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                                                                                       Microblogs in China
                                                                                                Microblog    Users         Tweets               Followers of        Influence              Branded users
                                                                                                Webiste                                         Top 10 users

                                                                                                Sina Weibo   5,000,000     140 Chinese          10,477,049          A mainstream           400 including Dell,
                                                                                                                           characters                               information/news       Nokia, Benz, Ford
                                                                                                                           Support                                  channel with
                                                                                                                           video/picture/musi                       influence across all
                                                                                                                           c content                                media channels
                                                                                                QQ Weibo     <1,400,000    140 Chinese          N/A                 Medium                 <100
                                                                                                                           characters                               Entertainment-
                                                                                                                           Support picture                          oriented
                 Sina Weibo:                                                                                               content
                                                                                                Sohu Weibo   <300,000      No character limit   N/A                 Low                    <100
                 advance engagement with 140 Chinese words                                                                 Support picture                          Entertainment-
                                                                                                                           content                                  oriented

                                                                                                163 Weibo    <250,000      163 characters       N/A                 Very Low               N/A
                                                                                                                           Support picture                          News-oriented

                                                                                                Twitter      106,000,000   140 characters       38,050,257          High                   N/A

What’s Sina Weibo?                                                                     What’s the difference from Twitter

                                     •   A microblog where you communicate in                                                                         •   Content: Embedded emoticons, photos,
                                         140 Chinese and English characters                                                                               video and lyrics
                                                                                                                                                      •   Reply: Hierarchical replies with original
                                     •   Areal-time information and engagement                                                                            tweet
                                         network powered by people all around                                                                         •   URL: Automatically shorten URLs as
                                         the country                                                                                             but seldom used
                                                                                                                                                      •   Engagement: More like a miniblog and a
                                     •   The fastest growing member community                                                                             “broader” engagement platform
                                         site with 10 million users                                                                                   •   Portal page: A comprehensive portal page
                                                                                                                                                          with celebrity users, business and media
                                     •   A network facilitating openness,                                                                                 users, hottest entries as well as daily hot
                                         communication, and collaboration among                                                                           topics
                                         your consumers and other stakeholders                                                                        •   API: Not open sourcing and API
                                                                                                                                                          developers strictly selected
                                     •   A power reshaping China social media                                                                         •   Integration: Backed and run by
                                         ecosystem and the way of future digital                                                                 and connected with Sina blog
                                         engagement                                                                                                       service

                                                                                   3                                                                                                                       4


          Sina Weibo vs Twitter
Sina Weibo vs Twitter: Top Users Comparison                                                                                               Who are using it
   Sina Weibo is China’s leading microblog website with largest population of users; it is destination for experts, IT geeks and
   celebrities and other key influencers.
   It has the same influence in Chinese speaking world as Twitter in English speaking regions.




                                                                                                                                               Gov. official


Sina Weibo Ecosystem                                                                                                                      Why should you care
                                                                                                        Leading celebrities and top
                                                                                                  1     influencers
                                                                                                                                           Your consumers are there
                                                                                                  2     Media(TV, print media and
                                                                                                        online media), senior reporters    Your consumers' favorite celebrities and
                       3                                                                                                                   bloggers are there
                                                                                                        Thought-leaders, experts,
                                             1                                                    3     famous writers                     Your critics are there
                                                                                                        Famous bloggers, IT geeks,         Your competitors are there
                                                                                                  4     community leaders, grass-root
                                                                                                        star users, professionals

                                                                                                  5     Company/brand and
         5                     2                                                                        organization users                 …they are talking about you, judging you
                                                     4                                                                                      or event attacking you

                                                                                                                                           And you can not afford being absent
                                                                                                                                           ……especially in China

                                                                                                                                      7                                               8


You need to move                                                                                            What Sina Weino can do for you
                                                                                                                 Please click the icons below to see some cases or you could refer to the Appendix for those cases

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Manage consumer
                                                                                                                     Launch new products                  Activate a campaign                     relations/Create
     FROM                                  TO                                                                                                                                                        Advocacy
     •Push                                 •Pull                                                                       •Push
     •Chase consumers                      • Own a hub                                                                 •Chase consumers                 News Release & Event
     •Convince                             •Engage                                                                                                                                                  Social Media
                                                                                                                      Crisis management
                                                                                                                       •Convince                             Promotion
     •Observer                                                                                                                                                                                      Optimization
                                           •Participator                                                               •Observer
     •A brand                              •A brand with human face                                                    •A brand

                                                                                                                        Build Brand Reputation, Drive Engagement and Enhance Consumer Loyalty

                                                                                                        9                                                                                                            10

Sina Weibo Engagement Roadmap                                                                               Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice

                                                                                                                     Listen          WEIBO BUZZ AROUND YOUR BRAND, COMPETITOR INTELLIGENCE, ADVOCACY

                                                                                                                     Define          YOUR OBJECTIVES, AUDIENCE, VOICE, ACCOUNT NAME(S), AMBASSADORS
                                                                            • Gather the data needed
                                                            listen &          to establish benchmarks
                                                                              and inform strategy
                                                                                                                      Build          OFFICIAL ACCOUNT(S), PAGE THEMES, WEIBO POLICY & PROCESS

                                                                                                                     Follow          ADVOCACY, CONSUEMRS, KEY INFLUENCERS AND THEIR BUZZ

                        • Build the foundation for
                          sustained engagement                                                                      Create           CONTENT, CONVERSATIONS, NEW TOPICS AND A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY
                          based on shared interests
                                                                         activate &
                          and mutual gain.
                                                      • Engage in real time with
                                                        content optimized to
                                                                                                                    Engage           THOUGH CONVERSATION, QUIZ, COMPETITION, EVENTS, CAMPAIGNS
                                                        maximize participation,
                                                        action and mutual value
                                                                                                                   Integrate         ONLINE AND OFFLINE ASSETS TO MAXIMIZE SOCIAL MEDIA EFFORTS
11                                                                                                          12


Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice                                                                      Listen   Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice                                                                           Define

                   WHAT’S YOUR BUZZ                                                                                  YOUR OBJECTIVES:          Build a brand, promote an event, improve consumer relationship?

                                                                                  WHAT’S ARE TALKING                 AUDIENCE: Who are you target audience?

                                                                                                                     VOICE: What kind of voice I talk to those audience? Friendly? Inspiring? Or funny?

                                                                                                                     ACCOUNT NAMES: Same to my brand ? And how many accounts you want to have? A brand account and
                                                                                                                                             several product/event focuses accounts? And are those names still available?

                                                                                                                     AMBASSADORS: Who will manage the account as a moderator? Yourself or agency?

13                                                                                                              14

Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice                                                                      Build    Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice                                                                           Follow

     ACCOUNT:       Build official account(s) and get it verified.                                                   •Follow your advocacy groups and critics

                                                                                                                     •Follow consumers
     PAGE THEMES : Create branded background, bio information, tags and others

                                                                                                                     •Follow key influencers
     : A social media policy for Sina Weibo account
     : A multiple function team to develop content framework and address consumer queries                            …….and their buzz
     : Frequency of updating
     : Following policy( a few or many)
     : Issue/Crisis management mechanism                                                                             •Following is the first step for real engagement

15                                                                                                              16


Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice            Create   Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice                   Create

     CONTENT:                                              CONVERSATION:

     •Corporate news, product information,
     thoughts &ideas, tips, events                         •Tweet
     •URL                                                  •@
     •Video                                                •Retweet
     •Picture                                              •DM Direct message
     •Music                                                •#Hashtag##

17                                                    18

Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice            Create   Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice                  Engage

     COMMUNITY:                                            CONVERSATION:

                                                           •Star a new topic and invite comments
                                                           •Listen and participate in a conversation
                                                            through @ and RT
                                                           •Direct message for deeper conversation
     •Key influencers
                                                           •Answer consumer queries through @ or reply

19                                                    20


Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice                     Engage   Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice                                     Engage

     QUIZ:                                                               COMPETITION:

     •Develop Weibo quiz featuring company/brand
                                                                          •Completion should have a theme and a clear
     themes/key message
     •Open-ended answers
                                                                          •Promote the quiz by awarding who RT it
     •Promote the quiz by awarding who RT it
                                                                          •Decide through lucky draws as well as other
     •Decide the winners both by who has right
                                                                           indexes such as influence(how may RTs they
      answers and lucky draw
     •A clear event policy
                                                                          •Announce winners in official account
     •Announce winners in official account

21                                                             22

Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice                     Engage   Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice                                     Integrate


     •Event and campaigns should have a theme                       website
     and a clear policy                                                                                                  Blogs
     •Promote the quiz by awarding who RT it                                                                    Sina
     •Use hashtag ##                                                                  Offline

     • A mini-site or other social media channel as                   Branded
                                                                                                               Weibo                    BBS

      the competition platform                                         blogs                                                 Video
     •Tweet the updates and progress
     • Ask for feedback and give answers                                                                                                     News
     •Announce winners in official account                                                                                                  portals
     •Add a Sina Weibo widget in your minisite

23                                                             24


A recap                                                             Measurement: Edelman Digital Approach

     1   LISTEN COMESFIRST                                               COLLECTION &
                                                                                             Attention          Engagement             Authority         Influence           Sentiment
                                                                                                                                                                           • On-Message
     3   A DEVOTED TEAM, SOURCES & SUPPORT FROM ALL DEPARTMENTS                                                • Comments           • Trackbacks
                                                                                                                                                      • Followers            Response
                                                                                                               • Retweets           • Inbound Links
                                                                           Units of                                                                   • Engaged            • Positive /
                                                                                          • Impressions        • Sina weibo         • Links to your
                                                                                                                                                        celebrity users      Negative /
     4   PACKAGE YOUR MESSAGES IN AN INTERESTING &INSPIRING WAY          Measurement      • Page views           referral traffic     content
                                                                                                                                                        and key              Neutral
                                                                                                               • Participating      • Shares
                                                                                                                                                        influencers          Discussion
                                                                                                                 rating             • Embeds
         ENGAGEMENT HAPPENs WHEN YOU FIND SHARED INTEREST WITH                                                                                                             • Ratings
     6   DO NOT SPAM                                                                      • Sina Weibo         • Sina Weibo                           • Sina Weibo
                                                                                                                                    • Brandtology                          • Sina Weibo
                                                                                            searching engine     searching engine                       searching engine
     7   INTEGRATE SINA WEIBO WITH YOUR OFFLINE AND ONLINE ASSETS        How to Collect   • Search Analytics   • Referral traffic
                                                                                                                                    • Searching
                                                                                                                                                      • Search Analytics
                                                                                                                                                                             searching engine
                                                                                                                                      engines                              • Sina Weibo API
                                                                                          • Brandtology        • Search Analytics                     • Sina Weibo API


Measurement: Followers, Retweets and Replies                        Measurement: Buzz Increase and sentiment




27                                                                  28


Measurement: Weibo Index API(Beta)                                                                                Judging your readiness to start Weibo

                                                                                                                                                      •   Successful social media
                                                                                                                                                          campaigns depend on:
                                                                                                                                                          −   Time commitment
                                                                                                                                                          −   Media and content budget
                                     Activity   Influence   Rankin   RT/@   Tweets/Follow   Values   PR ranking
                                                                                                                                                          −   Communication expertise
                                                                                                                                                          −   Quality content
                                                                                                                                                          −   Team resource to invest in
                                                                                                                                                              direct audience engagement


 Rule of Engagement

     1. Commitment to Integrity
        a)   Honesty
        b)   Disclosure
        c)   Identity

     2. Commitment to Community
        a)   Responsiveness
        b)   Generosity
        c)   Helpfulness
        d)   Collaboration

     3. Commitment to opinion
        a)   Respectfulness
        b)   Equality
        c)   Freedom of speech


                                                What Sina Weino can do for you

                                                Launch new products

Appendix: What Sina Weibo Can Do For you

                                           33                                    34

What Sina Weino can do for you                  What Sina Weino can do for you
                                                 Manage consumer
 Activate a campaign

                                           35                                    36


What Sina Weino can do for you        What Sina Weino can do for you
 Crisis management                      Event Promotion

                                 37                                                                         38

What Sina Weino can do for you        What Sina Weino can do for you
   Social Media
   Optimization                              Build &Reinforce Brand Reputation and Drive Consumer Loyalty

                                 39                                                                         40


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Digtial engagement sina-weibo_by liblog@edelman [compatibility mode]

  • 1. 5/28/2010 Microblogs in China Microblog Users Tweets Followers of Influence Branded users Webiste Top 10 users Sina Weibo 5,000,000 140 Chinese 10,477,049 A mainstream 400 including Dell, characters information/news Nokia, Benz, Ford Support channel with video/picture/musi influence across all c content media channels QQ Weibo <1,400,000 140 Chinese N/A Medium <100 characters Entertainment- Support picture oriented Sina Weibo: content Sohu Weibo <300,000 No character limit N/A Low <100 advance engagement with 140 Chinese words Support picture Entertainment- content oriented 163 Weibo <250,000 163 characters N/A Very Low N/A Support picture News-oriented content Twitter 106,000,000 140 characters 38,050,257 High N/A What’s Sina Weibo? What’s the difference from Twitter • A microblog where you communicate in • Content: Embedded emoticons, photos, 140 Chinese and English characters video and lyrics • Reply: Hierarchical replies with original • Areal-time information and engagement tweet network powered by people all around • URL: Automatically shorten URLs as the country but seldom used • Engagement: More like a miniblog and a • The fastest growing member community “broader” engagement platform site with 10 million users • Portal page: A comprehensive portal page with celebrity users, business and media • A network facilitating openness, users, hottest entries as well as daily hot communication, and collaboration among topics your consumers and other stakeholders • API: Not open sourcing and API developers strictly selected • A power reshaping China social media • Integration: Backed and run by ecosystem and the way of future digital and connected with Sina blog engagement service 3 4 1
  • 2. 5/28/2010 Sina Weibo vs Twitter Sina Weibo vs Twitter: Top Users Comparison Who are using it Sina Weibo is China’s leading microblog website with largest population of users; it is destination for experts, IT geeks and celebrities and other key influencers. It has the same influence in Chinese speaking world as Twitter in English speaking regions. Celebrity Media Entrepreneurs KOL Gov. official 6 Sina Weibo Ecosystem Why should you care Leading celebrities and top 1 influencers Your consumers are there 2 Media(TV, print media and online media), senior reporters Your consumers' favorite celebrities and 3 bloggers are there Thought-leaders, experts, 1 3 famous writers Your critics are there Famous bloggers, IT geeks, Your competitors are there 4 community leaders, grass-root star users, professionals 5 Company/brand and 5 2 organization users …they are talking about you, judging you 4 or event attacking you And you can not afford being absent ……especially in China 7 8 2
  • 3. 5/28/2010 You need to move What Sina Weino can do for you Please click the icons below to see some cases or you could refer to the Appendix for those cases Manage consumer Launch new products Activate a campaign relations/Create FROM TO Advocacy FROM •Push •Pull •Push •Chase consumers • Own a hub •Chase consumers News Release & Event •Convince •Engage Social Media Crisis management •Convince Promotion •Observer Optimization •Participator •Observer •A brand •A brand with human face •A brand Build Brand Reputation, Drive Engagement and Enhance Consumer Loyalty 9 10 Sina Weibo Engagement Roadmap Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Listen WEIBO BUZZ AROUND YOUR BRAND, COMPETITOR INTELLIGENCE, ADVOCACY Define YOUR OBJECTIVES, AUDIENCE, VOICE, ACCOUNT NAME(S), AMBASSADORS • Gather the data needed listen & to establish benchmarks and inform strategy explore Build OFFICIAL ACCOUNT(S), PAGE THEMES, WEIBO POLICY & PROCESS synthesize Follow ADVOCACY, CONSUEMRS, KEY INFLUENCERS AND THEIR BUZZ • Build the foundation for sustained engagement Create CONTENT, CONVERSATIONS, NEW TOPICS AND A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY based on shared interests activate & and mutual gain. evaluate • Engage in real time with content optimized to Engage THOUGH CONVERSATION, QUIZ, COMPETITION, EVENTS, CAMPAIGNS maximize participation, action and mutual value creation. Integrate ONLINE AND OFFLINE ASSETS TO MAXIMIZE SOCIAL MEDIA EFFORTS 11 12 3
  • 4. 5/28/2010 Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Listen Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Define WHAT’S YOUR BUZZ YOUR OBJECTIVES: Build a brand, promote an event, improve consumer relationship? WHAT’S ARE TALKING AUDIENCE: Who are you target audience? VOICE: What kind of voice I talk to those audience? Friendly? Inspiring? Or funny? ACCOUNT NAMES: Same to my brand ? And how many accounts you want to have? A brand account and several product/event focuses accounts? And are those names still available? AMBASSADORS: Who will manage the account as a moderator? Yourself or agency? 13 14 Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Build Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Follow ACCOUNT: Build official account(s) and get it verified. •Follow your advocacy groups and critics •Follow consumers PAGE THEMES : Create branded background, bio information, tags and others •Follow key influencers WEIBO POLICY & PROCESS : A social media policy for Sina Weibo account : A multiple function team to develop content framework and address consumer queries …….and their buzz : Frequency of updating : Following policy( a few or many) : Issue/Crisis management mechanism •Following is the first step for real engagement 15 16 4
  • 5. 5/28/2010 Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Create Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Create CONTENT: CONVERSATION: •Corporate news, product information, thoughts &ideas, tips, events •Tweet •URL •@ •Video •Retweet •Picture •DM Direct message •Music •#Hashtag## •Emotion 17 18 Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Create Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Engage COMMUNITY: CONVERSATION: •Star a new topic and invite comments •Advocacy •Listen and participate in a conversation •Consumers through @ and RT •Envoys •Direct message for deeper conversation •Key influencers •Answer consumer queries through @ or reply 19 20 5
  • 6. 5/28/2010 Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Engage Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Engage QUIZ: COMPETITION: •Develop Weibo quiz featuring company/brand •Completion should have a theme and a clear themes/key message policy •Open-ended answers •Promote the quiz by awarding who RT it •Promote the quiz by awarding who RT it •Decide through lucky draws as well as other •Decide the winners both by who has right indexes such as influence(how may RTs they answers and lucky draw have) •A clear event policy •Announce winners in official account •Announce winners in official account 21 22 Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Engage Sina Weibo Engagement In Practice Integrate EVENTS AND CAMPAIGNS: Official Kaixin001 •Event and campaigns should have a theme website and a clear policy Blogs •Promote the quiz by awarding who RT it Sina •Use hashtag ## Offline • A mini-site or other social media channel as Branded events Weibo BBS the competition platform blogs Video sites •Tweet the updates and progress • Ask for feedback and give answers News •Announce winners in official account portals •Add a Sina Weibo widget in your minisite 23 24 6
  • 7. 5/28/2010 A recap Measurement: Edelman Digital Approach 1 LISTEN COMESFIRST COLLECTION & Attention Engagement Authority Influence Sentiment MEASUREMENT 2 IT IS ABOUT PEOPLE, SO SPEAK LIKE A HUMAN • On-Message 3 A DEVOTED TEAM, SOURCES & SUPPORT FROM ALL DEPARTMENTS • Comments • Trackbacks • Followers Response • Retweets • Inbound Links Units of • Engaged • Positive / • Impressions • Sina weibo • Links to your celebrity users Negative / 4 PACKAGE YOUR MESSAGES IN AN INTERESTING &INSPIRING WAY Measurement • Page views referral traffic content and key Neutral • Participating • Shares influencers Discussion rating • Embeds ENGAGEMENT HAPPENs WHEN YOU FIND SHARED INTEREST WITH • Ratings 5 CONSUMERS 6 DO NOT SPAM • Sina Weibo • Sina Weibo • Sina Weibo • Brandtology • Sina Weibo searching engine searching engine searching engine 7 INTEGRATE SINA WEIBO WITH YOUR OFFLINE AND ONLINE ASSETS How to Collect • Search Analytics • Referral traffic • Searching • Search Analytics searching engine engines • Sina Weibo API • Brandtology • Search Analytics • Sina Weibo API 8 COMMUNICATE BRAND VALUE RATHER THAN SELL PRODUCTS 25 Measurement: Followers, Retweets and Replies Measurement: Buzz Increase and sentiment Followers Retweets Replies 27 28 7
  • 8. 5/28/2010 Measurement: Weibo Index API(Beta) Judging your readiness to start Weibo • Successful social media campaigns depend on: − Time commitment − Media and content budget Activity Influence Rankin RT/@ Tweets/Follow Values PR ranking − Communication expertise ers − Quality content − Team resource to invest in direct audience engagement 29 Rule of Engagement 1. Commitment to Integrity a) Honesty b) Disclosure c) Identity 2. Commitment to Community a) Responsiveness b) Generosity c) Helpfulness d) Collaboration 3. Commitment to opinion a) Respectfulness b) Equality c) Freedom of speech 8
  • 9. 5/28/2010 What Sina Weino can do for you Launch new products Appendix: What Sina Weibo Can Do For you 33 34 What Sina Weino can do for you What Sina Weino can do for you Manage consumer Activate a campaign relations 35 36 9
  • 10. 5/28/2010 What Sina Weino can do for you What Sina Weino can do for you Crisis management Event Promotion 37 38 What Sina Weino can do for you What Sina Weino can do for you Social Media Optimization Build &Reinforce Brand Reputation and Drive Consumer Loyalty 39 40 10