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Distribution and Marketing Plan for
My Kitchen Meals
BTSB Film Studios
Barbara Tatum
Tara Souders
Sookia Ramdeen
Bryneisha Brown
EBBS Project & Portfolio V
February 2, 2020
I. Executive Summary
The Company:
BTSB Film Studios sees not only potential in small filmmakers, but in developers and musical
artists in their creations. We intend to inspire, create interesting conversation, and open young
The Project:
The My Kitchen Meals app is a recipe and cooking app for mobile download that aids users in
finding a recipe with ingredients they already have in their kitchen. It’s an app that saves time,
money, and produces less waste while making easy, simple meals to enjoy.
Sales Projections / Return on Investment:
The one-year investment will be focused on breaking even for the My Kitchen Meal app. As this
is listed as a free app, BTSB Film Studios must focus on newer ways to create a profit off of the
app. In the future, they hope to generate in app-app purchase as well as paid upgrades through
the app. This would include branded merchandise opportunities, new recipes, and new features.
Target Market:
The target market includes women/mothers who do the grocery shopping and enjoys cooking for
the family after work as well as younger males and females who enjoy cooking for themselves.
Both of these people are conscious about reducing their waste.
By partnering with internet influencers, small grocery stores, and choosing the Google Play store
to publish the app on, they hope to reach the markets directly. BTSB Film Studios plans on
focusing on user feedback as well as incorporating ideas from other developers in the industry.
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II. Company Information
BTSB Film Studios
BTSB Film Studios is a distribution company that sees not only potential in small filmmakers,
but in developers and musical artists in their creations. We get their form of art to their right
audience because their success is our specialty. BTSB Film Studios prides themselves in market
research and unique distribution strategies.
Leadership Team
BTSB Film Studios consists of a team holding a multitude of talents to bring the best to their
clients. Barbara is the CEO of the company based on her experience of directing, assisting in
directing, and producing music videos, TV series', and short films. She also has management
experience with large groups. Tara is the marketing director and oversees the marketing
department based on her excellence in multiple marketing courses throughout her entertainment
business degree. She also has experience with live and special events which give her knowledge
of different markets. Sookia is the CFO with knowledge and experience from taking accounting,
statistics, and multiple budgeting classes at Full Sail University. She also has great experience in
event planning, coordinating, and styling. Bryneisha is the distribution and development manager
based on her experience working in retail and logistics. She is also familiar with heavy
machinery and transportation of goods.
Company Ideals
As a company, BTSB Film Studios believe that all content creators should be treated as one.
They do not discriminate when a new project is brought to their attention. Whether this is a first
project or a twenty-first project, they want to see their clients succeed. BTSB Film Studios takes
pride in listening to our clients’ ideas in full before they take action as well as not turning away
anyone. With this in mind, they find projects that will inspire, spark conversation, and open the
minds of the creative generations. With the distribution of their projects, BTSB Film Studios
hope to inspire more small filmmakers, developers, and artists to create what they are passionate
about. BTSB Film Studios wants to build the confidence of amateur creators and show their
markets the talent they exude. We primarily look for short films as well as docuseries but look to
expand their projects to gaming and music in the future. They take pride in their extensive
market research as well as their unique distribution strategies.
Since they started in short-films and began to grow with docuseries, BTSB Film Studios have
found success in expanding their work. Distributing films has given the company the knowledge
of markets and how to correctly get films to them. Their confidence has grown in this profession
and expect to see more success as their interests have also expanded. Specifically, they would
like to focus on working with musical artists of any genre and also gaming developers. They
intend on starting with gaming developers as these markets are similar to the film markets. As
they found success through reaching film markets, they are confident that distributing to the
gaming markets will be similar. Not only do they have an interest in gaming developers, but just
app developers in general. They that mobile app usage and their markets have been growing and
would like to be a part of it. With this interest, they hope to expand their knowledge in different
markets as well as learn more about different types of content creators. The company is confident
that they will find success in different markets with this new form of media. They plan to begin
their clientele expansion within the next year as they continue to work with current clients as
Within the next 10 years, they also would like to launch their own film and gaming festivals.
Throughout the years, as a company, they have only attended a few gaming and film festivals.
Seeing the success of other film festivals like Sundance, Ann Arbor, and Ashland Independent
has inspired them to bring creative people together for their own festival. There, they would
feature some of their client's work as well as bring in new clients in new markets. Integrating
their background in films but also music and video games will set them apart from the rest. They
hope to launch this project in the year 2027.
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III. Project Information
Creators: Geoff Rawson
Title: My Kitchen Meals
Media: App
Genre: Food/Recipes/Cooking
“No Food Waste, Use Leftovers For A Good Taste!”
“Fresh. Fast. Easy.”
"Leftover ingredients, find a recipe, and greet successfully"
“No time to shop, use current ingredients for a great meal flop”
“Expand your cooking with current ingredients”
“Leftover Creative Food Solutions”
“With My Kitchen Meals, simply select already have ingredients to find exciting yet satisfying
recipes to chop, dice, stir, mix, and serve. It’s no different of what food you have leftover no
obstacles in cooking can get in your way.”
“My Kitchen Meal is trouble-free ingredients that you already on hand and finding effortless
recipes that utilize those ingredients to make delectable home-cooked meals. You will not just be
saving valuable time and money with your remaining or already bought ingredients you will be
helping reduce waste as well. There are no obstacles in finding uncomplicated recipes that can
get in your way of cooking with ingredients that are accessible already in the kitchen.”
IV. Distribution & Marketing Goals
BTSB Film Studios: The main distribution strategy for My Kitchen Meals is mobile-oriented and
would be accessible on cell phones and tablets. In this plan, BTSB will achieve getting the
product into the hands of the target audience; while expanding its reach to new sectors of the
mobile application world. Once this distribution and marketing plan is in place, my Kitchen
Meals will continue to grow, allowing their audience to expand into the food market. BTSB’s
goal is to utilize social media to reach the older demographic of the target audience of Men and
Women 18-64-year old. By utilizing Social media, it allows brands to tell stories and connect
with customers.
The partner they chose to manage and maintain the app stores for the mobile operating system is
Google. This partner would give My Kitchen Meal app is a simple and effective method of
distributing the app to potential customers. These partners would also give a simple and effective
method of collecting user’s subscription fees, explained in more detail in the revenue section.
Other key partners would include supermarket chains; this is where the users of the app will be
purchasing their ingredients from. Having a close connection with these partners will help
provide our customers with the greatest, healthy possible selection of ingredients and offers,
while at the same time we will be able to provide the supermarket chains a better understanding
of what its customers desire.
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V. Target Markets
Primary Target Audience
Women who live in a city such as Jacksonville, Florida who are normally mothers who are
always cooking for the family before work, after, and on the holidays. These women generally
do the grocery shopping for the meals and would like to save while creating new recipes.
Secondary Target Audience
Women and men who love to eat and cook who want to waste less food and eat great meals.
Consumers who love to try new foods for cheap and who cook for a hobby. Users who want to
learn to cook and eat healthier or who are dieting
Women and or mothers use meal apps to create new recipes. Women and men between the age
of 45- 59 living in areas in and around Duval County. My Kitchen Meals App is aiming directly
to people who love food just as much as they want to cook it. They eat fresh produce or are
trying to eat healthier.
VI. Distribution - Year One:
Self-Distribution Plan
Brick and Mortar Outlets
Georgia is the best place for small business owners and entrepreneurs in new and developing
stages. Larger stores and mass production markets will not deal with independent app developers
who are not yet established. A local grocery store, Sevananda Natural Foods Market is more than
just a place to buy groceries. Sevananda is where to maintain your health or getting started on
your health journey is possible. It is Atlanta's original natural food store and a great option for
distributing local food to local residents. They welcome locals and guests from afar while
maintaining a local distribution of independent vendors within their market.
While partnering with Sevananda, the plan for the distribution of the app is through vendor day
by promoting cooking classes and demonstrations for the app and all social media accounts
attached. The company is creating a website where customers can buy and use their devices to
access shopping, tips, social media, and health tips.
My Kitchen Meal's team, in partnership with BTSB Film Studio's, believes the best way to
distribute the new application is through social media and the Google Play Store. These online
applications stores can be accessed through a purchased membership by a developer.
Project Website
Currently, the progress report site for My Kitchen Meal is the sole place for information about
the app. BTSB Film Studios has plans for a website to be set, pending approval. The initial
launch will be is available and can be purchased
through Hosting from this site for one year is $11.99 per month and comes with a
free domain name purchase. They offer a site backup and restore feature for an additional $1.99
per month. This site will be full of color, links to recipes, local grocery stores, cooking tips, an
‘About Us’ section, contact information and more. It will also prompt visitors to sign up for a
newsletter via e-mail for weekly and bi-weekly updates. Social media sites have not yet been set
up for My Kitchen Meal but BTSB Film Studios plans to create accounts Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and Pinterest.
Customer Relationship Management Systems
My Kitchen Meal team does not have a full website as of yet. The production site does allow for
comments and criticism to be left on posts. This path allows users to leave comments, questions,
and concerns they have about the application before the launch. Customers can also stay up to
date on new features about the application. Distribution sources like Google Play also allow
users to leave reviews. This is the main source for reaching customers. Customers will leave a
review on a five-star rating system with comments to correlate. These reviews are extremely
helpful to the team to remodel and adapt to the customers with issues or concerns to address why
these problems have occurred. Once the website is complete, visitors will be asked to join via a
mailing list. A mailing list creates a direct line of contact to users for updates and answers to
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concerns they may have. Social media platforms are also an amazing way to gain customer
feedback. These outlets also allow the company to collect and asses data for essential
improvement and adaptation for the future. All communication will be helpful in a professional
and respectful manner and in a timely fashion. Each complaint has reasoning behind it, so the
customer relations team will review each complaint individually to find the solution or answer to
their inquiry. The customer funds the business, and this is why it is most important that they stay
happy and engaged. Suggestions are always welcome and will be collected regularly to be
reviewed as customer input for new updates.
VII. Distribution - Year Two:
Finding a Large Distributor or Publisher
With the My Kitchen Meals App, the plan is to localize the app nationwide and worldwide to
broaden the target audience. The best company that would best fit the app is OneSky. OneSky
offers endless help on getting any app in a transitional stage in 50+ languages. They have helped
other app companies go global like TikTok, Wish, Sony, BMW, Kayak, and the list goes on.
They offer translators for wide domain knowledge, industry apps, technical experience, and they
are approved by 3rd-party panels. OneSky is also fully integrated with the Google Play Store.
Therefore, the My Kitchen Meals App can translate, import/export the app with just a few clicks
and the description will show up. With the My Kitchen Meals App, they can reach those who are
looking for simple meals to make with ingredients they already have in their home. However, at
this time they are only reaching those who in English as the app already is. Those who love and
want to do the same should be able to read the app in their native language with ease. App
localization will increase the downloads to many other countries where they can read the app in
their language. Not to mention it will also improve the ranking in the Google Play Store if it is
nationwide. OneSky has a very successful track record for those who decided to partner with
them to help their app go global. A travel app called journi helps users organize their vacation
photos and turns them into stories. Partnering with OneSky “Since launch, journi has been
downloaded almost 1 million times. Localized in over 80 markets, journi is one of the most
popular travel apps in Europe” (journi, 2019). “Today, journi is localized in 80 markets and is
targeting to expand into Asia” (journi, 2019). Based on these statistics and their success work,
OneSky would best work with the My Kitchen Meals App to fulfill and broaden the target
audience worldwide and nationwide.
OneSky will be attending an app conference in the coming weeks where a company
representative has already set up a limited time slot during the conference where OneSky will
meet with BTSB Film Studios to present to My Kitchen Meals Plan. BTSB Film Studios has a 5-
minute conference pitch to present to them on why OneSky should partner with the My Kitchen
Meals App to help localize the app nationwide and worldwide. Even though the Google Play
Store will help the app reach millions of users. The app reaches those who love to cook with
ingredients that they already have on hand and also helps reduce food waste as well in English.
However, what about those who want to do the same but do not read in English? Having OneSky
work with the project will help to localize the app to many languages in other countries which
results in reaching even more users. This way anyone and everyone can read the app in their own
language. OneSky can help the My Kitchen Meals App widen the target audience by making
sure the app is built to support everyone worldwide. No matter what country/region you are in,
what culture you are from, or what language you speak, localizing the app nationwide and
worldwide with the help of OneSky can help broaden the audience by millions. This will drive in
more downloads and drive in more level of engagement for not only the audience but for the My
Kitchen Meals App as well. “In 2011, Apple’s App Store and Google’s Android Market
achieved a combined 20 billion downloads. Although China leads the world’s smartphone
market, 41% of cellphones bought in the U.S. are smartphones. However, eight out of the top 10
largest iPhone and Android markets are not English-speaking, according to Flurry Analytics”
(Yeung, 2012). Having the app in only English hinders other users from using our app and the
number of downloads it can potentially have. “Leading foreign countries in this category are
China with 122 million potential smartphone users, India with 75 million, Japan (61 million) and
Brazil (34 million)” (Yeung, 2012). Hopefully, this plan will gain OneSky's interest in working
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with BTSB Film Studios to help the My Kitchen Meals App widen the target audience with
localizing the app nationwide and worldwide.
VIII. Sales Projections
Price and Sales Projections (based on $1500 budget)
Even though the My Kitchen Meals App is free, the budget left over from marketing for
promotion is $650. BTSB Films have to utilize as many outlets as possible to reach the target
market and get Other possible targets to be in the know. This app is free so to obtain revenue and
or profit utilizing In-app Purchases, Subscriptions, Advertisement, and sponsors will help.
Additionally, these options to accumulate money are priced cheap they are bringing in more than
enough money by the unit.
The retail section of the chart is what users are purchasing while using the app at their own
suspense. The unit projected is the number of people who are purchasing within the first year.
That only pertains to In-App Purchases and Subscriptions. Advertising and Sponsorships are
calculated differently.
The wholesale section of the chart is what My Kitchen App provides for users to be able to
purchase while using the app. The prices are for the providers to sell.
Projected Net
Retail (Mobile App Store)
In- App Purchases $.50 50 $25
Subscriptions $3.50 100 $350
Advertising $100 5 $500
Sponsorships $250 1 $250
Wholesale/Dealer Price** (Providers)
Updates(Google Play Store )* $1.00 50 $50
Custom Recipes(Chefs)** $7.00 50 $350
Projected Total Net Sales Revenue $1,525
*Assumes !0% from Distributor
**Assumes 50/50 split with Exhibitor
4/10/20 13
Return on Investment (ROI)
An ROI of 125% based on profit of $1,525 is projected by the close of the investment year.
This range was based on a plus 75% based on research into the prospective target market
purchasing in- app and subscribing. The advertisement and sponsorships are default.
The ROI could decrease as far as 50% based on profit of $1,200 on the lower end and increase to
ROI of 225% based on profit of $2,762 on the higher end.
This range was based on a minus of 100% based on research into the prospective target market if
less users purchased in- app or bought any subscriptions. The increase was based if plus 200%
based on research and calculations purchased in- app or bought subscriptions.
IX. Marketing
Marketing Tools
Marketing tools will be very important for the marketing team to see the growth of the My
Kitchen Meals App. Pre-release tools may be the most crucial step for marketing the app. Flyers
and posters will be important to use to market at grocery stores because this will be a direct
connection to the target audience. Creating a website (such as WordPress) and search ads will
also be beneficial to have before the app is released so there is a place to look at what to expect.
A teaser video/trailer for the app will be a great way to create excitement during pre-release
which the company can use for multiple other purposes. Lastly, posting to the website Preapps
will generate interest and will start the "word of mouth" process before the app is even released.
Another website that can be used to promote the app pre-release is Appromoter.
Google has many marketing tools that businesses can use for free to help monitor their success.
One that BTSB Film Studios will be using is Google Trends, which will show the market
popularity using keywords. Google Analytics will also be a tool that will be helpful to keep track
of user engagement. Another great way to connect with the direct market is to connect with
internet influencers. An example of a company using influencers to market their product is Hello
Fresh, a food delivery service. With this, they are able to gain attention from audiences they
aren’t able to reach on their own, create a personal connection with customers and influencers,
and have a way to track the effectiveness of collaborations with promotional codes and hashtags
(Julius, 2017). Along with using influencers, My Kitchen Meals App should create Instagram ads
generated for Instagram Stories. In fact, with the target market, more non-millennials are using
Instagram over millennials with 54% over the age of 35 in 2016 (HJH, 2018). Lastly, My
Kitchen Meals App should create social media pages for a quick demonstration, easy tagging,
and customer interaction. Using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest will not only engage
customers but reach the target markets.
Email subscriptions will also be helpful for post-release to stay connected with the app users. In
fact, email marketing still remains one of the best ways to engage and retain customers,
according to Ian Blair from Build Fire (Blair, 2018 August). BTSB Film Studios will also enter
My Kitchen Meals app for awards through The Webby Awards, Appsters Awards, and Appy
Awards (Blair, 2018 January). This will give the app exposure, reviews, and ultimately a lot of
downloads to observe what the app is. Joining developer's social media groups will also be a
great way to connect with others and get feedback on the app. This way, BTSB Film Studios can
improve their own work while also collaborating with other like-minded people. They will also
utilize the website, SearchMan, to use best-targeted words for the app when someone does a
general search. Building keywords that tie to the app will increase the chances of it being found
through a broad search (Blair, 2018 January). Lastly, they will tie in the local community by
sending out mailed postcards with information about the app.
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Pre-Release (February through June)
The strategy for the pre-release of the My Kitchen Meals app will be focused on
spreading the word about the app. Through the online forums, we will post to and
posting flyers in grocery stores, we expect to create a conversation about the app.
We also expect word of mouth to greatly affect the talk about the app. We will
also be focusing on being fully prepared for the release. Creating a website and
example video, running test-runs, formulating keywords, and finishing market
research will all be done before the release of the official app. The last thing we
must do is start researching internet influencers we would want to partner with.
This way, once it is time to officially release the app, they are ready to help us
spread the word.
February 1st-April 1st: Creating a website/landing page for the My Kitchen Meals
App that features a demo video and a direct link to download the app. This will
cost around $200 (Main, 2019).
February 7th-14th:Create a demo video of how to use the app and all of its features
March 7th-May1st: Design search ads for Google searches, Facebook
recommendations, News websites, etc. which will cost about $60 to post online
(Shewan, 2019). These will be created through Adobe Illustrator.
May 2nd-June 30th:Post to Preapps and Appromoter and create conversation about
the release of the app and its features
June 7th-14th:hang flyers/posters in Wegman’s, Ralph’s, Trader Joe’s, Whole
Foods, and local grocery stores. The printing of posters will cost around $90
(Williams, 2003).
Release (July)
The strategy for when the app is released is to stay connected with the users and
paying attention to the analytics/reviews. BTSB Film Studios want to listen to
their user's advice and what they feel needs to be improved while also making
sure they stay focused on the goal of less waste. During the release process, they
also must focus on making sure the influencers chosen are correctly marketing the
app. The company may also want to expand the list of influencers to not just
social media but to YouTube. The main goal during release is to keep up with
customer reviews and continuing to spread the word to the markets.
July 6th:Release of the My Kitchen Meals app and social media pages (starting
with Facebook and Instagram) at 10 am. The first post will contain the
demonstration video and a summary of what the app does.
July 14th:Launch of Twitter and Pinterest social media pages at 11 am with a post
similar to the Facebook and Instagram posts
July 1st- 31st: Check Google Trends and Google Analytics daily to check trends in
app usage, keyword searches, and customer reviews and take note of these
changes for further review of the app itself and what could be changed.
July 10th- 17th:Start influencer launch of the app through Instagram posts
(pictures and/or videos). People like Keren Swan, Rachelle Swannie, Tori
DeSimone, and Amaris Beecher will be contacted for a brand deal. Each person
will be paid a minimum of $150 depending on what type of post they make and
their follower count, leaving the budget at $650 (Carbone, 2019).
July 6th-31st:Launch Instagram story ads and generate them daily to target
audiences based on who they follow and what posts they've liked in the past
week. Examples of posts engaged with would-be fitness blogs, healthy chefs,
vegan influencers, and moms on Instagram. This will cost around $15 for the time
period (Influencer, 2019).
Post-Release (August through December)
The post-release strategy is to keep building our brand of reducing waste while
also creating easy, healthy meals. We also want to further connect with other
developers and hear their feedback. Creating connections with other developers
will also help spread the word of our app. We also want to keep our users up to
date on new features and how they can help the community grow.
August 20th- September 1st: send out emails to our users once every two weeks to
update them on new recipes, updates to the app, etc.
August 1st-November 1st: Enter My Kitchen Meals app for contests throughout
post-release (The Webby Awards in September, Appster Awards in August, Appy
Awards in April) (Blair, 2018 January).
September 15th: Join developer Facebook groups and online chats such as Mobile
App Development and Android Developers (Facebook, 2020). Use the open
discussion boards to collaborate with other developers for advice or new tools that
can be used to update the My Kitchen Meals App. These chats can also be used to
sell our app to like-minded people who may possibly fit the target market.
October 3rd- October 10th: Set up SearchMan keywords to make our app easy to
find through broad searches/be in the top 5 results through a search. The
keywords could include meal prep, easy meals, healthy meals, fresh food, and
recipe apps.
December 1st- January 1st: send out mailed postcards including information about
the app to local communities in rural areas but also major cities such as Lancaster,
Pennsylvania, and Baltimore, Maryland. The postcard will provide a link to the
app as well as a QR code to take the recipient's right to the Google Play store. It
will also provide a discount code for one premium recipe through the app. The
creation and mailing of these postcards will cost about $75 (, 2020).
4/10/20 17
X. Budget
Tactic Specifics Frequency (e.g.
daily, monthly,
Search ads $60/per ad Monthly $320
Posters/flyers $8/per post Quarterly $200
Aggregator site fee $25 for developer fee One-time payment $25
Internet Influencer Pay $100/per person/each feature One-time payment $600
Instagram story ad-
$3/per ad Quarterly $20
Contest Entry $75/per entry One-time payment $225
Postcards $0.35 to mail, ~$2 to print As needed $75
Project Website
Hosting GoDaddy website hosting.
Monthly $143.88
TOTAL $1,608
XI. Appendices
Turner, Dustin. “17 U.S. Film Festivals That Are Absolutely Worth a Trip.” Where Traveler, 23
Nov. 2018 ,
Wehner, Mike (2017, March 2nd). This brilliant website tells you what to make for dinner based
on what's in your fridge.
Gummicube, (2018, January 24). Amazon App Store Vs. Google Play Store: What are the
differences? businessofapps, Retrieved from
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Clement, J. (2020, January 15). Number of apps available in leading app stores 2019. Statista,
Retrieved from leading-
Prum, A. (2018, March 13). Using Feedly as a Content Aggregator. medium, Retrieved from
REVENUE IS HIGHER? blog.gummicube, Retrieved from store-vs-google-play-revenue
Culinary Art. (20 Feb 2019). Recipes. Article. Top Apps for Finding Recipes
Roush, W. (12 April 2013). Apps. Article. 15 Appetizing Apps for People Who Love to Cook.
eat/ - 1
Faucett, S. (10 Jan 2019).App. Website. Avia.
GoDaddy, (2020). Domain Names. Retrieved from - /
Sevananda, (2020). Sevananda Natural Foods Market. Retrieved from
Blair, I. (2018, August 11). 23 Powerful Marketing Tools You Need To Generate Massive Sales.
Retrieved from
Blair, I. (2018, January 30). 33 Creative Ways To Promote Your App For Free (#14 is great!).
Retrieved from
4/10/20 19
Carbone, L. (2019, April 10). This is How Much Instagram Influencers Really Cost. Retrieved
HJH, J. (2018, February 27). Instagram Stories vs. Feed ads. Which is more effective at driving
traffic? Retrieved from
Influencer Marketing Hub. (2019, March 1). How Much Does it Cost to Advertise on Instagram?
Retrieved from
Julius. (2017, April 19). Taking a Look at Hello Fresh's Influencer Strategy. Retrieved from
Main, K. (2019, December 9). How Much Does WordPress Cost: Hosting, Themes, Plugins &
More. Retrieved from
Shewan, D. (n.d.). The Comprehensive Guide to Online Advertising Costs. Retrieved July 12,
2019, from (n.d.). Sending Postcards with USPS. Retrieved January 23, 2020, from
Tarud, J., Kazmi, R., & Gomez, J. (2019, October 10). 10 Strategies for a Successful App Pre-
Launch. Retrieved from
Williams, R. H. (2003, August 4). Outdoor Ads That Get Results. Retrieved from
Z, A. (2018, February 27). 6 Best Pre-launch Mobile App Tactics You Should Try. Retrieved
August, U. (2019, November 6). How to Write a Logline that Producers Love: Log line
Examples. Retrieved from
Lyons, J., & Croatto, P. (2017, July 6). How to structure a premise for stronger stories. Retrieved
My Kitchen Meals EBBS Group Project Question - Answers. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Rawson, G. (n.d.). Best Apps By Geoff Rawson - AppGrooves: Get More Out of Life with
iPhone & Android Apps. Retrieved from
Geoff Rawson/geoff-rawson
OneSky Helps journi to Become One of Europe's Top Travel App. (2014). Retrieved from
Walz, A. (2016, May 17). 30 Steps to Mobile App Launch. Retrieved from
Yeung, E. (2012, February 13). How to Launch Your App in an International Market. Retrieved
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(2019, July 19). Retrieved from
Roberts, M. (3 April 2016). Website.

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Distribution and Marketing Plan

  • 1. Distribution and Marketing Plan for My Kitchen Meals BTSB Film Studios Barbara Tatum Tara Souders Sookia Ramdeen Bryneisha Brown EBBS Project & Portfolio V February 2, 2020
  • 2. 2 I. Executive Summary The Company: BTSB Film Studios sees not only potential in small filmmakers, but in developers and musical artists in their creations. We intend to inspire, create interesting conversation, and open young minds The Project: The My Kitchen Meals app is a recipe and cooking app for mobile download that aids users in finding a recipe with ingredients they already have in their kitchen. It’s an app that saves time, money, and produces less waste while making easy, simple meals to enjoy. Sales Projections / Return on Investment: The one-year investment will be focused on breaking even for the My Kitchen Meal app. As this is listed as a free app, BTSB Film Studios must focus on newer ways to create a profit off of the app. In the future, they hope to generate in app-app purchase as well as paid upgrades through the app. This would include branded merchandise opportunities, new recipes, and new features. Target Market: The target market includes women/mothers who do the grocery shopping and enjoys cooking for the family after work as well as younger males and females who enjoy cooking for themselves. Both of these people are conscious about reducing their waste. Strategy: By partnering with internet influencers, small grocery stores, and choosing the Google Play store to publish the app on, they hope to reach the markets directly. BTSB Film Studios plans on focusing on user feedback as well as incorporating ideas from other developers in the industry.
  • 3. 4/10/20 3 II. Company Information BTSB Film Studios BTSB Film Studios is a distribution company that sees not only potential in small filmmakers, but in developers and musical artists in their creations. We get their form of art to their right audience because their success is our specialty. BTSB Film Studios prides themselves in market research and unique distribution strategies. Leadership Team BTSB Film Studios consists of a team holding a multitude of talents to bring the best to their clients. Barbara is the CEO of the company based on her experience of directing, assisting in directing, and producing music videos, TV series', and short films. She also has management experience with large groups. Tara is the marketing director and oversees the marketing department based on her excellence in multiple marketing courses throughout her entertainment business degree. She also has experience with live and special events which give her knowledge of different markets. Sookia is the CFO with knowledge and experience from taking accounting, statistics, and multiple budgeting classes at Full Sail University. She also has great experience in event planning, coordinating, and styling. Bryneisha is the distribution and development manager based on her experience working in retail and logistics. She is also familiar with heavy machinery and transportation of goods. Company Ideals As a company, BTSB Film Studios believe that all content creators should be treated as one. They do not discriminate when a new project is brought to their attention. Whether this is a first project or a twenty-first project, they want to see their clients succeed. BTSB Film Studios takes pride in listening to our clients’ ideas in full before they take action as well as not turning away anyone. With this in mind, they find projects that will inspire, spark conversation, and open the minds of the creative generations. With the distribution of their projects, BTSB Film Studios hope to inspire more small filmmakers, developers, and artists to create what they are passionate about. BTSB Film Studios wants to build the confidence of amateur creators and show their markets the talent they exude. We primarily look for short films as well as docuseries but look to expand their projects to gaming and music in the future. They take pride in their extensive market research as well as their unique distribution strategies. Projects Since they started in short-films and began to grow with docuseries, BTSB Film Studios have found success in expanding their work. Distributing films has given the company the knowledge of markets and how to correctly get films to them. Their confidence has grown in this profession and expect to see more success as their interests have also expanded. Specifically, they would like to focus on working with musical artists of any genre and also gaming developers. They intend on starting with gaming developers as these markets are similar to the film markets. As they found success through reaching film markets, they are confident that distributing to the gaming markets will be similar. Not only do they have an interest in gaming developers, but just app developers in general. They that mobile app usage and their markets have been growing and would like to be a part of it. With this interest, they hope to expand their knowledge in different
  • 4. 4 markets as well as learn more about different types of content creators. The company is confident that they will find success in different markets with this new form of media. They plan to begin their clientele expansion within the next year as they continue to work with current clients as well. Within the next 10 years, they also would like to launch their own film and gaming festivals. Throughout the years, as a company, they have only attended a few gaming and film festivals. Seeing the success of other film festivals like Sundance, Ann Arbor, and Ashland Independent has inspired them to bring creative people together for their own festival. There, they would feature some of their client's work as well as bring in new clients in new markets. Integrating their background in films but also music and video games will set them apart from the rest. They hope to launch this project in the year 2027.
  • 5. 4/10/20 5 III. Project Information Creators: Geoff Rawson Title: My Kitchen Meals Media: App Genre: Food/Recipes/Cooking Hooks “No Food Waste, Use Leftovers For A Good Taste!” “Fresh. Fast. Easy.” "Leftover ingredients, find a recipe, and greet successfully" “No time to shop, use current ingredients for a great meal flop” “Expand your cooking with current ingredients” “Leftover Creative Food Solutions” Logline “With My Kitchen Meals, simply select already have ingredients to find exciting yet satisfying recipes to chop, dice, stir, mix, and serve. It’s no different of what food you have leftover no obstacles in cooking can get in your way.” Premise “My Kitchen Meal is trouble-free ingredients that you already on hand and finding effortless recipes that utilize those ingredients to make delectable home-cooked meals. You will not just be saving valuable time and money with your remaining or already bought ingredients you will be helping reduce waste as well. There are no obstacles in finding uncomplicated recipes that can get in your way of cooking with ingredients that are accessible already in the kitchen.”
  • 6. 6 IV. Distribution & Marketing Goals BTSB Film Studios: The main distribution strategy for My Kitchen Meals is mobile-oriented and would be accessible on cell phones and tablets. In this plan, BTSB will achieve getting the product into the hands of the target audience; while expanding its reach to new sectors of the mobile application world. Once this distribution and marketing plan is in place, my Kitchen Meals will continue to grow, allowing their audience to expand into the food market. BTSB’s goal is to utilize social media to reach the older demographic of the target audience of Men and Women 18-64-year old. By utilizing Social media, it allows brands to tell stories and connect with customers. The partner they chose to manage and maintain the app stores for the mobile operating system is Google. This partner would give My Kitchen Meal app is a simple and effective method of distributing the app to potential customers. These partners would also give a simple and effective method of collecting user’s subscription fees, explained in more detail in the revenue section. Other key partners would include supermarket chains; this is where the users of the app will be purchasing their ingredients from. Having a close connection with these partners will help provide our customers with the greatest, healthy possible selection of ingredients and offers, while at the same time we will be able to provide the supermarket chains a better understanding of what its customers desire.
  • 7. 4/10/20 7 V. Target Markets Primary Target Audience Women who live in a city such as Jacksonville, Florida who are normally mothers who are always cooking for the family before work, after, and on the holidays. These women generally do the grocery shopping for the meals and would like to save while creating new recipes. Secondary Target Audience Women and men who love to eat and cook who want to waste less food and eat great meals. Consumers who love to try new foods for cheap and who cook for a hobby. Users who want to learn to cook and eat healthier or who are dieting Women and or mothers use meal apps to create new recipes. Women and men between the age of 45- 59 living in areas in and around Duval County. My Kitchen Meals App is aiming directly to people who love food just as much as they want to cook it. They eat fresh produce or are trying to eat healthier.
  • 8. 8 VI. Distribution - Year One: Self-Distribution Plan Brick and Mortar Outlets Georgia is the best place for small business owners and entrepreneurs in new and developing stages. Larger stores and mass production markets will not deal with independent app developers who are not yet established. A local grocery store, Sevananda Natural Foods Market is more than just a place to buy groceries. Sevananda is where to maintain your health or getting started on your health journey is possible. It is Atlanta's original natural food store and a great option for distributing local food to local residents. They welcome locals and guests from afar while maintaining a local distribution of independent vendors within their market. While partnering with Sevananda, the plan for the distribution of the app is through vendor day by promoting cooking classes and demonstrations for the app and all social media accounts attached. The company is creating a website where customers can buy and use their devices to access shopping, tips, social media, and health tips. Aggregator My Kitchen Meal's team, in partnership with BTSB Film Studio's, believes the best way to distribute the new application is through social media and the Google Play Store. These online applications stores can be accessed through a purchased membership by a developer. Project Website Currently, the progress report site for My Kitchen Meal is the sole place for information about the app. BTSB Film Studios has plans for a website to be set, pending approval. The initial launch will be is available and can be purchased through Hosting from this site for one year is $11.99 per month and comes with a free domain name purchase. They offer a site backup and restore feature for an additional $1.99 per month. This site will be full of color, links to recipes, local grocery stores, cooking tips, an ‘About Us’ section, contact information and more. It will also prompt visitors to sign up for a newsletter via e-mail for weekly and bi-weekly updates. Social media sites have not yet been set up for My Kitchen Meal but BTSB Film Studios plans to create accounts Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Customer Relationship Management Systems My Kitchen Meal team does not have a full website as of yet. The production site does allow for comments and criticism to be left on posts. This path allows users to leave comments, questions, and concerns they have about the application before the launch. Customers can also stay up to date on new features about the application. Distribution sources like Google Play also allow users to leave reviews. This is the main source for reaching customers. Customers will leave a review on a five-star rating system with comments to correlate. These reviews are extremely helpful to the team to remodel and adapt to the customers with issues or concerns to address why these problems have occurred. Once the website is complete, visitors will be asked to join via a mailing list. A mailing list creates a direct line of contact to users for updates and answers to
  • 9. 4/10/20 9 concerns they may have. Social media platforms are also an amazing way to gain customer feedback. These outlets also allow the company to collect and asses data for essential improvement and adaptation for the future. All communication will be helpful in a professional and respectful manner and in a timely fashion. Each complaint has reasoning behind it, so the customer relations team will review each complaint individually to find the solution or answer to their inquiry. The customer funds the business, and this is why it is most important that they stay happy and engaged. Suggestions are always welcome and will be collected regularly to be reviewed as customer input for new updates.
  • 10. 10 VII. Distribution - Year Two: Finding a Large Distributor or Publisher With the My Kitchen Meals App, the plan is to localize the app nationwide and worldwide to broaden the target audience. The best company that would best fit the app is OneSky. OneSky offers endless help on getting any app in a transitional stage in 50+ languages. They have helped other app companies go global like TikTok, Wish, Sony, BMW, Kayak, and the list goes on. They offer translators for wide domain knowledge, industry apps, technical experience, and they are approved by 3rd-party panels. OneSky is also fully integrated with the Google Play Store. Therefore, the My Kitchen Meals App can translate, import/export the app with just a few clicks and the description will show up. With the My Kitchen Meals App, they can reach those who are looking for simple meals to make with ingredients they already have in their home. However, at this time they are only reaching those who in English as the app already is. Those who love and want to do the same should be able to read the app in their native language with ease. App localization will increase the downloads to many other countries where they can read the app in their language. Not to mention it will also improve the ranking in the Google Play Store if it is nationwide. OneSky has a very successful track record for those who decided to partner with them to help their app go global. A travel app called journi helps users organize their vacation photos and turns them into stories. Partnering with OneSky “Since launch, journi has been downloaded almost 1 million times. Localized in over 80 markets, journi is one of the most popular travel apps in Europe” (journi, 2019). “Today, journi is localized in 80 markets and is targeting to expand into Asia” (journi, 2019). Based on these statistics and their success work, OneSky would best work with the My Kitchen Meals App to fulfill and broaden the target audience worldwide and nationwide. OneSky will be attending an app conference in the coming weeks where a company representative has already set up a limited time slot during the conference where OneSky will meet with BTSB Film Studios to present to My Kitchen Meals Plan. BTSB Film Studios has a 5- minute conference pitch to present to them on why OneSky should partner with the My Kitchen Meals App to help localize the app nationwide and worldwide. Even though the Google Play Store will help the app reach millions of users. The app reaches those who love to cook with ingredients that they already have on hand and also helps reduce food waste as well in English. However, what about those who want to do the same but do not read in English? Having OneSky work with the project will help to localize the app to many languages in other countries which results in reaching even more users. This way anyone and everyone can read the app in their own language. OneSky can help the My Kitchen Meals App widen the target audience by making sure the app is built to support everyone worldwide. No matter what country/region you are in, what culture you are from, or what language you speak, localizing the app nationwide and worldwide with the help of OneSky can help broaden the audience by millions. This will drive in more downloads and drive in more level of engagement for not only the audience but for the My Kitchen Meals App as well. “In 2011, Apple’s App Store and Google’s Android Market achieved a combined 20 billion downloads. Although China leads the world’s smartphone market, 41% of cellphones bought in the U.S. are smartphones. However, eight out of the top 10 largest iPhone and Android markets are not English-speaking, according to Flurry Analytics” (Yeung, 2012). Having the app in only English hinders other users from using our app and the number of downloads it can potentially have. “Leading foreign countries in this category are China with 122 million potential smartphone users, India with 75 million, Japan (61 million) and Brazil (34 million)” (Yeung, 2012). Hopefully, this plan will gain OneSky's interest in working
  • 11. 4/10/20 11 with BTSB Film Studios to help the My Kitchen Meals App widen the target audience with localizing the app nationwide and worldwide.
  • 12. 12 VIII. Sales Projections Price and Sales Projections (based on $1500 budget) Even though the My Kitchen Meals App is free, the budget left over from marketing for promotion is $650. BTSB Films have to utilize as many outlets as possible to reach the target market and get Other possible targets to be in the know. This app is free so to obtain revenue and or profit utilizing In-app Purchases, Subscriptions, Advertisement, and sponsors will help. Additionally, these options to accumulate money are priced cheap they are bringing in more than enough money by the unit. The retail section of the chart is what users are purchasing while using the app at their own suspense. The unit projected is the number of people who are purchasing within the first year. That only pertains to In-App Purchases and Subscriptions. Advertising and Sponsorships are calculated differently. The wholesale section of the chart is what My Kitchen App provides for users to be able to purchase while using the app. The prices are for the providers to sell. Price Projected Units Projected Net Revenue Retail (Mobile App Store) In- App Purchases $.50 50 $25 Subscriptions $3.50 100 $350 Advertising $100 5 $500 Sponsorships $250 1 $250 Wholesale/Dealer Price** (Providers) Updates(Google Play Store )* $1.00 50 $50 Custom Recipes(Chefs)** $7.00 50 $350 Projected Total Net Sales Revenue $1,525 *Assumes !0% from Distributor **Assumes 50/50 split with Exhibitor
  • 13. 4/10/20 13 Return on Investment (ROI) An ROI of 125% based on profit of $1,525 is projected by the close of the investment year. This range was based on a plus 75% based on research into the prospective target market purchasing in- app and subscribing. The advertisement and sponsorships are default. The ROI could decrease as far as 50% based on profit of $1,200 on the lower end and increase to ROI of 225% based on profit of $2,762 on the higher end. This range was based on a minus of 100% based on research into the prospective target market if less users purchased in- app or bought any subscriptions. The increase was based if plus 200% based on research and calculations purchased in- app or bought subscriptions.
  • 14. 14 IX. Marketing Marketing Tools Marketing tools will be very important for the marketing team to see the growth of the My Kitchen Meals App. Pre-release tools may be the most crucial step for marketing the app. Flyers and posters will be important to use to market at grocery stores because this will be a direct connection to the target audience. Creating a website (such as WordPress) and search ads will also be beneficial to have before the app is released so there is a place to look at what to expect. A teaser video/trailer for the app will be a great way to create excitement during pre-release which the company can use for multiple other purposes. Lastly, posting to the website Preapps will generate interest and will start the "word of mouth" process before the app is even released. Another website that can be used to promote the app pre-release is Appromoter. Google has many marketing tools that businesses can use for free to help monitor their success. One that BTSB Film Studios will be using is Google Trends, which will show the market popularity using keywords. Google Analytics will also be a tool that will be helpful to keep track of user engagement. Another great way to connect with the direct market is to connect with internet influencers. An example of a company using influencers to market their product is Hello Fresh, a food delivery service. With this, they are able to gain attention from audiences they aren’t able to reach on their own, create a personal connection with customers and influencers, and have a way to track the effectiveness of collaborations with promotional codes and hashtags (Julius, 2017). Along with using influencers, My Kitchen Meals App should create Instagram ads generated for Instagram Stories. In fact, with the target market, more non-millennials are using Instagram over millennials with 54% over the age of 35 in 2016 (HJH, 2018). Lastly, My Kitchen Meals App should create social media pages for a quick demonstration, easy tagging, and customer interaction. Using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest will not only engage customers but reach the target markets. Email subscriptions will also be helpful for post-release to stay connected with the app users. In fact, email marketing still remains one of the best ways to engage and retain customers, according to Ian Blair from Build Fire (Blair, 2018 August). BTSB Film Studios will also enter My Kitchen Meals app for awards through The Webby Awards, Appsters Awards, and Appy Awards (Blair, 2018 January). This will give the app exposure, reviews, and ultimately a lot of downloads to observe what the app is. Joining developer's social media groups will also be a great way to connect with others and get feedback on the app. This way, BTSB Film Studios can improve their own work while also collaborating with other like-minded people. They will also utilize the website, SearchMan, to use best-targeted words for the app when someone does a general search. Building keywords that tie to the app will increase the chances of it being found through a broad search (Blair, 2018 January). Lastly, they will tie in the local community by sending out mailed postcards with information about the app.
  • 15. 4/10/20 15 Promotion Pre-Release (February through June) Strategy The strategy for the pre-release of the My Kitchen Meals app will be focused on spreading the word about the app. Through the online forums, we will post to and posting flyers in grocery stores, we expect to create a conversation about the app. We also expect word of mouth to greatly affect the talk about the app. We will also be focusing on being fully prepared for the release. Creating a website and example video, running test-runs, formulating keywords, and finishing market research will all be done before the release of the official app. The last thing we must do is start researching internet influencers we would want to partner with. This way, once it is time to officially release the app, they are ready to help us spread the word. Tactics February 1st-April 1st: Creating a website/landing page for the My Kitchen Meals App that features a demo video and a direct link to download the app. This will cost around $200 (Main, 2019). February 7th-14th:Create a demo video of how to use the app and all of its features March 7th-May1st: Design search ads for Google searches, Facebook recommendations, News websites, etc. which will cost about $60 to post online (Shewan, 2019). These will be created through Adobe Illustrator. May 2nd-June 30th:Post to Preapps and Appromoter and create conversation about the release of the app and its features June 7th-14th:hang flyers/posters in Wegman’s, Ralph’s, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and local grocery stores. The printing of posters will cost around $90 (Williams, 2003). Release (July) Strategy The strategy for when the app is released is to stay connected with the users and paying attention to the analytics/reviews. BTSB Film Studios want to listen to their user's advice and what they feel needs to be improved while also making sure they stay focused on the goal of less waste. During the release process, they also must focus on making sure the influencers chosen are correctly marketing the app. The company may also want to expand the list of influencers to not just social media but to YouTube. The main goal during release is to keep up with customer reviews and continuing to spread the word to the markets. Tactics July 6th:Release of the My Kitchen Meals app and social media pages (starting with Facebook and Instagram) at 10 am. The first post will contain the demonstration video and a summary of what the app does. July 14th:Launch of Twitter and Pinterest social media pages at 11 am with a post similar to the Facebook and Instagram posts
  • 16. 16 July 1st- 31st: Check Google Trends and Google Analytics daily to check trends in app usage, keyword searches, and customer reviews and take note of these changes for further review of the app itself and what could be changed. July 10th- 17th:Start influencer launch of the app through Instagram posts (pictures and/or videos). People like Keren Swan, Rachelle Swannie, Tori DeSimone, and Amaris Beecher will be contacted for a brand deal. Each person will be paid a minimum of $150 depending on what type of post they make and their follower count, leaving the budget at $650 (Carbone, 2019). July 6th-31st:Launch Instagram story ads and generate them daily to target audiences based on who they follow and what posts they've liked in the past week. Examples of posts engaged with would-be fitness blogs, healthy chefs, vegan influencers, and moms on Instagram. This will cost around $15 for the time period (Influencer, 2019). Post-Release (August through December) Strategy The post-release strategy is to keep building our brand of reducing waste while also creating easy, healthy meals. We also want to further connect with other developers and hear their feedback. Creating connections with other developers will also help spread the word of our app. We also want to keep our users up to date on new features and how they can help the community grow. Tactics August 20th- September 1st: send out emails to our users once every two weeks to update them on new recipes, updates to the app, etc. August 1st-November 1st: Enter My Kitchen Meals app for contests throughout post-release (The Webby Awards in September, Appster Awards in August, Appy Awards in April) (Blair, 2018 January). September 15th: Join developer Facebook groups and online chats such as Mobile App Development and Android Developers (Facebook, 2020). Use the open discussion boards to collaborate with other developers for advice or new tools that can be used to update the My Kitchen Meals App. These chats can also be used to sell our app to like-minded people who may possibly fit the target market. October 3rd- October 10th: Set up SearchMan keywords to make our app easy to find through broad searches/be in the top 5 results through a search. The keywords could include meal prep, easy meals, healthy meals, fresh food, and recipe apps. December 1st- January 1st: send out mailed postcards including information about the app to local communities in rural areas but also major cities such as Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Baltimore, Maryland. The postcard will provide a link to the app as well as a QR code to take the recipient's right to the Google Play store. It will also provide a discount code for one premium recipe through the app. The creation and mailing of these postcards will cost about $75 (, 2020).
  • 17. 4/10/20 17 X. Budget Tactic Specifics Frequency (e.g. daily, monthly, quarterly) Annual Cost PRE-RELEASE Search ads $60/per ad Monthly $320 Posters/flyers $8/per post Quarterly $200 RELEASE Aggregator site fee $25 for developer fee One-time payment $25 Internet Influencer Pay $100/per person/each feature One-time payment $600 Instagram story ad- generation $3/per ad Quarterly $20 POST-RELEASE Contest Entry $75/per entry One-time payment $225 Postcards $0.35 to mail, ~$2 to print As needed $75 Project Website Hosting GoDaddy website hosting. $11.99 Monthly $143.88 TOTAL $1,608
  • 18. 18 XI. Appendices Turner, Dustin. “17 U.S. Film Festivals That Are Absolutely Worth a Trip.” Where Traveler, 23 Nov. 2018 , worth-trip. Wehner, Mike (2017, March 2nd). This brilliant website tells you what to make for dinner based on what's in your fridge. Gummicube, (2018, January 24). Amazon App Store Vs. Google Play Store: What are the differences? businessofapps, Retrieved from app-store-vs-google-play-store-what-are-the- differences/ Clement, J. (2020, January 15). Number of apps available in leading app stores 2019. Statista, Retrieved from leading- app-stores/ Prum, A. (2018, March 13). Using Feedly as a Content Aggregator. medium, Retrieved from GUMMICUBE, (2018, July 18). APPLE APP STORE VS GOOGLE PLAY: WHOSE REVENUE IS HIGHER? blog.gummicube, Retrieved from store-vs-google-play-revenue Culinary Art. (20 Feb 2019). Recipes. Article. Top Apps for Finding Recipes Roush, W. (12 April 2013). Apps. Article. 15 Appetizing Apps for People Who Love to Cook. eat/ - 1 Faucett, S. (10 Jan 2019).App. Website. Avia. GoDaddy, (2020). Domain Names. Retrieved from - / Sevananda, (2020). Sevananda Natural Foods Market. Retrieved from Blair, I. (2018, August 11). 23 Powerful Marketing Tools You Need To Generate Massive Sales. Retrieved from Blair, I. (2018, January 30). 33 Creative Ways To Promote Your App For Free (#14 is great!). Retrieved from
  • 19. 4/10/20 19 Carbone, L. (2019, April 10). This is How Much Instagram Influencers Really Cost. Retrieved from HJH, J. (2018, February 27). Instagram Stories vs. Feed ads. Which is more effective at driving traffic? Retrieved from Influencer Marketing Hub. (2019, March 1). How Much Does it Cost to Advertise on Instagram? Retrieved from instagram/ Julius. (2017, April 19). Taking a Look at Hello Fresh's Influencer Strategy. Retrieved from Main, K. (2019, December 9). How Much Does WordPress Cost: Hosting, Themes, Plugins & More. Retrieved from Shewan, D. (n.d.). The Comprehensive Guide to Online Advertising Costs. Retrieved July 12, 2019, from (n.d.). Sending Postcards with USPS. Retrieved January 23, 2020, from Tarud, J., Kazmi, R., & Gomez, J. (2019, October 10). 10 Strategies for a Successful App Pre- Launch. Retrieved from Williams, R. H. (2003, August 4). Outdoor Ads That Get Results. Retrieved from Z, A. (2018, February 27). 6 Best Pre-launch Mobile App Tactics You Should Try. Retrieved from August, U. (2019, November 6). How to Write a Logline that Producers Love: Log line Examples. Retrieved from examples/ Lyons, J., & Croatto, P. (2017, July 6). How to structure a premise for stronger stories. Retrieved From premise-for-stronger-stories/ My Kitchen Meals EBBS Group Project Question - Answers. (n.d.). Retrieved from /edit Rawson, G. (n.d.). Best Apps By Geoff Rawson - AppGrooves: Get More Out of Life with iPhone & Android Apps. Retrieved from Geoff Rawson/geoff-rawson OneSky Helps journi to Become One of Europe's Top Travel App. (2014). Retrieved from
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