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Diary Entry On Colonial Diaries
Dear diary, I have changed so much these past weeks It's crazy! Just at the ceremony I was a small town girl in a small colony. Then I got picked
for the testing and It all changed. I can't believe how tall I've become in just a few weeks and how mature I've become now. I am not very scared
of blood anymore since all that time stitching up thomas and will. I hope thomas gives me some of the pills so I can remember everything that
happened but I also could write everything down on a chalkboard. that would be a problem because they are so big. I hope I don't fail because that
would mean that I would either die or go to a different colony which is not my own. I also hope Thomas passes so we can be together. Forever. I hate
Will now that he
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Diary Entry Research Paper
Today I have to write this entry extra early because today I turn 12. Yesterday my mom took me Dhaka's Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh . She
took me inside a old run down building that looks it could come down at any moment. It was hot and smelled like a rat ate a rotten egg and died.
Once inside I met an older lady asking my mom lots of questions about me, mostly about how fast I can work or if I was available to work 13 hours
a day. At first I was confused why she even asked my mom questions about me. Whenever we go out she usually never mention my name or even
bothers to acknowledge me. When we got home last night she sit me down and told me I was to go to work with her starting tomorrow. She told me
that my age she was already going
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Diary 1-Personal Narrative
Diary 1
My heart was beating. Pounding right out of my chest. After, 5 tireless months of meticulous crafting and hundreds of hours of practice, it was
finally the day to present our masterpiece. Every weekend spent at my friend's basement drafting scripts and painting backdrops. Every school day
spent discussing new ideas for the play. Along with becoming insane about recyclable materials and art supplies, we grew as a family. We are a
strong sisterhood that have laughed together and cried together, and together we are ready to show the world what we have accomplished. I woke up
bright and early that fine morning, eager to step out onto the competition floor. My head in the clouds, excited yet nervous at the same time. But despite
my daze, more content...
Every minute of my time onstage was thrilling. I was appointed the superhero Clyde (the orange ghost), and my sidekick was pacman. Together we
saved creativity in all situations and even battled the evil computer programmer. Although it was a bit cliche, our humorous interpretation of the
video characters and their world seems to appeal to the audience.The judges occasionally chuckled and so did the audience. And finally when the
skit was complete we walked off stage with our chins high, for we had managed to stay in the time limit and no one forgot their lines. We were proud
of all the work we did and were relieved that it was over
Following our jaw dropping performance was the Team B's time to go. We had towatch it. So after quickly dropping our props back into the holding
room we dashed back to the competition site to watch our school rival. Their main theme was spongebob. They started of strong with amazing
costumes and backdrops, but their script lacked some of the necessary requirements. But even though we didn't think they had the better skit, the scores
were all in the hands of the judges. The spontaneous part of the competition wasn't till another 2 hours. But that's a story for another
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Essay on Diary of an Interesting Year
Global warming has been a strong presence in the social debate for the last couple of years. Many people, both politicians, experts and regular citizens,
seem to have many different opinions about the severity of global warming. The United Nations held a climate change conference, commonly known as
COP15, in Denmark in 2009 as an attempt to adopt a plan of action. In that connection Helen Simpson wrote the short story "Diary of an Interesting
Year" for the American magazine The New Yorker. "Diary of an Interesting Year" is a humorous post
–apocalyptic story that begins in February 2040
from where it extends over nearly one year where the reader gains an insight into a world that has sustained the severe consequences of more
knows how to survive by filtrating toxic water from the rivers and finding eatable foods for the both of them. One day they are not alone any more.
When G. is killed, the narrator doesn't write much about it. All we hear is that "G. didn't have a gun. This one had a gun". Instead of writing about her
expected mourning over G.'s death, she writes down her feelings about M., which are not happy feelings either: "What he does to me is horrible. I
don't want to think about it". The fact that she does not grieve for her husband can seem very cynical, but it could also be a reaction in defence of her
feelings simply because it is too unbearable for her to think or write about it. Throughout the story the narrator is constantly on the alert of getting
pregnant. Any birth control is completely unobtainable and in fact it seems as though it is impossible to buy things and groceries in the small suburb in
which they live. Also, the conditions in this post–apocalyptic society has made it next to infeasible for an infant to survive: "I give a new baby three
months max in these conditions". After G. dies, the narrator gets beaten and sexually abused by M. and in the fall the narrator realises that she is
pregnant with M.'s child. She gets really scared because there are good chances that neither she nor the baby will survive the birth: "I can't be pregnant.
I won't be pregnant". She tries whatever she can think of, including throwing herself into a pit where
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Essay About A Diary Entry
Entry 4–Presently a black family car came roaring around the corner, halting to a stop just in front of the warehouse. Both of my parents immediately
got to their feet, waiting expectantly for the doors of the car to open. That was when a man stepped out from the driver's seat and started towards us,
each step purposeful and confident. My Father stood straighter ready to confront and greet our extremely gracious and generous relative. They shook
hands solemnly, making direct eye–contact as they discussed what would be happening now that we were finally in America. Even though I only
heard snippets of the conversation that was occurring, I concluded that we would be travelling up to a place called New York, where the rest of our more content...
After he finished with me, he did the same to my Father until we were all camouflaged within the confines of the car. Seemingly satisfied with his
handiwork, my Uncle revved up the car and began the long drive to New York that would approximately take 36 solid hours. Eventually I began to
feel more and more cramped inside that car seat as minutes and then hours proceeded to come and go. As far as I can remember we only stopped
once, so that Uncle Alejandro could rest briefly and so that we could massage the stiffness and cramps out of our joints and attend to whatever
needs we had. Then we were back on the road, a tedious journey that was extremely dull. Especially since I could barely see through the material of
the head of the car seat to look at the sights that would no doubt pass us by. However, I did manage to catch glimpses of a flashing sign, tree, car or
house at times, which did make me interested for a second before they would vanish out of view. Occasionally my Uncle looked back at us to check
how we were holding up, and even told us some of the names of the places that we had travelled through. Apparently to get to New York we would
have to travel 3,884.6km through America. I couldn't even begin to comprehend what that distance must look like, for I don't ever remember travelling
so far in Mexico, as I had currently travelled in the last week.
Suddenly, interrupting my thoughts, my Uncle whispered to us in
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Diary Anne Frank Research Paper
In her diary journal* Dear Kitty, I remember when we got into this hiding place, to get away from the Nazi's a few years ago. I love this diary because
I received it for my thirteenth birthday two years ago, and it is precious as I can write to you! I feel a little sick, I think it might be a mild case of
typhus, but I will get through this! I want to go see Margot writing in her journal! Love, Anne Frank! *Her thoughts* My family and I are very scared
of this horror, that our fellow Jews have faced. We are just innocent people, living in an attic behind my dad's business, and I call it the Secret Annex!
I'm afraid of the gestapo, discovering Jews, but I'm sure my family won't get caught. All 8 members in my family fit into one attic, with
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Quotes From Lord Of The Flies By William Golding
Day 1: My day started as any other day. We all got on the plane, on our way too a place, I forgot the name. Then the next thing, the plane was in
flames and we crashed on the island. I was climbing this hill when I heard this sound, I took the choirboys with me and we found this boy with a
shell and a bunch of other boys crowded around him. We all introduced ourselves and three of us when off to find food. I was with Ralph and Simon,
this boy, Piggy, wanted to come but I told him "no." We found a pig, I was so close to killing it. ""I was choosing a place," said Jack. " I was just
waiting for a moment to decide where to stick it."" ( Golding 31.) I couldn't bring myself to kill that pig. The rest of the boys got mad, I told them i more content...
" That little un that had a mark on his face– where is– he now? I tell you I don't see him." ( Golding 46 ). I don't know who is gong to tell his parents.
That's all I got for now, until next time. –Jack Day 52: I am so proud of myself. I finally killed that darn pig. When we got to the fire on the hilltop,
guess who was there, that Ralph. He got so mad then we let the fire go out. We just went to find a pig to eat. Simon didn't eat a piece, I threw a
piece at him. I started yelling at all boys because I gave them food and they didn't eat. After I calmed down a bit, the hunting group started to reenact
the killing of our pig. I slept good, my stomach was full. I was satisfied. – Jack Day 86: After what feels like years, but actually months. Things have
taken a turn for the worst, the boys want me to be the leader, but i'm not sure if I can do it. Ralph doesn't want me to be chief, he thinks that is a
bad idea because I'm too reckless and, I want to get off this island as well as Ralph. He wants to be civilized and make shelters just in case we don't get
off this island. He wants me to help, do I help, no way am I going to do work. Simon can help him, I really don't care. I just want to do things and
not have Ralph tell me what to do. I can't wait to get off this island and away from Ralph and his pets Simon and Piggy. –
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Audience For The Diary Entries
Audience for the diary entries: This diary entries is aim for the writer itself. This is only for the writer to read. Everything that is written in a diary is
personal and no one else can read it unless the writer gives permission. If someone reads it, the person might not be able to understand what is going
on because everything that is written in a diary are personal things that no one might know about.
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True Diary Of A Part Time Indian Thesis
Junior the protagonist of True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie is currently struggling with an abundance of issues ranging all the
way from a poverty driven home to medical issues he was born into. It seems to me, that all of juniors problems he was born into and unable to
change for example he was born into poverty and he was born indian, setting him up for the racism he would soon enough face and he was born
with too much cerebral fluid in his brain. That's not to say all of his problems came along with birth and he was just born to be plagued with, but
majority of them stemmed from birth. I believe that Junior a.k.a Arnold Spirit's main issue in the novel would be his poverty because it affects every
aspect of his life
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My Diary Essay
My Diary
October 11, 1950 I found the diary of my girlhood journey and new life in America yesterday. I feel that the story and lesson I learned from it are
priceless and should be told; therefore I am publishing this collection of deep innermost thoughts from my youth for you to read and enjoy. It is my
hope that you can look at your life and realize all the things there are to be thankful for.
It seems like just yesterday I was first coming to America. I can still clearly feel the wonder and astonishment that rushed through my body that day at
the sight of America. The tall buildings aligned with the horizon welcomed me to my more content...
Dad said that people share a tenement like this with other families, but at least we have only the four of us to live here. October 20, 1900
First thing in the morning my family and I went to a tailor to have new clothes made. The clothes are hues of blue and gray, much brighter then the
drab brown and white I am used to wearing. Dad says that these clothes are American, and we'll all fit in better with them because no one will know
we just came from Germany. I like the thought of looking American. Dad also said that Emily and I could begin school the following week. I was
truly excited after hearing that! School has always been fun for me!
Dad will be going to look for work next week. He owned a shop in Germany where he made furniture. Dad was quite famous for his quality furniture,
so I am sure he will have the same success here.
November 20, 1900 I have been so busy with new friends and school! I'm making many friends here, just like I had in Germany. School is a little
hard because I came half way through the year, but my teacher said that I should have no problem catching up. Dad was unable to find any work
making furniture, but he found work in a shoe factory. He explained to my sister and I that he won't be making much money, but after he saves money
for a while he will open his own store. At the factory he works long hours. I don't
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My Writing Diary
From a young age, I have always loved writing. I started writing diary when I was eight. Sometimes when I had feelings that were hard to deal with,
and things that I did not feel like sharing, I would jot them down in my diary. When I am upset, the best way for me to calm down is to write it all
out. I also like to write stories. I found writing them fascinating because I get to tell the what happened in the stories, and in each story, there are all
sorts of possibilities. Fairies are real, the princesses can always find their princes, and people can always recover from tragedy. I get to decide on how
the story ends, change hearts and minds, bring people to tears. I remember spending hours dreaming up stories and trying my best to put the puzzles
together, making them into a story, and putting them onpaper. However, things have changed after I came to the United more content...
The dramatic shift to the language of English made writing extremely difficult for me. In addition to that, I think the language barrier affects all aspects
of learning including not just writing, but also reading, listening and speaking. I began to see writing assignments as a form of punishment, rather than
opportunities for me to build my writing skills. Whenever the teacher assigned the class a topic to write about, I would always freaked out, because
most of the time I could not understand the subjects. Sometimes I wanted to ask the teacher to clarify, but I was too scared that I might ask the wrong
question, and that I would not be able to speak English fluently enough to get my point across to the teacher. The lack of communication with the
teacher makes them seem more intimating to me. Therefore, I would stay quiet and try figuring out what to write by myself instead of reaching out for
help for most of the
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Diary Entry Analysis
Diary entry one: As of recently, life has been pretty difficult for our whole family. We haven't been getting much money off the farm since prices
on crops dropped. And, my mom lost her job because the company wasn't making enough money to support its workers. She is unable to find a
new job, because the same thing is happening to a lot of companies in the same field, and she lacks experience in any other job. I just really hope
that things go up from here because we seem like we have hit rock bottom and it is very difficult. Diary entry two: Since last entry, I have noticed
that my whole family has been more anxious and depressed. It's because we are so tight on money, it is almost impossible for us to support and care
for everybody in the
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Diary Entry Essay
Diary entry 23:
I don't know. I just don't know what I should do. Father says that I have to join the Sons of Liberty, but I'm not sure that I want to. He says that they
fight for a independence, freedom, and not having taxes. I don't know much about taxes but, I have noticed that ever since they have gone into place,
we haven't had much food anymore. The conversation at dinner tonight got more tense than regular. Father said that tomorrow night we are going to
have to give up our beds to British soldiers. I don't want to give up my room to our enemy. Father says that we also have to feed them as well. We
wouldn't have any food left. Father then said that we were either going to leave our house and move so far west that the soldiers couldn' more
Actually, the city council has. They demanded that all boys from the age of 13 to 23 need to join the Sons of Liberty, and that they are making that a
law punishable by death. So, I guess I am joining the Sons of Liberty whether I like it or not. The only reason that I know this is when I was in
town getting different goods, I heard the town meeting in the town hall. I was just getting in town when I passed the town hall and heard a heated
discussion. It was about the Stamp Act. All that I know about the Stamp Act is what I have heard from spying on my parents. I could only hear
bits and pieces of the conversation, but from what I heard, the final paper item that hasn't been a part of the Stamp Act has now been stamped. I
heard them voting on whether they should make all boys and young men join the Sons of Liberty and fight for our freedom from Britain and their
taxes. Most of the men in their, including Father, said that they agree with the boys and young men joining the Sons of Liberty. I luckily got home
just before Father so I could look like I had gotten all of the goods and started on my evening chores. When my father got home, he called me inside,
and told me all that had happened at the town meeting. I looked surprised, even though I already knew all of this. He said that he was going to take me
into Boston tomorrow to
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Media Diary
Department of Media and Communication Studies.
Lecturer: Dr. Tony Langlois.
Student: Eddie Enright
Student ID: 0665592
Assignment Title: Media Diary.
Words: 1200.
The main purpose of keeping this Diary was to collect information (Data) about my own use of the Media in the given two week period. I found this
survey rather interesting because up until now I did not realise that I use the media so much and so the findings were a revelation to me. In the course
of the survey I further realised that my consumption must be very average for me because I did not alter any patterns during the survey.
2.My 'Average' Media Day.
I carried out my survey from Tuesday 1st November 2011 to Monday more content...
As can be seen from the survey I can enjoy Music from a number of different media including Television, Radio, CD and Internet (sites such as
Youtube and Vevo offer Music Videos to watch for free.
I spent a lot of the time in the course of my day reading. I rarely read Novels and at the moment most of my reading is in some way related to my
studies. I also buy a daily newspaper to read the main stories of the day. I also do quite a bit of reading on the Internet. I visit many news sites such as
RTE, BBC (for News) and other sites of interest such as MIC Library Databases, Sites related to courses and I also get a lot of interesting information
in Wikipedia. I would describe my reading habits as average for a student.
Up until I did this survey I would have thought that I was no more exposed to Passive Consumption than the average person. However, as the
survey progressed I realised that I engage in many conversations in relation to media issues. The latest Movie, the latest instalment of a TV show
such as X Factor, Soap Operas or news events. I also realised that while at College I am exposed to media at Lectures, in casual conversations,
randomly placed advertising in canteen, shops and corridors. I now realise that I am exposed to the media for practically every waking hour.
10.Two Day Survey.
In the course of the two–day survey which I conducted over one weekend ((5th and 6th
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Essay on Reflective Diary
I am writing this essay in–order to reflect upon the experiences, that I have experienced during the 7 months that I have been studying the Work based
live case study module (2509) and how these experiences have impacted upon my approach towards my communication, team working, problem
solving skills and other factors which were endemic within the module.
After completing the first year module New enterprise journey, which is the module prior to Work based livecase study. I expected the work based live
case study to be similar. However I found out this as correct in a sense, however the Work based live case study module took the theoretical aspects
from the more content...
From the level one module New enterprise journey I learnt that the team selection was an important facet. According to Bolton & Thompson 2004
people selection is important as it "enhances performance significantly, so the work based case study module helped me be able to carryout team
selection, this process was through working with people I have had previous experience in working with, this proved successful as we worked well as
a unit, this was mainly because a group member assumed leadership which is another important facet within a team.
Work based case study being a level two module meant that there was a large amount of work to carryout within a tight deadline, as were assigned a
blank canvas of what kind of solutions we could encompass. So we had
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Essay On The Diary Of Anne Frank
Historical Events from "The Diary of Anne Frank" In the late 1930s and early 1940s the world experienced very traumatic events. Adolf Hitler
comes to power in Germany. He banned all political parties, except the Nazis. Two of the families that were affected by his changes were the Franks
and the Van Daans. Anne Frank was a member of the Frank family. Her family and the Van Daans experienced what was happening personally.
During the time that she was forced to go into hiding, she kept a diary with her. The diary has become very important item for learning about the
events that happened. Historical events are reflected in the play "The Diary of Anne Frank" by showing how what's happening in the outside world
affects the families that have had to go into hiding.
When Adolf Hitler became a leader of the German nation he dismissed Jews from medical, legal, government, and teaching positions. During this time
Mr. Frank (Anne's father) begins to move his family to the Netherlands in order to keep his Jewish family safe. On September 1, 1939 Germany
invades Poland, this was the start of World War II. Once the Germans have invaded more content...
In conclusion, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis brought a lot of damage to the Jewish and others. People were forced to hide in order to keep their lives.
While they were hiding they could not do a single thing that would put them at risk of being found. "The Diary of Anne Frank" puts all of this into
perspective. Anne kept a diary with her while experiencing the struggles of this war. Her diary helped people to feel what she was feeling during that
The timeline on pages 196 and 197 captures all of this perfectly because it not only shows what is happening to the world in general, it goes into detail
as to what is happening to the Franks and Van
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Diary Essay
Dear Diary, Pam said my thoughts move too fast that I'm practically drowning in them, and suggested I write them down as a form of release. I
asked her how I'm going to write if my brain is really working that fast. " Type , Rupert. It's the 21st century." Right, of course. So anyway, I should
introduce myself. Rupert Michel, Virginia Tech '14, observations scientist at the National Space Science Association Sky Surveillance Facility. I look
at asteroids for a living. No really, my job is to look for objects – that is, asteroids and comets – in the solar more content...
It's big enough to not burn up completely while passing through our atmosphere, but not so big as to make us all Dinosaurs 2.0. It will have to be
bigger than 1 km to do that. Anyway, 2017HS looked a little big in the images for an asteroid of its size that was travelling somewhere between
Jupiter's and Mars' orbit. I mapped out its path for a while, then compared what I had to its projected path from the last time someone observed it
and realised that 2017HS is apparently off course! I tracked 2017HS for two weeks, trying to work out its new trajectory, and found that its new orbit
now crosses the Earth's at different points. The next natural step was to work out where Earth would be when 2017HS crosses those points. It would
be right around one of those points. I say 'around' because there's always an uncertainty when you predict the path an asteroid is going to take, but
Earth would definitely be within reach of the asteroid. Today, I emailed Long– the Facility director (it's a relatively small facility
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Plague Diary Entry
Plague Diary Entry The Great Pestilence is upon us, it infects and kills within a matter of days. People develop purple or black masses beneath the
skin in the armpit and groin, experience headaches, fevers, weakness, vomiting blood, and such. It spreads at a rapid pace and we have no way to stop
it. It spread through the air, blood, saliva, and almost any contact with an infected being and once you contract it you're a walking corpse, however,
some people have shown a natural immunity to the disease, though determining who's resistant and who isn't is near impossible without infecting
others. Bodies line the streets, along with human waste and other garbage, further spreading the disease. Here am I tasked with attempting to research
and attempt
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Diary Of Anne Frank Research Paper
The "Diary of Anne Frank" was Diary based on true story back in the mid 1900's. Anne Frank and her family go into hiding in early July 1942 after
Margot Frank received a letter ordering her to report to a work camp in Germany. Anne Frank's family went into hiding in an attic apartment behind
Otto Frank's business; it was located at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam. Anne Frank had a diary where she would write down everything that was
happening during this time. Everything she felt she would write it down it was like her best friend .They were hiding from the Nazi's. They couldn't
go outside to buy things or to do anything they needed to do because the Nazi's were going to capture them or people were going to know where they
were actually located.
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Diary Entry On Colonial Diaries

  • 1. Diary Entry On Colonial Diaries Dear diary, I have changed so much these past weeks It's crazy! Just at the ceremony I was a small town girl in a small colony. Then I got picked for the testing and It all changed. I can't believe how tall I've become in just a few weeks and how mature I've become now. I am not very scared of blood anymore since all that time stitching up thomas and will. I hope thomas gives me some of the pills so I can remember everything that happened but I also could write everything down on a chalkboard. that would be a problem because they are so big. I hope I don't fail because that would mean that I would either die or go to a different colony which is not my own. I also hope Thomas passes so we can be together. Forever. I hate Will now that he Get more content on
  • 2. Diary Entry Research Paper Today I have to write this entry extra early because today I turn 12. Yesterday my mom took me Dhaka's Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh . She took me inside a old run down building that looks it could come down at any moment. It was hot and smelled like a rat ate a rotten egg and died. Once inside I met an older lady asking my mom lots of questions about me, mostly about how fast I can work or if I was available to work 13 hours a day. At first I was confused why she even asked my mom questions about me. Whenever we go out she usually never mention my name or even bothers to acknowledge me. When we got home last night she sit me down and told me I was to go to work with her starting tomorrow. She told me that my age she was already going Get more content on
  • 3. Diary 1-Personal Narrative Diary 1 My heart was beating. Pounding right out of my chest. After, 5 tireless months of meticulous crafting and hundreds of hours of practice, it was finally the day to present our masterpiece. Every weekend spent at my friend's basement drafting scripts and painting backdrops. Every school day spent discussing new ideas for the play. Along with becoming insane about recyclable materials and art supplies, we grew as a family. We are a strong sisterhood that have laughed together and cried together, and together we are ready to show the world what we have accomplished. I woke up bright and early that fine morning, eager to step out onto the competition floor. My head in the clouds, excited yet nervous at the same time. But despite my daze, more content... Every minute of my time onstage was thrilling. I was appointed the superhero Clyde (the orange ghost), and my sidekick was pacman. Together we saved creativity in all situations and even battled the evil computer programmer. Although it was a bit cliche, our humorous interpretation of the video characters and their world seems to appeal to the audience.The judges occasionally chuckled and so did the audience. And finally when the skit was complete we walked off stage with our chins high, for we had managed to stay in the time limit and no one forgot their lines. We were proud of all the work we did and were relieved that it was over Following our jaw dropping performance was the Team B's time to go. We had towatch it. So after quickly dropping our props back into the holding room we dashed back to the competition site to watch our school rival. Their main theme was spongebob. They started of strong with amazing costumes and backdrops, but their script lacked some of the necessary requirements. But even though we didn't think they had the better skit, the scores were all in the hands of the judges. The spontaneous part of the competition wasn't till another 2 hours. But that's a story for another Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Diary of an Interesting Year Global warming has been a strong presence in the social debate for the last couple of years. Many people, both politicians, experts and regular citizens, seem to have many different opinions about the severity of global warming. The United Nations held a climate change conference, commonly known as COP15, in Denmark in 2009 as an attempt to adopt a plan of action. In that connection Helen Simpson wrote the short story "Diary of an Interesting Year" for the American magazine The New Yorker. "Diary of an Interesting Year" is a humorous post –apocalyptic story that begins in February 2040 from where it extends over nearly one year where the reader gains an insight into a world that has sustained the severe consequences of more content... knows how to survive by filtrating toxic water from the rivers and finding eatable foods for the both of them. One day they are not alone any more. When G. is killed, the narrator doesn't write much about it. All we hear is that "G. didn't have a gun. This one had a gun". Instead of writing about her expected mourning over G.'s death, she writes down her feelings about M., which are not happy feelings either: "What he does to me is horrible. I don't want to think about it". The fact that she does not grieve for her husband can seem very cynical, but it could also be a reaction in defence of her feelings simply because it is too unbearable for her to think or write about it. Throughout the story the narrator is constantly on the alert of getting pregnant. Any birth control is completely unobtainable and in fact it seems as though it is impossible to buy things and groceries in the small suburb in which they live. Also, the conditions in this post–apocalyptic society has made it next to infeasible for an infant to survive: "I give a new baby three months max in these conditions". After G. dies, the narrator gets beaten and sexually abused by M. and in the fall the narrator realises that she is pregnant with M.'s child. She gets really scared because there are good chances that neither she nor the baby will survive the birth: "I can't be pregnant. I won't be pregnant". She tries whatever she can think of, including throwing herself into a pit where Get more content on
  • 5. Essay About A Diary Entry Entry 4–Presently a black family car came roaring around the corner, halting to a stop just in front of the warehouse. Both of my parents immediately got to their feet, waiting expectantly for the doors of the car to open. That was when a man stepped out from the driver's seat and started towards us, each step purposeful and confident. My Father stood straighter ready to confront and greet our extremely gracious and generous relative. They shook hands solemnly, making direct eye–contact as they discussed what would be happening now that we were finally in America. Even though I only heard snippets of the conversation that was occurring, I concluded that we would be travelling up to a place called New York, where the rest of our more content... After he finished with me, he did the same to my Father until we were all camouflaged within the confines of the car. Seemingly satisfied with his handiwork, my Uncle revved up the car and began the long drive to New York that would approximately take 36 solid hours. Eventually I began to feel more and more cramped inside that car seat as minutes and then hours proceeded to come and go. As far as I can remember we only stopped once, so that Uncle Alejandro could rest briefly and so that we could massage the stiffness and cramps out of our joints and attend to whatever needs we had. Then we were back on the road, a tedious journey that was extremely dull. Especially since I could barely see through the material of the head of the car seat to look at the sights that would no doubt pass us by. However, I did manage to catch glimpses of a flashing sign, tree, car or house at times, which did make me interested for a second before they would vanish out of view. Occasionally my Uncle looked back at us to check how we were holding up, and even told us some of the names of the places that we had travelled through. Apparently to get to New York we would have to travel 3,884.6km through America. I couldn't even begin to comprehend what that distance must look like, for I don't ever remember travelling so far in Mexico, as I had currently travelled in the last week. Suddenly, interrupting my thoughts, my Uncle whispered to us in Get more content on
  • 6. Diary Anne Frank Research Paper In her diary journal* Dear Kitty, I remember when we got into this hiding place, to get away from the Nazi's a few years ago. I love this diary because I received it for my thirteenth birthday two years ago, and it is precious as I can write to you! I feel a little sick, I think it might be a mild case of typhus, but I will get through this! I want to go see Margot writing in her journal! Love, Anne Frank! *Her thoughts* My family and I are very scared of this horror, that our fellow Jews have faced. We are just innocent people, living in an attic behind my dad's business, and I call it the Secret Annex! I'm afraid of the gestapo, discovering Jews, but I'm sure my family won't get caught. All 8 members in my family fit into one attic, with Get more content on
  • 7. Quotes From Lord Of The Flies By William Golding Day 1: My day started as any other day. We all got on the plane, on our way too a place, I forgot the name. Then the next thing, the plane was in flames and we crashed on the island. I was climbing this hill when I heard this sound, I took the choirboys with me and we found this boy with a shell and a bunch of other boys crowded around him. We all introduced ourselves and three of us when off to find food. I was with Ralph and Simon, this boy, Piggy, wanted to come but I told him "no." We found a pig, I was so close to killing it. ""I was choosing a place," said Jack. " I was just waiting for a moment to decide where to stick it."" ( Golding 31.) I couldn't bring myself to kill that pig. The rest of the boys got mad, I told them i more content... " That little un that had a mark on his face– where is– he now? I tell you I don't see him." ( Golding 46 ). I don't know who is gong to tell his parents. That's all I got for now, until next time. –Jack Day 52: I am so proud of myself. I finally killed that darn pig. When we got to the fire on the hilltop, guess who was there, that Ralph. He got so mad then we let the fire go out. We just went to find a pig to eat. Simon didn't eat a piece, I threw a piece at him. I started yelling at all boys because I gave them food and they didn't eat. After I calmed down a bit, the hunting group started to reenact the killing of our pig. I slept good, my stomach was full. I was satisfied. – Jack Day 86: After what feels like years, but actually months. Things have taken a turn for the worst, the boys want me to be the leader, but i'm not sure if I can do it. Ralph doesn't want me to be chief, he thinks that is a bad idea because I'm too reckless and, I want to get off this island as well as Ralph. He wants to be civilized and make shelters just in case we don't get off this island. He wants me to help, do I help, no way am I going to do work. Simon can help him, I really don't care. I just want to do things and not have Ralph tell me what to do. I can't wait to get off this island and away from Ralph and his pets Simon and Piggy. – Get more content on
  • 8. Audience For The Diary Entries Audience for the diary entries: This diary entries is aim for the writer itself. This is only for the writer to read. Everything that is written in a diary is personal and no one else can read it unless the writer gives permission. If someone reads it, the person might not be able to understand what is going on because everything that is written in a diary are personal things that no one might know about. Get more content on
  • 9. True Diary Of A Part Time Indian Thesis Junior the protagonist of True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie is currently struggling with an abundance of issues ranging all the way from a poverty driven home to medical issues he was born into. It seems to me, that all of juniors problems he was born into and unable to change for example he was born into poverty and he was born indian, setting him up for the racism he would soon enough face and he was born with too much cerebral fluid in his brain. That's not to say all of his problems came along with birth and he was just born to be plagued with, but majority of them stemmed from birth. I believe that Junior a.k.a Arnold Spirit's main issue in the novel would be his poverty because it affects every aspect of his life Get more content on
  • 10. My Diary Essay My Diary October 11, 1950 I found the diary of my girlhood journey and new life in America yesterday. I feel that the story and lesson I learned from it are priceless and should be told; therefore I am publishing this collection of deep innermost thoughts from my youth for you to read and enjoy. It is my hope that you can look at your life and realize all the things there are to be thankful for. It seems like just yesterday I was first coming to America. I can still clearly feel the wonder and astonishment that rushed through my body that day at the sight of America. The tall buildings aligned with the horizon welcomed me to my more content... Dad said that people share a tenement like this with other families, but at least we have only the four of us to live here. October 20, 1900 First thing in the morning my family and I went to a tailor to have new clothes made. The clothes are hues of blue and gray, much brighter then the drab brown and white I am used to wearing. Dad says that these clothes are American, and we'll all fit in better with them because no one will know we just came from Germany. I like the thought of looking American. Dad also said that Emily and I could begin school the following week. I was truly excited after hearing that! School has always been fun for me! Dad will be going to look for work next week. He owned a shop in Germany where he made furniture. Dad was quite famous for his quality furniture, so I am sure he will have the same success here. November 20, 1900 I have been so busy with new friends and school! I'm making many friends here, just like I had in Germany. School is a little hard because I came half way through the year, but my teacher said that I should have no problem catching up. Dad was unable to find any work making furniture, but he found work in a shoe factory. He explained to my sister and I that he won't be making much money, but after he saves money for a while he will open his own store. At the factory he works long hours. I don't Get more content on
  • 11. My Writing Diary From a young age, I have always loved writing. I started writing diary when I was eight. Sometimes when I had feelings that were hard to deal with, and things that I did not feel like sharing, I would jot them down in my diary. When I am upset, the best way for me to calm down is to write it all out. I also like to write stories. I found writing them fascinating because I get to tell the what happened in the stories, and in each story, there are all sorts of possibilities. Fairies are real, the princesses can always find their princes, and people can always recover from tragedy. I get to decide on how the story ends, change hearts and minds, bring people to tears. I remember spending hours dreaming up stories and trying my best to put the puzzles together, making them into a story, and putting them onpaper. However, things have changed after I came to the United more content... The dramatic shift to the language of English made writing extremely difficult for me. In addition to that, I think the language barrier affects all aspects of learning including not just writing, but also reading, listening and speaking. I began to see writing assignments as a form of punishment, rather than opportunities for me to build my writing skills. Whenever the teacher assigned the class a topic to write about, I would always freaked out, because most of the time I could not understand the subjects. Sometimes I wanted to ask the teacher to clarify, but I was too scared that I might ask the wrong question, and that I would not be able to speak English fluently enough to get my point across to the teacher. The lack of communication with the teacher makes them seem more intimating to me. Therefore, I would stay quiet and try figuring out what to write by myself instead of reaching out for help for most of the Get more content on
  • 12. Diary Entry Analysis Diary entry one: As of recently, life has been pretty difficult for our whole family. We haven't been getting much money off the farm since prices on crops dropped. And, my mom lost her job because the company wasn't making enough money to support its workers. She is unable to find a new job, because the same thing is happening to a lot of companies in the same field, and she lacks experience in any other job. I just really hope that things go up from here because we seem like we have hit rock bottom and it is very difficult. Diary entry two: Since last entry, I have noticed that my whole family has been more anxious and depressed. It's because we are so tight on money, it is almost impossible for us to support and care for everybody in the Get more content on
  • 13. Diary Entry Essay Diary entry 23: I don't know. I just don't know what I should do. Father says that I have to join the Sons of Liberty, but I'm not sure that I want to. He says that they fight for a independence, freedom, and not having taxes. I don't know much about taxes but, I have noticed that ever since they have gone into place, we haven't had much food anymore. The conversation at dinner tonight got more tense than regular. Father said that tomorrow night we are going to have to give up our beds to British soldiers. I don't want to give up my room to our enemy. Father says that we also have to feed them as well. We wouldn't have any food left. Father then said that we were either going to leave our house and move so far west that the soldiers couldn' more content... Actually, the city council has. They demanded that all boys from the age of 13 to 23 need to join the Sons of Liberty, and that they are making that a law punishable by death. So, I guess I am joining the Sons of Liberty whether I like it or not. The only reason that I know this is when I was in town getting different goods, I heard the town meeting in the town hall. I was just getting in town when I passed the town hall and heard a heated discussion. It was about the Stamp Act. All that I know about the Stamp Act is what I have heard from spying on my parents. I could only hear bits and pieces of the conversation, but from what I heard, the final paper item that hasn't been a part of the Stamp Act has now been stamped. I heard them voting on whether they should make all boys and young men join the Sons of Liberty and fight for our freedom from Britain and their taxes. Most of the men in their, including Father, said that they agree with the boys and young men joining the Sons of Liberty. I luckily got home just before Father so I could look like I had gotten all of the goods and started on my evening chores. When my father got home, he called me inside, and told me all that had happened at the town meeting. I looked surprised, even though I already knew all of this. He said that he was going to take me into Boston tomorrow to Get more content on
  • 14. Media Diary Department of Media and Communication Studies. Lecturer: Dr. Tony Langlois. Student: Eddie Enright Student ID: 0665592 Assignment Title: Media Diary. Words: 1200. 1.Introduction. The main purpose of keeping this Diary was to collect information (Data) about my own use of the Media in the given two week period. I found this survey rather interesting because up until now I did not realise that I use the media so much and so the findings were a revelation to me. In the course of the survey I further realised that my consumption must be very average for me because I did not alter any patterns during the survey. [pic] 2.My 'Average' Media Day. I carried out my survey from Tuesday 1st November 2011 to Monday more content... As can be seen from the survey I can enjoy Music from a number of different media including Television, Radio, CD and Internet (sites such as Youtube and Vevo offer Music Videos to watch for free.
  • 15. 8.Reading. I spent a lot of the time in the course of my day reading. I rarely read Novels and at the moment most of my reading is in some way related to my studies. I also buy a daily newspaper to read the main stories of the day. I also do quite a bit of reading on the Internet. I visit many news sites such as RTE, BBC (for News) and other sites of interest such as MIC Library Databases, Sites related to courses and I also get a lot of interesting information in Wikipedia. I would describe my reading habits as average for a student. 9.Passive. Up until I did this survey I would have thought that I was no more exposed to Passive Consumption than the average person. However, as the survey progressed I realised that I engage in many conversations in relation to media issues. The latest Movie, the latest instalment of a TV show such as X Factor, Soap Operas or news events. I also realised that while at College I am exposed to media at Lectures, in casual conversations, randomly placed advertising in canteen, shops and corridors. I now realise that I am exposed to the media for practically every waking hour. 10.Two Day Survey. [pic] In the course of the two–day survey which I conducted over one weekend ((5th and 6th Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Reflective Diary I am writing this essay in–order to reflect upon the experiences, that I have experienced during the 7 months that I have been studying the Work based live case study module (2509) and how these experiences have impacted upon my approach towards my communication, team working, problem solving skills and other factors which were endemic within the module. After completing the first year module New enterprise journey, which is the module prior to Work based livecase study. I expected the work based live case study to be similar. However I found out this as correct in a sense, however the Work based live case study module took the theoretical aspects from the more content... From the level one module New enterprise journey I learnt that the team selection was an important facet. According to Bolton & Thompson 2004 people selection is important as it "enhances performance significantly, so the work based case study module helped me be able to carryout team selection, this process was through working with people I have had previous experience in working with, this proved successful as we worked well as a unit, this was mainly because a group member assumed leadership which is another important facet within a team. Work based case study being a level two module meant that there was a large amount of work to carryout within a tight deadline, as were assigned a blank canvas of what kind of solutions we could encompass. So we had Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On The Diary Of Anne Frank Historical Events from "The Diary of Anne Frank" In the late 1930s and early 1940s the world experienced very traumatic events. Adolf Hitler comes to power in Germany. He banned all political parties, except the Nazis. Two of the families that were affected by his changes were the Franks and the Van Daans. Anne Frank was a member of the Frank family. Her family and the Van Daans experienced what was happening personally. During the time that she was forced to go into hiding, she kept a diary with her. The diary has become very important item for learning about the events that happened. Historical events are reflected in the play "The Diary of Anne Frank" by showing how what's happening in the outside world affects the families that have had to go into hiding. When Adolf Hitler became a leader of the German nation he dismissed Jews from medical, legal, government, and teaching positions. During this time Mr. Frank (Anne's father) begins to move his family to the Netherlands in order to keep his Jewish family safe. On September 1, 1939 Germany invades Poland, this was the start of World War II. Once the Germans have invaded more content... In conclusion, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis brought a lot of damage to the Jewish and others. People were forced to hide in order to keep their lives. While they were hiding they could not do a single thing that would put them at risk of being found. "The Diary of Anne Frank" puts all of this into perspective. Anne kept a diary with her while experiencing the struggles of this war. Her diary helped people to feel what she was feeling during that time. The timeline on pages 196 and 197 captures all of this perfectly because it not only shows what is happening to the world in general, it goes into detail as to what is happening to the Franks and Van Get more content on
  • 18. Diary Essay Dear Diary, Pam said my thoughts move too fast that I'm practically drowning in them, and suggested I write them down as a form of release. I asked her how I'm going to write if my brain is really working that fast. " Type , Rupert. It's the 21st century." Right, of course. So anyway, I should introduce myself. Rupert Michel, Virginia Tech '14, observations scientist at the National Space Science Association Sky Surveillance Facility. I look at asteroids for a living. No really, my job is to look for objects – that is, asteroids and comets – in the solar more content... It's big enough to not burn up completely while passing through our atmosphere, but not so big as to make us all Dinosaurs 2.0. It will have to be bigger than 1 km to do that. Anyway, 2017HS looked a little big in the images for an asteroid of its size that was travelling somewhere between Jupiter's and Mars' orbit. I mapped out its path for a while, then compared what I had to its projected path from the last time someone observed it and realised that 2017HS is apparently off course! I tracked 2017HS for two weeks, trying to work out its new trajectory, and found that its new orbit now crosses the Earth's at different points. The next natural step was to work out where Earth would be when 2017HS crosses those points. It would be right around one of those points. I say 'around' because there's always an uncertainty when you predict the path an asteroid is going to take, but Earth would definitely be within reach of the asteroid. Today, I emailed Long– the Facility director (it's a relatively small facility Get more content on
  • 19. Plague Diary Entry Plague Diary Entry The Great Pestilence is upon us, it infects and kills within a matter of days. People develop purple or black masses beneath the skin in the armpit and groin, experience headaches, fevers, weakness, vomiting blood, and such. It spreads at a rapid pace and we have no way to stop it. It spread through the air, blood, saliva, and almost any contact with an infected being and once you contract it you're a walking corpse, however, some people have shown a natural immunity to the disease, though determining who's resistant and who isn't is near impossible without infecting others. Bodies line the streets, along with human waste and other garbage, further spreading the disease. Here am I tasked with attempting to research and attempt Get more content on
  • 20. Diary Of Anne Frank Research Paper The "Diary of Anne Frank" was Diary based on true story back in the mid 1900's. Anne Frank and her family go into hiding in early July 1942 after Margot Frank received a letter ordering her to report to a work camp in Germany. Anne Frank's family went into hiding in an attic apartment behind Otto Frank's business; it was located at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam. Anne Frank had a diary where she would write down everything that was happening during this time. Everything she felt she would write it down it was like her best friend .They were hiding from the Nazi's. They couldn't go outside to buy things or to do anything they needed to do because the Nazi's were going to capture them or people were going to know where they were actually located. Get more content on