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Okan University

   Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science
       Department of Business Administration

BUS401.1 - Research Methods in Administrative Sciences

                   Assistant Professor
                   Lecturer Işık Çiçek
‘’Experience in executive and a recent graduate manager
work in the same place and how does it affect the
performance? ‘’

Work experience is the experience that a person has been
working, or worked in a specific field or occupation.
Functional experience and expectations you can get all
from job. Experience is the knowledge acquired in a
matter accumulation over time.
The purpose of this project is appreciating the experience in executive and a recent graduate
manager work in the same place and how does it affect the performance. We have included the
following steps :

•model and hypothesis
•information about the sector
•general information about the visited company
•SPSS analysis
•bibliography and responses for open and closed-ended questions.

We completed our project step by step.
In this study firstly we choosed a company that can share some information about employees with us
and we got general information from the human resources manager of the company. According the
this information we choosed a model for research methods and we created a survey which includes
our model. We implemented that surveys with 30 employees who works in SHR İnteraktif Servisler
San. ve Tic. A.Ş. According to the results we prepared an excel form of results and we used that
results at SPSS program. SPSS program is very useful for our project. Because we can see all the
results and analysis on SPSS that we need.
Also, with this project we started for research literature and we searched for article that contains our
 Teamwork…
  The ability to develop a sense of teamwork and camaraderie
  among workers is one ay that relational demography can
  prove to be an important area of study for organizational
  psychologists and for other human resources managers.

 Organizational Culture…

  The development of a strong organizational culture is also an important by
  product of using relational demography.
 Limit…
  While relational demography appears to have positive implications in the
  business world, there are some questions about its ability to accurately assess
  individual and group attitudes and behaviors.

 Similarities…

  Relational demography indicates that the
  more similarities workers in the same social
  group have among one another, the more
  likely it is that these workers will develop
  positive work attitudes and behaviors.
Demographic similarity and advancement opportunities…
  Individuals who are demographically similar to the rest of their work units will
  perceive more opportunity for advancement than individuals who are
  demographically different from the rest of their work units.

Using self-categorization theory to understand relational
demography-based variations in people’s responsivenessto
organizational culture…

  Officers from a large financial services firm
  who were more demographically different
  from their coworkers behaved more
  cooperatively when their business unit
  emphasized collectivistic rather than
  individualistic cultural values.
 Demographic differences, social categorization, and cooperative

   People categorize demographically different
   people as out-group members and similar
   people as in-group members and also vary
   their cooperation depending on these

 The impact of relational demography on the quality of leader-
member exchanges and employees’ work attitudes and well-being…
  Recent research has suggested that
  demographic characteristics (such as gender,
  age, tenure) can play an important role in
  the quality of leader–member exchanges
Relational demography…

   Largely independent of studies of person-culture
   fit, a separate body of research on organizational   Relational
   demography has developed examining how               demography
   variations in an organization’s demographic
   composition affects performance.

 The gender similarities hypothesis…

  Here, the author advances a very different
  view, the gender similarities hypothesis,
  which holds that males and females are
  similar on most, but not all, psychological
 Gender similarities and differences…
   Gender-differences research is an extremely
   active area; often 50 or more studies can be
   found on a single aspect of gender
   differences. Meta-analysis has emerged as an
   excellent method for assessing these large
   research literatures to determine which
   findings are reliable.

 Gender as a stimulus…

  In the preponderance of psychological research, gender is considered to
  be an individual-difference or person variable. An alternative approach
  recognizes that gender is a social-stimulus variable as well.
Socioculturel influences on gender differences…

   Some of the most exciting research and
   theory on sociocultural influences on
   psychological gender differences is coming
   from cross-national research and research
   on gender and ethnicity in the United

Gender and ethnicity in the United States…

   Scholars in women's studies have long urged the study of the
   intersection of gender and ethnicity. Translated to the
   language of psychological science, this is equivalent to a
   hypothesis of an interaction of gender by ethnicity.
 Top management team demography and corporate strategic

  This study examined the relationship
  between the demography of top
  management teams and corporate
  strategic change, measured as absolute
  change in diversification level.

Age and tenure in relation to organizational commitment: A Meta
 Age and tenure are considered important
 correlates of organizational commitment
 (OC). However, the relations between these
 variables and OC were found to be
 relatively weak. This meta-analysis
 examines the relations between age and
 tenure and OC across different time frames
 of employment stages.
MODEL                 Functional
                      Expertise :
                      Expectations from
                      (fresh position)
 -Educational Level
 -Age                                     ROI
H0 I : There is no relationship between educational level and Roi
H1 I : There is a positive relationship between educational level and Roi
H0 II : There is no relationship between age and Roi
H1 II : There is a negative relationship between age and Roi
H0 III : There is no relationship between organizational tenure and Roi
H1 III : There is a positive relationship between organizational tenure and Roi
H0 IV : There is no effect of expectations from job on the relationship between
educational level and Roi
H1 IV : There is a positive effect of expectations from job on the relationship
between educational level and Roi
H0 V : There is no effect of expectations from job on the relationship between age
and Roi
H1 V : There is an effect of expectations from job on the relationship between age
and Roi
H0 VI : There is no effect of expectations from job on the relationship between
organizational tenure and Roi
H1 VI : There is a positive effect of expectations from job on the relationship
between organizational tenure and Roi
 Teknolojik gelişmeler eğlence sektöründe önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Teknolojik
 gelişmeler, yeni eğlence ürünlerinin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Sinema, müzik, video
 oyunları gibi ürünler, dijital çağda iyi yönde geliştirilebilen eğlence ürünleri olarak
 ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu durumda da teknoloji, eğlence endüstrisinin ekonomik yapısını
 büyük oranda etkilemekte ve değiştirmektedir.

 Teknolojideki gelişmeler, kitlelere ürün dağıtımını kolaylaştırıp artırarak, spor ve
 eğlence pazarlamasının değişimine neden olmuştur. Teknolojinin eğlencede
 yarattığı yeni dönüşüm ve değişimlerin sayısı fazla olmuştur. Sinema, radyo, TV,
 video kaydediciler, CD, DVD ve internet; dünya çapında eğlence ürünlerinin
 yayılmasını daha da kolaylaştırmıştır.

 2009 yılında kuruluşundan bu yana yayıncı ve yapımcı olarak Dijital Eğlence
 sektöründe oyun severlere hizmet veren SHR Group; Türkiye, OrtaDoğu ve Kuzey
 Afrika Bölgesi’nin lider firmasi olarak hizmet vermektedir. Şirketin amacı, bölgedeki
 Dijital Eğlence Sektörü boşluğunu kapatarak, oyun severlerin beklentilerine ve
 ihtiyaçlarını karsılayacak bir hizmet anlayışı ile en kaliteli ve zengin içerikli online
 oyunları Türkçe ve Arapça lokalizasyon ile sunmaktır.

7/24 müşteri desteği, A'dan Z'ye oyun lokalizasyonu, yerel pazar ve bölgesel
pazarlamaya verilen değer, sosyal ağlardaki eğlence ortamı ve online oyun keyfini
birlestiren yapısı, oyuncular için kolay ödeme seçenekleri, MMOFPS, MMORPG, MMO
Aksiyon, Sosyal Oyunlar, Spor, Dans ve Müzik Oyunları ve Mobil Oyunlar gibi oyun
kategorilerinin farklı kesimleri ile dijital eğlence sektörü kapsamında animasyon
yayıncılığı, radyo ve sosyal iletişim ağları SHR'nin sunduğu baslıca hizmetlerdir.
14 milyon kayıtlı oyuncu, 80.000 üzerinde anlık oyuncuya (PCCU) sahip Joygame;
Joymoby, Joygame TV, Joygame Radyo, Joygame Store ve JoyOtaku Anime Portalları ile
birlikte bölgenin en yüksek ziyaretçiye sahip internet firmalarından biridir.

Joygame, Joygame Arabic, Joymoby,
Joyotaku, Hengame, Jeton, Joygame Store
(Online MMRP Oyunlar)


 Softynx (Wolfteam-Rakion), Kylin
 Games,Wayi Interactive, Skeinglob, CJ,
 Nurien, Karnaval(Jeton), Perfect World
 (Battle Of Immortals), Frogwares (World Of
 Battles), Bigpoint, GameSultan, Turkcell,
 Cruncyroll, Spectrum Medya (Karnaval),
 Mighty Gamers, Avea, Vodafone, Pay to Go
Social responsibility…

 TEGEV,, Mavi kapak, OSÜB Projesi…
 SHR personelleri arası “Joy Wars” oyun turnuvaları ve ödüllendirmeler.


• Level Dergisi-Yılın En İyi Aksiyon Oyunu-2011
• Level Dergisi-Yılın En Çok Oynanan Oyunu-2011
• Google Zeitgeist-En Hızlı Yükselen 10 Google Araması-2011
• Webrazzi- En İyi Oyun- 2011
• Altın Örümcek-Birincilik Ödülü-2012
• IMA (Interactive Media Awards) Outstanding Achievement
Award Gaming Kategorisi Birinciligi-2012
• IMA (Interactive Media Awards) Outstanding Achievement
Award Community Kategorisi Birinciligi-2012

Evaluation of computer based tools for research…

   What is SPSS?..

   Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
   Data management and analysis
   Presentation functions, including statistical analyses and
    graphical presentation of data
   Uncover key facts, patterns and trends
   Help for decisions making
Base System of the SPSS…

   Required to run SPSS. Reads data files;
   Data and file manipulation
   Procedures for report writing
   Descriptive statistics
   Cross-tabulation tables and analysis
   T-tests
   Correlation
   Analysis of variance
   Regression
   Cluster analysis
   Factor analysis
   Nonparametric statistics
Strength of SPSS…

• Ease of use particularly with the Windows releases
• Support a variety of charts and graphs
(Categorical charts, Quality control charts, Scatterplots, Density charts,
Diagnostic and exploratory plots, Probability plots, Autocorrelation and partial
autocorrelation function plots, Cross-correlation function plots, Multiple use
charts, Custom charts )
• The ability to manage a complex data set
• To create new variables from existing information
• To provide many types of analysis which are not available in other package

• SPSS has a friendly data editor that resembles Excel that
allows you to enter your data and attributes of your data
(missing values, value labels, etc.)
Analysis of variance (SPSS allows you to perform many
kinds of tests of specific effects) and multivariate analysis.
(e.g. manova, factor analysis, discriminant analysis)

• Problems in positioning graphics precisely on the pages, difficulties in editing
graphs, limited graphical capabilities in early releases.
• Need to have some of the newer graphs - dot plots, mosaic plots, comparative
bar charts with central base line
• The graphic editor is not very versatile.
• Automatic scaling: makes it difficult to present different charts using the same
scale for comparisons.
• Need for fast processor for work with charts
• Lacks many regression analysis techniques.
• Difficult to edit output.
• No indication for significant figures for partial correlation.
SPSS Output

Some of the important tables on SPSS…

                                 Model Summaryb

  Mode           R         R    Adjusted Std. Error        Durbin-
  l                      Square R Square   of the          Watson

  1              .613a         .376      .328     .46843      1.695
 a. Predictors: (Constant), iort, bort

 b. Dependent Variable: üort

 In this table; we can see R square & Dubin-Watson values. Our R square is 0.376
 and Durbin-Watson value is 1.995.
 We know Dubin-Watson value is important for time series and it should be
 between 1.5 & 2.5 .
 So, our Dubin-Watson value is suitable for this research.
Model                                   Sum of      df        Mean Square    F       Sig.

                   Regression               3.439         2          1.720   7.837    .002b

1                  Residual                 5.705        26           .219

                   Total                    9.144        28

a. Dependent Variable: üort
b. Predictors: (Constant), iort, bort

 In this table; we can see Sig. value. Our Sig. value is 0.376 .

 We know Sig. value is important for regression and it should be under the 0.05 .
 So, our Sig. value is suitable for this research and our regresssion is valid.

Model                    Unstandardized         Standardized     t      Sig.
                          Coefficients           Coefficients

                          B       Std. Error        Beta

                          1.079         1.012                   1.066     .296

1                          .388         .257               .235 1.507     .144
                           .650         .188               .539 3.457     .002

In this table; we can see Standardized Coefficients values on Beta. Our
Standardized Coefficients values are 0.235 and 0.539 .

We know Standardized Coefficients values on Beta effects our regression so much
and we know the iort value 0.539 is effect our dependent more than bort value
0.235 which is Standardized Coefficients value on Beta.
Some of the important charts on SPSS…

In this chart; we can see Regression Standardized Residual on dependent variable
Our chart is normal distribution chart and it is suitable for this study.
In this chart; we can see Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual on
dependent variable üort.

Our chart included the points that focusing on the line.
Ancona, D. G., & Caldwell, D. F. (1992). Demography and design: Predictors of       Ibarra, H. 1995. Race, opportunity, and diversity of social circles in managerial
     new product                                                                          networks.
team performance. Organization Science, 3, 321-341.                                 Academy of Management Journal, 38: 673-703.

Bedian, A. G., Ferris, G. R., & Kacmar, K. M. (1992). Age, tenure, and job          O’Reilly, C., Chatman, J., & Caldwell, D. 1991. People and organizational
      satisfaction: A                                                                    culture: A profile comparison approach to assessing person-organization
tale of two perspectives. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 40, 33-48.                     fit. Academy of Management Journal, 14: 487-516.

Chatman, J., Polzer, J., Barsade, S., & Neale, M. 1998. Being different yet         Pelled, L. 1996. Demographic diversity, conflict, and work group outcomes: An
      feeling similar:                                                                    intervening process theory. Organization Science, 7: 615-631.
The influence of demographic composition and organizational culture on work
processes and outcomes. Administrative Science Quarterly, 43: 749-780               Petersen, T. 1992. Individual, collective, and systems rationality in work groups:
                                                                                         Dilemmas and markettype solutions. American Journal of Sociology, 98:
TOUNDERSTAND RELATIONAL DEMOGRAPHY–BASED VARIATIONS IN                              Riordan, C., & Shore, L.1997. Demographic diversity and employee attitudes:
                                                                                         An empirical examination of relational demography within work units.
PEOPLE’S RESPONSIVENESS TO ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE. Academy                               Journal of Applied Psychology, 82: 342-358.
Management Journal 2005, Vol. 48, No. 2, 321–331.                                   Riordan, M, & Shore, L (1997). Demographic Diversity and Employee
                                                                                         Attitudes: An
Cohen A. (1993). Age and Tenure in Relation to Organizational Commitment:           Empirical Examination of Relational Demography within Work Units, Journal
     A Meta-                                                                             of
Analysis. BASIC AND APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 1993, 14(2), 143-159.                Applied Psychology, 1997, Vol. 82. No. 3, 342-358

Ely, R. J. (1995). The power in demography: Women's social construction of          Robbins, H., & Finley, M. 2000. Why teams don’t work. San Francisco: Barrett-
      gender identity at work. Academy of Management Journal, 38, 589-634.               Koehler
                                                                                    Publishers.Yammarino, F., & Waldman, D. 1993. Performance in relation to job
Epitropaki O., & Martin R., (1999). The impact of relational demography on               skill
     the quality of leader–member exchanges and employees’ work attitudes           importance: A consideration of rater source. Journal of Applied Psychology,
     and well-being. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology               78:242-
     (1999), 72, 237–240.                                                           249.
Fagenson, E. A. (1990). At the heart of women in management research:               Tsui, A. S., Egan, T. D., & O'Reilly, C. A. (1992). Being different: Relational
     Theoretical and methodological approaches and their biases. Journal of               demography
     Business Ethics, 9, 267-274.
                                                                                    and organizational attachment. Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, 547—
Hackman, J. R., & Lawler, E, E., ffl. (1979). Job characteristics and motivation:
conceptual framework. In L. E. Davis & J. C. Taylor (Eds.), Design of jobs (pp.     Zenger, T., & Lawrence, B. 1989. Organizational demography: The differential
      75-                                                                                effects of age and tenure distributions on technical communication.
                                                                                         Academy of Management Journal, 32: 353-376.
84). Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear Publishing Company

Question 1.Workforce diversity is throughout the organization and on the basis of
department what dimensions are desirable explain it?

The company all employee ara Turkish and it mainly consist of male
employee.Gender diversity in the workforce diversity is low.Especially in mechanic
and production depertmans of company dos not run female employee.However
oparate younger employees in the sales departmant of the company.Because younger
employees are more dynamic.Company workforce diversity is not high.Morital status
of employees is modarate (workforce diversity).
Question 2. Depending on team effectiveness the emergence of effective will
working time of employees in the company (tenure)?

The company was founded three years ago, therefore the oldest employees of the
company's three years.In organizational teamwork senior employees are more
effient than new employee and they have more leadership spirit,more successful.
For this reason seniority is directly proportional to the positive performance in
team activities.

Question 3. Is it necessary academic career to functional
expertise ?

Althought exceptions, generally must be the career for
functional expertise.

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Anıl Sural - Difference Between New Graduate Manager and Experience Manager

  • 1. Okan University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science Department of Business Administration BUS401.1 - Research Methods in Administrative Sciences Assistant Professor Lecturer Işık Çiçek
  • 2. SUBJECT ‘’Experience in executive and a recent graduate manager work in the same place and how does it affect the performance? ‘’ SUMMARY Work experience is the experience that a person has been working, or worked in a specific field or occupation. Functional experience and expectations you can get all from job. Experience is the knowledge acquired in a matter accumulation over time.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this project is appreciating the experience in executive and a recent graduate manager work in the same place and how does it affect the performance. We have included the following steps : •literature •model and hypothesis •information about the sector •general information about the visited company •SPSS analysis •bibliography and responses for open and closed-ended questions. We completed our project step by step. In this study firstly we choosed a company that can share some information about employees with us and we got general information from the human resources manager of the company. According the this information we choosed a model for research methods and we created a survey which includes our model. We implemented that surveys with 30 employees who works in SHR İnteraktif Servisler San. ve Tic. A.Ş. According to the results we prepared an excel form of results and we used that results at SPSS program. SPSS program is very useful for our project. Because we can see all the results and analysis on SPSS that we need. Also, with this project we started for research literature and we searched for article that contains our model.
  • 5.  Teamwork… The ability to develop a sense of teamwork and camaraderie among workers is one ay that relational demography can prove to be an important area of study for organizational psychologists and for other human resources managers.  Organizational Culture… The development of a strong organizational culture is also an important by product of using relational demography.
  • 6.  Limit… While relational demography appears to have positive implications in the business world, there are some questions about its ability to accurately assess individual and group attitudes and behaviors.  Similarities… Relational demography indicates that the more similarities workers in the same social group have among one another, the more likely it is that these workers will develop positive work attitudes and behaviors.
  • 7. Demographic similarity and advancement opportunities… Individuals who are demographically similar to the rest of their work units will perceive more opportunity for advancement than individuals who are demographically different from the rest of their work units. Using self-categorization theory to understand relational demography-based variations in people’s responsivenessto organizational culture… Officers from a large financial services firm who were more demographically different from their coworkers behaved more cooperatively when their business unit emphasized collectivistic rather than individualistic cultural values.
  • 8.  Demographic differences, social categorization, and cooperative behavior… People categorize demographically different people as out-group members and similar people as in-group members and also vary their cooperation depending on these categorizations.  The impact of relational demography on the quality of leader- member exchanges and employees’ work attitudes and well-being… Recent research has suggested that demographic characteristics (such as gender, age, tenure) can play an important role in the quality of leader–member exchanges
  • 9. Relational demography… Largely independent of studies of person-culture fit, a separate body of research on organizational Relational demography has developed examining how demography variations in an organization’s demographic composition affects performance.  The gender similarities hypothesis… Here, the author advances a very different view, the gender similarities hypothesis, which holds that males and females are similar on most, but not all, psychological variables.
  • 10.  Gender similarities and differences… Gender-differences research is an extremely active area; often 50 or more studies can be found on a single aspect of gender differences. Meta-analysis has emerged as an excellent method for assessing these large research literatures to determine which findings are reliable.  Gender as a stimulus… In the preponderance of psychological research, gender is considered to be an individual-difference or person variable. An alternative approach recognizes that gender is a social-stimulus variable as well.
  • 11. Socioculturel influences on gender differences… Some of the most exciting research and theory on sociocultural influences on psychological gender differences is coming from cross-national research and research on gender and ethnicity in the United States. Gender and ethnicity in the United States… Scholars in women's studies have long urged the study of the intersection of gender and ethnicity. Translated to the language of psychological science, this is equivalent to a hypothesis of an interaction of gender by ethnicity.
  • 12.  Top management team demography and corporate strategic chance… This study examined the relationship between the demography of top management teams and corporate strategic change, measured as absolute change in diversification level. Age and tenure in relation to organizational commitment: A Meta Analysis… Age and tenure are considered important correlates of organizational commitment (OC). However, the relations between these variables and OC were found to be relatively weak. This meta-analysis examines the relations between age and tenure and OC across different time frames of employment stages.
  • 13. MODEL Functional Expertise : Expectations from job (fresh position) Relational Demography: -Educational Level -Age ROI -Organizational Tenure
  • 14. H0 I : There is no relationship between educational level and Roi H1 I : There is a positive relationship between educational level and Roi H0 II : There is no relationship between age and Roi H1 II : There is a negative relationship between age and Roi H0 III : There is no relationship between organizational tenure and Roi H1 III : There is a positive relationship between organizational tenure and Roi H0 IV : There is no effect of expectations from job on the relationship between educational level and Roi H1 IV : There is a positive effect of expectations from job on the relationship between educational level and Roi H0 V : There is no effect of expectations from job on the relationship between age and Roi H1 V : There is an effect of expectations from job on the relationship between age and Roi H0 VI : There is no effect of expectations from job on the relationship between organizational tenure and Roi H1 VI : There is a positive effect of expectations from job on the relationship between organizational tenure and Roi
  • 15. INFORMATION OF THE SECTOR Teknolojik gelişmeler eğlence sektöründe önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Teknolojik gelişmeler, yeni eğlence ürünlerinin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Sinema, müzik, video oyunları gibi ürünler, dijital çağda iyi yönde geliştirilebilen eğlence ürünleri olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu durumda da teknoloji, eğlence endüstrisinin ekonomik yapısını büyük oranda etkilemekte ve değiştirmektedir. Teknolojideki gelişmeler, kitlelere ürün dağıtımını kolaylaştırıp artırarak, spor ve eğlence pazarlamasının değişimine neden olmuştur. Teknolojinin eğlencede yarattığı yeni dönüşüm ve değişimlerin sayısı fazla olmuştur. Sinema, radyo, TV, video kaydediciler, CD, DVD ve internet; dünya çapında eğlence ürünlerinin yayılmasını daha da kolaylaştırmıştır.
  • 16. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE VISITED COMPANY 2009 yılında kuruluşundan bu yana yayıncı ve yapımcı olarak Dijital Eğlence sektöründe oyun severlere hizmet veren SHR Group; Türkiye, OrtaDoğu ve Kuzey Afrika Bölgesi’nin lider firmasi olarak hizmet vermektedir. Şirketin amacı, bölgedeki Dijital Eğlence Sektörü boşluğunu kapatarak, oyun severlerin beklentilerine ve ihtiyaçlarını karsılayacak bir hizmet anlayışı ile en kaliteli ve zengin içerikli online oyunları Türkçe ve Arapça lokalizasyon ile sunmaktır. 7/24 müşteri desteği, A'dan Z'ye oyun lokalizasyonu, yerel pazar ve bölgesel pazarlamaya verilen değer, sosyal ağlardaki eğlence ortamı ve online oyun keyfini birlestiren yapısı, oyuncular için kolay ödeme seçenekleri, MMOFPS, MMORPG, MMO Aksiyon, Sosyal Oyunlar, Spor, Dans ve Müzik Oyunları ve Mobil Oyunlar gibi oyun kategorilerinin farklı kesimleri ile dijital eğlence sektörü kapsamında animasyon yayıncılığı, radyo ve sosyal iletişim ağları SHR'nin sunduğu baslıca hizmetlerdir.
  • 17. 14 milyon kayıtlı oyuncu, 80.000 üzerinde anlık oyuncuya (PCCU) sahip Joygame; Joymoby, Joygame TV, Joygame Radyo, Joygame Store ve JoyOtaku Anime Portalları ile birlikte bölgenin en yüksek ziyaretçiye sahip internet firmalarından biridir.
  • 18. Products… Joygame, Joygame Arabic, Joymoby, Joyotaku, Hengame, Jeton, Joygame Store (Online MMRP Oyunlar) Partners… Softynx (Wolfteam-Rakion), Kylin Games,Wayi Interactive, Skeinglob, CJ, Nurien, Karnaval(Jeton), Perfect World (Battle Of Immortals), Frogwares (World Of Battles), Bigpoint, GameSultan, Turkcell, Cruncyroll, Spectrum Medya (Karnaval), Mighty Gamers, Avea, Vodafone, Pay to Go
  • 19. Social responsibility… TEGEV,, Mavi kapak, OSÜB Projesi… SHR personelleri arası “Joy Wars” oyun turnuvaları ve ödüllendirmeler. Awards… • Level Dergisi-Yılın En İyi Aksiyon Oyunu-2011 • Level Dergisi-Yılın En Çok Oynanan Oyunu-2011 • Google Zeitgeist-En Hızlı Yükselen 10 Google Araması-2011 • Webrazzi- En İyi Oyun- 2011 • Altın Örümcek-Birincilik Ödülü-2012 • IMA (Interactive Media Awards) Outstanding Achievement Award Gaming Kategorisi Birinciligi-2012 • IMA (Interactive Media Awards) Outstanding Achievement Award Community Kategorisi Birinciligi-2012
  • 20. SPSS ANALYSIS Evaluation of computer based tools for research… What is SPSS?..  Statistical Package for the Social Sciences  Data management and analysis  Presentation functions, including statistical analyses and graphical presentation of data  Uncover key facts, patterns and trends  Help for decisions making
  • 21. Base System of the SPSS…  Required to run SPSS. Reads data files;  Data and file manipulation  Procedures for report writing  Descriptive statistics  Cross-tabulation tables and analysis  T-tests  Correlation  Analysis of variance  Regression  Cluster analysis  Factor analysis  Nonparametric statistics
  • 23. Strength of SPSS… • Ease of use particularly with the Windows releases • Support a variety of charts and graphs (Categorical charts, Quality control charts, Scatterplots, Density charts, Diagnostic and exploratory plots, Probability plots, Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation function plots, Cross-correlation function plots, Multiple use charts, Custom charts ) • The ability to manage a complex data set • To create new variables from existing information • To provide many types of analysis which are not available in other package programs • SPSS has a friendly data editor that resembles Excel that allows you to enter your data and attributes of your data (missing values, value labels, etc.) Analysis of variance (SPSS allows you to perform many kinds of tests of specific effects) and multivariate analysis. (e.g. manova, factor analysis, discriminant analysis)
  • 24. Weaknesses… • Problems in positioning graphics precisely on the pages, difficulties in editing graphs, limited graphical capabilities in early releases. • Need to have some of the newer graphs - dot plots, mosaic plots, comparative bar charts with central base line • The graphic editor is not very versatile. • Automatic scaling: makes it difficult to present different charts using the same scale for comparisons. • Need for fast processor for work with charts • Lacks many regression analysis techniques. • Difficult to edit output. • No indication for significant figures for partial correlation.
  • 25. SPSS Output Some of the important tables on SPSS… Model Summaryb Mode R R Adjusted Std. Error Durbin- l Square R Square of the Watson Estimate 1 .613a .376 .328 .46843 1.695 a. Predictors: (Constant), iort, bort b. Dependent Variable: üort In this table; we can see R square & Dubin-Watson values. Our R square is 0.376 and Durbin-Watson value is 1.995. We know Dubin-Watson value is important for time series and it should be between 1.5 & 2.5 . So, our Dubin-Watson value is suitable for this research.
  • 26. ANOVAa Model Sum of df Mean Square F Sig. Squares Regression 3.439 2 1.720 7.837 .002b 1 Residual 5.705 26 .219 Total 9.144 28 a. Dependent Variable: üort b. Predictors: (Constant), iort, bort In this table; we can see Sig. value. Our Sig. value is 0.376 . We know Sig. value is important for regression and it should be under the 0.05 . So, our Sig. value is suitable for this research and our regresssion is valid.
  • 27. Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta 1.079 1.012 1.066 .296 (Constant) 1 .388 .257 .235 1.507 .144 bort .650 .188 .539 3.457 .002 iort In this table; we can see Standardized Coefficients values on Beta. Our Standardized Coefficients values are 0.235 and 0.539 . We know Standardized Coefficients values on Beta effects our regression so much and we know the iort value 0.539 is effect our dependent more than bort value 0.235 which is Standardized Coefficients value on Beta.
  • 28. Some of the important charts on SPSS… In this chart; we can see Regression Standardized Residual on dependent variable üort. Our chart is normal distribution chart and it is suitable for this study.
  • 29. In this chart; we can see Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual on dependent variable üort. Our chart included the points that focusing on the line.
  • 30. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ancona, D. G., & Caldwell, D. F. (1992). Demography and design: Predictors of Ibarra, H. 1995. Race, opportunity, and diversity of social circles in managerial new product networks. team performance. Organization Science, 3, 321-341. Academy of Management Journal, 38: 673-703. Bedian, A. G., Ferris, G. R., & Kacmar, K. M. (1992). Age, tenure, and job O’Reilly, C., Chatman, J., & Caldwell, D. 1991. People and organizational satisfaction: A culture: A profile comparison approach to assessing person-organization tale of two perspectives. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 40, 33-48. fit. Academy of Management Journal, 14: 487-516. Chatman, J., Polzer, J., Barsade, S., & Neale, M. 1998. Being different yet Pelled, L. 1996. Demographic diversity, conflict, and work group outcomes: An feeling similar: intervening process theory. Organization Science, 7: 615-631. The influence of demographic composition and organizational culture on work processes and outcomes. Administrative Science Quarterly, 43: 749-780 Petersen, T. 1992. Individual, collective, and systems rationality in work groups: Dilemmas and markettype solutions. American Journal of Sociology, 98: 469-510. Chatman, J., & SPATARO, S. (2005) USING SELF-CATEGORIZATION THEORY TOUNDERSTAND RELATIONAL DEMOGRAPHY–BASED VARIATIONS IN Riordan, C., & Shore, L.1997. Demographic diversity and employee attitudes: An empirical examination of relational demography within work units. PEOPLE’S RESPONSIVENESS TO ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE. Academy Journal of Applied Psychology, 82: 342-358. of Management Journal 2005, Vol. 48, No. 2, 321–331. Riordan, M, & Shore, L (1997). Demographic Diversity and Employee Attitudes: An Cohen A. (1993). Age and Tenure in Relation to Organizational Commitment: Empirical Examination of Relational Demography within Work Units, Journal A Meta- of Analysis. BASIC AND APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 1993, 14(2), 143-159. Applied Psychology, 1997, Vol. 82. No. 3, 342-358 Ely, R. J. (1995). The power in demography: Women's social construction of Robbins, H., & Finley, M. 2000. Why teams don’t work. San Francisco: Barrett- gender identity at work. Academy of Management Journal, 38, 589-634. Koehler Publishers.Yammarino, F., & Waldman, D. 1993. Performance in relation to job Epitropaki O., & Martin R., (1999). The impact of relational demography on skill the quality of leader–member exchanges and employees’ work attitudes importance: A consideration of rater source. Journal of Applied Psychology, and well-being. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 78:242- (1999), 72, 237–240. 249. Fagenson, E. A. (1990). At the heart of women in management research: Tsui, A. S., Egan, T. D., & O'Reilly, C. A. (1992). Being different: Relational Theoretical and methodological approaches and their biases. Journal of demography Business Ethics, 9, 267-274. and organizational attachment. Administrative Science Quarterly, 37, 547— 579. Hackman, J. R., & Lawler, E, E., ffl. (1979). Job characteristics and motivation: A conceptual framework. In L. E. Davis & J. C. Taylor (Eds.), Design of jobs (pp. Zenger, T., & Lawrence, B. 1989. Organizational demography: The differential 75- effects of age and tenure distributions on technical communication. Academy of Management Journal, 32: 353-376. 84). Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear Publishing Company
  • 31. RESPONSES FOR OPEN AND CLOSED-ENDED QUESTIONS Question 1.Workforce diversity is throughout the organization and on the basis of department what dimensions are desirable explain it? The company all employee ara Turkish and it mainly consist of male employee.Gender diversity in the workforce diversity is low.Especially in mechanic and production depertmans of company dos not run female employee.However oparate younger employees in the sales departmant of the company.Because younger employees are more dynamic.Company workforce diversity is not high.Morital status of employees is modarate (workforce diversity).
  • 32. Question 2. Depending on team effectiveness the emergence of effective will working time of employees in the company (tenure)? The company was founded three years ago, therefore the oldest employees of the company's three years.In organizational teamwork senior employees are more effient than new employee and they have more leadership spirit,more successful. For this reason seniority is directly proportional to the positive performance in team activities. Question 3. Is it necessary academic career to functional expertise ? Althought exceptions, generally must be the career for functional expertise.