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Divergent Dystopia Essay
Divergent Dystopia vs. modern–day society
Many of us focus on trying to see the positive side of things, but the truth is that sometimes we need to open our eyes, and notice the negative
activities sourrounding our world. Once we comprehende what is negativetely affecting our world, then we should find a way to fix it, and shape the
world. Finally, after we have done all of that, then maybe we can have a better world, but to have a utopian society just seems way out of our reach. A
dystopian society, just like the one in the novel divergent, definetely is different from our modern–day society, but our society dosent neceseraly stay
behind On the novel divergent, the society seems out of control, it feel like it is a place were you cant be feeling safe for a second. In the novel, the
euridite faction had been long time rivals with abnegation, so they had a sinister plan to end with abnigation once and for all. Consequently, what the
euridite did, was that they teamed up with the leaders of dauntless Eric and max, more content...
As a matter of fact, our society also unfortuantely relates alot to this dystopian novel. Arguably, there is no doubt that in our society although, it is
illegal to commit any sort of crime of harming other people, but nontheless people still do it, many mindless human beings out there with knowledge
that harming someone is a crime, yet they still do it. similarly, to the novel divergent, in our modern day society there is often alot of bribeing, and
manipulation between people, including the goverment at times. Overall, the point is that even though a setting just like the one in the dystopian
novel divergent isnt as harsh and extreme as our modern day society, if we open our eyes and just look for a moment we would realize how similar
these two society can
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Reflection About Dystopia
Dystopia; a place in which everything is unpleasant or inadequate. This is where our community is today. Social media gives people the ability to say
hurtful things behind a screen that they may never have the courage to say in person. Because of these anonymous screens, society does not realize the
impact of their words. Along with insensitive people, today's society is full of self–centered youth. Our community is in chaos, and the youth living in
it refuse to glance up from their screens long enough to understand that the world surrounding them is turning into a pigsty. The majority of teens
would rather snap, tweet, or poke rather than go outside and clean our community or plant gardens. I once was one of those self–centered, clueless, more content...
It is proven that community service has numerous positive effects. Researchers have stated that community service raises self–esteem, creates bonds,
teaches leadership skills and shows youth the power of action. Being part of something bigger than yourself brings great rewards. With that being said,
one of the main challenges of this idea – the idea that community service will turn our society around – is that inspiring teens to participate in
community service is extremely difficult. This leads back to the issue of greed. If we could just put service above ourselves, then tons of issues could
be resolved. However, I firmly believe that if we turn community service into something enjoyable, then the youth would be more willing to participate.
Street cleanups could be fun and exciting by allowing kids to bring in motivational speakers to talk to them and their friends. Beach cleanups could be
turned into late night swimming events. Surrounding newly planted gardens with personalized bricks, bringing out individuals' differences and
showcasing their uniqueness, could promote a sense of ownership of such community projects. If we reach out to our youth's interests, then we might
be able to achieve a common goal – the goal of creating a better, safer, and brighter future for all humankind. For our society to experience a promising
future and thus happier times, it is imperative that our youth take action. Dr. King wanted a kinder and brighter future for
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The Pros And Cons Of Dystopia
Dystopia is a fictional genre of literature which represents a dark pessimistic image of a society marked by oppression, inequity, fear and
dehumanization. Dystopia can be described as anti–Utopia as it defies the fundamental aspects of Utopia. The word Utopia means (good place) while
Dystopia means (The no good place). Professor Gregory Claeys explains the difference between the two terms "Dystopia is usually supposed to be an
inverted, mirrored or negative version of utopia, the imaginary bad place as opposed to the imaginary good place''(Claeys). Moreover, Dystopia is
defined by The Oxford Companion to English Literature Dictionary as "a term coined to convey the opposite of utopia: the dystopian mode, which
projects an unpleasant or more content...
The back story and the description of the society depend on whether the dystopia is futuristic or post–apocalyptic. In the futuristic dystopia, the back
story explains how the society became technologically advanced and describes how technology is an essential part of peoples' lives. As for the
post–apocalyptic dystopia, the back story describes a climatic or nuclear disaster that occurred which has led to the loss of a massive number of the
population. In both dystopias, there is a face of power, usually the government, that establish the rules and keeps order in check. The dystopian society
is divided into two classes: a class that represents the power and a submissive class that represents the common people. Julia Gerhard proposes in
Control and Resistance in the dystopian novel that the class of the common people can be further divided according to their social function which the
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Examples Of My Ideal Dystopia
Utopia came from the greek word ou which means "not" and topos means "place" meaning no place and according to the miriam dictionary it is an
imaginary place in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect, where there is no problem of any sort. It is said to be a
speculative fiction which means it is only a fantasy or a person's idea of his or her own ideal world. People tend to think of the how the world would
be without crimes, poverty, diseases and wars which lead to the creation what well all know as utopia. In a utopian society, everything is within reach,
you don't have to worry like how would you pay the bills or how would you send your children to school or even if you still have a job by
tomorrow. Everything is given to you in this society that's why they said it was perfect for people don't need to worry or be problematic in their
everyday necessities. One thing that a utopia also have is equality. Equality in terms of in court, in government and economics. There more
The dystopia in this society would be inequality among people because of the division of classes. There would still be a huge gap between the poor
and the rich. It will either be the higher class would be super rich and the lower class being the poorest of the poor. The lower class could question
the existing political system regarding social division. Each person has their own opinions and ideas regarding how society should really be. They
could recognize the negative aspect in the society and help propagate this to others. People who agrees with them would also fight for what they stand
and this can cause the rise of a revolution. Wanting a change from the current system and the abolishment of the classes in the society which would lead
to the destruction of the perfect
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Utopia is often referred to as the "Perfect World" where there are perfect laws and people live in complete harmony without any problems. It is also
believed that such a place is imaginary. Dystopia is an imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation,
oppression, or terror. In the novel, the government gave orders to burn books in order to control the citizens. The government thought that the content in
the books may become a threat to their rule, they want citizens listen to their orders and obey it, so that's the reason that why the government burn
books, they try to control the citizens in order to achieve the perfect society, no one will revolt the government. In our society, the government
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Descriptive Essay On Dystopia
Dystopian Setting
The city that once had homed thousands and been the most economically successful country ever, was now a contaminated wasteland. The land
looked dry, destroyed and lonely. The morning breeze felt like crying sorrows, and the grey deceitful sky awed down at us. In the deepest corner of
despair lies dystopia where hope dies. As someone looks through the eyes of the devil, they see his utopia. Only visible by the dim light of the moon
was the great wall. Beyond the wall? No one knew. Stretching away from the wall was a humongous bridge that towered the wall. Standing tall on the
bridge was a tower, which had two circles that almost looked like eyes. Those mysterious, creepy and dangerous looking eyes stared down at the city
giving away a haunting look.
The reek of death hangs in the air throughout the land. Filling the mouths of those who lived in this abandoned land was the taste of burnt garlic. The
screams and cries of terror undistinguishable between beast and human fill the ears of the last ones living. The sky, which was lit by the glow of fires, is
grey and empty. Decaying bodies more content...
As I walked, the air of this haunted, dreadful and sorrowful land had sucked the life out of everything and roared as humanity began to disappear.
As I carried on walking, I noticed that the small fraction of light was getting smaller and smaller, until it had been engulfed into a think black ash
like smoke. Aggressively, the wind walked past the building with its cruddy feeling, blowing away all signs of life. Deeper and deeper into the
land was a burning car door. The fire roared and crackled. The roaring and crackling of the burning car door merged with the aggressive air and
created the loudest sounds ever heard on land. Growing darker, the skies made me feel nauseous. The fear of not waking up if a human fell asleep
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Dystopian Essay Examples
Essay Planner "Dystopian elements are conveyed in a variety of texts. Examine how the reader is challenged or confronted by dystopia in at least two
texts you have studied in class." Introduction: Rephrase the question/ agree to the question (underline title, name the authors). The Giver, by Louis
Lowry and The Fun They Had, by Isaac Asimov both displayed dystopian elements, which were recognized by the reader. Expand your position. Intro to
characters. The main characters are Jonas, from The Giver, and Margie, from The Fun They Had. Intro to narrative techniques/conventions/elements.
With the dystopian element Sum up response. в€™в€™в€™в€
ћв€™в€™ Body Paragraph more content...
Significance. в€™в€™в€
ћв€™в€™ Body Paragraph 2 Dystopian characteristic. The dystopian characteristic found in both dystopian texts is that
citizens live in a dehumanized state. How this element challenges/confronts the reader. This element challenges the reader due to the fact that he or she
lives in a semi–chaotic world, and is then confronted with this new way of life. It is understandable if the reader feels anger, frustration and sympathy
because they feel that they have taken their freedom of personality and aspiration to their advantage without thinking. Topic sentence (combine above).
Example from The Giver (including technique/convention used). Significance. Example from The Fun They Had (including technique/convention
used). Significance. The significance of this example is to show us how dehumanized these children have become. Instead of learning the needed
knowledge plus socializing at school, they are still learning, but are missing out on a great opportunity. Home schooling, in my opinion, is an effective
way of schooling, but social skills are vital for future occupations. Furthermore, the learning experience you face at home cannot be compared to
traditional schooling. The children at that time can learn and understand more if they have an adult teaching them, and friends to help if they are still
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Pros And Cons Of Dystopia
Utopia is an idealized society where everything is perfect in terms of politics, laws, customs and conditions everything is going smoothly but Dystopia
is a complete and exact opposite of it. Dystopia is an exaggerated worst case scenario of it; a futuristic, imagined universe which provides an illusion of
perfect idealized society in which this illusion is maintained through bureaucratic, corporate, technological and totalitarian control. The main agenda of
dystopia is to make a criticism of political system, societal norms and current trends. Dystopia is a society which is as dehumanizing and as obnoxious
as possible.
Dystopia is set in future, a future where technology is used to create perfect living conditions and through oppressive social control a perfect illusion
of perfect society is maintained. This genre of literature is an amalgamation of science, speculative and fantasy fiction there is a reason behind it that
it never becomes irrelevant and readers comes back to it whenever the present regime around them goes out of control and the existential dilemma
falls upon them, dystopia is a warning that things are bad in present and if things are continued at present rate a lot worse could happen. There are
certain characteristics of dystopian society to which every reader irrespective of the political regime or the era they belongs to can identify themselves,
per say Propaganda is always there to control the citizens because without it the society will go haywire, Information, independent thoughts and
freedom are restricted because obviously that illusion of perfect society shouldn' more content...
supposed to be broken, A figurehead is worshipped by the citizens of the society just like BIG BROTHER inGeorge Orwell's Nineteen Eighty–Four
(1949) in this society the only thing one could love and trust is Big Brother; citizens will never dared to gather the audacity to question his authority,
citizens of such society lives under constant
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Dystopian Societies Essay
A dystopia the darkest form of government, a utopia gone wrong, a craving for power, struggling for fewer rules. The dystopia is factual the worst
possible form of a government. Its the struggle to be so perfect that it fails. There are typically two types of dystopias first a monarchy. A monarchy
is a group of people controlled by a king or queen, and they make every last decision. What they want they get. A monarchy is typically born like this
example from lord of the flies. "He became absorbed beyond mere happiness as he felt himself exercising control over living things. He talked to them,
urging them, ordering them"(Golding 58). This shows that a monarchy starts by one just taking over from the start rather than being more
The people are left starved with no food or money having to bask in the king glory and power. An example of that would be Louis XIV. He let the
French starve and rot away with no food and no money while he was bathed in riches with a million square foot palace made out of gold. He led the
French to a revolution, a revolution so large it changed the way we look at monarchies. It's not at all like the king cares about the people. If he does
he may have bad ideas and the entire city with collapse. "The monarchs of Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Swaziland appear to continue to
exercise more political influence than any other single source of authority in their nations, either by constitutional mandate or by tradition" (Monarchy).
Monarchy's are bad but communism is worse, but does one person also have full control in a left dystopia. Communism the worst kind of government,
like your being watched every step of the way there is no freedom, no democracy all mind games. It's just too hard to live in if you know what their
doing, if you speak up in a negative way to the government it's off to the prison camps. North Korea supposedly has 6 known prison camps with
hundreds of thousands of people with most of them done nothing wrong. North Korea and countries like it will do anything to keep it utopia status in
the minds of their people. In essence it's a utopia gone wrong, they make
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Dystopian America Essay
Dystopian America
What exactly is a dystopia, and how is it relevant today? E.M. Forster's The Machine Stops uses a dystopian society to show how one lives
effortlessly, lacking knowledge of other places, in order to show that the world will never be perfect, even if it may seem so. A society whose
citizens are kept ignorant and lazy, unknowing that they are being controlled, unfit to act if they did, all hidden under the guise of a perfect utopian
haven, just as the one seen in The Machine Stops, could be becoming a very real possibility. There is a rational concern about this happening in
today's world that is shared by many, and with good reason. Dystopian worlds are often seen as fictitious, though this may not be the case in
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The younger generations are far more interested in the latest irrelevant tabloid scandal than who decides how much they pay in taxes and where that
money is spent, and this only proves to fuel the chances of us becoming mere pawns controlled by select figureheads or even a technology.
A utopia is what everyone is aiming for, but is that really what they are getting? With the hopes of a perfect society, we the people are rushing for a
drastic change in the way things work without giving too much care in which direction things are changing, and that can and will cause definite issues.
In the hopes to rush into a perfect world, too many people are treating government like a roulette wheel and hoping for the best, even though all odds
are against them. In doing so, they are setting themselves up for a more controlled tomorrow.
Of course, this isn't necessarily the fault of just the people. Biases in information sources lead the population to believe things they wouldn't
normally, and that can have an effect on opinions from the time the people were just young children. Just the fact that electronic toys are as popular
today as teddy bears and stuffed animals were just a few years ago says something drastic. More thinking is being done for the children, they won't
learn to be as imaginative at a younger age, and will likely have less individuality because of it. Subliminal advertizing could also become a
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Utopia And Dystopias
All utopias are dystopias , the term "dystopia" was coined by fools that believed a "utopia" could be functional ( Samman ). Utopias and dystopias
are two sides of the same coin; as beneath every façade of a utopian community , there is a dystopian undercurrent detected . The term Utopia is
coined by Plato in his book The Republic (380 BC). Plato's Utopia represents an ideal society of freedom ,justice and equality (Gerhard 2 ) . In 1516
, the term "Utopia" was used by Sir Thomas More in his book by the same name which depicts an imaginary country names Utopus , a country based
on social equality and freedom from conflict (Sisk). In his article "Dystopia", David Sisk gives a brief background on the origin of the word utopia
,asserting that it is " derived from the Greek ou ("not" or "no") and topos (place), a utopia is "no place," a land that does not exist"(607). To counter the
idea of utopia, dystopian literature flourished more content...
On one channel, there's a group of young people competing for I don't even know; and on the next, there's a group of young people fighting in an
actual war. ... and the lines between these stories started to blur in a very unsettling way" ("A Killer Story"). She adds that she finds reality TV "very
disturbing, there's this potential for desensitizing the audience so that when they see real tragedy playing out on the news, it doesn't have the impact it
should." ("Q&A"). Collins in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2009) manages to highlight the dystopian features through the themes of power and
oppression, rebellion and class tension. She uses the technique of symbolism to shed light on how a single act of rebellion can lead to a nationwide
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The Giver-a Dystopia Essay
Jonas' community appears to be a utopia, but, in reality, it is a dystopia. The people seem perfectly content to live in an isolated wreck–in a
government run by a select few–in which a group of Elders enforces the rules. In Jonas' community, there is no poverty, starvation, unemployment, lack
of housing, or discrimination; everything is perfectly planned to eliminate any problems. However, as the book progresses and Jonas gains insight into
what the people have willingly given up–their freedoms and individualities–for the so–called common good of the community, it becomes more and
more obvious that the community is a horrible place in which to live. You as a reader can relate to the disbelief and horror that Jonas feels when he more content...
The final reason that I think the Giver portrays a dystopian society is their method of release. They may think that they're sorting out good and bad,
but what do they know? If they don't know anything about love, why should they know about pain, suffering, death, and war? Everyone outside of
the releasing room thought their dear friend was going Elsewhere... but the people inside that horrid room witnessed, or committed, the murder of
innocents. There were no such things as identical twins; the lighter one would be killed. The people had no perception of death, for all they know
that little baby, which just happened to be 3 ounces lighter than his brother, could really be going Elsewhere. Even if they're traveling there
through a garbage chute. Not only children were released though, as Jonas' mother tells them it can happen to the middle aged too, "'You know that
there's no third chance. The rules say that if there's a third transgression, he simply has to be released.'" (pg.9). Some people were so ignorant on
the subject that they used the word as a joke, like the speaker when the pilot flew over the town, "NEEDLESS TO SAY, HE WILL BE RELEASED,
the voice had said, followed by silence. There was an ironic tone to that final message, as if the Speaker found it amusing..." (pg.2). Who wants to
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Essay On Dystopia In 1984
Svetlana Mukbanian
Teacher: K.Davis
College Comp.
December 18, 2017
1984 research project
Dystopia is an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one is other
words dystopia can be described as opposite of utopia, but all dystopian societies start with the dream of a perfect world so dystopia is utopia gone
wrong. The dystopian tradition in literature is a criticism of the time in which the author lives. these novels are political statements, as was Orwell's
1984. When we read these book today we can't help but notice similarities between Orwell's story and our reality in 2017. The world in 1984 is all
messed up and upside down but, the world we live in is more content...
A drone is an unmanned aircraft, it is more formally known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), it is a flying robot that can be remotely controlled.
Citizens in LA met this decision with protests arguing that drones can be used for unwarranted surveillance and some even fear that drones will
become weaponized and start patrolling the skies. Flying robots monitoring the skies is clear example of dystopian future and may remind us of
Orwell's 1984 but, advocates say that the drones could help protect officers by monitoring armed suspects without putting their lives in danger, it
could also help find lost hikers, officials have also promised careful restrictions, for example each flight will be approved by officer only for specific
cases and
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The Best Place For A Dystopia Essay
The Best Place for a Dystopian
Let's start with the basics of a utopia first, a utopia is a world where everyone is perfect, not only that but anger, strife, loss, and sadness are gone, no
one ever starves, and no one ever dies.
A utopia is based on egalitarian principles. Basically, its "the perfect world".
The idea of a utopia first came when sir Thomas more described a perfect island/world in 1516.
A dystopia however, is a world that is actually viable, a dystopia is basically a utopia turned bad.
When a utopia developed inside conflicts the current regime(governing body) doesn't have the knowledge or ability to quell said conflicts due to the
earlier society not needing them(by earlier society I mean before the conflict happened) and
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What Role Does Utopia Play In A Dystopian Society
The world in any society has two sides, Utopia which is defined as the perfect world and the peaceful life that is free from disasters. This word "
Utopia " is derived from Greek roots by Sir Thomas More which means "a good place" (More 37). Merriam Webster defined Utopia as "an imaginary
place, all life aspects are perfect, as the world suffers from nothing" (Webster 19). whileDystopia is defined as an imagined universe in which the
unequal society controls the fancy of an ideal society which are maintained through technological, moral, corporate or totalitarian control " Beauty of
dystopia is that it lets us vicariously experience future worlds but we still have the power to change our own" (Condie 75). in which the genre challenges
utopia's fundamental supposition of human perfectibility, arguing humanity's inherent flaws that negate the possibility of constructing ideal societies.
both Utopia and Dystopia are opposite terms, one means perfection and the other means that everything is terrible. as many writers, critics and
philosophers give different definitions for them, and many books have written about them,To show that the society as it is or how it should be. The
dystopian stories more content...
Authors use dystopia as a literary technique to discuss the real issues that might happen in the future. Thus the role of dystopia in literary works is to
educate and give awareness to the audience. Dystopias also serve as warnings about the current state of affairs of a government, or of those in power.
In dystopian, authors point out the wrong doings in a society or a system – the reason that it is often called a critique. Dystopian literature is often used
as a literary tool to extrapolate the elements of contemporary society and function as a warning against a modern trend, often the threat of the oppressive
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Essay On Dystopia
This movie fits very nicely into the category of dystopian society demographic, it's quite literally a dystopia that appears to be a utopia. The whole
society is controlled by the philosophical idea that if you were not created inside of a lab then you are less than human. Those who were created
through a natural birth are not able to get good jobs, mostly stuck working jobs like janitors or waiters, they are not trusted enough to get any good
jobs, like doctors and scientist because people simply do not believe in their genetic layout, why have someone who is only expected to live to 23
become a scientist when there are people who were created specially to perform the job. Along with this, there are many clues that show just how
much of more content...
What you could consider the natural world does not go, the idea that natural births are the best way to have children is now thrown out the
window thanks to science. Everyone is now grown in a lab, also this world is kept unnaturally clean, there are not people sleeping in the streets, no
dust on old books, as well as everything is kept sanitizes and organized with no room for error, this motto is often said, cleaenslesness is next to
godliness. Individuality is seen as bad, most citizens keep to a simple appearance, clean crisp suit, and most women kept their hair tied back in a
tight bun, throughout the movie you see almost no people who appear to be expressing themselves through clothing or at their workplace, desks
appear to be kept clean of any personal items, like a photo of a lover or family member. This movie would suit people who enjoy dystopian fiction
movies or anyone who wants a glips into what one day be our future. Also if you enjoy movies that have a very interesting view on technology, and
how they used it to track
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Examples Of Dystopia In 1984
Successful Dystopia
In the novel, 1984, George Orwell emphasises oppression by allowing Big Brother to penalize personal expression, enforce constant regulation, and
establish a totalitarian government to create a successful dystopia. Big Brother oppressed its citizens by creating punishment for people who expressed
themselves. Winston masked his reaction to Big Brother's commands to avoid retaliation from his government. Likewise, Winston lives in fear of the
surveillance that can possible convict him of being a Thought Criminal. " Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system the Thought Police plugged in on any more content...
Winston must impetuously obey the commands from the telescreen that constantly observes him. Winston is required to follow a class from his
telescreen to do specific lead exercises. " 'Smith!'screamed the shrewish voice from the telescreen. '6079 Smith W! Yes, you! Bend lower, please!
You can do better than that. You're not trying. Lower , please! That's better, comrade" (p 39). Big brother reinforce Winton's lack of freedom by
controlling his daily routine as well as other aspects of his life. Big brother emphasises Winston's hopelessness and wants its citizens to feel
dependant on Big Brother's choices to display his powerful position. By treating citizens like they are helpless children Big Brother is able to demean
citizens by stressing that their ideas and plans are irrelevant which allows for additional power over them by crushing their self esteem. Similar to the
when the main protagonist named Montag from Fahrenheit 451, will not succumb to the wishes of his is government's to burn books so his society
tries to have him conform to be like every other firefighter. After becoming tired of his Sisyphean task of being trapped in the same damaging routine
for himself and citizens he becomes interested and hopeful about books. However, his society tries to demolish his curious personality to avoid
invoking rebellious tendencies by threatening him with death. Furthermore the beliefs of the young children are influenced by big brother to teach
them a simplistic version of English to take away the thought process or speaking overall.The simplest stage in the discipline, which can be taught even
to young children...stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It include the power of not grasping analogies, of
failing...any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction (p212). By corrupting children's minds at a sound age Big
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1984 Dystopia Essay
In the novel 1984, Orwell creates a dystopia, an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or
environmentally degraded one . (www.oxforddictionaries.01.05.2015). By using a dystopian setting for 1984, Orwell suggests the possibility of a
utopia . In Orwell's novel everything is the opposite of what it should be, he plays with words in order to create an Anti–Utopia or Dystopia (The critical
heritageMeyers, p.264): the Ministry of Truth has nothing to do with truth but rather with propaganda, bringing the past up to date, the Ministry of
Peace conducts war, the Ministry of Love is in charge of the order through the Thought Police, the Ministry of Plenty takes care of the economy. The
names more content...
92) is manipulated in order to think the reverse of what it really happens in realityis. (The critical heritage Meyers p. 270)
The central figure of 1984 is Winston Smith, a member of the Outer Party and worker in the records department of the ''Ministry of Truth'', he is in fact
an enemy of the Party. Winston Smith is unable to adjust himself to the totalitarian system under which he lives and works. The novel follows his
downfall, his ruin started at the moment doubt first crossed his mind. This doubt increases when he meets Julia, she is a member of the Anti–Sex
League, but she breaks the bound of Puritanism ordained by the Party. This coincides with Winston's opinion about purity: ''I hate purity, I hate
goodness! I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere.''(Orwell, 1984 p.141) Julia has the ability to understand the party's motivations most
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Dystopia Speech
Imagine your hell. What would it look like? Who belongs there? Fictional...or real? Is it anything like our modern world or is it a fear beyond your
wildest imagination? At the heart of every dystopia is essentially, the exploration of human nature and the expression of the fears that drive our
societies. There are three main fears which are involved with dystopia. They are; political dispute and rebellion, the stifling of freedom to express
individuality and the loss of human connectedness, which is central to our need for social interaction and validation. In order to address these fears,
dystopian texts examine contemporary issues and hyperbolise them; consequently identifying the possible flaws that underlie the societies we construct more content...
There are three main fears which are involved with dystopia.| They are; political dispute and rebellion, the stifling of freedom to express individuality
and the loss ofhuman connectedness, which is central to our need for social interaction and validation. In order to address these fears, dystopian texts
examine contemporary issues and hyperbolise them; consequently identifying the possible flaws that underlie the societies we construct and shedding
insight into our response to their deconstruction.| Two such examples of dystopia are the novel, 1984 byGeorge Orwell, and Andrew Stanton's Wall–E.
These two texts, while individually examining rather different social issues both involve the three central elements that define dystopia, the repression
of individuality, the elimination of human connectedness and the prevalence of political dissent.| On board the Axiom in the 2008 film Wall
–E, we
discover the sequence of events that led to the evacuation of the planet Earth. In the past, one large megacorporation has gained control of all business
and government on the planet. The human population is so distracted by consumerism that they never notice that they have been stripped of all their
freedoms and are now| dominated by the BnL megacorporation. The axiom cannot be questioned or challenged; the passengers therefore never question
their lives or their
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Divergent Dystopia Essay

  • 1. Divergent Dystopia Essay Divergent Dystopia vs. modern–day society Many of us focus on trying to see the positive side of things, but the truth is that sometimes we need to open our eyes, and notice the negative activities sourrounding our world. Once we comprehende what is negativetely affecting our world, then we should find a way to fix it, and shape the world. Finally, after we have done all of that, then maybe we can have a better world, but to have a utopian society just seems way out of our reach. A dystopian society, just like the one in the novel divergent, definetely is different from our modern–day society, but our society dosent neceseraly stay behind On the novel divergent, the society seems out of control, it feel like it is a place were you cant be feeling safe for a second. In the novel, the euridite faction had been long time rivals with abnegation, so they had a sinister plan to end with abnigation once and for all. Consequently, what the euridite did, was that they teamed up with the leaders of dauntless Eric and max, more content... As a matter of fact, our society also unfortuantely relates alot to this dystopian novel. Arguably, there is no doubt that in our society although, it is illegal to commit any sort of crime of harming other people, but nontheless people still do it, many mindless human beings out there with knowledge that harming someone is a crime, yet they still do it. similarly, to the novel divergent, in our modern day society there is often alot of bribeing, and manipulation between people, including the goverment at times. Overall, the point is that even though a setting just like the one in the dystopian novel divergent isnt as harsh and extreme as our modern day society, if we open our eyes and just look for a moment we would realize how similar these two society can Get more content on
  • 2. Reflection About Dystopia Dystopia; a place in which everything is unpleasant or inadequate. This is where our community is today. Social media gives people the ability to say hurtful things behind a screen that they may never have the courage to say in person. Because of these anonymous screens, society does not realize the impact of their words. Along with insensitive people, today's society is full of self–centered youth. Our community is in chaos, and the youth living in it refuse to glance up from their screens long enough to understand that the world surrounding them is turning into a pigsty. The majority of teens would rather snap, tweet, or poke rather than go outside and clean our community or plant gardens. I once was one of those self–centered, clueless, more content... It is proven that community service has numerous positive effects. Researchers have stated that community service raises self–esteem, creates bonds, teaches leadership skills and shows youth the power of action. Being part of something bigger than yourself brings great rewards. With that being said, one of the main challenges of this idea – the idea that community service will turn our society around – is that inspiring teens to participate in community service is extremely difficult. This leads back to the issue of greed. If we could just put service above ourselves, then tons of issues could be resolved. However, I firmly believe that if we turn community service into something enjoyable, then the youth would be more willing to participate. Street cleanups could be fun and exciting by allowing kids to bring in motivational speakers to talk to them and their friends. Beach cleanups could be turned into late night swimming events. Surrounding newly planted gardens with personalized bricks, bringing out individuals' differences and showcasing their uniqueness, could promote a sense of ownership of such community projects. If we reach out to our youth's interests, then we might be able to achieve a common goal – the goal of creating a better, safer, and brighter future for all humankind. For our society to experience a promising future and thus happier times, it is imperative that our youth take action. Dr. King wanted a kinder and brighter future for Get more content on
  • 3. The Pros And Cons Of Dystopia Dystopia is a fictional genre of literature which represents a dark pessimistic image of a society marked by oppression, inequity, fear and dehumanization. Dystopia can be described as anti–Utopia as it defies the fundamental aspects of Utopia. The word Utopia means (good place) while Dystopia means (The no good place). Professor Gregory Claeys explains the difference between the two terms "Dystopia is usually supposed to be an inverted, mirrored or negative version of utopia, the imaginary bad place as opposed to the imaginary good place''(Claeys). Moreover, Dystopia is defined by The Oxford Companion to English Literature Dictionary as "a term coined to convey the opposite of utopia: the dystopian mode, which projects an unpleasant or more content... The back story and the description of the society depend on whether the dystopia is futuristic or post–apocalyptic. In the futuristic dystopia, the back story explains how the society became technologically advanced and describes how technology is an essential part of peoples' lives. As for the post–apocalyptic dystopia, the back story describes a climatic or nuclear disaster that occurred which has led to the loss of a massive number of the population. In both dystopias, there is a face of power, usually the government, that establish the rules and keeps order in check. The dystopian society is divided into two classes: a class that represents the power and a submissive class that represents the common people. Julia Gerhard proposes in Control and Resistance in the dystopian novel that the class of the common people can be further divided according to their social function which the government Get more content on
  • 4. Examples Of My Ideal Dystopia Utopia came from the greek word ou which means "not" and topos means "place" meaning no place and according to the miriam dictionary it is an imaginary place in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect, where there is no problem of any sort. It is said to be a speculative fiction which means it is only a fantasy or a person's idea of his or her own ideal world. People tend to think of the how the world would be without crimes, poverty, diseases and wars which lead to the creation what well all know as utopia. In a utopian society, everything is within reach, you don't have to worry like how would you pay the bills or how would you send your children to school or even if you still have a job by tomorrow. Everything is given to you in this society that's why they said it was perfect for people don't need to worry or be problematic in their everyday necessities. One thing that a utopia also have is equality. Equality in terms of in court, in government and economics. There more content... The dystopia in this society would be inequality among people because of the division of classes. There would still be a huge gap between the poor and the rich. It will either be the higher class would be super rich and the lower class being the poorest of the poor. The lower class could question the existing political system regarding social division. Each person has their own opinions and ideas regarding how society should really be. They could recognize the negative aspect in the society and help propagate this to others. People who agrees with them would also fight for what they stand and this can cause the rise of a revolution. Wanting a change from the current system and the abolishment of the classes in the society which would lead to the destruction of the perfect Get more content on
  • 5. Dystopia Utopia is often referred to as the "Perfect World" where there are perfect laws and people live in complete harmony without any problems. It is also believed that such a place is imaginary. Dystopia is an imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror. In the novel, the government gave orders to burn books in order to control the citizens. The government thought that the content in the books may become a threat to their rule, they want citizens listen to their orders and obey it, so that's the reason that why the government burn books, they try to control the citizens in order to achieve the perfect society, no one will revolt the government. In our society, the government Get more content on
  • 6. Descriptive Essay On Dystopia Dystopian Setting The city that once had homed thousands and been the most economically successful country ever, was now a contaminated wasteland. The land looked dry, destroyed and lonely. The morning breeze felt like crying sorrows, and the grey deceitful sky awed down at us. In the deepest corner of despair lies dystopia where hope dies. As someone looks through the eyes of the devil, they see his utopia. Only visible by the dim light of the moon was the great wall. Beyond the wall? No one knew. Stretching away from the wall was a humongous bridge that towered the wall. Standing tall on the bridge was a tower, which had two circles that almost looked like eyes. Those mysterious, creepy and dangerous looking eyes stared down at the city giving away a haunting look. The reek of death hangs in the air throughout the land. Filling the mouths of those who lived in this abandoned land was the taste of burnt garlic. The screams and cries of terror undistinguishable between beast and human fill the ears of the last ones living. The sky, which was lit by the glow of fires, is grey and empty. Decaying bodies more content... As I walked, the air of this haunted, dreadful and sorrowful land had sucked the life out of everything and roared as humanity began to disappear. As I carried on walking, I noticed that the small fraction of light was getting smaller and smaller, until it had been engulfed into a think black ash like smoke. Aggressively, the wind walked past the building with its cruddy feeling, blowing away all signs of life. Deeper and deeper into the land was a burning car door. The fire roared and crackled. The roaring and crackling of the burning car door merged with the aggressive air and created the loudest sounds ever heard on land. Growing darker, the skies made me feel nauseous. The fear of not waking up if a human fell asleep towered Get more content on
  • 7. Dystopian Essay Examples Essay Planner "Dystopian elements are conveyed in a variety of texts. Examine how the reader is challenged or confronted by dystopia in at least two texts you have studied in class." Introduction: Rephrase the question/ agree to the question (underline title, name the authors). The Giver, by Louis Lowry and The Fun They Had, by Isaac Asimov both displayed dystopian elements, which were recognized by the reader. Expand your position. Intro to characters. The main characters are Jonas, from The Giver, and Margie, from The Fun They Had. Intro to narrative techniques/conventions/elements. With the dystopian element Sum up response. в€™в€™в€™в€ ћв€™в€™ Body Paragraph more content... Significance. в€™в€™в€ ћв€™в€™ Body Paragraph 2 Dystopian characteristic. The dystopian characteristic found in both dystopian texts is that citizens live in a dehumanized state. How this element challenges/confronts the reader. This element challenges the reader due to the fact that he or she lives in a semi–chaotic world, and is then confronted with this new way of life. It is understandable if the reader feels anger, frustration and sympathy because they feel that they have taken their freedom of personality and aspiration to their advantage without thinking. Topic sentence (combine above). Example from The Giver (including technique/convention used). Significance. Example from The Fun They Had (including technique/convention used). Significance. The significance of this example is to show us how dehumanized these children have become. Instead of learning the needed knowledge plus socializing at school, they are still learning, but are missing out on a great opportunity. Home schooling, in my opinion, is an effective way of schooling, but social skills are vital for future occupations. Furthermore, the learning experience you face at home cannot be compared to traditional schooling. The children at that time can learn and understand more if they have an adult teaching them, and friends to help if they are still Get more content on
  • 8. Pros And Cons Of Dystopia Utopia is an idealized society where everything is perfect in terms of politics, laws, customs and conditions everything is going smoothly but Dystopia is a complete and exact opposite of it. Dystopia is an exaggerated worst case scenario of it; a futuristic, imagined universe which provides an illusion of perfect idealized society in which this illusion is maintained through bureaucratic, corporate, technological and totalitarian control. The main agenda of dystopia is to make a criticism of political system, societal norms and current trends. Dystopia is a society which is as dehumanizing and as obnoxious as possible. Dystopia is set in future, a future where technology is used to create perfect living conditions and through oppressive social control a perfect illusion of perfect society is maintained. This genre of literature is an amalgamation of science, speculative and fantasy fiction there is a reason behind it that it never becomes irrelevant and readers comes back to it whenever the present regime around them goes out of control and the existential dilemma falls upon them, dystopia is a warning that things are bad in present and if things are continued at present rate a lot worse could happen. There are certain characteristics of dystopian society to which every reader irrespective of the political regime or the era they belongs to can identify themselves, per say Propaganda is always there to control the citizens because without it the society will go haywire, Information, independent thoughts and freedom are restricted because obviously that illusion of perfect society shouldn' more content... supposed to be broken, A figurehead is worshipped by the citizens of the society just like BIG BROTHER inGeorge Orwell's Nineteen Eighty–Four (1949) in this society the only thing one could love and trust is Big Brother; citizens will never dared to gather the audacity to question his authority, citizens of such society lives under constant Get more content on
  • 9. Dystopian Societies Essay A dystopia the darkest form of government, a utopia gone wrong, a craving for power, struggling for fewer rules. The dystopia is factual the worst possible form of a government. Its the struggle to be so perfect that it fails. There are typically two types of dystopias first a monarchy. A monarchy is a group of people controlled by a king or queen, and they make every last decision. What they want they get. A monarchy is typically born like this example from lord of the flies. "He became absorbed beyond mere happiness as he felt himself exercising control over living things. He talked to them, urging them, ordering them"(Golding 58). This shows that a monarchy starts by one just taking over from the start rather than being more content... The people are left starved with no food or money having to bask in the king glory and power. An example of that would be Louis XIV. He let the French starve and rot away with no food and no money while he was bathed in riches with a million square foot palace made out of gold. He led the French to a revolution, a revolution so large it changed the way we look at monarchies. It's not at all like the king cares about the people. If he does he may have bad ideas and the entire city with collapse. "The monarchs of Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Swaziland appear to continue to exercise more political influence than any other single source of authority in their nations, either by constitutional mandate or by tradition" (Monarchy). Monarchy's are bad but communism is worse, but does one person also have full control in a left dystopia. Communism the worst kind of government, like your being watched every step of the way there is no freedom, no democracy all mind games. It's just too hard to live in if you know what their doing, if you speak up in a negative way to the government it's off to the prison camps. North Korea supposedly has 6 known prison camps with hundreds of thousands of people with most of them done nothing wrong. North Korea and countries like it will do anything to keep it utopia status in the minds of their people. In essence it's a utopia gone wrong, they make Get more content on
  • 10. Dystopian America Essay Dystopian America What exactly is a dystopia, and how is it relevant today? E.M. Forster's The Machine Stops uses a dystopian society to show how one lives effortlessly, lacking knowledge of other places, in order to show that the world will never be perfect, even if it may seem so. A society whose citizens are kept ignorant and lazy, unknowing that they are being controlled, unfit to act if they did, all hidden under the guise of a perfect utopian haven, just as the one seen in The Machine Stops, could be becoming a very real possibility. There is a rational concern about this happening in today's world that is shared by many, and with good reason. Dystopian worlds are often seen as fictitious, though this may not be the case in more content... The younger generations are far more interested in the latest irrelevant tabloid scandal than who decides how much they pay in taxes and where that money is spent, and this only proves to fuel the chances of us becoming mere pawns controlled by select figureheads or even a technology. A utopia is what everyone is aiming for, but is that really what they are getting? With the hopes of a perfect society, we the people are rushing for a drastic change in the way things work without giving too much care in which direction things are changing, and that can and will cause definite issues. In the hopes to rush into a perfect world, too many people are treating government like a roulette wheel and hoping for the best, even though all odds are against them. In doing so, they are setting themselves up for a more controlled tomorrow. Of course, this isn't necessarily the fault of just the people. Biases in information sources lead the population to believe things they wouldn't normally, and that can have an effect on opinions from the time the people were just young children. Just the fact that electronic toys are as popular today as teddy bears and stuffed animals were just a few years ago says something drastic. More thinking is being done for the children, they won't learn to be as imaginative at a younger age, and will likely have less individuality because of it. Subliminal advertizing could also become a Get more content on
  • 11. Utopia And Dystopias All utopias are dystopias , the term "dystopia" was coined by fools that believed a "utopia" could be functional ( Samman ). Utopias and dystopias are two sides of the same coin; as beneath every faГ§ade of a utopian community , there is a dystopian undercurrent detected . The term Utopia is coined by Plato in his book The Republic (380 BC). Plato's Utopia represents an ideal society of freedom ,justice and equality (Gerhard 2 ) . In 1516 , the term "Utopia" was used by Sir Thomas More in his book by the same name which depicts an imaginary country names Utopus , a country based on social equality and freedom from conflict (Sisk). In his article "Dystopia", David Sisk gives a brief background on the origin of the word utopia ,asserting that it is " derived from the Greek ou ("not" or "no") and topos (place), a utopia is "no place," a land that does not exist"(607). To counter the idea of utopia, dystopian literature flourished more content... On one channel, there's a group of young people competing for I don't even know; and on the next, there's a group of young people fighting in an actual war. ... and the lines between these stories started to blur in a very unsettling way" ("A Killer Story"). She adds that she finds reality TV "very disturbing, there's this potential for desensitizing the audience so that when they see real tragedy playing out on the news, it doesn't have the impact it should." ("Q&A"). Collins in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2009) manages to highlight the dystopian features through the themes of power and oppression, rebellion and class tension. She uses the technique of symbolism to shed light on how a single act of rebellion can lead to a nationwide Get more content on
  • 12. The Giver-a Dystopia Essay Jonas' community appears to be a utopia, but, in reality, it is a dystopia. The people seem perfectly content to live in an isolated wreck–in a government run by a select few–in which a group of Elders enforces the rules. In Jonas' community, there is no poverty, starvation, unemployment, lack of housing, or discrimination; everything is perfectly planned to eliminate any problems. However, as the book progresses and Jonas gains insight into what the people have willingly given up–their freedoms and individualities–for the so–called common good of the community, it becomes more and more obvious that the community is a horrible place in which to live. You as a reader can relate to the disbelief and horror that Jonas feels when he more content... The final reason that I think the Giver portrays a dystopian society is their method of release. They may think that they're sorting out good and bad, but what do they know? If they don't know anything about love, why should they know about pain, suffering, death, and war? Everyone outside of the releasing room thought their dear friend was going Elsewhere... but the people inside that horrid room witnessed, or committed, the murder of innocents. There were no such things as identical twins; the lighter one would be killed. The people had no perception of death, for all they know that little baby, which just happened to be 3 ounces lighter than his brother, could really be going Elsewhere. Even if they're traveling there through a garbage chute. Not only children were released though, as Jonas' mother tells them it can happen to the middle aged too, "'You know that there's no third chance. The rules say that if there's a third transgression, he simply has to be released.'" (pg.9). Some people were so ignorant on the subject that they used the word as a joke, like the speaker when the pilot flew over the town, "NEEDLESS TO SAY, HE WILL BE RELEASED, the voice had said, followed by silence. There was an ironic tone to that final message, as if the Speaker found it amusing..." (pg.2). Who wants to Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Dystopia In 1984 Svetlana Mukbanian Teacher: K.Davis College Comp. December 18, 2017 1984 research project Dystopia is an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one is other words dystopia can be described as opposite of utopia, but all dystopian societies start with the dream of a perfect world so dystopia is utopia gone wrong. The dystopian tradition in literature is a criticism of the time in which the author lives. these novels are political statements, as was Orwell's 1984. When we read these book today we can't help but notice similarities between Orwell's story and our reality in 2017. The world in 1984 is all messed up and upside down but, the world we live in is more content... A drone is an unmanned aircraft, it is more formally known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), it is a flying robot that can be remotely controlled. Citizens in LA met this decision with protests arguing that drones can be used for unwarranted surveillance and some even fear that drones will become weaponized and start patrolling the skies. Flying robots monitoring the skies is clear example of dystopian future and may remind us of Orwell's 1984 but, advocates say that the drones could help protect officers by monitoring armed suspects without putting their lives in danger, it could also help find lost hikers, officials have also promised careful restrictions, for example each flight will be approved by officer only for specific cases and Get more content on
  • 14. The Best Place For A Dystopia Essay The Best Place for a Dystopian Let's start with the basics of a utopia first, a utopia is a world where everyone is perfect, not only that but anger, strife, loss, and sadness are gone, no one ever starves, and no one ever dies. A utopia is based on egalitarian principles. Basically, its "the perfect world". The idea of a utopia first came when sir Thomas more described a perfect island/world in 1516. A dystopia however, is a world that is actually viable, a dystopia is basically a utopia turned bad. When a utopia developed inside conflicts the current regime(governing body) doesn't have the knowledge or ability to quell said conflicts due to the earlier society not needing them(by earlier society I mean before the conflict happened) and Get more content on
  • 15. What Role Does Utopia Play In A Dystopian Society The world in any society has two sides, Utopia which is defined as the perfect world and the peaceful life that is free from disasters. This word " Utopia " is derived from Greek roots by Sir Thomas More which means "a good place" (More 37). Merriam Webster defined Utopia as "an imaginary place, all life aspects are perfect, as the world suffers from nothing" (Webster 19). whileDystopia is defined as an imagined universe in which the unequal society controls the fancy of an ideal society which are maintained through technological, moral, corporate or totalitarian control " Beauty of dystopia is that it lets us vicariously experience future worlds but we still have the power to change our own" (Condie 75). in which the genre challenges utopia's fundamental supposition of human perfectibility, arguing humanity's inherent flaws that negate the possibility of constructing ideal societies. both Utopia and Dystopia are opposite terms, one means perfection and the other means that everything is terrible. as many writers, critics and philosophers give different definitions for them, and many books have written about them,To show that the society as it is or how it should be. The dystopian stories more content... Authors use dystopia as a literary technique to discuss the real issues that might happen in the future. Thus the role of dystopia in literary works is to educate and give awareness to the audience. Dystopias also serve as warnings about the current state of affairs of a government, or of those in power. In dystopian, authors point out the wrong doings in a society or a system – the reason that it is often called a critique. Dystopian literature is often used as a literary tool to extrapolate the elements of contemporary society and function as a warning against a modern trend, often the threat of the oppressive Get more content on
  • 16. Essay On Dystopia This movie fits very nicely into the category of dystopian society demographic, it's quite literally a dystopia that appears to be a utopia. The whole society is controlled by the philosophical idea that if you were not created inside of a lab then you are less than human. Those who were created through a natural birth are not able to get good jobs, mostly stuck working jobs like janitors or waiters, they are not trusted enough to get any good jobs, like doctors and scientist because people simply do not believe in their genetic layout, why have someone who is only expected to live to 23 become a scientist when there are people who were created specially to perform the job. Along with this, there are many clues that show just how much of more content... What you could consider the natural world does not go, the idea that natural births are the best way to have children is now thrown out the window thanks to science. Everyone is now grown in a lab, also this world is kept unnaturally clean, there are not people sleeping in the streets, no dust on old books, as well as everything is kept sanitizes and organized with no room for error, this motto is often said, cleaenslesness is next to godliness. Individuality is seen as bad, most citizens keep to a simple appearance, clean crisp suit, and most women kept their hair tied back in a tight bun, throughout the movie you see almost no people who appear to be expressing themselves through clothing or at their workplace, desks appear to be kept clean of any personal items, like a photo of a lover or family member. This movie would suit people who enjoy dystopian fiction movies or anyone who wants a glips into what one day be our future. Also if you enjoy movies that have a very interesting view on technology, and how they used it to track Get more content on
  • 17. Examples Of Dystopia In 1984 Successful Dystopia In the novel, 1984, George Orwell emphasises oppression by allowing Big Brother to penalize personal expression, enforce constant regulation, and establish a totalitarian government to create a successful dystopia. Big Brother oppressed its citizens by creating punishment for people who expressed themselves. Winston masked his reaction to Big Brother's commands to avoid retaliation from his government. Likewise, Winston lives in fear of the surveillance that can possible convict him of being a Thought Criminal. " Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system the Thought Police plugged in on any more content... Winston must impetuously obey the commands from the telescreen that constantly observes him. Winston is required to follow a class from his telescreen to do specific lead exercises. " 'Smith!'screamed the shrewish voice from the telescreen. '6079 Smith W! Yes, you! Bend lower, please! You can do better than that. You're not trying. Lower , please! That's better, comrade" (p 39). Big brother reinforce Winton's lack of freedom by controlling his daily routine as well as other aspects of his life. Big brother emphasises Winston's hopelessness and wants its citizens to feel dependant on Big Brother's choices to display his powerful position. By treating citizens like they are helpless children Big Brother is able to demean citizens by stressing that their ideas and plans are irrelevant which allows for additional power over them by crushing their self esteem. Similar to the when the main protagonist named Montag from Fahrenheit 451, will not succumb to the wishes of his is government's to burn books so his society tries to have him conform to be like every other firefighter. After becoming tired of his Sisyphean task of being trapped in the same damaging routine for himself and citizens he becomes interested and hopeful about books. However, his society tries to demolish his curious personality to avoid invoking rebellious tendencies by threatening him with death. Furthermore the beliefs of the young children are influenced by big brother to teach them a simplistic version of English to take away the thought process or speaking overall.The simplest stage in the discipline, which can be taught even to young children...stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It include the power of not grasping analogies, of failing...any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction (p212). By corrupting children's minds at a sound age Big Get more content on
  • 18. 1984 Dystopia Essay In the novel 1984, Orwell creates a dystopia, an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one . (www.oxforddictionaries.01.05.2015). By using a dystopian setting for 1984, Orwell suggests the possibility of a utopia . In Orwell's novel everything is the opposite of what it should be, he plays with words in order to create an Anti–Utopia or Dystopia (The critical heritageMeyers, p.264): the Ministry of Truth has nothing to do with truth but rather with propaganda, bringing the past up to date, the Ministry of Peace conducts war, the Ministry of Love is in charge of the order through the Thought Police, the Ministry of Plenty takes care of the economy. The names more content... 92) is manipulated in order to think the reverse of what it really happens in realityis. (The critical heritage Meyers p. 270) The central figure of 1984 is Winston Smith, a member of the Outer Party and worker in the records department of the ''Ministry of Truth'', he is in fact an enemy of the Party. Winston Smith is unable to adjust himself to the totalitarian system under which he lives and works. The novel follows his downfall, his ruin started at the moment doubt first crossed his mind. This doubt increases when he meets Julia, she is a member of the Anti–Sex League, but she breaks the bound of Puritanism ordained by the Party. This coincides with Winston's opinion about purity: ''I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere.''(Orwell, 1984 p.141) Julia has the ability to understand the party's motivations most Get more content on
  • 19. Dystopia Speech Imagine your hell. What would it look like? Who belongs there? Fictional...or real? Is it anything like our modern world or is it a fear beyond your wildest imagination? At the heart of every dystopia is essentially, the exploration of human nature and the expression of the fears that drive our societies. There are three main fears which are involved with dystopia. They are; political dispute and rebellion, the stifling of freedom to express individuality and the loss of human connectedness, which is central to our need for social interaction and validation. In order to address these fears, dystopian texts examine contemporary issues and hyperbolise them; consequently identifying the possible flaws that underlie the societies we construct more content... There are three main fears which are involved with dystopia.| They are; political dispute and rebellion, the stifling of freedom to express individuality and the loss ofhuman connectedness, which is central to our need for social interaction and validation. In order to address these fears, dystopian texts examine contemporary issues and hyperbolise them; consequently identifying the possible flaws that underlie the societies we construct and shedding insight into our response to their deconstruction.| Two such examples of dystopia are the novel, 1984 byGeorge Orwell, and Andrew Stanton's Wall–E. These two texts, while individually examining rather different social issues both involve the three central elements that define dystopia, the repression of individuality, the elimination of human connectedness and the prevalence of political dissent.| On board the Axiom in the 2008 film Wall –E, we discover the sequence of events that led to the evacuation of the planet Earth. In the past, one large megacorporation has gained control of all business and government on the planet. The human population is so distracted by consumerism that they never notice that they have been stripped of all their freedoms and are now| dominated by the BnL megacorporation. The axiom cannot be questioned or challenged; the passengers therefore never question their lives or their Get more content on