from yelling to
punching holes in their walls or breaking furniture when she would tell him things he didn't want to hear. Eventually, one day he hit her right
across the face for disagreeing with him. After that one act of violence he began to beat her. As she dealt with her husband the only comfort she
found was in doing drugs to escape the nightmare marriage she married into. Suddenly, she remarked she was stuck in a cycle of domestic
violence and substance abuse. After this cycle took a dramatic toll on her, she
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Narrative Essay On Domestic Abuse
I heard cries of a mother, going to through violence of an abusive husband, and the tears on her face made me cry. My brothers and I were
poisoned by their false statements about our family.
"You have to hand over all money or else I will abuse you that you will regret it," my father says to my mom. She stays quiet and stood on her feet
on the solid ground, firm. "Why on earth are you crying?" He beats her up as if she was a piece of trash. "You asked for it." My mom gave birth
to a son when I turned three–years–old, and the abuse has risen. He added a new target. My young brother. He said, "Our son will be keep our
reputation and will be notorious." My mother and I were appalled and disgusted at what we were hearing. My youngest more
During my first year of high school, I was barely passing my classes and was mentally anxious because of witnessing domestic violence, as a
result not getting the best grades that I know I can accomplish. Domestic violence played a large part of my life because I witnessed my father
and my paternal grandparents hitting my brother with a shoe in the car, locked him up in cages, slapped him across his face, and pushed him
down the staircase. He hit my mom violently without mercy. I tried my very best to stop them, but instead, was pushed aside.
As a child, I was always an introvert because of domestic violence and bullying. I would never burst into laughter or never stuck around for a
conservation and would always prevent them. I was the type of person who would always take criticisms from others and always thought I had to
alter my temperament. My family has always encouraged me to become more nonchalant during my hardships with managing my time with
studying for tests and homework and my social anxiety. They have continued to support my decisions and my endeavors to this
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Domestic Violence
For a long time, there was a belief that situations that arose within the family were solely a private matter. Women were treated as possessions of
men and the law did not legally recognise the rape of a wife by her husband. In recent times, society's attitudes towards domestic violence have
changed considerably. Once, the only avenue that existed for victims of domestic violence was through criminal law. Today, all states of Australia
have enacted various forms of domestic violence legislation to deal with this growing problem within our communities.
The Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (Qld) provides a broader and more contemporary definition of what constitutes domestic
and family violence. The legal definition more content...
Whenimposing conditionson a respondent, theneed to protect the aggrieved and any named persons, along with the welfare ofa childof the
aggrieved, areto be of paramount importance.
A domestic violence order can come in one of two forms: a temporary protection order or a protection order. A temporary protection order is an
order made in the period before a court decides whether to make a protection order for the benefit of the aggrieved. A protection order is made by
a magistrate when they make a final decision. A domestic violence order usually expires after a period of 1 to 2 years at which point the
aggrieved can apply to the court to extend the order if fear of the respondent or the likelihood of violence is still present (NCSMC, 2012).
Often, the police are the first to be called to instances of domestic violence. Under the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act, police now
have the ability to issue a police protection order. Unlike a protection order, which requires waiting until the courts issue it, the police protection
order can be issued
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Argumentative Essay On Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse has touched the lives of most people, whether the victim was themselves, a family member, or a friend. They've seen it happen
to countless women and men too. It's incredibly important to start education of domestic abuse awareness early, because the effects of abuse go
far deeper into the lives of survivors than is acknowledged, and the effects can be present for years after the abuse stops. Even teenagers –– still
literal children –– are at risk for this new epidemic.
Most teenagers have heard the statistic "one in three". It's in high school bathrooms, hallways, and locker rooms. They know this means that one
in three teenage relationships is abusive. What they don't know, however, goes much deeper. These more content...
So if you see something like your child has an anger problem. If you see it early, talk about it early," (Sweat).
The single worst deterrent to domestic abuse prevention is the lack of acknowledgment, and that problem starts at home. In 2009, NBC News
quoted Marjorie Gilberg, director of teen–violence prevention organization Break The Cycle, saying '"There's definitely a lack of awareness
about the prevalence of abuse among teens in their relationships,"' ("Most States"). Only 19% of parents firmly believe that teenage dating
violence is a prevalent issue ("Dating Abuse Statistics"). And while 82% of parents believe they would know if their child was experiencing
dating abuse, 58% of parents could not correctly identify the signs. Loveisrespect, an organization dedicated to providing accurate information
about dating, healthy behavior, and abuse, makes the bold statement that college students are ill–equipped to cope with dating abuse. Fifty–seven
percent of college students say that dating abuse is problematic to identify, and fifty–eight percent of college students say that they wouldn't know
how to help a victim currently experiencing dating abuse.With nearly half (43%) of dating college women experiencing violent/abusive
behaviors, this is information that needs to be distributed ("Get the Facts and Figures"). If one girl isn't experiencing abuse, her friend or
classmate is. Boyfriend/girlfriend
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Domestic Violence Argumentative Essay
Domestic violence is not a label that can be boxed and defined. No, it is emotions of pain, fear, shock, confusion, and most surprising, love. It is
difficult for many to comprehend if not brought up within a violent home; the true, passionate emotions that fall as a burden upon the victims,
who often stay quiet. What brings the traumatic pain to domestic violence is that a person who is supposed to cherish and love another, ends up
creating fear and panic when even mentioned. Domestic violence, which is indeed a form of abuse, is an issue that needs to be handled with
delicate, yet able coherence. Within the society of America, the fight against domestic violence needs to be accepted instead of ignored. In doing
so, there are many more content...
Insightful advertisements to show the real epidemic of abuse challenges American society and it's view on the subject. The Dress Domestic
Violence PSA is just one out of thousands of advertisements created for the purpose of bringing abuse to into the public's eye. At the end of
February, the South African branch of the Salvation Army released the advertisement where it exploded all over the internet; in a 24–hour period
earning 7.6 million tweets ("The Dress Domestic Violence PSA"). While integrating a popular phenomenon known as the black and blue or
white and gold dress that appeared in 2016, the advertisement calls the public out on the fact that domestic violence stays hushed under the
table. The PSA features a woman covered with bruises wearing "the dress." In the photograph, the woman has on the white and gold dress that
many people swore they saw whenever looking at a photo of a blue and black dress. The comparison comes from the bruises on her knees, thigh,
and face; representing the blue and black dress others saw. In these terms though, as many argued they did not see the blue and black dress,
numerous people claim never too see black and blue bruises among domestic violence
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Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Essay
"Every year in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of domestic violence. That means that every nine seconds a women is beaten
by her domestic partner" (Findeley). There are many women that stay silent when being abuse by their partners. The consequences of staying
quiet when obtaining abuse can be dangerous and can also lead to death. Many women do not recognize the importance of the fact that there is
in speaking out if they are being abuse by their partner. No woman should take domestic abuse by their partners. Every woman deserves a healthy
relationship; A healthy relationship involves trust, respect, and consideration for the other person. Domestic abuse has gotten worse during the
past years and is still rising up. One can see that domestic abuse can occur everywhere. Domestic abuse is considered a crime and woman should
not keep silent when being abuse. Abuse can have many different meanings, there is one in particular that takes control in many Americans
relationship, "physical maltreatment" (Abuse). Sadly there is an increasing amount of young adults going through an abusive relationship or were
in one. Many of the people that become abusers consider violence as a normal behavior because they have witnessed it on a daily basis. They
than begin to mistreat everyone that comes in his or her way. An abuser is frequently interested in controlling their victims. An abuser's behavior
is usually manipulating, in order to make their victims
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Domestic Violence And Abuse Essay
Domestic Violence & Abuse
Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, against women remains a major issue in today's society. Domestic violence occurs between
two people or more. The abuser is often described as being the man due to the large physical advantage but it can also be the woman. Domestic
abuse shows no inclination in any gender. Domestic violence is very common is households and after researching the causes of this social issue,
one can conclude that it usually starts with a controlling behavior to control someone that feels fragile or inferior. In this paper, I will analyze
three different forms of literature. The first being a website article, Injury Prevention and Control: Division of Violence Prevention by the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention. The second type of literature will be a magazine article, When Your Partner Is Abusive by Meghan Rabbitt
from the Women's Health. The last piece of literature will be a peer–reviewed scholarly journal article, Summer's Death by Lori Ann.
In this paper, I will introduce three pieces of literature that will help society to comprehend Domestic Violence and how individuals have
overcome this negative and tragic experience. I will also give more knowledge to those who want to help end this issue in today's society. The
three pieces of literature will follow the CSUN Library Evaluating Internet Resources guidelines.
Content & Coverage
In the website article, Injury Prevention and
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Domestic violence
Domestic Violence Persuasive Essay Final Draft
"Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence
are killed." (Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence).Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United
States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser.
This can happen to any child, man or woman. This is a horrific crime. Women are more likely to be the victim in domestic violence than men.
"Forty–five percent of all violent attacks against female victims 12 years old and older by more content...
This act of abuse is when the victim is being touched or sexual act is being preformed is unwanted. The abuser sometimes uses this tactic as a
punishment. "Financial abuse is the use or misuse, without the partner's freely given consent, of the financial or other monetary resources of the
partner or of the partnership." (Types of Domestic Abuse). The abuser will keep the victim(s) away from their jobs, which will cause them to
lose money and eventually get fired. The abuser will also create conflict with the victim's coworkers. They will also take the victim's credit cards
and will also take control of their bank account(s) and control their spending. "Identity abuse is using personal characteristics to demean,
manipulate and control the partner...tactics overlap with other forms of abuse, particularly emotional abuse...comprised of the social "isms",
including racism, sexism, ageism, able–ism, beauty–ism, as well as homophobia." (Type of Domestic Abuse). The abuser will stereotype the
victims(s) by their ethnicity, race, sexuality, or gender. They will also humiliate them and judge them by their behavior and how they do things.
This will also lower the victim's self esteem and self confidence. These types of abuse are very dangerous psychologically and physically.
In order to help stop this crime, people will need to be educated on domestic violence and the ways to help prevent this from happening.
Educating people on domestic violence can
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Domestic Violence Shelter Essay
Prevalent domestic violence has prompted shelters to be established for protection from abusers. In an effort to better assess the needs of
survivors and establish intervention and prevention strategies studies have been initiated to help identify, develop, and adapt needed support for
proven program and practices.
The "National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), with support and direction from the Family Violence Prevention and Services
Program at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, engaged in a two–pronged approach" (Sullivan, 2012). First, information was
collected from empirical research studies, and addressed the need for specific programs and practices addressing IPV (intimate physical violence).
The study more content...
Education is simply the best route to achieve options in relations to breaking patterns and cycles. Domestic violence shelters provide important
services to women and children whom are trying to recover from the effects of IVP. The deterrent for many victims is that crowding, being
surrounded by strangers and restrictions can many times lead to depression. I can relate to the issues women face. I was in a tumultuous
relationship with my now ex–husband. Although I was never physically abused I was emotionally abused and held emotionally hostage. My
feelings of worthlessness hit an all–time low when I sought shelter at a women's center with my two young children. The shelter provided me
the opportunity to break away from the oppression and have a safe haven until my family could retrieve my children and myself. The services
they provided were invaluable and I am thankful to them, the shelter saved my life. Whatever the reason is that a person seeks sanctuary, it is an
opportunity to reevaluate what a woman wants out of her life and shelters are an important resource to tap into. Many shelters struggle
financially to stay open due to limited resources. Many are underfunded. Until the country takes a closer look at the reasons why IPV is still so
prevalent, the shelters will continue to be there and assist as many women and children as possible despite the financial constraints they are faced
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Domestic Violence Informative
Domestic Violence; It Should Not Be Overseen
Subject Area: Domestic Violence
Topic: Defining what is Domestic Violence
General Purpose: To inform the audience about Domestic Violence.
Specific Purpose: To let the audience be aware of what Domestic Violence is.
Thesis Statement: Domestic Violence is something that should not be taken lightly. It is something that can happen to anyone in their lifetime. I
want to go ahead and inform you about what is Domestic Violence. The categories of what is considered Domestic Violence and its definitions.
Also give you some statistics and let you know what and where you can go to seek help.
Patterns of Organization: Chronological
I. Introduction of Topic A. A National Coalition Against more content...
Such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline, National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and locally here in San Antonio the Family
Violence Prevention Center.
Transition: Let's recap the information I've given.
V. Conclusion A. Today I informed you about what is Domestic Violence. The categories of what is considered Domestic Violence and its
definitions. Also I covered some of the statistics and let you know where you can go to seek for help. B. Remember that Domestic Violence
should not be something that should be overlooked. It can happen to you, someone you love, a friend just know that there is help out there to
deal with what the person is going through. Sometimes the person being abused just needs someone there for support and you being able to
provide that and information will help out a lot. C. So now I have put up (PowerPoint) a list of websites that have more information on Domestic
Violence and which I invite you to go ahead and go through it so you can be informed and be that support for someone in need.
Works Cited
"Domestic Violence and Abuse." : Signs of Abuse and Abusive Relationships. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.
"Domestic Violence Statistics." Domestic Violence Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013.
"Fact Sheets." National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. N.p.,
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Domestic Violence and Abuse Essay
Domestic abuse, also known as domestic violence, can occur between two people in an intimate relationship. The abuser is not always the man;
it can also be the woman. Domestic abuse can happen between a woman and a man, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. Domestic abuse
shows no preference. If one partner feels abusive, it does not matter their sexual orientation, eventually the actions they are feeling will come out
towards their partner.
Other people often overlook domestic abuse. People generally do not like to get themselves involved in other people's problems, especially
when they believe there might be problems at home. For one reason or the other, the person who is the witness to someone who is being abused
by their more content...
When physical abuse occurs, it can leave bruises, scratches, or even bite marks on the victim. When this happens, people notice what is going on,
but still might not interfere or reach out to help in fear of themselves getting hurt.
Verbal abuse is when your partner screams at you terribly and excessively. It does not have to be because you have actually done something
wrong. Sometimes when our partners drink, they get angry, and when this happens, they have no one to take the anger out on other than their
partner. Verbal abuse can also be when your partner calls you names, tells you how fat you are, tells you that you are ugly, and those sorts of things.
Domestic abuse can also be sexual. Sexual abuse is when your partner forces you to participate in unwanted, unsafe, or degrading sexual
activities. Even though you are in an intimate relationship with your partner, it does not mean that you MUST have sexual intercourse whenever
it is asked of you. If your partner tells you that you have to do something that you do not want to do, or anything that you are not comfortable
doing, there are various forms of help that you can get.
Some of the other ways that your partner might act towards you that is considered to be domestic abuse are preventing you from going to school
or work, not letting you go around your family members, or even speaking with them.
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Domestic Violence Essay

  • 1. Domestic Violence Essay Domestic violence has been an ongoing issue among couples in society. This violence is not something that is new; it has been around for a long time. Domestic violence, can range from physical, mental, and emotional. When a couple is in an intimate relationship or married, one of the individuals in the relationship tries to dominate the other partner by trying to control them. This is commonly called domestic violence. A vast majority of domestic violence cases go unreported each year. This could be because the victim believes their spouse will harm them more if police are involved or the victim thinks they can fix and stop the violence themselves. The public is more aware that women are the victims. A male being abused does not often more content... They believed that it could not happen to a man, stereotyping him into the category of being strong, not being able to be harmed by a female, and to be independent who can take care of himself. The Ontario Provincial Police now have a section that is devoted to domestic violence and to get rid of officers being stereotypical. When the crime is taken to court, the criminal justice system, the Crown are required to continue with all domestic violence cases since a conviction is likely to exist (Victims of Violence, 2011). This can be hard though since some males will not want to continue with the case, if the police or someone in the court system begins to poke fun at them, not taking them serious. Out of all the domestic violence cases that police respond to the two of the ten cases were males as the victims. Media can help to bring male victims of domestic violence to the public's attention. Many young people use computers and browse media sites, Facebook and Twitter. They can spend endless hours on those websites doing mindless things. It would be useful if someone made a group or news bulletin on Facebook to tell the young people about different kinds of crimes that are going on, so they can be aware of it. People of every age need to be aware of the crimes that are committed and how it could even happen to them if they were not aware, and were not strong enough to get Get more content on
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  • 4. Cause And Effect Essay On Domestic Violence According to Roxanne Edwards, domestic abuse affects 3%–5% of current adult relationships in the United States, including more than 2 million women. Jealousy, envy, drug abuse and alcohol, including low self–esteem, poor mental health, and anger are some problematic causes contributing to domestic violence. Domestic violence is often triggered by sexual jealousy and accusations . People don't normally experience jealousy unless they feel threatened by another person or entity. When offenders sense attention and/or attraction from a third party, they feel this uneasiness that we call jealousy. In romantic relationships, jealousy is typically triggered by a third party. They do not have to actually pose a threat; the mere perception of a threat is enough to get the wheels of jealousy turning. Just like every other emotion and relationship problem , a adult whose parents modeled jealousy may tend more toward jealousy only because that's all they know and see as a child growing up. Certain traits such as anxiety can also affect jealousy. Some individuals who tend to worry are more likely to worry about losing a loved one or their relationship with that individual . Surprisingly, according to SSRI Stories prescription drugs , antidepressants and antianxiety medications are often involved in cases of domestic violence. The linkage between alcohol and drug use on the one hand and domestic violence on the other , would strongly include that there must be a cause–and–effect Get more content on
  • 5. Domestic Abuse Impact "Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, or any other factors". Did you know that 1 in 4 women will experience some form of domestic violence in their lifetime? These are just a few statistics in a nationwide epidemic that impacts us all. Domestic violence comes in many forms such as physical, sexual and even psychological abuse. Domestic abuse is widespread in the United States, it impacts every class (poor, middle, wealthy), race, ethnic group, etc. The major source of domestic abuse is "fear" which the abuser uses as a form of control. Unfortunately the fear factor leads to unreported incidents which in many cases leads to unnecessary fatalities. The more content... Women who do not ever use shelter services are more likely to stay in abusive situations longer, and they experience longer lifetime trajectories of abuse 5.For many victims of Intimate Partner Violence, the empowerment that they receive from in–shelter services is actually more effective in reducing their symptoms of post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than outreach resources. This is particularly important because research indicates that for many victims of abuse, PTSD symptoms make it difficult to impossible to impossible for them to adequately use resources made available *** The benefits of Shelter services are actually so significant, that the longer victims are able to spend in the shelter, the better their outcomes *** – Richard T. Hudson The longer women are able to stay in shelter, the greater their chance of independence upon leaving that shelter. Being able to stay in shelters for an extended period of time significantly leads to increased self–esteem among victims and more feelings of control over their situations and lives. The empowerment and benefits of staying in a shelter for extended periods of time lead to positive outcomes in several life areas including: 1.Increased–self esteem 2.Reduced symptoms and feelings of Get more content on
  • 6. Domestic Violence Domestic Violence is a problem sweeping the nation. This problem can affect anyone from anywhere but is generally acting out upon children and adult women in abusive relationships. Domestic violence is emotionally and physically scarring for anyone involved, and as a result could take multiple intervention meetings to begin to understand the issue, alleviate the associated problems, and to assist the victim in getting back on his or her feet. The consequences of abuse include anxiety, depression, post–traumatic stress disorder and self–harm. Children may begin to act differently to their usual behavior – withdrawal is very common, as is self–harming (Khan, 2012). There are two ways that people can consider interventions for victims more content... The three most common ways to use persuasion to curb domestic violence is to educate, have nonverbal signals, and to speak out. Educating people will teach people how to deal with anger in a passive way before turning into an abusive case. Different kinds of people can be shown and given education on the dangers and signs of domestic violence and can use their knowledge of the issue to put a stop to it. Nonverbal signals are a good way for people in relationships with anger problems to control that anger. If there is a nonverbal signal in place, whoever is angry can take the time to walk away and clear their head before turning to violence during an argument. Last, speaking out is one of the best ways to put a stop to domestic violence. Calling the authorities when he or she see or hear something can save someone's life. Take the necessary steps when something first happens rather than later, when it gets out of hand. Domestic violence is a crime, and there are almost always victims that come out of it damaged. Persuading people to do these things could very well curb domestic violence and help save a life. (2) Social psychology can help to end domestic violence in many ways. Social Psychology deals with interactions between people. So, in theory, social psychology could help psychologists study the relationship from parent to abuser, and the relationship from Get more content on
  • 7. Informative Speech On Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse Intro Life is a gift in which many have the great experiences that come with it. As children, most have loving parents, helpful teachers, a good education, and friends that encourage us to fulfill our dreams. We become teenagers who think we know it all, strictly care about having a good time, and make memories that we can carry with us throughout our lifetime. Eventually we must grow up. We get a job, marry someone, and start a family. If you haven't noticed already, I am describing an ideal life that many don't have the privilege of living. Adult years begin to tear you apart and build up stress. Learning to live a life on your own can and will lead to tears and mistakes. Although everyone makes mistakes some can be more content... Having to depend on themselves for so long a sense of weakness comes along with asking others for help. "Children witness 68% to 80% of domestic assaults"(secondhand hurt) Types Believe it or not domestic abuse is more than physical. "Domestic abuse includes forced or arranged marriages, sexual, verbal, emotional, and economic abuse as well."(wiki) Let's break these down and explain exactly what these types of abuse mean. "Arranged marriages usually occur in many Eastern countries where a child commonly around the age of 5 is married to a much older man who is then used as a wife after her first menstrual period for children and work. Sexual abuse occurs when a man or woman takes advantage of another through rape, drugs, molesting, and even sexual comments. Many know but do not consider the laws on age of consent; if a partner is too young for such a relationship."(Wikipedia) Verbal abuse consists of yelling and screaming in a way that would be considered bullying. "Emotional abuse is a cycle of intimidation, threats, and undermines self–worth. The abuser in this situation gets in the victims head and makes them feel as though they deserve to be punished. Economic abuse is when the abuser has complete control over the partner's finances making it difficult for them to escape or have any freedom."(Wikipedia) Causes of Abuse Why would anyone want to hurt someone enough to have long
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  • 9. Domestic Abuse Domestic Abuse Domestic violence is an important social issue that is common in many households across the United States. Domestic violence is also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence. It is also not merely just physical, it is any behavior that is intended to control another person through verbal assaults, intimidation, and other means. It can happen to couples who are married, living together, and who are dating. Domestic violence affects people of all economic, social, racial, and educational backgrounds. In this paper, I will discuss domestic violence against women, and why I believe we need harsher punishments for the abusers. Research All forms of domestic abuse have one purpose: to gain and maintain control over the victim. The actual act of domestic abuse comes in many forms; aggravated assault, kidnapping, sexual abuse, forcible touching, stalking, kidnapping, sexual misconduct, and attempted murder are just to name a few. According to Amy Lehrner and Nicole Allen, domestic violence is battery as an intentional pattern of abusive behaviors by one partner against the other which results in establishing and maintaining the abuser's power and control over the other. (Lehrner & Allen, 2008) Victims tend to stay in abusive relationships for many different reasons. Some see their abusers as powerful and believe they cannot escape, they also fear retaliation, and are often beaten or intimidating into Get more content on
  • 10. Domestic Violence :Persuasive Essay Sophomore English January 11, 2013 Domestic Violence Domestic Violence Domestic violence is an act of assault that happens every day, fixing an issue like domestic violence is hard but not impossible. By speaking out and helping those who have been abused is the hardest but most effective way of limiting domestic violence. Lots of people blame domestic violence related issues on substance abuse or a controlling man. Those statements may be true but it's an over exaggeration. Abuse causes severe physiological effects as well as emotional. Domestic violence can be almost anything and can happen to anyone at any time. Domestic violence is defined as violence, physical or mental or emotional abuse directed toward more content... It needs to be recognized that they may need help as well. Lots of people, abuser and non–abusers blame alcohol and substance for their violent actions. While this may be true it's not right to say flat out. Yes 93% of the persons causing violence on their spouses were alcoholics (Roleff, Tamara). Alcohol and drugs are in hankers but never and excuse and/or cause. Abuse is a choice (Introduction). Being a society of people who find it the easiest way to get out of a situation is blaming something on another thing. Substance abuse seems pretty common and generic. There are a lot of things that go into abuse before alcohol is brought into the picture. The fact that a spouse is jealous or controlling even just angry is magnified by the effect of alcohol (Roleff, Tamara) it makes everything a whole lot worse. The abuser being affected by alcohol is also a way so the abuser and the person being abused have something to blame it on (Roleff, Tamara). As stated before we are a society of giving out blame. It is also stereotyped that a man is the one to be the abuser. This is not true. Men are almost equally abused or taken advantage of. "Historically there has been a culture of permission that accepts and condones violence against women" (Dr. Jerkins, White, Joseph). As a society we live by this. Thinking it only a man who is an abuser when naturally domestic violence can and is sometimes a mutual on going. A women slapping and throwing things is more
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  • 12. Domestic Violence And Substance Abuse Essay What is domestic violence? According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence "Domestic violence is willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, and/or abusive behavior as a part of a pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another." In the United States, an average of twenty women are physically abused by intimate partners and sadly every nine seconds a woman is assaulted or beaten. Many researchers have asked women why they use drugs. Their reasons include controlling weight, fighting exhaustion, coping with pain, or self–treating mental problems. However, the biggest contributor to substance abuse is women who are victims of domestic violence. History of Domestic Violence and Substance more content... After introducing myself to the store manager Linda Panagakis, she assigned me to work with two women in the clothing department of the store. For the sake of the two women's safety and privacy I will be calling the women Maria and Bethany. After working for some time Bethany decided to give me her testimony. She began to explain to me the type of abuse she faced for ten years by her husband. He was controlling over her life and the decisions she made for herself. At first when they were newlyweds he only had a slight temper and raised his voice but over time his temper progressed. Argument after argument her husband acted out of rage even worse. He went from yelling to punching holes in their walls or breaking furniture when she would tell him things he didn't want to hear. Eventually, one day he hit her right across the face for disagreeing with him. After that one act of violence he began to beat her. As she dealt with her husband the only comfort she found was in doing drugs to escape the nightmare marriage she married into. Suddenly, she remarked she was stuck in a cycle of domestic violence and substance abuse. After this cycle took a dramatic toll on her, she Get more content on
  • 13. Narrative Essay On Domestic Abuse I heard cries of a mother, going to through violence of an abusive husband, and the tears on her face made me cry. My brothers and I were poisoned by their false statements about our family. "You have to hand over all money or else I will abuse you that you will regret it," my father says to my mom. She stays quiet and stood on her feet on the solid ground, firm. "Why on earth are you crying?" He beats her up as if she was a piece of trash. "You asked for it." My mom gave birth to a son when I turned three–years–old, and the abuse has risen. He added a new target. My young brother. He said, "Our son will be keep our reputation and will be notorious." My mother and I were appalled and disgusted at what we were hearing. My youngest more content... During my first year of high school, I was barely passing my classes and was mentally anxious because of witnessing domestic violence, as a result not getting the best grades that I know I can accomplish. Domestic violence played a large part of my life because I witnessed my father and my paternal grandparents hitting my brother with a shoe in the car, locked him up in cages, slapped him across his face, and pushed him down the staircase. He hit my mom violently without mercy. I tried my very best to stop them, but instead, was pushed aside. As a child, I was always an introvert because of domestic violence and bullying. I would never burst into laughter or never stuck around for a conservation and would always prevent them. I was the type of person who would always take criticisms from others and always thought I had to alter my temperament. My family has always encouraged me to become more nonchalant during my hardships with managing my time with studying for tests and homework and my social anxiety. They have continued to support my decisions and my endeavors to this Get more content on
  • 14. Domestic Violence For a long time, there was a belief that situations that arose within the family were solely a private matter. Women were treated as possessions of men and the law did not legally recognise the rape of a wife by her husband. In recent times, society's attitudes towards domestic violence have changed considerably. Once, the only avenue that existed for victims of domestic violence was through criminal law. Today, all states of Australia have enacted various forms of domestic violence legislation to deal with this growing problem within our communities. The Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (Qld) provides a broader and more contemporary definition of what constitutes domestic and family violence. The legal definition more content... Whenimposing conditionson a respondent, theneed to protect the aggrieved and any named persons, along with the welfare ofa childof the aggrieved, areto be of paramount importance. A domestic violence order can come in one of two forms: a temporary protection order or a protection order. A temporary protection order is an order made in the period before a court decides whether to make a protection order for the benefit of the aggrieved. A protection order is made by a magistrate when they make a final decision. A domestic violence order usually expires after a period of 1 to 2 years at which point the aggrieved can apply to the court to extend the order if fear of the respondent or the likelihood of violence is still present (NCSMC, 2012). Often, the police are the first to be called to instances of domestic violence. Under the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act, police now have the ability to issue a police protection order. Unlike a protection order, which requires waiting until the courts issue it, the police protection order can be issued Get more content on
  • 15. Argumentative Essay On Domestic Abuse Domestic abuse has touched the lives of most people, whether the victim was themselves, a family member, or a friend. They've seen it happen to countless women and men too. It's incredibly important to start education of domestic abuse awareness early, because the effects of abuse go far deeper into the lives of survivors than is acknowledged, and the effects can be present for years after the abuse stops. Even teenagers –– still literal children –– are at risk for this new epidemic. Most teenagers have heard the statistic "one in three". It's in high school bathrooms, hallways, and locker rooms. They know this means that one in three teenage relationships is abusive. What they don't know, however, goes much deeper. These more content... So if you see something like your child has an anger problem. If you see it early, talk about it early," (Sweat). The single worst deterrent to domestic abuse prevention is the lack of acknowledgment, and that problem starts at home. In 2009, NBC News quoted Marjorie Gilberg, director of teen–violence prevention organization Break The Cycle, saying '"There's definitely a lack of awareness about the prevalence of abuse among teens in their relationships,"' ("Most States"). Only 19% of parents firmly believe that teenage dating violence is a prevalent issue ("Dating Abuse Statistics"). And while 82% of parents believe they would know if their child was experiencing dating abuse, 58% of parents could not correctly identify the signs. Loveisrespect, an organization dedicated to providing accurate information about dating, healthy behavior, and abuse, makes the bold statement that college students are ill–equipped to cope with dating abuse. Fifty–seven percent of college students say that dating abuse is problematic to identify, and fifty–eight percent of college students say that they wouldn't know how to help a victim currently experiencing dating abuse.With nearly half (43%) of dating college women experiencing violent/abusive behaviors, this is information that needs to be distributed ("Get the Facts and Figures"). If one girl isn't experiencing abuse, her friend or classmate is. Boyfriend/girlfriend Get more content on
  • 16. Domestic Violence Argumentative Essay Domestic violence is not a label that can be boxed and defined. No, it is emotions of pain, fear, shock, confusion, and most surprising, love. It is difficult for many to comprehend if not brought up within a violent home; the true, passionate emotions that fall as a burden upon the victims, who often stay quiet. What brings the traumatic pain to domestic violence is that a person who is supposed to cherish and love another, ends up creating fear and panic when even mentioned. Domestic violence, which is indeed a form of abuse, is an issue that needs to be handled with delicate, yet able coherence. Within the society of America, the fight against domestic violence needs to be accepted instead of ignored. In doing so, there are many more content... Insightful advertisements to show the real epidemic of abuse challenges American society and it's view on the subject. The Dress Domestic Violence PSA is just one out of thousands of advertisements created for the purpose of bringing abuse to into the public's eye. At the end of February, the South African branch of the Salvation Army released the advertisement where it exploded all over the internet; in a 24–hour period earning 7.6 million tweets ("The Dress Domestic Violence PSA"). While integrating a popular phenomenon known as the black and blue or white and gold dress that appeared in 2016, the advertisement calls the public out on the fact that domestic violence stays hushed under the table. The PSA features a woman covered with bruises wearing "the dress." In the photograph, the woman has on the white and gold dress that many people swore they saw whenever looking at a photo of a blue and black dress. The comparison comes from the bruises on her knees, thigh, and face; representing the blue and black dress others saw. In these terms though, as many argued they did not see the blue and black dress, numerous people claim never too see black and blue bruises among domestic violence Get more content on
  • 17. Domestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Essay "Every year in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of domestic violence. That means that every nine seconds a women is beaten by her domestic partner" (Findeley). There are many women that stay silent when being abuse by their partners. The consequences of staying quiet when obtaining abuse can be dangerous and can also lead to death. Many women do not recognize the importance of the fact that there is in speaking out if they are being abuse by their partner. No woman should take domestic abuse by their partners. Every woman deserves a healthy relationship; A healthy relationship involves trust, respect, and consideration for the other person. Domestic abuse has gotten worse during the past years and is still rising up. One can see that domestic abuse can occur everywhere. Domestic abuse is considered a crime and woman should not keep silent when being abuse. Abuse can have many different meanings, there is one in particular that takes control in many Americans relationship, "physical maltreatment" (Abuse). Sadly there is an increasing amount of young adults going through an abusive relationship or were in one. Many of the people that become abusers consider violence as a normal behavior because they have witnessed it on a daily basis. They than begin to mistreat everyone that comes in his or her way. An abuser is frequently interested in controlling their victims. An abuser's behavior is usually manipulating, in order to make their victims Get more content on
  • 18. Domestic Violence And Abuse Essay Domestic Violence & Abuse Introduction Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, against women remains a major issue in today's society. Domestic violence occurs between two people or more. The abuser is often described as being the man due to the large physical advantage but it can also be the woman. Domestic abuse shows no inclination in any gender. Domestic violence is very common is households and after researching the causes of this social issue, one can conclude that it usually starts with a controlling behavior to control someone that feels fragile or inferior. In this paper, I will analyze three different forms of literature. The first being a website article, Injury Prevention and Control: Division of Violence Prevention by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The second type of literature will be a magazine article, When Your Partner Is Abusive by Meghan Rabbitt from the Women's Health. The last piece of literature will be a peer–reviewed scholarly journal article, Summer's Death by Lori Ann. In this paper, I will introduce three pieces of literature that will help society to comprehend Domestic Violence and how individuals have overcome this negative and tragic experience. I will also give more knowledge to those who want to help end this issue in today's society. The three pieces of literature will follow the CSUN Library Evaluating Internet Resources guidelines. Website Content & Coverage In the website article, Injury Prevention and Get more content on
  • 19. Domestic violence 3/1/13 Domestic Violence Persuasive Essay Final Draft "Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed." (Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence).Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser. This can happen to any child, man or woman. This is a horrific crime. Women are more likely to be the victim in domestic violence than men. "Forty–five percent of all violent attacks against female victims 12 years old and older by more content... This act of abuse is when the victim is being touched or sexual act is being preformed is unwanted. The abuser sometimes uses this tactic as a punishment. "Financial abuse is the use or misuse, without the partner's freely given consent, of the financial or other monetary resources of the partner or of the partnership." (Types of Domestic Abuse). The abuser will keep the victim(s) away from their jobs, which will cause them to lose money and eventually get fired. The abuser will also create conflict with the victim's coworkers. They will also take the victim's credit cards and will also take control of their bank account(s) and control their spending. "Identity abuse is using personal characteristics to demean, manipulate and control the partner...tactics overlap with other forms of abuse, particularly emotional abuse...comprised of the social "isms", including racism, sexism, ageism, able–ism, beauty–ism, as well as homophobia." (Type of Domestic Abuse). The abuser will stereotype the victims(s) by their ethnicity, race, sexuality, or gender. They will also humiliate them and judge them by their behavior and how they do things. This will also lower the victim's self esteem and self confidence. These types of abuse are very dangerous psychologically and physically. In order to help stop this crime, people will need to be educated on domestic violence and the ways to help prevent this from happening. Educating people on domestic violence can
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  • 21. Domestic Violence Shelter Essay Prevalent domestic violence has prompted shelters to be established for protection from abusers. In an effort to better assess the needs of survivors and establish intervention and prevention strategies studies have been initiated to help identify, develop, and adapt needed support for proven program and practices. The "National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), with support and direction from the Family Violence Prevention and Services Program at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, engaged in a two–pronged approach" (Sullivan, 2012). First, information was collected from empirical research studies, and addressed the need for specific programs and practices addressing IPV (intimate physical violence). The study more content... Education is simply the best route to achieve options in relations to breaking patterns and cycles. Domestic violence shelters provide important services to women and children whom are trying to recover from the effects of IVP. The deterrent for many victims is that crowding, being surrounded by strangers and restrictions can many times lead to depression. I can relate to the issues women face. I was in a tumultuous relationship with my now ex–husband. Although I was never physically abused I was emotionally abused and held emotionally hostage. My feelings of worthlessness hit an all–time low when I sought shelter at a women's center with my two young children. The shelter provided me the opportunity to break away from the oppression and have a safe haven until my family could retrieve my children and myself. The services they provided were invaluable and I am thankful to them, the shelter saved my life. Whatever the reason is that a person seeks sanctuary, it is an opportunity to reevaluate what a woman wants out of her life and shelters are an important resource to tap into. Many shelters struggle financially to stay open due to limited resources. Many are underfunded. Until the country takes a closer look at the reasons why IPV is still so prevalent, the shelters will continue to be there and assist as many women and children as possible despite the financial constraints they are faced Get more content on
  • 22. Domestic Violence Informative Domestic Violence; It Should Not Be Overseen Subject Area: Domestic Violence Topic: Defining what is Domestic Violence General Purpose: To inform the audience about Domestic Violence. Specific Purpose: To let the audience be aware of what Domestic Violence is. Thesis Statement: Domestic Violence is something that should not be taken lightly. It is something that can happen to anyone in their lifetime. I want to go ahead and inform you about what is Domestic Violence. The categories of what is considered Domestic Violence and its definitions. Also give you some statistics and let you know what and where you can go to seek help. Patterns of Organization: Chronological I. Introduction of Topic A. A National Coalition Against more content... Such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline, National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and locally here in San Antonio the Family Violence Prevention Center. Transition: Let's recap the information I've given. V. Conclusion A. Today I informed you about what is Domestic Violence. The categories of what is considered Domestic Violence and its definitions. Also I covered some of the statistics and let you know where you can go to seek for help. B. Remember that Domestic Violence should not be something that should be overlooked. It can happen to you, someone you love, a friend just know that there is help out there to deal with what the person is going through. Sometimes the person being abused just needs someone there for support and you being able to provide that and information will help out a lot. C. So now I have put up (PowerPoint) a list of websites that have more information on Domestic Violence and which I invite you to go ahead and go through it so you can be informed and be that support for someone in need. Works Cited
  • 23. "Domestic Violence and Abuse." : Signs of Abuse and Abusive Relationships. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. "Domestic Violence Statistics." Domestic Violence Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. "Fact Sheets." National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. N.p., Get more content on
  • 24. Domestic Violence and Abuse Essay Domestic abuse, also known as domestic violence, can occur between two people in an intimate relationship. The abuser is not always the man; it can also be the woman. Domestic abuse can happen between a woman and a man, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. Domestic abuse shows no preference. If one partner feels abusive, it does not matter their sexual orientation, eventually the actions they are feeling will come out towards their partner. Other people often overlook domestic abuse. People generally do not like to get themselves involved in other people's problems, especially when they believe there might be problems at home. For one reason or the other, the person who is the witness to someone who is being abused by their more content... When physical abuse occurs, it can leave bruises, scratches, or even bite marks on the victim. When this happens, people notice what is going on, but still might not interfere or reach out to help in fear of themselves getting hurt. Verbal abuse is when your partner screams at you terribly and excessively. It does not have to be because you have actually done something wrong. Sometimes when our partners drink, they get angry, and when this happens, they have no one to take the anger out on other than their partner. Verbal abuse can also be when your partner calls you names, tells you how fat you are, tells you that you are ugly, and those sorts of things. Domestic abuse can also be sexual. Sexual abuse is when your partner forces you to participate in unwanted, unsafe, or degrading sexual activities. Even though you are in an intimate relationship with your partner, it does not mean that you MUST have sexual intercourse whenever it is asked of you. If your partner tells you that you have to do something that you do not want to do, or anything that you are not comfortable doing, there are various forms of help that you can get. Some of the other ways that your partner might act towards you that is considered to be domestic abuse are preventing you from going to school or work, not letting you go around your family members, or even speaking with them.
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