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02 From the Ambassador
O3 The Trade Council
O4 ester & erik
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District Heating Roadshow
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Aiming at Poland?, Nordea
Energy, Upcoming events
Danish Business Club Poland
With an increase in exports to Poland on 79%
since zoo4 and a PoLish economywhich is
booming, there are alLthe reasons to betieve in
furthergroMh on the Potish market. The recent
strengthening and stabilization ofthe Ztoty adds
further substance to this assessment. ln the first
9 months ofzoro the Danish exportto Poland
recorded a heatthy 5.2% increase compared to
Alongwith the expected groMh in exports comes
an increasing demand for high-quatity products -
an areawhere Danish companies are usuallyvery
lnside this issue ofthe Executive Newsletter
you will find stories of three very different
Danish companies, which all have had a
successful 2o10 on the Polish market. ester &
erik, which is very new in Poland but already
has achieved a very positive response, Terma
which [anded a major contract with the Polish
m ilitary, and Greenwood Engineering which
was awarded two pubtic contracts forthe Road
and Bridge Research lnstitute.
"lt has been a very positive experience to
start up a business in Poland. We have only
experienced a very serious and professional
approach to our company and products. The
Danish Embassy helped with finding a group of
companies which were interested in a possible
cooperation, and from that tist we could choose
the companies we saw as most interesting for
us. Furthermore, the Embassy was present
during alt meetings and it was veryvaluable and
on several occasions also a necessity.".
As mentioned before, ester & erik is stitl very
new in Poland, and Søren Møllertells us
that the candles are being presented to the
customers, so as to "(...) make the market
aware that we are new in Potand and have
something unique. lt of course takes some
time with a product as ourwhich is a luxury
product which people are not used to pay so
much for in Poland, because there are several
local producers which seltto far lower prices.
But untiI now there has been amazingly
positive response and our partner feets that
there are great possibilities for our candtes in
As to the question aboutwhich kinds ofcandtes
witt setlthe best in Poland, Søren answered:
"The candtes the Potish customers are asking
for are typically the very classic candles we also
burn in Scandinavia - but it is stillvery early to
saywhich models and colours wewilt seltthe
most in Poland.".
The fair in Paris: Maison et objet - Autumn 201.0 (3/9 -7 /9).
Ester & erik candles can be found in the finest interior design outtets and exctusive florists
worldwide, in Poland ester & erik candles are soleLy sotd from Wiltowhouse.
Ester & erik started to produce dipped candles in 1987.
The establishers were Ester and Erik Møller, and the second generation is ready presented by
Søren and Christina Møller.
http://www.ester-e ri k.d k/
Ester & erik is a com pany which specialises in
producing candles of a particular high quality.
The candles are made from raw materials from
teading European suppliers, coloured and
lacquered by hand and they do not drip or
make unpleasant smoke or soot.
Søren Møller, who is the owner of ester & erik
and responsibte for Poland, emphasises that
their candles are so special because "(...)
we have the greatest selection of cotours
among all distributors in the EU and our
candles are detivered in frames which are EU
design protected. We are the onty company
in the world which does that and that makes
our candles stand out even more from other
producers on the market.".
Even though ester & erik has atready
expanded to other parts ofthe world, the
Americas and Asia, the thought of expanding
the business to Poland does not go back far:
"We began to think about Poland as a market
about three years ago. We did that because
there was more and more emphasis on the
purchasing power in Poland, and there was
a lot of writing about the possibitities in
Poland in different media. Furthermore we
got more and more requests from Potish
stores via our fair in Paris, and atso began to
get some orders.".
Accordingto Søren Mø[er, Poland has so
far lived up to the company's expectations:
The website was launched in May zoro and has
quickly gained popularity for both companies
and private peopte. lt also turned out that it is
widely used by journatists and design experts
as a good source of information. Furthermore,
we have been offered numerous cooperation
proposals in relation to the website.
The poputarityofthe website is driven byvery
specific information on Danish design written
in Polish, and presented on one website.
Additionalty, it offers a little more than onty
information on Danish design in Poland. The
visitors can also read about designers and the
story of Dan ish design as well as participating in
the announced competitions.
Number of visitors
6 llumber sfvisitsr!
The concept of the website will be further
developed and new changes will occur almost
every month. Press conferences and new
competitions forthe visitors are also planned
for zon.
TEL.: +48 (22) 565 29 21
knd{u.i!4 rrdp 6r duisiie
P,rnujeszuilop w oanli?
Za6iesu kal r kodonryd
dofl u wataqrinvm illYaspl
ab L!i*åa{10 Fdn' z vbdf,rd
This summerTerma was awarded
a contract bythe Potish Ministry of
National Defence to provide Electronic
Warfare Self-Protection Suites for 7 MltT
Multipurpose Helicopters and r5 Ml-24
Attack Helicopters. The contract is part of
an upgrade programme that wilt prepare
the Potish Army heticopters to meet the
operationaI requirements in the Afghan
theatre ofoperations.
The contract has a vatue of approximately
PLN room and is the single biggest electronic
warfare contract Terma has been awarded so
fa r.
The Polish Armed Forces have a long-standing
requirementto equip its rotary and fixed
wing platforms with modern self-protection
systems. lt is therefore considered an
important breakthrough, thatTerma has been
selected as the prime contractor to deliver its
turnkey self-protection solution for zz Potish
Army helicopters. Terma's Corporate Vice
President, Customers & Marl<ets, Jørn Henrik
Levy Rasmussen, expresses his hopes that
"this contract makes Terma come into play in
coming projects in Poland, and opens doors
further, as these types of heticopters are in
use in other countries as well.".
This is the first time Russian designed Ml
heticopters are being equipped with Terma's
Etectronic Warfare Setf-Protection Suites.
There are numerous Ml helicopters in service
with armed forces across East and Central
Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin
America. Other Ml users might be interested
in fottowing the Polish example and update
their heticopters to meet today's operationaL
Standardisation is a high priority for the
Polish Armed Forces. The chatlenge ahead
of Terma is to demonstrate the quatity,
effectiveness and sustainabitity of its aircraft
survivability equipment. The Polish military
has short and medium term requirements for
upgrading its MIG-29 fighters, M-zB Bryza
light transport aircraft and additional Ml-17
heticopters with modern electronic warfare
eq uipment.
Terma won the contract after several years'
preparation, where the relations to the Polish
Air Force, Polish Army Air Mobite Forces and
last but not least the Potish industry have
been developed. During this process there
has been a good and close cooperation
between Terma and the Embassy. Levy
Rasmussen says: "During the preparation
Terma A/S was originally founded in 1949
as a machinery shop in Aarhus, Denmark.
The headquarters are in Denmark and Terma
has internaiionaL subsidiaries and facilities
in the Netherlands, Germany, Singapore
and several in the USA.
Terma is owned by the Thomas B. Thrige
Foundation, Copen hagen.
l(ey business areas are: Aerostructures,
lntegrated Defence Systems, Radar Systems,
S pace.
: -:, e only experienced welt-quatified
:. ''on both Defence Attach6 Carsten dJp
: i - trssen and the Trade Department. lt has
.-- oigreat advantage to us, to have people
- - .inow about the PoLish defence and
.-,.rre with us the whole way.".
- -
- -g the execution of the programme,
- : ^ is wetI underway, Terma will be working
- a number of sub-suppliers and partners,
-, -Cing MilitaryAirworl<s No. r (WZL-t) in
- :. and Air Force Institute of Technology
-,', .) in Warsaw. Terma will work closely with
---r for installation of hardware parts and
-,', - for testing and certification.
-". Dolish defence market is expanding.
--: defence budget is linked to the GDP,
. - : during the last severaI years it has
- -s experienced a steady increase. Potish
. - rorities are determined to modernise
the armed forces and ambitious technical
modernisation programmes have been
launched. Modernisation of command,
controtand information systems, air defence,
surveillance systems etc. wilL provide market
opportunities not only forTerma, but atso
for other Danish companies that are abte to
provide advanced technotogicaI solutions. I
shall though emphasise thatTerma's example
proves beyond doubt, that a Long-lasting
commitment and abiLity to cooperate with the
Polish defence industry is a prerequisite to
5 U CCeS S.
Terma is part of the Trade Council's l(ey
Account-programme, which is a close
cooperation between the company and a
designated Key Account Manager. It is a Long-
term and strategic cooperation, where the
Key Account Manager gets a look into what
the company produces and its wishes for the
future. This raises the value of the worl<the
Trade Council delivers.
TEL.: +48 (22) 565 29 31
. Greenwood Engineering was founded
as a company in 1992 by Leif
The first project was a Profitograph
with 17 tasers and an inertial system.
The company-s main office is located
in Brøndby, Denmark and in 2006
Greenwood Engineering opened a
representative oliice in Beijing.
:'eenwood Engineering was awarded two
:-lblic contracts with the Road and Bridge
:esearch lnstitute (lBDiM) in Poland, for
:elivery of state of the art road measurement
=q uipment. Both contracts are financed by the
-stitute within the EU-funded programme
- novative Economy.
Greenwood Engineering specialises in a
,'ride range of measuring equipment for
roth highways and railways, which is sotd
,vorldwide.For the road sector, Greenwood
Engineering produces equipment that at
research levet supports better planning of
pavement maintenance; the equipments
monitor bearing capacity, roughness, and
pavement damages.
For the railway sector, Greenwood Engineering
produces systems for supervising railway
material for research, planning and
TEL.: +48 (ZZ) SeSZg Sl
According to the latest report from the
con sultin g agen cy l(PMG, the S pecia I Econom ic
Zones (SEZ) are again experiencing growth
aftera slowdown in zoo9.
So far it has resulted in the employment
expected to go up by B% on average, which
exceeds the levet of zoo8 - before the
financiat crisis began. The number of issued
permits is atso expected to increase with
z7o/o,Io a numberof r66, up from r3tinzoog.
However, even though there is an increase
in both employment and issued permits, the
overatI investments will decrease with about
3r%. The reason for this is that the market
changed after the crisis. Now there is more
lnvestment outlays in SEZs (PLN mittion)
focus on attracting SMEs with Potish capital
advantage, than big businesses. This is also
the reason why most of the issued permits are
issued to companies already operating in a
SEZ, and therefore do not invest as much as
new big businesses starting up from nothing.
A part of the report was also to interview the
businesses operating in the zones, and to the
question about whether zorr will be better or
worse than zoto,86o/" answered itwould be
better. The investors also answered questions
as to how satisfied they are with the workers
in the SEZ. 77ok of the investors were positive
about the qualifications ofworkers and
administrative staff, and to the availabitity of
those two groups B7olo were positive. When it
Sren no 31 grudnta
-{f- Prccentcrva :nriana wzglgdenr roku N:cprzednlego
comes to managers and engineers the investors
were positive with 59% and 52% respectively.
Eight ofro companies in the survey agree, that
the benefits are greaterthan the costs involved
when entering into a SEZ.
To be abte to measure the condition of the
zones, KPMG has chosen the three most
important indications for doing that, which
are r) the number of permits issued for
activities in the area, z) the amount which is
actua[[y paid by the investments, and 3) the
number of employees.
More detaited information about the SEZ can
Ptease see next page.
TEL: +48 (22) 565 29 29,
-ire Trade CounciI in Poland assists
lanish companies with interest in
:he Potish market. Annua[ty, we work
rn around 4oo cases helping Danish
:ompanies find the right partners
'r Poland, promotion, EU-funds,
:stablishment and others. Below ptease
ind a brief description ofwhatwe can do
/ou are atways wetcome to contact us for more
on +48 zz 565 z9 oo.
dentifi cation of potential business partners in
)o la nd i n clud i ngd istributors,agents, suppliers,
outsourcin g partners. Upon specifi ed selection
criteria, the partners are identified and
s e lected. Meetings a re organ ized with th e m ost
suitable potentiat partners.
The mission of the Club is to keep members
rveLl informed about important developments
on the Polish marl<et and provide you with a
usefuI network of companies active on the
Polish market.
The Trade Council offers comprehensive
EU Funds Advisory Services to companies
plann ing investments in Poland or interested in
selling their products and services to potential
beneficiaries of EU grants.
The Trade CounciI offers futI pR support in
achieving your business goats. ln cooperation
with a customer our team creates and
im plements a comprehensive pR strategv. To
trace th e actua I ach ieve ments of pR activities, a
sum up of the results is also provided.
Danish companies starting their activities in
PoLand can obtain support from the Trade
Counci[. Assistance covers muttiple aspects of
[aunchingoperations of an enterprise with a
view to facilitate doing business on the potish
The Embassy assists Danish companies in
recruiting personneI forcompanies in Denmark
and theirsubsidiaries in Poland. ln this respect,
the Embassy specialises in recruitment of staff
for middle and top management positions,
engineers, sales speciatists and blue-coltar
worke rs,
Steffen Eriksen
Monica Juul Rasmussen
Freya Petersen
Katarzyna Wojda
Agnieszka Wr6bel
Carsten Rasmussen
Marta Orlikowska
Tomasz tuczynski
Erik Brøgger Rasmussen
Dennis Holte Albertsen
Ditte 5køtt Davidsen
Anna Manarczyk
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Marta Orlikowska
Dennis Hotte Albertsen
Studio Q, Warsaw
Reproduction is authorised,
provided the source is
acknowledged, except where
otherwise stated. Citations
may be made without prior
permission, provided the
source is acknowtedged.

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  • 1. FOR MEMBERS OF DANISH BUSINESS CLUB POIAND EXECUTIVE NEWSLETTER a::?{:i; 02 From the Ambassador O3 The Trade Council O4 ester & erik O 5 Cu Iture EU presidency, UEFA Terma Greenwood Engineering District Heating Roadshow Dl studytrip Special Economic Zones Aiming at Poland?, Nordea Energy, Upcoming events Services Danish Business Club Poland DAN IS H COMPANIES IN PO LAN D With an increase in exports to Poland on 79% since zoo4 and a PoLish economywhich is booming, there are alLthe reasons to betieve in furthergroMh on the Potish market. The recent strengthening and stabilization ofthe Ztoty adds further substance to this assessment. ln the first 9 months ofzoro the Danish exportto Poland recorded a heatthy 5.2% increase compared to lastyear. Alongwith the expected groMh in exports comes an increasing demand for high-quatity products - an areawhere Danish companies are usuallyvery competitive. lnside this issue ofthe Executive Newsletter you will find stories of three very different Danish companies, which all have had a successful 2o10 on the Polish market. ester & erik, which is very new in Poland but already has achieved a very positive response, Terma which [anded a major contract with the Polish m ilitary, and Greenwood Engineering which was awarded two pubtic contracts forthe Road and Bridge Research lnstitute. o6 o7 o8 o9 10 77 72 73 74 75 76
  • 2. IHE TRADE COUNCIL DANISH COMPANY PROFI LE "lt has been a very positive experience to start up a business in Poland. We have only experienced a very serious and professional approach to our company and products. The Danish Embassy helped with finding a group of companies which were interested in a possible cooperation, and from that tist we could choose the companies we saw as most interesting for us. Furthermore, the Embassy was present during alt meetings and it was veryvaluable and on several occasions also a necessity.". As mentioned before, ester & erik is stitl very new in Poland, and Søren Møllertells us that the candles are being presented to the customers, so as to "(...) make the market aware that we are new in Potand and have something unique. lt of course takes some time with a product as ourwhich is a luxury product which people are not used to pay so much for in Poland, because there are several local producers which seltto far lower prices. But untiI now there has been amazingly positive response and our partner feets that there are great possibilities for our candtes in Poland.". As to the question aboutwhich kinds ofcandtes witt setlthe best in Poland, Søren answered: "The candtes the Potish customers are asking for are typically the very classic candles we also burn in Scandinavia - but it is stillvery early to saywhich models and colours wewilt seltthe most in Poland.". The fair in Paris: Maison et objet - Autumn 201.0 (3/9 -7 /9). Ester & erik candles can be found in the finest interior design outtets and exctusive florists worldwide, in Poland ester & erik candles are soleLy sotd from Wiltowhouse. Ester & erik started to produce dipped candles in 1987. The establishers were Ester and Erik Møller, and the second generation is ready presented by Søren and Christina Møller. http://www.ester-e ri k.d k/ ESTER & ERII( INTERVIEW WITH ESTER & ERIK'S SØREN MøLLER Ester & erik is a com pany which specialises in producing candles of a particular high quality. The candles are made from raw materials from teading European suppliers, coloured and lacquered by hand and they do not drip or make unpleasant smoke or soot. Søren Møller, who is the owner of ester & erik and responsibte for Poland, emphasises that their candles are so special because "(...) we have the greatest selection of cotours among all distributors in the EU and our candles are detivered in frames which are EU design protected. We are the onty company in the world which does that and that makes our candles stand out even more from other producers on the market.". Even though ester & erik has atready expanded to other parts ofthe world, the Americas and Asia, the thought of expanding the business to Poland does not go back far: "We began to think about Poland as a market about three years ago. We did that because there was more and more emphasis on the purchasing power in Poland, and there was a lot of writing about the possibitities in Poland in different media. Furthermore we got more and more requests from Potish stores via our fair in Paris, and atso began to get some orders.". Accordingto Søren Mø[er, Poland has so far lived up to the company's expectations: 4
  • 3. DESIGN GROWING POPULARIry OF DAN IA.COM.PL The website was launched in May zoro and has quickly gained popularity for both companies and private peopte. lt also turned out that it is widely used by journatists and design experts as a good source of information. Furthermore, we have been offered numerous cooperation proposals in relation to the website. The poputarityofthe website is driven byvery specific information on Danish design written in Polish, and presented on one website. Additionalty, it offers a little more than onty information on Danish design in Poland. The visitors can also read about designers and the story of Dan ish design as well as participating in the announced competitions. THE TRADE COUNCIL Number of visitors 6 llumber sfvisitsr! NOVEMBER SAW A VISITOR RECORD OFZ583, SEE THE TABLE The concept of the website will be further developed and new changes will occur almost every month. Press conferences and new competitions forthe visitors are also planned for zon. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: SENIOR COMMERCIAL ADVISER AGNIESZKA WR6BEL TEL.: +48 (22) 565 29 21 E-MAIL: AGNWRO@UM.DK NOVEMBER SAW AVISITOR RECORD OF 7583, SEE THE TABLE ?fu1:1i11 Pifikrk' fl:!il1 knd{u.i!4 rrdp 6r duisiie :T4',j"-': P,rnujeszuilop w oanli? Za6iesu kal r kodonryd dofl u wataqrinvm illYaspl ab L!i*åa{10 Fdn' z vbdf,rd
  • 4. THE TRADE COUNCIL SUCCESSFU L DAN ISH COMPANY TERMA TO D ELIVER SELF. PROTECTI O N SYSTEMS FOR POL MILI HEL SH TARY CO PTERS This summerTerma was awarded a contract bythe Potish Ministry of National Defence to provide Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Suites for 7 MltT Multipurpose Helicopters and r5 Ml-24 Attack Helicopters. The contract is part of an upgrade programme that wilt prepare the Potish Army heticopters to meet the operationaI requirements in the Afghan theatre ofoperations. The contract has a vatue of approximately PLN room and is the single biggest electronic warfare contract Terma has been awarded so fa r. The Polish Armed Forces have a long-standing requirementto equip its rotary and fixed wing platforms with modern self-protection 8 systems. lt is therefore considered an important breakthrough, thatTerma has been selected as the prime contractor to deliver its turnkey self-protection solution for zz Potish Army helicopters. Terma's Corporate Vice President, Customers & Marl<ets, Jørn Henrik Levy Rasmussen, expresses his hopes that "this contract makes Terma come into play in coming projects in Poland, and opens doors further, as these types of heticopters are in use in other countries as well.". This is the first time Russian designed Ml heticopters are being equipped with Terma's Etectronic Warfare Setf-Protection Suites. There are numerous Ml helicopters in service with armed forces across East and Central Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. Other Ml users might be interested in fottowing the Polish example and update their heticopters to meet today's operationaL requirements. Standardisation is a high priority for the Polish Armed Forces. The chatlenge ahead of Terma is to demonstrate the quatity, effectiveness and sustainabitity of its aircraft survivability equipment. The Polish military has short and medium term requirements for upgrading its MIG-29 fighters, M-zB Bryza light transport aircraft and additional Ml-17 heticopters with modern electronic warfare eq uipment. Terma won the contract after several years' preparation, where the relations to the Polish Air Force, Polish Army Air Mobite Forces and last but not least the Potish industry have been developed. During this process there has been a good and close cooperation between Terma and the Embassy. Levy Rasmussen says: "During the preparation Terma A/S was originally founded in 1949 as a machinery shop in Aarhus, Denmark. The headquarters are in Denmark and Terma has internaiionaL subsidiaries and facilities in the Netherlands, Germany, Singapore and several in the USA. Terma is owned by the Thomas B. Thrige Foundation, Copen hagen. l(ey business areas are: Aerostructures, lntegrated Defence Systems, Radar Systems, S pace.
  • 5. THE TRADE COUNCIL : -:, e only experienced welt-quatified :. ''on both Defence Attach6 Carsten dJp : i - trssen and the Trade Department. lt has .-- oigreat advantage to us, to have people - - .inow about the PoLish defence and .-,.rre with us the whole way.". - - - -g the execution of the programme, - : ^ is wetI underway, Terma will be working - a number of sub-suppliers and partners, -, -Cing MilitaryAirworl<s No. r (WZL-t) in -- - :. and Air Force Institute of Technology -,', .) in Warsaw. Terma will work closely with , ---r for installation of hardware parts and -,', - for testing and certification. -". Dolish defence market is expanding. --: defence budget is linked to the GDP, . - : during the last severaI years it has - -s experienced a steady increase. Potish . - rorities are determined to modernise the armed forces and ambitious technical modernisation programmes have been launched. Modernisation of command, controtand information systems, air defence, surveillance systems etc. wilL provide market opportunities not only forTerma, but atso for other Danish companies that are abte to provide advanced technotogicaI solutions. I shall though emphasise thatTerma's example proves beyond doubt, that a Long-lasting commitment and abiLity to cooperate with the Polish defence industry is a prerequisite to 5 U CCeS S. Terma is part of the Trade Council's l(ey Account-programme, which is a close cooperation between the company and a designated Key Account Manager. It is a Long- term and strategic cooperation, where the Key Account Manager gets a look into what the company produces and its wishes for the future. This raises the value of the worl<the Trade Council delivers. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CO NTACT: DEFENCE ATTACHE CARSTEN RASMUSSEN TEL.: +48 (22) 565 29 31 E-MAIL: CARASM@UM.Dl( kGREENWOOD :NGINEERING . Greenwood Engineering was founded as a company in 1992 by Leif Grønskov. The first project was a Profitograph with 17 tasers and an inertial system. The company-s main office is located in Brøndby, Denmark and in 2006 Greenwood Engineering opened a representative oliice in Beijing. GREENWOOD ENGIN EERI NG SUCCESSFUL IN PUBLIC :'eenwood Engineering was awarded two :-lblic contracts with the Road and Bridge :esearch lnstitute (lBDiM) in Poland, for :elivery of state of the art road measurement =q uipment. Both contracts are financed by the -stitute within the EU-funded programme - novative Economy. Greenwood Engineering specialises in a ,'ride range of measuring equipment for roth highways and railways, which is sotd ,vorldwide.For the road sector, Greenwood Engineering produces equipment that at research levet supports better planning of TENDERS pavement maintenance; the equipments monitor bearing capacity, roughness, and pavement damages. For the railway sector, Greenwood Engineering produces systems for supervising railway material for research, planning and maintenance FOR FU RTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: SENIOR COMMERCIAL ADVISER TOMASZ LUCZYNSKI TEL.: +48 (ZZ) SeSZg Sl E-MAIL: TOMLU@UM.DK
  • 6. THE TRADE COUNCIL SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES TH E SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZON ES IN PO LAN D EXPERIEN CE G ROWTH According to the latest report from the con sultin g agen cy l(PMG, the S pecia I Econom ic Zones (SEZ) are again experiencing growth aftera slowdown in zoo9. So far it has resulted in the employment expected to go up by B% on average, which exceeds the levet of zoo8 - before the financiat crisis began. The number of issued permits is atso expected to increase with z7o/o,Io a numberof r66, up from r3tinzoog. However, even though there is an increase in both employment and issued permits, the overatI investments will decrease with about 3r%. The reason for this is that the market changed after the crisis. Now there is more lnvestment outlays in SEZs (PLN mittion) focus on attracting SMEs with Potish capital advantage, than big businesses. This is also the reason why most of the issued permits are issued to companies already operating in a SEZ, and therefore do not invest as much as new big businesses starting up from nothing. A part of the report was also to interview the businesses operating in the zones, and to the question about whether zorr will be better or worse than zoto,86o/" answered itwould be better. The investors also answered questions as to how satisfied they are with the workers in the SEZ. 77ok of the investors were positive about the qualifications ofworkers and administrative staff, and to the availabitity of those two groups B7olo were positive. When it Sren no 31 grudnta -{f- Prccentcrva :nriana wzglgdenr roku N:cprzednlego comes to managers and engineers the investors were positive with 59% and 52% respectively. Eight ofro companies in the survey agree, that the benefits are greaterthan the costs involved when entering into a SEZ. To be abte to measure the condition of the zones, KPMG has chosen the three most important indications for doing that, which are r) the number of permits issued for activities in the area, z) the amount which is actua[[y paid by the investments, and 3) the number of employees. More detaited information about the SEZ can be found in DOING BUSINESS lN POLAND. Ptease see next page. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON SEZ, PLEASE CONTACT: SEN IOR COMMERCIAL ADVISER TOMASZ LUCZYNSKI TEL: +48 (22) 565 29 29, E-MAIL: TOMLUC@UM.DK 5% 0% SOURCE: KPMG BASED ON MINISTRYOF ECONOMY DATA (2007-2009); KPMG SURVEY (2010)
  • 7. THE TRADE COUNCIT SERVICES -ire Trade CounciI in Poland assists lanish companies with interest in :he Potish market. Annua[ty, we work rn around 4oo cases helping Danish :ompanies find the right partners 'r Poland, promotion, EU-funds, :stablishment and others. Below ptease ind a brief description ofwhatwe can do 'oryou. /ou are atways wetcome to contact us for more 'nformation on +48 zz 565 z9 oo. ]ARTNER SEARCH dentifi cation of potential business partners in )o la nd i n clud i ngd istributors,agents, suppliers, outsourcin g partners. Upon specifi ed selection criteria, the partners are identified and s e lected. Meetings a re organ ized with th e m ost suitable potentiat partners. ]ANISH BUSINESS CLUB POLAND The mission of the Club is to keep members rveLl informed about important developments on the Polish marl<et and provide you with a usefuI network of companies active on the Polish market. EU FUNDS ADVISORY SERVICES The Trade Council offers comprehensive EU Funds Advisory Services to companies plann ing investments in Poland or interested in selling their products and services to potential beneficiaries of EU grants. PUBLIC RELATIONS SERVICES The Trade CounciI offers futI pR support in achieving your business goats. ln cooperation with a customer our team creates and im plements a comprehensive pR strategv. To trace th e actua I ach ieve ments of pR activities, a sum up of the results is also provided. BUSINTSS START"UP Danish companies starting their activities in PoLand can obtain support from the Trade Counci[. Assistance covers muttiple aspects of [aunchingoperations of an enterprise with a view to facilitate doing business on the potish market. RECRU ITMENT The Embassy assists Danish companies in recruiting personneI forcompanies in Denmark and theirsubsidiaries in Poland. ln this respect, the Embassy specialises in recruitment of staff for middle and top management positions, engineers, sales speciatists and blue-coltar worke rs, CHIEF EDITOR Steffen Eriksen ASSISTANT CHIEF EDITOR Monica Juul Rasmussen EDITORIAT STAFF Freya Petersen Katarzyna Wojda Agnieszka Wr6bel Carsten Rasmussen Marta Orlikowska Tomasz tuczynski Erik Brøgger Rasmussen Dennis Holte Albertsen Ditte 5køtt Davidsen Anna Manarczyk PHOTOS The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Marta Orlikowska Dennis Hotte Albertsen Terma Nordea KPMG DTP Studio Q, Warsaw Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, except where otherwise stated. Citations may be made without prior permission, provided the source is acknowtedged. 15