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Discussion 1
A service company is a specific business that helps to produce
income by delivering services without selling any physical
products. In the modern world, there exist different types of
service type of business like consulting, education,
entertainment, and media. Yes, I agree with the statement that
many of the organizations are traditionally known for
superiority intangibles, for example, IBM in computers and
Xerox in copiers. For example, most companies like the
manufacturing organizations, in the present situation they are
describing themselves as service enterprises. Most of the
organizations are feeling themselves as service companies
because customers prefer to purchase items from the enterprise
that delivers excellent customer service (Iacobucci, 2016).
Initially, when the organizations consider themselves as a
service organization, there is a need to consider major factors
like intangibility of output. This is because service companies
deliver intangible output which is not an easy activity.
For a business organization to declare as a service the company,
the firm not only requires a specific percentage of service
instead the firm requires to successfully resolve the issues
experienced by consumers. Service mainly includes an
intangible product that involves performance or effort and this
could not be processed. The organizations delivering services
are intangible which may include personal services, rental
goods, of items owned by consumers. Service organizations
consist of technical and marketing expertise to attract
customers. Most of the service organizations determine
themselves as service companies by considering factors like
intangibility, the involvement of buyers, homogeneity, and
inventory. The intangibility is complex to be conceptualized
where creative visualization is most important for a business
organization to deal with customers (Kotler, Keller, Brady,
Goodman, & Hansen, 2019). The service performance surely
depends on performance-related attributes that could be
measured only when individuals experience purchase
The service organizations mainly focus to deliver exclusive
services that involve various factors, this might include key
activities. The service definition is identified to be important
while offering service management. To declare a firm as a
service organization, the initial focus should be on
customers (Iacobucci, 2016). The organizations should ensure to
develop a vision where customers are primarily targeted
individuals. If the customer's problems are resolved and
customers achieve satisfaction with company offerings, then
firms could be able to declare themselves as a service
organization. For example, IBM is described as a service-based
organization that offers global services to individuals across the
world. By describing themselves as a service organization, IBM
services ensure to create new business revenues for the
company. IBM is a service-based organization and this is
successful because it offers various services to customers based
on the priority. The organization declared themselves as service
companies because they didn’t calculate the percentage of
service delivered to consumers. Instead, they were able to
achieve excellent customer satisfaction with improved services.
Iacobucci, D. (2018). Management. Cengage learning.
Week-6 Discussion.docx (20.938 KB)
Discussion 2
Marketing management
The company believes that a product is something that will
benefit customers. Marketing can be thought of as an exchange
whereby a company offers something and the customer offers
something in return and this case, payment. Both the company
and the customer seek something of value and both offer a trade
(Iacobucci, 2015). The company can make a product or service
more attractive and the customer can be good by being loyal or
purchasing every time. The company may decide to make the
package less attractive and customers too by demanding
customized attention.
Since it is difficult to get a new customer than retaining,
marketers have realized the advantages of moving from short-
term-oriented purchase transaction exchanges to long-term
relationship marketing. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are
the beginning of the repeated nature of a relational exchange
(Iacobucci, 2015). These interactions fruition and strengthen
database marketing systems and customer relationship
management. To strengthen customer relationships, marketers
put together a combination of goods and services.
Some products seem to be pure goods and some services seem
to be pure services while other purchases seem to be a mix of a
good and a service like leasing a car. Services are intangible
because you may not go home with them. The continuum of
goods-to-services is related to the concepts of search, credence,
and experience (Iacobucci, 2015). Before purchase, the search
qualities may be evaluated as the customer learns about
competitive offerings. Attributes of experience require
consumption or trial before evaluation. Credence qualities are
difficult to judge and require one to trust that the quality is
good. Experience and search qualities dominate for goods while
for services credence and experience qualities dominate.
Services are produced and consumed at the same time. Goods
are manufactured and inventoried in warehouses for distribution
while services are created in the presence of a customer.
Services are more variable than goods (Iacobucci, 2015). Goods
manufacturers can set quality standards for the goods because
they are produced by machines but for a service provider,
experiences vary across customers. Service marketing exchange
takes place between the service provider who represents the
company and the customer. Customer service interaction can be
frustrating or fruitful because the customer and frontline
representative have different and changing abilities and needs.
Marketers can affect the satisfaction level of a customer or
dissatisfaction through the good or bad value-addeds. A mistake
can be made by a company by being myopic when defining their
core business that focuses on its product offerings (Iacobucci,
2015). Myopia may not be the problem if the business is good
but a problem if the business is bad. Product lines can be pruned
especially if customers do not distinguish between brands or
brands can be supplemented if a company realizes an
opportunity for producing a better brand than that of
competitors that customers can value.
This may be true because both IBM and Xerox produce goods
that are then sold to customers worldwide. They have done this
over the years and can, therefore, describe themselves to be
primary service provider companies. For a company to declare
itself a service organization, it must meet the desires and needs
of customers by focusing on the characteristics that they desire.
A company must compare itself with its competitors. The
company should also charge customers in a palatable manner.
Also, a company should give attention to the process of
recruiting, training, and job design in making up an employee
management system. Employees must be motivated to achieve
excellence to help the company achieve excellence. Provided a
company provides its services throughout the world, it means
their strategies and mission are good.
Iacobucci, D. (2015). Marketing management (5th ed.). Cegange
Car mechanics makes up one of the most undervalued jobs in
the country. this is because people have the common perception
that anybody can become a mechanic based on its common
knowledge of cars. The existence of factors such as online
tutorials and other basic aspects makes the practice highly
common, as it does not focus on the common interest of the
people. The social class that the people have placed in terms of
the profession is a contributing factor behind its decreased
value. People have the common view that it does not have a
precise social class that appeals to the members of the public
making it a profession that people do not focus on. Car
mechanics play an important part in the society as they ensure
that order is equally promoted by ensuring that basic societal
practices such as ensuring that cars are moving is accomplished.
The wages and salaries that the mechanics receive is a key
factor that makes it to be undervalued. It is evident that most of
them receive wages rather than salaries. They are paid for the
work done rather than waiting for the end of a specified period
for them to receive compensation. It is a basic practice that
ensures that order is observed in terms of application and other
basic measures. Mechanics do not operate under strict timeline.
The availability of the cars to be repaired determines their
overall flow of order in terms of work. There are no parameters
in terms of gender and any person can be a mechanic. Social
stereotypes that it is a work reserved for men is a practice that
makes it contain men. The garages lack a precise social
structure and it is a key issue that makes the career to be
Ziyang Chen
• 1915 Provost Place, San Bernardino, CA 92407• (909) 402-
5252 •
June 9, 2020
Professor Mel Bakeman
California State University, San Bernardino
5500 University Pkwy.
San Bernardino, CA 92407
RE: Role of car mechanics
Greetings, Professor Bakeman:
The existence of vehicles in the society plays a huge role in
enabling people to move from place to place. It is a key factor
that make the average person to have the ability to freely move
without any constraints. The availability of personal cars is a
promotional aspect that cannot be ignored in this respective
case based on private privileges that comes with the initiative.
Car mechanics make up a significant profession in the society
that plays a basic role in the society. They make important
contributions on how cars could be maintained and made a
convenient tool. However, the profession is highly undervalued
despite of the importance that it plays in the society. People
seem to think it's a simple technical course, but it plays an
important role. The paper discusses why car mechanics are
undervalued in the society.
Common View about Car Mechanics
The fact that anybody can be a car mechanic is a key
contributing factor that contributes to people undervaluing the
profession. It is evident that one can teach him or herself to
become a car mechanics. The factor depends on how interested
the person is on learning and the appropriate practices that the
individual can embrace to come up with an appropriate measure
that focuses on the interest of the people. Today, most people
take online tutorials and begin learning important aspects about
vehicles (Borg, 2017). Such knowledge enables people to see
the lack of necessary car mechanics, but they are capable of
dealing with the problem themselves. The ability of people to
cope with such issues without any form of complications highly
contributes to the scenario. Therefore, the ability to equally
perform lead to the undervaluing of the companies.
Car mechanics often have basic training that enable them to
deal with car problems. Most people consider this to be a form
of unskilled labor, but it requires a professional aspect that
promotes practice to be efficient. It is the responsibility of the
society to develop a positive view of the profession. This is
based on the fact that it makes important contributions that
relates to the general management of vehicles (Bozkurt & Lara
Cohen, 2019). Although, any individual can be a mechanic, it
demands special skills to be a good one. The service that the
mechanics provide to use enables the running of day-to-day
errand quite effective. It is important to have the view that they
have special skills that aids them to deal with car problems on a
temporary basis compared to our personal skills in mechanics.
Social Class
The class that the society has created in terms of the form of
profession is a key issue of concern that needs to be considered
in this respective. It is evident that most people view mechanics
as a basic skill that does not have a definitive role. The practice
is widely associated with the mechanical skills that can be
easily gained through practice. Limited knowledge is required
for the people to go to class. Ideally, some may define it as
unskilled labor that requires a highly level of intelligence
(Borg, 2017). The aspect leads to the devaluing of the society,
which is a key aspect of concern that needs to be positively
understood, based on the overall importance that the practice
has in the society. Therefore, it is important to develop
appropriate notions that focus on the interest of the mechanics
and their class.
The fact that most of the mechanics get dirty in their process of
duty makes the society to undervalue them. This is respect to
the type of work that the mechanics do. Other professional
works demands neatness yet in mechanics maintaining the
aspect can prove to be a difficult task to achieve based on the
complications involved in the entire process. The fact that the
mechanics handle oil and other objects that might be dirty is a
key factor that cannot be ignored. They make important
contributions in ensuring that the vehicles are in good shapes
(Bozkurt & Lara Cohen, 2019). The class of the mechanics I
also affected based on the fact that they work on garages which
is a place that most people view them to be dirty an
inappropriate. However, their work demands that they work in
such places and they make important contributions.
Lack of Functioning Equipment
The store’s owners are only willing to put in the very bare
minimum that it takes to keep the store running but expect their
employees to move the line as if we had brand new, fully
functioning equipment. Whenever the store does get new
equipment it’s always something that either doesn’t work the
way it’s supposed to, is completely unnecessary, or both. The
three most recent upgrades we’ve gotten in my store have been:
a new machine for coffee creamer, the old one didn’t have any
problems; a new drainage system for the fryer which doesn’t
work and has since been disconnected; and a dishwasher that
worked for about three weeks before breaking and has had a
“DO NOT USE!” sign on it for months now. Even though other
managers will inform the store manager of the equipment that is
in need of repair, it takes an eternity for those things to be
fixed. Our soft drink machine for drive-thru has been broken for
a couple weeks now even though the store manager and the
owners have been aware of the problem since day one. Even
little repairs go undone. The dispenser for the hot fudge has
been broken for about a month now and all that they need to do
to fix it is order another O-ring, but they haven’t bothered to do
it yet. Despite the fact that the store would run much more
efficiently, the owners are unwilling to spend money on the
upgrades we actually need as well as the maintenance necessary
to keep our current equipment functioning. The Sanchez family
is only interested in the bottom line.
Wages and Salaries
The work is highly undervalued based on the salaries and wages
that the mechanics often receive. It is evident that most of the
mechanics do not depend on salaries. This is based in the
complexities of their work. It is a basic factor that demands
appropriate action to ensure that key practices are embraced to
the interest of the companies (Bederson, Clamage & Plaisant,
2018). They depend on the wages that they are given for the
task that they have performed in the cars. The higher the
problems and time wasted repairing the car the more amounts
one has to pay them. This is a key factor that makes people to
undervalue the profession with the view that it does not make
important contributions to the society that is important to view
and understand appropriately. Therefore, the wage is a
contributing factor.
Other professions have a strict form of payment that demands
the creation of a reliable payment system. This is a key factor
that is based on the bureaucracy that is involved in the entire
process. The practice cannot be applied on garage. This is based
on the fact that cars often have different problems, leaving
mechanics busy dealing with the complex problems that cars
can have. Compared to other professions, management is a key
issue that cannot be ignored (Bederson, Clamage & Plaisant,
2018). However, car mechanic requires little governance and
their ability to earn depend on the personal skill that the
individual has in handing things that involves the interest of the
company in a positive way. Today, it is a contributing factor
that leads to the creation of a better society.
Time Off
Mechanics operate under guidelines that may prove to be not
strict. According to experts, they do not have strict guidelines.
Ideally, they often have different guidelines that create the
necessity of developing certain practices that function for the
interest of the community alone. They often do not have a
defined time off. The demand of their services normally varies
making the profession to be highly volatile. It is the
contributing factor 6hat make the society to undervalue the
course (Borg, 2017). They seem to forget the importance of the
entire process. The positive contribution of the initiative leads
to the positive creation of notions that focuses on the interest of
the people in a positive way. it is important to consider that it
does not have a specified time off compared to other
professional courses.
Understanding the contribution that the mechanics have plays an
important role in making them not to have a fixed time off. It is
evident that their profession has a timeline that I highly
unpredictable. This is contributed by the changing demands
within the market that affects the ability of the mechanics to
operate under a fixed timeline. Their profession may need some
moving around which is a factor that needs to be positively
approached based on the positive implications that the practice
is likely to have for the interest of the market (Bozkurt & Lara
Cohen, 2019). Various factors need to be considered in terms of
approach and other basic issues that involve the interest of the
individuals. The need of people understanding the volatile time
schedule of the mechanics I an important aspect that cannot be
ignored based on the important contributions that they have in
the society.
The lack of a fixed time schedule may mean that the people may
view it as a course that is not corporate. The factor makes most
individuals working on different fields such as finance,
engineering and law to diminish the practice. Mechanics ensure
that they provide their professional services in an appropriate
way by ensuring that they remain vigilant on the approaches
that they use. Ignoring the timeline that they normally work on
would give the real value of the course. It is the duty of the
stakeholders involved to come up with appropriate measures
that focuses on the interest of the mechanics as a profession.
Ideally, the lack of a fixed time schedule may make people to
undermine the course, but it has an important set of contribution
within the society that needs to be clearly practiced.
Gender Equality
Gender is a key issue involved in the profession that cannot be
ignored. It is evident that mechanics is a profession that any
person from any gender can perform. There is no gender
restriction for the course. This makes it an important profession
in the society that people need to ensure that they develop
positive notions towards it based on the key interest that it
represents in the society. The need to come up with an
appropriate framework that represents the interests of the
people is a key factor that cannot be ignored (Duffield, 2019).
Ideally, any woman can perform as a mechanic as long as the
woman has the skill that is required. The lack of women in the
course is a key factor of concern despite of the limited barriers
that is in the field.
Understanding the common stereotypes that exist in the society
about mechanics is a key factor that make gender to be a key
issue despite of the limited barriers. It is evident that the people
view the field to be a men’s profession. This is based on the
complications involved in performing the tasks. It entails a lot
of physical action and getting dirty. This is a key aspect that
may limit certain practices of people in society and needs to be
properly addressed in this area. It is important to consider
complex practices involving the interests of the people
(Bederson, Clamage & Plaisant, 2018). Ideally, it is the basic
duty of the society to ensure that appropriate notions are put in
place to encourage women to be more involved in the [practice.
The gender disparity that exists in the profession based on the
societal stereotypes is a key aspect of concern that needs to be
positively addressed based on the field. Ideally, it is a key
factor that makes people to undermine them and forget the
important contributions that the field plays in the well-being of
the society. it is important to understand that necessary aspects
are involved in the practice. The development of key notions
that involves the interest of the people is a key practice that
cannot be ignored in the society (Borg, 2017). Therefore,
gender equality is a key factor that makes the course to be
ignored. The course has important contribution in the society
based on the complications involved in the creation of an
appropriate operational framework that involves the general
interest of the society. It is the duty of the society to appreciate
the role that it plays.
Ignoring the fact that the women avoid the field is a key matter
of concern. based on research, it is evident that most women
dislike the practice. This is a factor that is contributed by the
nature of the work. The high rate of accidents and physical
activity that is involved in the practice is a key factor that
cannot be ignored in this respective case (Lloyd & Olsson,
2019). The need to develop a framework within which necessary
practices can be embraced for the interest of the mechanics is a
key factor of concern. The course requires the attention of the
society. The gender inequality is an aspect that the society
creates yet the profession has limited barriers of entry and all
that is needed in this case is skill that most people might have.
Corporate Structure
Garages lack a defined corporate structure that most
professional fields might have. Ideally, professions such as law,
accounting, engineering and IT have corporate structure. This is
based on the fact that they normally work on companies.
Corporate structures within companies are a common activity
that defines the entire purpose of the company (Bozkurt & Lara
Cohen, 2019). It is a key factor that is contributed with the
ability of the company to perform better governance that is
associated with the creation of order and understanding. Ideally,
the factor commands the respect on the course based on the fact
that they address the important aspect that involves the
allocation of duty and other essential factors. The duty of the
company to develop appropriate notions functions for the
interest of the different professionals.
The lack of corporate structures makes the society to undermine
car mechanics. Based on their field, it is difficult to create a
corporate structure. This is based on the fact that a range of
specialty is needed in the practice. This is a factor that
functions at creating a reliable operational structure that only
focuses on the interest of the people in a positive way. it is the
duty of mechanics to perform their tasks based on the
complications involved in the type of repair that they perform
(Duffield, 2019). Corporate structure will it influence the
process of repair which is an essential aspect that needs to be
appropriately addressed when approaching the field. It is
important to consider that various notions are required to ensure
that a better framework is created to ensure that corporate
structure can be applied. However, the application of the
practice in the company is quite difficult.
The field lacks a corporate structure based on the mode of
registration. In most cases, garages are registered as a sole
proprietorship or a partnership. This is based on the size of the
garage and the range of services that they provide to their
customers. Ideally, the practice cannot be ignored based on the
relevant contributions that they make to the society. It is quite
inappropriate to ignore the fact that various aspects are
normally embraced in the actual process. Coming up with
positive ideal that involves the interest of the company is a key
factor that cannot be ignored (Lloyd & Olsson, 2019). Other
professions work in different organizations that are often
registered as a public limited company. Ideally, the notion
affects the ability of the society to fully respect the mechanic
profession and understand the important contribution that it
makes to the society.
· In my opinion, car mechanics is an important profession
within the current social structure. Our society is highly
developing in terms of technology and ideals. Cars are
important part of our daily lives based on the daily movements
that we often have in our duties. The contributions that cars
play is fundamental. This makes the mechanics an important
part of our daily lives, without the important services that they
give to our cars, the maintenance of the vehicles maybe quite
difficult (Duffield, 2019). In a professional view, car mechanics
are a core part of the society and the contribution that they
make towards development is a key issue that cannot be
ignored. They have a vital part to play in ensuring that the
transport mechanics of most people in the society is a success.
Ideally, we need to appreciate the contributions that they make
in the society.
· The profession demands a lot of skill and experience for one
to be a good mechanic. A small course might be required but the
full capability comes with a lot of practice. Most people might
have mechanical skills however, it is important to understand
that they make individual contributions that are associated with
their ability to deal with a wide range of vehicles. Dominating
their contribution to society is a poor practice and may not yield
positive results in the complexity of providing specialized
services (Borg, 2017). Ideally, it is important to understand that
mechanics play an important part in the economy of the country.
This is based on the transport sector that needs the appropriate
attention to ensure that it is fully effectual in terms of
application and other basic measures of concern.
In summary, the paper discusses why car mechanics are
undervalued in the society. The fact that anybody can be a car
mechanic is a key contributing factor that contributes to people
undervaluing the profession. It is evident that one can teach him
or herself to become a car mechanics. Gender is a key issue
involved in the profession that cannot be ignored. It is evident
that mechanics is a profession that any person from any gender
can perform. There is no gender restriction for the course. The
field lacks a corporate structure based on the mode of
registration. In most cases, garages are registered as a sole
proprietorship or a partnership. This is based on the size of the
garage and the range of services that they provide to their
customers. In my opinion, car mechanics is an important
profession within the current social structure. Our society is
highly developing in terms of technology and ideals. Cars are
important part of our daily lives based on the daily movements
that we often have in our duties
Thank you for your time.
Kind regards,
Ziyang Chen
Bederson, B. B., Clamage, A., & Plaisant, C. (2018). Enhancing
In-Car Navigation Systems with Personal
Experience. Transportation Research Record, 2064(1), 33–42.
Borg, K. L. (2017). Auto mechanics: Technology and expertise
in twentieth-century America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press.
Bozkurt, Ö., & Lara Cohen, R. (2019). Repair work as good
work: Craft and love in classic car restoration training. Human
Relations, 72(6), 1105–1128.
Duffield, E. N. (2019). Car Design and Car Usage. Proceedings
of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 14(1), 121–166.
Lloyd, A., & Olsson, M. (2019). Enacting and capturing
embodied knowledge in the practices of enthusiast car restorers:
Emerging themes. Journal of Librarianship and Information
Science, 51(4), 1033–1040.
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© 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or
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Products: Goods and Services
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or in part.
6. 2
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Marketing Framework
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or in part.
Discussion Questions #1
Is Arnold Schwarzenegger a product?
What is a product?
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or in part.
A product can be either a good or a service
It is the most essential decision in the 4Ps because it is what
the consumer is receiving in the exchange
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Marketing Exchange
(slide 1 of 2)
The company offers something (product) that will benefit the
The product can be designed to be more or less attractive
Increase/decrease quality, service, etc.
The customer offers something in return (payment)
Customer can be more or less attractive
High/low loyalty, high/low maintenance, spreads positive word-
of-mouth, etc.
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or in part.
Marketing Exchange
(slide 2 of 2)
Marketers need to
Determine what the customers want in order to increase the
likelihood of exchange
Determine what the company can profitably offer
The goal is to create mutually beneficial exchanges that result
in long-term customer relationships
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or in part.
Discussion Questions #2
Discuss an example of a situation where a company is only
looking for a discrete transaction with a customer.
Why do marketers want to create long-term relationships?
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Goods vs. Services
Goods and services differ in terms of
Search, experience, credence
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or in part.
Goods vs. Services: Intangibility
Extent to which you have something concrete
Pure goods: e.g., paper & phone
Pure services: e.g., massage & babysitting
Hybrids: e.g., restaurant & beauty salon
Experience marketing
Consumers are buying the experience
e.g., ESPN Zone & Build-a-Bear
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or in part.
Goods vs. Services: Qualities
(slide 1 of 2)
Search qualities
May be evaluated prior to purchase
Experience qualities
Need trial/consumption before evaluation
Credence qualities
Difficult to judge even post-consumption
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Goods vs. Services: Qualities
(slide 2 of 2)
Goods are dominated by search and experience qualities
Services are dominated by experience and credence qualities
Professional service providers are beginning to understand the
value of marketing
Create professional appearance and setting, tap their networks,
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or in part.
Goods vs. Services: Perishability
Services are simultaneously produced and consumed; thus,
Services cannot be stored; goods can
Marketers need to even out demand
Services cannot be separated from the provider; goods can
Customer/service provider interaction becomes part of the
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Goods vs. Services: Variability
Goods are made by machines; services are usually people
Services change across customers and across time
Marketers need to
Reduce bad variability
Enhance good variability
Self-service is advancing in many industries
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Discussion Question #3
What steps can marketers take to reduce bad variability?
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or in part.
Core vs. Value-Added
(slide 1 of 3)
Core is essential to the product offering
Value-added is supplemental
Can use to differentiate & improve satisfaction
Can use to identify competition
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Core vs. Value-Added
(slide 2 of 3)
Core elements are expected by customers
If core elements are substandard, dissatisfaction can be
Recall issued, poor quality, etc.
Marketers can compete/differentiate on value-addeds
Generous service plan, good staff, etc.
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Core vs. Value-Added
(slide 3 of 3)
Core businesses may change as industries and firms change
e.g., Victoria’s Secret was 70% apparel but is now 70% beauty
and fragrance
It is key to continually ask
What business are we really in?
Who are our true competitors?
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or in part.
Competition through Customers’ Eyes
Define competition broadly
Car companies compete with other means of transportation (bus,
taxi, etc.)
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duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole
or in part.
Product Lines: Breadth and Depth
Product mix
A company’s product lines
Number of product lines
Frigidaire sells refrigerators, washers, dryers, ranges, etc.
Number of products in a line
Frigidaire refrigerators have different sizes and features
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or in part.
Discussion Questions #4
Which option has the least breadth?
Which option has the most depth?
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duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole
or in part.
Product Line Strategies
Product line managers can prune or supplement existing lines
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or in part.
Discussion Questions #5
Which firm(s) above is leveraging its segment knowledge
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duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole
or in part.
Managerial Recap
(slide 1 of 2)
Products are goods and services
Products are the central offering in the marketing exchange
Goods and services share similarities and differences
Services are relatively more intangible, inseparable, perishable,
and variable
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or in part.
Managerial Recap
(slide 2 of 2)
A firm’s market offering is comprised of the core and the value-
Consider competition broadly
Competition can evolve over time as product lines are further
developed in length and breadth
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duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole
or in part.

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  • 1. Discussion 1 A service company is a specific business that helps to produce income by delivering services without selling any physical products. In the modern world, there exist different types of service type of business like consulting, education, entertainment, and media. Yes, I agree with the statement that many of the organizations are traditionally known for superiority intangibles, for example, IBM in computers and Xerox in copiers. For example, most companies like the manufacturing organizations, in the present situation they are describing themselves as service enterprises. Most of the organizations are feeling themselves as service companies because customers prefer to purchase items from the enterprise that delivers excellent customer service (Iacobucci, 2016). Initially, when the organizations consider themselves as a service organization, there is a need to consider major factors like intangibility of output. This is because service companies deliver intangible output which is not an easy activity. For a business organization to declare as a service the company, the firm not only requires a specific percentage of service instead the firm requires to successfully resolve the issues experienced by consumers. Service mainly includes an intangible product that involves performance or effort and this could not be processed. The organizations delivering services are intangible which may include personal services, rental goods, of items owned by consumers. Service organizations consist of technical and marketing expertise to attract customers. Most of the service organizations determine themselves as service companies by considering factors like intangibility, the involvement of buyers, homogeneity, and inventory. The intangibility is complex to be conceptualized where creative visualization is most important for a business organization to deal with customers (Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman, & Hansen, 2019). The service performance surely
  • 2. depends on performance-related attributes that could be measured only when individuals experience purchase experience. The service organizations mainly focus to deliver exclusive services that involve various factors, this might include key activities. The service definition is identified to be important while offering service management. To declare a firm as a service organization, the initial focus should be on customers (Iacobucci, 2016). The organizations should ensure to develop a vision where customers are primarily targeted individuals. If the customer's problems are resolved and customers achieve satisfaction with company offerings, then firms could be able to declare themselves as a service organization. For example, IBM is described as a service-based organization that offers global services to individuals across the world. By describing themselves as a service organization, IBM services ensure to create new business revenues for the company. IBM is a service-based organization and this is successful because it offers various services to customers based on the priority. The organization declared themselves as service companies because they didn’t calculate the percentage of service delivered to consumers. Instead, they were able to achieve excellent customer satisfaction with improved services. References: Iacobucci, D. (2018). Management. Cengage learning. Week-6 Discussion.docx (20.938 KB) Discussion 2 Marketing management The company believes that a product is something that will benefit customers. Marketing can be thought of as an exchange whereby a company offers something and the customer offers something in return and this case, payment. Both the company
  • 3. and the customer seek something of value and both offer a trade (Iacobucci, 2015). The company can make a product or service more attractive and the customer can be good by being loyal or purchasing every time. The company may decide to make the package less attractive and customers too by demanding customized attention. Since it is difficult to get a new customer than retaining, marketers have realized the advantages of moving from short- term-oriented purchase transaction exchanges to long-term relationship marketing. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are the beginning of the repeated nature of a relational exchange (Iacobucci, 2015). These interactions fruition and strengthen database marketing systems and customer relationship management. To strengthen customer relationships, marketers put together a combination of goods and services. Some products seem to be pure goods and some services seem to be pure services while other purchases seem to be a mix of a good and a service like leasing a car. Services are intangible because you may not go home with them. The continuum of goods-to-services is related to the concepts of search, credence, and experience (Iacobucci, 2015). Before purchase, the search qualities may be evaluated as the customer learns about competitive offerings. Attributes of experience require consumption or trial before evaluation. Credence qualities are difficult to judge and require one to trust that the quality is good. Experience and search qualities dominate for goods while for services credence and experience qualities dominate. Services are produced and consumed at the same time. Goods are manufactured and inventoried in warehouses for distribution while services are created in the presence of a customer. Services are more variable than goods (Iacobucci, 2015). Goods manufacturers can set quality standards for the goods because they are produced by machines but for a service provider, experiences vary across customers. Service marketing exchange takes place between the service provider who represents the company and the customer. Customer service interaction can be
  • 4. frustrating or fruitful because the customer and frontline representative have different and changing abilities and needs. Marketers can affect the satisfaction level of a customer or dissatisfaction through the good or bad value-addeds. A mistake can be made by a company by being myopic when defining their core business that focuses on its product offerings (Iacobucci, 2015). Myopia may not be the problem if the business is good but a problem if the business is bad. Product lines can be pruned especially if customers do not distinguish between brands or brands can be supplemented if a company realizes an opportunity for producing a better brand than that of competitors that customers can value. Question. This may be true because both IBM and Xerox produce goods that are then sold to customers worldwide. They have done this over the years and can, therefore, describe themselves to be primary service provider companies. For a company to declare itself a service organization, it must meet the desires and needs of customers by focusing on the characteristics that they desire. A company must compare itself with its competitors. The company should also charge customers in a palatable manner. Also, a company should give attention to the process of recruiting, training, and job design in making up an employee management system. Employees must be motivated to achieve excellence to help the company achieve excellence. Provided a company provides its services throughout the world, it means their strategies and mission are good.
  • 5. References Iacobucci, D. (2015). Marketing management (5th ed.). Cegange learning. Summary Car mechanics makes up one of the most undervalued jobs in the country. this is because people have the common perception that anybody can become a mechanic based on its common knowledge of cars. The existence of factors such as online tutorials and other basic aspects makes the practice highly common, as it does not focus on the common interest of the people. The social class that the people have placed in terms of the profession is a contributing factor behind its decreased value. People have the common view that it does not have a precise social class that appeals to the members of the public making it a profession that people do not focus on. Car mechanics play an important part in the society as they ensure that order is equally promoted by ensuring that basic societal practices such as ensuring that cars are moving is accomplished. The wages and salaries that the mechanics receive is a key factor that makes it to be undervalued. It is evident that most of them receive wages rather than salaries. They are paid for the work done rather than waiting for the end of a specified period for them to receive compensation. It is a basic practice that ensures that order is observed in terms of application and other basic measures. Mechanics do not operate under strict timeline. The availability of the cars to be repaired determines their overall flow of order in terms of work. There are no parameters in terms of gender and any person can be a mechanic. Social stereotypes that it is a work reserved for men is a practice that makes it contain men. The garages lack a precise social structure and it is a key issue that makes the career to be undervalued.
  • 6. Ziyang Chen • 1915 Provost Place, San Bernardino, CA 92407• (909) 402- 5252 • June 9, 2020 Professor Mel Bakeman California State University, San Bernardino 5500 University Pkwy. San Bernardino, CA 92407 RE: Role of car mechanics Greetings, Professor Bakeman: The existence of vehicles in the society plays a huge role in enabling people to move from place to place. It is a key factor that make the average person to have the ability to freely move without any constraints. The availability of personal cars is a promotional aspect that cannot be ignored in this respective case based on private privileges that comes with the initiative. Car mechanics make up a significant profession in the society that plays a basic role in the society. They make important contributions on how cars could be maintained and made a convenient tool. However, the profession is highly undervalued despite of the importance that it plays in the society. People seem to think it's a simple technical course, but it plays an important role. The paper discusses why car mechanics are undervalued in the society. Common View about Car Mechanics The fact that anybody can be a car mechanic is a key
  • 7. contributing factor that contributes to people undervaluing the profession. It is evident that one can teach him or herself to become a car mechanics. The factor depends on how interested the person is on learning and the appropriate practices that the individual can embrace to come up with an appropriate measure that focuses on the interest of the people. Today, most people take online tutorials and begin learning important aspects about vehicles (Borg, 2017). Such knowledge enables people to see the lack of necessary car mechanics, but they are capable of dealing with the problem themselves. The ability of people to cope with such issues without any form of complications highly contributes to the scenario. Therefore, the ability to equally perform lead to the undervaluing of the companies. Car mechanics often have basic training that enable them to deal with car problems. Most people consider this to be a form of unskilled labor, but it requires a professional aspect that promotes practice to be efficient. It is the responsibility of the society to develop a positive view of the profession. This is based on the fact that it makes important contributions that relates to the general management of vehicles (Bozkurt & Lara Cohen, 2019). Although, any individual can be a mechanic, it demands special skills to be a good one. The service that the mechanics provide to use enables the running of day-to-day errand quite effective. It is important to have the view that they have special skills that aids them to deal with car problems on a temporary basis compared to our personal skills in mechanics. Social Class The class that the society has created in terms of the form of profession is a key issue of concern that needs to be considered in this respective. It is evident that most people view mechanics as a basic skill that does not have a definitive role. The practice is widely associated with the mechanical skills that can be easily gained through practice. Limited knowledge is required for the people to go to class. Ideally, some may define it as
  • 8. unskilled labor that requires a highly level of intelligence (Borg, 2017). The aspect leads to the devaluing of the society, which is a key aspect of concern that needs to be positively understood, based on the overall importance that the practice has in the society. Therefore, it is important to develop appropriate notions that focus on the interest of the mechanics and their class. The fact that most of the mechanics get dirty in their process of duty makes the society to undervalue them. This is respect to the type of work that the mechanics do. Other professional works demands neatness yet in mechanics maintaining the aspect can prove to be a difficult task to achieve based on the complications involved in the entire process. The fact that the mechanics handle oil and other objects that might be dirty is a key factor that cannot be ignored. They make important contributions in ensuring that the vehicles are in good shapes (Bozkurt & Lara Cohen, 2019). The class of the mechanics I also affected based on the fact that they work on garages which is a place that most people view them to be dirty an inappropriate. However, their work demands that they work in such places and they make important contributions. Lack of Functioning Equipment The store’s owners are only willing to put in the very bare minimum that it takes to keep the store running but expect their employees to move the line as if we had brand new, fully functioning equipment. Whenever the store does get new equipment it’s always something that either doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to, is completely unnecessary, or both. The three most recent upgrades we’ve gotten in my store have been: a new machine for coffee creamer, the old one didn’t have any problems; a new drainage system for the fryer which doesn’t work and has since been disconnected; and a dishwasher that worked for about three weeks before breaking and has had a “DO NOT USE!” sign on it for months now. Even though other
  • 9. managers will inform the store manager of the equipment that is in need of repair, it takes an eternity for those things to be fixed. Our soft drink machine for drive-thru has been broken for a couple weeks now even though the store manager and the owners have been aware of the problem since day one. Even little repairs go undone. The dispenser for the hot fudge has been broken for about a month now and all that they need to do to fix it is order another O-ring, but they haven’t bothered to do it yet. Despite the fact that the store would run much more efficiently, the owners are unwilling to spend money on the upgrades we actually need as well as the maintenance necessary to keep our current equipment functioning. The Sanchez family is only interested in the bottom line. Wages and Salaries The work is highly undervalued based on the salaries and wages that the mechanics often receive. It is evident that most of the mechanics do not depend on salaries. This is based in the complexities of their work. It is a basic factor that demands appropriate action to ensure that key practices are embraced to the interest of the companies (Bederson, Clamage & Plaisant, 2018). They depend on the wages that they are given for the task that they have performed in the cars. The higher the problems and time wasted repairing the car the more amounts one has to pay them. This is a key factor that makes people to undervalue the profession with the view that it does not make important contributions to the society that is important to view and understand appropriately. Therefore, the wage is a contributing factor. Other professions have a strict form of payment that demands the creation of a reliable payment system. This is a key factor that is based on the bureaucracy that is involved in the entire process. The practice cannot be applied on garage. This is based on the fact that cars often have different problems, leaving mechanics busy dealing with the complex problems that cars can have. Compared to other professions, management is a key
  • 10. issue that cannot be ignored (Bederson, Clamage & Plaisant, 2018). However, car mechanic requires little governance and their ability to earn depend on the personal skill that the individual has in handing things that involves the interest of the company in a positive way. Today, it is a contributing factor that leads to the creation of a better society. Time Off Mechanics operate under guidelines that may prove to be not strict. According to experts, they do not have strict guidelines. Ideally, they often have different guidelines that create the necessity of developing certain practices that function for the interest of the community alone. They often do not have a defined time off. The demand of their services normally varies making the profession to be highly volatile. It is the contributing factor 6hat make the society to undervalue the course (Borg, 2017). They seem to forget the importance of the entire process. The positive contribution of the initiative leads to the positive creation of notions that focuses on the interest of the people in a positive way. it is important to consider that it does not have a specified time off compared to other professional courses. Understanding the contribution that the mechanics have plays an important role in making them not to have a fixed time off. It is evident that their profession has a timeline that I highly unpredictable. This is contributed by the changing demands within the market that affects the ability of the mechanics to operate under a fixed timeline. Their profession may need some moving around which is a factor that needs to be positively approached based on the positive implications that the practice is likely to have for the interest of the market (Bozkurt & Lara Cohen, 2019). Various factors need to be considered in terms of approach and other basic issues that involve the interest of the individuals. The need of people understanding the volatile time schedule of the mechanics I an important aspect that cannot be
  • 11. ignored based on the important contributions that they have in the society. The lack of a fixed time schedule may mean that the people may view it as a course that is not corporate. The factor makes most individuals working on different fields such as finance, engineering and law to diminish the practice. Mechanics ensure that they provide their professional services in an appropriate way by ensuring that they remain vigilant on the approaches that they use. Ignoring the timeline that they normally work on would give the real value of the course. It is the duty of the stakeholders involved to come up with appropriate measures that focuses on the interest of the mechanics as a profession. Ideally, the lack of a fixed time schedule may make people to undermine the course, but it has an important set of contribution within the society that needs to be clearly practiced. Gender Equality Gender is a key issue involved in the profession that cannot be ignored. It is evident that mechanics is a profession that any person from any gender can perform. There is no gender restriction for the course. This makes it an important profession in the society that people need to ensure that they develop positive notions towards it based on the key interest that it represents in the society. The need to come up with an appropriate framework that represents the interests of the people is a key factor that cannot be ignored (Duffield, 2019). Ideally, any woman can perform as a mechanic as long as the woman has the skill that is required. The lack of women in the course is a key factor of concern despite of the limited barriers that is in the field. Understanding the common stereotypes that exist in the society about mechanics is a key factor that make gender to be a key issue despite of the limited barriers. It is evident that the people view the field to be a men’s profession. This is based on the complications involved in performing the tasks. It entails a lot
  • 12. of physical action and getting dirty. This is a key aspect that may limit certain practices of people in society and needs to be properly addressed in this area. It is important to consider complex practices involving the interests of the people (Bederson, Clamage & Plaisant, 2018). Ideally, it is the basic duty of the society to ensure that appropriate notions are put in place to encourage women to be more involved in the [practice. The gender disparity that exists in the profession based on the societal stereotypes is a key aspect of concern that needs to be positively addressed based on the field. Ideally, it is a key factor that makes people to undermine them and forget the important contributions that the field plays in the well-being of the society. it is important to understand that necessary aspects are involved in the practice. The development of key notions that involves the interest of the people is a key practice that cannot be ignored in the society (Borg, 2017). Therefore, gender equality is a key factor that makes the course to be ignored. The course has important contribution in the society based on the complications involved in the creation of an appropriate operational framework that involves the general interest of the society. It is the duty of the society to appreciate the role that it plays. Ignoring the fact that the women avoid the field is a key matter of concern. based on research, it is evident that most women dislike the practice. This is a factor that is contributed by the nature of the work. The high rate of accidents and physical activity that is involved in the practice is a key factor that cannot be ignored in this respective case (Lloyd & Olsson, 2019). The need to develop a framework within which necessary practices can be embraced for the interest of the mechanics is a key factor of concern. The course requires the attention of the society. The gender inequality is an aspect that the society creates yet the profession has limited barriers of entry and all that is needed in this case is skill that most people might have.
  • 13. Corporate Structure Garages lack a defined corporate structure that most professional fields might have. Ideally, professions such as law, accounting, engineering and IT have corporate structure. This is based on the fact that they normally work on companies. Corporate structures within companies are a common activity that defines the entire purpose of the company (Bozkurt & Lara Cohen, 2019). It is a key factor that is contributed with the ability of the company to perform better governance that is associated with the creation of order and understanding. Ideally, the factor commands the respect on the course based on the fact that they address the important aspect that involves the allocation of duty and other essential factors. The duty of the company to develop appropriate notions functions for the interest of the different professionals. The lack of corporate structures makes the society to undermine car mechanics. Based on their field, it is difficult to create a corporate structure. This is based on the fact that a range of specialty is needed in the practice. This is a factor that functions at creating a reliable operational structure that only focuses on the interest of the people in a positive way. it is the duty of mechanics to perform their tasks based on the complications involved in the type of repair that they perform (Duffield, 2019). Corporate structure will it influence the process of repair which is an essential aspect that needs to be appropriately addressed when approaching the field. It is important to consider that various notions are required to ensure that a better framework is created to ensure that corporate structure can be applied. However, the application of the practice in the company is quite difficult. The field lacks a corporate structure based on the mode of registration. In most cases, garages are registered as a sole proprietorship or a partnership. This is based on the size of the garage and the range of services that they provide to their customers. Ideally, the practice cannot be ignored based on the relevant contributions that they make to the society. It is quite
  • 14. inappropriate to ignore the fact that various aspects are normally embraced in the actual process. Coming up with positive ideal that involves the interest of the company is a key factor that cannot be ignored (Lloyd & Olsson, 2019). Other professions work in different organizations that are often registered as a public limited company. Ideally, the notion affects the ability of the society to fully respect the mechanic profession and understand the important contribution that it makes to the society. Recommendations · In my opinion, car mechanics is an important profession within the current social structure. Our society is highly developing in terms of technology and ideals. Cars are important part of our daily lives based on the daily movements that we often have in our duties. The contributions that cars play is fundamental. This makes the mechanics an important part of our daily lives, without the important services that they give to our cars, the maintenance of the vehicles maybe quite difficult (Duffield, 2019). In a professional view, car mechanics are a core part of the society and the contribution that they make towards development is a key issue that cannot be ignored. They have a vital part to play in ensuring that the transport mechanics of most people in the society is a success. Ideally, we need to appreciate the contributions that they make in the society. · The profession demands a lot of skill and experience for one to be a good mechanic. A small course might be required but the full capability comes with a lot of practice. Most people might have mechanical skills however, it is important to understand that they make individual contributions that are associated with their ability to deal with a wide range of vehicles. Dominating their contribution to society is a poor practice and may not yield positive results in the complexity of providing specialized services (Borg, 2017). Ideally, it is important to understand that
  • 15. mechanics play an important part in the economy of the country. This is based on the transport sector that needs the appropriate attention to ensure that it is fully effectual in terms of application and other basic measures of concern. In summary, the paper discusses why car mechanics are undervalued in the society. The fact that anybody can be a car mechanic is a key contributing factor that contributes to people undervaluing the profession. It is evident that one can teach him or herself to become a car mechanics. Gender is a key issue involved in the profession that cannot be ignored. It is evident that mechanics is a profession that any person from any gender can perform. There is no gender restriction for the course. The field lacks a corporate structure based on the mode of registration. In most cases, garages are registered as a sole proprietorship or a partnership. This is based on the size of the garage and the range of services that they provide to their customers. In my opinion, car mechanics is an important profession within the current social structure. Our society is highly developing in terms of technology and ideals. Cars are important part of our daily lives based on the daily movements that we often have in our duties Thank you for your time. Kind regards, Ziyang Chen References Bederson, B. B., Clamage, A., & Plaisant, C. (2018). Enhancing In-Car Navigation Systems with Personal Experience. Transportation Research Record, 2064(1), 33–42. Borg, K. L. (2017). Auto mechanics: Technology and expertise in twentieth-century America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • 16. Bozkurt, Ö., & Lara Cohen, R. (2019). Repair work as good work: Craft and love in classic car restoration training. Human Relations, 72(6), 1105–1128. Duffield, E. N. (2019). Car Design and Car Usage. Proceedings of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 14(1), 121–166. Lloyd, A., & Olsson, M. (2019). Enacting and capturing embodied knowledge in the practices of enthusiast car restorers: Emerging themes. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(4), 1033–1040. © 2018 Cengage Learning®. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. 1 6 Products: Goods and Services © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. 2 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6.
  • 17. 2 Marketing Framework 3 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Discussion Questions #1 Is Arnold Schwarzenegger a product? What is a product? 4 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Products A product can be either a good or a service It is the most essential decision in the 4Ps because it is what the consumer is receiving in the exchange 5 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6.
  • 18. Marketing Exchange (slide 1 of 2) Exchange The company offers something (product) that will benefit the customer The product can be designed to be more or less attractive Increase/decrease quality, service, etc. The customer offers something in return (payment) Customer can be more or less attractive High/low loyalty, high/low maintenance, spreads positive word- of-mouth, etc. 6 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Marketing Exchange (slide 2 of 2) Marketers need to Determine what the customers want in order to increase the likelihood of exchange Determine what the company can profitably offer The goal is to create mutually beneficial exchanges that result in long-term customer relationships 7 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Discussion Questions #2 Discuss an example of a situation where a company is only
  • 19. looking for a discrete transaction with a customer. Why do marketers want to create long-term relationships? 8 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Goods vs. Services Goods and services differ in terms of Intangibility Search, experience, credence Perishability Variability 9 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Goods vs. Services: Intangibility Intangibility: Extent to which you have something concrete Pure goods: e.g., paper & phone Pure services: e.g., massage & babysitting Hybrids: e.g., restaurant & beauty salon Experience marketing Consumers are buying the experience e.g., ESPN Zone & Build-a-Bear 10
  • 20. © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Goods vs. Services: Qualities (slide 1 of 2) Search qualities May be evaluated prior to purchase Experience qualities Need trial/consumption before evaluation Credence qualities Difficult to judge even post-consumption 11 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Goods vs. Services: Qualities (slide 2 of 2) Goods are dominated by search and experience qualities Services are dominated by experience and credence qualities Professional service providers are beginning to understand the value of marketing Create professional appearance and setting, tap their networks, etc. 12 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
  • 21. 6. Goods vs. Services: Perishability Perishability Services are simultaneously produced and consumed; thus, Services cannot be stored; goods can Marketers need to even out demand Services cannot be separated from the provider; goods can Customer/service provider interaction becomes part of the service 13 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Goods vs. Services: Variability Variability Goods are made by machines; services are usually people intensive Services change across customers and across time Marketers need to Reduce bad variability Enhance good variability Self-service is advancing in many industries 14 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6.
  • 22. Discussion Question #3 What steps can marketers take to reduce bad variability? 15 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Core vs. Value-Added (slide 1 of 3) Core is essential to the product offering Value-added is supplemental Can use to differentiate & improve satisfaction Can use to identify competition 16 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Core vs. Value-Added (slide 2 of 3) Core elements are expected by customers If core elements are substandard, dissatisfaction can be triggered Recall issued, poor quality, etc. Marketers can compete/differentiate on value-addeds Generous service plan, good staff, etc. 17
  • 23. © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Core vs. Value-Added (slide 3 of 3) Core businesses may change as industries and firms change e.g., Victoria’s Secret was 70% apparel but is now 70% beauty and fragrance It is key to continually ask What business are we really in? Who are our true competitors? 18 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Competition through Customers’ Eyes Define competition broadly Car companies compete with other means of transportation (bus, taxi, etc.) 19 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Product Lines: Breadth and Depth Product mix A company’s product lines
  • 24. Breadth Number of product lines Frigidaire sells refrigerators, washers, dryers, ranges, etc. Depth Number of products in a line Frigidaire refrigerators have different sizes and features 20 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Discussion Questions #4 Which option has the least breadth? Which option has the most depth? 21 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Product Line Strategies Product line managers can prune or supplement existing lines 22 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Discussion Questions #5
  • 25. Which firm(s) above is leveraging its segment knowledge efficiently? Inefficiently? 23 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Managerial Recap (slide 1 of 2) Products are goods and services Products are the central offering in the marketing exchange Goods and services share similarities and differences Services are relatively more intangible, inseparable, perishable, and variable 24 © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6. Managerial Recap (slide 2 of 2) A firm’s market offering is comprised of the core and the value- addeds Consider competition broadly Competition can evolve over time as product lines are further developed in length and breadth 25
  • 26. © 2018 Cengage Learning.® May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 6.