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1. What is Digital marketing
2. Nature and Scope of Digital Marketing
3. Types of Digital Marketing
4. Career in Digital Marketing
What Is Digital Marketing?
 Use of use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other
 Entirely new endeavor
 New ways of understanding how customers behave
Nature and Scope of Digital Marketing
 Dynamical
 Inevitable and Internal
 As vast as the oceans.
 You understand first-hand how enormous it gets as you navigate along the way.
 India dreams about achieving $5 trillion economy mark by 2025.
Types of Digital Marketing-:
Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing
1. Digital Marketing Manager
2. SEO Specialist
3. Social Media Manager
4. Content Marketing Specialist
5. Pay Per Click or SEM Analyst
6. SEO Content Writer
Digital Marketing (5th
1. Unit-1-: Introduction to Digital Marketing
2. Unit-2-: Digital Marketing Strategy
3. Unit-3-: Digital Marketing Campaigns
4. Unit-4-: Application of Digital Marketing
5. Unit-5-: Social Media Marketing Strategy
1. Difference between traditional and digital marketing
2. Introduction to Digital marketing and its importance
3. Types of Digital Marketing
4. Career in Digital Marketing
What Is Digital Marketing?
 Digital marketing is the use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search
engines, and other channels to reach consumers. Some marketing experts consider
digital marketing to be an entirely new endeavor that requires a new way of
approaching customers and new ways of understanding how customers behave
compared to traditional marketing.
Nature and Scope of Digital Marketing
 The nature of digital marketing changes dynamically. That is to say, if Google updates its algorithm, the
strategies of marketing also will change. So does with the updates of Facebook or other social networks.
Digital marketing goes hand in hand with search engines and social networks. That’s inevitable and
internal (nothing to do with the economic situations like recession).
 Scope of digital marketing, is as vast as the oceans. It is just like how a developer feels about Java
language, a marketer will get the same feeling about digital marketing. Once you are into this ocean,
you understand first-hand how enormous it gets as you navigate along the way.
 The nature and scope of digital marketing in India 2022 show off way better signs when compared to
global trends at present. India dreams about achieving $5 trillion economy mark by 2025.
Types of Digital Marketing-:
Types of Digital Marketing-:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
 The goal of SEO is to get a business to rank higher in Google search results, ultimately increasing search engine traffic to the business’s
website. To accomplish this, SEO marketers research words and phrases consumers are using to search for information online, and use
those terms in their own content. According to leading SEO software company Moz's "Beginners Guide to SEO," SEO encompasses
many elements, from the words on your web pages to the way other sites link to you on the web to how your website is structured. An
SEO specialist can make around $70,058, according to
 So, what are some things that can improve a site’s SEO? It’s important to understand that one of the things that makes SEO challenging
is that the answer to this question always depends on Google and its most current algorithm. Keeping that in mind, here are a few of the
most important things for SEO strategists and marketers in general to understand about how SEO works today, from Moz's Beginners
Guide to SEO:
 Content indexing – It is important to allow search engines to clearly “read” what your site content is, by doing things like adding alt text
for images and text transcripts for video and audio content.
 Good link structure – It is important that search engines can “crawl” your site structure to easily find all the content on your site. There
are many things that an SEO specialist can do to properly format links, URLs, and sitemaps to make them most accessible to site
 Keywords and keyword targeting – Properly deploying your keywords – i.e. the search terms you want your site to be found for—in
your content and headers is one of the fundamental building blocks of SEO. It is no longer good practice to “stuff” your content with as
many keywords and keyword variations as possible. Writing high-quality content that uses keywords in the headers and a few times in
the crawl-able page content is now considered better practice, and will make pages rank better in search results.
2. Pay-per-Click (PPC)
 Pay-per-click refers to paid advertisements and promoted search engine results. This is a short-term form of
digital marketing, meaning that once you are no longer paying, the ad no longer exists. Like SEO, PPC is a
way to increase search traffic to a business online.
 Pay-per-click can refer to the advertisements you see at the top and sides of a page of search results, the ads
you see while browsing the web, ads before YouTube videos and in ads in mobile apps.
 One of the other things that differentiate pay-per-click from SEO is that you only pay for the results. In a
typical PPC model like a Google AdWords campaign, you will pay only
 when someone clicks on your ad and lands on your website. You can spend just about any amount of money
on pay-per-click advertising. Some companies may see results from investing just a few hundred dollars, but
plenty of large companies spend tens of thousands a month on pay-per-click.
 How much it costs to run an ad or promote your search results will depend primarily on how much
competition there is for your keywords. High competition keywords (i.e. keywords that many people are
searching for and that many sites are trying to be found for) will be more expensive and lower competition
terms will likely cost less.
 When you set up a pay-per-click campaign, you will also be able to choose whether you want your ad or
promoted results to be shown to users all over the world, or only within a specific geographic area. If you
are marketing a brick-and-mortar business, this ability to tailor by location helps you not waste ad dollars
serving ads to users who don’t live anywhere near your business, according to Google.
3. Social Media Marketing
 This includes everything a business does via social media channels. Just about everyone is familiar with social
media, but marketers must approach social with an integrated and strategic approach. Social media marketing goes
far beyond simply creating posts for social channels and responding to comments.
 To be effective, efforts must be coordinated and consistent rather than an afterthought. To help keep posts
consistent, there are many online tools available to automate and schedule social media posts, although marketers
only should use automation as a tool, not a “set it and forget it” solution. Users will figure it out quickly if there is
no real person behind the posts.
 Social media marketers should not be in a silo separate from other marketing functions. Social marketers need to
work with the company’s wider marketing team to coordinate their message across all platforms, online and off, so
that every part of the brand is telling the same story.
 A crucial part of social media marketing is analytics: Social media marketers must also be savvy at analyzing the
performance of their posts, and creating strategies based on that data. Another reason for marketers to be
consistently measuring and tracking their campaigns is that this data allows them to demonstrate a particular
campaign's return on investment and whether it provided any value to the company, according to marketing writer
Jayson DeMers.
 In other words, social media marketing is a lot more complicated than managing your personal Facebook or Twitter
profile. It requires a blend of creative thinking and objective, data-driven strategy, and maybe a great fit for
professionals who enjoy blending these two disciplines. A social media analyst with a bachelor's degree can earn
about $$68,230, according to
4. Content Marketing
 Content marketing uses storytelling and information sharing to increase brand awareness. Ultimately, the goal
is to have the reader take an action towards becoming a customer, such as requesting more information,
signing up for an email list, or making a purchase. “Content” can mean blog posts, resources like white papers
and e-books, digital video, podcasts, and much more. In general, it should first and foremost provide value to
the consumer, not just advertise the brand or try to make a sale. Content marketing is about building a
sustainable, trusting relationship with your customers that can potentially lead to many sales over time, not just
making a single transaction.
 Content marketing works in symbiosis with other types of digital marketing: It is a way to incorporate SEO
search terms into fresh website content, and the content created can be shared as social media posts and in
email marketing publications. Looking at the analytics for your content marketing can tell you a lot about your
customers: what are they looking for when they land on your site? What kinds of content make them stay on
the site longer and keep looking around? What kinds make them lose interest and navigate away?
 Unlike a method such as PPC, content marketing is a long-term strategy. Over time, marketers build up a
library of content (text, video, podcasts etc.) that will continue to bring users to the site via search engines,
according to Marketo, a marketing automation company. This content library also helps promote knowledge of
your brand and increases your profile as a resource for information. And, if users are visiting your site for
information, ideally they will remember you as an authority when it’s time to make a purchase.
 Content marketing is a great avenue for people who enjoy writing and/or video and audio production. But as
with digital marketing in general, it also calls for strong strategic and analytic skills.
5. Email Marketing
 Even with the emergence of social media, mobile applications and other channels, email is still one of the most
effective marketing techniques, Rogers said. It can be part of a content marketing strategy, providing value to
consumers and over time convert an audience into customers. Email marketing pros not only know how to create
compelling campaigns, they also understand optimal audience outreach and are skilled at analyzing customer
interactions and data, and making strategic decisions based on that data, according to the American Marketing
 Email marketing software can offer many different analytical measures, but two that marketers are always striving to
improve are the open rate –the percentage of recipients who opened the email – and the click through rate – the
number of recipients who opened the email and clicked on a link in the email. According to leading email marketing
software company Constant Contact, there are many things marketers can do to make their emails more appealing to
users and more likely to be opened. These include:
 Create a Sense of Urgency – Writing email copy that lets your recipients know that time is running out to get a
special deal or that there are only a limited number of the offer available, can increase the number of people clicking
through to your website.
 Personalize Your Email – Setting your emails and subject lines up to incorporate the recipient’s name is a proven
way to increase open and click through rates. (A sample subject line: “Katie, a special offer just for you.”)
 Let Recipients Set Their Preferences – Allowing users to specify how often they want to hear from you can help
keep some of your email subscribers subscribed to your list and clicking on your emails.
6. Mobile Marketing
 This digital marketing type is this focused on reaching your target audience on their smart phone or tablet.
Mobile marketing reaches people through text messages, social media, websites, email and mobile
applications. Marketers can tailor offers or special content to a geographic location or time, such as when a
customer walks into a store or enters an event.
 According to a recent TechCrunch article, consumers in the United States now spend five hours a day on
their phones. This represents a 20% increase from the fourth quarter of 2015. Users are also spending much
more of their time in apps rather than on mobile browsers. In 2017, users are spending much more time with
apps than watching television. 15% of that app time is spent with entertainment apps like Netflix and Hulu,
19% of it is spent on Facebook’s mobile app, 12% on other social and messaging apps, and 11% in gaming
apps, according to the TechCrunch article.
 Retail Dive reports that 45% of all shopping always or frequently involves a mobile device in some way,
whether it’s used to do research, compare prices or make a purchase. For a majority of Millennials (defined
the Pew Research Center as people born between 1981 and 1997), that number is 57%.
 Marketers know that you need to take your message to where your customers are, and it is very clear: your
potential customers are on their phones.
7. Marketing Analytics
 One of the major advantages of digital marketing is that it is highly trackable and measurable. Once, the only
trackable marketing pieces were coupons and similar direct mail offers. If a customer used the coupon, you knew
the message resonated. Today, analytics allow marketers to track user behavior at a highly detailed level: how many
times they click on a link, how much time they spend on a web page, how often they open emails, and much more.
But the vast amount of information available about digital marketing performance can feel like drinking from a fire
hose, and marketers must be able to truly understand what the data mean and how they should inform strategy.
 Not only does this allow marketers to learn what is successful with consumers and adapt their marketing messages
moving forward, it also means they can demonstrate their value to the company. Understanding all of this data and
using it to make strategic decisions is an important part of a digital marketer’s work, and one that sets them apart
from their traditional counterparts.
 There are many tools available for measuring the success of digital marketing campaigns, and many marketers will
use some combination of these tools, depending on their needs and their audience (Fortune magazine reported that
many marketers are using over 100 applications in their total marketing process.) One of the most used tools for
marketing analytics is Google Analytics, which can be customized in nearly endless ways to measure how your site
is performing, which keywords are bringing users to your site, how users are navigating through your website, and
much more.
 Having good, accurate analytics and the know-how to interpret them can help marketers “fail fast,” quickly cutting
campaigns that aren’t working and building better campaigns around concepts that have a proven track record of
success. Over time, you won’t just be using analytics to measure your campaigns – the analytics will also inform
and improve your campaigns.
 In a digital marketing degree program, you'll study a wide range of issues pertinent to your marketing career,
including marketing plans and strategies, branding, mobile marketing and digital advertising.
8. Affiliate Marketing
 With the increased prominence of online marketing, affiliate marketing—also known as influencer
marketing—has become popular among many organizations in bridging the gap between consumers and
organizations. But, what is affiliate marketing?
 Affiliate marketing utilizes the ever-growing popularity of industry experts and social media influencers. In
working with these third-party influencers, your organization will collaborate to promote your products or
services for compensation. In collaboration, influencers will engage their audience with posts, blogs, or
videos to bring in more business for your organization and create new leads.
 Within the last few years affiliate, or influencer marketing has grown immensely with new media like
TikTok, Instagram, Youtube and blogs being a mainstream form of entertainment, news and shipping.
Affiliate making has become one of the more popular forms of digital marketing. According to, the
affiliate marketing industry was expected to grow to 6.8 billion in 2020.
 The job market is growing for marketers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) predicts a 10%
increase in the number of advertising, promotions and marketing managers. In 2020, the median salary for
those positions was $141,490, according to BLS.
Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing
1. Digital Marketing Manager
2. SEO Specialist
3. Social Media Manager
4. Content Marketing Specialist
5. Pay Per Click or SEM Analyst
6. SEO Content Writer
1. Digital Marketing Manager
 A Digital Marketing Manager plans digital marketing campaigns across varied media, such as social media,
SEO/SEM, advertising, e-mail campaigns, etc. They also monitor and strategize all the digital marketing
campaigns and optimize them continuously to ensure highest revenues and reach.
2. SEO Specialist
 An SEO Specialist has the central role of optimizing a website to attain higher search engine rankings and has
an in-depth understanding of how to get the highest traffic from all search engines. They also design strategies
and plans for enhancing the website rankings across search engines.
3. Social Media Manager
 A Social Media Manager handles the social media channels of a company or a brand and curate the requisite
social media strategies for content, marketing and building the best online presence for the brand.
4. Content Marketing Specialist
 A Content Marketing Specialist curates the brand’s story in a unique and appealing manner to capture the
audience and handles all the major digital media channels for content broadcast, be it blogs, social
media, advertisements, website content and more!
5. Pay Per Click or SEM Analyst
 SEM or Pay per Click Analyst mainly assesses the website traffic to integrate it with campaign tracking
as well as all elements of online marketing, search analytics, SEO, amongst others.
6. SEO Content Writer
 An SEO Content Writer carries out the research for the trending and industry-related topics and curates
all the online content like blogs, social media copy, website content, adverts and more along with
integrating SEO insights, keywords, etc.
Pros and Cons of Traditional Marketing
 When comparing traditional marketing vs. digital marketing, traditional methods are often viewed as outdated or irrelevant. However,
many of these tactics are still useful and effective today.
 Depending on the business and target audience, traditional marketing methods may be the better choice. To help discern if traditional
marketing is right for your business, here are some pros and cons.
• If you want to reach an older demographic, traditional marketing can be very effective. According to GlobeNewswire audiences ages
50+ spend almost twice as much time reading the newspaper and watching TV as compared to those ages 21-34.
• This type of marketing strategy usually works best for businesses looking to build a larger local audience. A small business would be
better off competing for attention through billboards, flyers, and events rather than trying to compete for digital space against larger
• TV or radio commercials will play multiple times and remind the audience of the business, whereas digital marketing items may be
skipped through or blocked (e.g., clicking “I don’t want to see this” on social media ads, or skipping through ads before YouTube
• Printing postcards to send out even to just a local audience can be expensive, and there is no guarantee that the recipient is interested in
your business or the product/service you offer.
• Traditional marketing methods can take weeks or months to yield results and data. You can’t tell when someone has read your
newspaper ad unless they decide to follow-up. Even then, without a survey, you won’t know if the ad was the reason for the follow-up.
Pros and Cons of Digital Marketing
 Digital marketing strategies are always evolving with new technology and trends like voice search and social media
usage. These strategies include the most modern and latest tactics. But, as with traditional marketing, there are some
areas where digital marketing thrives and others where it doesn’t.
• Data and audience involvement can be tracked instantly. When someone clicks on a link to your site, reads an email,
or follows you on social media, you have that information immediately. You can draw numerous insights from this
data, including which type of content works best for a specific audience, which mediums are the most effective, and
even what time of day receives the best engagement.
• Digital marketing strategies incur a much lower cost. Sending out an email campaign can save a lot of money
compared to printing individual postcards and paying for postage on each.
• It works well for more global or scattered audiences because of the broad scope of digital marketing.
• Some internet users have ad blockers, so they’ll never see pop-ups or banner ads. Other times, ads can be skipped or
removed if a user pays for premium services (e.g., Spotify, Hulu, Twitch).
• Because new technology and trends emerge so frequently, digital marketing tactics need to be evaluated and
reevaluated for effectiveness continually what works well one day may be irrelevant the next. However, this can be
combatted with a strong foundation in digital marketing basics.
Area/Zone Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing
Target Audience
It’s easy to reach out to local
audience/consumers with the
traditional marketing methods
Digital marketing lets you reach
the targeted
globally from all over the world.
Marketing Approach
Traditional marketing is more of
a personal approach as it is very
easy for marketers to have a
person-to-person relationship in
informing the public or
promoting their brand’s name.
The physical presence of the
marketers is not at all required in
digital marketing, yeas physical
presence will be a bonus but is
not required and digital
marketing allows the marketer to
reach a finite number of
consumers easily.
Traditional methods of
marketing provide the hard copy
of product(s)/service(s)
description which can be read
Digital platforms provide the
description in softcopy over the
website, or through videos,
youtube, etc. which can be
accessed anytime anywhere as
Link for Youtube Videos
1. Digital marketing strategy - Planning and Implementation
2. Integrated marketing Communication and Global Advertising
3. Different marketing communication tools
4. Protecting Customer Privacy Online
Digital Marketing Strategy-Planning and
 How to create a digital marketing plan
1. Define your digital marketing goals and business objectives. ...
2. Define audience segmentation and buyer personas. ...
3. Conduct a competitive analysis and determine market share. ...
4. Conduct a SWOT analysis. ...
5. Calculate your digital marketing plan budget…
 6 Steps to Implementing Your Digital Marketing Strategy
 Here is a straightforward 6-step process for you to work through to create your digital marketing strategy and ensure you get the best
return on investment for your marketing efforts.
 Don’t worry about making it perfect. Opportunities to review and refine your plan are built into the process. The main objective is to get
something down on (digital) paper…
 Step 1: Set goals
 Lots of people jump into digital marketing with goals like ‘get 1000 likes on my Facebook page’ but these types of goals mean nothing in
and of themselves. You will often hear them referred to as vanity metrics: they make you feel good but they have no real impact on your
bottom line.
 The types of goals you need to set at this point are clear business goals. Metrics that measure how digital marketing is growing your
business. Good examples would be:
• Get at least 2 quote requests every week via the website.
• Increase the number of warm leads on my email list to 1000 by the end of the year.
 Step 2: Get clear on your target audience
 The next step is to think about the type of people you are trying to reach via your marketing.
 Business owners often find this step difficult because it can feel like, by deciding to target a specific group of people, you are reducing
your potential target market. In fact, the opposite is true. If you try to appeal to everyone, you can end up appealing to no one.
 Take some time to create a description of a typical person in your target audience (referred to as a customer avatar or buyer persona in
marketing speak). Think about who they are, where they hang out, how they spend their time and what they like. You can even give them
a name.
 Now every time you create a piece of content for your marketing, imagine you are speaking to this person. You’ll be amazed at how
much easier this can make things.
 Step 3: Get clear on your positioning in the marketplace
 This is the final step of preparation before we get on to the action steps of your strategy.
 Take some time to note down what is special about your business. Why should somebody choose
you over your competition? How do you want to be perceived by your customers? What values are
important to you?
 This will help you to get your messaging right and attract the right people to you.
 Step 4: Select specific tactics and activities
 Now you’ve done the important groundwork of steps 1 – 3, you can get down to the real guts of
your plan and you should find it relatively easy.
 Here you get to choose the specific marketing strategies that you believe will help you achieve the
goals you set in Step 1 by reaching the audience you defined in Step 2.
 You can start with a quick audit of your current activities. Keep those that are working for you;
throw out those that aren’t.
 Think about one-off and recurring tasks, e.g. improving the quote form on your website (one-off
task) and adding a new article to your website each week (recurring task).
 For each one-off task, set a deadline.
 For each recurring task, define a schedule.
 Step 5: Decide how you will measure your results
 You’re probably feeling excited at this point and keen to implement your newly planned strategy but, before you jump in,
think about how you will measure your results.
 For example:
• Make a weekly note of how many leads you received via your website contact form.
• Get Google Analytics set up on your website so you know where your traffic is coming from. This makes it easy to see
which social media platforms are sending traffic your way.
• Ask all your new contacts how they discovered you.
 Step 6: Schedule a time to review and tweak your digital marketing strategy
 Finally, put a date in your diary when you will review your progress. You need to make it long enough that your strategies
have time to start showing some results but not so long that you’re wasting time on doing things that aren’t working.
 We would suggest 3-6 months. At that point, you can look to cross off any strategies that simply aren’t working for you,
double down on those that are, and decide if there’s anything new you want to add into your marketing mix.
 Put Your Digital Marketing Strategy Into Practice
 Phew! You’ve done the hard work and you’ve got your shiny new digital marketing strategy implementation in place. It’s
time to put it into practice.
 If you’ve gone through the 6 steps carefully you’ll probably find it easy to implement because you’ve done all the hard
thinking upfront.
 At this point, you decide which things you want to do yourself and which things you would prefer to delegate to another
member of your team or outsource completely. It’s so much easier to do this when you have a clear plan of what needs
 If you need some help with defining or implementing your digital marketing strategy, book in for one of our free digital
marketing consultations and we can have a chat about it. Alternatively, check out our Facebook Group – All About Digital
Marketing to find more ideas on digital marketing strategy implementation.
Integrated marketing Communication
and Global Advertising
 Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is an approach used by organizations to brand and
coordinate their communication efforts. The American Association of Advertising Agencies
defines IMC as “a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of
communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and
maximum communication impact.” The primary idea behind an IMC strategy is to create a
seamless experience for consumers across different aspects of the marketing mix. The brand’s
core image and messaging are reinforced as each marketing communication channel works
together as parts of a unified whole rather than in isolation.
 Benefits of Integrated Marketing Communications
 With so many products and services to choose from, consumers are often overwhelmed by the vast number of
advertisements flooding both online and offline communication channels. Marketing messages run the risk of being
overlooked and ignored if they are not relevant to consumers’ needs and wants.
 One of the major benefits of integrated marketing communications is that marketers can clearly and effectively
communicate their brand’s story and messaging across several communication channels to create brand awareness.
IMC is also more cost-effective than mass media since consumers are likely to interact with brands across various
forums and digital interfaces. As consumers spend more time on computers and mobile devices, marketers seek to
weave together multiple exposures to their brands using different touch points. Companies can then view the
performance of their communication tactics as a whole instead of as fragmented pieces.
 The other benefit of integrated marketing communications is that it creates a competitive advantage for companies
looking to boost their sales and profits. This is especially useful for small- or mid-sized firms with limited staff and
marketing budgets. IMC immerses customers in communications and helps them move through the various stages
of the buying process. The organization simultaneously consolidates its image, develops a dialogue, and nurtures its
relationship with customers throughout the exchange. IMC can be instrumental in creating a seamless purchasing
experience that spurs customers to become loyal, lifelong customers.
 The Communication Process
 Organizations must keep in mind the internal and external factors that influence audience perception during the
communications process.
 The Shift from Fragmented to Integrated Marketing Communications
 Prior to the emergence of integrated marketing communications during the 1990s, mass
communications—the practice of relaying information to large segments of the population
through television, radio, and other media—dominated marketing. Marketing was a one-way feed.
Advertisers broadcasted their offerings and value propositions with little regard for the diverse
needs, tastes, and values of consumers.
 Often, this “one size fits all” approach was costly and uninformative due to the lack of tools for
measuring results in terms of sales. But as methods for collecting and analyzing consumer data
through single-source technology such as store scanners improved, marketers were increasingly
able to correlate promotional activities with consumer purchasing patterns. Companies also began
to downsize their operations and expand marketing tasks within their organizations. Advertising
agencies were also expected to understand and provide all marketing functions, not just
advertising, for their clients.
 Today, corporate marketing budgets are allocated toward trade promotions, consumer promotions, branding, public relations, and
advertising. The allocation of communication budgets away from mass media and traditional advertising has raised the importance of IMC
importance for effective marketing. Now, marketing is viewed more as a two-way conversation between marketers and consumers. This
transition in the advertising and media industries can be summarized by the following market trends:
1. a shift from mass media advertising to multiple forms of communication
2. the growing popularity of more specialized (niche) media, which considers individualized patterns of consumption and increased
segmentation of consumer tastes and preferences
3. the move from a manufacturer-dominated market to a retailer-dominated, consumer-controlled market
4. the growing use of data-based marketing as opposed to general-focus advertising and marketing
5. greater business accountability, particularly in advertising
6. performance-based compensation within organizations, which helps increase sales and benefits in companies
7. unlimited Internet access and greater online availability of goods and services
8. a larger focus on developing marketing communications activities that produce value for target audiences while increasing benefits and
reducing costs
 The Tools of Integrated Marketing Communications
 The IMC process generally begins with an integrated marketing communications plan that describes the different types of marketing,
advertising, and sales tools that will be used during campaigns. These are largely promotional tools, which include everything from search
engine optimization (SEO) tactics and banner advertisements to webinars and blogs. Traditional marketing communication elements such as
newspapers, billboards, and magazines may also be used to inform and persuade consumers. Marketers must also decide on the appropriate
combination of traditional and digital communications for their target audience to build a strong brand-consumer relationship. Regardless of
the brand’s promotional mix, it is important that marketers ensure their messaging is consistent and credible across all communication
Different Marketing Communication Tools
 Marketing communication is a process in which we use numerous integrated tools to communicate with the target
audience. simply put, marketing communication is a combination of diversified programs and various
communication tools to increase the sales cycle.
 However, it is difficult to chase the perfect mix of marketing and communication. Only 28% of marketers(1) are
satisfied with their results. The rest still try to find new ways to get in touch with the target audience.
 What are Marketing Communication Tools?
 Simply put, the tools that help your marketing team to support sales and generate awareness about your product or
brand are known as marketing communication tools. The main purpose of marketing communication tools is to
connect with the target audience effectively, regardless of the mode of communication.
 List of Marketing Communication Tools
 Following are the best 18 marketing communication tools to reinforce your brand message and promote sales:
1. Advertising
This is one of the biggest communication tools that marketing teams have. The greatest advantage of this mode is that
it can be paid and unpaid, both. Advertising has a wide reach and great for small-scale companies or start-ups that are
going low on the marketing budget.
Advertising is based on above the line marketing. So, it is ideal for brands that do not have much exposure or a target
2. Sales promotion
The sales promotion tool is all about promoting your product. It is a great communication tool, particularly
because of direct interaction with the customers. One of the benefits of sales promotion is that you can
promote the product directly to the consumer effectively and promptly. It builds brand loyalty and helps your
brand to flourish.
Sales promotion comes in all forms such as free samples, gift vouchers, discounts, deals, etc.
3. Direct marketing
In today’s world, we regard online marketing as direct marketing. Direct mails to get prospects and lead have
more benefits than conventional marketing.
Thanks to personalization tools, consumers find direct mails and catalogs easier to process. Moreover, direct
online marketing yields a high response rate as compared to traditional marketing. Commercials do not catch
much attention but giving access to consumers in receiving messages can definitely change the game.
4. Email campaigns
Email marketing is another great tactic for marketing communication. Overall, it enables a brand to generate
more leads and prospects while driving traffic to their official website. Moreover, this marketing tool is a self-
lead-qualifying process.
5. Newsletter
Likewise, newsletters are a great way to nurture prospects and leads. If you have a strong list of recipients,
you can send personalized content straight to their inboxes. This tactic enables you to drag them to sales
funnel pages. Consequently, keeping them engaged with your brand.
6. Personal selling
Think of it as a great communication tool in which the salesperson goes to the potential customers himself and promote the product through its
benefits and features.
While doing so, a salesperson must follow the dynamics of AIDAS. This is a mandatory cycle to follow if you are looking to increase the sales.
Even though personal selling requires a lot of hard work, the results are usually positive. So, you can say it’s a long shot but its worth it.
Public relations
With this tool, you can improve your brand’s image and place in the market. Maintaining public relations with influential people across the
industry is a great tool to grow your business.
Using this tool at the right time and in front of the right people can help you increase sales dramatically. One of the greatest advantages of this
tool is that you do not have to spend much on public PR campaigns as publicity is not a significant part of public relations.
7. Social media
Social media allows the brands to reach a wide base of the target audience while promoting their products and company values through videos,
ads, photos, videos, and great content.
For example, Tiktok has become a broad platform for brands to reach consumers through video makers.
Potential customers, nowadays, love to connect to the brands using social media platforms. Other than that, you can even put up testimonials
on these platforms to attract more customers in the long run.
8. Catalogs
The primary use of catalogs is to announce the launch of a new product. However, the key to success lies in holding a true value proposition.
Catalogs, when combined with email marketing are a great way to convey information to your potential and existing customers.
9. Trade shows
Trade shows are becoming more and more popular. With the pandemic going on, online trade shows are becoming a thing now. Many brands
are adopting and hosting trade shows to introduce a new product/service.
A trade show is a great chance for the customers to meet the brand representative and give valuable feedback.
10. Seminars
Seminars can make or break your brand in the industry. It is a great tool for you to engage with customers. but how? Well, you can invite a lot of customers
so that they can learn about your brand or service. However, seminars are not hosted for product promotion. The main purpose is to give valuable
knowledge to improve the brand’s loyalty.
11. Webinars
Webinars have the potential to establish your brand/company as a thought and successful leader in the industry. In fact, it is an outlet where consumers can
learn more about your brand’s values, beliefs, and objectives.
12. Forums
Forums hold great importance when it comes to communication with the consumers. The main benefit of forums is that you can use it to address various on-
going issues and topics. Moreover, you can relate the current world affairs to your product and even use them to increase your sales.
13. Surveys
Surveys are great for getting valuable feedback and improving your business.
14. Mobile apps
Creating a mobile app for your brand to shop online is a great way to reach a wide base of consumers.
15. Podcasts
With podcasts, you can discuss a new topic or a Fashion trend with the visitors. It helps to keep your customers engaged.
16. Sponsorship
Sponsorship can help you reach customers on a global basis. Moreover, it can place you above your competitors in the market.
Interactive marketing
Event-based marketing is a great tool to increase conversions, ultimately leading to more sales. It tends to bring a lot of audience engagement and feedback
from valuable customers. Other than that, a successful interactive marketing plan can make you go viral on social media.
 Final Thoughts
By utilizing and combining some of the above marketing communication tools, you will be able to deliver your brand’s message clearly, loudly, and with more
transparency. Communicating with your audience will help you build your brand in the future. Therefore, streamlined marketing communication campaigns
and solutions can definitely improve your sales and brand image.
Protecting Customer Privacy Online
 Worried about how much of your private information is on the internet and vulnerable to theft or misuse? You’re not
alone. Online privacy is an important issue.
 But there are steps you can take to help manage and protect your financial and personal information while you visit
your favorite social media, news, and entertainment sites.
 Tips for internet privacy
 Here are some ways you can boost your online privacy.
 Limit the personal information you share on social media
 A smart way to help protect your privacy online? Don’t overshare on social media. Providing too much information on
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram could make it easier for cybercriminals to obtain identifying information, which
could allow them to steal your identity or to access your financial information.
 For example, could an identity thief determine your high school mascot or your mother’s maiden name from digging
through your Facebook account? This information is sometimes used as security questions to change passwords on
financial accounts.
 Unfortunately, many people don’t take this advice. In a 2018 study, the Identity Theft Resource Center found that
approximately 52 percent of respondents shared personally identifying information through social media sites.
 And that’s just the start of the oversharing. The same study found that about 48 percent of respondents shared
information about their children, while nearly 33 percent shared information about their location. A total of 42 percent
of respondents shared information about their travel plans through social media.
 To protect your online privacy, ignore the “About Me” fields in your social media profiles. You don’t have to let people know what year or where you were
born — which could make you an easier target for identity theft. Explore different privacy settings, too. You might want to limit the people who can view
your posts to those you’ve personally invited.
 Create strong passwords, too, for your social media profiles to help prevent others from logging into them in your name. This means using a
combination of at least 12 numbers, special characters, and upper- and lower-case letters. And never use personal, easy-to-guess information — such
as your birthdate or pet’s name — as your password.
 Browse in incognito or private mode
 If you don’t want your computer to save your browsing history, temporary internet files, or cookies, do your web surfing in private mode.
 Web browsers today offer their own versions of this form of privacy protection. In Chrome, it’s called Incognito Mode. Firefox calls its setting Private
Browsing, and Internet Explorer uses the name InPrivate Browsing for its privacy feature. When you search with these modes turned on, others won’t
be able to trace your browsing history from your computer.
 But these private modes aren’t completely private. When you’re searching in incognito or private mode, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can still
see your browsing activity. If you are searching on a company computer, so can your employer. The websites you visit can also track you.
 So, yes, incognito browsing does have certain benefits. But it’s far from the only tool available to help you maintain your privacy while online.
Anonymous search engines and virtual private networks can bolster your online privacy.
 Use a different search engine
 If you’re like many web surfers, you rely heavily on Google as your search engine. But you don’t have to. Privacy is one reason people prefer to use
anonymous search engines. This type of search engine doesn’t collect or share your search history or clicks. Anonymous search engines can also
block ad trackers on the websites you visit.
 Use a virtual private network
 A virtual private network (VPN) gives you online privacy and anonymity by creating a private network from a public internet connection. VPNs mask
your Internet Protocol (IP) address so your online actions are virtually untraceable.
 Using a VPN is especially important when you’re on public Wi-Fi at a library, coffee shop, or other public location. A VPN will make it more difficult for
cybercriminals to breach your online privacy and access your personal information.
 You can find many free VPN solutions, but it could make more sense to pay for a service from a trusted security provider if you want the maximum
amount of privacy protection while online.
 Be careful where you click
 One of the ways in which hackers compromise your online privacy is through phishing attempts. In phishing, scammers try to trick you into providing valuable financial or personal
information. They’ll often do this by sending fake emails that appear to be from banks, credit card providers, or other financial institutions. Often, these emails will say that you must
click on a link and verify your financial information to keep your account from being frozen or closed.
 Don’t fall for these scams. If you click on a phishing link, you could be taken to a spoofed webpage that looks like the homepage of a bank or financial institution. But when you enter
in your account information, you’ll be sending it to the scammers behind the phishing attempt, not any bank, credit union, or credit card company. Before clicking on suspicious links,
hover your cursor over the link to view the destination URL. If it doesn’t match the financial website you use, don’t click.
 Also, remember that banks or other financial institutions will never ask you to provide account or financial information through an email. If you receive such an email and you are wary,
log in directly to your financial provider’s online account portal. You can then check to see if there are problems with your account. Or call the financial provider yourself to ask if there
are any problems with your account — using the customer-service number from one of your statements or the provider’s website, not the one included in the suspect email you
 Secure your mobile devices, too
 Many of us spend more time surfing the web, answering emails, and watching videos on our smartphones than we do on our laptops. It’s important, then, to put as much effort into
protecting our online privacy on our phones and tablets as on our computers.
 To start, make sure to use a passcode to lock your phone. It might seem like a hassle to enter a code every time you want to access your phone’s home screen. But this passcode
could offer an extra layer of protection if your phone is lost or stolen. Make sure your passcode is complex. Don’t use your birthdate, your house number, or any other code that
thieves might be able to guess.
 Use caution when downloading apps. These games and productivity tools could come embedded with dangerous viruses. Only buy games from legitimate sources.
 Use the same caution, too, when searching the web or reading emails on your mobile devices as you do when using your laptop or desktop computer.
 Don’t ignore software updates, either. These updates often include important protections against the latest viruses. If you continue to ignore them, you could be leaving your
smartphone’s operating system and programs vulnerable to attack.
 Use quality antivirus software
 Finally, always install antivirus software on all your devices. This software can keep hackers from remotely taking over your computer, accessing your personal and financial
information, and tracking your location.
 And once you install this software, don’t forget about it. Manufacturers frequently update their virus protection software as a defense against the latest malware, spyware, and other
viruses. Install updates as soon as they become available.
1. Customer Segmentation and Targeting in Digital Marketing
2. Using digital tools to Identify a Target market
3. Using Online Promotions and Events to drive traffic and sales
4. What is Viral Marketing? - Definition, Techniques and Examples
5. Measuring ROI of Digital Marketing Methods
Customer Segmentation in Digital Marketing
 What is Customer Segmentation?
1. Customer segmentation (or audience segmentation) is the process of grouping your customers together
based on shared characteristics so that you can deliver more tailored messaging and build a stronger
connection with them.
2. Customer segmentation will help you improve your targeting and make the most of your digital marketing
 What Are the Benefits of Audience Segmentation?
 There are many benefits of segmenting your customers.
1. Audience segmentation allows you to customise and personalise your marketing approach to different types
of buyers.
2. It allows you to communicate unique selling points (USPs) of your product or service powerfully and
effectively in a ‘language’ that the receiver welcomes and understands.
3. Personalised marketing is simply more effective than generic mass marketing.
Below are the benefits of customer
• Your marketing communications are better received
• People communicate differently. Some use email, others prefer social media. Then there are avid blog readers.
Customer segmentation allows you to pick the right channel for each of your audience types. Once you start
personalising your marketing, you’ll see a significant increase in engagement and in profits.
• You spend less money on resources
• Audience segmentation allows you to avoid spending money and time on generic campaigns that don’t speak to
your target market. If you know the particular motivations of your audience group, you are more likely to support
them in achieving their aspirations. As such, you lower the risk of your marketing efforts failing.
• You get the right traffic to the right pages
• Audience segmentation allows you to plan effective promotions, development, pricing and marketing strategies by
creating a specific customer profile.
• You gain a competitive advantage
• You may uncover things about your customers that your competitors don’t know. For example, if one of your
identified segments are university students, and you know that it’s almost time to hand in dissertations and take
exams, you can send them marketing emails offering them products/services to help them ‘de-stress’ or study.
• You retain and attract the right customers
• Rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach, you can target people who you know would love your
product/service by targeting your best prospects.
 How to Create an Audience Segment
 We suggest grouping your audience into these 5 segmentation types:
• A Demographic Segment – these are all of the outward-facing attributes of a user i.e. age, gender, income level, job type,
educational level, etc. You can get this data in Google Analytics.
• A Behavioural Segment – these are the actions that your customers take i.e. their online shopping habits, past purchases, the
social media sites they visit, or what devices they use. You can get this data in Google Analytics.
• A Psychographic or Attitudinal Segment – these are useful as they give you clues into their wider perceptions, interests, and
mindsets i.e. why your customers like or dislike certain brands, their lifestyle choices or values. You can get this data from a
heat-mapping platform such as Hotjar. You use heat-maps to conduct user research, and it’s a great way to find out what the
humans on your website are/have been thinking, doing, or feeling.
• A Geographic Segment – based on where your target audience is located. You can make this as extensive or exclusive as you’d
like, from continent to postcode. You can get this data in Google Analytics.
• Segment by the User Journey – this applies to the user journey people take on your website, from where they first land to
where they convert. You can get this data in Google Analytics in the behaviour flow report.
 To segment your audience, you need to determine your customer segmentation goals first.
 To do that, try answering the following questions:
• What do you want to achieve by segmenting your customers?
• How will audience segmentation help to meet your business goals?
 Secondly, segment your customers into groups (one of the segmentation types above) based on your business objectives.
 An example:
 Let’s say you sell robot vacuum cleaners and you want more students to discover your brand online.
 Your Google Analytics data currently shows that 30% of people aged 18-25 buy your product, but your wider
industry research proves that this percentage should be around 60%.
 Based on the data, you make the assumption that the reason more students don’t currently buy from you is
that your marketing isn’t relatable.
 So you decide to segment students into buyer personas to learn more about them.
 You may see that your current 18-25-year-old buyers are all based in specific geographic locations. They are
men who spend a lot of time on Instagram and love travelling.
 Once you have enough information about your segment, you can create a relatable blog category, a
personalised advertisement campaign specifically aimed at that segment and so on.
 Once you’ve created your audience segments, you can start to develop a persona that will provide you with a
deeper understanding of your customers’ behaviours and needs.
 You can then target and reach your different buyer personas through the appropriate channels.
 How Will the Audience Segmentation Help Your Digital Marketing Campaigns?
1. Audience segmentation splits up your audiences into ‘easier-to-manage’groups.
2. Instead of running the same marketing campaign for all your customers, you have more relatable campaigns that are also easier to optimise.
3. This will help your audience to feel more connected to your brand.
4. How is Audience Segmentation Used in Digital Marketing?
5. Once you’ve segmented your audience, and built your buyer personas, it’s important to understand how and where people are consuming your content.
6. Below we’ve listed the digital marketing channels that we use at Digivate, and provide some insights on how you can use audience segmentation within
your PPC, SEO, CRO, content, and social media marketing.
 Benefits of Audience Segmentation in PPC
1. Customer segmentation is so essential in paid search because it helps you to pick the right ad copy, create landing pages, and assist with targeting.
 Segmentation can help you directly speak to multiple audiences for the same product or service in your PPC campaigns.
 You can segment in paid media by:
1. Relevant keywords boost conversions – Determine the intent behind the keywords. Is the person you’re trying to reach looking to inform themselves
(informational intent), make a purchase (transactional intent), or find a particular website or webpage (navigational intent)? Once you’ve determined their
search intent, you can adjust your bidding strategy to target keywords that will specifically appeal to them.
2. Letting users segment themselves will improve user experience – Instead of only using data analysis (i.e. Google Analytics or Google Adwords) to assess
the predominant audience of each keyword, you should allow users to segment themselves once they land on your site. A great way to do this is by having
clear and immediately apparent options that the user can select on top of the page when they land.
3. Proximity targeting can increase sales – If you have a physical location that you want to drive people toward, consider advertising to people based on
where they are located and how close they are to you. For example, if you own a local brick-and-mortar store, you can use mobile location services to reach
consumers in real-time when they are near your store location or point of interest.
Targeting in Digital Marketing
 Digital marketing can’t really be effective without proper targeting.
 What is digital marketing targeting?
 Digital marketing targeting is a formalized method that identifies and then intentionally aims created
content, connections and the use of platforms toward a specific demographic, psychographic and/or
geographic audience, their needs and concerns.
 You see, no matter how good the messaging and content that you create is, if it is not specifically designed
for the target audience that you need to reach, it will miss.
The Importance Of Targeting Your
Audience Online
 As a business, your survival depends on how well you know and target your audience with both the products
and services you offer, as well as the marketing you conduct to sell them online. If you don’t know exactly who
you are trying to reach, you will not be able to reach them effectively.
 Here are just a few key audience targeting points that you need to consider about your digital marketing:
1. You need to know exactly who you are trying to reach. We do this for our clients using personas. Personas
allow you to understand the 3-5 types of individuals that you are trying to reach with your digital marketing
and all the interests, needs and concerns that they have as a person. For more information on personas
read Personas – Do B2B’s Know Their Target Market?
2. Just as with the analogy we discussed earlier… If you do not have a target, you can’t aim properly and you
certainly won’t be able to measure your efforts.
3. Does your core marketing messages address the needs, concerns and issues that your target audience has? If
you know your audience, your message should focus on their interests and the solutions you have to their
specific problems.
Ways to target audience?
1. Paid Media Targeting – If you intend on using paid search marketing or paid social media marketing, you had better be
really sure that your audience targeting is accurate. If you spend money on digital media advertising, using messaging, an
offer or content that is NOT specific to your proper audience target, you are throwing money out the window. Proper
audience targeting is what makes paid media advertising effective. The formation of the ad is a distant second!
2. Content Creation – When you know exactly who your target audience is, you are able to determine their interests, needs,
concerns and desires. From this information you are able to create content that speaks to those issues, which in turn gets
traffic to your content, your website and your message.
3. Website Messaging – If you don’t know who your target audience is and the specific solution that your product or service
addresses for them, your website will be less than effective. Research shows that you only have a few seconds to capture a
new visitor to your website. If your messaging is targeting the wrong audience, you are going to struggle to retain their
attention and earn their business.
4. Content Sharing – Knowing the interest of your target audience allows you to share content that focuses on them. Sharing
content that interests them creates affinity and connection and opens the door with your prospects. Providing content that
interests your audience, that might not even have anything to do with your industry or what you do, can provide value and
thereby remove barriers that get the customer to look at what it is that you do. By targeting the correct audience with the
correct shared content, you will open opportunities to what your business provides.
Audience targeting in digital media marketing is beyond important. It is the foundation of every marketing component you will
ever implement. When your target audience is dead on correct, the likelihood that your messaging, content and effectiveness will
attract, retain and convert connections to customers dramatically increases.
Audience Targeting Strategies
1. Expand reach with Google’s In-Market Audiences
2. Remarket with Google Ads
3. Use Facebook custom audiences and retargeting
4. Try LinkedIn for keyword research
5. Prioritize SEO
6. Add chatbots to your plan
7. Start tracking
8. Keep looking forward
Know Your Target Audience Through
Digital Tools
1. Google Analytics:
 Your target audience is the group of consumers you want to reach with your marketing message.
Successful businesses focus their efforts and don't reach people by a broad category — shoes, for
example. Instead, they aim their message at those who are receptive to the appropriate products or
services, such as joggers in search of running shoes. This is because, no matter how large group your
market is, not everyone is a high value target. Google Analytics (GA) can help you understand and
identify your current customers, who make up your best target audience.
 GA is the most widely-used analytics platform out there. It allows you to monitor and track your
website's traffic, but for the purpose of identifying target customers, you can focus on the Audience
section. Enabling the Demographics & Interest reports allows you to review the age, gender,
geographic location, language and frequency behavior. It'll show you the type of browser and device
used by your current customers, as well as their affinity interests. So in the shoe example above, if
your audience has a particular interest in basketball, you might create an ad featuring the top shoe
picks of professional athletes.
2. Excel:
 With marketing becoming more data-driven than ever, marketers need the ability to handle
complex data sets in order to compete. From simple calculations to complex formulas, Excel can
help marketers analyze data more effectively to improve advertising performance of our clients.
1. Search Engine Optimization Overview
2. What is the importance of keywords in SEO?
3. On- Page Optimization
4. Off-Page Optimization
5. PPC Advertising: Introduction and Strategy
6. Social Media Marketing: Introduction and how it works?
7. Google Analytic - Definition and how to use?
8. What is Content Marketing?
9. How Content Marketing gives strength to SEO?
10. E-Mail Marketing – Introduction
11. How to create Effective E-mail Campaigns?
 Search Engine-It is a software system that is designed
to search the World Wide Web in a systematic way for
particular information specified in a textual web search
 Optimization-:the action of making the best or most
effective use of a situation or resource.
 SEO-:Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comprises the
set of practices used for optimizing a website for
increased visibility and relevancy in search engine
rankings. The main aim of the search engine
optimization is to get more traffic from diverse sources
and to get repetitive visitors.
 Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to techniques
that help your website rank higher in organic (or
“natural”) search results, thus making your website more
visible to people who are looking for your product or
service via search engines.
 It’s about understanding what people are searching for
online, the answers they are seeking, the words they’re
using, and the type of content they wish to consume.
Knowing the answers to these questions will allow you
to connect to the people who are searching online for
the solutions you offer.
 A number of misperceptions exist about SEO — that it is entirely
the result of guesswork, or that it is a “dark art” impossible to
 The reality is that the basic principles of SEO are not only clear
and easy to understand, but they are also essential for building a
successful web presence for your business or organization. If
SEO is done early and done well, it can be the most cost and
time efficient stage of building your website. And importantly,
SEO has numerous intersections with the principles of usability
and accessibility in web design. By investing the time and
resources to properly optimize your website for search engine
rankings, you will ensure that your end result is a highly visible,
easily navigable, and accessible website.
 Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to techniques that help
your website rank higher in organic (or “natural”) search results,
thus making your website more visible to people who are looking
for your product or service via search engines.
 SEO plays a crucial role in online business websites as
well as other interactive sites. With regular update of
content on website, SEO helps to get more traffic.
 Based on the specific keywords SEO can generate good
traffic and ultimately affect the revenue for e-commerce
site. You can see many e-commerce sites which are
getting success with SEO to get more traffic.
 It is crucial to maintain the position on the search
engines like Google, yahoo and others. The SEO
ranking can be monitored by Alexa and other ranking
site to monitor the position over the search engine. You
can monitor your website by getting the rank to know the
status of your website.
 A Search Engine Optimizer needs to look for the new
keywords and work on specific key words to get new
traffic. Many SEO tools are useful to get article or text
submission automatically. A Search Engine Optimizer
must be aware about the latest tools to get submitting
text over free article directories.
 Practicing website optimization with ethics is more
important. There are many Search Engine Optimizers
which are using shortcuts to get the better result but
ultimately they are trapping under crawler.
 The ultimate goal for the website owner and SEO is to
get the traffic and appears in first five pages of the
search engine and maintain the positing online and also
to get the repetitive users on their website.
 Every business and service websites need SEO to keep
their position in the Google or other search engine. It is
SEO’s responsibilities to keep website as front runner in
search engines.
1. Social Media marketing channels - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, You-tube and
2. How to Incorporate Social Media into a Marketing Campaign
3. Mobile Marketing - Definition and Examples
4. Geo-Location, Geo-Tagging and Geo-Fencing in Digital Marketing
5. Mobile Ads - Types and Usage
6. Keys to Digital Marketing Success

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Digital Marketing.pptx

  • 1. Topics 1. What is Digital marketing 2. Nature and Scope of Digital Marketing 3. Types of Digital Marketing 4. Career in Digital Marketing
  • 2. What Is Digital Marketing?  Use of use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels  Entirely new endeavor  New ways of understanding how customers behave
  • 3. Nature and Scope of Digital Marketing  NATURE OF DIGITAL MARKETING  Dynamical  Inevitable and Internal  SCOPE OF DIGITAL MARKETING  As vast as the oceans.  You understand first-hand how enormous it gets as you navigate along the way.  India dreams about achieving $5 trillion economy mark by 2025.
  • 4. Types of Digital Marketing-: 
  • 5. Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing 1. Digital Marketing Manager 2. SEO Specialist 3. Social Media Manager 4. Content Marketing Specialist 5. Pay Per Click or SEM Analyst 6. SEO Content Writer
  • 6. Digital Marketing (5th Trimester) DR. ANKUR KUKRETI SUNSTONE EDUVERSITY GDGU CAMPUS
  • 7. Syllabus 1. Unit-1-: Introduction to Digital Marketing 2. Unit-2-: Digital Marketing Strategy 3. Unit-3-: Digital Marketing Campaigns 4. Unit-4-: Application of Digital Marketing 5. Unit-5-: Social Media Marketing Strategy
  • 8. Unit-1 1. Difference between traditional and digital marketing 2. Introduction to Digital marketing and its importance 3. Types of Digital Marketing 4. Career in Digital Marketing
  • 9. What Is Digital Marketing?  Digital marketing is the use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels to reach consumers. Some marketing experts consider digital marketing to be an entirely new endeavor that requires a new way of approaching customers and new ways of understanding how customers behave compared to traditional marketing.
  • 10. Nature and Scope of Digital Marketing  NATURE OF DIGITAL MARKETING  The nature of digital marketing changes dynamically. That is to say, if Google updates its algorithm, the strategies of marketing also will change. So does with the updates of Facebook or other social networks. Digital marketing goes hand in hand with search engines and social networks. That’s inevitable and internal (nothing to do with the economic situations like recession).  SCOPE OF DIGITAL MARKETING  Scope of digital marketing, is as vast as the oceans. It is just like how a developer feels about Java language, a marketer will get the same feeling about digital marketing. Once you are into this ocean, you understand first-hand how enormous it gets as you navigate along the way.  The nature and scope of digital marketing in India 2022 show off way better signs when compared to global trends at present. India dreams about achieving $5 trillion economy mark by 2025.
  • 11. Types of Digital Marketing-: 
  • 12. Types of Digital Marketing-: 1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  The goal of SEO is to get a business to rank higher in Google search results, ultimately increasing search engine traffic to the business’s website. To accomplish this, SEO marketers research words and phrases consumers are using to search for information online, and use those terms in their own content. According to leading SEO software company Moz's "Beginners Guide to SEO," SEO encompasses many elements, from the words on your web pages to the way other sites link to you on the web to how your website is structured. An SEO specialist can make around $70,058, according to  So, what are some things that can improve a site’s SEO? It’s important to understand that one of the things that makes SEO challenging is that the answer to this question always depends on Google and its most current algorithm. Keeping that in mind, here are a few of the most important things for SEO strategists and marketers in general to understand about how SEO works today, from Moz's Beginners Guide to SEO:  Content indexing – It is important to allow search engines to clearly “read” what your site content is, by doing things like adding alt text for images and text transcripts for video and audio content.  Good link structure – It is important that search engines can “crawl” your site structure to easily find all the content on your site. There are many things that an SEO specialist can do to properly format links, URLs, and sitemaps to make them most accessible to site crawlers.  Keywords and keyword targeting – Properly deploying your keywords – i.e. the search terms you want your site to be found for—in your content and headers is one of the fundamental building blocks of SEO. It is no longer good practice to “stuff” your content with as many keywords and keyword variations as possible. Writing high-quality content that uses keywords in the headers and a few times in the crawl-able page content is now considered better practice, and will make pages rank better in search results.
  • 13. 2. Pay-per-Click (PPC)  Pay-per-click refers to paid advertisements and promoted search engine results. This is a short-term form of digital marketing, meaning that once you are no longer paying, the ad no longer exists. Like SEO, PPC is a way to increase search traffic to a business online.  Pay-per-click can refer to the advertisements you see at the top and sides of a page of search results, the ads you see while browsing the web, ads before YouTube videos and in ads in mobile apps.  One of the other things that differentiate pay-per-click from SEO is that you only pay for the results. In a typical PPC model like a Google AdWords campaign, you will pay only  when someone clicks on your ad and lands on your website. You can spend just about any amount of money on pay-per-click advertising. Some companies may see results from investing just a few hundred dollars, but plenty of large companies spend tens of thousands a month on pay-per-click.  How much it costs to run an ad or promote your search results will depend primarily on how much competition there is for your keywords. High competition keywords (i.e. keywords that many people are searching for and that many sites are trying to be found for) will be more expensive and lower competition terms will likely cost less.  When you set up a pay-per-click campaign, you will also be able to choose whether you want your ad or promoted results to be shown to users all over the world, or only within a specific geographic area. If you are marketing a brick-and-mortar business, this ability to tailor by location helps you not waste ad dollars serving ads to users who don’t live anywhere near your business, according to Google.
  • 14. 3. Social Media Marketing  This includes everything a business does via social media channels. Just about everyone is familiar with social media, but marketers must approach social with an integrated and strategic approach. Social media marketing goes far beyond simply creating posts for social channels and responding to comments.  To be effective, efforts must be coordinated and consistent rather than an afterthought. To help keep posts consistent, there are many online tools available to automate and schedule social media posts, although marketers only should use automation as a tool, not a “set it and forget it” solution. Users will figure it out quickly if there is no real person behind the posts.  Social media marketers should not be in a silo separate from other marketing functions. Social marketers need to work with the company’s wider marketing team to coordinate their message across all platforms, online and off, so that every part of the brand is telling the same story.  A crucial part of social media marketing is analytics: Social media marketers must also be savvy at analyzing the performance of their posts, and creating strategies based on that data. Another reason for marketers to be consistently measuring and tracking their campaigns is that this data allows them to demonstrate a particular campaign's return on investment and whether it provided any value to the company, according to marketing writer Jayson DeMers.  In other words, social media marketing is a lot more complicated than managing your personal Facebook or Twitter profile. It requires a blend of creative thinking and objective, data-driven strategy, and maybe a great fit for professionals who enjoy blending these two disciplines. A social media analyst with a bachelor's degree can earn about $$68,230, according to
  • 15. 4. Content Marketing  Content marketing uses storytelling and information sharing to increase brand awareness. Ultimately, the goal is to have the reader take an action towards becoming a customer, such as requesting more information, signing up for an email list, or making a purchase. “Content” can mean blog posts, resources like white papers and e-books, digital video, podcasts, and much more. In general, it should first and foremost provide value to the consumer, not just advertise the brand or try to make a sale. Content marketing is about building a sustainable, trusting relationship with your customers that can potentially lead to many sales over time, not just making a single transaction.  Content marketing works in symbiosis with other types of digital marketing: It is a way to incorporate SEO search terms into fresh website content, and the content created can be shared as social media posts and in email marketing publications. Looking at the analytics for your content marketing can tell you a lot about your customers: what are they looking for when they land on your site? What kinds of content make them stay on the site longer and keep looking around? What kinds make them lose interest and navigate away?  Unlike a method such as PPC, content marketing is a long-term strategy. Over time, marketers build up a library of content (text, video, podcasts etc.) that will continue to bring users to the site via search engines, according to Marketo, a marketing automation company. This content library also helps promote knowledge of your brand and increases your profile as a resource for information. And, if users are visiting your site for information, ideally they will remember you as an authority when it’s time to make a purchase.  Content marketing is a great avenue for people who enjoy writing and/or video and audio production. But as with digital marketing in general, it also calls for strong strategic and analytic skills.
  • 16. 5. Email Marketing  Even with the emergence of social media, mobile applications and other channels, email is still one of the most effective marketing techniques, Rogers said. It can be part of a content marketing strategy, providing value to consumers and over time convert an audience into customers. Email marketing pros not only know how to create compelling campaigns, they also understand optimal audience outreach and are skilled at analyzing customer interactions and data, and making strategic decisions based on that data, according to the American Marketing Association.  Email marketing software can offer many different analytical measures, but two that marketers are always striving to improve are the open rate –the percentage of recipients who opened the email – and the click through rate – the number of recipients who opened the email and clicked on a link in the email. According to leading email marketing software company Constant Contact, there are many things marketers can do to make their emails more appealing to users and more likely to be opened. These include:  Create a Sense of Urgency – Writing email copy that lets your recipients know that time is running out to get a special deal or that there are only a limited number of the offer available, can increase the number of people clicking through to your website.  Personalize Your Email – Setting your emails and subject lines up to incorporate the recipient’s name is a proven way to increase open and click through rates. (A sample subject line: “Katie, a special offer just for you.”)  Let Recipients Set Their Preferences – Allowing users to specify how often they want to hear from you can help keep some of your email subscribers subscribed to your list and clicking on your emails.
  • 17. 6. Mobile Marketing  This digital marketing type is this focused on reaching your target audience on their smart phone or tablet. Mobile marketing reaches people through text messages, social media, websites, email and mobile applications. Marketers can tailor offers or special content to a geographic location or time, such as when a customer walks into a store or enters an event.  According to a recent TechCrunch article, consumers in the United States now spend five hours a day on their phones. This represents a 20% increase from the fourth quarter of 2015. Users are also spending much more of their time in apps rather than on mobile browsers. In 2017, users are spending much more time with apps than watching television. 15% of that app time is spent with entertainment apps like Netflix and Hulu, 19% of it is spent on Facebook’s mobile app, 12% on other social and messaging apps, and 11% in gaming apps, according to the TechCrunch article.  Retail Dive reports that 45% of all shopping always or frequently involves a mobile device in some way, whether it’s used to do research, compare prices or make a purchase. For a majority of Millennials (defined the Pew Research Center as people born between 1981 and 1997), that number is 57%.  Marketers know that you need to take your message to where your customers are, and it is very clear: your potential customers are on their phones.
  • 18. 7. Marketing Analytics  One of the major advantages of digital marketing is that it is highly trackable and measurable. Once, the only trackable marketing pieces were coupons and similar direct mail offers. If a customer used the coupon, you knew the message resonated. Today, analytics allow marketers to track user behavior at a highly detailed level: how many times they click on a link, how much time they spend on a web page, how often they open emails, and much more. But the vast amount of information available about digital marketing performance can feel like drinking from a fire hose, and marketers must be able to truly understand what the data mean and how they should inform strategy.  Not only does this allow marketers to learn what is successful with consumers and adapt their marketing messages moving forward, it also means they can demonstrate their value to the company. Understanding all of this data and using it to make strategic decisions is an important part of a digital marketer’s work, and one that sets them apart from their traditional counterparts.  There are many tools available for measuring the success of digital marketing campaigns, and many marketers will use some combination of these tools, depending on their needs and their audience (Fortune magazine reported that many marketers are using over 100 applications in their total marketing process.) One of the most used tools for marketing analytics is Google Analytics, which can be customized in nearly endless ways to measure how your site is performing, which keywords are bringing users to your site, how users are navigating through your website, and much more.  Having good, accurate analytics and the know-how to interpret them can help marketers “fail fast,” quickly cutting campaigns that aren’t working and building better campaigns around concepts that have a proven track record of success. Over time, you won’t just be using analytics to measure your campaigns – the analytics will also inform and improve your campaigns.  In a digital marketing degree program, you'll study a wide range of issues pertinent to your marketing career, including marketing plans and strategies, branding, mobile marketing and digital advertising.
  • 19. 8. Affiliate Marketing  With the increased prominence of online marketing, affiliate marketing—also known as influencer marketing—has become popular among many organizations in bridging the gap between consumers and organizations. But, what is affiliate marketing?  Affiliate marketing utilizes the ever-growing popularity of industry experts and social media influencers. In working with these third-party influencers, your organization will collaborate to promote your products or services for compensation. In collaboration, influencers will engage their audience with posts, blogs, or videos to bring in more business for your organization and create new leads.  Within the last few years affiliate, or influencer marketing has grown immensely with new media like TikTok, Instagram, Youtube and blogs being a mainstream form of entertainment, news and shipping. Affiliate making has become one of the more popular forms of digital marketing. According to, the affiliate marketing industry was expected to grow to 6.8 billion in 2020.  The job market is growing for marketers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) predicts a 10% increase in the number of advertising, promotions and marketing managers. In 2020, the median salary for those positions was $141,490, according to BLS.
  • 20. Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing 1. Digital Marketing Manager 2. SEO Specialist 3. Social Media Manager 4. Content Marketing Specialist 5. Pay Per Click or SEM Analyst 6. SEO Content Writer
  • 21. 1. Digital Marketing Manager  A Digital Marketing Manager plans digital marketing campaigns across varied media, such as social media, SEO/SEM, advertising, e-mail campaigns, etc. They also monitor and strategize all the digital marketing campaigns and optimize them continuously to ensure highest revenues and reach. 2. SEO Specialist  An SEO Specialist has the central role of optimizing a website to attain higher search engine rankings and has an in-depth understanding of how to get the highest traffic from all search engines. They also design strategies and plans for enhancing the website rankings across search engines. 3. Social Media Manager  A Social Media Manager handles the social media channels of a company or a brand and curate the requisite social media strategies for content, marketing and building the best online presence for the brand.
  • 22. 4. Content Marketing Specialist  A Content Marketing Specialist curates the brand’s story in a unique and appealing manner to capture the audience and handles all the major digital media channels for content broadcast, be it blogs, social media, advertisements, website content and more! 5. Pay Per Click or SEM Analyst  SEM or Pay per Click Analyst mainly assesses the website traffic to integrate it with campaign tracking as well as all elements of online marketing, search analytics, SEO, amongst others. 6. SEO Content Writer  An SEO Content Writer carries out the research for the trending and industry-related topics and curates all the online content like blogs, social media copy, website content, adverts and more along with integrating SEO insights, keywords, etc.
  • 23. Pros and Cons of Traditional Marketing  When comparing traditional marketing vs. digital marketing, traditional methods are often viewed as outdated or irrelevant. However, many of these tactics are still useful and effective today.  Depending on the business and target audience, traditional marketing methods may be the better choice. To help discern if traditional marketing is right for your business, here are some pros and cons.  PROS • If you want to reach an older demographic, traditional marketing can be very effective. According to GlobeNewswire audiences ages 50+ spend almost twice as much time reading the newspaper and watching TV as compared to those ages 21-34. • This type of marketing strategy usually works best for businesses looking to build a larger local audience. A small business would be better off competing for attention through billboards, flyers, and events rather than trying to compete for digital space against larger businesses. • TV or radio commercials will play multiple times and remind the audience of the business, whereas digital marketing items may be skipped through or blocked (e.g., clicking “I don’t want to see this” on social media ads, or skipping through ads before YouTube videos).  CONS • Printing postcards to send out even to just a local audience can be expensive, and there is no guarantee that the recipient is interested in your business or the product/service you offer. • Traditional marketing methods can take weeks or months to yield results and data. You can’t tell when someone has read your newspaper ad unless they decide to follow-up. Even then, without a survey, you won’t know if the ad was the reason for the follow-up.
  • 24. Pros and Cons of Digital Marketing  Digital marketing strategies are always evolving with new technology and trends like voice search and social media usage. These strategies include the most modern and latest tactics. But, as with traditional marketing, there are some areas where digital marketing thrives and others where it doesn’t.  PROS • Data and audience involvement can be tracked instantly. When someone clicks on a link to your site, reads an email, or follows you on social media, you have that information immediately. You can draw numerous insights from this data, including which type of content works best for a specific audience, which mediums are the most effective, and even what time of day receives the best engagement. • Digital marketing strategies incur a much lower cost. Sending out an email campaign can save a lot of money compared to printing individual postcards and paying for postage on each. • It works well for more global or scattered audiences because of the broad scope of digital marketing.  CONS • Some internet users have ad blockers, so they’ll never see pop-ups or banner ads. Other times, ads can be skipped or removed if a user pays for premium services (e.g., Spotify, Hulu, Twitch). • Because new technology and trends emerge so frequently, digital marketing tactics need to be evaluated and reevaluated for effectiveness continually what works well one day may be irrelevant the next. However, this can be combatted with a strong foundation in digital marketing basics.
  • 25. Area/Zone Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing Target Audience It’s easy to reach out to local audience/consumers with the traditional marketing methods Digital marketing lets you reach the targeted audience/consumers/customers globally from all over the world. Marketing Approach Traditional marketing is more of a personal approach as it is very easy for marketers to have a person-to-person relationship in informing the public or promoting their brand’s name. The physical presence of the marketers is not at all required in digital marketing, yeas physical presence will be a bonus but is not required and digital marketing allows the marketer to reach a finite number of consumers easily. Documentation Traditional methods of marketing provide the hard copy of product(s)/service(s) description which can be read Digital platforms provide the description in softcopy over the website, or through videos, youtube, etc. which can be accessed anytime anywhere as
  • 26. Link for Youtube Videos 1.
  • 27. Unit-2 1. Digital marketing strategy - Planning and Implementation 2. Integrated marketing Communication and Global Advertising 3. Different marketing communication tools 4. Protecting Customer Privacy Online
  • 28. Digital Marketing Strategy-Planning and Implementation  How to create a digital marketing plan 1. Define your digital marketing goals and business objectives. ... 2. Define audience segmentation and buyer personas. ... 3. Conduct a competitive analysis and determine market share. ... 4. Conduct a SWOT analysis. ... 5. Calculate your digital marketing plan budget…
  • 29.  6 Steps to Implementing Your Digital Marketing Strategy  Here is a straightforward 6-step process for you to work through to create your digital marketing strategy and ensure you get the best return on investment for your marketing efforts.  Don’t worry about making it perfect. Opportunities to review and refine your plan are built into the process. The main objective is to get something down on (digital) paper…  Step 1: Set goals  Lots of people jump into digital marketing with goals like ‘get 1000 likes on my Facebook page’ but these types of goals mean nothing in and of themselves. You will often hear them referred to as vanity metrics: they make you feel good but they have no real impact on your bottom line.  The types of goals you need to set at this point are clear business goals. Metrics that measure how digital marketing is growing your business. Good examples would be: • Get at least 2 quote requests every week via the website. • Increase the number of warm leads on my email list to 1000 by the end of the year.  Step 2: Get clear on your target audience  The next step is to think about the type of people you are trying to reach via your marketing.  Business owners often find this step difficult because it can feel like, by deciding to target a specific group of people, you are reducing your potential target market. In fact, the opposite is true. If you try to appeal to everyone, you can end up appealing to no one.  Take some time to create a description of a typical person in your target audience (referred to as a customer avatar or buyer persona in marketing speak). Think about who they are, where they hang out, how they spend their time and what they like. You can even give them a name.  Now every time you create a piece of content for your marketing, imagine you are speaking to this person. You’ll be amazed at how much easier this can make things.
  • 30.  Step 3: Get clear on your positioning in the marketplace  This is the final step of preparation before we get on to the action steps of your strategy.  Take some time to note down what is special about your business. Why should somebody choose you over your competition? How do you want to be perceived by your customers? What values are important to you?  This will help you to get your messaging right and attract the right people to you.  Step 4: Select specific tactics and activities  Now you’ve done the important groundwork of steps 1 – 3, you can get down to the real guts of your plan and you should find it relatively easy.  Here you get to choose the specific marketing strategies that you believe will help you achieve the goals you set in Step 1 by reaching the audience you defined in Step 2.  You can start with a quick audit of your current activities. Keep those that are working for you; throw out those that aren’t.  Think about one-off and recurring tasks, e.g. improving the quote form on your website (one-off task) and adding a new article to your website each week (recurring task).  For each one-off task, set a deadline.  For each recurring task, define a schedule.
  • 31.  Step 5: Decide how you will measure your results  You’re probably feeling excited at this point and keen to implement your newly planned strategy but, before you jump in, think about how you will measure your results.  For example: • Make a weekly note of how many leads you received via your website contact form. • Get Google Analytics set up on your website so you know where your traffic is coming from. This makes it easy to see which social media platforms are sending traffic your way. • Ask all your new contacts how they discovered you.  Step 6: Schedule a time to review and tweak your digital marketing strategy  Finally, put a date in your diary when you will review your progress. You need to make it long enough that your strategies have time to start showing some results but not so long that you’re wasting time on doing things that aren’t working.  We would suggest 3-6 months. At that point, you can look to cross off any strategies that simply aren’t working for you, double down on those that are, and decide if there’s anything new you want to add into your marketing mix.  Put Your Digital Marketing Strategy Into Practice  Phew! You’ve done the hard work and you’ve got your shiny new digital marketing strategy implementation in place. It’s time to put it into practice.  If you’ve gone through the 6 steps carefully you’ll probably find it easy to implement because you’ve done all the hard thinking upfront.  At this point, you decide which things you want to do yourself and which things you would prefer to delegate to another member of your team or outsource completely. It’s so much easier to do this when you have a clear plan of what needs doing.  If you need some help with defining or implementing your digital marketing strategy, book in for one of our free digital marketing consultations and we can have a chat about it. Alternatively, check out our Facebook Group – All About Digital Marketing to find more ideas on digital marketing strategy implementation.
  • 32. Integrated marketing Communication and Global Advertising  Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is an approach used by organizations to brand and coordinate their communication efforts. The American Association of Advertising Agencies defines IMC as “a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and maximum communication impact.” The primary idea behind an IMC strategy is to create a seamless experience for consumers across different aspects of the marketing mix. The brand’s core image and messaging are reinforced as each marketing communication channel works together as parts of a unified whole rather than in isolation.
  • 33.  Benefits of Integrated Marketing Communications  With so many products and services to choose from, consumers are often overwhelmed by the vast number of advertisements flooding both online and offline communication channels. Marketing messages run the risk of being overlooked and ignored if they are not relevant to consumers’ needs and wants.  One of the major benefits of integrated marketing communications is that marketers can clearly and effectively communicate their brand’s story and messaging across several communication channels to create brand awareness. IMC is also more cost-effective than mass media since consumers are likely to interact with brands across various forums and digital interfaces. As consumers spend more time on computers and mobile devices, marketers seek to weave together multiple exposures to their brands using different touch points. Companies can then view the performance of their communication tactics as a whole instead of as fragmented pieces.  The other benefit of integrated marketing communications is that it creates a competitive advantage for companies looking to boost their sales and profits. This is especially useful for small- or mid-sized firms with limited staff and marketing budgets. IMC immerses customers in communications and helps them move through the various stages of the buying process. The organization simultaneously consolidates its image, develops a dialogue, and nurtures its relationship with customers throughout the exchange. IMC can be instrumental in creating a seamless purchasing experience that spurs customers to become loyal, lifelong customers.  The Communication Process  Organizations must keep in mind the internal and external factors that influence audience perception during the communications process.
  • 34.  The Shift from Fragmented to Integrated Marketing Communications  Prior to the emergence of integrated marketing communications during the 1990s, mass communications—the practice of relaying information to large segments of the population through television, radio, and other media—dominated marketing. Marketing was a one-way feed. Advertisers broadcasted their offerings and value propositions with little regard for the diverse needs, tastes, and values of consumers.  Often, this “one size fits all” approach was costly and uninformative due to the lack of tools for measuring results in terms of sales. But as methods for collecting and analyzing consumer data through single-source technology such as store scanners improved, marketers were increasingly able to correlate promotional activities with consumer purchasing patterns. Companies also began to downsize their operations and expand marketing tasks within their organizations. Advertising agencies were also expected to understand and provide all marketing functions, not just advertising, for their clients.
  • 35.  Today, corporate marketing budgets are allocated toward trade promotions, consumer promotions, branding, public relations, and advertising. The allocation of communication budgets away from mass media and traditional advertising has raised the importance of IMC importance for effective marketing. Now, marketing is viewed more as a two-way conversation between marketers and consumers. This transition in the advertising and media industries can be summarized by the following market trends: 1. a shift from mass media advertising to multiple forms of communication 2. the growing popularity of more specialized (niche) media, which considers individualized patterns of consumption and increased segmentation of consumer tastes and preferences 3. the move from a manufacturer-dominated market to a retailer-dominated, consumer-controlled market 4. the growing use of data-based marketing as opposed to general-focus advertising and marketing 5. greater business accountability, particularly in advertising 6. performance-based compensation within organizations, which helps increase sales and benefits in companies 7. unlimited Internet access and greater online availability of goods and services 8. a larger focus on developing marketing communications activities that produce value for target audiences while increasing benefits and reducing costs  The Tools of Integrated Marketing Communications  The IMC process generally begins with an integrated marketing communications plan that describes the different types of marketing, advertising, and sales tools that will be used during campaigns. These are largely promotional tools, which include everything from search engine optimization (SEO) tactics and banner advertisements to webinars and blogs. Traditional marketing communication elements such as newspapers, billboards, and magazines may also be used to inform and persuade consumers. Marketers must also decide on the appropriate combination of traditional and digital communications for their target audience to build a strong brand-consumer relationship. Regardless of the brand’s promotional mix, it is important that marketers ensure their messaging is consistent and credible across all communication channels.
  • 36. Different Marketing Communication Tools  Marketing communication is a process in which we use numerous integrated tools to communicate with the target audience. simply put, marketing communication is a combination of diversified programs and various communication tools to increase the sales cycle.  However, it is difficult to chase the perfect mix of marketing and communication. Only 28% of marketers(1) are satisfied with their results. The rest still try to find new ways to get in touch with the target audience.  What are Marketing Communication Tools?  Simply put, the tools that help your marketing team to support sales and generate awareness about your product or brand are known as marketing communication tools. The main purpose of marketing communication tools is to connect with the target audience effectively, regardless of the mode of communication.  List of Marketing Communication Tools  Following are the best 18 marketing communication tools to reinforce your brand message and promote sales: 1. Advertising This is one of the biggest communication tools that marketing teams have. The greatest advantage of this mode is that it can be paid and unpaid, both. Advertising has a wide reach and great for small-scale companies or start-ups that are going low on the marketing budget. Advertising is based on above the line marketing. So, it is ideal for brands that do not have much exposure or a target audience.
  • 37. 2. Sales promotion The sales promotion tool is all about promoting your product. It is a great communication tool, particularly because of direct interaction with the customers. One of the benefits of sales promotion is that you can promote the product directly to the consumer effectively and promptly. It builds brand loyalty and helps your brand to flourish. Sales promotion comes in all forms such as free samples, gift vouchers, discounts, deals, etc. 3. Direct marketing In today’s world, we regard online marketing as direct marketing. Direct mails to get prospects and lead have more benefits than conventional marketing. Thanks to personalization tools, consumers find direct mails and catalogs easier to process. Moreover, direct online marketing yields a high response rate as compared to traditional marketing. Commercials do not catch much attention but giving access to consumers in receiving messages can definitely change the game. 4. Email campaigns Email marketing is another great tactic for marketing communication. Overall, it enables a brand to generate more leads and prospects while driving traffic to their official website. Moreover, this marketing tool is a self- lead-qualifying process. 5. Newsletter Likewise, newsletters are a great way to nurture prospects and leads. If you have a strong list of recipients, you can send personalized content straight to their inboxes. This tactic enables you to drag them to sales funnel pages. Consequently, keeping them engaged with your brand.
  • 38. 6. Personal selling Think of it as a great communication tool in which the salesperson goes to the potential customers himself and promote the product through its benefits and features. While doing so, a salesperson must follow the dynamics of AIDAS. This is a mandatory cycle to follow if you are looking to increase the sales. Even though personal selling requires a lot of hard work, the results are usually positive. So, you can say it’s a long shot but its worth it. Public relations With this tool, you can improve your brand’s image and place in the market. Maintaining public relations with influential people across the industry is a great tool to grow your business. Using this tool at the right time and in front of the right people can help you increase sales dramatically. One of the greatest advantages of this tool is that you do not have to spend much on public PR campaigns as publicity is not a significant part of public relations. 7. Social media Social media allows the brands to reach a wide base of the target audience while promoting their products and company values through videos, ads, photos, videos, and great content. For example, Tiktok has become a broad platform for brands to reach consumers through video makers. Potential customers, nowadays, love to connect to the brands using social media platforms. Other than that, you can even put up testimonials on these platforms to attract more customers in the long run. 8. Catalogs The primary use of catalogs is to announce the launch of a new product. However, the key to success lies in holding a true value proposition. Catalogs, when combined with email marketing are a great way to convey information to your potential and existing customers. 9. Trade shows Trade shows are becoming more and more popular. With the pandemic going on, online trade shows are becoming a thing now. Many brands are adopting and hosting trade shows to introduce a new product/service. A trade show is a great chance for the customers to meet the brand representative and give valuable feedback.
  • 39. 10. Seminars Seminars can make or break your brand in the industry. It is a great tool for you to engage with customers. but how? Well, you can invite a lot of customers so that they can learn about your brand or service. However, seminars are not hosted for product promotion. The main purpose is to give valuable knowledge to improve the brand’s loyalty. 11. Webinars Webinars have the potential to establish your brand/company as a thought and successful leader in the industry. In fact, it is an outlet where consumers can learn more about your brand’s values, beliefs, and objectives. 12. Forums Forums hold great importance when it comes to communication with the consumers. The main benefit of forums is that you can use it to address various on- going issues and topics. Moreover, you can relate the current world affairs to your product and even use them to increase your sales. 13. Surveys Surveys are great for getting valuable feedback and improving your business. 14. Mobile apps Creating a mobile app for your brand to shop online is a great way to reach a wide base of consumers. 15. Podcasts With podcasts, you can discuss a new topic or a Fashion trend with the visitors. It helps to keep your customers engaged. 16. Sponsorship Sponsorship can help you reach customers on a global basis. Moreover, it can place you above your competitors in the market. Interactive marketing Event-based marketing is a great tool to increase conversions, ultimately leading to more sales. It tends to bring a lot of audience engagement and feedback from valuable customers. Other than that, a successful interactive marketing plan can make you go viral on social media.  Final Thoughts By utilizing and combining some of the above marketing communication tools, you will be able to deliver your brand’s message clearly, loudly, and with more transparency. Communicating with your audience will help you build your brand in the future. Therefore, streamlined marketing communication campaigns and solutions can definitely improve your sales and brand image.
  • 40. Protecting Customer Privacy Online  Worried about how much of your private information is on the internet and vulnerable to theft or misuse? You’re not alone. Online privacy is an important issue.  But there are steps you can take to help manage and protect your financial and personal information while you visit your favorite social media, news, and entertainment sites.  Tips for internet privacy  Here are some ways you can boost your online privacy.  Limit the personal information you share on social media  A smart way to help protect your privacy online? Don’t overshare on social media. Providing too much information on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram could make it easier for cybercriminals to obtain identifying information, which could allow them to steal your identity or to access your financial information.  For example, could an identity thief determine your high school mascot or your mother’s maiden name from digging through your Facebook account? This information is sometimes used as security questions to change passwords on financial accounts.  Unfortunately, many people don’t take this advice. In a 2018 study, the Identity Theft Resource Center found that approximately 52 percent of respondents shared personally identifying information through social media sites.  And that’s just the start of the oversharing. The same study found that about 48 percent of respondents shared information about their children, while nearly 33 percent shared information about their location. A total of 42 percent of respondents shared information about their travel plans through social media.
  • 41.  To protect your online privacy, ignore the “About Me” fields in your social media profiles. You don’t have to let people know what year or where you were born — which could make you an easier target for identity theft. Explore different privacy settings, too. You might want to limit the people who can view your posts to those you’ve personally invited.  Create strong passwords, too, for your social media profiles to help prevent others from logging into them in your name. This means using a combination of at least 12 numbers, special characters, and upper- and lower-case letters. And never use personal, easy-to-guess information — such as your birthdate or pet’s name — as your password.  Browse in incognito or private mode  If you don’t want your computer to save your browsing history, temporary internet files, or cookies, do your web surfing in private mode.  Web browsers today offer their own versions of this form of privacy protection. In Chrome, it’s called Incognito Mode. Firefox calls its setting Private Browsing, and Internet Explorer uses the name InPrivate Browsing for its privacy feature. When you search with these modes turned on, others won’t be able to trace your browsing history from your computer.  But these private modes aren’t completely private. When you’re searching in incognito or private mode, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can still see your browsing activity. If you are searching on a company computer, so can your employer. The websites you visit can also track you.  So, yes, incognito browsing does have certain benefits. But it’s far from the only tool available to help you maintain your privacy while online. Anonymous search engines and virtual private networks can bolster your online privacy.  Use a different search engine  If you’re like many web surfers, you rely heavily on Google as your search engine. But you don’t have to. Privacy is one reason people prefer to use anonymous search engines. This type of search engine doesn’t collect or share your search history or clicks. Anonymous search engines can also block ad trackers on the websites you visit.  Use a virtual private network  A virtual private network (VPN) gives you online privacy and anonymity by creating a private network from a public internet connection. VPNs mask your Internet Protocol (IP) address so your online actions are virtually untraceable.  Using a VPN is especially important when you’re on public Wi-Fi at a library, coffee shop, or other public location. A VPN will make it more difficult for cybercriminals to breach your online privacy and access your personal information.  You can find many free VPN solutions, but it could make more sense to pay for a service from a trusted security provider if you want the maximum amount of privacy protection while online.
  • 42.  Be careful where you click  One of the ways in which hackers compromise your online privacy is through phishing attempts. In phishing, scammers try to trick you into providing valuable financial or personal information. They’ll often do this by sending fake emails that appear to be from banks, credit card providers, or other financial institutions. Often, these emails will say that you must click on a link and verify your financial information to keep your account from being frozen or closed.  Don’t fall for these scams. If you click on a phishing link, you could be taken to a spoofed webpage that looks like the homepage of a bank or financial institution. But when you enter in your account information, you’ll be sending it to the scammers behind the phishing attempt, not any bank, credit union, or credit card company. Before clicking on suspicious links, hover your cursor over the link to view the destination URL. If it doesn’t match the financial website you use, don’t click.  Also, remember that banks or other financial institutions will never ask you to provide account or financial information through an email. If you receive such an email and you are wary, log in directly to your financial provider’s online account portal. You can then check to see if there are problems with your account. Or call the financial provider yourself to ask if there are any problems with your account — using the customer-service number from one of your statements or the provider’s website, not the one included in the suspect email you received.  Secure your mobile devices, too  Many of us spend more time surfing the web, answering emails, and watching videos on our smartphones than we do on our laptops. It’s important, then, to put as much effort into protecting our online privacy on our phones and tablets as on our computers.  To start, make sure to use a passcode to lock your phone. It might seem like a hassle to enter a code every time you want to access your phone’s home screen. But this passcode could offer an extra layer of protection if your phone is lost or stolen. Make sure your passcode is complex. Don’t use your birthdate, your house number, or any other code that thieves might be able to guess.  Use caution when downloading apps. These games and productivity tools could come embedded with dangerous viruses. Only buy games from legitimate sources.  Use the same caution, too, when searching the web or reading emails on your mobile devices as you do when using your laptop or desktop computer.  Don’t ignore software updates, either. These updates often include important protections against the latest viruses. If you continue to ignore them, you could be leaving your smartphone’s operating system and programs vulnerable to attack.  Use quality antivirus software  Finally, always install antivirus software on all your devices. This software can keep hackers from remotely taking over your computer, accessing your personal and financial information, and tracking your location.  And once you install this software, don’t forget about it. Manufacturers frequently update their virus protection software as a defense against the latest malware, spyware, and other viruses. Install updates as soon as they become available.
  • 43. Unit-3 1. Customer Segmentation and Targeting in Digital Marketing 2. Using digital tools to Identify a Target market 3. Using Online Promotions and Events to drive traffic and sales 4. What is Viral Marketing? - Definition, Techniques and Examples 5. Measuring ROI of Digital Marketing Methods
  • 44. Customer Segmentation in Digital Marketing  What is Customer Segmentation? 1. Customer segmentation (or audience segmentation) is the process of grouping your customers together based on shared characteristics so that you can deliver more tailored messaging and build a stronger connection with them. 2. Customer segmentation will help you improve your targeting and make the most of your digital marketing campaigns.  What Are the Benefits of Audience Segmentation?  There are many benefits of segmenting your customers. 1. Audience segmentation allows you to customise and personalise your marketing approach to different types of buyers. 2. It allows you to communicate unique selling points (USPs) of your product or service powerfully and effectively in a ‘language’ that the receiver welcomes and understands. 3. Personalised marketing is simply more effective than generic mass marketing.
  • 45. Below are the benefits of customer segmentation: • Your marketing communications are better received • People communicate differently. Some use email, others prefer social media. Then there are avid blog readers. Customer segmentation allows you to pick the right channel for each of your audience types. Once you start personalising your marketing, you’ll see a significant increase in engagement and in profits. • You spend less money on resources • Audience segmentation allows you to avoid spending money and time on generic campaigns that don’t speak to your target market. If you know the particular motivations of your audience group, you are more likely to support them in achieving their aspirations. As such, you lower the risk of your marketing efforts failing. • You get the right traffic to the right pages • Audience segmentation allows you to plan effective promotions, development, pricing and marketing strategies by creating a specific customer profile. • You gain a competitive advantage • You may uncover things about your customers that your competitors don’t know. For example, if one of your identified segments are university students, and you know that it’s almost time to hand in dissertations and take exams, you can send them marketing emails offering them products/services to help them ‘de-stress’ or study. • You retain and attract the right customers • Rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach, you can target people who you know would love your product/service by targeting your best prospects.
  • 46.  How to Create an Audience Segment  We suggest grouping your audience into these 5 segmentation types: • A Demographic Segment – these are all of the outward-facing attributes of a user i.e. age, gender, income level, job type, educational level, etc. You can get this data in Google Analytics. • A Behavioural Segment – these are the actions that your customers take i.e. their online shopping habits, past purchases, the social media sites they visit, or what devices they use. You can get this data in Google Analytics. • A Psychographic or Attitudinal Segment – these are useful as they give you clues into their wider perceptions, interests, and mindsets i.e. why your customers like or dislike certain brands, their lifestyle choices or values. You can get this data from a heat-mapping platform such as Hotjar. You use heat-maps to conduct user research, and it’s a great way to find out what the humans on your website are/have been thinking, doing, or feeling. • A Geographic Segment – based on where your target audience is located. You can make this as extensive or exclusive as you’d like, from continent to postcode. You can get this data in Google Analytics. • Segment by the User Journey – this applies to the user journey people take on your website, from where they first land to where they convert. You can get this data in Google Analytics in the behaviour flow report.  To segment your audience, you need to determine your customer segmentation goals first.  To do that, try answering the following questions: • What do you want to achieve by segmenting your customers? • How will audience segmentation help to meet your business goals?  Secondly, segment your customers into groups (one of the segmentation types above) based on your business objectives.
  • 47.  An example:  Let’s say you sell robot vacuum cleaners and you want more students to discover your brand online.  Your Google Analytics data currently shows that 30% of people aged 18-25 buy your product, but your wider industry research proves that this percentage should be around 60%.  Based on the data, you make the assumption that the reason more students don’t currently buy from you is that your marketing isn’t relatable.  So you decide to segment students into buyer personas to learn more about them.  You may see that your current 18-25-year-old buyers are all based in specific geographic locations. They are men who spend a lot of time on Instagram and love travelling.  Once you have enough information about your segment, you can create a relatable blog category, a personalised advertisement campaign specifically aimed at that segment and so on.  Once you’ve created your audience segments, you can start to develop a persona that will provide you with a deeper understanding of your customers’ behaviours and needs.  You can then target and reach your different buyer personas through the appropriate channels.
  • 48.  How Will the Audience Segmentation Help Your Digital Marketing Campaigns? 1. Audience segmentation splits up your audiences into ‘easier-to-manage’groups. 2. Instead of running the same marketing campaign for all your customers, you have more relatable campaigns that are also easier to optimise. 3. This will help your audience to feel more connected to your brand. 4. How is Audience Segmentation Used in Digital Marketing? 5. Once you’ve segmented your audience, and built your buyer personas, it’s important to understand how and where people are consuming your content. 6. Below we’ve listed the digital marketing channels that we use at Digivate, and provide some insights on how you can use audience segmentation within your PPC, SEO, CRO, content, and social media marketing.  Benefits of Audience Segmentation in PPC 1. Customer segmentation is so essential in paid search because it helps you to pick the right ad copy, create landing pages, and assist with targeting.  Segmentation can help you directly speak to multiple audiences for the same product or service in your PPC campaigns.  You can segment in paid media by: 1. Relevant keywords boost conversions – Determine the intent behind the keywords. Is the person you’re trying to reach looking to inform themselves (informational intent), make a purchase (transactional intent), or find a particular website or webpage (navigational intent)? Once you’ve determined their search intent, you can adjust your bidding strategy to target keywords that will specifically appeal to them. 2. Letting users segment themselves will improve user experience – Instead of only using data analysis (i.e. Google Analytics or Google Adwords) to assess the predominant audience of each keyword, you should allow users to segment themselves once they land on your site. A great way to do this is by having clear and immediately apparent options that the user can select on top of the page when they land. 3. Proximity targeting can increase sales – If you have a physical location that you want to drive people toward, consider advertising to people based on where they are located and how close they are to you. For example, if you own a local brick-and-mortar store, you can use mobile location services to reach consumers in real-time when they are near your store location or point of interest.
  • 49. Targeting in Digital Marketing  Digital marketing can’t really be effective without proper targeting.  What is digital marketing targeting?  Digital marketing targeting is a formalized method that identifies and then intentionally aims created content, connections and the use of platforms toward a specific demographic, psychographic and/or geographic audience, their needs and concerns.  You see, no matter how good the messaging and content that you create is, if it is not specifically designed for the target audience that you need to reach, it will miss.
  • 50. The Importance Of Targeting Your Audience Online  As a business, your survival depends on how well you know and target your audience with both the products and services you offer, as well as the marketing you conduct to sell them online. If you don’t know exactly who you are trying to reach, you will not be able to reach them effectively.  Here are just a few key audience targeting points that you need to consider about your digital marketing: 1. You need to know exactly who you are trying to reach. We do this for our clients using personas. Personas allow you to understand the 3-5 types of individuals that you are trying to reach with your digital marketing and all the interests, needs and concerns that they have as a person. For more information on personas read Personas – Do B2B’s Know Their Target Market? 2. Just as with the analogy we discussed earlier… If you do not have a target, you can’t aim properly and you certainly won’t be able to measure your efforts. 3. Does your core marketing messages address the needs, concerns and issues that your target audience has? If you know your audience, your message should focus on their interests and the solutions you have to their specific problems.
  • 51. Ways to target audience? 1. Paid Media Targeting – If you intend on using paid search marketing or paid social media marketing, you had better be really sure that your audience targeting is accurate. If you spend money on digital media advertising, using messaging, an offer or content that is NOT specific to your proper audience target, you are throwing money out the window. Proper audience targeting is what makes paid media advertising effective. The formation of the ad is a distant second! 2. Content Creation – When you know exactly who your target audience is, you are able to determine their interests, needs, concerns and desires. From this information you are able to create content that speaks to those issues, which in turn gets traffic to your content, your website and your message. 3. Website Messaging – If you don’t know who your target audience is and the specific solution that your product or service addresses for them, your website will be less than effective. Research shows that you only have a few seconds to capture a new visitor to your website. If your messaging is targeting the wrong audience, you are going to struggle to retain their attention and earn their business. 4. Content Sharing – Knowing the interest of your target audience allows you to share content that focuses on them. Sharing content that interests them creates affinity and connection and opens the door with your prospects. Providing content that interests your audience, that might not even have anything to do with your industry or what you do, can provide value and thereby remove barriers that get the customer to look at what it is that you do. By targeting the correct audience with the correct shared content, you will open opportunities to what your business provides. Audience targeting in digital media marketing is beyond important. It is the foundation of every marketing component you will ever implement. When your target audience is dead on correct, the likelihood that your messaging, content and effectiveness will attract, retain and convert connections to customers dramatically increases.
  • 52. Audience Targeting Strategies 1. Expand reach with Google’s In-Market Audiences 2. Remarket with Google Ads 3. Use Facebook custom audiences and retargeting 4. Try LinkedIn for keyword research 5. Prioritize SEO 6. Add chatbots to your plan 7. Start tracking 8. Keep looking forward
  • 53. Know Your Target Audience Through Digital Tools 1. Google Analytics:  Your target audience is the group of consumers you want to reach with your marketing message. Successful businesses focus their efforts and don't reach people by a broad category — shoes, for example. Instead, they aim their message at those who are receptive to the appropriate products or services, such as joggers in search of running shoes. This is because, no matter how large group your market is, not everyone is a high value target. Google Analytics (GA) can help you understand and identify your current customers, who make up your best target audience.  GA is the most widely-used analytics platform out there. It allows you to monitor and track your website's traffic, but for the purpose of identifying target customers, you can focus on the Audience section. Enabling the Demographics & Interest reports allows you to review the age, gender, geographic location, language and frequency behavior. It'll show you the type of browser and device used by your current customers, as well as their affinity interests. So in the shoe example above, if your audience has a particular interest in basketball, you might create an ad featuring the top shoe picks of professional athletes.
  • 54. 2. Excel:  With marketing becoming more data-driven than ever, marketers need the ability to handle complex data sets in order to compete. From simple calculations to complex formulas, Excel can help marketers analyze data more effectively to improve advertising performance of our clients.
  • 55. Unit-4 1. Search Engine Optimization Overview 2. What is the importance of keywords in SEO? 3. On- Page Optimization 4. Off-Page Optimization 5. PPC Advertising: Introduction and Strategy 6. Social Media Marketing: Introduction and how it works? 7. Google Analytic - Definition and how to use? 8. What is Content Marketing? 9. How Content Marketing gives strength to SEO? 10. E-Mail Marketing – Introduction 11. How to create Effective E-mail Campaigns?
  • 56.  Search Engine-It is a software system that is designed to search the World Wide Web in a systematic way for particular information specified in a textual web search query.  Optimization-:the action of making the best or most effective use of a situation or resource.  SEO-:Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comprises the set of practices used for optimizing a website for increased visibility and relevancy in search engine rankings. The main aim of the search engine optimization is to get more traffic from diverse sources and to get repetitive visitors.
  • 57.  Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to techniques that help your website rank higher in organic (or “natural”) search results, thus making your website more visible to people who are looking for your product or service via search engines.  It’s about understanding what people are searching for online, the answers they are seeking, the words they’re using, and the type of content they wish to consume. Knowing the answers to these questions will allow you to connect to the people who are searching online for the solutions you offer.
  • 58.  A number of misperceptions exist about SEO — that it is entirely the result of guesswork, or that it is a “dark art” impossible to understand.  The reality is that the basic principles of SEO are not only clear and easy to understand, but they are also essential for building a successful web presence for your business or organization. If SEO is done early and done well, it can be the most cost and time efficient stage of building your website. And importantly, SEO has numerous intersections with the principles of usability and accessibility in web design. By investing the time and resources to properly optimize your website for search engine rankings, you will ensure that your end result is a highly visible, easily navigable, and accessible website.  Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to techniques that help your website rank higher in organic (or “natural”) search results, thus making your website more visible to people who are looking for your product or service via search engines. SEO EXPLAINED
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  • 61. IMPORTANCE OF SEO  SEO plays a crucial role in online business websites as well as other interactive sites. With regular update of content on website, SEO helps to get more traffic.  Based on the specific keywords SEO can generate good traffic and ultimately affect the revenue for e-commerce site. You can see many e-commerce sites which are getting success with SEO to get more traffic.  It is crucial to maintain the position on the search engines like Google, yahoo and others. The SEO ranking can be monitored by Alexa and other ranking site to monitor the position over the search engine. You can monitor your website by getting the rank to know the status of your website.
  • 62.  A Search Engine Optimizer needs to look for the new keywords and work on specific key words to get new traffic. Many SEO tools are useful to get article or text submission automatically. A Search Engine Optimizer must be aware about the latest tools to get submitting text over free article directories.  Practicing website optimization with ethics is more important. There are many Search Engine Optimizers which are using shortcuts to get the better result but ultimately they are trapping under crawler.  The ultimate goal for the website owner and SEO is to get the traffic and appears in first five pages of the search engine and maintain the positing online and also to get the repetitive users on their website.  Every business and service websites need SEO to keep their position in the Google or other search engine. It is SEO’s responsibilities to keep website as front runner in search engines.
  • 63. LINKS-: 5. 6. smm.asp#:~:text=Social%20media%20marketing%20provides%20compan ies,the%20success%20of%20their%20efforts. 7. Analytics#:~:text=Google%20Analytics%20is%20a%20web,anyone%20wit h%20a%20Google%20account. 8. 9. and-content-marketing-work-together-to-fuel-your-online- success/?sh=469dd00016bf 10. marketing#:~:text=Email%20marketing%20is%20the%20use,appeal%20to %20a%20specific%20audience. 11. campaign/
  • 64. Unit-5 1. Social Media marketing channels - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, You-tube and LinkedIn 2. How to Incorporate Social Media into a Marketing Campaign 3. Mobile Marketing - Definition and Examples 4. Geo-Location, Geo-Tagging and Geo-Fencing in Digital Marketing 5. Mobile Ads - Types and Usage 6. Keys to Digital Marketing Success